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Rootkit.Win32.Agent.czrc c:WINDOWSsystem32driversMSPCLOCK.sys







stock是比较正式的说法。比如说股市就是stock market。share market是比较随便的说法。意思都相似,股票的意思。equity是权益的意思。是指股东所拥有的权益





“股票”Share, equity, stock

Share 股票股利(送股或公积金转增的股份)equity 股份(占公司百分之多少的股份)stock 股本(会计报表里常用)


rootkit.win32.hplocker.78是盗取个人信息的木马病毒。解决方法如下:1.重启电脑按F8进入安全模式下,使用腾讯电脑管家杀毒软件即可;2.也可以使用其他的杀毒软件,比如360杀毒、猎豹、小红伞、卡巴斯基、AVG、Avast、ESET Nod32、Panda、诺顿、MSE等等。注:木马,也称木马病毒,是指通过特定的程序(木马程序)来控制另一台计算机。木马通常有两个可执行程序:一个是控制端,另一个是被控制端。“木马”程序是目前比较流行的病毒文件,与一般的病毒不同,它不会自我繁殖,也并不“刻意”地去感染其他文件,它通过将自身伪装吸引用户下载执行,向施种木马者提供打开被种主机的门户,使施种者可以任意毁坏、窃取被种者的文件,甚至远程操控被种主机。木马病毒的产生严重危害着现代网络的安全运行。



iphone stackshot succeed什么意思



翻译为:suck me as prostitute把我当妓女prostitute英 [u02c8pru0252stu026atju:t] 美 [u02c8prɑ:stu0259tu:t] n.男妓; 卖淫者,妓女; 卖身投靠的人; 出卖贞操的人vt.使卖淫,卖身; 出卖(名誉等); 滥用(能力等); 卖淫,卖身adj.卖淫的,堕落的

iloveyou imissyou ineedyou ifuckyou 是一首歌的开头是女的唱的!!

321对不起 徐良 小凌I love you...I need you...I want you...I F * * k you...小凌:你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你徐良:是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余小凌:你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你321对不起编曲:徐良L曲词:徐良L演唱:徐良L 小凌徐良:是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余徐良:是谁先抱紧说不知该去哪里是谁在怀里说着对我很在意是我玩不起BABY你太卑鄙游戏的结局我连输都很多余小凌:你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你小凌:你轻轻遮住我的眼睛问我是否相信只要你慢慢数三二一我就开始哭泣世界上最简单的咒语三个字对不起最后要说出的我恨你却变成我爱你I love you...I need you...I want you...I F * * k you...本站歌词来自互联网

飞利浦无线座机keys locked怎样解


Michael Jackson的 King of Pop一共有多少版本


bring their tickets to collect boxed meals


The Black Keys的《Lies》 歌词

歌曲名:Lies歌手:The Black Keys专辑:Attack & Release钟萱 - Lies作词: Micheal Kintish & Geoff Morrow作曲: Micheal Kintish & Geoff MorrowShe"s sayingYou"re strayingBetraying me and playing meYou"re mockingAnd knocking meAnd making a laughing stock of meShe"s wrong thoughI"m strong, noShe says I don"t belong, noSo what, I"mNot like themI won"t believe themOn and on, on and on she goesOn and on, on and on, on and on she goesNothing"ll stop herNo it isn"t like that (Lies oh lies)Cos he isn"t like that (Lies oh lies) )No I wouldn"t like that (Lies oh lies)My baby don"t do thatCos he isn"t like that (Lies oh lies)I read it in her eyesNo it isn"t like that, no, no, no, no, noShe"s feudin"Intrudin"Don"t know who she"s deludin"I know herA loaferShe wants to win you overShe"s causin"Me nausin"In trying to get her claws inBut babyDon"t make meYour second ladyShe"s trying to get ya(Baby"s she"s not)

高级英语(张汉熙)第三课 Blackmail 课文翻译和课后练习答案

“那恐怕不容易吧?” “是不容易,夫人。邻近各州——得克萨斯、阿肯色、密西西比、亚拉巴马以及其余各州都会密切注意搜寻一辆损坏得像你们那辆一样的汽车。” 公爵夫人沉思起来。“有没有可能先修理一下呢?如果能把车子悄悄修理一下,我们会出大价钱。” 探长使劲摇着头。“那样的话,还不如现在就去警察局投案自首。路易斯安那州境内的每一家修车铺都已接到通知,一旦发现像你们那样需要修理的汽车送来修理,立即向警方报告。他们也都会照办的,你们的事谁都知道。” “你说警方拿到了我们车上掉下来的一件东西,它叫什么来着?” “框圈。” “它会成为追查的线索吗?” 欧吉维肯定地点了点头。“他们能查出它是从什么样的汽车上掉下来的——生产厂家,车型,也许还能查出出厂年份,或者是大致的出厂时间。那车灯玻璃碎片也可以起到同样作用。但由于你们的车子是外国的,查起来可能得花几天的工夫。” “几天过后,”她追问道,“警方就会知道他们要找的是一辆美洲虎吗?” “我想是这样。” 今天是星期二。从这家伙所讲的情况看来,他们最多只能拖到星期五或星期六。公爵夫人冷静地盘算了一番:现在需要解决的是一个关键的问题。假使买通了这个旅馆侦探,他们唯一的一个机会——一个渺茫的机会——就在于迅速将汽车弄走。若能弄到北方某个大城市里去,那儿人们不知道新奥尔良发生的这起车祸和警方的搜查行动,车子可以在那里悄悄修好,这样罪证也就消灭了。那么,即使以后再怀疑到克罗伊敦夫妇头上,也找不到什么真凭实据。但车子如何才能弄走呢? 毫无疑问,这个粗俗愚笨的侦探说的是真话:要想把车子开到北方,沿途所要经过的各州都会像路易斯安那州一样警惕和注意的,所有的公路巡警都会留心注意一辆前灯撞破、框圈掉落的车子,也许还会设有路障。要想不被某个目光锐利的警察抓到,谈何容易。 但这还是有可能做得到的,只要能够趁着黑夜行车,而白天里将汽车隐藏起来。有许多偏僻地方远离公路,不会受人注意。这样做可能要冒风险,但总比在这里坐等受擒要强些。也许有些乡间小路可走,为掩人耳目,他们可以选择一条不大会有人走的路线。 但还存在其他的一些复杂问题u201eu201e现在该对那些问题加以考虑了。走偏僻小路必须要熟悉地形才行,克罗伊敦夫妇可不熟悉地形,而且他们俩对地图都不怎么在行。另外,行车途中不能不停车加油,停车加油时他们的言谈举止都有可能暴露自己的身分而引起别人注意。不过u201eu201e这些险是非冒不可的。 真的非冒不可吗? 公爵夫人面对着欧吉维。“你要多少钱?” 这突如其来的问话把他吓了一跳。“唔u201eu201e我想你们家是非常有钱的。” 她冷冷地说:“我只问你要多少。” 那对猪眼睛眨巴了一下。“一万美元。” 尽管这数目比她所预料的多了一倍,她却不动声色。“倘若我们真付了这样一笔巨款,我们能得到什么样的回报呢?” 大胖子似乎被这话问糊涂了。“我已经说过,我可以对自己知道的一切守口2 如瓶。” “我们若是不付钱呢?” 他耸了耸肩。“我就下楼到门厅里去,拿起电话。” “不,”话说得斩钉截铁。“我们不会付钱给你。” 克罗伊敦公爵不安地移动着身子,探长那圆滚滚的肉脸涨得通红。“你听着,夫人u201eu201e” 她蛮横地打断他的话。“我不要听你的,你给我听着。”她目光紧紧盯住他的脸,同时她那漂亮、高颧骨的俏脸上展出一副霸道的神态。“我们即使付钱给你也得不到什么好处,顶多也只是拖延几天时间罢了。你把这一点已经讲得很清楚了。” “这对你们可是一个难得的机会u201eu201e” “住口!”她眼睛死死地盯住他,厉声呵斥道。他忍气吞声,满脸不高兴地住口了。 克罗伊敦公爵夫人知道,接下来的行动也许会是她一生中所作出的最重大的决定。决不能因自己的见识有限而出半点差错,决不能优柔寡断或举棋不定。要想赢大钱,就得下大注。她想利用这大肥佬的贪心大赌一场,而且恰到好处,使结果能保证万元一失。 她果断地宣布,“我们不会付给你一万美元,但我们会付给你二万五千美元。” 探长的眼珠子都鼓起来了。 “作为回报,”她不动声色地继续说道,“你得将我们的汽车开到北方。” 欧吉维依然是一副目瞪口呆的样子。 “二万五千美元,”她重复道。“现在先付一万,等你到芝加哥与我们碰面时再付一万五。” 大胖子舔了舔自己的嘴唇,依然一言未发,那双圆圆的小眼睛似乎不相信似的直盯住她的双眼。一阵沉默。 后来,在她目不转睛的逼视下,他微微点了一下头。 场面还是一片寂静。最后还是欧吉维开了腔:“这支雪茄让您讨厌了吧,公爵夫人?” 她点了点头,他随即将它掐灭了。习题全解 I .   1)Yes, he did, because he wanted to make them more anxious.  2)Because she didn"t like her maid and secretary to know what they would talk to the detective.  3)Because he thought that he knew their secret and that he was in an advantageous position.  4)She found a note made but not destroyed by her husband.  5)He found that on the night the couple entered the hotel through the basement instead of the lobby, both very much shaken.  6)A brush trace is a mark left on something when lightly touched or rubbed.  7)Ogilvie came to talk with them rather than go to report to the police.  8)They had to spend one day or two investigating in the suburban areas.  9)Because every repair shop had been told to report to the police when a car needing fixing like theirs came in.   10)She thought that was safe for them by making use of the detective"s avidity.   11)Originally, the detective asked for ten thousand only to keep silent and not to report to the police. But now the Duchess was asking him to drive their car north and she was ready to offer such a large sum. She knew the detective was greedy. Given so much money, he would do as she told him to.   12)Yes, Ogilvie accepted the Duchess" offer.Ⅱ .   1)The house detective"s small narrow eyes looked her up and down scornfully from his fat face with a heavy jowl.  2)This is a pretty nice room that you have got.   3)The fat body shook in a chuckle because the man was enjoying the fact that he could afford to do whatever he liked and also he was appreciating the fact that the Duchess knew why he had come.  4)He had an unnaturally high-pitched voice. now, he lowered the pitch. When he spoke  5)Ogilvie spat out the words, throwing away his politeness. pretended   6)The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from parents of noble families with a history of three centuries and a half. She wouldn"t give up easily.   7)It"s no use. What you did just now was a good attempt at trying to save the situation.   8) "That"s more acceptable," Ogilvie said. He lit another cigar, "Now we"re making some progress. "   9)...he looked at the Duchess sardonically as if he wanted to see if she dared to object to his smoking.   10)The house detective made noises with his tongue to show his disapproval. Ⅲ. See the translation of the text.IV.  1)advertisement   2)brassiers   3)doctor   4)refrigerator   5)gymnasium   6)high fidelity(radio, photography, etc. )   7) intercommunication system    8)liberation   9)memorandum   10)microphone   11)modern   12)permanent wave   13)poliomyelitis   14)popular-song   15)preparatory (school)   16)professor   17)sister   18)television   19)veterinarian   20)zoologicalV.  1)a half-finished letter   2)a half-closed window   3)a piece of half-baked bread   4) a half-turned body   5) a well-appointed hotel   6)well-behaved pupils   7)well-chosen words    8)well-fed children   9)well-informed sources (people)   10) high-flown languageVI.  1)sound (v.) His words sound lofty and pretentious.   2)figure (v.) Commerce figures largely in the prosperity of the city.   3)go (n.) He is always on the go from early morning till late at night.  4)try (n.) He didn"t succeed in his first try, but he kept on jumping.  5)dust (v.) They are dusting  6)square(v. ) He squared his the crops with insecticide. shoulders to show his determination.  7)good(n.)Overworking yourself will do more harm than good.  8)head(v.)On hearing that,he headed straight for the gate without looking back.  9)make(n.)I don"t like a bicycle of this make.  10)reason(v.)If you reason from false can you expect the conclusion to be sound?Ⅶ. 1)real   2)of no use/useless   3)are making some progress/ are accomplishing something   4)explain it exactly and in detail   5)what happens   6)deduce/reason out   7)started for   8)upset   9)a quick examination or inspection   10)need/occasion   11)observes/notices   12)bribed   13)wealthy/well— to—doⅧ. 1)surveyed   2)gaze   3)swept   4)flipped   5)chuckled   6) shot out   7)spat forth these words     8)sprang to her feet    9)clasped   lO)swung around   11)detect   12)staredⅨ.  1)sardonic重在嘲讽,sarcastic重在嘲笑。  2)self-confidence意为依靠自己的力量;self-assurance指过于相信自己的能力,带贬义,可指自负。  3)accuse可用于正式场合,也可用于非正式场合,可用于官方,也可用于私人;charge指正式控告,到法院控告某人。   4)tired指疲劳或疲倦;weary指厌倦,不能或不愿继续下去。   5)leisurely意为不紧不慢地或从容不迫地。   6)oblige指为……帮忙;help意义广泛得多。   7)discreetly意为保持沉默,不让别人知道。   8)racing指脑筋在飞快地转动,quick指的是反应快,聪明(quick—minded)。  9)tense和nervous都表示害怕、担心;tense还可指焦虑不安,神经上紧张。在这里,用tense暗示公爵不是一个生性紧张的人,而是当时焦虑不安和害怕。  10)eventuality指可能出现的结果,possibility指可能出现的事情。   11)respite指延期、推迟或短时间的休息;relief指解除痛苦、疲劳、忧虑等之后的轻松。  12)vacillate指思想一时动摇,拿不定主意;indecisiveness则指人优柔寡断的性格。Ⅹ.  1)sleep   2)work   3)the moment   4)thought   5)a doubt   6)time   7)labour   8)perspiration   9)music   lO)mind   11) steel   12)events   13)laughter   14)refusalⅪ.  1)他从不会被出乎意料的问题难倒。  2)明年他们将生产更多的稻米。  3)这事真难办。(或:这事真糟。)   4)他跃跃欲试。   5)这位老人仍然精力充沛。   6)这个小店出售花哨的小商品。   7)你想喝点什么?   8)这个男孩正在猛长个儿。   9)这个女孩是个神枪手。   10)这两位大人物进行了私下会晤。   11)我们被安排在招待所里过夜。   12)他发现自己陷入了困境。   13)突然我想到了一个主意。   14)他的科学幻想小说在美国轰动一时。Ⅻ.  1)There is no call for hurry.Take your time.  2)Are you suggesting that I am telling a lie?   3)He tried every means to conceal the fact.  4)Our chance to succeed is very slim.Nevertheless we shall do our utmost.   5)We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning unless notified otherwise.  6)Neither of us is adept at figures.  7)Would it be possible to reach that place before dark assuming we set out at 5 o"clock(in the morning)?   8)He was reluctant to comply with her request.   9)I know you are from the South. Your accent has betrayed you.   10)We have no alternative in this matter.XIII. Omitted. XIV.                      Summary  The Duke and the Duchess occupy a luxurious suite in a large hotel in New Orleans. On Monday evening while driving with his wife from a gambling house, the Duke knocks down a woman and her child. Both are killed. The Duke and the Duchess, however, drive away. The hit-and-run becomes top sensational news in the city. The hotel"s chief house detective Ogilvie notices the battered car when it comes back. He does not go to report this to the police, instead, he comes to the couple"s suite and has a talk with them. He promises to keep quiet about what he knows and asks for a large sum of money in return for the favour. The Duke, now totally at a loss as to what to do, has to let his wife handle the problem. The Duchess, a clever woman, first pretends to know nothing about what the detective says and denies the fact that they have killed the woman and the girl, but later admits it after the detective has produced a lot of evidence. She understands that to get themselves out of this mess, the car has to be driven out of the south where people are alerted about the hit-and-run. So she offers to pay Ogilvie twice more than he has asked on condition that he drives the ear to Chicago up in th

Triple8 Knock Out的完整歌词

Triple 8 - KnockoutGirl I"ve been thinkin "boutHow you have let me downFill my head with your liesThink you gettin one byChecking him when you"re with meThinkin" that I don"t seeLittle games that you play Make me wanna walk awayYou come over late at night (you come over late at night)Sayin everything is rightBut my boys keep tellin meTake her out, take her out(take her out)My boys keep sweatin meI"m stressin out, stressin outI don"t really understand (I don"t really understand)What kinda man you think I amHow I could be that kindaHow I could be that kinda manChorus:I wanna knockout(You know I wanna out the light, I wanna)Knockout(You know I wanna start a fight, I wanna)Knockout(You know I wanna do this right)Cuz you"re stressin me,Messin me,I won"t fall that easilyI wanna knockout(You know I wanna let it go, I wanna)Knockout(Do you like you did me before, I wanna)Knockout(Be the one that"s opening the door)Time for me to say goodbyeGot to get you out my lifeEverytime that you creepI"m not home fast asleepGot my spies right in placeThey even told me his nameWhy you keep frontin whenYou know I know the gameI can feel it all aroundGirl you"re "bout to go downYou come over late at night (you come over late at nigh)Sayin everything is right (yeah yeah)But my boys keep tellin me Take her out, take her out (take her out)My boys keep sweatin meI"m stressin out, stressin out (stressin me out)I don"t really understand What kinda man you think I amHow I could be that KindaHow I could be that kinda manChorus 3x

欧美男生组合 Triple的歌Knockout歌词

[Verse 1]Girl I"ve been thinking "boutHow you have let me downFill my head with your liesThink you getting one byCheckin him when your with meThinkin that I don"t seeLittle games that you playMake me wanna walk away[B Section 1]You come on over late at night(You come on over late at night)Sayin everything is rightBut my boys keep telling meTake her out, ,take her out (Take her out)My boys keep sweatin meI"m stressing out, stressing outI don"t really understand(I don"t really understand)What kinda man you think I amHow I can be that kindaHow I can be that kinda man[Chorus]Knockout(You know I wanna out the light, I wanna)Knockout(You know I wanna start a fight, I wanna)Knockout(You know I wanna do this right)Cos ya stressin me messin meI won"t fall so easilyI wanna Knock out(You know I wanna let it go, I wanna)KnockoutDo you like you did me before, I wannaKnockoutBe the one that"s opening the doorTime for me to say good-byeGot to get you out my life[Verse 2]Every time that you creepI"m not home fast asleepGot my spies right in placeThey even told me his nameWhy you keep frontin whenYou know I know the gameI can feel it all aroundGirl your "bout to go down [B Section 2]You come on over late at night(You come on over late at night)Sayin" everything is rightYeah yeahBut my boys keep tellin" meTake her out, take her out(Take her out)My boys keep sweatin meI"m stressin" out, take her out(Stressing me out)I don"

baby got back 翻译

Oh my god, Becky, look at her butt哦 我的上帝,Becky,看看她的屁股 It is so big它是这么的大She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends她看起来像是那些说唱家伙的女朋友Who understands those rap guys谁明白这些说唱家伙They only talk to her because she looks like a total prostitute, ok?他们对她说话仅仅是因为她看起来像个妓女罢了,懂吗?I mean her butt我说的是她的屁股It"s just so big它实在是太大了I can"t believe it"s so round我不相信它是那么的圆It"s just out there它只是在那里Look, she"s just so black你看,她实在是太黑了I like big butts and I can not lie我喜欢大屁股我不能说谎You other brothers can"t deny你其他的兄弟不能否认That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waste当一个打屁股的女孩走过来And a round thing in your face你看到一个圆圆的屁股You get sprung你跳起来Wanna pull up front想接近她Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed因为你发现那个屁股好丰满Deep in the jeans she"s wearing在牛仔裤的里面I"m hooked and I can"t stop staring我迷上了,我不能停止凝视Oh, baby I wanna get with ya哦,宝贝,我想与你XXAnd take your picture并拍你的照片My homeboys tried to warn me我的家乡朋友试图警告我But with that butt you got但是你有那么XXX的屁股Me so horny我无法控制Ooh, rub all of that smooth skin哦, 抚摸那光滑的皮肤You say you wanna get in my Benz你说你想上我的奔驰Well use me, use me cuz you ain"t that average groupy那么,来把因为你可不是XXXXI"ve seen them dancin"我看过他们跳舞The hell with romancin"浪漫的跳舞She sweat, wet, got it goin" like a turbo "Vette她流汗了,湿了I"m tired of magazines我已经厌倦了杂志saying flat butt"s the only thing说着平平的屁股是唯一的Take the average black man and ask him that找个平均的黑人并问问他She gotta pack much back, soFellas (yeah), fellas (yeah)Has your girlfriend got the butt (hell yeah)你的女朋友有没有屁股Well shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, 那么就摇吧,摇吧,摇吧,摇吧,shake that healthy butt摇那健康的屁股Baby got back宝贝回来(LA face with Oakland booty)I like"em round and big我喜欢圆圆大大的屁股And when I"m throwin" a gigI just can"t help myself我只是不能控制自己I"m actin like an animal我的行为像一只动物Now here"s my scandal现在这就是我的XXXI wanna get you home我想把你弄回家And ugh, double ugh, ughI ain"t talkin" bout Playboy我不是在说花花公子Cuz silicone parts were made for toys因为XXX的部分是给玩具做的I wannem real thick and juicy我要的是真正的丰满和多汁的So find that juicy double所以去找多汁的吧Mixalot"s in troubleMixalot有麻烦了You can have them bimbos你可以拥有她们I"ll keep my women like Flo Jo我会呵护我的女人Flo JoA word to the thick soul sistasI wanna get with ya我想与你XXXI won"t cus or hit ya我不会打你But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna fuckTil the break of dawnBaby, I got it goin onA lot of pimps won"t like this songCuz them punks like to hit it and quit itBut I"d rather stay and playCuz I"m long and I"m strongAnd I"m down to get the friction onSo ladies (yeah), ladies (yeah)If you wanna role in my Mercedes (yeah)Then turn aroundStick it outEven white boys got to shoutBaby got backYeah babyWhen it comes to femalesCosmo and got nothin to do with my selection36-24-36Only if she"s 5"3"So your girlfriend rolls a HondaPlayin" workout tapes by FondaBut Fonda ain"t got a motor in the back of her HondaMy anaconda don"t want none unless you"ve got buns honYou can do side bends or sit-ups, but please don"t lose that buttSome brothers wanna play that hard roleand tell you that the butt need to goSo they toss it and leave itAnd I pull up quick to retrieve itSo Cosmo says you"re fatWell I ain"t down with thatCuz your waste is small and your curves are kickin"And I"m thinkin" bout stickin"To the beanpole dames in the magazinesYou ain"t it Miss ThangGive me a sista I can"t resist herRed beans and rice didn"t miss herSome knucklehead tried to disCuz his girls were on my listHe had game but he chose to hit "emAnd pulled up quick to get with "emSo ladies if the butt is roundAnd you wanna triple X throw downDial 1-900-mixalot and kick them nasty thoughtsBaby got back

The Black Eyed Peas的《On My Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On My Own歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Bridging The GapChrisette Michele - On My OwnNever came across anything u couldn"t handleNo matter the problem you were always thereMy superheroTho I love for it allI"m a womenI"m a grown-upAnd that meansThat you gotta let me fall and learn to get upOn my ownOn my ownCan"t let u in nowGotta be aloneOn my ownGotta fight this battleAloneOn my ownI know your gonna care about me foreverHow will I ever learn the price of my heartIf your always it"s protectorYou can"t make him love me rightMake him treat meThe way he shouldI love you but this my fightLet me fight itOn my ownOn my ownCan"t let u in nowGotta be aloneOn my ownGotta fight this battleAloneOn my ownOn my ownCan"t let u in nowGotta be aloneOn my ownGotta fight this battleAloneChrisette Michele - On My OwnOn my ownOn My ownOn my ownOn my own

求one ok rock的wherever you are 日语部分罗马音和中文翻译

I"m telling youI softly whisperTonight tonightYou are my angel爱亿西tei鲁哟福哒 里哇hi 大斯里~Tonight tonightI just say…Wherever you are, I always make you smileWherever you are, I"m always by your sideWhatever you say, kimi 我,噢mo唔ki莫其I promise you“forever”right nowI don"t need a reasonI just want you babyAlright alrightDay after daykono 撒ki 那改以库都祖都都欧 卡口那不库塔 祖都哦she 鲁玛deiStay with meWe carry on…Wherever you are, I always make you smileWherever you are, I"m always by your sideWhatever you say, kimi 我,噢mo唔ki莫其I promise you“forever”right nowWherever you are, I never make you cryWherever you are, I"never say goodbyeWhatever you say, kimi 我,噢mo唔ki莫其I promise you“forever”right now不库勒 噶得呀塔hi 哇啊,虎塔里粒都哦得以其buy 欧美鲁kin 内欧,斯贝ki he哒内欸搜 she tei kiaou 哒you 唔hi哇啊,虎塔里粒都哦得你buy 欧美鲁,ki 内嗯 苏呗kei he哒内欸间奏:狗咋以马斯 米拉撒口口喽ka啦啊里sei鲁hi都口口喽ka啦以都洗以hi都哦库no 不库no 阿忆no,吗拉卡啦hi哇啊,以仔mou kimi噶以鲁卡啦海亚,此gi 此gi以价kiyoujia moke尼喽dei以修你gou有,so够哇修你gou,okay?Wherever you are, I always make you smileWherever you are, I"m always by your sideWhatever you say, kimi 我,噢mo唔ki莫其I promise you“forever”right nowWherever you are, I never make you cryWherever you are, I"never say goodbyeWhatever you say, kimi 我,噢mo唔ki莫其I promise you“forever”right nowWherever you are~come oneWherever you are.....

ldy lickem 的《promise》的英文歌词以及中文意思。

I will promise you 双眼只望着你而活I will promise you 双臂只拥着你而活清晨醒来至睡着的瞬间 只想着你爱你这句话 请不要忘记 I love you forever炎热的夏天 我将成为庇荫下雨天 我将成为雨伞走累时 我又变成椅子微笑时 陪你笑分享双份喜悦流泪时 成为手帕为你檫拭I will promise you双眼只望着你而活I will promise you双臂只拥着你而活清晨醒来至睡着的瞬间 只想着你爱你这句话 请不要忘记I love you forever 我们的关系犹如 Coffee & doughnut 一起传递给我快乐的是我的你 special chip一天一天 Energy 不足的话 Emergency给我的生命 带来甜蜜的香气每天一次一次的 呼吸着的我的爱把这些一天就带给你I will promise you 双眼只望着你而活I will promise you 双臂只拥着你而活清晨醒来至睡着的瞬间 只想着你爱你这句话 请不要忘记I love you foreverYes A.N.GELL I will promise just do it girl一句爱你就足够怦怦跳的右边口回答你one step two step three and four 我会慢慢走近你等待的话语徘徊在嘴边 I will take youI will promise you 双眼只望着你而活I will promise you 双臂只拥着你而活清晨醒来至睡着的瞬间 只想着你爱你这句话 请不要忘记 I love you forever I will promise you du" nun"e" neo"man" dam"go" sal"a"gal"gge"I will promise you du" pal"e" neol" an"go" sal"a"gal"gge"a"cim"e" nun" ddeo" jam"deun" sun"gan"gga"ji" neo" ha"na"man" geu"ril"gge"sa"rang"hae" i" mal" ij"ji"ma" I Love you Forever deo"un" yeo"reum" nal"e" geu"neul"i" doe"jul"gge" bi"o"neun" nal"en" u"san"i" doe"jul"gge" geod"da"ga" ji"cil" ddaen" jag"eun" yi"ja"do" doe"jul"gge" us"eul" ddae" ni" gi"bbeum" du"bae"ga" dwae"ge" ham"gge" us"eul"gge" nun"mul" heul"ril" ddaen" su"geon"i" doel" neol" dagg"a"jul"gge" I will promise you du" nun"e" neo"man" dam"go" sal"a"gal"gge"I will promise you du" pal"e" neol" an"go" sal"a"gal"gge"a"cim"e" nun" ddeo" jam"deun" sun"gan"gga"ji" neo" ha"na"man" geu"ril"gge"sa"rang"hae" i" mal" ij"ji"ma" I Love you Forever u"ri" sa"i"neun" ma"ci" Coffee & Doughnet gat"ji"nae"ge" gi"bbeum"eul" jeon"hae"jun" neo"neun" na"yi" seu"pye"syeol"ha"ru"ha"ru"ga" Energy bu"jog"ha"da"myeon" Emergencynae"ge" saeng"myeong"i" bul"eo"jul" dal"kom"han" geu"dae"yi" hyang"gi" mae"il" ha"na" ha"na" ggog" sum"gyeo"noh"eun" na"yi" sa"rang"eul"ham"gge" ha"neun" nal"dong"an" mo"du" bo"yeo"jul"ggeo"ya"I will promise you eo"di"e" iss"deon" neo"man" gi"eog"hal"gge"I will promise you mweol" hae"do" neo"man"eul" gi"eog"hal"gge"yeong"weon"weon" neo"reul" sae"gil" i" ga"seum"man" pum"go" sal"a" gal"ggeo"ya"sa"rang"hae" i" mal" gi"eog"hae" I love foreversa"rang"han"da"neun"de" mu"seun" mal"i" pil"yo"hae" kwang"kwang" geo"ri"neun" oen"jjog" ga"seum"eu"ro" dae"dab"hal"gge"One step Two step Three and Four ni" gyeot"e" ceon"ceon"ceon" da"ga"gal"gge"gi"da"ri"ran" mal" dda"wi" ib"e" dam"ji" mos" hae" I`m take you love my dearI will promise you du" nun"en" neo"man" dam"go" sal"a"gal"gge"I will promise you du" pal"eun" neol" an"go" sal"a"gal"gge"a"cim"e" nun" ddeo" jam"deun" sun"gan"gga"ji" neo" ha"na"man" geu"ril"gge"sa"rang"hae" i" mal" ij"ji"ma" I love you forever

fock是什么意思 fock的中文翻译、读音、例句?

fock的意思是”福克、叉”,作为名词时有”专业对口”的意思,发音是[fock],fock来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到81个与fock相关的用法和句子fock的词典翻译1.福克例句:The first hyperpolarizability is studied at HF/6-31G level by coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock (CPHF) method.翻译:采用耦合微扰(CPHF)方法在 HF/6-31G 水平上对酸衍生物的第一超极化率进行了计算 自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

Black as devil,hot as hell,pure as an angel,sweet as love.什么意思啊?翻译一下。


可以用Cute Happy Love Queen Sweet Lucky Zest这连成一句话吗?

Today in my English class, teacher told me to use"Cute, Happy, Love, Queen, Sweet, Lucky, and Zest" to make a sentence.快夸我哈哈哈

求D.C.II Anniversary Package cg

明年4月27号才开始发售的游戏(预定),现在怎么可能有源嘛=。= 不过今年C81倒是会有应援BOX发售,但是应该也不会有人放源吧。。

冰球里,什么叫win faceoff?什么叫block shots?feed the head m



disaster area跟stricken area有什么区别?

disaster stricken area = 灾难杀伤区stricken 不能单用+poverty stricken area

QuickTime 专业版 pro 注册码 以及和普通版本的区别

目前WayOS推出的软路由系统区分为2个版本 普通PC版本,其版本号为 WayOS X-版本号 ISP版本,其版本号为 WayOS H-版本号ISP版与普通PC版区别主要在功能上。目前的ISP版本比普通PC版本多了客户端功能。客户端需要在用户电脑上安装一个小程序,等同于批处理一样。安装后,路由器开启进程管理。路由器上可以判断出每个电脑目前在使用什么进程,如pplive.exe,并且可以对电脑进程进行策略路由绑定(常见让P2P程序走单独的线),速度限制(开发中),以及对进程的访问控制。后期会增加在ISP版本上,Radius认证计费,以及WEB缓存功能等等【注意】:普通PC版与ISP版可以通过固件升级来相互转换(即,PC版可以升级为ISP版;ISP版本也可以升级为PC版),但两个版本的授权文件是不可以通用的,PC版必须使用PC版的授权,ISP版必须使用ISP版的授权,如果授权文件类型不相符,可能会出现错误,导致授权无法导入。(WayOS X-2.0X.XXX 的版本必须使用PC版的授权;WayOS H-2.0X.XXX 的版本必须使用ISP版的授权)



集中式日志分析平台 - ELK Stack - Filebeat 压测

任何一款采集 agent 进行公司内全面推广前都需要进行性能测试以及资源限制功能测试,以保证: 对于 Filebeat 这款号称 golang 编写,性能强于 logstahs-forwarder 的采集 agent,我们也需要这样进行严谨对待。 硬件选择虚拟机,6cores + 16GB Mem + 175GB SSD + 1000Mbps 带宽; Filebeat 配置,输出到 console: Filebeat 配置,输出到 Kafka: 我们开启 Filebeat 的 6060 端口,并使用 python 脚本进行指标采集。 ,每秒统计出 Filebeat 指标,主要看: Step1. 启动 Filebeat ( Step2. 启动统计脚本 Step3. 启动 tsar Step4. 写入压测数据(6个进程写入,6千万条日志) 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件时,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 0.8 cores。 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件后,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 1.6 cores。 小结: 测试步骤和上述一致,区别在于配置文件需要输出到 Kafka。 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件时,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 0.7~0.8 cores。 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件后,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 2.0 cores。 小结: 测试步骤和上述一致,区别在于配置文件需要输出到 Kafka。 和上述步骤不同的是,启动 Filebeat 时需要 systemd 限制 CPU、句柄数,根据之前的理论,句柄数限制在 100 已经非常够用,CPU 限制在 1 core。 修改 /usr/lib/systemd/system/filebeat.service : 执行 reload: 对 CPU 进行限制: 确认是否限制成功: 有如下输出表示OK: 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件时,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 0.7 ~ 0.8 cores。 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件后,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 1.0 cores,限制生效。 小结: 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件时,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 0.75 ~ 0.9 cores。 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件后,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 1.0 cores,限制生效。 小结: 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件时,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 0.7 ~ 0.75 cores。 在 6 进程数据写入日志文件后,我们在开启 python 统计脚本的窗口得到如下稳定的统计数据: 我们在 tsar 看到的统计数据为: 我们在 top 中可以看到 Filebeat 大致占据了 0.9 cores,未达到限制。 小结: A. FB 全力采集 247B 数据(真实环境类似日志长度),速率为 ~ 40K/s,CPU 开销为 2 cores; B. FB 在 CPU 限制 1 cores 情况下,采集 247B 数据速率为 ~ 20K/s,可以认为单核采集速率为 ~ 20K/s/core; C. 日志单行数据越大,吞吐越小,5KB 每行已经非常夸张,即使如此,没有压缩的情况下带宽消耗 35MBps,gzip 压缩率一般为 0.3~0.4,占用带宽为 10.5~14MBps,对于千兆网卡来说压力较小;

集中式日志分析平台 - ELK Stack - Filebeat 的注意事项

之前阿里的 tailfile 有许多坑,包括对软连接支持度不够,可能会有意想不到的后果,不保证采集数据完整性。比如有某些 情况下(Checkpoint 文件损毁) 重启采集进程后会重复读取历史已采集数据打爆服务器 Load。所以,要更好地使用 Filebeat,我们需要了解 Filebeat 哪些事儿我搞不定 , 哪些事儿我无法承诺 。官方文档是一个非常好的参考: Frequently Asked Questions 。 不建议使用 Filebeat 从网络 Volumes 读取日志文件。 尽可能在主机上安装 Filebeat 并从那里直接发送日志文件。 从网络Volumes 读取文件(尤其是在Windows上)可能会产生意外的副作用。 例如,更改的文件标识符可能导致 Filebeat 再次从头读取日志文件。 这可能是因为 Filebeat 配置不正确或无法将事件发送到 output,解决方案: ./filebeat -c config.yml -e -d "*" 下面说说 ignore_older 这个配置: 如果启用此选项,Filebeat 将忽略在指定时间跨度之前修改的任何文件。 如果我们将日志文件保留很长时间,那么配置 ignore_older 尤其有用。 例如,如果要启动 Filebeat ,但只想发送最新文件和自上周以来的文件,则可以配置此选项。我们可以使用时间字符串,如 2h(2小时)和 5m(5分钟)。 默认值为 0 ,禁用该设置。 注释掉配置与将其设置为0具有相同的效果。 配置项 close_inactive 表示在 harvester 读取某文件最后一行日志之后,持续时间内某文件没有再写入日志,Filebeat 将关闭文件句柄,默认是 5m。 Filebeat 会持续保持着句柄,以便以便它可以近乎实时地读取新的日志行。如果 Filebeat 正在收集大量文件,则打开的文件数可能会成为问题。在大多数环境中,活动更新的文件数较少。应相应设置 close_inactive 配置选项以关闭不再活动的文件。 还有其他配置选项可以用来关闭文件处理程序,但是所有这些配置选项都应该仔细使用,因为它们可能有副作用。选项是: close_renamed close_removed close_eof close_timeout harvester_limit close_renamed 和 close_removed 选项在 Windows 上可用于解决与 log rotate 相关的问题。请参阅 the section called “Open file handlers cause issues with Windows file rotation? 。 close_eof 选项在包含大量文件且只有很少 entries 的环境中很有用。 close_timeout 选项在允许数据丢失且必须对文件句柄关闭非常重视的情况下非常有用。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 Filebeat Prospectors Configuration 。 在使用任何配置选项之前,请确保阅读了这些配置选项的文档。 Filebeat保持每个文件的状态,并将状态保持在 registry_file 中。 Filebeat 重新启动时,文件状态用于继续在先前位置读取文件。 如果每天生成大量的新文件,则 文registry_file 件可能会增长得太大。 要减小 registry_file 的大小,有两个可用的配置选项: clean_removed 和 clean_inactive 。 对于不再 touch 并需要 ignore 的旧文件,建议使用 clean_inactive 。 对于已经从磁盘删除的旧文件,则使用 clean_removed 选项。 在 Linux 文件系统上,Filebeat 使用 inode 和 device 来标识文件。当文件从磁盘中删除时,可以将 inode 分配给一个新文件。在涉及文件轮换的用例中,如果旧文件被删除,并且之后立即创建新文件,则新文件可以具有与被移除的文件完全相同的 inode。在这种情况下,Filebeat 假定新文件与旧文件相同,并尝试在旧 offset 继续读取,这是不正确的。 默认情况下,永远不会从 registry_file 中删除。要解决 inode 复用问题,建议使用 clean_ * 选项,特别是 clean_inactive ,以删除非活动文件的状态。例如,如果文件每 24 小时轮换一次,并且轮转的文件不再更新,可以将 ignore_older 设置为48小时,将 clean_inactive 设置为72小时。 对于从磁盘中删除的文件,可以使用 clean_removed 。请注意,每当在扫描期间找不到文件时, clean_removed 会从 registry_file 清除文件状态。如果文件稍后再次显示,则将从头重新发送。 Filebeat 可能被配置为太频繁地扫描文件。 检查 filebeat.yml 配置文件中 scan_frequency 的设置。 将 scan_frequency 设置为小于1秒可能导致 Filebeat 扫描磁盘过于频繁。 如果最近执行了 loads 或解析自定义结构化日志的操作,则可能需要刷新索引以使字段在 Kibana 中可用。 要刷新索引,请使用刷新API。 例如: Filebeat 使用换行符来检测事件的结束。 如果行被递增地添加到正在收集的文件,则最后一行之后需要换行符,否则Filebeat 将不会读取文件的最后一行。 如果需要限制带宽使用,建议在操作系统上配置网络堆栈以执行带宽限制。 例如,以下 Linux 命令通过在端口 5044 上对 TCP 连接设置 50 kbps 的限制来限制 Filebeat 和 Logstash 之间的连接: 使用OS工具执行带宽限制可以更好地控制策略。 例如,可以使用操作系统工具在白天限制带宽,但不能在夜间限制。 或者,可以保留带宽未封顶,但为流量分配低优先级。 以下是一些常见的错误和解决方法: x509: cannot validate certificate for <IP address> because it doesn"t contain any IP SANs 这是因为证书仅对 Subject filed 中显示的 hostname 有效。要解决此问题,请尝试以下解决方案: getsockopt: no route to host 这不是SSL问题。这是一个网络问题。确保两个主机可以通信。 getsockopt:connection refused 这不是SSL问题。确保 Logstash 正在运行,并且没有防火墙阻止流量。 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it 防火墙拒绝连接。检查防火墙是否阻止客户端,网络或目标主机上的流量。

elk x-pack报错

es日志报错 [2018-07-17T15:48:48,525][INFO ][o.e.x.s.a.AuthenticationService] [iLxwotO] Authentication of [elastic] was terminated by realm [reserved] - failed to authenticate user [elastic] kibana日志报错 [warning][license][xpack] License information from the X-Pack plugin could not be obtained from Elasticsearch for the [data] cluster. [security_exception] failed to authenticate user [elastic], with { header={ WWW-Authenticate="Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8"" } } :: {"path":"/_xpack","statusCode":401,"response":"{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"security_exception","reason":"failed to authenticate user [elastic]","header":{"WWW-Authenticate":"Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8""}}],"type":"security_exception","reason":"failed to authenticate user [elastic]","header":{"WWW-Authenticate":"Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8""}},"status":401}","wwwAuthenticateDirective":"Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8""} 排查是删掉es的data目录导致删除了.security-6索引 重置密码 auto:随机密码 interactive:手动设置 然后在es,kibana的配置文件重新指定密码 ok

elk x-pack报错

es日志报错 [2018-07-17T15:48:48,525][INFO ][o.e.x.s.a.AuthenticationService] [iLxwotO] Authentication of [elastic] was terminated by realm [reserved] - failed to authenticate user [elastic] kibana日志报错 [warning][license][xpack] License information from the X-Pack plugin could not be obtained from Elasticsearch for the [data] cluster. [security_exception] failed to authenticate user [elastic], with { header={ WWW-Authenticate="Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8"" } } :: {"path":"/_xpack","statusCode":401,"response":"{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"security_exception","reason":"failed to authenticate user [elastic]","header":{"WWW-Authenticate":"Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8""}}],"type":"security_exception","reason":"failed to authenticate user [elastic]","header":{"WWW-Authenticate":"Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8""}},"status":401}","wwwAuthenticateDirective":"Basic realm="security" charset="UTF-8""} 排查是删掉es的data目录导致删除了.security-6索引 重置密码 auto:随机密码 interactive:手动设置 然后在es,kibana的配置文件重新指定密码 ok


reckon英 [u02c8reku0259n] 美 [u02c8reku0259n] v.估计;认为;想;预计;被普遍认为是;被看作是;料想;指望estimate英 [u02c8estu026amu0259t , u02c8estu026ameu026at] 美 [u02c8estu026amu0259t , u02c8estu026ameu026at] v.估计;估算;估价n.估价;(对数量、成本等的)估计;估计的成本reckon是比较口语的,estimate是比较正式formal的。estimate一般是跟数字有关系的,reckon可能就是一个人的想法。以前reckon也有formal的用法但是现在不是这样了。

regard as a ticket to success

答案:A a good education一个好的教育,抽象名词具体化,所以第一空填a;a ticket一张票.


ELK是Elasticsearch+Logstash+Kibana简称 1、编写/data/elk/docker-compose.yml 2、新建文件;安装、运行ELK 3、汉化kibana 1、安装htpasswd工具 2、设置用户名和密码,并把用户名、密码保存到指定文件中: 3、修改nginx配置文件,并且重启nginx服务 4、访问需要输入登录账号、密码 5、(补充)htpasswd 其他参数 命令格式: htpasswd [-cmdpsD] [passwdfile] [username] htpasswd -b[cmdpsD] [passwdfile] [username] [password] htpasswd -n[mdps] username htpasswd -nb[mdps] username password 参数说明: -c 创建一个加密文件 -n 不更新加密文件,只将htpasswd命令加密后的用户名密码显示在屏幕上 -m 默认htpassswd命令采用MD5算法对密码进行加密 -d htpassswd命令采用CRYPT算法对密码进行加密 -p htpassswd命令不对密码进行进行加密,即明文密码 -s htpassswd命令采用SHA算法对密码进行加密 -b htpassswd命令行中一并输入用户名和密码而不是根据提示输入密码 -D 删除指定的用户 新增用户role02 htpasswd -b [passwdfile] [username] [passwd]

___some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others

这个句子显然不完整呀。。。前面还有一个空格不是。完整的应该是这样的: What some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.可以这样翻译:被一些人当作是缺点的东西却被许多其他的人看作优点。这里的并不是那个固定搭配“和什么一样怎么怎么样”,这句话要断句应该这么断:What some people regard as a drawback, 这是一个主语从句,作句子的主语,主语就是这句话要描述的对象,也就是被一些人当做是缺点的东西;is seen as a plus by many others. is是系动词,后面的是表语,整个部分是系表结构,用seen是因为需要使用被动态,被很多其他的人看作是优点。这样就比较清楚了吧?

to see what data the error report contains,click here 谁知道这句话是什么意思, 专业的来说说··

data 后面是不是少了个of?

body combat/attack/step 英文术语

body combat :有氧搏击body attack:身体对抗body step:踏板

Muthafucka Up (Feat. Nicki Minaj) 歌词

歌曲名:Muthafucka Up (Feat. Nicki Minaj)歌手:Tyga专辑:Careless World: Rise of the Last KingTyga - Muthafucka UpYMCMB, rawest n*ggas doing itSchool for the blind, I don"t see these n*ggas doing itI"m doing it and doing it and doing it wellN*ggas wanna test me boy, who wanna fail?Hit you like a bully b*tch, yeah saved by the bellIf you scared, go to church I"ll see you in hellAnd your girl, she a flip, give me heads or tailsEverybody fake so I got real for saleGunpowder fill the airRappers sh*ttin" on theyself, you could smell the fearAnd these b*tches laying flowers cause the king is nearT-Raw this is the new flavour in ya earN*ggas softer than baby hairWhy you acting tough, heard you work at Build-a-bearI"m a a dealer all my girls come in deuce and pairsI"m in the building I construct so light this muthaf*cker upWhat the funk you beezy"s wantI"m ready to hump the car I call it ele-phunkTrunk in the frontMan she give me good brain cause she feel dumbI just keep going like the bunny till I feel numbYeah these b*tches want itI put my man"s on itThat 110 Sup", that Ferrari CaliforniaN*ggas want beef, call me Tony RomoYou potatoes on the sofaLazy muthaf*ckas why you ain"t even tryingRich or die trying, why you n*ggas ain"t died yet?Wings tattoo yeah forever on some fly sh*tAnd I"m with the business skip peon with a ty clipStay on the flight yeah I"ma tripProbably up in Paradise chillin" like ParliamentsFlow got a boner, you could say I"m on some harder sh*tBout to make the speaker buss"Crank this muthaf*cka upOkay, really I get moneyI get money like a b*tchShe ain"t goin" nowhere but I swear that b*tch a tripYou see how the diamonds get to dancingYeah, ya money short, get some pants and sh*tI be with a n*gga with a big ol" dickYeah I like them balls you be shooting them bricksF*ck you in the game for?B*tch we up three sippin" this game fourTell ‘em listen, couple bad b*tches"sOut in Kingston kicking up bricks and sh*tIntervention b*tch I pay ya pensionOh you say what? I don"t pay attentionYeah these n*ggas want itI put my b*tches on itYou know the tattoo"s got Nicki initials on itI put the pussy on ‘em, cook ‘em a pot roastThen pull off in the GhostB*tch I do the mostWhat the funk you beezy"s want?It ain"t your turn, better have my moneyFriday like Big wormCan"t see you n*ggas, you like a little germB*tches know I"m excellent like Mr BurnsSee my d*ck like Butter churnBaby churn and ya girl with me fo" sureThat ain"t your concernShe forgot about her other man, she will never learnOn a mic till I die, RIP chick huhYessir, colder than the Pittsburgh?Winter fresher than a Will Smith T-ShirtThese spurts coming through Last King and a hearseAsk later, shoot first, got shooters like dirtWhen it hurts leave you losers bruised upBruce Lee nunchucksToe from the floor up thoughDuck, rubber duck now you like oh shucksTell the neighbours I don"t give a f*ckCrank this muthaf*cka up

backstreet boys歌词

backstreet boys :never gone howie spoken - i really miss you...there is something that i gotta say.. brian - the things we did the things we said keep ing back to me and make me *** ile again you showed me how to face the truth everything thats good in me i owe it to you.. howie - though the distance thats beeen us now may seem to be too far it will never seperate us deep inside i know you are.. (chours)never gone never far (nick -)in my heart is where you are. always close everyday (nick -)ever step along the way even if we never got to say goodbye i know you will be forever in my life "never gone".. brian - i walk along these empty streets there is not a second your not here with me the love you gave the praise you showed you"ll always give me strength and be my scrawling stone nick - somehow you found a way to see the best i have in me as far as time goes on i swear to you that you will be.. (chours)never gone never far (alex -)in my heart is where you are. always close everyday (alex -)every step along the way even if we never got to say goodbye i know that you will forever (alex -)be in my life brian - never gone e find me..there is one thing i believe..i believe alex - i will see you somewhere down the road again (chours+alex)never gone never far in my heart is where you are. always close everyday every step along the way even if we never got to say goodbye i know that you will forever be in my life brian - never gone never far in my heart is where you are.. [Nick - Spoken] I really miss you There"s something I gotta say... [Brian] The things we did the things we said Keep in" back to me and make me *** ile again You showed me how to face the truth Everything that"s good in me I owe to you [Howie] And though the distance that"s beeen us Now may seem to be too far It will never separate us Deep inside I know you are... [Chous - All] Never gone never far In my heart is where you are Always close every day Every step along the way Even though for now we"ve got to say goodbye I know you will be forever in my life Never gone [Brian] I walk along these empty streets There is not a second you"re not here with me The love you gave the praise you showed Will always give me strength and be my corner stone [Nick] Somehow you found a way To see the best I have in me As long as time goes on I swear to you that you will be... [Chorus - All] Never gone never far In my heart is where you are Always close every day Every step along the way Even though for now we"ve got to say goodbye I know you will be forever in my life Never gone [Brian] Never gone from me If there"s one thing I believe [AJ] I will see you somewhere down the road again [Chorus - All] Never gone never far In my heart is where you are Always close everyday Every step along the way Even though for now we"ve got to say goodbye I know you will be forever in my life Never gone [All] Never far In my heart is where you are Always close everyday Every step along the way [Brian] Never gone never far In my heart is where you are Backstreet Boys - Never Gone Music Lyrics

跪求Backstreet Boys的I still 和Never gone的歌词中文翻译拜托了各位 谢谢

歌名:I Still who are you now 你现在是谁 are you still the same or did you change somehow 你仍然是相同的你或者你没有多少改变 what do you do 怎么办 at this very moment when i think of you 在这个非常时刻,我想你 and when i"m looking back 当我回忆的时候 how we were young and stupid 我们是如何的年轻和愚蠢 do you remember now 你现在还记得吗 no matter how i fight it 不管我如何控制 can"t deny it 都不能否认 just can"t let you go 只是不能让你离开 i still need you 我仍然需要你 i still care about you 我仍然关心你 though everythings been said and done 尽管一切都已经说过和做过 i still feel you like i"m right beside you 我仍然认为你喜欢我在你身边 there"s still no perfect you 你是否依然完美 now look and then 现在想想,然后 still i"m moving on, i refuse to see 还是我走开,我不想去思考 that i keep coming back 我回来 and i"m stuck in the moment 我停留在此刻 and won"t turn back to lie 而且不会回过头来说谎 i"ve tried to fight it 我已经尽力控制 can"t deny it 都不能否认 you don"t even know that 你甚至不知道 i still need you 我仍然需要你 i still care about you 我仍然关心你 though everythings been said and done 尽管一切都已经说过和做过 i still feel you like i"m right beside you 我仍然认为你喜欢我在你身边 there"s still no perfect you 你是否依然完美 i wish i could find you 我希望我能找到你 just like you found me that i...will never let you go 就像你找到我,我..永远不会让你离去 though everything"s been said and done 尽管一切都已经说过和做过 i still feel you 我仍然觉得你 like i"m right beside you 喜欢我在你身边 there"s still no perfect you 你是否依然完美 歌名:Never Gone 永不离去 I really miss you 我如此想你 There"s something that I gotta say 有些事一定要让你知道 The things we did, the things we said 我们做过的那些事,说过的那些话 Keep coming back to me and make me smile again 一直在我脑海萦绕,让我再次微笑 You showed me how to face the truth 你告诉我如何面对现实 Everything that"s good in me I owe to you 我的所有优点都是因为你的存在 Though the distance that"s between us 虽然现在彼此的距离 Now may seem to be too far 似乎太遥远 It will never seperate us 但这从未把我们分离 Deep inside I know you are ... 我深深了解你 Never gone, never far 永不离去,让距离消失 In my heart is where you are 我的心灵是你的归宿 Always close, everyday 始终都是如此接近 Every step along the way 在每一天,走在街上的每一步 Even though for now we"ve gotta say goodbye 就算现在不得不彼此道别 I know you will be forever in my life (yeah) 你依然在我心中永恒,哪怕生命已逝 Never gone(No no no) 永不离去,永不离去 I walk alone these empty streets 独自徘徊在空旷的街道 There is not a second you"re not here with me 无时无刻不感觉到你就在我的身旁 The love you gave, the grace you"ve shown 你给我的爱,还有你的优雅 Will always give me strength and be my cornerstone 是我的力量源泉和坚实依靠 (Somehow) Somehow you found a way 我不知道,你是通过什么方式 To see the best I have in me 发现了我最优秀的品质 As long as time goes on 时空流转、光阴见证 I swear to you that you will be 我向你发誓,你永远在我灵魂深处 Never gone, never far 永不离去,让距离消失 In my heart is where you are 你已在我灵魂深处 Always close (always close) 始终都是如此接近 Everyday (everyday) 在每一天 Every step along the way 走在街上的每一步 Even though for now we"ve gotta say goodbye 就算现在不得不彼此道别 I know you will be forever in my life (in my life yeah) 你依然在我心中永恒,哪怕生命已逝 Never gone from me 不要离我而去 If there"s one thing I believe (I believe) 如果这世界只有一件事让我相信 I will see you somewhere down the road again 我愿是在这条街道与你重逢 Never gone, never far 永不离去,让距离消失 In my heart is where you are 你已在我灵魂深处 Always close (always close) 始终都是如此接近 Everyday (everyday) 在每一天 Every step along the way 走在街上的每一步 Even though for now we"ve gotta say goodbye (yeah yeah) 就算现在不得不彼此道别 I know you will be forever in my life (in my life) 你依然在我心中永恒,哪怕生命已逝 Never gone, never far 永不离去,让距离消失 In my heart (in my heart is where) is where you are (you are) 你已在我灵魂深处 Always close 始终都是如此接近 Everyday 在每一天 Every step along the way 走在街上的每一步 Never gone, never far 永不离去,让距离消失 In my heart is where you are ... 我的心灵是你的归宿

Tricky的《Excess》 歌词

歌曲名:Excess歌手:Tricky专辑:BlowbackTricky - ExcessI believe inI deceive inBottom weavingI can breathe inMake a wish inFlower fishingMoving vibrationMild relationI"m jamaican on your radio stationGot a curse inCould be worse inYou firstIn a hearse inGood as dead inNothing left inNothing left inSome be headingI need a head rest inAnd a feed from a warm breastA man making hitsFor the childhood of hicksUnderground likeWho"s it sound likeYou all sound the sameBut you don"t know my nameI believe in people lyingI believe in people dyingI believe in people flyingI believe in people cryingI believe in people balkingI believe in people talkingI believe in people breathingI believe in people beingWe all sound the sameYou don"t know my nameRearrange andThings don"t changeThings remainFeel the strainStressCatch my breathGet some restFrom the messI couldn"t care lessSugar caneIs like smack to my veinShook fameBut I don"t complainI believe in different reasonsI believe in breath through seasonsI believe when snow flakes fallI believe in buildings tallI believe in people bombingI believe in people warringI believe diseases comingI believe that"s why I"m runningKeep livingKeep livingYou gotta askBefore he attacksYou got the flatsDub my sacksYou"ve got the cityMove out of the countryI"m scrunchingFriends that are punchyI believe in people fallingI believe in people warringI believe diseases comingI believe that"s why I"m runningI believe in people balkingI believe in people talkingI believe in people breathingI believe in people beingKeep living...

音视频 — AudioRecorder 和 AudioTrack

MediaRecorder: 录制的音频文件是经过压缩后的,需要设置编码器。并且录制的音频文件可以用系统自带的Music播放器播放。 优点: 官方提供 API 缺点: 不能实时处理音频,输出格式不多,且PCM可以处理生成 AudioRecord: 录制的是PCM格式的音频文件,需要用AudioTrack来播放。 优点: 可以实时获取音频的数据做到边录边播放,可以对获取的音频做处理,压缩,传输等 缺点: 输出的是原始数据 PCM 所以播放器不能播放,需要通过AudioTrack处理 采集音频的步骤: 1.配置 AudioRecorder 构造函数的参数 2.初始化缓冲区 3.开始采集 ,子线程里将缓冲区的数据取出,写入文件流 4.停止采集,释放资源 audioSource: 音频采集的输入源,可选的值以常量的形式定义在 MediaRecorder.AudioSource 类中,例如:MIC(由手机麦克风输入),VOICE_COMMUNICATION(用于VoIP应用)等等。 sampleRateInHz: 采样率,注意,目前44100Hz是唯一可以保证兼容所有Android手机的采样率。 channelConfig: 通道数的配置,可选的值以常量的形式定义在 AudioFormat 类中,常用的是CHANNEL_IN_MONO(单通道),CHANNEL_IN_STEREO(双通道) audioFormat: 返回的音频数据的格式,可选的值也是以常量的形式定义在 AudioFormat 类中,常用的是 ENCODING_PCM_16BIT(16bit),ENCODING_PCM_8BIT(8bit),注意,前者是可以保证兼容所有Android手机的。 bufferSizeInBytes: AudioRecord 内部的音频缓冲区的大小,该缓冲区的值不能低于一帧“音频帧”(Frame)的大小 参数配置: AudioRecord 提供了一个类为我们计算最小缓冲区,参数就是我们上面配置的 采样率,声道, 返回的音频数据的格式 直接调用创建好的 AudioRecorder 对象的 startRecording(); 开始播放步骤: 1.配置参数 2.配置缓冲区 3.开启子线程,把缓冲区读数据转换成输入流,再调用AudioTrack读 write()写入数据,最后调用 play() 4.结束释放资源 参数和 AudioRecorder 差不多,有区别的就是 AudioTrack 是输出声道,还要播放的类型,和播放的模式 streamType: 播放的类型,都定义在 AudioManager 类中 mode: 播放的模式, MODE_STATIC, MODE_STREAM 两种 两者的区别 和上面的 AudioRecorder 的配置一样 Demo

圣女合唱团Rock Steady 歌词 要大小写分开的


My lucky money小学英语作文

This year""s Spring festival is not noisy as last year in my opinion. It is so quite as usual. Because I thought my lucky money is much less than last years. I felt very sad ( ) for money. But I will still tell you " Happy tiger year " . OH YEAR ! That means"虎年快乐" I still eat a big dinner and we eat dumplings. in the new year and get lucky money I will use my lucky money to do something interesting to enrich my life. I would like to donate a little money to the poor children. but I don""t know how to donate.So Mmm... I can""t donate my money to them. I will spend my lucky money to buy some tool to learn. Because I need buy something next team on learning. Wish everyone can have a good time!

求英语作文 how to use my pocket money ? 帮帮忙撒 !!

Nowadays, it is a commonplace that children own startle amount of pocket money. These new moneybags never earned one dollar but had glorious consumptive point of view. As far as I am concerned, we should decrease their pocket money. The reasons can be listed as following.First , money produce negative effect on children. As I can see, there are few children could make a correct decision on purchasing, especially as the sum of the money is affluent. They always use it in some harmful ways, such as trying to drink and smoke. It is danger both on their physical and mental aspects. Second, parents should change their way to express their love. In China, giving a little money to children is a traditional way to show the love of the adult. With the increasing amount of money that has be given , some children become a moneybags during one night. In this reason, changing the way to express our feeling is necessary. In order to reduce children"s money as well as the bad influence from money,….

谁知道这首歌的名字,里面有句歌词是“all my want is money in my packet,cash in my hand"好像是这样,

歌名:Cash In My PocketWon"t waste my moneyNo, i see a new pathMaking new money now i got a new laugh (ha)Music is playing me well, so i ain"t gonna be the one to find a new craftIf it ain"t for you find a new pathIf you can"t hack it, better find a new classTriple Akon gotta find a new passDrive me not to do when i"m buying new carsAll i really want is money in my pocketCash in my hand yoSkrilla in my WalletAll i really want is money in my pocketCash in my hand yeSkrilla in my walletA dog gets one he puts away halfSo when i get one i"m gonna put away halfI make money slow i make money fastThen back to the hood so i can have the last laughStill laughing cuz i know i"m not a halfWhen we release we don"t wanna half chartThe IQ is high some of them are half smartBut i do it like Ronson hard days craftAll i really want is money in my pocketCash in my hand yoSkrilla in my WalletAll i really want is money in my pocketCash in my hand yeSkrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)Skrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)Skrilla in my wallet (ye ye ye)All i want is that cheese i"m tryna get that cheddarCuz money make the world go roundAll i need is that bread with a little bit of a butterCuz i really need those poundsSo i counted it once and i put some in my pocketAnd counted it twice then i make sure not to drop itI got a London attitude don"t careI don"t hear in my head by so many years in family crying out so many tears no way

如何评价black cyc社

总的来说,CYC是个大公司,BLACK CYC只是一个分支,专做黑暗系的GAL,他们的每一作也许谈不上有多猎奇,但是那种腐蚀人心的压抑和恐怖绝对是业内无几人能比拟的如果要我用简单的话来形容BLACK CYC的话,那么大概就是:如果你知道沙耶之歌,知道虚渊玄,那么这个家伙在BLACK CYC面前他毛都不是

有谁能介绍下BLACK CYC社的作品?听说很黑



BLACKPINK是YG Entertainment于2NE1后,时隔7年推出的新女团。就目前的人气流量是比不上之前巅峰时期的少时的,而且这每两个团的风格不一样,路也不一样,粉团四个成员都很优质,不像其他偶像团体基本上一个团上是一两个出众能让人印象深刻的,粉团四个成员不仅仅是在个人技能,在颜值上也是超能抗,时不时的个人自拍和演唱会个人技都能上热搜,同时粉团的回归周期很长,一年才回归一次,所以要不为什么整天骂YG呢?姐姐们的大好时光就白白被它耽误了,照这个速度,解散之前也出不了几首歌啊,但YG经过这几年的BIGBANG成员风波,旗下的第一男团再重新出发依然是不太可能实现的事实了,接下来YG的资源肯定会往粉团这边倾斜,甚至改变之前的回归宣传策略,粉团极有可能达到新的高度,个人是很看好粉团的,姐姐们活动时是既卖力也可爱的,加油!下面分享一些粉团姐姐们出道以来的成就: 2016年7月5日,发布舞蹈练习视频,视频点击量超过600万[4];8月8日,举行出道showcase[4];同日,发行首张单曲专辑《SQUARE ONE》并正式出道,主打曲为《WHISTLE》和《BOOMBAYAH》,单曲专辑在印尼、马来西亚、土耳其、泰国等十四个国家的iTunes的专辑榜夺得冠军,主打曲《WHISTLE》发行四个小时后,在韩国所有音乐网站的热门歌曲榜夺得冠军,另一主打曲《BOOMBAYAH》也在进入了前五位[5],《WHISTLE》在八个音乐网站周排行榜冠军,是首个以出道曲创下这纪录的女团[6],两首主打曲的MV总播放量超过2000万[7];8月14日,在音乐节目《人气歌谣》公开出道舞台[8];8月21日,凭《WHISTLE》获得《人气歌谣》一位,创下韩国女团最快获得一位的纪录[1];同月,出演首个团体综艺节目《BLACKPINK TV》[9];11月1日,发行第二张单曲专辑《SQUARE TWO》,主打曲为《PLAYING WITH FIRE》和《STAY》[10],单曲专辑在瑞典、芬兰、中国香港、新加坡、印尼、马来西亚等地区的iTunes的专辑榜夺得冠军[11],主打曲《PLAYING WITH FIRE》截止到韩国时间下午5时摘得韩国国内七大音乐网站音源榜一位[12],另一主打曲《STAY》横扫了中国香港、澳门、新加坡、泰国和越南等亚洲地区音源排行榜一位。 2018年5月25日,参加高丽大学校庆演出。[13]6月15日,发行专辑《SQUARE UP》。[14]7月13日,单曲《DDU-DU DDU-DU》连续28日取得音源榜日间1位。[15]10月19日,发行合唱单曲《Kiss and Make Up》。[16]11月10日至11日,举办首个韩国单独演唱会《BLACKPINK 2018 TOUR [IN YOUR AREA] SEOUL X BC CARD》。[17]11月23日,发行专辑《BLACKPINK IN YOUR AREA》。[18] 2019年2月12日,出演美国新闻节目《早安美国》。4月5日,发行专辑《KILL THIS LOVE》。[19]7月12日、13日、14日,在泰国曼谷Impact Arena举办“BLACKPINK 2019 WORLD TOUR [IN YOUR AREA]BANGKOK : ENCORE”演唱会。[20]9月11日,发行专辑《KILL THIS LOVE -JP Ver。-》。[21]10月18日,参加的综艺节目《Music Station》在日本电视台播出。[22]12月4日,获2019MnetAsianMusicAwardsWorldwide Fans‘ ChoiceTOP10奖。[23]12月4日在东京巨蛋、2020年1月4日至5日在大坂巨蛋、2月22日在福冈巨蛋举行共四场的巨蛋巡回演唱会。[24] 作为专注BLACKPINK资讯的我来回答一下。 虽然BLACKPINK作为出道未满三年的女团已经取得了多项傲人的成绩,但是目前来说BLACKPINK即使在四代女团内也称不上是第一。 先在四代内比较。 最为突出的就是销量,这方面的数据很多,我就不列上来了,简单说一下,Twice一骑绝尘领跑,剩下的四代女团都只能说是追赶而且差距不小。 然后是音源,这方面BLACKPINK还是有一定竞争力的,2018年凭借DDU DU DDU DU的音源成绩我们BLACKPINK拿下了南韩盖洛普年歌。每次回归的音源成绩也都很不错。(2019KTL挺差,但很大一部分是因为一系列公司事件导致的) BLACKPINK最引以为傲的是她们的海外成就,主要表现在Instagram关注数,YouTube播放数和各大海外活动上。 Instagram — BLACKPINK四位成员领跑南韩所有女艺人,是前四名,我们可以看到前十中其他六位许多都是大前辈,包括少女时代里的泰妍,允儿。 YouTube — BLACKPINK是所有韩国艺人中YouTube订阅数最高的,播放量也是一骑绝尘的存在,其他女团在这方面都难以追赶上。 各大海外活动 — BLACKPINK是唯一在美国出道的韩国女团,唯一参加了美国大型音乐节COACHELLA的女团,唯一所有成员受邀出席海外时装周的韩女团(Jennie参加了众多CHANEL时装周及活动,Jisoo和Rosé参加了Coach纽约时装周,Lisa出席过Michael Kors和Celine的时装周) 但是即使取得许多好成绩,也不代表BLACKPINK能在综合方面比少女时代强。 因为时代不同,跨代比较女团基本没有可比性。少女时代作为女团拿到了音源和唱片双大赏,第一次。少时的Gee是第一个韩团播放量破亿的mv,也是第一次。少时还拿过盖洛普年度热门歌手三连冠,至今也没被破记录,还有很多就不一一列举了。 结论就是,少女时代作为当时打遍韩团无敌手的大前辈,现在的BLACKPINK即使在四代团中也不是登顶团的情况下完全没有资格去比较名气,更不用说超过了。 打过twice再说比不比得过少女时代,同期都打不过,还想和少时一样火,韩国都没几个粉,人少时韩国本土粉多,海外粉很多,韩国暑假粉丝见面会票都卖不完 bp很强啊啊,特别喜欢rose 但是啊,bp在韩国也不是四代第一啊,你把twice放哪去了…在韩国,twice的销量确实比bp高很多啊 而且,就yg的操作……一年回归一次……真的不行,兔瓦斯可是一年四次啊啊 韩国人特别排外,少时作为登顶女团全是韩国人,bp中只有两个韩国人,韩国人也不可能认同登顶女团中有外国人 那时候二代团不说三霸七雄了,其他的女团也都是实力很强的,女帝能在那个时候突颖而出是很不简单的,而现在的三代四代出名的也就那几个[翻白眼][翻白眼] blackpink总一天会成为的,韩国有多大,海外市场更大。在外面,blackpink的影响力更大,只是时间的问题。刚出道3年成绩很好了,希望我的女友们会越来越好。2020年期待你们的专辑,我准备掏钱了。 blackpink是美国唯一金唱片认证的女团,在那么多大前辈打入美国,都没有成功的,现在的blackpink在美国,女团是最成功的,男团就是bts,得到美国音乐的认证,影响力会更不一样。就像blackpink是韩国首个登上美国切科拉的女团,知名度就会不一样,会有更多人认识她们,我的女孩加油

迷失第四季的时候JACK从报纸上撕下了Jeremy Bentham的死讯,然后约kate出来的时候叫她去参加

Jeremy就是John,这个名字是John的化名,因为他的真实身份已经死在oceanic 815航班的空难中了。他用这个假名字回到小岛外的世界,为的是把Jack他们带回小岛。但是Jack和Kate他们死里逃生出来,当然不想回到那个荒芜又充满恐怖气氛的小岛啦,所以他们对John的归来很反感。可是当Jack在现实中遇到一系列不如意后,又改变主意了。此时发现了John的死讯,Jack估计更是以为不回小岛的话,大家都会有这样的死亡下场,于是急忙约了Kate出来,劝说她和自己一起回小岛去咯。

求一些英文歌,如we will rock you


we will rock u是什么歌

  《We will rock you》  歌曲原唱:Queen  填 词:布赖恩·梅  谱 曲:布赖恩·梅  Buddy you are a boy make a big noise  Playin" in the street gonna be a big man someday  You got mud on yo"face  You big disgrace  Kickin" your can all over the place  Singin"  We will we will rock you  We will we will rock you  Buddy you are a young man hard man  Shoutin" in the street gonna take on the world someday  You got blood on yo"face  You big disgrace  Wavin" your banner all over the place  We will we will rock you  Singin"  We will we will rock you  Buddy you are an old man poor man  Pleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day  You got mud on your face  You big disgrace  Somebody better put you back in your place  We will we will rock you  Singin"  We will we will rock you[2]   中文  伙计,你是个男孩  在街头大吵大闹  以后你长大成人  脸上粘着泥巴 你太不光彩了  踢着罐子到处乱跑  我们将震撼你  我们将震撼你  伙计,你是个结实的年轻人  在街上叫嚷着有一天要征服世界  你脸上沾着血 你太不光彩了  摇着旗子四处跑  我们将震撼你  我们将震撼你  伙计 你是个贫困的老人  用眼睛恳求有一天能得到安宁  脸上沾着泥巴 你太不光彩了  最好有人把你放回你的地方  我们将震撼你  我们将震撼你

一首英文歌 整个非常摇滚 女生唱的 歌词有rock you ……my baby… 很亢奋的歌 急!


we will rock you原唱是谁


We Will Rock You的歌词?

Buddy You"re a boy Make A big noise playin" in the street Gonna be a big man some day Ya" got blood on ya" face,big disgrace Kicking your can all over the place Singing we will,we will rock you (ha ha) We will,we will rock you Keep the beat up,wh,I"m gonna turn the the heat up Gonna get you,gonna burn your feet up Rockin" you,like I never rocked you before Like the way you do,I got you screaming for more We"re causin" utter devistation When we steppin" to the place And better believe that you can see We"re gonna rock and never stop And here we go again Hit you with the flow again Kick it up the second time around We"ll bring it on again - shout it out We will,we will rock you We will,we will rock you We will,we will rock you Go,go,go,go,go,go,go, Buddy you"re an old man,poor man Pleading with your eyes Gonna make you something someday Ya" got blood on your face,big disgrace Somebody better put you back in your place Singing We will,we will rock you We will,we will rock you We will,we will rock you


是四三拍的。歌曲中三个节拍是 Stomp-Stomp-Clap,跺脚、跺脚、拍手。具体节奏是这样:Dong Dong Pa Dong Dong Pa,We Will Rock You,Rock You,是一个人拍桌子两下,Pa 是4个人一起拍手,也可以跺脚,拍门板。《We Will Rock You》相关介绍:《We Will Rock You》是由布莱恩·梅作曲,作词,皇后乐队(Queen)演唱的歌曲,在1977年10月7日以单曲形式发行,后收录在皇后乐队同年10月28日发行的第六张录音室专辑《News of the World》中。歌曲的MV取景于一个被白雪覆盖的树林前方,内容主要是身穿冬装和长靴的四名皇后乐队成员在舞台上歌舞的场景。MV开始于乐队成员整齐地拍手与跺脚,然后乐队主唱佛莱迪·摩克瑞放声歌唱,其他成员在一旁演奏乐器。歌曲进入副歌部分时,除了主唱之外的乐队成员也加入了和声。

We will rock you的介绍

《We Will Rock You》是Queen(皇后乐队)演唱的歌曲,歌曲词曲由乐队吉他手布赖恩·梅制作,于1977年发行,收录于乐队专辑《News of the World》中。1《We Will Rock You》被大量的体育甚至政治场合借用,是1994年美国世界杯的主题曲。2歌曲于2004年被《滚石》杂志评为历史上最伟大的500首歌曲第330名。

有首英文歌反复唱到“ruck you ,ruck you”,这叫什么歌???




pick up 与take off分别有多少种不同的解释和用法?

pick up拾起,顺路接人take off 起飞,脱下

求黑木明纱rock u 歌词

[ti:Rock U][ar:Supernatural][al:Supernatural][by:superphx]Supernatural - Rock ULRC BY Waves ☆[00:04.59]☆★WXY Happy Everyday★☆[00:07.85]Rock you tonight[00:09.33]Oooh...that"s by myself![00:13.26]Step up, my jtt![00:16.17] every aspect[00:20.62]Oooo...power![00:31.72]C"mon now![00:36.26]Mom told me not to play with my thong baby[00:39.19]But I guess she was wrong maybe[00:41.49]I should stop but that"s just not my style you see[00:42.00]can"t slow my role hard as a heart attac when I flow[00:45.92]Back to the force with the resevouir dogs[00:47.75]with their hands on the balls and the world don"t know[00:49.39]We"re gonna rock you tonight[00:51.24]Make you feel alright[00:52.79]Get your ass on the dance floor[00:55.03](woof woof woof, let"s go)[00:56.48]The groove is alright[00:58.14]Baby, hold on tight[00:59.81]Get your ass on the dance floor[01:03.03](woof woof woof, let"s go)[01:06.76]Get your ass on the dance floor[01:09.15](woof woof woof, let"s go)[01:13.89]Get your ass on the dance floor[01:15.79](woof woof woof, let"s go)[01:21.00]Ooh aah diddy daddy looks who come to crash[01:23.89]Yo party[01:26.72]ooo ow aw[01:27.14]Now gimmie da mike and let me blow da block upIt"s out with the new, in with the oldSchool with the boys with the black kangolTo the land of the ballersSneakers playersDJ"s play the game with cross fadesWe"re gonna rock you tonightMake you feel alrightGet your ass on the dance floorwoof woof woof, let"s go)The groove is alrightBaby, hold on tightGet your ass on the dance floorwoof woof woof, let"s go)Get your ass on the dance floorwoof woof woof, let"s go)Get your ass on the dance floorwoof woof woof, let"s go)]rock you tonightrock you tonightwoof woof woof, let"s go)](woof woof woof, let"s go)We"re gonna rock you tonightMake you feel alrightGet your ass on the dance floorwoof woof woof, let"s go)The groove is alrightBaby, hold on tightGet your ass on the dance floorwoof woof woof, let"s go)Get your ass on the dance floorwoof woof woof, let"s go)Get your ass on the dance floorrock you tonightTo be what u want to be,^ ^

求一首歌阿 女的唱的 歌名是什么什么rock

求一首歌阿 女的唱的 歌名是什么什么rock 歌曲:we will rock you 歌手:five & queen 专辑:we will rock you u2022 搜寻"we will rock you"LRC歌词 u2022 搜寻"we will rock you"mp3 [ti:we will rock you] [ar:five queen] [al:fiveinvincible] [by:棒儿] -= five queen we will rock you =- were causin utter devastation when were stepping to the place and better believe that you can see were gonna rock and never s and here we go again hit you with the flow again kick it up the second time around well bring it on again - shout it out buddy you"re a boy make a big noise playin" in the street gonna be a big man some day you got blood on your face, big disgrace kicking your can all over the place (singing) we will, we will rock you (ha ha) we will, we will rock you (c"mon) how about little something to get you in the mood know what i mean? watch your back, we got queen on this track bring the feedback, and let it drop as long as five bring the funk queen bring the rock and it dont s buddy youre a young man, hard man, shouting in the street gonna take on the world some day you got blood on your face, big disgrace waving your banner all over the place (singing) we will, we will rock you (we"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock ya baby!) we will, we will rock you (we"re gonna rock, we gonna rock, we gonna rock ya) we will, we will rock you (we"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock ya baby!) we will, we will rock you (ha ha) go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go ... ah! buddy youre an old man, poor man pleading with your eyes gonna make you something some day you got mud on your face, big disgrace somebody better put you back in your place (singing) ……杭州> pub 1991<棒儿…… we will, we will rock you (we"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock ya baby!) we will, we will rock you (yeah!) we will, we will rock you (ah! ah!) we will, we will rock you (yeah, we gonna rock you) we will, we will rock you we will, we will rock you we will, we will rock you -=end=- 不一定是女生唱的,这个歌的版本可多了。 求一首歌 歌名是什么什么爱 很励志的 什么什么爱的歌很多,记不记得歌词。记得的话,我帮你查查。 求歌名:女生唱的一首歌 什么什么如花 谢安琪 - 如花 when you beautiful 什么来 求一首歌歌名女的唱的 看海 - 周迅 词:莫艳琳 曲:莫艳琳 闲在路边的椰树也 它有一整天的时间 扬起海风吹红的脸 悄悄飞去了东南边 因为我们最浪漫的相片 我又冷落了直觉 原来冲动的情节 就是和你看海 上岸后贝角的孤单 让我快乐的不自然 离开海底的恬淡 也就懂得了心酸 害怕浪花午后的狂欢 空气忽然变的敏感 其实想法很简单 就是和你看海 离开你以后才知道 你对我是那么那么重要 谁知道你想要的不明了 我无处可逃 你的心不在你总是想跑 我只想要陪你陪你去找 我知道你并不是不想要 啦啦啦啦 上岸后贝角的孤单 让我快乐的不自然 离开海底的恬淡 也就懂得了心酸 害怕浪花午后的狂欢 空气忽然变的敏感 其实想法很简单 就是和你看海 离开你以后才知道 你对我是那么那么重要 谁知道你想要的不明了 我无处可逃 你的心不在你总是想跑 我只想要陪你陪你去找 我知道你并不是不想要 啦啦啦啦 求一首歌,是超级女生唱的。请问歌名是什么? 曾轶可的 《狮子座》 一首歌。女的唱的求歌名 相识也是缘份 你莫再三强求 无谓情自困 重逢又离别 你不必悔恨 好梦岂能当真 谁又会愿意永守誓盟 共你终生相好 见一次面能共结合永相亲 风花雪月原是过日辰 分手也是缘份 分手也是缘份 你莫再三强求 祈望佢怜悯 你莫再三强求 祈望佢怜悯 谁人重情义 你不必痛恨 谁人重情义 你不必痛恨 天下假情幻似真 天下假情幻似真 谁又会料到 谁又会料到 每一段情代价应该几高 每一段情代价应该几高 每一个梦留下怨恨有几分 每一个梦留下怨恨有几分 生于世上原是寄尘 生于世上原是寄尘 求一首歌的歌名是个女生唱的 梁静茹的暖暖 求一首歌 歌词有 星星的什么什么。女的唱的 张含韵《星星的眼睛》: 星星的眼睛眨啊眨 是谁在风中笑着我的傻 总有一天我会长大 这是甜蜜的代价。 王羚柔《星星的愿望》: 问天上的星星什么地方 才有快乐没有悲伤 但星星却沉默没有回答 只用眼睛眨呀眨 原来星星和我一样 。啊 星星的家在什么地方 能否告诉我答案 啊 星星让我们一起作伴 找寻回家的方向。 蔡幸娟《星星知我心》: 只有星星知道我的心 今夜多少失落的梦埋在心底 只有星星牵挂我的心 星星一眨眼 。 关颖 《星星的泪光》: 让我们毫不遗憾离去 泪光化成满天星星守着你 答应你我会努力呼吸 让世界知道我多爱你 就算用尽所有力气 留给你最幸福的回忆。 伊能静 《星星的梦》: 星星的梦对我眨呀眨的梦 向你倾诉不知道 你懂不懂星星的梦 让我追呀追的梦 向你倾诉在我的心底。 不知道、这几首里有没你要找的? 以上几首全部都是女生唱的。希望这些可以帮得上。 下面一首歌的歌名是什么?谁唱的 就让世界多一颗心 歌手:东方快车 专辑:就让世界多一颗心 就让世界多一颗心 寂寞的鸵鸟总是一个人奔跑 孤独的飞鹰总是愈冷愈高 年轻的心中什么事都难不倒 拿出豪情努力做到好 你在人群之中寻找 你在黑夜来临祷告 就像孤儿找不到依靠 就让世界多一颗心 就让人间有一座桥 就让地球是一个家 让我们在困难中长大 就让世界多一颗心 让熄灭的火山在燃烧 融化所有冷漠和骄傲 撼尽所有摇摆的灵魂 激荡你我心中的热情 跳动不停 有一首歌,歌名是如果什么什么什么,男生唱的,好听 [如果爱能早些说出来] 山野 我站在你的门外 捧着花等着你出来, 要在你见到阳光前献给你我的爱 门推开陌生的对白 你和他牵手走出来 我坚强的微笑 却只能转身SAY GOOG BYE 如果爱能早些说出来 爱你 能否和我恋爱 如果我能早点说出来 你也许为我留下来 如果爱能早些说出来 心也就不再悲哀 如果我能早点对你说出来 这遗憾将不存在 却不能从来 我站在你的门外捧着花等着你出来, 要在你见到阳光前先向你表白 门推开陌生的对白 你和他牵手走出来 我坚强的微笑 却只能转身SAY GOOG BYE 如果爱能早些说出来 爱你 能否和我恋爱 如果爱能早点说出来 你也许为我留下来 如果爱能早些说出来 心也就不再悲哀 如果我能早点对你说出来 这遗憾将不存在 却不能从来 如果爱能早些说出来 你一定会和我恋爱 如果爱能早些说出来 你一定为我留下来 如果爱能早些说出来 我的心将不再悲哀 如果爱能早点对你说出来 这遗憾将不存在 却不能从来



求“we will Rock you"歌词

Buddy you are a boy make a big noise Playin" in the street gonna be a big man someday You got mud on yo"face You big disgrace Kickin" your can all over the place Singin" We will we will rock you We will we will rock you Buddy you are a young man hard man Shoutin" in the street gonna take on the world someday You got blood on yo"face You big disgrace Wavin" your banner all over the place We will we will rock you We will we will rock you Buddy you are an old man poor man Pleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day You got mud on your face You big digrace somebody gonna put you bag into your place We will we will rock you We will we will rock you

皇后乐队的we will rock you的rock是什么意思

ROCK究竟是什么,是一种精神,一种生活的态度,一种真实的行为,一种忘我的境界,一种想要超脱自我的自由。ROCK究竟是什么,每个人都有自己的定义,和为之付出的行动。因为喜欢。  另类,疯狂,重金属,尖叫,呐喊,充斥着每个热爱ROCK的人。无论男女老少都会被它的真实所吸引,在这里挥洒着年轻汗水的时代,表达着最真挚的自我,对美好未来的憧憬,对现实生活的不满,完全在ROCK中得到体现,因为它可以让我们忘却痛苦,让我们完全沉浸在另一个世界,因为有了它,所以世界变的丰富多彩,因为有了它,我们可以尽情的享受我们年轻的青春。表达我们最真挚的情感!因为喜欢,所以我要全世界!  ROCK不是大喊大叫,ROCK不是另类,ROCK不是流行,ROCK不是矫揉造作,ROCK不是长发吉他加架子鼓,ROCK更不是一个沙嗓子!


buddy you"re a boy make a big noiseplayin" in the street gonna be a big man some dayyou got mud on yo" faceyou big disgracekickin" your can all over the placewe will we will rock youwe will we will rock youbuddy you"re a young man hard manshoutin" in the street gonna take on the world some dayyou got blood on yo" faceyou big disgracewavin" your banner all over the placewe will we will rock youwe will we will rock youbuddy you"re an old man poor manpleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some dayyou got mud on your faceyou big disgracesomebody better put you back in your placewe will we will rock youwe will we will rock you加分

lean back experience什么意思

lean back experience靠经验

we will rock you 简谱

歌曲名:We will rock you 歌手/乐队:Queen编配者(转载来源):网络-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------5-------222---2xx--2--2-214---h15--1514--|--1414h1515p1415p141514--14---5-------222---2xx--2--2-214--------1414--|--1414---14---14---1414-------5-------222---2xx-22--2-214-14h16--1614--|----14h1616p1416p141614-------3-------000---0xx-00--0-0-0-------0------|-0---0---------0------0--------------------3---2-----3-----------------|------------------------------1715--14--------------------------------------------14---------------------17--1514--15---1514--------17--1714-17b19---1714---------------------1414--14-------1614------14-(14)------------171614(14)-14--14--14----1616--------(14)-14-----(14)------------------(-0)------------------0------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------|----|-14-15p1415141414--|-14-15p1415141414-15--14--|----|-14-14---14141414--|-14-14---14141414-14--14--|-0/-|-14-16p1416141414--|-14-16p1416141414-16--14--|-/0-|------------0-0-0--|0-0---------0-0-0--0--0---|----|-------------------|--------------------------| 2X |fast version / Live Killers|---------------|----|----------------------------------|----||-9--10(p9)10p9-|----|-------10--10p9-------------------|----||-9---9-----9---|-0/-|--------9---9---------------------|-0/-||-9---9-----9---|-/0-|-9---9--9---9------9---9-911---9--|-/0-||-7---7-----7---|----|-7---7-------------7---7-7-----7--|----||-0---0-----0---| 7X |-0---0-------------0---0-0-----0--|----|G(X) D(X) C(VIII)|-----------||-----------||-----------||-------9---||-------7---||-3-2-1-0---|...|------------------------------|----|-------------------------------||-12-----12--12--12------------|----|-15b17---17r15p12-15-----------||-11b13-b13-b13-b13r12p10----10|-0/-|-----------------------14b16---||-------------------------12---|-/0-|-------------------------------||------------------------------|----|-------------------------------||------------------------------|----|-------------------------------||-------------------------------------------------------------------||-12------------------(12)------------------------------------------||------14p12-14p12-----12-------------------------------------------||-----------------14--------14p12-----------------------------------||--------------------------------14---13---12---10---12p10----------||----------------------------------------------------------12------|transcribed by Pinter DenesLyrics: Buddy you"re a boy make a big noise Playin" in the street gonna be a big man some day You got mud on yo" face You big disgrace Kickin" your can all over the place Singin" We will we will rock you We will we will rock you Buddy you"re a young man hard man Shoutin" in the street gonna take on the world some day You got blood on yo" face You big disgrace Wavin" your banner all over the place We will we will rock you Singin" We will we will rock you Buddy you"re an old man poor man Pleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day You got mud on your face You big disgrace Somebody better put you back into your place We will we will rock you Singin We will we will rock you Everybody We will we will rock you We will we will rock you Alright


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we will rock you 中文谐音歌词

Buddy, you"re a boy make a big noise 巴蒂 有啊 呃 爆爱 没课 呃 比个 闹爱死ng in the streets gonna be a big man someday 因 泽 丝追特 刚那 比 呃 比个 慢 丧母deiyou"ve got mud on your face油污 高特 骂的 昂 要 非死 You big disgrace 油 比个 第四贵死Kicking your can all over the place K克鹰 要 看 奥 欧玩儿 泽 普雷斯Singing We will, we will rock you We will, we will rock you (这句不可能不会吧 这可是歌名)Buddy you"re a young man, hard man巴蒂 有啊 呃 羊慢 哈德慢 Shouting in the street gonna take on the world someday 稍停 因 泽 丝追特 刚那 忒可 昂 泽 沃德 丧母deiYou got blood on your face 有 高特 布拉德 昂 要 非死You big disgrace 有 比个 第四贵死Waving your banner all over the place 威武ing 要 班呢儿 奥 欧玩儿 泽 普雷斯We will, we will rock you Singing We will, we will rock you Buddy you"re an old man, poor man 巴蒂 有啊 按 偶的 慢 泡 慢Pleading with your eyes gonna make you some peace someday 普雷丁 位子 要 矮子 刚那 没课 有 丧母 劈死 丧母deiYou got mud on your face 有 高特 骂的 昂 要 非死You big disgrace 有 比个 第四贵死Somebody better put you back into your place丧母巴蒂 白特尔 普特 有 拜客 阴图 有啊 普雷斯 We will, we will rock you Singing We will, we will rock you Everybody We will, we will rock you We will, we will rock you Alright

lean back 的歌词是什么

(Oh...Sweet Love)I didn"t mean itWhen I said I didn"t love you soI should"ve held on tightI never should"ve let you goI didnt know nothingI was stupidI was foolishI was lying to myselfI could not fathom that I would everBe without your loveNever imagined I"d beSitting here beside myselfCoz I didn"t know youCoz I didn"t know meBut I thought I knew everythingI never feltThe feeling that I"m feeling nowNow that I don"tHear your voiceOr haven"t touched or kissed your lipsCoz I don"t have a choiceOr what I wouldn"t giveTo have you lying by my side right here Coz babyWhen you leftI lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseCoz we belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean onWhen times get roughWho"s gonna talk to me on the phone Till the sun comes upWho"s gonna take your placethere aint nobody there oh baby babyWe belong togetherI can"t sleep at nightWhen you"re all on my mindBobby Womack"s on the radioSinging to me"If you think you"re lonely now"Wait a minuteThis is too deep, too deepI gotta change the stationSo I turn the dialTrying to catch a breakAnd then I hear BabyfaceI only think of youAnd it"s breaking my heartI"m trying to keep it togetherBut I"m falling apartI"m feeling all out of my elementI"m throwing thingsCryingTrying to figure outWhere the hell I went wrongThe pain reflected in this songAin"t even half of whatI"m feeling insideI need youNeed you back in my life BabyWhen you leftI lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseCoz we belong togetherDon"t Let Him Steal Your Heart Away---Phil Collins---Lrc:sunpzhYou were lonely and you needed a friendAnd he was there at the right time with the right smileJust a shoulder to lean onSomeone to tell you it"ll all work out alrightDon"t let him steal your heart awayNo, don"t let him steal your heart awayDon"t let him steal your heart awayNo, don"t let him steal your heart awayYou can look at him the way you did meAnd hold him close say you"re never letting goBut any fool can see you"re fooling yourselfBut you ain"t fooling meSo don"t let him steal your heart awayNo, don"t let him steal your heart awayAnd don"t pack my suitcase, I"ll be backAnd don"t take my pictures off a" the wallOh, did you hear meDon"t let him change a thing "cos I"ll be backJus tell him to pack his things and get out of your lifeAnd just give me one more chanceI"ll show you I"m right, I"m right"Cos I"ve been thinking and I know it was me leaving you lonelyBut hoping you could be strongBut could you look at me straightTell me what else can I do but say I was wrong?So don"t let him steal your heart awayNo, don"t let him steal your heart awayWell he"s gonna try to make it work for youMake you think your whole life"s been leading to thisBut whatever you doThink about me and don"t be fooled by his kissAnd don"t let him steal your heart awayPlease, don"t let him steal your heart awayAnd don"t pack my suitcase, I"ll be backAnd don"t take my pictures off a" your wallOh, did you hear me?Don"t let him change a thing "cos I"ll be backJus tell him to pack his thingsand get out of your lifeAnd just give me one more chanceI"ll show you I"m rightYou know I"m rightYou were lonely and you needed a friendAnd he was there at the right time with the right smileJust a shoulder to lean onSomeone to say don"t you worry it"ll all be alrightBut he"s no good for youHe"ll make you think your whole life"s been leading to thisAnd whatever you doThink about me, oh, and don"t be fooled by his kiss* * *

求lean back [Remix feat. Lil Jon, Eminem, Mase & Remy Martin] lrc歌词

google.cn直接打fat joe - lean back (remix lyrics。第一个就有歌词。。实在是发不了啊。。歌词很暴```力。。网站禁止

不丹以前有个歌曲开头是迪斯科rock you是什么歌

We"re causin nutter devastation 我们要进行疯狂破坏 When we step in to the place 当我们踏进这个世界 And better believe that you can see 相信你会看到 We"re gonna rock and never stop 我们要摇滚不停歇 And here we go again 就让我们再来一次 Hit you with the flow again 再次用声音震撼你 Kick it up the second time around 让你再次疯狂起来 We"ll bring it on again 让你再次成长 Shout it out 大声吼出来 Buddy, you"re a boy 伙计,你是一个小男孩 Make a big noise playing in the street 大声嚷嚷的在街头鬼混 Gonna be a big man some day 希望有一天能成为大人物 You got blood on your face 你脸上流着鲜血 You big disgrace 颜面尽失 Kicking your can all over the place 把铁罐到处踢来踢去 Singing we will, we will rock you (ha ha) 唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来 We will, we will rock you 我们要让你又摇又滚 How about a little something 怎么能让那些琐碎小事 Get you in the mood 影戏你的心情 Know what I mean知道我的意思吗 Watch your back 叫你当心 We got Queen on this track 天后也与我们为伴 Bring the feedback and let it drop 激情互动,顺其自然 As long as Five bring the fun 只要我们让你快乐 Queen bring the rock 天后来让你摇滚 And they don"t stop 大家都不停歇 Buddy, you"re a young man 老兄,你是个年轻人 Hard man selling in the street 是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣 Gonna take on thw rodl some day 总有一天要接管这个世界 You got blood on your face 你脸上流着鲜血 You big disgrace 颜面尽失 Waving your banner all over the place 到处挥舞著旗帜 Singing we will, we will rock you 唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来 We"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock you, baby 我们要摇滚,摇滚你一下,宝贝 we will, we will rock you 我们要你摇滚起来 We"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock ya 我们要摇滚,摇滚你一下 we will, we will rock you 我们要你摇滚起来 We"re gonna rock, we"re gonna rock you, baby 我们要摇滚,摇滚你一下,宝贝 we will, we will rock you 我们要你摇滚起来 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go Buddy, you"re an old man 老兄,你老了 Poor man pleading with your eyes 穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕 Gonna make you something some day 总有一天可以使你得到平静 You got mud on your face 你搞得灰头土脸 You big disgrace 狼狈至极 Somebody better put you back in your place 最好有人能把你赶回老家去

Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz的《Lean Back》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean Back歌手:Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz专辑:Crunk JuiceFat Joe Ft. Eminem, Mase & Lil Jon - Lean Back (Crunk Remix)Stop!It"s the mother fucking remixUh yea Harlem in tactWho in the world wanna problem with that?For real I heard Harlem is backWho in the world wanna problem with that?Uh yea Harlem is backWho in the world wanna problem with that?You know I heard Harlem is backWho in the world wanna problem with that?(Let"s Go!)Said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome onI said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back Come onYo yo yo yo its deja vuAnd the day ya"ll doIt"ll be the day ya"ll bleedWrist minus 80 degreesKing of Harlem ain"t nobody made me leaveWho else could take 5 years offCold turkey come back and fly lears offCats front leave them leaning like SmirnoffIf haters wanna hate then its their lossCome up in the Rucker with all my Jake"s onCar grills so big you can cook a steak onPeople hear Ma$e call em" wanna get their mase onYou hot 16 I"m a very great songBeen beating on the DJ before the Ma$e songYou play Clark Kent you better have your cape onPlenty homes Mansion many roomsMy necklace, 2 ex"s and 3 Bentley bulls now lean backSaid my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!I said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backYou don"t want no problems with HarlemYou don"t want no problems with the boogie down BronksterYou don"t want no drama with the blond bomberOriginal don dotta of the blond bottleThe model from white AmericaThen Joe the spokesperson for the LatinoThen we got Ma$e back to represent everything else in betweenIncluding the percentages of the press we don"tThe best from each coastThe midwest to the dirty dirtyEven further to MiamiAll the way back to Californ-i-aIt would probably be best right now if I warned Dre to get on the horn andTell him about the storm coming all our waySo tell him pack grab a gat right now get on the floor I"ll waitShake that ass a little more my wayBut baby I don"t dance not that I can"t there"s a pistol in my pantsSaid my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!I said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!No Judas or cowardice that Caine"s brother Abel is able to stop meNigga not meGot the streets asking damn who can top PSummer jam killed it man they did it all with 1 beatI guess I"m bicoastal nowTook a down south brother to bring your boy outAs the wheel keeps spinningI can hear Niggars thinking Crack got one hit then he outNo Joey bring them semi"s outForce you and yours to pour a little Henny outSo much rappers acting in the gameI had to tell them put the mic away and run and get your Emmy"s outLean back mother fuckerThis here"s a three peat we back at the RuckerIt"s good coke crack preach it to your brotherThe mic more rap and preach you mother fuckerSaid my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!I said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!Said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull out a gatAnd say blow your block away, fuck niggaLean back, lean back, lean back, lean backI Said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull out a gatAnd say blow your block away, bitch niggaLean back, lean back, lean back, lean backHey
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