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wind up a clock or watch是什么意思

wind up a clock or watch上弦双语对照词典结果:wind up a clock or watch上弦; 例句:1.Shut up or watch out! 闭嘴,不然就等着瞧!2.Many of us have the opportunity to get a full night"s rest, yet opt to watch some television orcatch up with something else. 大部分人有机会睡一个充足的觉却还是把时间花在了看电视或者干别的事上

mocking brid 歌词中文翻译

Mocking Brid Eminem 中英文歌词对照 Yeah I know sometimes things might not always make sense to you right now 我知道有些事情对现在的你而言并不总是有意义 But hey, what daddy always tell you? 但是``嘿~~老爸总是告诉你什么? Straighten up little soldier 振作起来,小斗士 Stiffen up that upper lip 咬紧你的嘴唇 What chu crying about? 你哭什么呢? You got me.. 你还有我 Hailie, I know you miss your mom Halie 我知道你想念你的妈妈, And I know you miss your dad when I"m gone 想念你的爸爸 But I"m trying to give you the life that I never had 但是我在尽力给你一种我从未有过的生活 I can see you"re sad 我真能看见你的悲伤 Even when you smile 甚至在你强装着微笑 Even when you laugh 摆出一副笑脸的时候 I can see it in your eyes 我真能从你眼眸 Deep inside, you wanna cry 最深处察觉你想哭的冲动 Cuz you"re scared 因为你惊恐万分 I ain"t there? 是我没在那儿的原因? Daddy"s with you in your prayers 我其实就在你虔诚的祈祷声中 No more crying 所以请别再哭泣 Wipe them tears 拭干泪水罢 Daddy"s here 爸爸就在那儿 No more nightmares 不会再有梦魇了 We gonna pull together through it 我们携手度过暗夜 We gon" do it 我们能够做到的 Laini, uncle"s crazy ain"t he? Laney 叔叔疯了,是吗? Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it 是的,可是他是爱你的,你应该知道 We"re all we got in this world 在这世界上,我们拥有的只有我们自己的灵魂 When it spins When it swirls When it whirls When it twirls 当它旋转,当它环绕 当它周转,当它萦绕 Two little beautiful girls 两个可爱美丽的小女孩 Looking puzzled, in a daze 看上去很困惑,很迷茫 I know it"s confusing you 我知道它扰乱了你们的心智 Daddy"s always on the move 爸爸总徘徊在流浪的猛局?nbsp; Mama"s always on the news 妈妈总出现在时髦的新闻上 I try to keep you sheltered from it 我尝试着把你荫庇在我的保护中 But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that 可是不知道为什么,我越是竭尽全力 the more it backfires on me 越是事与愿违 All the things, growing up 那些苦痛使他成长起来 As daddy that he had to see 爸爸亲身经历的 Daddy don"t want you to see 爸爸不愿你再承受 But you see just as much as me (to see?) 但是你亲历的却和我一样坎坷 That we did not plan it to be this way 我们并不想为你设计如此前途的 You"re mother and me 我和你妈妈都不想 But things have got so bad between us 但是事情却无情的在我们之间导演得这么糟糕 I don"t see us ever being Together ever again 我再也寻不回曾经共享天伦的美妙时光了 Like we used to be when was teenagers 就象我和她曾经的豆蔻年华 But then of course everything always happens for a reason 但是所有的错误的发生全只在一个原因 I guess it was never meant to be 我想,这个错误从未打算被修正 But it"s just something We have no control over 有些东西是我们自己无法去操控的 And that"s what destiny is 这便是命运的定义 But no more worries 还是别难过了 Rest your head and go to sleep 放松你的神经去好好睡一觉罢 Maybe one day we"ll wake up 也许某天当我们苏醒时 And this will all just be a dream Now hush little baby, don"t you cry 好罢,小女孩,安静下来罢。你还在流泪? Everything"s gonna be alright 未来的一切总会好转的 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya 紧紧咬住你的唇,小女士,我告诉过你了 Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night 爸爸就在身边,用双手圈住你,熬过这寂寥长夜 I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why 我知道妈妈现在已经莫名其妙的远走高飞 We feel how we feel inside 我们能触摸自己的心房 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby 有一点歇斯底里,亲爱的宝贝 But i promise momma"s gon" be alright 但我向你许诺,妈妈现在还好好的呢 Heh, it"s funny 真搞笑 I remember back one year when daddy had no money 我至今仍能清楚的记得有一年爸爸身无分文,不名一钱 Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up and stuck "em under the tree 妈妈把圣诞礼物包裹好,小心翼翼地挂在圣诞树上 and said some of "em weren"t from me, cause daddy couldn"t buy "em 并且说,有些是你爸爸为你准备的,就因为爸爸买不起他们啊 I"ll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night cryin 我无助的呆坐着,圣诞节一整晚的泪水就这样淌在我的记忆中 Cause daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job 爸爸成了个乞丐,梦呓着一份好的工作 But his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom 可是他的工作仅仅只能为你和你妈妈带来餐桌上单薄的吃的东西而已,糊口而已 And at the time, every house that we lived in 那时侯甚至我们住的每一间房 Either kept gettin broken into and robbed or shot up on the block 还都被盗贼破门而入,席卷一空 And your mom, was savin money for you in a jar 他们把你妈妈为你储钱的罐子丢弃在大街上 Tryin to start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college 那是一个为了你能够上大学的小猪存钱罐 Almost had a thousand dollars, "til someone broke in and stole it 他们夺去它的时候里面已经有几千美元了,全都不翼而飞 And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma"s heart 我知道这样的事简直要把你妈妈的心击碎了啊 And it seemed like everything was just startin to fall apart 似乎一切都征兆着要毁灭的开始 Mom and dad was arguin a lot so momma moved back 妈妈和爸爸大吵了一架,接着妈妈就独自搬回原来的家去了 on the Chalmers in the flat, one bedroom apartment 就是Chalmers大街上一座只有一间卧室的逼仄的公寓 And dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on Novara 爸爸也搬去了Novara的8 mile街的另一边 And that"s when daddy went to California with his CD 那时候爸爸也带着录制了他说唱的CD去了加利福尼亚 and met Dr. Dre, and flew you and momma out to see me 遇见了Dr.Dre ,你和你妈妈乘航班来探望我 But daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me 可是爸爸需要工作,你和你妈妈等不及,只好离去 Then you started seein daddy on the TV 从此你就只能从电视上看见你的爸爸 And momma didn"t like it, and you and Laney were too young to understand it 妈妈却讨厌这些东西,你和Laney当时还小,并不能懂得发生的一切 Papa was a rollin stone, momma developed a habit 爸爸是一颗永远向前滚动,决不停滞的顽石;妈妈养成了一些习惯 And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it 那一切都发生得太快,我们之间的任何一个人都无能为力去攫取它 I"m just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand 我真的很抱歉你没能在那第一时间目睹这些 Cause all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud 我曾经极力想达成的,就是想让你感觉骄傲 Now I"m sittin in this empty house, just reminiscin 如今我坐在空房子里,与孤独为伍,能做的唯有沉溺于回忆 Lookin at your baby pictures, it just trips me out 欣赏着你年幼时的照相,我就象吸食了毒品一样产生斑斓的幻觉 To see how much you both have grown, it"s almost like you"re sisters now 看着你们一天天成长,现在情同姐妹了 Wow, guess you pretty much are, and daddy"s still here WOW```想像着你们的纯真美丽,爸爸其实就在身旁 Laney I"m talkin to you too, daddy"s still here Laney我也告诉你,爸爸就在身旁 I like the sound of that, yeah, it"s got a ring to it don"t it? 我喜欢这天籁之声,是的。就象叩开天堂之门的金铃铛,不是吗? Shh, momma"s only gone for the moment 呵呵``妈妈只不过是暂时走开了一会儿 Now hush little baby, don"t you cry 好罢,小女孩,安静下来罢。你还在流泪? Everything"s gonna be alright 未来的一切总会好转的 Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya 紧紧咬住你的唇,小女士,我告诉过你了 Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night 爸爸就在身边,用双手圈住你,熬过这寂寥长夜 I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why 我知道妈妈现在已经莫名其妙的远走高飞 We feel how we feel inside 我们能触摸自己的心房 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby 有一点歇斯底里,亲爱的宝贝 But i promise momma"s gon" be alright 但我向你许诺,妈妈现在还好好的呢 And if you ask me too 如果你们想要一份礼物 Daddy"s gonna buy you a mockingbird 我会送给你们一只仿声鸟 I"mma give you the world 也会把全世界都送给你们 I"mma buy a diamond ring for you 还要买只钻戒给你们 I"mma sing for you 还要还要为你纵情歌唱啊! I"ll do anything for you to see you smile 为你做任何事情,只需你以微笑回报 And if that mockingbird don"t sing and that ring don"t shine 如果那仿声鸟不鸣叫,钻戒不闪耀 I"mma break that birdies neck 我就要扭断那些鸟的脖子 I"d go back to the jewler who sold it to ya 我就要去找那些珠宝商们的茬 And make him eat every carat don"t fuck with dad (haha) 让他们一克拉一克拉给我吃下去,不敢再他妈的蒙骗你爸爸 哈哈

He noticed the dexterity with which she used the chopsticks.怎么分析这句


hans had made his way back into western germany o

make one*s way 艰难前行;排除困难前进 back into 返回进入到。句子意思;

如何使用 active directory 用户和计算机的工具的 bitlocker 恢复

在独立服务器上装了Server 2003 之后,运行“Active Directory 向导”以创建新的 Active Directory 目录林或域,然后将 Server 2003 计算机转换为目录林中的第一个域控制器。若要将 Windows Server 2003 计算机转换为目录林中的第一个域控制器,请按照下列步骤操作:在光驱里面放入server 2003 系统盘(也可用虚拟光驱若是在虚拟机上也可用镜像文件) 1. 点击开始-管理工具-管理您的服务器—添加删除角色-域控制器Active Directory(也可以单击 开始-运行 ,然后键入 dcpromo 。) 2. 单击 确定 以启动“Active Directory 安装向导”,然后单击 下一步 。 3. 单击“新域的域控制器”,然后单击 下一步 。 4. 单击“在新目录林中的域”,然后单击 下一步 。 5. 为新域指定完整的 DNS 名称。请注意,因为该过程用于实现实验室环境,而不是将该环境集成到现有的 DNS 基础结构中,因此可以在该设置中使用诸如 mycompany.local 之类的一般名称。单击 下一步 。 6. 接受域的默认NetBIOS名(若使用第6中的建议则它为“mycompany”)-"下一步"。 7. 将数据库和日志文件的位置设为默认设置 c:winnt tds文件夹下,然后单击下一步 8. 将Sysvol文件夹的位置设置为在默认设置 c:winntsysvol 文件夹下然后"下一步"。 9. 单击“在这台计算机上安装并配置 DNS 服务器”,然后单击 下一步 。 10. 单击“只与2000 或 Server 2003 服务器或操作系统兼容的权限”,然后单击 下一步。 11. 因为这是实验室环境,所以将目录服务恢复模式的管理员密码留为空白。请注意,在完整的生产环境中,应通过使用安全密码格式设置此密码。单击 下一步 。 12. 检查并确认所选择的选项,然后单击 下一步 。 13. Active Directory 的安装将继续进行。请注意,该操作将需要几分钟。 14. 出现提示时,重启计算机。重启后,确认已经为新的域控制器创建了域名系统 (DNS) 服务位置记录。若要确认已创建了 DNS 服务位置记录,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 单击 开始 ,指向 管理工具 ,然后单击 DNS ,以启动 DNS 管理控制台。 2. 展开该服务器名称,再展开 正向搜索区域 ,然后展开该域。 3. 确认 _msdcs、_sites、_tcp 和 _udp 文件夹已存在。这些文件夹和它们包含的服务位置记录对于 Active Directory 和 Server 2003 的运行至关重要。 将用户和计算机添加到 Active Directory 域中新的 Active Directory 域建立后,在该域中创建一个用户帐户作为管理帐户。在将该用户添加到适当的安全组中时,使用该帐户将计算机添加到域中。 4. 若要创建新用户,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 单击 开始 ,指向 管理工具 ,然后单击“Active Directory 用户和计算机”,以启动 Active Directory 用户和计算机控制台。 2. 单击已创建的域名,然后展开这些目录。 3. 右键单击 用户 ,指向 新建 ,然后单击 用户 。 4. 键入新用户的名、姓和用户登录名,然后单击 下一步 。 5. 键入新密码,确认密码,然后单击以选中以下复选框之一:a, 用户下次登录时须更改密码(推荐多数用户采用);b. 用户不能更改密码;c. 密码永不过期;d. 帐户已停用 点击 下一步6. 检查提供的信息是否每一项均正确,单击 完成 。 5. 创建新用户后,让该用户帐户成为能够允许用户执行管理任务的组中的成员。因为所控制的是实验室环境,所以可以通过使其成为 Schema、Enterprise 和 Domain Administrators 组的成员,授予该用户帐户完全的管理访问权限。若要将帐户添加到 Schema、Enterprise 和 Domain Administrators 组,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 从“Active Directory 用户和计算机”控制台,右键单击已创建的新帐户,然后单击 属性 。 2. 单击 隶属于 选项卡,然后单击 添加 。 3. 在选择组对话框中指定一个组,然后-确定,将所需添加到列表中。 4. 对用户要在其中具有帐户成员资格的每一个组重复选择过程。 5. 单击 确定 完成。 6. 该过程的最后一步是将成员服务器添加到域中。该过程也适用于工作站。若要向域中添加计算机,请按照下列步骤操作: 1. 登录到要将其添加到域的计算机。 2. 右键单击 我的电脑 ,然后单击 属性 。 3. 单击 计算机名 选项卡,然后单击 更改 。 4. 在计算机名更改的对话框里,点击隶属下方的域修改域名,确定。 5. 在显示提示后,键入您以前创建的帐户的用户名和密码,然后单击 确定 。 将显示欢迎您来到该域的消息。 6. 单击 确定 返回到 计算机名 选项卡,然后单击 确定 完成。 7. 出现提示时,重新启动计算机 上述算是基本完成了Active Directory的创建和用户、计算机的添加。具有相应权限的用户还可以创建、删除、修改、移动锁定用户帐户、禁用用户帐户、重设密码、委派控制和设置存储在目录中的对象的权限。这些对象包括组织单位、用户、联系人、组、计算机、打印机和共享的文件对象。

Beauty A Beat Feat—nicki minaj—justin bieber的英文歌词

Salt N Pepa Beauty And The BeatOooh, baby, i like the sound whenThe switch is on, and you start poundin"Out my radio and pretty soonSalt and pepa will boom into the roomClap your hands now people, clap hardClap your hands now people, clap your handsClap your hands now people, stomp your feetClap your hands now people, clap with meListen hard and tell me what you hearIs it noise or is it def beats in your ear?You said you want one, and now you got someVicious snare, high hats, and a bass drumFirst the mix empress to impress youCutting right on time and i"ll bet youDidn"t know it (did you?), you can"t believe it (could you?)Word to life, i swear, we wouldn"t kid youAnd she can cut it up like a wild animalSlicing and dicing away as a cannibal doesCuz only a beauty can make you people clap with meWho is the best?We are the best!Who"s one of the best?You"re one of the best!Why am i so def? why don"t i have flaws?转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网 Why do i cut for salt and pepa? becauseWhen my turntable talks your body will listenTo a message ??? tested and kickin"Out of my speakers and into your sneakersProviding conversation for the woofers and tweetersWhen i play the technics obeyCuz i"m a fader translator, a mixboard slaveAnd i"m-a do like this on "em...this on "emWhen i"m on the floor, beat is like romanceThe rhythm makes love to me as i danceAnd from what i see it"s about to beA relationship between beauty and the beatWord up y"all, it"s a royal ballTurn hip-hop clubs into concert hallsInside is live, if i use up highsTwelve hundred ????Power in high drive, the woofers don"t lieOpposites attract so the birthrate"s highYour chest and ribcage the bass is poking at(lower the what?) stop joking...We can"t do that it possess powerYou ask how-a people get louder[uh, step aside, sir....Sir, will you please step aside for the....]Salt and pepa mc"s represent beautyWe want y"all to see why we"re the onlyNominee nominated representing our raceThis jam is dedicated to all the pretty facesAnd we"re gonna rock like you likeSpinderella on the mix, salt and pepa on the mikeAnd we can satisfy your desireWe can make your body perspireMake the men all want to get with itThen take "em down to the ultimateSounds and i say: spinderella"s not a fellaBut a girl dj!

ethical hacking是什么意思

道 德 黑 客

高考英语语法:高中英语语法-慧眼巧识“ pick up”

《高中英语语法-慧眼巧识“ pick up”》由英语我整理,更多请访问:。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 慧眼巧识“ pick up” 生活中往往越是微小的事物越会起着重要的作用,下面这个词组以其“短小精悍”而闻名在英语世界中。 上海市 2003 年春季高考试题中有这样一道题: He _________ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris. A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in 本题答案为 B .本题主要考查动词词组的用法。 pick up some French 意为: begin to learn it without taking lessons or studying. pick up 这一词组在教材中多次出现,而每次出现的意思也各不相同。为便于同学们掌握它的用法,现将 pick up 的用法小结,供大家参考。 1. pick up : to take hold of and lift 捡起,拾起 2. pick up : to be able to hear receive 收听,接听 3. pick up : to collect or gather together 收集 4. pick up : to buy sth with less money than usual / abtain sth cheaply 用少数的钱买到 5. pick up : take sb along with one 用(车)来接,可以是到某处去接某人或载货,也可以是中途顺便把人或物带走。 6. pick up : to raise oneself after a fall 跌倒后站起来 7. pick up : to start again 继续做某事 8. pick up : to catch 染上、得到 9. pick up : to improve in health or improve 恢复健康、提高 10. pick up : to tidy a room 整理、收拾 巩固练习: 1. I can _________ up the programme __________ my radio. A. pick; in B. pick; on C. take; from D. make; in 2. Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to ________ and will soon recover. A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up 3. Without proper lessons, you could ________ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A. keep up B. pick up C. catch up D. draw up 4. While working in the country, the students __________ a great deal of knowledge on plant life. A. looked B. picked up C. put up D. called up 5. I had not only ___________ the purse but also the person who had lost it. A. picked up B. found out C. noticed D. found 《高中英语语法-慧眼巧识“ pick up”》由英语我整理,更多请访问:

词组翻译 draw in draw up draw back

draw in 1.吸引 2.变短 3.到达 draw up 1.起草;制订 2.使靠近 3.停住 draw back 退缩;收回

We shall go to Shanghai on business before you___ back next week

D come 首先要排除B,因为事态不一致,要用表示将来时的词C用于过去将来时,也不对A用于一般将来时,但此句比较特殊,是时间状语从句,要省略will所以应选D

We shall go to Shanghai on business before you ____ back next week. A.will come B.came C.would c

come over



invalid code.check the code and try again是什么意思

invalid code. check the code and try a...的中文翻译invalid code. check the code and try again 无效的代码。检查代码,然后再试一次

webpack 配置scss||less全局样式(自定义的,vue-cli2/3)

一般的,引入全局设置的基本样式 这样在引入scss文件中可以使用 base 里的全局变量 但是 避免在资源文件中使用SASS @ import 规则,因为它会降低增量构建的速度。直接在webpack config 中的 sassResources 数组中添加导入的文件。 以 scss 为例, 在自己配的webpack,和vue-cli2/3中配置全局样式引入 ( sass-resources-loader 也可以用来配置 less ) 确保package.json有 node-sass , sass-loader , style-loader 安装 sass-resources-loader sass-resources-loader 再在配置中更改 安装 sass-resources-loader 修改build中的utils.js 安装 sass-resources-loader 修改build中的utils.js vue.config.js 不需要安装 sass-resources-loader 只需要确保安装了 node-sass sass-loader 有些会报错 这样配置后在 直接使用 vue.config.js 确保安装了 node-sass sass-loader vue.config.js

如何评价4月14dream hack比赛tyloo战队战胜mlg冠军lg战队

  说到EnVyUs这支队的优点,就是个人能力。CSGO职业队有战术流,有枪法流,也有二者兼得的。之所以这次冠军是他们主要是因为枪法实在是太稳定,唯二拼抢钢的过他们的也就fnatic和G2,然而fnatic这次大赛有点萎,G2又过于倚仗一波流没战术。总之这冠军拿的是名正言顺,如果happy别老是买望远镜的话这就是一支完美的队伍了。  envyus主要的弱点,就是Happy。是的没错这货会混烟,沙鹰也打得好,意识也不错。但是一个指挥的职责是统帅全队,发挥四个钢枪队友的优点。从这个角度来说我更加欣赏pronax和xizt。


wicked: adj. 邪恶的;恶劣的;不道德的;顽皮的 evil: adj. 邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的 n. 罪恶,邪恶;不幸 扩展资料   例句:   She was a wicked and obstinate child.   她是个淘气又执拗的孩子。   As is usual in this kind of movie, good triumphs over evil in the end.   像这类电影的一贯结局一样,善良战胜了邪恶。

knock off与knock out 到底有什么区别?

knock off: vt. 敲落(中止)knock out: 敲出(击倒,打破,打落)

My friend ,Jack , was a taxi driver .We became fr

My friend ,Jack , was a taxi driver .We became frien全文汉语翻译ds quite--》My friend ,Jack , was a taxi driver .We became friends for quite a while 我的朋友杰克是个出租车司机,我们成为好朋友有一阵子了quite a while 英[kwait ei hwail] 美[kwaɪt e hwaɪl] [释义] 半晌; [网络] 有一阵子; [例句]For quite a while neither of them spoke.好半晌,两个人都不出声。进行更多翻译

问大家一个关于英语语法的问题..老师写了一个句子(I saw an old man knocked

如果要加was,那saw后面应该加上that。that引导saw的宾语从句,在此从句中,theoldman是主语see sth.done是固定搭配

smackdown 和raw的区别是什么?

分胜负的方式 把对方双背压制在擂台上坚持3秒 英文叫 PIN FALL 对方在比赛中投降 把对方打成无法比赛的状态 对方使用犯规动作,裁判给5秒警告没有停止犯规动作的时候,裁判可以终止比赛。 对方被打出擂台或者离开擂台,裁判给10秒时间回擂台,没有回来的时候,裁判可以终止比赛。 比赛铃响起以后没有开始比赛的时候,裁判可以警告或者终止比赛。 反抗裁判的命令的时候裁判根据情况可以给予警告或者结束比赛。 单人比赛中和其他选手联合攻击的时候裁判可以警告或者终止比赛。 比赛中使用武器裁判需要马上结束比赛。 5秒犯规动作: 用脚跟或膝盖攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 抓耳朵抓头发抓脸部的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 用手指刺眼睛的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 上擂台角柱攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 用拳头或者用脚攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 咬对方选手的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 攻击脖子部位攻击人体要害的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告 抓住绳子不可以做任何攻击裁判可以给予5秒警告 裁判可以给予5秒警告以后没有停止犯规动作的时候裁判可以终止比赛。 其实摔角是个非常正规的体育娱乐项目 并没有那么乱七八糟 很多规则目前已经没有人遵守了 不过摔跤中是不允许拳打脚踢的 离擂台10秒判负称为Count Out 使用武器,或有其他选手乱入干扰比赛,判负称为DQ 如果某位未参加比赛的选手轻度干扰比赛,可以逐出比赛场地,裁判一般的语言是"you,get out here",然后手臂向场外挥去。 另外,判断Pin Fall的时候是要双肩同时着地,无论是躺着,还是仅仅只有双肩着地了,都要开始读秒 在压制时,任何一位选手的身体触及绳圈或绳圈之外的时候,也要停止读秒 故意刺眼睛被裁判发现会被警告再次出现直接出局 摔角名词解释 Angle——就是发生在摔角手之间的事件,是剧情的一部分。比如说今年7月Kane攻击Linda McMahon这件事就是一个Angle,这令在Unforgiven上演Shane McMahon VS Kane的比赛。 Babyface/Face/Baby——简单来说,就是“好人”、正派或者受观众欢迎的人物。 Blading/Blade/Blade Job/Gig/Geek/juice/juicing——就是为了使比赛更加逼真,暴力和刺激,摔角手用刀片割伤自己留血。刀片可以是摔角手自己藏着,也可能是从经理人,甚至裁判身上取得。 Blown up/Blow up——当比赛双方在体力疲惫时,就会采取某些方法使双方得到短时间的休息,这些方法是:双方一起出招,然后一起倒下,躺在擂台上休息。又或者用面部锁等一些关节技锁着对方。例如在Bret Hart VS Shawn Michaels的铁人比赛,你可以看到这种Blown up/Blow up情况。 Booker——就是在某个摔角组织决定用哪些摔角手,如何用摔角手的人。他们可以决定比赛是由哪一方胜利。大的摔角联盟不止一个Booker。譬如ECW就是Paul Heyman和Tommy Dreamer为主要的Booker。 Boys/The Boys——在某个摔角组织,为了区分一些地位较高的摔角手与其他地位不同的人,把有地位的摔角手称为Boys/The Boys。 Broadway/Going Broadway——一场比赛在指定的时间里打成平手。 Bump——撞击,就是摔角手从高处掉下来。比如Mick Foley在Hell in a Cell比赛从笼顶掉下来,就是一个很大的Bump。 Bury——被埋没,一些摔角手由于在名望、势力或地位上比不上对手,而被安排输掉比赛,不能上位。就象在RAW,HHH的对手很多对手是被Bury的。Rob Van Dam长期不能成为顶级明星也是被Bury。 Canned Heat/Heat Machine——就是在赛场里播出预先录制好的观众欢呼声,使现场更活跃和有气氛。例如在以前WCW的Worldwide的电视节目中,你会听到很强烈的观众欢呼声,但在画面上你看到的是观众很安静地坐在座位上。而以前Goldberg的欢呼声也是这样制造出来的。 Card——指一场表演,包括电视节目和PPV,的比赛对阵形势。比如说final No Mercy card,意思是No Mercy最终确定的全部比赛。 Clean Finish——比赛是在合法的情形下结束的,就是没有被其他人干扰,没有其他作弊行为。 Dark Match——就是在摔角电视节目或者PPV前举行的比赛。这些比赛的作用是:让观众进入状态、让一些新摔角手在众多观众前试打比赛、而且还可以测试摄影和广播器材。这些比赛一般不被播出。很多摔角手在正式进入RAW和Smackdown之前都要打Dark Match。 Dusty Finish——比赛中原来的裁判被打昏,这时另一裁判跑上来并数了三下,宣布一方获胜,比赛结束。但当原来被打昏的裁判醒来的时候,他又推翻了赛果。这种结束模式虽然叫Dusty Finish,但不是Dusty Rhodes(Goldust的爸爸)发明的,只不过当Dusty Rhodes是WCW的Booker的时候,他经常安排这种比赛结果,所以就以他命名。 Feud——就是摔角手之间的不和、争执,包括事件和比赛。通常Feud是有一些angle开始的,最后以比赛或者另一angle的开始而结束。 Gas/on the Gas/Gassed up——是用来描述摔角手使用类固醇令自己更强壮和有更多肌肉。例子有:Hulk Hogan, Scott Steiner和Triple H。 Gimmick/Gimmicked——gimmick可以是指摔角手的角色,也可以指比赛中使用的的武器和物件。Gimmicked是形容在比赛前做过手脚的物件,比如说一张Gimmicked的桌子就是特制的,在比赛中容易摔成两半的桌子。 Go Home——指在比赛中摔角手从对手或者裁判身上得到好处,而赢得了比赛。 Green——是用来形容一些经验不足和在比赛中犯了错误的摔角手,他们都需要改进。最近La Resistance就显得Green,因为他们在比赛中失误,摔Spike时没把他摔中桌子,使他的头部撞到桌子边缘,相当危险。 Gusher——指比赛中用刀片割得很深,并流很多血。这有时是出于失误,有时却是故意的。 Hardway——是指并非由于自己用刀片割伤而流血,是比赛中的自然流血,有时这是意外。但很多时候不能避免,比如是一些hardcore的比赛。 Heat——它有两种意思:一是指观众的反应,一般是指喝倒彩。二是指在现实中,摔角手或者其他后台人员之间的不和。 Heel——与face正好相反,它是指坏人和不受观众欢迎的人。heel可以令face更加得到观众的喜爱。 Highspot——是指比较危险的动作和摔角招式。多用来形容高空动作,例如Moonsaults和450 splashes等。 Hope Spot/False Comeback——当face摔角手挨打的时候,他出现短暂的反攻情况,但一会儿后又继续被对方控制着比赛。这是用来增强观众的情绪。 Hot Tag——形容在双打比赛中,face摔角手在被heel对手一连串的攻击后,终于能与自己的拍档接力。这通常也能调动观众的情绪。 House Show——没有被录影的巡回比赛。所以不会出现在电视节目或者PPV。 Hulking up——这是以Hulk Hogan命名的,因为他经常在挨了对手一系列进攻后,突然发狂,不怕对手的攻击,然后再发起反击。指的就是这种情况。 Job/doing a job/put over——是形容输掉了比赛。一些摔角手被安排输掉比赛,他们就是在"doing the job"或者是"putting over"他们的对手。 Jobber/Jabroni/Enhancement Talent/Ham and Egger——就是在比赛中经常输的摔角手,跟小丑差不多。就象是RAW的Steven Richards和Smackdown的Funaki就是典型的Jobber。 Mark——指深信摔角的、盲目跟随的、容易受骗的fans。比如说Steve Austin的超级fans可以称为Steve Austin mark。 No Sell——指对手的一连串攻击对一个摔角手毫无作用,一点也不能伤害他,看上去好象是无敌一样。比如说Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, the Undertaker和Goldberg就经常有这种情况。 Paper——指向观众派发免费门券,使到场的观众增多。 Plant——指一个摔角手装扮成观众在观众席观看比赛,但他是扮演一个角色,在适当的时候有所行动。比如8月时RAW节目,Rob Conway假扮军人在观众席看比赛,但后来却偷袭了Dudley Boyz。 Pop——指观众的欢呼声。与heat相反。 Potato/Stiff——指攻击对手时真的给对手造成了一定的伤害。 Promo/Cutting a Promo——是指在现场大屏幕播出的摔角手访问。 Push——指摔角手被安排到较高级别的比赛,地位提高,也就是被捧。 Ref Bump——指裁判被打昏。这时heel摔角手就可以使出不正当的攻击,或者有场外因素干扰。 Rest Hold/Rest Spot——这个跟Blown up/Blow up差不多,比赛双方在一轮快节奏的攻击后,利用面部锁和双方同时倒下使双方取得短暂休息。 Rat/Ring Rat——指到比赛现场的目的是为了与摔角手见面甚至睡觉的女人,相信是疯狂的fans。 Road Agent——指那些从事后台工作和帮助booker工作的人。现在WWE的Road Agent有这么一些人:Dean Malenko, Pat Patterson, Fit Finlay, Arn Anderson, Tim White, Jerry Brisco, Tony Garea, Michael Hayes, Johnny Ace, Bruce Pritchard和William Regal。 Screw Job——一场比赛的结果令到观众很不满意。比赛一般是由于干扰,或其他不正当手段而结束,可以说是一场骗局。最著名的Screw Job要数1997年Survior Series的比赛Bret Hart VS Shawn Michaels,这件事给Screw Job更深刻的定义,就是不仅观众被骗了,连在擂台上的摔角也被欺骗。 Sell/Selling——就是摔角手被攻击后,表现出来的痛苦,大部分是扮出来的,但也有的真的是痛苦。 Shoot/Shooting——就是摔角手之间发生的事情不是剧情之内,就是说那是真实的。比如一些脾气暴躁的摔角手在比赛中可能会变成真打,但这情况在WWE很少见。 Shooter——这是形容一个摔角手拥有真实打斗的能力,象Ken Shawrock. Showing Light——就是给观众看到一个摔角手的进攻并没有碰到对手,也就是被观众看出了假打的破绽,但出招的摔角手并不是故意的。 Smart/ Smart Mark/ Smark——形容一个摔角迷,他知道很多摔角内幕。那么,你是一个Smart吗? Sports Entertainment——WWF将名字改为WWE后使这个名词更加流行——体育娱乐。它是用来区分真正的竞技摔角。 Spot——指擂台上发生的一个或一系列的场景或动作。例如当摔角手失误了,他就要来一个“修补性质”的Spot。 Squash——指一个摔角手完全占据了优势,对方成为他的“沙包”,毫无反击能力。 Stretch/Stretched——只比赛双方在身体或者实力是有很大差距,令弱的一方在比赛后要被医护人员带离场。 Swerve——这有几个意思,其中一个意思是一场比赛的过程或结果使观众,甚至是内部人士都感到震惊。 Turn——指摔角手由正派转为反派,或者由反派转为正派,也就是角色的转变。 Tweener——指一个摔角手既不是正派,也不是反派,他的角色比较特别。比如Stone Cold Steve Austin刚在WWF红起来的时候就是一个Tweener。 Work——形容摔角事业中的假,对于摔角手来说,上擂台按原计划比赛只是他们的工作。 Work Rate——指摔角手在擂台比赛的频密程度。例如Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero和Chris Jericho都是经常在擂台上比赛,可以说他们有比较高的Work Rate。

I saw the man knocked down and the driver driving away.为什么knocked 和driving 时态不一样,为什么


Imma do it big歌词Brandon T Jackson Ft. T-Pain,谁能提供完整的歌词给我咧?

  BRANDON T. JACKSON  "Imma Do It Big"  [feat. T-Pain & One Chance]  [Brandon T. Jackson:]  III remeber back in the day  Scrowny little kid  Making people laugh  And all the stuff I did  Some started to hate  But that"s always case  Same old story  Only you can change the...  They say I think big cause I reach for the stars  What they going do when I buy my avatar  How they going act when I land on mars  Even tracy chapman sad I got a fast car  I can drop a movie  Win a grammy in the same day  Academy award people"s choice and a vma  They may all laugh when I need support  But when I"m winning these awards I"ll cut my speech short  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either way you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do it big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  I"m a do it big  [T-Pain:]  Bigger than it"s ever been before (before)  I"m a get it till I can"t go get no more (no more)  When the drop top coming out of the top shop stop drop roll (let"s roll) and roll  My click bigger than big yeah we swoll we swoll  We go hard in the paint I know you feel me bro  How hard it is to keep it real bro  Make your modeo never say never  Homie I know you can do it better better  Brandon t teddy p  You no who we is  And my big momma always tell me you can do it big  So think that way if your hungry act like eat that way  Then I made it my job to go hard and eat today  But either way this is motivation for the masses  Just keep it straight you can see the future through my glasses  I mean to say what I say when I say it how I say  Man these people thinking big nowadays  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do it big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  [Charmaine Daisey Pierce:]  Charmaine dasy pierce!  Can I get a black on black  A roof detach  Me and my girls need to of that  Two to match  They going say we so sick like the flu attack  I do it big real big like...  My swag outta space I still manage to keep up  I keep this up  I see so much  Heat this  Pizza crust  I want that doe like donald trumph  Reaching up I hope I find it  Just incase they open minded  No I"m... I won"t make it  Lately I feel obligated  Just to take it to amazing  I go past what they call a norm  And blow past what ya"ll call a storm  Yea I am something new  I"ll make sure that your imformed  And now that I"m exposed  I need my talent showing  Speaking of my goals searching for my biggest moment  [One Chance:]  I"m a do it big  No matter what they may say  I won"t let it get in my way  I"m a do it big  And can"t nobody tell me no  I"m a do it either way you go  I"m a do it big big big big big big big  Do big big big big big big big  I"m a do it big  And it will only get better  I can show you better than I tell ya  I"m a do it big

knocked down中文是什么意思


too quick to life, too young to die的出处


Michael Jackson的《Too Young》 歌词

歌曲名:Too Young歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Music & MeNat King Cole - Too YoungThey try to tell us were too youngToo young to really be in loveThey say that love"s a wordA word weve only heardBut cant begin to know the meaning ofAnd yet were not too young to knowThis love will last though years may goAnd then some day they may recallWe were not too young at allinstrumental interludeAnd yet were not too young to knowThis love will last though years may goAnd then some day they may recallWe were not too young at all


block英式街区 neighborhood附近的,街道,邻里街坊 district美式 地区,(各州众议员)选举区;行政区,市区

关于区域,block 和district的区别?

block是指一个街区,以"十"字路口或其他路口为中心的包括街道与建筑的地区.district可指街区,但多用来指一个行政地区,如Washiton district等,范围比block大.




用于医学上表示各种病称时,通常用 disease。如:contagious diseases 传染病 English disease 气管炎heart disease 心脏病 lung disease 肺病a nervous disease 神经病 a sex disease 性病skin disease 皮肤病注:有个别搭配也用 illness。如:mental illness [sickness] 精神病 disease 表示“疾病”,通常指具体的“疾病”(可数)。如:Most diseases could be wiped out. 多数疾病是可以消灭的。I caught the disease from you. 这病我是从你那传染来的。It was a horrible disease. 这是一种可怕的疾病。Arthritis is a chronic disease. 关节炎是一种慢性病。Measles, mumps and influenza are common diseases. 麻疹、腮腺炎和流感是常见病。注:有时指疾病的总称(不可数),即通称的“疾病”。如:Rats spread disease. 老鼠传染疾病。Cleanliness helps prevent disease. 清洁有助于预防疾病。Disease is usually caused by germs. 疾病多由病菌引起。Many antibiotic drugs ore used to combat disease. 许多抗生素药品用来和疾病作斗争。2. sickness ,它们主要用于表示生病的时间或因病(disease)导致的不健康状态等。如:He can"t come because of sickness. 他因病不能来。He died after a long sickness. 他死之前病了很久。She is cheerful in spite of her sickness. 她尽管有病,但还是快乐。He was weak from a long sickness. 由于长期生病他身体很虚弱。Tell me a little about your sickness. 给我谈谈你的病。Chicken pox is a common childhood sickness. 水痘是儿童时期的常见病。Do you know what his sickness is? 你知道他患什么病吗?另外,sickness还可表示“呕吐”“恶心”。如:He"s suffering from sickness and diarrhoea. 他上吐下泻。He felt a wave of sickness come over him. 他感到一阵恶心。


恶心 病态 疾病 困境

Hands On Deck 歌词

歌曲名:Hands On Deck歌手:Waking Ashland专辑:ComposureAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownA step to the right To your own rhythmAnd what comes next Is up to youAnd I need a miracleTo save me from thisAnd i need the angelsTo all pray for meI cant believe youAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownAnother dayAnother worryBreaks right throughAnd indecision bleeds me dryAnd shes painting picturesI"m not making for herAnd she"s got a vision Without me in mindI can"t believe youAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownAll Hands on deckDont abandon the shipYou"ll never know what it could have beenAll hands on deckMy ship is sinkingDont let me goDont let me drownthe long walks on moon light beachthe promises you could not keepYour so contagiousYour so contagiousfor all the world we did not seefor all the smiles you gave to metheyre so contagious so very fakeAll Hands on deckdont abandon the shipyoull never know what it could have beenall hands on deckmy ship is sinkingdont let me godont let me drowngoodbye to yougoodbye to you yougoodbye to yougoodbye to you you

vmware workstation 工作时会死机,提示:无法恢复错误,unable to lock memory。该如何解决?


Alparysoft Video Lock软件

其实,只要具备一个摄像头安装Alparysoft Video Lock这个软件,你的电脑也可轻松实现人像智能识别功能。 Alparysoft Video Lock是一款人像识别工具,能兼容大多数的数字摄像头,只要你的摄像头支持RGB24或I420格式即可。它能根据人的相貌特征来识别电脑前的用户是不是合法用户。合法用户不用输入密码也不必动手便可为自己启动锁定的计算机;若是他人,计算机则会一直处于锁定状态,禁止别人随便使用。 软件安装运行后,它首先会要求用户设置自己的用户名和密码,确认后即可进入主界面。要让Alparysoft Video Lock能认识电脑的主人,必须先进入“Training”模式。把你的面部对着摄像头的镜头,程序便可自动侦测你的面部位置并进行校准,在图像显示窗口可以看见一个黄色线框标出面部位置,这时点击“Add Picture” 按钮便可把图像添加到数据库中。为了使Alparysoft Video Lock能更准确地识别你,最好添加10至15张在不同光线条件下记录的图像到数据库中。若校准指示器显示为红色,图像窗口中便不会出现黄色方框,说明程序无法对你的面部进行侦测,那么你就要调整一下摄像头的焦距或环境的光线了。 Alparysoft Video Lock的操作相当简单,程序可以设定在指定时间锁定电脑,也可以通过“Ctrl+Alt+L”快捷键锁定,还可以在系统托盘的程序图标上点击鼠标右键,选择“Lock Workstation”命令即可。当你再次回到电脑前坐下,摄像头就会自动对你的面部进行侦测识别,确认用户身份后,电脑才会解锁,否则谁也别想开锁进去。若有时由于光线等原因电脑无法把你认出来,可以用热键“Ctrl+Alt+Q”呼出密码登录窗口,输入密码开。 如果有非法用户试图登录你的计算机,Alparysoft Video Lock也可以帮你保留下这些非法用户的登录证据,由于每次进行“开锁”操作的时候,程序都对登录者做拍照记录,我们可以在程序主界面的“View Logs”中查看这些记录,当记录太多时,可以用“Delete”按钮进行删除,也可以在界面的右下方设定记录保存的时间和记录保存容量的大小,当超过时间或容量时让程序自动清除旧记录。 使用 Alparysoft Video Lock时还要特别注意,如果我们在操作系统中设置的显示器关闭等待时间短于屏幕保护的等待时间,那么就不能使程序进入安全保护模式,因此,“关闭监视器”这个选项应设为“从不”,或者把“关闭监视器”的时间界限设置大于屏幕保护的等待时间。


尝试用完整路径来创建即可即输入?:WindowsSystem32 undll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation注意:?代表你的系统盘,如果是C盘就把?改成C

rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation 是什么意思



尝试用完整路径来创建即可即输入?:WindowsSystem32 undll32.exeuser32.dll,LockWorkStation注意:?代表你的系统盘,如果是C盘就把?改成C


《lpl》和《lck》区别如下:1. 举办地区不同LCK(LoL Champions Korea)是英雄联盟在韩国地区的顶级联赛,LPL(League of Legends Pro League)是中国大陆最高级别的英雄联盟职业比赛。2. 举办方不同LCK其前身为OGN冠军联(杯)赛(OGN Champions),由OnGameNet(简称OGN)主办,在2015夏季赛后追加了eSportsTV(简称SPOTV)主办,2019年后由Riot Games制作。LPL赛区是腾讯游戏代理,由拳头公司授权,腾讯公司举办的。LPL和LCK的风格是很不一样的,可以说LPL注重是选手的个人能力,但是LCK则注重团队的协作能力,以足够的优势利用视野及信息来击溃对手。如果说LPL和LCK进行对战,那么LPL或许会稍逊于LCK,但是也有胜利的可能性,比如说我们LPL获得过s8总决赛的冠军,这就证明了LPL选手的实力以及打法还是有很多方面领先于LCK的。

跪求Black heart procession 的歌词

I carried this letterOff through the riversIn fear of whatIn my ***I know the reasonsThey changed so fastWe can never make it backIn the letter that you wroteWas the words you never spokeIt"s time for you to come homeSo I travlled the seas to return the homeBut I could not make it thoughI know it"s not easyThings can"t be so wrongAs we are lost in the waysIn the letter that I wroteWas the words I never spokeThis is why I can"t come home..In the letter that you wroteWas in the letter as a friendThis is what I must go..

Kickback的《Kingdom》 歌词

歌曲名:Kingdom歌手:Kickback专辑:Forever WarKingdomCelestyReign of ElementsI can hear the silence callingCurtains of darkness fallenTogether we will stand, side by sideI can hear how the wind blowsAnd see how the sun glowsIt"s safe to walk to home, once againEverything is so calmAnd you presence is so warmI feel safe when I"m held in your armsAs the moon enters the skiesI look into your eyesThere"s one question without and answerIf I were you king would you be my queenTogether we could stand, united, hand in handLike the stars in the sky just like them you and IWe can stay forever, togetherI believe those words you sayI know that we could find the wayTogether we have to make it trueNow remember these words of mineI"ll always stand by your sideI feel safe when I"m held in your armsEverything is so calmAnd you presence is so warmI feel safe when I"m held in your armsAs the moon enters the skiesI look into your eyesThere"s one thing I want you to knowNow when I"m your king and you are my queenTogether we will stand, united, hand in handLike the stars in the sky just like them you and IWe can stay forever, togetherWe will live like the King and the QueenNow when I"m your king and you are my queenTogether we will stand, united, hand in handLike the stars in the sky just like them you and IWe can stay forever, togetherWe will live like the King and the QueenCreat Alexander



OpenStack 和 Hadoop 的区别是什么

openstack是一个iaas云平台(云计算saas,paas,iaas中的iaas),是亚马逊aws的开源实现。OpenStack是一个开源的云计算管理平台项目,由几个主要的组件组合起来完成具体工作。OpenStack支持几乎所有类型的云环境,项目目标是提供实施简单、可大规模扩展、丰富、标准统一的云计算管理平台。OpenStack通过各种互补的服务提供了基础设施即服务(IaaS)的解决方案,每个服务提供API以进行集成。hadoop是一个分布式的软件架构,有分布式计算和分布式存储。Hadoop是一个由Apache基金会所开发的分布式系统基础架构。用户可以在不了解分布式底层细节的情况下,开发分布式程序。充分利用集群的威力进行高速运算和存储。Hadoop实现了一个分布式文件系统(Hadoop Distributed File System),简称HDFS。HDFS有高容错性的特点,并且设计用来部署在低廉的(low-cost)硬件上;而且它提供高吞吐量(high throughput)来访问应用程序的数据,适合那些有着超大数据集(large data set)的应用程序。HDFS放宽了(relax)POSIX的要求,可以以流的形式访问(streaming access)文件系统中的数据。Hadoop的框架最核心的设计就是:HDFS和MapReduce。HDFS为海量的数据提供了存储,则MapReduce为海量的数据提供了计算。

请问tights和 stocking的区别


tight,tights,tight socks,tight pants 有什么区别

区别是:tight常作形容词。指的是紧的,紧身的,紧贴的。tights常用复数形式,指的是紧身衣裤。tight socks指的是紧身袜。tight pants指的是紧身裤。例句辨析:tight1、She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top. 她身穿迷你裙和紧身上衣走下了飞机。2、She just fell into my arms, clutching me tight for a moment.她正好跌进我的怀里,一时间紧紧地抓着我。3、The measures include tight control of media coverage.那些措施包括对媒体报道的严格管制。tights1、Philippe put on his black shirt and tights. 菲利普穿上了他的黑衬衣,紧身裤。我要一条与这件运动衫相配的运动裤。2、I had to change my tights because they had a ladder in then. 我得换条紧身裤了,因为这条抽丝了。3、Philippe put on his black shirt and tights. 菲利普穿上了他的黑衬衣,紧身裤。tight socks1、I put on a new pair of nylon tight socks. 我穿上了一双新尼龙紧身袜。2、The tight socks are worn into holes. 紧身袜子磨破了。3、She knitted him 10 pairs of tight socks to take with him 她给他织了10双紧身袜子让他带走。tight pants1、Tight pants or a skirt will just showcase the tremors. 紧身的裤子或裙子会暴露出演讲者在颤抖。2、She wore tight pants that exposed her chubby stomach, but I wanted to be thin andmuscular. 她穿紧身裤露出她丰腴的腹部,而我则要变得修长健美。3、First it was tight pants to make them look like boys. 首先,他们得设计紧身裤以使女人看起来像男人。


  netbackup,是网络备份软件,譬如说基于NAS,SAN的备份;  Backup EXEC是基于服务器的备份软件;  exec主要用于windows平台下的备份,服务器只可以装在windows平台上。不过它有unix下的代理,但没有unix下的数据库代理。只可以备份文件系统。  netbackup是用于异构平台,支持unix和win及novell环境,并有相应的客户端代理和数据库代理。可以在一个环境中同时备份多个平台的数据。功能比exec强大的多。  如果环境只是windows,那么就可以考虑买exec,价格便宜一点。

求翻译一句话:A man had a close knock on Oct 22.


Knock On My Door (Live Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Knock On My Door (Live Version)歌手:Fanny专辑:First Time In A Long Time: The Reprise RecordingsBarbie, you are friend of mine.Hate to be the one to break the news.That girl you wanna marry, she has been lying down.You don"t see she has been using you.You can always cry on my shoulder.You can always knock on my door.I will always be here, whenever you come calling.You don"t have to hurt anymoreBarbie, open up to me.Talk to me, tell me what you feel.Let me in the doorway, show your broken heart,let me be the one to have you healed.You can always cry on my shoulder.You can always knock on my door.I will always be here, whenever you come calling.You don"t have to hurt anymore献给喜欢这首歌的人You can always cry on my shoulder.You can always knock on my door.I will always be here, whenever you come calling.You don"t have to hurt anymoreYou don"t have to hurt anymoreYou don"t have to hurtanymoreen··············

Knock On My Door 歌词

歌曲名:Knock On My Door歌手:Rebecca Blaylock专辑:TV Magic ⅡBarbie, you are friend of mine.Hate to be the one to break the news.That girl you wanna marry, she has been lying down.You don"t see she has been using you.You can always cry on my shoulder.You can always knock on my door.I will always be here, whenever you come calling.You don"t have to hurt anymoreBarbie, open up to me.Talk to me, tell me what you feel.Let me in the doorway, show your broken heart,let me be the one to have you healed.You can always cry on my shoulder.You can always knock on my door.I will always be here, whenever you come calling.You don"t have to hurt anymore献给喜欢这首歌的人You can always cry on my shoulder.You can always knock on my door.I will always be here, whenever you come calling.You don"t have to hurt anymoreYou don"t have to hurt anymoreYou don"t have to hurtanymoreen··············

knock-on effect是什么意思


knock at the door和knock on the door到底有什么区别

Knock on: 敲(门、窗等) 例句与用法: 1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones). 他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球. 2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door. 吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。 3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door. 进来前请先敲门。 Knock at: vt. 敲 例句与用法: 1. There was a furious knock at the door. 有人在猛烈地敲门。 2. Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗? 3. Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你听到敲门声了吗?

Knock Knock是什么意思



knock是一个英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“敲;敲打;爆震声”,作及物动词时意思是“敲;打;敲击;批评”,作不及物动词时意思是“敲;打;敲击”。 knock常用短语 1、 把...撞倒 2、knock out 击倒;打昏 3、knock down 击倒;撞倒;拆除。 4、knock up 匆忙做完;使...精疲力尽 5、knock it off 别再讲下去 knock常用例句 1、Knock on the door still so rhythmic continue. 敲门声照旧那样有节拍地持续。 Then there came a knock at the door. 接着听到了敲门的声音。 2、My health compels me to knock off work. 我的健康情况迫使我停止工作。 3、He manages to knock down a guardandgrab a knife. 他设法击倒了一个警卫,抓起了一把刀。


knock on 敲(门、窗等);撞knock at 敲(门,窗等)当knock作为名词的时候,介词用at,如a knock at the door 敲门声 动词是介词用on,如knock on the door 敲门Knock on the door before you enter.进屋之前要先敲门。When I fell I got a terrible knock on the head.我摔倒时头撞得很厉害。He got a nasty knock on the head.他头部遭到重重一击。Did I hear a knock at the door?是有人敲门吗?I was wakened by a knock at the door.敲门声把我吵醒了希望对你有帮助,满意请及时采纳,你的采纳是我回答的动力!


我们在应用容器的过程中,无论是在通过Dockerfile在调试构建镜像的过程,还是容器运行一段时间想查看内部结构,我们还是希望能像操作本地机器一样,实时的查看容器内部文件,代码或者日志。或是修改文件,拷贝文件目录等等。- 访问容器内部,目前有两种方法1. Docker自带的exec命令  2. Nsenter工具  - 来说说Docker exec 命令方式访问- 如图所示,简单的ls命令。Linux系统自带的命令都可以通过这种方式运行。文件放错位置了,mv一下,查看log,就cat log.log一下,等等。Exec加点料- 简单的操作不能满足我们对他的好奇...  - 我们运行一下 docker exec -ti 61f ps -ef- 发现只有3个进程,进程1是CMD命令启动的脚本;进程2是脚本启动的程序;进程3是我们运行ps -ef的进程。  - 出于好奇,我又docker exec 9fe0 kill 15- 容器从此就停止了...  - 原因是杀掉进程后,Dockerfile指定的CMD[/]脚本运行结束,CMD入口已经退出,导致容器退出。问题还没结束- Kubernetes是一个基于docker的容器集群管理系统,它的一大特点是拥有Replication Controllers,他的作用主要是保持所起动的Pod数量不变(pod里面装的是container)。我猜想如果类似的kill掉容器内部的进程,那么kubernetes应该会让这个container重新启动。于是就来动手试试。  - 时速云他们应用了kubernetes,并且提供了客户端tce可以使用exec功能。运行 tce exec bbb-145fv-zkdqz ps -ef- tce exec bbb-145fv-zkdqz kill 15没有重启??- 再次运行 tce exec bbb-145fv-zkdqz ps -ef- 又出现了。  - 由此可见Kubernentes的Replication Controllers还是很强大的。保证了集群中有指定数量的pod副本在运行。

knock at the door和knock on the door到底有什么区别

Knock on: 敲(门、窗等) 例句与用法: 1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones). 他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球. 2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door. 吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。 3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door. 进来前请先敲门。 Knock at: vt. 敲 例句与用法: 1. There was a furious knock at the door. 有人在猛烈地敲门。 2. Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗? 3. Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你听到敲门声了吗?


knock at 敲(门、窗等),knock off 击倒;停工;中断,knock down 击倒;拆卸,knock at the door 敲门;把……撞倒;撞墙,knock out 敲空;击倒;打破;使筋疲力竭,knock it off 停止做;住口,别再讲下去了,knock on the door 敲门,knock over 打翻;撞倒,knock in (把钉子)钉入,knock on wood 敲木头。


knock on 敲(门、窗等);撞knock at 敲(门,窗等)当knock作为名词的时候,介词用at,如a knock at the door 敲门声 动词是介词用on,如knock on the door 敲门Knock on the door before you enter.进屋之前要先敲门。When I fell I got a terrible knock on the head.我摔倒时头撞得很厉害。He got a nasty knock on the head.他头部遭到重重一击。Did I hear a knock at the door?是有人敲门吗?I was wakened by a knock at the door.敲门声把我吵醒了希望对你有帮助,满意请及时采纳,你的采纳是我回答的动力!


knock on/against/out/off/over等,在不同的语境下,有多种含义。knock at 敲(门、窗等),knock off 击倒;停工;中断,knock down 击倒;拆卸,knock at the door 敲门;把……撞倒;撞墙,knock out 敲空;击倒;打破;使筋疲力竭,knock it off 停止做;住口,别再讲下去了,knock on the door 敲门,knock over 打翻;撞倒,knock in (把钉子)钉入,knock on wood 敲木头。



knock on和knock at都当敲门讲时有区别吗?

1、knock at the door 和knock on the door 都是敲门的意思,二者区别不大。2、at强调一个点,on强调面。at 常和knock 名词形式连用;on常和knock 动词形式连用,如果knock用作名词时,用a。

knock at the door和knock on the door到底有什么区别

at强调一个点,on强调面 根据语境的时候有区别其实问题应该也不大祝学习进步,天天快乐!满意请采纳!有问题追问!谢谢!:).


【 #英语资源# 导语】knock有敲击;互撞;攻击等意思,那么你知道knock的用法吗?下面跟着 无 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】knock的用法大全   knock的用法1:knock用作名词的基本意思是“狠狠的一击,打击”,用于比喻可指“不幸,挫折,艰苦”,引申可指“敲击声,敲击信号”。   knock的用法2:knock是抽象名词,但却可数,可加不定冠词修饰,也可用复数形式,表示复数概念。   knock的用法3:knock后接at〔to〕的介词短语表示侧重敲击的对象; 接on的介词短语侧重敲击的位置。   knock的用法4:knock的基本意思是用手、拳等硬物“敲打”,指出声地、连续地猛击,引申可指发出敲击或爆裂的声响。还可表示“批评”“数落”“非难”。   knock的用法5:knock可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。   knock的用法6:knock是瞬间动词,如表示重复动作,须用进行体。 【篇二】knock的常用短语   knock about〔around〕1 (v.+adv.)   knock about〔around〕2 (v.+prep.)   knock about〔around〕 with (v.+adv.+prep.)   knock against (v.+prep.)   knock at (v.+prep.)   knock away (v.+adv.)   knock back (v.+adv.)   knock down (v.+adv.)   knock in1 (v.+adv.)   knock in2 (v.+prep.)   knock into (v.+prep.)   knock off1 (v.+adv.)   knock off2 (v.+prep.)   knock on1 (v.+adv.)   knock on2 (v.+prep.)   knock out (v.+adv.)   knock out of (v.+adv.+prep.)   knock over (v.+adv.)   knock through (v.+adv.) 【篇三】knock的用法例句   1. Find Bernie and get him to knock an agreement together.   找到伯尼,让他尽快拟好一份协议。   2. They decided to knock the two rooms into one.   他们决定把两间屋子打通连成一间。   3. What they said was a real knock to my self-confidence.   他们的话是对我自信心的一次重大打击。   4. He had many motives for wanting to knock off Yvonne.   他有很多杀伊冯娜的动机。   5. When we stop enjoying ourselves we"ll knock it on the head.   等玩够了,我们就会结束。   6. They knock around on weekends in grubby sweaters and pants.   他们周末穿着邋遢的毛衫和裤子到处闲逛。   7. German cameras at knock-down prices flooded the British market.   德国产的廉价相机充斥着英国市场。   8. If I get this report finished I"ll knock off early.   如果我写完这篇报告,我就会早点下班。   9. Could you possibly knock me up some scrambled eggs?   你能尽快给我弄个炒鸡蛋吗?   10. The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price.   市场可能会抛售该股票,从而令其股价下跌。   11. Knock at my window at eight o"clock and I"ll be ready.   8点钟敲我的窗,我会准备好的。   12. I"m prepared to knock five hundred pounds off but no more.   我做好了降500英镑的打算,但不会再低了.   13. It manages to knock rents down to $1 per square foot.   成功地将租金降到每平方英尺1美元。   14. There was a light knock at the door.   有人在轻轻地敲门。   15. They heard a knock at the front door.   他们听到前门有人敲门。

Knock on 和Knock at 有什么区别

Knock on: 敲(门、窗等) 例句与用法: 1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones). 他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球. 2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door. 吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。 3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door. 进来前请先敲门。 Knock at: vt. 敲 例句与用法: 1. There was a furious knock at the door. 有人在猛烈地敲门。 2. Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗? 3. Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你听到敲门声了吗这两次词的区别不是很大,有时可以通用,但是一般表示敲在人身上的某个部位习惯用knock on 而不是knock at .如: Knock on her head 等。

knock的相关短语以及knock off 的用法

knock on 撞击撞出;敲击(门、窗) knock at 敲(门、窗等) knock off 击倒;停工;中断 knock down 击倒;拆卸 knock at the door 敲门;把……撞倒;撞墙 knock out 敲空;击倒;打破;使筋疲力竭 knock it off 停止做;住口,别再讲下去了 knock on the door 敲门 knock over 打翻;撞倒 knock in (把钉子)钉入 knock on wood 敲木头,企求好运;吉人天相 knock up 敲门唤醒;[英口]筋疲力尽;往上敲 knock back (摇把)反击,(活塞)逆行,(曲轴)反转;反座;回击,击退;使...大吃一惊 knock against 撞击,与…冲突;偶然遇见 knock sensor 爆振传感器;进气流量传感器 knock into 撞上;与…相撞 knock off work 敲落工作;歇工

knock at the door和knock on the door到底有什么区别?



Knock on:敲(门、窗等)例句与用法:1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones).他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球.2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door.吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door.进来前请先敲门。Knock at:vt. 敲例句与用法:1. There was a furious knock at the door.有人在猛烈地敲门。2. Did I hear a knock at the door?是有人敲门吗?3. Did you hear the knocks at the door?你听到敲门声了吗?前者表示一种正常情况下的敲门,后者则表示非正常情况下的敲门如小孩子喜欢用背去敲门.而常人则抬手齐耳处敲门.knock on有一种持续性,常有引申意义(如击打某人的内心),knock at强调的是对象,敲门、窗之类的用后者比较好

knock at 和knock on 有什么区别?

当knock作为名词的时候,介词用at,如a knock at the door 敲门声 动词是介词用on,如knock on the door 敲门

knock at 与knock on 与knock 区别in


Knock on 和Knock at 有什么区别

Knock on: 敲(门、窗等) 例句与用法: 1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones). 他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球. 2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door. 吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。 3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door. 进来前请先敲门。 Knock at: vt. 敲 例句与用法: 1. There was a furious knock at the door. 有人在猛烈地敲门。 2. Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗? 3. Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你听到敲门声了吗这两次词的区别不是很大,有时可以通用,但是一般表示敲在人身上的某个部位习惯用knock on 而不是knock at .如: Knock on her head 等。


其实他那把白色的Gibson Les Paul并不是出自Gibson Custom Shop,而是Gibson USA的。在Gibson官网上可以找到,2011的琴,现在已经out of production了。另外这把琴比一般的Les Paul要大,不是正常尺寸的Les Paul。

knock on和knock at都当敲门讲时有区别吗

Knock on: 敲(门、窗等) 例句与用法: 1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones). 他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球. 2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door. 吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。 3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door. 进来前请先敲门。 Knock at: vt. 敲 例句与用法: 1. There was a furious knock at the door. 有人在猛烈地敲门。 2. Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗? 3. Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你听到敲门声了吗? 没什么大区别。

knock at和knock on的区别有哪些?

knock at和knock on的区别为:一、指代不同1、knock at:捶。2、knock on:敲打。二、侧重点不同1、knock at:日常使用多用knock at。2、knock on:这个词在戏院发信号让演员上台时用的多。三、引证用法不同1、knock at:knock用作名词的基本意思是“狠狠的一击,打击”,用于比喻可指“不幸,挫折,艰苦”,引申可指“敲击声,敲击信号”。2、knock on:knock的基本意思是用手、拳等硬物“敲打”,指出声地、连续地猛击,引申可指发出敲击或爆裂的声响。还可表示“批评”“数落”“非难”。

knock on与knock at的用法?

Knock on:敲(门、窗等)例句与用法:1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones).他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球.2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door.吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door.进来前请先敲门。Knock at:vt. 敲例句与用法:1. There was a furious knock at the door.有人在猛烈地敲门。2. Did I hear a knock at the door?是有人敲门吗?3. Did you hear the knocks at the door?你听到敲门声了吗?前者表示一种正常情况下的敲门,后者则表示非正常情况下的敲门如小孩子喜欢用背去敲门.而常人则抬手齐耳处敲门.knock on有一种持续性,常有引申意义(如击打某人的内心),knock at强调的是对象,敲门、窗之类的用后者比较好

knock at与knock on的区别是什么?

knock at和knock on的区别为:一、指代不同1、knock at:捶。2、knock on:敲打。二、侧重点不同1、knock at:日常使用多用knock at。2、knock on:这个词在戏院发信号让演员上台时用的多。三、引证用法不同1、knock at:knock用作名词的基本意思是“狠狠的一击,打击”,用于比喻可指“不幸,挫折,艰苦”,引申可指“敲击声,敲击信号”。2、knock on:knock的基本意思是用手、拳等硬物“敲打”,指出声地、连续地猛击,引申可指发出敲击或爆裂的声响。还可表示“批评”“数落”“非难”。

knock on和knock at都当敲门讲时有区别吗

Knock on: 敲(门、窗等) 例句与用法: 1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones). 他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球. 2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door. 吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。 3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door. 进来前请先敲门。 Knock at: vt. 敲 例句与用法: 1. There was a furious knock at the door. 有人在猛烈地敲门。 2. Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗? 3. Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你听到敲门声了吗? 没什么大区别。

Knock on 和Knock at 有什么区别


Knock on 和Knock at 有什么区别啊?


knock at和knock on的区别是什么?

"Knock at"和"knock on"都是表示敲门的意思,但它们在用法和含义上有一些区别。"Knock at"通常用于描述敲门的动作,表示在门上轻轻地敲击。它强调的是敲门的动作本身。例如,"He knocked at the door and waited for someone to answer."(他敲了敲门,等待有人回答。)"Knock on"则更多地用于描述敲门的目的或意图,表示为了引起注意或请求进入而敲门。它强调的是敲门的目的。例如,"She knocked on the door to ask if she could borrow some sugar."(她敲门是为了问能否借一些糖。)总结来说,"knock at"强调敲门的动作本身,而"knock on"强调敲门的目的或意图。

Knock on的用法

Knock on:敲(门、窗等)例句与用法:1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones).他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球.2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door.吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door.进来前请先敲门。Knock at:vt. 敲例句与用法:1. There was a furious knock at the door.有人在猛烈地敲门。2. Did I hear a knock at the door?是有人敲门吗?3. Did you hear the knocks at the door?你听到敲门声了吗?前者表示一种正常情况下的敲门,后者则表示非正常情况下的敲门如小孩子喜欢用背去敲门.而常人则抬手齐耳处敲门.knock on有一种持续性,常有引申意义(如击打某人的内心),knock at强调的是对象,敲门、窗之类的用后者比较好

knock on与knock at的区别是什么?

knock on 敲(门、窗等);撞 knock at 敲(门,窗等) Knock on the door before you enter. 进屋之前要先敲门. When I fell I got a terrible knock on the head. 我摔倒时头撞得很厉害. He got a nasty knock on the head. 他头部遭到重重一击. Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗? I was wakened by a knock at the door. 敲门声把我吵醒了

knock on什么时候用

knock on一般就是knock on the door,但是有时候也用at,这是新东方的解释,你看下,帮助理解。Knock on: 敲(门、窗等) 例句与用法: 1. He accidentally knocked on (the pass from Jones). 他非故意犯规, 用手向前击了(从琼斯传来的)球. 2. Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door. 吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。 3. Please do not enter before knocking on the door. 进来前请先敲门。 Knock at: vt. 敲 例句与用法: 1. There was a furious knock at the door. 有人在猛烈地敲门。 2. Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗? 3. Did you hear the knocks at the door? 你听到敲门声了吗这两次词的区别不是很大,有时可以通用,但是一般表示敲在人身上的某个部位习惯用knock on 而不是knock at .如: Knock on her head 等。
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