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Expresso Double Shot是来两份的意思吗?Shot算怎样的量词呢?看到Starbuck有这样的标准,不是很理解。


Mickie Krause的《Grand Prix》 歌词

歌曲名:Grand Prix歌手:Mickie Krause专辑:Wie Blei In Den Regalen~Grand Prix~Mega NRG ManMade by HandsomeCKWanna keep me coolAnd face your clevernessAnd your powerful engineI see the crowd exciting for me tonightOver and over.....I just wanna be the leaderReady to win you!Forever at full speedStep on the gas tonightIt"s all rightGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the endGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the endI just wanna be the championTonight a race it"s gonna be startedGet ready now! a roaring success for meI really like it!I just wanna be the leaderReady to win you!Forever at full speedStep on the gas tonightIt"s all rightGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the endGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the endGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrand PrixReady to cross the line in the endGot the fire of the Grand PrixGrippin" my steering wheel so tightGonna be a lucky Grand PrixReady to cross the line in the end

请问ldy lickem 的invisible lover歌词是什么?土豆上有歌曲,没有词。

[VERSE 1: freshKiDD] I really think I"m falling deep like the blue sea / The Chemistry released when you"re with me / Is like an Ocean wave drifting me away / Away off to paradise You"re bright eyes bring the sunshine / You & I"ve Been close for quite some time / Sometimes I Wonder if we could ever be / It"d be a wonderful Possibility / Possibly you often dream when you Doze / But oh / Who knows? / I don"t have the Ability to vividly see what"s going through your head Maybe I"m just a friend / Something more or less But then I"m only kidding myself / I can"t help but To wish I could tell the things I felt without it all Being repelled / Thoughts of it is scary but on the Contrary acceptance would be perfection / Building A stronger connection / If you only knew what you Missing"s right in front of you [CHORUS: TRiX; freshKiDD] It"s taking so long for you to see How much you really mean to me (And I can"t help but to think about it) (And I"m hoping that you be thinking "bout us) (Just want to hear you say you feel the same) (If not then I stuck in invisible love) [VERSE 2: freshKiDD; Ldy Lickem] Pulling off petals while I be counting off / He loves Me / He loves me not / So tempted to push the pedal I"m tied up in knots / He just might reject me if I let it Out / Don"t think it"s worth it / I ain"t fit to be his Girlfriend / I"m hurting But at the same time / He"s the only thing running Through your mind / I know what you"re thinking "I wish he was mine" / Something so divine / Is he Making you insane? / On the bright side maybe He"s feeling the same Feeling the same? / Maybe for another chick with A lot more boxes checked off of his list / I"d be a fool To express this & get dissed / My biggest fear is That our friendship would disappear / You feel me? I feel you but not all guys are the same / You got to Stay positive / Don"t be thinking of the pain / Maybe His love is really there & not invisible / Cuz if it"s not You that he wants then why"s he sticking around for? [CHORUS: TRiX; freshKiDD; Ldy Lickem] [VERSE 3: Ldy Lickem] Just random thoughts that are going in my head If I didn"t go right / What if I went left instead? / I can"t Seem to get through you / It"s like a mystery / I"m Feeling you but at the same time are you feeling Me? / I"ve been patiently waiting for the longest time When it comes to guys you"re the first thing on my Mind / The emotions that I feel when it comes Towards you / Are blasting into flames / It"s like my Heart just froze / Tingling inside as my heart rate Just rose / You"re my drug addiction that I had an Overdose / I just can"t get enough yet random Thoughts still come up / Are we just friends or am I having illusions? / Cuz I"m still unsure / If we"re Official would it be for sure? / Maybe I"m tripping And this love was invisible / But if it is / Why is it Something I want more of? [CHORUS: TRiX; Ldy Lickem] [CHORUS: TRiX; freshKiDD; Ldy Lickem]

i think you sre reslly sick i really hate you是什么意思




customary quick despatch是什么意思

customary quick despatch 英     美    按港口习惯尽快装卸按港口习惯尽速装卸customary quick despatch的用法和样例:例句customary quick despatch (CQD)习惯快速装卸Cargo to be loaded and discharged according to the customary quick despatch-C.Q.D.规定按港口习惯尽快装货和卸货。

捷波 X-BLUE P43D Socket T (LGA 775)是什么接口,什么样的硬盘才能用在上面?


kill the clock 拖延战术

看到这个习惯用语你要是以为它的意思就是把时钟砸烂摔坏,那你就大错特错了。虽然有时我们也确实恨不得砸烂那把你从甜蜜的睡梦中叫醒的闹钟,但是kill the clock表示的却绝对不是这种意思。 Kill the clock常用在球赛中。当一个球队在一场球赛即将结束前得分处于地位,那他们就会尽量拖延时间,不紧不慢地发球、不紧不慢地传球,以减少对方得球进球的机会,保住他们的地位并取得最后胜利。 这种磨蹭时间保住地位的战术就叫做kill the clock。这种战术有时奏效,有时却造成适得其反的结果。例如在下面的例子里,说话的人要告诉我们他们刚结束的一场美式足球赛。 Our team was two points ahead with only three minutes to go. We tried to kill the clock, but we fumbled the ball. And the other team got lucky. They kicked a field goal and won by one point. 在比赛只剩三分钟时间的时候我们球队两分。我们试图采取拖延战术,但是不幸失球。对方球队可交了好运;他们一脚踢进定位球得分,结果一分赢得胜利。 这里的kill the clock是指在球赛将结束时球队采取拖延战术以保住胜利。刚才说的是美式足球赛。我们再说一场篮球赛。那也是一次比分接近的比赛。 We only had a one point lead in the last 30 seconds. Then after the other team missed a shot, our center grabbed the ball so we could pass it around to kill the clock until all the time was gone. 在赛到最后三十秒的时候我们仅一分。这时对方球队投篮不中,我们的中锋随即抢下球来,于是我们就传球直到拖完全部时间。 这里的kill the clock意思也是在球赛最后阶段球队采取拖延战术。


首先确保你安装了mysql客户端,没安装的话先:centos : debian ? "yum install mysql-client" : "apt-get install mysql-client"以debian为例,如果安装不成功,查看/etc/apt/sources.list如果apt源已经配置好了,执行apt-get update,再安装mysql客户端如果没配置好,先配置apt源安装完客户端,然后就可以连接了:# mysql -h [mysql_server_ip] -p回车,输入密码默认是root用户,如果连接mysql的非root用户,加参数 -u [username]齐活了



求和A&F(Abercrombie&Fitch)类似的牌子,除了Gilly hicks, Hollister外。他的店面是圆拱门。

那就是韩国品牌WHO.A.U了 这个牌子AF的粉丝都觉得是山寨AF的从店面装修到服装风格WHO.A.U是E-LAND公司的服饰品牌,总部设在美国新泽西。WHO.A.U代表着WHO ARE YOU,是韩国服装巨头E-LAND的一个国际品牌,充满着加利福尼亚生活方式的激情与奢华的经典风格,品牌拥有最新的趋势和时尚前沿风格,同时蕴含传统基调。WHO.A.U专卖店是一种一站式店铺,在其中你能找到从牛仔,上衣到外套,附件和舒适的羊毛衫等各种服装。 WHO.A.U强调个性表达和通过时装传达激情。品牌理念来自1849的加州淘金热,并试图在服装产品中传达这种先锋精神,围绕品牌的是“勇敢”“新颖”和“创新”。

Hacking Windows CE: 如何从线程ID获取线程名称

在一个线程出现异常行为时,比如说CPU占用率过高,抛出异常等,你一定想知道这个线程是由哪个模块创建的。因此无论在哪个操作系统上,获取线程名称是诊断线程相关问题的重要一步。从线程ID获取线程名称通常的方法是,先获取该线程的入口地址,然后枚举进程内所有已加载模块,最后判断线程入口地址落在哪个加载模块范围内。枚举 进程内已加载模块可用Win32标准的CreateToolhelp32Snapshot/Module32First/Module32Next系列 ToolHelp API得到。获取线程入口地址则没有线程的Win32 API可用。不过在Windows NT based操作系统上(包括Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003,等),有一个未公开的Native API可用:NtQueryInformationThread。其声明如下:DWORDWINAPINtQueryInformationThread(HANDLEThreadHandle,THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASSThreadInformationClass,PVOIDThreadInformation,ULONGThreadInformationLength,PULONGReturnLength);获取线程入口地址可用:DWORDGetThreadStartAddress(DWORDdwThreadId){HANDLEhThread=OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,dwThreadId);DWORDretaddr,len,error;retaddr=len=0;error=NtQueryInformationThread(hThread,9,&retaddr,sizeof(retaddr),&len);CloseHandle(hThread);if(error!=0)retaddr=0;returnretaddr;}在Windows CE上就没这么幸运了,没有任何现成的API可用。官方Windows CE Base Team的blog对这个问题的 回答是可以用Remote Kernel Tracker,不过这需要你build一个特殊的kernel image,enable一些profiler功能-这在显示的问题诊断中显然是不实际的。那么有没有办法不需要什么特殊的配置就可像Windows桌面 操作系统那样获得入口地址呢?有是有的,不过需要一些hack手段。仔细研究CE下的Thread内核数据结构,就会发现Thread结构中有一项是记录 线程入口地址的。typedefstructThread{DWORD_1[3];PPROCESSpProc;/*0C:pointertocurrentprocess*/PPROCESSpOwnerProc;/*10:pointertoownerprocess*/DWORD_2[18];DWORDdwStartAddr;/*5c:threadPCatcreation,usedtogetthreadname*/DWORD_3[10];}THREAD,*PTHREAD;/*Thread*/因此要做的就是想办法根据线程ID或handle得到这个数据。再研究,发现线程的Thread内核数据结构可通过句柄得到:PTHREADpTh=HandleToThread(ThreadHandle);而且,在Windows CE下,线程ID和其handle的值是一样的!!因此我们可以写一个这样的函数从线程ID拿到入口地址:DWORDGetThreadStartAddress(DWORDdwThreadId){DWORDdwStartAddress=0;BOOLfOldMode=SetKMode(TRUE);PTHREADpTh=HandleToThread((HANDLE)dwThreadId);if(pTh){dwStartAddress=(DWORD)MapPtrToProcess((LPVOID)pTh-dwStartAddr,pTh-pOwnerProc-hProc);}returndwStartAddress;}为了使用这些内核数据结构,我们还需要另外一些辅助结构和函数,比较完整的代码如下。当然,官方肯定是不建议这么做的,但是重要的是解决问题,你说呢。typedefstructProcess{DWORD_1[2];HANDLEhProc;/*08:handleforthisprocess,neededonlyforSC_GetProcFromPtr*/}PROCESS,*PPROCESS;typedefstructThread{DWORD_1[3];PPROCESSpProc;/*0C:pointertocurrentprocess*/PPROCESSpOwnerProc;/*10:pointertoownerprocess*/DWORD_2[18];DWORDdwStartAddr;/*5c:threadPCatcreation,usedtogetthreadname*/DWORD_3[10];}THREAD,*PTHREAD;/*Thread*/typedefstructcinfo{characName[4];/*00:objecttypeIDstring*/uchardisp;/*04:typeofdispatch*/uchartype;/*05:apihandletype*/ushortcMethods;/*06:#ofmethodsindispatchtable*/constPFNVOID*ppfnMethods;/*08:ptrtoarrayofmethods(inserveraddressspace)*/constDWORD*pdwSig;/*0C:ptrtoarrayofmethodsignatures*/PPROCESSpServer;/*10:ptrtoserverprocess*/}CINFO;/*cinfo*/typedefCINFO*PCINFO;typedefstruct_HDATAHDATA,*PHDATA;struct_HDATA{DWORD_1[2];/*00:linksforactivehandlelist*/HANDLEhValue;/*08:Currentvalueofhandle(nonce)*/DWORDlock;/*0C:accessinformation*/DWORDref;/*10:referenceinformation*/constCINFO*pci;/*14:ptrtoobjectclassdescriptionstructure*/PVOIDpvObj;/*18:ptrtoobject*/DWORDdwInfo;/*1C:extrahandleinfo*/};/*20:sizeof(HDATA)*/#ifdefx86structKDataStruct{LPDWORDlpvTls;/*0x000Currentthreadlocalstoragepointer*/HANDLEahSys[NUM_SYS_HANDLES];/*0x004Ifthismoves,changekapi.h*/DWORD_1[4];ulonghandleBase;/*0x094baseaddressofhandletable*/};/*KDataStruct*/#endif#ifdefARMstructKDataStruct{LPDWORDlpvTls;/*0x000Currentthreadlocalstoragepointer*/HANDLEahSys[NUM_SYS_HANDLES];/*0x004Ifthismoves,changekapi.h*/DWORD_1[6];ulonghandleBase;/*0x09chandletablebaseaddress*/};/*KDataStruct*/#endif#defineHandleToThread(h)((THREAD*)GetObjectPtrByType((h),SH_CURTHREAD))#defineHANDLE_ADDRESS_MASK0x1ffffffcvoidh2p(HANDLEh,PHDATA&phdRet){if((ulong)h<NUM_SYS_HANDLES+SYS_HANDLE_BASE&&(ulong)h=SYS_HANDLE_BASE)h=((KDataStruct*)PUserKData)-ahSys[(uint)h-SYS_HANDLE_BASE];if(h){phdRet=(PHDATA)(((ulong)h&HANDLE_ADDRESS_MASK)+((KDataStruct*)PUserKData)-handleBase);if(phdRet-hValue!=h)phdRet=0;}elsephdRet=0;}PVOIDGetObjectPtrByType(HANDLEh,

求michael jackson 的breaking news 歌曲连接。 可以放空间的。

怎样查找MP3音乐链接地址 用于QQ空间背景 请参考我百度空间上的这篇文章,因为百度不能发连接,里面详细地教你怎么找链接,一看就学会了,呵呵,学会了不要忘了采纳哟点我的名字进去以后,再点上面的第二个连接“他的空间”

ducky dk9008混轴版,i-rocks 6230,雷柏 V5,filco majestouch(茶轴) ,zowie celeritas 当中推荐一款

ducky 9008 G2 或者 filco 圣手2代其他都是浮云 一步到位 用的舒心

Chick A Boom Boom Boom 歌词

歌曲名:Chick A Boom Boom Boom歌手:原声大碟专辑:Inside Deep Throatohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohVengaboys are back in townohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohIf you alone and you need a friendSomeone to make forget your problemsJust come along, baby take my handI need a lover tonightohohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doohohoh ohohohLets have some funohohoh ohohohOne on one, just me and youohohoh ohohohBoom Boom Boom Boom!!I want you in my roomLets spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom Boom Boom Boom!!I wanna double roomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomohohoh ohohohEverybody get on downohohoh ohohohVengaboys are back in townohohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doohohoh ohohohLets have some funohohoh ohohohone on one, just me and youohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohoh

In The Garden (Studio Track W/ Background Vocals) 歌词

歌曲名:In The Garden (Studio Track W/ Background Vocals)歌手:Jeff And Sheri Easter专辑:In The Garden (Studio Track)In the GardenDolores O"riordanAre You Listening?I see you playingIn the gardenOutside my windowOh, oh ohYou"re like your fatherI see right through youJust like your fatherI thought I knew youOh, oh oh, ohIt"s a panicIn paradiseIt"s a panicIt"s in paradiseYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryI see her playingIn the gardenI was once like herYou did this to meI don"t rememberWhen this offense begunI don"t rememberI can"t undo what"s doneYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou know whyYou can"t come hereYou know whyI"ll keep my secretWith me until I dieI"ll keep my secretAnd I don"t know whyYou can"t come hereYou can"t cryYou can"t come hereYou know whyI can"t go thereI won"t cryI can"t go thereI won"t cry


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

谁能介绍一下 Jonny Buckland 的成长经历

Jon Buckland,全名Jonathan Mark Buckland,又称Jon tai或Jonny Buckland。中文称为强尼·巴克兰或强尼·邦蓝。1977年9月11日出生于英国伦敦伊斯林顿区。现为英国Coldplay乐队主音吉他手(有时也司职键盘和和声)。1977年9月11日,Jon出生在英国伦敦伊斯林顿区(London Borough of Islington)。当他四岁时全家人搬到了北威尔士弗林特郡( Pantymwyn, North Wales)。他在11岁开始接触学习吉他。1996年进入伦敦大学(University College London)获得数学和天文学的双学位。同时遇见了Chris Martin,Guy Berryman以及Will Champion,四人后来组成了著名的英伦摇滚乐队Coldplay,Jonny担任主音吉他手。Coldplay也是他加入的第一个乐队。现在与妻子Chloe Lee-Evans育有一女Violet Buckland并居住于伦敦。2011年,其妻又产下一子,名为Jonah。在2011年10月24日Coldplay第五张录音室专辑Mylo Xyloto发布后,Jonny目前在参与Coldplay的MX世界巡演。

partickler 和 pecooliar 什么意思

partickler: particular 形容词 a. 1.特殊的;特定的;特别的[Z][B]The teacher showed particular concern for the disabled child. 老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。2.特有的,独特的;异常的[Z][B]Her particular way of smiling left a good impression on me. 她特有的微笑给我留下了美好的印象。3.(过于)讲究的;苛求的,挑剔的[(+about/over)][(+wh-)]She is particular about what she eats. 她过分讲究吃。4.细致的,详细的[B]The witness gave us a particular account of what happened. 目击者把发生的事情详细地对我们说了一遍。名词 n. 1.个别的项目,细目[C]The particular may have to be satisfied to the general. 为顾全总体个别的项目也许不得不放弃。2.详细情况[P]I suppose the secretary knows the particulars of the plan. 我想那位秘书知道这一计划的详细情况。3.特点,特色[C]pecooliar: peculiar 形容词 a. 1.奇怪的;乖癖的;罕见的He looked at me with a very peculiar expression. 他用一种奇特的眼神看着我。2.(个人或团体)特有的,独具的;独特的[(+to)]This style is peculiar to him. 这一风格是他独有的。 I have my own peculiar way of doing things. 我有自己独特的做事方式。3.特别的,特殊的It is a matter of peculiar interest. 这是一件有特殊意义的事。4.【口】有点不舒服的[F]I"m feeling a bit peculiar -- I think I"ll go and lie down. 我感到有点儿不舒服--我想我要去躺一躺。名词 n. 1.特权;特有财产

tummy tuck是什么意思

tummy tuck[英][u02c8tu028cmi: tu028ck][美][u02c8tu028cmi tu028ck]整腹术; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.During my tummy tuck last year. 去年在我的肚子抱膝。2.She had a tummy tuck. 她做了腹部抽脂手术

英文作文 介绍ocean park(quickly!)

Today is such a beautiful day my parents decided to take me to Ocean Park. I was very excited and kept talking non-stop in the car.I talked and talked about what rides should we play first and what should we eat for lunch. When we finally get there I took hold of both my parents hands and drag them quickly to the tickets booth.And in no time we were in. I decided to see the famous sea creatures in ocean park for the morning and then to the exciting rides after lunch.So according to plan we went to the jellyfish aquarium to see the beautiful jellyfish.The jellyfish swam in their tanks like jelly and it"s really funny. I went to see the shark aquarium the sea lion aquarium and was totally amazed.And then we went to have some lunch at a restaurant. After lunch we rode on a cable car to go up hill.I had a go on the scary rollar coaster ride.I got my dad to ride with me but in the middle of the ride he was violently sick and some poor soul behind us got splashed. Dad has gone off playing any thrilling rides with me so I got in the arcade saw a 3D movie and played lots of games in the game stands.I won a huge pink teddy bear there! I was having so much fun i nearly fot the time.My parents nearly have to pull me out to the exit.I had a lot of fun today.I wish it"d never ended. 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA05206864/o/701011280070313873417620 胶. thanks a lot! Ocean Park have many people go there every day because there have many animals. Many people must go to see the pandar because they are lovely. Ocean Park have many animals so the people also see the animals and buy something in the Ocean Park. Ocean Park I think is a good place to give the people. 参考: My

rock you和give me five是什么意思

give me five击个掌。 rock you击倒你,镇住你。

500分! 联胜 Lucky-Star 6ABX3 V10.0 Intel440BX 芯片组 集成显卡主板驱动


这是开头:when I born, I Black When I grow up, I Black When I go in Sun, I Black...

when I born, I Black 当我出生时,我是黑色的。  When I grow up, I am black.我长大了,我是黑色的。  When I"m under the sun, I"m black.我在阳光下,我是黑色的。  When I"m cold, I"m black.我寒冷时,我是黑色的。  When I"m afraid, I"m black.我害怕时,我是黑色的。  When I"m sick, I"m black.我生病了,我是黑色的。  When Idie, I"m still black.我死了,我仍是黑色的。  You———white people,你———白种人,  When you were born,you were pink.当你出生时,你是粉红色的。  When you grow up,you become white.你长大了,变成白色的。  You"re red under the sun.你在阳光下,你是红色的。  You"re blue when you"re cold.你寒冷时,你是青色的。  You are yellow when you"re afraid.你害怕时,你是黄色的。  You"re green when you"re sick.你生病时,你是绿色的。  You"re gray when you die.当你死时,你是灰色的。  And you,call me"colored"?而你,却叫我"有色人种”?

come with me-Ricky martin歌词中文读法

Come With Me - Ricky MartinI can tell that you"re sinner 爱看 太哦 赛特 油啊 新呢儿From behind you"re in, you"re I-I, yikes 夫郎木 比海的 油啊 因。油啊 呀可死A beautiful deceiver 啊 比油体夫 地C夫儿But I can handle anything, you try 巴特 爱 看 憨豆 安妮新,油 踹Your finger"s on my trigger 油儿 夫因个儿死 昂 买 推隔儿You play it like a winner 油 普类 伊特 来客啊 温呢儿You"re pulling me entire 油啊 普令 迷 因泰儿Let"s stop talking about it 来次 四道普 逃可因 啊包特 伊特Just stop thinking about it 杰斯特 四道普 逃可因 啊包特 伊特Let"s get crazy about it 来次 盖特 可瑞死 啊包特 伊特I got you now 爱 高特 油 挠I"m gonna take you to the edge tonight 爱慕 高娜 特克 油 图 的 埃及 特奈I, I"ll show you how 爱 爱薇儿 收 油 好So would you come with me tonight, oh oh oh 搜 唔得 油 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight, oh oh oh 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特There"s no limit to forever 德尔死 no 厘米特 图 夫爱儿And there"s no ceiling in the sky 案的 德尔死 no 死诶令 因 的 司盖We"ll hit the finish line together 威儿 和一特 的 夫一你需 来 特改的Way beyond the morning light 威 逼养的 的莫宁 莱特Your finger"s on my trigger 有啊 复印个儿死 昂 买 推个You play it like a winner 油 油 普类 伊特 来客啊 温呢儿You"re pulling me entire 油啊 普令 迷 因泰儿Let"s stop talking about it 来次 四道普 逃可因 啊包特 伊特Just stop thinking about it 杰斯特 四道普 逃可因 啊包特 伊特Let"s get crazy about it 来次 盖特 可瑞死 啊包特 伊特I got you now 爱 高特 油 挠I"m gonna take you to the edge tonight 爱慕 高娜 特克 油 图 的 埃及 特奈I, I"ll show you how 爱 爱薇儿 收 油 好So would you come with me tonight, oh oh oh 搜 唔得 油 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight, oh oh oh 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特Oh oh oh 哦 哦 哦Tonight, tonight 特奈特 特奈特Come with me tonight 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特Tonight, 特奈特Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Are you coming? 啊 油 康明I got you now 爱 高特 油 挠I"m gonna take you to the edge tonight 爱慕 高娜 特克 油 图 的 埃及 特奈I, I"ll show you how 爱 爱薇儿 收 油 好So would you come with me tonight, oh oh oh 搜 唔得 油 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight, oh oh oh 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特纯手打 妄采纳~

谁知道Bob Dylan的my back pages的歌词

tied through my earsrollin" high and mighty trapspounced with fire on flaming roadsusing ideas as my maps"we"ll meet on edges, soon," said iproud "neath heated brow.ah, but i was so much older then, i"m younger than that now.half-wracked prejudice leaped forth"rip down all hate," i screamedlies that life is black and whitespoke from my skull. i dreamedromantic flocks of musketeersfoundationed deep, somehow.ah, but i was so much older then,i"m younger than that now.girls" faces formed the forward pathfrom phony jealousyto memorizing politicsof ancient historyflung down by corpse evangelistsunthought of, though, somehow.ah, but i was so much older then,i"m younger than that now.a self-ordained professor"s tonguetoo serious to foolspouted out that libertyis just equality in school"equality," i spoke the wordas if a wedding vow.ah, but i was so much older then,i"m younger than that a soldier"s stance, i aimed my handat the mongrel dogs who teachfearing not i"d become my enemyin the instant that i preachmy existence led by confusion boatsmutiny from stern to bow.ah, but i was so much older then,i"m younger than that now.yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threatstoo noble to neglectdeceived me into thinkingi had something to protectgood and bad, i define these termsquite clear, no doubt, somehow.ah, but i was so much older then,i"m younger than that now.

why the chicken cross the street 答案 to get another side 什么意思?



mickey第九季在第六集的时候回来了。本来怀着很沉重的心看第五集,结果第六集竟然让Mickey回归强行大团圆,圆了粉丝的梦,也让Ian走的更放心些,就想知道大姐夫会不会也在最后一集回来溜粉,估计可能性不大了。很可能是最后一季了,不开心,能和Shameless比肩的美剧可以说是没有了,这也算是phenomenal的美剧了。如果真的不续订,我一定要把之前的都补齐,第二季开始就断断续续看,从第五季正式一集不落的跟着进度追,这几年其他老牌美剧都在走下滑路线,只有它仍然是越看越好看,“低俗”就是对它最好的评价!这一季Ian的线越来越差,延续上一季gay Jesus的路越走越远,准确说自从Mickey走了之后,不论是消防员还是同性恋的帮扶与自我救赎,他的剧情都很差。总结如下:果然刚播完第五集就宣布第六集这他的最后一集,想想也该这样了,演员本身在哥谭市发展很不错演技也不错,不能老在这部戏呆着了。再加上这一季未播出就拿大姐的最终季宣传,真的是肉眼预见这是这部剧的尾声了。

We have many patterns in stock for you to choose from. 为什么from可以不跟名词?

意思是“在股市中我们有很多种模式可供你选择”。choose from指代的是patterns,接了名词pattern,只是一种惯用的方法。主语we,谓语have,宾语patterns,后面一大堆都是宾语patterns的定语。类似的比如说“there are many problems waiting for us to deal with”还有很多问题等着我们去解决。

翻译there are lots of possible ____(pack) patterns

there are lots of possible packing patterns答案:packing译文:有很多种可能的包装样式。解析:这里现在分词作patterns的定语,相当于一个形容词 。

音乐术语里的 ”patterns 。 licks“ 是什么意思?

Hame:超乎音乐本分以外的临时工。Have A Ball:尽情欣赏。Head Arrangement:乐队队员将一套总谱就地安放在一起。Hip:使加入。Honky-Tonk:在低级舞场或酒馆内之散拍钢琴独奏。Horn:任何吹奏乐器之总名﹝包括铜管类乐器与簧片类乐器﹞。Hot:﹝目前很少使用这句术语﹞以前喻作真正的爵士乐或即兴爵士乐,且是不同於Fake型的的即兴演奏,乃自成一格热派爵士乐。Hype:蒙混、瞒骗。Icky:鸡眼球,不求上进者。Intro:前奏,Introduction之简称,同常使用两小节至八小节的乐句。Jack:杂工﹝与美国爵士乐俚语「Mac or Bud」同义﹞。有时在谈话中以Jim代替。Jam:即兴演奏。Jam Session﹝大集会﹞:一群乐师同时在作即兴演奏。Jazzy:伤感的音乐﹝同Corny﹞。Jitter Bug:摇滚迷﹝指一般热中於爵士乐的青年男女﹞。Jive:摇滚乐,演奏摇滚乐,或跳摇滚舞。Juke Box:自动唱片点唱机。Jump:摇摆﹝与Swing同义﹞。Kicks:愉快的兴奋,刺激。Kill:使受不了,使高兴。Lead:乐曲的顶端一行,或指定某种乐器演奏这一行。Leap:摇摆跳跃﹝与Jump同义﹞。Lick:装饰乐节﹝专为独奏音特写,亦可称为热的乐节Hot Lick﹞。Long Hair:古典音乐家,或传统音乐尖兵。Mickey Mouse:指管弦乐演奏一种伤感的音乐,或描写其他各型奇腔怪调的音乐。Moldy Fig:一句摩登的术语,形容早期对爵士乐狂热的歌颂者。Off Beat:离拍,弱拍,非强拍。Out Of This World:不合时宜的夸张。Pad:公寓,家,床。Poly-Rhythm:大部份以八分音符为单位的复节奏。Pop:流行歌曲﹝Popular Music﹞的简称,Rhythm & Blues﹝R & B﹞:爵士乐的基本要素,通常乃指Blues而言。Riff:两小节或四小节的简短乐句。Rock:与Swing、Jump同义。Salty:发怒的,使急躁。Scat:一种带著胡乱歌唱音节的即兴演奏;以後被称为「咆勃」﹝Bop﹞。See:研读音乐Scene:一个特殊的地方,或是含有特殊的气氛,例如:含有纽约气氛,或是艾灵顿气氛。Send:鼓舞,移动,传递或传递者。Sharp:流行入时的,极为适当的﹝指表现﹞。Side Man:一位音乐师在一个乐队里。Society Band:社交乐队,商业乐队。Solid:演奏得非常出色。﹝与Groovy同义﹞Square:拘谨而不求上进者。Standard:爵士乐经典。﹝原书:「一首曲调奏成了古典爵士」,怪怪的@@﹞Straight:不作即兴演奏而照谱直奏。Subtone:八度以下的低音。Sweet﹝甜﹞:今日很少使用,这是区分乐师风格的术语,以前曾经广泛地使用於乐曲方面,就是照谱演奏,没有花腔,以俾认识出原有旋律。Swing:摇摆乐,1935-1945年代是摇摆乐的颠峰时期。Tag﹝附签﹞:指作品的收尾音乐。Take Five:这是一个命令句,意即给予某人权利,可以休息五分钟﹝To take five minute intermission﹞。The End:好极啦,演奏得非常妙的意思。﹝与Crazy同义﹞Ticky:伤感的音乐,含有Blues的韵味。﹝与Corny同义﹞Tin Pan Alley﹝汀乒巷﹞:指音乐地段的术语,就是写作与出售流行音乐的所在地。按地里上的看法,显然是纽约的百老汇,因为四十年代前和五十年代後,那里是音乐中心地区。Too Much:通常指另一个高超无比的演奏。Tutti:全体演奏。Two Beat:指纽奥良﹝New Orleans﹞和迪斯兰﹝Dixieland﹞四拍子爵士乐中的两个强拍。Unis:Unison的简称,意指齐唱或齐奏。Wail:演奏得好极了。Walking Rhythm:拍子进行时的节奏型态。﹝通常指低音部而言﹞Wig:精确而熟练的技巧。﹝如果当名词看,可译为「智力」﹞Wild:令人惊奇的。Zoot:花俏的衣著服饰。内容取自马乐天先生编著的爵士和声编曲与演奏Ad-Libitum﹝Ad-Lib﹞:自由演奏,即兴演奏。Air-Check:无线电广播或电视演奏的录音。Apple the:纽约市( New York) 的绰号。Arrangement:编曲。Attack:指演唱或演奏准备开始时而发出的第一声。Baby:表示爱抚的术语,意思是换对方演唱或演奏的部分。﹝可轮用於性别之间,异性、同性皆可。﹞Back Ground﹝B.G.﹞:背景音乐。Balance:指乐队演奏时,应保持音律均衡调和。Ballad:浪漫流行歌谣,经常是慢板或中庸速度,多是32小节一个单位﹝Chorus﹞。Bar:计算音律的小节。Barrel House:指早期不协和而粗鲁的爵士乐。Beat:爵士乐的拍子,基础律动。Blow:吹奏,适用於任何吹奏的乐器。Blow One"s Top:表情激增,热烈疯狂。Blue-Note:俗称蓝调音符,由第三音与第七音降低半音,构成蓝调音阶,而奏出黑人Blues的韵味。Boogie-Woogie:爵士钢琴的一种Blues型态,顽固的低音伴奏是它专有的特色。Bop:摩登爵士的术语,有热爵士的意味,由Rock And Roll蜕变而来,最初名「勒咆勃」﹝Rebop﹞,後改称「比咆勃」﹝Bebop﹞,最後才叫「咆勃」﹝Bop﹞,1947-1948年,纽约的百老汇﹝Broadway﹞成了Bop的圣地。Bounce:一种轻松活泼的节拍,以前曾流行一时,例如「商人的跳跃」﹝Businessman"s Bounce﹞,描写单纯的二拍子,用愉快而让人兴奋的Tempo奏出。Bread﹝面包﹞:钱。Break:当演奏进行时,突然中断静止一刹那,插入一段美妙乐句,指定某件乐器单独演奏。Bridge:32小节乐曲单位里的第三个八小节﹝即A-A-B-A或是A-B交替乐曲形式内的B段音乐,亦称桥梁音乐或桥段﹞。Bring Down:使消沉。Bug:使为难,使困恼。Cat:音乐师。Catch On:求进步,在乐队花车上舞蹈。Changes:和弦进行。Characters:有特殊性格的人物。Chase:两位或两位以上音乐师轮流独奏。Chip:女孩子。Chops:嘴唇。Clinker:不对调子的音,不良音符。Combo:小型康波乐队,由三重奏起至十重奏。Cool:继热爵士消沉後而兴起的凉派爵士乐。Comp:伴奏,为Accompaniment之简称。Corny:伤感的音乐。Crazy:最上乘的、无比的。可用於形容词或惊叹词。Cut orCut Out:离去、放弃;Cut又含有乐队竞争之意。Dad or Daddy:谈吐应对时的一种恋慕语气及状态。Deejay:唱片播放人或音乐广播节目主持人。缩写为D.J.。Dig:求进步,机敏的洞察,亦可当作欣赏或确定解释。Disk Jockey:与Deejay同义。Dixieland or Dixie:1917年代的早期爵士乐,含有纽奥尔良﹝New Orleans﹞各种黑人音乐的韵味。所有音乐中最高兴热闹的声音,就是一队Dixieland乐队吹出最後一段合奏,所有的音色都被放尽,每一个人都在作即兴演奏。Dog Tune:一首让人有疑问感觉的曲调。Down Beat:强拍,按传统应落在第一与第三拍,但按爵士却相反落在第二与第四拍。Drag:使声音渐弱。Drive:集中动力演奏。Eyes:注意、提防。Fake:较温和的即兴演奏。Fall Out:离去,离开行列。Fall In:到达,集中。Fill In:补充。Flip:失去自制、反常的。Fly:宁静,温和﹝指演奏时的态度与风格﹞。Four Beat:一小节平均四拍﹝今日少用﹞。Funky:实际含有黑人韵味的爵士。Gas:含有鼓励和兴奋的意味。Gate:早先与爵士乐同义,人们尊称Louis Armstrong或Jack为大门﹝Big Gate﹞Charlie为小门﹝Little Gate﹞。Gig:零碎工、散工。﹝一般指临时工﹞Gone:与Crazy同义。Goof:傻瓜,自找麻烦者。Groovy:最上乘的演奏。﹝指Swing或Funky即兴演奏﹞Gutbucket:杂碎桶,喻早期粗鲁的爵士乐。《 资料来源:吉法师的Juz Jazz Juz Jazz 》

英语non-truck operation怎么翻译?

non-truck operation非卡车操作。

求权志龙black 和 R.O.D 的中文歌词!!!

亲你好~~【Black (Feat. Jennie Kim of YG New Artist)】ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc758 uc0c9uae54uc740 black我的心脏是黑色uc2dcucee4uba53uac8c ud0c0ubc84ub824 just like that漆黑一片就像那样ud2c8ub9cc ub098uba74 uc720ub9acub97c uae68ubd80uc218uace0裂痕产生 玻璃被打碎ud53cuac00 ub09c uc190uc744 ubcf4uace0 ub09c uc65c uc774ub7f4uae4c uc65c看著流血的手掌 不禁问自己到底为什么会这样 为什么ub124 ubbf8uc18cub294 ube5bub098ub294 gold你的微笑如黄金般光芒四射ud558uc9c0ub9cc ub9d0ud22cub294 feel so cold言辞却是如此冰冷uac08uc218ub85d ub0a0 ub108ubb34 ub2eeuc544uac00也许我会变得跟你越来越像uac00ub054uc529uc740 karmauac00 ub4a4ucad3ub294 uac83 uac19uc544偶然想来 或许就是追逐因缘的缘故uc0acub791uc758 ubcf8uba85uc740 ubd84uba85ud788 uc99duc624 爱的本名分明是憎恨ud76cub9dduc740 uc2e4ub9dduacfc uc808ub9dduc758 ubd80ubaa8失望和绝望之母却是希望uc5b4ub290uc0c8 ub0b4 uc5bcuad74uc5d0 ub4dcub9acuc6ccuc9c4 uadf8ub9bcuc790uac00不知不觉我的脸被阴影笼罩ub108ub780 ube5buc5d0uc11c uc0dduae34 uac78 ubab0ub790uc744uae4c你是否还会在光亮中出现ub108uc640 ub0b4 uc0acuc774uc5d0 uc2dcuac04uc740 uba48ucd98 uc9c0 uc624ub798你我之间的时间已静止很久uc5b8uc81cub098 uace0ud1b5uc758 uc6d0uc778uc740 uc624ud574没曾想痛苦的原因竟是误会ud558uae30uc57c ub098ub3c4 ub0a0 ubaa8ub974ub294ub370还是说其实你也不了解你自己ub124uac00 ub0a0 uc54cuc544uc8fcuae38 ubc14ub77cub294 uac83 uadf8 uc790uccb4uac00 uc624ud574你告诉我的那些也成了误会uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ub2e4 uc560uc368 uc6c3uc9c0 uc9c4uc2e4uc744 uc228uae34 ucc44人们费力假笑 藏起真相uadf8uc800 ud589ubcf5ud55c uac83ucc98ub7fc好像这样就能够幸福uc0acub791uc774ub780 ub9d0 uc18d uac00ub824uc9c4 uac70uc9d3uc744 uc228uae34 ucc44口口声声说爱 藏起谎言ub9c8uce58 uc601uc6d0ud560 uac83ucc98ub7fc好像这样就可以永远uc6b0uc6b8ud55c ub0b4 uc138uc0c1uc758 uc0c9uae54uc740 black忧郁的我 世界都是黑色ucc98uc74cuacfc ub05duc740 ubcc0ud574 ud751uacfc ubc31开始和结束是变化著的黑与白uc0acub78cuc774ub780 uac04uc0acud574 uac00ub054 ud5dbub41c ub9dduc0c1uc5d0 ub4e4uc5b4人啊说到底不过是偶尔虚妄的无用功uc815ub9d0 ub09c uc65c uc774ub7f4uae4c uc65c说真的 我为什么会这样 为什么uadf8 uc785uc220uc740 uc0c8ube68uac04 red这嘴唇如此鲜红uac70uc9d3ub9d0ucc98ub7fc uc0c8ube68uac1buac8c像谎言一样的鲜红uac08uc218ub85d ub458ub9ccuc758 uc5b8uc5b4uac00uc11cub85c uac00uc9c4 coloruac00 uc548 ub9deub294 uac83 uac19uc544渐渐的 两人的话语 互相带著对立的颜色 uc0acub791uc758 ubcf8uba85uc740 ubd84uba85ud788 uc99duc624爱的本名分明是憎恨ud76cub9dduc740 uc2e4ub9dduacfc uc808ub9dduc758 ubd80ubaa8失望和绝望之母却是希望uc5b4ub290uc0c8 ub0b4 uc5bcuad74uc5d0 ub4dcub9acuc6ccuc9c4 uadf8ub9bcuc790uac00不知不觉我的脸被阴影笼罩ub108ub780 ube5buc5d0uc11c uc0dduae34 uac78 ubab0ub790uc744uae4c你是否还会在光亮中出现ub108ub97c ub9ccub098uace0 ub0a8uc740 uac74 ub05d uc5c6ub294 uace0ub1cc见你之后 无尽苦恼ub0a0ub9c8ub2e4 uc2dcub828uacfc uc2dcud5d8uc758 uc5f0uc18d uace0uac1c每一天都是连续考验uc774uc820 uc774ubcc4uc744 ub178ub798ud574 ub124uac8c uace0ud574现在我只想唱这离别的告白uc774uac74 ub0b4 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uace0ud574这是我的最后告白uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ub2e4 uc560uc368 uc6c3uc9c0 uc9c4uc2e4uc744 uc228uae34 ucc44人们费力假笑 藏起真相uadf8uc800 ud589ubcf5ud55c uac83ucc98ub7fc好像这样就能够幸福uc0acub791uc774ub780 ub9d0 uc18d uac00ub824uc9c4 uac70uc9d3uc744 uc228uae34 ucc44口口声声说爱 藏起谎言ub9c8uce58 uc601uc6d0ud560 uac83ucc98ub7fc好像这样就可以永远Someday uc138uc0c1uc758 ub05duc5d0 ud640ub85c ubc84ub824uc9c4 ucc44有一天 你将我抛弃在世界尽头ub110 uadf8ub9acuc6cc ud560uc9c0ub3c4 yeah即使这样我也会想起你Someday uc2acud514uc758 ub05duc5d0 ub098 uae38ub4e4uc5ecuc9c4 ucc44有一天 在那伤心的尽头我早已习惯ub05dub0b4 ud6c4ud68c ud560uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c也不知到最后是否也会后悔ub098 ub3ccuc544uac08uac8c ub0b4uac00 uc654ub358 uadf8 uae38ub85c BLACK我要回来 可这回头路依旧漆黑一片ub108uc640 ub0b4uac00 ub728uac70uc6e0ub358 uadf8 uc5ecub984uc740 IT"S BEEN TO LONG X 2你和我曾炽热过的那个夏天 IT"S BEEN TO LONG X 2FADE AWAY FADE AWAY FADE AWAY FADE AWAY X 2【R.O.D. (Feat. Lydia Paek) 】 ub124uac00 ubc14ub85c ub0b4 uae30uc068 uc5b4ub9b0 uc544uc774 ub41c uae30ubd84 你就是那个能让我变得像孩子般快乐的人 ub124 uc0dduac01 uc548 ud558uace0 ubc84ud2f0uae30 uae38uc5b4ubd10uc57c 10ubd84 要是不想你的话最多只能坚持10分钟 uc9c0uae08 ub108uc640 ub0b4 uc0acuc774 ub0c9uc815uacfc uc5f4uc815 uc0acuc774 现在你和我的关系是冷静和热情的关系 uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub77cub3c4 uc88buc544 If I could keep you right beside me 不管怎么说都好If I could keep you right beside me ub124 uc5bcuad74uc740 uc870uac01uac19uc774 ub108ubb34 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6cc 你的脸像雕塑一样非常美丽 ub108ub9cc ubcf4uba74 ub09c ub3d9uc0c1uac19uc774 uc5bcuc5b4 my superstar 看着你的话我会像被冻伤一样冻住 ub10c ud55c ub9c8ub9ac butterfly uaf43ubc2duc758 ub098ube44ud6a8uacfc 你是一只butterfly花园里的蝴蝶效应 uc791uc740 ubbf8uc18cuc5d0 ub0b4 ub9d8uc18duc5d0ub294 ud3edud48duc774 uc77cuc796uc544 就算是小小的微笑也会在我心里掀起暴风 ub354 ub2ecuc544ub098ubd10 ub0a0uc544uac00ubd10 uc774 ucc38uc5d0 ub098ub97c uc880 uc54cuc544uac00 ubd10 追得更紧的话怕你会飞走,在这期间我更了解我自己 ub0a8uc790ub294 ‘uc560" uc544ub2d8 ‘uac1c" ub77cuc796uc544 ub2e4ub978 ub188 ‘ub9e4" uac19uc774 ucc44uac00uc796uc544 不是说男人是孩子不是小狗吗,别人是锤子不是一起敲了吗 uc9c0uae08uae4cuc9c0 ubabb ub290uaef4 ubcf8 uc0acub791 uc904uac8c 我会给你到现在为止从来没有感觉到过的爱情 I"ll be ya james bond ub05duae4cuc9c0 ub110 I"ll be ya james bond一直是你 You got me losing my mind The way you got me fired up Never give up boy even when they try us You and me against the world With you I ride or die tonight You have my heart like the beat The way you got me turned up Never give up boy even when they try us You and me against the world With you I ride or die tonight ub0b4uac00 uc9c0ub8e8ud55c ud604uc2e4uc8fcuc758uc790ub77cuba74 ub10c ubabduc0c1uac00 我厌烦现实主义的话你是梦想家 ub108 uac00ub294 uacf3uc774ub77cuba74 uafc8uc18duc774ub77cub3c4 ucad3uc544uac00 你去的地方即使是在梦里也要追上去 uc800 ud478ub978 ucd08uc6d0 uc704 uadf8ub9bc uac19uc740 uc9d1uc744 uc9d3uace0 在那绿色的原野上盖一座像画一样的房子 ub124 uc57duc9c0 uc190uac00ub77d uc704 uc5c4uc9c0ub9ccud55c ub2e4uc774uc544 ucc0duace0 在你的无名指上带上像拇指那么大的钻石 uc138uc0c1uc744 uc120ubb3cud560uac8c ub10c uadf8 uc8fcuc778uc774 ub3fcuc8fcuba74 ub3fc 这个世界如果是礼物的话,你变成主人的话就好了 uc774uac74 ubbf8uce5c uc0acub791 ub178ub798 ub10c uadf8 uc8fcuc778uacf5uc774 ub3fcuc8fcuba74 ub3fc 这样疯了一样的情歌,你变成主人公的话就好了 ub0b4 ub2ecub825uc740 uc0c8 ube68uac8c uc65c cuz everyday is your birthday 我的日历为什么会有新的红色cuz everyday is your birthday ub0b4 ub2ecub825uc740 uc0c8 ube68uac8c uc65c cuz everyday is your birthday 我的日历为什么会有新的红色cuz everyday is your birthday uc798 ub4e4uc5b4ub098 ubd10 ub4e4uc5b4uc640 ubd10 uc81cubc1c ub0a0 uadf8ub9cc uc880 ub4e4uc5c8ub2e4 ub194 看来听的挺好的,回来吧,拜托,把我就这么放了吧 ud55cuc785 uac00uc9c0uace0 ub450ub9d0 ud560uae4c ubd10 uc18cuafc9uc7a5ub09cuc740 uadf8ub9cc ud560uae4c ubd10 nah 看来是在一张嘴里说出了两样的话,过家家一样的玩笑别再开了 We ride or die ub108ub294 bonnie ub098ub294 clyde We ride or die我是bonnie我是 uc6b0ub9acuc5d0uac8c ub0b4uc77cuc740 uc5c6ub2e4 tonight 对于我们来说没有明天 You got me losing my mind The way you got me fired up Never give up boy even when they try us You and me against the world With you I ride or die tonight You have my heart like the beat The way you got me turned up Never give up boy even when they try us You and me against the world With you I ride or die tonight Me and my girl friend we ride or die Me and my girl friend Me and my girl friend we ride or die Me and my girl friend Me and my girl friend we ride or die Me and my girl friend Me and my girl friend we ride or die Me and my girl friend You got me losing my mind The way you got me fired up Never give up boy even when they try us You and me against the world With you I ride or die tonight You have my heart like the beat The way you got me turned up Never give up boy even when they try us You and me against the world With you I ride or die tonight希望采纳并支持龙哥,谢谢~~

介绍一下Uncle Daniel吗? 在The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn里的,pageNum-91.html






1,查看服务 openstack service list 删除服务:openstack service delete 服务ID #服务ID通过openstack service list查看。 2,查看endpoint openstack endpoint list 删除endpoint:openstack service delete endpoint_ID #endpoint的ID通过openstack endpoint list查看。 3,查看域 openstack domain list 4,查看项目 openstack project list 5,查看用户 openstack user list 6,查看角色 openstack role list 7,查看镜像 openstack image list 8,列出可用类型: openstack flavor list 9,列出可用镜像: openstack image list 10,列出可用网络:openstack network list 11,列出可用的安全组:openstack security group list 12,检查实例的状态:openstack server list 13,创建角色 openstack role create user 14,查看cinder存储 cinder service-list 15,查看镜像信息 qemu-img info /var/lib/glance/images/镜像id ※可以查看到virtual size,后面创建实例的磁盘大小,必须大于此值。 【检查服务是否正常】 ●以下在控制节点执行: 1,检查keystone服务是否正常 source 环境变量 openstack token issue #显示则正常 2,检查glance服务是否正常 openstack image list #显示则正常 或:openstack image-list 3,检查nova服务是否正常 openstack compute service list 或:nova service-list 是否有: nova-conductor 控制节点 nova-consoleauth 控制节点 nova-scheduler 控制节点 nova-compute 计算节点 4,检查neutron服务是否正常 neutron agent-list

C#中我要创建一个Endpoint ,用socket接受消息并把节点存在这个endpoing里面,该怎么写??

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Text;namespace SocketServer{ internal class Program { private static void Main(string[] args) { //初始化操作 Socket serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); IPEndPoint ipServerEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 9050); //形成三元组 serverSocket.Bind(ipServerEndPoint); Console.WriteLine("Server Initial Third Organization"); //初始化源Ip IPEndPoint ipClientEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); //形成五元组、初始化操作完成 EndPoint remoteEndPoint = ipClientEndPoint; //建立连接 //连接状态 int recvstat; //数据缓冲区 byte[] dataButterStat = new byte[2048]; recvstat = serverSocket.ReceiveFrom(dataButterStat, ref remoteEndPoint); //连接建立完成 //建立监听机制 while (true) { byte[] dataButter = new byte[2048]; recvstat = serverSocket.ReceiveFrom(dataButterStat, ref remoteEndPoint); Console.WriteLine(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dataButterStat, 0, recvstat)); } } }}

谁能帮我写5首英文的 五行打油诗!??!(LIMERICK)急!!急!!急!!急!!急!!

谁给我包几个巧克力馅的馄饨? 非常急……

Blackmac的《Right Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Right Now歌手:Blackmac专辑:We Make You Groove. Right NowKoRn瓜瓜制作I"m feeling mean todayNot lost, not blown awayJust irritated and quite hatedself control breaks downWhy"s everything so tame?I like my life insaneI"m fabricating and debatingWho I"m gunna kick aroundRIGHT NOWCan"t find a way to get across the hateWhen I see youRIGHT NOWI feel it scratch insideI want to slash and beat youRIGHT NOWI rip apart the things insidethat excite youRIGHT NOWI can"t control myselfI fucking hate you!I"m feeling cold todayNot hurt just fucked awayI"m devasted and frustratedGod I feel so boundSo why I"d feel the needI think it"s time to bleedI"m gunna cut myself andWatch the blood hit the groundRIGHT NOWCan"t find a way to get across the hateWhen I see youRIGHT NOWI feel it scratch insideI want to slash and beat youRIGHT NOWI rip apart the things insidethat excite youRIGHT NOWI can"t control myselfI fucking hate you!You open your mouth againI swear I"m gunna break itYou open your mouth againMy god, I cannot take itShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upRIGHT NOWCan"t find a way to get across the hateWhen I see youRIGHT NOWI feel it scratch insideI want to slash and beat youRIGHT NOWI rip apart the things insidethat excite youRIGHT NOWI can"t control myselfI fucking hate you!I fuckin" hate you!I fuckin" hate you!I fuckin" hate you!I fuckin" hate you!I fuckin" hate you! (shut up)I fuckin" hate you! (shut up)I fuckin" hate you! (shut up)Shut up!

tick tock如何邀请好友


Tick Tock (Shadows - Part 2) 歌词

歌曲名:Tick Tock (Shadows - Part 2)歌手:Hans Zimmer专辑:Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows「Tick Tock」作词∶Toshinobu Kubota/ALI-KICK Carolyn Ann Franklin/Ivy J Hunter作曲∶Toshinobu Kubota/ALI-KICK Carolyn Ann Franklin/Ivy J Hunter歌∶久保田利伸ただありがとう 阳だまりをあなたの爱は无偿时计の音 まん丸Yellowあたたかいよ 鼓动カブの後ろ 町の风入学祝い めざまし时计やらなかったアラームセット叫んでくれた名前テレサの目で叱られた人生もっと辛いことあるとガンジーを仰ぎながら未だ覚悟はハンパずっとありがとう 大空を沈まない太阳下げます头を 座ってもう溜まってます 爱情朝になるまで帰らんない走る青さが呼ぶ悲しみさまざまがくだらなかった通り道ですゴメンなさい今足をかばいながら情の深さは変わらないどこかに舍てたあのめざまし今日もこの胸を起こすただありがとう 阳だまりをあなたの爱は无偿时计の音 まん丸Yellowあたたかいよ 鼓动ずっとありがとう 大空を沈まない太阳下げます头を 座ってもう溜まってます 爱情Good day, Bad daySun and Rain人生 そのページ重ねてただありがとう 阳だまりをあなたの爱は无偿时计の音 まん丸Yellowあたたかいよ 鼓动ずっとありがとう 大空を沈まない太阳下げます头を 座ってもう溜まってます 爱情Oh oh, tick tock tick tock...【 おわり 】

tick tock.six olcok. time to get up

七、 1. Six 2. wake up 3. Nine 4. sleep

tick tock tick tock 有什么歌的歌词是这样的!一个女生唱的 我在酒吧里面听见的 确定不是kh和艾薇儿唱的

邓紫棋 A.I.N.Y

tick tock 是什么意思

1. 青春斗是杨的新歌《青春斗》(Tick Tock),看过《海派甜心》的一定都知道,就是宝珠姐每次震撼出场时的配乐。2. 激情风暴轰天杀手 Bad Company ...教父三部曲:1901-1980Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980, The激情风暴Tick Tock神鬼骗局Circus 3. 滴答 ...Tick tock 滴答I can fly 我可以飞Round the garden 绕花园4. 嘀嘀哒哒金宝贝早教音乐(30首) ...Knees and toes膝盖和脚趾Tick Tock嘀嘀哒哒Tick Tock, Tick Tock嘀嘀哒哒,嘀嘀哒哒 Tick Tock..青春斗 | 激情风暴 | 滴答 | 嘀嘀哒哒 Tick Tocktick (tock)..答声 tick (tock)..答声 tick (tock) 答声 有趣的英文歌曲 ...Animal song 动物之歌 Tick-Tock 滴答滴答 Counting song 数字歌 ...Tick-Tock Model..钟摆模式 | 滴答模型 Tick-Tock Model..钟摆模式 | 滴答模型 Tick-Tock Model1. 钟摆模式 2008年是英特尔钟摆模式(tick-tock model)的偶数年,英特尔曾对业界的承诺:每奇数年会更新一个产品,每偶数年则更新一个架构,尽管金融危机的寒气逼人,但它并没有爽约。2. 滴答模型 Intel向来惯用一个名为“滴答模型”(Tick-Tock Model)的招式,也就是让Intel维持科技领先地位的CPU发展战略。也就是该公司MOT技术经营的方针。Tick-Tock..滴答滴答 | 独立摇滚 | 滴滴嗒嗒声音 Tick-Tock..滴答滴答 | 独立摇滚 | 滴滴嗒嗒声音 Tick-Tock 1. 滴答滴答 Bear Story ...Animal song65动物之歌 Tick-Tock65滴答滴答 Counting song65数字歌 ...2. 独立摇滚 Popmundo ...T Revolution 前卫金属 Tick-Tock 独立摇滚 Wattafak 古典摇滚 ...3. 滴滴嗒嗒声音 1 ...Thursday星期四 tick-tock滴滴嗒嗒声音 tick打钩 ...Tick,Tock,Says The Clock..滴答,滴答,时钟说话 Tick,Tock,Says The Clock..滴答,滴答,时钟说话 Tick,Tock,Says The Clock 滴答,滴答,时钟说话 小学综合英语教师手册 ...Early To Bed(早早睡)Tick,Tock,Says The Clock(滴答,滴答,时钟说话)The Clock(时钟) ...Tick, tock, tick, tock..嘀嗒,嘀嗒 Tick, tock, tick, tock..嘀嗒,嘀嗒 Tick, tock, tick, tock 嘀嗒,嘀嗒 Ninety years without slumbering 90年不眠不休 Tick, tock, tick, tock 嘀嗒,嘀嗒 His life seconds numbering 数着他生命的分秒 ...Tick,Tock,Says The Clock..滴答,滴答,时钟说话 Tick,Tock,Says The Clock..滴答,滴答,时钟说话 Tick,Tock,Says The Clock 滴答,滴答,时钟说话ticket stamping machine 客票日期打印器tidal current 潮流tidal energy 潮汐能 ...Tick, Tock, Tickety, Tock..另类摇滚 Tick, Tock, Tickety, Tock..另类摇滚 Tick, Tock, Tickety, Tock 另类摇滚 Popmundo ...T Threeway On The Freeway 另类摇滚 Tick, Tock, Tickety, Tock 另类摇滚 Tickled pink then beaten 垃圾摇滚 ...Like the tick tick tock of the stately clock..像剔剔的沉稳滴答时钟 Like the tick tick tock of the stately clock..像剔剔的沉稳滴答时钟 Like the tick tick tock of the stately clock 像剔剔的沉稳滴答时钟 When the jungle shadows fall当丛林的影子秋天 Like the tick tick tock of the stately clock像剔剔的沉稳滴答时钟 As it stands against the wall由于它埋墙 ...TICK TOCK TIME..时钟嘀嘀哒哒 | 滴答钟 TICK TOCK TIME..时钟嘀嘀哒哒 | 滴答钟 TICK TOCK TIME 1. 时钟嘀嘀哒哒HAPPY BIRTHDAY:生日快乐TICK TOCK TIME:时钟嘀嘀哒哒NIGHT AND DAY:昼与夜 ...2. 滴答钟迪士尼美语魔法书 Magic English 光碟... ...Happt Birthday(生日快乐)Tick Tock Time(滴答钟) Night and Day(日与夜) ...




tick-tock——the sound of a large clock ticking.滴答、滴答。 大钟滴答作响的声音。



求魔兽DOTA里面的小指令比如-sleep -unstuck越多越好

进入后-ap 后输入-test

请问 游戏地铁跑酷里Pick up 12 Powerups.6 left 是什么意思


pick up12 powerups什么意思


pock face英文歌词

Lady Gaga - Poker Face LyricsPoker Face LyricsMum mum mum mahMum mum mum mahI wanna hold em" like they do in Texas PlaysFold em" let em" hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it)Love game intuition play the cards with Spades to startAnd after he"s been hooked I"ll play the one that"s on his heartOh, oh oh oh oh, o-o-o-o-o-ohI"ll get him hot, show him what I"ve gotOh, oh oh oh oh, o-o-o-o-o-ohI"ll get him hot, show him what I"ve gotCan"t read my,Can"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)Can"t read myCan"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)P-p-p-poker face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)P-p-p-poker face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will beA little gambling is fun when you"re with me (I love it)Russian Roulette is not the same without a gunAnd baby when it"s love if its not rough it isn"t fun, funOh, oh oh oh oh, o-o-o-o-o-ohI"ll get him hot, show him what I"ve gotOh, oh oh oh oh, o-o-o-o-o-ohI"ll get him hot, show him what I"ve gotCan"t read my,Can"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)Can"t read my,Can"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)P-p-p-Poker face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)P-p-p-Poker face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)I won"t tell you that I love youKiss or hug youCause I"m bluffin" with my muffinI"m not lying I"m just stunnin" with my love-glue-gunningJust like a chick in the casinoTake your bank before I pay you outI promise this, promise thisCheck this hand cause I"m marvelousCan"t read my,Can"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)Can"t read my,Can"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)Can"t read my,Can"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)Can"t read myCan"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)Can"t read my,Can"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got me like nobody)Can"t read myCan"t read myNo he can"t read-a my poker face(she"s got to love nobody)P-p-p-poker face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)P-p-p-poker her face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)P-p-p-poker face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)P-p-p-poker her face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)P-p-p-poker face, p-p-Fuck her face(Mum mum mum mah)P-p-p-poker face, p-p-Fuck Her face(Mum mum mum mah)

he hit me什么the back and i hit him什么the face?

He hit me ( on ) the back and I hit him ( in ) the face.

It hit me和I struck me区别是什么?


blue moon of kentucky 歌词

歌曲名:blue moon of kentucky歌手:sarah harmer专辑:songs for clemBlue moonBlue moonBlue moon, keep shining brightBlue moon, keep on shining brightYou"re gonna bring me back my baby tonightBlue moon, keep shining brightI said blue moon of Kentucky keep on shiningShine on the one that"s gone and left me blueI said blue moon of Kentucky keep on shiningShine on the one that"s gone and left me blueWell it was on a moonlit nigh, stars shining brightWhisper on high, love said goodbyeBlue moon of Kentucky keep on shiningShine on the one that"s gone and left me blueShine on the one that"s gone and left me blueShine on the one that"s gone and left me blueShine on the one that"s gone and left me blueShine on the one that"s gone and left me blueShine on the one that"s gone and left me blue

求水树奈奈唱的Blue Moon,Black Diamond,还有火之泪的简谱

ガラスの华 -TVアニメ「WHITE ALBUM」イメージソング 作词:有里泉美 作曲 / 编曲:藤间仁(Elements Garden) 歌:绪方理奈(CV:水树奈々) 友达にはもう戻れない tomodachi nihamou modore nai 魅かれてく 一秒ごと そっと hika reteku ichibyou goto sotto 阳差しの中のあなたは そう you sashi no nakano anataha sou 梦を运ぶ 风みたい yume wo hakobu kaze mitai ふと合った视线 思わず逸らして futo atta shisen omowazu sora shite 鼓动早くなる kodou hayaku naru その胸に 私は居ますか…? sono mune ni watashi ha ima suka ... ? 闻きたい…闻けないの kiki tai ... kike naino ガラスのような强がりより garasu noyouna tsuyoga riyori 抱きたいよ、勇気を daki taiyo , yuuki wo 友达にはもう戻れない tomodachi nihamou modore nai 恋人になれなくても koibito ninarenakutemo 昨日の夕暮れに偶然 kinou no yuugure ni guuzen 二人きり歩いた并木道 futari kiri arui ta namikimichi 触れそうなほど そばに居たのが fure sounahodo sobani ita noga 嘘みたいよ uso mitaiyo 今日は远いね… konnichiha tooi ne ... ねえ、谁にでも 优しくしないで nee , dare nidemo yasashi kushinaide 涙、渗んでく… namida , shin ndeku ... あなただけ いつも见つめてる anatadake itsumo mitsu meteru 言いたい…言えないの ii tai ... ie naino どんな笑颜 差し出したら donna egao sashi dashi tara この想い叶うの…? kono omoi kanau no ... ? その胸に私は居ますか…? sono mune ni watashi ha ima suka ... ? 闻きたい…闻けないの kiki tai ... kike naino ガラスのような华で染まった garasu noyouna hana de soma tta 心を受け止めて kokoro wo uke tome te 友达にはもう戻れない tomodachi nihamou modore nai 恋人になれなくても koibito ninarenakutemo

how i wish that i could go back to the past为什么开头要用how


英语lift ring pull up and back..这句看上去能理解,可仔细看看,我还是不太明白。

lift ring pull up and back提起坏, 向上 向后拉, 指拉易拉罐

你知道Pull up ones socks是什么意思吗?

pull up one"s socks 鼓起勇气网络释义 鼓起勇气 振作起来例句1.If you don"t pull your socks up,you"ll fail the exam. 如果你不加紧努力,你考试会不及格的。 2.Meanwhile, veteran diplomat Richard Holbrooke will be stepping up his efforts as a special envoy to Southwest Asia, and will be meeting with leaders there on a regular basis. 同时,作为美国西南亚特使的资深外交官霍尔布鲁克将加紧努力,他将定期会见一些西南亚国家领导人。

Pull back the covers 和pull up the covers分别指睡觉时的什么

把被子拉起来 pull up the coversPull back the covers向后拉盖都是指盖被子

你知道Pull up ones socks是什么意思吗?

Pull up ones socks[俚语]鼓起勇气例句1.If you don"t pull your socks up,you"ll fail the exam.如果你不加紧努力,你考试会不及格的。2.Meanwhile, veteran diplomat Richard Holbrooke will be stepping up his efforts as a special envoy to Southwest Asia, and will be meeting with leaders there on a regular basis.同时,作为美国西南亚特使的资深外交官霍尔布鲁克将加紧努力,他将定期会见一些西南亚国家领导人。

python 通过 asyncio 同时使用 flask (quart)与 websocket

因需要同时使用作为服务端flask (quart)使用客户端使用websocket 参考环境 python3.8 websockets~=10.3 quart~=0.17.0

[紧急]“加速”用英语怎么表达,应该用那个词组?A. pull up B. put up C. rise up D. pick up 要详解…

2.speed up才正确

pull up take up pick up bring up的区别

pull up 拔起;停下来;阻止 take up. 拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方) pick up 捡起;获得;收拾;不费力地学会 bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出;(船等)停下



什么是 Design Hackathon

介绍下什么是 Design Hackathon?Hackathon,即「黑客马拉松」,是一个流传于技术爱好者中的活动。在该活动当中,很多程序员相聚在一起,以合作的形式去编程,而且整个编程的过程几乎没有任何限制或方向。Design Hackathon 更类似用「黑客马拉松」的思维做产品设计,这种方法论融合了来自 Google,IDEO 等业界顶尖公司的产品设计工具和方法,它将所有的产品设计师、视觉设计师甚至工程师聚在一起,在一定的时间内,以头脑风暴的方式,最大范围地搜集产品的各种可能性,然后抽象地整理出这些想法背后所隐藏的核心概念和产品需求,快速梳理出正确的产品设计方向,之后将想法转化成可视的手稿和线框图,最终变成产品雏形。快速发现海量可能性Design Hackathon 非常适合产品定义阶段。在产品定义阶段,面对确定的需求,设计方向和目标尚模糊,产品形态发展的可能性非常多。如果仅仅采用传统的设计手段(比如单人决策),非常容易走向片面和狭隘的方向,既可能出错,也会丧失许多机会。Design Hackathon 将所有与产品相关的人员聚在一起,利用头脑风暴法,快速产生海量想法和点子,让产品设计从个人经验、老板意愿和竞品预设的桎梏中脱离出来,搜集最大范围的产品可能性。确定方向的同时,拥有可落地的细节Design Hackathon 遵循了一个「从发散到抽象再到具体」的过程,从最直接的个人经验、想法或者灵机一动的点子出发,抽象地归纳出这些想法背后所隐藏的核心概念或产品需求,最后再回归到具体的产品设计草图表达当中。这个由「发散到抽象再到具体」的过程,既保证了思维发散阶段的丰富性和灵感的多元化,又能达到将想法现实化的目的。激发团队不同角色的创意Design Hackathon 参与人员并不局限于产品设计师和交互设计师,而是可以拓展到工程师等其他产品相关人员。不同背景和角色的人通过讨论和互动,能够相互激发灵感,获得丰富的创意。在产品的设计过程中,设计师、工程师和高层领导者由于背景和理解问题的角度不同,常常会产生分歧和争议,使产品设计的时间周期变得不可预测。Design Hackathon 的方法论可以让整个产品团队都加入其中,在平等、专注且高效的状态下,通过分类的方法,将所有人思考的亮点条理化,汇聚到最终的产品设计中。


一:Android 中Home键监听和Back键监听的区别:(1).在Android中,当按下Home键的时候,默认情况下Stop前台的Activity,即Activity设置成停止状态【onStop()】,而不是销毁状态【onDestory()】。如果再次启动该Activity,不是调用onCreate()方法,而是调用onSavedInstanceState方法。则是从onRestart()开始-onStart()-onResume()。 (2).当按下back键则不同,back键默认finish前台的activity,即activity的状态为onDestory为止,再次启动该activity则从onCreate开始,不会调用onSavedInstanceState方法。 总而言之:按下Home键会返回桌面,而back则会返回前一个activity。在这里Back键的实现方法就不赘述了,主要讲解一下Home键的实现方式吧。以下是个人找的参考资料自己思考的。Home键监听的实现方法: (1).在onResum里面注册广播,OnPause里面注销广播。 (2).在广播中拦截Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS 这个Action ,通过获取Reason字段 来判断长按 还是单击Home键。 代码如下:(1).Home键监听封装类:package com.scd.homewatcher.util;import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;import android.content.Context;import android.content.Intent;import android.content.IntentFilter;import android.util.Log;/** * Home键监听封装 * * @author way * */public class HomeWatcher { // 回调接口 public interface OnHomePressedListener { public void onHomePressed(); public void onHomeLongPressed(); } private static final String TAG = "HomeWatcher"; /** 上下文 */ private Context mContext; /** 过滤器 */ private IntentFilter mFilter; /** 接口 */ private OnHomePressedListener mListener; /** 广播接收者 */ private InnerRecevier mRecevier; public HomeWatcher(Context context) { mContext = context; mRecevier = new InnerRecevier(); mFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS); } /** * 设置监听 * * @param listener */ public void setOnHomePressedListener(OnHomePressedListener listener) { mListener = listener; } /** * 开始监听,注册广播 */ public void startWatch() { if (mRecevier != null) { mContext.registerReceiver(mRecevier, mFilter); } } /** * 停止监听,注销广播 */ public void stopWatch() { if (mRecevier != null) { mContext.unregisterReceiver(mRecevier); } } /** * 广播接收者 */ private class InnerRecevier extends BroadcastReceiver { final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_KEY = "reason"; final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_GLOBAL_ACTIONS = "globalactions"; final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_RECENT_APPS = "recentapps"; final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_HOME_KEY = "homekey"; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS)) { String reason = intent.getStringExtra(SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_KEY); if (reason != null) { Log.i(TAG, "action:" + action + ",reason:" + reason); if (mListener != null) { if (reason.equals(SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_HOME_KEY)) { // 短按home键 mListener.onHomePressed(); } else if (reason .equals(SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_RECENT_APPS)) { // 长按home键 mListener.onHomeLongPressed(); } } } } } }}(2).MainActivity类:package com.scd.homewatcher;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.KeyEvent;import android.widget.Toast;import com.scd.homewatcher.util.HomeWatcher;import com.scd.homewatcher.util.HomeWatcher.OnHomePressedListener;public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OnHomePressedListener { private HomeWatcher mHomeWatcher; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } @Override protected void onResume() { mHomeWatcher = new HomeWatcher(this); mHomeWatcher.setOnHomePressedListener(this); // 注册广播 mHomeWatcher.startWatch(); super.onResume(); } @Override protected void onPause() { mHomeWatcher.setOnHomePressedListener(null); // 注销广播 mHomeWatcher.stopWatch(); super.onPause(); } @Override public void onHomePressed() { // TODO Toast.makeText(this, "短按Home键,实现自己的逻辑", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public void onHomeLongPressed() { // TODO Toast.makeText(this, "长按Home键,实现自己的逻辑", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK)) { System.out.println("按下了back键 onKeyDown()"); return false; } else { return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } } @Override public void onBackPressed() { // super.onBackPressed()会自动调用finish()方法,关闭 super.onBackPressed(); }}


delphi TDate,Time存储方式本质上也是以double来存储的。用整数部分表示日期,小数部分表示时间。TDateTimePicker有上面三种属性。二、delphi TDateTimePicker的kind属性设置为dtkDate用于显示日期,第二个kind设置为dtkTime用于显示时间,但是不能同时显示的。三、用DateTimePicker.Date和Time的值要注意:取Date要用trunc取整得到,取Time要用frac取小数得到。四、DateTimePicker的Date,Time,DateTime三者是相等的。新建一个工程放入一个TDateTimePicker、两个TEdit、两个按钮,并设置两个按钮的事件代码如下{DateTimePicker1的日期和时间设置为:2010-03-26 13:00:00}procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); //取出Date部分,并判断它的值vart:TDateTime;begint:= DateTimePicker1.Date;Edit1.Text:=DateTimeToStr(t);end;procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); //判断取Date和DateTime是否相等beginif DateTimePicker1.Time = DateTimePicker1.DateTime thenbeginEdit2.Text:="相等"endelsebeginEdit2.Text:="不相等";end;end;可以看到虽然我们的代码中只取了Date或是Time,但是它们的值和DateTime的值是相等的。所以如果你用如下代码{DateTimePicker1的日期和时间设置为:2010-03-26 13:00:00}procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); //取出Date部分,并判断它的值vart:TDateTime;begint:= DateTimePicker1.Date + DateTimePicker1.Time;//t:= trunc(DateTimePicker1.Date)+frac(DateTimePicker1.Time);//这才是等到DateTimePicker1的日期和时间Edit1.Text:=DateTimeToStr(t);end;结果是:2120-6-21 2:00:00相当于是把DateTimePicker1的时间和日期乘以2了,并不是说DateTimerPicker的Date+Time就和DateTime相等。而用 trunc取整数部分 加上 frac取小数部分 函数,两者取出来的和就会和原来相等。



英语中give out ,give away ,give on ,give off ,give back ,give over各有什么详细意思?

1.give off vt及物动词.意思是:发出(蒸汽、光等),长出(枝、杈等)例如:The cooker is giving off a funny smell.锅里冒出一股怪味.2.give away vt及物动词.意思是:送掉, 放弃, 泄露, 出卖, 让步, 陷下.例如泄露秘密/机密等.3.give out vt.及物动词.意思是“分发”例如: Give the money out to the children.4.give up vt及物动词. 意思是:放弃(念头、希望等), 停止, 抛弃, 认输, 把...送交5.give over 意思有很多: a, 交给,移交;交托,交代(to) b, 停止(做某事),停下;放弃;不再抱有希望,认为无可挽救 c, (为某种目的)留出,拨出 d, 放任(自己) 6.give back vt及物动词.意思是: 归还, 恢复, 后退, 反射(声、光等) 7.give on V.意思是:屈服.例如: never give on 从不屈服.加油~~


对于BELICK的牺牲,个人感觉不是没有原因的。人们决定生死往往就是一刹那间,也许再多给BELICK几分钟的时间,他就不会这么英雄般的去现身。在大水将至的那个瞬间,必须有一个人跳下去扛着水管,LINK不下,就得BELICK下。在那个危急的关头,BELICK只想到LINK还有一个儿子,而自己了无牵挂。于是就有了那句感人肺腑的“YOU HAVE A SON”。这样,看似唐突的英雄壮举其实蕴含着许多合理的因素。所以我感觉,BELICK的壮举是可以理解的。伏笔Ⅰ:在去水站烧变频器的路上,BELICK跟LINK聊起LJ,BELICK说在他小的时候爸爸就去世了,他很羡慕父子之间的感情。也正是由于这段对话,引出了“YOU HAVE A SON”那句感人的话。BELICK不希望LJ失去父亲,换句话说,他不希望LJ重蹈自己的覆辙。在大水到来的那个时刻,他考虑LJ多过于自己。伏笔Ⅱ:第八集中,BELICK对SUCRE说自己有不祥的预感,并说如果自己出了事,让SUCRE转告自己的母亲:“我不是死于牢狱之苦。”且不说第六感是否存在,BELICK也许真的感觉到自己将不久于人世,算是向SUCRE料理后事,即使真的如他所料,他走的也没有遗憾了。所以如果说在那个危急的瞬间,他的预感暗示他去做出英雄的举动,也合情合理。伏笔Ⅲ:在去主水道的路上,BELICK自言自语说自己这辈子在FOX RIVER作威作福,现在落到这个地步。虽然没人把他的话放在心上,但是BELICK的内心深处是在深深地忏悔的。他多么渴望自己能够重新活一次,哪怕让自己的形象在他人的心中高大一些。我想也正是这种忏悔,使他在关键时刻挺身而出,最后做出了终极牺牲。伏笔Ⅳ:在第九集的一开始,LINK和BELICK之间进行了一段短暂的争吵。LINK让SELF把罗兰的垃圾拿走,BELICK说“人已经死了,就不要这样说了。。。”此时的BELICK是在兔死狐悲,他见证了罗兰的下场:一个背叛团队和伙伴的人,即使死了也遭人唾弃。于是在BELICK的心中,暗暗的萌生了一个信念:绝对不可以背叛!所以在之后的工作中,BELICK表现的异常的积极,主动请缨下到管道中去,还安慰MS说自己比较强壮。罗兰的死也促使了BELICK人性的闪耀,使自己内心升腾着一股成为英雄的渴望。这种渴望最终化作了现实,演绎出那悲壮的一幕。伏笔Ⅴ:在SELF小组成立之时,MS让BELICK加入的原因是他在SONA帮了小苏不少忙(第十集详细介绍),这也隐约让我们感到了,在经过SONA的地狱般的历练之后,BELICK的灵魂经过了洗礼,人性得到了升华。环境是最能改变人的。BELICK在SONA经历了惨绝人寰身心折磨,必定深刻的反省过。作为一个囚犯,他尝到了被人欺凌的痛苦,目睹了同伴越狱后遭遇射杀的惨状,同时也深深地忏悔自己在FOX RIVER的所作所为。他甚至不止一次的想到过自杀,可他下不了手,用他自己的话说是“我连干掉自己的勇气都没有”。生存的渴望触动了他人性中最善良与光明的一面,使他卸下了卑鄙自私的灵魂换上了善良和无畏。BELICK确实变了,因为苦难是最好的导师。BELICK走了,他的举动虽然抹不去他曾经的种种劣迹,但却为他的生命做了最美好的诠释,也永远铭记在我们的心中。。。最后,愿逝者安息。。。天堂的那条狐狸河,永远为他静静地流淌。。。

Michael Jackson的《My Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:My Girl歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Lost & Found: Motown Volume 7MyGirlMichael JacksonBenI"ve got sunshineOn a cloudy dayWhen it"s cold outsideI"ve got the month of MayI guess you"d sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got so much honeythe bees envy meI"ve got a sweeter song thanthe birds in the treesI guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)Hey hey heyHey hey heyI love my babyShe makes me feel proudOoooh...I climb the highest mountainand say I"m in loveI don"t need no money,fortune or fameI"ve got all the riches babyone man can claimWell I guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got sunshine On a cloudy day

Michael Jackson的《My Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:My Girl歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:3 Cd CollectionMyGirlMichael JacksonBenI"ve got sunshineOn a cloudy dayWhen it"s cold outsideI"ve got the month of MayI guess you"d sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got so much honeythe bees envy meI"ve got a sweeter song thanthe birds in the treesI guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)Hey hey heyHey hey heyI love my babyShe makes me feel proudOoooh...I climb the highest mountainand say I"m in loveI don"t need no money,fortune or fameI"ve got all the riches babyone man can claimWell I guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got sunshine On a cloudy day

code blocks怎么运行出班级,姓名,学号

编写一个简单的C++程序:通过键盘输入你的基本信息,如姓名、学号、班级,然后在屏幕上输出#include #include main(){int a;printf("学生学号");scanf("%d",&a);switch(a){case 1:{printf("1号 ");break;}case 2:{printf("2号 ");break;}case 3:{printf("3号 ");break;}}system("pause");}

Gackt的《Episode.0》 歌词

歌曲名:Episode.0歌手:Gackt专辑:Episode.0[by:赖润诫「Episode.0」作词∶mathru (KanimisoP)作曲∶mathru (KanimisoP)歌∶GACKTそう俺は梦を掴む者野望のため刀を赤く染める戦国の世が世であるから何を犠牲にしても天下を取る何もかも省みずに故郷(こきょう)の母にも手纸书けず己の未熟さを知り気付けば体は血に染まった残酷な戦の痕 俺たちは败れた人败者には救いさえもなく无情に雨は降り注ぐ墓标に梦は露と散る远く向こうから聴こえてくる优しく悲しい旋律少女が何処かで歌ってるようだ透き通った声が响きわたるふと涙零れ落ちた故郷(ふるさと)が思い浮かんだ歌声が俺に気付かせた平穏が一番大切だともし生まれかわれるならこの声の少女のように歌声で人を救えるような存在になりたいと思うんだ今の俺がそうであるように谁かの重荷を外せたなら 呜呼

Lexington Bridge的《Kick Back》 歌词

歌曲名:Kick Back歌手:Lexington Bridge专辑:The VibeLexington Bridge - Kick BackAlbum:The Vibe鹰飞雁武 编辑Baby let me be the first to mentionThat I"m glad to in my lifeYour the sunshine after the rainI wanna give you all of my attentionI wanna give it to your needBe all that I can be"Cause you are so beautifulAnd you are a miracleAlways got my back, wherever I am metBack If I"m high or feeling lowBut tonight it"s all "bout youLet me set the moodI wanna make your body glowHold you tight and make it slowSo kick back, baby relaxLet me take off your shoesOh girl I"m gonna do you right"Cause baby tonight"s your nightSo kick back, baby relaxThat"s what I gonna doOh baby gonna love you rightTo the early morn"Baby let"s take you to the showerLet me soap your body downThere"s nothing that I won"t doYou know deep down how much love ya (love ya)Let me tell you here and nowMy feet can touch the ground"Cause you are so beauitfulAnd you are a miracleAlways got my back, wherever I am metIf I"m high or feeling lowBut tonight it"s all "bout youLet me set the moodI wanna make your body glowHold you tight and make take it slowSo kick back, baby relaxLet me take off your shoesOh girl I"m gonna do you right"Cause baby tonight"s your nightSo kick back, baby relaxThat"s what I gonna doOh baby gonna love you rightTo the early morn"I wanna take my time nice and slowPromises that I"ve busy turn the lights down lowSet to the scene with candles, disconnect the phoneBaby no interruption, gotta stand the zoneKiss your neck and work it down to your feetAnd work it back all over your bodyTo some beatGirl I ain"t go (stop), gotta hit your (spot)There"s nothing that I won"t do"Cause tonight it"s all "bout you





我的电脑发现Hacktool Rootkit病毒,扫毒,永久删除后,过几天又反复出现,我该怎么办?

开机是,摁"F8" 选择"安全模式"进入系统.再按楼上那位说的步骤应该就OK了.


你可以用这个软件到安全模式下去处理试试: 按杀毒软件提供的路径,记下来 1.下载一个软件:冰刃( 这是一个绿色软件,下载解压缩后即可使用。然后重启机器到安全模式下。 2.在冰刃左侧的栏里通过“文件”直接定位到这个文件所在的文件夹下,找到这个文件。右击这个文件,选择--删除。 3.搜索注册表里这些文件的键值,删除搜索到的。(不一定有) 4.重启电脑,这个东西应该清除干净了。 如果重启后问题还在,请用同样的方法到Windows/system32和Windows/system32/drivers这2个文件去检查下。
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