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shawty,whatcha 是什么意思?谢谢!

都是黑人俚语whatcha = what are you如Whatcha doing? = What are you doing?Whatcha Gonna Do? = what are you going to doshawty ["sfo:ti] 1:亚特兰大黑人俚语 性感女性2:蔑称矮小的人

The chairman threatened ________ if his policies were not adopted. A) to resign B) resigning

固定搭配 threaten sth or doing sth

c语言 请问char数组该如何声明?

#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int i; char ch[5] = {"a","b","c","d",""};//方式1 char ch2[]="hello";//方式2 char *ch3 = "world";//方式3 char *ch4[3] = {"welcome", "," ,"doudou745"};//字符指针数组 printf("%s ", ch); printf("%s ", ch2); printf("%s ", ch3); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { printf("ch4[%d] = %s ", i+1, ch4[i]); } return 0;}

Introduction to Statistical Mechanics, Phase Transitions, and the Ising Model

In statistical physics, we are interested in multi-particle and many-state systems particularly where the interactions between particles play an essntial role, which can exhibit a phenomenon known as a phase transition. This phenomenon can be observed universally in nature such as the appearance of ferromagnetism in materials such as iron. The transition like this require the concept of temperature, which is quite significant in condensed matter physics. In this article I will give a brief introduction to Ising model and try to use it to investigate several properties of solid like Magnetization, Energy per spin, Specific heat per spin and susceptibility of particles. To do all of these works, I will use Mean Field Theory which is widely used in the study of statistical mechanics to symplify the calculation and use the Monte Carco Method which is useful when solving some numerical problems to simulate the process of thermalequibulum in real world. What"s more, phase transitions will also be investigated in this article so that one could have a deeper understanding about the equilibrium state under various tempreture and appreciate the tremendous beauty of the real world. All of my codes are uploaded here Magnetism is an inherently quantum phenomena which cannot be exhibited classically. To decribe the behavior of a magnetic material, we should introduce the electron"s spin and the associated magnetic moment in quantum mechanics. The Ising model is a mathematical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. In Ising Model, the spins are arranged in a graph, usually a lattice, allowing each spin to interact with its neighbors. Ferromagnetism arises when a collection of such spins conspire so that all of their magnetic moments point in the same direction, yielding a total moment that is macroscopic in size. Each spin is able to point at two directions and thus can be denoted by two numbers. After we introduce the concept of spin, the energy of the system is given by these neighbouring interactions and the interaction between the spins and an external magnetic field: For simplicity, we assume that: . for neighberhood spins. Less energy is prefered by a system, thus it can be derived that for a ferromagnetic material all spin are aligned. Assuming that our spin system is in equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature T, so that we can use the conclusion of statistical mechanics directly. The probability of finding the system in any particular state is proportional to the Boltzmann factor And then we get the measured magnetization of the system: where Mean field theory is a useful approach for calculating the properties of a spin system. The magnetization is related to the average spin alignment. For an infinitely large system, the spins will all have the same average alignment.Hence all spins must have the same average properties. The total magnetization at temprature T for a system of N spins will then be Thus we can derive M if we can calculate <si>. An exact computation of <si> would require the probabilities of all possible microstates. We cannot do this completely constricted by our ability to calculate. The only thing we can do is to consider an approximate alternative known as mean field theory. Using the result of statistical mechanics, the thermal average of si can be calculated as This is the exact result for the behavior of a single spin in a magnetic field. Now consider an approximate method: The interaction of a spin with its neighbering spins is equivalent to an effective magnetic field acting on si.So the thing we need to do first is to calculate the effective field Heff. The energy function can be rewritten in this form: which shows that the term involving J has the form of a magnetic field with Then we have the following relationship and The mean field theory we mensioned before is not always valid. A critical example is the values of the critical exponent. A more powerful approach is the Monte Carlo Method. To simulate how a spin system interacts with its environment, we will consider the particular case of a collection of Ising spins. The Monte Carlo method uses a stochastic approach to simulate the exchange of energy between the spin system and the heat bath. A spin is chosen and the energy required to make it flip is calculated. If Eflip is negative, the spin is flipped and the system moves into a different microstate. If Eflip is positive, a decision must be made. The core of the Monte Carlo method is to use the computer to generate some randon numbers which satisfy the Boltzmann distribution. The approach to realize this is to compare the numbergenerated with the function derived from the Boltzmann factos which we mensioned before. I use more than 10 progrem to finish this article and I will describe some of them so that readers could have a deeper understanding about the theory I mensioned before. All of my codes are uploaded here All of my codes are uploaded here Here I zoomed the curve so that readers could read more clearly: The method takes only about 3 steps to reach the result. Thus this is an effective method when calculate the solution. To investigate the property of average spin near transition point T=4, I calculated the equation when T=3.9. Here is the result: Further more, I tried to reset the initial condition when T=1 and look whether it converges: I plotted the curves of magnetization versus time(Loop) under different temperature: Here you can see that it satisfies our expectation! Note that the curve has a slope near the temperature 2.25. It stands for the phase transition. Notice that the curve is not so stable near its maximium. It may because it varies too fast near it. Here I show you a more mussy one: Then it can be easily seen that the points near the transition point T=2.25 is very mussy actually because of the large slope. Here I plot the curve: At the end, I will show you the states of lattice under various temperature. These picture will give you a direct image:

捷安特旗下liv的 enchant0的配置有哪些,是哪一年产的车,现在市场价格是多少?


I was enchanted to meet you 这句话啥意思



enchanting 形容词 adj.1.使人喜悦的,可爱的;迷人的an enchanting child可爱的孩子enchanting adj.使人喜悦的;妩媚的;迷人的 v.使欣喜,使心醉(enchant的现在分词);使迷惑 令人喜欢的; 迷人的; 着了魔; 迷人 1....






enchanting 英 [ɪn"tʃɑːntɪŋ]     美 [ɪn"tʃæntɪŋ]    adj.迷人的动词enchant的现在分词.释义常用度分布图海词统计迷人的动词ench..副词: enchantinglyenchanting的用法和样例:例句用作形容词 (adj.)What an enchanting little girl!多么可爱的小姑娘!If you do not mind my saying so, your smile is quite enchanting.如果您不介意我这么说的话,您的微笑很迷人。

enchanted 翻译



0 - 保护,Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)1 - 火焰保护,Fire Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)2 - 摔落保护,Feather Falling (鞋子)3 - 爆炸保护,Blast Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)4 - 弹射物保护,Projectile Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)5 - 水下呼吸,Respiration (头盔)6 - 水下速掘,Aqua Affinity (头盔)7 - 荆棘,Thorns (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)8 - 水下加速, Depth Strider(鞋子)剑:16 - 锋利,Sharpness (剑)17 - 亡灵杀手,Smite (剑)18 - 节肢杀手,Bane Of Arthropods (剑)19 - 击退,Knock Back (剑)20 - 火焰附加,Fire Aspect (剑)21 - 抢夺,Looting (剑)工具:32 - 挖掘效率,Efficiency (稿子,斧子,铲子)33 - 精准采集,Silk Touch (稿子,斧子,铲子)34 - 耐久,Unbreaking (稿子,斧子,铲子,武器,装备)35 - 时运,Fortune (稿子,斧子,铲子)61 - 海之*顾,Luck of the sea (钓鱼竿)62 - 饵钓,Lure (钓鱼竿)弓箭:48 - 力量,Power (弓箭)49 - 冲击,Punch (弓箭)50 - 火矢,Flame (弓箭)51 - 无限,Infinity (弓箭)34 - 耐久,Unbreaking 可以在任何物品上附魔


enchanted的意思:adj. 被施魔法的v. 使着魔(enchant 的过去式)短语Enchanted Rock着魔盘石州立自然保护区In the Enchanted Garden 唱片名The Enchanted Garden 迷幻花园 ; 魔幻花园 ; 魔法花园Enchanted April 迷人的四月 ; 外文名称Enchanted Realm 魔法国度 ; 魔法仙境 ; 修改版Enchanted Dreams 心醉幻梦The lion was an enchanted prince. 狮子是一个被施了魔法的王子。How fairy-like does everything appear to her enchanted vision! 在她那被施了魔法的幻象中,一切都显得多么像漂亮啊!


enchanted 英[ɪn"tʃɑ:ntɪd] 美[ɪn"tʃæntɪd] v. 使欣喜,使心醉( enchant的过去式和过去分词 );用魔法迷惑 [例句]Today thankfully sch nwerth "s fresher more original tellings have been awakened from their long enchanted slumber.谢天谢地,现在希昂韦斯那些更新鲜、更原创的故事终于从漫长的魔法睡眠中苏醒了过来

bewilder bemuddle enchant区别

bewilder和bemuddle没什么区别,都是to confuse的意思,即让人迷惑不解;enchant的本意是施法,在小说游戏中指“附魔”,引申过来就是像施了什么法术一样让人神魂颠倒,比如说XX被妖女(or妖男)迷惑,这个迷惑就是enchant


enchanting 英[ɪnˈtʃɑ:ntɪŋ]美[ɪnˈtʃæntɪŋ]adj. 迷人的; 妩媚的; 使人喜悦的;v. 使欣喜,使心醉; (enchant的现在分词) 使迷惑;[网络] 妖娆; 引人入胜的; 可爱的;[例句]He was enchanting, with that epicene beauty.他是迷人的,带着女性美。


enchant_有道词典enchant英 [ɪn"tʃɑːnt; en-]美 [ɪn"tʃænt]vt. 使迷惑;施魔法更多释义>>[网络短语]enchant 迷住,用魔法迷惑,使迷住Enchant World 世界性结界enchant attempts 企图泡泡玩意,附魔尝试

enchanté是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

动词变位提示:enchanté可能是动词enchanter的变位形式a. (m) 1中魔法的; 迷人的 2<引>非常高兴的常见用法elle est enchantée de sa soirée她为她的晚会感到非常高兴enchanté (de faire votre connaissance)幸会近义、反义、派生词典名词变化:enchantement, enchanteur, enchanteuse动词变化:enchanter形容词变化:enchantée, enchanteur, enchanteuse近义词:aise, bienheureux, content, heureux, s"extasier, être ravi, charmé, ange, ravi, magique, surnaturelêtre enchanté: charmé, content, enthousiasmé, heureux, satisfait, 反义词:chagrin, malheureux, mécontent, être désenchanté, être embêté, attrister, chagriner, décevoir, déplaire, désappointer, désenchanter, désillusionner, ennuyer, fâcherêtre enchanté: désolé, mécontent, navré, 法语例句1.Je suis enchanté de vous connaître. 我很高兴认识您。2.J"ai été enchanté par ce séjour.这段日子曾让我十分开心3.Je suis enchanté de vous avoir été utile.能对您有所帮助,我感到很高兴。4.Ces parents sont enchantés de leur gendre.这对父母对女婿非常满意。5.Enchanté de faire votre connaissance,Monsieur.很高兴认识你,先生。6.Je suis enchanté que vous veniez.您来我十分高兴。7.Je suis enchanté de mon collaborateur.我对我的合作者十分满意。8.Bonjour, enchanté(e) de faire votre connaissance.你好,很荣幸认识您。9.Enchanté de faire votre connaissance. Moi aussi.很荣幸认识您。我也是。10.Enchanté de faire connaissance de quelques amis par ici.大家好,好高兴能在这里认识一些朋友。11.Enchanté Paul. Vous aimez aussi la Seine?很高兴认识您. 您也喜欢塞纳河吗?12.monde enchanté des contes de fées充满魔力的童话世界13.Qui berce longuement notre esprit enchanté,轻轻摇晃,许久之后,我们的灵魂沉醉其中14.Bonsoir, Madame, je suis enchanté de faire votre connaissance.晚上好,女士,很高兴认识你.15.Je le félicite et lui explique que je suis enchanté de le connaître.我向他祝贺,并说很荣幸能够认识他。16.Bonjour, enchanté de faire votre connaissance, comment allez-vous ?你好,很高兴认识您,您好吗?17.Bonjour tout le monde! Je suis chinois, j"habite à Canton, Chine. Enchanté de vous connaître!大家好啊,我来自广州,很高兴能和大家交流!18.Monsieur Fix,répondit Passepartout. Enchanté de vous retrouver àbord. Et où allez-vous donc ?“费克斯先生,”路路通说,“又在船上碰见您,我真太高兴了。您去哪儿?”19.Votre arrivée fait que nous sommes très enchantés.你的到来使我们很高兴。20.Enchanté, je m"appelle Martine, Je travaille dans une grande banque de Paris., iL est mon frére高兴的认识你,我叫Martine,我在巴黎的一个大银行工作,他是我弟弟(哥哥)


hadoop的mapreduce任务是在集群环境下跑的,所以调试存在一定的复杂度,但是貌似还是可以使用debug的,但是具体方式我没有实现,只是看到什么资料都有介绍。 如果只是想调试mapper和reducer的输入输出是否正确可以使用mrunit进行调试


点左下角的开始—运行—输入cmd cdm窗口-在里面输入 chkdsk c:/f 会提示Y/N 打Y,确定就可以了运行以后会提示叫你重新启动计算机。计算机重起以后会出现蓝色的屏幕,一串一串的英文,等英文运行以后会自己启动好,你只管等待就可以 提示是告诉你说你的磁盘有坏道,如果放任不管以后可能会造成资料丢失和你硬盘的使用寿命减少,介意立即处理.硬盘的原理和人的大脑是一样的,人一旦产生了寿命深刻的记忆就会在大脑上出现一道凹进去的纹,我们可以同样的虚拟一下,硬盘也是这样.但是磁盘有坏道就是说某一些地方现在没有使用,但是以后正好要在那里贮存资料的时候就会出现丢失或者干脆贮存不了的情况.你现在没问题只是说明现在还没用到那个坏道.还有就是好像听说电脑会有自动避开的功能,这个我也不确定,只是听说.但是不管怎么避免,总会有用到的一天,再说天天弹出来哪部烦啊.楼主按我说的办法试下,应该能解决的.


hadoop的mapreduce任务是在集群环境下跑的,所以调试存在一定的复杂度,但是貌似还是可以使用debug的,但是具体方式我没有实现,只是看到什么资料都有介绍。 如果只是想调试mapper和reducer的输入输出是否正确可以使用mrunit进行调试

读哈利波特学英语 book1魔法石-chapter1-2

1、He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and his eyes fell on a  huddle   of these weirdos standing quite close by. huddle 挤在一起 They all huddled around the fire.他们都聚集在火堆周围。2、The nerve   of him! nerve勇气 I was going to have a go at parachuting but  lost my nerve   at the last minute.我想尝试一下跳伞,可到最后关头却没有勇气了。 同义词guts He  doesn"t have the guts   to walk away from a well-paid job.他没胆量辞去一份报酬优厚的工作。3、they pointed and  gazed   open-mouthed as owl after owl sped overhead. 同义辨析 gaze • peer • glare• stare 以上各词均含盯着看、凝视、注视之义。 stare 和 gaze尤指吃惊、害怕或深思地盯着看、凝视、注视 I screamed and everyone stared.我尖叫一声,众人都盯着我看。 We all gazed at Marco in amazement.我们都惊异地注视着马可。 peer尤指看不清楚时仔细看、端详 We peered into the shadows.我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。 glare指怒目而视 I looked at her and she glared stonily back.我看了她一眼,她便冷冷地回瞪着我。4、He  dashed   back   across the road,hurried up to his office, snapped at   his secretary not to disturb him, seized his telephone, and had almost finished dialing his home number when he changed his mind. dash急奔;急驰;猛冲 He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train.他沿站台猛跑,纵身跳上火车。 snap 厉声说;怒气冲冲地说;不耐烦地说 ‘Don"t just stand there," she snapped.“别光站在那儿。”她生气地说。识记单词 tabby cat斑纹猫 getup衣服 emerald 翠绿色 swoop俯冲 clutch紧握 enrage使生气

c++ char* 类的问题


huslter channel是啥?

channel[英] [ˈtʃænl] [美] [ˈtʃænəl] n. 频道,波道;渠道;途径;海峡;hustler[英] [ˈhʌslə] [美] [ˈhʌslər] n. <美,非正>耍诡计骗钱的人;精力充沛、能干的人;<美,俚>妓女;

Wont Let You Down--Chamillionaire歌词



符号编号排版地图contentment 形容词:content,动词:content,副词:contentedlyhumour 形容词:humorous,动词:humour,副词:humourouslyastonishment 形容词:astonishing,动词:astonish,副词:astonishinglybore 形容词:boring,动词:bore,副词:boringlycharm 形容词:charming,动词:charm,副词:charminglyentertainment 形容词:entertaining,动词:entertain,副词:entertainingly 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!!!O(∩_∩)O





ASUKA SEICHA飞鸟制茶这个品牌的草莓焙茶味感咋样?



(一) 星座剖析Michael Jackson1. 金星落入狮子座米高积逊,原名Michael Joseph Jackson,华语译名:迈克尔,约瑟夫,杰克逊,麦可杰克森,米高积逊,米高积臣,迈克尔杰克逊,简称:MJ。每一位叱咤风云的歌星背后都有一段戏剧人生,米高积逊也不例外。米哥积逊1958年8月29日出生于美国印第安纳州,幼年时期的他与大哥 Jackie、二哥Tito、三哥Jackie及四哥Marlon组成TheJackson 5合唱团,他年仅五岁就担任主唱,俏皮可爱的模样加上清亮动人的歌声让观众印象深刻,加上他的金星落入狮子座,表示他有表演天份,年少的他就注定日后成为流行天王。2. 月亮落入第4宫月亮星座落入第4宫,Michael Jackson一生动荡,再与太阳、冥王星形成180度对冲,主要有2种情况: (1) 是非多人红是非多,1993年他涉嫌性侵害男童风波,之后一时发生「抛孩子事件」,一时说自己只有整容两次,一时又说自己永远长不大,故喜欢与孩子同眠。英国记者Martin Bashir在2002年与米哥积逊接触了八个月,剪辑成特辑《米高积逊大追踪》,在世界各地广泛播映,营造一个好父亲形象,为他的恋童癖传说辟谣,而美国深夜电视节目脱口秀主持人,常常拿米哥积逊的整容、男童性侵害疑云等话题拿来开玩笑。 (2) 财来财去米哥积逊要不是卷入多次的官非诉讼,恐怕他的收入足可以足够他十世的荣华富贵,在他生前屡屡因为家产闹出新闻,亦被加州法院下令拍卖「梦幻园」。虽然他在 1980年代与1990年代赚进大笔财富,但男童性骚扰官司却使得他必须支付庞大的律师费用。Abdullah是巴林国王Sheikh Hamad次子,他在伦敦高等法院开庭时他供称,米哥积逊拖欠他700万美元未还,又没有履行两人有关出版专辑、传记与舞台表演合约的协议。近年的他,人财两失,就是因在他45岁后出现太阳、冥王星形成180度对冲。(二) 整容及面相分析Michael Jackson米哥积逊的金星落在狮子座,表示他注重容貌,他的容貌与肤色自出道以来发生了巨大的变化。他自己声明做过3次手术:2次整鼻手术(第一次是为了修整 1978年跳舞时受伤的鼻子,第二次是为了修正第一次手术的瑕疵)和一次植皮手术(因一次拍广告烧伤头部)。有人说他的整形手术以及流传的「皮肤漂白」事件是为了掩盖他非洲裔美国人的血统。有读者问米哥积逊的整容是帮肋了他成名又还是害了他一命,笔者从他整容前后的照片比较,发现很多玄机,今日就同大家分享一下:1. 男生女相米哥积逊是男生女相,整容前他的额头起梭起角,额运是指15岁至30岁阶段,如果以额头有梭角,表示少年出人头地,1980年代,正是他的额头「司空」位置,他的福德宫凸起来,正是他的歌唱事业颠峰时期。1982年,他的「战栗」专辑创下年美国销售2600万张、全球累计狂卖4000万张的惊人纪录,到目前为止还是唱片史上销售成绩最高的专辑。2. 散眉米哥积逊的眼眉原本是散眉,而整容后就变成角眉,角眉表示好胜心强,米哥积逊的眉从散眉变成角眉,而眼眉运是管31至34岁,1991年(33岁)推出的专辑「危险之旅」,全球累计销售2200多万张。角眉帮助他知名度提升却无法改变他散财的命运。「纽约时报」曾于2003年报导,这位男星负债约两亿美元。3. 猪胆鼻变克妻鼻米哥积逊整容前的鼻十分好,鼻头圆,有肉,叫猪胆鼻,是黑人的圆鼻唇厚特征,可惜他把鼻骨削直,鼻管40至50岁的财运,米哥积逊1998年(40 岁)以1700万美元买下内有游乐场、动物园的超级豪宅「奇幻乐园」,但多次传出因为贷款迟缴而被拍卖的命运。鼻硬克妻,破财,他与歌坛传奇人物「猫王」的女儿Lisa Marie Presley在1994年5月结婚,1996年1月离婚,后他在1996年11月与曾任皮肤科诊所助理的Debbie Rowe结婚,但这段婚姻于1999年10月划下句点。4. 人中浅,下巴方长,露腮大家留心一下米哥积逊的人中(鼻底至上口唇之间的沟道),他的人中十分浅。《麻衣神相》一书中在「相人中」一篇提到:夫人中者,一身沟洫(洫,田间水道)之相,沟洫疏通,则水流之而不壅,浅狭而不深,则水壅之而不流。人中之长短,可定寿命之长短,人中之广狭,可定男女之多少,此人中所以为寿命,而男女之宫也,是以欲长而不欲缩,中深而外阔,直而不斜,阔而下垂者皆善相也,其或细而狭长者,衣食逼迫,满而平者,纯遭灾滞,上狭下广者,多子,上广下狭者,少儿息,上下俱狭而中心庸,君子息极苦难而难成,上下直而深者,子息满堂,上下平而浅者,子息不生,深而长者,长寿。浅而短者,夭亡。人中管虚龄51 岁至57岁,米哥积逊没有人中,就是符合「浅而短者,夭亡」。人的面相分为三停,下停从51岁开始,包括口、下巴、腮部,米哥积逊整容后,他的下巴很明显呈长方型,长方型属木,木主肠胃消化系统,下巴方型的晚年必身体虚弱,抵抗力低,会有肠道的毛病,严重的会有高危病。下巴方长已经是晚年身体差的征状,再加上露腮就已说明他在50至60岁期间生命受到威胁。5. 下巴见坑纹中国的面相学是南方人重额头,北方人重下巴,下巴跟口靠拢,口主性欲,米哥积逊的下巴有一条很明显的凹入纵纹,在相学上凹入纵纹表示心灵空虚,需要母爱,要不然就产生慈爱,会有畸形恋。孔子在孝经里说:「身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝至始也。立身行道,扬名于后世,以显父母,孝之终也」。玄学家是不鼓励整容,除非八字中有血光之灾。米哥积逊多次把自己容貌改变,而他的寿元亦减少,据笔者30多年来的临终助念经验中,大多数整容的人士死前五官是毁烂,十分不美观。(三) 手相剖析Michael Jackson米哥积逊的左右手掌的生命线都是短少,而且尾指又过不到三关(即尾指指尖过了无名指的第一节底线),尾指看一个人晚年健康及子女运,生命线主要看一个人的健康状况及生命长短,如果短促生命线配合短尾指,有可能短寿。

Am I Ever Gonna Change 歌词

歌曲名:Am I Ever Gonna Change歌手:Extreme专辑:Take Us Alive:Boston 2009I"m tired of being me,and I don"t like what I see,I"m not who I appear to beSo I start off every day,down on my knees I will pray,for a change in any wayBut as the day goes by,I live through another lie,if it"s any wonder whyExtremeAM I EVER GONNA CHANGEWILL I ALWAYS STAY THE SAMEIF I SAY ONE THING,THEN I DO THE OTHERIT"S THE SAME OLD SONG,THAT GOES ON FOREVERAM I EVER GONNA CHANGEI"M THE ONLY ONE TO BLAMEWHEN I THINK I"M RIGHT,I WIND UP WRONGIT"S A FUTILE FIGHT,GONE ON TOO LONGam I too old to start anew,cause that"s what I want to doBut time and time again,when I think I can,I fall short in the endSo why do I even try,Will it matter when I die,Can anyone hear my cry?AM I EVER GONNA CHANGETAKE IT DAY BY DAYMY WILL IS WEAKAND MY FLESH TOO STRONGTHIS PEACE I SEEKTILL THY KINGDOM COMES

dismiss,discharge,fire,lay off,unemploy 如何区分?

1、 dismiss(vt. ):免...的职;解雇;开除;[(+from)]的意思,如:He was dismissed from his job。(他被开除了。 )2、discharge(n. )释放;解雇的意思,如The prisoner was glad to get his discharge。(囚犯获准释放,感到很高兴。)3、fire(vt. ):解雇,开除的意思,如:He was fired on the spot。 (他被当场解雇。)4、lay off(v. ):暂时解雇;裁员的意思,如The company laid off 100 workers last week。(公司上周解雇了一百名工人。)5、 unemploy(v.) 未雇用,使...失业的意思,如Xiaoming has been unemployed since he lost his job three weeks ago。(小明一直失业,因为三个星期前他失去了工作。)希望以上回答对你有所帮助。


G消息中的Chatbot(聊天机器人)创造了一种新型的用户 交互界面 . 企业,通过Chatbot接入运营... 常用来承载一些使用频


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新加坡ION Orchard的中文是什么


spray the orchard什么意思?



Yes, there are many other fruits that can be found in an orchard, such as apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, apricots, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and many more depending on the location and climate.中文意思是:是的,在果园中还可以找到许多其他水果,例如苹果、梨、桃子、樱桃、李子、杏子、橙子、柠檬、葡萄柚等等,具体取决于地理位置和气候条件。

英语文章:the treasure in the orchard 内容概括也寓意


orchard tower怎么玩

“第一次到Orchard Tower”我觉得这里不错,我之前从书本上对这里有了些了解,因此知道该期待什么。就是要机灵一点,他们会试图让你进入所谓的酒吧,但其实不过就是些裁缝店,按摩院,甚至是餐馆。女生/女孩?会来和你聊天,爱抚你和在您耳边轻语,但我只是笑笑,并开些无关紧要的玩笑



There was once a farmer who had a fine orchard (果园). He worked very hard all his life and the o.



《97 Orchard》(Ziegelman, Jane)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:ur8i书名:97 Orchard作者:Ziegelman, Jane出版年份:2010-6页数:272内容简介:In 97 Orchard , Jane Ziegelman explores the culinary life that was the heart and soul of New York"s Lower East Side around the turn of the twentieth century—a city within a city, where Germans, Irish, Italians, and Eastern European Jews attempted to forge a new life. Through the experiences of five families, all of them residents of 97 Orchard Street, she takes readers on a vivid and unforgettable tour, from impossibly cramped tenement apartments down dimly lit stairwells where children played and neighbors socialized, beyond the front stoops where immigrant housewives found respite and company, and out into the hubbub of the dirty, teeming streets. Ziegelman shows how immigrant cooks brought their ingenuity to the daily task of feeding their families, preserving traditions from home but always ready to improvise. While health officials worried that pushcarts were unsanitary and that pickles made immigrants too excitable to be good citizens, a culinary revolution was taking place in the streets of what had been culturally an English city. Along the East River, German immigrants founded breweries, dispensing their beloved lager in the dozens of beer gardens that opened along the Bowery. Russian Jews opened tea parlors serving blintzes and strudel next door to Romanian nightclubs that specialized in goose pastrami. On the streets, Italian peddlers hawked the cheese-and-tomato pies known as pizzarelli , while Jews sold knishes and squares of halvah. Gradually, as Americans began to explore the immigrant ghetto, they uncovered the array of comestible enticements of their foreign-born neighbors. 97 Orchard charts this exciting process of discovery as it lays bare the roots of our collective culinary heritage.

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《KilmenyoftheOrchard》 (L.M. Montgomery)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: uveg    书名:KilmenyoftheOrchard作者: L.M. Montgomery出版社: Starfire出版年: September 1, 1989页数: 144 pages内容简介 When twenty-four-year-old Eric Marshall arrives on Prince Edward Island to become a substitute schoolmaster, he has a bright future in his wealthy family"s business. Eric has taken the two-month teaching post only as a favor to a friend -- but fate throws in his path a beautiful, mysterious girl named Kilmeny Gordon. With jet black hair and sea blue eyes, Kilmeny immediately captures Eric"s heart. But Kilmeny cannot speak, and Eric is concerned for and bewitched by this shy, sensitive mute girl. For the first time in his life Eric must work hard for something he wants badly. And there is nothing he wants more than for Kilmeny to return his love.作者简介露西•莫德•蒙哥马利(1874年11月30日-1942年4月24日),出生于新伦敦,毕业于夏洛特敦威尔斯亲王大学,加拿大女作家。她的代表作品为《绿山墙的安妮》,被誉为“世界上最甜蜜的少女成长故事”。马克·吐温评价道“安妮是继不朽的爱丽丝之后最令人感动和喜爱的形象”。

现在的Orchard CMS系统是个什么状态


orchard park 是哪里

Orchard Park释义[地名] [美国] 奥查德帕克双语例句 Joe Cal, a retired gas-utility manager from Orchard Park, N.Y., recently stopped in with his wife.纽约州奥查德帕克(Orchard Park)一个已经退休的煤气公司经理卡尔(Joe Cal)最近和妻子逛了这家商场。

OrchardCore 模板安装使用

可以使用dotnet的命令行安装OrchardCore的开发模板,在命令行输入: dotnet new -i OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.0.0 可以安装OrchardCore的开发模板,这些模板包括: Orchard Core Cms Module ocmodulecms [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Cms Web App occms [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Theme octheme [C#] Web/Orchard Core/CMS Orchard Core Mvc Module ocmodulemvc [C#] Web/Orchard Core/Mvc Orchard Core Mvc Web App ocmvc [C#] Web/Orchard Core/Mvc 模板安装后,在Visual Studio 2019 中就可以创建相关的项目。如果希望创建CMS网站,可以选择Orchard Core Cms Web App,如果创建基于Orchard的MVC web应用,可以选择Orchard Core Mvc Web App。其它项目是模块和界面样式的开发。

stay in an orchard和live in an orchard有区别吗?

其实就是stay 和live 的区别stay 是短时间的居住,比如住宾馆stay at hotellive 是长时间的稳定的居住,比如,live in beijing 因此,你这个得根据语境


orchard 英 ["ɔːtʃəd] 美 ["ɔrtʃɚd] n.果园[例句]He operated an enormous pear orchard.他经营一个大型梨园。




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Orchard 不仅仅是内容管理系统!Orchard 更是一个功能强大的 Web 开发框架,其热拔插模块架构让你可以开发任意 Web 应用。不用从零开始!Orchard 丰富的内置及第三方模块将大大减少你的工作量。


汉语翻译:n. 果园, 果树林例句:He went to the cherry orchard to see flowers.他去樱桃园看花。I have a car, a house and an orchard and you may have whatever you like best.我有一辆车,一栋房子和一座果园,你可以挑一样你最喜欢的。She ran hither and thither in the orchard.她在果园里到处跑。My uncle has an apple orchard.我叔叔拥有一个苹果园。请点击输入图片描述

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garden 是侧重于庭院花园等,而orchard是果园,侧重于生产果实的,有时可用farm替用

orchard 怎么记



orchardn. 果园;果树林n. (Orchard)人名;(英、西)奥查德·         助记提示·         1、late Old English orceard "fruit garden," earlier ortgeard, perhaps reduced from wortgeard, from wort "vegetable, plant root" + geard "garden, yard" (the word also meant "vegetable garden" until 15c.).2、First element influenced in Middle English by Latin hortus (in Late Latin ortus) "garden".3、由此不难区别这两个单词:orchard, orchid.4、具有同源性的单词:orchard, garden, yard.·         中文词源·         orchard 果园·         来自古英语ortgeard,果园,来自ort-,缩写自拉丁语hortus,花园,词源同horticulture,geard,庭院,院子,词源同garden.·         英文词源请点击输入图片描述·         双语例句·         1. Each bamboo house was surrounded by a thriving orchard.·         每座竹楼周围都是茂密的果园.·         2. She hired out to the owner of an apple orchard.·         她受雇于一个苹果园主.·         3. My orchard is bearing well this year.·         今年我的果园果实累累.·         4. Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard.·         到他1986年去世前,格林伍德一直拥有并管理着一片面积广阔的梨园。·         5. A hundred acres of land was made into a peach and pear orchard.·         100英亩土地改为种桃和梨的果园.请点击输入图片描述


orchard的读法是:/ˈɔːtʃəd/。一、释义n.果园。二、短语搭配1.orchard grass 鸭茅 orchard 苹果园;苹果果园;苹果园地3.peach orchard 桃园;桃林 orchard 计算机监控的果园三、例句1.Our orchard yields apples and pears.我们的果园出产苹果和梨。2.Do you have a tree of this variety in your garden or orchard?在你的花园或者果园是否有这种树?3.The peach trees in the orchard behind the house are just in full flower.这所房子后面果园里的桃树正开满桃花。4.Woods on a slope below an orchard may retard movement of cold air downward.如坡地果园的下方有森林容易阻碍冷空气向下排出。



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POV n.(网络用语) Point of View Charmane可能是人名

阅读下列程序并写出运行结果。 #include ”stdio.h” #include ”string.h” main() { char str[]=”depa

the length of srt is 10department#include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" main() { char str[]="department",*p=str; printf("the length of srt is %d",strlen(p)); printf(" %s",p); }



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c++中char *a到底接收的什么,不是一个指针?

Note1:char *a=后面也必须是一个指针地址例如 char c1="A";char* a=&c1;Note2:问题是C语言中, 指针的内容同时可以解释为数组的地址.例如 int a[]={1,2,3};int* p1=&(a[0]); int* p2=a;p1与p2的内容及用法完全一样.Note3:C语言中的string视为char的数组.char* s="asdas"; char* s= { "a", "s", "d", "a", "s","" }所以 char*a=s; 根本就是 char *a= &(s[0]);

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it?′s not a bug.... it?′s a feature ... the kind of a purchase order (like Dummy) is a account assignment object .... so you can make different settings for a kind of a purchase order (like different purchase numbers or a purchase order with a prefix etc. etc.)all this things you can do in the customizing (Material Managment - Purchase) So last but not least .... you decide what are the difference between standard or dummy!!!!P.S. The account assignment object like dummy PO or Standard PO are default values from the SAP AG ... you can also generate a account assignment object by yourself .... regards


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chairman meow什么意思

chairman meow喵主席双语对照例句:1.If that does not please you, there is a mouse pad ($ 10.95) or a chairman meow mug ($14.95). 如果对此你还不满意,那么还有有一个鼠标垫(10.95美元)和一个马克杯(14.95美元)。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



右肩の碟、1925、character、永久に続く五线谱 的谐音歌词

中文谐音歌词(在罗马音下面)BY 默木--------------------------右肩の蝶migikata ni murasaki chouchou KISU wo shita ko no heya no sumi de 咪gi嘎打 你 木啦撒gi jio jio gi死 我 喜打 过喏 还呀 喏 死咪 带setsu na i to i u kanjou wo shi ru hibi ku PIANO fukyouwaon 噻字 那一 多 咦 唔 干jio 我 喜录 hi比 古 屁啊喏 呼gio哇哦嗯waru i yume ni u na sa re ta watashi wo haya ku o ko shite 哇录 咦 有卖 你 唔 那撒 来 打 哇大喜 我 哈呀 古 哦 过 喜带don na ko to de mo haji ma ri ha sasa i na ko to de shou ? 多嗯 那 过 多 带 默 哈及 嘛 里 哈 撒撒 咦 那 过 多 带xiodo k oga i i ka nan te ki ka re te mo koma ru kirei na yoru ni mado wa sa re ta ma ma yukuefumei da ka ra 多过嘎 咦咦 嘎 那嗯 带gi 嘎 来 带默 过妈录ki来咦 那 哟录你 嘛多 哇 撒 来 打 麻麻 有股爱护买一 打嘎拉naga i ma tsu ge mikaduki AIRAIN ma bu ta ni no se te hikaru RIPPU 那嘎 咦 嘛 字 该 咪嘎读gi 啊咦啦咦嗯 嘛 不 打 你 喏 噻 带 hi嘎录 里噗migikata ni murasaki chouchou KISU wo shita ko no heya no sumi de 咪gi嘎打 你 木啦撒gi jio jio ki死 我 喜打 过喏 还呀 喏 死咪 带 setsu na i to i u kanjou wo shi ru hibi ku PIANO fukyouwaon 噻字 那一 多 咦唔 干jio 我 喜录 hi比 古 屁啊喏 呼kio哇哦嗯ame no naka de nu re ta kami ga ijou ni tsume ta ku te 啊卖 喏 那嘎 带 奴来打 嘎咪 嘎 咦jio 你 字买打古代sabi shi sa wo TOIRE ni ha ki da shi te furu e te matte ru 撒比西 撒 我 多咦来 你 还gi打 喜带 胡来爱带嘛带路 o i ka ke te ha ni ge ru ka ra so re ijou de kae shi te 哦咦嘎该带哈你该录嘎拉锁啦咦jio 带 嘎爱 喜 带 shinken da ka ra wara u to ita i me ni a u yo i i ? 新盖嗯 打嘎拉 哇拉唔多 咦打咦买你 啊呜哟咦咦aka i tsume to yasumono no yubiwa kizutsu ku do fu e ru PIASU 啊嘎咦字买多 呀死默喏 喏 有比哇 gi字字 古多呼爱录 屁啊死da ki yo se te yugan da karada u me ru no ha anata shi ka i na i 打gi哟噻带 有嘎嗯 打 嘎拉大 唔买录喏 哈啊那打 喜嘎咦那一so u de shou ? wa katte ru ku se ni kyoukaisen tokku ni ko e te ru 所呆xio 哇嘎带路 古噻你 gio嘎咦噻嗯 多古 你过爱带路koukai ha shi nu ho do shi te ru so no fun da ke kaikan wo yo bi sa ma su 阔嘎咦 哈喜 奴 或多西戴录 所喏 呼嗯打该 嘎咦嘎嗯 我 哟比 撒嘛死kuru i da shi ta watashi wo to me te isshun de RAKU nishi te yo 哭录 一点啊喜打 哇大喜 我 多买带 咦修嗯 带 啦古 你喜带哟da ki yo se te yugan da karada u me ru no ha anata shi ka i na i 打gi 哟噻带 有感 打 嘎拉大 唔买录喏 哈啊那打 喜嘎咦那一so u de shou ? wa katte ru ku se ni kyoukaisen 所唔带xio 哇嘎带 录 古 噻你gio嘎咦噻嗯 tokku ni ko e te ru 多古 你 过爱带路koukai ha shi nu ho do shi te ru so no fun da ke kaikan wo yo bi sa ma su 阔嘎咦 哈喜喏 或多西戴录所喏呼嗯打该 嘎咦干 我哟比萨玛死kuru i da shi ta watashi wo to me te isshun de RAKU nishi te yo 古录咦打喜打 哇大喜我 多买带 咦修嗯 带 啦古 你喜带哟migikata ni murasaki chouchou KISU wo shita ko no heya no sumi de 咪gi嘎打 你 木啦撒gi jio jio gi死 我 喜打 过喏 还呀 喏 死咪 带setsu na i to i u kanjou wo shi ru hibi ku PIANO fukyouwaon噻字那一多咦 唔 干jio 我 喜录 hi比 古 屁啊喏 呼gio哇哦嗯-------------------------------1925itaikena MOTION咦打咦该那 motionfuri kireru MOTION呼里gi爱录 motionigai, igai咦嘎咦 咦嘎咦ikeru mono ne咦该录 默喏 耐kuri kaesu mondou古理 嘎爱死 默嗯多kotae nara muyou过大爱 那啦 木哟kirai, kirai shibaranai deki啦咦 ki啦咦 喜吧拉那一 带hitori bocchi no "bocchi" wo osu nohi多里 博及 喏 博及 我 哦丝喏yamete, yoshite no mousou de呀买带 哟西戴 喏 默所呆kaenai mono nado nai no desu卡爱那一 默喏 那多 那一 喏 带死tenjite ieba nani mono mo太嗯及带 咦爱吧 那你 默喏 默nedan wo tsukete uru no desu耐大嗯 我 字该带 唔录 喏 带死sontoku no kanjyou wa nai no所嗯多古 干jio 哇 那一 喏HONNORI to shoushou或嗯喏里 多 xio xioCHIRAMISE no honshou起啦咪噻 喏 红xiozurui, zurui kawaikunai字录咦 字录咦 嘎哇咦古那一sore naraba koushyou所来 那啦吧 过xioZURUMUKE no honshou字录木该 喏 红xiokusai, kusai hashitanai wa哭撒咦 哭撒咦 哈喜打那一 哇machigai sagashi no PEARUKKU嘛及嘎咦 撒嘎喜 喏 排啊陆古are to kore to sore to dore啊来 多 过来 多 所来 多 多来akitara GAMU wo suteru you ni啊gi打啦 嘎木 我 死带路 哟你arata na koi wo sagasu douri啊啦打 那 过意 我 撒嘎死 多里PUZZLE no dekoboko igai ni mopuzzle 喏 带过博过 咦嘎咦 你 默dare to demo hamaru no da打啦多 带默 哈嘛录 喏 打furi shikiru ame no naka tomaru beki ikari wo sutete呼里 喜gi录 啊卖 喏 那嘎 多嘛录 白gi 咦嘎里 我 死带呆jinsei wa "KOUKAI" toiu na no funatabi da近噻一 哇 过嘎咦 多咦唔 那 喏 呼那打比 打saegiru mono wo ageru naraba撒爱gi录 默喏 我 啊该录 那啦吧kokoro to doutoku, houritsu ka阔过落 多 多多古 或里子 嘎otakai kabe mo too mawari wo哦打嘎咦 嘎白 默 多 嘛哇里 我shita naraba "hora, konnichiwa"喜打 那啦吧 或啦 空你吉娃"AI" to wa nanzo to towarereba啊咦 多 哇 男做 多 多哇来来吧sore wa "WATASHI" to kotae you zo所来 哇 哇大喜 多 过大爱 哟做hibiwareshi nikui dake nano de, DAIYA nado iranai no desuhi比哇来洗 你古咦 打该 那喏 带 打咦呀 那多 咦啦那一 喏 带死--------------------------------------------charactertsuya yakana suhada ha moe ru koto ha naku te字呀 呀嘎那 死哈打 哈 默爱 录 过朵 哈 那股 带fureta shunkan sono sugata wo kakushi ta呼来打 修嗯干 所喏 死嘎打 我 嘎古喜 打hiya yakana shisen ja kawai ta nodo wo jun senaihi呀 呀嘎那 喜噻嗯 家 嘎哇咦 打 喏多 我 就嗯 噻那一yorokoba setemisete jun u hitomi de哟落果吧 噻带咪噻带 就嗯唔 hi多咪 带itsuka toka ruhazuto kitaishi te kikai shikake ni sasoi yoru咦字嘎 多嘎 录哈子多 gi打咦喜 带 gi嘎咦 喜嘎该 你 撒所以 哟录kou biyakana ishou sae kono me niha tomara nai阔 比呀嘎那 咦xio 撒爱 过喏 买 你哈 多嘛啦 那一kamen dakeno kanjou de 卡买嗯 打该喏 看jio 带mitsu mete koishi te daki shimete咪子 买带 过意喜 带 打gi 喜买带himitsu ni nure ru uragawa hi咪子 你 奴来 录 唔啦嘎哇ndekono tebanasa naide嗯带过喏 带吧那撒 那咦带ikue nimo haru wana anata ni nukedase rukashira一古爱 你默 哈录 哇那 啊那打 你 奴该大赛 录嘎喜啦toki akiraka shitemisete rou wo tara suyouni多gi 啊gi啦嘎 喜带咪噻带 落 我 打啦 死哟你mitsu ni hitatta amai kotoba mo shira nai dareka no ukeuri de咪子 你 hi打打 啊妈一 过朵吧 默 喜啦 那一 打来嘎 喏 唔改唔里 带hana noyouni sai ta egao mo kono me niha tomara nai哈那 喏哟你 撒咦 打 爱嘎哦 默 过喏 买 你哈 多嘛啦 那一kageki ni ugoku karada ga卡该gi 你 唔过古 嘎拉大 嘎gomakashi teiru kan kei goto过妈嘎喜 带咦录 嘎嗯 该以 过朵jikoanji de wasure tai及过啊嗯及 带 哇死来 打咦namida nagashi teru furi saemo那咪打 那嘎喜 带路 呼里 撒爱默kasanatta futari sonodochiramoga meikyuu ni obore teiru卡萨那打 呼大理 所喏多季啦默嘎 买一giu 你 哦博来 带咦录deai to wakare ga iki majitte kono ba niha tomara nai带啊咦 多 哇嘎来 嘎 咦gi 嘛及带 过喏 吧 你哈 多嘛啦 那一gakubuchi no nakano toriko嘎古不及 喏 那嘎喏 多里过koga shite gashite yaburi sha te阔嘎 喜带 嘎喜带 呀不理 下呆hinichijou kara nige tehi你急jio 嘎拉 你该 带zuttoanomamade ita katta字多啊喏嘛嘛带 咦打 嘎打watashi no wasure ta kago no tori哇打喜 喏 哇死来 打 嘎过 喏 多里itoshii namae ha ( charActer )咦多西译 那嘛爱 哈 character----------------------------------永久に続く五线谱naniwo motomete utauno? kotaeha dokoni aruno deshou?那你我 默多买带 唔大雾喏 过大爱哈 多过你 啊陆喏 带xiokane?meisei?egao?aijou?卡耐 买一噻一 爱嘎哦 啊咦jioutaitai kara utau sorega kotae nano?唔大一打咦 嘎拉 唔大雾 所来嘎 过大爱 那喏uso shikanai tousuini nanno imiga aru?唔所 喜嘎那一 多唔死咦你 男喏 咦咪嘎 啊陆utatteru aida dakeha muzukashii koto wasure rareru唔大带路 啊咦打 打该哈 木子嘎喜咦 过朵 哇死来 啦来录marude mayakuni ashiwo torare oboretekuyou嘛录带 嘛呀古你 啊喜我 多啦来 哦博来呆古哟naniwo motomete utauno? kotaeha dokoni aruno deshou?那你我 默多买带 唔大雾喏 过大爱哈 多过你 啊陆喏 带xiokane?meisei?egao?aijou?卡耐 买一噻一 爱嘎哦 啊咦jioiki nokoru tameni utau? utai tsudukeru tameni ikiruno?咦gi 喏过路 打买你 唔大唔 唔大一 字读该录 打买你 咦gi录喏towani tsuduku gosenhu 「nanno tameni?」拖哇你 字读古 过噻嗯呼 男喏 打买你utau kotowo junsuini tanoshindeta koro唔大雾 过朵我 就嗯死咦你 打喏新带打 过落kotae shirunoga kowakute utani nigete ita阔打爱 喜录喏嘎 过哇古代 唔大你 你该带 咦打takusan kiki tega hoshii soreha jiko aino urakaeshi她古撒嗯 gigi 带嘎 或喜咦 所来哈 及过 啊咦喏 唔啦嘎爱喜kokoro kosuri kirase utattemo kotaeha denai阔过落 过死里 gi啦噻 唔大带默 过大爱哈 带那一itsu horobutomo wakaranai kono sekaino suiheisenwo咦字 或落不多默 哇嘎拉那一 过喏 噻嘎咦喏 死咦还咦噻嗯我jitto mitsumete hitori utau及多 咪子买带 hi多里 唔大雾utau kotoshika dekinai nige michini arunoha kurayami唔大雾 过朵喜嘎 带gi那一 你该 咪及你 啊陆喏哈 古啦呀咪towani tsuduku gosenhu 「nanno tameni?」拖哇你 字读古 多噻嗯呼 男喏 打买你「tanoshii kara?」「kimochi iikara?」「yumega arukara?」她喏喜咦 嘎拉 gi默及 咦咦嘎拉 有卖嘎 啊陆嘎拉「kuyashii kara?」「shinjiteru kara?umaku nareruto?」哭呀喜咦 嘎拉 新及带路 嘎拉 唔嘛古 那来录多「hyouka sareruno mitaikara?」「kodokuni naritai?」hio嘎 撒来录喏 咪打咦嘎拉 过朵古你 那里大一「hitotsuni naritai?」「majiri aitai?」 hi多字你 那里大一 嘛及理 啊咦打咦「mitsume aitai?」「kangae takunai?」「nige dashitai?」咪子买 啊咦打咦 嘎嗯嘎爱 打古那一 你该 打喜打咦owaru kotononai da・ka-po哦哇录 过朵喏那一 打嘎破sonoba shinogino kairakude 「ima」kara mewo sorasu touhikou所喏吧 喜喏gi喏 嘎咦啦古代 咦嘛 嘎拉 买我 所啦死 多hi过ai shittemo rakuni narenai啊咦 喜带默 啦古你 那来那一shiwo erabunoha kantan shindemo kotaeha denai kara喜我 爱啦不喏哈 嘎嗯打嗯 新带默 过大爱哈 带那一 嘎拉towani tsuduku gosenhu拖哇你 字读古 过噻嗯呼naniwo motomete utauno? kotaeha dokoni aruno deshou?那你我 默多买带 唔大雾喏 过大爱哈 多过你 阿录喏 带xiokane?meisei?egao?aijou?卡耐 买一噻一 爱嘎哦 啊咦jioiki nokoru tameni utau? utai tsudukeru tameni ikiruno?咦gi 喏过路 打买你 唔大雾 唔大一 字读该录 打买你 咦gi录喏towani tsuduku gosenhu 「watashiha dare?」拖哇你 字读古 过噻嗯呼 哇大喜哇 打来

急!!请问Bleak House 荒凉山庄Chapter 1 里雾的象征意义是什么啊?



pycharm使用debug工具的方法:1、点击需要调试的代码块的左侧空白处,添加断点;2、点击编辑区中的debug按钮,打开debug控制台;3、点击step over按钮即可开始调试。使用方法:(推荐教程:Python入门教程)添加断点在需要调试的代码块的那一行行号右边,左键点击出现一个红色圆点标志,这就是断点。右键点击编辑区,点击Debug按钮;此时显示出Debug控制台。点击Step Over按钮即可开始步步调试


chair是什么意思中文:椅子,会议主持人,会长,主席,教授职位,轨座,轿子,职位担任主席,主持,监管,用椅子把某物高高抬起。复数:chairs。第三人称单数:chairs。现在分词: chairing。过去式:chaired。过去分词:chaired。网络释义:椅子, 主席 , 椅,主持。单词辨析:椅子armchair 指有扶手的椅子。chair 通常指带有靠背的椅子,有时也指有靠背有扶手的椅子。bench 指可供两人或更多人坐的长凳或石凳,多置于公园或划艇中。stool 多指方的或圆的无靠背无扶手一人坐的凳子。双语例句:He got out of his chair to rescue his cup of coffee。他起身离开坐椅去取回他那杯咖啡。The chair"s modernity struck a discordant note in a room full of eighteenth-century furniture。在满屋子的18世纪家具中,这把充满现代感的椅子很是刺目。James slumped back into his chair, making it groan and bulge。詹姆士重重坐回椅子上,椅子被压得吱嘎作响。The low upholstered chair was one of the room"s few comforts。那只矮脚软椅是这个房间里为数不多的舒适用品之一。He tried to promote the endowment of a Chair of Psychiatry。他力促捐资设立一个精神病学的教授职位。

unsigned char data THigh1 _at_ 0x20; 其中 _at_0x20 是什么意思

单片机 定义data数据(可直接寻址的内部数据存储区)三个数据
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