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successful 的翻译

形容词 成功的






successful 形容词副词加ly名词success


successful_百度翻译successful [英]səkˈsesfl [美]səkˈsɛsfəl adj. 成功的,如愿以偿的 [例句]Thiel is one of the valley "s most successful investors.泰尔是硅谷最成功的投资者之一。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


成功的 he is successful as a bussibess mansucceed v 成功 he succeed in finishing the tasksuccess n 成功 the way to success is not flatted


您好!很高兴为您解答!解答:①形容词:successful ( more successful; most successful )成功的;结果圆满的;胜利的例句:It was a successful experiment. 那是一次成功的试验。②名词:success ( pl. successes )成功;成就;胜利例句:They have achieved remarkable success in their work. 他们在工作方面成绩显著。③动词:succeed动词 ( succeeded; succeeded; succeeding )成功,办妥;获得成效例句:He succeeded in getting the job. 他谋得了那份工作。注:绥对正确!望采纳!


adj. 成功的; 如愿以偿的; 达到目的;有成就的;有成效的




successful是个形容词,是成功的:一帆风顺的意思. 它的名词形式是success,意思即为成功. 副词形式是successfully,成功地,顺利地 动词形式是succeed,成功,继任,接管等含义.


successful英 [sək"sesfʊl; -f(ə)l]美 [sək"sɛsfl]adj. 成功的;一帆风顺的[网络短语]successful 成功的,飞黄腾达的,成功者successful tenderer 中标者,成功的投标者successful aging 成功老化,成功老龄,成功老龄化希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油


successful读音:英 [sək"sesfl]美 [sək"sesfl]。successful  英 [sək"sesfl]     美 [sək"sesfl]    adj. 成功的;圆满的。We are confident of a successful outcome.我们相信会有圆满的结果。The meeting came to a successful conclusion.会议圆满结束。用法:successful的基本意思是“成功的”,指事时表示某事“如愿以偿的”或“达到目的的”,指人时表示“出人头地的”或“飞黄腾达的”。successful在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作表语时,其后常跟介词in。successful可用very修饰。




successful是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“成功的;一帆风顺的”。短语搭配Successful Participant 成功参赛奖 ; 三等奖 ; 国际三等奖 ; 成功参赛successful bidder 拍卖成交 ; 得标商 ; 中标人 ; 中标者Successful Hits 成功触及 ; 成功的点击次数Successful Meetings 成功会议Successful applicants 合格者 ; 中签者 ; 应聘成功successful cases 成功案例 ; 联系我们 ; 业绩案例 ; 成功的案例Successful Rounds 成功的请求successful bid 中标Simply Successful 简单既成功  双语例句If you are successful.如果你是成功的。But we do have successful car manufacturing in this country.但在这个国家我们已经有成功的汽车制造商。We want them to take our content and to be more successful because they have partnered with us.我们希望他们利用我们的内容然后能更加成功,因为他们是与我们合作。


successful意思是成功的。successful比较级是more successful,最高级是most successful,常用搭配successful in在......成功的,successful person成功的人。双语例句1、After twenty years" accumulation, he has become a successful actor.经过二十年的积累,他已经是个功成名就的演员。2、Our marketing strategy has proved to be very successful.我们的市场营销策略很成功。3、His successful life made many young people very envious.他如愿以偿的人生让很多年轻人非常羡慕。4、She runs a very successful computer business.她的电脑公司生意非常兴隆。5、What are the characteristics of a successful business?成功的企业都有什么特点?



I was successful at my job. Iworked very hard, but it afforded me and my fam


求救it is well_____ (know)that the shenzhen universiade in 2011 was a great success.


Java怎么动态连接数据库,比如点击一个添加文件 选择ACCESS数据库。

dbpath 用全路径,例如 :String url = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={MicroSoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Test.mdb";

Filter access 神马意思?

Distance are of the kind of casting? This sentence god horse mean? Cast kinds of distance functions? Or the casting long-distance function? ! Elevateur access Abarasive does access The Filter access Etancheity on the roof: how it "s done? Named "management in? Alarm? The projectile of supply management? How this translation? Because is a catalogue properties of thing, so no context reference, consult tall person!, just now is a link I ever asked, but because the damn administrator does not give me correct classification also didn"t answer turn off it.


success n.成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物 eg:Failure is the path to success.失败是通往成功的道路

success,succeed和successful 用法上的区别

答案是:success是名词,可以用来做主语,宾语表语等 failureisthemotherofsuccess失败是成功之母successful是形容词,可以用来做定语,表语等,thisisaverysuccessfulspeech这是一次非常成功的演讲succeed是动词,后面可以跟有词组:succeed indoingsth比如:hesucceededinworkingoutthemathproblem他成功的演算出了那道数学题~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

success,succeed和successful 用法上的区别



好的,我就给你提供一些常见常用短语,仅供参考。achieve success取得成功;获得成功chance success偶然成功contributing to team success对团队成功的贡献feeling of success成功感Legend of Success Joe小拳王;胜利者乔的传奇(游戏名)opportunity and success机遇与成功success and failure成功与失败success belongs to the persevering成功属于不屈不挠的人success rates成功率success stories成功案例;成功故事(success story的复数)success story (n.) 一个人的成名史way to success成功之路wish a complete success预祝…圆满成功Lake Success 成功湖(位于美国纽约东南部)温馨提示:英语短语浩如烟海,难免挂一漏万,见谅。

success successed successful succeded区别

success: 名词successful: 形容词successfully: 副词succeed: 动词(原形)succeeded: 动词(过去式)


success既可以是不可数,也可以使可数的. 当它解释为“成功”时是不可数;当解释为“成功的人或事”时是可数.


success (成功)是名词,可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词。如:I didn"t have much success in finding a job.我找工作了没什么结果。succeed (成功)是动词,如: He succeeded in getting a place at art school. 他被艺校录取了。


动词为succeed,过去式过去分词加ed,用法:succeed in doing sth,形容词为successful,用法与普通形容词一样,副词为successfully,与普通副词用法一样,懂了吗?


英 [səkˈses]  美 [səkˈses] n. 成功,胜利;发财,成名;成功的人(或事物)[ 复数 successes ]短语:Success Stories 成功案例 ; 成功故事 ; 后来在别人帮助下成功 ; 联系我们The Secret of My Success 发达之路 ; 成功的机密 ; 发财之路win instant success 马到成功 ; 旗开得胜 ; 马到胜利 ; 旗开马到The Road to Success 胜利之路词语用法:success的基本意思是“成功,成就,胜利”,是抽象名词,不可数,也不可加不定冠词a修饰。success还可作“成功的事或人”“一次成败”解,这时为可数名词。表示“由于〔通过〕…的成功”,通常用by引出。success统指“成功”,为抽象名词,单数形式指“一件成功的事或人”,复数形式successes指“多件成功的事或人”。


success 是名词 it is a big success. successful 形容词 we all want to be successful. we all want to be a successful businessman. succeed 动词 if you work hard,you will succed eventually. if you work hard,you will make a big success. if you work hard,you will be successful eventually. 如果你努力的话,最终会成功的

success,succeed和successful 用法上的区别

答案是:success是名词,可以用来做主语,宾语表语等 failureisthemotherofsuccess失败是成功之母successful是形容词,可以用来做定语,表语等,thisisaverysuccessfulspeech这是一次非常成功的演讲succeed是动词,后面可以跟有词组:succeed indoingsth比如:hesucceededinworkingoutthemathproblem他成功的演算出了那道数学题~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~



success的用法以及形式 求具体讲解






success和successful和succeed分别用在什么地方?有什么区别? 如题,好的加分.

success是名词,用在主语,宾语,表语等地方 successful是形容词,形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征.通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面. succeed是动词, 做不及物动词时:1.成功,办妥;获得成效[(+in)]2.发迹;兴旺[(+in)]3.接着发生;接连[(+to)]4.继任;继承[(+to)] 做及物动词时:1.继...之后;接续2.接替;继承




  success有成功;成就;胜利;成功的人或事等意思,那么你知道success的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习success的用法有哪些及如何 造句 吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!  success的用法   success的用法1:success的基本意思是“成功,成就,胜利”,是抽象名词,不可数,也不可加不定冠词a修饰。   success的用法2:success还可作“成功的事或人”“一次成败”解,这时为可数名词。   success的用法3:表示“由于〔通过〕…的成功”,通常用by引出。   success的常用 短语   a success story   success in   success的用法例句   1. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to succeed.   我隐隐觉得他们恐怕要成功了。   2. He was too inexperienced and too inexpert to succeed.   他太缺乏 经验 ,太不熟练,难以成功。   3. They are waiting anxiously to see who will succeed him.   他们焦急地等待着看谁会接替他上任。   4. He sacrificed his own career so that his avaricious brother could succeed.   他牺牲了自己的事业,这样他贪婪的弟弟才能成功。   5. His natural shrewdness tells him what is needed to succeed.   他与生俱来的精明告诉他成功所需要的一切。   6. His opposition acted as a goad to her determination to succeed.   他的反对反而刺激她坚定了取得成功的决心。   7. He"s realistic enough to know he"s not going to succeed overnight.   他很现实,知道自己的成功不会一蹴而就。   8. His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed.   批评他的人不把他当回事,认为他太过谨慎,不能成事。   9. In the past he has pooh-poohed suggestions that he might succeed Isaacs.   过去他对自己会接替艾萨克斯之说嗤之以鼻。   10. I think that there is every chance that you will succeed.   我想你取得成功的机会很大。   11. His son, Arthur Ochs Junior, is expected to succeed him as publisher.   他的儿子,小阿瑟·奥克斯,有望子承父业继续从事出版。   12. If you believe in yourself you can succeed.   只要自信,就能成功。   13. He has it in him to succeed.   他具备成功的潜质。   14. To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles.   必须学会克服困难才能成功。   15. Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed.   不出意外的话,我相信他们会成功的。 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于turn的常见短语用法 2. which后加句子 3. understand的过去式和用法例句 4. tip的过去式和用法例句 5. 关于success的用法 6. succeed的用法和例句 7. strong的用法和短语例句

success 与succeed的用法

success [sək"ses] n. 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物[ 复数successes ] success in 在…方面成功 great success 巨大成功;非常成功 with success 成功地 success rate 成功率;接通率 without success 没有成功 secret of success n. 成功的秘诀 achieve success 取得成功;获得成功 success and failure 成功与失败 way to success 成功之路 road to success 成功之路;成功者之路 complete success 完全成功;彻底的胜利 make a success of 把…做得十分成功,在…上取得成功(或做出成绩) economic success 经济上的成功 success story n. 一个人的成名史 wish you every success 一帆风顺 meet with success 成功 academic success 学科成就,学术成就 success probability 成功率;成功概率 feeling of success 成功感 succeed [sək"si:d] vi. 成功;继承;继任;兴旺vt. 继承;接替;继…之后


succes⽤法:一、success,名词,既做可数名词也做不可数名词。可数名词,意思为成功、胜利、发财、成名。⽤法:1、success in sth/doing sth;2、have much/little success in sth;3、the key to success;meet with little success。4、不可数名词,意思为成功的⼈或事。5、make a success of sth二、.succeed,动词。达到⽬的,实现⽬标,办到,做成,为不及物动词⽤法:1、succeed in doing sth2、成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词,⽤法:succeed in sth;succeed as sth3、继承,为不及物动词:如succeed to sth,⽤法:She succeeded to the throne.三、successful,形容词。达到⽬的,有成效的"。⽤法:be successful in sth/doing sth,be successful at sth/doing sth。


succeed和success的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、succeed:达到目的。例句:Sooner or later we will succeed. 我们迟早会成功的。2、success:成功,胜利。例句:The jewellery was a great success 这些珠宝大获赞誉。二、用法不同1、succeed:succeed的基本意思是“成功”“获得成功”,指某人在工作、理想、抱负、尝试等方面获得成功或达到目的,作此解时succeed为不及物动词,后面通常接“in+ n./v -ing”结构。2、success:success的基本意思是“成功,成就,胜利”,是抽象名词,不可数,也不可加不定冠词a修饰。success还可作“成功的事或人”“一次成败”解,这时为可数名词。表示“由于〔通过〕…的成功”,通常用by引出。三、侧重点不同1、succeed:是形容词词性。例句:Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed. 不出意外的话,我相信他们会成功的。2、success:是名词词性。例句:We hope it will be a commercial success. 我们希望它能取得商业上的成功。

success successed successful succeded区别

一、指代不同1、success:成功。2、successed:已经成功。3、successful:达到目的。4、succeded:成功的。二、用法不同1、success:success的基本意思是“成功,成就,胜利”,是抽象名词,不可数,也不可加不定冠词a修饰。2、successed:success还可作“成功的事或人”“一次成败”解,这时为可数名词。表示“由于〔通过〕…的成功”,通常用by引出。3、successful:successful的基本意思是“成功的”,指事时表示某事“如愿以偿的”或“达到目的的”,指人时表示“出人头地的”或“飞黄腾达的”。4、succeded:succeed的基本意思是“成功”“获得成功”,指某人在工作、理想、抱负、尝试等方面获得成功或达到目的,作此解时succeed为不及物动词,后面通常接“in+ n./v -ing”结构。三、侧重点不同1、success:是名词词性。2、successed:是动词(过去式)。3、successful:是形容词词性。4、succeded:动词(原形)。近义词well。well也可作“有理由地,恰当地,合理地,可能地,明智地”解,多用于can, could, may或might之后。well还可作“很,相当”解,指达到相当的程度。well的比较级为better,最高级为best。well作“很,相当”“彻底地,完全地”“有理由地,恰当地,合理地,可能地,明智地”解时不用于比较等级。well在句中作状语,可修饰动态动词、静态动词或介词短语。well用作形容词的基本意思是“健康”,表示健康状况,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。well也可作“令人满意的,满足”解,在句中通常用作表语。well还可作“可取,相宜”解,在句中通常用作表语。


success做名词时,既做可数名词也做不可数名词。当其作可数名词时,意思为成功,胜利,发财,成名。succeed为动词,有四种意思:1,达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,具体用法:succeed in doing sth 2.成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词用法:succeed in sth succeed as sth 3.接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词4.继承,为不及物动词:如succeed to sth.successful为形容词,有两个意思:1.达到目的,有成效的。用法:be successful in sth/doing sth ,be successful at sth/doing sth 2.获得成功的,有成就的。

Succeed success successful的区别和用法

succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事succeed to ...: 继承(王位等)succeed sb: 继承succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功succeed,success,successful的区别和用法一、succeed的用法◆他的计划成功了。误:His plan was succeeded.正:His plan succeeded.析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。◆他终于把那个问题解决了。误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。◆继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。二、success的用法◆失败是成功之母。误:Failure is the mother of successes.正:Failure is the mother of success.析:success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。◆你说服她改变主意了吗?误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)三、successful的用法◆演出很成功。误:The performance was successive.正:The performance was successful.析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。◆你想找所新房子你找到了吗?误:Were you successful to find a new house?正:Were you successful in finding a new house?析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 星)。


答案是:success是名词,可以用来做主语,宾语表语等 failureisthemotherofsuccess失败是成功之母successful是形容词,可以用来做定语,表语等,thisisaverysuccessfulspeech这是一次非常成功的演讲succeed是动词,后面可以跟有词组:succeed indoingsth比如:hesucceededinworkingoutthemathproblem他成功的演算出了那道数学题~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

Succeed success successful的区别和用法

succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事succeed to ...: 继承(王位等)succeed sb: 继承succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功succeed,success,successful的区别和用法一、succeed的用法◆他的计划成功了。误:His plan was succeeded.正:His plan succeeded.析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。◆他终于把那个问题解决了。误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。◆继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。二、success的用法◆失败是成功之母。误:Failure is the mother of successes.正:Failure is the mother of success.析:success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。◆你说服她改变主意了吗?误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)三、successful的用法◆演出很成功。误:The performance was successive.正:The performance was successful.析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。◆你想找所新房子你找到了吗?误:Were you successful to find a new house?正:Were you successful in finding a new house?析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 星)。


success既是可数名词也是不可数名词。success的基本意思是“成功,成就,胜利”,是抽象名词,不可数,也不可加不定冠词a修饰。success还可作“成功的事或人”“一次成败”解,这时为可数名词,不能与冠词连用。1、作不可数名词,意思是“成功”,指抽象成功。It"s important for the long-term success of any diet that you vary your meals.如果想要成功做到长期节食,很重要的一点是要膳食多样化。Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success.几乎所有被采访的年轻人都认为工作是成功的关键。Most of the cast was amazed by the play"s success大多数演员都为该剧大获成功而感到惊奇。Enthused by the success of the first exhibition, its organisers are hoping to repeat the experience.由于首展告捷,组织者大受鼓舞,希望能再创佳绩。2、作可数名词,意思是“获得什么成功、赞誉”,指成功的事。The jewellery was a great success. 这些珠宝大获赞誉。We hope it will be a commercial success.我们希望它能取得商业上的成功。


sucess是可数名词英 [sək"ses] 美[sək"sɛs] n. 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物[ 复数 successes ]Why do you begrudge her success? 你为什么嫉妒她的成功?



一、success的动词是succeed二、短语搭配:succeed in doing sth.成功做某事succeed in取得成功;成功succeed to继承;接替;得手succeed in doing成功做某事President succeed总统成功三、例句:Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the damages will be substantial.你的索赔应该会成功,如果是这样,赔偿金额会很大。He had clearly abandoned all pretence of trying to succeed.他显然不再假装为成功而努力了。


英文单词编辑success英音:[sək"ses]美音:[sək"sɛs]词典解释success名词 n.[ 复数successes ]⒈[U] ~(in sth/in doing sth)成功;胜利;发财;成名;结果;效果;成就;They have achieved remarkable success in their work.他们在工作方面成绩显著。What"s the secret of your success?你成功的[秘诀是什么?Nothing succeeds like success. [谚]一旦功成名就,则事事容易成功⒉[C] 成功的]人(或事情):She was a success as an actress.她是位成功的女演员。相关短语:have success in sth/in doing sth⒊【电脑】中文网络工作站,中文终端服务系统⒋好结果⒌n. 赛克赛斯(服饰信息传播中心)相关词successful形容词a. (adj.)⒈ 成功的;结果圆满的;胜利的[(+in)]It was a successful experiment.那是一次成功的试验。⒉ 一帆风顺的;有成就的;发迹的She was a successful novelist.她是一个有成就的小说家。successfully副词ad. (adv.)⒈ 顺利地;成功地succeed (v.)不及物动词vi.1. 成功,办妥;获得成效[(+in)]He succeeded in getting the job.他谋得了那份工作。⒉ 发迹;兴旺[(+in)]⒊ 接着发生;接连[(+to)]⒋ 继任;继承[(+to)]The millionaire"s eldest son will succeed to his estate.这百万富翁的长子将继承他的产业。及物动词vt.1. 继...之后;接续The storm was succeeded by calm.暴风雨后一片宁静。⒉ 接替;继承The younger man will succeed Mr. White as director.那位较年轻的男士将接替怀特先生当主任。常用结构succeed in doing同义词come through、prosperity、win、triumph、make it反义词failure、disaster词性形容词 successful 成功的 例句:I think one of my successful thing is to be my mother"s son.副词 successfully 成功地 例句:You have done your work successfully.动词 succeed 继承 继……之后 例句:I will succeed my father to be a doctor.短语1、drink to someone"s success 举杯祝贺某人成功2、make a success of 把…做得十分成功,在…上取得成功(或做出成绩)3、meet with success 成功4、Nothing succeeds like success.一事成功百事顺。[谚语]5、Success is never blamed. 成者王侯;胜者为强。[谚语]6、with success 成功的7、without success 无成效的,失败的8、be success of something 做某事成功了9、make a success of one"s business 使生意兴隆10、be successfully11、Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。[谚语]成功的释义1、成就功业或事业。《书·禹贡》:“ 禹锡玄圭,告厥成功。” 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·结和》:“ 黄帝以战成功, 汤武以伐成孝。”《宣和遗事》后集:“汪伯彦、 黄潜善力主迁幸东南之议,忌 宗泽成功,屡沮挠之。”《西游记》第六一回:“﹝ 罗刹 ﹞磕头礼拜道:‘望菩萨饶我夫妻之命,愿将此扇奉承 孙叔叔 成功去也。"”2、成就的功业,既成之功。《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“今名号不更,无以称成功,传后世,其议帝号。” 北魏 郦道元《水经注·鲍丘水》:“於是二府文武之士,感 秦国思 郑渠 之绩, 魏 人置 豹 祀之义,乃遐慕仁政,追述成功。” 唐 司空图《太尉琅玡王公河中生祠碑》:“大寇既逃,邻封共庆,遽求罢任,本切归宁,坚避成功,益彰杰操。”3、事情获得预期结果。唐 顾况 《塞上曲》:“酣战祈成功,于焉罢边衅。”《古今小说·临安里钱婆留发迹》:“已知两路人马,都已成功,合兵回 杭州城 来。”曹禺《日出》第四幕:“这一次买成功了,我主张以后行里再也不冒这样的险。”4、成效。《国语·吴语》:“夫谚曰:狐埋之,而狐搰之,是以无成功。” 宋 苏洵《上皇帝书》:“此所谓用力少而成功多,法无便於此者矣。” 清 陈康祺《郎潜纪闻》卷一:“ 道光 二十二年, 河 决 开封,公奉命往治,驻工六阅月,糜帑少而成功速, 皖 豫 之民至今德之。”5、收获。《左传·襄公四年》:“边鄙不耸,民狎其野,穑人成功。”《汉书·元帝纪》:“元元之民,劳於耕耘,又亡成功,困於饥馑,亡以相救。”成功,即获得预期的结果。success名词n.⒈成功;成就;胜利[U][C]They have achieved remarkable successin their work.他们在工作方面成绩显著。⒉成功的事;取得成就的人[C]She was a successas an actress.她是位成功的女演员。SUCCESS名词n.⒈【电脑】中文网络工作站,中文终端服务系统


succeed(动词)、success(名词);successful(形容词),successfully(副词)1、succeed 继承;接替;继…之后2、success 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物2、successful 成功的;一帆风顺的3、successfully 成功地;顺利地succeed的用法:1、succeed的基本意思是“成功”“获得成功”,指某人在工作、理想、抱负、尝试等方面获得成功或达到目的,作此解时succeed为不及物动词,后面通常接“in+ n./v -ing”结构。2、succeed还可作“继承”解,指继承财产、地位、头衔,也可指某物或某事以时间、顺序继续或跟着某事物而来。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。3、succeed后接介词to,在意义上和作用上与succeed没有什么差别。扩展资料一、动词变为名词:1、+er(r)cleaner, seller, player, surfer, singer, owner, jumper, speaker, traveler, teacher, worker 2、+orVisitor , inventor conductor, inspector(检查员), actor (actress ),3、+ingcross——crossing, wash——washing, meet——meeting, park——parking二、形容词变为副词1、+ly useful, wide, strong ,2、改y为,再加ly, healthy , heavy, happy, lucky, noisy,good ——well terrible——terribly probable——probably三、形容词和副词同形。early, enough, fast, far, first, hard, h


1、success还可作“成功的事或人”“一次成败”解,这时为可数名词。2、表示“由于〔通过〕…的成功”,通常用by引出。3、success统指“成功”,为抽象名词,单数形式指“一件成功的事或人”,复数形式successes指“多件成功的事或人”。搭配:1、wish sb success 祝某人成功〔胜利〕2、complete success 完全成功,彻底的胜利3、without success 不成功地4、success in 在…方面的成功扩展资料:be a success, do well, make good这三个短语都可表示“做得很好”。其区别是:1、be a success强调是“一件〔个〕成功的事或人”;2、make good强调“失败之后,再告成功”; 3、do well指在竞赛中“取得良好成绩”。例如:The meeting was a great success.这次会议极为成功。He has learned a lesson, he"ll make good.他得到了教训,他会好起来的。The school football and basketball teams are doing well.这所学校的足球队和篮球队都取得了很好的成绩。


success英[səkˈses]美[səkˈsɛs]n.成功,成就; 好成绩,好结果; 成功的人(或物)网络社科赛斯; 成功; 取得成功1They seem to have become intoxicated by their success.他们似乎陶醉在成功的喜悦中。2Unless it "s a new iPhone, one device does not guarantee success.除非是新款iPhone,否则单凭一款手机就想大获成功无异于天方夜谭。3There is often a strong accent on material success.经常大力强调物质成就。


success英语读作:[səkˈses]。success,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物”。短语搭配customer success 客户成功 ; 顾客成功 ; 客户服务 ; 客户至上HMAS Success 成功号Success Cases 收费标准My Success 我的成功 ; 发达之路Layup Success 上篮成功率 ; 上篮命中率 ; 上篮success identity 成功认证 ; 成功认同 ; 成功的认同 ; 成功的统合感HUGE SUCCESS 很大的成功 ; 巨大成功 ; 巨大的成就catastrophic success 灾难性胜利Future Success 终身的成就支持 ; 未来展宏图success 用法和例句:Their success is no accident .他们的成功并非偶然。Success also brings its challenges .成功也会带来挑战。But their success is questionable .但能否成功还是未知数。There are pockets of success .也不乏成功的例子。Success brought fame and riches .成功带来了名气和财富。


succeed 动词 成功successful 成功的 形容词



复数successes、动词形式succeed、形容词形式successful、副词successfully。n. 成功,胜利;发财,成名;成功的人(或事物)短语Trimming Success飞短流长父子兵 ; TVB飞短留长父子兵 ; 短留父子兵achieve success 承认success rate 成功率 ; 精品率 ; 成功率同根词词根: successadj.successful 成功的;一帆风顺的adv.successfully 成功地;顺利地n.successor 继承者;后续的事物vi.succeed 成功;继承;继任;兴旺vt.succeed 继承;接替;继…之后


1、当success作可数名词时,意思是“获得什么成功、赞誉”,指成功的事。例如:“He was a great success in business”,他在事业上取得了很大的成功。2、当success作不可数名词时,意思是“成功”,指抽象成功。当success 表示抽象意义的“成功”时,是不可数的;当success表示具体意义的“成功的人或事”时, 则是可数的。例如:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。 have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。例如:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?你说服她改变主意了吗? success几种形式: successful 形容词。成功的;一帆风顺的。 successfully 副词。成功地;顺利地。 successor 名词。继承者;后续的事物。 succeed 动词。不及物动词:成功;继承;继任;兴旺。及物动词:继承;接替;继…之后。succeed为动词有四种意思: 1、达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,用法:succeed in doing sth。2、成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词,用法:succeed in sth;succeed as sth。3、继承,为不及物动词,用法:succeed to sth。4、接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词。


解释:n. 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物success读法:英 [səkˈses]  美 [səkˈses] 用法:Trimming Success飞短留长父子兵 ; 飞短流长父子兵 ; TVB飞短留长父子兵 ; 短留父子兵achieve success 获得成功 ; 承认success rate 成功率 ; 精品率 ; 成功率近义词:successful读法:英 [səkˈsesfl]  美 [səkˈsesfl] 解释:adj. 成功的;一帆风顺的用法:Successful Participant 成功参赛奖 ; 国际三等奖 ; 成功参赛Successful career 事业有成 ; 事业成功 ; 成功的事业 ; 成功的职业生涯Successful case 成功案例 ; 联系我们 ; 案例 ; 合作案例


您好,success 这个单词既是可数名词,也是不可数名词,需要看用法:1)作为不可数名词,译为【成功】比如在(获得人们欢迎上的成功、赢得利润上的成功、生意兴旺的成功)等等,都是不可数名词,比如:The success of his business is great.(他的生意所获得的成功是巨大的。)The government had some success in restoring confidence.(政府在恢复信心上获得了一些成功。)2)作为可数名词,译为【取得成功的人;成功的事物】,也就是表达的不是(成功)的状态,而是(人)或(物),比如:His business is a success.(他的生意很成功。)The band"s new album has been a runaway success.(乐队的新专辑迅速卖个满堂红。)The book proved a major commercial success.(该书在商业上大获成功。)


succeed in + doing sth = 成功做成某事succeed to ...: 继承(王位等)succeed sb: 继承succeed with sth:在某方面获得成功succeed,success,successful的区别和用法一、succeed的用法◆他的计划成功了。误:His plan was succeeded.正:His plan succeeded.析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。◆他终于把那个问题解决了。误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。◆继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。二、success的用法◆失败是成功之母。误:Failure is the mother of successes.正:Failure is the mother of success.析:success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。◆你说服她改变主意了吗?误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)三、successful的用法◆演出很成功。误:The performance was successive.正:The performance was successful.析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。◆你想找所新房子你找到了吗?误:Were you successful to find a new house?正:Were you successful in finding a new house?析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 星)。


succeed 是动词success是名词successful是形容词successfully是副词






succeed v.success n.successful adj.使用时 要注意区分词性


同一个意思的不同形式,比如表达他的事业是成功的He succeed in his career. 或者His career is a sucess.


success的基本意思是“成功,成就,胜利”,是抽象名词,不可数,也不可加不定冠词a修饰。success还可作“成功的事或人”“一次成败”解,这时为可数名词。 success的释义 n.成功; 胜利; 发财; 成名; 成功的人(或事物); 复数:successes success的用法 1、作不可数名词,意思是“成功”,指抽象成功。 Most of the cast was amazed by the play"s success. 大多数演员都为该剧大获成功而感到惊奇。 Enthused by the success of the first exhibition, its organisers are hoping to repeat the experience. 由于首展告捷,组织者大受鼓舞,希望能再创佳绩。 2、作可数名词,意思是“获得什么成功、赞誉”,指成功的事。 He has had great success in business. 他事业上很成功。 He was a great success in business. 他事业上很成功。 We hope it will be a commercial success. 我们希望它能取得商业上的成功。


success是名词,意思是成功、成就、胜利,它还有形容词、副词、动词等几种形式,具体形式及用法跟随我来了解一下吧! success几种形式 successful 形容词 成功的;一帆风顺的 successfully 副词 成功地;顺利地 successor 名词 继承者;后续的事物 succeed 动词 不及物动词:成功;继承;继任;兴旺。及物动词:继承;接替;继…之后 succes用法 1.success做名词时,既做可数名词也做不可数名词。 当其作可数名词时,意思为成功、胜利、发财、成名。 用法:success in sth/doing sth;have much/little success in sth;the key to success;meet with little success 做不可数名词时,意思为成功的人或事,make a success of sth 2.succeed为动词,有四种意思: 达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,用法:succeed in doing sth 成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词,用法:succeed in sth;succeed as sth 继承,为不及物动词:如succeed to sth,用法:She succeeded to the throne.她继承了王位。 接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词,用法:Obama succeeded Bush as president.奥巴马接任布什成为总统。 3.successful为形容词,有两个意思: 达到目的,有成效的。用法:be successful in sth/doing sth,be successful at sth/doing sth 获得成功的,有成就的。用法:a successful actor 有成就的演员。


成功的秘诀:The secret of success.例句:你成功的秘诀是什么?What"s the secret of your success? 她成功的秘诀是什么?What"s her recipe for success? 成功的秘诀在于诚实和公平交易。The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing.迈克尔·乔丹,有史以来最伟大的篮球运动员,找到了成功的秘诀。Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, found the secret to success.




在 学习英语 的过程中,我们常常会遇到success这个单词,而且它也是常考的一个知识点,那么success的用法有哪些?下面是我给大家带来的success的用法 总结 _success的用法及 短语 ,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼▼目录▼▼ success的释义 success的用法 success的短语 success的例句 ●  success的释义 success 英[s?k"ses] 美[s?k"ses] n. 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物 ●   success的用法 success做名词时,既做可数名词也做不可数名词。 当其作可数名词时,意思为成功,胜利,发财,成名。 具体用法如下:success in sth/doing sth,have much(little etc.) success in sth , the key to success ,meet with little success 。 做不可数名词时,意思为,成功的人或事,make a success of sth。 succeed为动词,有四种意思: 1,达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,具体用法:succeed in doing sth 2.成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词用法:succeed in sth succeed as sth 3.接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词 如:Obama succeeded Bush as president.(奥巴马接任布什成为总统)。 4.继承,为不及物动词:如succeed to sth.如:She succeeded to the throne.她继承了王位。 successful为形容词,有两个意思: 1.达到目的,有成效的。用法:be successful in sth/doing sth ,be successful at sth/doing sth 2.获得成功的,有成就的。如:a successful actor 有成就的演员。 >>> ●   success的短语 success in 在…方面成功 great success 巨大成功;非常成功 with success 成功地 success rate 成功率;接通率 without success 没有成功 secret of success n. 成功的秘诀 achieve success 取得成功;获得成功 success and failure 成功与失败 way to success 成功之路 road to success 成功之路;成功者之路 complete success 完全成功;彻底的胜利 make a success of 把…做得十分成功,在…上取得成功(或做出成绩) economic success 经济上的成功 success story n. 一个人的成名史 wish you every success 一帆风顺 meet with success 成功 academic success 学科成就,学术成就 success probability 成功率;成功概率 feeling of success 成功感 >>> ●   success的例句 I hope you will be feeling very positive about your chances of success.我希望你对自己成功的可能应该感到非常乐观。 The film"s success rested on a promotional campaign showcasing its relentless eye candy.影片的成功全靠一场展现其令人目不暇接的花架子的宣传活动。 The study found that success in the educational system correlates highly with class.研究发现 教育 体制的成功与课堂大有关系。[with obj.] establish such a relationship or connection between 在…之间建立关系;把…联系起来: we should correlate general trends in public opinion with trends in the content of television news. 我们必须将舆论的总趋势和电视新闻内容的趋势联系起来。 Such action bestows more éclat upon a warrior than success by other means.与通过其他手段获得的成功相比,此举可使一个勇士获得更显赫的声誉。 He spread his net far and wide in his search for success.为了获得成功,他将网面撒得很大。 I am sure you will join me in wishing him every success.我深信你会和我一样祝愿他大获成功。 The price of their success was an entire day spent in discussion.他们用了一整天的讨论换来了成功。 The secret of success lies in the relation of income to outgo.成功的秘密在于掌握收入与支出之间的关系。 His success was the cue for the rest of Fleet Street to forge ahead.他的成功是其余英国报界稳步前进的一个信号。 Success came quickly, thanks to a mixture of talent, enterprise, and luck.成功之所以来得这么快,靠的是才能、足智多谋和运气。 >>> success的用法总结相关 文章 : ★ 高二英语课堂学习的重点知识点总结 ★ achieve的用法总结大全 ★ courage的用法和例句有哪些 ★ Sure的用法归纳总结 ★ 英语时态语法总结归纳 ★ despair的用法总结大全 ★ 中考英语语法:名词特殊用法有多少 ★ wish的用法总结 ★ certain的用法总结大全 ★ prove的用法和搭配 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


    success是一个比较常见的高频词,很多学生可能不是很完全都清楚它的用法,接下来我在这里给大家带来success的用法,我们一起来看看吧!   success的用法   一、succeed的用法   他的计划成功了。   误:His plan was succeeded.   正:His plan succeeded.   析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。   他终于把那个问题解决了。   误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.   正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.   析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。   继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?   误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?   正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?   析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。   二、success的用法   失败是成功之母。   误:Failure is the mother of successes.   正:Failure is the mother of success.   析:success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。   你说服她改变主意了吗?   误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?   正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?   析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)   三、successful的用法   演出很成功。   误:The performance was successive.   正:The performance was successful.   析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。   你想找所新房子你找到了吗?   误:Were you successful to find a new house?   正:Were you successful in finding a new house?   析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 星)。   success的相关解释   n. 成功,成就;好成绩,好结果;成功的人(或物);   success的例句   1. Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.   成功无法保证,并非唾手可得。成功必须靠自己去争取。   2. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill   成功不是终点,失败也并非末日,最重要的是继续前进的勇气。   3. Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.   事业要成功,才能、勤奋和顽强的意志都至关重要。   4. Today"s Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.   今天的安理会决议将是美国外交取得的一个重大成功。   5. The company was coasting on the enormous success of its early products.   公司凭借早期产品的巨大成功而在市场上遥遥领先。   6. The Ariane space-rocket project has had a shining success.   阿里安航天火箭项目取得了辉煌的成功。


success为名词,既做可数名词也做不可数名词。当其作可数名词时,意思为成功,胜利,发财,成名,有以下短语:success in sth/doing sth   have much(little etc.) success in sth    the key to success   meet with little success 。做不可数名词时,意思为,成功的人或事,make a success of sth。succeed为动词,有四种意思:1.达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,用法:succeed in doing sth 2.成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词用法:succeed in sth   succeed as sth   3.接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词 如:Obama  succeeded  Bush as president.(奥巴马接任布什成为总统)。4.继承,为不及物动词,用法为:succeed to sth.如:She succeeded to the throne.她继承了王位。successful为形容词,有两个意思:1.达到目的,有成效的。用法:be successful in sth/doing sth   be successful at sth/doing sth  2.获得成功的,有成就的。如:a successful actor 有成就的演员。

success 是什么意思

success英 [səkˈses] 美 [səkˈsɛs] n.成功,成就; 好成绩,好结果; 成功的人(或物)1It"s important for the long-term success of any diet that you vary your meals. 如果想要成功做到长期节食,很重要的一点是要膳食多样化。2Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success. 几乎所有被采访的年轻人都认为工作是成功的关键。

英文success 是什么意思



success,名词,意思是“成功、成就”,它可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。复数形式successes,动词形式succeed(成功、继承),形容词形式successful(成功的),副词successfully(顺利地、成功地)。 success含义 n.成功;胜利;发财;成名;成功的人(或事物); [例句]Their success is due in large part to their determination. 他们的成功在很大程度上应归功于他们的决心。 复数:successes succes用法 1.success,名词,既做可数名词也做不可数名词。 可数名词,意思为成功、胜利、发财、成名。 用法:success in sth/doing sth; have much/little success in sth; the key to success; meet with little success。 不可数名词,意思为成功的人或事。 make a success of sth 2.succeed,动词。 达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,用法:succeed in doing sth 成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词,用法:succeed in sth;succeed as sth 继承,为不及物动词:如succeed to sth,用法:She succeeded to the throne. 接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词,用法:Obama succeeded Bush as president. 3.successful,形容词。 达到目的,有成效的。用法:be successful in sth/doing sth,be successful at sth/doing sth。 获得成功的,有成就的。用法:a successful actor,有成就的演员。


succeed(动词)、success(名词);successful(形容词),successfully(副词)1、succeed 继承;接替;继…之后2、success 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物2、successful 成功的;一帆风顺的3、successfully 成功地;顺利地succeed的用法:1、succeed的基本意思是“成功”“获得成功”,指某人在工作、理想、抱负、尝试等方面获得成功或达到目的,作此解时succeed为不及物动词,后面通常接“in+ n./v -ing”结构。2、succeed还可作“继承”解,指继承财产、地位、头衔,也可指某物或某事以时间、顺序继续或跟着某事物而来。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。3、succeed后接介词to,在意义上和作用上与succeed没有什么差别。扩展资料一、动词变为名词:1、+er(r)cleaner, seller, player, surfer, singer, owner, jumper, speaker, traveler, teacher, worker 2、+orVisitor , inventor conductor, inspector(检查员), actor (actress ),3、+ingcross——crossing, wash——washing, meet——meeting, park——parking二、形容词变为副词1、+ly useful, wide, strong ,2、改y为,再加ly, healthy , heavy, happy, lucky, noisy,good ——well terrible——terribly probable——probably三、形容词和副词同形。early, enough, fast, far, first, hard, h


success英语读作:[səkˈses]。success,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物”。短语搭配customer success 客户成功 ; 顾客成功 ; 客户服务 ; 客户至上HMAS Success 成功号Success Cases 收费标准My Success 我的成功 ; 发达之路Layup Success 上篮成功率 ; 上篮命中率 ; 上篮success identity 成功认证 ; 成功认同 ; 成功的认同 ; 成功的统合感HUGE SUCCESS 很大的成功 ; 巨大成功 ; 巨大的成就catastrophic success 灾难性胜利Future Success 终身的成就支持 ; 未来展宏图success 用法和例句:Their success is no accident .他们的成功并非偶然。Success also brings its challenges .成功也会带来挑战。But their success is questionable .但能否成功还是未知数。There are pockets of success .也不乏成功的例子。Success brought fame and riches .成功带来了名气和财富。


successn. 成功, 成就, 胜利drink success to祝...成功干杯have success (with)(在某事上)获得成功make a success of ...把...做得很成功meet with success成功Nothing succeeds like success.[谚]一旦功成名就, 则事事容易成功。with [out] success成功[失败]地S-is never blamed.[谚]胜者为强
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