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access denied怎么办

access denied是什么意思中文翻译存取拒绝 访问被拒绝 接入被禁止 拒绝存取 拒绝访问是拒绝访问的意思,有两个办法,一是杀毒,二是把浏览器重新安装一下一个确保你系统安全的优秀工具.功能专一但很强大,而且小巧易用!在启动时要求用户输入口令,它不会象CMOS放电那样被破坏,并且有支持多达450个用户的多用户支持、口令加密、环境设定、整合屏保、黑客防护等功能.此软件没有使用期限

access denied是什么意思

access denied意思是:拒绝访问以下双语例句:Access denied due to timeout. 由于超时而拒绝访问。2.Access denied: verify that you have sufficient permissions and are logged into the same site as this folder. 拒绝访问:请验证您具有足够的权限且已登录到与此文件夹相同的站点上。3.Cannot modify team: access denied. Only administrators on the server may change team information. 无法修改组:访问被拒绝。只有服务器的管理员才能更改组信息。4.Access denied. Permission to open this file is currently restricted. Contact your system administrator for more information. 拒绝访问。打开此文件的权限当前受到限制。有关详细信息,请与您的系统管理员联系。5.Access denied. The program cannot start because it is not digitally signed with a trusted certificate. Please contact your service provider for more information. 拒绝访问。程序无法启动,因为它未使用可信任的证书进行数字签名。请与服务提供商联系获取更多信息。


中文翻译:存取拒绝、访问被拒绝、接入被禁止、拒绝存取、拒绝访问    access:    n. 1.接近;会面。 2.捷径,门路〔指方法、手段〕;deny:    vt. (-nied;-nying) 1.否定,否认;不 access denied 访问被拒绝,一般是没有权限访问。The requested URL could not be retrieved 你所请求的url地址没法到达。例句与用法1、 I also get a message stating : " access denied "我还收到"禁止访问"的信息2、  " access denied . " - go back . yell when you see them coming密码错误-回去,他们来了就喊3、 - " access denied . " - go back . yell when you see them coming-密码错误-回去,他们来了就喊4、  Access denied when two users attempt to access the database at the same timeAccess拒绝两个用户试图同时访问数据库。 5、 [ buzzing ] access denied拒绝(进入)请求6、  [ connectionopen ( connect ( ) ) . ] sql server does not exist or access denied我机器上的数据库连接也是连的服务器上的数据库7、Buzzing access denied拒绝进入请求8、 Access denied because username and / or password is invalid on the domain访问被拒绝是因为在本局域网中用户名或者密码无效。 9、  [ dbnetlib ] [ connectionopen ( connect ( ) ) . ] sql server does not exist or access denied我机器上的数据库连接也是连的服务器上的数据库10、  For example , an http protocol error such as 401 access denied would use this status例如, http协议错误(如401访问被拒绝)使用此状态。

后台无法登陆,出现Access denied 是什么意思?


access denied是什么意思


access denied是什么意思

access denied意思是:拒绝访问以下双语例句:1.Access denied due to timeout. 由于超时而拒绝访问。2.Access denied: verify that you have sufficient permissions and are logged into the same site as this folder. 拒绝访问:请验证您具有足够的权限且已登录到与此文件夹相同的站点上。3.Cannot modify team: access denied. Only administrators on the server may change team information. 无法修改组:访问被拒绝。只有服务器的管理员才能更改组信息。4."Access denied." Go back. Yell when you see them coming. 密码错误.你去守着.看见他们来了就大叫.5.Cannot write updated properties for "|". Access denied; the file may be in use, or marked read-only. 不能为"|"写入更新后的属性。不能访问。文件可能正在使用,或者已设为只读。

access denied 什么意思如何解决


access denied什么意思



access denied拒绝访问很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问


访问的权限不够,用户名或密码错误。重新输入试试。Access Denied,是一款确保系统安全的优秀工具,支持Win95、98、2000。一个确保你系统安全的优秀工具.功能专一但很强大,而且小巧易用!在启动时要求用户输入口令,它不会象CMOS放电那样被破坏,并且有支持多达450个用户的多用户支持、口令加密、环境设定、整合屏保、黑客防护等功能.此软件没有使用期限.默认用户名:user 密码:password 超级用户密码:admin.例句:Access denied. 访问被拒It catches many standard exceptions, such as "URI unknown" and "access denied," and turnsthem into the proper HTTP responses (in this case, 404 and 403, respectively. 它会捕获很多标准,如“未知 URI”和“拒绝访问”,并将这些异常转为适当的 HTTP 相应(在这里各为 404 和 403)。

access denied是什么意思


access denied什么意思


后台无法登陆,出现Access denied 是什么意思?

后台无法登陆,出现Access denied指的是配置文件不正确,具体解决步骤如下:1、当在浏览器中进行打开自己的一个网页之后,提示Access denied for user "root"@"localhost" (using password NO)提示了数据访问的错误信息。2、需要更改root的权限远程的访问的权限,进行进入到自己数据库之后,进入mysql数据库中:use mysql。3、进行执行update user set host="%" where user="root"  的命令进行执行。4、执行了相关的命令之后,还是需要进行执行的flush privileges的命令。5、还需要进行修改的是在etc/sysconfig/selinux进行编辑SELINUX=disabled中。6、设置完成之后还是需要进行重启Linux,在访问之后,不在显示错误的内容。

英语中“成功”或者“成就”除了success, triumph, victory, accomplishment,achievement还有什么表达?

succeed effort fruition



accomplice 和 accessory区别

accomplice [ac·com·plice || ə"kʌmplɪs]n. 帮凶, 共犯; 同谋者accessory [ac·ces·so·ry || æk"sesərɪ]n. 配件, 附件; 妇女饰品; 房间陈设;零件adj. 附加的, 附属的;帮凶的, 同谋的;辅助的; 非主要的



accessory gene regulator是什么意思

属于生物范畴术语,表示辅助基因调节剂Accessory gene regulator 也叫“附属基因调节子”accessory gene regulator C 构建金黄色葡萄球菌附属基因调节子accessory gene regulator agr system 附属基因调节系统(agr)

accessory kit什么意思

accessory kit配件包双语对照词典结果:accessory kit[英][ækˈsesəri kit][美][ækˈsɛsəri kɪt][医]附属品,附属工具;.__________________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

电脑老是跳出tablet PC input panel Accessory已停止工作


hair accessory 和headwear有什么不同,请详细点哈谢谢。

第一个指的是发饰, 发箍和 假发配件短语pendant hair accessory 吊坠New Happiness Hair Accessory Company 新悦饰品公司Accessory Hair 配件双语例句And what better way to top off the perfectly tousled holiday party do than with acute hair accessory ? 可又有什么能比一个漂亮的发饰更好的收尾打理好的卷发造型呢?第二个指的是头饰,例如帽子和韩版头饰短语Cut headwear 可爱头饰Names Headwear 名都帽业Including Headwear 包括头饰同近义词n. 头饰;吊索topknot , tire双语例句Headwear made from horns - often adorned with long lengths of wool, hair, orother textiles - has given these unique people their tribal name 她们的头饰由兽角制成,并饰有长毛,羊毛或其它纺织品,部族也由此得名。

accessory service是什么,这么费电

accessory Service是一款非常实用的三星手机系统app。能够帮助用户稳定连接配件,实现文件传输等功能,运行稳定,兼容性极强。这个是三星自带 连接智能设备的进程。



accessory equipment是什么意思

accessory equipment英[ækˈsesəri iˈkwipmənt]美[ækˈsɛsəri ɪˈkwɪpmənt][词典] 辅助设备,附属设备;[例句]This includes accessory equipment and the weight of all liquids supported by the inertia block.这包括辅助设备和重量所有液体由惯性块支持。

accessory power是什么意思


……becomes even more accessible怎么翻译比较地道


mistakes to success什么意思

mistakes to success错误的成功重点词汇mistakes错误( mistake的名词复数 ); 过失; 误解; 错误; 弄错

bags and accessories什么意思


access badge 的意思


为什么说Devotion is important to success,为什么用介词to


Succeed success successful的区别和用法

succeed,success,successful的区别和用法一、succeed的用法◆他的计划成功了。误:His plan was succeeded.正:His plan succeeded.析:succeed 表示“成功”,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。◆他终于把那个问题解决了。误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作),She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)。◆继邱吉尔出任首相的是谁?误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?析:succeed 表示“接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示“继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)。二、success的用法◆失败是成功之母。误:Failure is the mother of successes.正:Failure is the mother of success.析:success 表示抽象意义的“成功”,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的“成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成),His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功),He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)。◆你说服她改变主意了吗?误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)三、successful的用法◆演出很成功。误:The performance was successive.正:The performance was successful.析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)。◆你想找所新房子你找到了吗?误:Were you successful to find a new house?正:Were you successful in finding a new house?析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 星)


adj.1. 成功的;有成效的;胜利的2. 有成就的;飞黄腾达的;一帆风顺的3. 结果好的作定语或表语 she is successful.she is a successful business woman.


英文原文:successful怎么读英式音标:[səkˈsesfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美式音标:[səkˈsɛsfl]


名词短语:successstory: 一个人的成名史/meetwithsuccess 取得成功形容词短语:besuccessfulwith 在…方面很成功动词的短语:succeedin 成功;顺利完成/nothingsucceedslikesuccess 一事成,事事成

successful 同义词?

successful 英[səkˈsesfl] 美[səkˈsɛsfəl]adj. 成功的,如愿以偿的;[例句]How successful will this new treatment be?这一新的疗法会有多大成效?[其他] 比较级:more successful 最高级:most successful成功的同义词近义词successful; prosperous; blest; made; triumphant


1How successful will this new treatment be? 这一新的疗法会有多大成效?2One of the keys to successful business is careful planning. 打造成功企业的关键之一就是要精心策划。3Women do not necessarily have to imitate men to be successful in business 女性不见得非要模仿男性才能在商界叱咤风云。4I am looking forward to a long and successful partnership with him 我期盼着能与他建立长期而有成效的合作关系。5She has been comparatively successful in maintaining her privacy. 在保护自己的隐私方面她一直都做得比较成功。6She is a successful lawyer. 她是个成功的律师。7His previous fusions of jazz, pop and African melodies have proved highlysuccessful. 事实证明他先前融合了爵士乐、流行乐和非洲旋律的作品非常成功。8He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company他和同伴自己创业,创办了一家成功的时装公司。9This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire. 这是我会做的甜点中做得最成功的一种。10I think it"s going to be successful 我认为这事会成功。

success,succeed和successful 用法上的区别

答案是:success是名词,可以用来做主语,宾语表语等 failureisthemotherofsuccess失败是成功之母successful是形容词,可以用来做定语,表语等,thisisaverysuccessfulspeech这是一次非常成功的演讲succeed是动词,后面可以跟有词组:succeed indoingsth比如:hesucceededinworkingoutthemathproblem他成功的演算出了那道数学题~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

be success of 和 be successful 有什么区别?

be success of 接名词,be successful ,be动词和形容词连用,。。。然后我也不知道了




successful的读音是:英[s?k"sesfl]。successful的读音是:英[s?k"sesfl]。successful的例句是用作形容词(adj.)She made a successful debut.她初次登台获得成功。successful【近义词】favourable。一、详尽释义点此查看successful的详细内容adj.(形容词)成功的有成就的一帆风顺的结果圆满的胜利的发迹的达到目的有成效的结果好的有成绩的及格的盛大的飞黄腾达的出了头的二、英英释义Adjective:having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome;"a successful architect""a successful business venture"三、网络解释1. successful1. 成功的:学习方法工欲善其事,必先利其器--良好的学习方法是制胜的又一法宝. 1.尽可能的理解你要记忆的知识,不懂不要死记硬背. 2.善于将知识分类,不同的概念要条理清晰不可混淆. .每个成功的(successful)男人背后都有一个. 每个成功的(successful)男人背后都有一个女人.2. successful2. 成功:甲壳虫(又译披头士Beatles)乐队流行音乐界历史上最伟大(greatest),最有影响力(influence),拥有最多歌迷(fans),最为成功(successful)的乐队. 他影响了自60年代以后的数代摇滚乐队(Rock bands)的音乐和思想,直接影响了摇滚乐(Rock)的变革和发展.3.3. 飞黄腾达的:飞黄腾达 青云直上come into one"s kingdom rise in the world strike oil | 飞黄腾达的successful | 飞禽走兽birds and beasts4. successful4. 闹僵:That relationship was not entirely...|结果却和教会 |successful.|闹僵 | Oh, yes.|是吗?四、例句She made a successful debut.她初次登台获得成功。He aims to be a successful writer.他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。They are highly successful in business.他们经商非常成功。We are confident of a successful outcome.我们相信会有圆满的结果。The meeting came to a successful conclusion.会议圆满结束。The operation was completely successful.手术圆满成功。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.The prime minister staked his reputation on a successful outcome to the arms talks.首相拿自己的声誉担保军备谈判将会成功。Her successful jump brought a spontaneous cheer from the crowd.她成功越过横竿后,观众立即发出一阵欢呼声。She is a successful businesswoman.她是一位成功的女实业家。They"re advertising luxury apartments ideal for the successful young executive.他们正在推销豪华的公寓住宅,是飞黄腾达的年轻商务人员的理想居所。用作表语S+be+~The meeting was successful.会议开得很成功。I"m afraid my attempt to make a cake wasn"t very successful.恐怕我这蛋糕做得不怎么样。I know he"s successful but he"s nothing to what he could have been.我知道他在事业上很成功,但与他本来可取得的成就相比,这一点成就是微不足道的。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHe was successful from his very first attempt.他第一次尝试就获得成功。He was successful in his studies.他在学业上很成功。He was successful in his efforts.他的努力获得了成效。He was remarkably successful in business.他在事业上取得了显著成功。Were you successful in finding a new house?你找到新住所了吗?He was especially successful with the sheep.他在养羊方面特别成功。That method of treatment was not successful with the patient.那种治疗对这种病人不适宜。六、情景对话求职面试B:What contribution did you make to your current /previous organization?你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在 这份工作上。successfulB:What do you think you are worth to us?你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?successfulA:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。B:What make you think you would be a success in this position?你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will besuccessful.我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。商务英语A:Good morning, Mr. Smith. I brought the contract you are been looking for.Please go over the draft of the contract.上午好,斯密司先生。我带来了你要等待的合同。请再看一下草案吧。successfulB:OK. Sit down, please. What would you like, Chinese tea or coffee?好的,请坐。你想喝点什么,中国茶还是咖啡?A:Thank you. I"d very much like to have a cup of Chinese tea.我想来杯中国茶,谢谢你。B:Here you are.茶给你。A:Finished?看完了吗?B:Yes. I have one question about clause 8.Are these the terms that we agreed on?看完了。关于第八条款,我有个疑问。这些是我们同意的条件吗?A:OK. Let"s have a look at it.好,让我们来看看。B:10 percent down and the balance at the time of shipment?That"s what I mean.百分之十付现款,余额在装运时付清吗?我就是指的这个。A:Yes, I think that"s what we stipulated.对呀,我想那是我们所订定的。B:I"ll need a few minutes to check over my notes again.我再需要几分钟来核对一下我的笔记。A:Right?对吗?B:Yes, it is right.对,是正确的。A:Good. Can we sign them right away?好的。我们现在可以签合同了吗?B:Of course.S Hand me the pen.当然可以。请把笔给我。successful的反义词A:Here you are.给你。successfulB:Where shall I put my signature?我签在哪儿呀?A:Here, on the last page.We"ll sign two originals, each in the Chinese and English language.Both are equally effective.这儿,在最后一页。我们将要用中文和英文分别签署两份原件。两者都有效。B:OK. Is that all?好的。就这样完了吗?A:No. Will you also initial this change on page 2, please?不,请你也在第二页变更处签姓名的一个字母好吗?B:I"m glad our negotiation has come to asuccessful conclusion.我很高兴这次洽谈圆满成功。A:I hope this will lead to further business between us.我希望这次交易将使我们之间的贸易能得到进一步发展。B:All we have to do now is shake hands.现在我们所该做的只是握手了。A:OK, and go out and have a drink to congratulate ourselves.对,再出去喝一杯以示庆祝。B:That"s a great idea.真是个好主意。七、词义辨析adj.(形容词)be successful, prove successful这两个短语都可表示“成功”。其区别是:be successful常以人为主语; prove successful常以事为主语。例如:We were remarkably successful in the experiment.我们的实验大为成功。The plan did not prove successful.这计划没有成功。successful的相关近义词favourable、fruitful、lucky、satisfying、victorioussuccessful的相关反义词defeated、unsuccessfulsuccessful的相关临近词succession、success、successfully、successful in、successful at、successful bid、successful end、successfulness、successful held、successful item、successful tree、Successful rate点此查看更多关于successful的详细信息


名词短语:successstory: 一个人的成名史/meetwithsuccess 取得成功形容词短语:besuccessfulwith 在…方面很成功动词的短语:succeedin 成功;顺利完成/nothingsucceedslikesuccess 一事成,事事成



success,succeed和successful 用法上的区别

答案是:success是名词,可以用来做主语,宾语表语等 failureisthemotherofsuccess失败是成功之母successful是形容词,可以用来做定语,表语等,thisisaverysuccessfulspeech这是一次非常成功的演讲succeed是动词,后面可以跟有词组:succeed indoingsth比如:hesucceededinworkingoutthemathproblem他成功的演算出了那道数学题~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

make sb success 还是successful

make sb. successful后面应该接形容词





successful[英][səkˈsesfl][美][səkˈsɛsfəl]adj.成功的,如愿以偿的; 最高级:most successful比较级:more successful以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.How will you know when you"re successful? 你如何知道你什么时候成功的?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


successful 英[səkˈsesfl]美[səkˈsɛsfəl]adj. 成功的,如愿以偿的最高级:most successful;比较级:more successful[例句]How will you know when you "re successful?你如何知道你什么时候成功的?


successful 英[səkˈsesfl] 美[səkˈsɛsfəl] adj. 成功的,如愿以偿的 最高级:most successful;比较级:more successful [例句]1.Thiel is one of the valley"s most successful investors. 泰尔是硅谷最成功的投资者之一。2.How do you hack one of the most successful security companies? 攻击世界上最成功的安全公司?3.Successful mobile-optimised services must be focused and elegant. 成功的移动优化服务一定专注而有品位。4.More successful are low-cost producers with high volumes. 更成功的将是那些薄利多销的企业。5.A two-week test run has proved successful. 为期两周的探测十分顺利。


successful的副词在后面直接加-ly:adv. 成功地;顺利地


有成就的英语successful音标是səkˈsesfl。详细释义:1、达到目的;有成效的。They were successful in winning the contract.他们终于争取到了那份合同。We congratulated them on the successful completion of the project.我们祝贺他们工程顺利竣工。2、获得成功的;有成就的。The play was very successful on Broadway.那部剧在百老汇大获成功。The company has had another successful year.公司又度过了一个兴旺发达之年。双语例句:1、uccessful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change. 成功的企业对于经济转变的适应能力很强。2、On balance, the company has had a successful year. 总的来说,公司这一年是成功的。3、Only time will tell if the treatment has been successful. 只有时间才能证明这种疗法是否成功。4、The school has established a successful relationship with the local community. 这所学校与当地社区建立了良好的关系。5、A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry. 良好的培训计划是企业成功的先决条件。

be successful的用法

be successful in sth/ doing sth Successful adj.成功的 不成功的, unsuccessful be unsuccessful in sth/ doing sth☆ China was successful in launching its economic reforms. 中国成功地实施了经济改革. Brad Pitt is a success as an actor. He has played so many successful roles in films. 作为一个演员是成功的,他扮演了很多成功的角色. ☆ He was unsuccessful in his attempt to climb Mt. Everest. 他攀登珠穆朗玛峰的尝试失败了.Successful adj.成功的,有成就的;盛大的(会等); 幸运的 ★★★★ ☆ The performance was successful. 演出很成功. ☆ The successful experiment provided a cure for the disease. 这次成功的试验为这种病找到了治疗方法. ☆ My father was not a very successful man, but he loved his family very much. 我父亲并不是一个很成功的人,但他热爱他的家人.

success , succeed,successful,successfully有何区别?





success,名词可数名词(成功的人或事);不可数名词(成功)如HeisagreatsuccessasawriterFailureisthemotherofsuccesssucceed,不及物动词succeedindoingsth如Hesucceededinswimmingacrosstheriver successful形容词,成功的如Heisasuccessfulwriter.



是is successful to do还是in doing?

in doing


success 是名词 it is a big success.successful 形容词we all want to be successful.we all want to be a successful businessman.succeed 动词if you work hard,you will succed eventually.if you work hard,you...


successful造句如下:1、For a successful class humour is indispensable.要在课堂上取得成功, 幽默是必不可少的。2、Taken altogether, this TV play was successful.总的看来, 这部电视剧是成功的。3、I sincerely hope that you will be successful.我衷心祝愿你成功。4、He was born to be a successful businessman.他注定会成为一个成功的商人。5、No one has paralleled his successful business.没有人赶得上他在事业上的成就。6、Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.成功的企业对于经济转变的适应能力很强。7、His business acumen has made his very successful.他的商业头脑使他很成功。8、Efforts to sandardise English spellings have not been successful.英语拼写标准化的努力并不成功。9、The company is the successful tenderer for the project.该公司是承包这项工程的中标者。




successful D.J.[səkˈsesful] K.K.[səkˈsɛsfəl] adj. 成功的; 如愿以偿的; 达到目的 She is a successful businesswoman. 她是一位很成功的女实业家。 The meeting was successful. 会议开得很成功。 He was successful in his studies. 他在学业上很成功。 希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!学习进步哦!及时采纳,谢谢。


successful的名词success。n. 成功,胜利;发财,成名;成功的人(或事物)短语Successful Participant 成功参赛奖 ; 国际三等奖 ; 成功参赛Successful career 事业有成 ; 事业成功 ; 成功的事业 ; 成功的职业生涯Successful case 成功案例 ; 联系我们 ; 案例 ; 合作案例Successful Hits 成功触及 ; 成功的点击次数successful bidder 拍卖成交 ; 得标商 ; 中标人 ; 中标者同根词词根: successadj.successful 成功的;一帆风顺的adv.successfully 成功地;顺利地n.successor 继承者;后续的事物vi.succeed 成功;继承;继任;兴旺vt.succeed 继承;接替;继…之后Success has cost him dearly. 他为成功付出了高昂的代价。


successful意思是成功的。successful比较级是more successful,最高级是most successful,常用搭配successful in在......成功的,successful person成功的人。双语例句1、After twenty years" accumulation, he has become a successful actor.经过二十年的积累,他已经是个功成名就的演员。2、Our marketing strategy has proved to be very successful.我们的市场营销策略很成功。3、His successful life made many young people very envious.他如愿以偿的人生让很多年轻人非常羡慕。4、She runs a very successful computer business.她的电脑公司生意非常兴隆。5、What are the characteristics of a successful business?成功的企业都有什么特点?

success | successful | succeed | successfully 怎么运用?

success是名词,用在主语,宾语,表语等地方successful是形容词,形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。succeed是动词,做不及物动词时:1.成功,办妥;获得成效[(+in)]2.发迹;兴旺[(+in)]3.接着发生;接连[(+to)]4.继任;继承[(+to)]做及物动词时:1.继...之后;接续2.接替;继承success 名词 作成功的人或事时可数,单作成功不可数succeed 不及物动词 succeed in doing sth.successful 形容词 someone is successfulsuccessfully 副词 someone did sth successfully

successful怎么读 英语successful怎么读

1、successful英[səkˈsesfl]美[səkˈsesfl],adj.成功的; 达到目的; 有成效的; 有成就的。 2、[例句]On balance, the company has had a successful year.总的来说,公司这一年是成功的。

successful怎么读 英语successful怎么读

1、successful英[s?k?sesfl]美[s?k?sesfl],adj.成功的; 达到目的; 有成效的; 有成就的。2、[例句]On balance, the company has had a successful year.总的来说,公司这一年是成功的。


succes做不同词时有不同的用法,接下来一一分析:①success做名词时,既做可数名词也做不可数名词。1 当其作可数名词时,意思为成功,胜利,发财,成名。具体⽤法如下:success in sth/doing sth,have much(little etc.) success in sth ,the key to success ,meet with little success 。2 做不可数名词时,意思为,成功的⼈或事,make a success of sth。②succeed为动词,有四种意思:1达到⽬的,实现⽬标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,具体⽤法:succeed in doing sth2成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词⽤法:succeed in sth succeed as sth3接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词如:Obama succeeded Bush as president.(奥巴马接任布什成为总统)。4继承,为不及物动词:如succeed to sth.如:She succeeded to the throne.她继承了王位。③successful为形容词,有两个意思:1达到⽬的,有成效的。⽤法:be successful in sth/doing sth ,be successful at sth/doing sth2获得成功的,有成就的。如:a successful actor 有成就的演员。

succeeded successd success successful有什么区别?

success 成功,名词successful 成功的,形容词succeed 成功,动词succeeded 动词成功的过去式


successful [sək"sɛsfəl] [词典释义]a.1.成功的;结果圆满的;胜利的[(+in)] 2.一帆风顺的;有成就的;发迹的 [网络释义]1.飞黄腾达的 2.成功的;有成就的 3.成功的;胜利的 多译为:成功的




successful意思是成功的。successful比较级是more successful,最高级是most successful,常用搭配successful in在......成功的,successful person成功的人。双语例句1、After twenty years" accumulation, he has become a successful actor.经过二十年的积累,他已经是个功成名就的演员。2、Our marketing strategy has proved to be very successful.我们的市场营销策略很成功。3、His successful life made many young people very envious.他如愿以偿的人生让很多年轻人非常羡慕。4、She runs a very successful computer business.她的电脑公司生意非常兴隆。5、What are the characteristics of a successful business?成功的企业都有什么特点?


successful D.J.[səkˈsesful] K.K.[səkˈsɛsfəl] adj. 成功的; 如愿以偿的; 达到目的 She is a successful businesswoman. 她是一位很成功的女实业家. The meeting was successful. 会议开得很成功. He was successful in his studies. 他在学业上很成功. 祝好!


succeed 动词success 名词


名词形式是:success英[sək'ses]释义:n.成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物[复数:successes]短语:Trimming Success飞短留长父子兵;飞短流长父子兵;TVB飞短留长父子兵;短留父子兵n.(名词)1、success的基本意思是“成功,成就,胜利”,是抽象名词,不可数,也不可加不定冠词a修饰。2、success还可作“成功的事或人”“一次成败”解,这时为可数名词。3、表示“由于〔通过〕…的成功”,通常用by引出。近义词:celebrity英[sə'lebrəti]释义:n.名人;名声[复数:celebrities]例句:用作名词(n.)She became a celebrity overnight.她一下变成名人了。


successful解析:一、词语用法1、successful的基本意思是“成功的”,指事时表示某事“如愿以偿的”或“达到目的的”,指人时表示“出人头地的”或“飞黄腾达的”。2、successful在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作表语时,其后常跟介词in。3、successful可用very修饰。二、successful具体分析:1、读音:英[səkˈsesfl]    美[səkˈsɛsfəl]    2、释义:adj.    成功的,如愿以偿的;    三、例句:He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company他和同伴自己创业,创办了一家成功的时装公司。This has been one of the most successful desserts in my repertoire. 这是我会做的甜点中做得最成功的一种。

quite successfully还是successful

是quite successful。形容词形式为successful。意思:成功的。quite是副词后面加形容词。示例:That"s a perfectly good business model, and he seems to be quite successful.那是非常好的商业模式,他也非常成功。successful读法英 [səkˈsesfl]  美 [səkˈsesfl]adj. 成功的,如愿以偿的;事业有成的,飞黄腾达的;(公司、影片、产品等)利润丰厚的,非常赚钱的词语用法:successful的基本意思是“成功的”,指事时表示某事“如愿以偿的”或“达到目的的”,指人时表示“出人头地的”或“飞黄腾达的”。successful在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作表语时,其后常跟介词in。successful可用very修饰。

success,succeed和successful 用法上的区别



successful 形容词副词加ly名词success




success 名词 成功,成功的人或事successful形容词 成功的successfully 副词 成功地
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