
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

The cattle _____ to this farm now A belong B belongs C is belonging D are belonged 选那一项。并说明

C now 这个时间状语说明要用现在进行时,the cattle 第三人称单数,be动词要用is.

China is a_____country____the third world. A.developing,belonging B.developed,belonging to .

C 第一空填developing,a developing country发展中国家,a developed country发达国家,第二空填belonging,因为belong to没有被动式,句意是:中国是属于第三世界的发展中国家。选C。

belong to belonging to区别


(What) is known to us all is that China is a developing country (belonging to) the Third World.

is known to us all前缺成份,缺主语所以只能用what。belonging to做定语与修饰词country是主动关系

national belonging是什么意思

national belonging民族归属感例句It is calculated according to the peoples "sense of being well-governed, their relationship with the environment, their satisfaction with economic development, and their sense of national belonging. 这一数值根据人们对政府以及经济发展的满意度、与环境的关系、以及国民归属感。

英语翻译这本书属于我 the book is belonging to me?

the book belongs to me 才对,10,is belonging改为belongs,1,this book belongs to me 好些 ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!,0,不对,0,

这本书属于我 the book is belonging to me 英文翻译对不


sense of belonging是什么意思

sense of belongingsense of belonging[英][sens u0254v biu02c8lu0254u014biu014b][美][su025bns u028cv bu026au02c8lu0254u014bu026au014b]归属感;

belonging to的用法 选择题~~


This is the book belonging to me 对还是This is the book belonged to me 对?为什么?

这句话的主体结构是This is the book.后面的部分是非谓语,用来修饰book,且这里非谓语的逻辑主语也是book.sth belong to sbbelong在这里应该用主动belonging,而不是被动belonged.

belonging to 和belongs to

belonging to 可以做定语,用来修饰名词belongs to 的个动词短语,它的原型是belong to 看个例子:the book belonging to him is good. 他的那本书很好the book belongs to him 那本书是他的。

求英语大神指点:China is a developing country ,belonging to the third world


be belonging to这结构有错吗?


这题为什么用belonging to

belong to 没有被动语态,所以be belonged的用法是错误的。 这里是说lamma island 是一个属于香港的小岛,现在分词做后置定语。

belonging to是什么意思

属于belong 的现在分词形式希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问

belonging to做后置定语

就像你说的,这个是现在分词做定语,修饰 the car.可以看成是下面的定语从句: The car that belongs to Mr Smith was seriously broken in a traffic accident last night.

belonging to与belonged to的区别

主动和被动的区别,ing形式一般表主动现在进行 -ed形式就是被动或者过去时

7. 读书笔记6 || 归属感Belonging

1.学生如果对学校没有归属感,就不会认真听讲、参与学校活动、维护学校荣誉,会经常感到焦虑,消极回避各种问题。反之,就会积极参与各种活动,焦虑感降低或消失,遇见困难坚持不懈。 2.认为自己是“好妈妈”,面对孩子的问题时会更有耐心和方法,心态更加积极乐观,反之则会易怒和焦躁。 人是社会化的,再“独”的人也认为自己属于“独”的群体。归属感是人类最基础的需求之一。人属于某个社会群体,人们会据此给自己或他人贴上标签,形成身份认同。归属感让人全身心投入,不受负面情绪干扰,因为不是一个人在战斗。 改变认知是最快的方法,如让自己认为属于“好妈妈”,摆脱刻板印象的影响。如若属于“好老板”,就不会属于“好妈妈”,从而焦虑,哪个也干不好。这就是刻板印象的影响。通过改变认知,属于“好妈妈”和属于“好老板”并不冲突,从而提升对二者的归属感。 还可以通过改变环境提升归属感。如共同制定和执行规则,相互关心,团队合作为共同目标努力…… 1.建立归属于“”认知,积极参与日更等活动。 2.建立归属于“家庭教育、职业规划、学习治疗专家”认知,并为此而积极行动。 3.通过改变认知和环境支持等措施促使学生对“好学生”形成归属感。 你会在哪些方面应用该方法,欢迎评论交流!



Secret Garden的《Belonging》 歌词

歌曲名:Belonging歌手:Secret Garden专辑:Once In A Red Moonwake up lonely with you by my sideone more night it doesn"t feelthere are movies playing in your eyesyou dream of our fortunesbut you"re wrong.i don"t belong to youthe moon is the only friend i have outsideone more drink & i"ll be healedi told you the words & then knew it was a liei wish i could offer an appealyou"re wrongi don"t belong to youi don"t belong to youwhat i"d give for that first night when you were minetried with all that i have to keep you alivei wasn"t taught this way with a thousand things to sayi was born with a broken heartwhat i"d give for that first night you were mineso i"ll put this cigarette to bedpull some sheets from off your sidei put my arm around you safe in the nightstill dreaming of fortunebut you"re wrongi don"t"re wrongi don"t"re wrongi don"t belong.i don"t belong.i don"t belong.

belonging这个词怎么用 我记得老师说过belong没有进行式,可是又碰到过选择题是选belonging的 求高手赐教

不能用进行式指的是不能出现it is belonging to me.这样的句子。就像have,不能说I"m having sth.即belong作谓语不能用进行式。但是belonging可以出现在I like that blue bag belonging to Joe.这里belonging to 是现在分词作bag的后置定语,用来修饰bag。

belonging 的近义词是什么?


all my belongings

A 看后一句的主语,his,他的财产,复数,再一个,和前一句呼应,我的财产,谓语用的也是have,因此可以肯定选A 我的财产全部被毁了,他的也是.





动词加ing加s形式,如belongings leaveings findings 等


personal belongings是什么意思

personal belongings个人物品例句:1.We will find out whether they left with golden parachutes or with just a carton box packedwith their personal belongings. 我们将会了解他们是带着金色降落伞离开的,还是只带了装满个人物品的瓦楞纸箱。2.Clothing or personal belongings that may be contaminated can be tested following theguidance under large spills to see if they can be safely returned for use. 可能被污染的衣物或个人物品可以按照大量泄漏的处置指南测试后确定是否可以安全的重新使用

all his belongings 后面用is还是are



那要加be,to be belong to属于。如:this book was belong to the Half-Blood Prince.这本书,曾经是属于混血王子。






是吧belonging 珍爱; 隶属; 所有物财产行李belongings 财产; 所有物; 行李; 财物

Belongings 是什么意思



belongings是一个可数名词,但多以复数形式出现,表示“动产;财物”的意思,同义词为possessions;若把s去掉变为belonging,意思则变为“属性;附属品”,常用a sense of belonging(归属感)。以上解释根据《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》整理而来。




是的,这单词好news一样,s是组成单词的一部分。belongings [bi"lu0254:u014biu014bz]n.财产, 所有物, 物件, 东西例句:You can freight your belongings by air or sea.你可把东西经空运或海运运去。She gathered up her scattered belongings and left.她把自己的散乱物品收好就走了。We came home to find our belongings scattered about the room.我们回到家里看到东西扔得满屋都是。




是吧 belonging 珍爱; 隶属; 所有物财产行李 belongings 财产; 所有物; 行李; 财物


belongings的意思是随身物品。随身,读音是suí shēn,汉语词语,意思是带在身上。《汉书·货殖传·程郑》:“裒(罗裒)贾京师,随身数十百万,为平陵石氏持钱。”《宋史·舆服志五》:“鱼袋。其制自唐始,盖以为符契也。其始曰鱼符,左一,右一。左者进内,右者随身,刻官姓名,出入合之”。邹韬奋《萍踪忆语》三:“幸而我的行李很简单,只带了一个随身的衣箱。”宋·苏轼《夜坐达晓寄子由》诗:“闭眼此心新活计,随身孤影旧知闻”。物品,汉语词语,读音为wù pǐn,是生产、办公、生活领域常用的一个概念,泛指各种东西或零星的物品,也泛指经济活动中涉及到实体流动的物质资料。在生产领域中,一般指不参加生产过程,不进入产品实体,而仅在管理、行政、后勤、教育等领域使用的,与生产相关的或有时完全无关的物质实体。在办公生活领域则泛指与办公、生活消费有关的所有物件。在这些领域中,物流学中所称的“物”,就是通常所称的物品。


belongings[英][bu026au02c8lu0252u014bu026au014bz][美][bu026au02c8lu0254:u014bu026au014bz]n.动产; 财物; 家眷; 亲属; 例句:1.I needed to sort my belongings. 我需要的把我的财产分类。2.Donald moore the consul-general had lost his house and most of his belongings. 大使馆的总领事唐纳德摩尔在地震中失去了他的房子和大部分财产。3.I just escaped from the water and all my belongings were swept away. 我刚从水里逃出来,所有的财产全冲走了。

至少10句,必须要有中英文对照!标明出处,好的有分追加! 内容是关于identity and belonging的

1、人,力不如牛,走不若马,而牛马为用何也? 1, people, force than cows, horses, and if not go for horses by what also? 曰:人能群,彼不能群也。 Yue: one can group, he can"t group also. —— 荀况? -XunKuang? 2、众志成城,众口铄金。 2, surmount, the labor. ——《国语·周语》? -" the mandarin · weeks language "? 3、众擎易举,独力难成。 3, many hands are better than one, to make it all by yourself. ——谚语? --proverb? 4、人们在一起可以做出单独一个人所渐能做出的事业; 4, people together can make a single person can make career; gradually 智慧、双手、力量结合在一起 ,几乎是万能的。 Wisdom, power, both hands together, is almost everything. ——美.韦伯勘探特   5、个性和集体融合起来,不会失去个性,相反,只有在集体中,个性才能得到高度 的觉醒和完善。 -beauty. Webb, 5, personality and exploration collective fusion up, not lose character, instead, only in the collective, individual character can be highly awakening and perfect. ——法.巴比塞   6、单独一个人可能灭亡的地方,两个人在一起可能得救。 -law. Bobby plug 6, alone a man may perish place, with the two may be saved. ——法.巴尔扎克   7、事实上我们全都是些集体性人物,不管我们愿意把自己摆在什么地方。 -law 7, in fact. Balzac we are all some collective, whether we are willing to put people in their where. —— 德.歌德   8、谁若与集体脱离,谁的命运就要悲哀。 -DE 8, who if. Goethe and collective from the fate of, who will mourn. ——苏联.奥斯特洛夫斯基   9、个人之于社会等于身体的细胞,要一个人身体健全,不用说必须每个细胞都健全。 -the Soviet union. AoSiTeLuoFuSiJi 9, individual to society is equal to the cells of the body, to a body, not to mention sound must be every cell sound. ——闻一多   10、一滴水只有放进大海里才永远不会干涸,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融 合在一起的时候,才能最有力量。 -10, a drop of wen yiduo"s only into the sea will never dried up, a person only when he put his and collective enterprise melt together, to the most power. ——雷锋   11、一堆沙子是松散的,可是它和水泥、石子、水混合以后,比花岗石还坚韧。 -lei feng 11, a pile of sand is loose, but it and cement, stone, the water mix than granite is tough, after. ——王杰   12、树立高度的集体主义思想,即国家利益和人民利益高于一切的思想。 -12, set up the height of the wangjie collectivism thought, that is, the interests of the state and the people"s benefit is higher than all thoughts. ——陶 铸   13、个人的幸福只能包括在集体的胜利中,因为个人不过是大海中的一滴水,谁能从 苦海中捞出一滴甜水? -ceramic cast 13, the happiness of the individual can include only in the collective victory, because individual is but a drop in the ocean, who can get out a drop in suffering from either? ——吴运铎   14、单人是软弱无力的,就象漂泊的鲁滨逊一样,只有同别人在一起,他才能完成 许多事业。 -WuYunDuo 14, single is weak, like wandering, only with others like Robinson in together, he can complete many career. ——叔本华   15、人不可能孤独地生活,他需要社会。 -Schopenhauer 15, people may not live alone, he needs to society. ——歌德   16、人只有在人们中间才能认识自己。 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-16, only people to know yourself. Among ——歌德? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- 17、理想对我来说,具有一种非凡的魅力。 17, ideal for me, have a kind of special charm. 我的理想…… My ideal...... 总是充满着生活和泥土气息。 Is full of life breath and clay. 我从来都不去空想那些不可能实现的事情。 I never go to dream the impossible things. 谁若认为自己是圣人,是埋没了的天才,谁若与集体脱离,谁的命运就会悲哀。 Who think that it is a saint, if is the genius who bury the, if a collective from the fate of, who will mourn. 集体什么时候都能提高你,并且使你两脚站得稳。 Collective when can improve your feet, and make you standing firm. ----美.韦伯勘探特 -beauty. Webb"s exploration

savings belongings

glasses,trousers,compasses,scissors,clothes,goods表示的都是复数概念的词,所以主谓一致,他们做主语的时候谓语动词应该用复数! savings,belongings他俩是动名词,具有名词的性质,在词尾加了s也表示复数概念,同上.





belonging to 和belongs to 求它们之间的区别啊。

belonging to 可以做定语,用来修饰名词 belongs to 的个动词短语,它的原型是belong to 看个例子: the book belonging to him is good.他的那本书很好 the book belongs to him 那本书是他的.

put everything belonging to you in your bag为什么用belonging而不是belongs?

belonging to you 动名词短语作后置定语。希望对你有帮助。

belong belongs belonging belongings在用法上有什么区别吗?

sth belong to sb某物属于某人,belongs是三单,belonging是现在分词,在具体句子中选择使用。愿能有用。


He left all his belongings and possessions behind, and the mountaintop, he breathed deep, looking around just in time to catch a very beautiful sun ...


belongings英[bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz]美[bɪˈlɔ:ŋɪŋz]n.财物; 动产; 家眷; 亲属;[例句]I collected my belongings and left我收拾好随身物品就离开了。




分别意思为 possession占有 property 财产 heritage遗产 belonging属