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cast 基本词汇 英 [kɑːst]   美 [kæst]  过去式: cast 过去分词: cast 现在分词: casting 第三人称单数: castscast是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:基本释义v.掷;抛;投;铸造;指定演员;加起来;投射(目光);投(票);预测n.演员阵容;投掷;[医]固定用敷料



cast是什么意思 cast英文解释

1、cast,投,读音:美/kæst/;英/kɑːst/。 2、释义:vt.投,抛;计算;浇铸;投射(光、影、视线等)。n.投掷,抛;铸件,[古生]铸型;演员阵容;脱落物。vi.投,抛垂钓鱼钩;计算,把几个数字加起来。n.(Cast)人名;(法)卡斯特。 3、例句:The play has a very strong cast.这部剧演员阵容强大。


cast 英[kɑ:st] 美[kæst] ,两种发音vt. 铸造; 投射; 投掷; 脱落,脱皮;n. 铸型; 演员表; 轻微的斜视; 投,掷骰;vi. 掷,投; 计算,加;[例句]The show is very amusing and the cast are very good.演出妙趣横生,演员的表演也很出彩。cast 基本解释vt. 铸造;投掷;投射;脱落,脱皮n. 铸型;演员表;轻微的斜视;投,掷骰vi. 掷,投;计算,加cast 变化形式第三人称单数: casts过去式: cast过去分词: cast现在分词: casting易混淆的单词: CastCaStCAST所属分类:CET4TEM4IELTSGRE考 研TOEFLCET6使用频率:星级词汇:中文词源cast 投掷词源不详。cast 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释We cast shadows according to the same laws .我们投下的影子也是依据同样的自然规律。Cast your vote to define your birding self !投下你的选票看看你有多少同道吧!But cast your mind back to late 2008 .但是,让我们把目光投回到2008年底。Cast your vote and let us know what you think .投上一票,让我们知道您的想法。The condemnation after cast lead and the flotilla only made israel more nationalistic .铸铅行动和船队事件后的谴责只让以色列更加民族主义。

ipod nano 5代 podcast、Cover Flow、Genius 分别是什么意思?

podcast:可以理解为视频广播Cover Flow:就是专辑封面浏览模式Genius:为apple发明的,可以将与当前播放的音乐相似的歌曲找出来形成一份播放列表,个人觉得有点像数据挖掘中的聚类,但目前只支持英文歌曲,而且前提是在itunes中将歌曲的信息完整填写。

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类型转换异常,应该是你在jsp中获取对象时候语法写错了,要用${} 的方式获取

为什么会出现java.lang.String cannot be cast to


帮忙翻译一下:address:3411 Silverside Road,Rodney Bldg..suite 104,Wilmington,New Castle County.

翻译:地址:银河鱼路3411号,罗德尼建筑物. .104套房,威明顿,纽卡斯尔县。19810.美国。美国科曼化学公司。

firm- forecast 是什么意思?






johnny castle演过哪些电影?

Johnny Castle电影作品列表:(一共 20 个电影作品)作为演员的电影作品(数量:20)The Wicked ------- (2008) Bubblegum Cuties ------- (2007) Sinema ------- (2007) Playgirl: Sexy Moves ------- (2007) Cheating Wives Tales 4 ------- (2007) Aperture ------- (2006) Playgirl: Illicit Affairs ------- (2006) O the Power of Submission ------- (2006) Super Whores 8 ------- (2006) Slut Collector ------- (2006) It"s All About Ava ------- (2006) Housewives Need Cash 3 ------- (2006) Casey Parker Is the Girl Next Door ------- (2006) Nasty Girls Wide Open ------- (2006) Myplace: A Space for Whores ------- (2006) Bad Wives ------- (2006) Ghouls Gone Wild ------- (2006) Fuck for Dollars 2 ------- (2006) Blonde Crack Attack ------- (2006) Playgirl: Hot Caress ------- (2006)

johnny castle演过哪些电影?

Johnny Castle电影作品列表:(一共 20 个电影作品) 作为演员的电影作品(数量:20)The Wicked ------- (2008) Bubblegum Cuties ------- (2007) Sinema ------- (2007) Playgirl: Sexy Moves ------- (2007) Cheating Wives Tales 4 ------- (2007) Aperture ------- (2006) Playgirl: Illicit Affairs ------- (2006) O the Power of Submission ------- (2006) Super Whores 8 ------- (2006) Slut Collector ------- (2006) It"s All About Ava ------- (2006) Housewives Need Cash 3 ------- (2006) Casey Parker Is the Girl Next Door ------- (2006) Nasty Girls Wide Open ------- (2006) Myplace: A Space for Whores ------- (2006) Bad Wives ------- (2006) Ghouls Gone Wild ------- (2006) Fuck for Dollars 2 ------- (2006) Blonde Crack Attack ------- (2006) Playgirl: Hot Caress ------- (2006)


castle 城堡城堡(德语)城堡(法语)城堡(意大利语) bastion n.棱堡,堡垒,阵地工事 见中国翻译, castle bastion


Punchline - Castaway I only said those things Because I knew they"d hurt you You can believe what you believe I"ll be here in the dark Until you find me I don"t wanna be the last one to know Even if I have to hear I have an incurable disease Please call when you reach your decision Tell the truth even if it hurts It will hurt me too Castaway I was floating in blue skies Barely hanging with a broken hand Wait and see if I sink or swim You pull me up hopefully Why do I want you to save me When I was castaway I stare ahead into a dream I"m losing a part of me Systems failure In a crowded room And I"m all alone Watch my face turn into stone And somehow drift away I don"t wanna be the last one to know Even though I know whats coming And it"s typical typical Your minds made up There"s no decision Tell the truth even if it hurts It will hurt me too Castaway I was floating in blue skies Barely hanging with a broken hand Wait and see if I sink or swim You pull me up hopefully Why do I want you to save me When I was castaway But now I"m stronger Now I"m stronger Now I"m stronger Castaway Castaway Castaway I was floating in blue skies Barely hanging with a broken hand Wait and see (If I sink or swim You pull me up) Hopefully (Why do I want you to save me When I was) Castaway

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您好,感谢您关注沃尔沃汽车。volvo recommends castrol译为沃尔沃推荐嘉实多,表示沃尔沃保养时所用的机油推荐嘉实多

Norma, Act I, Scene 1: Casta diva (Norma/Coro) 歌词

歌曲名:Norma, Act I, Scene 1: Casta diva (Norma/Coro)歌手:Maria Callas&Coro del Teatro alla Scala&Milano&Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala&Milano&Tullio Serafin专辑:100 Best Opera ClassicsCasta Diva 神圣女神Casta divaCasta diva che inargentiQueste sacre antiche pianteQueste sacre , Queste sacre antiche pianteA noi volgi il bel sembianteA noi volgi , A noi volgi il bel sembianteSenza nube e senza velCasta diva...Tempra o divaTempra tu de" cori ardentiTempra ancoralo , Tempra ancoralo , Tempra ancoralo zelo audaceCasta diva...E senza vel

spin 和baitcast的区别

BAITCASTING REELS 40 路亚轮 (钓鱼轮)型号40-------------------------------------------助人为乐大丈夫,有问不采非君子。

How to castrate a man?



1:Forecast一般是作“预报”讲;Predict一般作“预言”…; 2:Forecast更注重有理由的,更客观;而Predict更多用在个人主观的时候.如有疑问,请追问!

foresee ,forecast ,predict 在用法或者意思的运用的范围有什么区别?

foresee预见 ,一般是先前你就看到会有那样的结果,结果果不其然就是你想的那样,说明很有先见, forecast 一般是预报的意思,就是实现通报出来, predict语言的意思,






1、侧重含义不同forecast侧重点是对事态的可能进程,或未来状况的预估。predict 侧重从已知的事实情况推导,对事情的后果所作的一种精确的统计性估计。2、使用场合不同forecast则多用在天气与财经上的预测。predict使用的范围较广,几乎任何场合都可以使用。例句:The weather forecast is better for today.天气预报说今天天气要好一些。It will be many years before anyone can predict a hurricane"s behavior with much accuracy.要能够相当准确地预测出飓风的特性尚需多年。扩展资料词汇解析:1、forecast英文发音:[ˈfɔːkɑːst]中文释义:v.预测;预报例句:Statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a fairly reliable forecast.统计分析是一种相当可靠的预测方法。2、predict英文发音:[prɪˈdɪkt]中文释义:v.预言;预告;预报例句:No one had enough foresight to predict the winner.谁也没有足够的先见能预测哪一个获胜。


1、侧重点不同predict 侧重从已知的事实情况推导,对事情的后果所作的一种精确的统计性估计。例句:According to the latest findings, earthquake can be predicted more accurately.根据最新的发现,地震可以更精确地预告。forecast侧重点是对事态的可能进程,或未来状况的预估。例句:They forecast a humiliating defeat for the Prime Minister 他们预言首相将遭遇惨败。2、意思不同predict只有预测、预言的意思,而forecast还可以专门指代天气预报。例句:The weather forecast is better for today. 天气预报说今天天气要好一些。3、使用范围不同predict使用的范围较广,几乎任何场合都可以使用。forecast则多用在天气与财经上的预测。例句:The Treasury"s forecast assumes that inflation will remain below 3%.财政部的预测称,通货膨胀率将保持在3%25以下。


foresee对将要发生的事形成一种概念或判断,如She foresaw that the train would be delayed by bad weather.她预计火车会因为坏天气而晚点。 predict“预言”“预示”,常用词,较正式,指根据事实、经验、自然定律等来判断未来的事情,带有“科学准确性”,如The astronomer predicts the return of comet.那个天文学家预言到该彗星的重返。 foretell着重对未来事件的宣布,对于预言是否准确,预言者的能力如何,预言的根据等不太重要,如The boatman usually can foretell weather.船夫常能预言天气。 forecast主要指天气,气象预报.如The weather forecast on the radio tonight tells of coming storms.今晚收音机的天气预报报告将有暴风雨。


1、侧重含义不同forecast侧重点是对事态的可能进程,或未来状况的预估。predict 侧重从已知的事实情况推导,对事情的后果所作的一种精确的统计性估计。2、使用场合不同forecast则多用在天气与财经上的预测。predict使用的范围较广,几乎任何场合都可以使用。例句:The weather forecast is better for today.天气预报说今天天气要好一些。It will be many years before anyone can predict a hurricane"s behavior with much accuracy.要能够相当准确地预测出飓风的特性尚需多年。扩展资料词汇解析:1、forecast英文发音:[ˈfɔːkɑːst]中文释义:v.预测;预报例句:Statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a fairly reliable forecast.统计分析是一种相当可靠的预测方法。2、predict英文发音:[prɪˈdɪkt]中文释义:v.预言;预告;预报例句:No one had enough foresight to predict the winner.谁也没有足够的先见能预测哪一个获胜。


Anticipate,forecast,predict区别为:词性不同、侧重点不同、用法不同。一、词性不同1、anticipate:及物动词:预料,预期,预见,预计(并做准备), 期盼,期望, 先于……做,早于……行动,在期限内履行(义务),偿还(债务),提前使用。2、forecast:名词:,预报,预想;及物动词:预报,预测,预示,预言,进行预报,作预测。3、predict:不及物动词:预言,预知,预卜,做预报,断言。二、侧重点不同1、anticipate:anticipate侧重于对一段时间内情况的猜测。2、forecast:forecast侧重于天气、财经等的预测。3、predict:侧重于对未来的猜测。三、用法不同1、anticipate:做动词,带宾语:even without understanding all that this file does, you can anticipate the next step. 即使不能理解这个文件的全部功能,您也可以预期下一步。2、forecast:做名词,被修饰:Sometimes the weather forecast is accurate, sometimes not. 天气预报有的时候准,有的时候不准。3、predict:做动词,不带宾语:I cannot predict when to meet her again. 我无法预测什么时候会再见到她。


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