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How to castrate a man?

2023-05-19 14:44:14
TAG: rate at ca cas cast



The cultural phenomenon of " eunuch " due to its individuality and be recorded in history, the Taiwan media recently published a group of articles describe the boy " purification " process." Today"s news" message, according to the notes of Qing Dynasty " Chen Yuan Miscellaneous general " records, to enter the palace eunuchs body, must have the status of eunuch introduced, then made a marriage certificate person, regard themselves as a women married to the palace. The key is signed and instruments, and need to please everybody as a reference, what is a voluntary body, and no matter, lest future trouble lawsuits.It is natural to charge fees, generally to pay 10 two or 8 two silver. The poor are mostly out of, will set a contract, as the child into the palace, after the monthly kickbacks. Months little, interest, such as the palace is not good, the debt to ten or twenty years can also clearly.There are two things must carry a knife maker, is for the present, is generally a PigHead or a whole chicken, and a bottle of wine. Two is used during operation items, including 30 pounds of rice, corn on the cob, crates of few Tam Chi bamboo and paper cutter window.Among them, M is the head a month"s rations, corn on the cob burning insulation, sesame straw burning ash to pad Kang, window paper is used to paste the window, so as to avoid the operation after the cool. The carpenter to prepare two fresh porcine gall, smell marijuana soup and wheat straw.Pig gall has the effect of relieving swelling and pain after operation, apply it to the wound.Smell marijuana soup function a lot before operation, drink a bowl of confused, anaesthesia effect, operation before the operation, let person have diarrhoea, to relieve urine excretion, ensure the success of operation; straw is inserted into the urethra function after operation.Chief eunuch Li LianyingThen, choose the last good day best in late spring and early summer, hot and cold temperatures moderate, no flies and mosquitoes, because after the operation for about a month and not wearing clothes. Chosen the day after the purification, were closed in the room. The room must be airtight, let the body to clear debris, then locked in the room. During this period of confinement period, not eating, lest the excretion of waste from operation after the wound, the wound worsens, life-threatening.The airless, but also for the safety of the bidet. So, after three or four days, can let the knife maker implementation of operation preparation.Before the operation, wield the sword to be asked: "are you a voluntary body? " By cutting said : ". "Asked: " if you go back, now is the time! " Replied: " never regret. "Asked again: " then you die without descendants, and I have no relationship? " Replied, "there is no relationship! "Ask, as the introducer of eunuchs, the " voluntary castration book " was to read again. During this period, if castrated men behaving reluctant to even the slightest hesitation, knife makers must untie, waved to the castrated men departed. If the firm attitude, start operation.By operation were blindfolded, and as far as underwear, semi recumbent posture back down in the bed, hands and feet like a "big" be solidly. Assistant to his lower abdomen and double upper white tie, fixed.Should also have assistant on his head, shoulder, arm, pressing his waist to prevent him from the pain very hard, excessive bleeding and alas, others with hot pepper soup to be castrated parts of cleaning, disinfection.Frightened people "s operation knifeOperation knife is a falcate curved blade, often used and no special disinfection measures, in the fire to roast, is disinfected. Then, performed with operation knife excision operation.


The process to castrate a man or make him a enuch is a very painful and messy procedure. You castrate a man by removing his testicles causing a testosterone drop.

You castrate a human male much the same way that bulls and pigs are castrated. The only difference is that normally a man does not have his testes removed during the process. A small cut is made in the scrotum so that the vas deferens can be divided. This will stop sperm from leaving the testicles.


★Castrate a man is a criminal behavior, so I advise you do not have that idea, specialy, do not have that kind of behavior!


use your teeth!


You castrate a human male much the same way that bulls and pigs are castrated. The only difference is that normally a man does not have his testes removed during the process. A small cut is made in the scrotum so that the vas deferens can be divided. This will stop sperm from leaving the testicles.


a hot knife








blindfolded: 蒙上眼睛的当行驶速度达55 mph(55英里/小时), 这个时间足以像蒙上眼睛的状况下行驶了一个足球场的距离。
2023-01-01 11:31:281


蒙眼的英文是blindfold。blindfold的复数形式是blindfolds,第三人称单数形式是blindfolds,过去式形式是blindfolded,过去分词形式是blindfolded。中文词源改写自古英语blindfellen。blind瞎。fell砍伐,击倒。原指打瞎,后改成fold折叠,指眼罩。可造句子如下:1、The prisoner wore a blindfold when he was executed.行刑时犯人戴着眼罩。2、The Australian chess grandmaster Ian Rogers took on six opponents blindfold and beat five.澳大利亚国际象棋顶级大师伊恩·罗杰斯和6位对手下盲棋,战胜了5位。3、He read the letter again although already he could have recited its contents blindfold.尽管对信的内容已经能够倒背如流了,他还是又看了一遍。
2023-01-01 11:31:331

Blindfolded 歌词

歌曲名:Blindfolded歌手:Kris Allen专辑:Thank You Camellia (Deluxe Version)Kris Allen - BlindfoldedWalking through this strange and crowded placeImagining your face, and fighting my way throughOh I feel you getting close with every stepWith all that I have left, I"m reaching out for youIf I was blindfoldedIf my memory was erasedIf every sign pointed to another placeI"d still find youI"d still find youI"d still find youIf I was blindfoldedMy fingers trace the outline of your shapeAnd recognize the way you pull me into youOh, you"re calling out to meNot saying a thingYou"re everything I needAnd all that I could never, ever loseIf I was blindfoldedIf my memory was erasedIf every sign pointed to another placeI"d still find youI"d still find youI"d still find youYou"re the gravity that"s taken hold of meEvery time I lose my wayIt"s the chemistryMore than eyes can seeAnd no matter where I amI will still find youI will still find youIf I was blindfoldedIf my memory was erasedIf every sign pointed to another placeI"d still find youI"d still find youI"d still find youIf I was blindfoldedIf my memory was erasedIf every sign pointed to another placeI"d still find youI"d still find youI"d still find youIf I was blindfolded
2023-01-01 11:31:451


蒙眼的英文是:Blindfold。蒙眼就是用布或手遮住视线让人看不到东西。大家听到“蒙眼”这个词首先会联想到什么?也许有人会为了能够一个人独处而自行蒙上自己的眼睛。为夺取对方自由而蒙住双眼的行为,总有一种不道德的感觉。此外,还会产生从后面蒙住双眼的恶作剧、眼罩等各种各样的联想。双语例句1、The police use blindfold to cover the prisoner"s eyes.警察用眼罩蒙住囚犯的双眼。2、And when you get home, don"t forget the blindfold.而当你回到家,千万别忘了给她戴上眼罩。3、I knew the way home blindfold.我蒙着眼都能走到家。4、The reporter was taken blindfold to a secret location.那位记者被蒙着眼睛带到了一处秘密的地方。5、I could do that blindfold.我做这事易如反掌。6、The hostages were tied up and blindfolded.人质被捆绑起来并蒙上了眼睛。7、The report says prisoners were often kept blindfolded.该报道称犯人常会被蒙住双眼。
2023-01-01 11:31:501


blindfolded birthday.....蒙着眼睛的寿星双语例句1A papier-mache animal is filled5 with candy and toys and hung from theceiling.The blindfolded birthday child then tries to hit the animal with astick until it bursts6 open.他们在混凝纸制成的动物造型里装满糖果与玩具,挂在天花板上,接着再由蒙住眼睛的小寿星拿着棒子,使劲把那只纸制动物敲破开来。
2023-01-01 11:32:051

崇洋媚外 用英语怎么说?

崇洋媚外 worship and have blind faith in foreign things 根据《当代高级汉英辞典》[worship and have blind faith in foreign things] 一味崇尚洋人洋货,对外国人献媚讨好崇洋媚外 1.worship everything foreign 2.worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries3.obsequious to foreign
2023-01-01 11:32:106


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2023-01-01 11:32:392

以为蒙上了眼睛,就可以看不见这个世界 翻译

Considering covering the eyes then you can not see the world.
2023-01-01 11:32:514


be in good moood.
2023-01-01 11:33:062

英语翻译 不要被事物的表面现象所迷惑

Don"t be fooled by the surface of things.
2023-01-01 11:33:186


Ali Baba and the Forty Thievesfrom the1001 NightsIn a town in Persia there dwelt two brothers, one named Cassim, the other Ali Baba. Cassim was married to a rich wife and lived in plenty, while Ali Baba had to maintain his wife and children by cutting wood in a neighboring forest and selling it in the town.One day, when Ali Baba was in the forest, he saw a troop of men on horseback, coming toward him in a cloud of dust. He was afraid they were robbers, and climbed into a tree for safety. When they came up to him and dismounted, he counted forty of them. They unbridled their horses and tied them to trees.The finest man among them, whom Ali Baba took to be their captain, went a little way among some bushes, and said, "Open, Sesame!" so plainly that Ali Baba heard him.A door opened in the rocks, and having made the troop go in, he followed them, and the door shut again of itself. They stayed some time inside, and Ali Baba, fearing they might come out and catch him, was forced to sit patiently in the tree. At last the door opened again, and the Forty Thieves came out. As the Captain went in last he came out first, and made them all pass by him; he then closed the door, saying, "Shut, Sesame!"Every man bridled his horse and mounted, the Captain put himself at their head, and they returned as they came.Then Ali Baba climbed down and went to the door concealed among the bushes, and said, "Open, Sesame!" and it flew open.Ali Baba, who expected a dull, dismal place, was greatly surprised to find it large and well lighted, hollowed by the hand of man in the form of a vault, which received the light from an opening in the ceiling. He saw rich bales of merchandise -- silk, stuff-brocades, all piled together, and gold and silver in heaps, and money in leather purses. He went in and the door shut behind him. He did not look at the silver, but brought out as many bags of gold as he thought his asses, which were browsing outside, could carry, loaded them with the bags, and hid it all with fagots.Using the words, "Shut, Sesame!" he closed the door and went home.Then he drove his asses into the yard, shut the gates, carried the money-bags to his wife, and emptied them out before her. He bade her keep the secret, and he would go and bury the gold."Let me first measure it," said his wife. "I will go borrow a measure of someone, while you dig the hole."So she ran to the wife of Cassim and borrowed a measure. Knowing Ali Baba"s poverty, the sister was curious to find out what sort of grain his wife wished to measure, and artfully put some suet at the bottom of the measure. Ali Baba"s wife went home and set the measure on the heap of gold, and filled it and emptied it often, to her great content. She then carried it back to her sister, without noticing that a piece of gold was sticking to it, which Cassim"s wife perceived directly her back was turned.She grew very curious, and said to Cassim when he came home, "Cassim, your brother is richer than you. He does not count his money, he measures it."He begged her to explain this riddle, which she did by showing him the piece of money and telling him where she found it. Then Cassim grew so envious that he could not sleep, and went to his brother in the morning before sunrise. "Ali Baba," he said, showing him the gold piece, "you pretend to be poor and yet you measure gold."By this Ali Baba perceived that through his wife"s folly Cassim and his wife knew their secret, so he confessed all and offered Cassim a share."That I expect," said Cassim; "but I must know where to find the treasure, otherwise I will discover all, and you will lose all."Ali Baba, more out of kindness than fear, told him of the cave, and the very words to use. Cassim left Ali Baba, meaning to be beforehand with him and get the treasure for himself. He rose early next morning, and set out with ten mules loaded with great chests. He soon found the place, and the door in the rock.He said, "Open, Sesame!" and the door opened and shut behind him. He could have feasted his eyes all day on the treasures, but he now hastened to gather together as much of it as possible; but when he was ready to go he could not remember what to say for thinking of his great riches. Instead of "Sesame," he said, "Open, Barley!" and the door remained fast. He named several different sorts of grain, all but the right one, and the door still stuck fast. He was so frightened at the danger he was in that he had as much forgotten the word as if he had never heard it.About noon the robbers returned to their cave, and saw Cassim"s mules roving about with great chests on their backs. This gave them the alarm; they drew their sabers, and went to the door, which opened on their Captain"s saying, "Open, Sesame!"Cassim, who had heard the trampling of their horses" feet, resolved to sell his life dearly, so when the door opened he leaped out and threw the Captain down. In vain, however, for the robbers with their sabers soon killed him. On entering the cave they saw all the bags laid ready, and could not imagine how anyone had got in without knowing their secret. They cut Cassim"s body into four quarters, and nailed them up inside the cave, in order to frighten anyone who should venture in, and went away in search of more treasure.As night drew on Cassim"s wife grew very uneasy, and ran to her brother-in-law, and told him where her husband had gone. Ali Baba did his best to comfort her, and set out to the forest in search of Cassim. The first thing he saw on entering the cave was his dead brother. Full of horror, he put the body on one of his asses, and bags of gold on the other two, and, covering all with some fagots, returned home. He drove the two asses laden with gold into his own yard, and led the other to Cassim"s house.The door was opened by the slave Morgiana, whom he knew to be both brave and cunning. Unloading the ass, he said to her, "This is the body of your master, who has been murdered, but whom we must bury as though he had died in his bed. I will speak with you again, but now tell your mistress I am come."The wife of Cassim, on learning the fate of her husband, broke out into cries and tears, but Ali Baba offered to take her to live with him and his wife if she would promise to keep his counsel and leave everything to Morgiana; whereupon she agreed, and dried her eyes.Morgiana, meanwhile, sought an apothecary and asked him for some lozenges. "My poor master," she said, "can neither eat nor speak, and no one knows what his distemper is." She carried home the lozenges and returned next day weeping, and asked for an essence only given to those just about to die.Thus, in the evening, no one was surprised to hear the wretched shrieks and cries of Cassim"s wife and Morgiana, telling everyone that Cassim was dead.The day after Morgiana went to an old cobbler near the gates of the town who opened his stall early, put a piece of gold in his hand, and bade him follow her with his needle and thread. Having bound his eyes with a handkerchief, she took him to the room where the body lay, pulled off the bandage, and bade him sew the quarters together, after which she covered his eyes again and led him home. Then they buried Cassim, and Morgiana his slave followed him to the grave, weeping and tearing her hair, while Cassim"s wife stayed at home uttering lamentable cries. Next day she went to live with Ali Baba, who gave Cassim"s shop to his eldest son.The Forty Thieves, on their return to the cave, were much astonished to find Cassim"s body gone and some of their money-bags."We are certainly discovered," said the Captain, "and shall be undone if we cannot find out who it is that knows our secret. Two men must have known it; we have killed one, we must now find the other. To this end one of you who is bold and artful must go into the city dressed as a traveler, and discover whom we have killed, and whether men talk of the strange manner of his death. If the messenger fails he must lose his life, lest we be betrayed."One of the thieves started up and offered to do this, and after the rest had highly commended him for his bravery he disguised himself, and happened to enter the town at daybreak, just by Baba Mustapha"s stall. The thief bade him good-day, saying, "Honest man, how can you possibly see to stitch at your age?""Old as I am," replied the cobbler, "I have very good eyes, and will you believe me when I tell you that I sewed a dead body together in a place where I had less light than I have now."The robber was overjoyed at his good fortune, and, giving him a piece of gold, desired to be shown the house where he stitched up the dead body. At first Mustapha refused, saying that he had been blindfolded; but when the robber gave him another piece of gold he began to think he might remember the turnings if blindfolded as before. This means succeeded; the robber partly led him, and was partly guided by him, right in front of Cassim"s house, the door of which the robber marked with a piece of chalk. Then, well pleased, he bade farewell to Baba Mustapha and returned to the forest. By and by Morgiana, going out, saw the mark the robber had made, quickly guessed that some mischief was brewing, and fetching a piece of chalk marked two or three doors on each side, without saying anything to her master or mistress.The thief, meantime, told his comrades of his discovery. The Captain thanked him, and bade him show him the house he had marked. But when they came to it they saw that five or six of the houses were chalked in the same manner. The guide was so confounded that he knew not what answer to make, and when they returned he was at once beheaded for having failed.Another robber was dispatched, and, having won over Baba Mustapha, marked the house in red chalk; but Morgiana being again too clever for them, the second messenger was put to death also.The Captain now resolved to go himself, but, wiser than the others, he did not mark the house, but looked at it so closely that he could not fail to remember it. He returned, and ordered his men to go into the neighboring villages and buy nineteen mules, and thirty-eight leather jars, all empty except one, which was full of oil. The Captain put one of his men, fully armed, into each, rubbing the outside of the jars with oil from the full vessel. Then the nineteen mules were loaded with thirty-seven robbers in jars, and the jar of oil, and reached the town by dusk.The Captain stopped his mules in front of Ali Baba"s house, and said to Ali Baba, who was sitting outside for coolness, "I have brought some oil from a distance to sell at tomorrow"s market, but it is now so late that I know not where to pass the night, unless you will do me the favor to take me in."Though Ali Baba had seen the Captain of the robbers in the forest, he did not recognize him in the disguise of an oil merchant. He bade him welcome, opened his gates for the mules to enter, and went to Morgiana to bid her prepare a bed and supper for his guest. He brought the stranger into his hall, and after they had supped went again to speak to Morgiana in the kitchen, while the Captain went into the yard under pretense of seeing after his mules, but really to tell his men what to do.Beginning at the first jar and ending at the last, he said to each man, "As soon as I throw some stones from the window of the chamber where I lie, cut the jars open with your knives and come out, and I will be with you in a trice."He returned to the house, and Morgiana led him to his chamber. She then told Abdallah, her fellow slave, to set on the pot to make some broth for her master, who had gone to bed. Meanwhile her lamp went out, and she had no more oil in the house."Do not be uneasy," said Abdallah; "go into the yard and take some out of one of those jars."Morgiana thanked him for his advice, took the oil pot, and went into the yard. When she came to the first jar the robber inside said softly, "Is it time?"Any other slave but Morgiana, on finding a man in the jar instead of the oil she wanted, would have screamed and made a noise; but she, knowing the danger her master was in, bethought herself of a plan, and answered quietly, "Not yet, but presently."She went to all the jars, giving the same answer, till she came to the jar of oil. She now saw that her master, thinking to entertain an oil merchant, had let thirty-eight robbers into his house. She filled her oil pot, went back to the kitchen, and, having lit her lamp, went again to the oil jar and filled a large kettle full of oil. When it boiled she went and poured enough oil into every jar to stifle and kill the robber inside. When this brave deed was done she went back to the kitchen, put out the fire and the lamp, and waited to see what would happen.In a quarter of an hour the Captain of the robbers awoke, got up, and opened the window. As all seemed quiet, he threw down some little pebbles which hit the jars. He listened, and as none of his men seemed to stir he grew uneasy, and went down into the yard. On going to the first jar and saying, "Are you asleep?" he smelt the hot boiled oil, and knew at once that his plot to murder Ali Baba and his household had been discovered. He found all the gang was dead, and, missing the oil out of the last jar, became aware of the manner of their death. He then forced the lock of a door leading into a garden, and climbing over several walls made his escape. Morgiana heard and saw all this, and, rejoicing at her success, went to bed an
2023-01-01 11:33:431

英语笑话 《Goldfish 金鱼》

英语笑话 《Goldfish 金鱼》   假如你把鱼养在浴室里,你要洗澡时该怎么办呢?英语笑话,带中文翻译和词汇讲解,简单的搞笑小对话。   Goldfish 金鱼   Stan: I won 92 goldfish.   斯丹:我赢了 92 条金鱼。   Fred: Where are you going to keep them?   弗雷德:你想在哪儿养它们?   Stan: In the bathroom.   斯丹:浴室。   Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath?   弗雷德:但是你想洗澡时怎么办?   Stan: Blindfold(蒙眼睛) them!   斯丹:蒙住它们的眼睛!      英语单词讲解:   blindfold vt. (作名词时意思是眼罩)   1. (用布或带)蒙住…的眼睛;蒙住(眼睛):   The victim was blindfolded.   受害者被蒙住了眼睛。   to blindfold the hostage   蒙住人质的眼睛   2. 妨碍视力;遮住(或挡住)…的视线:   The tall man in the front blindfolded me.   前面的高个子男人挡住了我的.视线。   3. 使不理解,使失去识别能力(或判断力、觉察力);使模糊不清;使迟钝;使迷惑;蒙骗:   to blindfold you to the true purpose of her invitation   被蒙蔽而看不出她邀你的真正目的 ;
2023-01-01 11:33:491


暑假英语日记1   Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happest men in the world   昨天是我生日,所以有几位我的同班同学送我礼。母亲给我准备一个茶会。我邀请他们都前来参加。茶会下午六点半开始。有冷饮和点心。我们又吃又谈又笑。我们觉得是世界上最快乐的人。。 暑假英语日记2   I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!   今天我过得非常开心!早上,天气非常好!于是我和家人一起去登山,山上的空气非常清新,山上的花草树木都显得格外美丽。晚上回到家,我与家人坐在一起看电视,我们还一边聊天一边吃着水果,全家其乐融融! 暑假英语日记3   No sooner had the witer vacation begun than I returned to my native town. Of course I   must make good use of it;.In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines. In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river. At night I watched television with my family. hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed.   寒假刚一开始,我就回故乡了。自然我须好好利用它。 早晨我复习功课并阅读报纸或杂志。下午我和朋友打球,或去河中钓鱼。晚上我就和家人看看电视。墙上的钟刚敲十下,我就去睡觉了。 暑假英语日记4   I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king.   我喜欢中国新年比喜欢其它任何节日更甚。这是一个专为休息和欢乐的.时间。我不需要读书。我穿好衣服,吃好东西。我每天从早到晚日子过得轻松愉快。我和上帝一样快乐。 暑假英语日记5   The morning of the study most of the time from the beginning of the 9, reading English articles accumulate good sentence, this is part of a summer job, next is the first tutorial learning geography, reading, doing mostly blank synchronous exercises, Cong do attentively, enter the state will take some time, especially easily distracted, a lot of small movements, pencil, play the play it, it is really a lot, want long time efficient, really not easy. I write notes and tutorial sharing six days morning time, certainly not the whole morning, but time-consuming enough, I have the test of synchronous blank period, I said more than 95 points even if pass, more than 95 points, with a little Cong, writing drag, knowledge is a master progress, I asked what is the biggest harvest Cong? Cong said before the study is not solid, really not solid! I also benefited a lot, I finally began to be forced to use geographic knowledge, or I was laughed at. Writing continue to progress, overall progress, not every word used alone is pondering, words can take place, the size is appropriate, not the kind of look for the reel right and left, and depends on the attitude, do not depend on the ability, but every word written in place is in need of long-term practice, practice, practice the horizontal and vertical structure basic. Quick to write quickly, it does not look good, I say you first slow down, after writing, and then speed up. The school summer homework to continue, I only require good writing, good attitude, not the removal of individual Chinese title, the title does not rest, of course, the answer is already required by the teacher tore down, I said to write summer homework right when writing, some large, you need from slow to fast speed. 暑假英语日记6   I was told to have a class reunion today. After the morning cram school, everything is ready. More and more people, the atmosphere is more and more fiery. But the only thing to regret is that the Chinese teacher because of her mother"s illness, said to take care of her mother can not come to the scene. After lunch, I followed the small army to Kowloon Park"s amusement park. It was time to have a heart to heart game, but there was a sad thing about it - the cell phone was stolen. My heart fell from heaven to hell, and it hurt me so much. Immediately, tears rushed out of the eye socket, and the wind roared wildly. When I calmed down, I told my classmates what had happened to me, and my classmates comforted me. And tell me I"m willing to help me. But after a lot of hard work, I haven"t found it yet. Through some clues, we can be sure that my cell phone was taken away. My anger and my absent-minded, I be negligent, useless; also sad Chinese immoral. Why can"t Americans lose their cellphones, and Chinese people do? Is it because the Chinese are not as good as Americans? No, Chinese are not inferior to americans. We are also a big economic country with a large population, so everything can compare with the United states. But morality alone can not compare. The sky was pouring with rain. I"m walking in the rain. God was also 暑假英语日记7   Summer vacation, summer, red. I like the red of summer, the red symbolizes the hot, the sunlight, the bright mood as if only red can set off. This season, fiery red, pink, orange, different color, photograph melts in a cloth art, also add a vogue aesthetic feeling to it. I like red, because I always have a fire in my heart, I love life, I love everyone around me, and I always like to help people in need. Outgoing and easy to satisfy me, I often have a little bit of small progress and joy; Will be satisfied with one of their small wishes and be grateful; It"s only a matter of minutes. Everything at school or at home gives me a warm feeling. For me, there are no obstacles in life, so I am happy every day, and my mood is like a red flame always jumping happily. 暑假英语日记8   雨天   On July 21, rainy days   The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.   The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally bad mood today.   7月21日 雨天   今天天气很舒适,虽然天气预报说今天是阴天,可是下了点小雨,很凉爽。   天气预报说今天是阴天,本来都和朋友们约好要去打篮球的,可是很遗憾,在下雨没法去玩。下午雨停了之后有去超市帮妈妈买菜。总的来说今天心情不算太坏。 暑假英语日记9   During the summer vacation, I watched the crazy stone. There is a plot deep in my mind, still fresh in my mind.   There was a man carrying a suitcase, just off the plane, waiting for the bus. Suddenly a man came running over his eyes and asked, "guess who I am? There are three opportunities to answer when you think about it. The blindfolded man said, "Sir, I think you are mistaken." "Two more chances." The blindfolded thought: this voice is so strange that he must have mistaken the man. The blindfolded man put down his trunk, and at the same time, a man came over to carry the suitcase and stopped a taxi. The man who was blindfolded said, "Sir, you are really mistaken. Please take your hands off me." "Ok, I let go, you can"t peek." The moment he let go of his hand, the man blindfolded was gone. He was about to lift the suitcase when he noticed that the trunk was missing.   In daily life, sometimes a very casual movement, the nature is very different, one is to steal things, one is to protect the young mind. This has taught me that our world is not perfect, that justice is sometimes not entirely rational, and that evil is sometimes justified. Lies sometimes deceive others, and sometimes lies are beautiful. 暑假英语日记10   There are a great many people who have all the material conditions of happiness, i.e. health and a sufficient income, and who, nevertheless, are profoundly unhappy. In such cases it would seem as if the fault must lie with a wrong theory as to how to live. In one sense, we may say that any theory as to how to live is wrong. We imagine ourselves more different from the animals than we are.   Animals live on impulse, and are happy as long as external conditions are favorable. If you have a cat, it will enjoy life if it has food and warmth and opportunities for an occasional night on the tiles. Your needs are more complex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis on instinct. In civilized societies, especially in English-speaking societies, this is too apt to be forgotten. People propose to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it.   A businessman may be so anxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices health and private affections. When at last he has become rich, no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example. Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism.   Passage 2Love Is DifficultIt is good to love, but love is difficult. For one human being to love another human being is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us — the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation. That is why young people, who are beginners in everything, are not yet capable of love: it is something they must learn.
2023-01-01 11:33:571


“英语故事”翻译成英语是:English story双语例句:Can you tell me an English story? 你能给我讲个英语故事吗?
2023-01-01 11:34:037


Look How High We Can FlyI lost myself today我今天失去了自我 All work, no time to play全是工作没时间去玩 I"m holding on to what I know我抓住我知道的 Then this discovery然后这被发现了 Blindfolded, I could see蒙住眼睛我能看见 I"m catching on by letting go我放开手去抓住它 And now I"m rising up现在我往上升 No coming down不下来了 So hang on for the ride所以来享受这场旅途吧 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 We can see everything我们能看到一切 From up here in the sky从这上面的天空 We"ve got the perfect view我们有完美的视角 Together me and you你和我一起 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 Words come so easily词句来得那么简单 Hard to believe it"s me很难相信这是我谱的曲 With every breath the feeling grows这感觉在每一口呼吸中增长 Take time to make time stop用时间来让时间停止 Unplug, turn off the clock拔掉关掉钟表 The less you try the more it flows努力越少浮得越高 I don"t need to live in a fancy castle (oh no)我不用住在一座花俏城堡里【噢不用】 That isn"t where I should be那里不是我该在的地方 Open up my heart and where it leads I"ll follow打开我的心它指引我就跟着 Up high where I can be free到我能自由的更高的地方去 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 We can see everything我们能看到一切 From up here in the sky从这上面的天空 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 We can surf on the wind我们能在风上冲浪 So completely alive那么有生命力 There"s nothing we can"t do没有什么我们不能做的 Together me and you你和我一起 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高Look how high we can fly看我们能飞多高 I found myself today我今天找到了自我 And now I"m glad to say而现在我可以开心地说 I"m living life我在过 Straight from the heart从心里想要的生活 TORI: Oh, what a gift to see噢真是个好礼物 I"m lucky to be me我很幸运能做自己
2023-01-01 11:34:282

话说Judas‘ Shadow这道具怎么解锁

2023-01-01 11:34:382


三阶盲拧(3×3: Blindfolded )世界第一:30.90s Alejandro Orozco Casillas(墨西哥)Tulancingo Open 2010中国第一:30.94s 庄海燕 2010西安公开赛(新的仅供与WCA成绩对比就行 27.46 CCA山东赛
2023-01-01 11:34:493

用英文写“司马光砸缸”70个单词左右。 Once upon a time,There was a boy named Sim

Sima Guang TankSima Guang is a famous politician and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. When he was young, one day he went to hide and seek with his buddies in the garden. One of the children covered their eyes with their hands, and other small partners quickly hid themselves. Some were hidden in the trees, some were hidden in the rockery, and some hid in the flowers. When everyone is hidden, the blindfolded partner begins to look for everyone.The blindfolded child carefully touched left and touched right. Everyone held their breath and was afraid to be discovered. Suddenly he "popped" and then he heard someone shouting, "Help!" The buddies all ran out to see what was happening. It turned out that there was a large water tank filled with water on the rockery. The little partner who climbed onto the rockery accidentally slipped into the water tank.The water tank is very large. Sima Guang and his companions cannot reach the water tank mouth at all. They can hear the help of life but cannot pull out the little partner who fell into the tank. Other small partners were scared away. Some ran while shouting for adults, while others ran while crying. Sima Guang was not terrified. He rushed out of wisdom and picked up a stone around the rockery and slid it toward the water tank. Because of his small strength, Sima Guang even squatted a few times. He only heard a click and the water tank was opened to a big hole. The water flowed out through the hole and the water flowed out. The younger partner was saved.The children, Sima Guang was very valuable when he encountered urgent matters and was able to calm down and find a solution to the problem. Sometimes we are not unable to solve the problem, but because of horror I do not know how to do it, so it is very important to keep calm in my mind.
2023-01-01 11:35:043

Bondage Suspended Hogtied Gagged Blindfolded Plugged by wbound种子下载地址有么?跪谢

2023-01-01 11:35:161


2023-01-01 11:35:227


Alibaba and the forty bandits
2023-01-01 11:35:473


Front 1st, pours out prepares Kogult most suitable temperature for 0-8°C; The service personwhen takes the liquor or entertains the visitor takes the liquor,should first sway, like this may cause kogult to be evener. In kogulthas the micro settling is normal. Front pours out wine the serviceperson to have to demonstrate the packing to the visitor outside,should cause the box sign to face, causes the guests and hosts to seeclearly the box sign, at the same time, the service person wants tosay the name, the factory, the habitat and so on. Then uncaps, whenuncaps, gently uses the hand to open the packing, prohibited sprinklesthe liquid, do not have to use the very big strength to rip, also donot have to use the finger to pollute the box mouth. 2nd, pours out the law When pours out kogult, should start from the first 主宾position, according to clockwise circles dinner table succession.Pours out kogult to the visitor, should grasp the packing to face thetrademark the guest, again hints, if the visitor has the expressionwhich did not agree, should trade other drink. Pours out wine theposture to want, stands in the visitor after death right flank, theleft hand tray, right grasps the box to pour out; Cannot shoot firstwith one hand and then the other, the body no problem pastes thevisitor, but do not have to be far away the visitor. After that in主座 visitor"s cup but actually, lets him (she) first taste, usesfor to judge whether satisfies, after is under master"s permission,only then presses clockwise for other visitors but actually, each timeonly but actually half cup, are most do not have to surpass 2/3. Thebox mouth should build in the wine class, in order to avoid butactually sprinkles. Pours out when kogult must first the visitor, lastbe the master. In serves for the visitor, if saw visitor"s cupemptied, needs promptly to inquire whether comes a cup again new oragain but actually, if saw the box emptied, also needs the initiativeinquiry is needs again to come a box newly. Tastes kogult the procedure Says regarding the Finn, kogult like dinner table main dish,also must have the color, the fragrance, the taste three conditionsonly then is considered as on superior, therefore tastes really hasmany is fastidious. The Finn is called as kogult in the cup thegoddess, and hers color, the fragrance, the taste vividly is called as"the skin", "the nose", "the mouth". The distinction first step is theobservation "the skin", refers pours into transparent colorless glass高脚杯 kogult to observe the luster. Looked it whether snow whitecrystal clear, dazzling is eye-catching. Good kogult must be the whiteor is faint yellow, resembles the milk fresh and tender. Second stepis the examination "the nose", mainly refers to the rich fragrancewhich sends out. First must slowly the goddess "shake to wake" the cupin, causes it to send out the fragrance. If is the best quality goods,must have very thick very greasy fragrant and sweet, lets the persongently as soon as smell namely has the mouth dripping with greedfeeling. The third step of observation "the mouth", refers tries thefeeling in the mouth. First must use the oral cavity and the tonguecarries on the whole appraisal to her, is mellow or is fine. Thekogult feeling in the mouth must be mellow, rich, solid, balance,exquisite, -odd taste long, but is not emaciated, light, does not havethe characteristic and short. Its secondary appraisal is gentle orstiff, the goddess must be clear, mild-mannered, beautiful but is notfrail, is stiff uglily. After drinks, can let the impulse which theperson cannot bear drinks again, fills up the innermost feelings tothis kind of happy taste hope. Kogult general general knowledge - Best drinks with the temperature. Drinks kogult to have wellto ice, the temperature drinks in 0-8 degree-hour with the flavor isthickest. - Operates the bottle the time also quite to have is fastidious.Should in drink operates the bottle with the first ten minutes, afterin order to kogult and the air contact has the oxidation, causes thefragrance to be thicker. In European some cities, kogult is one kind special has the extremelyrich connotation the special culture. But because the authorexperiences limitedly, only can simply introduce a superficialknowledge to the kogult culture. Had worked in the European elder thefriend once had said to the author this kind of speech, the road leftto the kogult profound understanding, the wish to this takes thisarticle the concluding remark. He said "understood the German bestmeans are the academic society listen to the German composer"sclassical music speech, understood French"s best way is the academicsociety savors the French grape wine and the French main dish.Understood the English best way goes to the bar revelry, understandsEuropean"s general character, so long as the academic society savorskogult." Is willing the friends personally to experience, understandsthe European culture and the nationality through the kogult culture. Drinks "is best" with kogult four Drinks has with kogult many is fastidious, under drinks withthe best variety, the best time, best drink the quantity, best assiststhe vegetable to explain things one by one.
2023-01-01 11:35:592

I"d Come From You 中文歌词

2023-01-01 11:36:072

英语作文 海豚

2023-01-01 11:36:194

求一篇关于 信任 的英文

Trust flowerThe greatest trust is trust yourself, trust yourself than to trust others more difficult,. Maybe someone would say: trust is a be an easy job to matter, is not lift a finger."! What I"m trying to say... You"re wrong. The trust is to their own dedication to others and sure.In daily life, we can see everywhere on the " trust" for example. People taking a blind man across the street, the teacher to teach students knowledge, the parents of a child"s education ... ... Prior to participating in social practice at the time, I remember clearly the instructor teaches us" trust fall " of the game, to which it is to be what is the significance of trust. Through this activity, let the class together, learn together and trust. When we trust others also have to believe in yourself, the master of your own fate.As the saying goes: no bullies oneself, do not deceive, do not bully day, a gentleman so shendu. If there is no trust is present, then each other speculation, the lack of the so-called love. An egoistic, narrow-minded, no help each other, trust each other"s appearance, so also, existence value and meaning? The trust between friends is very important, when we encounter a trouble when talk way and object. This is not a good thing? I believe that the "trust" can create many so-called cannot achieve, can be added to many of the so-called life color, can change many of the so-called bad ending.So we should give more trust, a little guess, more concern, a little less competition. Let the flowers in your trust in my heart! 这还有一篇刚刚写的Learn to trustPeople often say: do not deceive others, because you cheating is often the most trust you, indeed, what is faith? Trust is when someone is lying to you but you for gospel truth, always think he is right for you is sincere, but trust but we face a life should have a positive attitude.I remember junior high school when, I and friends attended the school held a" confidence game" competition, the rules is a blindfolded, another led him to pass a fountain pool, there are still a few small stones can be numbers, we must use the stone went to the fountain pool on the opposite side, with the when the lowest group win. But accidentally fell into the water, also mean elimination ... ... The game begins, we two looked at before a few groups of participants continued to fall, really embarrassed, like" soaked through", are all drenched, is awesome!Just as the former sigh, immediately when the umpire announced our name, the beginning of the game, my heart jumped away, then patted me on the shoulder saying: believe me! I like to eat this, head do not want anything, only belief is: I will win. The next second my eyes covered, a pitch-dark, heart" click ", a kind of never fear ... ... Then the strong hands I hold, led me to the fountain, with a gunshot, I was so confused and with his trust and confidence step by step stepped pace, go ahead ... ... Still afraid, eyes suddenly lit up, we successfully reached the end, the students scream, applause resounded through the whole campus. Us two just gave each other a trust. However, things are often beyond our expect, though we can"t stop it happening, but we can change it. To create our own miracle.Nothing is impossible, only you do not want to. Remember, don"t say: No. It is because we trust in each other, we are successful, we are proud of it. So trust on us has unusual significance.Trust, are scattered in a little seed, now it has developed into a big tree by its fruit feeding us. Therefore, we should learn to trust others, trust yourself.
2023-01-01 11:36:331

Pin the Tail on the Donkey什么意思

Pin the Tail on the Donkey is a game played by groups of children.A picture of a donkey with a missing tail is tacked to a wall within easy reach of children.[1] One at a time,each child is blindfolded and handed a paper "tail" with a push pin or thumbtack poked through it.The blindfolded child is then spun around until he or she is disoriented.[1] The child gropes around and tries to pin the tail on the donkey.The player who pins their tail closest to the target,the donkey"s rear,wins.[1] The game,a group activity,is generally not competitive; "winning" is only of marginal importance[clarification needed]. Pin the Tail on the Donkey is suitable for children who are old enough to walk and to know better than to eat the small sharp tacks.The game is also used in child development research.[2] The game can also be played by teenagers and adults,especially if the "donkey" is replaced with depictions of something or someone else.As a drinking game,the person with the worst tail pinning is awarded one shot of a selected alcohol,to be determined by house rules or the loser in a friendly environment[citation needed]. Idiomatically,the term can be used derisively for any assigned activity which is pointless or for which a person has been handicapped (blindfolded)[citation needed].
2023-01-01 11:36:391


1、再美的梦也有破碎的一天。 Again beautiful dream also have broken a day. 2、谁个情人不是一见就钟情? Who see you lover is not a I love? 3、爱情的道路永远崎岖多阻。 The path of love always rugged. 4、活还是不活,这是个问题。 Live or not to live, that is the question. 5、猫儿不在家,老鼠放心耍。 When the cat"s away, the mice play. 6、爱,不在眼里,它在心中。 Love, not in the eye, it is in the heart. 7、抛弃时间的人终将被时间抛弃。 Abandoning time person will eventually be abandoned by time. 8、真正的爱情之路是不会平坦的。 The road to true love is not flat. 9、纵帝王屈尊就我,不与换江山。 Longitudinal king deigned to me, not to change. 10、是活,还是不活,这是个问题。 Is alive, or not to live, that is the question. 11、对待娇弱的自己,你是那么残忍。 Treat the delicate yourself, you are so cruel. 12、你的末日也正是真与美消亡之时。 You also is the truth and beauty from the end of the die. 13、世上本无所谓好和坏,思想使然。 There is, there is no good and bad, thought. 14、人生如痴人说梦,充满喧哗与骚动。 Life is like a fantasy, full of sound and the fury. 15、真理往往是在痛苦**中说出来的。 Truth is often in the painful groan. 16、充满了声音和狂热,里面空无一物。 Full of sound and fanaticism, empty inside. 17、伟大的爱情战胜一切,甚至是死亡。 The great love triumphs over everything, even death. 18、没有什么比想要不平凡而更加平凡。 There is nothing to ordinary and more common. 19、玫瑰即使不叫玫瑰,依然是芳香的。 Roses, even a rose by any other name is still fragrant. 20、抛下天堂的幸福,来受赤日的煎熬。 Behind the happiness of heaven, to the day. 21、是生还是死,那是值得考虑的问题。 To be or not to be, that is a problem worth considering. 22、黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。 No matter how long the night, the day will come. 23、美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧。 Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. 24、诚实比起腐败会给你赢得更多的好处。 Honesty will give you to win more benefits than corruption. 25、迫使大地吞噬掉自己精心创造的生命。 Force of the earth devour carefully to create their own life. 26、生存还是死亡,这是一个永恒的话题。 To be or not to be, this is an eternal topic. 27、在命运之书里,我们同在一行字之间。 In the book of fate between us a line. 28、钟情于狮子的梅花鹿,必定为爱而死。 Sika deer, and fall in love with the lion must die for love. 29、看见了海岸线才淹死,那是双倍的凄惨。 Saw the coastline to drown, that is double. 30、爱神蒙着眼睛却会一直闯进人们的心灵。 Cupid blindfolded will break into people"s hearts. 31、爱和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 Love is the same as coal. Burn up, can"t get it to cool. 32、坦白直率的言语,最容易打动悲哀的耳朵。 Candid speech, and the easiest way to imPss sad ears. 33、让我们不要用过去的哀悉拖累我们的记忆。 Let"s not use the cry of the past with drag our memory. 34、你只要活在尘世,终究逃不脱既定的寿命。 As long as you live in this world, not flee established life after all. 35、希望中的快乐是不下于实际享受的快乐的。 Hope that the happiness is as real enjoy happiness. 36、如果做好心理准备,一切准备都已经完成。 If Ppare, all Pparation is complete. 37、在紧张的行动中间,言语不过是一口冷气。 In the middle of the intense action, words are but a cold air. 38、“爱”和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 "Love" is the same as the charcoal. Burn up, can"t get it to cool. 39、年轻人常常是买来的,而不是讨来或借来的。 Young people are often bought, and not to keep or borrowed. 40、铜筋铁骨是我们的良心,刀枪是我们的法令。 TongJinTieGu is our conscience, sword is our law. 41、爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。 Love is blind, and lovers cannot see oneself do stupid things. 42、收起你们明晃晃的剑,它们沾了露水会生锈的。 Pack up your bright swords, touch the dew will rust them. 43、智慧在街道上高呼,谁也不会去理会它的声音。 Wisdom in the street Shouting, who also won"t listen to his voice. 44、够了,不在有了,就算有也不像以前那样美了。 Enough is enough, not have, even if have also is not as beautiful as before. 45、不过是做作出来的悲哀,只有表面,没有真心。 But is affectation of sadness, only surface, not really. 46、每一粒厄运的种子,却包孕着未来丰盛的果实。 Every seed of bad luck, wrapped up in the future the abundance of fruit. 47、两个人知道是秘密,三个人知道就不是秘密吗? Two people know it"s a secret, three people know is not a secret? 48、我们有时往往会把我们的损失当做莫大的幸事。 Sometimes we tend to put our loss as a great blessing. 49、人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。 Life is short, if to idle away one"s time, short life would be too long. 50、最理想的境地既不可达,人往往不知退而求其次。 The ideal situation is inaccessible, people tend to settle for second best. 51、我如今知道了宇宙皆空,除非有你的情充实其中。 I now know that the universe is empty, unless there is a you feeling full. 52、我爱您只是按照我的名分,一分不多,一分不少。 I love you just as my birthright, and a few points, one portion. 53、你可以放纵你的眼睛,让它们多看几个世间的美人。 You can indulge in your eyes, let them see more beauty in the world. 54、当一个人爱他的国家的时候,他的国家才会尊重他。 When a man loves his country, his country will respect him. 55、良心负疚的人往往会向无言的衾枕泄漏他们的秘密。 Guilty conscience of people tend to mute the blanket pillow leak their secret. 56、是啊,可叹她刹那的光荣,早枝头零落留不住东风。 Yeah, how is she the moments of glory, branch and do not leave early. 57、无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是我们藉以飞向天堂的翅膀。 Ignorance is the curse of god, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. 58、爱如亘古时期的灯塔,它定睛望着远方,却不为所动。 Love, like ancient times the lighthouse, which watches looked at the distance, but did not budge. 59、决心不过是记忆的奴隶,它会根据你的记忆随意更改。 Determination is the memory slave, however, it will change according to your memory. 60、爱与其他不可能的追求,不必害怕,这岛上众声喧哗。 The pursuit of love and other impossible, don"t have to be afraid, this island cacophony. 61、那死后不可知的神秘之国,从不曾有一个旅人回来过。 The mysteries of the country after the death of the unknown, never have a traveler came back. 62、世间的任何东西,追求的兴致总要比享用的时候更浓些。 Anything in the world, the pursuit of interest than to enjoy the time to be more strong. 63、可怜的受伤的名字!我的胸膛将是一张供你养息的眠床。 Poor wounded name! My breast will be a bed for you to alleviate. 64、我们就是梦幻所用的材料,一场睡梦环抱了短促的人生。 The material we use is a dream, a dream surrounded the brevity of human life. 65、一个人看不见自己的鼻子,教堂屋顶上的风信标变幻莫测。 A man can"t see your nose, the church roof wind beacon capriciously. 66、升平富足的盛世突然养成一笔诺夫,困苦永远是坚强之母。 Rich"s prosperous time suddenly develop a grove, hardship is the mother of strong forever. 67、一片冬天的乌云刚刚出现,这儿飞虫们早就躲得不知去向了。 A winter storm clouds appear just now, here the flying insects are already be gone away. 68、倘若想起我会令你悲戚,我情愿被忘记,在你甜蜜的思念里。 If think of I will make you sorrow, I will be forgotten, in your sweet thoughts. 69、充实的思想不在于言语的美丽,而在于它引以为自豪的内容。 Full of the beauty of the mind is not in speech, and is proud of its content. 70、好像我们做恶人也是命中注定,做傻瓜也是出于上天的旨意。 If we do the wicked is meant to be, a fool is also due to the will of god. 71、我宁愿重用一只勤劳的小蜜蜂,也不要重用一个懒惰的巨人。 I would like to reuse a busy little bee, don"t reuse a lazy giant. 72、我爱情的愿望是极其卑微的,我并不想遇见一个更美好的人。 I love desire is extremely low, I don"t want to meet a better person. 73、如果送礼的人不是出于真心,再贵重的礼物也会失去它的价值。 If the sender is not genuine, and expensive gift will lose its value. 74、爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 If love inside calculation combined with nothing to do with it, that is not true love. 75、或者不如说是没有底的吧;你刚把你的爱倒进去,它就漏了出来。 Or rather there is no end; You just pour your love into, it will leak out. 76、爱情就像是一朵开在悬崖峭壁上的花,想摘取就必须要有勇气。 Love is like a flower that open on the cliffs to pick it must have the courage. 77、人们尽可以把那类空话说个够;我这又不是叫卖,何必夸海口。 People can put the words say enough; I it"s not selling, why oversold. 78、地狱和黑夜正酝酿成这空前的罪恶,它必须向世界显露它的面目。 Hell and the night is brewing into the unPcedented evil, it must show it to the world. 79、最芬芳的花蕾中有蛀虫,最聪明人的心里,才会有蛀蚀心灵的爱情。 Most fragrant with moth in bud, and the wise of heart, just can have infested the love of the mind. 80、一个人的穿着打扮,就是他的教养、品位、地位的最真实的写照。 A person"s dress, it is the status of his upbringing, taste, the most true portraiture. 81、因为自己是从忧患中间过来的,所以对于不幸的人很容易抱同情。 For oneself from suffering, it"s easy to have sympathy for the unfortunate people. 82、有巨人的力量固然好,但像巨人那样滥用力量就是一种残暴行为。 It is good to have a giant"s strength, but the abuse of power is a kind of like a giant atrocities. 83、一切卑劣的弱点,在恋爱中都成为无足重轻,而变成美满和庄严。 All the contemptible weaknesses, in love become no full weight is light, and become a happy and solemn. 84、她面颊上的光晕会掩盖星星的明亮,如同灯火在白昼下黯然失色。 Her cheeks glow will hide the bright stars, like under the lamp in the daytime in the shade. 85、我们之所以地位微贱,错不在我们的星宿,而是源于我们的内心。 We are humble status, fault is not in our stars, but from our heart. 86、在情人的耳朵里,最甜蜜的音乐就是他们在深夜里互相倾吐的话语。 The sweetest music in your lover"s ears, is they pour out words to each other in the middle of the night. 87、悲哀落在地上,还会重新跳起,不是因为它的空虚,而是它的重量。 Sad fall to the ground, also jumped up again, not because it"s empty, but its weight. 88、突然盲目的人,永远不会忘记存留在他消失了的视觉中的宝贵的影像。 Suddenly blind person, never forget to be kept in his lost valuable in the visual image. 89、我看他年纪轻轻,就这么愁眉苦脸,到老来只好一天到晚痛哭流涕了。 I saw him at a young age, so pull a long face, to old to have to work day and night crying. 90、一个人的经验是要在刻苦中得到的,也只有岁月的磨练才能够使它成熟。 A person"s experience is in hard to find, there is only a tempering of years to make it mature. 91、山越狂怒的震动,裂开了牢狱的门;太阳在远方高升,慑服了神灵的魂。 Climbing the fury of the vibration, open the prison door; The sun rose in the distance, pull over the soul of the gods. 92、他并没有消失什么,不过感受了一次海水的变幻,他成了副理珍奇的瑰宝。 What he did not disappear, but feel the change of the water at a time, he became assistant manager exotic treasures. 93、不要侮蔑你所不知道的真理,否则,你将以生命的危险重重补偿你的过失。 Don"t explained what you don"t know the truth, otherwise, you will be the danger of life compensation your fault. 94、如果这是个错误,而我真的有错,那就当我从未写过,也从未有人真正爱过。 If it was a mistake, but I"m really wrong, that"s when I never wrote, nor ever truly loved. 95、纵然我们彼此相怜,谁都是爱莫能助,正像地狱底的幽魂盼不到天堂的幸福。 Even though we flow with each other, who is not possible, just as the bottom of the hell of ghosts are less than the happiness of heaven. 96、在完美的造物面前人的欲望总是不会满足,所以我们希望玫瑰再也不要凋谢。 Before the creation of perfect people"s desire is always not satisfied, so we hope the roses never fade. 97、要是河水干了,我会用眼泪把它灌满,要是风势低了,我会用叹息把船只吹送。 If the river dried up, and I"ll get it filled with tears, if the wind down, I will ship waft with sigh. 98、虽然在太阳光底下,各种草木都欣欣向荣,可是最先开花的果子总是最先成熟。 Although under the sun, all sorts of vegetation are booming, but the first flowering fruit is always the first to mature. 99、大千世界是个舞台,男男女女不过是戏子,登场退场,一生扮演着那么些角色。 Fills the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely player, his exit, life play a very role. 100、人们生着眼睛总要瞧,让他们瞧去好了!我可不能为着别人高兴离开这块地方。 People"s eyes were born to see, let them look good! I can"t leave this place for others happy.
2023-01-01 11:36:481

我不崇洋媚外 用英语怎么说?

I don"t kiss the ass of foreigners.
2023-01-01 11:36:546


1, January 6 : emperors Festival. In the cake shops, people have to buy ASP, ASP contain something called broad beans, the small things. The youngest members of the family, blindfolded, ASP will be distributed to everyone : This is JEANE aunt, it is his father"s. This is DESPOYES"s. . . "Each time are avoiding eating ASP Risk broad beans. The king, who will get broad beans (Queen"s) He was selected as the Queen"s (King). family or friends toasted high Chung : "Cheers King, the Queen"s toast. "2, February 2 : Festival of St. wax, which is a religious holiday and gourmet double. On this day, everyone has done egg pizza. fried eggs have Youbaoyou yellow cake, similar to the yellow sun. it is drifting up, kids watch it, If it stops directly in the mouth nice! 3, April 1 : fool"s day. 4, May 1 : Labor Day Orchid Festival and Suzuki. 5, July 14, France"s National Day. eve of the National Day, all French cities discharge of pyrotechnics Paris throughout all the streets, people were singing and dancing. Early the next morning, People watched the parade. France began the fake. 6. France on August 31 at the start. Despite the various efforts, Almost all the French people at the same time leave. Many factories 2622, a large number of shops closed. 7. November 1. Festival of offerings. in the cemetery, the cemetery was Chrysanthemum show. Despite the painful atmosphere of the cemetery. students leave for the first year from 1 overjoyed. 8,11, 25, St-Kadelin Festival Paris is a typical local festival. 25-year-old marriage of young girls who have not yet toiletry Saint-Kadelin. These celebrations of St. - Kadelin girls at the festival with the same name in the street to lay wreaths before the statue was built. done a lot of yellow and green on this day The small hat, a novelty than a. The lady in the shop, people dance. Hong guests to drink. Kadelin day is the Queen. 9, December 25 : Christmas. This can be called Festival Day, She is the light of the severe winter Lane, to bring joy. stars, snowflakes, trees, gifts, filled composed picture. children chimney sweeping. identify the largest of shoes, and hit the road ... Santa Claus
2023-01-01 11:37:162


莎士比亚中文和英文名言   是活,还是不活,这是个问题。莎士比亚中文和英文名言有哪些?相信很多人都想知道吧?以下是我为您整理的莎士比亚中文和英文名言相关资料,欢迎阅读!   莎士比亚中文和英文名言   1、再美的梦也有破碎的一天。   Again beautiful dream also have broken a day.   2、谁个情人不是一见就钟情?   Who see you lover is not a I love?   3、爱情的道路永远崎岖多阻。   The path of love always rugged.   4、活还是不活,这是个问题。   Live or not to live, that is the question.   5、猫儿不在家,老鼠放心耍。   When the cat"s away, the mice play.   6、爱,不在眼里,它在心中。   Love, not in the eye, it is in the heart.   7、抛弃时间的人终将被时间抛弃。   Abandoning time person will eventually be abandoned by time.   8、真正的爱情之路是不会平坦的。   The road to true love is not flat.   9、纵帝王屈尊就我,不与换江山。   Longitudinal king deigned to me, not to change.   10、是活,还是不活,这是个问题。   Is alive, or not to live, that is the question.   11、对待娇弱的自己,你是那么残忍。   Treat the delicate yourself, you are so cruel.   12、你的末日也正是真与美消亡之时。   You also is the truth and beauty from the end of the die.   13、世上本无所谓好和坏,思想使然。   There is, there is no good and bad, thought.   14、人生如痴人说梦,充满喧哗与骚动。   Life is like a fantasy, full of sound and the fury.   15、真理往往是在痛苦呻吟中说出来的。   Truth is often in the painful groan.   16、充满了声音和狂热,里面空无一物。   Full of sound and fanaticism, empty inside.   17、伟大的爱情战胜一切,甚至是死亡。   The great love triumphs over everything, even death.   18、没有什么比想要不平凡而更加平凡。   There is nothing to ordinary and more common.   19、玫瑰即使不叫玫瑰,依然是芳香的。   Roses, even a rose by any other name is still fragrant.   20、抛下天堂的幸福,来受赤日的煎熬。   Behind the happiness of heaven, to the day.   21、是生还是死,那是值得考虑的问题。   To be or not to be, that is a problem worth considering.   22、黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。   No matter how long the night, the day will come.   23、美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧。   Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.   24、诚实比起腐X会给你赢得更多的好处。   Honesty will give you to win more benefits than corruption.   25、迫使大地吞噬掉自己精心创造的生命。   Force of the earth devour carefully to create their own life.   26、生存还是死亡,这是一个永恒的话题。   To be or not to be, this is an eternal topic.   27、在命运之书里,我们同在一行字之间。   In the book of fate between us a line.   28、钟情于狮子的梅花鹿,必定为爱而死。   Sika deer, and fall in love with the lion must die for love.   29、看见了海岸线才淹死,那是双倍的凄惨。   Saw the coastline to drown, that is double.   30、爱神蒙着眼睛却会一直闯进人们的心灵。   Cupid blindfolded will break into people"s hearts.   31、爱和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。   Love is the same as coal. Burn up, can"t get it to cool.   32、坦白直率的言语,最容易打动悲哀的耳朵。   Candid speech, and the easiest way to impress sad ears.   33、让我们不要用过去的哀悉拖累我们的记忆。   Let"s not use the cry of the past with drag our memory.   34、你只要活在尘世,终究逃不脱既定的寿命。   As long as you live in this world, not flee established life after all.   35、希望中的快乐是不下于实际享受的快乐的。   Hope that the happiness is as real enjoy happiness.   36、如果做好心理准备,一切准备都已经完成。   If prepare, all preparation is complete.   37、在紧张的行动中间,言语不过是一口冷气。   In the middle of the intense action, words are but a cold air.   38、“爱”和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。   "Love" is the same as the charcoal. Burn up, can"t get it to cool.   39、年轻人常常是买来的`,而不是讨来或借来的。   Young people are often bought, and not to keep or borrowed.   40、铜筋铁骨是我们的良心,刀枪是我们的法令。   TongJinTieGu is our conscience, sword is our law.   41、爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。   Love is blind, and lovers cannot see oneself do stupid things.   42、收起你们明晃晃的剑,它们沾了露水会生锈的。   Pack up your bright swords, touch the dew will rust them.   43、智慧在街道上高呼,谁也不会去理会它的声音。   Wisdom in the street Shouting, who also won"t listen to his voice.   44、够了,不在有了,就算有也不像以前那样美了。   Enough is enough, not have, even if have also is not as beautiful as before.   45、不过是做作出来的悲哀,只有表面,没有真心。   But is affectation of sadness, only surface, not really.   46、每一粒厄运的种子,却包孕着未来丰盛的果实。   Every seed of bad luck, wrapped up in the future the abundance of fruit.   47、两个人知道是秘密,三个人知道就不是秘密吗?   Two people know it"s a secret, three people know is not a secret?   48、我们有时往往会把我们的损失当做莫大的幸事。   Sometimes we tend to put our loss as a great blessing.   49、人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。   Life is short, if to idle away one"s time, short life would be too long.   50、最理想的境地既不可达,人往往不知退而求其次。   The ideal situation is inaccessible, people tend to settle for second best. ;
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1、一个医生或护士是不应该在伤员面前昂首而过的。 A doctor or nurse should not be in front of the head and the wounded. 2、你们不要拿我当古董,我是来工作的,你们要拿我当一挺机枪来使用。 Don"t take me for an antique, I"m here to work, you need to use me as a machine gun. 3、我们必须运用技术去增进亿万人的幸福,而不是用技术去增进少数人的财富。 We must use technology to enhance the well-being of millions of people, rather than the use of technology to enhance the wealth of a few people. 4、凡是伤员送来,不管白天还是夜晚,一定要自己检查,对危重病人,不管什么时候,随叫随到。 Who sent the wounded, regardless of day or night, you must check for critically ill patients, no matter what time, call. 5、一个战地外科医生,同时还要会作木匠、铁匠、缝纫匠和理发匠,这样才能算是好的外科医生。 A field surgeon, and a carpenter, a blacksmith, a sewing, and a barber, to be a good surgeon. 6、我是来支援中国的民族解放的,我要钱做什么,我要穿的好,吃的好,就留在加拿大,不来中国了。 I am here to support China"s national liberation, I want money to do what I want to wear well, eat well, stay in Canada, not to china. 7、一个医院里,有一个人很负责任,大家都会得到好处,有一个人不负责任,大家都有可能得到坏处。 In a hospital, there is a person very responsible, we will get the benefits, there is a person irresponsible, everyone may have the disadvantage. 8、对抢救伤员来说,时间就是生命,能抢救一个伤员,为伤员减少一份痛苦,就是我们医务工作者最大的快乐。 For the rescue of the wounded, time is life, to save a wounded, to reduce the pain of the wounded, is the greatest happiness of our medical workers. 9、伤病员是你的同志,在一切事情中,要将他们放在最前头,你不把他们看得重于自己,那么你就不配从事卫生工作。 The wounded are your comrades in all things, they will be placed in the front, you don"t see them on yourself, then you don"t deserve to engage in health work. 10、我们要时常问自己一个问题,有更好的办法来代替我们现在正用的办法吗?你要时时不满意自己和自己的工作能力。 We should always ask ourselves a question, is there a better way to replace the way we are now? You must always be dissatisfied with yourself and your ability to work. 11、假使一个连长,丢了一挺机关枪,不消说是会受批评的,但枪还可以夺回来,可是一条腿失掉以后,就不能再挽回了。 If a company commander, lost a machine gun, needless to say it will be subject to criticism, but the gun can also back, but after losing a leg, cannot be saved. 12、医生坐在家里等病人来叩门的时代已经过去了,我们今后的战斗口号是,前线去,到伤员那里去,哪里有伤员,我们就到哪里去! The doctor sat home patients to knock the time has passed, our future battle cry is, go to the front, to the wounded there, where the wounded, we go! 13、没有准确的登记,就不可能有准确的统计,没有准确的统计,就不能有准确的分析;没有准确的分析,就不可能有准确的方法,就等于蒙着眼睛走路一样。 There is no accurate registration, there can be no accurate statistics, no accurate statistics, there can be no accurate analysis; no accurate analysis, there can be no accurate way to walk blindfolded. 14、你们不要以为奇怪,为什么三万里以外,地球的那一边象我这样的人要帮助你们,你们和我们都是国际主义者,没有任何种族,肤色、语言、国家的界限把我们分开。 Why do you think it not strange, thirty thousand miles away, the other side of the earth people like me to help you, you and we are the internationalist, no race, colour, language and national boundaries to separate us. 15、作为—个外科医生,第一次药不亲自去换,你就不可能了解手术做的是不是成功,只有亲自换药,才能检验你的手术效果,这样你就可以不断地取得经验,提高技术。 As a surgeon, the first drug for you not to go, it is not possible to understand the operation is not successful, the only person you can change, to test the effect of the surgery, so you can continue to gain experience and improve the technique. 16、医生是为伤病员活着的,如果医生不为伤病员工作,他活着还有什么意义呢?他们打仗是为了建设一个新社会,为了报答他们,我们也要为他们打仗,我们要打的仗是疾病、残废、死亡。 The doctor is alive for the sick and wounded, if the doctor does not work for the sick and wounded him alive, what is the significance? They fought to build a new society, and to repay them, we fought for them. 17、闹**不能光顾个人安全,如果为了个人安全,我就不到中国来了,只有消灭法西斯,方有最可靠的安全,共产党员,不能首先为个人的安全,就是为伤病员活着的。如果医生不为伤员工作,他活着还有什么意义呢? The revolution not only to personal safety, if for personal safety, I wouldn"t go to Chinese, only the eradication of fascism, are the most reliable security, the Communist Party, not for personal safety first, is alive for the wounded. If doctors do not work for the wounded, what is the point of his life? 18、一个医生的责任,就是抢救伤病员的生命,减少他们的痛苦,帮助他们恢复健康,恢复力量,使他们早日回到前线,去打垮法西斯,对那些因为残废而不能重返前线的伤员,也要设法使他们残而不废,帮助他们尽量有参加一定劳动和独立生活的能力。 A doctor"s responsibility is to save the lives of the wounded, to reduce their pain, help them to restore health, strength, so that they will soon return to the front, to defeat the fascist, but not for those disabled because the back to the front of the wounded, but also try to make them without waste residue, the ability to help them try to attend to labor and living independently. 19、土里没有种子,长不出小米来,身体里没有血,生命就会发生危险,伤员身体里失去了大量的血,只有补给他们,才能把他们医好,从一个健康人的身上,取—点儿血,对于身体并没有妨碍,因为他能很快给自己补上,如果我们能用自己的血救活一个战士,胜于打死十个敌人。 No seeds in the soil, no millet, no blood in the body, the life will be in danger, the wounded body lost a lot of blood supply, only they can bring them good medicine, from a healthy human body, take a little, the blood to the body did not stop, because he can soon give yourself up, if we can use their own blood to save a soldier, rather than killing ten enemies.
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Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf about the strength of man, how no animal could withstand him, and how all were obliged to employ cunning in order to protect themselves from him. The wolf answered, "If I could see a man just once, I would attack him nonetheless." "I can help you to do that," said the fox. "Come to me early tomorrow morning, and I will show you one." The wolf arrived on time, and the fox took him out to the path which the huntsman used every day. First an old discharged soldier came by. "Is that a man?" asked the wolf. "No," answered the fox. "He has been one." Afterwards came a little boy on his way to school. "Is that a man?" "No, he will yet become one." Finally a huntsman came by with his double-barreled gun on his back, and a sword at his side. The fox said to the wolf, "Look, there comes a man. He is the one you must attack, but I am going back to my den." The wolf then charged at the man. When the huntsman saw him he said, "Too bad that I have not loaded with a bullet." Then he aimed and fired a load of shot into his face. The wolf pulled an awful face, but did not let himself be frightened, and attacked him again, on which the huntsman gave him the second barrel. The wolf swallowed his pain and charged at the huntsman again, who in turn drew out his naked sword, and gave him a few blows with it left and right, so that, bleeding all over, he ran howling back to the fox. "Well," Brother Wolf, said the fox, "how did you get along with man?" "Oh," replied the wolf, "I never imagined the strength of man to be what it is. First, he took a stick from his shoulder, and blew into it, and then something flew into my face which tickled me terribly. Then he breathed once more into the stick, and it flew up my nose like lightning and hail. Then when I got next to him, he drew a naked rib out of his body, and he beat me so with it that he almost killed me." "See what a braggart you are," said the fox. "You throw your hatchet so far that you cannot get it back again." 从前有只狐狸向狼谈起人的力量,说没有动物能抵挡得了,所以他认为所有动物都必须施展计谋才能保护自己。可狼回答说:“假如我有机会碰到一个人,我就扑上去让他无法抵挡。”狐狸说:“我可以帮你碰到人啊。明早你早点来我家,我把他指给你看。” 第二天,狼很早就来了,狐狸带它来到猎人每天的必经之路。 他们碰到的第一个人是个退役老兵,狼问:“那是个人吗?” “不是,”狐狸回答,“他以前是。” 接着他们遇到一个去上学的小男孩。“那是个人吗?”狼又问。“不是。” 狐狸回答说,“他将来是。”最后一个猎人朝它们走来,他肩上扛着双筒猎枪,腰间还插着一把猎刀,狐狸对狼说:“那个就是人,你该朝他扑过去,我可是要回我洞里去了。” 於是狼朝猎人冲了过去。猎人一看说:“真可惜我没装上子弹,而是散弹。”他瞄准狼的脸开了一枪。狼疼得一阵痉挛,可还是没被吓倒,又朝猎人冲了过去。猎人又开了一枪。狼忍着巨痛扑向猎人,没想到猎人抽出猎刀左右开弓地在狼身上划了几道口子。狼鲜血四溅,嚎叫着逃到狐狸那里去了。 “狼兄弟,”狐狸说,“和人相处怎么样?”“哈!”狼回答说,“我从没想到人的力量会这么大!他先是从肩上取下一根棍子,朝里面吹了一口气,就有甚么东西飞到我脸上,痒得我要命;接着他又吹了一次,就有东西飞到我鼻子周围,像下了一阵雹子。当我靠近他时,他从身上抽出一根白得发亮的肋骨狠狠地打我,几乎把我打死在那里。” 狐狸说:“你这个吹牛大王,谁让你把话说得太大了,自己连退路都没有了呢。”希腊神话]厄洛斯(丘比特)Eros(Cupid)Eros was the god of love,better known by hislatin name Cupid.Son of Aphrodite by Ares ,he took his place amongthe small gods of Olympus.He was represented asa little naked boy,with sparkling wings,and he carried his bowand arrows wherever he wandered.Shooting his thrilling arrowsin evils,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.The lovely,naughty god had two kinds of arrows:the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. Besides,he had a torch to light hearts with.聊斋志异故事:严父斥子This is a story from the book Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. There was an old man with the surname Feng, he had a son named Xiangru. Xiangru studied hard but failed several times in passing the imperial examination. One night when Xiangruwas reading books in the courtyard, he was surprised to see a beautiful girl on the wall looking at him affectionately. Xiangru invited her to come down from the wall and knew that her name was Hong Yu.From then on ,Hong Yu came to meet Xiangru every night and soon they fell in love. One night, Feng happened to run into Hong Yu at the door of Xiangru"s room. Feng scolded Xiangru severely. Hong Yu slipped away and she never came there again. Later, Xiangru got married. His wife was called Wei and they had a boy named Lucky. Untortunately, the bully in the village, Song, was moved by Wei"s good looks and snatched her away. Feng was so indignant that finally he died. Another day, a brave man rushed into Xiangru"s room and said,"Have you forgotten that your father has died and your wife was snatched away by Song?" Xiangru hurriedly told the man that he wanted revenge but had no way to achieve it. Then, Song was beheaded that same night. The county government suspected Xiangru and detained him. The evening that Xiangru was arrested, no sooner the governmental official lied down than he saw a knife stabbed on the head of the bed. One day at his home, Xiangru heard his child talking to somebody outside the door. He opened the door and was surprised and glad to see Hong Yu standing there with Lucky. Hong Yu smiled and said, "I am not a common girl, but a fox spirit. I know that you have been in trouble;I am secretly protecting you." Since then, Hong Yu stayed with Xiangru to manage the family affairs and teach the child. 《聊斋志异》中的故事。冯翁年近六旬,膝下一子相如。他潜心读书,但运气不佳,屡考不中。一夜,相如在院中读书,忽然传来“索索”的声音。只见墙上一美丽少女,含情脉脉地看他读书。相如请她下来,问她姓名,方知叫红玉。从此红玉夜夜必到,一人互相爱慕,山盟海誓。一晚,冯翁从相如门口过,撞见红玉,责骂相如。红玉见状,悄悄溜走,从此再也没来。后来,相如娶妻卫氏,夫妻恩爱并生一男孩,名唤福儿。然而,乡里恶霸宋某见卫氏姿色好,带家奴抢走卫氏,气死冯翁。有一天,一位勇士撞进相如房内说:“难道你忘了父抢妻之仇吗?”相如忙把想报仇,但无计策的心事告诉了勇士。就在当晚恶霸宋某人头落地,县衙怀疑相如,派人捉拿归案。晚上,县令刚躺下,就见一把利丸扎在床头,县令害怕,放了相如。相如回到家后不久,听到门外有小孩说话声,开门见是红玉带着福儿进来。红玉笑着说:“我不是凡人,我是狐仙,知你必有大难,一直在暗中保护你。”从此,红玉再也未走,帮相如操持家务,教育孩子。 Though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god,Zeus himself included,was safe from his evils.At one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and suchburning love was awakened in him for the human maiden Psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg Zeus for justice.Another famousstory where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition.Medea,daughter of king Aeetes,was wounded by Eros" arrows,took Jason"s part in recoveringthe golden fleece and eventually became the hero"s wife.厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。他的形象是一个裸体的小男孩,有一对闪闪发光的翅膀。他带着弓箭漫游。他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力。这位可爱而又淘气的小精灵有两种神箭:加快爱情产生的金头神箭和中止爱情的铅头神箭。另外,他还有一束照亮心灵的火炬。尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括宙斯在内,能逃避他的恶作剧。有一次这位淘气的精灵被自己的箭射中。对人间少女普赛克炽热的爱在他心中复苏,以致于他不顾他母亲的干预,鼓起勇气让宙斯给予公正评判。厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。美狄亚,国王埃厄忒斯的女儿,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起寻觅金羊毛,最后成为这位英雄的妻子。
2023-01-01 11:37:591


  这首诗写于一八一九年初.全诗共分四十二节,三百七十八行.诗人借  圣亚尼节的传说,写了一则类似《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,但结局却完全不同的  浪漫故事.根据传说,在圣亚尼节的前夜,少女在祷告后可以梦见自己未来  的丈夫.  转眼,圣亚尼节又到了.  大地上寒风飕飕,今年的圣亚尼节的前夜特别冷峭.羽毛丰厚的夜枭在  树上冷得瑟瑟发抖,野兔抖抖颤颤地在冰冻的草地上踽踽而行.教堂里,缕  缕青烟从古炉里袅袅上升,蒙住了圣母玛丽亚的画像…….  一个年迈的僧侣跪在那儿诵经,他那拿念珠的手冻得麻木发僵,呵出的  气也立即凝成白雾.祷告完后,他默默地站起,缓缓地走在教堂座间的夹道  上.他故意避开教堂的大厅,因为他清楚,此刻,大厅里正在举行一年一度  的圣亚尼节盛会.  他又折回去,重新对着圣母祈祷了一会儿.他老了,欢乐已不再属于他,  他只有忏悔的份.一阵委婉的金喇叭声传来,老僧不由地凄然泪下.  委婉的前奏曲结束后,传来了银铃般刺耳的号角声,圣亚尼节盛会正式  开始了.大厅里灯光通明,人声鼎沸.大家都穿着节日的盛装,欢聚在一堂.  其间,有个衣着素雅,颇有风姿的少女引起了众人的注意.她一脸沉思,默  不作声,虔诚的眼睛直盯在地上.人们熙熙攘攘地从她眼前走过,可她既不  同人打招呼,也不退让一下,甚至连头都不抬一抬.不少钟情的小伙子踮着  脚凑上来,可都无趣地退了下去,因为她根本就没有一点儿反应.  她,就是我们的女主人公,男爵的女儿梅德琳小姐.她正值豆寇年华,  满心都是幸福,天真的幻想.一天,她偶尔遇到了另一家贵族之子波菲罗,  一见钟情.虽然只是那么短暂的一瞥,但给少女留下了无限的遐想和憧憬.  她知道她家与波菲罗家素有冤仇,是水火不相容的两个家族,但她总丢不开  那美好的遐想.她听她的老保姆说过,只要规规矩矩地遵守仪式,虔诚地祈  祷,姑娘在圣亚尼节的前夜就可看见自己的未来的丈夫的模样.这一夜,她  们必须不吃晚餐就上床睡觉,将百合似的洁白玉体仰卧床上,这样,到了午  夜,她们的床前就会摆满仙果,她们的情郎就会飘来和她们悄悄絮语.梅德  琳对此深信不疑.今晚,她决心认认真真地照仪式行事,不抱任何杂念.她  多想知道,她未来的丈夫是否长得和波菲罗一般模样.  跳舞开始了,人们争相上来邀她跳舞,可她冷若冰霜,一点热情也没有,  只是漠然地跳着.她的心在急切地盼望着午夜的到来,期待着和情人相会的  欢乐.  这时,从偏门口悄悄地走进一个人来,站在月亮的阴影中,静静地观望  着.这就是梅德琳爱恋的波菲罗.那天邂逅相遇以后,他也深深地爱上了梅  德琳.他知道今天梅德琳一定会参加盛会,所以不惧严寒,单人独马地赶来.  他别无他求,只想悄悄地看她一眼.  他躲在角落里,心里十分紧张.他知道,如果他被发现了,那就难免一  死.对他来说,这儿的人像一伙吃人的生番,是鬣狗似的仇敌.在整个爵府  里,唯有一个人对他友好,那人不是别人,就是梅德琳的老保姆.  正巧,那老保姆这时正拄着拐杖,蹒跚地朝这儿走来.老人走到眼前,  认出是波菲罗,不由大惊失色."天啊!波菲罗,你怎么在这儿 快00跑,  他们全在这儿,谁见了也不会饶你的."  波菲罗没有逃,他说他呆的地方挺安全."您且坐下,老婆婆,请您告  诉我——".  老保姆吓坏了,忙用低声制止他.然后,引着他朝黑暗处走去.  他跟着她,穿过低矮的走廊,来到一间布满蛛网灰尘的小屋.屋里没有  灯,唯有月亮从窗格里透进来苍白,阴暗的寒光.这时,老保姆才放下心米.  她知道波菲罗想问的是梅德琳,便把梅德琳的情况统统告诉了他.她还告诉  他,梅德琳很相信她讲的故事,今晚要按她所讲的去做.  当波菲罗知道梅德琳也爱自己时,双眼放射出了灼热的光芒,可听到梅  德琳要在如此寒夜按古老的传说,光着身子进入梦乡时,又不知不觉地泪流  满面——他是怕她冻坏.  突然,他心头冒出了一个大胆的设想.他把计划如此这般地对老保姆一  说,立即遭到了老保姆的反对.波菲罗想让老保姆偷偷地把他领进梅德琳的  闺房,藏在壁橱里,这样,他就可以在帷幕后悄悄地看一眼他的心上人.  老保姆觉得他过于放肆,想出的主意实在荒唐,便责怪起波菲罗来.波  菲罗赶忙起誓,说自己决不会对梅德琳无礼.  "呵,苍天在上,如若我不守誓言  动了她一丝柔发,或对她面庞  投上无礼的一瞥,就让老天  对我毫不怜悯,任意惩罚."  波菲罗急得有点儿耐不住性儿了,他说:"假如你不帮我的忙,那我就  大声喊叫,唤出我的仇人,在此与他们拼个你死我活."老保姆非常难过,  说:  "咳,你何苦让我这老命残生  跟你一起担惊受怕  我已离黄泉不远,还不是为了你,  我每天早晚都默默地祈祷."  听了这番话,波菲罗十分内疚,他不再大声地要挟,而是十分悲痛地向  她道歉.他心乱如麻,满脸焦躁不堪的神色.老保姆见了十分同情,最后她  咬咬牙,决心尽力助他一臂之力,哪怕是赴汤蹈火也在所不惜.  "好吧.一切都依你."老婆婆带着波菲罗悄悄地朝梅德琳的闺房走去.  他们穿过许多阴森的廊道,走到了梅德琳幽静的丝帏绣房.待波菲罗藏好后,  老保姆匆匆离去了.  波菲罗耐心地等待着.不一会儿,梅德琳来了.她走得很快,烛火被她  带进来的风吹灭了,一缕青烟散入了银灰的月光.她关上房门.感到心怦怦地  跳得利害.  啊,她已如此临近仙灵和幻象:  别吐一个字①,不然就大祸临头!  可是呵,她的心充满了千言万语,  满腔的心事好似骨鲠在喉,  有如一只哑夜莺唱不出歌曲,  只好窒闷于胸,郁死在山谷.  清冷的月光正投在梅德琳的胸前,她合掌跪在床前,默默地向天祈祷,  那么虔诚,那么专注,似乎是个超然世外之人.月光在她头发上镶上一圈光  轮,在波菲罗看来,她俨然是一位圣徒,又像是个飘然欲飞的天使.  晚祷完毕,她起身脱衣上床,幻象已经充满了她的大脑,不一会儿,就  朦胧入睡了.  一直躲在壁橱里偷看的波菲罗,这时细细聆听了一阵,当确信梅德琳已  经进入梦乡后,便蹑手蹑脚地走出了壁橱.他轻踮着脚跟,悄然走过地毯,  来到梅德琳的床前.  他把屋里的桌子移到了床前,又小心翼翼地铺上绣花桌布,然后从橱柜  里搬出事先由老保姆准备好的蜜饯,苹果,青梅以及诸如此类的东西.他把  这些东西有的摆在金盘上,有的盛在银丝编就的筐篮里.在皎洁的月光映照  下,这些东西熠熠发光,清香四溢,沁入恬静的寒夜,也沁人他俩人的胸膛.  一切准备就绪.波菲罗在梅德琳耳边低声呼唤起来;  "醒来吧,我的天使!  你是我的天堂,我是你的隐士,  睁开眼睛吧,别让良宵空流逝."  可她丝毫没有反应.她已经进入了深深的梦乡,仿佛什么也无法把她唤  醒.波菲罗的手肘靠在她柔软的枕头上,渐渐地也堕入了悠悠的梦幻.  一会儿,他蓦然惊醒,忙站起身,找到梅德琳的琵琶,弹奏出一支久已  沉寂的哀曲——《无情的妖女》.琴声悠扬动听,在她耳边不断地回旋.  她动了动,发出轻微的呻吟;一会儿,开始急促地喘息.突然,她受惊  的蓝眼睛大大睁开,疑惑地盯着他.他一惊,扑地跪在地上,脸变得像大理  石那般苍白.  她眼睛是睁开了,可梦中的景象并没有因此而消逝.刚才在梦中,一切  都是那么纯洁,美好,欢快,而现在人虽然没有变,可气氛和情景却迥然有  异.梅德琳伤心极了,不由泪水盈眶.她两眼呆呆地盯着波菲罗,连声叹息.  波菲罗慌得忙用双手握住她的纤手,怜惜地望着她,既不敢惊动她,也不敢  说一句话.  她梦幻般地说道:  "波菲罗呀,怎么,我听到  ① 仪式的条件之一是保持绝对缄默,否则就看不到情人.  你的声音刚才还那么甜蜜,  你的誓言还在我耳边缭绕,  那多情的目光多么神采奕奕.  呀,你怎么变了!这么苍白,冰冷!  我的波菲罗呵,请再还给我,  你那不朽的眼神,喁喁的话声!  爱,别离开我,别使我一生难过.  要是你死了,我岂不永远飘泊 "  听了这番情意绵绵的话,波菲罗立即站起身来,他仿佛不再是一个凡人,  而像是由云雾飘起,远远地沉没在那紫红色天际上的一颗星星.他知道他已  经融进了她的梦.他成了最幸福的人.  窗外,西北风在猛烈地吹,下雪了.飞雪敲打着窗户,仿佛在向恋人们  提出警告:天不早了.波菲罗清醒地认识到这一点,他急忙摇醒梅德琳,告  诉她:"这不是梦呀,我的心上人!"  至此,梅德琳才真正醒了.她对自己的处境十分害怕.但在看见波菲罗  热切的目光后,便:  什么也不怨尤,因为这颗心  已经溶进你的心,即使被你遗弃,  像失散的鸽子,扑着病弱的羽翼.  两人互诉衷肠,情意绵绵.户外,暴风雪仍在一个劲地刮着;屋内,两  颗年轻火热的心在剧烈地跳动着.  窗外的天色已经微微泛白——快要破晓了.波菲罗决定带着梅德琳逃离  这个地狱般的地方.他对梅德琳说:  ""听啊!这是上帝送来的风暴,  它虽然凄厉,却是对我们的祝福:  让我们快走吧,亲爱的姑娘,  这时没人看见,没人听到,  他们都被蜜酒送进了睡乡."  梅德琳最初犹豫不决,但爱毕竟战胜了一切忧虑和恐怖.她匆匆地跟着  他,他俩手携手地摸索着朝外走去.  他们活像两个幽灵,潜行到厅堂内,又来到大门旁.果然不出波菲罗所  料,所有的人都睡着了.连守门人也斜靠在门边酣睡,身旁还有一只空酒瓶.  脚步声惊醒了看门狗,它抖抖全身的毛正要吠叫,发现有自己的女主人,便  又摇摇尾巴走开了.两个年轻人顺利地打开铁门.他们自由了.  他们奔跑着,冲进了迷茫的风雪中.这一夜,男爵梦见自己发生了不幸  的事情,他的那些客人也个个被恶梦纠缠,梦见的尽是些妖魔鬼怪和墓穴里  蠕动的蛆虫.这一夜,梅德琳的老保姆溘然去世;而那个虔诚的老僧,也在  念完千遍经之后,寂然坐化在冰冷的火灰中.  This poem was written in early 1819. The whole poem is composed of 42, 378 line. Poet by  St. Yani of the legend, wrote a similar "Romeo and Juliet", but the outcome is completely different  Romantic story. According to legend, in the section on the eve of St. Yani, girls can dream after prayers in their own future  Husband.  The twinkling of an eye, St. Yani went to the festival.  Sousou cold wind on the land, this year"s festival on the eve of St. Yani special Lengqiao. Huge feather in the Yexiao  Lengdesese shaking the trees, hare Doudouchanchan in frozen on the grass Jujuerhang. Churches, palygorskite  Palygorskite Qingyan ancient furnace, Niaoniao up, blindfolded portrait of the Virgin Mary…….  An elderly monks chanting kneeling there, with prayer beads in his hand Dongde numbness Fajiang, uh, to  Gas immediately cemented Baiwu. After the prayer, he quietly stood up, slowly taking in the church at the Gadao  On. He deliberately avoided the church hall, because he clearly, at this moment, the hall is the annual  St. Yani Festival event.  He also folded back to pray in front of Notre Dame for a while. His old and no longer belong to his joy,  He"s the only remorse. Euphemism a while the sound of the speakers came, the Lao Seng was not to Qiranleixia.  Tactful prelude to the end, the Yin Ling came as ear-piercing sound of the horn, St. Yani official festival event  Began. Hall lighting brilliance, Renshengdingfei. We all wear festive costumes, gathered happily in one.  Meanwhile, a clothing Plain Jane, the girls caused quite a Fengzi everyone"s attention. She looked meditation, mime  Silence, sincere eyes Zhiding the ground. People from the bustling through her eyes, she can not  Members of notice, not to make concessions, not even the first carry Yitai. Many favor of a young man Dian  Coushang feet, are dull and can go on a retreat, because she simply did not respond at all.  She is our heroine, Baron"s daughter, Miss Mei Delin. Doukou the Mood for Love when she,  Are full of happiness, naive illusions. One day, she occasionally encountered another aristocratic son of Bofei Luo,  Was love at first sight. Although it is only a short glimpse, but the girls left to the imaginations and the infinite yearning.  She knew that her family and is known as Bofei Luo Yuan Chou, the two are水火不相容family, but she is not a total loss  The beautiful reverie. She listen to her old nanny said, as long as compliance with nice ceremony, sincere and pray  Prayer, the girls in St. Yani Festival can be seen on the eve of their future husband"s appearance. That night, she  Must eat dinner to go to bed, like lily white Yuti supine in bed, so that by afternoon  Night, they will fill the bed cents fruit, their Qinglang Piaolai and they will quietly NOTE. Meide  Lam have no doubt. This evening, her determination to conscientiously act as the ceremony, do not have any ideas and personal considerations. She  Many would like to know whether her future husband and Bo Feiluo general look like.  Dancing started, people compete invitation of her dancing, she Lengruobingshuang, that enthusiasm has not,  Tiaozhao only indifference to her heart in the eagerly looking forward to the arrival of midnight, and look forward to the Valentine"s Meet  Joy.  At this time, from the side door quietly walked into a person, standing in the shadow of the moon, quietly wait and see  A This is the love of Bofei Luo Mei Delin. Met the day after the meeting, he also deeply in love with Mei  Delin. He knows that today Meide Lin will participate in the event, the fear cold, single-independence to come.  There is no alternative for him but I just want to quietly look at her one.  He hide in a corner, the mind is very tense. He knows that if he was found, it inevitably a  Death. For him, there"s Portrait of a group of people eating Shengfan, hyena like enemies. Spyker in the House  , The only one of his friendship, that person is not others, Meide Lin is the old nanny.  Happen, then the old nanny is Zhuzhuo crutches, stumble to North Korea walked here. Elderly people come before us,  Bo Feiluo is identified, was not Dajing pale. "Oh My! Bofei Luo, how can you run in here fast 00,  All of them here, who met with Rao would not you. "  Bo Feiluo not escape, he said that he spent a very safe place. "And you sit down, the old lady, will you please  V. I -. "  Old nanny scared, busy with quietly stop him and then with him in the dark, going.  He followed her through the low corridor, came to a hut covered with dust Cobweb. No house  Lights, only the moon come from the pane Litou pale, dark Hanguang. At this time, the old nanny to lay down their heart meters.  She knew that Meide Lin Bo Feiluo question is, then the situation统统Meide Lin told him. She also told  He, Mei Delin believe that the story she said, according to her tonight what the do.  When Bofei Luo Mei Delin also know that their love, her eyes light emitted by the burning, could be heard -  Delin to be in such a Cold Night on the ancient legend, naked into dreamland, and unwittingly Leiliu  Manmian - he was afraid she Donghuai.  Suddenly, his heart out a bold vision.如此这般he plans to escort the old one  That the old nanny immediately by the opposition. Bofei Luo want the source of his old nanny from the Jin Mei Delin  Guifang, hidden in the closet, so that he can quietly after the curtain look at his Xinshang Ren.  Old nanny think he is too aggressive and think of the idea is absurd, it has Bo Feiluo to blame. Wave  1,10 immediately swear, Meide Lin said he will never rude.  "Uh, Cangtianzaishang, if I do not observe Oath  Sophie slightest move her hair, or her Mianpang  Vote on the offensive at a glance, let God  I have no mercy on, arbitrary punishment. "  Bo Feiluo very anxious and somewhat lost its children, he said: "If you do not help me a favour, then I  Shout, Huanchu my enemies in this fight with them a life-and-death. "Deeply saddened by the old nanny,  Said:  "Cough, you let me why this Laomingcansheng  With you with fear  I have not far from Huang Quan, is not for you,  I pray every day sooner or later have quietly. "  After listening to the remarks, Bo Feiluo very sorry that he no longer loudly threatening, but very sad to  She apologized. Xinluanruma him, the anxiety can not face the look. Old nanny met with a lot of sympathy, her final  Yaoya bite, determined to help him a hand, even Futangdaohuo also在所不惜.  "Okay. All by you." Old lady quietly with Bofei Luo Chao Mei Delin the Guifang going.  They pass through the corridor many ghastly, went to the wire peaceful Meide Lin Wei Xiufang. Bofei Luo possession of a good question,  Old nanny a hurry to leave.  Bo Feiluo patiently waiting for. Buyihuier, Mei Delin to, and she is going very fast, she Zhuhuo  Come out with the wind, Yilvqingyan scattered into the silver grey in the moonlight. She Guanshangfangmen. Pingping was the heart  Jump interests.  Ah, she has been so close to Xianling and illusion:  Do not spit a word ①, not on Dahuo imminent!  But uh, her heart full of a thousand words,  Wholehearted in mind like bone in the throat Geng,  Nightingale is like a dumb not to sing songs,  But Zhimen in the chest, Yu died in the valley.  Qingleng Moonlight Mei Delin was voted in the chest, she hapchang Guizaichuangqian, pray silently to the day,  So devout, the focus seems to be a transcendent world of the people. Moonlight in her hair Xiangshang lap -  Ferry, Bo Feiluo view, she seems to be a saint, like a Piaoran fly to the Angels.  Wandao finished, she got up strip go to bed, the illusion has been full of her brain, Buyikuaier,  A hazy sleep.  Has been hiding in the closet, look Bofei Luo, then carefully listen to a burst, when Mei Delin has been convinced that  After entering dreamland, they Nie Nie hand and foot out of the closet. Dianzhe Jiao with his light, quietly through the carpet,  Meide Lin came to the bed.  He moved to a desk inside the bed and carefully covered with embroidered tablecloths, and then from the cupboard  Out in advance by the old nanny prepared candied fruit, apples, green plum and such things. He  Some of these things put in the disk, some in the Super Yinsi on the part of the basket,. Jiaojie in the moonlight reflects  , These things Yiyi luminescence, Si Yi Hsiang, Qinru tranquil Cold Night, the couple also Qinren the chest.  Everything is ready. Bofei Luo Mei Delin ears quietly in the call for;  "Woke up, my angel!  You are my paradise and I are your hermit,  Open your eyes bar, Do not let the night air passage. "  She did not respond. She has entered a deep dreams, as if nothing is unable to call her  Peter
2023-01-01 11:38:051

就是 。 一个 英语的故事 , 不要太短 。 要有翻译 , 长一点 第二个是 英语合唱的 歌曲 简单一点 要好学

1[希腊神话]厄洛斯(丘比特)Eros(Cupid)Eros was the god of love,better known by hislatin name Cupid.Son of Aphrodite by Ares ,he took his place amongthe small gods of Olympus.He was represented asa little naked boy,with sparkling wings,and he carried his bowand arrows wherever he wandered.Shooting his thrilling arrowsin evils,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.The lovely,naughty god had two kinds of arrows:the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. Besides,he had a torch to light hearts with.Though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god,Zeus himself included,was safe from his evils.At one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and suchburning love was awakened in him for the human maiden Psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg Zeus for justice.Another famousstory where Eros played an important part was the Argonautic expedition.Medea,daughter of king Aeetes,was wounded by Eros" arrows,took Jason"s part in recoveringthe golden fleece and eventually became the hero"s wife.厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。他的形象是一个裸体的小男孩,有一对闪闪发光的翅膀。他带着弓箭漫游。他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力。这位可爱而又淘气的小精灵有两种神箭:加快爱情产生的金头神箭和中止爱情的铅头神箭。另外,他还有一束照亮心灵的火炬。尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括宙斯在内,能逃避他的恶作剧。有一次这位淘气的精灵被自己的箭射中。对人间少女普赛克炽热的爱在他心中复苏,以致于他不顾他母亲的干预,鼓起勇气让宙斯给予公正评判。厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。美狄亚,国王埃厄忒斯的女儿,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起寻觅金羊毛,最后成为这位英雄的妻子。 2 英文合唱<We are the world >We"re The World 天下一家 There comes a time when we hear a certain call 我们听到了一声召唤, When the world must 1)come together as one 全世界必须团结在一起! There are people dying 不断有人死去, And its time to 2)lend a hand to life 是时候向这些生命伸出援助之手, The greatest gift of all 生命是世界上最珍贵的。 We can"t go on pretending day by day 我们不能日复一日地幻想, That someone, somewhere will soon 3)make a change 总有别人会一瞬间让世界改变。 We are all a part of God"s great big family 我们都是上帝大家庭的一员, And the truth, you know, 我们都知道, Love is all we need 我们需要的就是爱。 We are the world, 4)we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子。 We are the ones who make a brighter day 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天, So let"s start giving 所以现在我们就要付出。 There"s a choice we"re making 这是我们的选择, We"re saving our own lives 我们在自我拯救。 It"s true we"ll make a better day 要创造一个更美好的世界, Just you and me 要靠你和我。 Send them your heart 用心帮助他们, So they"ll know that someone cares 他们会知道还有人关心, And their lives will be stronger and free 他们的生命会更坚强,更自由。 As God has shown us by 5)turning stones to bread 上帝把石头变成面包来给我们启示, So we all must lend a helping hand 所以我们必须伸出援助之手。 We are the world, we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子。 We are the ones who make a brighter day 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天, So let"s start giving 所以现在我们就要付出。 There"s a choice we"re making 这是我们的选择, We"re saving our own lives 我们在自我拯救。 It"s true we"ll make a better day 要创造一个更美好的世界, Just you and me 要靠你和我。 When you"re 6)down and out, 当你沮丧绝望, There seems no hope at all 就看不到任何希望。 But if you just believe 但是如果你坚定信念, There"s no way we can fall 我们就不会失败。 Let us realize that a change can only come 要知道只要团结在一起, When we stand together as one 世界才能改变。 We are the world, we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子。 We are the ones who make a brighter day 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天, So let"s start giving 所以现在我们就要付出。 There"s a choice we"re making 这是我们的选择, We"re saving our own lives 我们在自我拯救。 It"s true we"ll make a better day 要创造一个更美好的世界, Just you and me 要靠你和我。
2023-01-01 11:38:103


万圣节小报英文版   万圣节是西方的传统节日,但是在其他国家也会举行一些活动来庆祝万圣节,下面我给大家准备了有关万圣节英语小报的内容,欢迎大家参考!   Traditions of Halloween (万圣节的传统习俗)   Many of the traditions associated with Halloween can be traced back to the ancient festivals of Samhain, such as costuming, trick-or-treating, pinata, pumpkin carving.   许多关于Halloween的`习俗,包括变装打扮,不给糖就捣蛋的游戏,打彩罐的游戏,刻南瓜灯笼等习俗,都可以追溯到凯特尔人Samhain节。   Symbols of Halloween(万圣节的象征)   Modern day Halloween celebrations use many symbols to help make the holiday more interesting.   Do you know what they are?   现代人用许多东西来庆祝万圣节,让这个节日变得更有趣。你知道有哪些东西吗?   Ghost、Haunted house、spider、bat、vampire、werewolf、coffin、zombie、witch、skull、pirate、Skull &Crossbones、mummy、skeleton、goblin、ghoul、tomb、Bandaged finger、owl、black cat、mask、moon   【Some popular Halloween activities一些受欢迎的万圣节活动】   【Pumpkin lanterns南瓜灯】   Pumpkins are on salein shops and supermarkets from as early as the beginning of October.   By the last week of October you can see pumpkin lanterns everywhere in shop windows and in people"s houses.   Although British people used to use potatoes and turnips, now they use pumpkins to make Jack-o-lanterns unique to the Halloween season.   The name“Jack-o-lantern"comes from an Irish folktale about a man named Stingy Jack who, because of his bad nature, was doomed to roam the earth without a resting place and with only his lit lantern to light the way in the darkness.   【Trick or treating不给糖果就捣乱】   Children love this game! They dress up and then knock on the doors of people"s houses in their neighbourhood asking for a ‘trick or treat".   The neighbour gives them chocolates, sweets or money as a ‘treat".   If there is no treat, the children play a trick on the neighbour, for example, they might throw soap at the window.   It only happens once a year so even the stingiest adultsmightgive something to the kids as a treat!   【Halloween parties万圣节派对】   Across the UK, people throw parties to celebrate Halloween. The biggest Halloween party has to be in Sheffield at the end of October.   A lot of people go there to experience Fright Night. Can you image a party with about 40,000 people?   There are activities for people of all ages: fancy dress catwalk, urban dance, a monster in a fountain and a zombie garden, as well as the traditional apple bobbing and a competition for the best pumpkin lantern.   【Apple bobbing咬苹果】   This is a fun and competitive game which is very traditional. What you do is to place lots of apples in a large tub or a bowl of water - not too cold or too hot.   This is because the participants or competitors have to take a bite from one of the apples without using their hands.   Sometimes the participants are blindfolded, just to make it even more challenging and fun. ;
2023-01-01 11:38:221

Blindfolded 歌词

歌曲名:Blindfolded歌手:The Classic Crime专辑:Acoustic Ep: Seattle SessionsDays Difference - BlindfoldLove is blindIt"s so good, but it"s so unkindGonna make you crazy everytimeThere"s no where to run, no where to hideOhh noHere it comes againHere it comes againUh ohHere it comes againUh oh, uh ohI"ve got my blindfold onMy hands are tied, and I"m in the dark (you got me in the dark)I"ve got my blindfold onThere"s nothing sweeter than the cherry on top (than the cherry on top)I can"t see anything but youAll I wanna doIs surrender to this feelingEven if it"s wrong it feels so rightTonightIt feels so rightTime stands stillAll of a sudden you forget what"s realYou need a cure, but there is no pillTo help you be strongYou"re just too far goneOh noHere she comes againHere she comes againUh ohHere she comes againUh oh, uh ohI"ve got my blindfold onMy hands are tied, and I"m in the dark (you got me in the dark)I"ve got my blindfold onThere"s nothing sweeter than the cherry on top (than the cherry on top)I can"t see anything but youAll I wanna doIs surrender to this feelingEven if it"s wrong it feels so rightTonightIt feels so rightNo stopping nowI"m in too deepI"ve lost controlAnd it"s so sweetIt"s so sweetHere it comes againHere it comes againUh ohHere it comes againUh oh, uh ohI"ve got my blindfold onMy hands are tied, and I"m in the dark (you got me in the dark)I"ve got my blindfold onThere"s nothing sweeter than the cherry on top (than the cherry on top)I can"t see anything but youAll I wanna doIs surrender to this feelingEven if it"s wrong it feels so rightTonightIt feels so rightI"ve got my blindfold onI"ve got my I"ve got my blindfold onI"ll keep this blinfold onFeels so right
2023-01-01 11:38:351


a horse with eyes covered under black clotha horse whose eyes are covered with black cloth个人认为第一个更好些
2023-01-01 11:38:412


Sima Guang TankSima Guang is a famous politician and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. When he was young, one day he went to hide and seek with his buddies in the garden. One of the children covered their eyes with their hands, and other small partners quickly hid themselves. Some were hidden in the trees, some were hidden in the rockery, and some hid in the flowers. When everyone is hidden, the blindfolded partner begins to look for everyone.The blindfolded child carefully touched left and touched right. Everyone held their breath and was afraid to be discovered. Suddenly he "popped" and then he heard someone shouting, "Help!" The buddies all ran out to see what was happening. It turned out that there was a large water tank filled with water on the rockery. The little partner who climbed onto the rockery accidentally slipped into the water tank.The water tank is very large. Sima Guang and his companions cannot reach the water tank mouth at all. They can hear the help of life but cannot pull out the little partner who fell into the tank. Other small partners were scared away. Some ran while shouting for adults, while others ran while crying. Sima Guang was not terrified. He rushed out of wisdom and picked up a stone around the rockery and slid it toward the water tank. Because of his small strength, Sima Guang even squatted a few times. He only heard a click and the water tank was opened to a big hole. The water flowed out through the hole and the water flowed out. The younger partner was saved.The children, Sima Guang was very valuable when he encountered urgent matters and was able to calm down and find a solution to the problem. Sometimes we are not unable to solve the problem, but because of horror I do not know how to do it, so it is very important to keep calm in my mind.
2023-01-01 11:38:512


Eros(Cupid)eros was the god of love,better known by hislatin name cupid.son of aphrodite by ares ,he took his place among the small gods of olympus.he was represented asa little naked boy,with sparkling wings,and he carried his bowand arrows wherever he wandered.shooting his thrilling arrows in evils,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.the lovely,naughty god had two kinds of arrows:the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. besides,he had a torch to light hearts with.though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god,zeus himself included,was safe from his one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and suchburning love was awakened in him for the human maiden psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg zeus for justice.another famousstory where eros played an important part was the argonautic expedition.medea,daughter of king aeetes,was wounded by eros/"/" arrows,took jason/"/"s part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero/"/"s wife.厄洛斯(丘比特)厄洛斯是爱神,它的拉丁名称丘比特更为人熟知。他是阿瑞斯和阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子,是一位小奥林波斯山神。他的形象是一个裸体的小男孩,有一对闪闪发光的翅膀。他带着弓箭漫游。他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力。这位可爱而又淘气的小精灵有两种神箭:加快爱情产生的金头神箭和中止爱情的铅头神箭。另外,他还有一束照亮心灵的火炬。尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括宙斯在内,能逃避他的恶作剧。有一次这位淘气的精灵被自己的箭射中。对人间少女普赛克炽热的爱在他心中复苏,以致于他不顾他母亲的干预,鼓起勇气让宙斯给予公正评判。厄洛斯起了重大作用的另一个著名的故事是亚尔古英雄的远征。美狄亚,国王埃厄忒斯的女儿,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起寻觅金羊毛,最后成为这位英雄的妻子
2023-01-01 11:39:001


75) 1 1 23.75 1,所有数据包括初始道具都随机生成迷失者The lost 半颗蓝心(游戏中表现为无) 3.5(*1.5(*1.00) 0.95 1.00) Blindfolded Blindfolded Blindfolded 1,初始道具为嗜血阿萨谢尔Azazel 黑星:3 3.5(*1.50) 无 1 17.75 1.00) 1 1 17.75 1:1 黑心:2 3.5(*1,初始道具为美味的心该隐Cain 红心:2 3.5(*1.00) 1 1 23.75 1.75 1.1 0 击败妈心10次即可解锁,初始道具为Poop(大便)参孙Samson 红心,被手拍死也算被妈腿杀死 阿萨谢尔必须死在撒旦第一阶段以后在胎衣中解锁missing poster后,可以喷出小型硫磺火拉萨路Lazarus 红心:3 3.5(*1.0 0 初始角色,使用.75±5.0 1.0±0.15 0±1 首次通关子宫层即可解锁.85 0 游戏中获得7颗以上红心上限(不包括蓝心)即可解锁.5(*1.35) 1 1 23.0 0 解锁方法:以撒必须在Basement被mulliboom炸死 抹大拉必须在Caves被自己的炸弹炸死 犹大必须被妈腿杀死,撞死在肉墙上????? 蓝心.00) 1 1 23.75 1,一颗药丸伊甸Eden 随机 3.75 1.1 0 在两层中无伤即可解锁?通关大教堂后开局会携带D6抹大拉Magdalene 红心:4 3.5(*1:1 3.23 0 两层关卡不捡取任何形式的心即可解锁,初始道具为死鸟和巴比伦的大婊子???.00) 1 1 23.75 0:3 3,自带一条命:3 3.25 23,在游戏中持有missing poster在献祭房中踩钉子死亡就会以The lost重生无血量,受到一次伤害就会死亡莉莉丝Lilith 红心.31 18.20) 1 1 17.75 1.0 负1 同时拥有4颗或以上的魂心即可解锁.3 0 游戏中获得55枚以上的钱即可解锁,初始道具为幸运脚犹大judas 红心.5 (*0.25 0 一局游戏中进行三次恶魔交易即可解锁,自带飞行.75 1.0 0 第一次击败撒旦即可解锁,初始道具为贝利尔之书夏娃Eve 红心.5(*1.05) 1 1 23.0 0 使用阿萨谢尔AZAZEL通关贪婪模式,击败最终boss大贪婪就可以解锁还有一个商店老板,在贪婪模式里存够1000解锁:2 3.5(*1.00)±1.0 1±0.75 1±0 以撒Isaac 红心:3 3.5(*1
2023-01-01 11:39:061


In the present day, an elderly World War II veteran and his family visit the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial at Colleville-sur-mer; Normandy, France. The scene then cuts to the morning of June 6, 1944, the beginning of the Normandy invasion, with American soldiers preparing for the perils of landing on Omaha Beach and struggling against dug-in German infantry, machine gun nests, and artillery fire, which cut down many of the men. Captain John H. Miller, commanding officer of Charlie Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion,1st Infantry Division, survives the initial landing and assembles a group of soldiers to slowly penetrate the German defenses, leading to a breakout from the beach.Meanwhile, in the United States, General George Marshall discovers that three of four brothers in the Ryan family have all died within days of each other and that their mother will receive all three notices on the same day. He learns that the fourth son, Private First Class James Francis Ryan of Baker Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne is missing in action somewhere in Normandy. After reading to his staff Abraham Lincoln"s letter to Mrs. Bixby, Marshall orders that Ryan be found and sent home immediately.Back in France, Miller receives orders to find Ryan. He assembles six Rangers from his company, plus one man detailed from the 29th Infantry Division, who speaks fluent French and German, to accomplish this task. With no information about Ryan"s whereabouts, Miller and his men move out to Neuville. On the outskirts of Neuville they meet a platoon from the 101st. After entering the town, Private First Class Adrian Caparzo is fatally wounded by a sniper, who is in turn shot through the eye by Private Daniel Jackson (Barry Pepper). They locate a Private James Fredrick Ryan from Minnesota but soon realize their mistake after telling him the wrong information. They find a member of Charlie Company, 506th, who informs them that his drop zone was at Vierville and that Baker and Charlie companies have the same rally point. Once they reach the rally point, Miller locates a friend of Ryan"s, who reveals that Ryan is defending a strategically-important bridge over the Merderet River in the fictional town of Ramelle.On the way to Ramelle, Miller decides to take the opportunity to neutralize a small German machine gun position close to an abandoned radar station. Technician Fourth Grade Irwin Wade, their medic, is fatally wounded in the ensuing skirmish. The last surviving German, known only as "Steamboat Willie", incurs the wrath of all the squad members except Technician Fifth Grade Timothy E. Upham, who protests to Miller about letting the squad kill the German soldier. As "Steamboat Willie" pleads for his life, Miller decides to let the German walk away, blindfolded, and surrender himself to the next Allied patrol. Viewing Miller"s decision as letting the enemy go free, and no longer confident in Miller"s leadership, Private First Class Reiben declares his intention to desert the squad and the mission, prompting a confrontation with Technical Sergeant Horvath. The argument heats up, until Miller reveals his origins, which the squad had set up a betting pool upon. Reiben then reluctantly decides to stay.The squad finally arrives on the outskirts of Ramelle, where they destroy a German halftrack with the help of three paratroopers, among them Private First Class James Francis Ryan. After entering Ramelle, Ryan is told of his brothers" deaths, and their mission to bring him home, and that two lives had been lost in the quest to find him. He is clearly distressed at the loss of his brothers, but does not feel it is fair to go home, saying, "these are my brothers" while looking at the small band whose duty it was to defend a bridge and destroy an approaching German mechanized reconnaissance unit. Miller decides to stay and help them in their task and the units regroup in Ramelle, joining with the American paratroopers defending the town. Miller orders his unit to help defend the bridge, taking command and setting up a creative defense plan with what little manpower and resources they have, including the construction of "sticky bombs" using explosives packed in socks which are then smeared in tar to disable the tanks.The Germans arrive in force with over 50 men supported by two Tiger I tanks, two Marder III self propelled guns, a towed FlaK 38 cannon, and at least one SdKfz 251 half-track. Miller leads the defense, but in spite of inflicting heavy German casualties, most of the paratroopers and his remaining squad (Jackson, Mellish, and Horvath), are killed. While attempting to blow the bridge, Miller is shot by "Steamboat Willie", who is now with the German unit attacking the town, and is fatally wounded. Just before a Tiger reaches the bridge, an American P-51 Mustang arrives and destroys the tank, followed by more Mustangs and advancing American infantry and M4 Sherman tanks who rout the remaining German forces. Upham executes "Steamboat Willie" upon finding him with a group of surrendering German soldiers. Ryan, Reiben, Upham and a couple paratroopers are among the only defenders to survive the battle, and Ryan is with Miller as he dies and says his last words, "James... earn this. Earn it."Back in the present, the elderly veteran is revealed to be Ryan at Miller"s grave. Ryan asks his wife to confirm that he has led a good life and that he is a "good man", and thus worthy of Miller"s and the others" sacrifice. He then salutes Miller"s grave as the camera pans down the gravestones to a placid American flag and fades out as it shows the number of men who died at D-Day.</B>
2023-01-01 11:39:121

好汉请抱拳游戏规则 英文版

  Please fold the rules of the game.1, first of all, in the game staff stood a row of facing the viewer. Give everyone a code, general with the name of the last word, such as Zhang San is Shanshan, John Doe fishes is;2, choose a person to start the game, for example, is a beginning three, Zhang San said: "you hero, please embrace a boxing, then all together the hands embrace a boxing, and shout at top of life" ha ", a Sanran continued:" slowly please Cecil tea ", John Doe is to immediately follow said:" slightest not tea "and Jackson on the question:" so who drink? " , Lee four answer: "Huan Huan will drink tea", and then the code is Huan Huan"s people will answer: "Huan Huan will not drink tea", Li Si will ask: "so who will drink tea?"...... ;3, until a person makes mistakes, this person to accept the punishment.If you can make a fool of a man, a lot of people will be different to him to ask questions, and faster and faster, so it is very let people make mistakes.Note: this time, a total of 11 people, the game out of the staff waiting, until the selection of a winner, the winner can get all the opposite sex hug, and can be selected from the 1 people in the elimination of punishment, the remaining staff to accept the punishment.Penalty type (Ren Xuan):1, blindfolded turn 5 laps, and then shouted "I am superman, I want to go home!"2, drink a cup of;3, wipe the cake on the face4, put a chopsticks on the mouth, in situ turn three laps;5, imitate a star, singer or animal that he is familiar with, singing or talking.
2023-01-01 11:39:181


Running in the crowd insideI can"t seeOccasionally and met aloneTurn around in placeI told myself face to faceMat tiptoeA little closerDream live in front ofNo matter I wet faceWith a firm eyesChange an angle to appreciateTorrential rain cloudyThe future there is another side.Can you seeAnd hope to meetI no longer blindfoldedTomorrow"s smileThe starting point for happinessThere is a Rainbow FlowerCovered with a whole piece of skyNo matter how farHave you by my sideChasing my dream spotIs because of the courageNot afraid of dangerNo limit to your loveGive me the strength to continueChasing my dream spotHeart to heart stoodThe same side of the starting lineAcceleration out of lineLifted her faceWe smile together to meet theHappy endNo matter I wet faceWith a firm eyesChange an angle to appreciateThe cloudy rain cat and dogThe future there is another side.Can you seeAnd hope to meetI no longer blindfoldedTomorrow"s smileThe starting point for happinessThere is a Rainbow FlowerCovered with a whole piece of skyNo matter how farHave you by my sideChasing my dream spotIs because of the courageNot afraid of dangerThere is no limit to your loveGive me the strength to continueChasing my dream spotHeart to heart stoodThe same side of the starting lineAcceleration out of lineLifted her faceWe smile together to meet theHappy endChasing my dream spotIs because of the courageNot afraid of dangerNo limit to your loveGive me the strength to continueChasing my dream spotHeart to heart stoodThe same side of the starting lineAcceleration out of lineLifted her faceWe smile together to meet theHappy end
2023-01-01 11:39:242


Games blindfolded arrests
2023-01-01 11:39:332


The Paris sewers, lived with the dream called Remy mouseBut who can laugh at Remy dream, because it was thought of as 5 star French restaurant chefs, obviously, this dream it is totally impossible!However, the head is a high-level French restaurant, and this restaurant chefs are Leimi idol -- Auguste Gusteau, the face of this golden opportunity,He risked his life in an expensive French restaurant secretly helps people make delicious soupBut Remy gray appearanceNatural causes people to dislike even after playing around.Okay, lucky mouse met a kitchen helper in young people -- Linguini. Despite his lack of culinary talent, but he is too hard to keep our work. These two guys meet is fit in easily with, a "human rat food alliance" has been formed.Blindfolded,Cannot find where things.Pinch tomatoesNoodles is everywhereAfter a practice,Eventually, they were jointly awarded the unbelievable success. Small mice hiding in chef hat, with the manipulation of Linguini arm, to help him make a feast and a fine.They made a sweeping the French" Provence boring dish". Linguini with the help of Remy, became the French food industry" genius chef",One day, my friends found Remy,Because you can not stand the mouse"s existence, so have leftRemy and his friends decide to help Linguini to maintain the restaurant businessThey are constantly busyA" Provence boring dish" completedWhen the chef Auguste Gusteau tastingA miracle happened.He seemed to return to childhoodEating her mother do" Provence boring dish"Chef Auguste Gusteau is very eager to see cook, but only when people take timeHe waited quietly,Until people all overHe was surprised to see RemyThe very next day, Auguste Gusteau in the commentary said" Remy will undoubtedly become the best chef in france"Linguini soon opened a Remy belongs to restaurant,Remy and Colette as chefLinguini is a waitressThe business is very prosperousOf course, Remy and its relatives and friends also has its own restaurant, happy life beginsEven if is not worth mentioning little people, also have the dream of power, even if he is a living in the sewer rat ), don"t neglect yourself, dripping water wears through a stone., any glory are usually accumulated from every little bit, bit by bit paying you realize the beauty of life! " Not everyone can become a success, but success to any place".
2023-01-01 11:39:473


简短莎士比亚英文的名言   是活,还是不活,这是个问题。简短莎士比亚英文的名言有哪些?相信很多人都想知道吧?以下是我为您整理的简短莎士比亚英文的名言相关资料,欢迎阅读!   简短莎士比亚英文的名言   1、再美的梦也有破碎的一天。   Again beautiful dream also have broken a day.   2、谁个情人不是一见就钟情?   Who see you lover is not a I love?   3、爱情的道路永远崎岖多阻。   The path of love always rugged.   4、活还是不活,这是个问题。   Live or not to live, that is the question.   5、猫儿不在家,老鼠放心耍。   When the cat"s away, the mice play.   6、爱,不在眼里,它在心中。   Love, not in the eye, it is in the heart.   7、抛弃时间的人终将被时间抛弃。   Abandoning time person will eventually be abandoned by time.   8、真正的爱情之路是不会平坦的。   The road to true love is not flat.   9、纵帝王屈尊就我,不与换江山。   Longitudinal king deigned to me, not to change.   10、是活,还是不活,这是个问题。   Is alive, or not to live, that is the question.   11、对待娇弱的自己,你是那么残忍。   Treat the delicate yourself, you are so cruel.   12、你的末日也正是真与美消亡之时。   You also is the truth and beauty from the end of the die.   13、世上本无所谓好和坏,思想使然。   There is, there is no good and bad, thought.   14、人生如痴人说梦,充满喧哗与骚动。   Life is like a fantasy, full of sound and the fury.   15、真理往往是在痛苦呻吟中说出来的。   Truth is often in the painful groan.   16、充满了声音和狂热,里面空无一物。   Full of sound and fanaticism, empty inside.   17、伟大的爱情战胜一切,甚至是死亡。   The great love triumphs over everything, even death.   18、没有什么比想要不平凡而更加平凡。   There is nothing to ordinary and more common.   19、玫瑰即使不叫玫瑰,依然是芳香的。   Roses, even a rose by any other name is still fragrant.   20、抛下天堂的幸福,来受赤日的煎熬。   Behind the happiness of heaven, to the day.   21、是生还是死,那是值得考虑的问题。   To be or not to be, that is a problem worth considering.   22、黑夜无论怎样悠长,白昼总会到来。   No matter how long the night, the day will come.   23、美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧。   Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.   24、诚实比起腐X会给你赢得更多的好处。   Honesty will give you to win more benefits than corruption.   25、迫使大地吞噬掉自己精心创造的生命。   Force of the earth devour carefully to create their own life.   26、生存还是死亡,这是一个永恒的话题。   To be or not to be, this is an eternal topic.   27、在命运之书里,我们同在一行字之间。   In the book of fate between us a line.   28、钟情于狮子的梅花鹿,必定为爱而死。   Sika deer, and fall in love with the lion must die for love.   29、看见了海岸线才淹死,那是双倍的凄惨。   Saw the coastline to drown, that is double.   30、爱神蒙着眼睛却会一直闯进人们的.心灵。   Cupid blindfolded will break into people"s hearts.   31、爱和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。   Love is the same as coal. Burn up, can"t get it to cool.   32、坦白直率的言语,最容易打动悲哀的耳朵。   Candid speech, and the easiest way to impress sad ears.   33、让我们不要用过去的哀悉拖累我们的记忆。   Let"s not use the cry of the past with drag our memory.   34、你只要活在尘世,终究逃不脱既定的寿命。   As long as you live in this world, not flee established life after all.   35、希望中的快乐是不下于实际享受的快乐的。   Hope that the happiness is as real enjoy happiness.   36、如果做好心理准备,一切准备都已经完成。   If prepare, all preparation is complete.   37、在紧张的行动中间,言语不过是一口冷气。   In the middle of the intense action, words are but a cold air.   38、“爱”和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。   "Love" is the same as the charcoal. Burn up, can"t get it to cool.   39、年轻人常常是买来的,而不是讨来或借来的。   Young people are often bought, and not to keep or borrowed.   40、铜筋铁骨是我们的良心,刀枪是我们的法令。   TongJinTieGu is our conscience, sword is our law.   41、爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。   Love is blind, and lovers cannot see oneself do stupid things.   42、收起你们明晃晃的剑,它们沾了露水会生锈的。   Pack up your bright swords, touch the dew will rust them.   43、智慧在街道上高呼,谁也不会去理会它的声音。   Wisdom in the street Shouting, who also won"t listen to his voice.   44、够了,不在有了,就算有也不像以前那样美了。   Enough is enough, not have, even if have also is not as beautiful as before.   45、不过是做作出来的悲哀,只有表面,没有真心。   But is affectation of sadness, only surface, not really.   46、每一粒厄运的种子,却包孕着未来丰盛的果实。   Every seed of bad luck, wrapped up in the future the abundance of fruit.   47、两个人知道是秘密,三个人知道就不是秘密吗?   Two people know it"s a secret, three people know is not a secret?   48、我们有时往往会把我们的损失当做莫大的幸事。   Sometimes we tend to put our loss as a great blessing.   49、人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。   Life is short, if to idle away one"s time, short life would be too long.   50、最理想的境地既不可达,人往往不知退而求其次。   The ideal situation is inaccessible, people tend to settle for second best. ;
2023-01-01 11:40:221

英文演讲稿纠错:关于魔方的 原本是翻译工具翻的 错误较多 大家帮忙改下语法和用法错误吧

God give people the wisdom of the magic cube of symbol. The most common third-order rubik"s cube, only need 30 times disrupted can achieve maximum of confusion, but if you want to restore it, besides using computer calculation, the fastest also want to 50 times. Each rubik"s cube is only a kind of correct situation, but mistakes, but 4.3 x ^ 19 species 10.But in recent years, China"s numerous informal rubik"s cube community are trying to change public opinion for rubik"s cube. Rubik"s cube is not only children toy, is also a kind of recreational way of relaxation and sport forms, plus more exciting and challenging racing, one-hand, blind twist rubik"s cube etc play, more and more people are refocus the rubik"s cube.I think as long as serious do one thing, there will always be good result. My childhood home have a rubik"s cube, but I"ve never had a play, a few months ago, I occasionally saw a rubik"s cube competition, just want to learn, then contact with the next rubik"s cube rubik"s cube formula, I just know play six surface rubik"s cube originally so simple, I usually also have no time, basically be the play at home and occasionally in the bus, I found this play is a good thing, and often you restore after a rubik"s cube looked up, you will find a trunk people eyes were in your body:) slowly I also learn other rubik"s cube skills and rubik"s cube solution, more important, I met a lot of friends play rubik"s cube, I found that many friends are playing rubik"s cube of life rich fervor and very interesting people, and they gave me a lot of inspiration. I write this article reasons, is hoping to find more like-minded friends.(below is some unnecessary some call what "sublimation" thing)In my opinion, rubik"s cube actually is not merely a kind of entertainment, but also a experience life, the way to experience.If each rubik"s cube condition for each person"s life, some people have are perfect, some people seem very regular, like a rubik"s cube of fancy, and some people look is cluttered, no aesthetic feeling and coherent whatsoever, but as rubik"s cube reduction is same, no matter how messy, how difficult it is, there are always a few road, as reductive rubik"s cube different algorithm is same, can gradually take life perfect.As the speed reduction rubik"s cube have fast or slow, some people may take a lifetime to restore their rubik"s cube, while others are just a few seconds can put an orderly rubik"s cube grasp the in hand, each find oneself satisfactory time is different, even someone cannot find, but as long as you grasped certain tips and method, everything will be solved.As the blind twist is many demons PALS dream, can ease of life is also many people had always, but few would have thought of a life of ease behind and often arduous efforts and restrictive planning (as was blind to wring state of rubik"s cube memory.Many people are learned reduction after rubik"s cube smug like try other aliens rubik"s cube. Indeed, that is very handsome, but when they again picked up three order will find, hand speed has slowed, gimmick also become lazy, reduction of time required to also dramatically increased, it is like life many people in found life of a temporary refuge in comfort, after greed forgot with hard work, and finally nothing.Small rubik"s cube, in fact also contain a huge energy, we need to explore. So, I hope you can also try the rubik"s cube, you give rubik"s cube is a unique opportunity to return you a rubik"s cube world.Remember a word: nothing in the world is to learn can"t rubik"s cube people so long as -- he has the patience -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- each hands can create the miracle
2023-01-01 11:40:312

阅读理解one day a man who liked baked beans very much

阅读理解:One day, a man who liked baked beans very much met a girl and fell in love with her. In order to avoid(避免) breaking wind in front of his newly-married wife, he gave up baked beans. They were married shortly thereafter. Months later, he smelled baked beans in a café on his way home. They were the best beans he had ever smelled! He could not resist and had three large orders of baked beans. All the way home he had gas. His wife seemed excited and a bit mysterious to see him. She blindfolded him and led him to his chair at the dinning room table. Just as she was about to remove the blindfold, the telephone rang. Seizing the chance of her absence, he shifting his weight to one leg and let the gas go. He took the napkin from his lap and fanned(扇) the air about him. When he felt another wind coming on, he shifted his weight to the other leg and let it go again. Then he made a third fart. Yet somehow his wife didn"t hear him. While keeping his ear on the phone conversation in the hall, he again fanned with force until he heard his wife saying goodbye on the phone, meaning the end of his freedom. Apologizing for taking so long a time, she asked if he had peeked(偷看). He assured her that he had not. At this point, she removed the blindfold and there was his surprise—— Twelve dinner guests seated around the table for his surprise birthday party!1.The man stopped eating baked beans because ________________.A.His wife didn"t hate his breaking windB. It was difficult to find good onesC.His wife asked him toD.He didn"t want to lose face before his wife2.Which of the following is the correct picture of blindfolding in the passage?                3.Which of the following narrations is True?A.The wife pretended to make a telephone when her husband was blindfolded.B.The man lost face in front of 12 guests when he was breaking wind.C.The man spread his gas around him with the help of his friends.D.The wife gave her husband little freedom at home.4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. A Long Telephone CallB. A newly-married coupleC. Baked BeansD. A surprise on Birthday Party 参考答案:B C B D
2023-01-01 11:40:411