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Now write about your classroom. 翻译?

Now write about your classroom. 翻译现在写一下你的教室。注祈使句是动词原形开头。





class action lawsuit是什么意思

class action lawsuit集体诉讼

the penis in the classroom的疑问句是什么?

有be动词的句子变成疑问句时,要把be动词提到主语之前,句末的句号变问号。所以上面句子变成疑问句为:Is the pen in the classroom?

Royal Mail Tracked 48 Parcel 和 Royal Mail 1st Class 的区别


java web strurs.xml配置中Attribute "class" must be declared for element type "action"。。。


labour day classic造句 labour day classicの例文

Labour Day Classic , as if there were only one game. The games also lack a presenting sponsor as the Labour Day Classic games have. Unpke the Labour Day Classic , the teams in the Thanksgiving Day Classic rotate each year. The seating was first put to use during the Labour Day Classic against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Tim Hortons Field, still not pletely finished, opened in time for the Labour Day Classic . He was honoured by the Tiger-Cats at a halftime ceremony during the 2007 Labour Day Classic along with Rob Hitchcock The Riders were heading into the Labour Day Classic needing to find a way to win against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. The NBCSN deal included nine regular season games starting August 27 ( including Labour Day Classic games ) and all the playoffs. Before the Tiger-Cats" Labour Day Classic game against Toronto, Hamilton was in last place in the East Division. It is one of o weeks in which the league plays on Monday afternoons, the other being the Labour Day Classic . It"s difficult to see labour day classic in a sentence. 用 labour day classic 造句挺难的 The CFL"s annual Eastern Division Labour Day Classic pits the Hamilton Tiger-Cats against perennial rivals the Toronto Argonauts. It is typically one of o days in which the league plays on a Monday afternoon; the other is the Labour Day Classic . Pierce came back for the Labour Day Classic against the Saskatchewan Roughriders, but, for his third consecutive start, was injured in the game. The Blue Bombers successfully improved upon their 5 13 record from 2015, after defeating the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Labour Day Classic on September 4. The Tiger-Cats"hosting of the Labour Day Classic was in jeopardy for 2013 due to a schedule confpct at the team"s home stadium. During the 2007 Labour Day Classic match beeen the Calgary Stampeders and the Edmonton Eskimos, a total of four streakers and one partially clothed man disrupted the game. As the league has been increasing in popularity in recent years, print ads for the Labour Day Classic try to evoke the tradition of watching Canadian football on the last weekend of summer. In his return to Saskatchewan on August 31, 2014, Dressler had three receptions for 28 yards in a 35-30 win over the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the Labour Day Classic . The ""Banjo Bowl ""is the annual rematch game beeen the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League ( CFL ) after the Labour Day Classic . Occasionally, the band takes its show on the road by representing Toronto and its fans in other cities such as Hamilton and Montreal for events such as the Labour Day Classic and playoff games. This was originally started in 1997 to pensate for not being part of the Labour Day Classic festivities; Montreal and the various Ottawa franchises normally play on Labour Day when both franchises are active. Braidwood recorded his first professional touchdown on September 8, 2006, recovering a fumble from Calgary Stampeders quarterback Henry Burris and taking it into the endzone during the rematch of the Labour Day Classic in Edmonton. His performance in the 2001 Labour Day Classic , when Maas was the offensive star and recorded a late 23-yard run to set up the winning field goal as time expired, made him an instant fan favourite. Mahoney joined the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League as an executive in 1955 and, in 1959, moved the Labour Day Classic match against the rival Edmonton Eskimos from Edmonton to Calgary where it has been played ever since. The low point of the season occurred in Tim Burke"s debut as head coach on September 2, 2012, in which the team suffered a 52 0 shutout loss to their biggest rivals the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Labour Day Classic . Fittingly, the Argonauts first game was against a club from Hamilton, The o teams meet in Hamilton every year in the Labour Day Classic , a league wide tradition since the late 1940s in which the game"s greatest rivalries are showcased. The Riders"traditional rivals had moved to the East Division the previous year following the demise of the Ottawa Renegades, and the 2007 championship game marked the first time that the o Labour Day Classic opponents played each other in a Grey Cup game. The new stadium, still not yet plete with only 18, 000 seats ready for use, opened in time for the Labour Day Classic ( again as a matter of necessity because of Ontario University Athletics"tradition that also plays games on Labour Day ). In the Canadian Football League, where games are played on Canadian Thanksgiving, the CFL hosts o games in the Thanksgiving Day Classic; it is one of only o weeks each year in which the CFL plays on a Monday, the other being the Labour Day Classic . In 2004, after being released by the 49ers following their training camp, Bruce returned to the CFL with the Toronto Argonauts, signing with them on September 3, more than halfway through the CFL season and just shortly before their Labour Day Classic game against the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in which he played. It"s difficult to see labour day classic in a sentence. 用 labour day classic 造句挺难的 A Labour Day tradition in Atlantic Canada is the Wharf Rat Rally in Digby, Nova Scotia, while the rest of Canada watches the Labour Day Classic , a Canadian Football League event where rivals pke Calgary Stampeders and Edmonton Eskimos, Hamilton Tiger-Cats and Toronto Argonauts ( except in university football on Labour Day. While the traditional Labour Day Classic game is always played on the Sunday before Labour Day at Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field in Regina, Saskatchewan, there is usually a rematch on the following weekend beeen these o rival prairie teams at Investors Group Field ( previously held at Canad Inns Stadium ) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Hamilton Tiger-Cats played CFL games annually in all but three years beeen 1958 and 1982, hosting the vast majority of them; Hamilton also hosted three times in four years from 1990 to 1993 and again hosted a Thanksgiving matchup in 2013 due to stadium construction disrupting their hosting of the 2013 Labour Day Classic . TSN"s broadcast schedule got underway on June 28 with a season opening double-header featuring Montreal vs . BC ( Aug . 31 and Sept . 9 ), the traditional Labour Day Classic Weekend with Winnipeg at Saskatchewan ( Sept . 2 ) and the Hall of Fame Game featuring Winnipeg at Hamilton ( Sept . 15 ). Although not associated with the Labour Day Classic , the week after Labour Day often has a repeat match-up of the Bombers vs Roughriders ( see Banjo Bowl ), Stampeders vs Eskimos ( see Battle of Alberta ), and Tiger-Cats vs Argonauts, ( a rivalry which began in 1873 ) with home field advantage now to the team that did not have it during the Labour Day weekend. The Canadian Football League entered into a much more generous contract with the America One television work that had run from 2001 through 2009 . That contract allowed for the majority of CFL games to be televised in the United States, with America One NFL preseason ), any playoff games, the Labour Day Classic ( one of the Labour Day games was carried in 2011 but not the other ), Thanksgiving Day Classic, or the Grey Cup. The most popular featured week in the CFL season is the Labour Day Classic , played over the course of the Labour Day weekend, where the matchups feature the first half of home-and-home series beeen the traditional geographic rivalries of Toronto Hamilton ( a rivalry which began in 1873 The following week"s rematch of these games is a popular event as well, especially in recent years, where the rematch of the Saskatchewan Winnipeg game has been dubbed the Banjo Bowl. Tim Hortons Field opened in time for the 2014 Labour Day Classic , which coincided with the Tiger-Cats going on a long run that propelled the team from 1 6 prior to that game to 9 9 ( in a year when the East was particularly weak, this was enough to win the division ) and o further playoff wins, propelpng the team to its second straight Grey Cup appearance, which would also be its second straight Grey Cup loss as the Calgary Stampeders held off a late eback effort from the Tiger-Cats to win 20 16.


你的路径有问题啊你要cd接着javac hellotianhui.java再java hellotianhui

运行后出现Error : Invalid path, injavac.exe -classpath E:java -d E:java ???

你的CLASSPATH路径设置有问题。环境变量设置(建议将环境变量都检查一下,以我的设置为例)步骤:1.我的电脑-属性-高级-环境变量2.新增加JAVA_HOME 设置为C:Javajdk1.5.0_12 (你的JDK安装路径-建议路径为无空格、全英文形式)3.PATH 设置为(在PATH原路径前加上)%JAVA_HOME%in;4.新增CLASSPATH 设置为.;C:Javajdk1.5.0_12lib 或. (英文的句号)5.验证。在开始-运行中,输入cmd进入命令行模式,输入java回车,如显示下述信息C:Usersjavayyc>javaUsage: java [-options] class [args...] (to execute a class) or java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...] (to execute a jar file)where options include: -client to select the "client" VM -server to select the "server" VM -hotspot is a synonym for the "client" VM [deprecated] The default VM is client. -cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files> -classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files> A ; separated list of directories, JAR archives, and ZIP archives to search for class files. -D<name>=<value> set a system property -verbose[:class|gc|jni] enable verbose output -version print product version and exit -version:<value> require the specified version to run -showversion print product version and continue -jre-restrict-search | -jre-no-restrict-search include/exclude user private JREs in the version search -? -help print this help message -X print help on non-standard options -ea[:<packagename>...|:<classname>] -enableassertions[:<packagename>...|:<classname>] enable assertions -da[:<packagename>...|:<classname>] -disableassertions[:<packagename>...|:<classname>] disable assertions -esa | -enablesystemassertions enable system assertions -dsa | -disablesystemassertions disable system assertions -agentlib:<libname>[=<options>] load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help -agentpath:<pathname>[=<options>] load native agent library by full pathname -javaagent:<jarpath>[=<options>] load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument在开始-运行中,输入cmd进入命令行模式,输入javac回车,如显示下述信息:C:Usersjavayyc>javac用法:javac <选项> <源文件>其中,可能的选项包括: -g 生成所有调试信息 -g:none 不生成任何调试信息 -g:{lines,vars,source} 只生成某些调试信息 -nowarn 不生成任何警告 -verbose 输出有关编译器正在执行的操作的消 -deprecation 输出使用已过时的 API 的源位置 -classpath <路径> 指定查找用户类文件的位置 -cp <路径> 指定查找用户类文件的位置 -sourcepath <路径> 指定查找输入源文件的位置 -bootclasspath <路径> 覆盖引导类文件的位置 -extdirs <目录> 覆盖安装的扩展目录的位置 -endorseddirs <目录> 覆盖签名的标准路径的位置 -d <目录> 指定存放生成的类文件的位置 -encoding <编码> 指定源文件使用的字符编码 -source <版本> 提供与指定版本的源兼容性 -target <版本> 生成特定 VM 版本的类文件 -version 版本信息 -help 输出标准选项的提要 -X 输出非标准选项的提要 -J<标志> 直接将 <标志> 传递给运行时系统出现上述帮助信息,证明环境变量配置成功,希望可以帮到你。



Event Cinema里面的VMAX和Gold Class有什么区别?

VMAX 超大屏幕GOLD Class 有贵宾休息室。躺着看,厅小,屏幕小。 还可点酒水,餐点(如 seafood plater),巨好吃,但贵。

Event Cinema里面的VMAX和Gold Class有什么区别?


Event Cinema里面的VMAX和Gold Class有什么区别?

VMAX指的是超大屏幕影厅,Gold Class指的是贵宾观看室。两者区别在于Gold Class类似于包间性质,在里面可以躺着看, 还可点酒水,餐点。Event Cinema:指的是大电影院,是为观众放映电影的场所。电影在产生初期,是在咖啡厅、茶馆等场所放映的。随着电影的进步与发展,出现了专门为放映电影而建造的电影院。电影的发展——从无声到有声乃至立体声,从黑白片到彩色片,从普通银幕到宽银幕乃至穹幕、环幕,使电影院的形体、尺寸、比例和声学技术都发生了很大变化。电影院必须满足电影放映的工艺要求,得到应有的良好视觉和听觉效果,现在电影已经成为人们饭后的论点。电影院构成:观众厅是电影院的主要组成部分,银幕是观众厅设计的依据,银幕尺寸的大小决定观众的容量,银幕越大容纳观众的人数越多,观众少的观众厅其银幕则相对缩小,所以观众厅的尺度实际上取决于银幕的大小。

用英文链接词把下列句子连起来 Li Ming is my classmate. Li Ming i

Li Ming is my classmate and he is my friend. He is active. He likes playing basketball, football and is very good at Ping Peng. He is interested in reading Chinese novels but doesnu2019t like English. He often plays truant so our head teacher often criticises him uff0cI should try my best to help him.





FL Studio里面音乐库-Legacy-loops-DL-Classic Break这个鼓组里面有哪些乐器,要具体的,分组和名字

右键Edit in audio editor就会看到切片标记,每个标记都带名字它只分为Kick、hihat,snare三件翻译是不需要的,根本没人用中文称这些部件。硬要翻译就会奇怪了。Kick意思是踢,指低音鼓,体积为最大。有时与BassDrum混用。叫踢是因为低音鼓用踩锤来演奏,不用手。snare叫军鼓,这个听过有人用中文。是最小体积的一个鼓。hihat是hi-hat两个词合并的,hi表示高,hat是帽子。是一个铜质帽子状的部件。分上下两片,可敲也可踩。踩的装置会使得上下两片互碰;敲可以分两种,一种是直接敲,只有上部分出声,叫做open-hat(开hat);一种是通过脚踩,使上下两片闭合后敲,声音很闷而且音非常短,叫做closed-hat(闭hat)。这个Loops里面的hat都是closed-hat,脚踩后敲。你看一下架子鼓实物马上就懂。

1/2-1 class period和1-2 class periods的含义

1/2-1 class period:refer to the former half of the class period,前半节课 1-2 class periods: refer to the latter of the class period后半节课

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scala class和object,trait的区别

object在scala中没有静态方法和静态字段,所以在scala中可以用object来实现这些功能,直接用对象名调用的方法都是采用这种实现方式,例如Array.toString。对象的构造器在第一次使用的时候会被调用,如果一个对象从未被使用,那么他的构造器也不会被执行;对象本质上拥有类(scala中)的所有特性,除此之外,object还可以一扩展类以及一个或者多个特质:例如,abstract class ClassName(val parameter){}object Test extends ClassName(val parameter){}trait TraitA{}trait TraitB{}trait TraitC{}object Test1 extends TraitA with TraitB with TraitC{}注意:object不能提供构造器参数,也就是说object必须是无参的我们通常会定义和使用object的apply方法,有如下情形,apply方法就会被调用,Object(参数1 ,参数2 ,……)这样是隐含的调用apply方法,当然也可以显示的调用,如下Array("Mary","tong"),当然也可以这样来写Array.apply("Mary","tong"),一般我们提倡隐式的写法。所有的main方法都必须在object中被调用,来提供程序的主入口,十分简单,不举例说明,处理main方法以外,scala中还提供了扩展App特质,然后将程序代码放入都早起方法体内,如object Hello extends App{println("Hello World !!!")}这样的代码可以直接执行,输出如果需要命令行参数,可以直接调用args属性来得到,例如def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length > 0 ) println("Hello " + args(0)) else println("Hello World")}scala中并没有枚举类型,但是,标准类库中提供了一个枚举类型的接口,在object下面,可以扩展出枚举类型(Enumeration),具体示例如下:object EnumerationDemo extends Enumeration{ val red, green, blue, pink = Valueval black = Value // 上面一条语句是简写val white = Valueval gray = Valueval yellow = Value(12, "huang") //可以随意指定id和名称,但是避免重复val purple = Value("zi") //id为13val orange = Value(20)}上面的代码为实现枚举类型的具体代码,如果不指定id和name,系统默认是id从0开始,name就是变量的名称,可以指定其中的任何一个或者是两个全部指定,已经指定的就按指定的初始化,并且后面的依次递增。枚举的引用可以直接objectName.red这样来进行引用,也可以将import objectName._来进行导入引用,还可以给枚举类型增加一个类型别名,具体如下:object EnumerationDemo extends Enumeration{ type EnumerationDemo = Value val red, green, blue, pink = Valueval black = Valueval white = Valueval gray = Valueval yellow = Value(12, "huang") val purple = Value("zi") val orange = Value(20)}现在枚举类型变成了EnumerationDemo.EnumerationDemo 这种用法只有在使用import语句的时候才显得有意义。package enumerationimport EnumerationDemo._/** * Created by tongtong on 2015/9/8. **/class EnumDemo { def transportation(color:Enumeration): Unit ={ if (color == red) "Stop" else if (color == green) "go" else if (color == yellow) "wait" }}枚举类型也可以通过for循环将所有元素输出,同时可以通过Enumeration(Int)和Enumeration.withName("")来进行定位操作class在scala中,类名可以和对象名为同一个名字,该对象称为该类的伴生对象,类和伴生对象可以相互访问他们的私有属性,但是他们必须在同一个源文件内。类只会被编译,不能直接被执行,类的申明和主构造器在一起被申明,在一个类中,主构造器只有一个,所有必须在内部申明主构造器或者是其他申明主构造器的辅构造器,主构造器会执行类定义中的所有语句。scala对每个字段都会提供getter和setter方法,同时也可以显示的申明,但是针对val类型,只提供getter方法,默认情况下,字段为公有类型,可以在setter方法中增加限制条件来限定变量的变化范围,在scala中方法可以访问改类所有对象的私有字段

高手指点:SAX2 driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not found

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 问题描述: 下面是我的部分程序代码: public static void main(String[] args) { SAXExample saxExample = new SAXExample(); XMLReader parser = null;Create parser try { parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(".apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"); Tell the parser which object will handle SAX parsing events parser.setContentHandler(saxExample); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Unable to create Xerces SAX parser - check classpath"); } try { The URL that sources the DVD goes here (i.e. perform a GET on some remote Web server). parser.parse("D:\Figure_2-55.xml"); Dump the character information to screen. System.out.println(saxExample.outputCharacters().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } 但是在 parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(".apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser");一句执行时就抛出一个异常,为SAX2 driver class .apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser not found,是什么原因呀?那位高手指点,对谢! 解析: 去网上下载xerces,或者换一种方法创建解析器

中行的汇票在英国TSB解汇 开Classic帐户 时间要多久?



这次给大家带来怎样使用ES6的class模仿Vue写一个双向绑定,使用ES6的class模仿Vue写一个双向绑定的注意事项有哪些,下面就是实战案例,一起来看一下。最终效果如下:构造器(constructor)构造一个TinyVue对象,包含基本的el,data,methodsclass TinyVue{ constructor({el, data, methods}){ this.$data = data this.$el = document.querySelector(el) this.$methods = methods // 初始化 this._compile() this._updater() this._watcher() }}编译器(compile)用于解析绑定到输入框和下拉框的v-model和元素的点击事件@click。先创建一个函数用来载入事件:// el为元素tagName,attr为元素属性(v-model,@click)_initEvents(el, attr, callBack) { this.$el.querySelectorAll(el).forEach(i => { if(i.hasAttribute(attr)) { let key = i.getAttribute(attr) callBack(i, key) } })}载入输入框事件this._initEvents("input, textarea", "v-model", (i, key) => { i.addEventListener("input", () => { Object.assign(this.$data, {[key]: i.value}) })})载入选择框事件this._initEvents("select", "v-model", (i, key) => { i.addEventListener("change", () => Object.assign(this.$data, {[key]: i.options[i.options.selectedIndex].value}))})载入点击事件点击事件对应的是methods中的事件this._initEvents("*", "@click", (i, key) => { i.addEventListener("click", () => this.$methods[key].bind(this.$data)())})视图更新器(updater)同理先创建公共函数来处理不同元素中的视图,包括input、textarea的value,select的选择值,p的innerHTML_initView(el, attr, callBack) { this.$el.querySelectorAll(el, attr, callBack).forEach(i => { if(i.hasAttribute(attr)) { let key = i.getAttribute(attr), data = this.$data[key] callBack(i, key, data) } })}更新输入框视图this._initView("input, textarea", "v-model", (i, key, data) => { i.value = data})更新选择框视图this._initView("select", "v-model", (i, key, data) => { i.querySelectorAll("option").forEach(v => { if(v.value == data) v.setAttribute("selected", true) else v.removeAttribute("selected") })})更新innerHTML这里实现方法有点low,仅想到正则替换{{text}}let regExpInner = /{{ *([w_-]+) *}}/gthis.$el.querySelectorAll("*").forEach(i => { let replaceList = i.innerHTML.match(regExpInner) || (i.hasAttribute("vueID") && i.getAttribute("vueID").match(regExpInner)) if(replaceList) { if(!i.hasAttribute("vueID")) { i.setAttribute("vueID", i.innerHTML) } i.innerHTML = i.getAttribute("vueID") replaceList.forEach(v => { let key = v.slice(2, v.length - 2) i.innerHTML = i.innerHTML.replace(v, this.$data[key]) }) }})监听器(watcher)数据变化之后更新视图<p id="app"> <input type="text" v-model="text1"><br> <input type="text" v-model="text2"><br> <textarea type="text" v-model="text3"></textarea><br> <button @click="add">加一</button> <h1>您输入的是:{{text1}}+{{text2}}+{{text3}}</h1> <select v-model="select"> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> </select> <select v-model="select"> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> </select> <h1>您选择了:{{select}}</h1></p><script src="./TinyVue.js"></script><script> let app = new TinyVue({ el: "#app", data: { text1: 123, text2: 456, text3: "文本框", select: "saab" }, methods: { add() { this.text1 ++ this.text2 ++ } } })</script>TinyVue全部代码class TinyVue{ constructor({el, data, methods}){ this.$data = data this.$el = document.querySelector(el) this.$methods = methods this._compile() this._updater() this._watcher() } _watcher(data = this.$data) { let that = this Object.keys(data).forEach(i => { let value = data[i] Object.defineProperty(data, i, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function () { return value; }, set: function (newVal) { if (value !== newVal) { value = newVal; that._updater() } } }) }) } _initEvents(el, attr, callBack) { this.$el.querySelectorAll(el).forEach(i => { if(i.hasAttribute(attr)) { let key = i.getAttribute(attr) callBack(i, key) } }) } _initView(el, attr, callBack) { this.$el.querySelectorAll(el, attr, callBack).forEach(i => { if(i.hasAttribute(attr)) { let key = i.getAttribute(attr), data = this.$data[key] callBack(i, key, data) } }) } _updater() { this._initView("input, textarea", "v-model", (i, key, data) => { i.value = data }) this._initView("select", "v-model", (i, key, data) => { i.querySelectorAll("option").forEach(v => { if(v.value == data) v.setAttribute("selected", true) else v.removeAttribute("selected") }) }) let regExpInner = /{{ *([w_-]+) *}}/g this.$el.querySelectorAll("*").forEach(i => { let replaceList = i.innerHTML.match(regExpInner) || (i.hasAttribute("vueID") && i.getAttribute("vueID").match(regExpInner)) if(replaceList) { if(!i.hasAttribute("vueID")) { i.setAttribute("vueID", i.innerHTML) } i.innerHTML = i.getAttribute("vueID") replaceList.forEach(v => { let key = v.slice(2, v.length - 2) i.innerHTML = i.innerHTML.replace(v, this.$data[key]) }) } }) } _compile() { this._initEvents("*", "@click", (i, key) => { i.addEventListener("click", () => this.$methods[key].bind(this.$data)()) }) this._initEvents("input, textarea", "v-model", (i, key) => { i.addEventListener("input", () => { Object.assign(this.$data, {[key]: i.value}) }) }) this._initEvents("select", "v-model", (i, key) => { i.addEventListener("change", () => Object.assign(this.$data, {[key]: i.options[i.options.selectedIndex].value})) }) }}相信看了本文案例你已经掌握了方法,更多精彩请关注Gxl网其它相关文章!推荐阅读:怎样使用Vue实现倒计时按钮怎样利用Vue写一个双向数据绑定

we have no classes Sundays这句话对吗

对,we have no classes Sundays星期天我们没有课



ola is my classmate改为一般疑问句做出肯定和否定回答

Is your classmate from Japan?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she is not.

suede classic和普通的suede不同点再哪里



MexIcan 品牌是稻草人,classic是经典的意思。意味着这包是经典款。1981年,弗瑞达家族在墨西哥的墨西哥城(MEXICO.CITY)的“ZLALO”广场附近开设第一个“稻草人MEXICO”专卖店,经营皮带、钱包、皮包、烟具、箱包、袜子以及休闲服饰。产品风格休闲,极富个性,深受当地人们喜爱。




classroom,rules,为题写一写我们在教室里可一,我可以做的事情不少于六句话. Classroom rules. First you are expected to reach school on time and never be late.(按时到校,不要迟到) Second during the classes every student should obey the teachers and listen to the teacher carefully and quietly.(上课时要听从老师安排,认真听讲) Third during the break beeen o classes every student should not chase and fight in the classroom.(课间不要在教室内追逐打闹) Fourth keep the classroom clean at all the time.(保持教室清洁) Fifth do not write on the desks and protect your own desks and chairs.(爱护自己的桌椅) 用英语写一写我们在教室可以和不可以做的事,不少于6句话 we can do our work in the classroom. we can read books in the classroom. we can write articles in the classroom. we can not sing a song in the classroom. we can not talk aloud in the classroom. we can not make a lot noise in the classroom. 用教室里的东西写作文不少于六句话 This is my classroom, he is very big. There is a desk, a chair, a blackboard, students and teachers. We study here every day, play. May have problems, but will be solved soon. I love it very much, the clas *** ates, too. Because there are our memories. 希望采纳 ,谢谢!(^V^) 以australia为题写一篇英文作文不少于六句话. 澳大利亚位于最小的大洲大洋洲~是世界上第6大的国家~他是一个干旱气候为主的国家~只有少部分沿海地区有充足的雨量 她由六个洲组成 其中墨尔本和悉尼是最大的两个城市 他以明媚的阳光 数不清的牛羊和奇特的野生动物植物而著名 世界各地的游客来到这里欣赏他的美景 It is posed of six states. The climate of Australia is mainly arid and only a *** all number of coastal areas has adequate rainfall,但是澳大利亚的‘洲"是叫states,the countless cattles and sheep and the exotic wild plants,而非continents楼下的不错. Tourists from all around the world trel here to enjoy the beauty of Australia; Melbourne and Sydney are the o largest cities. It is well-known because of the bright sunshine。 稍稍修改了一下~ 在教室里可以做和不可以的事情用英文说 在教室里可以做和不可以的事情 Things that can be done and not done in the classroom. 在教室里可以做和不可以的事情 Things that can be done and not done in the classroom. 以My hobby 为题写一篇小学英语作文,不少于六句话. My hobby is reading books.I have many books.I ofen read books every evening.Sometimes I read books at lunchtime.I love them.Because they can help me know lots of lore. 以Signs为题写一篇对话不少于六句。 一:My friend I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a *** all mouth,a *** all nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.On the weekend,she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student.She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends.We often send e-mails to each other everyday.I like her very much. 以我家为题,写一篇小作文,不少于六句话汉语 我的家 我有一个快乐的家庭,这个家庭很温馨.家庭里的成员有爸爸、妈妈,还有很调皮的我. 妈妈有时严厉,有时温和,就讲一讲她严厉的时候吧!有一天,我和妈妈在看电视的时候,我把沙发上的丝带给拽下来了,妈妈看见了就说:“冰冰,我就知道是你拽的,我问你,为什么要拽掉丝带呢?”我心里很害怕,就说:“妈妈,不是我拽的,是它自己掉下来的.”妈妈便说:“钢笔会自己走呀?衣服自己能动啊?”这一下我就害怕了.最后,没办法只好和妈妈吵起来了.吵了一会儿,我就回到了自己的房间.想了想,感觉自己不应该说谎.于是,我便走出房间,对妈妈说:“对不起,丝带是我拽的.”妈妈笑着对我说:“勇敢的承认错误,真是个好孩子,以后应该做一个诚实的好孩子.” 我的爸爸是个严肃的人,我有时候写作业不认真,爸爸就火冒三丈地说:“快点做,写作业不能三心二意的.”我一听到这严厉的声音就赶快做,表现好的时候爸爸还陪我下楼玩或看动画片.看,这就是我的爸爸. 调皮的我就很爱搞小破坏了,家里妈妈收拾整齐的东西,让我弄的很乱,妈妈和爸爸便给我起了一个外号叫捣蛋鬼. 爸爸、妈妈对我严厉,但我心里知道他们是在教我怎样做一个好孩子,我为我自己有一个这么好的家庭而骄傲.妈妈、爸爸你们给我的爱,我一辈子都还不完.如果下辈子上天再给我机会的话,你们还是我的爸爸和妈妈.爸爸、妈妈我要对你们说一声:“我爱你们.” 以Summer Is Coming.为题目写一篇英语作文,不少于六句话 Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity, i usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the little leagues. During summer I like to go to the beach. Because it is very close to my home in the village. I usually go there during the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very fortable with the familiar villagers. 写一件发生在教室里的事情 自己写

什么 the classroom messy?

the classroom messy教室凌乱双语例句1I became extremely tired after one month, and I was always sitting in the classroom with dark circles under my eyes and messy hair.一个月后我已精疲力尽,我常常挂着黑眼圈,披着凌乱的头发坐在教室里。

某英语杂志社举办了一次征文活动,以“It is important to read extensively after class”为题写英语作文


Strom Ui启动报错, Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server




an entire class of patents

class 这里是一整类的意识。 class of 后面本来就是复数。







Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/thrift/TException


请翻译,秒采纳:What a beautiful classroom! There are som


英语课堂报告 class report

English class report//by Zhao Weizeng2007年03月16日 星期五 19:10 Hello,everyone! Today,I stand here just want to introduce my hometown----the hometown of vegetables Shouguang,she faces the Bohai,and is famous for her vegetables! Now let"s see the location of Shouguang. click There is no famous mountain or river in Shouguang,but the people of shouguang creat an unbelieveable miracle to show Shouguang to the world!Every year,We hold a magnificent meeting--theChina (Shouguang) International Vegetable Sci-Tec Fair in Luocheng town!And the 8th meeting will be hold from Apr.20 to May.20,and my hometown will be the focus of the world!All of this,we all thanks the father of Shouguan vegetabes Wang Leyi who created the vegetable greenhouse in the norst of China first, and make it to be a possible to eat the fresh vegetables whenever you want! And now, let me to lead you to look at some pictures about the meeting! click Then I want to show you some beautiful places in Shouguang which we ,instead of the heaven, creat by our own hands . The mihe river is the mother river in Shouguang,and my high school-xiandai high shool lies by it!The school likes a jewel inlays on a streamer! pictures Now let"s see some pictures about the Shouguang beauties! click As a Shouguang people,I love my hometown,it"s a great city with great exprience of development!We will never forget the moment that Chairman Hu went to Shouguang! click That"s all! Thank you!



The junior class;the junior prom.是什么意思

美国高中是4年制的,第一年成为freshman,第二年是sophomore,第三年是junior,接着第四年就是senior。Junior class指的就是高中第三年的班级的。。。prom是一个比较正式的豪华的舞会。。 一般女生都会穿长裙(prom dress) 价格一般都会在一百美金以上,正常来说单裙子就要两三百。。男生也是穿全套西装,如果参加都必须带舞伴。。prom是为高三,高四的学生准备的。。高三的就是junior prom, 高四毕业生的就是senior prom。。 唯一的差别就是senior prom去的人就更多一点, 也更贵一点






REBIRTH是新生模式 CLASSIC是经典模式新生模式是游戏的主要模式,玩家将在这款移植版中体验到新的陷阱、不同的敌人方位等等,当然玩家可以在生化危机系列中首次体验到触摸屏操作,另外游戏的操作也很接近最新的几代生化危机。玩家可以进行快速180度转身,拔出匕首,更换武器也不用很麻烦地去菜单界面去更换。 经典模式则是让玩家体验到原汁原味的PS版《生化危机》的感觉,陷阱、敌人和控制都完全仿照PS版《生化危机》,也不能使用触摸笔。经典模式中将完全模仿PS版的声音对话。我喜欢玩新生模式




REBIRTH是新生模式 CLASSIC是经典模式新生模式是游戏的主要模式,玩家将在这款移植版中体验到新的陷阱、不同的敌人方位等等,当然玩家可以在生化危机系列中首次体验到触摸屏操作,另外游戏的操作也很接近最新的几代生化危机。玩家可以进行快速180度转身,拔出匕首,更换武器也不用很麻烦地去菜单界面去更换。 经典模式则是让玩家体验到原汁原味的PS版《生化危机》的感觉,陷阱、敌人和控制都完全仿照PS版《生化危机》,也不能使用触摸笔。经典模式中将完全模仿PS版的声音对话。我喜欢玩新生模式


H指的是舱位。一般头等舱为F,A 公务舱为C,D,J 经济舱为Y,B,H,M,Q,S等

机票里的头等舱、商务舱、经济舱的英文缩写是什么?里面的class J是哪一个舱?

舱位代码只是表示你购买机票时的折扣,它是航空公司便于销售而设定的,并不代表你乘座飞机时的舱位,你乘座飞机时均在经济舱内。飞机的舱位分布一般有三个,它们分别是头等舱=F,分务舱=C和经济舱Y,其价格分别是F=150%*Y;C=130%*Y,Y舱的价格是民航局公布的价格。 J代表经济舱

开头是the most difficult thing for shaun rogers is opening the classroom door by himself… 完型

The most difficult thing for university student Shaun Rogers is opening the classroom door by himself. Shaun can" t do this without 36 because he" s only six years old. He" s the 37 person ever to study at Rochester University in New York. Shann began 38 at two, by the age of five he was regularly communicating with university professors and will shortly 39 his first book. " I _40 learning", says Shaun. "My hero is the scientist Albert Einstein because he never 41 his hair or wore socks. "Psychologists have found it difficult to test Shaun" s 42 because it goes beyond what they usually measure. Shaun" s mother first 43 that her son was different when he kept crying at playschool because he was 44 with the children" s games. She started teaching him at home _45_ finding that local schools were not prepared for children who learnt 46 Shann" s speed. Now Shaun is studying geography at 47 and using the Internet to complete his high school studies.However, some 48 warn that too much study can prevent a child from 49 normally. "I don"t care how 50 the kid is, six-year-olds have to 51 their friends," says Dr Brain Wood. Mrs. Rogers 52 that her son" s time was completely 53 by school work. "He loves the violin and has many 54 interests, such as camping, fishing and swimming, just 55 other boys of his age. "36. A. help B. key C. force D. bench37. A. little B. youngest C. small D. weakest38. A. reading B. running C. speaking D. walking39. A, contact B. purchase C. complete D. abandon40. A. start B. hate C. finish D. love41. A. washed B. combed C. cut D. pinned42. A. intelligence B. imagination C. confidence D. determination43. A. shamed B. puzzled C. realized D. astonished44. A. shocked B. fulfilled C. content D. bored45. A. although B. after C. while D. before46. A. from B. at C. of D. about47. A. primary school B. junior school C. high school D. university48. A. parents B. physicians C. psychologists D. teachers49. A. thinking B. acting C. performing D. developing50, A. brilliant B. old C. strong D. naughty51. A. live with B. play with C. study with D. talk with52. A. admitted B. complained C. disagreed D. stressed53. A. filled up B. taken up C. broken up D. ended up54. A. indoor B. special C. outdoor D. potential55. A. beyond B. with C. equal D. like答案:abacd bacdb bdcda bcbcd

large house comfortable classes

原文一个稍微修改一下: towns like B and E sprang up,house large “comfortable” classes who had retired on their incomes,and who have no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders"s metting to dictate their orders to mangement. 这句子有两个并列的句子,有两个定语从句,一个修饰主语,另一个修饰宾语 主语是“towns”,后面的“like B and E”是定语从句,它修饰主语”towns“,其实可以看成“towns (that/which) like B and E",在此括弧里的”that“或”which“已省略. 谓语是sprang up,意思是指象雨后春笋般地到处出现. 后面的”house“是并列结构的谓语,其实在”house“前省略了一个连词”and“,此处”house“不是名词指房屋,而是动词,指安置,容纳,住有等. 宾语是”classes“,它前面的 large “comfortable”是定语,修饰宾语,但”classes“后面还有一个由”who“引导的定语从句,也是修饰宾语”classes“. 这个定语从句也有并列结构,分别是“who had retired on their incomes,” 和 “who have no relation to the rest of the community”,这两个结构用连词“and”来连接;“that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending..." 也是个并列结构,该结构和前面的“have no relation to the rest of the community”用”except“作为连接词,表示例外的意思,该结构内还有一重并列,即”that of drawing dividends“ 和 "occasionally attending...",它们之间用 ”and“作连词.

在教室里不许戴帽子 翻译英文 ______in the classroom

Don"t wear hats in the classroom.

Why were you late for class today, Kevin?

Matt: Why were you late for class today, Kevin?你今天怎么迟到了,Kevin Kevin: My alarm clock didn"t go off ! I kept sleeping, and when I woke up it was already 8:00 a.m.! 我闹铃不工作了!我一直睡到八点才醒!Matt: Oh, no! 噢,不会吧。Kevin: So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.所以我只好迅速穿好衣服并且冲出了家门 Matt: You didn"t eat breakfast? 你没吃早饭吗?Kevin: No, I didn"t even brush my teeth or wash my face! But before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left . 没有,我甚至没来得及洗漱!然而就这样当我赶到车站时,公交已经开走了Matt: Then how did you get here?那你怎么来的 Kevin: Luckily, Carl"s dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car. 幸运的是,Carl的老爸在街上看到我就捎了我一段。Matt: Well, at least by the time you got to school, the class had only started for five minutes.好吧,最起码你到校的时候课才上了五分钟。少年,下次带上原文好么QAQ,课文很难找诶,我也不知道你要的是不是这篇。

美国大学withdraw class


美国学校中withdraw a class与drop a class有什么区别

我来鄙视一下一楼,你什么玩意儿?!接着回答问题,withdraw 免费,drop的话会有记录而且收全科学费

英语中有world-class 表示世界级,那么外国人常用的(足球里听说的)sheer-class



the pupils have not a class party at school

The pupils are in the classroom.换种句式,但意思相同,怎么做?

The pupils are in the classroom.学生们在教室里。The students are in the classroom.There are pupils in the classroom.

hardwood classic jersey 是什么意思

hardwood classic jersey 是硬木经典球衣的意思


watchs classes

ABS-GUIDE FOR NDT I. O.H.W.-2011 Class A

ABS标准-无损检测指导书,I. O. H. W.部分-2011年 A类注:ABS--美国船级社NDT--无损检测

请问换热器中的CLASS B和CLASS R怎么划分的,是TEMA中的吗,151中好像没有哦


tema class r有什么要求

TEMA=Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (管式交换器制造商协会)TEMA标准就是该协会下属的技术委员会编制的一本关于列管式换热器设计、制造和检验的标准,是目前世界上使用最广泛的列管式换热器标准。分为B-chemical、C-general、R-refinery三类。 - 本文出自马后炮化工论坛,原文地址:

几何校正用envi classic(32-bit)的和envi classic 有什么区别吗?



omi&classic 一个箱包品牌OMI女包是我国国内著名的箱包品牌,隶属于欧米公司旗下

maxwell网格划分classic mesh和tau mesh的区别

TAU希望网格划分成等边三角形 Classic是等腰三角形TAU是继Classic之后出来的剖分算法 应该是有些改进的 比如有些模型使用TAU或许会有更高的精度及求解速度等同样的模型的话一般TAU较Classic更难划分 有时候更容易出错 可以切换到Classic解决

pumasmashv2vulc和Puma Smash Vulc Classic有什么区别?


class plates是什么意思

类防弹双语对照例句:1.First class plates in elegant cobalt blue and gold were hauled to the surface along with basic third class mugs with the name of the ship"s owner stamped in red. 头等舱优雅的钴蓝色和金色盘子,被拖出水面,同时出水的还有三等舱朴素的大杯,杯上以红色印着船主的名字。



谁知道美剧三年二班the class里的朋客女的bf的本名


白痴的英语问题:是Which class do you like? 还是 Which classes do you like?

Which classes do you like? 后面都用do 不用does了 复数


class 。类的关键词也是这个啊

丹麦牌子为 classy或者是clossy的音响到底是什么牌子呀?? 多少钱一对呀


java初学 interface与class文件的存放位置问题

大哥 ,你classpath 设了吗! 麻烦设到 one 上一层目录! 程序肯定是没问题的! 上面那些回答的 一团糟

Java class文件无法运行。


java编程时出现Could not find the main class 怎么解决???

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