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英语介词by,beside,near,next to,close to的具体区别和用法有哪些

by 前后左右,着重靠近,靠近物常用,相当于close to/next tobeside 在.之旁,靠近人多用,在.两旁next to 紧接着;相邻;其次close to 靠近near 在.附近;靠近=close tonext to和beside的区别next to和beside在意思和用法上有非常多的不同。主要造成混淆的是在表示位置关系时,next to是“紧邻”的意思,有紧挨着的意味;而beside是“在...旁边”的意思,没有紧挨着的意味。如:She sat down next to him on the sofa. 她紧挨着他在沙发上坐下了。(两个人靠在一起,意味着他们关系亲密)She sat down beside him on the sofa. 她在沙发上坐下了,坐在他的旁边。(两个人没有靠在一起)next to:[介词]紧邻;在…近旁;仅次于;紧接;[副词]几乎。beside:[介词]不中(目标),不对(题),与…无关;(表示排斥)除…之外;(表示位置)在…旁边,在…一侧,在…附近;(表示关系)与…无关,和…相比,比起…来,比得上;beside只在古英语中做副词,意思同“besides”,此外;而且;以及;更。by,at,beside,near ,next to的区别by,beside,near和next to 1) by和beside均表示“在……旁边”,常可换用 例:There is a chair by the table.桌子边上有一把椅子.She stood by the window.她站在窗边.The hotel is beside (/by) the river.那家饭店在河边.Come and sit beside (/by) me.过来,坐在我边上.Put your shoes beside mine.把你的鞋子放在我的鞋子旁边.2) near表示“在……附近”,表示的距离比by和beside稍远些,也时常换用 例:There is a theatre near his home.他家附近有一家剧院.Don"t play near the road.不要在马路附近玩.There is a post office near No.1 Middle School.第一中学附近有一所邮局.3) next to表示“紧靠……的旁边” 例:The new building next to the bookstore is a cinema.书店旁边的那幢新楼是一家电影院.There is a café next to the barber"s.理发店隔壁是一家咖啡馆4) at 是“在...旁边”,beside也是“在...旁边”.但前者位置较随便,后者表示在较近的距离.

next to与by有什么区别

by, beside, near, next to的区别 1) by和beside均表示“在……旁边”,常可换用 例:There is a chair by the table. 桌子边上有一把椅子。 She stood by the window. 她站在窗边。 The hotel is beside (/by) the river. 那家饭店在河边。 Come and sit beside (/by) me. 过来,坐在我边上。 Put your shoes beside mine. 把你的鞋子放在我的鞋子旁边。 2) near表示“在……附近”,表示的距离比by和beside稍远些,也时常换用 例:There is a theatre near his home. 他家附近有一家剧院。 Don"t play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩。 There is a post office near No. 1 Middle School. 第一中学附近有一所邮局。 3) next to表示“紧靠……的旁边” 例:The new building next to the bookstore is a cinema. 书店旁边的那幢新楼是一家电影院。 There is a café next to the barber"s. 理发店隔壁是一家咖啡馆

有一首欧美女生里面一直重复一句key baby key key baby love 谁知道这首歌?

我觉得你要找的是这首 Selena Gomez-Love You Like A Love Song 试试吧 应该是祝你好运


应该是work hard like you blow me baby。意思是:要我像你一样努力,见鬼去吧!


  《万千宠爱》  填词:张美贤  作曲:邓智伟  主唱:关菊英  回肠荡气的瑰丽  wei cuang don hei due kuei lei  身分相当矜贵  shen fen suang don gin guei  眉头笑靥,精雕金砌,使你着迷  mei tou xiu muin jing diu guon qieu xi nei zuo mei  万众空巷,热烈来造势  man zong hong gong yi le luou zou sei  一句话,即可得到一切  ye geui wa jie ho dooe dou ye qiei  大能智慧,气派绝世,绽放光辉  dai neng ji wei hei pai jue sei  望远山  mon yan san  以心中美善看到世间美丽  yi suon zong mei sin huon dou sei gai mei le  自信心能目空一切  ju sun suon neng mo hong ye qie  你眼睛看出真与伪  nei an jeng huon cui zen yu ei  送我最深约誓  song o zui suong yo meng  路再弯,两心依然默契  lou zuei wan lion suon yi ying meo kei  望远天  mon yuan tin  纵星光灿烂哪似我心美丽  zong xin guon can lan na qi o suon mei lei  自信心能目空一切  ju sun suon neng mo hong ye qie  伴你走,纵千载百炼也会信守约誓  bon nei zou zong qin zuai ba lin ya wei sun suo yo sei  爱到底,似金坚,传万世  ou dou dei qi gong gin qun man sei  就算千金不可买愉快的美梦  zou xun qin gon bea ho mai yu fai de mei mong  开心都可感染  huo suon dou ho gueng ying  艳阳照遍,清风都暖,水也是甜  yin yuon jiu pin qing fong dou nien sui ya xi tin  就算飞出天边离合百千遍  zou xun fei cuei tin bin lei hou ba qin pin  闭上眼许个愿  bei suaon an hui guo yuin  还是有个降落点  wan xi you guo gong lo din  再遇见  zuon yu gin

表示照片是由某人拍的可以用photography by sb吗?


photography by是什么意思




photography by什么意思

摄影 应该是这个意思

一首有ohoh babylon your said的英文歌曲

My Love Dont StopI"ve been knowin youYou"ve been knowin meBut i aint took the chance toTell you what i wantGirl its been too longAnd i can"t go onCan"t be actin like i dont careCause i rolled with youI grew up with youMy momma used to sit youWhen your moms werent homeAlways friends with youNever stepped to youBut now its time that iStart makin love to youTime passes byFor more than a lifetimeI want to be yours girlI would give up my lifeTo spend just one night with youCause my love don"t stopI can"t lie you bring out the best in meI gots to be yours girlI would give up my lifeTheres nothin that i won"t doCause my love don"t stopTheres a part of me that wants us to beJust the way we areSo we don"t mess things upBut its killin meCause the rest of meWants to feel your body babyWants to tear it upI"ll do some things to youNo one else can doCause maybe im the onemake you To feel real goodBein friends is coolBut now its time that iStart makin love to youTime passes byFor more than lifetimea I want to be yours girlI would give up my lifeTo spend just one night with youCause my love don"t stopI can"t lie you bring out the best in meI gots to be yours girlI would give up my lifeTheres nothin that i won"t doCause my love don"t stopGirl its been so longI know it can"t be wrongCause theres never beenNo one but youAnd girl there never willYou won"t go back no moreTheres no one disguisedCan"t be yours despiteGirl i"ve watched youGet hurt too many timesBut i can make youAll i can doTo show you how im gonna love youI would give up my lifeTo spend just one night with youCause my love don"t stopI can"t lie you bring out the best in meI gots to be yours girlI would you my life my life my lifeCause my love don"t stop

想要些有价值的英语成语.例如:LET BYGONE BE BYGONE过去的就让它过去吧.?

All roads lead to Roma. 条条大道通罗马 A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始善终 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友. As you make your bed, so you must lie in it. 自食其果 All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西并非都是金子 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医. A light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长.不恼不愁,活到白头. Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home. 未雨绸缪. A blessing in disguise. 因祸得福 Better master one than engage with ten. 会十事不如精一事. Better be envied than pitied. 宁被人妒,不受人怜. Deal with a man as he deals with you. 以其人之道还治其人之身 Don"t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事今日毕. Diligence is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母. Don′t judge a person by the clothes he wears. 不能以貌取人 Don′t count your chickens before they are hatched. 切莫过于乐观 Dreams are lies. 梦不足信. Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧. Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action. 考虑要仔细,行动要迅速. East or west,home is best. 走东串西,还是家里好 Equal pay for equal work. 同工同酬 Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日 Easier said than done. 说起来容易,做起来难. First e, first served. 先来先招待. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成攻之母 Grasp all, lose all. 样样都要,全都失掉. He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后谁笑得最美 He sits no sure that sits too high. 高处不胜寒. He that respects not is not respected. 欲受人敬,要先敬人. Haste makes waste. 忙乱易错.欲速则不达. It is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟. It′s easy to be wise after the event. 事后诸葛亮 It"s never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢 It"s never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老. Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕 Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量 Look before you leap. 三思而后行 Little chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原. Like knows like. 惺惺相惜. Less is more. 简单就是美 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进 Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子. Many hands make light work. 人多力量大. More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达. No weal without woe. 福兮祸所伏, 祸兮福所倚. Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事只要肯登攀 One can not be in two places at once. 一心不可二用. One sin opens the door for another. ---German 犯了一次罪恶就会犯另一次罪. One man"s meat is another man"s poison. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱. Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷. Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置 Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 Reading makes a full man. 读书使人完善 So said, so done. 说到做到.言出必行. So the world wags. 这就是人生. Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁 Silly child is soon taught. 要想孩子好,教育要趁早. Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood. 磨刀不误砍柴功. Seeing is believing. 眼见为实 Time flies never to be recalled. 光阴一去不复返 Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮. Time and tide wait for no man. 时不待人 The first step is the hardest. 万事开头难. Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人. Time is money. 时间就是金钱. There is no *** oke without fire. 无风不起浪 Well begun is half done. 好的开端是成功的一半 Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳 Wash your dirty linen at home. 家丑不可外扬 Waste not, want not. 俭则不匮 Weak things united bee strong. 一根筷子易折断,十根筷子硬如铁 Wealth is best known by want. 人穷方知钱可贵 When wine sinks, words swim. 美酒一下肚,话匣关不住 Where there"s life there"s hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 Will is power. 意志就是力量 Wise men are silent; fools talk. 智者沉默寡言,愚者滔滔不绝 Wise men change their minds; fools never do. 智者通权达变,愚者刚愎自用 Where there is s will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成. Who knows most says least. 懂的最多的人,说的最少. We can"t judge a person by what he says but by what he does. 判断一个人,不听言语看行动 We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough. 年华没虚度,一生也足矣. What is done by night appears by day. 若要人不知,除非已莫为 When a man is going down-hill, everyone will give him a push. 墙倒众人推 When children stand quiet, they have done some harm. 孩子不吭声,一定闯了祸 When one will not, two cannot quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响 When poverty es in at the door, love flies out at the window. 贫穷进门来,爱情越窗飞 When the cat is away, the mice will play. 猫儿不在,鼠儿成精 Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理 Words are but wind, but seeing is believing. 耳听为虚,眼见为实 When in Rome, do as Roman do. 入乡随俗 We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. 井干方知水珍贵,2,

being surrounded by beautiful green mountains

B 考察非谓语动词,根据句子结构可知,该处作主语,surround的用法是 be surrounded by 被……所环绕,因为被动,加上作主语,所以选择B,A无法作主语,C只能作状语 D没有被动

surrounding by和surrounded by有什么区别吗?

ing 表示主动,进行ed 表示被动


填 C 这是过去分词短语surrounded by mountains 作为 village的后置定语 这里,village 和surround 是被动关系,所以要用过去分词 意思是:使他很惊奇的是,地面上甚至出现了一个被群山围绕的小山村.

by no means 和no way什么区别 如题

by no means (ALSO not by any means) not at all: It is by no means certain that we"ll finish the project by June. no way INFORMAL 1 used to tell someone that something is impossible: I"m sorry but there"s no way we can help you. 2 No way!used to say "no" in a forceful way: "Go on,lend me your bike." "No way!"

by no means 和no way什么区别 如题

by no means (ALSO not by any means) not at all: It is by no means certain that we"ll finish the project by June. no way INFORMAL 1 used to tell someone that something is impossible: I"m sorry but there"s no way we can help you. 2 No way!used to say "no" in a forceful way: "Go on,lend me your bike." "No way!"

《because of you》by2歌词中文音译

Because of you 歌手:By2I"m gonna be fine我会过得很好You left me alone你留我独自一人Can I heal the wounds myself我能自己抚平这创伤吗?So what can I do所以我能做什么And why did u come你又为何出现To make my heart beat for you让我为你动了心Don"t, don"t lose my mind我不要 不要失去理智Dream of you again再次梦到你And I looked to you as it fell我只要看你一眼就已沦陷I want to make a" wish in the well我想对着许愿池许个心愿Hold me tight ,show your love请抱紧我,流露出你的爱吧Everytime I trade my soul Because of you每一次我只因你而愿出卖灵魂If you wanna be in my way cuz of me如果你因我而愿来到我的世界The stars满天的繁星Ware shining to me away小心翼翼地照耀着我Whispering I want youto know you"re my world我想悄悄告诉你 你是我的全世界Everytime Icrazy is because of you每一次我着魔只因为你If you"relooking right at me because of love如果你正好也注视着我 爱着我To me it"sa pretty wonderland对我来说 这好似一个梦幻的仙境Donot make me make mecry again不要让我 让我再次为你哭泣I need you right now我现在就需要你I"m gonna be fine我会过得很好的You left me alone你留我独自一人Can I heal the wounds myself我能自己治愈这伤口吗?So what can I do所以我能做什么And why did u come你又为何会出现To make my heart beat for you让我为你而动了心Don"t, don"t lose my mind我不要 不要失去理智Dream of you again再次在梦中寻找你的身影And I looked to you as it fell我只需看你一眼就会沦陷了I want to make a" wish in the well我想对着许愿池许下心愿Hold me tight show your love请抱紧我 展示出你的爱吧Everytime Icrazy is because of you每一次我疯狂只因为你If you"relooking right at me because of love如果你正好也注视着我 爱着我To me it"sa pretty wonderland对我来说 这好似一个美妙的仙境Donot make me make mecry again不要让我 让我再次为你哭泣I need you right now我现在就需要你Hey boy do not be shy嘿 男孩 不要害羞Why not we have a try我们为何不去试试呢Stay next to me, push the bad memories aside静静呆在我身边 把不好的回忆先抛之脑后Put me in the palm of you把我放在你的手心All my life time I will Be thinking of you我的这一生 只会想着你Everytime I trade my soul Because of you每一次我只因你而愿出卖灵魂If you wanna be in my way cuz of me如果你愿为我来到我的世界The stars漫天的繁星Ware shining to me away小心翼翼地照耀着我Whispering I want youto know you"re my world我想悄悄告诉你 你就是我的全世界Everytime Icrazy is because of you每一次我痴狂只因为你If you"relooking right at me because of love如果你正好也注视着我 爱着我To me it"sa pretty wonderland对我来说 仿佛置身一个美妙的仙境Donot make me make mecry again不要让我 让我再次为你哭泣I need you right now我现在就需要你

Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye什么意思


有首英文歌有一句歌词是baby no 八里 no八里是什么歌

答案应该是@隔壁家的李大伯补充的 《UntilYou》歌手是ShayneWardBabylifewasgoodtome.ButyoujustmadeitbetterIlovethewayyoustandbymeThroughtanykindofweatherIdon"twannarunaway.JustwannamakeyourdayWhenyoufelltheworldisonyourshouldersDon"twannamakeitworse.JustwannamakeusworkBabytellmeIwilldowhatever[Chorus]ItfeelslikenobodyeverknewmeuntilyouknewmeFeelslikenobodyeverlovedmeuntilyoulovedmeFeelslikenobodyevertouchedmeuntilyoutouchedmeBabynobody,nobody,untilyouBabyitjusttookonehitofyounowI"maddictedYouneverknowwhat"smissingTillyougeteverythingyouneed,yeahIdon"twannarunaway.JustwannamakeyourdayWhenyoufelltheworldisonyourshouldersDon"twannamakeitworse.JustwannamakeusworkBabytellmeIwilldowhateverItfeelslikenobodyeverknewmeuntilyouknewmeFeelslikenobodyeverlovedmeuntilyoulovedmeFeelslikenobodyevertouchedmeuntilyoutouchedmeBabynobody,nobody,untilyouSeeitwasenoughtonoIfIeverletyougo.IwouldbenooneCuzIneverthoughtI"dfeelAllthethingsyoumademefeelWasn"tlookingforsomeoneuntilyouItfeelslikenobodyeverknewmeuntilyouknewmeFeelslikenobodyeverlovedmeuntilyoulovedmeFeelslikenobodyevertouchedmeuntilyoutouchedmeBabynobody,nobody,untilyouItfeelslikenobodyeverknewmeuntilyouknewmeFeelslikenobodyeverlovedmeuntilyoulovedmeFeelslikenobodyevertouchedmeuntilyoutouchedmeBabynobody,nobody,untilyou



一首英文歌,只记得些许歌词~:it feels like nobody。。。。baby ,nobody nobody until you。

就是Until you.Shayne Ward的

Bob died of a heart attack, brought on by his lifestyle.这里的brought on 怎么理解,作什么成分?

Bob死于心脏病发作,是他的生活方式导致的。brought on 是“导致”的意思

This might be explained by the fact that the novel has evolved precisely中的evolved是什么意思?


歌词中有you know what i am saying ,you know who your playing,还有一句是baby i can b

美国好声音Vicci Martinez 的I can love

歌词为“my ou my do you want say good by”的英文歌歌名

u300aMy oh myu300b- Aqua

4men的什么歌里面有baby its you的歌词


男的唱的声音比较尖,歌词高潮部分有baby its you,never never never.

问题中描述的歌词出自歌曲《Never Let You Go》,演唱者为Dima Bilan,俄罗斯歌手。歌曲收录在专辑《Время-река》中,于2006年01月01日发行。歌词如下:Heavy clouds, no rainAnd every move causes painReady kiss, but no loveI feel I"m torn in halfArdent look, but no heatIt"s not you really needBaby, now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more -Never, never let you goshe was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartGentle words, no aimIt seems we"re playing a gameEasy smile, but no funSweet music for no oneClose embrace, but no moreCold Champagne we forgot to pourBaby now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more –Never, never let you goYou are the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartLove"s carving it in my heartwu....Baby now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more –Never, never let you goShe was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartNever, never let you goShye was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartLove"s carving it in my heart

beyonce歌词 最近101.7常放的一首 歌词里有 大概是 baby its you you its you are the one I like you are

Beyonce-Love On Top 试听:

4men那首歌里有oh baby its you这句歌词

Its major move right here baby"You"(feat. Lil Wayne)You gotta get wit it or get lost(Ya understand?)(Yea)Its Young LloydReporting live from Atlanta, Georgia (Weezy F Baby)Decatur where its greaterAnd uh I want all my sexy ladies to report to the dance floor immediatelyWe gon" Golden Glide dis one ya"llSpeak Weezy(Yea)Right off the back ma the boy got dollarsSo women come frequent like flight mileageIt ain"t no secret (I) I might hollaBut I ain"t gon" sweat ya babyImma let yaCatch up wit ya gameRun fasterDon"t let em lose ya cause I ain"t gon" bless yaUnless yaFeel a lil desperateSend a nigga a text message girlStop!...wait a minuteThe way you move that girl you done got my heart all in itAnd I just wanna be with you tonight (girl please)Imma playa yeah, it"s trueBut I change the game for youI wanna see what it docan I be for real?Dis is how I feelI"m in need of loveSo let"s dip up out of hereOoohh ya just my typeEverything"s so rightI just wanna chillLets dip up out of here(Lets dip up out of here)I ha ha haaaa haaaaa(She"s fine too but I want you)I ha ha ha haaaa haaaaa(She"s fine too but I want you)((I) I admit it)Dis just ain"t no game these just ain"t words(That I"m spitting)If you could see the thoughts that"s in my head (That"s in my head)(I"m tripping)Imma playa yeah, it"s trueBut I change the game for youI wanna see what it do (Oooooh)Can I be for real?Dis is how I feelI"m in need of loveSo lets dip up out of hereOoohh ya just my typeEverything"s so right (so right)I just wanna chillLets dip up out of here(Lets dip up out of here)I ha ha haaaa haaaaa(She"s fine too but I want you)I ha ha ha haaaa haaaaa(She"s fine too but I want you)(Yeah)Weezy F baby the key to the ladiesKeys to the "cedes but please say the babyWeed and patron even in the a.m.We should be alone we can get a day inYa like what I"m saying?Den come around the way andWe can go inside and stay inTell the homeboy ya stayingYou"ve been takenGoneTurn me on and Imma turn him outYou know I love you like cooked foodYou know you fucking wit a good dudeYou know you give good brain like you graduated from a good schoolYou know Imma good moveYou should do (me)See...shawty what it is?The Carter who it isNow shawty do it bigA party at my cribThat"s a party in the hillsYou call it what you wantBut she can call it what she feel(Ooowwww!!!)Can I be for real?Dis is how I feelI"m in need of loveSo lets dip up out of hereOoohh ya just my typeEverything"s so right (so right)I just wanna chillLets dip up out of here(Lets dip up out of here)I ha ha haaaa haaaaa(She"s fine too but I want you)I ha ha ha haaaa haaaaa(She"s fine too but I want you)I ain"t nothing but a nonviolent nigga (yaknowatimean?)Me & lil" Lloyd long hair don"t careYo wattup Ryan I see you baby(Yea)Its major move right here babyI ain"t talking fast its just you listenin" slow (yaknowatimean?)You ain"t tryna hear me den don"t heard meI"m up outta hearI ain"t being mean but you so mean in them jeans (yaknowatimean?)So what you want me to do?


It"s you by me.中文意思是: 是你在我身边

Goodbye Baby 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye Baby歌手:George Thorogood & the Destroyers专辑:I"M Wantedmiss A - Goodbye Baby (中文版)Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(min)学会用快乐慢慢把寂寞替代爱不该还有 加时比赛就让彼此的心开始释怀Baby Good-bye, Good-bye(jia)我不是你想的那个女孩如果不想继续爱就别一直猜其实在心里早就已经 全明白可我还甩不掉你的依赖(fei)「离开 你也许就是现在」不用太意外「要把你清理出我脑海」对你不再有期待Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(min)学会用快乐慢慢把寂寞替代爱不该还有 加时比赛就让彼此的心开始释怀Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(suzy)该转身选择离开消失在这人海所有的辩解 没了色彩因为爱走了就再回不来Baby Good-bye, Good-bye(jia)思念已经充满太多无奈伤口渐渐愈合就别再掀开曾遇见你是一场最美的意外现在爱散落在多远的未来(fei)「太精彩你徒劳的对白」真让我意外「想让我再次重新倒带」眼泪是最后感慨Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(min)学会用快乐慢慢把寂寞替代爱不该还有 加时比赛就让彼此的心开始释怀Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(suzy)该转身选择离开消失在这人海所有的辩解 没了色彩因为爱走了就再回不来Baby Good-bye, Good-bye(jia)时间一声声一声声散落在不同彼此的未来信任也一点点一点点全被你放逐到千里之外不要装作可以置身事外一次次不断给我伤害以为我永远不会离开HA JI MA no 要对你说bye bye(fei)「太精 彩你徒劳的对白」真让我意外「想让我再次重新倒带」眼泪是最后感慨Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(min)学会用快乐慢慢把寂寞替代爱不该还有 加时比赛就让彼此的心开始释怀Good-bye Baby, Good-bye(suzy)该转身选择离开消失在这人海所有的辩解 没了色彩因为爱走了就再回不来Baby Good-bye, Good-bye

Sarah名词所有格, policewoman复数形式,by同音异义词,they形容词性物主代词。

1Sarah"s. 2 Policewomen 3 buy 4their


reduceto、reduceby这两个短语都表示“减少”,其区别是:1、前者用于表示减少的程度。The company must reduce costs to compete effectively. 公司要有效地参与竞争必须降低成本。2、后者用于表示减少的数量。Tests indicate this might reduce activity by a factor between 10 an 100. 测试结果表明,这可将放射性降低到原来的1/10-1/100。扩展资料词语用法:1、reduce的基本意思是“减少”,指重量、程度、数目、范围、速度等减少或降低,不仅可以指量的变化,还可以指质的转变。2、reduce引申可作“降职”“使…陷入某种状态或状况中”“将…概括或简化”“将…还原”“征服”“攻陷”等解。3、reduce可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。4、reduce偶尔也可接动词不定式作宾语补足语,意思是“使…不得不…”。 和reduce...by有啥区别

reduce to 5 (减少到5)reduce by 5/ 5% (减少了5/减少了5%)减少的幅度

有一首老歌 歌词是 你是我的Oh my baby 看到你我不再流泪(好像是这个样子的)

歌曲:执着歌手:田震 u2022 搜索"执着"LRC歌词u2022 搜索"执着"mp3 u2022 下载"执着"铃声[ti:执着]每个夜晚来临的时候孤独总在我左右每个黄昏心跳的等候是我无限的温柔每次面对你时候不敢看你的双眸在我温柔的笑容背后有多少泪水哀愁不管时空多么转变世界怎么改变你的爱总在我心间你是否明白我想超越这平凡的生活注定现在暂时漂泊无法停止我内心的狂热对未来的执著拥抱着你oh my baby你看到我在流泪是否爱你让我伤悲让我心碎拥抱着你oh my baby可你知道我无法后退纵然使我苍白憔悴伤痕累累



by 和on 的用法 都有那些词性?细说,

by prep. Close to; next to: 接近;靠近: the window by the door. 靠近门的窗户 With the use or help of; through: 借助于;通过: We came by the back road. 我们从后面的小路而来 Up to and beyond; past: 超过超出和在前面;超出: We drove by the house. 我们驶过了这所房屋 In the period of; during: 在…期间;在…中间: sleeping by day. 在白天睡觉 Not later than: 不迟于: by 5:30 p.m. 不迟于 下午5:30 In the amount of: 以…计的: letters by the thousands. 数以千计的信件 To the extent of: 达到…程度: shorter by two inches. 短了两英寸 According to: 按照,根据: played by the rules. 按规则比赛 With respect to: 相关,就…来说: siblings by blood. 嫡系亲属 In the name of: 以…的名义: swore by the Bible to tell the truth. 对圣经发誓说真话 Through the agency or action of: 被通过某种行为或动作: was killed by a bullet. 被子弹击毙 Used to indicate a succession of specified individuals, groups, or quantities: 一个一个地用于表示一系列的特定个体、组或数量: One by one they left. They were persuaded little by little. 他们一个接一个地离去了.他们渐渐被说服了 Used in multiplication and division: 乘,除用于乘法和除法: Multiply 4 by 6 to get 24. 4乘6得24 Used with measurements: 用于度量: a room 12 by 18 feet. 12英尺宽,18英尺长的房间 Used to express direction with points of the compass: 用于表示某一范围内的方位: south by southeast. 东南偏南 by adv. On hand; nearby: 旁边手边;就近的: Stand by. 站在旁边 Aside; away: 一边;搁置: We put it by for later. 我们把它放置一边,以后再说 Up to, alongside, and past: 超出,沿着,过去: The car raced by. 汽车奔驰而过 Into the past: 流逝: as years go by. 随着年月流逝 on prep. Used to indicate position above and supported by or in contact with: 在…上用于表示在…上及被…支撑或与…接触的位置: The vase is on the table. We rested on our hands and knees. 花瓶在桌子上.我们把头靠在手和膝盖上休息 Used to indicate contact with or extent over (a surface) regardless of position: 在…上面表示不考虑位置接触或在某一表面上: a picture on the wall; a rash on my back. 墙上挂着的一幅画;我背上长的疹子 Used to indicate location at or along: 表示位于或沿着: the pasture on the south side of the river; a house on the highway. 河岸南边的牧场;高速公路边的房子 Used to indicate proximity: 表示接近: a town on the border. 靠近边界的一个市镇 Used to indicate attachment to or suspension from: 表示附在…上或悬于…: beads on a string. 细绳上悬的珠子 Used to indicate figurative or abstract position: 用以表示比喻的或抽象的位置: on the young side, but experienced; on her third beer; stopped on chapter two. 相当年轻,但经验十足;在她喝第三杯啤酒时;到第二章为止 Used to indicate actual motion toward, against, or onto: 向…,朝…用于表示实际的动作朝向,对着…或在…上: jumped on the table; the march on Washington. 跳到桌子上;向华盛顿的进军 Used to indicate figurative or abstract motion toward, against, or onto: 向…,在…上用于表示比喻或抽象的运动的朝向,对着…或在…之上: going on six o"clock; came on the answer by accident. 到快六点了;偶然找到了答案 Used to indicate occurrence at a given time: 用于表示事件发生在某指定的时间: on July third; every hour on the hour. 在七月三日这一天;时时刻刻 Used to indicate the particular occasion or circumstance: 用以表示某一特定场合: On entering the room, she saw him. 她一进这个房间便看到了他 Used to indicate the object affected by actual, perceptible action: 对着用于表示实际的、能察觉到的行为影响到的目标: The spotlight fell on the actress. He knocked on the door. 聚光灯把光集中打到女演员身上;他敲门 Used to indicate the object affected by a figurative action: 针对用于表示一个想象的行动影响到的目标: Have pity on them. 可怜他们吧 Used to indicate the object of an action directed, tending, or moving against it: 向着,对着用于表示行动指导、朝向或移向的目标: an attack on the fortress. 对城堡的袭击 Used to indicate the object of perception or thought: 思考的事物用于表示感觉和思想的对象: gazed on the vista; meditated on his actions. 注视着风景;策划他的行动 Used to indicate the agent or agency of a specified action: 行为的原因或动力用于表示对某一特定行为起作用或对某一行为有帮助的东西: cut his foot on the broken glass; talked on the telephone. 碎玻璃把他的脚扎破了;通过电话聊天 Used to indicate a medicine or other corrective taken or undertaken routinely: 服用用于表示有规律或经常性服用的药物或矫正性行为: went on a strict diet. 进行严格的食疗 Used to indicate a substance that is the cause of an addiction, a habit, or an altered state of consciousness: 由于引上瘾、习惯或意识状态改变的物质: high on dope. 因吸毒而陷入沉醉状态 Used to indicate a source or basis: 根据用于表示来源或基础: 揥e will reach our judgments not on intentions or on promises but on deeds and on results?Margaret Thatcher) “我们将根据事实和结果而不是目的或诺言来作出判断”(玛格丽特·撒切尔) Used to indicate the state or process of: 表示…的状态或过程: on leave; on fire; on the way. 休假;着火;在途中 Used to indicate the purpose of: 表…的意图: travel on business. 商务旅行 Used to indicate a means of conveyance: 表示运送方式: ride on a train. 坐火车 Used to indicate availability by means of: 表示可利用的方法表示用…方式获取: beer on tap; a physician on call. 随时可取用的啤酒;随时待命的大夫 Used to indicate belonging to: 表归属: a nurse on the hospital staff. 在医院就职的护士 Used to indicate addition or repetition: 表示增加或重复: heaped error on error. 错上加错 Concerning; about: 涉及;关于: a book on astronomy. 有关天文学的书籍 Concerning and to the disadvantage of: 关于且不利于: We have some evidence on him. 我们有一些不利于他的证据 Informal 【非正式用语】 In one"s possession; with: 拥有;带着: I haven"t a cent on me. 我一分钱都没带 At the expense of; compliments of: 以…为代价;恭维: drinks on the house. 免费的饮料 on adv. In or into a position or condition of being supported by or in contact with something: 在…加上在或进入受到某物支撑或与某物相接触的位置或状态: Put the coffee on. 增加咖啡 In or into a position of being attached to or covering something: 附着,遮盖在或进入到被连接或覆盖某物的位置上: Put your clothes on. 穿上你的衣服 In the direction of something: 在某事物的方向上: He looked on while the ship docked. 船入码头时他一直在观看 Toward or at a point lying ahead in space or time; forward: 向前向前或位于空间或时间之前: The play moved on to the next city. 剧组转移到下一个城市演出 At or to a more distant point in time or space: 稍后地在或向时间或空间上更远的一点: I"ll do it later on. 我稍后会做这件事 In a continuous course: 继续在连续的过程中: He worked on quietly. 他一直默默地工作着 In or into performance or operation: 执行,运作处于或进入执行或运行中: Turn on the radio. 打开收音机 In progress or action; in a state of activity: 进展,继续在进展或行动中;在运行状态下: The show must go on. 演出必须继续下去 In or at the present position or condition: 位于或在现状或现存的条件下: stay on; hang on. 维持现状;别挂电话 In a condition of being scheduled for or decided upon: 依照原定计划地在预先安排或已决定的状态下: There is a party on tonight. 今晚要举行一个聚会 on adj. Being in operation: 在运行中的: The television is on. 电视机是开着的 Engaged in a given function or activity, such as a vocal or dramatic role: 从事某项活动的起作用的或参于某项活动,如演唱或戏剧中的角色: You"re on in five minutes! 五分钟后你该上场表演了 Under or behaving as if under observation: 受注意的在注意下的或好象在注意下行动的: A minister is always on. 部长的行为总在被大众注意着 Slang 【俚语】 Functioning or performing at a high degree of competence or energy: 表现优越的以高程度或能量起作用或执行的: The goalie is really on. 守门员表现出色 Planned; intended: 计划的,本意的: Our calendar is open; we have nothing on for this weekend. 我们日程表是空的;这个周末我们没有什么计划 Happening; taking place: 发生的;出现的: The parade is on. 游行在进行 be on to Slang To be aware of or have information about: 知道,意识到意识到…或知道…的情况: You"ll never deceive us again; we"re on to you. 你再也骗不了我们了;我们已识破了你的诡计 on and off Intermittently. 间断地,持续地 on and on Without stopping; continuously. 无间断地;连续不断地 Middle English 中古英语 fromOld English an, on 源自古英语 an, on *See Also : an- In Appendix To indicate motion toward a position, both on and onto can be used: 表示朝某一位置的移动时, on和 on to都可以使用: The cat jumped on the table. The cat jumped on the table . The cat jumped onto the table. Ontois more specific, however, in indicating that the motion was initiated from an outside point. He wandered onto the battlefield means that he began his wandering at some point off the battlefield. He wandered on the battlefield may mean that his wandering began on the battlefield. ?In constructions where on is an adverb attached to a verb, it should not be joined with to to form the single word onto: The cat jumped onto the table.Onto更具体,但表示的动作是从外面一点开始的. He wandered onto the battlefield指他是从战场外面一点开始漫游的. He wandered on the battlefield可能意为是在战场上他开始漫游的.当 on在结构上作为连接动词的副词时,不应该和 to连接在一起形成一个单独的词onto: move on to (not onto) new subjects; 转移到(而不是 onto)新的课题 ; hold on to (not onto) our gains. ?In their uses to indicate spatial relations, on and upon are often interchangeable: 保住(而不是 onto) 我们的成果.在用于表示空间的关系上, on和 upon经常可以互换: It was resting on (or upon) two supports. 它基于(或 upon)两点证明. She took it on (or upon) herself to finish the project. 她独立(或 upon)完成了项目. We saw a finch light on (or upon) a bough.To indicate a relation between two things, however, instead of between an action and an end point, uponcannot always be used: 我们看到树枝上停着(或 upon) 一只麻雀.但在表示两件事物之间的关系而不是表示一种行为和行为终点之间的关系时, upon不总是能被使用: Hand me the book on (not upon) the table. 帮我把书放在(而不是 upon)桌子上. It was the only town on (not upon) the main line.Similarly, upon cannot always be used in place of onwhen the relation is not spatial: 这是(而不是 upon) 主要干线上唯一的城镇.同样,当两者之间关系不是空间上的关系时,不总是能用 upon代替 on: He wrote a book on (not upon) alchemy. 他写了一本有关(而不是 upon)炼金术的书; She will be here on (not upon) Tuesday. 她(而不是 upon) 星期二要来这里.

call on和call by的区别


美国亚马逊的Baby Registry是什么,有什么优惠吗

宝宝注册愿望清单,输入宝宝的预产期(对于已经有宝宝的也可以虚拟一个将来的日期),输入14天后,会有一个10%优惠,激活后可以将收藏在宝宝愿望清单中符合要求的商品得到优惠。1. 10%的折扣的有 效 期 是在baby出生前30天至出生后60天。 2. 10%的折扣只能 使 用 1次,并且 购 买 总 金 额 不能超过$5,000。 3. 只有amazon Baby Registry 规 定 范 围 内 的 产 品 才能享受10%的折扣。4. 只有amazon 自 营 的 产 品 才可以享受10%的折扣。 5. 10%的折扣只能通过 注 册 Baby Registry来实现。 ;6. 使用10%的折扣后8个月内不能再次使用。 7. 如果你退回以这个折扣所 购 买 的 产 品,那么 退 款 将按折扣价返回你的credit。 8. 请 勿 使 用1-Click下单。 9. 有些 地 址 是 无 效 的不可以享受10%的折扣。 10. 注 册 Baby Registry之后14天才可以享受10%的折扣。

in my way, by my way ,on my way,区别

on my way的意思是 在路上,后面常加to, on one"s way to 在我去...的路上in my way 挡住我的道了on my way 的意思是 行动中 前进中 在路途上 准备就绪 走自己的路in my way的意思是 用自己的方式 麻烦收到后请尽快采纳一下,要财富值下载文件比较急,谢谢。

in my way ,on my way ,by my way区别

in my way,应该是挡我的路,常写作 get in one"s wayon my way在路上,常为on one"s wayby my way用我的方法,也有by the way顺便一提



The city was virtually paralyzed by the transit strike.翻译一下




on the way by the way in the way out of the way 区别?

by the way:在途中、 在路旁 、顺便说 、附带说说;on the way:接近、在进行中、《口语》(孩子)已成胎而尚未出世;in the way:当道的、 碍事的、《英》在场 、近在咫尺;out of the way:不挡道、不碍事、被处理好、偏远的、奇特的、不妥的。

in a way in the way on the way on a way by the way 分别指什么

in the way 等必须看在句子里它们的意思,以下举几个例子供参考。⊙ in the way(挡路;妨碍):Her social life got in the way of her studies(她的社会活动妨碍了她的学习。)⊙ on the way(在路上):Let"s wait a few moments. He"s on the way.(咱们等一会儿,他正在路上。[快到了])⊙ By the way 是个语气词,即“附带说一句”之意。如:By the way, has everybody arrived?(附带问一句,大家是否都到了?)⊙ In a way,是“某个方面”,“在某种意义上”。如In a way,he was right.(在某个意义上说,他是对的。)

by the way;on the way to;in the way;in a way;lose way的区别 它们的用法

by the way是顺便,另外的意思 on the way是在路上 in the way 是妨碍,挡路 in a way是在某种程度上的意思 lose way是迷路的意思

英语中by the way ,on the way, in the way of ,in this way的意思


by the way ,in the way,on the way,of the way什么意思


in the way,on the way,by the way的区别与意思?

in the way 挡道 不礼貌的行为 on the way 常加 to 地点 到。。。。的路 在去。。。的路上 by the way 用来岔开话题 插入一句话 的插入语 (顺便说下)

英语中by the way ,on the way,in the way of ,in this way的意思

by the way (顺便说一下) on the way (在.的路上0 in the way of (用.的方法,of接方法的具体内容) in this way (用这种方法)

in the way,on the way,by the way有什么区别?怎么翻译?


in the way,on the way,by the way的区别是什么?

in the way,on the way,by the way的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,翻译如下:一、意思不同 the way意思:阻碍,挡道2.on the way意思:在路上;在旅行中 the way意思:顺便地;附带说一句二、用法不同 the way用法:in表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内。2.on the way用法:on表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等。 the way用法:by表示比率作“以…为单位”解时,常与表示单位的名词或数词连用,名词前常用定冠词; 作“…比…”解时,用于两个数字之间表示面积。三、侧重点不同 the way侧重点:有挡道、妨碍的意味。2.on the way侧重点:若表示在去某地的途中,其后要用介词to接地点名词表示目的地,若目的地是副词,则不用to。 the way侧重点:常用做状语。

in the way,on the way,by the way的区别是什么呢?

in the way,on the way,by the way的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,翻译如下:一、意思不同 the way意思:阻碍,挡道2.on the way意思:在路上;在旅行中 the way意思:顺便地;附带说一句二、用法不同 the way用法:in表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内。2.on the way用法:on表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等。 the way用法:by表示比率作“以…为单位”解时,常与表示单位的名词或数词连用,名词前常用定冠词; 作“…比…”解时,用于两个数字之间表示面积。三、侧重点不同 the way侧重点:有挡道、妨碍的意味。2.on the way侧重点:若表示在去某地的途中,其后要用介词to接地点名词表示目的地,若目的地是副词,则不用to。 the way侧重点:常用做状语。

on the way和by the way的区别

"on the way" 和 "by the way" 是两个不同的英语短语,它们的含义和用法有所不同:On the way"On the way" 意为 "在路上",通常用于描述某人或某物正在前往某个地方的过程中。例如:I am on the way to the airport.(我正在前往机场的路上。)The package is on the way and should arrive tomorrow.(包裹已经在路上了,明天应该到达。)By the way"By the way" 意为 "顺便说一下",通常用于引入一个与当前话题相关但不是主要话题的内容。例如:By the way, have you seen my phone?(顺便说一下,你看到我的手机了吗?)We need to finish this report by Friday. Oh, and by the way, we have a meeting at 3 pm today.(我们需要在周五之前完成这份报告。哦,顺便说一下,今天下午三点我们有一个会议。)因此,"on the way" 和 "by the way" 的区别在于前者表示正在前往某个地方的过程中,后者表示引入一个相关但不是主要话题的内容。

in the way; on the way ;by the way 的区别

in the way挡道on the way在路上by the way顺便说一下

in this way ,on the way ,by th way ,all the way 的区别及用法?

in this way 通过这个方式 on the way 在去.的路上 ,by th way 顺便说一下,用于转移话题,all the way 所有的方式 差不多就是这几个比较实用的翻译,小心别弄混了哦~,4,in this way用这种方法 on the way在路上by the way顺便说一下all the way一直,1,in this way 通过这个方式 on the way 在。。。。。。的路上 , by th way 顺便说一下,用于转移话题, all the way 所有的方式,1,in this way:用这种方式, on the way:在途中,接近;(孩子)已成胎而尚未出生 , by the way:顺便地, 附带说说,顺便提一下,捎带说一声,附带问一句 , all the way :一路上, 一直; 完全 。,0,


on the way 在路上in the way 挡道,挡在路上by the way 顺便说说,顺便提起

in the way,on the way,by the way有什么区别?怎么翻译?

by the way adv.顺便说说;顺便提起By the way, what happened to the money? 顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎么样了?on the way 在途中, 接近in the way adv.挡道

in time ,on time ,by the time 的区别,

in time ,及时,总有一天 on time ,准时 by the time 到……的时候,可以加上一个从句.

on the time ,in the time ,at the time ,by the time 分别是什么意思?

on time准时 in time及时 at the time那时候 by the time到...的时候

Jesse McCartney - Kissing you goodbye 这首歌的歌词

Jesse McCartney - Kissing you goodbyedoesn"t matter much what u will saycause i am leaving u now anyway ahhh ohhhgonna have some fun just for a changeand u cant do a thing to make me stay ohohyahgonna throw away ur picture in the raincause they dont mean a single thingi just wanna have some fun with some onebye bye baby bye byechourskissing u goodbyestarting a new lifenow i know that finally i"m done and through with uu are not the one who can give me allkissing u goodbyeno more needs to trynow i know exactly what i wanna do in my lifeu will not be therecause we have nothin more to sharei have never been so satisfiedwith anything before in my life no noleaving u was the best thing i could doi"m so glad that we are throughchours 1xfinallyi can seewe were never meant to bechour1xkissing u goodbyestarting my new liveno more needs now i know that finally i"m done and through with uu are not the one who can give me allkissing u goodbyeno more needs to trynow i know exactly what i wanna do in my lifeu will not be therecause we have nothin more to sharekissing you good byeno more needs to trynow i know exactly what i wanna do in my lifeu will not be therecause we have nothin more to sharekissng you goob byeee

Mr. Good Bye电视剧中的一个歌曲?

名字就叫good bye 这是电视剧里所有的歌和地址1. ud55cuac78uc74c ubc18 - ud55cuc9c0uc6d0 02. Goob Bye - ub8e8uc774 03. ucc9cuad6d uac19uc740 ub108 - uc720ud574uc900 04. My Love Is Alone - uc815uc2dcub85c(ubc45ud06c) 05. ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 ud6c4 - ubc30ud61cuc815 06. My Heart - uc11cuc815 07. ub2e4uc2dc uc6c3ub294 ub0a0 - ubc84ube14uc2dcuc2a4ud130uc988 08. uac00uc2b4uc5d0uc11c uc18cub9acuac00 ub098 - J han 09. uadf8ub300ub97c uc0acub791ud569ub2c8ub2e4 - uae40uc2dcuc9c4 10. ud558ub8e8uac00 - uc131ud638uc6a9 11. Good Bye - Piano Ver. 12. Lounge 13. Blue Ocean 14. Bridge 15. Latine Theme 16. My Heart - Guitar Ver. 17. Perfume 18. S-Theme 19. Section Theme 20. Title Theme

谁有never say goob bye的歌词啊?

[ti:never say goodbye][ar:bon jovi]never say goodbyebon jovicrossroadas i sit in this smokey roomthe night about to endi pass my time with strangersbut this bottle"s my only friendremember when we used to parkon butler street out in the darkremember when we lost the keys and you lost more than that in my backseat babyremember how we used to talkabout busting out - we"d break their heartstogether - forevernever say goodbye, never say goodbyeyou and me and my old friendshoping it would never endnever say goodbye, never say goodbyeholdin" on - we got to tryholdin" on to never say goodbyeremember days of skipping schoolracing cars and being coolwith a six pack and the radiowe didn"t need no place to goremember at the prom that nightyou and me we had a fightbut the band they played our favorite songand i held you in my arms so strongwe danced so closewe danced so slowand i swore i"d never let you gotogether - forevernever say goodbye, never say goodbyeyou and me and my old friendshoping it would never endnever say goodbye, never say goodbyeholdin" on - we got to tryholdin" on to never say goodbyei guess you"d say we used to talkabout busting outwe"d break their heartstogether - foreverthe endby lune

Goobbye To Romance 歌词

chocolate icehao ting

寻:《再见先生》里歌曲“Goob Bye”歌词

  Good Bye - uc774uc218ud6c8  uac00uc2b4uc774 ub108ubb34 uc544ud30cud574uc11c  uc774uc820 ub108uc758 uc190uc744 ub193uc73cub824uace0 ud574  uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0 uace0uac1cub97c uc800uc5b4ubcf4uc9c0ub9cc  uac70uc9d3ub9d0ud55c uc544uc774ucc98ub7fc ub108uc758 ub208uc744 ubcfcuc218 uc5c6uc5b4  Goodbye, Goodbye uc798 uac00uc694, ud589ubcf5ud574uc694  uadf8ub300 ub5a0ub09c ub098ub97c uc78auc5b4uc57c ud574uc694  ub108uc758 ub530ub73bud55c ubbf8uc18cuc5d0  uac16uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc57c ud560 uc695uc2ecuc744 ubd80ub824  uc0acub791ud55cub2e4, uc8fduc744 ub9ccud07c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4  uc774 ub9d0 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubb3buace0 ub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b4uc57c ud558ub098ubd10  Goodbye, Goodbye ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2cc uc0acub78cuc5d0ub77cub3c4  ub0b4 ubaabuae4cuc9c0 uc0acub791 ubc1buc544uc694 uadf8uac78ub85c uc871ud574uc694  Goodbye, Goodbye uc774ubcc4uc774 ub0a8uaca8uc904 uc544ud514uc740  ub0b4uac00 uc804ubd80 uac00uc838 uac08 ud14cub2c8uae4c  ud639uc2dcub77cub3c4 ub0b4uac8c ubbf8uc548ud574 ud558uc9c0ub9c8uc694  ub0b4uac00 uac16uc9c0 ubabbud588ub358 ub2e8 ud55cubc88uc758 uc0acub791uc744  uadf8ub304 ub0b4uac8c uc92cuc73cub2c8 uadf8uac8c ub0b4 uc804ubd80ub2c8uae4c  Goodbye, Goodbye ub2e4uc74c uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uaf2d ub9ccub098uc694  ub05dub0b4 ud558uc9c0 ubabbud55c ub9d0ub4e4uacfc, ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub358 uc0acub791 uadf8ub824uc694  Goodbye, Goodbye uc798uac00uc694 uaf2d ud589ubcf5ud574uc918uc694  uadf8ub300 ub5a0ub09c ub098ub97c uc6a9uc11cud574uc918uc694  uadf8ub300 ubcf4ub2e8 ub0b4uac00 ub354 uc544ud50cud14cub2c8

You may rely on _ everything will be ready by Fri



java中"byte buffer[]"和"byte[] buffer",只是不同的写法,完全相同的含义。 "byte buffer[]"实际上是为了兼容C的语法形式(因为太多人第一语言是C,为了让这些人感觉习惯一点呗),而"byte[] buffer"很显然,是更自然的表达方式。


应该是O"NEILL。是美国历史最悠久也最正宗的极限运动潮流服饰品牌之一,它诞生于1952年,创始人就是一位热爱冲浪运动的传奇人物——Jack O"Neil。

求Matt&Toby的the last one歌词



歌词有this is love maby one day

有两个你看看,一个是Blue的One Love,一个是Trey Songz 的One Love歌词给你看看 One Love <br>歌手:Blue <br>It"s kinda funny <br>How life can change <br>Can flip 180 in a matter of days <br>Sometimes love works in <br>Mysterious ways <br>One day U wake up <br>Gone without a trace <br>I refuse to give up <br>I refuse to give in <br>You"re my everythin" <br>I don"t wanna give up <br>I don"t wanna give in <br>So everybody sing <br><br>One love for the mother"s pride <br>One love for the times we cried <br>One love gotta stay alive...I will survive <br>One love for the city streets <br>One love for the hip hop beats <br>One love oh I do believe <br>One love is all we need <br><br>Late at night I"m still wide awake <br>Feelin" this is one more than I can take <br>I thought my heart could <br>Never break <br>Now I know that"s one big mistake <br>I refuse to give up <br>I refuse to give in <br>You"re my everythin" <br>I don"t wanna give up <br>I don"t wanna give in <br>Everybody sing <br>One love for the mother"s pride <br>One love for the times we cried <br>One love gotta stay alive...I will survive <br>One love for the city streets <br>One love for the hip hop beats <br>One love oh I do believe <br>One love is all we need <br><br>Baby just love me love me love me <br>Baby just hold me hold me hold me <br>Ooooh love me love me love me <br>Oh love <br>Baby just love me love me love me <br>Baby just hold me hold me hold me <br>Ooooh love me love me love me <br><br>One love for the mother"s pride <br>One love for the times we cried <br>One love gotta stay alive...I will survive <br>One love for the city streets <br>One love for the hip hop beats <br>One love oh I do believe <br>One love is all we need <br>One love for the mother"s pride <br>One love for the times we cried <br>One love gotta stay alive...I will survive <br>One love for the city streets <br>One love for the hip hop beats <br>One love oh I do believe <br>One love is all we need Trey Songz - One LoveYou know I have to be honestIt"s like for the first time in my life,My pride is not a problemI"m not afraidI"m not afraid to tell you girl,That I love youBelieve thatAnd if I cant have you,I don"t know what ima doListen to meSo many people never find the oneThat"s why I really wanna tell you somethin"I really think this is it for meI really think you"re the one I needCause baby I done had ‘em allI don"t want nobody but youYeh, Oh darlin"Baby let me break it downSee, we livin" in a lonely worldAint you tired of the runnin" ‘round?Don"t you wanna be my only girl?Baby can I be the one to callWhen you"re tired of the liesAnd the truth is all you wanna hearOnly if you swearBaby, here I am (here I am)I"m your man (I"m your man)I came with everything you neededYou and me undefeated,Till the end of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveAll you gotta do is,Take my hand (take my hand)We will stand (we will stand)This was made to last forever,So lets say it together for the rest of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveOhh, Listen babyI"ll give you all I"m worthFrom my head down to my shoesAnd girl if we gone work,Then I need the same from youI know that so many other dudes cheatBut so many dudes aint meGive my paycut winning dimeAnd I"ll pick you girl every timeI just wanna break it downSee, we livin" in a lonely worldAint you tired of the runnin" ‘round?Don"t you wanna be my only girl?Baby can I be the one to callWhen you"re tired of the liesAnd the truth is all you wanna hearIf you swearBaby, here I am (here I am)I"m your man (I"m your man)I came with everything you neededYou and me undefeated,Till the end of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveAll you gotta do is,Take my hand (take my hand)We will stand (we will stand)This was made to last forever,So lets say it together for the rest of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveOhh, Love is hard to findBut love is one of a kindAnd I got mindSo if you got yours,Then you know what your livin" forThis goes out to all my lovers tonightAnd if you listenin" to my groove,And your baby"s next to youTell ‘em‘You are all I need and I"ll never let go"You are all I need and I"ll never let go(Never let go of you)And here I am (here I am)I"m your man (I"m your man)I came with everything you neededYou and me undefeated,Till the end of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveAll you gotta do is,Take my hand (take my hand)We will stand (we will stand)This was made to last forever,So lets say it together for the rest of timeOne mind, one heart, one loveOhh ohh ohh ohh, oh yeah(You are all I need and I"ll never let go)Ohh, LoveLove, loveTell ‘emYou are all I need and I"ll never let go (Let go)

求T-ara的歌day by day日文版的罗马音π_π一定是日文版的罗马音啊!

[Areum] Annani aishita kimigainaiMou donnani yon demo todokanaiAh kodoku ga jirijiri oshiyoseruAh yabureta kokoro o shimetsukeruShakunetsu no sabaku ni torinokosa reOmokage sagashite samayo dakeKiss me ma babyHayaku modotte kiteNee, onegai day by day[Jiyeon] Konya mo tsuki ga nijinde iru waFurueru yoru ni namida ga tok! tok! tok![Hyomin] Kiminokoe mo nukumori moWasure rareru no ka naYume no yona omoide oKiete shimau no tok! tok! tok![Eunjung] Kiss me baby I"ll must be stay here day by day[Soyeon] Aishiteru to itte[Eunjung] Kiss me baby just you can take me day by day[Soyeon] Yasashiku sasayaite[All] Tururururururu turudu[Boram] Modoranai to shittete mo[All] Tururururururu turudu[Boram] Kimi o matteru day by day[Areum] Tonari de mezameta asa moToi maboroshina no[Hyomin] Eien chikatta yoru moUsona no tok! tok! tok![Eunjung] Kiss me baby I"ll must be stay here day by day[Soyeon] Kimi dakeda to itte[Eunjung] Kiss me baby just you can take me day by day[Soyeon] Mouichido dakishimete[All] Tururururururu turudu[Boram] Modoranai to shittete mo[All] Tururururururu turudu[Boram] Kimi o matteru day by day[Soyeon] Moshimo jikan oAno hi ni modoserunara[Areum] Tsunaida te to teMou hanasanainoni[Areum] Annani hito o aisenaiMou donna nagusame mo imiganaiNee, nani ga futari o hikisaita noNee, nani o watashi wa machigaeta noKanashi utawoutau kuchibiruHitomi no oku ni yaki tsuita kiokuKiss me ma babySayonara nanteNee, usodesho day by day[Eunjung] Kiss me baby I"ll must be stay here day by day[Soyeon] Aishiteta to itte[Eunjung] Kiss me baby just you can take me day by day[Soyeon] Saigo ni mouichido[Jiyeon] Kiss me baby take me day by day

“Removed by Editor”是什么意思

“Removed by Editor” “删除编辑”

“Removed by Editor”是什么意思

Removed by Editor删除编辑例句1. A small chicken bone lodged in his throat, and had to be removed by a doctor. 一小块鸡骨头卡在他的喉咙里, 不得不让医生取出来. 2. The plane had a breakdown in the air, but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot. 飞机在空中发生了故障, 但幸运的是被王牌驾驶员排除了. 为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

day by day的歌词

Day By Dayud2f0uc544ub77c(T-ara)[ud654uc601] ub0b4ud488uc740 ub108uc5d0uac8c ud53cub09cucc98ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuc5d0 ub098ub294 ubc84ub824uc838uc0acub791 uadf8 ub05duc740 uae4cub9cc ud130ub110uc18dubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54aub294 uae38uc774 ub098ub294 ub108ubb34 ub450ub824uc6ccud0dcuc591uc774 ub0b4ub9acucb10ub294 ubd89uc740 uc0acub9c9ucc98ub7fcubaa9ub9d0ub77c uc6b8uace0 uc788ub294 uc0acub78cucc98ub7fcKiss Me My Baby uc774 ubc24uc774 uac00uae30uc804uc5d0ub0b4uac8c uc5b4uc11cube68ub9ac Day By Day[uc9c0uc5f0] ub2c8 ud488uc774 uadf8ub9acuc6ccuc838 ub108ubb34 uc0acub791 ud588ub098ubd10 uc774 ubc24uc774 uc9c0ub098uac00uba74 ub208ubb3cub418uc5b4 ud1a1!ud1a1!ud1a1![ud6a8ubbfc] uc800 uc740ube5b ub2ecuc774 uc9c0uba74 uc0acub77cuc9c8uae4c..uc544uc9c1 ub0a8uc544uc788ub294 ub2c8 ud5a5uae30uafc8uac19ub358 ucd94uc5b5ub4e4ub3c4 ud769uc5b4uc9c8uae4c...ube57ubb3cucc98ub7fc uba40ub9ac ud1a1!ud1a1!ud1a1![uc740uc815] Kiss Me BabyI"ll Must Be Stay Here Day By Day[uc18cuc5f0] uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 uc18duc0aduc5ecuc918[uc740uc815] Kiss Me BabyJust You Can Take Me Day by Day[uc18cuc5f0] ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub9c8ub974uae30 uc804uc5d0[uc9c0uc5f0] ub69cub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8 ub69cub8e8ub450[ubcf4ub78c] ubc14ub78c ucc98ub7fc ubaa8ub450 uc0acub77cuc838 ubc84ub9b0 ub108[uc9c0uc5f0] ub69cub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8 ub69cub8e8ub450[ubcf4ub78c] ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ub110 uadf8ub9acuba70 Day By Day[uc544ub984] uc2a4uce58ub294 ucd94uc5b5ub4e4uc774 uadf8ub9acuc6b4 ubc24ub4e4ub824uc624ub294 ub108uc758 ubaa9uc18cub9ac[ud6a8ubbfc] uc601uc6d0uc744 uc57duc18dud588ub358 uc218ub9ceuc740 ubc24ub208ubb3cub418uc5b4 ud1a1!ud1a1!ud1a1![uc740uc815] Kiss Me BabyI"ll Must Be Stay Here Day By Day[uc18cuc5f0] uc0acub791ud55cub2e4uace0 uc18duc0aduc5ecuc918[uc740uc815] Kiss Me BabyJust You Can Take Me Day by Day[uc18cuc5f0] ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub9c8ub974uae30 uc804uc5d0[uc9c0uc5f0] ub69cub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8 ub69cub8e8ub450[ud050ub9ac] ubc14ub78c ucc98ub7fc ubaa8ub450 uc0acub77cuc838 ubc84ub9b0 ub108[uc9c0uc5f0] ub69cub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8ub8e8 ub69cub8e8ub450[ud050ub9ac] ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ub110 uadf8ub9acuba70 Day By Day[uc18cuc5f0] ub5a0ub098uac00ub294 ub2c8 ubaa8uc2b5ub2c8 uc0dduac01uc5d0 ub610 ub208ubb3cuc774 ud758ub7ec[uc544ub984] ub3ccuc544uc628ub2e4uace0 ub9d0ud574uc918uc6b0ub9acuc0acub791 uc601uc6d0ud558ub3c4ub85d[ud654uc601] ub10c ub098ub97c ub450uace0 uac00ub77c uc800 uba40ub9acuba40ub9ac uae38 ub530ub77c uc0acub77cuc838ubbf8uce5c uc0acub791ub05d uc544uc2acud55c ub0adub5a0ub7ecuc9c0uc9c8uae34 uc0acub791uc5d0 uac10uc5fcub3fc uacc4uc18dub5a8uc5c8uc9c0uc2acud508 uc2dcub97c uc74auc5b4ub300ub294 ub0b4 uc785uc220uc774ub108uc758 uae4cub9cc ub208ub3d9uc790uc5d0 uae30uc5b5ub418ub9acKiss Me My Baby uc774 ubc24uc774 uac00uae30uc804uc5d0ub0b4uac8c uc5b4uc11cube68ub9ac Day By Day[uc740uc815] Kiss Me BabyI"ll Must Be Stay Here Day By Day[uc18cuc5f0] uc2acud504uc9c0ub9cc ub108ub97c uc9c0uc6b8ub798[uc740uc815] Kiss Me BabyJust You Can Take Me Day by Day[uc18cuc5f0] ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub9c8ub974uae30 uc804uc5d0[uc9c0uc5f0] Kiss Me Baby Take Me Day By Day.... [花英] 我的怀抱是你的避难所其他的我都遗弃在爱情尽头的遥远隧道中看不见道路的我感到很害怕就像顶着烈日的赤红沙漠里渴求哭的人一样Kiss me my baby在今夜结束之前快回到我身边 Day by day[智妍] 好怀念你的怀抱我想我太爱你了这个夜晚过去成为眼泪Tok!Tok!Tok![孝敏] 散发出银色月光会消逝到地面下吗......如今还残留着你的香气梦境般的回忆也将烟消云散吗......雨水般遥远Tok!Tok!Tok![恩静] Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day by day[素妍] 悄悄地说爱我吧[恩静] Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day by day[素妍] 在我眼泪干涸之前[智妍] 嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜 嘟噜嘟[宝蓝] 像风一样消失的恶劣的你[智妍] 嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜 嘟噜嘟[宝蓝] 日复一日地想念你Day by day[雅琳] 在回忆掠过思念的夜晚听到了你的声音[孝敏] 永恒的约定 无数个夜晚成为眼泪Tok!Tok!Tok![恩静] Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day by day[素妍] 悄悄地说爱我吧[恩静] Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day by day[素妍] 在我眼泪干涸之前[智妍] 嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜 嘟噜嘟[居丽] 像风一样消失的恶劣的你[智妍] 嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜 嘟噜嘟[居丽] 日复一日地想念你[素妍] 离开时你的模样只要一想起 眼泪就潸然而下[雅琳] 回到我的身边我们的爱就能永恒[花英] 你弃我不顾 远走高飞在遥远的路上消失无踪疯狂的爱情了解后被人所遗忘坚韧的爱情将继续感染我飞嘴里念着悲伤的诗记得的却是你那乌黑的双眼Kiss me my baby在今夜结束之前快回到我身边 Day by day[恩静] Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day by day[素妍] 再悲伤也要忘记你[恩静] Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day by day[素妍] 在我眼泪干涸之前[智妍] Kiss me baby take me day by day…… Day By Day ティアラ(T-ara)[ファヨン] あんなに爱した君がいないもう どんなに呼んでも届かないああ 孤独が ジリジリ押し寄せるああ 破れた心を缔めつける灼热の砂漠に取り残され面影探してさまようだけKiss me my baby早く戻ってきてねぇ お愿いDay By Day[ジヨン] 今夜の月が渗んでいるわ震える夜に涙がTok! Tok! Tok![ヒョミン] 君の声も温もりも忘れられるのかな?梦のような思い出も消えてしまうの?Tok! Tok! Tok![ウンジョン] Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day By Day[ソヨン] 爱してると言って[ウンジョン] Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day By Day[ソヨン] 优しくささやいて[ジヨン] トゥルルルルルル トゥルル[ボーラム] 戻れないと知ってても[ジヨン] トゥルルルルルル トゥルル[ボーラム] 君を待ってる Day By Day[アルム] 隣で目覚めた朝も远い幻なの?[ヒョミン] 永远誓った夜も嘘なの? Tok! Tok! Tok![ウンジョン] Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day By Day[ソヨン] 君だけだと言って[ウンジョン] Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day By Day[ソヨン] もういちど抱きしめて[ジヨン] トゥルルルルルル トゥルル[キュリ] 戻れないと知ってても[ジヨン] トゥルルルルルル トゥルル[キュリ] 君を待ってる Day By Day[ソヨン] もしも时间をあの日に戻せるなら[アルム] 繋いだ手と手もう离さないのにどんなに[ファヨン] あんなに人を爱せないもうどんな慰めも意味がないねぇ 何が二人を引き裂いたの?ねぇ 何を私は间违えたの?悲しい歌を歌う唇瞳の奥に焼きついた记忆Kiss me my baby サヨナラなんてねぇ 嘘でしょ Day By Day[ウンジョン] Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day By Day[ソヨン] 爱してたと言って[ウンジョン] Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day By Day[ソヨン] 最後に もう一度[ジヨン] Kiss me baby take me day by day...... [花英] 这样珍爱的你不在身边 就算怎样呼唤也无法传递到你的心中啊 就这样被孤独感慢慢吞噬啊 将破碎的心挤压灼热的沙漠中只剩下恍惚中寻觅着你的音容笑貌KIss me my baby 快点回到我的身边呐 每日在祈祷 Day by day[智妍] 今夜的月亮朦胧依旧颤抖的夜里 泪水满襟Tok!Tok!Tok![孝敏] 你的声音和温暖怎会忘记?像梦境一样在脑海中乍隐乍现?Tok!Tok!Tok![恩静]Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day By Day[素妍] 说一声爱你[恩静]Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day By Day[素妍] 轻声地温柔呼唤[智妍] 嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜 嘟噜嘟[宝蓝] 就算知道再也无法挽回[智妍] 嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜 嘟噜嘟[宝蓝] 也会日复一日地想你[雅琳] 旁边刺眼的晨光是幻觉吗?[孝敏] 永远的誓言之夜难道是谎言?Tok!Tok!Tok![恩静]Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day By Day[素妍] 说一声只有你[恩静]Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day By Day[素妍] 想要再一次地拥抱[智妍] 嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜 嘟噜嘟[居丽] 就算知道无法挽回[智妍] 嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜 嘟噜嘟[居丽] 也会日复一日地等你[素妍] 如果时光可以倒流到那天时[雅琳] 紧握的手就不会再放开[花英] 没法再让他去爱就算怎样的安慰也没有任何意义呐 究竟什么让两人产生隔阂?呐 我究竟做错了什么?唱着悲歌的嘴唇烧焦的记忆弥漫双眼Kiss me my baby 再见什么的也是谎言吧 Day by day[恩静]Kiss me babyI"ll must be stay here Day By Day[素妍] 说一声爱你[恩静]Kiss me babyJust you can take me Day By Day[素妍] 最后就再一次[智妍] Kiss me baby take me day by day…… [Areum] Annani aishita kimigainaiMou donnani yon demo todokanaiAh kodoku ga jirijiri oshiyoseruAh yabureta kokoro o shimetsukeruShakunetsu no sabaku ni torinokosa reOmokage sagashite samayo dakeKiss me ma babyHayaku modotte kiteNee, onegai day by day[Jiyeon] Konya mo tsuki ga nijinde iru waFurueru yoru ni namida ga tok! tok! tok[Hyomin] Kiminokoe mo nukumori moWasure rareru no ka naYume no yona omoide oKiete shimau no tok! tok! tok![Eunjung] Kiss me baby I"ll must be stay here day by day[Soyeon] Aishiteru to itte[Eunjung] Kiss me baby just you can take me day by day[Soyeon] Yasashiku sasayaite[All] Tururururururu turudu[Boram] Modoranai to shittete mo[All] Tururururururu turudu[Boram] Kimi o matteru day by day[Areum] Tonari de mezameta asa moToi maboroshina no[Hyomin] Eien chikatta yoru moUsona no tok! tok! tok![Eunjung] Kiss me baby I"ll must be stay here day by day[Soyeon] Kimi dakeda to itte[Eunjung] Kiss me baby just you can take me day by day[Soyeon] Mouichido dakishimete[All] Tururururururu turudu[Boram] Modoranai to shittete mo[All] Tururururururu turudu[Boram] Kimi o matteru day by day[Soyeon] Moshimo jikan oAno hi ni modoserunara[Areum] Tsunaida te to teMou hanasanainoni[Areum] Annani hito o aisenaiMou donna nagusame mo imiganaiNee, nani ga futari o hikisaita noNee, nani o watashi wa machigaeta noKanashi utawoutau kuchibiruHitomi no oku ni yaki tsuita kiokuKiss me ma babySayonara nanteNee, usodesho day by day[Eunjung] Kiss me baby I"ll must be stay here day by day[Soyeon] Aishiteta to itte[Eunjung] Kiss me baby just you can take me day by day[Soyeon] Saigo ni mouichido

《秒速五厘米》的一首男女混合说唱插曲,开头好像是“ova baby”叫什么名字啊?

「One more time, One more chance」  作词、作曲、编曲、主唱:山崎将义  one more time one more chance   演唱:山崎まさよし   「秒速5センチメートル」の主题歌   これ以上何を失えば 心は许されるの   承受什么样的失去 可以让心宽慰  どれ程の痛みならば もういちど君に会える   承受什么样的痛苦 可以与你再会   One more time 季节よ うつろわないで   one more time 季节请不要流转   One more time ふざけあった 时间よ   one more time 让花样年华再回   くいちがう时はいつも 仆が先に折れたね   曾经的争吵 都是我先露出笑容   わがままな性格が なおさら爱しくさせた   想起你的任性 为何此时爱到心痛   One more chance 记忆に足を取られて   one more chance 任凭回忆的思绪   One more chance 次の场所を选べない   one more chance 将我带向下一幕过去  いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を   不论何时 都在悄悄找寻你的身影   向かいのホーム 路地里の窓   在站台的对面 在小巷子的某个窗边   こんなとこにいるはずもないのに   虽然明知你不会出现  愿いはもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ   如果愿望可以实现 我要马上去你身边   できないことは もう何もない   没有多余的牵念   すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよ   我要放下一切抱紧你许愿   寂しさ纷らすだけなら 谁でもいいはずなのに   不要怀疑我只为将寂寞排遣   星が落ちそうな夜だから 自分をいつわれない   星光如泪的夜空下 真心不会欺骗   One more time 季节よ うつろわないで   one more time 季节请不要流转   One more time ふざけあった 时间よ   one more time 让花样年华再回   いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を   不论何时 都在悄悄找寻你的身影  交差点でも 梦の中でも   在路口 在梦里   こんなとこにいるはずもないのに   虽然明知你不会出现   奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたい   如果奇迹可以兑现 我要马上去你身边   新しい朝 これからの仆   在一个新的清晨 我要倾诉   言えなかった「好き」という言叶も   那句未曾说出的我爱你   夏の想い出がまわる   夏的记忆在回旋   ふいに消えた鼓动   带走那一秒心跳的悸动   いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を   不论何时 都在悄悄找寻你的身影   明け方の街 桜木町(さくらぎちょう)で   在黎明的街角 在樱花镇的某一树花前   こんなとこに来るはずもないのに   虽然明知你不会出现   愿いはもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ   如果愿望可以实现 我要马上去你身边   できないことは もう何もない   没有多余的牵念   すべてかけて抱きしめてみせるよ   我要放下一切抱紧你许愿   いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の破片を   不论何时 都在找寻回忆中你的残片   旅先の店 新闻の隅   在旅途中的小店 在报纸的每一面   こんなとこにあるはずもないのに   虽然明知你不会出现   奇迹がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に见せたい   如果奇迹可以兑现 我要马上去你身边   新しい朝 これからの仆   在一个新的清晨 我要倾诉   言えなかった「好き」という言叶も   那句未曾说出的我爱你   いつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑颜を   不论何时 都在找寻你曾经的笑脸   急行待ちの 踏切あたり   等车的时候也望向站台边   こんなとこにいるはずもないのに   虽然明知你不会出现   命が缲り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ   如果还有来世 无论如何我要去你身边   欲しいものなど もう何もない   别无所求   君のほかに大切なものなど   因为我要珍惜你永远

BigBang的《OH MY BABY》的中文歌词

韩文+罗马音+中文: Oh ma baby - (BIGBANG) Oh ma baby Oh ma baby nal ddeo nan geu dae mam sok geu ro bul reo bon da Oh ma baby 当你离开我 我的心因你而哭泣 Oh ma lady Oh ma lady O neul do nae ja sin neul yok hae bon da Oh ma lady 今天我辱骂我自己 A peun sa rang ui sang cheo do chi yu hal su eob neun go tong do 痛苦来自爱的伤口 受的伤害不能减轻 Nam gyeo jin geu dae bal ja guk man ba ra bon da ddo nun mul reul dakk gga bon da 回望只有你的足迹留下 我又擦拭著眼泪 Yo Yo Eo neu nun bu sin haet sal ri bich na deon nal Yo 那明亮而阳光耀眼的日子 Geu daen u yeon cheo reom da ga wat jyo cham 你真的好像偶尔一样的走近来 Sok su haet sseo yo u rin 我们是单纯的 Cheot nun ne ggeul ryeo dul ri 第一眼已彼此吸引著 Nun bich cheu ro seo ro ui mam meul hwak gin haet sseot jyo chan 望著彼此的眼睛 我们已知道彼此的心 Ba ram I bul reo do ggeu ddeok geob deon sa i 冰冻的风不是轻轻地吹著 Man na seo he eo jil ddae gga ji ggok 一定相见至我们结束为止 Jab go it deon son 我们紧握著手 Gi eok ha jyo seol re deon cheot ki seu do 记忆中我们不安的初吻 uh Mae il ju go bid deot deon geu pyeon ji deul do uh 每天交换的那信件uh ? Geu ddaen mwo ga geu ri do joh at sseul gga? 甚麼那时对你的想念 我是喜欢的? Sa rang I ran du geul ja ro bu jok haet sseu ni gga 爱情两个字是不足够 Nun ddeo seo nun gam meul ddae gga ji neo rang man it go pa 由这瞬间我打开我的眼睛直到那瞬间我闭上眼睛 A jik do neol geu ri na bwa bo go sip peu ni gga 我还是想念著你 我一直需要看到你 Ddeo nan geu dael but jab ji mot haet deon ji nan nal ro dol ra 如果我回到你离开的那天 那时我未能抓紧你 Gal su man it da myeon na du beon da sin nan noh chin da ji chin da 我不能第2次再失去你 fallin Him me gyeo wo o neul do fallin neo mu mib da 辛苦著的疲倦 今天 fallin 非常讨厌 I reon nae ja sin ni sal reo jin da 这样我很厌倦我自己 Oh ma baby Oh ma baby nal ddeo nan geu dae mam sok geu ro bul reo bon da Oh ma baby 当你离开我 我的心因你而哭泣 oh ma lady Oh ma lady O neul do nae ja sin neul yok hae bon da Oh ma lady 今天我辱骂我自己 A peun sa rang ui sang cheo do chi yu hal su eob neun go tong do 痛苦来自爱的伤口 受的伤害不能减轻 Nam gyeo jin geu dae bal ja guk man ba ra bon da ddo nun mul reul dakk gga bon da 回望只有你的足迹留下 我又擦拭著眼泪 you remember me?.. Nae son neun neul geu dae eo ggae reul gam ssat jyo 我的手经常拥抱著你的手臂 Geu dae neun neul nae pum me seo jam deul reot jyo 你常常在我的臂弯中熟睡 Ha neul na ra cheon sa do I bo da ye bbeul sun eob jyo 天空中的天使都不及你美丽 Gei dae hyang gi neun jeol dae it jeul sun eob jyo 我永不能忘记你的香气 Geu dael wi hae seo nan hang sang no rae reul bul reo jwot jyo 那时我为了你而常常歌唱 Geu dae eol gul ren sae ha yan mi so ga beon jyeot jyo 你雪白面孔的微笑蔓延著 I jen geu no rael deul reu myeo seul peum meul ssit jyo 现在当我听到那歌曲我是悲伤的 ? Gwaen hi mam han gu seok gi a pa o neun geo it jyo? 在我空白的心的一个角落又痛著? Byeong in ga bwa yo I sa rang ta ryeong do 这己是病因 因爱情而哭泣 Jom beot seo na ryeo hae do swib jig a an neun geot yo 每次我尝试逃离都变得很吃力 Wae ha pil geu dael gga yo jung dok gwa do gat ta yo 为什麼会是你 好像中毒一样 Je bal geu dae geu neul an ne seo nal jay u ro I nwa jwo yo 祈求你让我摆脱你的影子 Jeon hwa bel so ri man deul reo do heot doen gi dae ga saeng gi go 电话声的声音给我产生徒劳的期待 Gi nyeom il ma da jeong hae dun al ram I ul ri go Alarm 的鸣响离开了每个纪念日 Nae saeng hwal ui jeon bu yeot deon dang sin ni ddeo nan dwi ro 自从你离开 你是我生活的全部 ma boo ,, Neo mu do him deu ne yo ma boo dol ra wa yo 非常吃力 ma boo 归来吧 ** ooh Neol ddeo na bo naen nae ga ba bo yeot jyo geu ddae u ri man ni eo ryeot jan na yo ooh 我很愚蠢让你离开 那时我们非常年轻 ooh Heul reo gan si gan neul doe dol ril sun eob na bwa yo geu dae ga neo mu bo go sip peun de 我们不能回来从前的时间 我需要再一次见你 I need your hands , I need your hands I reoh ge won ha neun de nae mam meun neo man neul ba ra go it neun de I need your hands 这样的希望 我的心只对属於你 ma baby Dol ra wa jwo nae an ne sal ra jwo ma baby 请回来 请在我的怀里活著ma baby Oh ma baby Oh ma baby Na ddeo nan geu dae mam sok geu ro bul reo bon dal Oh ma baby 当你离开我 我的心因你而哭泣 Oh ma lady Oh ma lady O neul do nae ja sin neul yok hae bon da Oh ma lady 今天我辱骂我自己 A peun sa rang ui sang cheo do chi yu hal su eob neun go tong do 痛苦来自爱的伤口 受的伤害不能减轻 **2 Nam gyeo jin geu dae bal ja guk man ba ra bon da ddo nun mul reul dakk gga bon da **2 回望只有你的足迹留下 我又擦拭著眼泪**2 I sum mi da han dae do neol gi da ril gge yeong won to rok neo ha na man sa rang hal gge 即使这呼吸停止 我对你的等待是永远吐露著对你的爱只有一个 I sum mi da han dae do neol gi da ril gge yeong won to rok neo ha na man sa rang hal gge 即使这呼吸停止 我对你的等待是永远吐露著对你的爱只有一个 Nae ga seum sok gen o jik neo bakk gge eob seo neol sa rang hal gge 我的心中只有你 我对你的爱 Nae ga seum sok gen o jik neo bakk gge eob seo neol sa rang hal gge 我的心中只有你 我对你的爱

歌词oh my baby baby i love you是什么歌?

①can"t take my eyes off you

oh my baby 是什么歌的歌词?

这词 外国哪首歌里都有偶尔带几句好么。。。
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