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SQL里面的order by语句是干什么用的?

排序order by 字段 这样是降排序order by 字段 desc 这样是降排序

sql里的排序倒序的命令是order by什么

order by desc

sql中order by和group by的区别

一、适用范围不同:order by 用于排序,一般与asc升序或desc降序一起使用。例如select * from 表A order by 列a。group by 用于分类汇总,一般与聚合函数(比如avg平均、sum合计、max最大、min最小、count计算行)一起使用。例如select 月份,sum(工资)as 总工资 from 工资表 group by 月份。二、定义不同:order by主要侧重许多数据的排序,例如按照大小顺序对数据进行排列,group by主要侧重许多数据的分组,例如按照性别、年龄、国家、学科等进行分组。三、主要用途不同:order by 是按表中某字段排列表中数据。group by 是按某些字段分类。例如,按年龄排序表中的记录就是select * from users order by age。按年龄分类表中数据就是sselect age,count(*) as number1 from users group by age。扩展资料order byORDER BY 语句用于根据指定的列asdf对结果集进行排序。ORDER BY 语句默认按照升序对记录进行排序。order by放在from table_name后面。如果您希望按照降序对记录进行排序,可以使用 DESC 关键字。group byGroupBy语句从英文的字面意义上理解就是“根据(by)一定的规则进行分组(Group)”。它的作用是通过一定的规则将一个数据集划分成若干个小的区域,然后针对若干个小区域进行数据处理。参考资料来源:百度百科:order by参考资料来源:百度百科:GROUP BY

order by 和 group by 的区别

在计算机中:order by 从英文里理解就是行的排序方式,默认的为升序。 order by 后面必须列出排序的字段名,可以是多个字段名。group by 从英文里理解就是分组。必须有“聚合函数”来配合才能使用,使用时至少需要一个分组标志字段。作为英语:order by 排序;排序依据;分组排序例句:1.An index will be used for both an ascending and a descending ORDER BY,whether the index was ascending or descending.不管索引是升序排列还是降序排列,在执行升序或降序ORDERBY操作时都会使用索引。2.Analytic functions are the last set of operations performed in a query except for the final ORDER BY clause.除了ORDERBY(按…排序)语句外,分析函数是一条查询被执行的操作。group by分组;将表按行分组;分组依据例句:1.The List To Group projection can only be used for lists, and it turns the list into agroup by retaining only the first item of the list.ListToGroup映射仅可用于列表,它通过仅保留列表的第一个项目将列表转化成一个组。2.Indicates that the data column is being used to create a grouped result set (ispart of a GROUP BY clause) in an aggregate query.表示数据列用于在聚合查询中创建分组的结果集(GROUPBY子句的一部分)。

Mysql中ORDER BY 排序怎么使用?指定顺序和多字段排列

ORDER BY 默认按升序排列,因此 ASC (升序)子句是可选的。 另外,还可以按降序排列,为此可以使用 DESC(降序)。 ORDER BY 子句中还可以用数字来表示对应的列 3 对应于 SELECT 中指定的第 3 列,即工资。 按从左到右的顺序依次根据 ORDER BY 子句中指定的列进行排序。 指定用于排序的列时,如果使用的是 SELECT 子句中列的数字位置,那么指定的数字不能超过 SELECT 子句中指定的列数。( 不能超出索引 ) 通常,可以按 SELECT 子句中未指定的列进行排序,但必须指定列名。然而,如果在查询中使用了GROUP BY 或 DISTINCT 子句,就不能按SELECT 子句中未指定的列进行排序。 要求:显示部门编号为 10 的员工的姓名、职位和薪水,并根据薪水按从低到高的顺序排列想获得上面这样的数据结果 如果想对表中多个字段进行不同的排列如工资表按照升序排列,年龄按照降序排列 可以再ORDER之后用逗号隔开不同排列的字段

order by默认是升序还是降序?


对order by的理解

前言 日常开发中,我们经常会使用到order by,亲爱的小伙伴,你是否知道order by 的工作原理呢?order by的优化思路是怎样的呢?使用order by有哪些注意的问题呢?本文将跟大家一起来学习,攻克order by~ 一个使用order by 的简单例子 假设用一张员工表,表结构如下: 表数据如下: 我们现在有这么一个需求:查询前10个,来自深圳员工的姓名、年龄、城市,并且按照年龄小到大排序。对应的 SQL 语句就可以这么写: 这条语句的逻辑很清楚,但是它的底层执行流程是怎样的呢? order by 工作原理 explain 执行计划 我们先用Explain关键字查看一下执行计划 我们可以发现,这条SQL使用到了索引,并且也用到排序。那么它是怎么排序的呢? 全字段排序 MySQL 会给每个查询线程分配一块小内存,用于排序的,称为 sort_buffer。什么时候把字段放进去排序呢,其实是通过idx_city索引找到对应的数据,才把数据放进去啦。 我们回顾下索引是怎么找到匹配的数据的,现在先把索引树画出来吧,idx_city索引树如下: idx_city索引树,叶子节点存储的是主键id。还有一棵id主键聚族索引树,我们再画出聚族索引树图吧: 我们的查询语句是怎么找到匹配数据的呢?先通过idx_city索引树,找到对应的主键id,然后再通过拿到的主键id,搜索id主键索引树,找到对应的行数据。 加上order by之后,整体的执行流程就是: 执行示意图如下: 将查询所需的字段全部读取到sort_buffer中,就是全字段排序。这里面,有些小伙伴可能会有个疑问,把查询的所有字段都放到sort_buffer,而sort_buffer是一块内存来的,如果数据量太大,sort_buffer放不下怎么办呢? 磁盘临时文件辅助排序 实际上,sort_buffer的大小是由一个参数控制的:sort_buffer_size。如果要排序的数据小于sort_buffer_size,排序在sort_buffer 内存中完成,如果要排序的数据大于sort_buffer_size,则借助磁盘文件来进行排序 如何确定是否使用了磁盘文件来进行排序呢?可以使用以下这几个命令 可以从 number_of_tmp_files 中看出,是否使用了临时文件。 number_of_tmp_files 表示使用来排序的磁盘临时文件数。如果number_of_tmp_files>0,则表示使用了磁盘文件来进行排序。 使用了磁盘临时文件,整个排序过程又是怎样的呢? TPS: 借助磁盘临时小文件排序,实际上使用的是归并排序算法。 小伙伴们可能会有个疑问,既然sort_buffer放不下,就需要用到临时磁盘文件,这会影响排序效率。那为什么还要把排序不相关的字段(name,city)放到sort_buffer中呢?只放排序相关的age字段,它不香吗?可以了解下rowid 排序。 rowid 排序 rowid 排序就是,只把查询SQL需要用于排序的字段和主键id,放到sort_buffer中。那怎么确定走的是全字段排序还是rowid 排序排序呢? 实际上有个参数控制的。这个参数就是max_length_for_sort_data,它表示MySQL用于排序行数据的长度的一个参数,如果单行的长度超过这个值,MySQL 就认为单行太大,就换rowid 排序。我们可以通过命令看下这个参数取值。 max_length_for_sort_data 默认值是1024。因为本文示例中name,age,city长度=64+4+64 =132 < 1024, 所以走的是全字段排序。我们来改下这个参数,改小一点. 使用rowid 排序的话,整个SQL执行流程又是怎样的呢? 执行示意图如下: 对比一下全字段排序的流程,rowid 排序多了一次回表。 什么是回表?拿到主键再回到主键索引查询的过程,就叫做回表” 我们通过optimizer_trace,可以看到是否使用了rowid排序的: 全字段排序与rowid排序对比 一般情况下,对于InnoDB存储引擎,会优先使用全字段排序。可以发现 max_length_for_sort_data 参数设置为1024,这个数比较大的。一般情况下,排序字段不会超过这个值,也就是都会走全字段排序。 order by的一些优化思路 我们如何优化order by语句呢? 联合索引优化 再回顾下示例SQL的查询计划 我们给查询条件city和排序字段age,加个联合索引idx_city_age。再去查看执行计划: 可以发现,加上idx_city_age联合索引,就不需要Using filesort排序了。为什么呢?因为索引本身是有序的,我们可以看下idx_city_age联合索引示意图,如下: 整个SQL执行流程变成酱紫: 流程示意图如下: 从示意图看来,还是有一次回表操作。针对本次示例,有没有更高效的方案呢?有的,可以使用覆盖索引: 覆盖索引:在查询的数据列里面,不需要回表去查,直接从索引列就能取到想要的结果。换句话说,你SQL用到的索引列数据,覆盖了查询结果的列,就算上覆盖索引了。” 我们给city,name,age 组成一个联合索引,即可用到了覆盖索引,这时候SQL执行时,连回表操作都可以省去啦。 调整参数优化 我们还可以通过调整参数,去优化order by的执行。比如可以调整sort_buffer_size的值。因为sort_buffer值太小,数据量大的话,会借助磁盘临时文件排序。如果MySQL服务器配置高的话,可以使用稍微调整大点。 我们还可以调整max_length_for_sort_data的值,这个值太小的话,order by会走rowid排序,会回表,降低查询性能。所以max_length_for_sort_data可以适当大一点。 当然,很多时候,这些MySQL参数值,我们直接采用默认值就可以了。 使用order by 的一些注意点:没有where条件,order by字段需要加索引吗 日常开发过程中,我们可能会遇到没有where条件的order by,那么,这时候order by后面的字段是否需要加索引呢。如有这么一个SQL,create_time是否需要加索引: 无条件查询的话,即使create_time上有索引,也不会使用到。因为MySQL优化器认为走普通二级索引,再去回表成本比全表扫描排序更高。所以选择走全表扫描,然后根据全字段排序或者rowid排序来进行。 如果查询SQL修改一下: 分页limit过大时,会导致大量排序怎么办? 假设SQL如下: 索引存储顺序与order by不一致,如何优化? 假设有联合索引 idx_age_name, 我们需求修改为这样:查询前10个员工的姓名、年龄,并且按照年龄小到大排序,如果年龄相同,则按姓名降序排。对应的 SQL 语句就可以这么写: 我们看下执行计划,发现使用到Using filesort 这是因为,idx_age_name索引树中,age从小到大排序,如果age相同,再按name从小到大排序。而order by 中,是按age从小到大排序,如果age相同,再按name从大到小排序。也就是说,索引存储顺序与order by不一致。 我们怎么优化呢?如果MySQL是8.0版本,支持Descending Indexes,可以这样修改索引: 使用了in条件多个属性时,SQL执行是否有排序过程 如果我们有联合索引idx_city_name,执行这个SQL的话,是不会走排序过程的,如下: 但是,如果使用in条件,并且有多个条件时,就会有排序过程。 这是因为:in有两个条件,在满足深圳时,age是排好序的,但是把满足上海的age也加进来,就不能保证满足所有的age都是排好序的。因此需要Using filesort。

order by是什么意思

order by 是排序的意思。order by 列名1,列名2,..... 你按照什么排序就写什么列。 如果列名后什么都不写,也可以写ASC,表示升序排列,如果要想降序排列,在列名后面写desc 。 order by是什么意思 order by 从英文里理解就是行的排序方式,默认的为升序。 order by 后面必须列出排序的字段名,可以是多个字段名。 group by 从英文里理解就是分组。必须有“聚合函数”来配合才能使用,使用时至少需要一个分组标志字段。 在使用group by的语句中,只能select用于分类的列(表达式),或聚合函数。 where条件用于group by之前,having用于group by 之后对结果进行筛选。 order用法 一、名词order: 1、作“顺序”、“次序”。常用短语:in order of 按顺序。如: A list of some of the common metals in the order of their activity is given below. 下面列出了某些金属按其活泼顺序排列的一个表格. 2、作“秩序”。常用短语:keep ... in order 使......有序。如: The machine is in good working order. 机器运转良好. Our laboratory is kept in good order. 我们的实验室保持整齐.(句中in good order为主语补语.) 3、作“指示、命令”。常用短语:give sb. anorderto do sth.命令某人做某事。如: He gave orders for the work to be started. (=…orders that the work should be started.)他下令开始工作. 4、点菜;所点的饮食菜肴。 二、动词order: 1、作”命令”。常用短语 do sth. 令某人做某事。如: The doctor ordered him to stay there.医生嘱咐他留在那里。(不定式短语to stay there作宾语补语) 2、作“点餐、“订购”。常用短语:ordersth.for sb./ordersb.for sth.为某人订购/点某物。如: They have ordered 1,000 oil pumps from our factory.他们已向我厂订购1,000台油泵。 来源:网络。本文版权归原创作者所以。

order by 和 group by 的区别?

order by 排序查询、asc升序、desc降序示例:select * from 学生表 order by 年龄 查询学生表信息、按年龄的升序(默认、可缺省、从低到高)排列显示也可以多条件排序、 比如 order by 年龄,成绩 desc 按年龄升序排列后、再按成绩降序排列group by 分组查询、having 只能用于group by子句、作用于组内,having条件子句可以直接跟函数表达式。使用group by 子句的查询语句需要使用聚合函数。示例:select 学号,SUM(成绩) from 选课表 group by 学号 按学号分组、查询每个学号的总成绩select 学号,AVG(成绩) from 选课表 group by 学号having AVG(成绩)>(select AVG(成绩) from 选课表 where 课程号="001")order by AVG(成绩) desc查询平均成绩大于001课程平均成绩的学号、并按平均成绩的降序排列

order by 和 group by 的区别

order by 排序查询、asc升序、desc降序示例:select * from 学生表 order by 年龄 查询学生表信息、按年龄的升序(默认、可缺省、从低到高)排列显示也可以多条件排序、 比如 order by 年龄,成绩 desc 按年龄升序排列后、再按成绩降序排列group by 分组查询、having 只能用于group by子句、作用于组内,having条件子句可以直接跟函数表达式。使用group by 子句的查询语句需要使用聚合函数。示例:select 学号,SUM(成绩) from 选课表 group by 学号 按学号分组、查询每个学号的总成绩select 学号,AVG(成绩) from 选课表 group by 学号having AVG(成绩)>(select AVG(成绩) from 选课表 where 课程号="001")order by AVG(成绩) desc查询平均成绩大于001课程平均成绩的学号、并按平均成绩的降序排列

BY2的歌里面 乃个歌 歌词里面有“我快不爱你了,有为何放不下..

不是BY2的 歌名是爱纯氧

goodbye cruel world什么意思?



do you consent to be contacted by cic你是否同意由中投公司联络

will be contacted by us by February 2012。翻译。



被动语态 be +过去分词 contacted 为该单词的过去分词

boom bye bye 歌词

歌曲名:boom bye bye歌手:buckshot专辑:the bdi thugI"m about to be a millionaireMoney on the street, like dovesHustlin my lyrics like drugs, i find it bugMuthafuckas always gotta lock the safe, but they don"t do jayBut anyway, it"s another day, another dollar to earn, more weed to burnI learn, muthafuckas are jealousListenin to what they tell us, but don"t matter what fellasI figure this, niggas want buck to get nigga-riceBigger miss, while i"m kickin thisYou miss, i can put you on the list, in the studio to make hitsCuz all it takes is a whip, for you to flipJock what i got, clock what i gotBut you don"t got what i got, watch the blockListenin to grill chill, make you feel like you wanna get in my shitSip my dick, do it straw what for, while you war wit warWar only make money for niggas who think, dummyYou got your window wide open like it"s sunny outsideSleep nigga, boom bye byeBuckshotBoom bye bye to a sound bwoy inThe shot ti fly now that sound bwoy lie deadTwo shots dead to dem chin, enemy or friendFake the funk, i put the junk to a muthafuckin endListen to, me and youWon on won like tek-n-steele, fuck ya whole crewForty millimeter shells in the heater wellLook like ya niggas gotta be the first to bailJust because ya niggas from jail, just came homeTo flip, back up in the jail cell, to sitAnd roam, now i got a kite from my little nigga capponeTellin me the jail wars on, i know, i was listenin to po-poTell "em niggas it was on a long time agoGather up the firearms to bomb, ring the alarmCuz shit get slippery and sweaty palms, so i gotta remain calmGather up my thoughts so i don"t go wrongPlan to move too smooth, you think you got meWeak tar in copy, fake villain, who the fuck you killin?Slapped and tried, boom bye byeAlthough when i come, i come abstractMost people get it whenever they play it backBlack or book you read, or a hook you saidBd get stuck up in ya head, say it in the bedBd, bd, bd, up in ya zone, bd, bd, bd, breakin ya bonesBut, no matter what, i never break into ya homeCuz your house is not a home, if you don"t got chromeNow, you follow me and you don"t ask howWell, as a leader, i"mma make you play the backgroundMercenary, but i"m merciless and when i bust, i bust to hitWill lie in the mist, and you hear it twist, of somebody capSteady bustin in the front, and got hit in the backThought it couldn"t happen, just cuz you was strappinBullets hit the wind, and descend to detonate, target chest plateBlow up the earthquake, can"t wait to demonstrateThe force of the one two roll wit iSleep thought you slept, boom bye bye

i love you like you love some baby是哪首歌的歌词 我找

Love You Like A Love Songu300b - Selena Gomez ?

i love you like you love some baby是哪首歌的歌词

Selena Gomez & the Scene - Love You Like a Love Song

ruby 在begin语句块中redo和retry的区别

redo ,重新开始循环,还是从这一次开始;retry ,重头开始这个循环体


Baby-G是卡西欧(CASIO)牌子的一个系列手表。BABY-G是卡西欧手表旗下的女款手表品牌,其腕表沿袭G-SHOCK坚韧强悍的Toughness精神,防震、防水功能增添使用灵活性,色彩绚丽。不论是前侧的保护构造,还是侧面的按键设计,都可以达到防震效果。有时可爱,有时很酷。BABY-G将继续为有个性的、崇尚自由的女性提供创新功能和时尚体验。将街头潮流文化与女生热爱的时尚元素揉和于一身,BABY-G以Tough、Cool的形象在潮流圈内深受热捧。扩展资料:卡西欧其他系列手表:1、G-SHOCKG-SHOCK的诞生源于一个简单的信念:创造一个永远不会摔坏的手表。秉承这一信念,G-SHOCK为追求能在极端环境下使用的坚韧腕表,秉承品牌独有的TOUGHNESS精神,先后开发出“3个10”开发目标(10米防跌落撞击、10个BAR的防水能力、10年电池使用寿命)。2、EDIFICE艾迪斐斯(EDIFICE)是CASIO旗下拥有革新技术的金属指针男表品牌。通过金属指针及立体表盘设计,强调出其品牌概念 "Speed & Intelligence" ,凭着大胆和热情,执着追求,勇于创新,始终致力于研究独创电子技术,开启指针表的新时代。3、SHEENSHEEN是卡西欧旗下女性金属指针腕表品牌 ,其腕表有Elegant(奢华系列)、Shinning(璀璨系列)和Smart(简约系列)三种系列,具备电波接收、太阳能动力、秒针位置自动校正和独立日期显示窗/世界时间四大功能,展现施华洛世奇水晶刻度、蓝宝石玻璃镜面的时尚设计风格。参考资料来源:百度百科-卡西欧手表

英译中 一句话 I was surprised by the ease with which I had gotten reservations


请帮我找一首歌,开头是“you know i love you baby i ...”?

Baby I Love You!Jennifer Lopez - Baby I Love YouBoy, I never knew I could feelThe way I felt, when I felt the wayYou were feeling me babyI"m so out of control, yeahEverytime you look my wayI realize more and moreHow much I adoreThose pretty eyes of yoursI"m helpless babyWhat I want to know isAre you willing to tryCan you love me for a lifetimeIn just one nightOohBaby I love you ( love you )Baby I need you ( need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without you ( be without you )Baby I love you ( yeah )Baby I need you ( need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without youBlessed and cursed on the same dayThe day that I first felt the power of you inside of meSuch a strong feelingThere comes a time in everyone"s lifeWhen you know and everyone around you knowsThat everything is changedYou"re not the sameIt"s a new dayWhat I wanna know isAre you willing to tryThere"s gotta be more meaning to thisThan what meets the eyeBaby I love you ( baby, I need you )Baby I need you ( gotta have you, baby )I gotta have you ( can"t be without you )Can"t be without you ( baby, I love you )Baby I love you ( yeah, yeah )Baby I need you ( I gotta have you )I gotta have you ( yeah, yeah )Can"t be without youOoh, I love the way you kiss meBaby please, I"m about to lose my mindOoh, talk to me"Cause I"m beggin" for you andI"m down on my kneesBaby I know you"re the one that I needBaby I love you..You know I need you..Gotta have you..Can"t be without you..Baby I love you..You know I need you..Gotta have you..Can"t be without you..Baby I love you ( love you )Baby I need you ( I need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without you ( baby, I love you )Baby I love you ( ooh )Baby I need youI gotta have youCan"t be without youBaby I love youBaby I need youI gotta have youCan"t be without youBaby I love youBaby I need youI gotta have you

歌词里面含有i love you baby 的英文歌

can/t take my eyes off you

知道oh my baby i love you是那首歌的歌词吗

你好,请问这首歌曲是不是《Baby I Love You》?具体歌词如下:Baby I Love YouJennifer LopezBoy, I never knew I could feelThe way I felt, when I felt the wayYou were feeling me babyI"m so out of control, yeahEverytime you look my wayI realize more and moreHow much I adoreThose pretty eyes of yoursI"m helpless babyWhat I want to know isAre you willing to tryCan you love me for a lifetimeIn just one nightOohBaby I love you ( love you )Baby I need you ( need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without you ( be without you )Baby I love you ( yeah )Baby I need you ( need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without youBlessed and cursed on the same dayThe day that I first felt the power of you inside of meSuch a strong feelingThere comes a time in everyone"s lifeWhen you know and everyone around you knowsThat everything is changedYou"re not the sameIt"s a new dayWhat I wanna know isAre you willing to tryThere"s gotta be more meaning to thisThan what meets the eyeBaby I love you ( baby, I need you )Baby I need you ( gotta have you, baby )I gotta have you ( can"t be without you )Can"t be without you ( baby, I love you )Baby I love you ( yeah, yeah )Baby I need you ( I gotta have you )I gotta have you ( yeah, yeah )Can"t be without youOoh, I love the way you kiss meBaby please, I"m about to lose my mindOoh, talk to me"Cause I"m beggin" for you andI"m down on my kneesBaby I know you"re the one that I needBaby I love you..You know I need you..Gotta have you..Can"t be without you..Baby I love you..You know I need you..Gotta have you..Can"t be without you..Baby I love you ( love you )Baby I need you ( I need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without you ( baby, I love you )Baby I love you ( ooh )Baby I need youI gotta have youCan"t be without youBaby I love youBaby I need youI gotta have youCan"t be without youBaby I love youBaby I need youI gotta have you

有一首英文歌,歌词有I need you baby和I love you baby是什么歌

歌曲: baby i love you 歌手: jennifer lopez 专辑: this is me...then 搜索"baby i love you"LRC歌词 搜索"baby i love you"mp3 [ti:baby i love you] [ar:jennifer lopez] [al:this is me...then] jennifer lopez - baby i love you boy, i never knew i could feel the way i felt, when i felt the way you were feeling me baby i"m so out of control, yeah everytime you look my way i realize more and more how much i adore those pretty eyes of yours i"m helpless baby what i want to know is are you willing to try can you love me for a lifetime in just one night ooh baby i love you ( love you ) baby i need you ( need you ) i gotta have you ( i gotta have you, babe ) can"t be without you ( be without you ) baby i love you ( yeah ) baby i need you ( need you ) i gotta have you ( i gotta have you, babe ) can"t be without you blessed and cursed on the same day the day that i first felt the power of you inside of me such a strong feeling there comes a time in everyone"s life when you know and everyone around you knows that everything is changed you"re not the same it"s a new day what i wanna know is are you willing to try there"s gotta be more meaning to this than what meets the eye baby i love you ( baby, i need you ) baby i need you ( gotta have you, baby ) i gotta have you ( can"t be without you ) can"t be without you ( baby, i love you ) baby i love you ( yeah, yeah ) baby i need you ( i gotta have you ) i gotta have you ( yeah, yeah ) can"t be without you ooh, i love the way you kiss me baby please, i"m about to lose my mind ooh, talk to me "cause i"m beggin" for you and i"m down on my knees baby i know you"re the one that i need baby i love you.. you know i need you.. gotta have you.. can"t be without you.. baby i love you.. you know i need you.. gotta have you.. can"t be without you.. baby i love you ( love you ) baby i need you ( i need you ) i gotta have you ( i gotta have you, babe ) can"t be without you ( baby, i love you ) baby i love you ( ooh ) baby i need you i gotta have you can"t be without you baby i love you baby i need you i gotta have you can"t be without you baby i love you baby i need you i gotta have you end LRC歌词来自: 歌曲名:baby i love you 请点击此链接: 其他歌曲来源: 1: 2: 是不是这首哦???希望采纳

求一首歌的名字:高潮的第一句是baby baby you know... ...高潮最后一句是baby baby I love you... ...。


一首歌名叫 baby i love you 英文歌


第一句歌词是baby i love you 后面是个可爱的女生声音 请问这首歌叫什么?

Baby I Love You 打印此页 歌手:Jennifer Lopez 专辑:This Is Me...Then Jennifer Lopez - Baby I Love YouBoy, I never knew I could feelThe way I felt, when I felt the wayYou were feeling me babyI"m so out of control, yeahEverytime you look my wayI realize more and moreHow much I adoreThose pretty eyes of yoursI"m helpless babyWhat I want to know isAre you willing to tryCan you love me for a lifetimeIn just one nightOohBaby I love you ( love you )Baby I need you ( need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without you ( be without you )Baby I love you ( yeah )Baby I need you ( need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without youBlessed and cursed on the same dayThe day that I first felt the power of you inside of meSuch a strong feelingThere comes a time in everyone"s lifeWhen you know and everyone around you knowsThat everything is changedYou"re not the sameIt"s a new dayWhat I wanna know isAre you willing to tryThere"s gotta be more meaning to thisThan what meets the eyeBaby I love you ( baby, I need you )Baby I need you ( gotta have you, baby )I gotta have you ( can"t be without you )Can"t be without you ( baby, I love you )Baby I love you ( yeah, yeah )Baby I need you ( I gotta have you )I gotta have you ( yeah, yeah )Can"t be without youOoh, I love the way you kiss meBaby please, I"m about to lose my mindOoh, talk to me"Cause I"m beggin" for you andI"m down on my kneesBaby I know you"re the one that I needBaby I love you..You know I need you..Gotta have you..Can"t be without you..Baby I love you..You know I need you..Gotta have you..Can"t be without you..Baby I love you ( love you )Baby I need you ( I need you )I gotta have you ( I gotta have you, babe )Can"t be without you ( baby, I love you )Baby I love you ( ooh )Baby I need youI gotta have youCan"t be without youBaby I love youBaby I need youI gotta have youCan"t be without youBaby I love youBaby I need youI gotta have you

歌词开头是baby i can‘t believe 男rap 女唱 很欢快 几年前的歌 求达人

Hook Up-Britney Spears

baby dont cry中文歌词

部分中文歌词 红绿灯前 突然看见熟悉的蓝色T恤 距离曾经不变的欢笑 刚好过了三年 正想招呼 却看见陌生的她在他身边 马上移开目光 眼中的天空不曾改变 一定每个人都是这样 一点一点 随着季节变迁 将记忆渐渐掩埋 总有一天 将所有流下的泪 在阳光下化作闪闪的光辉 所以 宝贝请别再悲伤 有些事情怎么想也想不通 即时处境再不堪 路途的前方 还是会有希望 即时大雨的清晨 即时爱就要消失 我不会丢下你一个人 宝贝别哭 我愿永远陪在你身边 难眠的夜晚 让你一次次辗转反侧 心中的胆怯 让你一回回深深叹息 心中充满的不安 再也无法消除 只有紧握着谁的手 努力走向那看不清的明天 不过每个人都是这样 一次一次 在勇敢面对黑暗中 学会了坚强 并不能被动地选择现成的道路 凭你自己的双脚迈出第一步 ——by安室奈美惠《Baby Don"t Cry》

baby don’ t cry作词是谁?

歌名:Baby don"t Cry作曲: Sam Lim Kwang-Wook / Tesung Kim / Andrew Choi / Kalle Engstrom歌手:EXO中文歌词:鹿晗:你就别再犹豫了好吗就请拿出我的心脏爱像一道很刺眼的光芒连夜的月光 把眼睛关上CHEN:如果不是我 是别的男人如果只是喜剧里面的一句话笑淡了就罢我愿和你的爱交换伤痕ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight当黑夜再次亮起来Baby Don"t Cry Tonight就当作没发生过一样你永远都不会化成像泡沫一样难道你不知道吗So Baby Don"t Cry, Cry我的爱守护你不分开LAY:放下你最不安的心房就请接受命运吧我想我爱你比更多的恋人啊还更加倍的去爱上ALL:When You Smile, Sun Shine鹿晗:太灿烂的让我都说不出话LAY:整颗心起波浪CHEN:拍碎了 就停下来ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight [Woo~]在暴风来袭的夜晚 [ I Can Hold You In My Arms ]Baby Don"t Cry Tonight好像很适合这个夜晚但这一瞬间的激情不能够延长却要目送你离开So Baby Don"t Cry~ [don"t cry] Cry~[cry]就让我的爱像记忆吧TAO:到处阴阴的沉沉的冷空气陷入了称为离别的疼痛里快要窒息 痛到无力 唯有你的笑才是镇痛剂 ah!我的任性越轨希望我们的故事有结尾Don"t Cry 不想你悲伤落泪 宁愿你对我是冷漠的 babySay No More (Baby) No More (Don"t Cry)KRIS:不要犹豫 不要挣扎 当这一切都开始崩塌Say No More (Baby) No More (Don"t Cry)请让我可以保留最后的尊严或者 请将我直接毁灭鹿晗:你的眼神里充满了月光 Baby, Woo~CHEN:无声无息在痛苦里 流淌著纯洁的光ALL:Baby Don"t Cry Tonight (Cry~~~)当黑夜不再亮起来 (I Can Hold You In My Arms )Baby Don"t Cry Tonight就当作没发生过一样你永远都不会化身像泡抹一样要永远都不知道So Baby Don"t Cry [ Don"t Cry~] Cry~ [Cry]我的爱守护你不分开鹿晗:就看清晨的阳光洒下来 (下来)CHEN:像你一样耀眼的洒下来 (Falling Down)我想我眼睛迷路 ALL:现在才 Cry~ Cry~ Cry~

baby don t cry讲的是什么故事



很多啊 你要哪一个啊 看看吧: 可能1:I Don"t Wanna Fall In Love Again lyricsI can feel it in the air I breathe Everytime you stand too close to me, baby I"m on the edge of something way to deep You"re running through my mind and I can"t sleep And I don"t wanna fall in love Cuz my heart can"t take the rush and ain"t nothing guaranteed for too long I don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you I try to keep our distance miles away But anticipations"s killing me each day I"m reminiscing on your every touch And I can`t believe I"m missing you so much OOhI"m saying don"t pick up the phone girl leave that man alone The joy in love ain"t worth the pain that it causes I don"t wanna say good bye - when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you See I heard about all the love going wrong and I"m afraid I"m gonna fall too hard I"m not strong And the little girl in me was made believe But this woman deals with reality I try to see what you want me to see But I can"t imagine what a real love should be, noI try to fight it but baby I get so weak I hang on your every word when you start to speakJust to hear you - just to feel you And to feel your heartbeat next to mineI don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you可能2:I Don"t Wanna Miss A Thing i could stay awake just to hear you breathing watch you smile while you are sleeping while you"re far away and dreaming i could spend my life in this sweet surrender i could stay lost in this moment forever every moment spent with you is a moment i treasure i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing lying close to you feeling your heart beating and i"m wondering what you"re dreaming wondering if it"s me you"re seeing then i kiss your eyes and thank god we"re together and i just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing i don"t wanna miss one smile i don"t wanna miss one kiss well, i just wanna be with you right here with you, just like this i just wanna hold you close feel your heart so close to mine and stay here in this moment for all the rest of time don"t wanna close my eyes don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do "cause i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing i don"t wanna close my eyes i don"t wanna fall asleep "cause i"d miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing "cause even when i dream of you the sweetest dream will never do i"d still miss you, baby and i don"t wanna miss a thing don"t wanna close my eyes don"t wanna fall asleep, yeah i don"t wanna miss a thing I don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you I try to keep our distance miles away But anticipations"s killing me each day I"m reminiscing on your every touch And I can`t believe I"m missing you so much OOhI"m saying don"t pick up the phone girl leave that man alone The joy in love ain"t worth the pain that it causes I don"t wanna say good bye - when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you See I heard about all the love going wrong and I"m afraid I"m gonna fall too hard I"m not strong And the little girl in me was made believe But this woman deals with reality I try to see what you want me to see But I can"t imagine what a real love should be, noI try to fight it but baby I get so weak I hang on your every word when you start to speakJust to hear you - just to feel you And to feel your heartbeat next to mineI don"t wanna say good bye when you"re leavingI don"t need to be deceived No fairytales, make believe and mistrust I don"t wanna fall in love with you

求歌曲《don t worry baby》的歌词的中文翻译






(Baby Baby) Can T You See 歌词

歌名:Can"t you see歌手:Blero Feat MemlinOh baby can"t you seeI need you, come with meSomething is telling methat you be the way I do.I want you close to meMy heart is telling meI hate the fact that I love you - I feel blue.Even though I"m not with youI always think about you latelyI be going crazy cause I"m missing you.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you now.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you now.ho!~~~~~oNow that I think about itThe love and times we sharedHow can I make it rightI just wanna go back againThere"s something I can doThere"s something I can sayDon"t make you change your mindJust let me know if I could stay.Even though I"m not with youI always think about you latelyI be going crazy cause I"m missing you.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you nowCan"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you now.ho!~~~~~~~Now when I"m reminiscing of all the things we used to doI realize I still love you baby blueAnd I"m waiting for you to come backTo put my life back on the trackThe flashbacks of you and me togethermake me wanna spend my life with you foreverand ever and none make you run from meBaby I"m here for eternity.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you now.Can"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you nowCan"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you nowCan"t you see we were meant to be, babyI want to be with you babyOh baby can"t you seeI need you nowEnd

一首英文歌曲 女生唱的,里面高潮有句是oh,my baby baby for什么什么的,这首歌叫什

can"t take my eyes off of you

Don T Call Me Baby 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Call Me Baby歌手:Client专辑:City别看我没有出声  就当作是种默认 看气氛急速降温  都不必问 yeah你用温柔的眼神  迷惑了所有女生 喊Baby非常大声  却不认真别以为  爱情就像电影  一样精彩 都是快乐的  结局永远那样别以为  你说情话我会  心花怒放 Honey, Chocolate, Baby  我不想当Don"t call me Baby  我要的是真的心 只属于我  懂我  听我把我当作唯一  不是那些Baby  只为你开心Don"t call me Baby  我要的男孩 绝不是你  I"m sorry我说的够坦白  想清楚再来找我 Just don"t call me Baby

JB baby歌词和中文翻译


请教一下 BIGBANG FANTASTIC BABY的日文版假名歌词,拜托了。

同求~~ rap部分完全听不懂啊喂!

求 bigbang 的 Fantastic Baby 中文翻译版的歌词lrc,就是带时间签的那种,谢谢

FANTASTIC BABY作词:G-DRAGON作曲:TEDDY,G-DRAGON编曲:TEDDYRAP词:TOP[00:01.09]快过来吧 大家集中在一起[00:04.52]WE GON" PARTY LIKE lilili lalala[00:08.28]敞开心扉吧 不要想太多[00:11.87]点燃火苗吧 lilili lalala[00:15.50]不要问答案是什么 照单全收吧[00:19.77]跟着感觉走 Alright[00:22.86]双手高举过头 朝着那上空[00:26.43]想要飞上天际 Oh[00:30.05]nanananana nanananana[00:33.90]WOW FANTASTIC BABY[00:35.56]DANCE[00:38.77]I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[00:41.86]FANTASTIC BABY[00:42.98]DANCE[00:46.00]I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[00:48.76]WOW FANTASTIC BABY[00:50.34]人群嘈杂中 Hey 轮到帝王出场 Hey[00:54.03]震撼天敌 3分钟 不充分的Race wait[00:57.65]气氛太过火热 HUH[00:59.68]CATCH ME ON FIRE HUH[01:01.51]事实浮出水面[01:03.34]nananana[01:04.99]从一到十 全在同一水平线[01:08.37]在沙滩上疯也似地轻松跳跃的我们[01:12.07]因为那天空实在湛蓝[01:15.92]什么也不要问[01:17.22]全凭感觉 找寻自我[01:19.78]开始随着你的脉搏跳动吧[01:24.27]直到那帷幕降下为止 Ye[01:27.19]I CAN"T BABY DON"T" STOP THIS[01:29.74]今天随心堕落吧(疯狂放纵)[01:40.10]WOW FANTASTIC BABY[01:42.04]DANCE[01:45.01]I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[01:48.21]FANTASTIC BABY[01:49.25]DANCE[01:52.39]I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[01:55.17]WOW FANTASTIC BABY[01:56.93]BOOMSHAKALAKA[01:58.35]BOOMSHAKALAKA[02:00.24]BOOMSHAKALAKA[02:02.07]DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[02:04.02]BOOMSHAKALAKA[02:05.82]BOOMSHAKALAKA[02:07.67]BOOMSHAKALAKA[02:09.50]DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[02:11.40]想跟上我的节奏就试试看吧[02:14.03]我是永远的歌者[02:15.79]今夜我不受任何限制[02:18.75]mama just let me be your lover[02:21.38]从混乱中脱身而出 nanananana[02:26.17]从头到脚 外貌带给你冲击[02:29.79]我的风格大名远扬 引领潮流[02:33.18]走在他人前头 层次不同的年轻[02:35.11]站住站住站住[02:38.87]HOLD UP nanananana[02:40.87]开始随着你的脉搏跳动吧[02:45.49]直到那帷幕降下为止 Ye[02:48.35]I CAN"T BABY DON"T" STOP THIS[02:51.27]今天随心堕落吧(疯狂放纵)[03:01.36]WOW FANTASTIC BABY[03:03.12]DANCE[03:06.25]I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[03:09.48]FANTASTIC BABY[03:10.41]DANCE[03:13.68]I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[03:16.60]WOW FANTASTIC BABY[03:17.90]BOOMSHAKALAKA[03:19.63]BOOMSHAKALAKA[03:21.52]BOOMSHAKALAKA[03:23.33]DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[03:25.20]BOOMSHAKALAKA[03:27.06]BOOMSHAKALAKA[03:28.92]BOOMSHAKALAKA[03:30.72]DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE[03:32.71]一起玩乐吧 YE YE YE[03:36.36]一起跳动吧 YE YE YE[03:40.01]一起疯狂吧 YE YE YE[03:43.70]一起出发吧 “WOW FANTASTIC BABY”中文音译歌词要 给 铺 到 啦毛 度 毛 要 啦WE GON" PARTY LIKE li li li la la la妈 么 要 劳 啦毛 里 批 我 啦铺 勒 级 票 啦 li li li la la la藏 打 喷 木 级 吗 高 课 太 劳 怕 她 特 料 嫩 给 料 嘎 ALRIGHT哈 嫩 勒 吗 粗 哈 高 土 速 呢 她 为 劳 草 为 劳 那 地 搞 西 跑 OH OHNa na na na na na na na na naWOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCE I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEDANCE I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE WOW FANTASTIC BABY一 难 藏 怕 耐 Hey 课 办 网 擦 来 HEY当 了 很 得 高 三 喷 嫩 劳 铺 粗 喷 难 RACE WAIT喷 为 给 嫩 乖 而HUH CATCH ME A FIRE HUN亲 咋 嘎 那 她 那 打 na na na哈 那 铺 套 要 嘎 级 毛 屯 开 她 汉 速 为毛 来 跑 盘 为 勒 米 进 特 西 对 奥 怕 套 嘎 屯 汉 无 里哈 嫩 伦 粗 铺 你 闹 木 那 铺 了 你 嘎啊 木 考 套 木 级 吗 懒 吗 里 呀 呢 嘎 懒 吗 里 呀 耐 嘎 怒 股 级耐 心脏 速 里 爱 吗 该 对 给 西 开 吗 给 肯 啊 带 嘎 集 YEI CAN"T BABY DON"T STOP THIS 奥 嫩 伦 她 啦 卡(米 叫 怕 啦 开)卡 嫩 搞 呀WOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCE I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE FANTASTIC BABYDANCE I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE WOW FANTASTIC BABYBOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEBOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE那 打 啦 擦 吧 报 太 面 哇 吧 难 样 玩 汉 但 打 啦奥 呢 怕 个 米 懒 耐 看 奥 铺 扫 MAMA JUST LET ME BE YOUR LOVER一 好 懒 速 课 闹 毛na na na na na毛 里 课 铺 套 怕 课 嘎 级 批 就 奥 伦 烧课 耐 嘎 嘎 肯 扫 门 难 棍 啊 扫 嘎 嫩 叫那 特 跑 她 嫩 吧 伦 搞 勒 擦 玩 你 她 伦 草 米 奥 勒 奥 勒 奥 勒HOLD UP na na na na na耐 心脏 速 里 爱 吗 该 对 给 西 咋 开 吗 个 那 贷 嘎 级YEI CAN"T BABY DON"T STOP THIS奥 嫩 伦 她 啦 开(米 叫 怕 啦 开)嘎 嫩 搞 呀WOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCE I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE FANTASTIC BABYDANCE I WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEWOW FANTASTIC BABYBOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEBOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE打 嘎 题 闹 咋 YE YE YE打 嘎 题 对 咋 YE YE YE打 嘎 题 闹 咋 YE YE YE闹 来 课 那 打WOW FANTASTIC BABY

Justin Bieber的《Baby》英文+中文歌词

You know you love me,I know you care 你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里You want my love, You want my heart 你想要我的爱,你想要得到我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 而我们也将永远不分离Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一个项目吗?(我也不懂啥意思) 女孩退出/放弃游戏We re just friends, what are you saying 我们只是朋友,你在说什么?Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes 说那里有另一个在我眼中看起来是对的(指遇见新欢)My first love broke my heart for the first time, 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 而我就像Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 这个地球人都知道啥意思 就不翻了I thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine, oh oh 同上For you, I would have done whatever 为你 我无论如何都会完成{应该是这样}Another chance for we, We"ll get together如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起 And wanna play it cool, or I"ll loosin" you 并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指And i"m in pieces , baby fix me 而我变成碎片的时候 宝贝修理我吧{比较好玩}And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来Im going down, down, dooown我的情绪愈来愈失落And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine 同上When i was 13 i had my first love 当我13岁时我拥有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比And nobody came between us or could ever come above并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上{就是家长在上管理的意思}She had me goin crazy 她让我疯狂Oh i was starstruck. oh 我就像追星族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她每天都使我醒来 不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒{个人理解}She made my heart pound 她使我心跳加速/猛烈跳动Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动And in the school on the playground 还有在学校和操场的时候But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的很想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazy 她知道她使我疯狂Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎But i just keep on sayin 但我还是想继续说Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine x2 同上Now Im on gone yeah yeah yeah x3i"m gone现在我只能/已经离去

marst baby是什么意思


求找一首英文歌,是一个黑人唱的歌词中有oh baby tonight和dance dance dance的歌词


XE WAN ZSBY --Y 我也想说 Y WYAN YSYS--L 什么意思——!


有英文歌,歌词中有by the way,哪一首歌?

歌曲名:By The Way歌手:Matt Monro专辑:The Rare MonroRed Hot Chili Peppers - By The WayStanding in lineTo see the show tonightAnd there"s a light onHeavy glowBy the way I tried to sayI"d be there... waiting forDani the girlIs singing songs to meBeneath the marquee... overloadSteak Knife Caro SharkCon Job Boot CutSkin that flickShe"s such a little DJGet there quickBy street but not the freewayTurn that trickTo make a little leewayBeat that nicBut not the way that we playDog Town Blood BathRib Cage Soft TailBlack Jack Dope DickPawn Shop Quick PickKiss that DykeI know you want to hold oneNot on strikeBut I"m about to bowl oneBite that micI know you never stole oneGirls that likeA story so I told oneSong Bird Main LineCash Back Hard topBy the way I tried to sayI"d be there... waiting for(Chant)By the way I tried to sayI know youFrom it for

有一首英文歌有这句you never see the face baby

歌手: Maroon 5; Rihanna所属专辑:《It Won"T Be Soon Before Long》(Maroon 5); 《Good Girl Gone Bad》(Rihanna)发行时间:2007-05-21所属公司:环球唱片2歌词编辑If I Never See Your Face Again若再也无法与你相见Maroon 5魔力红Now as the summer fades夏天过去了I let you slip awayYou say I"m not your typeBut I can make you swayIt makes you burn to learnYou"re not the only oneI"d let you be if youput down your blazing gunNow you"ve gone somewhere else far awayI don"t know if I will find you (find you, find you)But you feel my breathOn your neckCan"t believe I"m right behind you (right behind you)‘Cause you keep me coming back for moreAnd I feel a little better than I did beforeAnd if I never see your face again I don"t mind‘Cause we gone much further than I thought we"d get tonightSometimes you move so wellIt"s hard not to give inI"m lost, I can"t tellWhere you end and I beginIt makes me burn to learnYou"re with another manI wonder if he"s halfThe lover that I amNow you"ve gone somewhere else Far awayI don"t know if I will find you (find you, find you)[1] But you feel my breath On your neckCan"t believe I"m right behind you (right behind you)‘Cause you keep me coming back for moreAnd I feel a little better than I did beforeAnd if I never see your face againI don"t mind‘Cause we gone much further than I thought we"d get tonightBaby, babyPlease believe meFind it in your heart to reach mePromise not to leave me behind(Promise not to leave me behind)Take me down, but take it easyMake me think but don"t deceive meTalk to me bout taking your time(Talk to me, talk to me)‘Cause you keep me coming back for moreAnd I feel a little better than I did beforeAnd if I never see your face againI don"t mind‘Cause we gone much further than I thought we"d get tonight‘Cause you keep me coming back for moreAnd I feel a little better than I did beforeAnd if I never see your face againI don"t mind‘Cause we got much further than I thought we"d get tonight

The dog bit him on his leg when he passed by.his 为何改the

触及身体某一部位的表达方式: 在汉语中,把被触及身体某一部位作为动词的宾语,如:打他的脸;拍她的头. 在英语中,则把接受动作的人作为宾语,用介词短语来说明接触到的身体某一部位,即用下面的句式 主语谓语somebody 介词the身体部位 约翰打了他的脸. 误:John hit his face .正:John hit him in the face 解析:在这一句型中常用的 动词有:hit ,pat ,beat ,touch ,strike 等等. 关于介词的选用问题: 一般身体部位比较硬而突出的地方或强调接触人体的表面,用介词on;如on the head(back ,nose ,shoulder,chest,……) 一般在软而凹的部位用介词 in 如:in the face(eye ,stomach ,rib…..) 一般表示抓,拉,握,牵等.常见动词:catch ,seize ,grab ,pull ,take,hold ,.身体的某一部位时,用介词by. 选择填空:1 The boss_____him _____back and told him something secret Key (D) A patted….by the B patted …on his C patted…in the D patted …on the 2 Mary led a granny_____hand to across the street Key(D) A in..the B on the C by her D by the 3 He felt someone ____ him on ____shoulder when he was watching the game.KEY ( C) A patted…his B pat..his C patting…the D patted….his



求一首歌 歌词里好像有push me baby push me baby cut me down

Push Push演唱者:Kurt Nilsen曲名:push push歌手:kurt nilsen 专辑:push push* music *you have been so good for me,i will change my ways for you,you can call and i"ll come know my feelings are warm and"ve got me wrappedaround your fingeri"d surrender it all to youyou got the power i "ve got the needi hate to say it i"m down on my don"t youpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dicepush pushpush pushi"ll be the angel, i"ll be the sainti will walk a thin line for youyou pull my strings,i"ll feel the straincut me loose, i will break the don"t youpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dicepush push though now i"m on your sidesometimes you"ll let me stay awayto be on my owni"d brace myself to meet your needsbut i"m still on your pushpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dice.push pushyou know i"m on your side.push pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to size* over * thank you !曲名:push push歌手:kurt nilsen 专辑:push push* music *you have been so good for me,i will change my ways for you,you can call and i"ll come know my feelings are warm and"ve got me wrappedaround your fingeri"d surrender it all to youyou got the power i "ve got the needi hate to say it i"m down on my don"t youpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dicepush pushpush pushi"ll be the angel, i"ll be the sainti will walk a thin line for youyou pull my strings,i"ll feel the straincut me loose, i will break the don"t youpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dicepush pushthough now i"m on your sidesometimes you"ll let me stay awayto be on my owni"d brace myself to meet your needsbut i"m still on your pushpush pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to sizepush pushplease don"t throw the dice.push pushyou know i"m on your side.push pushyou break me in your stridepush pushdon"t cut me down to size* over * thank you !


是SISTAR的push push

询问一首歌。好像是韩国的 女的唱的,里面最多的歌词就是 push push baby……

sistar的《push push》

歌词前面是pushpush baby的 英文歌是什么名字?

歌曲:sistar-push push.mp3push push baby,oh push babypush push baby just like sistarpush push baby,oh push babypush push baby(made by brave sound)push push baby请接受我的心(hey)push push baby boy i want sistarpush push baby说甜蜜的话语(hey)push push baby boypush push baby boywake up wake up睁着双眼看wake up不要躲藏 你已经在我的手掌心 radar是我的 我的 不管别人怎么说 你都是我的我比谁都美丽 we the b.e.s.t sistarwelcome welcome to the new new new new world你算什么 竟敢评价别人no no no no more抬高姿势看向你做一下winkbaby i might take you higher我是不同的sexy的baby girl你彻底沦陷了 都不知道有这么地疯狂我是特别的sexy的baby girl你完全沦陷了 现在只看我吧push push baby请接受我的心(hey)push push baby boy i want sistarpush push baby说甜蜜的话语(hey)push push baby boypush push baby boykeep on pushing me把我的心带走吧we gonna steal your heart掠夺我这颤动的心困扰着我 i can"t stop你朝向我的心困扰着我i won"t stopkeep pushing ooh没有休息空当 keep on dashing别致的fashion i"m on fire(fire)我比谁都flyer转动眼睛看着周围对我投来的目光我对你的心意改变了暂时放开我 i got you i got got got got got you我是不同的sexy的baby girl你彻底沦陷了 都不知道有这么地疯狂我是特别的sexy的baby girl你完全沦陷了 现在只看我吧push push baby请接受我的心(hey)push push baby boy i want sistarpush push baby说甜蜜的话语(hey)push push baby boypush push baby boyeh o eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o boy(boy)eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o boy boy boy boy boypush push baby oh push babypush push baby just like sistarpush push baby oh push babypush push baby (made by brave sound)

一首英文歌 男歌手 歌词里有一段 push push baby 轻声的 前两天听到没来得

歌曲:sistar-push push.mp3push push baby,oh push babypush push baby just like sistarpush push baby,oh push babypush push baby(made by brave sound)push push baby请接受我的心(hey)push push baby boy i want sistarpush push baby说甜蜜的话语(hey)push push baby boypush push baby boywake up wake up睁着双眼看wake up不要躲藏 你已经在我的手掌心 radar是我的 我的 不管别人怎么说 你都是我的我比谁都美丽 we the b.e.s.t sistarwelcome welcome to the new new new new world你算什么 竟敢评价别人no no no no more抬高姿势看向你做一下winkbaby i might take you higher我是不同的sexy的baby girl你彻底沦陷了 都不知道有这么地疯狂我是特别的sexy的baby girl你完全沦陷了 现在只看我吧push push baby请接受我的心(hey)push push baby boy i want sistarpush push baby说甜蜜的话语(hey)push push baby boypush push baby boykeep on pushing me把我的心带走吧we gonna steal your heart掠夺我这颤动的心困扰着我 i can"t stop你朝向我的心困扰着我i won"t stopkeep pushing ooh没有休息空当 keep on dashing别致的fashion i"m on fire(fire)我比谁都flyer转动眼睛看着周围对我投来的目光我对你的心意改变了暂时放开我 i got you i got got got got got you我是不同的sexy的baby girl你彻底沦陷了 都不知道有这么地疯狂我是特别的sexy的baby girl你完全沦陷了 现在只看我吧push push baby请接受我的心(hey)push push baby boy i want sistarpush push baby说甜蜜的话语(hey)push push baby boypush push baby boyeh o eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o boy(boy)eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o boy boy boy boy boypush push baby oh push babypush push baby just like sistarpush push baby oh push babypush push baby (made by brave sound)


金发拉比妇婴童用品股份有限公司创始于1996年,是国内最早从事婴幼儿服饰棉品及日用品的设计研发、生产、销售的企业之一,公司以优质产品夯实基础、以多元品牌驱动市场、以合作共赢拓展渠道,已成为国内领先的婴幼儿消费品品牌运营商。  公司是“中国绿色公司联盟”成员,旗下三大自主品牌“拉比”、 “I LOVE BABY”和“贝比拉比”秉承“回归大自然”的绿色文化,将“健康环保、科学育儿”的绿色经营理念转化成绿色的产品,销售网络覆盖全国。  公司专注于人体工学、生物科技的研究应用,独创国内首个恒温无尘、精益程控的婴幼儿纺织品专用流水制造线,洗护用品生产环境达到三十万级净化标准,开创了婴童行业的绿色制造新模式。“拉比”品牌在2006年分别荣膺“广东省著名商标”和“广东省名牌产品”。公司引进ERP信息系统,建设现代物流中心,强化供应链管理,使商品配送畅通、高效。  拉比致力于开发全系列妇婴童产品组合,构建一个“多元化”、“一站式”的复合销售平台,通过整合全球资源,用心与爱给孩子一个绿色未来!  公司坚持“科学、精细”的生产工艺,秉承为消费者提供“自然、舒适、安全”的产品理念,多年来专注于经营“穿”、“用”两类婴幼儿消费品,主要包括婴幼儿服饰棉品(内着服饰、外出服饰、家居棉品)、婴幼儿日用品(寝具、哺育、卫浴、洗护用品)以及孕产妇用品等。  公司根据目标消费人群的差异化需求将产品细分为“拉比”、“I LOVE BABY”及“贝比拉比”三大品牌,各品牌产品的市场定位和设计风格如下:  公司在全国境内30个省、自治区、直辖市中拥有700家左右专卖店,既包括北京、上海、广州、深圳等一线城市和大部分二线城市,也包括部分经济较发达的三、四线城市,销售网络遍布全国。



英语The first argument by convention怎么翻译?


请问歌曲[鸟的迁徙] To Be By Your Side (Nick Cave)的歌词中文大意

横跨海洋横跨海, 变黑的树结束森林。通过谷我们那么仍然不敢呼吸, 是由您的边。在转移的沙漠平原, 横跨山全部在火焰里。通过嗥叫风和驾驶雨, 是由您的边。每英哩和每年为每一个一点泪花。我无法解释这, 亲爱, 我甚而不会尝试。入夜作为星碰撞,横跨划分石头森林站立石化的疆界,是由您的边。每英哩和每年, 为每一个一滴唯一泪花。我无法解释这, 亲爱, 我甚而不会尝试。为我知道一件事, 爱来在翼。为今晚我是将由您的边。 但我明天将飞行。从深海对高山,通过您的睡眠边境。入我们不敢讲话的谷, 是由您的边。横跨所有野兽低下下来他们的头的不尽的原野。亲爱的I 从未将休息我是由您的边。每英哩和每年, 时间和距离消失我无法解释这。亲爱的没有, 我甚而不会尝试。并且我知道一件事, 爱来在翼并且我今晚是将由您的边。但我明天将飞行, 爱上升以天和我也许今晚是由您的边。但我明天将飞行, 明天我将飞行, 明天我将飞行。: Orion

frustration caused by traffic jam

这样看的 comfort cancelled out by frustration comfort 被 frustration 抵消 the frustration caused by traffic jams 这frustration 是traffic jams 引起的

求 一寸相思 by紫微流年百度云盘 谢谢您~

《一寸相思》百度网盘txt 最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:apb1《一寸相思》,作者紫微流年,2015年于晋江文学城连载 。小说讲述了心机大魔王和木头小白的故事。

歌词中有oh baby show me show me your love(粤语歌)

show you .江若琳

ride与by区别 ride与by有什么区别

是指交通工具那一块吧 ride是动词 做谓语 而by是方式状语的引导,一般位于句末

there are to high什么by the river?

building building 美["bɪldɪŋ] 英["bɪldɪŋ]n.建筑;建筑物;楼房;房子v.“build”的现在分词请检查 to 单词拼写是否有误。

跪求《你已经成功引起了我的注意 》by爱吃肉的羊崽的百度云!加急!多谢大佬!链接时效为一天,请及时下载,满意望采纳哦!!!



英语翻译:我们为什么不坐火车去广州呢?(travel to;by train)

Why not travel to guangzhou by train ?

求一首英文歌,第一句好像是i dont know what you say 里面还有一句是goodbye my love


ailee的《goodbye my love》中文谐音


请问谁有韩剧《雪花》的歌词?就是那首goodbye,my love。要韩文原版的。谢谢!

Good Bye My Love - uc774uc218uc601ubb38ub4dd ub9d0ud558uace0 uc2f6uc5c8uc8e0 uc6b0ub9ac ub2e4uc2dcuc2dcuc791ud560 uc218ub294 uc5c6ub294uc9c0uc7a0uc2dc uc6b8ub9acub2e4 ub04auc5b4uc9c4uc804ud654uc5d0ub3c4 ub098ub294 ud639uc2dcub098 uadf8ub304uac78 ub290uaef4uc694uc78auc73cub824uace0 uce5cuad6cub97c ub9ccub0acuc8e0uc544ubb34 uc18cuc6a9 uc5c6ub2e4ub294 uac78 ub09c uc54cuc544uc694uadf8 uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub300 uc544ud30cud560 ub54c ud558uc597uac8c ubc24uc0c8ub358uadf8 ucd94uc5b5ub3c4 uc774uc820 ub098uc758 ubaabuc774 uc544ub2c8uaca0uc8e0uc0acub791ud574uc694 ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694ud63cuc790uc788ub2e4 uadf8ub300ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc744ub54c ub09c uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544uc694ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800 ubcf4ub0b4uc57c ud560uae4cuc694uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 uc5f0uc778uc774 uae30ub2e4ub9acub098uc694ub098ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ud589ubcf5ud558uac8c ud574uc904 uac83 uac19ub2e4uba74Good Bye My Loveuc78auc73cub824uace0 uce5cuad6cub97c ub9ccub0acuc8e0uc544ubb34 uc18cuc6a9 uc5c6ub2e4ub294 uac78 ub09c uc54cuc544uc694uadf8 uc5b8uc820uac00 uadf8ub300 uc544ud30cud560 ub54c ud558uc597uac8c ubc24uc0c8ub358uadf8 ucd94uc5b5ub3c4 uc774uc820 ub098uc758 ubaabuc774 uc544ub2c8uaca0uc8e0uc0acub791ud574uc694 ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694ud63cuc790uc788ub2e4 uadf8ub300ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc744ub54c ub09c uc5b4uca4cuba74 uc88buc544uc694ub0b4uac00 uba3cuc800 ubcf4ub0b4uc57c ud560uae4cuc694uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 uc5f0uc778uc774 uae30ub2e4ub9acub098uc694ub098ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 ud589ubcf5ud558uac8c ud574uc904 uac83 uac19ub2e4uba74Good Bye My Love

求一首英文歌,歌词是good bye my love什么的,还有重复I have to go.女的

是不是 艾薇儿 的<<goodbye>>

Goodbye My Lover 歌词

歌手:Tension歌名:Good bye My Love当时我没话可说 两眼无神脑空白 那消息实在来得太快也可能是我自己太冲动 误解你对这友情的期待 爱情 像是一场戏 我这出是个悲剧 没演完就有这样的结局或许是我真的不懂爱情我还能怪谁只好怪自己 Good-bye my love 我都明白虽然无奈 还是要看得开 Good-bye my love, my love短暂的爱 或许十年又一天 你才会珍惜这一段爱 你不会明白我心有多痛 心里好痛 Good-bye my love,yeah...Why does this always happen? I guess it was over before it begin,or perhaps... It was never meant to be...只好在今天 Good-bye 先说Good-bye 我都明白 虽然无奈 还是要看得开Good-bye my love 不想分开(短暂的爱) 或许十年又一天 你才会珍惜我 我的爱




动名词与一般抽象名词的区别在于前者具有动词特征。本句强调动作而不是概念,跟应该用动名词。应该是原因状语,不过用because of 较好,for 表示原因时后面跟的是并列句。 另外for表示原因是仅仅是一种推断而不是必然的原因。如天亮了因为鸡叫了用for,而鸡叫了因为天亮了则用because。by 短语在被动语态中可以作状语表示动作的执行者。本句by短语可以看作定语,故与被动语态无关。

goodbaymylovebaby 是哪首歌歌词?


一首歌前奏有开门声然后男女对白每句歌词前都有goodbye my love


Goodbye My Love Goodbye 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye My Love Goodbye歌手:Demis Roussos专辑:Demis Roussos - Greatest Hits (1971 - 1980)Goodbye My Love Goodbye再见我爱,再见hear the wind sing a sad, old song 你听风儿在轻唱一支古老而忧伤的歌it knows i"m leaving you today 风儿它知道我今天将要离开你please don"t cry or my heart will break 请别哭泣那会令我心碎when I go on my way 在我继续我的旅程的时分goodbye my love goodbye 再见我爱。再见goodbye and au revoir 再见,再见as long as you remember me 只要你记着我I"ll never be too far 我就永不会离你太远goodbye my love goodbye 再见我爱,再见I always will be true 我会一如既往的真诚so hold me in your dreams 请在梦里拥抱我till I come back to you 直到我回到你身边see the stars in the skies above 你看高空中繁星they"ll shine wherever I may roam 它们将照亮我漫游之途I will pray every lonely night 在每个孤独的夜晚我要祈祷That soon they"ll guide me home 愿它们引领我快快回家goodbye my love goodbye 再见我爱。再见goodbye and au revoir 再见,再见as long as you remember me 只要你记着我I"ll never be too far 我就永不会离你太远goodbye my love goodbye 再见我爱,再见I always will be true 我会一如既往的真诚so hold me in your dreams 请在梦里拥抱我till I come back to you 直到我回到你身边goodbye my love goodbye 再见我爱。再见goodbye and au revoir 再见,再见as long as you remember me 只要你记着我I"ll never be too far 我就永不会离你太远goodbye my love goodbye 再见我爱,再见I always will be true 我会一如既往的真诚so hold me in your dreams 请在梦里拥抱我till I come back to you 直到我回到你身边

张信哲一首歌,歌词有goodbye my love

再见!我的爱人作词:文君作曲:平尾昌晃歌:邓丽君GOODBYE MY LOVE我的爱人 再见GOODBYE MY LOVE相见不知那一天我把一切给了你希望你要珍惜 不要辜负我的真情GOODBYE MY LOVE我的爱人 再见GOODBYE MY LOVE从此和你分离我会永远永远爱你在心里希望你不要把我忘记我永远怀念你温柔的情怀念你热红的心怀念你甜蜜的吻怀念你那醉人的歌声怎能忘记这段情 我的爱再见不知那日再相见再见了我的爱人我将永远不会忘记你也希望你不要把我忘记也许我们还会有见面的一天不是吗GOODBYE MY LOVE我的爱人 再见GOODBYE MY LOVE从此和你分离我会永远永远爱你在心里希望你不要把我忘记我永远怀念你温柔的情怀念你热红的心怀念你甜蜜的吻怀念你那醉人的歌声怎能忘记这段情 我的爱再见不知那日再相见我的爱我相信总有一天能再见

good bye my love歌词



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