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No one can stand my smelly temper, But, I only ha


12. It was only _________ we understand ________ was said to us ____ we began to start our work.

15.可以看was felt 和quake的关系,因为quake是没生命的,不可能感觉,因此和feel是被动关系

stand lie 区别

stand 有不同意思,其中一个是站立,站起来 (up),站住,站定stand 的这个意思的反义词是 lie (见下 【1】)stand up 站起来stand to the side 站到一边stand still 站住,不要动lie 有几个不同意思:1. 躺,横卧lie face downward 俯卧lie in bed 睡觉lie on a bed 躺在床上lie on one"s back 仰卧lie on one"s side 侧卧。2. 说谎,欺骗He cannot be trusted. He lies all the time他不可信。总是撒谎。

stand,lie set区别

动词stand可用来表示高形物体位于何处,如:建筑,树,人等.而动词lie用来表示非高形物体位于和处,如地区,国家,河流,田野,铁路等.如:The house stands on the hiⅡ.这房子坐落在那小山上。West of the town 1ies a railway.城西有一条铁路。

iftwo men stand close to each other while talking,they cannot be from是什么意思

from 后面应该填写Britain

He can understand me when I give him orders.在这个句子中,order为什么要加s

order可作动词也可作名词,作动词意为:点菜,订购;命令;有效地安排 作名词意为:为了做某事;顺序;命令;点的饭菜;法院指令;汇票;等待队列;治安,秩序 在这里显然是作名词,意思应该是命令、指示,是可数名词. 这句话意为:我给他下达命令时,他听明白了.


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!《Understanding Weber》(Whimster, Sam)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.b***.com/s/19CrGmzadHyoYhnPxT-sMzQ 提取码:6b1a书名:Understanding Weber作者:Whimster, Sam出版社:Routledge出版年份:2007-4页数:312内容简介:"Understanding Weber" provides an accessible and comprehensive explanation of the central issues of Weber"s work. Using the most recent scholarship and editions of Weber"s writings, Sam Whimster establishes the full range, depth and development of Max Weber"s approach to the social and cultural sciences. This path-breaking book: locates the central issues in Weber"s writings and relates them to the golden era of social and cultural sciences. It argues that Weber remains the major exponent of the classical tradition still relevant today. It offers a new interpretation of the dynamic of Weber"s career as; historian, social-economist, methodologist, and sociologist. Weber"s sociology stands as a successful and still valid underwriting of the substantive fields of power, law, rulership, culture, religion, civilizational configurations, and economic sociology. At a time of the turning away from grand theory to empirical policy studies, this book asserts the authority of Weber"s conception and calls for a critical engagement with his legacy in order to understand the dynamics of a globalising modernity. This" "is an indispensable guide to Weber"s writings and will be an invaluable companion to "The Essential Weber" (2004). The book closely tracks the development of Weber"s thinking, an exploration that will make it an obligatory purchase for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers in the fields of sociological theory, economic sociology, and cultural studies.作者简介:山姆·维姆斯特(Sam Whimster)是伦敦城市大学《社会学》杂志的特约审稿人。他还是《马克斯·韦伯研究》这本国际性杂志的编辑,已经出版了大量论述马克斯·韦伯的作品。这些出版物包括《马克斯·韦伯与无政府状态的文化》(Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy)(1999年) 以及《必不可少的韦伯》(劳特利奇出版社2004年)等。

why does the poet say thee stand"staute-like"

why does the poet say thee stand "statue-like" 意思是 “为什么诗人说你像塑像似的伫立着”。thee 属于英语古文,相当于汉语的 “汝/君”,现代多用于诗歌。


既然是“跪求”为什么不给悬赏分呢?如下:走进街角的一间店 看到一个在偷窃的警官 看到一个持枪的老妇 看到英雄想逃跑 事实通常都不是我们所看见的 它不完全“肮脏”,也不完全“干净” 那里有小孩在付账 那里有僧侣在买“刺激”--毒品(应该是吧) 杂志里卖着“尊严”(应该是指色情杂志) 那里出租的药丸能使你“干净”(可能是指堕胎) Marvin Gaye,没有兄弟,兄弟 Woody Guthrie的国家不能养育母亲 母亲哭泣,小孩安睡 很多暴力都悄悄地“了事” 可悲的是,生活所带来的痛楚 (我)却不知能责怪谁 如果你能接受我,那或许能使我完整 然后在一起,我们能有个立场 女服务生端来我的午饭 我们虽见了面但没有沟通 电视上DC正散布谎言(知道DC指的是什么吧) 而在另一端,King梦想破灭(Martin Luther King,曾发表一个叫I have a dream的演说) 走去柜台,给我和朋友付账 一个流浪汉拿出钞票,说算在他的帐上 有个市长没有现金 说都花在嫖和吃喝上。


《stand》是一首2003年由Jewel演唱的英文歌曲。 简介,中英文歌词,0304专辑曲目, 简介 歌曲名:《stand》 歌手:Jewel(中文名:珠儿) 专辑:《0304》 年份:2003 中英文歌词 Walk in a corner shop走进街头一家店 See a shoplifting cop发现一个入店行窃的警察 See the old lady with a gun看见老太太端把枪 See the hero try to run我们的英雄警察却要逃之夭夭 Nothing"s what it seems, I mean看起来一切都不是所想的那样,我是说 It"s not all dirty, but it"s not all clean没有人是坏透的,也没有人是纯洁无暇的 There"s children paying bills看见小鬼们买单 There"s monks buying thrills教徒们寻求 *** There"s pride for sale in magazines尊严可以从杂志上买到 There"s pills for rent to make u clean有药物可以让你看起来圣洁 Marvin Gaye, there"s no brother, brother马文·盖伊,没有哥哥,弟弟 Woody Guthrie"s land can"t feed Mother伍迪格思的土地不能养活母亲 CHORUS Mothers weep, children sleep母亲掉落眼泪,孩子们总算睡觉了 So much violence ends in silence如此类似多的暴力以安静结束 It"s a shame there"s no one to blame可耻的是找不到被责备的人 For all the pain that life brings因为是他给生活带来了如此多痛苦 If u will just take me It might just complete me如果你爱我,就能使我变的完美 And together we can make a stand你我在一起,我们能与生活的苦恼做斗争 A waitress brings me lunch女服务员端来我的午饭 We meet but do not touch我们瞪了下却都没有开吃 On TV,D.C. is selling lies听到电视上散布著谎言的广告 While in the corner, King"s dream dies此时角落里King(国王)的梦想破灭 Go to the counter, pay for me and my friend他去了店台,给我和朋友买单 A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it"s on him无家可归的人抽出一叠,说他来付 The mayor has no cash看来是老大他没现金 He said he spent it on hookers and hash还说都用去吃喝嫖赌了 CHORUS U will love me, I will love u你会爱我,我也会爱你 CHORUS 0304专辑曲目 01. Stand 02. Run 2 《站在02。运行2》 03. Intuition 《直觉》 04. Leave The Lights On 《保持灯光的开启》 05. 2 Find U 《为了找到你》 06. Fragile Heart 《脆弱的心》 07. Doin" Fine 《上来的罚款》 08. 2 Become 1 《天生一对》 09. Haunted 《闹鬼》 ⒑ Sweet Temptation 《甜蜜的诱惑》 ⒒ Yes U Can 《你可以》 ⒓ U & Me=Love 《你和我等于爱》 ⒔ America 《美国人》 ⒕ Becoming 《成为》


编辑词条Jewel 英文名:Jewel 生日:1974年5月23日出生 简介: Jewel于1974年5月23日,出生于美国尤他州的Payson,但是她随着家庭搬到了更靠北部的的阿拉斯加的Anchorage,她的祖父Juel给她取了Jewel这个名字,六岁时,她就开始歌唱生涯,她经常跟随父母在所居住的爱斯基摩村落里演出,并倍受当地村民喜爱。接下来的七年中她跟随离婚的父亲到处演出,直到她考上了密歇根州的Interlochen美术学院。在学院的学习过程中她还参与了戏剧的表演,在学期末的会演节目《Spoon River Anthology》中担任主演。她在毕业后去圣地亚哥找到了母亲,并找到了工作,但是她逐渐受不了了这种朝九晚五的工作方式,于是她决定把自己的主要精力放在音乐上。 她被赞誉为现今流行乐坛最有才华且最出色的歌手之一。至今,她在全球的唱片销售量高达2300万张。Jewel 1995年的首张专辑《Pieces Of You》因为在美国销售量超过1000万张(现在已达1100万张)而获得尊贵至极的钻石唱片。这张专辑包含畅销单曲《You Were Meant For Me》、《Who Will Save Your Soul》和《Foolish Games》,在Billboard专辑榜上停留了114周,最高名次为第四名。 Jewel众所期待的第二张专辑《Spirit》于1998年发行,这张专辑叫好又叫座。《Spirit》由Patrick Leonard制作,包含单《Hands》、《Down So Long》和《Jupiter(Swallow The Moon)》,在Billboard专辑榜首周进榜即获得第三名的好成绩,并获得白金唱片。它在全球的销售量达600万张,成为最成功的第二张专辑之一。 1999年,由传奇制作人Arif Mardin制作的《Joy:A Holiday Collection》发行。在这张专辑中,Jewel演唱了一些最受欢迎的耶诞歌曲,以及一些新版本的旧歌,其中包括独特的耶诞版《Hands》。获得白金唱片的《Joy》专辑中的两首歌呈现出这位歌手的才华和视野与日俱增且愈来愈多元:强烈表达信仰的《Face Of Love》,以及拉丁歌曲《Gloria》。Jewel也参与了Merle Haggard 1999年的专辑《For The Record》。专辑收录了两首Jewel和这位乡村音乐传奇歌手/词曲创作者合唱的歌《That"s The Way Love Goes》和《Silver Wings》。 不管是一个人只带着一把吉他,或是带领着一个乐团上台,Jewel一向是一个很有大众魅力的现场演唱歌手。大师级歌手Bob Dylan和Neil Young都称赞过她,并邀请她为他们的演唱会唱暖场。自从六年前Jewel发行首张专辑后,她和全球的演唱会观众建立了坚固且亲密的关系。除了在北美洲巡回无数次外,Jewel的足迹还远至亚洲、澳洲和欧洲。她被深具影响力的伦敦时报誉为“自Joni Mitchell之后最闪亮的创作型女歌手”。 1997年12月,Jewel在挪威奥斯陆的诺贝尔和平奖颁奖典礼上演唱。 1998年一月,她在圣地亚哥举行的世界杯美式足球赛开赛前演唱美国国歌。同年12月,Jewel在梵谛冈第六届Natale In Vaticano音乐会中为教宗若望保禄二世演唱。在这场音乐会中,Jewel在百人交响乐团以及40人的合唱团陪伴下,演唱《Hands》。演唱会于耶诞夜在全欧洲的电视台播出。 除了自己多场满场的演唱会外,Jewel也参与了一些重要的大型演唱会,其中包括Woodstock 1999。在这个音乐节中,Jewel和她的乐团面对了整个演唱生涯以来数量最多的现场观众,更别提全球数以百万计的电视观众。除了演唱《Foolish Games》到一半时突然降临的倾盆大雨外,Jewel的演唱被视为那个周末的高潮之一。 当年稍后,Jewel在一年一度的“华盛顿圣诞节”慈善音乐会中为克林顿总统夫妇演唱,这场音乐会的目的在为美国儿童健康中心募款。 2000年8月,副总统高尔在纳许维尔宣布将与参议员Joseph Lieberman搭党竞选总统,Jewel在晚会上高歌一曲,后来并成为这组候选人的得力助选员。 Jewel在演唱和词曲创作的非凡成就只代表了她创意生活的一部份,她的第一本诗集《A Night Without Armor(无武装之夜)》于1998年推出,很快就晋身纽约时报的畅销书排行榜,这本书再版了29次,并卖出数百万本。此外,这本诗集发行的有声书获得空前的成功,并让Jewel获得1999年有声出版协会颁发的Audie奖。2000年秋天,Jewel的第二本书-私密且坦诚的《Chasing Down The Dawn(追逐黎明)》出版。这本书记录了一名歌手混乱的巡回演唱生活,大部分是Jewel在1999年的《Spirit》世界巡回演唱时所写,书中包含 Jewel拍摄的照片、小时候在阿拉斯加画的图画,以及身为一个女儿、姐姐、少女和艺术家的心路历程。 1999年,Jewel在李安描写内战的电影《与魔鬼共骑》中首次尝试演戏。纽约时报的Stephen Holden说:“Jewel在十九世纪的繁文缛节下呈现出强悍坚毅的幽默。”芝加哥太阳报的Roger Ebert则写道: “Jewel具说服力且不造作的演出值得称赞,在片中她是一个演员,而不是尝试一个新嗜好的流行乐明星。” Jewel也于1999年发行了第一支纪录片录像带《Jewel:A Life Uncommon》。这支自传性纪录片包含一小时Jewel巡回演唱时和非巡回演唱时的生活片段,还有Jewel最亲近的亲友的访问。此外,录像带也收录了Jewel 1999年4月25日洛杉矶演唱会的四首歌演出,这场演唱会是为“人性更美好的一面(HGH)”组织筹款。1999年一月Jewel和经纪人母亲 Lenedra J. Carroll创立了HGH,主旨在鼓励全球和个人改善世界。 HGH最主要的计划——“净水计划(the Clearwater Project)”于1999年10月推出,并和Jewel在NetAid的演出做连结。全球现场音乐盛会NetAid举办的目的在于长期致力于消灭最极端的贫穷。“净水计划”想要创造一个人人都能喝到干净、安全的水的世界。除了和当地社区合作提供简单可靠的安全饮用水制造技术,这个计划也有许多教育课程和其它活动。 Jewel的风光成绩包括三座格莱美奖提名、一座全美音乐奖和一座MTV音乐录像带奖。1999年6月,美国录音艺术和科学学院颁给Jewel一座Governor奖。这个奖表扬“创意和成就打破所有音乐藩篱并被肯定为音乐界资产”学院会员。 当年,Jewel还获得了许多其它奖项,其中包括非营利“和平时代”组织颁发的1999年“Founder"s Choice”奖。她也因致力于慈善活动而被《Glamour》杂志十周年版评选为“年度风云女性”。 2002年发行《This Way》。2003年6月3日,Jewel推出了第六张专辑《0304》。Jewel的的第六张录音室专辑《Goodbye Alice in Wonderland》定於5月2日发行,因此在这次联合巡演中,Jewel主要是为这张个人新专辑进行宣传。而Rob Thomas仍将继续宣传他去年已经获得了白金销量的首张个人专辑《. . . Something to Be》,这张专辑曾在去年成功获得Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。 作为2003年的《0304》之后的最新作品,这张《Goodbye Alice in Wonderland》由Jewel和绿日乐队(Green Day)的制作人罗伯·卡瓦罗(Rob Cavallo)合作完成。Jewel在新专辑中尝试了多种音乐风格,从乡村小调《Stephenville, TX》,到欢快的流行歌曲《Satellite》,再到到民谣风味的开场曲《Again and Again》等等。值得一提的是,Jewel的这张专辑中的13首歌均为现场录制,使整张专辑看起来更像一场音乐会。在接受采访时,Jewel说:“如果可以的话,我会在这次巡演中把这张专辑中的歌曲从头到尾唱一遍。” JEWEL [PIECES OF YOU] (1995) 二十出头的Jewel Kilcher,每回旅行时,总爱抓一把故乡阿拉斯加的泥土放进行李箱中,这样可以使她时时想起那是她成长嬉戏的地方、是她骑马驰骋的地方、是她见识到大自然极致之美的地方。这种独属於Jewel式对人、事依恋不舍的细腻情感,使她的这张专辑「Pieces Of You」如此地栩栩如生。自六岁起就跟随从事歌唱事业的父母游唱舞台,中学时代在密西根州的艺术学校研习声乐,并开始拿起吉他写歌,毕业后前往圣地牙哥咖啡厅里演唱的Jewel,出乎意料地吸引了一批又一批的听众与音乐工作者,因此促成了这张首作。Jewel的声音有一点类似早期的Suzanne Vega、一点点Tracy Chapman悲天悯人的气质,或者还有一点点Tori Amos自剖的倾向,此辑由Ben Keith (Neil Young)制作,十四首她的自写曲全以最简单的乐器伴奏,甚至仅佐以隐隐约的的吉他现场录制而成,她的歌曲是一种融合信念、纯真、传统价值观、幽默与社会经验后的智慧奇异体,虽然有这么多东西蕴含其中,但每一种都是美丽:Pieces Of You描写一个丑女孩的故事:Painters表达了能?#092;实自我表达即是不朽的理念;Morning Song传递了幽默有时能战胜眼泪;相信守护天使永伴身旁的Angel Standing By等。只要Jewel一开口,就是晶莹与纯净,她的歌曲像是闲晃在大街繁华五彩人群中清清淡淡的随口哼唱,自然而直接,只要三首曲听毕,你会听到自己的心灵不知怎么的也跟着唱起悲伤的歌,原来Jewel的歌声中,也有一方你的影子。 01. Who Will Save Your Soul 02. Pieces of You 03. Little Sister 04. Foolish Games 05. Near You Always 06. Painters 07. Morning Song 08. Adrian 09. I"m Sensitive 10. You Were Meant For Me 11. Don"t 12. Daddy 13. Angel Standing By 14. Amen JEWEL [SPIRITS] (1998) 1995年的首张个人专辑「Pieces of you」为她创造了一千万张的销售量,作品You Were Meant For Me/ Foolish Games创下在Billboard排行史上停留榜上最久的歌曲(65周),连续两年马不停蹄的巡回演唱,包括以女性音乐人为主的Lilith Fair在内,到为Super Bowl开场演唱美国国歌、赢得97年MTV音乐奖最佳女歌手、三项葛莱美奖的提名、与导演李安合作(将於99年4月在美国上映的电影「Ride With The Devil」)、出版个人传记成了畅销书…Jewel,可以说是90年代出现的众多女性创作艺人中,全方位发展的最好的一位。 深刻的以民谣为基础,并以「简约民谣主义」为精神而推出的98大作「Spirit」,整张作品的精神在於找寻让担忧的灵魂获得慰藉的声音,并且同时发展出令人感动的民谣旋律与扩展个人独特的嗓音。Jewel这次负责了所有的词曲创作,言简意长是一大特色。首支单曲Hands为Jewel与Patrick Leonard所共同撰写,而Patrick Leonard正是与Madonna和Pink Floyd合作过的知名制作人。此外,Red Hot Chilli Peppers的贝斯手Flea亦在作品Barcelona中跨刀助阵。最特别的是专辑中_的hidden-trackThis Little Bird,是Jewel的母亲与Jewel一齐对唱,这首歌也正是她的童年记忆。 「Spirit」是一张完全以民谣、而且带有向民谣风致敬意味的专辑唱片。不愠不火的摇滚和乡村,偶而渗透到其中的几首作品当中,风格统一且概念完整表达。在长期被黑人音乐所主导的流行乐市场上,Jewel不但坚持她的风格不受影响,甚至希望能让在六、七零年代充满人文精神的folk song,在这个世纪结束前能再度受到乐迷的垂爱! 01. Deep Water 02. What"s Simple Is True 03. Hands 04. Kiss The Flame 05. Down So Long 06. Innocence Maintained 07. Jupiter 08. Fat Boy 09. Enter From The East 10. Barcelona 11. Life Uncommon 12. Do You 13. Absence of Fear JEWEL [JOY-A HOLIDAY COLLECTION] (1999) 以甜美的歌喉、流行的民谣乐风於95年的首张专辑「Pieces Of You」大放异彩的女歌手Jewel,乐界认为她是今日流行歌坛最具天份与才气的歌手之一,而她的表现完全不辱来自乐界的褒语,看看「Pieces Of You」打入全美专辑榜前4名、停留114周、被认证有9白金的销售佳绩并产生3首成绩斐然的畅销曲: You Were Meant For Me、 Who Will Save Your Soul、 Foolish Games,你知道Jewel真的很出色。紧接着98年第二张专辑「Spirit」打入全美专辑榜前3名,光在美国就有400万张的销售量,两首热卖单曲Hands及Down So Long广受好评。然而Jewel并不以音乐上的成就自满,反试着更加开拓演艺生涯各个可能的空间 - 演李安的电影「Ride With The Devil」出版了畅销的诗集「A Night Without Armor」相信在多方经验后的Jewel在未来的音乐作品将更出色与成熟,期待吧! 首先盼到的就是由传奇制作人Arif Mardin (Aretha Franklin、Barbara Streisand、Bette Midler & Chaka Khan)为Jewel担纲,企图带给世界更多欢愉的全新耶诞歌曲大选,她除了以完全个人化的语调轻快或柔缓的诠释人们早已耳熟能详的耶诞节必备曲如Joy To The World、Silent Night、Winter Wonderland、Little Town Of Bethlehem....,也将「Spirit」专辑中首支单曲Hands处理成节庆味浓厚的曲式,加强弦乐后的Hands展现了与原曲大异其趣的聆听感,而Ave Maria这首传统耶诞曲也被处理成展现Vocal的悦耳圣曲,另外Jewel匠心独具的将经典黑人灵歌Tell It On The Mountain、 「Spirit」专辑中的Life Uncommon及着名女歌手Bette Midler 90年全美亚军曲From A Distance等3首歌合成一首绝妙的福音组曲Medley。 圣诞节的氛围应该是家人团聚一堂、充满喜悦、小孩们嘻嘻哈哈声不绝於耳的景象,而最适合这场景的正是Jewel这张拥有13首耶诞曲的Joy A Holiday选辑,不只带给你愉悦的假日,也将让你获得心灵上的满足。 01. Joy To The World 02. O Holy Night 03. Silent Night 04. Winter Wonderland 05. O Little Town Of Bethlehem 06. Ave Maria 07. Hard ! The Herald Angels Sing 08. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer 09. Face of Love 10. Medley a: Go Tell It On The Mountain, b:Life Uncommon, c:From A Distance 11. I Wonder As I Wander 12. Gloria 13. Hands ( Christmas Version) JEWEL [THIS WAY] (2002) 真?#092;坦率该是创作、歌唱与情感最基本的要求,17岁时拾起创作之笔的Jewel,95年处女大碟「Pieces Of You」笔下聊得是青春心事,You Were Meant For Me(亚军)、Foolish Heart(#7)两首Top 10单曲引发热烈回响,专辑停留排行超过两年,光在全美就开出1100万张的红盘,小女生的心情顿时引发超强共鸣,98年专辑「Spirit」舒柔亲和力持续弥漫,首周旋即登陆全美排行季军,全球卖出600万张,Hands(#6)、Down So Long等歌曲深入成熟女性的心境,99年的圣诞特辑「Joy:A Holiday Collection」温暖歌声闪烁人生信仰,同年并与乡村传奇歌手Merle Haggard合唱两首歌,Jewel的扎实唱功连Bob Dylan跟Neil Young都开出担任演唱会开场嘉宾的邀约,从98年超级杯足球赛、梵蒂冈教皇圣诞音乐会到99年Woodstock音乐祭与柯林顿主政时的白宫圣诞音乐会,来自各种场合的演唱邀约更证实Jewel的人气广度,英国着名传媒Times Of London都公推Jewel是自Joni Mitchell以来,最闪耀的女歌手。 在唱作之余,Jewel也在98年发表诗集「A Night Without Armor」,并在"99年参予李安执导电影【与魔鬼共骑】的演出,展现不同的天赋兴致;不过,三度葛莱美奖提名与全球专辑销量达2300万张的盛名曾让她陷入唱作枯竭的迷思。阿拉斯加的成长背景让她培养出在辽阔的空间摸索孤单清感的创作性格,2001年11月在美推出专辑「This Way」,Jewel首度扛起制作大任与拥有Faith Hill、Megadeth制作履历的吉他高手Dan Huff携手制作,也与Dido的制作人Rick Nowels合写三首歌,包括吉他摇滚与歌声情感层次极为鲜明的首支单曲Standing Still,她试着在新作中将感情的思路内接到自己的内心,抒发自我与周遭空间的情绪互动,Jewel以流行、民谣、蓝调、乡村、摇滚乐的广泛素材赋予美国音乐的当代精神,将自己从清新创作女声的领域提升到一位能适切表达各类型乐风作品的多元化歌手,与葛莱美奖最佳单曲Smooth另一创作者Itaal Shur合作的Serve The Ego甚至来个东西方空灵情感的水乳交融,美国滚石杂志予以三颗半星佳评,推崇『她为当代最擅词汇的女歌手之一,依然保有优雅、原味风采』;除了饶富情感的音质,Jewel也多了一些灵性升华与调皮性格的音色调和,诸如乡村民谣直率带劲的摇滚歌Everybody Needs Someone Sometime;而褪去娇柔外衣,彻底阳刚宣泄的Love Me Just Leave Me Alone则领教到小女子蓝调的猛烈火力;New Wild West则是将传统民谣豪情粗犷与女性阴柔情怀适度中和的野心之作,歌曲中对美国寻求担当新世纪领导地位,提出一些省思。I Won"t Walk Away、Break Me、This Way清新动人真情依然不变,Jewel的「This Way」在才气试鍊之余,更见其对音乐本质的一份?#092;意。 01. Standing Still 02. Jesus Loves You 03. Everybody Needs Someone Sometime 04. Break Me 05. Do You Want To Play? 06. Till We Run Out Of Road 07. Serve The Ego 08. This Way 09. Cleveland 10. I Won"t Walk Away 11. Love Me, Just Leave Me Alone 12. The New Wild West 13. Grey Matter - Bonus Track (Recorded Live) 14. Sometimes It Be That Way - Bonus Track (Recorded Live) JEWEL [0304] (2003) *3座葛莱美奖提名 全美音乐奖 MTV音乐奖肯定 *全球专辑销售量达2500万张 创作才女 珠儿 2003年蜕变转型力作 *继Billboard舞曲榜冠军曲"Serve The Ego"展现舞惑魅力 *首部亮丽绽放曲"Intuition女生的直觉"惊艳Billboard单曲榜No.3 *全新大碟0304欲望城市空降Billboard 专辑榜亚军 专业音乐网站AMG四颗半星超高评价 *罗比威廉斯、夏奇拉、山塔那、安立奎制作群与珠儿联手操盘 *本CD具多媒体功能,可观赏珠儿幕后拍片录音花絮及个人写真 内附中文歌词 14首歌,14篇真挚深刻的动人告白 一部精采的0304欲望城市心情写真 珠儿的14个欲望日记 14个城市里单身人种寂寞心事 献给在都会中勇敢为自己活的单身人种 1994年首张专辑「Pieces Of You」专辑惊艳全世界乐迷耳朵后,Jewel就持续不断地开拓新的领域,从她的民谣根源延伸,将摇滚、流行、乡村、蓝调、爵士和古典乐影响融入她的作品中。Jewel在每张专辑中实验新的声音,并扩展个人艺术版图,并保持她独特的个人辞采风格以及音乐正统。今年28岁的Jewel音乐事业已延续多年,在同辈的艺人中算是相当罕见的。在珠儿的音乐生涯中,她一共获得三座葛莱美奖提名、一座全美音乐奖和一座MTV音乐录影带奖。至今,她的专辑已在全球缔造二千五百万张的销售量。 推出上张专辑「This Way」,4年后今天,Jewel完成在Atlantic唱片旗下的第五张专辑「0304」。此张专辑中,这位多白金唱片的歌手/词曲创作者显露新的音乐方向,这个方向源自於她对现代舞曲节奏和架构与日俱增的兴趣。率先发行的新单曲 "Intuition",由Jewel和古巴裔美国制作人Lester Mendez(夏奇拉、山塔纳、安立奎)谱写和制作。"Intuition"跳脱原本民谣自然乐风,取代的是充满律动摇摆的吉卜赛与拉丁韵味。果然新的尝试为Jewel赢得Billboard单曲榜第3名佳绩。Billboard杂志并对Jewel曲风转变盛赞有加:「大胆跨出聪慧民谣风格,沉浸在欢乐的节拍中,宛如一场快乐的吉普赛婚礼。放松但仍相当有力的唱腔让Jewel这颗珠宝比以往都闪耀。」新专辑一推出也立刻造成回响,空降Billboard专辑榜第2名。 0304专辑由Lester Mendez和Jewel共同操刀制作。除了维持自己创作结晶,也不乏与其他音乐人的作品。14首歌曲不但有多种新元素出现,且也成功地表现出Jewel惯有的风格与浓厚的文人辞彩。Big band形式的Leave The Light On呈现珠儿演唱爵士歌曲的独特韵味。首度与罗比威廉斯的最佳拍档Guy Chambers合作的2 Become 1,让Jewel甜美声线盈满这首清新可人的小品,专辑中段的2 Find U、 Fragile Heart、Doing Fine…令人沉迷於Jewel蜜糖嗓音构筑的花房里;混点techno味的U & Me=Love有着Jewel难得一见的诱惑魅力;当然,珠儿那敏锐的观察力也在歌词中表露无疑,表达对美国社会冷眼意见的Stand及America令人激赏。 不管是一个人只带着一把吉他,或是带领着一个乐团上台,Jewel一向是一个很有大众魅力的现场演唱歌手。Jewel在音乐上尝试新的转变,值得我们倾心聆听,感受Jewel的用心与努力,从【0304欲望城市】体验珠儿。 01. Stand 02. Run 2 03. Intuition 04. Leave The Lights On 05. 2 Find U 06. Fragile Heart 07. Doin" Fine 08. 2 Become 1 09. Haunted 10. Sweet Temptation 11. Yes U Can 12. U & Me=Love 13. America 14. Becoming JEWEL [Goodbye Alice in Wonderland] (2006) Jewel的的第六张录音室专辑《Goodbye Alice in Wonderland》定於5月2日发行,因此在这次联合巡演中,Jewel主要是为这张个人新专辑进行宣传。而Rob Thomas仍将继续宣传他去年已经获得了白金销量的首张个人专辑《. . . Something to Be》,这张专辑曾在去年成功获得Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。 作为2003年的《0304》之后的最新作品,这张《Goodbye Alice in Wonderland》由Jewel和绿日乐队(Green Day)的制作人罗伯·卡瓦罗(Rob Cavallo)合作完成。Jewel在新专辑中尝试了多种音乐风格,从乡村小调《Stephenville, TX》,到欢快的流行歌曲《Satellite》,再到到民谣风味的开场曲《Again and Again》等等。值得一提的是,Jewel的这张专辑中的13首歌均为现场录制,使整张专辑看起来更像一场音乐会。在接受采访时,Jewel说:“如果可以的话,我会在这次巡演中把这张专辑中的歌曲从头到尾唱一遍。” 1. Again and Again 2. Long Slow Slide 3. Goodbye Alice in Wonderland 4. Good Day 5. Satellite 6. Only One Too 7. Words Get In the Way 8. Drive To You 9. Last Dance Rodeo 10. Fragile Heart 11. Stephenville, TX 12. Where You Are 13. 1000 Miles Away Stronger Woman (single) Single 发行时间: Feb 5, 2008 jewel的个人网站:

The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.

【答案】:驯象员站在大象面前,手里拿着一根带有金属尖头的长棒。句中的非谓语动词短语holding a long stick with a sharp metal point的逻辑主语是句子的主语the trainer,而不是紧挨着它的the elephant。

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MUX VLAN一般用于DSLAM接入设备,每个用户一个VLAN,并与上网PVC关联起来(不同于普通VLAN关联到以太网口),到上层汇聚设备再加上外层VLAN,可以唯一区分上网用户。super vlan用于SR设备,解决共用网关问题,即不同VLAN用户可以使用相同网关ip,从而节省IP地址资源。SMART VLAN用于接入设备,同一vlan可以实现下行流量互相隔离,上行不隔离,使用互动电视业务时,一般使用SMART VLAN来标识用户。

“Stand out or get out”这句话的英语的解释是什么意思?

释义:要么出众,要么出局例句:Often, you"ll discover one or two key elements that stand out and get fixed in your mind.通常,你会在头脑中发现一到两个能修正的关键点。I"m talking about the things that will get a woman"s attention or make you stand out in a crowd and increase your chances of getting a woman to date you.我只想讨论一下男人身上能够引起女性注意的东西,或如何让你在人群中更加显眼,从而增加让女性跟你约会的机会。SARA: Look, we can stand here and argue … or … we can get out there and find out who did this to Holly Gribbs. (beat) Two sharp women are better than one.听着,我们可以站在这儿争执…或者…我们可以出去调查,两个聪明女人总比一个要好。There"s no social penalty for appearing open-minded – but if you take a stand and get it wrong (or just different), better watch out.因为表现得思想开明不会招致别人的责难,但倘若你选错了立场,站错了队(或者仅仅是不同的观点),你就最好小心了。You can complement the audience, ask them to raise their hand, or stand-up and stretch; get the audience involved and keep them involved through-out the "entire" speech.你可以进一步调动观众,请他们举手或者起身,让观众进入并一直沉浸在你整个演讲中。Once we figured out how to get thrills from waves, we could switch to snow, or to stand up paddling, or kiteboarding.我们一旦了解了如何在浪尖上感受刺激,我们也会在滑雪,滑水或是风筝冲浪中获得同样快感。You do get back what you put out, but in the realm of competition, you have to put out more value than, or out-learn, your competitors to stand out in recognition or place.你会收获你所付出的,但是在竞争中,你必须付出比你竞争对手更多的代价去赢得比人的认同和社会地位。Or if you said you"d have the exhibition stand up and running by Sunday night with only two extra members of staff you have – and you"ve managed to get your major competitor to pull out of the show.或者如果你说过,你会在周日晚上前与手下另外两个人一起完成展台搭建并保证运转良好——你就得让你最主要的竞争对手在这场展会中出局。We"ve made the text navy blue and added a lavender background color to help the image stand out from this page background, but you get the same size image with or without the background color.我将文本设置为海军蓝并添加一个淡紫色的背景颜色,以便这个图像从这个页面背景中凸显出来。但是,不管是否使用背景颜色,得到的图像的大小都相同。China. The day I left I promised to myself, " I will stand out among my fellows someday, or I won"t get back forever."离开家的那日,我向自己承诺:“我要出人头地,否则就永远不回来了!”

Shares Outstanding是什么意思?


mutual understanding是什么意思


totally understand是什么意思

totally understand完全理解例句:1.It"s okay, know, I totally understand. 很好,罗斯,好吗?我完全明白。2.Now, I think it is really successful experience, and I totally understand what labor means. 如今,我想这真是一次成功的经验,并且我完全理解了劳动的意义。3.And to be honest, I still didn"t totally understand the function of a hedge fund. 老实说,我现在依然没法理解对冲基金能干什么用。

Totally understand!是什么意思




英语:被某人放鸽子是不是可以说成be standed up by sb

你好。是be stood up (by sb.).I have been stood up again! 我又空等了!

请问"Mandarin"和"Standard Chinese"有什么区别?谢谢


Just stand up的视频里那些女歌手依次都是谁?

玛丽亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey) 碧昂丝(Beyonce) 灵歌天后玛丽·布莱姬(Mary J. Blige) 蕾安娜(Rihanna) 黑眼豆豆主唱菲姬(Fergie) 雪儿·克罗(Sheryl Crow) 麦莉·塞勒斯(Miley Cyrus) 奥斯卡最佳原创音乐得奖者梅丽莎·伊瑟里德(Melissa Etheridge) 亚香缇(Ashanti) 英国歌手娜塔莎·贝丁菲(Natasha Bedingfield) R&B女歌手凯西亚·科尔(Keyshia Cole) 亚瑟小子师妹席亚拉(Ciara) 丽安娜·刘易斯(Leona Lewis) 乡村女歌手黎安·莱姆丝(LeAnn Rimes) 凯莉·安德伍德(Carrie Underwood)




standard shotgun rules, I?m sight of the room and I called it.

现场: Monica的和Rachel的,企业资源管理,钱德勒和乔伊的,钱德勒和乔伊正在开展在白兰度的桌上足球桌。 ] 乔伊:我请Monica的有何室! 钱德勒:你可以吗?吨的正义呼声Monica的有何室。 乔伊:相信,我可以,标准鸟枪规则,我吗?米视线范围以外的空间和我打电话。 (钱德勒则描述,并转,看到他吗? S在视线的房间内,和嘴巴妈! )大概就这样了,自己可以修改一下句子,使其变得更好

stand on the parrot是什么意思

人云亦云 的意思

parrot stand cake哪一个是不同音的

cake不同音单词parrot“鹦鹉”与单词stand“站”中字母a发音一样,都发 “_”,而单词cake“蛋糕”字母a发音是“ei”。

GIBSON吉普森SG Standard 61 Maestro Vibrola带摇把电吉他哪款摇把好用点




大疆精灵Phantom 3 Standard 2.7K航拍怎么样

DJI大疆创新发布的新品精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)更容易操作。精准操控带来优秀的飞行体验。精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)专用遥控器配备灵敏的控制杆,不论是新手还是经验丰富的飞手都能自如飞行。自动飞行辅助系统1.精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)内置飞控可记录返航点,当精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)失去遥控器信号,或收到返航指令时,将自动飞回你的身边。2.拥有2.7K视频分辨率和1200万像素静态照片分辨率,无畸变镜头,业界领先的三轴增稳云台让相机在高速运动中仍拥有稳定画面。3.精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)内置Wi-Fi中继器,将720P高清画面实时传输至你的移动设备,距离远达1公里。根据实时图传画面调整飞行姿态,修正拍摄角度,控制摄影参数,捕捉每一帧美景。4.精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)的全新动力系统让飞行更加灵敏、快速和安全。升级后的无刷电机搭配先进的电调,进一步提升了效率和可靠性,让续航时间更长。5.精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)专用遥控器配备灵敏的控制杆。6.移动设备夹可固定你的手机。7.云台拨轮可控制相机俯仰角度,便于观察周围环境和调整拍摄角度。8.全新的内置WiFi中继器,控制距离远达1公里。9.遥控器内置充电电池,可通过Micro-USB口便捷充电。功能强大的应用轻触屏幕把你的移动设备变为飞行相机、驾驶舱和视频编辑器。功能强大的DJI GO App不仅能让你实时查看相机、更改设置、控制拍摄,还提供以下丰富的功能:⒈快速视频编辑器,只需几次点击就能轻松生成属于你的大片⒉相机控制和飞行设置简单明了,飞行和拍摄尽在掌握中⒊实时地图不仅显示Phantom的位置还能指示飞行方向⒋飞行记录全面回放飞行信息,记录难忘时刻5.实时掌握速度、高度、距离等飞行参数精灵3(Phantom 3 Standard)电池续航时间长达25分钟。DJI大疆创新专有智能飞行电池能根据飞行距离和状态计算剩余电量和飞行时间,在移动设备的GO App上显示电量,提前提示你返航。标配充电器能对电池进行快速充电,LED指示灯显示电池状态与电量。牢固的外壳和内置智能传感器为电池提供保护,让电池更加安全,经久耐用。

oustanding 在下面这段话中出现,其用法和意思是什么?怎么翻译和理解?


The enemy who stands in my way to take English ex

The enemy who stands in my way to take English exam No.1 is so foolish that should stay in home.

Melanie C的《Understand》 歌词

歌曲名:Understand歌手:Melanie C专辑:This TimeMelanie C - Understand‘静态脉冲"Q:21281770I"m looking at the floorI"m looking anywhere to try to put my head intoA different placeI"m stopping it beforeBefore I think about the promise to myself thatI"m about to breakFall into daydreams inside these wallsI must be out of my mindCause I don"t even know youBut all I do is think about your faceAnd I don"t wanna call youBut I wish I had your number just in caseAnd I never thought someone could shake me likeYou canSome things weren"t designed to understandI hope you didn"t seeI hope you didn"t notice if you did I hope youLooked awayI"ll keep it all to meI"ll keep on running cause it"s only when I"m running that I feel safeAs I fall I must be out of my mindCause I don"t even know you...TV shows and cars that won"t slow downI should be looking for a chance but don"t know howDisillusion never let me downDon"t lose it now, don"t lose itI don"t even know you...

stand-off screw 是哪个螺丝

这就是科技英语的麻烦之处。有时候,技术人员人会以自己习惯的用词来称呼某一样东西。机械英语经常要看到实物、或图纸才能确认词汇的含义;只从文字上真的很难看出真正的意思。只有在理解原文表述的含义后,才能用另一种语言告诉别人。举例说,文件里有一串HH10×30的文字,在图纸上看到也标着,箭头指向一个螺栓,这时才知道是HH是六角头(hexagonal head)螺栓的缩写。还如cartridge在科技英语里不是炮弹筒,而会是指“过滤芯”。就好比bowl美国都用来指像碗一样的“体育场”。在没看到其他更多信息的情况下,我猜测stand-off screw会不会是设备基座四个角上的“紧固螺栓”或“地脚螺栓”。

求高质量Travis - Where You Stand中文歌词翻译!




Britney Spears - Someday ( I Will Uderstand )

Britney Spears: "Someday (I Will Understand)" [Verse 1:] Nothing seems to be the way That it used to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me And tell me somebody is watching Over me And that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand In God"s whole plan And what he"s done to me Oh but maybe Someday I will breathe And I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby [Verse 2:] Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? Just stop and listen to your tears They"re all you"ve got It"s in you You see somebody is watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby No moment Will be more true Than the moment I look at you It"s in you You see somebody is watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby 参考: azlyrics/lyrics/britneyspears/somedayiwillunderstand Someday ( I Will Uderstand ) Nothing seems to be the way That it used to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me And tell me somebody"s watching Over me And that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand In God"s whole plan And what He"s done to me Oh but maybe someday I will breathe And I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? stop and listen to your tears They"re all you"ve got It"s in you You see somebody"s watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand In God"s whole plan And what He does to you Oh but maybe someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby No moment will be more true than the moment I look at you It"s in you You see somebody"s watching Over you And that is all I"m praying is that someday You will understand In Gods whole plan And what he does to you Oh but maybe Someday you will breathe And you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby You"ll see it all in your baby -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Someday (I Will Understand) (Hi-Bias Signature Radio Remix) [Verse 1:] Nothing seems to be the way that it use to Everything seems shallow God give me truth In me then tell me somebodys watching Over for me and that is all I"m praying is that Someday I will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to me Oh but maybe someday I will be and I"ll finally see I"ll see it all in my baby [Verse 2:] Don"t you run too fast my dear Why don"t you stop? just stop and listen to your tears they are from God It"s in you you see somebodys watching Over for you and that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but baby someday you will be and you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby No moment would be more true that then moment I look at you It"s in you you see somebody is watching Over for you and that is all I"m praying is that Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but maybe someday you will be and you"ll finally see You see it all in your baby Someday you will understand and Gods whole plan and what it does to you Oh but maybe someday you will be and you"ll finally see You"ll see it all in your baby

lemonade stand啥意思 !


understand和. perceive 有什么区别

understandv. 理解,了解,领会,闻知 (更侧重基于事实,基于客观的理解和了解)例句与用法: 1. If you can"t do it, I will understand. 如果你不会做这件事的话,我可以理解。 2. I don"t understand what you are saying. 我不知道你在说什么。 3. Am I to understand that you refuse? 我是不是应当认为你拒不接受? perceivevt. 察觉, 感觉, 认知, 理解 (更侧重心灵上的,主观的认识和理解)1 . I perceived his comment as a challenge.我认为他的批评是对我的激励。2 . The patient was perceived to have difficulty in standing and walking.据观察所见,病人站立和行走都有困难。希望对你有帮助~



工业工程(IE)中,ST=Standard Time 、TT=total time、CT=Standard Time 、tack time、的区别和联系。

CT是circle time

谁能帮我翻译oasis的stand by me这首歌的歌词

Oasis - Stand By MeMade a meal and threw it up on Sunday I"veGotta lot of things to learnSaid I would and I"ll be leaving one dayBefore my heart starts to burn周日做上一餐,不堪呕吐,我还有多少事亟待学习?我一定要逃离,不论早晚,否则心中烈焰会渐燃起~So what"s the matter with you?Sing me something new...don"t you knowThe cold and wind and rain don"t knowThey only seem to come and go away你出了什么问题?来一点新意。你不知晓遒风凄雨就是如此若即若离?Times are hard when things have got no meaningI"ve found a key upon the floorMaybe you and I will not believe in the things we findBehind the door当一切失去意义,表针似已。拾起地上的锁钥,尽管门后决不是你我的天地。(bridge)So what"s the matter with you?Sing me something new...don"t you knowThe cold and wind and rain don"t knowThey only seem to come and go away你出了什么问题?来一点新意。你不知晓遒风凄雨就是如此若即若离?(chorus)Stand by me, nobody knows the way it"s gonna be伴我一路,不要去管今后携行抑或殊途If you"re leaving will you take me with youI"m tired of talking on my phoneThere is one thing I can never give youMy heart will never be your home你如若长别离,带我一起,受够了电话里你真实却遥远的气息。我永不会给你,你需铭记,我的心永不会准许你进入并且寓寄。(bridge)So what"s the matter with you?Sing me something new...don"t you knowThe cold and wind and rain don"t knowThey only seem to come and go away你出了什么问题?来一点新意。你不知晓遒风凄雨就是如此若即若离?(chorus)Stand by me, nobody knows the way it"s gonna be伴我一路,不要去管今后携行抑或殊途

在中国,白鸽是和平的象征翻译英文,包含stand for

Pigeon stands for peace in China .

stand frozen with terror这里的frozen是什么词性

frozen 冻僵的 是形容词 在这里作为状语修饰stand 表示stand时的状态

在英文中静静的站着为什么不是“stand silently”




understandtheworld 中文的意思

understand the world 网络 了解世界; 认识世界; [例句]We need to understand the world as they see it.我们需要了解他们的世界观。

"They also serve who only stand and wait" 出自John Milton 的哪篇文章?

They also serve who only stand and wait那些只能站着等待的人,他们也是有价值的。Meaning: 不管我们有多少能力,每个人在这世界上都有自己的位置,都有存在的价值。John Milton双目失明后写下诗歌:"On His Blindness". 上句话在这首诗的最后一行,意在鼓舞自己。全诗如下:When I consider how my light is spentEre half my days in this dark world and wide,And that one Talent which is death to hideLodged with me useless, though my soul more bentTo serve therewith my Maker, and presentMy true account, lest He returning chide,"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"I fondly ask. But Patience, to preventThat murmur, soon replies, "God doth not needEither man"s work or his own gifts. Who bestBear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His stateIs kingly: thousands at his bidding speed,And post o"er land and ocean without rest;They also serve who only stand and wait.

Just stand up!的歌词(中英对照)

Beyonce:The heart is stronger than you think心比你想象的要更加强壮It"s like it can go through anything它能克服任何困难And even when you think it can"t it finds a way to still push on, though甚至当你认为它不能继续坚持时Carrie:Sometimes you want to run away有时你想要逃离一切Ain"t got the patience for the pain不是内心没有煎熬And if you don"t believe it look into your heart the beat goes on如果你不相信,听听你的心脏,它仍在跳动Rihanna and Miley Cyrus:I"m tellin" you that那么我要告诉你Things get better一切都会好起来的Through whatever无论如何If you fall, dust it off, don"t let up如果你跌倒了,掸掉身上的灰尘,不要气馁Nicole Scherzinger:Don"t you know you can go be your own miracle你不知道你也可以创造奇迹吗Beyonce:You need to know你需要知道【CHORUS】Sheryl:If the mind keeps thinking you"ve had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足But the heart keeps telling you don"t give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃Sheryl/Beyonce:Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑what is what它是什么Don"t give up别放弃THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光Fergie:It"s like we all have better days就像我们大家都有更好的明天Problems getting all up in your face所有问题会在你的面前得到解决Leona:Just because you go through it只是因为你经历过Fergie:Don"t mean it got to take control, no这不意味着它被你所控,不Leona:You ain"t gotta find no hiding place你是否找不到庇护之地Keyshia:Because the heart can beat the hate因为爱可以战胜仇恨Leona:Don"t wanna let your mind keep playin" you别让你的思想玩弄你于股掌之中Keyshia:And sayin" you can"t go on并且告诉你不能继续Rihanna:I"m tellin" you that那么我要告诉你Miley:Things get better一切都会好起来的Through whatever无论如何Rihanna:If you fall如果你跌倒了Miley:Dust if off, don"t let up掸掉身上的灰尘,不要气馁LeAnn:Don"t you know你不知道Natasha:You can go你也可以LeAnn:Be your own创造自己的Natasha:Miracle奇迹Carrie:You need to know你需要知道【Ensemble: CHORUS】If the mind keeps thinking you"ve had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足(Melissa: adlibs)But the heart keeps telling you don"t give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃(Melissa: adlibs)Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑What is what它是什么Don"t give up别放弃(Melissa: adlibs)THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光IF WE ALL, JUST STAND UP!如果我们都能如此,我们就都可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光Mary:You don"t gotta be a prisoner in your mind你不能做你心中的囚犯Ciara:If you fall, dust it off如果你跌倒了,掸掉身上的灰尘Mary:You can live your life你可以过自己的日子Rihanna/Carrie:Yeah是的Mary:Let your heart be your guide让你的心做你的向导Rihanna/Carrie:Yeah yeah yeah没错Mariah:And you will know that you"re good if you trust in the good然后你会体会到如果你相信它是好的那么你也会很好Ashanti:Everything will be alright, yeah一切都是那么美好,对啊Light up the dark, if you follow your heart点亮黑暗,如果你遁循着你的心Mary:And it will get better然后它就会好起来的Mariah:Through whatever无论如何【Ensemble: CHORUS】If the mind keeps thinking you"ve had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足But the heart keeps telling you don"t give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑What is what它是什么Don"t give up别放弃THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光【Ensemble: CHORUS】If the mind keeps thinking you"ve had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足But the heart keeps telling you don"t give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑What is what它是什么Don"t give up别放弃THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光Fergie:You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在You got it in now, find it within now你现在办到了,并且发现它的实质You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在You got it in now, find it within now你现在办到了,并且发现它的实质You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在Find it within you, find it within发现它的实质,发现它的实质Everyone:THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光现场版:站位顺序(注:LeAnn Rimes Melissa Etheridge Sheryl Crow 未到场;Nicole Scherzinger 替补上场。)从左到右依次为Keyshia Cole,Fergie,Leona Lewis,Ciara,Carrie Underwood,Mariah Carey,Mary J. Blige,Beyonce,Miley Cyrus ,Rihanna,Ashanti,Natasha Bedingfield,Nicole Scherzinger

push up stand怎么用


vertex standard对讲机怎么对频?有两台型号不同的对讲机无法使用,怎么能解决,谢谢了


vertex standard vx-428对讲机使用说明书

高一英语必修一unit2 standard english and dialects翻译


standoff screw是什么意思

standoff screw对峙螺钉很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问




standoff distance 相隔距离The results show that the shock standoff distance, skin friction coefficient and surface heat flux all increase with the strengthening of the external dipole magnetic field. 计算结果表明,外加偶极子磁场使激波脱体距离增加,壁面摩擦系数和表面热流密度增大。

雷达成像中standoff range指的是什么?

发射机识别(安全)隔离距离(Standoff range)远距离成像(Standoff imaging)望采纳!!

请教:什么叫"Mexican standoff"? 中文怎么译?









在Yamachi的NP352-256-81 BGA芯片测试座的datasheet中有包含“stand-off”这个词的一句话:Press the socket down from the top evenly and gradually until the socket base stand-off lie on the burn-in board.在这里stand-off的意思就是托脚、底座间隙保持器、机脚这类的意思,就是这个连接器底部完全与电路板紧密接触的几个凸点、托脚。



OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100的附录4和附录6有什么区别?哪个更好?


OEKO-TEX Standard 100是否对荧光增白剂由限制使用的要求?


Joss Stone的《Understand》 歌词

Understand歌手:Joss Stone(乔丝史东)I hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youI keep our song on repeatOn my ipod, even when I sleepAnd in my dream I"m holding youAlone on an island just us twoI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youThe last guy had me so wrongHe kept complaining I was away too longDon"t treat me that way cause in your headYou"ve got to trust me I won"t be ledI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youI hope your mind ain"t working overtimeI hope your memories are full of good times with meDon"t trip if right now I can"t answer the phoneCause you know that soon I"ll be coming homeI hope you"ll understandThat I can"t always come when you callUnderstand everybody has their faultsPlease understand not to worry who I"m with or what I doCause I understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand that I"m in love with youDo you understandCause I understandDo you understand that I"m in love with you boyI"m so in love with you, so in love with youCause I understandDo you?Do you understand that I"m in love with youDo you understand I"m in love with you

JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards)是什么意思?

JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards)Japanese Industrial Standards 日本工业标准JIS,日本工业标准的简称,由日本工业标准调查会组织制定和审议。日本工业标准(JIS,Japanese Industrial Standards)是日本国家级标准中最重要、最权威的标准。由日本工业标准调查会(JISC)制定。根据日本工业标准化法的规定,JIS标准对象除对药品、农药、化学肥料、蚕丝、食品以及其他农林产品制定有专门的标准或技术规格外,还涉及到各个工业领域。其内容包括:产品标准(产品形状、尺寸、质量、性能等)、方法标准(试验、分析、检测与测量方法和操作标准等)、基础标准(术语、符号、单位、优先数等)。专业包括:建筑、机械、电气、冶金、运输、化工、采矿、纺织、造纸、医疗设备、陶瓷及日用品、信息技术等。

我理解了的英文怎么说?是”I understand“还是“I understood?”谢谢!

I see.


Understand sb to do sth



求一首英文歌的歌词,曲名Wild Wind,头一句好像是 At foot of mountain stand a high high tree.....

Wild Windby Kate PowerAt the foot of the mountain stands a high, high treeIts branches reach up to the sky,While a red-crested bird leaves her nest in the leeAnd from the tallest branch she cries...Chorus"Oh Wild Wind, won"t you blow,And carry me to my love, / I know not where to go,I"ll spread my wings / On your windy back I"ll rideOh, old wise wind won"t you blow"On the banks by the bay where the mossy mussels layAnd the castle on the hill meets the skyThere a red-haired girl fetches dinner from the seaAnd walking out the jetty rocks, she cries...Chorus"Oh Wild Wind, won"t you blow,And carry me to my love, / I know not where to go,I"ll spread my wings / On your windy back I"ll rideOh, old wise wind won"t you blow"On the road by the wood, there a simple cottage liesOf thatch and painted windows, inviting me to bid.The old widow man within it, with his pipe and twinklin" eyesWhile stokin" up the embers there, he cries...Chorus"Oh Wild Wind, won"t you blow,And carry me to my love, / I know not where to go,I"ll spread my wings / On your windy back I"ll rideOh, old wise wind won"t you blow"Oh the cattle with the shepherd and the fishes in the deepYou have no cause for sorrow, no love will trouble theeIf I could be a blackbird in the tallest oaken treeThere from its highest branch, I would cry...Chorus"Oh Wild Wind, won"t you blow,And carry me to my love, / I know not where to go,I"ll spread my wings / On your windy back I"ll rideOh, old wise wind won"t you blow"

standing ovation是什么意思啊??


Standing Ovation 歌词

歌曲名:Standing Ovation歌手:Good Charlotte专辑:CardiologyChamillionaire - Standing Ovation{Hip Hop My life...}What"s up man,Since you got a grammy and everything,You done changed,You ain- You can"t even call me back,You won"t even call me back bro,I called you 75 times yesterday dawg,They cut my phone off, "cause I was callin" youNow that I"ve got dough in my pockets,And a whole lot of profits, (owww!)Seems like everybody loves meIt feels great,Seems like everybody loves me,A round of applause for the cause,Thank you, thank you,Ch-chyeaUsed to treat me like the bad guy from Houston,In the media, it was like Darth Vader,People turnin" like turntables,Stay crossin" over like crossfaders,Try to switch up teams, like ball playas,So our enemies are like our neighbors,Keep "em close, yeah very close,Most of my folks are still on papers,You can work, or you can have the work,But we makin" more than all of y"all wages,Motivation, makes hustlas make ya,So we successful because y"all made us,Used to not, give a flyin" eff,When they greated us with that one finga,Whole world jumped on the tip,And we hit the switch and sat on swangaz,In the hood they say y"all famous,Grindin" hard, so we can ball later,They be like damn, that boy made it,If they say I didn"t, that"s wrong data,First the braud, would try to say I"m fraud,See me pull that waud, and that braud changes,Callin" me, she wanna be on the team,And now she"s mad because I"m ignorin" pagers,Boys thinkin" that they can serve me,Y"all actin" like y"all waiters,Same ones who used to walk pass me,We was underground, but now we on majors,Keep speakin", beggin" for a beat,And I"ll tell the streets to give that boy a favor,Turn "em purple blue and red, all flavorsI got a message for all hatersHeaded to the top,And there ain"t no way to stop it,And I sho ain"t forgot,When everybody used to judge me,Now that I got dough in my pockets,And a whole lot of profits,Seems like everybody loves me,I know you like my style,I know you like my style,I know you love the way I put it down,I made it through the hard times,When you see my shinin",Give me your standing ovationI was bouncin" back like ping-pong,Ridin" became the new theme song,Beatin" on my chest like I"m King Kong,When I broke the record for the ring tones,You ever seen a platinum plaque,That look like that,Then you seen wrong,Better sit back and relax,Because my platinum reign is gonna sing long,And I don"t blame boys for hatin",Because they wasn"t patient,And they didn"t know the plan,I knew that something had them shakin,It was gonna bubble like a Coka Cola can,And I shook it up like a soda can,My wallet is over flowin" man,Now my potential is unlimited,Like the minutes on my Motorola plan,Accountants and lawyers,I got big business, managers,Chamillitary is an interprise,Is you ready to ride?Is you a fan or what?Sound scannin" in Africa,Sound scannin" in Canada,We don"t play, yeah VMAs,It can"t get any better, can it huh? (can it huh)And I know it"s hard to stay humble,They really thought I threw a fumble,I could of caught that through the trees,While runnin" right into the jungle,Could of been little Mugsy Bee,Turn her back into Mutumble,Would of still been a victory for me,You win, then they"ll say they love youI know you like my style,I know you like my style,I know you love the way I put it down,I made it through the hard times,When you see me shinin",Give me your standing ovationLet"s give a cheers, (give "em cheers!)To everyone who thought I"d disappear,Thought that every word I said,Was a subliminal shot to disappear,Now I"m in a different gear,No beef, no hate, no dissin" here,You must of been drunk to doubt me,You obviously didn"t miss a beer,I used to argue about everything,With folks that just didn"t hear,Realized, that I was wastin" words,Like whisperin" in a missin" ear,I say it good and real,They tellin" me it isn"t clear,My two eyes just didn"t tear,"cause weakness is what I didn"t feel, (yeah!)It"s a better result than last time,But this grind, it"s a different year,I really should be commended,For what I"ve accomplished,Give a cheerNaw matter fact,I take that back, (wonderful!)Hold your applause for the sequel,We haven"t got to the part where they try to cheat you, (wicked!)Aha(Woo!)(Chamillitary!)(You"re a genius, you"re a genius!)Headed to the top,And there ain"t no way to stop it,And I sho ain"t forgot,When everybody used to judge me,Now that I got dough in my pockets,And a whole lot of profits,Seems like everybody loves me,I know you like my style,I know you like my style,I know you love the way I put it down,I made it through the hard times,When you see my shinin",Give me your standing ovation(Wonderful!)(Wicked!)(Woo!)(Chamillitary!)(You"re a genius, you"re a genius!)

Standing Ovation 歌词

歌曲名:Standing Ovation歌手:Young Jeezy专辑:Let"S Get It: Thug Motivation 101Chamillionaire - Standing Ovation{Hip Hop My life...}What"s up man,Since you got a grammy and everything,You done changed,You ain- You can"t even call me back,You won"t even call me back bro,I called you 75 times yesterday dawg,They cut my phone off, "cause I was callin" youNow that I"ve got dough in my pockets,And a whole lot of profits, (owww!)Seems like everybody loves meIt feels great,Seems like everybody loves me,A round of applause for the cause,Thank you, thank you,Ch-chyeaUsed to treat me like the bad guy from Houston,In the media, it was like Darth Vader,People turnin" like turntables,Stay crossin" over like crossfaders,Try to switch up teams, like ball playas,So our enemies are like our neighbors,Keep "em close, yeah very close,Most of my folks are still on papers,You can work, or you can have the work,But we makin" more than all of y"all wages,Motivation, makes hustlas make ya,So we successful because y"all made us,Used to not, give a flyin" eff,When they greated us with that one finga,Whole world jumped on the tip,And we hit the switch and sat on swangaz,In the hood they say y"all famous,Grindin" hard, so we can ball later,They be like damn, that boy made it,If they say I didn"t, that"s wrong data,First the braud, would try to say I"m fraud,See me pull that waud, and that braud changes,Callin" me, she wanna be on the team,And now she"s mad because I"m ignorin" pagers,Boys thinkin" that they can serve me,Y"all actin" like y"all waiters,Same ones who used to walk pass me,We was underground, but now we on majors,Keep speakin", beggin" for a beat,And I"ll tell the streets to give that boy a favor,Turn "em purple blue and red, all flavorsI got a message for all hatersHeaded to the top,And there ain"t no way to stop it,And I sho ain"t forgot,When everybody used to judge me,Now that I got dough in my pockets,And a whole lot of profits,Seems like everybody loves me,I know you like my style,I know you like my style,I know you love the way I put it down,I made it through the hard times,When you see my shinin",Give me your standing ovationI was bouncin" back like ping-pong,Ridin" became the new theme song,Beatin" on my chest like I"m King Kong,When I broke the record for the ring tones,You ever seen a platinum plaque,That look like that,Then you seen wrong,Better sit back and relax,Because my platinum reign is gonna sing long,And I don"t blame boys for hatin",Because they wasn"t patient,And they didn"t know the plan,I knew that something had them shakin,It was gonna bubble like a Coka Cola can,And I shook it up like a soda can,My wallet is over flowin" man,Now my potential is unlimited,Like the minutes on my Motorola plan,Accountants and lawyers,I got big business, managers,Chamillitary is an interprise,Is you ready to ride?Is you a fan or what?Sound scannin" in Africa,Sound scannin" in Canada,We don"t play, yeah VMAs,It can"t get any better, can it huh? (can it huh)And I know it"s hard to stay humble,They really thought I threw a fumble,I could of caught that through the trees,While runnin" right into the jungle,Could of been little Mugsy Bee,Turn her back into Mutumble,Would of still been a victory for me,You win, then they"ll say they love youI know you like my style,I know you like my style,I know you love the way I put it down,I made it through the hard times,When you see me shinin",Give me your standing ovationLet"s give a cheers, (give "em cheers!)To everyone who thought I"d disappear,Thought that every word I said,Was a subliminal shot to disappear,Now I"m in a different gear,No beef, no hate, no dissin" here,You must of been drunk to doubt me,You obviously didn"t miss a beer,I used to argue about everything,With folks that just didn"t hear,Realized, that I was wastin" words,Like whisperin" in a missin" ear,I say it good and real,They tellin" me it isn"t clear,My two eyes just didn"t tear,"cause weakness is what I didn"t feel, (yeah!)It"s a better result than last time,But this grind, it"s a different year,I really should be commended,For what I"ve accomplished,Give a cheerNaw matter fact,I take that back, (wonderful!)Hold your applause for the sequel,We haven"t got to the part where they try to cheat you, (wicked!)Aha(Woo!)(Chamillitary!)(You"re a genius, you"re a genius!)Headed to the top,And there ain"t no way to stop it,And I sho ain"t forgot,When everybody used to judge me,Now that I got dough in my pockets,And a whole lot of profits,Seems like everybody loves me,I know you like my style,I know you like my style,I know you love the way I put it down,I made it through the hard times,When you see my shinin",Give me your standing ovation(Wonderful!)(Wicked!)(Woo!)(Chamillitary!)(You"re a genius, you"re a genius!)

cst(china standard time)是北京时间的简称,那么当地时间的简称是什么?

local time

I Understand 歌词

歌曲名:I Understand歌手:Keely Smith专辑:The Very Best Of Keely SmithI UnderstandKeely SmithI understandAnd darling you are not to blameIf when we kiss it"s no the sameI understandIt"s not your fault because yourheart has changed it"s mindYou didn"t mean to be unkindI understandForgetting you will be far from easyI"ve grown so used to your chamsI"ll miss that old thrill and no noecan fillThe place here in my armsBut if you find our love was reallymeant to bethen darling hurryback to meAnd I"ll understandI understand I understand

Time Stands Still 歌词

歌曲名:Time Stands Still歌手:Vhs Or Beta专辑:Bring On The CometsLight fails at dawnThe moon is goneAnd deadly the night reigns(Deceit)Finally I"ve found myselfIn these landsHorror and madness I"ve seen hereFor what I became a king of the lost?Barren and lifeless the land liesLord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillI stand aloneNoone"s by my sideI"ll dare youCome outYou cowardNow it"s me or youHe gleams like a starAnd the sound of his horn"sLike a raging stormProudly the high lordChallenges the doomLord of slaves he criesSlowly in fearThe dark lord appearsWelcome to my landsYou shall be damnedLord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe iron crownedIs getting closerSwings his hammerDown on himLike a thunderstormHe"s crushingDown the Noldor"sProudest kingUnder my footSo hopeless it seemsYou"ve troubled my dayNow feel the painLord of all NoldorA star in the nightAnd a bearer of hopeHe rides into his glorious battle aloneFarewell to the valiant warlordThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe Fate of us allLies deep in the darkWhen time stands still at the iron hillThe Elvenking"s brokenHe stumbles and fallsThe most proud and most valiantHis spirit survivesPraise our kingPraise our kingPraise our kingPraise our king

怎样给小朋友讲stand up and sit down

对于小朋友,一节课教意思就可以了哦,让他们听懂就好~我用比较详细的方式写一个小教案吧:1.T:老师说“上课”,班长要说什么哦?S:起立-T:Good!那你们都想不想当班长?S:想-T:那老师希望以后你们都能当班长,都可以用英语说起立,好不好?S:好T:起立用英语说就是--stand up(配合手的动作,向上升起)(教发音,并带领学生朗读,每次朗读都要配合动作)T:stand up 还有其他的意思哦,"站起来"(剩下的你可以做一个延展)2.T:小朋友们,(重复刚才的动作:手向上升起),这个是起立,那么这样呢?(手向下或者表演坐下来的动作)S:坐下T:Right!那么用英语说,就是 sit down(教发音,并带领学生朗读,配合动作.延展教学)3.布置家庭作业,请小朋友回家后,拿小椅子用英语请爸爸妈妈坐下.

Standing In Front Of You 歌词

歌曲名:Standing In Front Of You歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:StrongerKelly Clarkson - Standing In Front Of YouYou say it"s easierAlone and undisturbedYou said yes and danced beforeAnd got your feelings hurtYou say most days your goodIt"s not so bad this roomWatching the rain todayEven though it"s clear and sunnyAnd you fight it so hardHow to tell if it"s real or notTake a breath and listen (listen)Open up stop wishin" (wishin")All that you"ve been missin" (missin")Standing in front of youEverything you"re fearin" (fearin")All the walls are buildin" (buildin")Take a chance you"re reason (reason)Standing in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youYou start to sway againFeelin" good in your skinYou start to remember whenYou didn"t have to tryAnd then the glitter turns to dustThe color fades enough to make out pictures of a fireThat burns like loveYou can close your eyes don"t worryI"ll still be here in the morningTake a breath and listen (listen)Open up stop wishin" (wishin")All that you"ve been missin" (missin")Standing in front of youEverything you"re fearin" (fearin")All the walls are buildin" (buildin")Take a chance you"re reason (reason)Standing in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youAnd they wont break usAnd they can"t get throughCause I"m gunna be hereStanding in front of youTake a breath and listen (listen)Open up stop wishin" (wishin")All that you"ve been missin" (missin")Standing in front of youEverything you"re fearin" (fearin")All the walls are buildin" (buildin")Take a chance you"re reason (reason)Standing in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of you

Standing In Front Of You 歌词

歌曲名:Standing In Front Of You歌手:Kelly Clarkson专辑:Stronger (Deluxe Version)Kelly Clarkson - Standing In Front Of YouYou say it"s easierAlone and undisturbedYou said yes and danced beforeAnd got your feelings hurtYou say most days your goodIt"s not so bad this roomWatching the rain todayEven though it"s clear and sunnyAnd you fight it so hardHow to tell if it"s real or notTake a breath and listen (listen)Open up stop wishin" (wishin")All that you"ve been missin" (missin")Standing in front of youEverything you"re fearin" (fearin")All the walls are buildin" (buildin")Take a chance you"re reason (reason)Standing in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youYou start to sway againFeelin" good in your skinYou start to remember whenYou didn"t have to tryAnd then the glitter turns to dustThe color fades enough to make out pictures of a fireThat burns like loveYou can close your eyes don"t worryI"ll still be here in the morningTake a breath and listen (listen)Open up stop wishin" (wishin")All that you"ve been missin" (missin")Standing in front of youEverything you"re fearin" (fearin")All the walls are buildin" (buildin")Take a chance you"re reason (reason)Standing in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youAnd they wont break usAnd they can"t get throughCause I"m gunna be hereStanding in front of youTake a breath and listen (listen)Open up stop wishin" (wishin")All that you"ve been missin" (missin")Standing in front of youEverything you"re fearin" (fearin")All the walls are buildin" (buildin")Take a chance you"re reason (reason)Standing in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of youStanding in front of you
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