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一首歌 曲调很欢快 前面是英文 后面好像有一句歌词叫:陪你爱baby(oh)陪你疯 有哪位网友知道


justin bieber 的baby歌词。还要中文翻译,要带rap部分的。

Baby中英文歌词 You know you love me,I know you care 我清楚你爱我,我清楚你在意 just shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论什么时候你呼唤我,我都会及时出现 You want my love, You want my heart 你想要我的爱,想要我的心 And we would never ever ever be apart 我们将长期以来永远不分离 Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是在一起的吧?女孩别折磨我了 we"re just friends, what are you saying 你说我们只是朋友 ,我却不这么认为 Said there"s another as you look right in my eyes 而你直视我的眼睛说你心里有别人 My first love broke my heart for the first time 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心 And I was like然后我说 Baby, baby, baby ohh亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的 like baby, baby, baby noo 我说 亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的 不 like baby, baby, baby ohh 我说 亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的 I thought you"d always be mine mine 我以为你会永远是我的 我的 Baby, baby, baby ohh like baby, baby, baby noo like baby, baby, baby ohh I thought you"d always be mine,mine 我以为你会永远是我的 我的 oh oh For you, I would have done whatever 为了你,我可以赴汤蹈火 and I just can"t believe we ain"t together 而我无法相信我们不在一起了 And I wanna play it cool,but I"m losin" you 我想把爱情玩的很酷,但是我却失去了你 I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你进购任何东西,我会给你进购任何戒指 now I"m in pieces , baby fix me 如今我内心已成为碎片,宝贝请修复我 And just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream 请把我从这个噩梦里摇醒 I"m going down, down, down,down 我变得越来越沮丧 And I just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 我只是不敢相信我的初恋会不在我的身边 and now I"m like Baby, baby, baby ohh like baby, baby, baby noo like baby, baby, baby ohh I thought you"d always be mine mine 同上 When i was 13 I had my first love 当我13岁时,我有了我的初恋 there was nobody that compared to my baby 没有人可以和我的宝贝相比 And nobody came between us no one could ever come above 并且没有任何人可以介入我们也没有人可以比我们更高 She had me goin" crazy 她让我变得疯狂 Oh i was star-struck. oh我为她沉迷 She woke me up daily don"t need no starbucks 她每天叫醒我,不需要星巴克(咖啡) She made my heart pound I skip a beat when i see her in the street 她让我心跳加速 当我在街上见到她时,心跳会漏一拍 And at school, on the playground 在学校和操场也是一样 But i really wanna see her on the weekend 但是我还想在周末见到她、 She knows she got me dazing 她清楚她令我眩晕 Cause she was so amazing 因为她是如此炫丽 and now my heart is breaking 而如今我的心正在碎裂 But i just keep on saying 但是我还是继续在说。。。 Baby, baby, baby ohh like baby, baby, baby noo like baby, baby, baby ohh I thought you"d always be mine x2 yeah yeah yeah ~ I"m gone 我离开了 lemon tree的中文对照歌词 I"m sitting here in a boring room.我坐在这——一间空屋子里 it"s just another rainy sunday afternoon。这也只不过是另一个下雨的周日下午。 i"m waisting my time, i got nothing to do.除了消磨时间我没什模事情可做。 i"m hanging around, i"m waiting for you。我四处张望,我在等待你的到来。 but nothing ever happens, and i wonder.但是好像什莫事情也未曾发生,我不清楚。 i"m driving around in my car.我开着车出去兜风。 i"m driving too fast, i"m drving too far。我把车开得很快,开了很远。 i"d like to change my point of view。我想换种方式生活,换个角度看世界。 i felt so lonely, i"m waiting for you.我感觉到如此孤单,我在等你回来。 but nothing ever happens, and i wonder.但是什莫事也未曾发生,我不清楚为什莫会这样。i wonder how, i wonder why。我不清楚怎莫办,我不清楚为什莫会这样。 yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.昨天你还给我讲那蓝蓝的天空会多莫美丽,生活会多莫美好。 and all that i can see is just a yellow lemon tree。但是我看见的只有一株柠檬树。i"m turning my head up and down。i"m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.我摆动着我的头,上下上下,不停的摆动着我的头。我前后左右的看。(我左看右看上看下看) and all that i can see is just another yellow lemon tree.(不管我怎莫看)它也只是一株黄色的柠檬树。 i"m sitting here, and i miss the power.我坐在这里,身上没有了一丝力气。 i"d like to go out taking a shower。我想出去展示一下我自己。 but there"s a heavy cloud inside my mind.但是我心中有着顾虑。有一片阴云载我心中挥之不去。 i feel so tired, and put myself into bed.我感觉如此的疲惫,回到了家里把自己扔到了床上。 where nothing ever happens, and i wonder。也许什莫也没发生过,谁清楚呢? i"m stepping around in a desert of joy.我在快乐的沙漠中踱步。 baby, anyhow i get another toy。宝贝,无论如何我要找到另一个玩具。 and everthing will happen, and you wonder。然后,所有事情都会发生,然而这一切你不会清楚。and all that i can see is just another lemon tree.我所有能够看见的只是另一株柠檬树。 and all that i can see,我所有能够看见 and all that i can see, 我所有能够看见的 and all that i can see is just a yellow lemon tree我所有能够看见的只是另一株柠檬树。 《trouble is a friend》的歌词 Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh 无论你走到什么地方 麻烦都会找到你 哦哦 No matter if you"re fast, no matter if you"re slow, oh oh 不管你多快 不管你多慢 噢噢 The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh 暴风肆虐后的场景在清晨让你哭泣,噢噢 You"re fine for a while but you start to lose control 你一会感觉良好但是却开始失去控制 He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart 他在黑暗中 他在我心中 He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part 他张开翅膀等待,他开始发威。 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦在跟着我。 Ahh.. 啊 Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh 麻烦是朋友 可是麻烦是敌人 哦哦 And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh 并且不管我对他如何做他总是在长大,噢噢。 He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh 我看到的他都看到 我清楚的他都清楚 噢噢 So don"t forget as you ease on down my road 因此在轻松前行时也要铭记 He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart 他在黑暗中 他在我心中 He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part 他张开翅膀等待,他开始发威。 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦伴随着我 So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm 所以当他拉住你的手臂 别惊慌 I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm 我摇下车窗 臣服在他脚下 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦如影随行跟着我 Ahh.. 阿 How I hate the way he makes me feel 我多恨他以这种方式让我有这样的感觉 And how I try to make him leave 我如何让他离开 I try, oh oh I try 我尝试 哦哦 我尝试 He"s there in the dark, he"s there in my heart 他在黑暗中 他在我心中 He waits in the wings, he"s gotta play a part 他张开翅膀等待,他开始发威 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦伴随着我 So don"t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm 所以 当他拉住你的手臂 别惊慌 I roll down the window, I"m a sucker for his charm 我摇下车窗 臣服在他脚下 Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 yeah 麻烦如影随行跟着我 Ahh.. 啊 Ooh.. 哦 Ahh.. 啊 Ooh.. 哦 《Tell me why》中英文对照版歌词: In my dream 梦中 children sing 儿童们唱着 a song of love for every boy and girl 一首献给所有儿童们关于爱的歌 The sky is blue and fields are green 天色蔚蓝,大地青葱 and laughter is the language of the world 笑声是全世界唯一通用的语言 Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need但当我惊醒我看到的是饿殍遍地 [Chorus] Tell me why(why) 告诉我为何 does it have to be like this? 因为是上天注定的吗? Tell me why(why) 为何? is there something I have missed? 是不是只是因为我没有察觉 Tell me why(why) 告诉我为何 cos" I don"t understand 我不清楚 when so many need somebody 当他们对我们祈想要时 we don"t give a helping hand 我们只会袖手旁观 Tell me why? 为何? Every day 每天 I ask myself 我扪心自问 what will I have to do to be a man 如何努力才能成为一个男人 Do I have to stand and fight, 难道非要无休止得忍受和争夺 to prove to everybody who I am? 来向世人证明自己吗? Is that what my life is far 这就将是我漫长的生命吗---- to waste in a world full of war? 在炮火横行的世界中慢慢消逝? [Chorus] Tell me why(why) 告诉我为何 does it have to be like this? 这是上天注定的吗? Tell me why(why) 为何? is there something I have missed? 是不是只是因为我没有察觉 ]Tell me why(why) 为何? "cos I don"t understand 我不清楚--- when so many need somebody 为何当他们对我们祈想要时 we don"t give a helping hand 我们只会袖手旁观 Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为何(为何?) ]Tell me why (Tell me why)? 为何?(为何?) Tell me why (Tell me why)? 为何?(为何?) Just tell me why! 快告诉我! [Chorus] Tell me why(why), 告诉我为何(为何?) does it have to be like this? 因为必须是这样么? Tell me why(why) 为何?(为何?) is there something I have missed 是不是只是因为我没有察觉 Tell me why(why) 为何(为何?) "cos I don"t understand, 我不清楚---- when so many need somebody, 为何当他们对我们祈想要时 we don"t give a helping hand. 我们只会袖手旁观! Tell me why? 为何! (Why,why,does the tiger run)(为何物种在灭绝?) Tell me why? 告诉我为何! (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为何枪炮要开火?) Tell me why? 为何! (Why,why,do we never learn) (为何我们不知悔改?) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 有没有人能告诉我们为何森林被付之一炬?! (Why,why,do we say we care)(为何我们只是装作慷慨) Tell me why? 为何 (Why,why,do we stand and stare)(为何我们纵容旁观!) Tell me why? 为何! (do the dolphins cry) (为何海豚要哀鸣!) Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?有没有人能告诉我们为何海洋被夺去蓝色?! (Why,why,if we"re all the same) (为何不能人人平等!) Tell me why?为何?(为何我们只会抱怨别人!) Tell me why? 为何! (Why,why,does it never end) (为何永远没用尽头!) Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 有门有人能告诉我们为何做不成朋友! Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为何(我们视而不见?) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为何(要享受贪婪?) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为何(为了土地而战斗?) Can someone tell us why "cos we don"t understand? 有没有人能告诉为何我们甚至都不清楚这到底是为了什么! Why,why!! 为何!!! 至尊无赖歌词 doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为何不是总统?做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 police man, fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防员或者邮递员 why not something like your old man 为何不是一些你的老伙计? you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 driver, actor, lawyer or a singer 司机,演员,律师或者歌唱家 why not president, be a dreamer 为何不是总统?做一个有梦想的人 you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何一个你想成为的人 I know that we all got one thing 我清楚我们都得到一样东西 that we all share together 那就是我们都在分享的 we got that one nice dream 我们都拥有一个美好的梦想 we live for 我们为之生存 you never know what life could bring你不会清楚生活会给你带来什么 coz nothing last for ever 因为没有什么能永恒 just hold on to the team 只是坚持住 you play for 为了你所效力的团队 I know you could reach the top 我清楚你会达到顶峰 make sure that you wont stop 确定你不会停下来 be the one that you wanna be 做那个你长期以来都想成为的人 now sing this with me 如今和我一起歌唱 we may have different ways to think 我们也许会从不同角度考虑问题 but it doesnt really matter 但这没关系 we all caught up in the steam 我们都被人生的一些所征服 of this life focus on every little thing 执著于每一件琐事 thats what does really matter 这才是问题所在 luxury cars and bling 金钱(奢华的车)和物质 thats not real life 那都不是真正的生活 i know you could reach the top 我清楚你会达到顶峰 make sure that you wont stop 确定你不会停下来 be the one that you wanna be 做那个你长期以来都想成为的人 now sing this with me 如今和我一起歌唱 last year i used to dream about this day 去年我还在梦想着有这么一天 now Im here Im singing for you 如今这一切都实现,我将为你而唱 i hope i could inspire you 我希望我能鼓舞你的斗气 coz Ive got all the love, coz Ive got all love for you因为我得到了所有的爱,我得到了你赐予我的所有的爱

一首英文歌 歌曲高潮是baby baby 那baby baby那哈



这是由One Direction演唱的歌曲《What Makes You Beautiful》,完整歌词如下:What Makes You Beautiful-One DirectionYou"re insecure你很不安Don"t know what for不知道为什么You"re turning heads你转过头偏向一侧When you walk through the do-o-or当你穿过那扇门的时候Don"t need make up不需要化妆To cover up来掩饰自己Being the way that you are is en-o-ough你现在的样子已经足够惊艳Everyone else in the room can see it房间里的每个人都可以看见你的美Everyone else but you可是除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody else亲爱的,你与众不同,你点亮了我的世界The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子让我发狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但当你低头微笑时,不难看出You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你并不知道你有多美丽If only you saw what I can see如果你能见我所见You"ll understand why I want you so desperately你会明白我为什么这么对你痴狂Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe现在我看着你,可是我不敢相信You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautifulOh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful你并不知道你有多美丽So c-come on所以拜托You got it wrong你错了To prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ong为了证明我是正确的我写了一首歌I don"t know why不知为什么You"re being shy你很害羞And turn away when I look into your ey-e-es当我看着你的双眸时你有闪躲Everyone else in the room can see it房间里的每个人都可以看见你的美Everyone else but you可是除了你自己Baby you light up my world like nobody else亲爱的,你与众不同,你点亮了我的世界The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子让我发狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但当你低头微笑时,不难看出You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你并不知道自己有多美If only you saw what I can see如果你能见我所见You"ll understand why I want you so desperately你会明白我为什么这么对你痴狂Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe现在我看着你,可是我不敢相信You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你并不知道自己有多美Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful而这一点也让你很美na Na na na na na naaaa na naNa na na na na naNa na na na na na naaaa na naNa na na na na naBaby you light up my world like nobody else亲爱的,你与众不同,你点亮了我的世界The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子让我发狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但当你低头微笑时,不难看出You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你并不知道自己有多美Baby you light up my world like nobody else亲爱的,你与众不同,你点亮了我的世界The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed你轻拂头发的样子让我发狂But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell但当你低头微笑时,不难看出You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你并不知道自己有多美If only you saw what I can see如果你能见我所见You"ll understand why I want you so desperately你会明白我为什么这么对你痴狂Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe现在我看着你,可是我不敢相信You don"t know oh oh你不知道You don"t know you"re beautiful你并不知道自己有多美Oh oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful你并不知道自己有多美Oh oh ohThat"s what makes you beautiful你并不知道自己有多美扩展资料《What Makes You Beautiful》是英国、爱尔兰男子歌手组合单向乐队(One Direction)的一支单曲,分别收录在首张专辑《Up All Night》和同名EP《What Makes You Beautiful》中。歌曲MV清新自然、活力四射。在2012年伦敦奥运会的闭幕式上,单向乐队组合演唱了《What Makes You Beautiful》,将现场的气氛推向高潮。参考资料:百度百科词条—What Makes You Beautifu


baby的读音是:英["be?bi]。baby的读音是:英["be?bi]。baby的例句是用作名词(n.)She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.她生了一个健康漂亮的婴儿。baby形容词:babyish;比较级:babier;最高级:babiest;名词:babyhood;名词复数:babies;过去式:babied;过去分词:babied;现在分词:babying;第三人称单数:babies。一、详尽释义点此查看baby的详细内容n.(名词)孩子气的人,幼稚的人婴儿,赤子,奶娃娃姑娘最年幼的成员,一个集体中最年幼的人,家里最小的孩子宝贝儿,心肝儿动物幼崽, 幼小动物小型,微型爱人小东西adj.(形容词)小型的,微型的幼嫩的(形容用法)婴儿的幼小的,非常年轻的小的,过小的孩子气的,幼稚的v.(动词)婴儿般对待,百般呵护对...娇生惯养,娇纵,娇养,溺爱小心翼翼地操作二、英英释义Noun:a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk;"the baby began to cry again""she held the baby in her arms""it sounds simple, but when you have your own baby it is all so different"the youngest member of a group (not necessarily young);"the baby of the family""the baby of the Supreme Court"an immature childish person;"he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived""stop being a baby!"an unborn child; a human fetus;"I felt healthy and very feminine carrying the baby""it was great to feel my baby moving about inside"(slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young womena very young mammal;"baby rabbits"a project of personal concern to someone;"this project is his baby"Verb:treat with excessive indulgence;"grandparents often pamper the children""Let"s not mollycoddle our students!"三、网络解释1. 婴孩:缅因(Maine)是一位口说好话的老人,上次她说慈济茶是她一生中最好喝的好茶,这次她告诉服务的志工,她们都是她最可爱的婴孩(baby)了!已经102岁的她,待人如己,快乐无私应是她长寿良方吧!美华师姊细心解说慈济三好茶,如何品赏茶香、观赏茶色,四、例句She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.她生了一个健康漂亮的婴儿。The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.母亲摇动摇篮使婴儿入睡。We"ve turned the smallest bedroom into a nursery for our new baby.我们已将最小的那间卧室改成新生婴儿的幼儿室。Baby, come on, let"s go home, I"m tired.宝贝儿,快点儿,我们回家吧,我累了。Don"t be such a baby.别那么孩子气。Since 2001, organic baby food sales have jumped 63%.从2001年以来,有机婴儿食品销售额已上升63%25。She has a baby car.她有一辆微型汽车。Don"t baby the boy.别惯这孩子。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The baby crawled across the room.那个婴儿从房间的这边爬到那边。The baby put its tiny hand in mine.那个婴儿把小手放在我的手中。The baby cannot walk yet, much less run.那婴孩还不会走路,更不用说奔跑了。The baby had a gain of half a pound in weight last week.这个婴儿上周长了半磅。The baby doesn"t like it when people start pulling him about.那个婴儿不喜欢别人笨手笨脚地把他拉来拉去。The baby reached after the apple, but it was too far away.那个小孩急欲得到那个苹果,但是那个苹果太远了。The baby is crying.I wonder what is the matter with it.婴孩在哭,我不知道他怎么了。The sole survivor of the crash was a little baby.这次撞车的唯一幸存者是一个婴儿。There is nothing to worry about.This is a perfectly normal baby.不用担心。这是一个完全正常的孩子。Don"t be a baby and cry over that little scratch.别那么孩子气,擦破点皮就哭鼻子。She had a baby about two years ago.她大约两年前生了一个孩子。Sitting in the next seat was a young woman who was expecting a baby.坐在下一个座位上的是一位孕妇。I was adopted as a baby, and never knew my real parents.我还是个婴儿时就被抱来了,从不知道我的生身父母是谁。She has a baby boy.她有一个男婴。Lion cubs are much easier to rear than baby tigers.幼狮比幼虎更容易饲养。He has a baby face.他有一张娃娃脸。Her skin is very tender, like a baby"s.她的皮肤像婴儿一样柔嫩。用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Don"t baby the boy.不要娇养那男孩。You baby him too much.你太宠他了。His mother babied him.他的母亲纵容他。He babies his new car.他小心地使用他的新车。He babied the badly shot-up ship home.他小心翼翼地把打得千疮百孔的船开了回去。六、常用短语用作名词(n.)be one"s baby由某人造成的事物; 归某人管的事物 be sth that one has created or has in one"s carecry baby爱哭的人; 爱发牢骚的人 sb who weeps or complains for the most trivial of causesthrow out the baby with the bath water不分好坏一概摈弃 lose sth that is very useful when getting rid of sth that is apparently of no use七、词语用法n.(名词)baby的基本意思是“婴儿”,指还不会说话或走路的新生婴儿,也可指“幼兽”或“雏鸟”。引申可表示“家庭或团体中最年幼的成员”,在口语中, baby也可表示孩子气的人或胆怯的人。baby在俚语中还有“女孩”的意思,尤指男子的女友。表示婴儿的性别时,可说a boy〔girl〕 baby,也可说a baby boy〔girl〕,前者侧重boy〔girl〕,后者侧重baby。baby常用it〔which〕而不用he〔she, who〕指代。baby常可用在名词前作定语,意思是“小型的”“微型的”。须注意其与baby"s作定语时意思不同。v.(动词)baby用作动词时及物,基本意思是“把…当作婴儿看待”,也可指“纵容”,引申可表示“小心地使用”。指代baby的代词常是it或者which,而非him或者she。The baby is crying,I wonder what"s wrong with boy和boy baby的表达方式都可以。前者的侧重点是指男孩还处在婴儿时代,baby起修饰词的作用,而后者的侧重点是指这个婴儿是个男孩。同原理可用的有baby girl和girl baby。需注意到是是baby brother,baby sister,baby son,baby daughter不能改为brother baby等;通常把baby作为专有名词,其前面不加the,即使只有一个婴儿,也不能加the。Please look after baby.baby和babe的区别,baby通常以常规形式出现在一般的句子中,而babe就显得更加文言,有诗意修辞。在比喻用法中,babe暗含朴实,天真,稚气的意思,而baby暗含无男子气概,怯懦的意思。baby的相关近义词child、suckling、toddlerbaby的相关临近词Babylon、baboon、Babyy、Babyka、Babyan、Babyuk、babyish、babysat、Babygro、babynap、babysit、Babynin点此查看更多关于baby的详细信息




  用作介词的 until(包括 till)和by,均可表示“在某时之前并不晚于某时的任何时间”,使用时注意以下几点:  1. until / till 通常只与表示一段时间的“持续动词”(如stay, wait)连用时。如:  She stayed until noon. 她呆到中午才走。  It may last till Friday. 这可能要延续到星期五。  I remain in London until May. 我在伦敦一直呆到五月。  We talked until midnight and then separated. 我们一直谈到深夜才分手。  It was his intent to leave at 6:30, but he stayed until 8:00. 他本打算六点半离开,但是他一直呆到八点。  We are counting down the days until the end of the exams. 我们倒数着日子,一直数到考试结束。  注:若所用动词只表示一时点(如finish, leave),则只能在否定句中用till / until。如:  You mustn"t open this parcel until Christmas Day. 圣诞节前你绝不能打开这个包裹。  We got home at 6 o"clock, but the other didn"t get back until 10. 我们6点钟到家,而另外几个l0点才回来。  He promised to be here at four o"clock but didn"t appear until six. 他答应四点钟来,可是六点钟才到。  I arrive at the hospital at eight o"clock, but I don"t go on duty until nine. 我八点钟就到医院了, 但是九点钟我才去值班。  Women were not given the franchise in Britain until the twentieth century. 英国妇女直到二十世纪才获得选举权。  2. 介词 by 通常只与表时点的动词连用。如:  She"ll have retired by then. 她到那时就要退休了。  We had hoped to finish by four o"clock. 我们原希望四点钟前能完成。  I"ll have left by Monday. (=any time before and not later than) 到星期一我就已离开了。(=在星期一前不晚于星期一的任何时间)  You"ll have to shift if you want to get there by nine o"clock. 你要想九点钟到那儿, 就得快点。  We"re in big trouble if we don"t come up with the money by 6 o"clock. 如果我们6点之前拿不出钱来,麻烦就大了。  注:有些表示状态的动词在某些特殊搭配或语境可以表示“时点”,则此时也可与 by 连用。如:  As a rule I"m home by six. 此句应理解为“我通常六点钟到家”(相当于As a rule I get home by six.),不能理解为“通常六点钟前我待在家里”。  She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 o"clock. 此句应理解为“她拼命干以便能到6点时把一切都准备好”(相当于She worked hard so that everything would get ready by 6 o"clock.),不能理解为“她拼命干以便能到6点时一切都一直是准备好的”。  其他例句如(  We shall be back by six o"clock. 我们六点钟回来。  The children must be back by 4 o"clock. 孩子必须4点钟以前回来。  I drove home to him that he must be here by ten. 我跟他说得清清楚楚:他必须十点钟以前到这里。  3. 当与表时点的动词连用且用于否定句时,两者都可以用。如:  I won"t have left by Monday. (=I"ll still be here on Monday) 我星期一前不会离开的。(=我星期一还在这儿)  We got home at 6 o"clock, but the others didn"t get back until 10. 我们6点钟到家,而另外几个l0点才回来。  Might I enquire why you have not mentioned this until now? 请问你为什么直到现在才提及此事呢?

by now 和till now有什么 区别?下面一句用哪个?为什么?

by now 到目前为止;到如今;到现在为止;直到如今,语气平淡,只是单纯的叙述这件事.可用于多种时态 He would have been there by now if had not missed the train.如果不是误了火车的话,他现在应该已经到那里了。till/untill now: 当主句是否定句时, 它的意思是"直到(某时)(某动作)才(发生)" 这时候常会出现"not until …"的结构 如果将 "not until …"的结构放在句首,那么主句要写成倒装句。 此两个连词意义相同。肯定形式表示的意思是"做某事直至某时",动词必须是延续性的。否定形式表达的意思是"直至某时才做某事"。动词为延续性或非延续性都可 以。 正确使用这两个连词的关键之一就在于判断句中的动词该用肯定式还是否定式。 Until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首。 Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. 直到你告诉我以前,出了什么事我一点也不知道。They must have arrived by now.现在他们肯定已到了。

until now和by now的区别

until now意思是一直到现在,一直在发生,迄今为止 by now意思是截止到现在,开始发生 举两个例子 By now you should have the feel for this Until now i have always lived alone

by now.until far.up to now.till now.相等吗?是不是都可用于现在完成时的未完成用法?

by now 这时,至此。到如今。 by now直到如今,语气平淡,只是单纯的叙述这件事。till/untill now的语气更强。so far = up to now 到目前为止。要用现在完成时态。till/untill now:当主句是否定句时,它的意思是"直到(某时)(某动作)才(发生)" 这时候常会出现"not until …"的结构如果将 "not until …"的结构放在句首,那么主句要写成倒装句。此两个连词意义相同。肯定形式表示的意思是"做某事直至某时",动词必须是延续性的。否定形式表达的意思是"直至某时才做某事"。动词为延续性或非延续性都可 以。 正确使用这两个连词的关键之一就在于判断句中的动词该用肯定式还是否定式。 1)Until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首。 Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. 直到你告诉我以前,出了什么事我一点也不知道。 2)Until when 疑问句中,until要放在句首。 ---Until when are you staying? 你呆到什么时候? --- Until next Monday. 呆到下周一。 注意:否定句可用另外两种句式表示。 (1)Not until …在句首,主句用倒装。 Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is. 直到19 世纪初,人类才知道热能是什么。 Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 直到我开始工作,我才认识到了我已蹉跎了几多岁月。 (2) It is not until… that… so far 过去时间持续到现在的动作 并且还有持续的可能与since+过去时间 for+一段时间 by+现在时间 相同 话说这个也不是我自己编辑的答案拉,爱学习的孩子,多去问问老师呐。老师的见解更加正确的说。关键学习英语就是要多积累错题然后反复复习。加油~

by now.until far.up to now.till now.相等吗?是不是拜托了各位 谢谢

by now 这时,至此。到如今。 by now直到如今,语气平淡,只是单纯的叙述这件事。 till/untill now的语气更强。 so far = up to now 到目前为止。 要用现在完成时态。 till/untill now: 当主句是否定句时, 它的意思是"直到(某时)(某动作)才(发生)" 这时候常会出现"not until …"的结构 如果将 "not until …"的结构放在句首,那么主句要写成倒装句。 此两个连词意义相同。肯定形式表示的意思是"做某事直至某时",动词必须是延续性的。否定形式表达的意思是"直至某时才做某事"。动词为延续性或非延续性都可 以。 正确使用这两个连词的关键之一就在于判断句中的动词该用肯定式还是否定式。 1)Until可用于句首,而till通常不用于句首。 Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. 直到你告诉我以前,出了什么事我一点也不知道。 2)Until when 疑问句中,until要放在句首。 ---Until when are you staying? 你呆到什么时候? --- Until next Monday. 呆到下周一。 注意:否定句可用另外两种句式表示。 (1)Not until …在句首,主句用倒装。 Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is. 直到19 世纪初,人类才知道热能是什么。 Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 直到我开始工作,我才认识到了我已蹉跎了几多岁月。 (2) It is not until… that… so far 过去时间持续到现在的动作 并且还有持续的可能与since+过去时间 for+一段时间 by+现在时间 相同 话说这个也不是我自己编辑的答案拉,爱学习的孩子,多去问问老师呐。老师的见解更加正确的说。关键学习英语就是要多积累错题然后反复复习。 加油~



女孩子唱的英文歌词里面有 good bye my...lover ,good bye my ... I never want to see you on happy ...

qq音乐有,Almost Lover

Goodbye My Almost Lover

走在超市到校医院的路上听到了这首歌,其实并不知道名字,只是那么恰巧的听到了高潮“goodbye my almost lover”,于是一路上脑海里都在循环着这首歌,只不过循环时歌词会不小心变成“hold on,my almost lover”,然后就这样一句歌词的循环,再到以歌词百度歌名,从中午到现在的不停循环,看了歌词这句的意思是“再见,我无缘的爱人”,一直觉得或许叫“恋人未满”更好,然后就在百度百科里面看见了译名原来真的就是“恋人未满”。再后来就知道了原来这首歌是电影《命中注定》(only you)的插曲,影片讲述了少女时期的方圆(汤唯饰)经历了两次算命结果命中注定她未来的爱人叫宋昆明。长大成年后的方圆在即将与谢明江结婚前却意外接到宋昆明的电话。于是,方圆不顾一切地追到意大利,随后在异国他乡展开了一段充满戏剧性的寻爱之旅。 很遗憾的是并没有看过这部剧,不知道里面到底有着怎样缠绵的情感,怎么煽情的氛围,但是仅仅是这样的歌词我想也足够煽情了吧。百度里面关于这部剧有这样的台词“毋庸置疑,好的事情总会到来。而但它来得晚了些时候,也不失为一个惊喜。”大概也是这样的台词觉得无比契合现在的心境,无论是爱情还是工作吧。就爱情而言,觉得如果最后能在一起,晚一点也没关系;工作而言就是目前处于在找工作的阶段,也投了简历,进行了网申,只待结果,在等待U家的视频面试结果,虽然当时一脸懵逼,问答的也是自己完全没有接触过的话题,但是依然无比憧憬也无比希望会有一个很好的答案,尽管现阶段很想拿到一个不错的offer,但是还是静候佳音好了 。这次如果拿不到只能如歌词所唱“almost lover”,好吧只能如此致工作了 ,祝自己好运 。 扯远了。舍友刚回来听见这首歌,就说到每次听这首歌都会莫名的难受,或许是歌词乐调戳中了心里某个柔软的角落了吧,听这首歌大概是想起了记忆中的某某人了吧,就像自己有时候听《like I"m gonna lost you》的时候会想起曾经的李先森,不过那是真正的失去了,my back is turned on you。

Cry, Baby... 歌词

歌曲名:Cry, Baby...歌手:Jennifer Rush专辑:Out Of My HandsNikka Costa - Cry BabyGo ahead and cry babyCry baby all night longJust like I cried babyOn the pillow that you used to lay onThe sun is out and mySorrows finally drownedSo go on and turn it up"Cause it"s my favorite songI sucked it upAnd washed your memory downI"ve finally let you goAnd now you comin" back aroundOne minute sooner and my heartwas good as goldBut time"s a bitch and now it"sturned my heart to stone, soGo ahead and cry babyCry baby all night longJust like I cried babyOn the pillow that you used to lay onYou made our bedAnd now I gladly lay in it"Cause there"s way more roomAnd I use every single bitIt"s true it"s sad"Cause you and I we were the shit"Cause our love was realAnd all you got now"s counterfeitBut it"s cool I"m feelin" better all the timeAs long as I know that you sittin" home cryin" , soGo ahead and cry babyCry baby all night longJust like I cried babyOn the pillow that you used to lay onOne minute sooner and my heartwas good as goldBut time"s a bitch and now it"sturned my heart to stone, soGo ahead and cry babyCry baby all night longJust like I cried babyOn the pillow that you used to lay onGo ahead and cry babyCry baby all night longJust like I cried babyOn the pillow that you used to lay onNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel betterNeed a little something to make me feel better

歌词是…By your side …think about it的歌名

Good Girl:Paula DeAndaSomehow I sit here, and I think about itWho needs love, for I"ve been without itWhen I met you, I didn"t wanna let you inBut you did something to me when you rubbed my handTold me you would never do me wrongThat what we have together will be so strongSo tell me what is this, I"m falling, keep falling, yeahI thought you took my heart and uhI was so mistreatedI thought you could be the oneYou were all I neededI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my loveNo matter how hard I try to fight itThere"s no any other boy that can deny itComing around and out, spinning insideAnd it takes all that I got to fight itWhen I remmeber what you did (ooh)For believing in what you saidI put my trust in youI gave my best to youIn the end there"s no more youI thought you took my heart (ooh)But I was so mistreated (no more you)I thought you could be the oneYou were all I neededI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my loveYou had a good girl but you let her slip awayWhy did you, why did youI was that girl for you that was always by your sideHow could you, how could youHow could youI"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my love (ooh, my love)I"m a good girlI wanna give you the worldEven all the signs aboveWanna give you my love, yes all of my love (ooh, my love)I"m a good girlI wanna give you the world (you the world)Even all the signs above (signs above)Wanna give you my love, yes all of my love Monica - U Should"ve KnownI didn"t ask to go with you to MexicoI really didn"t need the shopping sprees in L.A. or MelroseBoy if you didn"t know it, well now you knowI didn"t need the furs or the jewelryBecause material things they don"t mean much to meAnd ever since you"ve been goneI"ve been holding us down on my ownYou knowChorus:I"m never ever cheatingI never ever liedSo you can stop askingAsking me whyWhy I never left youAnd why I"ve kept it realAnd why I"m still with youYou should"ve known better than to think I would leaveYou should"ve known better than to doubt meIt don"t matter if you"re up, matter if you"re downEither way I"m gonna be aroundYou should"ve known that I would stay by your sideYou should"ve known your girl was gonna ride or dieAnd it just don"t matter if you"re rich or poorOut here doing five to tenYou should"ve known betterWhat makes you think that I would forget about youThink about it, who comes to see youEvery Saturday and Monday I was on, onIt"s me your girl, your life, your worldMy family and friends, they just don"t understandThey say I should leave you aloneBut I say that they should all just leave us aloneDon"t you get it?END Don"t Leave - Vanessa HudgensBy tiredsuddenlyI don"t know what i"d do if I ever lost youAll the loneliness I would go throughBut il you wanna leave I won"t stop youI"ve been gone so long,I"m use to feelling aloneI estismated a love my estimation was wrongSee I nener knew what you were going throughBut I just got back and now let"s see where your atHow could you and tell that I ever be distracted byAny other guy no matter if he ever caught my eyesWe just need time, some time to connectWhat I"m tellin" you now hope you never forgetI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAll the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveMaybe I shoulda try to put your need firstBut my prorities were messed up and I know you got hurtSee I nener knew what you were going throughBut I just got back and now let"s see where your atThink about it take a moment just to rewindEverything that you believe and everything that was rightDo you realy want to stand there and tell me goodbyeWhen i"m sayin I Still love youI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAnd all the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveLonely days and lonely nightThat where you be without me by your sideBetter think twice baby, ohh, this could grow up crazy you knowI can"t keep sayin" my secret cause it"s out of controlI gave you everything by my heart and soulBut you keep breaking me taking me to another lowDon"t do it baby don"t do it don"t let me goI Don"t know,I Don"t knowI don"t know what I"d do if I ever lost youAnd all the loneliness I would go throughBut if you wanna leave I wont stop you"Cause I don"t want you if you don"t want meTo be the one the only one you wanna run toBaby boy you know I just be gone tooRealize whats important to meSo Don"t leave, Don"t leaveBaby boy don"t leave me... 你看看是不是这里面的

baby girl什么意思

蔡徐坤《i wanna get love》My baby girlYou already knowIf u call me baby I will come so fastIf u need me baby I will be your side对你的 body 着迷 baby girl对你已无法抗拒 baby girlIf u call me baby I will come so fastIf u need me baby I will be your sideI wanna get love把你带回家把酒精都倒满音量开到最大I wanna get love防备放下想靠近你听一听闻一闻你的呼吸Yeye我对你已一见钟情下一秒就掉进陷阱I"m feeling feeling feeling没有兰博基尼带你去兜风没有 Richard Mille 戴在我手中Only things I can promise I"ll never leaveCuz you are perfect from head down to toe so fantasticGod damn it ah yeah想每一天起床就看见你 hold you tightI really want you 24 7 to be mineWe go party we go drink ladies check check checkCutie is shaking her body figure swag swag swagWe feel right we born highBaby you are so sexy tonightMy heart is beating for you girl lets take it slowMy baby girlYou already knowIf u call me baby I will come so fastIf u need me baby I will be your side对你的 body 着迷 baby girl对你已无法抗拒 baby girlIf u call me baby I will come so fastIf u need me baby I will be your side把手放在我的肩上 趁着天还没亮你的眼睛写满欲望 房间只有我俩你的香水被我吸进肺里我已无法抗拒Baby girl I want u so bad不能多看一秒你的嘴唇无法做到不吻下去You know thatI torture you you torture me what a torture beNo intention no addiction no ulterior motivesI"ve been looking forward to doing thisLet me touch whole your body把游戏玩得漂亮衣服穿得夸张带着面具假装捧场我已经久经沙场穿着名牌登场带走你的姑娘We go party we go drink ladies check check checkCutie is shaking her body figure swag swag swagWe feel right we born highBaby you are so sexy tonightMy heart is beating for you girl lets take it slowMy baby girlYou already knowIf u call me baby I will come so fastIf u need me baby I will be your side对你的 body 着迷 baby girl对你已充满好奇 baby girlIf u call me baby I will come so fastIf u need meYeah I wanna get love拓展资料《I Wanna Get Love》,是由蔡徐坤自己作词作曲创作并演唱的单曲。《I wanna get love》是由蔡徐坤自己作词作曲创作的单曲,将嘻哈与流行的旋律结合,K-POP的风格融合中英文说唱,撩妹性感的曲风搭配蔡徐坤超强的舞台表现力,将展现出一个与以往不同的,专属19岁的蔡徐坤的风格与魅力。蔡徐坤,内地人气歌手。2011年 首次触电,参演湖南卫视偶像剧《童话二分之一》,主演之一,饰演男一号杜御风的少年时期,并与午马,陈莎莉,何炅,高宝宝等对戏。2011年12月 参加“童一首歌”超级童星演唱会选拔赛,成功晋级全国10强。2012年1月 参演湖南卫视电视连续剧《女刑警李春春》,饰演西西一角 ,与陈晓艺、温兆伦等前辈搭戏。2012年2月 拍摄好莱坞导演及团队制作的广告,与世界滑板第一人:John Rodney Mullen对戏。此广告在美国等多国媒体播出,全世界各耐克专卖店播放。2012年4月 蔡徐坤参与湖南卫视的综艺节目《向上吧!少年》进入全国200强。2012年6月 在国家大剧院,与鞠萍姐姐2人搭档主持“红领巾之歌”启动仪式。2013年7月 参演电影《完美假妻168》,蔡徐坤在电影里饰演男主角霍克的少年时期。2014年1月 参加“大中华草根春晚”声乐类节目,获一等奖。2014年5月 拍摄广告《星火教育》担任男主角。此广告于2014年6月1日在多家地方台播出。2014年8月8日 赴美留学。

有一首很快的英文歌女生唱的歌词有Baby girl 叫什么名

BABY 你去搜搜

求:IPhone游戏FIFA12 By EA 里面的各大联赛的图标对应的中文名称 例如:Liga BBVA 西甲

意大利足球甲级联赛(Serie A,简称“意甲”)德国足球甲级联赛 德语:Bundesliga,意思是“联邦联赛”,德意志帝国最高水平的职业足球联赛。德甲球风强悍,较注重整体配合。 英格兰足球超级联赛(FA Premier League)简称“英超”,由超级联盟负责具体运作。西班牙足球甲级联赛(Primera división de Liga,简称 La Liga);在中国则一般简称为“西甲”是西班牙最高等级的职业足球联赛,也是欧洲及世界最高水平的职业足球联赛之一。欧洲冠军联赛(UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE)是欧足联最有声望的一项俱乐部赛事。欧洲冠军联赛共分为三个阶段进行,第一个是资格赛阶段,第二个是小组赛阶段,第三个是决赛阶段。欧洲联盟杯(UEFA Cup)是欧洲足联组织的俱乐部赛事,创建于1971/72赛季,其前身是博览会杯。

贾斯汀比伯baby MV女主角是谁


fall by与fall to的区别是什么?

亲 你好"fall to" 和 "fall by" 都是英文中表示 “下降” 的短语。但这两个短语所表达的含义略有不同。“Fall to” 表示的是某个值或状态向下转变或下降到特定的程度或水平,并且通常需要提供具体的数值或测量标准。例如:"The temperature fell to 10 degrees Celsius last night."(昨晚温度降到了10摄氏度。)“Fall by” 则表示一个比例或百分比下降,是对前一时期的数值进行的计算。例如,"The stock price fell by 2 percent yesterday."(股票价格昨天下跌了2%。)“Fall to”指的是从一个点到另一个点的下降,而“fall by”指的是占先前值的比例的下降。二者在实际使用中需要根据具体的语境和上下文来判断使用哪一种表达方式。希望我的回答能够帮助到你

一首英文歌 有句歌词是no way no way baby男声的 节奏快的

Justin Bieber - Baby

Bobby Brown的《On Our Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On Our Own歌手:Bobby Brown专辑:The Definitive CollectionEshan - On Our OwnMm Yeh Yeh Yeh MmStill Hear The Broken Dishes In My EarStill Hear Your Screaming As If You Were HereThose Days Of Fighting Im Missing So MuchNow That Were All Alone (Yeh)Didnt Miss My Water Til My Well Went DryYou Were My Water Without You I"d DieHow I Love Your Sunshine But I Miss Your RainBut Now You Are GoneI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not DreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..Yeh It Was Hard For Us To Get Along (Get Along)Mm But Together Is Where We Belong (We Belong)Huh Agree Its Ok Girl To DisagreeSo What (What) Went (Went) WrongAnd Your Friends Say Your Better Off AloneHow Can They Run Your lifeWhen They Cant Run Their Own (Run Their Own)Been Through Alot And It Made Us StrongHow Could Our Love Fall DownI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..And I Miss You Now That We Dont FightSo Much That I Cant Sleep At NightAnd I Cant See Why We Live This LifeI Wanna Still Be Happy Like We Used To BeI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..Memories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..

Bobby Brown Goes Down 歌词

歌曲名:Bobby Brown Goes Down歌手:Frank Zappa专辑:You Can"t Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 3Hey there, people, I"m Bobby BrownThey say I"m the cutest boy in townMy car is fast, my teeth is shineyI tell all the girls they can kiss my heinieHere I am at a famous schoolI"m dressin" sharp and I"m actin" coolI got a cheerleader here wants to help with my paperI"ll let her do all the work "n" maybe later I"ll rape herOh God I am the American dreamI do not think I"m too extremeAn" I"m a handsome sonofabitchI"m gonna get a good job "n" be real richGet a good, get a good, get a good, get a good job...Women"s LiberationCame creepin" all across the nationI tell you people, I was not readyWhen I fucked this dyke by the name of FreddieShe made a little speech then,Aw, she tried to make me say whenShe had my balls in a vice, but she left my dickI guess it"s still hooked on, but now it shoots too quickOh God I am the American dream,But now I smell like VaselineAn" I"m a miserable sonofabitchAm I a boy or a lady...I don"t know whichI wonder...wonder...wonder...wonder...So I went out "n" bought me a leisure suitI jingle my change, but I"m still kinda cuteGot a job doin" radio promoAn" none of the jocks can even tell I"m a homoEventually me "n" a friendSorta drifted along into S&MI can take about an hour on the tower of power"Long as I gets a little golden showerOh God I am the American DreamWith a spindle up my butt till it makes me screamAn" I"ll do anything to get aheadI lay awake nights saying "Thank you Fred"Oh God, Oh God, I"m so fantastic!Thanks to Freddie, I"m a sexual spasticAnd my name is Bobby BrownWatch me now, I"m going downAnd my name is Bobby BrownWatch me now, I"m going downAnd my name is Bobby BrownWatch me now, I"m going downAnd my name is Bobby BrownWatch me now, I"m going downI knew you"d be surprised...

Bobby Brown的《On Our Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On Our Own歌手:Bobby Brown专辑:GoldEshan - On Our OwnMm Yeh Yeh Yeh MmStill Hear The Broken Dishes In My EarStill Hear Your Screaming As If You Were HereThose Days Of Fighting Im Missing So MuchNow That Were All Alone (Yeh)Didnt Miss My Water Til My Well Went DryYou Were My Water Without You I"d DieHow I Love Your Sunshine But I Miss Your RainBut Now You Are GoneI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not DreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..Yeh It Was Hard For Us To Get Along (Get Along)Mm But Together Is Where We Belong (We Belong)Huh Agree Its Ok Girl To DisagreeSo What (What) Went (Went) WrongAnd Your Friends Say Your Better Off AloneHow Can They Run Your lifeWhen They Cant Run Their Own (Run Their Own)Been Through Alot And It Made Us StrongHow Could Our Love Fall DownI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..And I Miss You Now That We Dont FightSo Much That I Cant Sleep At NightAnd I Cant See Why We Live This LifeI Wanna Still Be Happy Like We Used To BeI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..Memories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..

Bobby Brown Goes Down 歌词

歌曲名:Bobby Brown Goes Down歌手:Frank Zappa专辑:The Best of Frank ZappaHey there, people, I"m Bobby BrownThey say I"m the cutest boy in townMy car is fast, my teeth is shineyI tell all the girls they can kiss my heinieHere I am at a famous schoolI"m dressin" sharp and I"m actin" coolI got a cheerleader here wants to help with my paperI"ll let her do all the work "n" maybe later I"ll rape herOh God I am the American dreamI do not think I"m too extremeAn" I"m a handsome sonofabitchI"m gonna get a good job "n" be real richGet a good, get a good, get a good, get a good job...Women"s LiberationCame creepin" all across the nationI tell you people, I was not readyWhen I fucked this dyke by the name of FreddieShe made a little speech then,Aw, she tried to make me say whenShe had my balls in a vice, but she left my dickI guess it"s still hooked on, but now it shoots too quickOh God I am the American dream,But now I smell like VaselineAn" I"m a miserable sonofabitchAm I a boy or a lady...I don"t know whichI wonder...wonder...wonder...wonder...So I went out "n" bought me a leisure suitI jingle my change, but I"m still kinda cuteGot a job doin" radio promoAn" none of the jocks can even tell I"m a homoEventually me "n" a friendSorta drifted along into S&MI can take about an hour on the tower of power"Long as I gets a little golden showerOh God I am the American DreamWith a spindle up my butt till it makes me screamAn" I"ll do anything to get aheadI lay awake nights saying "Thank you Fred"Oh God, Oh God, I"m so fantastic!Thanks to Freddie, I"m a sexual spasticAnd my name is Bobby BrownWatch me now, I"m going downAnd my name is Bobby BrownWatch me now, I"m going downAnd my name is Bobby BrownWatch me now, I"m going downAnd my name is Bobby BrownWatch me now, I"m going downI knew you"d be surprised...

Bobby Brown的《On Our Own》 歌词

歌曲名:On Our Own歌手:Bobby Brown专辑:20Th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best Of Bobby BrownEshan - On Our OwnMm Yeh Yeh Yeh MmStill Hear The Broken Dishes In My EarStill Hear Your Screaming As If You Were HereThose Days Of Fighting Im Missing So MuchNow That Were All Alone (Yeh)Didnt Miss My Water Til My Well Went DryYou Were My Water Without You I"d DieHow I Love Your Sunshine But I Miss Your RainBut Now You Are GoneI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not DreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..Yeh It Was Hard For Us To Get Along (Get Along)Mm But Together Is Where We Belong (We Belong)Huh Agree Its Ok Girl To DisagreeSo What (What) Went (Went) WrongAnd Your Friends Say Your Better Off AloneHow Can They Run Your lifeWhen They Cant Run Their Own (Run Their Own)Been Through Alot And It Made Us StrongHow Could Our Love Fall DownI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..And I Miss You Now That We Dont FightSo Much That I Cant Sleep At NightAnd I Cant See Why We Live This LifeI Wanna Still Be Happy Like We Used To BeI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlI Cant Get UpIm Down I Can Not BreatheNow That Were AloneAnd Your Away From MeTryna Figure Out Whats Going On With MeNow That We Are On Our Own, GirlMemories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..Memories Of You Are Haunting MeEmptiness Inside Is Killing MeIf You Come Back Ill Make Things Better.. Better..

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谁能介绍一下美国歌手 Bobby Brown?

Bobby Brown 鲍比·布朗1992年7月18日, 一向有“坏孩子”之称的Bobby Brown,与美国歌坛最具实力的歌手惠特尼·休斯顿在新泽西大登市一所小教堂里举办婚礼,几乎所有的人都对这桩婚事感到惊讶。 Bobby原名Robert Beresford Brown,1969年2月5日出生于波士顿一个贫穷的黑人家庭。Bobby是欧美歌坛有名的“坏孩子”,以粗野而性感的形象著称,是十八九岁的男孩子崇拜的偶像。他小时候游手好闲,整日与人在街头瞎混。在一次街头斗殴中,他最好的朋友被打死了。这个教训使他走上了正途,他与朋友在“波士顿”乐队的舞蹈设计布鲁克·佩恩的帮助下,组成了“新版本”五人乐队。

smart phone made by huawei 中为什么没有be?


shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother是什么意思

shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母shiho terashima in stolen by stepmother 志保伸在被继母

求一首很好听的英语歌,里面有很个很有磁性的声音念了一句,歌词里有一句ruby ruby...的


Goodbye Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye Dream歌手:来生たかお专辑:ひたすらに未知一路上有你英文版My dream每天夜里,我梦着你,希望你会在这陪伴着我I dream of you everyday of my life, 梦着你 在我生命中的每一天but you don"t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你Just like a friend you treat me like it should be,你真的只是把我当作朋友tell me how can I make this real告诉我怎样才梦想成真I think of you everywhere that I go无论去到哪里我都会想起你but you don"t even know I care,可你却不懂我有多在乎你oh how I wish,you are here beside me,哦 我多希望 你就在我的身旁loving you with all of my heart,用心爱着你I wish you know how much I love you,我多希望你知道 我有多爱你its been driving my heart crazy,这让我心绪不宁If I tell you`how I feel will you be here,我该不该告诉你 幻想着你在这里be here with me~~和我厮守oh am I dreaming, or just fantasy,梦着你 也许只是梦幻一场how can I know if you let me in your heart,怎么才能打开你的心扉oh am I dreaming, or just reality,梦着你 也许有一天会如愿以偿please let me hold you in my arms throughout the night请让我拥着你 时时刻刻Just like a friendyou treat me like it should be,

有一首歌歌词是 get it get it baby you and me 是首英文歌女的唱的求名

Come and Get Ituff1f

2002年后流行的走秀音乐,男生唱的,开头一句是come on get down baby ,i want it on baby 求助

if ya gettin down 歌手:5ive 专辑:invincible If ya getting down baby I want it now baby Come and get it on baby I want it not baby I wanna take a little time to refresh your mind Coz the boyz are back in town, with a fiffrent kinda funk WHo"s got sthe funk? We got da funk - right! Everybody wanna boogie down tonight Now trrow your hand up in the sky Move "em from side to side 5ive I got what it takes The beat that brace the funky bass I"ll give your body craze shakes (UHHHHHH!) [Chorus] Wiggi, wiggi, I"m gettin jiggi, open up the door, I got the key to your city You"re looking kinda pretty Dance "til you drop and it don"t stop until it goes pop Dance how you wanna dance Let"s all get down while we got da chance I"ve still got 12 seconds on the clock, that"s mine And I ain"t gonna stop "til the shine shine Line after line I flow like rhyme after rhyme Just like time after time Keep it up "til you feel the heat And get down once you feel the beat (UHHHHHH!) [Chorus] There ain"t no problems that we can"t fix Cos we can do it in the mix Noe if your man gives you trouble W"ll be there on the double Guaranteed we"ll be hittin" for six (Come on) If ya getting down baby I want it now baby Come and get it on baby I want it not baby

有首女的唱的英文歌其中有几句是,one tow three goodbye,i love you

u300aA Little Loveu300bGreatness as you smallest as me You show me what is deep as sea A little love,little kiss A litlle hug,little gift all of little somethingthese are our memories You make me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true You always stand by my side I don"t want to say goodbye You make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of love oh kissing you Thank you for all the love you always give to me oh I love you Greatness as you smallest as me You show me what is deep as sea A little love,little kiss A litlle hug,little gift all of little somethingthese are our memories You make me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true You always stand by my side I don"t want to say goodbye You make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of love oh kissing you Thank you for all the love you always give to me oh I love you Yes I do,Album:A Little LoveI always do LRC Powered By P.williamMake me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true you always stand by my side I don"t want to say goodbye You make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy of love oh kissing you Thank you for all the love you always give to me oh I love you To be with you, oh I love you

请问boys and girls by Alice Munro 他的文章的主旨,设定,场景寓意分别是什么?最好有相关的网站



Waiting For You

love to be loved by you的英文歌词

I can"t believe I"m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign my heart You changed my live so patiently ?And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer ?Can"t you see… Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I"m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me ?Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here ?please yeah...yeah... I can"t believe I"m standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign ?my heart You changed my live so patiently And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer Can"t you see… Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I"m blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true ?I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue"s able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here please yeah...yeah... 中文歌词大意 我不敢相信我一直在这里等了这么多年 直至今日才找到支配我的心灵的皇后 你让我的生命变得坚韧并且把很多事情变得美好而真实 我觉得就像我在梦中的感受那样 有很多问题很难回答你不会知道。。。 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我你看起来恐惧现在 你在等待婚姻的誓言 但是我不知道我能不能开口说话你的美丽让我失明 就像夏日河流上的一缕阳光我只能闭上眼睛保护自己 请你牵我的手带我离开这里。。。 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我 我需要你爱我 我愿意你爱我 我知道他们说我们的爱不足以坚定到永远 我也知道他们会说因为艰难的环境我们放弃我们的爱 但是他们怎么能够理解我们的爱正是上天给予我们的 让我们一直拥有着它因为它属于我们两个 宝贝,告诉我 我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛 当你抚摩我时我能感觉到梦是真实的 我愿意你爱我 我需要你爱我 我愿意你爱我 是的 我愿意你爱我 歌曲名:Love To Be Loved By You (The Wedding Song)_Marc Terenzi 所属专辑:RTL Winter Dreams 2006 (Disc 2) 演唱:RTL 作词: 作曲: 歌词: I can"t believe I standing here Been waiting for so many years and Today I found the Queen to reign my heart You changed my live so patiently And turned it into something good and real I feel just like I felt in all my dreams There are questions hard to answer Can"t you see? Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved by you You"re looking kind of scared right now You"re waiting for the wedding vows But I don"t know if my tongue able to talk Your beauty is just blinding me Like sunbeams on a summer stream and I gotta close my eyes to protect me Can you take my hand and lead me From here please yeah...yeah... Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That l blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved, I need to be loved I love to be loved by you I know they gonna say our love"s not strong enough to last forever And I know they gonna say that well give up because of heavy weather But how can they understand that our love is just heaven sent We keep on going on and on cause this is where we both belong? Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life Show me how can I show you That I blinded by your light When you touch me I can touch you To find out the dream is true I love to be loved, I need yes I need to be loved I love to be loved by you

the olny sign of life being a goat tied on a rope to a tree by the road是什么意思

the olny sign of life being a goat tied on a rope to a tree by the road一只山羊的唯一生命轨迹绑在了路边树上的一条绳索上。

一首男英文歌,歌词有are you will never stay by min

Because of You - Ronan ParkeI will not make the same mistakes that you didI will not let myselfCause my heart so much miseryI will not break the way you didYou fell so hardI"ve learned the hard waySo never let it get that farBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on thesafe side so I don t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trustnot only me but everyone around meBecause of youI am afraidI lose my wayAnd it"s not too longbefore you point it outI cannot cryBecause you know that s weakness in your eyesI"m forced to fakeA smile a laugh everyday of my lifeMy heart can"t possibly breakWhen it wasn"t even whole to start withBecause of youI never straytoo far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to playon the safe side so I don t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trustnot only me but everyone around meBecause of youI am afraidI watched you dieI heard you cryevery night in your sleepI was so youngYou should have knownbetter than to lean on meYou never thought of anyone elseYou just saw your painAnd now I cry in the middle of the nightFor the same damn thingBecause of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe sideso I don"t get hurtBecause of youI try my hardestjust to forget everythingBecause of youI don"t know how to let anyone else inBecause of youI"m ashamed of my life because it s emptyBecause of youI am afraidBecause of youBecause of you

They went to the park by a ship last week找错

by a ship-> by ship ( 去掉a)*********************************************************如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************

one favor will always be followed by another是什么意思?


Just then the police radio says there was a robbery(抢劫) in a supermarket nearby. The police tol.

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D小题4:A小题5:D 小题1:细节理解题,有文中语句“Mr. Brown went to a party and drank too much.,”理解可知。小题2:细节理解题,有文中语句“when he drove home, he met the police on the street. They asked him to get out of the car.”理解可知。小题3:细节理解题,有文中语句“he met the police on the street.”理解可知。小题4:细节理解题,有文中语句“there was a robbery(抢劫) in a supermarket nearby.”理解可知。小题5:细节理解题,有文中语句“Mrs. Brown found a police car in front of their house and the lights were still on.”理解可知。

问一首歌:以下是歌词 ~ Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就

this is what you

就是有一首英文歌,其中一句是Tell me again baby。我很想知道它叫什么歌名,求求你们了

Tell Me Once Again Tell me once again, baby This time I will listen I will try to make things better Tell me once again It"s getting late, and I"m afraid To walk here in the rain Always take the easy way out So I"m not aware, how life could be So far away, from giving you the best I can Everytime you call my name But I only seem to run away Tell me once again, baby This time I will listen I will try to make things better Tell me once again Tell me once again Cause baby you will miss me I will try to make things better Tell me once again You wanna know, if I will stay And I say Yes This moment feels so good, I could cry Tomorrow comes, then we will see If everything is just the way it used to be Tell me once again, baby This time I will listen I will try to make things better Tell me once again Tell me once again Cause baby you will miss me I will try to make things better Tell me once again If you can see who I am Then I will love you all I can Tell me once again, baby This time I will listen I"ll try to make things better Tell me once again Tell me once again Cause baby you will miss me I"ll try to make things better Tell me once again, baby I will try to make things better Tell me once again, baby I will try to make things better Tell me once again, baby This time I will listen I will try to make things better Tell me once again Tell me once again Cause baby you will miss me I will try to make things better Tell me once again

Babyface的seven days歌词翻译。不要机译!

长... 娃娃脸( Babyface ) -七海 声乐背景:马克纳尔逊,梅尔文埃德蒙兹, “面子” 坐在窗口 整天想你 看天去 我开始哭了 但他们没有眼泪的悲伤 他们只意味着我爱你 和我想告诉你的女孩,我,哦i 我将旅行轮七海为您 它落实到书面上,在旋律我喜欢你 我写我的爱的交响乐 向您显示没有什么,我不会做 婴儿我将步行游览中国墙为您 如果有一种方式,我会做的这一切为您 什么你要我 你知道,我会尽 人们认为我疯了 他们说,我仅仅是一个无关 让我的生命通过我的 相信您与我 以及我不能代表任何人 但在我心中,我知道你爱我 这就是为什么我会一直告诉你, i 哦,哦,我哦i 我将旅行轮七海为您 它落实到书面上,在旋律我喜欢你 我写我的爱的交响乐 向您显示没有什么,我不会做 婴儿我将步行游览中国墙为您 如果有一种方式,我会做的这一切为您 什么你要我 你知道,我会尽 这样做不这样做不这样做 这样做不这样做不这样做不这样做 这样做不这样做不这样做... 我将旅行轮七海为您 它落实到书面上,在旋律我喜欢你 我写我的爱的交响乐 向您显示没有什么,我不会做 婴儿我将步行游览中国墙为您 如果有一种方式,我会做的这一切为您 什么你要我 你知道,我会尽 我将旅行轮七海为您 它落实到书面上,在旋律我喜欢你 我写我的爱的交响乐 向您显示没有什么,我不会做 婴儿我将步行游览中国墙为您 如果有一种方式,我会做的这一切为您 什么你要我 如果有办法我什么事都可以为你做 任何你想要我做的事你知道我会的

山下智久 baby baby的罗马音歌词

baby babyBABY egao ga mabushii kimi ni moGakkari ochikomu toki mo kitto aru yo neBABY futari kata ga fureau kyoriBoku ni wa nani yori no tokutouseki dayoBABY BABY dakara nakanai deKyou wa kimi no soba ni iru yoNamida fuite sukoshi akai me deWarau kimi wo mamoritai yoBABY BABY sora wo tobu you niKimochi takaku noborou BABYBABY BABY jiyuu ni narou yoKimi wa kitto dekiru hazu saIi na SUPOOTSU atsusa kanjite hajikerebaKokoro mo atsumaru minna de tanoshimou yoBABY kanashii koto wa wasuretaiSou da ne kimi wa mou juubun kamishimeta yoBABY BABY dakara nakanai deKyou wa kimi no soba ni iru yoNamida fuite sukoshi akai me deWarau kimi wo mamoritai yoBABY BABY sora wo tobu you niKimochi takaku noborou BABYBABY BABY jiyuu ni narou yoKimi wa kitto dekiru hazu saBABY futari kata ga fureau kyoriBoku ni wa nani yori no toutokuseki dayoBABY BABY dakara nakanai deKyou wa kimi no soba ni iru yoNamida fuite sukoshi akai me deWarau kimi wo mamoritai yoBABY BABY sora wo tobu you niKimochi takaku noborou BABYBABY BABY jiyuu ni narou yoKimi wa kitto dekiru hazu sa

iperf记录里的MBytes 和Mbits/sec代表什么?

MByte(英文简写MB)含义是“兆字节”,Mbit的含义是“兆比特”。MByte是指字节数量,Mbit是指比特位数。MByte中的“Byte”虽然与Mbit中的“bit”翻译一样,都是比特,也都是数据量度单位,但二者是完全不同的。Byte是“字节数”,bit是“位数”,在计算机中每八位为一字节,也就是1Byte=8bit,是1:8的对应关系。所以iperf记录里的MBytes 和Mbits/sec是1:8的对应关系,都表示吞吐量。

my hobby英语作文:打乒乓球

Everyone has his own a unique world, in this world, you can give full play to their own special skill, let others to sit up and take notice. My hobby is playing table tennis. Got home every day, I will take good table tennis table tennis, playing on the wall, to do so should be warming up, in order to wait for daddy and his death. Now, table tennis to me should be indispensable things, every time I have not happy matter, such as test scores. Once they sent home is mother training, the training is one hour, even superman can"t stand, at this moment, I"ll grab table tennis shoot, angrily ran downstairs and saw someone playing table tennis, immediately to go in. When you"re playing, I was so absorbed in his staring at the ball, and then take back, already forgot all about the scores, play, is also a relaxed mood, troubles with sweat ran away. I don"t know why, when I first contact with table tennis, have several times to give up, to the final like to play table tennis. May be affected by the father? It may also be because my life is doomed to have a ping-pong ball? Recalled ago, my father taught me to play table tennis in my third grade, of course, a clumsy, start think got close to the net for several times, the people at my desk, then nose ran into a desktop. At that time, I was so mad, threw the table tennis shoot down on the table and went away. Father and invited me to play several times, but every time is kept. Once, my father and I say: "why always not happy?" I said: "the trouble, don"t want to play, I give up." Afraid of losing, dad said: "how?" I can"t when didn"t hear this sentence, then self-esteem begin setting, forcing me to take part in the school team, technology practice. A few years past to now. Didn"t think I"m such a fool, in the simple taunts, but the result is good too. I like to play table tennis. 每个人都有一个属于自己的一个独特的世界,在这个世界里,你可以充分地去发挥自己的特长,让别人对自己刮目相看。 我的爱好是打乒乓球。每天一回到家,我都会拿出乒乓球拍好乒乓球,对准墙上打,这样做应该说是热身吧,为的就是等爸爸回来和他决一死战。现在,乒乓球对我来说应是不可缺少的东西吧,每次我有不开心的事时,比如说考试成绩吧。一旦考差了回家就被妈妈训,一训就是一个小时,就算是超人也受不了,这时,我马上抓起乒乓球拍,气冲冲地跑下楼,看见有人在打乒乓球,马上跟了进去。打球时,我全神贯注地盯着球,然后看准回击,成绩的事已经全忘了,打完,心情也舒畅了,烦恼随着汗流走了。 不知为什么,在我一开始接触乒乓球时,曾有好几次想放弃,到最终喜欢上了打乒乓球。可能是受到爸爸的影响?也可能是因为我的人生里注定要有乒乓球呢? 回忆到以前,爸爸在我三年级时教我打乒乓球,当然,一开始就笨手笨脚,好几次想接到贴近网的求,整个人趴在桌子上,然后鼻子就撞上桌面了。当时我真是气炸了,把乒乓球拍往桌子上一扔就走了。爸爸还是好几次邀我去打球,可每次都是不欢而散。有一次,爸爸和我说:“为什么每次都不开心呢?”我说:“麻烦,不想打了,我放弃。”爸爸说:“怎么,怕输?”这句话我可不能当没听到,然后自尊心开始作怪,迫使我参加学校球队,练技术。几年过去了就到现在这样了。 没想到我真是个笨蛋,中了简简单单的激将法,不过这样的结果也不错。我喜欢打乒乓球。


本文从RoR对Ruby的影响、Ruby的优势等多个角度分析了Ruby比Python成功的原因。 伴随着RoR的风行,Ruby语言受到越来越多的开发者的关注,同为脚本语言,Python的地位却略显尴尬,什么样的原因,造成了这样的局面? 笔者认为有以下几个方面: 一、 RoR的推波助澜 笔者认为,Ruby的成功,很大一部分是由于RoR的带动。 几年前,如果你没听过RoR倒是情有可原,但如果今天,RoR对你来说,还是一个陌生词汇的话,那你就有点危险了。:) 什么是RoR呢? 全称,Ruby on Rails,简称,RoR或者Rails。 它是个全栈的(full-stack)web应用框架,它为开发者提供了构建一个web应用所需的完整基础结构,并且严格按照MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构进行开发。 RoR致力于提高开发者的开发效率,希望通过尽量少的代码,完成尽可能多的功能。基于这样的考虑,RoR有两大设计原则,一是,不要重复自己 (Don""t Repeat Yourself);二是,惯例优于配置(Convention Over Configuration)。 使用RoR,你甚至可以通过简单的几条命令行、几行代码,就完成一个功能强大的web应用程序,这极大地提高了开发者的开发效率。 2004年7月,RoR一经发布,在短期内,便受到很多开发者的追捧。时至今日,RoR已经被全世界的开发者们所关注,它带给开发者的效率提升,是前所未有的;它带给业界关于软件开发的思考,也是意义深远的。 在RoR如此风行的大背景下,Ruby on Rails,这个需要使用Ruby进行开发的web框架,也自然地带动了Ruby语言的发展。 在下面的“Ruby语言受关注程度趋势图”上,可以清晰地看出,Ruby语言在RoR发布也就是2004年7月后,进入了高速发展期。Ruby因为有了RoR这样的“杀手级”应用,变得春风得意,那么Python呢? 在《浅谈Python语言》一文中,我们提到了Python具有丰富的API库,在web开发方面,也有Django、Turbogears这样的一些框架,就运行速度而言,Python比Ruby快;就社区而言,Python也比Ruby成熟,可是为什么Python没有产生一个像RoR这样的“杀手级”应用呢? Python语言的创始人Guido在接受InfoQ采访时,是这样解释的: “我不喜欢KillerApplication,因为那会让多数人或者社区将精力集中于一个地方。Python是一个应用广泛的语言,基于Python已经产生了很多好用的Web框架,比如Django等。但是Python不KillerApplication,至少目前是这样,而且我相信随着Python社区的发展,会有很多KillerApplications自然出现。我喜欢多样化的应用。” 通过这个观点,我们可以看出Python在其发展道路上,追求的是一种均衡,一种“大而全”。 “会有很多Killer Applications自然出现”,这点,我想我们需要拭目以待。单就“均衡”而言,笔者认为这很危险,作为一门脚本语言,试图做Java之类传统语言做的事情,不太可取。 以Java为例,在web应用上,有太多的框架可供选择,不错,“在不同的场景用不同的框架”,这想法很好。可是,在实际应用中,有多少开发者可以根据项目特点,正确、合理地选择框架? 与其到最后,用户还不知道该如何选择,还不如一开始就替用户做出一个选择。 作为Python的使用者,我更愿看到有个Python的“杀手级”应用出现,进而带动Python更快速地发展。 你可以说RoR成就了Ruby,可是Rails为什么偏偏选择了Ruby?!Ruby优势何在? 二、 Ruby的优势 1. 比Perl更强大,比Python更面向对象 “比Perl更强大,比Python更面向对象”,这是Ruby创始人Matz设计Ruby的初衷。 Python既支持面向过程的编程也支持面向对象的编程,而Ruby则是完全面向对象。 在Ruby中,任何东西都是对象,包括Python中的基本数据类型;每个过程或函数都是方法。 例如,取-3的绝对值,在Python中,是这样的:abs(-3)。 而在Ruby中,则是这样的:-3.abs。这种OO的方式,显得更加直观。 2. 强大的语法功能 单就语法的简单性而言,Ruby不及Python。但解决一些较复杂的问题,Ruby强大的语法功能,有助于降低问题的复杂度。 例如: Ruby以“块”的方式来实现列表内的条件、循环语句,比Python的更灵活、更具通用性。 Ruby具有类似Lisp的彻底的函数方式的条件、循环语句等。 Ruby的迭代器功能可以将流程控制结构抽象化。 3. 强大的字符串处理、正则表达式功能 Matz认为:Ruby > (Smalltalk + Perl) / 2。 Ruby类库是对Perl语言功能的面向对象方式的重组,因为借鉴了很多Perl的东西,使得字符串处理、正则表达式这块,Ruby同样强大。 4. 不会僵住的“胶水语言” 同样是“胶水语言”,Ruby比Python更灵活。 使用过一段时间的Python,你会发现,Python比较依赖第三方的东西。相比较,Ruby则更依赖自身。例如,Ruby可以使用(UNIX的)绝大部分的系统调用,单独使用Ruby也可以进行系统编程等。 有优势,Ruby就一定可以成功了?Python同样也有很多优势!对,还得看当时所处的环境。 三、 时势造英雄 这点还得回到RoR的崛起。 Ruby,1995年12月正式发布,2000年进入美国;2004年7月,RoR正式发布。 RoR的出现时间,值得玩味。 在下面的“Java语言受关注程度趋势图”上,可以看到,2004年7月前后,Java处于一个相对“衰退期”。提到Java,大家应该都会想到J2EE。 J2EE应用程序的广泛实现是从1999、2000年开始的,它的出现带来了诸如事务管理之类的核心中间层概念的标准化,但是因其开发效率、学习难度和实 际性能的问题,在实践中没有获得完全的成功。作为J2EE核心技术的EJB(2.x),更是因其高昂的学习代价、极低的开发效率和极高的资源消耗,备受指 责。 在这样一个大背景下,2003年,Spring框架诞生了。 Spring的设计思想在于“使J2EE开发更加简单”。这个设计思想,在包括Java领域在内的众多软件开发领域引起了广泛关注。软件开发者们开始思考,如何让开发向着一个更简单的方向发展。 RoR在这一时期出现,无疑是顺应了这样一个潮流。 可以这么说,是历史选择了RoR,当然也选择了Ruby。 遇到合适的机遇,还不够,俗话说得好:“众人拾柴火焰高”。 四、 众星捧月 Ruby的出现,受到了两大主流平台Java和.NET的极力追捧。 2006年9月,SUN雇佣了JRuby的主要开发者Charles Nutter和Thomas Enebo;一年不到,2007年6月14号,JRuby 1.0正式发布。SUN在其Java IDE NetBeans 6.0 M10中,更是集成了对Ruby/JRuby的支持。反观Python的Java实现——Jython,则没有这么幸运,发展至今,它并没有得到SUN的 支持。 而Microsoft,也在2007年7月,推出了Ruby的.NET实现——IronRuby的预览版。 相信SUN和Microsoft对Ruby的竞相推崇,必然推动Ruby的进一步发展。 基于以上几点,笔者认为Ruby的成功不是偶然,并且相信这样的成功还会持续下去。对于Python的未来,我们也将拭目以待。

急求babyface的《grown and sexy》的歌词,谢啦

Grown And Sexy LyricsIntro:Uh huh... YeaahIt"s yours truly Houston"s own Chamillionaire Holdin it down for the playa who dont believe in love at first sight (Love at first sight)But the playa that believe that he can git loven the first night (First night)Thats right (Thats right)So before I git to discussion what type of eye candy I needOr what type of visual stimulation she needs to be able to achieveThere"s somethin special aboutchu that aint hard to seeChorus:Grown and Sexy From ya head down to ya toes ya know you fine (ya know ya fine)Got that perfect face a perfect shape and perfect smile (a perfect smile)But soon as ya turned around (Turned around)There"s somethin that I realized (Yeah)You looked better from behind (You look better from behind)Grown and SexyVerse 1:From the moment ya flashed ya teethI knew that we had to meetYa face was the mona lisa, ya ass was a masta"pieceAsked you if you was marriedand thats when ya answered “No.”I asked if you had a niggaand thats when ya said “Fo" sho.” (So)I didnt care As you walked away I would stareAtcha bottom, in apple bottomsYa waist was shaped like a pearReally round at the bottom, a little thinna up thereSo insteada lettin ya leave I pursued ya Just like the playaThat I am (and damn)Couldnt help but to help myselfTo a helpin cause I smelled some perfume that could make me meltAnd ya shoulda seen my demeaner i had to control myselfApproachin you from the rear as I tap you right on ya" beltAnd ya tried to looked suprisedlike ya didnt know i was right behind yaBut I could tell by ya smile ya was waitin on me to find yaMess with my thought a bityou was playin hard to gitYou dont wanna look like a freak and pretend its hard to hitChorus:Verse 2:Lets give a toast to the ladies that look better up closeThat look better by the behindAnd better when you approachYa try ya best to git up closeuntil ya smellin is so lovely ladiesfrom coast to coastgit in bed and she dont98 and 99 rate you more than just a dimebentley steerin-wheel body cause you look better from behindGrippen around ya waistturn it like im just tryin to git a better viewCause god must abeen workin hardWhen he asembled youIm tryint to test-dirve ya rear and ya shakenIm power stearin ya wasit n"I see ya rearers are shakenIf ya think I couldnt handle it then ya really mistakin No one here to keep you nearThen you here for the takenIm still waitenFor you to give me one good reasonWhy you couldnt leave him speedin off with some good breezinYa neva spend another cold night in some hood freezinBut posted up by sand and water during some good seasonChorus:Outro:Had to tell ya that I"m really feelin your styleSaw ya walkin by and couldnt letcha passGotta tell ya that I"m eally feelin your smileBut even better is the beauty of ya assStaren right into the beautiy of ya profileThere"s something that i gotta askCan ya let me (Let me...) let me view ya beauty from the backChrous:


This is for my peoples Who just lost somebody Your best friend, your baby Your man or your lady Put your hand way up high We will never say bye No, no, no Mamas, daddys, sisters, brothers Friends and cousins This is for my peoples Who lost their grandmothers Lift your head to the sky Cause we will never say bye As a child there were them times I didn"t get it But you kept me in line I didn"t know why You didn"t show up sometimes On Sunday mornings and I missed you But I"m glad we talked through All them grown folk things Separation brings You never let me know it You never let it show Because you loved me and obviously There"s so much more left to say If you were with me today Face to face I never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on I wish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cry As time goes by And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place Still I"d give the world to see your face And be right here next to you But it"s like you"re gone too soon Now the hardest thing to do is say Bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye You never got a chance to see How good I"ve done And you never got to See me back at number one I wish that you were here To celebrate together I wish that we could Spend the holidays together I remember when you used to Tuck me in at night With the teddy bear you gave me That I held so tight I thought you were so strong You"d make it through whatever It"s so hard to accept the fact You"re gone forever I never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on I wish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cry As time goes by And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place Still I"d give the world to see your face And be right here next to you But it"s like you"re gone too soon Now the hardest thing to do is say Bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye This is for my peoples Who just lost somebody Your best friend, your baby Your man or your lady Put your hand way up high We will never say bye Mamas, daddys, sisters, brothers Friends and cousins This is for my peoples Who lost their grandmothers Lift your head to the sky Cause we will never say bye, bye. I never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on I wish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cry As time goes by And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place Still I"d give the world to see your face And be right here next to you But it"s like you"re gone too soon Now the hardest thing to do is say Bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye Mariah Carey - Bye Bye

有一个英文歌里有一句I wanna say bye bye bye you saw

卫兰的 morning~

be used for 和 be used by 有什么用法上的区别?

以简单的意思上来解读的话,be used for 就是“用于...”,而 be used by 则是“为...所用”。譬如:The spanner is used for tightening the bolts.扳手是用来栓紧螺栓的。The spanner is used by the mechanics.这扳手是供机修工使用的。



韩剧 我的女孩 neversaygoodbye这首歌的地址,歌手是谁?

never say goodbye 关键词: never say goodbye 演唱: Hayley Westenra(海莉) 专辑: PURE(纯净) 日期:November 10, 2003 公司: Decca 关于唱片: 《纯净》专辑中,Hayley Westenra结合了人与自然共存之美,演唱极具特色的纽西兰传统部落毛利 (Maori) 歌谣「波卡列卡列安那」( Pokarekare Ana ),Hayley Westenra的歌声无懈可击,动人的诠释更是无可取代。古典名曲注入时代新意后的「别说再见」( Never Say Goodbye )柔软人心,还有爱情小品主打歌「黑月亮」( Who Painted The Moon Black ),犹如空谷天籁,曲曲将Hayley Westenra的透明音色质感再完美升华,只消几个音符,听者无不立时被纯净美声彻底征服! 英国当红跨界男高音罗素华生,在一次奥克兰的演唱会期间与Hayley Westenra合作说到: 「第 一次在纽西兰遇到Hayley Westenra,我看到这个娇小的女孩子时心里想,哇!她的声音真的太不可思议了,我只有一个字可以形容她,那就是「天使般的」( angelic )。我认为她是一个「小小奇迹」!( "The first time I met her in New Zealand, I saw this tiny little girl and I thought wow! This voice came out and it was incredible、 The only word that I can use to describe it is “angelic”、 I think she"s a “little phenomenon!" (Russell Watson) NEVER SAY GOODBYE If I could take this moment forever Turn the pages of my mind To another place and time We would never say goodbye If I could find the words I would speak them Then I wouldn"t be tongue-tied When I looked into your eyes We would never say goodbye If I could stop the moon ever rising Day would not become the night Wouldn"t feel this cold inside And we"d never say goodbye I wish that our dreams were frozen Then our hearts would not be broken When we let each other go... If I could steal this moment forever Paint a picture-perfect smile So our story stayed alive We would never say goodbye

We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops,





写英文版的音译歌词真的很困难唉不过我还是写了,下面奉上。 ↓(BY.小汤圆)Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care有no有啦无迷,唉no有kei儿You shout whenever, And I"ll be there有少特问爱沃,安的爱(为儿)比there(实在打不出“there”的发音)You want my love, You want my heart有网买啦无,有网买喝(儿)And we will never ever ever be apart安的为威尔奶窝唉窝唉窝比额爬特Are we an item? Girl quit playing啊为安唉特木?歌儿亏特普累应Were just friends, Or are we saying我(儿)加斯特附润字,or啊(儿)为sei应So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes搜theres安啊ther玩,卢克死right因买爱死My first love broke my heart for the first time,买佛斯特辣舞不绕可买喝(儿)佛(儿)the佛斯特太木And I was like案的爱我字来客Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖oh ohFor you, I would have done whatever佛有。爱物的汉武当沃特爱沃(儿)Another chance and we, We get together额那ther禅寺案的为,为盖特 特该therAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" you案的网呢普雷诶特酷(儿),额鲍特露sing有I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring唉(威尔)白有爱武睿thing,唉(威尔)柏油安内ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix me案的因劈死,卑鄙菲克斯迷And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream案的有(威尔)谁可迷 忒(儿)有每克迷from this版的追慕Im going down, down, dooown唉木勾引当,当,当And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around案的加斯特坎特比类无买first辣舞翁特比aroundBaby, baby, baby noooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first love问唉我自色听,唉喊得买first辣舞Here was nobody to compare my baby黑儿我自no把dei图康木配儿买卑鄙And nobody came between us or could ever come above案的no把dei尅木比吞啊字or哭的爱我(儿)卡姆 额宝物She had me goin crazy谁喊得迷勾引克瑞zyOh i was starstruck.Oh唉我自思达斯truckShe woke me up daily dont need no starbucks谁喔可迷阿普带泪董特你的no四大巴克斯She made my heart pound谁没的买喝(儿)特旁的Asking for a beat when i see her in the street阿斯king for 额百特问唉sei喝(儿)因the死追特And in the school on the playground案的因the四顾昂the普累股ruang 的But i really wanna see her on the weekends巴特唉瑞儿累网讷sei和(儿)昂the未肯斯She knows she got me dazy谁nos 谁高特迷呆zyCause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking口似谁我自搜额名zei案的闹买喝儿特诶字不瑞坑But i just keep on sayin巴特爱加斯特kei普昂sayingBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2唉骚特养的奥威姿比买Now Im all gone 闹爱木袄刚

求Justin Bieber《baby》的音译并标明谁唱的部分

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care有no有啦无迷,唉no有kei儿You shout whenever, And I"ll be there有少特问爱沃,安的爱(为儿)比there(实在打不出“there”的发音)You want my love, You want my heart有网买啦无,有网买喝(儿)And we will never ever ever be apart安的为威尔奶窝唉窝唉窝比额爬特Are we an item? Girl quit playing啊为安唉特木?歌儿亏特普累应Were just friends, Or are we saying我(儿)加斯特附润字,or啊(儿)为sei应So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes搜theres安啊ther玩,卢克死right因买爱死My first love broke my heart for the first time,买佛斯特辣舞不绕可买喝(儿)佛(儿)the佛斯特太木And I was like案的爱我字来客Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖oh ohFor you, I would have done whatever佛有。爱物的汉武当沃特爱沃(儿)Another chance and we, We get together额那ther禅寺案的为,为盖特 特该therAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" you案的网呢普雷诶特酷(儿),额鲍特露sing有I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring唉(威尔)白有爱武睿thing,唉(威尔)柏油安内ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix me案的因劈死,卑鄙菲克斯迷And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream案的有(威尔)谁可迷 忒(儿)有每克迷from this版的追慕Im going down, down, dooown唉木勾引当,当,当And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around案的加斯特坎特比类无买first辣舞翁特比aroundBaby, baby, baby noooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first love问唉我自色听,唉喊得买first辣舞Here was nobody to compare my baby黑儿我自no把dei图康木配儿买卑鄙And nobody came between us or could ever come above案的no把dei尅木比吞啊字or哭的爱我(儿)卡姆 额宝物She had me goin crazy谁喊得迷勾引克瑞zyOh i was starstruck.Oh唉我自思达斯truckShe woke me up daily dont need no starbucks谁喔可迷阿普带泪董特你的no四大巴克斯She made my heart pound谁没的买喝(儿)特旁的Asking for a beat when i see her in the street阿斯king for 额百特问唉sei喝(儿)因the死追特And in the school on the playground案的因the四顾昂the普累股ruang 的But i really wanna see her on the weekends巴特唉瑞儿累网讷sei和(儿)昂the未肯斯She knows she got me dazy谁nos 谁高特迷呆zyCause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking口似谁我自搜额名zei案的闹买喝儿特诶字不瑞坑But i just keep on sayin巴特爱加斯特kei普昂sayingBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2唉骚特养的奥威姿比买Now Im all gone闹爱木袄刚

i know you will will king like no baby you king l


justin Bieber Baby中文译音歌词

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care有no有啦无迷,唉no有kei儿You shout whenever, And I"ll be there有少特问爱沃,安的爱(为儿)比there(实在打不出“there”的发音)You want my love, You want my heart有网买啦无,有网买喝(儿)And we will never ever ever be apart安的为威尔奶窝唉窝唉窝比额爬特Are we an item? Girl quit playing啊为安唉特木?歌儿亏特普累应Were just friends, Or are we saying我(儿)加斯特附润字,or啊(儿)为sei应So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes搜theres安啊ther玩,卢克死right因买爱死My first love broke my heart for the first time,买佛斯特辣舞不绕可买喝(儿)佛(儿)the佛斯特太木And I was like案的爱我字来客Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖oh ohFor you, I would have done whatever佛有。爱物的汉武当沃特爱沃(儿)Another chance and we, We get together额那ther禅寺案的为,为盖特 特该therAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" you案的网呢普雷诶特酷(儿),额鲍特露sing有I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring唉(威尔)白有爱武睿thing,唉(威尔)柏油安内ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix me案的因劈死,卑鄙菲克斯迷And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream案的有(威尔)谁可迷 忒(儿)有每克迷from this版的追慕Im going down, down, dooown唉木勾引当,当,当And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around案的加斯特坎特比类无买first辣舞翁特比aroundBaby, baby, baby noooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first love问唉我自色听,唉喊得买first辣舞Here was nobody to compare my baby黑儿我自no把dei图康木配儿买卑鄙And nobody came between us or could ever come above案的no把dei尅木比吞啊字or哭的爱我(儿)卡姆 额宝物She had me goin crazy谁喊得迷勾引克瑞zyOh i was starstruck.Oh唉我自思达斯truckShe woke me up daily dont need no starbucks谁喔可迷阿普带泪董特你的no四大巴克斯She made my heart pound谁没的买喝(儿)特旁的Asking for a beat when i see her in the street阿斯king for 额百特问唉sei喝(儿)因the死追特And in the school on the playground案的因the四顾昂the普累股ruang 的But i really wanna see her on the weekends巴特唉瑞儿累网讷sei和(儿)昂the未肯斯She knows she got me dazy谁nos 谁高特迷呆zyCause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking口似谁我自搜额名zei案的闹买喝儿特诶字不瑞坑But i just keep on sayin巴特爱加斯特kei普昂sayingBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2唉骚特养的奥威姿比买Now Im all gone


You know you love me,I know you care 你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里You want my love, You want my heart 你想要我的爱,你想要得到我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 而我们也将永远不分离Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一个项目吗?(我也不懂啥意思) 女孩退出/放弃游戏We re just friends, what are you saying 我们只是朋友,你在说什么?Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes 说那里有另一个在我眼中看起来是对的(指遇见新欢)My first love broke my heart for the first time, 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 而我就像Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh likebaby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 For you, I would have done whatever 为你 我无论如何都会完成{应该是这样}Another can"t believe we aint together如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起 and I wanna play it cool the thought of losing you并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你I buy you anything, I buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指and now please say baby fix me 而我变成碎片的时候 宝贝修理我吧{比较好玩}And you shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来I"m going down, down, down我的情绪愈来愈失落And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 (Loude)When i was 13 i had my first love 当我13岁时我拥有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比And nobody came between us or could ever come above并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上{就是家长在上管理的意思}She had me goin crazy 她让我疯狂Oh i was starstruck. oh 我就像追星族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她每天都使我醒来 不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒{个人理解}She made my heart pound 她使我心跳加速/猛烈跳动I sking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动And in the school on the playground 还有在学校和操场的时候But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的很想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazing 她知道她使我疯狂Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎But i just keep on sayin 但我还是想继续说Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Now I"m gone现在我走了Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m gone现在我走了yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m gone现在我走了yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahnow I"m all gone现在我都不见了Gone, gone, gone, gone, I"m gone走了,走了,走了,走了,我走了


卑鄙卑鄙卑鄙 哦~

justin bieber- baby 歌词和中文翻译

《baby》歌词:Ohh wooaah You know you love me,I know you care 我知道你爱我 我知道你在意的You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时 只要你呼叫 我就会(出现)在那里You want my love, You want my heart (我感觉)你想要我的爱和我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 我们也永远不会被拆散Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一体的吗?女孩 停止游戏(爱情)了We re just friends, what are you saying 你在说什么?!我们只是朋友?So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes 直视我的眼睛 所以有另一个人My first love broke my heart for the first time我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 我(感觉我)像一个婴儿Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我以为你会永远都会是我的 For you, I would have done whatever 为了你 我愿意做任何事Another chance and we, We get together 再给我另一个机会 我们也许会再在一起的And wanna play it cool, About loosin" you 我想用酷酷的方式谈恋爱 也包括失去你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何你喜欢的戒指And i"m in piece , baby fix me 我支离破碎了 宝贝用你的爱修复我And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直推我直到把我从噩梦中摇醒Im going down, down, dooown 我摇摇欲坠And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 不能相信我的初恋就这样无疾而终——我感觉比直译不在周围好一点Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的When i was 13 i had my first love 我在十三岁的时候 有了自己的初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby 就此没人可以和我的宝贝相提并论And nobody came between us or could ever come above 没人可以介入我们之间或凌驾于这份感情之上She had me goin crazy 她让我几近疯狂Oh i was starstruck.我像一个追星族一样She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她让我的思维清醒就像我每天不能没有星巴克咖啡 She made my heart pound 她让我心跳加速Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街头看见她 请给我猛烈的打击叫我不要想他And in the school on the playground 也包括在学校的操场上But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的还想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazy 她应该知道她让我精神恍惚Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是那样为爱疯狂 现在我的心也被伤透了But i just keep on sayin 但我只是想继续说那句Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的Now Im all gone 现在 我带着回忆走了


满意答案好评率:77% BABY有NO有拉米,爱NO有开尔有少特闻耐窝,安爱比贼尔有望卖拉乌,有望卖哈,安为为哦耐窝爱窝爱窝比阿帕。阿威啊耐特母?各哦亏坡累因,窝扎似服软子,奥阿威SEI因,搜贼尔斯纳则完,录可斯入爱特因卖爱子,卖佛寺特拉夫不肉可卖哈特佛则佛寺特太木。安带窝子来可,Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。佛有,爱武德海武当沃特爱我,饿那泽唱寺安为,为盖特盖泽安忘那坡累特酷,饿抱特路Zing有,爱哦拜有爱内SING,爱哦拜有爱内SING,安爱母因皮斯,贝贝飞客斯密,安有谁可米提有为米服绕母贼死拜追爱母够因当,当,当安扎似抗比里武买佛拉翁比哦软昂的Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有奥维子比买恩问爱窝色替恩,爱海卖佛寺拉黑尔我NO抱第图看牌尔买贝贝安NO抱第尅母比吞拿寺奥库带我抗啊把武是还米够因可瑞贼哦爱我自私大私抓可. 是我可米啊得累洞你NO私大把是煤的买哈普绕的啊私坑佛比问爱C和因则私追安因私股昂则坡累个如昂的 把爱瑞累忘那C和昂则为看子是NO子是高密可瑞子考是喔子搜啊没ZING安闹买哈子不瑞KING把爱扎似KI胖色因Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫有到位子比买恩闹爱毛刚

求助, 一首英文歌的歌名, 我英语没学好, 翻译中文是哦你哦你眉king眉king欧力baby, 四个帅哥唱的

sorry sorry sorry

Justin bieber 的歌 baby歌词. 中文读法怎么读 ??

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care你明白你爱我,我知道你在乎You shout wherever, And I"ll be there我随叫随到You want my love, You want my heart你想得到我的爱,我想要我的心And we will never ever ever be apart我们将永远都不会分开Are we an item? Girl quit playing我们(的心)是在一起的吗?女孩,退出游戏吧We were just friends?what are we saying?我们只是朋友?你在讲什么?!So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes所以,在我眼里有一个更加适合你的(男孩)My first love broke my heart for the first time,我的初恋使我第一次尝试心碎Now I was like我就像Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine mine我曾经一直认为你永远是我的Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine, oh oh同上For you, I would have done whatever为了你,我什么都可以做Another chance and we, We get together再给我一次机会,我们会在一起And wanna play it cool, but i loosin" you我想表现的酷一点,但是我失去了你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring我会给你买一起东西,任何一款戒指Now i"m in piece , baby fix me现在我心碎了,宝贝帮我修复(我的心)And you"ll shake me till you wake me from this bad dream快把我从噩梦里摇醒吧Im going down, down, dooown我现在越陷越深。。。And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around我真的不相信我的初恋已经没有了Baby, baby, baby hoooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby hooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine我曾经一直以为你永远会是我的When i was 13 i had my first love当我还是13岁,我有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有人能和我的宝贝相媲美And nobody came between us or could ever come above us没人能分开我们或者凌驾于我们之上She had me goin crazy她让我疯狂Oh i was starstruck.我就是个追新族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks她每天都给我醒来的动力,不需要星巴克She made my heart pound她让我心跳加速i skip a beat when i see her in the street在街上我看到她我心跳漏了一拍And in the school on the playground在学校操场上But i really wanna see her on the weekends但是我真的很想在周末也见到她She knows she got me dazy她知道她让我产生晕眩Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking应为她是如此的迷人,但是我现在心碎了But i just keep on sayin不过我还是想继续说Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine x2Now Im all gone 现在,我离开


You know you love me,I know you care 我知道你爱我 我知道你在意的You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时 只要你呼叫 我就会出现在那里You want my love, You want my heart 我感觉你想要我的爱和我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 我们也永远不会被拆散Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一体的吗?女孩 停止游戏(爱情)了We re just friends, what are you saying 你在说什么?!我们只是朋友?So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes 直视我的眼睛 所以有另一个人?!出现在我们的世界My first love broke my heart for the first time,我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 我像一个婴儿Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我以为你会永远都会是我的 For you, I would have done whatever 为了你 我愿意做任何事Another chance and we, We get together 再给我另一个机会 我们也会再在一起的And wanna play it cool, About loosin" you 我想用酷酷的方式谈恋爱 也包括失去你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何你喜欢的戒指 And i"m in piece , baby fix me 我支离破碎了 宝贝用你的爱修复我And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直推我直到把我从噩梦中摇醒Im going down, down, dooown 我摇摇欲坠And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 不能相信我的初恋(就这样)无疾而终——Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的When i was 13 i had my first love 我在十三岁的时候 有了自己的初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby 就此没人可以和我的爱人相提并论And nobody came between us or could ever come above 没人可以介入我们之间或凌驾于这份感情之上She had me goin crazy 她让我几近疯狂Oh i was starstruck.我像一个追星族一样She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她让我的思维清醒就像我每天不能没有星巴克咖啡 She made my heart pound 她让我心跳加速Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街头看见她 请给我猛烈的打击叫我不要想他And in the school on the playground 也包括在学校的操场上But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的还想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazy 她也应该知道她让我精神恍恍惚惚Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是那样为爱疯狂 现在我的心也被伤透了But i just keep on sayin 但我只是想继续说Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2我以为你会永远都会是我的Now Im all gone 我带着回忆走了


Oh woooah, oh woooooahoh wooooah, ohYou know you love me, I know you careyou shout whenever and I"ll be thereYou are my love, you are my heartand we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? girl quit playingwe"re just friends, what are you sayingSaid there"s another, look right in my eyesmy first love broke my heart for the first timeAnd I was likeBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mine Baby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineOh, for you I would have done whateverand I just can"t believe we aint togetherand I wanna play it cool the thought of losing youI buy you anything, I buy you any ringand now please say baby fix me and you shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamI"m going down down down downand I just can"t believe my first love won"t be aroundAnd I"m likeBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mine Baby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineLuda, When I was 13 I had my first lovethere was nobody that compared to my babyand nobody came between usno-one could ever come aboveShe had me going crazy, oh I was star-struckshe woke me up daily, don"t need no StarbucksShe made my heart poundI skip a beat when I see her in the street andat school on the playground but I really wanna see her on the weekendShe knows she got me dazing coz she was so amazingand now my heart is breaking but I just keep on sayingBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineNow I"m goneYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m goneyeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m goneyeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahnow I"m all goneGone, gone, gone, gone, I"m gone如果是想学英文,千万不要用中文发音!!!

Come Baby Come 歌词

Come baby Comek7k7歌名:come baby come歌手:K7歌词整理:没有灯火的星空Yeah,Bounce, Come on Bounce (2x)Someone"s always in control,you know what I"m sayinI slam the door - Boom!When I come into the bedroom Wham! Bam!"cause I"m the king of the castlena na na turn me on turn me loosecome on, come on try to hit it, it"s a hasslecome get some of this "cause we got the innuendoplay me like Nintendo, never ever let go (no!)keep it so loud you hit "em the crescendoDo Ra Mi Fa So La Ti Do2 - Come baby come baby baby come come (2x)when you gotta give me lovin" then you gotta give me some(you gotta give me lovin" and you gotta give me some)(are you tired?Give me love)Well, I can hear the ring ring ringthe telephone goes ringHello, Hello, but we"re still getting busypum pump pump - hua!Now your getting" busyI can slow it down so you can pump it (pump it)better move it fast so you can thump it (thump it)two balls and a bat, a pitcher wears a hatslidin" into home base, trying to hit a home run, (hua!)swing batta" batta" batta" batta" batta" swing!(rpt 2)break it down, break it down, come onBounce! Move it all around, Move it all around Bounce!Pump it up and down (2x) Bounce!Move it all around, Move it all around Bounce!Tell me do you like it? Yeah, YeahDo you want a little more? Yeah, YeahNow tell me do you love it? Yeah, Yeah3 - Come on! Do do you love me? Ha! I can feel itHua baby baby, come on, ha baby baby, let it goHua baby baby, come on, ha baby baby, give it to meha baby come on, ha baby, give it to meHa! Straight up, now tell meGive me love(rpt 1, 2, 3, 2, 2)all together now(rpt 3) (3x)

Not Afraid vs Baby One More Ti歌词翻译

I"m not afraid to take a stand我从不畏惧表达我的立场Everybody come take my hand每个人都想跟着我混We"ll walk this road together, through the storm我们会一起走完这条路,即使暴风骤雨Whatever weather, cold or warm随他是什么,严寒或酷暑Just let you know that, you"re not alone只想你知道,你不孤独Hola if you feel that you"ve been down the same road如果你踏上了和我同一条路,我会和你问好(Intro)Yeah, It"s been a ride...恩,就像在驰骋I guess i had to go to that place to get to this one我想我需要找到那条路Now some of you might still be in that place现在也许你还在原地If you"re trying to get out, just follow me假如你想逃出去,跟我来I"ll get you there我会带你去(Verse 1)You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay "em在我还没有写下这些时,你就可以读懂我的歌词But you won"t take this thing out these words before I say "em但直到我“说”你才能够了解这真正的含义Cause ain"t no way I"m let you stop me from causing mayhem阻止我惹事是不可能的When I say "em or do something I do it, I don"t give a damn我说我想说的,做我想做的,你们爱谁谁What you think, I"m doing this for me, so f¥ck the world随你怎样,我是为了我自己,so,同上Feed it beans, it"s gassed up, if a thing"s stopping meI"mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly别想阻止我的,我仍会坚持我自己的路,毫无怀疑的坚持And all those who look down on me I"m tearing down your balcony那些tm的看不起我的,我会连同他和他的房子一起毁掉No if ands or buts don"t try to ask him why or how can he没有那些 “还有”“但是”也不用问为什么From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he"s still shit and从他第一张到上一张专辑,他还是那样Whether he"s on salary, paid hourly即使他是数钱数到手疼Until he bows out or he shit"s his bowels out of him记得他送前妻滚出房间还是他遭受穿肠痛苦Whichever comes first, for better or worse到来的哪一个,好的或者糟糕的He"s married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas他的婚姻就像儿戏,就像圣诞节的诅咒His gift is a curse, forget the earth he"s got the urge他的礼物就是诅咒,失去了世界,他却受到了启发To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe从灰尘中插入他的d,F整个宇宙(Hook)I"m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my handWe"ll walk this road together, through the stormWhatever weather, cold or warmJust let you know that, you"re not aloneHolla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road(Verse 2)Ok quit playin" with the scissors and shit, and cut the crapok停止疯狂的发疯I shouldn"t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it"s a rap我其实不应该给这些文字节奏,这tm的是rapYou said you was king, you lied through your teeth你说你是国王,你嘴上还淌粪呢For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you"re getting capped去你m的那些灵感,没有歌迷,你tm 的只有摆范儿And to the fans, I"ll never let you down again, I"m back那些歌迷啊,我回来了,我照着你们!I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact我对天发誓,不再回到那个承诺Let"s be honest, that last Relapse CD was "ehhhh"说实话,上张专辑只是开胃Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground也许我的发信很土Relax, I ain"t going back to that now放松我现在可不是了All I"m tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW我创造新的回归Cause I ain"t playin" around因为我玩够了There"s a game called circle and I don"t know how有个游戏叫轮回,我还没搞懂I"m way too up to back down上过天堂下过地狱But I think I"m still tryna figure this crap out但是这次我还是想真的释放一次Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn"t曾经我以为我找到了目标,但是现在我想还没有This fucking black cloud"s still follow"s me around这tm糟糕的环境还是污染着我But it"s time to exercise these demons但 是该和这些魔鬼玩玩的时候了These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!现在这些go娘养的成了我的活条尸(Hook)I"m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my handWe"ll walk this road together, through the stormWhatever weather, cold or warmJust let you know that, you"re not aloneHolla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road(Bridge)And I just can"t keep living this way这样的方式我无法接受So starting today, I"m breaking out of this cage如今我苏醒,即将挣脱牢笼I"m standing up, Imma face my demons我俯视那些小鬼I"m manning up, Imma hold my ground爷是真正的爷们,我决不让步I"ve had enough, now I"m so fed up我吃饱喝足了Time to put my life back together right now现在该是我回到舞台的时候了(Verse 3)It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me我的歌变干净我,也许你觉得我为我自己Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you其实下意识的我是为了你们(我感动的流泪了)So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through所以我身边有了新的老铁,你们只要见证这一切就好And don"t even realise what you did, believe me you甚至你们不需知道你们做了什么,我相信你们I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger我挣脱了圈套,他们对于我 的中指无能为力I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king ofMy world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead我想我的眼睛湿润了,我就是国王!小B宰字就是没有翅膀的蜜蜂,一下就摔死No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise我保证,从现在起没有和我叫嚣的了To focus soley on handling my responsibility"s as a father现在我只关注我的掌上明珠,我是个父亲So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it我庄严的发誓,我将成为我女儿们的靠山,并且养育他们You couldn"t lift a single shingle lonelyCause the way I feel怎么让一块小石头感受我感受的孤独呢, I"m strong enough to go to the clubPut a ??? and lift the whole liquor counter up我足矣去酒吧。。。喝光台前的烈酒Cause I"m raising the bar, 因为那酒吧是我的啊I shoot for the moonBut I"m too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and我可以朝着月亮射击,但此时我凝望着天空的繁星,好美啊而且。。。。。。。。Baby one more time-Britney Spears 宝贝再来一次(布莱妮) (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道? That something wasn"t right here. 有些事情不对劲。 Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! I shouldn"t have let U go. 我本不该让你走。 And now U"re out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。 Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! The reason I breathe is U. 你是我活着的理由。 Boy U"ve got me blinded. 你使我盲目。 Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 There"s nothing that I wouldn"t do. 为你我会去做任何事。 It"s not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。 Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎么样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道? Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 I shouldn"t have let U go. 我本不该让你走。 I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby ! 拥抱我吧,宝贝! I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧

跪求Hot hot baby we can set it off the night的谐音谢谢

BABY有NO有拉米,爱NO有开尔有少特闻耐窝,安爱比贼尔有望卖拉乌,有望卖哈,安为为哦耐窝爱窝爱窝比阿帕。阿威啊耐特母?各哦亏坡累因,窝扎似服软子,奥阿威SEI因,搜贼尔斯纳则完,录可斯入爱特因卖爱子,卖佛寺特拉夫不肉可卖哈特佛则佛寺特太木。安带窝子来可,Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。佛有,爱武德海武当沃特爱我,饿那泽唱寺安为,为盖特盖泽安忘那坡累特酷,饿抱特路Zing有,爱哦拜有爱内SING,爱哦拜有爱内SING,安爱母因皮斯,贝贝飞客斯密,安有谁可米提有为米服绕母贼死拜追爱母够因当,当,当安扎似抗比里武买佛拉翁比哦软昂的Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有奥维子比买恩问爱窝色替恩,爱海卖佛寺拉黑尔我NO抱第图看牌尔买贝贝安NO抱第尅母比吞拿寺奥库带我抗啊把武是还米够因可瑞贼哦爱我自私大私抓可. 是我可米啊得累洞你NO私大把是煤的买哈普绕的啊私坑佛比问爱C和因则私追安因私股昂则坡累个如昂的 把爱瑞累忘那C和昂则为看子是NO子是高密可瑞子考是喔子搜啊没ZING安闹买哈子不瑞KING把爱扎似KI胖色因Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫有到位子比买恩闹爱毛刚

fantastic baby音译歌词

Fantastic Baby 要给 不套啦 奥度 摸要啦 We Gon" Party Like 利利利 啦啦啦 麻木 要老啦 毛里 比我啦 普古 几票啦 利利利 啦啦啦 从大不目 几慢够 哭带楼 怕大 度亮 路king带咯噶 Alright 哈嫩路吗 足哈够 度四能噶 为楼 乔为楼 那几够 西 破 Oh Na NaNaNaNa Na NaNaNa (Wow Fantastic Baby)Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Fantastic Baby )Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Wow Fantasitc Baby) 你啦 讲花内 Hey 各旁那 恰内 Hey (当个能等够 桑不呢楼 不出不浪Race(Wait) 五里给冷乖儿 Huh Catch Me On Fire Huh 金恰噶 那他那 )打NaNaNaNa (汗那 不逃 要噶 几摸疼该他 汗苏we 摸来吧 喷为类米亲得西 底要把的 吧疼 汗后力 汗的冷 充 蹦 hi 闹木那 普 路 你 噶 啊木高度木器 吗啦吗俩 内gi噶吗娘 内噶 努攻洁) 你新讲 所你爱 吗改 地理西加开 吗给跟那带 噶几Ye I Can"t Baby Don"t Stop This ong内能 他那开米抽 怕啦开 卡能够呀 (Wow Fantastic Baby )Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Fantastic Baby) Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Wow Fantasitc Baby) Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Dan Dan Dan 来 打啦 恰八不疼秒 挖吧 难有往能 的大大 噢能帮更gi 冷 买给闹~搜 Mama Just Let Me Be Your Lover 一红啦 搜跟 闹毛OOO ONa NaNaNaNa 摸里个葡萄 摆个嘎鸡比句我冷 (学哦)可奶刚噶跟 苏木难困 啊搜 噶能乔难等波 打能 把能 噶 等 才忘你 打冷 恰 们 奥冷木 奥冷木 奥冷木HOLD UP Na NaNaNaNa 你新讲 所你爱 吗改 地理西加开 吗给跟那带 噶几Ye I Can"t Baby Don"t Stop This ong内能 他那开米抽 怕啦开 卡能够呀 (Wow Fantastic Baby) Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Fantastic Baby )Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Wow Fantasitc Baby) Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Dan Dan Dan Da他 卡气 楼加Ye Ye Ye 他 卡气 比加 Ye Ye Ye 他 卡气 都加 Ye Ye Ye 他 卡气 噶加 (“Wow Fantastic Baby”)


有NO有拉米,爱NO有开尔   有少特闻耐窝,安爱比贼尔   有望卖拉乌,有望卖哈,   安为为哦耐窝爱窝爱窝比阿帕。   阿威啊耐特母?各哦亏坡累因,   窝扎似服软子,奥阿威SEI因,   搜贼尔斯纳则完,录可斯入爱特因卖爱子,   卖佛寺特拉夫不肉可卖哈特佛则佛寺特太木。   安带窝子来可,   Baby, baby, baby nooo   My baby, baby, baby noo   My baby, baby, baby nooo   爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。   Baby, baby, baby nooo   My baby, baby, baby noo   My baby, baby, baby nooo   爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。   佛有,爱武德海武当沃特爱我,   饿那泽唱寺安为,为盖特盖泽   安忘那坡累特酷,饿抱特路Zing有,   爱哦拜有爱内SING,爱哦拜有爱内SING,   安爱母因皮斯,贝贝飞客斯密,   安有谁可米提有为米服绕母贼死拜追   爱母够因当,当,当   安扎似抗比里武买佛拉翁比哦软昂的   Baby, baby, baby nooo   Baby, baby, baby nooo   My baby, baby, baby noo   My baby, baby, baby nooo   爱扫特有奥维子比买恩   问爱窝色替恩,爱海卖佛寺拉   黑尔我NO抱第图看牌尔买贝贝   安NO抱第尅母比吞拿寺奥库带我抗啊把武   是还米够因可瑞贼   哦爱我自私大私抓可.   是我可米啊得累洞你NO私大把   是煤的买哈普绕的   啊私坑佛比问爱C和因则私追   安因私股昂则坡累个如昂的   把爱瑞累忘那C和昂则为看子   是NO子是高密可瑞子   考是喔子搜啊没ZING安闹买哈子不瑞KING

一首韩文歌,快到高潮时有baby nanana baby nanana,这是哪首歌?

fantastic baby


Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you careYou shout whenever, And I"ll be thereYou want my love, You want my heartAnd we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? Girl quit playingWere just friends, Or are we sayingSo theres another one, Looks right in my eyesMy first love broke my heart for the first time,And I was likeBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mineBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh ohFor you, I would have done whateverAnother chance and we, We get togetherAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" youI"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix meAnd you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamIm going down, down, dooownAnd just can"t believe my first love won"t be aroundBaby, baby, baby noooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first loveHere was nobody to compare my babyAnd nobody came between us or could ever come aboveShe had me goin crazyOh i was starstruck.She woke me up daily dont need no starbucksShe made my heart poundAsking for a beat when i see her in the streetAnd in the school on the playgroundBut i really wanna see her on the weekendsShe knows she got me dazyCause she was so amazing and now my heart is breakingBut i just keep on sayinBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2


baby中文歌词You know you love me,I know you care 你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里You want my love, You want my heart 你想要我的爱,你想要得到我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 而我们也将永远不分离Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一个项目吗?女孩退出/放弃游戏We re just friends, what are you saying 我们只是朋友,你在说什么?Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes 说那里有另一个在我眼中看起来是对的(指遇见新欢)My first love broke my heart for the first time, 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 而我就像Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh likebaby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 For you, I would have done whatever 为你 我无论如何都会完成Another can"t believe we aint together如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起 and I wanna play it cool the thought of losing you并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你I buy you anything, I buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指and now please say baby fix me 而我变成碎片的时候 宝贝修理我吧{比较好玩}And you shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来I"m going down, down, down我的情绪愈来愈失落And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 (Loude)When i was 13 i had my first love 当我13岁时我拥有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比And nobody came between us or could ever come above并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上{就是家长在上管理的意思}She had me goin crazy 她让我疯狂Oh i was starstruck. oh 我就像追星族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她每天都使我醒来 不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒{个人理解}She made my heart pound 她使我心跳加速/猛烈跳动I sking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动And in the school on the playground 还有在学校和操场的时候But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的很想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazing 她知道她使我疯狂Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎But i just keep on sayin 但我还是想继续说Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Now I"m gone现在我走了Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m gone现在我走了yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m gone现在我走了yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahnow I"m all gone现在我都不见了Gone, gone, gone, gone, I"m gone走了,走了,走了,走了,我走了

the king is a baby and strong是什么意思

抓住关键字,king 王baby宝 strong 强 所以全句意思王宝强
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