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Banana Baby & Banana CC 是什么关系哦!是乃的啊是香港还是日本的哦?

Banana Baby 是 Banana Corp 的另一生產線, 出售較年輕款式, 價格較實惠麻烦采纳,谢谢!

banana baby是 几线品牌


banana baby和cici关系

Banana Baby & Banana CC 是姊妹品牌。Banana Baby 为专利品牌服饰,以轻松、时尚、典雅、浪漫性感为主创手法。是一个源自于韩国经典时尚女装品牌,面料来自于韩国、香港、台湾等地区及国家。现在Banana Baby 专卖店不单在中国迅速发展,在新西兰也有该品牌的专卖。Banana CiCi这个品牌是近年服装界突出的新力军。其之设计风格是时尚、自然、青春的路线,适合年龄层次18-30岁的美女们。它剪裁简单、用料舒适,时尚不乏其品牌自身的特色,款式都是日韩现流行的风格。品牌创建人,Banana是她的小名, 是位80后的年轻人,一直向往拥有属于自己的少女品牌,从一家小小服装店起家。销售自己设计的服装。并定其名为“Banana”,就这样,一个充满瞳景的少女品牌由此诞生。



请帮我翻译一下这首诗 Song of the Open Road By Walt Whitman


Oh baby honey honey honey,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,女生唱的 什么歌


The picture__on the wall is painted by my nephew.



小熊 依恋 都是一个旗下的

求一首歌 开头好象是 I love baby girl.I love……听轻柔的 跪求!

是小甜甜布兰妮的歌吧。 英爱是这个吧,很轻柔的,很舒服

at hand, by hand, in hand, on hand, to hand ,with hand 分别是什么意思?

at hand基本翻译adv. 在手边;即将到来by hand基本翻译by hand:用手工 | 用手 | 手工on hand基本翻译在手边;在场;即将发生to hand基本翻译收到;在手头;占有with hand 用手

on hand /by hand /at hand /in hand 的区别


为什么用in by hand两个介词在一起


hand in hand和hand by hand都是牵手的意思么?


in the hand by the hand on the hand的区别

in the hand 是手里拿着by the hand 在手旁边on the hand 附在手上 比如说伤疤,泥土。 望采纳


hand in hand 是联合、手拉手地;hand by hand 是用手的意思,其实两个词组差别不大,好多时候可以相互替换。

hand by hand hand in hand区别

Hand dy hand


是不是 王靖的 happy?

求Someone say Hi and someone say Bye. 出处。内详。


中文歌曲 歌词有很多say goodbye,之后有一句什么精彩.,华人女歌手唱的


some say hi while some say bye是什么歌

Drama Someday(汤韵)People laugh and people crySome give up some always try Some say hi while some say byeSome will forget you but never will I Write down tears or write down smileWanna a sun or a kiss beyond night Wave to all in noise or just a quietIt is time or the mind which can flyCongratulations to you let us celebrate the graduationDrama will be present let us send the invitationsSomeday the words can not say out all of the passionSomeday your eyes can answer all the questionsAll the stars (have) fallen in to your eyesand there are where the moon was wakenAll the promises (have) fallen into my heart and never be taken Someday the words just can not say out all of the reasons Someday my face changes so do seasons Find out who you are and don"t be afraid of itDrama someday let"s try write down some memories of itSomeday the story is over it"s just over then Hold this breath listen to the song of it I laugh i cry and I realizeSome will forget you but never will IPeople laugh and people crySome give up some always trySome say hi while some say byeSome will forget you but never will I

someone say hi someone say bye,someone smile and someo什么意思

有人说hi(或:打招呼)有人再见 ,有人微笑,有人...

oracle sql问题 group by 取值问题

select b.D,b.E ,count(a.B) from testA a,testB b where a.A > b.D and a.A <b.E group by a.B.b.D b.E改成select b.D,b.E ,count(a.B) from testA a,testB b where a.A > b.D and a.A <b.E group by a.B,b.D, b.E不会报错,但是整个sql语句没有什么实际的意义。

帮我解释下:所有select的字段,除聚合函数中的字段,都必须在group by中出现。只要满足这个规则就可以


java回收机制:testa(){byte[] a=new byte[(int) 1000]; testb(a); a=null;} 请问a变量的内存变释放吗?

程序不完整 不好说.... 你这里调用了testb(a); 不知道你的testb(a)方法是怎么写的 如果在testb(a)方法里把a赋给了一个实例变量的话 那肯定不会释放内存 如果没有的话 调用了a= null 的话肯定会释放内存的

The beautiful woman was ____ by the businessman’s offer of marriage and stupidly gave him most ..

A 考查短语辨析。A“吸收,理解,欺骗”;B“呈现,从事”;C“起飞,脱下”;D“占据”。还有“那位漂亮的妇女被那个商人的求婚欺骗,愚蠢地给了他几乎所有的钱。”故选A。

Arrive by 的意思

ANS.: 个人意见 Arrive by 15-12-2006 是 15/12 当日 或 之前到达 。 因为常用的 Arrive at / arrive in 是用于 特定一天 / 一刻到达的 意思。 dictionary.reference/browse/Arrive ar·rive (u0259-rīv") Pronunciation Key intr.v. ar·rived ar·riv·ing ar·rives To reach a destination. To e at length; take place: The day of reckoning has arrived. To achieve success or recognition: He had finally arrived as a designer. Phrasal Verb(s): arrive at To reach through effort or a process: arrive at a decision after much thought. [Middle English ariven from Old French ariver from Vulgar Latin *arrīpāre to reach the shore : Latin ad- ad- + Latin rīpa shore.] 参考: dictionary.reference/browse/Arrive by (a certain date) 是指在最迟在(某日) Your package will arrive by December 15 -- 你的包裹会在12月15日或之前抵达 Please mail your application by December 15 -- 请在12月15日或之前寄出你的申请表 by 也可用于年份,月份,星期或时间: by 2007 by December by Monday by 4pm You should know your results by the end of the week. 在星期未之前你会知道成绩。 If you plan to attend the ceremony please respond by Thursday December 14. 如若你打算赴宴,请在12月14 日(星期四)或之前作出通知。 因为日子所连用的介词是on,所以 arrive by December 15 也可以写成为 arrive on or before December 15

(1/2)一英文女生独唱的轻快歌曲,歌词中多次提及“crazy, oh coming baby , so bad ”且高潮部分有似小...

Carly Rae Jepsen - call me maybe

英文歌曲高潮4段:第一段开头babybaby 第二段开头crazycrazy后面的忘记了



by 1 / baɪ; baɪ/ adv part near 靠近: He stole the money when no one was by. 他趁旁边无人时把钱偷走了. * He lives close/near by. 他住在附近. past 经过: drive, go, run, walk, etc by 驶过; 经过; 跑过; 走过等 * He hurried by without speaking to me. 他匆匆经过没有跟我说话. * Excuse me, I can"t get by. 劳驾, 请让我过去. * Time goes by so quickly. 时间过得真快. aside; in reserve 在旁边; 保留: lay/put/set sth by 把某物摆[放/搁]在一边 * I always keep a bottle of wine by in case friends call round. 我平时总存着一瓶酒以备朋友来时喝. (idm 习语) by and `by (dated 旧) before long; soon 不久; 马上: They"ll be arriving by and by. 他们不久就要到达. by the by/bye = by the way (way1). by and large => large. by 2 / baɪ; baɪ/ prep near (sb/sth); at the side of; beside 靠近(某人[某物]); 在...旁边; 在...附近: a house by the church, river, railway 教堂、 河流、 铁路附近的一所房子 * The telephone is by the window. 电话在窗户那儿. * Come and sit by me. 来坐在我身旁. * We had a day by the sea. 我们在海边度过了一天. (showing the route taken) passing through (sth or a place); along; across (表示路线)通过(某物或某地); 顺着; 越过: He entered by the back door. 他从后门进入. * We travelled to Rome by Milan and Florence. 我们途经米兰和佛罗伦萨到达罗马. * We came by country roads, not by the motorway. 我们是沿着乡间的路来的, 不是从高速公路来的. past (sb/sth) 经过(某人[某物]): He walked by me without speaking. 他从我身边走过, 没说一句话. * I go by the church every morning on my way to work. 我每天早晨上班要经过教堂. not later than (a time); before 不迟於(某时); 在...之前: Can you finish the work by five o"clock/tomorrow/next Monday? 你能在五点钟[明天/下星期一]以前做完这工作吗? * By this time next week we shall be in New York. 下星期的这个时候我们将在纽约. * He ought to have arrived by now/by this time. 此时此刻他早该到了. * By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country. 你接到这封信时, 我已离开这个国家了. (usu without the 通常不用 the) (emphasizing the circumstances of an action) during (a period of time) or in (sth) (强调行动的客观情况)在(某时期)内; 在(某情况)下: travel by day/night 白天[夜间]旅行 * She sleeps by day and works by night. 她白天睡觉, 夜间工作. * The view is best seen by daylight/moonlight. 此处风景在日光[月光]下观赏最美. * Reading by (ie with the use of) artificial light is bad for the eyes. 阅读时使用人工照明会损害眼睛. (usu after a passive v 通常用於被动式动词之后) (a) through the action, power or work of (sb/sth) 借(某人[某事物])的动作、 力量或作品: a play (written) by Shakespeare 莎士比亚(写)的剧本 * a church designed by Wren 雷恩所设计的教堂 * He was arrested by the police. 他被警方逮捕了. * He was shot by a terrorist with a machine-gun. 他被恐怖分子用机关枪打死了. * run over by a bus 被公共汽车碾过 * struck by lightning 遭闪电击中. (b) through the means of (sth/doing sth) 通过(某事物[做某事物])的方式: The room is heated by gas/oil. 这房间是用煤气[油]取暖的. * May I pay by cheque? 我可以用支票付款吗? * I shall contact you by letter/telephone. 我将写信[打电话]和你联系. * He earns his living by writing. 他靠写作为生. * You switch the radio on by pressing this button. 按这个按钮就能开收音机. * By working hard he gained rapid promotion. 他工作努力因而晋级很快. (without the 不用 the) as a result of (sth); because of; through 因(某事物)所致; 由於; 凭藉: meet by chance 不期而遇 * achieve sth by skill, determination, etc 凭技艺、 决心等实现某事物 * do sth by mistake/accident 误做某事[碰巧而做某事] * The coroner"s verdict was `death by misadventure". 验尸官鉴定为意外事故造成的死亡. with the action of (doing sth) 以(做某事)的行动: Let me begin by saying... 让我首先说这样一件事, ... * He shocked the whole company by resigning. 他辞职的消息全公司都感到震惊. (indicating a means of transport or a route taken 表示运输或取道的方式): travel by boat/bus/car/plane 乘船[公共汽车/小汽车/飞机]旅行 * travel by air/land/sea 航空[陆路/航海]旅行. (indicating a part of the body, or an item of clothing touched, held, etc 表示被触及、 被持住等的身体或衣物某处): take sb by the hand 抓住某人的手 * seize sb by the hair, collar, lapel, etc 抓住某人的头发、 衣领、 翻领等 * grab sb by the scruff of the neck 抓住某人的颈背. (with the 与the连用) using (sth) as a standard or unit 以(某事物)为标准或单位: rent a car by the day/week/month 按日[周/月]租用汽车 * sell eggs by the dozen, material by the yard, coal by the ton 卖蛋论打、 卖布论码、 卖煤论吨 * pay sb by the day/hour 按天[小时]付给某人款 * We sell ice-creams by the thousand in the summer. 我们在夏天出售的冰激凌数以千计. in successive units, groups or degrees of 以连续的单位、 批量或程度计: improving day by day, little by little, bit by bit, etc 一天一天地、 一些一些地、 一点一点地...改善 * The children came in two by two. 孩子两个两个地进来. (a) (showing the dimensions of a rectangle or a cube 表示长方形或立方体的大小): The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. 这房间十五英尺宽二十英尺长. (b) (in multiplication or division 用於乘法或除法运算): 6 (multiplied/divided) by 2 equals 12/3. 6(乘[除])以2等於12[3]. to the extent of (sth) 到(某事物)的程度: The bullet missed him by two inches. 那子弹差两英寸就打中他了. * The carpet is too short by three feet. 那地毯短了三英尺. * It would be better by far (ie much better) to.... 那比...好多了. according to (sth); from the evidence of 按照(某事物); 根据: By my watch it is two o"clock. 我的表现在是两点钟. * Judging by appearances can be misleading. 凭外表下判断是会误事的. * I could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened. 我一看她的脸色就知道出了大事了. in accordance with (sth); in agreement with 按照(某事物); 符合: play a game by the rules 按规则做游戏 * by sb"s leave, ie with sb"s permission 得到某人的许可. with respect to (sb/sth); with regard to 涉及(某人[某事物]); 关於: be German by birth, a solicitor by profession, a joiner by trade 出生地为德国、 职业为律师、 行业为细木工 * do one"s duty by sb 尽到自己对某人的责任. (in oaths 用於誓词) in the name of (sb/sth) 以(某人[某事物])的名义: By God! 上帝可以作证! * I swear by Almighty God..., by all that I hold dear..., etc 我在全能的上帝面前、 以我的一切起誓.... (idm 习语) have/keep sth by one have sth close to one; have sth within easy reach 将某物放在身边; 使手边有某物: I keep a dictionary by me when I"m doing crosswords. 我做纵横填字游戏时, 手边总放着一本词典. by- (also bye-) pref 前缀 (with ns or vs 与名词或动词连用) of secondary importance; incidental 次要的; 附带的: by-product * bye-law. near 接近: bystander * bypass.



旁观者效应(bystander effect)


旁观者效应( Bystander Effect)的内容是什么?

“旁观者效应(Bystander Effect)”是指在紧急情况下,当有多个人在场时,每个人都会认为其他人会采取行动,导致所有人都没有采取行动的现象。这种现象在施暴事件中尤其明显,很多人都会成为“旁观者”,而不愿意去干涉或报警,却间接地帮助了施暴者,因此也被称为“旁观者也是施暴者”。一、责任感分散在人群中,每个人都可能对自己的力量和影响力产生过高的估计,认为自己一个人无法扭转局面,所以就不采取行动,等待他人解决问题。这种情况下,大家的责任感都被分散开来,使得每个人都认为可以逃避责任。这样,施暴者就可以更加随心所欲地进行暴力行为,而旁观者则变成了陪衬。二、社会规范压力另外,旁观者还可能受到一些社会规范的影响,比如“不要管闲事”、“不要惹事生非”等等。这些规范强化了个人对于状况的被动态度,让他们无法清晰地判断当前情况的危险程度,并借此逃避责任。很多人害怕自己的行为不合时宜,因此不愿意采取行动。三、沉默是金有些旁观者也可能担心出声反抗会让施暴者更加暴力,于是选择了保持沉默,以避免被施暴者注意到。这样,旁观者虽然没有直接参与施暴行为,但他们却变成了支持施暴者的隐形帮凶。总之,旁观者效应的存在使得很多人都选择了不采取行动,从而间接地帮助了施暴者。在施暴事件中,旁观者需要意识到自己的责任和义务,及时采取有效措施阻止暴力行为,保护受害者,同时也需要社会各界共同努力,通过教育和宣传等方式来提高公众对施暴问题的认知和关注度,让大家明白“旁观者也是施暴者”的内涵和危害性。只有这样,才能够真正构建一个和谐、安全的社会环境。




bystander by.stander可数名词旁观者,在场的人,看热闹的人,局外人


by standard 按标准……

myfastbaby歌曲baby最 喜欢的

《Fantastic Baby》是韩国男团BigBang演唱的歌曲,收录在BIGBANG的迷你5辑《ALIVE》中,于2012年02月29日发行,歌曲的日文版于3月发行。《Fantastic Baby》作为BIGBANG的代表作之一,发表之后成为BIGBANG每一场演唱会的必唱曲目,位列韩国Gaon榜单年度歌曲第2位,2012年下载榜单第5位。MV发表后两周,Youtube点击突破千万 ,并获得Youtube两枚金牌。至2014年3月,MV在Youtube的点击量已经突破一亿次,成为第四个点击破亿次的韩国MV,BIGBANG也由此成为第一个取得此成绩的韩国男团。部分歌词:WOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEFANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEWOW FANTASTIC BABYBOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEBOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE

uhm bye是什么意思?

"uhm bye" 是英语中的口语表达,意思是“嗯,再见”。



stata里面下面程序是什么意思呀? sort CODE DATE by CODE: egen sd_INCOME=sd(INCOME) by CODE: egen mea

sort CODE DATE 按照code date进行排序by CODE: egen sd_INCOME=sd(INCOME) 按CODE生成INCOME变量的标准差SD_INCOMEby CODE: egen mea 这个我就看不懂了。。。MEA是依据什么建立的



精舞门里面陈小春第一次跳街舞时的那个曲子一直是come baby的有名字么?


As soon as you have a baby, your maternal instincts kick in.


angle baby 谁有这歌的歌词发下 谢谢了

Angel baby—— 琳达 朗斯黛 It"s just like heaven being here with you You"re like an angel, too good to be true. But afterall, I love you I do. Angel baby, my angel baby. When you are near me, my heart gets to beat. I can hardly stand on my own two feet Because I love you, I love you, I do. Angel baby, my angel baby. Whooo…… I love you. Whooo……I do. No one could love you like I do. Whooo…… Please never leave me blue and alone. If you ever go, I"m sure you"re come back home. Because I love you, I love you, I do. Angel baby, my angel baby. Whooo…… I love you. Whooo……I do. No one could love you like I do. Whooo…… 译文 这就像天堂,在这里与你 您像一个天使,也真正的好。 但毕竟,我爱你,我。 天使的婴儿,我的天使宝宝。 当你靠近我,我的心愈跳动。 我很难的立场,我自己的两只脚 因为我爱你,我爱你,我做的。 天使的婴儿,我的天使宝宝。 whooo …我爱你。 whooo … …我做的。 没有人可以爱你像我这样做。 whooo…… 请从来没有离开我和蓝单。 如果你去,我敢肯定,您回来的家。 因为我爱你,我爱你,我做的。 天使的婴儿,我的天使宝宝。 whooo……我爱你。 whooo ……我做的。 没有人可以爱你像我这样做。 whooo ……

angel baby歌词翻译


请问 copyright 2009 by all rights reserved 是什么意思?(貌似是署名..但是怎么翻译呢)


Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book heroes of all time. He was created by Stan Lee i...

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:C小题4:B 小题1:根据短文第一段可知,此题答案为A.小题2:根据短文第二段中的“Soon Peter realizes he has amazing powers: he is as strong and quick as a spider and also has a type of sixth sense. He no longer needs his glasses and he can use his super power to fly through the city streets!”可知答案为C.小题3:根据短文中的“Remembering something his Uncle Ben has told him, that “with great power, there must also come great responsibility(责任),” Peter decides to use his powers to fight enemies who do cruel things to people.”可知答案为C.小题4:分析短文最后一段可知,答案为B.



Down By The River [Live At Massey Hall 1971] 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River [Live At Massey Hall 1971]歌手:NEIL YOUNG专辑:Neil Young Archives Volume I [1963 - 1972]Neil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Albert Hammond专辑:Four Hits: Albert HammondNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:群星专辑:Rodgers & Hart: With A Song In Their HeartsNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Indigo Girls专辑:1200 CurfewsNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Jon Allen专辑:In Your LightNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。

Down By The River (Single Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River (Single Edit)歌手:Jon Allen专辑:Down By The RiverNeil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。

Down By The River 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The River歌手:Pulp专辑:Countdown 1992-1983Neil Young"Down By the River"歌词Be on my side, i"ll be on your side, babyThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a rideYeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloYou take my hand, i"ll take your handTogether we may get awayThis much madness is too much sorrowIt"s impossible to make it today,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDead, oh, shot her deadGuitar SoloBe on my side, i"ll be on your sideThere is no reason for you to hideIt"s so hard for me staying here all aloneWhen you could be taking me for a ride,yeahshe could drag me over the rainbow, send me awayDown by the river i shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the riverDown by the riveri shot my babyDown by the river。。。。

Down By The Water 歌词

歌曲名:Down By The Water歌手:The Decemberists专辑:We All Raise Our Voices to the Air (Live Songs 04.11-08.11)The Decemberists - Down By The WaterSee this ancient riverbedSee where all my folly"s ledDown by the water and down by the old main dragI was just some tow-head teenFeeling "round for fingers to get in betweenDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragSweet descend this rabble "roundThe pretty little patter of a seaport townRolling in the water and rolling down the old main dragAll dolled up in gabardineThe lash-flashing Leda of pier nineteenQueen of the water and queen of the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragThe season rubs me wrongThe summer swells anonSo knock me down, tear me upBut I would bear it all broken just to fill my cupDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main dragDown by the water and down by the old main drag


《扎纸匠》百度网盘txt最新全集下载:链接: 提取码:2b7d简介:扎彩匠,扎鬼纸,扎来鬼纸祭阴阳。扎纸匠,说通俗点就是纸扎手艺人,所扎之物大多是一些烧给死者用的童男童女,灵屋纸马之类的。扎纸这门手艺可是古时五花八门中的老行业了,古时五花八门中,七门调说的就是这种扎纸的人。对于这行,很多人认为扎出来的纸人纸马等物,只是卖与办丧事的人家。如果你是这么认为的,那你就错了,因为白天做的是办丧事生人的生意,到了晚上,做的可就是死人的生意了。而我所要讲的,就是我做扎纸匠那些年见闻到的那些奇闻怪事---------

the abyss of your eyes 歌词

歌曲名:the abyss of your eyes歌手:Stratovarius专辑:visions(Tolkki/Kotipelto)I feel like I"m drowningTrying to catch my breathDon"t know what is happeningThere"s no sense of timeDeep underneath my skinFeeling the pain within hear my cryI feel drawn towards you can"t resistI don"t know whyMy life is changing I cannot recallStratovariusWhere I"ve been before - the abyss of your eyesMeaning so much more, am I losing my mindThe sun isn"t shiningBut your eyes light my wayI"ve found what I"ve been searching forMy love won"t go astrayDeep underneath my skinFeeling the pain within hear my cry (hear my cry)I feel drawn towards you can"t resistI don"t know why (I don"t know why)My life is changing I cannot recallWhere I"ve been before - The abyss of your eyesThe sun isn"t shiningBut your eyes light my wayI"ve found what I"ve been searching forMy love won"t go astraySo many years my drifting heart has wandered aroundDon"t turn on me won"t you stay by my sideMy life is changing I cannot recallWhere I"ve been before - The abyss of your eyesMeaning so much more, am I losing my mindWhere I"ve been before - The abyss of your eyesMeaning so much more, am I losing my mindWhere I"ve been before - The abyss of your eyesMeaning so much more, am I losing my mind

求Bobby Tinsley-You的歌词。

Bobby Tinsley : You Lyrics底下是词你看看对不!呵呵!just press play yeah.... ohhh... -in your life there"s just one person you can"t live without, I"m feeling my tears- whoooo who kept it with me when i was trying to fake it, who told me, baby i believe you"re Gonna make it, who who who who who ohhh... and who held my hand when i was in need, i was stronger, who kept me going when i couldn"t go longer who who who who whoo... and you need to know it was you it was you Girl it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, girl it was you (say it) yeah who"s on my mind every second that i wake up. who looks so fine, she dont even need her make up who who who who (tell me)yeah yeah who help you out when you were in cause of faded and you got out and was the first one that was waiting who.. who... who... yeah and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, cause it was you and you need to know it was you it was you it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you, it was you(it was you) and you need to know -now listen, you only get one life, and sometimes, you only get one shot to live with everything that you have, so if you have more than anything, look "em dead in the eyes you don"t even blink and then say this- say i love you (i love you) i want you (i wan you) i need you (i need you) GIRL i need you (i need you) and i love.....(love love love) i love.... you soo.. (you so) and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my love for you, cause it was you (it was you, it was you, it was you) it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my love for you, cause it was you and you need to know it was you it was you girls it was you it was you my dreams come true, my loves for you girl it was you

Babyface的i promise中文歌词是什么意思?

[Verse 1]Maybe I was scared /或许我受惊了Just a little bit confused /或许只是有点困惑Yes /对To do all the things that I did, to hurt you, like that /做些那样的事情来伤害你But if I had a second chance /但是如果我有第二次机会I"d be a better man, yes I will / 我一定会做个更好的人,一定的There"d be no more tears on your face / 你的脸上也再有泪水You could trust in me again / 你可以再次相信我Once again /再一次[Chorus] /合唱And I promise I"ll love you /我承诺我爱你Til the end of our days /直到我俩死去的那一天I promise I"ll love you /我承诺我爱你Baby I"ll change /Baby, 我会改变自己的I promise I"ll love you /我承诺我爱你Lets start over again /让我们重新开始吧Again, again.All the things that I wasn"t /所有我没做到的事情I promise to be /我承诺一定去做Just give me a chance /只求你再给我一次机会A changed man you will see /你将会看到一个转变后的男人That"s a promise you can put that down on everything /这是一个你可以指望的承诺A promise, from me /我许的一个承诺oohh yea, from me / 我许诺~[Verse 2]Now that you"re gone, /现在你已离开Girl I understand, I really do /姑娘,我明白,我真的明白How it feels to reach out someone /向一个人敞开心扉的感觉And find there aint nobody there /却发现那里一个人都没有See, when i should have been right there holding you /看吧,当我应该在那儿抱着你的时候No one"s softer at heart, than you /没有人比你更温柔了There"ll be no more cheese or rainy days /也不会再有奶酪或者雨天(不太明白cheese到底应该怎么翻译)I"d give anything just to see you smile once again /我愿意放弃一切,只为你一展笑容Ohh baby /哦,宝贝儿[Chorus]And I promise I"ll love you Til the end of our daysI promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll changeI promise I"ll love you Lets start over againAgain, again.All the things that I wasn"tI promise to beJust give me a chanceA changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everythingA promise, from meoohh yea, from me//这是重复的,不翻译了[Verse 3]I learned the grass wasn"t greener /我听说小草已不再绿油油When you get to the other side /当你投入他人的怀抱Girl, I learned from my mistakes /姑娘,我已从错误中吸取教训I wanna make it up someway /我想要我俩和好Without you nothing"s going right /没有你,任何事物都没了意义I just need you back in, back in my life /我只希望你重回我身边,重新融入我的生活[Chorus X2]And I promise I"ll love you Til the end of our days (til the end of our days)I promise I"ll love youBaby I"ll change (I"ll change)I promise I"ll love you Let"s start over again (let"s start over again)Again, again.All the things that I wasn"t (All the things I wasn"t)I promise to be (I promise to be)Just give me a chance (give me a chance)A changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything (down on everythingg)A promise, from meoohh yea, from meAnd I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Til the end of our days I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Baby I"ll change I promise I"ll love you (I promise I"ll love youu)Let"s start over again (over againn)Again, again.All the things that I wasn"t (All the things I wasn"t)I promise to be (I promise to be)Just give me a chance (give me a chance)A changed man you will seeThat"s a promise you can put that down on everything (down on everythingg)A promise, from meoohh yea, from me


应该是bye—lingual 双语 能说两种语言的意思

my fair lady by john harle_marc almond的中英歌词

I"m an ordinary man  我是个平凡的男人  I"m an ordinary man  从来都要求得不多  Who desires nothing more  只想有个平凡的机会  Than just an ordinary chance  能过自己希望的生活  To live exactly as he likes  能做他喜欢做的事情  And do precisely what he wants  我是个普通的男人  An average man, am I  没什么古怪的念头  Of no eccentric whim  只想过自己的生活  Who likes to live his life  能够永远与世无争  Free of strife  做他觉得合适的事  Doing whatever he thinks is best for him  只是个平凡的男人  Oh, just an ordinary man  可如果女人进入了你的生活  But let a woman in your life  平静时光就此结束  And your serenity is through  她会把你的房子彻底地重修  She"ll redecorate your home From the cellar to the dome  然后会彻底修理你!  Then go on to the enthralling fun of overhauling you!  让女人进入你的生活  Let a woman in your life  你就象面对一道高墙  And you are up against a wall  她心里想的可不一样  Make a plan and you will find She has something else in mind  你只好去做自己根本  So rather than do either You do something else that neither  不喜欢做的事!  Likes at all!  你想谈济慈和弥尔顿  You want to talk of Keats or Milton  他想谈的却只有爱情  She only wants to talk of love  你想去看话剧或芭蕾  You go to see a play or ballet  结果整晚替她找手套  And spend it searching for her glove  让女人进入你的生活  Let a woman in your life  等于是去自找麻烦受  And you invite eternal strife  让别人去为婚礼付钱  Let them buy their wedding bands  让别人手牵手进教堂  For those anxious little hands  我宁可找牙医看牙齿  I"d be equally as willing For a dentist to be drilling  也不让女人进入我的生活!  Than to ever let a woman in my life!  我是个很温和的男人  I"m a very gentle man  沉着冷静天性善良无人抱怨  Even-tempered and good-natured Whom you never hear complain  全身都透着亲切和气  Who has the milk of human kindness By the quart in every vein  从头到脚充满了耐心  A patient man am I Down to my fingertips  这样的人永远都不会  The sort who never could Ever would  轻易对他人出言冒犯  Let an insulting remark escape his lips  一个非常温和的男人  A very gentle man  可要让女人进入你的生活  But let a woman in your life  忍耐是不可能做的事  And patience hasn"t got a chance  她虽然征求你的意见  She will beg you for advice Your reply will be concise  装做认真倾听的样子  And she ll listen very nicely  回头却自己乱做一气!  Then go out and do precisely What she wants!  你曾经是文雅的男人  You were a man of grace and polish  从不粗声大气打扰人  Who never spoke above a hush  现在你突然会乱骂人  Now all at once you"re using language  连水手听了都会脸红  That would make a sailor blush  让女人进入你的生活  Let a woman in your life  就像拿刀子刺你自己  And you"re plunging in a knife!  让我们其他的男同胞  Let the others of my sex  打起领结去教堂结婚  Tie the knot around their necks  我宁可看新版西班牙语法书  I"d prefer a new edition Of the Spanish lnquisition  也不要让女人进入我的生活  Than to ever let a woman in my life  我是生活安定的男人  l"m a quiet-living man  照我的方式度过夜晚  Who prefers to spend the evenings  享受自己房间的宁静  In the silence of his room  最喜欢那安祥的气氛  Who likes an atmosphere as restful  就象没人打扰的墓地  As an undiscovered tomb  我是喜欢沉思的男人  A pensive man am I Of philosophic joys  享受凝神冥想的乐趣  Who likes to meditate, contemplate  远离凡世嘈杂的声响  Free from humanity"s mad, inhuman noise  一个生活安定的男人  A quiet-living man  但让女人进入你生活  But let a woman in your life  你就永无安宁的日子  And your sabbatical is through  她的朋友象千军万马  In a line that never ends Come an army of her friends  在她的耳边叽叽喳喳  Come to jabber and to chatter And to tell her  谈论着你的家长里短  What the matter is with you!  她会有个吵闹的家族  She"ll have a booming, boisterous family  成群结队拥到你面前  Who will descend on you en masse  她妈妈嗓门象瓦格纳  She"ll have a large, Wagnerian mother  说话声音能震碎玻璃!  With a voice that shatters glass!  让女人进入你的生活  Let a woman in your life  我永远都不会让女人…  I shall never let a woman...  进入我的生活! my life!

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布兰妮的Ooh Ooh Baby的英文歌词

[ti:Ooh Ooh Baby][ar:Britney Spears][al:Blackout][by:Shane Zheng][00:00.86]Song:Ooh Ooh Baby[00:03.25]Singer:Britney Spears[00:04.71]Album:Blackout[00:07.32]#ShaneZheng 制作[00:10.98][00:16.90]The way you smile[00:18.67]The way you taste[00:20.08]You know I have an appetite[00:21.80]For sexy things[00:23.49]All you do is look at me[00:25.80]It"s a disgrace[00:27.93]What"s runnin" through my mind is you[00:29.74]Up in my face[00:32.23]Your voice is like music to my ears[00:35.86]Whisper softly and the world just disappears[00:40.00]Take me higher and just wipe away my fears[00:42.65]When you"re with me[00:44.14]Oh boy,it"s my heartbeat that I hear[00:47.41]Ooh,ooh baby[00:48.94]Touch me and I come alive[00:50.63]I can feel you on my lips[00:52.68]I can feel you deep inside[00:54.71]Ooh,ooh baby[00:55.71]In your arms I finally breathe[00:57.72]Wrap me up in all your love[00:59.43]That"s the oxygen I need,yeah[01:01.85]You"re fillin" me up[01:06.16]You"re fillin" me up with your love[01:09.93]The more you move[01:10.78]The more I tense[01:12.11]It"s like you got me hypnotised[01:14.31]I"m in a trance[01:15.99]Your jersey fits[01:17.55]It"s right at home,between my hands[01:19.70]And now I hope you know[01:21.38]That I"m your biggest fan,yeah,yeah[01:25.17]Your voice is like music to my ears[01:28.28]Whisper softly and the world just disappears[01:31.85]Take me higher and just wipe away my fears[01:35.12]When you"re with me[01:36.23]Oh boy,it"s my heartbeat that I hear[01:39.14]Ooh,ooh baby[01:40.25]Touch me and I come alive[01:42.10]I can feel you on my lips[01:44.28]I can feel you deep inside[01:46.65]Ooh,ooh baby[01:48.17]In your arms I finally breathe[01:50.25]Wrap me up in all your love[01:52.14]That"s the oxygen I need,yeah[01:54.66]You"re fillin" me up[02:00.38]You"re fillin" me up with your love[02:02.85]You got something that I really want and[02:06.28]Come here,we don"t even have to talk and[02:09.83]Lay back and let me tell you what I"m thinkin"[02:13.76]Cause I like you[02:15.63]Cause I like you[03:02.32][02:17.46]Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby[02:31.86]Ooh,ooh baby[02:33.72]Touch me and I come alive[02:35.50]I can feel you on my lips[02:37.14]I can feel you deep inside[02:39.61]Ooh,ooh baby[02:41.13]In your arms I finally breathe[02:43.19]Wrap me up in all your love[02:44.57]That"s the oxygen I need,yeah[02:47.07]Ooh,ooh baby[02:48.30]Touch me and I come alive[02:50.04]I can feel you on my lips[02:52.22]I can feel you deep inside[02:54.49]Ooh,ooh baby[02:55.86]In your arms I finally breathe[02:58.38]Wrap me up in all your love[02:59.79]That"s the oxygen I need,yeah[03:10.60][03:14.08]Britney Spears-Ooh Ooh Baby[03:16.37]Blackout[03:19.06]End[03:19.06]End


The Saltwater Room - Owl CityI opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low lightWalking down by the bay on the shoreStaring up at the planes that aren"t there anymoreI was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so coldLike an introvert I drew my over shirtAround my arms and began to shiver violently beforeYou happened to look and see the tunnels all around meRunning into the dark undergroundAll the subways around create a great soundTo my motion fatigue farewellWith your ear to a seashellYou can hear the waves in underwater cavesAs if you actually were inside a saltwater roomTime together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of loveWe need time only timeCan you believe that the crew has goneAnd wouldn"t let me sign onAll my islands have sunk in the deepSo I can hardly relax or even oversleepI feel as if I were home some nightsWhen we count all the ship lightsI guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snowWe"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglowSo tell me darling do you wish we fall in love Time together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone I ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of loveWe need time only timeWhen we re apart whatever are you thinking ofIf this is what I call home why does it feel so aloneSo tell me darling do you wish we fall in loveAll the time all the timeTime together is just never quite enoughWhen we re apart whatever are you thinking ofWhat will it take to make or break this hint of loveSo tell me darling do you wish we fall in loveAll the time

查一首歌的名字,里面有一句是BABY TO NIGHT有哪位高人知道

歌名是:dj got us falling in love again 歌词是: DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again Usher(yeah man) So we back in the club Get that bodies rockin from side to side(si-side to side) Thank God the week is done I feel like a zombie gone back to life(ba-back to life) Hands up, and suddenly we all got our hands up No control of my body Ain"t I seen you before? I think I remember those eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, ey-ey Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again So dance, dance, like it"s the last, last night of your life, life Gonna get you right Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again Keep downing drinks like this Not tomorrow that just right now, now, now, now, now, now, now Gonna set the roof on fire Gonna burn this mother fucker down, down, down, down, d-down, down Hands up, when the music drops We both put our hands up Put your hands on my body Swear I seen you before I think I remember those eyes,eyes, eyes,eyes, ey-ey Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again So dance, dance, like it"s the last, last night of your life, life Gonna get you right Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again Usher,know that You know evil, speak no evil, see no evil Get it baby, hope you catch that GO Thatgs how we roll My life is a movie and you just TIVO Mami got me swithin like a dreadlock She dongt wrestle but I got her in a headlock Yabadabadoo make her bedrock- mami on fire, red hot badabingbadaboom Mr. Worldwide as I step in the room I"m a hustler baby But that you know and tonight itgs just me and you Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again Yeah,let"s take over the world Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love Let go, falling in love. Yeah yeah So dance, dance, like it"s the last, last night of your life, life Gonna get you right Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again So dance, dance, like it"s the last, last night of your life, life Gonna get you right Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again Yeah, thank you DJ, huh huh


dj got us falling in love again歌词是:DJ Got Us Falling In Love AgainUsher(yeah man)So we back in the clubGet that bodies rockin from side to side(si-side to side)Thank God the week is doneI feel like a zombie gone back to life(ba-back to life)Hands up, and suddenly we all got our hands upNo control of my bodyAin"t I seen you before?I think I remember those eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, ey-eyCause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againYeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againSo dance, dance, like it"s the last, last night of your life, lifeGonna get you rightCause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againKeep downing drinks like thisNot tomorrow that just right now, now, now, now, now, now, nowGonna set the roof on fireGonna burn this mother fucker down, down, down, down, d-down, downHands up, when the music dropsWe both put our hands upPut your hands on my bodySwear I seen you beforeI think I remember those eyes,eyes, eyes,eyes, ey-eyCause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againYeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againSo dance, dance, like it"s the last, last night of your life, lifeGonna get you rightCause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againUsher,know thatYou know evil, speak no evil, see no evilGet it baby, hope you catch that GOThatgs how we rollMy life is a movie and you just TIVOMami got me swithin like a dreadlockShe dongt wrestle but I got her in a headlockYabadabadoo make her bedrock- mami on fire, red hotbadabingbadaboom Mr. Worldwide as I step in the roomI"m a hustler babyBut that you know and tonight itgs just me and youCause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againYeah,let"s take over the worldYeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in loveLet go, falling in love. Yeah yeahSo dance, dance, like it"s the last, last night of your life, lifeGonna get you rightCause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againYeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againSo dance, dance, like it"s the last, last night of your life, lifeGonna get you rightCause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love againYeah, thank you DJ, huh huh

求一首老英文歌,歌词是高潮是baby you。。。哦哦哦下一句也有哦哦哦 最后一句是哦哦哦。。。



Yesterday Once More

求一个英文歌曲,节奏比较快的,歌词大概有babycome什么什么然后高潮是 啊什么什么什么的 能找到的给50分

what"s luv-fat joe & ashanti ???


《Free Loop》 I"m a little used to calling outside your name,我已习惯在外面呼唤你的名字



i heard the baby crying in the sitting room是什么句型

你好 是主语 +谓语+宾语+宾语补足语

找一首英文歌,女声,歌词“oh is………baby,yeah,is……baby”……的地方是歌词

是"Baby ”吗?

the baby is sleeping in the bedroom缩写形式改写句子,怎么写?

The baby"s sleeping in the room


call me maybe ? 还有更多的细节吗?!


单词解析: 1、baby 读音:英 ["beɪbi] 美 ["beɪbi]    n. 婴儿;宝贝儿;孩子气的人adj. 婴儿的;小型的vt. 溺爱The baby crawled across the room.那个婴儿从房间的这边爬到那边。2、beach 读音:英 [biːtʃ] 美 [biːtʃ]    n. 海滩;海滨;沙滩vt. 拖(船)上岸We are basking on the beach.我们在海滩上晒太阳。3、bear 读音:英 [beə(r)] 美 [ber]    n. 熊v. 忍受;负荷;结果;证实;生子女The bear has lived up to his reputation for stupidity.这只熊果然名不虚传,笨得出奇。4、baseball 读音:英 ["beɪsbɔːl] 美 ["beɪsbɔːl]    n. 棒球Rain interrupted our baseball game.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛。5、bread 读音:英 [bred] 美 [bred]    n. 面包 vt. 在 ... 上撒面包屑I had a frugal meal of bread and cheese last night.我昨晚吃了只有面包和奶酪的便餐。

Is there a baby in the room(变复数词

Are there babies in the room?

Is there a baby in the room(变复数词

Are there babies in the room?


单词解析: 1、baby 读音:英 ["beɪbi] 美 ["beɪbi]    n. 婴儿;宝贝儿;孩子气的人adj. 婴儿的;小型的vt. 溺爱The baby crawled across the room.那个婴儿从房间的这边爬到那边。2、beach 读音:英 [biːtʃ] 美 [biːtʃ]    n. 海滩;海滨;沙滩vt. 拖(船)上岸We are basking on the beach.我们在海滩上晒太阳。3、bear 读音:英 [beə(r)] 美 [ber]    n. 熊v. 忍受;负荷;结果;证实;生子女The bear has lived up to his reputation for stupidity.这只熊果然名不虚传,笨得出奇。4、baseball 读音:英 ["beɪsbɔːl] 美 ["beɪsbɔːl]    n. 棒球Rain interrupted our baseball game.下雨中断了我们的捧球比赛。5、bread 读音:英 [bred] 美 [bred]    n. 面包 vt. 在 ... 上撒面包屑I had a frugal meal of bread and cheese last night.我昨晚吃了只有面包和奶酪的便餐。


是 贾斯丁比伯 的 baby 。
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