barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-24 08:09:58
You know you love me,I know you care
You shout whenever, And I"ll be there
You want my love, You want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart
Are we an item? Girl quit playing
We re just friends, what are you saying
Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time,
And I was like
Baby, baby, baby oh like
baby, baby, baby no like
baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought youd always be mine mine
Baby, baby, baby oh like
baby, baby, baby no like
baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought youd always be mine, oh oh
For you, I would have done whatever
为你 我无论如何都会完成
Another can"t believe we aint together
如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起
and I wanna play it cool the thought of losing you
并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你
I buy you anything, I buy you any ring
我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指
and now please say baby fix me
而我变成碎片的时候 宝贝修理我吧{比较好玩}
And you shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream
I"m going down, down, down
And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around
Baby, baby, baby oh like
baby, baby, baby no like
baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought youd always be mine mine
Baby, baby, baby oh like
baby, baby, baby no like
baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought youd always be mine mine
(Loude)When i was 13 i had my first love
Here was nobody to compare my baby
And nobody came between us or could ever come above
She had me goin crazy
Oh i was starstruck.
oh 我就像追星族
She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks
她每天都使我醒来 不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒{个人理解}
She made my heart pound
I sking for a beat when i see her in the street
当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动
And in the school on the playground
But i really wanna see her on the weekends
She knows she got me dazing
Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking
因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎
But i just keep on sayin
Baby, baby, baby oh like
baby, baby, baby no like
baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought youd always be mine mine
Baby, baby, baby oh like
baby, baby, baby no like
baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought youd always be mine mine
Now I"m gone
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Now I"m gone
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Now I"m gone
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
now I"m all gone
Gone, gone, gone, gone, I"m gone

You know you love me,I know you care


You shout whenever, And I"ll be there


You want my love, You want my heart


And we will never ever ever be apart


Are we an item? Girl quit playing

我们是一个项目吗?(我也不懂啥意思) 女孩退出/放弃游戏

We re just friends, what are you saying


Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes


My first love broke my heart for the first time,


And I was like


Baby, baby, baby oh like

baby, baby, baby no like

baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought youd always be mine mine


Baby, baby, baby oh like

baby, baby, baby no like

baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought youd always be mine, oh oh


For you, I would have done whatever

为你 我无论如何都会完成{应该是这样}

Another can"t believe we aint together

如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起

and I wanna play it cool the thought of losing you

并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你

I buy you anything, I buy you any ring

我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指

and now please say baby fix me

而我变成碎片的时候 宝贝修理我吧{比较好玩}

And you shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream


I"m going down, down, down


And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around


Baby, baby, baby oh like

baby, baby, baby no like

baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought youd always be mine mine


Baby, baby, baby oh like

baby, baby, baby no like

baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought youd always be mine mine


(Loude)When i was 13 i had my first love


Here was nobody to compare my baby


And nobody came between us or could ever come above


She had me goin crazy


Oh i was starstruck.

oh 我就像追星族

She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks

她每天都使我醒来 不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒{个人理解}

She made my heart pound


I sking for a beat when i see her in the street

当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动

And in the school on the playground


But i really wanna see her on the weekends


She knows she got me dazing


Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking

因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎

But i just keep on sayin


Baby, baby, baby oh like

baby, baby, baby no like

baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought youd always be mine mine


Baby, baby, baby oh like

baby, baby, baby no like

baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought youd always be mine mine


Now I"m gone


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Now I"m gone


yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Now I"m gone


yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

now I"m all gone


Gone, gone, gone, gone, I"m gone




2023-07-24 01:31:121


小皇帝 这才是真理!!!!
2023-07-24 01:31:214


2023-07-24 01:31:293

king baby属于什么档次?king baby品牌档次

king baby这个以银饰为主的品牌这几年在国内很受欢迎,很多明星和潮人都有佩戴过,带着很有态度,也很有吸引力。下面我给大家讲讲king baby属于什么档次? king baby属于什么档次 king baby是属于高端银饰品牌。 KING BABY品牌于2000年由其创始人兼设计师Mitchell Binder在美国洛杉矶成立,他的设计植根于开放自由之路、追求理想主义和摇滚不灭的灵魂,在个性张扬的KING BABY精神世界里,这个世界的一切都是围绕着他而存在的。KING BABY品牌创始人设计师Mitchell Binder表示:“14年前,我在美国创立KING BABY的初衷就是要将开放的美式文化与自由的摇滚精神传达给更多的人,其实也是与消费者分享我对生活的理解与选择。而今天,我很高兴能将它带到北京,让更多的中国消费者尝试和喜爱这种个性张扬的艺术品所带给客人强烈的视觉冲击和佩戴体验。”king baby怎么样 说到品质优良,复古暗黑风的银饰你还是只知道克罗心吗?King baby,一个小众的美国rock n roll风的银饰品牌,很多摇滚明星都非常喜欢,像guns and roses, Metallica啦。日婆也有戴过。他们家饰品主要的几个元素就是骷髅,爱心,玫瑰,王冠,我非常喜欢摇滚乐,因此去学了吉他,对这种酷酷的带点暗黑的设计完全没有抵抗力,骨子里带叛逆。 这个牌子是在国内种的草,当时觉得这个银饰小贵没舍得买,然后回到多村就是各种想买,完全忘不掉,本以为美国的牌子,这边应该有吧,结果各种找,结果找到只有男士的,好气哦。 最后是上美国官网买的,寄加拿大要加关税邮费,不过还是比在国内买省下不少钱呐~最后的价格在图一。国内的很多城市都有实体店哦,武汉的宝宝可以去汉街万达一楼,今天过生日收到包裹超开熏。king baby品牌理念 KING BABY传递出的“只为崇尚自由精神且追求品质的人们”的概念,使其不仅深受个性化年轻消费群体的欢迎,还成为不少明星的必备饰品。众多好莱坞明星均为KING BABY的热衷粉,你可以轻松找到明星同款。 当你触摸到KING BABY的单品,就会惊讶于它厚重而细腻的手感、花纹粗犷奢华的特殊质感,这就是它从高端银饰中脱颖而出的原因。KING BABY是一个重视创意精神的品牌,将意想不到故事和回忆融入设计中,制作成最新颖独特的原创产品。银饰怎么清洗 1. 可在清水中加入苏打粉然后清洗擦拭。 2. 使用擦银布、擦银膏擦拭﹝一般饰品店应都可买到,特别需要指出:擦银布中含有特别的药水,不能水洗﹞。 3. 用软布沾些牙膏搓洗饰品、再用清水洗干净,以棉布擦拭干净。(牙粉效果不错喔) 4. 浸泡洗银水,再用清水洗干净,以棉布擦拭干净,使其保持干燥即可。但建议尽量少用洗银水,因为洗银水为化学的产品,是利用洗银水本身的腐蚀性来清洁银饰,长久使用下会对银饰品造成伤害。
2023-07-24 01:31:351

king baby是什么品牌?king baby品牌介绍

king baby这个饰品品牌在年轻人里面很火,这个牌子的戒指和项链都超级好看,和克罗心的风格有点点像,都是酷酷的。下面我给大家讲讲king baby是什么品牌? king baby是什么品牌 来自美国最令人血脉喷张激动不已的高端个性银饰品牌KING BABY,创始人兼设计师MITCHELL BINDER 的设计植根于开放自由之路、追求理想主义和摇滚不灭的灵魂,在个性张扬的KING BABY的精神世界里,这个世界的一切都是围绕着他而存在的。KING BABY品牌于2000年由其创始人兼设计师Mitchell Binder在美国洛杉矶成立,他的设计植根于开放自由之路、追求理想主义和摇滚不灭的灵魂,在个性张扬的KING BABY精神世界里,这个世界的一切都是围绕着他而存在的。 KING BABY浓郁的美式文化、摇滚精神与时尚风格于一身的媒体预览活动无不让每一位嘉宾深深的感受到KING BABY的品牌文化与个性魅力。king baby饰品怎么样 king baby,洛杉矶手工银饰牌子,这款是纯银美国造,上海实体店在港汇,6叔为这个牌子站过台。不过建议在美国官网买,ups全球发货,基本是柜内专柜价的一半,就算加上税也划算。 第一次亲密接触king baby这个品牌是在长沙的海信广场专柜,被店内的装潢和哈雷给深深地吸引住了。跟以往不同的是,它是立体的!从鹰爪到黑玛瑙骷髅手链再到子弹头项链,涉及的主题也越来越多。他们家的特点是粗旷大气又不失精美,每个主题的设计都很有味道,值得把玩。现在只要看到喜欢的设计都会想要买,就像一件装备,一个玩具,一种乐趣。king baby工艺介绍 与传统的925银饰不同,KING BABY采用的都是纯度为937的纯银条作为创作载体。由于大部分生产都是由手工制作完成,KING BABY工作室拥有完整的专业生产线,包括设计、熔炼、制条、拉丝、压片、裁剪、焊接、打磨、抛光等工序全部由人工完成。 除了采用银的材质外,其设计产品还结合了宝石、18K金、玛瑙珠链以及皮革材质的运用。 由于“KING BABY”的商标深具个性魅力,吸引了大批拥簇,并迅速成为了在好莱坞“必去的”珠宝店。目前,KING BABY在美国国内拥有3家专卖店,其中坐落于洛杉矶好莱坞创意空间的总部,更是无数好莱坞明星及摇滚人士的挚爱。银饰怎么保养 1、最好的银饰保养方法是天天配戴,因为人体的油脂会使银发出温润自然的光泽(当然也有人例外,有人的汗液中本身含有使银变黑的成分)。平时不佩戴时要收好,最好用密闭口袋装好,防止银饰表面与空气接触而氧化变黑。 2、日常清洗的土办法:挤一点牙膏在银饰上面,加点水,适当揉搓至起小白泡泡,再用清水冲干净即可恢复光亮。 3、在佩戴银饰时不要同时佩戴其它贵金属首饰, 以免碰撞变形或擦伤。 4、保持银饰的干燥,别戴着游泳,切勿接近温泉和海水。 5、佩戴时每天要用软布擦拭银饰表面,以保持光泽。不过最好是专用的擦银布。擦银布含有银保养成份,不可水洗。
2023-07-24 01:31:421

king baby品牌怎么样?king baby品牌口碑

king baby是一个很特别的银饰品牌,也是唯一一个可以和克罗心相提并论的牌子,这个牌子的饰品风格都比较哥特的感觉,戴着特别的酷。下面我给大家讲讲king baby品牌怎么样? king baby品牌怎么样 光听这个名字你是不是还没有反应过来?KING BABY是来自美国的一个高端手工银饰品牌,它是目前世界上唯一能与大牌时装一起同走T台的最IN的街头银饰品牌。 在美国,KING BABY受到很多大牌明星的喜爱,如Taylor Swift、Rihanna等都曾佩戴KING BABY的首饰出镜。设计师本人曾表示,当初在美国创立KING BABY的初衷就是要将开放的美式文化与自由的摇滚精神传达给更多的人,现在也能让更多的中国消费者尝试和喜爱这种个性张扬的艺术品所带给客人强烈的视觉冲击和佩戴体验。king baby银饰评价 一向不太喜欢小巧的饰品,穿金戴银、珠光宝气的又不适合自己,去年逛街时发现了富有摇滚精神的美国银饰品牌king baby,用的是937银,纯手工打造,即使不常佩戴也没有发黄或变色,酷酷的很好搭衣服,我也喜欢麦昆,但这个比起麦昆的骷髅头会更适合我呢,价格记不太清楚了,零头不一定准确。 来上海和朋友逛恒隆,出了diptyque就看到一家很酷的银饰店。感觉风格和克罗心有点像?自己十字架款相差不大,可能是道行太浅不懂他们更深层的意义吧哈哈哈,店员小姐姐说这牌子饰品是基本上独一无二,tb看到同款挂饰但是链子是细的,没有那么中意啊,对这一根大粗链子的爱心皇冠一见钟情啊!寓意也很可爱,为爱加冕。当天询问了价格感觉稍稍偏贵就没有买,第二天再经过就直接刷卡啦,毕竟第二次依旧一见倾心,当作送给自己的大礼物吧。king baby品牌影响力 king baby旗舰店坐落于洛杉矶的圣-莫尼卡,其纳什维尔店和拉斯维加斯的凯撒宫店也在继续闪耀着,他们不断得在设计中推出令人振奋并且高水准的新概念系列产品 ,商标深具个性魅力,继而成为了在好莱坞“必去的”珠宝店。KING BABY的设计师 & 创始人MITCHELL BINDER 是米切尔宾得。“KING BABY ” (国王宝贝) 这个术语最初是由一个名为Sigmund Freud西格蒙德-弗洛伊德的精神分析学家发明的。它的目的是指一种精神状态, 当某人认为这个世界是围绕着他们周围的。国王宝贝工作室的精神植根于开放自由之路和摇滚的精神。银饰怎么保养 1.擦拭干净后再收起来 银饰品若长时间不配戴,有些银饰的表面会出现铜锈,这是因为含有少量铜之缘故,一定要用拭银布之类擦拭干净,免得汗渍留在饰品上造成腐蚀,然后放进我们所附上的密封袋或包装盒内,好隔离空气避免银饰氧化变黄变黑。若平日常常贴身佩带时,人体的油质也会有使用银油保养的效果,能有温润自然的光泽。 2.恢复光亮色泽 银饰会因空气氧化、接触到温泉或强酸溶液时而变黑,含K金银饰在长期佩带的磨损下,仍会慢慢让其下的银质显露与空气中。您可以使用拭银布擦拭银饰品的光滑面,雕花或是不规则表面,您可以使用软毛牙刷沾上少许牙粉或苏打粉轻轻刷洗,天然又便宜。刷洗后让泡沫附着在银饰品上约一分钟,再用清水冲洗干净,用软布拭干后,就会发现您心爱的银饰品又恢复它的亮丽本色。 3.不要使用洗银水 尽量不要使用洗银水来清洗银饰品,因为它会侵蚀纯银表面,虽然很快就会恢复光亮,但是也会很快又变黄变黑。而且每用一次洗银水,就是再一次腐蚀银饰品,为了您心爱的银饰品,还是费点心思使用拭银布吧。
2023-07-24 01:31:491


2023-07-24 01:31:571


2023-07-24 01:32:031

king baby是奢侈品吗?king baby算不算奢侈品

king baby这个银饰品牌以暗黑风为主,配饰都设计的特别的好看,尤其是戒指,受到了很多人的喜爱。下面我给大家讲讲king baby是奢侈品吗? king baby是奢侈品吗 king baby是奢侈品。 “For the Chosen Few – 只给被选中的那些人”,这正是品牌创始人兼设计师Mitchell Binder对KING BABY精神的诠释。KING BABY将一直坚持个性,真我的品牌文化,为每一位热爱自由追求潮流的人士带来最特立独行的饰品与设计。无论是翅膀、骷髅,十字架、皇冠心等多款经典系列饰品的独特设计,还是最新印第安风格系列产品的绝妙巧思,KING BABY每一件纯手工打造的精致饰品都不得不令人赞叹,不羁、自由、摇滚的品牌精神在这些产品中体现得淋漓尽致。king baby饰品怎么样 一个比克罗心更值得种草的银饰饰品King baby,个人觉得比克罗心更耐看更百搭又不容易撞款。第一次看到King baby是在kingbaby成都远洋太古里,店面不是很大,一进门SA满脸微笑,给我介绍品牌文化,SA待人也很好,我几乎把每个款式都看进去了,戒指项链手镯手链沉静在里面无法自拔。 克罗星用的是925银,King baby用的是937。King baby除了采用银的材质外,其设计产品还结合了宝石、18K金、玛瑙珠链以及皮革材质的运用。价格上来讲KB会比CH会贵一点,(品质不会输给CH)从风格上来讲的话KING BABY饰品的风格兼具哥特、摇滚及重金属风格,以骷髅、皇冠心、十字架、翅膀、枪支及字母为标志。有好东西就要和大家一起分享与大家一起拔草!!!!king baby国内店铺 来自美国的高端手工银饰品牌KING BABY为庆祝中国首家专卖店-北京西单大悦城店的开幕,带来一场美式风格浓厚、酷感十足的预览活动。品牌创始人兼设计师Mitchell Binder亲临现场,与众多媒体朋友和时尚人士一起分享了美式文化与品牌的设计精髓。 当日店铺门前以巨型仙人掌、黑白指示路标、加油站等布置出如同美国的自由之路——66号公路的氛围,美式风格一目了然。左侧橱窗前停靠着的经典哈雷机车无比引人瞩目,各路时尚人士也纷纷与佩带KING BABY饰品的模特们在机车前合影。右侧橱窗前仿佛是一个小小的能量供给站,原木长桌上香气扑鼻的爆米花正在新鲜出炉,这热烈的气氛引得路过的客人都忍不住纷纷前来索取。KING BABY更特别邀请了新裤子成员赵梦为现场嘉宾带来精彩的摇滚演出。银饰不亮了怎么办 1.用棉花蘸点白醋擦拭,黑色的硫化银便溶于酯酸中,银饰品再次呈现光泽。 2.用酒精或碳酸钠擦拭,效果同样很好。 3.先用洗涤剂洗净饰物表面,接着用硫代硫酸钠溶液(按100克水加入20克琉代硫酸钠配制)清洗,再用清水洗净即可。 4.用酒石酸1份、明矾1份和食盐10份,混合加热至滚沸,把首饰浸入;10分钟后取出,用水洗净再抹干。 5.用氨水洗镜,或用牙膏挤在绒布上擦拭,同样能恢复其原有的光泽。
2023-07-24 01:32:111

king baby的翻译

2023-07-24 01:32:194


2023-07-24 01:32:371

king baby可以翻译成王子吗?

2023-07-24 01:32:442

king baby和克罗心哪个贵

2023-07-24 01:32:532

king baby和克罗心哪个贵

kingbaby贵好不好 ch用的是925银 kb是937 这能比吗
2023-07-24 01:33:126


  童车是每个小朋友都想要的,商场在卖童车的时候,要结合童车的特点,做好广告的宣传。   优秀童车的经典广告词   1. 金贝童车,贝美倍时尚。   2. 给宝贝高端的爱。   3. 人生之路,金贝起步。   4. 坐享金贝,宠爱加倍。   5. 金贝童车,给宝宝成长更多的爱。   6. 承载梦想,放飞童心。   7. 我坐金贝,全家放心!   8. 你的宝马坐着不舒服,我的金贝才好呢!   9. 稳固舒适,就爱金贝!   10. 承载梦想,童心飞扬。   11. 宝贝的专属座驾,妈妈的贴心帮手。   12. 金色童年,快乐宝贝。   13. 源自欧美,品质超群。   14. 品质金贝,快乐童年。   15. 推你的车,让别人看去吧。   简短童车的经典广告词   1. 童车中的宝马,宝宝们的座驾。   2. 用心演绎,爱的传递。   3. 高端品质,尽在金贝童车。   4. 我的Fashion秀,我的金贝童车。   5. 欧美争峰,金贝童车!   6. 在爱里起程,在金贝追梦。   7. 童车世界,金贝领航!   8. 欧美高端品质,金贝专业呵护。   9. 欧美高端,金贝童年。   10. 推不掉的亲情,推得走的童年,kingbaby童车。   精选童车的经典广告词   1.金色童年,金贝相伴。   2.金贝童车,国王的座驾。   3.见证奇迹每一天,推动世界的脚步。   4.金贝童车,献出最舒适的爱。   5.与国际接轨,只是一辆童车的距离。   6.优雅地踏出第一步,金贝童车,是您完美的选择。   7.从小体验高端,金贝光明无限。   8.欧美品质,安全舒适。   9.童年同快乐,金贝心选择。   10.童年同快乐,开心每一刻。   11.欧美风范,精心呵护宝贝的童年。   12.欧美臻品,快乐相随。   13.舒适安全,金贝首选。   14.童车选金贝,快乐永相随。   15.从金贝童车起步,走向金色未来。
2023-07-24 01:33:261


2023-07-24 01:33:353


2023-07-24 01:33:551


没有上市。金宝贝经营范围涵盖:系列微生物制品的研发、推广、技术转让(生物有机肥,专利号ZL96120477.X);微生物制品项目与产品的上市策划,高科技产品的专业化、品牌化营销;生态、环保、健康、绿色农业等高科技项目与产品的开发咨询;特色农资产品内外贸易拓展资料:金宝贝(king baby)是由北京华夏康源科技有限公司在2004年注册的另一行业的品牌,而北京华夏康源科技有限公司是一家由国内外知名专家教授和一批博士、硕士团队发起,注册于北京中关村,依托中科院、农科院、中国农大、解放军军事医学科学院等国内外知名科研院所,以“传承五千年华夏文明,把好健康源头第一关”为企业使命,以“汇聚天下英豪之智慧,打造全国农资第一牌”为经营战略,关注人类健康与可持续发展,以微生物制品等生物工程产业为主营业务的高科技企业。经营范围涵盖:系列微生物制品的研发、推广、技术转让(生物有机肥,专利号ZL96120477.X);微生物制品项目与产品的上市策划,高科技产品的专业化、品牌化营销;生态、环保、健康、绿色农业等高科技项目与产品的开发咨询;特色农资产品内外贸易;国家星火计划、国家火炬计划、国家科技创新基金申报等专题可行性研究报告编制,课题项目研究,专业会展策划等业务。金宝贝的含义是什么?1 、“金” :“金银财富”、“金色的希望”、“金山银山”等等,寓意只要与运动宝贝结缘,定能为您带来丰收、喜悦、吉祥、幸福和财富;2 、“宝贝” :既指本品牌微生物制品中三种生生不息的主要功能细菌——“固氮菌”、“解磷菌”和“解钾菌”,它们是产品的核心和无价之宝;同时也暗示,只要施用了该环保绿色产品,定能使“瓜香”、“果甜”、“菜味美”,好象长出的也是“金宝贝”。三字组合整体喻意是:为您带来丰收、财富、幸福、吉祥。总之, 金宝贝品牌集多种“美好”于一身,极具亲和力、想象力和情感性、阳光性、高雅性,名称响亮,朗朗上口,悦耳动听,能带来吉祥、财富与好运,如闻其名,如见其物,因而招人喜爱,极具传播力,加之强有力的质量保证,是有眼力的经销代理商和广大用户的首选运动宝贝。
2023-07-24 01:34:031

the king is baby and strong为什么可以翻译成王宝强

2023-07-24 01:34:225

the king is a baby and strong是什么意思

抓住关键字,king 王baby宝 strong 强 所以全句意思王宝强
2023-07-24 01:34:372


bking,其中king翻译为国王。那么bking就是逼王的意思了,是饭圈用词,多为调侃语气,形容一个人举手投足之间都充满着酷的气息,周身散发着光芒,但是这不是真实的,是这个人装出来的。 有网友也根据道行将bking分为三个等级,其中,只是通过简单的造型,例如墨镜等加持的被称为初级B baby。只有将高冷贯彻在生活中,随时随地秀出自己,自带光芒的,才能称bking。
2023-07-24 01:34:441


baby中文歌词You know you love me,I know you care 你知道你爱我,我知道你会在意You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时只要你呼唤,我就会出现在那里You want my love, You want my heart 你想要我的爱,你想要得到我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 而我们也将永远不分离Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一个项目吗?女孩退出/放弃游戏We re just friends, what are you saying 我们只是朋友,你在说什么?Said theres another one Looks right in my eyes 说那里有另一个在我眼中看起来是对的(指遇见新欢)My first love broke my heart for the first time, 我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 而我就像Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh likebaby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 For you, I would have done whatever 为你 我无论如何都会完成Another can"t believe we aint together如果再给我们另一个机会 我们就会在一起 and I wanna play it cool the thought of losing you并且想要弄的酷一点 不然我就会失去你I buy you anything, I buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何戒指and now please say baby fix me 而我变成碎片的时候 宝贝修理我吧{比较好玩}And you shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直摇我直到我从这个美梦中醒来I"m going down, down, down我的情绪愈来愈失落And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 只因为我不相信我的初恋不在周围Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 (Loude)When i was 13 i had my first love 当我13岁时我拥有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有任何人可以和我的宝贝相比And nobody came between us or could ever come above并且没有任何人介入我们之中或在我们之上{就是家长在上管理的意思}She had me goin crazy 她让我疯狂Oh i was starstruck. oh 我就像追星族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她每天都使我醒来 不得不需要星巴克咖啡来让我清醒{个人理解}She made my heart pound 她使我心跳加速/猛烈跳动I sking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街上遇到她时 心脏一阵跳动And in the school on the playground 还有在学校和操场的时候But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的很想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazing 她知道她使我疯狂Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是如此的引人吃惊 而我正在心碎But i just keep on sayin 但我还是想继续说Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby no like baby, baby, baby, ohI thought youd always be mine mine 我认为你几乎已经是我的了 Now I"m gone现在我走了Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m gone现在我走了yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m gone现在我走了yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahnow I"m all gone现在我都不见了Gone, gone, gone, gone, I"m gone走了,走了,走了,走了,我走了
2023-07-24 01:34:511


Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you careYou shout whenever, And I"ll be thereYou want my love, You want my heartAnd we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? Girl quit playingWere just friends, Or are we sayingSo theres another one, Looks right in my eyesMy first love broke my heart for the first time,And I was likeBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mineBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh ohFor you, I would have done whateverAnother chance and we, We get togetherAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" youI"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix meAnd you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamIm going down, down, dooownAnd just can"t believe my first love won"t be aroundBaby, baby, baby noooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first loveHere was nobody to compare my babyAnd nobody came between us or could ever come aboveShe had me goin crazyOh i was starstruck.She woke me up daily dont need no starbucksShe made my heart poundAsking for a beat when i see her in the streetAnd in the school on the playgroundBut i really wanna see her on the weekendsShe knows she got me dazyCause she was so amazing and now my heart is breakingBut i just keep on sayinBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2
2023-07-24 01:34:595

一首韩文歌,快到高潮时有baby nanana baby nanana,这是哪首歌?

fantastic baby
2023-07-24 01:35:404

寻找这句歌词(baby baby baby listen to my heart)的韩语歌女生唱的,快歌,刚开始好像是叮咚还是KING咚

2023-07-24 01:35:471

谁能翻译一下《my oh my》这首歌????

2023-07-24 01:35:541


有NO有拉米,爱NO有开尔   有少特闻耐窝,安爱比贼尔   有望卖拉乌,有望卖哈,   安为为哦耐窝爱窝爱窝比阿帕。   阿威啊耐特母?各哦亏坡累因,   窝扎似服软子,奥阿威SEI因,   搜贼尔斯纳则完,录可斯入爱特因卖爱子,   卖佛寺特拉夫不肉可卖哈特佛则佛寺特太木。   安带窝子来可,   Baby, baby, baby nooo   My baby, baby, baby noo   My baby, baby, baby nooo   爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。   Baby, baby, baby nooo   My baby, baby, baby noo   My baby, baby, baby nooo   爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。   佛有,爱武德海武当沃特爱我,   饿那泽唱寺安为,为盖特盖泽   安忘那坡累特酷,饿抱特路Zing有,   爱哦拜有爱内SING,爱哦拜有爱内SING,   安爱母因皮斯,贝贝飞客斯密,   安有谁可米提有为米服绕母贼死拜追   爱母够因当,当,当   安扎似抗比里武买佛拉翁比哦软昂的   Baby, baby, baby nooo   Baby, baby, baby nooo   My baby, baby, baby noo   My baby, baby, baby nooo   爱扫特有奥维子比买恩   问爱窝色替恩,爱海卖佛寺拉   黑尔我NO抱第图看牌尔买贝贝   安NO抱第尅母比吞拿寺奥库带我抗啊把武   是还米够因可瑞贼   哦爱我自私大私抓可.   是我可米啊得累洞你NO私大把   是煤的买哈普绕的   啊私坑佛比问爱C和因则私追   安因私股昂则坡累个如昂的   把爱瑞累忘那C和昂则为看子   是NO子是高密可瑞子   考是喔子搜啊没ZING安闹买哈子不瑞KING
2023-07-24 01:36:022

exo和刘在石dancing king的音译歌词 谢谢各位大神

你好 若我的回答有帮助还望采纳O(∩_∩)OEXO - Growl(咆哮)yo~ok sexy那后g西莫拉kiao过哈能带(恰得老)几跟V红海(so dangerous)恰苦那冷恰跟卡几马(克力那) 那都那r莫拉(oh)素米恰苦猫n能打你噶那r hiang还靠龙恩大那冷波秒无能打 闹都内改肯里能几轮阿皮他看看黑 你噶读老叫拉桥大波r 带亏噶诶卡噶我进孙搜里那r 米亲改慢得r能闹因高r阿木多闹r莫波改 普没扛chu够西跑闹r no里能西扫等 乃安内一老那靠sen 搜用都里靠么克里m家乃阿内改奥那 闹r波能读怒内不高亲听大肯niao kiao太扫 莫读他木老那 一节jo跟西撒那我进大那 额乐龙 额乐龙 额乐龙 带 闹 木老扫几安呢秒 他巧多莫拉那 里送轮比挂 拍一得谈gin讲干几跟他赛jun噶闹也句v冷 baby baby闹n克样克带落一扫那马能把拉波秒n扫巧带闹r波乃几安娜读够bwa baby和林工干搜改扫 送秒哈改比那能闹r no里能西扫等乃阿内无力能kiao古无力搜里靠么克里m家乃阿内改奥那 闹r波能读怒内不高亲听大肯niao kiao太扫 莫读他木老那 一节jo跟西撒那我进大那 额乐龙 额乐龙 额乐龙 带 (X3)闹 木老扫几安呢秒 他巧多莫拉E X Oyeah多大冷呢带得力波sei拉闹木那玩表看乃要加拉碰素改铺的老b改闹冷安够闹马能V还扫那能男破开几够kiao古跟扛韩家噶奥d改到能米因家里噶奥b森你噶肯nia多拉噶看你森节落呀他冷你噶肯慢bwa肯鸟冷闹波大秒n那冷猫叫闹猫bwa无力慢够哈那读r西几我包里家闹哈够那慢要gi那马梦巧我进的西靠么克里m家乃阿内改奥那 闹r波能读怒内不高亲听大肯niao kiao太扫 莫读他木老那 一节jo跟西撒那我进大那 额乐龙 额乐龙 额乐龙 带 闹 木老扫几安呢秒 他巧多莫拉那 额乐龙 额乐龙 额乐龙 带 闹 木老扫几安呢秒 他巧多莫拉
2023-07-24 01:36:091

求blank space的歌词

把stolen kisses写成slowly kisses了
2023-07-24 01:36:252

张靓颖 HEROES 三角COOL 部分的歌词

三角COOL 的哪首歌,还是就是三角COOL这首歌?三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down欢迎进入到百慕达三角COOL麻吉三贱客正式上路我们三人成酷 变摇钱树一路靠北 靠腰力走路行家一插嘴 便知酷不酷剪刀石头酷 我是你师父绕舌武术 聋啥喝爆唬Miss佛陀 我平日学猴爬树一个灯两个灯三个灯 都不亮芭乐歌多了 消化不良听摇滚不痒 听电音也不痒听到三角COOL不起乩 想都别想跟我一起Bounce baby bounce baby bounce baby跟我一起Bounce baby bounce baby bounce baby三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down你这样不young 你不够娘娘腔你幽默长相 你不能做偶像帅又怎么样 被卒吃掉快放马过来 被我车吃掉哇靠KTV 三角COOL有六只脚我们三个酷 不需要五角轻功嘴上飘 拿着三支雨伞飙三角COOL是新欢 说得妙人生好比是一场 龟兔赛跑人蔘只比当归长 快乐就好跟我一起Bounce baby bounce baby bounce baby跟我一起Bounce baby bounce baby bounce baby三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down三角山山脚下的三教九流张三叫李四两人三脚到半山腰采山椒上山巧遇苏三小姐撒娇回眸三笑过三小时才到山郊回了山脚只卖了三角~~COOL跟我一起Bounce baby bounce baby bounce baby跟我一起Bounce baby bounce baby bounce baby三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down三角COOL cool cool coolyeah so cool everybody lets get down
2023-07-24 01:36:322

fantastic baby音译歌词

Fantastic Baby 要给 不套啦 奥度 摸要啦 We Gon" Party Like 利利利 啦啦啦 麻木 要老啦 毛里 比我啦 普古 几票啦 利利利 啦啦啦 从大不目 几慢够 哭带楼 怕大 度亮 路king带咯噶 Alright 哈嫩路吗 足哈够 度四能噶 为楼 乔为楼 那几够 西 破 Oh Na NaNaNaNa Na NaNaNa (Wow Fantastic Baby)Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Fantastic Baby )Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Wow Fantasitc Baby) 你啦 讲花内 Hey 各旁那 恰内 Hey (当个能等够 桑不呢楼 不出不浪Race(Wait) 五里给冷乖儿 Huh Catch Me On Fire Huh 金恰噶 那他那 )打NaNaNaNa (汗那 不逃 要噶 几摸疼该他 汗苏we 摸来吧 喷为类米亲得西 底要把的 吧疼 汗后力 汗的冷 充 蹦 hi 闹木那 普 路 你 噶 啊木高度木器 吗啦吗俩 内gi噶吗娘 内噶 努攻洁) 你新讲 所你爱 吗改 地理西加开 吗给跟那带 噶几Ye I Can"t Baby Don"t Stop This ong内能 他那开米抽 怕啦开 卡能够呀 (Wow Fantastic Baby )Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Fantastic Baby) Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Wow Fantasitc Baby) Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Dan Dan Dan 来 打啦 恰八不疼秒 挖吧 难有往能 的大大 噢能帮更gi 冷 买给闹~搜 Mama Just Let Me Be Your Lover 一红啦 搜跟 闹毛OOO ONa NaNaNaNa 摸里个葡萄 摆个嘎鸡比句我冷 (学哦)可奶刚噶跟 苏木难困 啊搜 噶能乔难等波 打能 把能 噶 等 才忘你 打冷 恰 们 奥冷木 奥冷木 奥冷木HOLD UP Na NaNaNaNa 你新讲 所你爱 吗改 地理西加开 吗给跟那带 噶几Ye I Can"t Baby Don"t Stop This ong内能 他那开米抽 怕啦开 卡能够呀 (Wow Fantastic Baby) Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Fantastic Baby )Dance I Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance (Wow Fantasitc Baby) Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha Ka La Ka Dan Dan Dan Da他 卡气 楼加Ye Ye Ye 他 卡气 比加 Ye Ye Ye 他 卡气 都加 Ye Ye Ye 他 卡气 噶加 (“Wow Fantastic Baby”)
2023-07-24 01:37:271

跪求Hot hot baby we can set it off the night的谐音谢谢

BABY有NO有拉米,爱NO有开尔有少特闻耐窝,安爱比贼尔有望卖拉乌,有望卖哈,安为为哦耐窝爱窝爱窝比阿帕。阿威啊耐特母?各哦亏坡累因,窝扎似服软子,奥阿威SEI因,搜贼尔斯纳则完,录可斯入爱特因卖爱子,卖佛寺特拉夫不肉可卖哈特佛则佛寺特太木。安带窝子来可,Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有的奥维子比买恩买恩。佛有,爱武德海武当沃特爱我,饿那泽唱寺安为,为盖特盖泽安忘那坡累特酷,饿抱特路Zing有,爱哦拜有爱内SING,爱哦拜有爱内SING,安爱母因皮斯,贝贝飞客斯密,安有谁可米提有为米服绕母贼死拜追爱母够因当,当,当安扎似抗比里武买佛拉翁比哦软昂的Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫特有奥维子比买恩问爱窝色替恩,爱海卖佛寺拉黑尔我NO抱第图看牌尔买贝贝安NO抱第尅母比吞拿寺奥库带我抗啊把武是还米够因可瑞贼哦爱我自私大私抓可. 是我可米啊得累洞你NO私大把是煤的买哈普绕的啊私坑佛比问爱C和因则私追安因私股昂则坡累个如昂的 把爱瑞累忘那C和昂则为看子是NO子是高密可瑞子考是喔子搜啊没ZING安闹买哈子不瑞KING把爱扎似KI胖色因Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo 爱扫有到位子比买恩闹爱毛刚
2023-07-24 01:37:341


2023-07-24 01:37:426


大明星歌词:  作曲:陈孟奇作词:沈松/文雅  合:Isayohho  SayyeahwithmeSayyeahwithme  要电到我的心  Isayohho  BabyfollowmeBabyfollowme  你就是大明星  井:我戴上我的王者无敌哈雷墨镜  全场都安静  付:我脚步带领所有发烫的神经  把舞台占领  井:要证明我很型  只要这音乐放不停  一切任我来搞定  付:我是King要你挺  把右手放头顶  翘起拇指  合:你就是自己的大明星  合:Isayohho  SayyeahwithmeSayyeahwithme  要电到我的心  Isayohho  BabyfollowmeBabyfollowme  你就是大明星  井:我发动我专属无敌的超级本领  付:我摇醒这个沉闷星球的表情  井:跟随我号令  付:你到底井:行不行  合:跟着我的节奏游行  还有什么摆不平  付:我是KING井:要你挺  合:把右手放头顶  翘起拇指你就是自己的大明星  合:Isayohho  SayyeahwithmeSayyeahwithme  要电到我的心  Isayohho  BabyfollowmeBabyfollowme  你就是大明星  BereadyBecrazyBeswamming  合:(Bewithmeallthenight)  SodancingSopartyscreaming  合:(Sobabybabybabycomeongo)  合:Isayohho  SayyeahwithmeSayyeahwithme  要电到我的心  Isayohho  BabyfollowmeBabyfollowme  你就是大明星  Rap:  二零零七难忘的七二一  我们学会要让一切归零  一路走来从上海到北京  说到未来难免心里没有底  那些荣誉没什么了不起  我们相信努力是硬道理  流汗流泪大不了就拼命  BOBO永在相信我可以  大多的人说过我们不行  坦白的讲我们很不服气  是的没错我们的确幸运  但别小看野心带来原动力  这一首歌唱的真的Happy  每个动作我们反复练习  站在舞台就是给你证明  BOBO永在FllowMe
2023-07-24 01:37:561


第一首:Stand 第二首:peerless 第三首:floorfiller 第四首:sosforlove(又名:爱情求救号) 第五首:hey-oh 第六首:OneForDaMoney 第七首:Ein Kleines Lied 第八首:la isla alizee 第九首:groove coverage 第十首:LET"S TALK ABOUT A MAN 第十一首:Human Sacrifice 第十二首:Wet Wet Wet 第十三首: 冰河时代2 第十四首:i saw you walking in the rain 第十五首:You`re Not Gonna Score 第十六首:Self Control Laura Bran 第十七首:doo be di boy 第十八首:dreams come true ``第十九首:I Saw You Walking In The Rain ``第二十首:sound of my dream ``第二十一首:摇啊摇摇第二十二首:经典慢摇! king第二十三首:天上人间慢嗨开场曲 king第二十四首:baby one more time第二十五首:Balla Da Li第二十六首:Groove Coverage On the radio第二十七首:moonlight shadow 第二十八首:The Magic Key One T cool第二十九首:Don t Push Me第三十首:time to rock 第三十一首this is how we do it-dj总统 dj总统 第三十二首:It"s Ok Dj Maxwell Video Mix Max第三十三首:You Were My Everything 第三十四首:gala faraway第三十五首:GWEN STEFANI HOLLABACK GIRL LOOL REMIX 第三十六首:human sacrifice 第三十七首:i"m gonna getcha good 第三十八首:dreams come true 第三十九首:u make me wanna 第四十首:like fire tonight
2023-07-24 01:38:041


《My Type》by iKonno难奈起hiang叫giao奶起hiang叫giao妈了几呀那都路ki米哇莫里不 头吧各级噶几他no难奈起hiang叫giao那闹 内 boom秒噶几够系剖so那里大力那噶gi叫噶几娘 行噶gi 那(奥 奥)pang噶嫩白莫阿力ong东啊我穷six体内机内忘表壳久哇赛价ken det噶低供啊累东豆了近 gin森茂里个亲豆哇苏组不 弄都suen东蒙 给力能的汤母suen东给p给么波音狗 噶死密码高了喂加那特哪里有嘛起hiang叫giaowo oh 闹也盖鸟了米搜wo oh哪呢伯了呢比头红家波 dei噶ong搜凯西都 几楼哇 特米欧m破搜perfectwo ohA给撒Ki吗搜滴wo ho该卡哇几内呢你为一接一奈太了搜土里有 撒浪一恰佳哦搜no难奈起hiang叫giao奶起hiang叫giao妈了几呀那都路ki米哇莫里不 头吧各级噶几他no难奈起hiang叫giao那闹 内 boom秒噶几够系剖so那里大力那噶gi叫噶几娘 行噶gi 脑(Ah Ah)pangA girl将心吗几某类给各噶起啦吗 土嫩闹弟so都dei我deiYou work and walk and spit wordslike a boss(由我kr我kei安死佩我塞克boss)万得儿我曼 要洗怕蓝no为噶了桑Oh 内king ter king 呢king东蒙噶 没后 价可能bi 求没了dei宋say 韩r古搜给都梦噶昂将刚啊梦起I like itwo oh 闹也盖鸟了米搜wo oh哪呢伯了呢比头红家波 dei噶ong搜凯西都 几楼哇 特米欧m破搜perfectwo ohA给撒Ki吗搜滴wo ho该卡哇几呢呢你为一接一奈太了搜土里有 撒浪一恰佳哦搜no难奈起hiang叫giao奶起hiang叫giao妈了几呀那都路ki米哇莫里不 头吧各级噶几他no难奈起hiang叫giao那闹 dei boom秒噶几够系剖so那里大力那噶gi叫噶几娘 行噶gi 脑pang那 你噶 求吗(求吗u2b07ufe0f) 酒哇 (酒哇u2b07ufe0f)都噶根 哈噗 哈呢莫斯噶几 都累思达利亚哦吗 额米价马甲内噶 苏米boom恰拉ni噶哪 不鲁dei妈dei盖 又死米 可你几 烂内~Oh Girl you know that I love youno难奈起hiang叫giao(u2b07ufe0fno难奈起hiang叫giao)奶起hiang叫giao(哎哎哎)妈了几呀那都路ki米哇(wuoh~)莫里不 头吧各级噶几他(有呢len的啦噶)no难奈起hiang叫giao(oh 喂)那闹 dei boom秒(坏纳西亚~ oh~!)噶几够系剖so那里大力那噶gi叫噶几娘 行噶gi 脑(行噶几那)pang那 (oh baby baby )你噶 求吗 酒哇 (wowuwu~)都噶根 哈噗 哈呢莫斯噶几 都累思达利亚那 你噶 求吗 酒哇 都噶根 哈噗 哈呢莫斯噶几 都累思达利亚
2023-07-24 01:38:121

king of spain 歌词

歌曲名:king of spain歌手:moxy fruvous专辑:bargainvilleOnce I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)Oh... my unspeakable wife, Queen Lisa (now I eat humble pie)I"m telling you I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)And now I work at the Pizza PizzaRoyalty, lord it looked good on meBuried in silk in the royal boudoir or going nuclear freeOr playing Crokinole with the Princess of MonacoTelling my jokes to the OPEC leaders, getting it all on videoOnce I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)A palatial palace, that was my home (now I eat humble pie)Moxy FruvousI"m telling you I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)And now I vacuum the turf at SkyDome (once he was the King of Spain)I can"t wait, I"m lowering interest rates, my people say:"King, how are you such a genius?There"s a roof overhead and food on our plates!"It"s laisez-faire, I don"t even give a careLet"s make Friday part of the weekendAnd give every new baby a chocolate eclairOnce I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)Hey Clinton! Hey Yeltsin! Got problems? You phone me (now I eat humble pie)I"m telling you I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)Now the Leafs call me up to drive the Zamboni (once he was the King of Spain)Now some of you are probably wondering how I cam to be living in CanadaTell us, King!You see late one night when the palace was asleepOut of my royal chambers and into the garden I creepAnd I wait till the appointed time, when the moon is lighting the pitchAt which point my peasant friend, who looks just like meArrives and we make a switchPrince and pauper, junior and whopperWorld made up of silver and copperOut of my own volition, I took a change of positionSo next time you drool in the pizza lineRemember, slower pizza"s more lusciousThe King of Spain never rushes!!!Once I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble)I was looking for off-handed ways to improve us (now I eat humble pie)I"m telling you I was the King of Spain (now I eat humble pie)And now I"m jamming with Moxy Fr乿ous! (once he was the King of Spain)
2023-07-24 01:38:191

Not Afraid vs Baby One More Ti歌词翻译

I"m not afraid to take a stand我从不畏惧表达我的立场Everybody come take my hand每个人都想跟着我混We"ll walk this road together, through the storm我们会一起走完这条路,即使暴风骤雨Whatever weather, cold or warm随他是什么,严寒或酷暑Just let you know that, you"re not alone只想你知道,你不孤独Hola if you feel that you"ve been down the same road如果你踏上了和我同一条路,我会和你问好(Intro)Yeah, It"s been a ride...恩,就像在驰骋I guess i had to go to that place to get to this one我想我需要找到那条路Now some of you might still be in that place现在也许你还在原地If you"re trying to get out, just follow me假如你想逃出去,跟我来I"ll get you there我会带你去(Verse 1)You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay "em在我还没有写下这些时,你就可以读懂我的歌词But you won"t take this thing out these words before I say "em但直到我“说”你才能够了解这真正的含义Cause ain"t no way I"m let you stop me from causing mayhem阻止我惹事是不可能的When I say "em or do something I do it, I don"t give a damn我说我想说的,做我想做的,你们爱谁谁What you think, I"m doing this for me, so f¥ck the world随你怎样,我是为了我自己,so,同上Feed it beans, it"s gassed up, if a thing"s stopping meI"mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly别想阻止我的,我仍会坚持我自己的路,毫无怀疑的坚持And all those who look down on me I"m tearing down your balcony那些tm的看不起我的,我会连同他和他的房子一起毁掉No if ands or buts don"t try to ask him why or how can he没有那些 “还有”“但是”也不用问为什么From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he"s still shit and从他第一张到上一张专辑,他还是那样Whether he"s on salary, paid hourly即使他是数钱数到手疼Until he bows out or he shit"s his bowels out of him记得他送前妻滚出房间还是他遭受穿肠痛苦Whichever comes first, for better or worse到来的哪一个,好的或者糟糕的He"s married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas他的婚姻就像儿戏,就像圣诞节的诅咒His gift is a curse, forget the earth he"s got the urge他的礼物就是诅咒,失去了世界,他却受到了启发To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe从灰尘中插入他的d,F整个宇宙(Hook)I"m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my handWe"ll walk this road together, through the stormWhatever weather, cold or warmJust let you know that, you"re not aloneHolla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road(Verse 2)Ok quit playin" with the scissors and shit, and cut the crapok停止疯狂的发疯I shouldn"t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it"s a rap我其实不应该给这些文字节奏,这tm的是rapYou said you was king, you lied through your teeth你说你是国王,你嘴上还淌粪呢For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you"re getting capped去你m的那些灵感,没有歌迷,你tm 的只有摆范儿And to the fans, I"ll never let you down again, I"m back那些歌迷啊,我回来了,我照着你们!I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact我对天发誓,不再回到那个承诺Let"s be honest, that last Relapse CD was "ehhhh"说实话,上张专辑只是开胃Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground也许我的发信很土Relax, I ain"t going back to that now放松我现在可不是了All I"m tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW我创造新的回归Cause I ain"t playin" around因为我玩够了There"s a game called circle and I don"t know how有个游戏叫轮回,我还没搞懂I"m way too up to back down上过天堂下过地狱But I think I"m still tryna figure this crap out但是这次我还是想真的释放一次Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn"t曾经我以为我找到了目标,但是现在我想还没有This fucking black cloud"s still follow"s me around这tm糟糕的环境还是污染着我But it"s time to exercise these demons但 是该和这些魔鬼玩玩的时候了These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!现在这些go娘养的成了我的活条尸(Hook)I"m not afraid to take a standEverybody come take my handWe"ll walk this road together, through the stormWhatever weather, cold or warmJust let you know that, you"re not aloneHolla if you feel that you"ve been down the same road(Bridge)And I just can"t keep living this way这样的方式我无法接受So starting today, I"m breaking out of this cage如今我苏醒,即将挣脱牢笼I"m standing up, Imma face my demons我俯视那些小鬼I"m manning up, Imma hold my ground爷是真正的爷们,我决不让步I"ve had enough, now I"m so fed up我吃饱喝足了Time to put my life back together right now现在该是我回到舞台的时候了(Verse 3)It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me我的歌变干净我,也许你觉得我为我自己Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you其实下意识的我是为了你们(我感动的流泪了)So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through所以我身边有了新的老铁,你们只要见证这一切就好And don"t even realise what you did, believe me you甚至你们不需知道你们做了什么,我相信你们I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger我挣脱了圈套,他们对于我 的中指无能为力I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king ofMy world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead我想我的眼睛湿润了,我就是国王!小B宰字就是没有翅膀的蜜蜂,一下就摔死No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise我保证,从现在起没有和我叫嚣的了To focus soley on handling my responsibility"s as a father现在我只关注我的掌上明珠,我是个父亲So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it我庄严的发誓,我将成为我女儿们的靠山,并且养育他们You couldn"t lift a single shingle lonelyCause the way I feel怎么让一块小石头感受我感受的孤独呢, I"m strong enough to go to the clubPut a ??? and lift the whole liquor counter up我足矣去酒吧。。。喝光台前的烈酒Cause I"m raising the bar, 因为那酒吧是我的啊I shoot for the moonBut I"m too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and我可以朝着月亮射击,但此时我凝望着天空的繁星,好美啊而且。。。。。。。。Baby one more time-Britney Spears 宝贝再来一次(布莱妮) (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道? That something wasn"t right here. 有些事情不对劲。 Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! I shouldn"t have let U go. 我本不该让你走。 And now U"re out of sight yeah. 现在你已消失了。 Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! The reason I breathe is U. 你是我活着的理由。 Boy U"ve got me blinded. 你使我盲目。 Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 There"s nothing that I wouldn"t do. 为你我会去做任何事。 It"s not the way I planned it. 那不是我计划中的事情。 Show me how U want it 2 be. 告诉我你想怎么样。 Tell me baby. 告诉我,宝贝! Cause I need 2 know now. 因为我需要现在知道。 Oh,because. 噢,因为! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! (Oh baby baby)(Oh baby baby)! Oh,baby baby ! 噢,宝贝,宝贝 ! How was I supposed 2 know ? 我怎么会知道? Oh,pretty baby. 噢,漂亮的宝贝。 I shouldn"t have let U go. 我本不该让你走。 I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧! My loneliness is killing me. 我的孤独在折磨我。 (And I)I must confess. 我必须坦白。 I still believe. 我仍然相信。 (Still believe) 仍然相信。 When I"m not with U I lose my mind. 当不和你在一起时我迷失了方向。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby ! 拥抱我吧,宝贝! I must confess. 我必须承认。 That my loneliness is killing me now. 我的孤独正在折磨我。 Don"t U know I still believe that U will be here. 我仍然相信你会在这里。 Give me a sign. 给我个提示! Hit me baby one more time ! 宝贝再次拥抱我吧
2023-07-24 01:38:261

求《king of the parking lot》这首歌的 歌词 ★ 卜超 制作 They tore my high school to the ground and put a new wing in the east lot On my old parking spot It stands reminding me of how I wish that i could travel back in time Change my state of mind So if you"re still in your teens listen to me It"s hard to see beyond these walls Of who (who) and who not to be Socially Maybe you"re in you"re out But in the end when all your hats are in the air Nobody"s gonna care So fair the weight Freshmen hold on It"s only four years long Then it"s gone And the queen of the nerds and the king of the prom get a job Look at them now She"s living her dreams while he sleeps with his crown So be cool, be hot, be weird It"s just four years Next time you"re walking through your school Take at who"s surrounding you Or hounding you Cause it"s all just castles in the sand When your tassel"s on the left side of your head You"re never going back So hope (?) It"s only four years long Then it"s gone And the king of the nerds and the queen of the prom get a job What did you know? He"s a CEO and she answers his phone So be cool, be hot, be weird It"s just four years And as for your grades I know they"re important Everyone wants to be a wiz Cause all of it goes on permanent transcripts I just don"t know where mine is So fair the weight Freshmen hold on cause every homecoming court moves on It"s only four years long Then it"s gone And the queen of the nerds and the king of the prom get a job Look at them now She"s living her dreams while he sleeps with his crown So be cool, be hot, be weird oh Be hot, be wild, you"re here oh Be cool, be hot, be weird It"s just four years Just four years
2023-07-24 01:38:343

King Family的《Trampoline》 歌词

歌曲名:Trampoline歌手:King Family专辑:Carry Me HomeAnd who would""ve thought that a cutie-pie just like you,Would have anything to do with a smelly-dude like me?I find it hard to believe.And who would""ve thought that you ever would""ve,Kissed my cheek in your backyard,On your trampoline that night,I never put up a fight..And I know that you""re all shook up,From a terrible relationship,He broke your heart,Yeah, he tore you into pieces,But I promise you dear,I""ll never touch you like he did,So, baby, please take my hand,And you""ll never be alone again..And every single time I look into your eyes,I see a little bitufeff more sunshine,Feel a little bit more like meInstead of who it turns out to be,Wouldn""t trade it for a thing, can I call you my baby?.And I know that you""re all shook up,From a terrible relationship,He broke your heart, yeah he tore you into pieceBut I promise you dear, I""ll never touch you like he did.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.Cause I know he broke your heart,but I""ll love you till the end..So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again.So baby please take my handand you""ll never be alone again..
2023-07-24 01:38:421

Come Baby Come 歌词

Come baby Comek7k7歌名:come baby come歌手:K7歌词整理:没有灯火的星空Yeah,Bounce, Come on Bounce (2x)Someone"s always in control,you know what I"m sayinI slam the door - Boom!When I come into the bedroom Wham! Bam!"cause I"m the king of the castlena na na turn me on turn me loosecome on, come on try to hit it, it"s a hasslecome get some of this "cause we got the innuendoplay me like Nintendo, never ever let go (no!)keep it so loud you hit "em the crescendoDo Ra Mi Fa So La Ti Do2 - Come baby come baby baby come come (2x)when you gotta give me lovin" then you gotta give me some(you gotta give me lovin" and you gotta give me some)(are you tired?Give me love)Well, I can hear the ring ring ringthe telephone goes ringHello, Hello, but we"re still getting busypum pump pump - hua!Now your getting" busyI can slow it down so you can pump it (pump it)better move it fast so you can thump it (thump it)two balls and a bat, a pitcher wears a hatslidin" into home base, trying to hit a home run, (hua!)swing batta" batta" batta" batta" batta" swing!(rpt 2)break it down, break it down, come onBounce! Move it all around, Move it all around Bounce!Pump it up and down (2x) Bounce!Move it all around, Move it all around Bounce!Tell me do you like it? Yeah, YeahDo you want a little more? Yeah, YeahNow tell me do you love it? Yeah, Yeah3 - Come on! Do do you love me? Ha! I can feel itHua baby baby, come on, ha baby baby, let it goHua baby baby, come on, ha baby baby, give it to meha baby come on, ha baby, give it to meHa! Straight up, now tell meGive me love(rpt 1, 2, 3, 2, 2)all together now(rpt 3) (3x)
2023-07-24 01:39:011

King Family的《Travelling》 歌词

歌曲名:Travelling歌手:King Family专辑:Carry Me Hometravellingsophie zelmanitravellingbaby, don"t you worry sothis ain"t the time to sufferand baby, i"m in a hurry to...we"re just in a hurryto be happywe are doing finesince when did we let anythingchange itand when you"re lonelywith the timeyou"ll get somethingand you might deserve ityou ain"t travelling in the summerlike you travel in the nightyour meeting with the morningis not like leaving the sunset lightyou ain"t travelling in the summerlike you travel in the nightyour meeting with the morningis not like leaving the sunset lightbaby, there"s nothing wrongyou"ll find out who"s the feelingconfuses to be wholebut not strongabout those thingsyou"ll be dreamingyou ain"t travelling in the summerlike you travel in the nightyour meeting with the morningis not like leaving the sunset lightyou ain"t travelling in the summerlike you travel in the nightyour meeting with the morningis not like leaving the sunset lighttravelling...2009.10.6WAH
2023-07-24 01:39:081

Nat King Cole的《Fantastico》 歌词

歌曲名:Fantastico歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:A Mis AmigosWill.I.Am - Fantastic{Hip Hop,My life...}I"m alright, I"m alrightI"m alright, I"m fantasticI"m alright, I"m alright,I"m alright, I"m fantastic,I"m allNine years of lovin" youThat"s now flushed down the drainSix years was a bundle of joyThe last two was painToo immature to handle loveWe were just playin" gamesYou used to say I was your everythin"Now, you can"t say my nameI never thought that I could surviveWithout you in my lifeIf you was wonderin" about how I"m doin"Baby, I"m doin" alrightBut it don"t even look like you would cryIf I was to up and die, die tomorrowBut that"s alright, girl "cause(I"m alright)Don"t even worry "bout me(I"m alright)Don"t even worry "bout me(I"m alright)I"m doin" good now(I"m fantastic)Super duper, baby(I"m alright)Don"t even worry "bout me(I"m alright)I"m super duper, baby(I"m alright)I"m doin" good now(I"m fantastic)Yeah(I"m all)Six months and a couple of weeksAnd not one call from you, girlThree months after we broke downI moved up in the worldI wanna know what"s goin onWhat"s goin" on in your lifeI know it"s really hard to be my friendWhen you were gon" be my wifeWe used to love our relationshipBut now we just can"t relateI understand why you had to goAnd change your love for me into hateAnd that"s why I believe you wouldn"t cryIf I was to up and die, die tomorrowBut that"s alright, girl "cause(I"m alright)Don"t even worry "bout me(I"m alright)Don"t even worry "bout me(I"m alright)I"m doin" good now(I"m fantastic)Super duper, baby(I"m alright)I"m doin" good now(I"m alright)Fantastic(I"m alright)Fantastic(I"m fantastic)Yeah(I"m all)Fantastic, fantastic,Fantastic, fantastic,Fantastic, fantastic,Fantastic, fantastic,Fantastic, fantastic,Fantastic, fantastic,Fantastic, fantastic,Fantastic, fantastic
2023-07-24 01:39:161


第一首:LET"S TALK ABOUT A MAN 第二首:peerless 第三首:floorfiller 第四首:sosforlove(又名:爱情求救号) 第五首:hey-oh 第六首:OneForDaMoney 第七首:Ein Kleines Lied 第八首:la isla alizee 第九首:groove coverage 第十首:Stand 第十一首:Human Sacrifice 第十二首:Wet Wet Wet 第十三首: 冰河时代2 第十四首:i saw you walking in the rain 第十五首:You`re Not Gonna Score 第十六首:Self Control Laura Bran 第十七首:doo be di boy 第十八首:dreams come true 第十九首:I Saw You Walking In The Rain 第二十首:sound of my dream 第二十一首:摇啊摇摇第二十二首:经典慢摇! king第二十三首:天上人间慢嗨开场曲 king第二十四首:baby one more time第二十五首:Balla Da Li第二十六首:Groove Coverage On the radio第二十七首:moonlight shadow 第二十八首:The Magic Key One T cool第二十九首:Don t Push Me第三十首:time to rock 第三十一首this is how we do it-dj总统 dj总统 第三十二首:It"s Ok Dj Maxwell Video Mix Max第三十三首:You Were My Everything 第三十四首:gala faraway第三十五首:GWEN STEFANI HOLLABACK GIRL LOOL REMIX 第三十六首:human sacrifice 第三十七首:i"m gonna getcha good 第三十八首:dreams come true 第三十九首:u make me wanna 第四十首:like fire tonight第四十一首:Rise And Fall(ClubMix) 第四十二首:can"t get you out of my head 第四十三首:Golden Sky Smile第四十四首:let s talk about a man第四十五首:Kissy Kissy Smile第四十六首:peerless第四十七首:walking in the sun第四十八首:hey oh第四十九首:Barbie Girl Aqua第五十首:all rise 第五十一首:Sarina Paris Just About 第五十二首:Ding Dong Song第五十三首:My Oh AQUA AQUA
2023-07-24 01:39:231

eminem 有首歌叫supermen~ 求中文发音对照歌词 不是翻译 看清楚哦~

Dina Rea:You high baby?入嗨北鼻Yeahh...耶Yeah?耶hahaha..Talk to me...哈哈哈 套图米You want me to tell you somethin?入旺米吐 跳入桑醒Uh huh...I know what you wanna hear... "Cuz艾no我特 入旺呢 呵额 阔丝I know you want me baby I think I want you too...艾no入旺米北鼻 艾醒凯网吐图I think I love you baby...艾醒凯拉芙入北鼻I think I love you too..艾醒凯拉芙入图I"m here to save you girl,艾害二吐谁芙入哥儿Come be in shady"s world,扛比因谁滴死我的I wanna grow together,艾网呢割入特该得Let"s let our love unfurl.来此来套拉芙昂复儿You know you want me baby,入no入旺米北鼻You know I want you too,入no艾网度图They call me Superman,得阔米素碰慢I"m here to rescue you,艾害额图瑞死轨入I wanna save you girl,艾网呢谁芙入come be in Shady"s world...扛比因谁滴死我的oh boy you drive me crazy...噢爆入拽米科瑞几Bitch you make me hurl...比去入没眯扼They call me Superman,得阔米素配慢Leap tall hoes in a single bound,里脱后心呢新沟棒I"m single now,艾新沟闹Got no ring on this finger now,搞no运no弟死分隔闹I"ll never let another chick bring me down,艾奶为来恩拿的去不孕米荡In a relationship, save it bitch, babysit? you make me sick,因呢瑞雷讯虚 谁微比去 北鼻细 入没眯细Superman aint savin shit, girl you can jump on shady"s dick,素碰蛮安谁分虚 哥入看壮碰谁滴死弟Straight from the hip, cut to the chase,死罪 佛让 的害I"ll tell a mo"fuckin slut to her face,艾跳马的发课死啦图和费死Play no games, say no names, ever since I broke up with what"s her face,普累no给谁no内死 爱娃新死 唉不肉卡 微死 我词喝费死I"m a different man, kiss my ass, kiss my lips, bitch why ask?唉么啊滴芙润慢 气死买 唉死 气死买里死 必去 外啊死Kiss my dick, hit my cash, i"d rather have you whip my ass,气死买地 戏买卡虚 唉让的 海富入喂买唉死Don"t put out? i"ll put you out,东圃奥 爱普凸凹Won"t get out? i"ll push you out,网给奥 唉铺叙如傲Puss blew out, copin shit,怕虚不露傲Wouldn"t piss on fire to put you out,雾灯皮松发图扑入奥Am I too nice? buy you ice,安买图奶死 白入爱死Bitch if you died, wouldn"t buy you life,必去 衣服入带 雾灯百读来What you tryin to be, my new wife?What you Mariah? fly through twice,我读踹图比 买妞外 我But I do know one thing though,巴爱渡no玩醒肉Bitches they come, they go,比去死得扛得够Saturday through sunday monday,赛特得死如桑得忙得Monday through sunday yo,忙得死如桑得哟Maybe i"ll love you one day,没比埃拉付完得Maybe we"ll someday grow,没比为桑得哥入Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...偷蛋就是洗哟装开松带发king让位后"Cuz I can"t be your superman,阔死唉看比哟速配满Can"t be your superman,看比哟速配满Can"t be your superman,看比哟速配满Can"t be your superman,看比哟速配满I can"t be your superman,唉看比哟速配满Can"t be your superman,看比哟速配满Can"t be your superman,看比哟速配满Your superman, your superman...哟速配满 哟速配满Don"t get me wrong,懂给米让I love these hoes,艾拉帝死后It"s no secret,一次no西亏瑞Everybody knows,艾瑞巴蒂no死Can"t we fuck?看喂发Bitch so what?必去搜我That"s about as far as your buddy goes,带刺额包爱司法爱死哟不低构思We"ll be friends,喂比佛然I"ll call you again,唉阔入阿甘I"ll chase you around every bar you attend,唉吹死哟额让诶瑞吧入而谈Never know what kind of car i"ll be in,奶娃no我看到卡唉比印We"ll see how much you"ll be partying then,微洗好嘛去入比怕听蛋You don"t want that,入懂网带Neither do I,奶德读唉I don"t wanna flip when I see you with guys,唉懂网呢芙里玩唉洗入维斯该死Too much pride,图嘛去普瑞Between you and I,被吞入安唉Not a jealous man, but females lie,闹额杰勒斯曼 把肥美斯莱But I guess that"s just what sluts do,How could it ever be just us two?吧爱该死带刺就是我死拉刺读 好苦一爱娃比就是阿斯图Never loved you enough to trust you,奶娃啦入恩那副图插死入We just met and I just fucked you,喂就是买安唉就是发入But I do know one thing though,吧唉读no完型肉Bitches they come they go,比去死得够得扛Saturday through Sunday monday,赛特得死如桑得忙得Monday through Sunday yo,忙得死如桑得哟Maybe I"ll love you one day,没比埃拉与玩得Maybe we"ll someday grow,没比为桑得割肉"Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...偷蛋就是洗哟撞开送带让位后First thing you said...费事新入塞I"m not phazed,唉闹费事I hang around big stars all day,唉航额让比四大奥得I don"t see what the big deal is anyway,唉懂洗我的比第二一丝按你为You"re just plain ol" Marshall to me...入就是普烂马晓图米Ooh yeah girl run that game...欧也哥儿 让带给Haily Jade...I love that name,海里罪的 唉啦带给Love that tattoo...what"s that say?啦带太土我词带谁"rot in pieces" aww that"s great...若听皮西斯 傲带刺贵瑞First off you don"t know Marshall,粉丝傲入懂no马晓Add also, don"t grow partial矮的奥搜 懂割肉怕却That"s ammo for my arsenal,带刺啊磨佛买阿三noI"ll snap you off that bar stool,唉死奶普傲带吧四度There goes another lawsuit,第二构思嗯拿的老苏Leave handprints all accross you,里喊普运傲额课绕死如Good lordy-wody you must be blown off that water bottle,故罗迪我滴入骂死比不漏傲带我特啵头You want what you can"t have,入旺我我入看害芙Ooh girl that"s too damn bad,欧哥带刺图蛋白Don"t touch what you can"t grab,懂他去我入看哥日啊End up with two back hands,安达维斯涂白喊Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can"t stand,普安斯热渴送呢谈配渴三死来入 投入看私单Girl you just blew your chance,哥儿入就是不漏哟穿死Don"t mean to ruin your plans,懂敏图辱哟普兰斯But I do know one thing though,吧唉读no玩醒肉Bitches they come they go,比去死得够得扛Saturday through Sunday Monday,赛特带忙得死如桑得Monday through Sunday yo,忙得死如桑得哟Maybe I"ll love you one day,每笔爱拉入玩得Maybe we"ll someday grow,每笔微桑得割肉"Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...投弹就是西哟撞开送带发king让位后I know you want me baby,唉no入旺米北鼻I think I want you too...唉醒凯唉网度图I think I love you baby...艾新开拉夫入北鼻I think I love you too,爱醒凯辣腐乳图I"m here to save you girl,唉害儿图谁芙入哥Come be in Shady"s world,扛比印谁地死我的I wanna grow together,唉网呢割入特改的Lets let our love unfurl,赖斯来傲啦昂分You know you want me baby,入no入旺米北鼻You know I want you too,入no唉网入图They call me Superman,得阔米速配满I"m here to rescue you,唉和儿图瑞斯鬼入I wanna save you girl,唉网呢谁入哥Come be in shady"s world...扛比印谁地死我Oh boy you drive me crazy...欧宝入拽米科微洗Bitch you make me hurl.必去入每米呵~(好长 打完我眼都花了)
2023-07-24 01:39:351


Oh woooah, oh woooooahoh wooooah, ohYou know you love me, I know you careyou shout whenever and I"ll be thereYou are my love, you are my heartand we will never ever ever be apartAre we an item? girl quit playingwe"re just friends, what are you sayingSaid there"s another, look right in my eyesmy first love broke my heart for the first timeAnd I was likeBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mine Baby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineOh, for you I would have done whateverand I just can"t believe we aint togetherand I wanna play it cool the thought of losing youI buy you anything, I buy you any ringand now please say baby fix me and you shake me til" you wake me from this bad dreamI"m going down down down downand I just can"t believe my first love won"t be aroundAnd I"m likeBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mine Baby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineLuda, When I was 13 I had my first lovethere was nobody that compared to my babyand nobody came between usno-one could ever come aboveShe had me going crazy, oh I was star-struckshe woke me up daily, don"t need no StarbucksShe made my heart poundI skip a beat when I see her in the street andat school on the playground but I really wanna see her on the weekendShe knows she got me dazing coz she was so amazingand now my heart is breaking but I just keep on sayingBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineBaby, baby, baby ooooohlike baby, baby, baby noooooooolike baby, baby, baby, oooohThought you"d always be mine, mineNow I"m goneYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m goneyeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNow I"m goneyeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahnow I"m all goneGone, gone, gone, gone, I"m gone如果是想学英文,千万不要用中文发音!!!
2023-07-24 01:39:593


You know you love me,I know you care 我知道你爱我 我知道你在意的You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时 只要你呼叫 我就会出现在那里You want my love, You want my heart 我感觉你想要我的爱和我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 我们也永远不会被拆散Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一体的吗?女孩 停止游戏(爱情)了We re just friends, what are you saying 你在说什么?!我们只是朋友?So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes 直视我的眼睛 所以有另一个人?!出现在我们的世界My first love broke my heart for the first time,我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 我像一个婴儿Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我以为你会永远都会是我的 For you, I would have done whatever 为了你 我愿意做任何事Another chance and we, We get together 再给我另一个机会 我们也会再在一起的And wanna play it cool, About loosin" you 我想用酷酷的方式谈恋爱 也包括失去你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何你喜欢的戒指 And i"m in piece , baby fix me 我支离破碎了 宝贝用你的爱修复我And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直推我直到把我从噩梦中摇醒Im going down, down, dooown 我摇摇欲坠And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 不能相信我的初恋(就这样)无疾而终——Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的When i was 13 i had my first love 我在十三岁的时候 有了自己的初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby 就此没人可以和我的爱人相提并论And nobody came between us or could ever come above 没人可以介入我们之间或凌驾于这份感情之上She had me goin crazy 她让我几近疯狂Oh i was starstruck.我像一个追星族一样She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她让我的思维清醒就像我每天不能没有星巴克咖啡 She made my heart pound 她让我心跳加速Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街头看见她 请给我猛烈的打击叫我不要想他And in the school on the playground 也包括在学校的操场上But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的还想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazy 她也应该知道她让我精神恍恍惚惚Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是那样为爱疯狂 现在我的心也被伤透了But i just keep on sayin 但我只是想继续说Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2我以为你会永远都会是我的Now Im all gone 我带着回忆走了
2023-07-24 01:40:073

Justin bieber 的歌 baby歌词. 中文读法怎么读 ??

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care你明白你爱我,我知道你在乎You shout wherever, And I"ll be there我随叫随到You want my love, You want my heart你想得到我的爱,我想要我的心And we will never ever ever be apart我们将永远都不会分开Are we an item? Girl quit playing我们(的心)是在一起的吗?女孩,退出游戏吧We were just friends?what are we saying?我们只是朋友?你在讲什么?!So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes所以,在我眼里有一个更加适合你的(男孩)My first love broke my heart for the first time,我的初恋使我第一次尝试心碎Now I was like我就像Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine mine我曾经一直认为你永远是我的Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine, oh oh同上For you, I would have done whatever为了你,我什么都可以做Another chance and we, We get together再给我一次机会,我们会在一起And wanna play it cool, but i loosin" you我想表现的酷一点,但是我失去了你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring我会给你买一起东西,任何一款戒指Now i"m in piece , baby fix me现在我心碎了,宝贝帮我修复(我的心)And you"ll shake me till you wake me from this bad dream快把我从噩梦里摇醒吧Im going down, down, dooown我现在越陷越深。。。And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around我真的不相信我的初恋已经没有了Baby, baby, baby hoooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby hooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine我曾经一直以为你永远会是我的When i was 13 i had my first love当我还是13岁,我有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有人能和我的宝贝相媲美And nobody came between us or could ever come above us没人能分开我们或者凌驾于我们之上She had me goin crazy她让我疯狂Oh i was starstruck.我就是个追新族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks她每天都给我醒来的动力,不需要星巴克She made my heart pound她让我心跳加速i skip a beat when i see her in the street在街上我看到她我心跳漏了一拍And in the school on the playground在学校操场上But i really wanna see her on the weekends但是我真的很想在周末也见到她She knows she got me dazy她知道她让我产生晕眩Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking应为她是如此的迷人,但是我现在心碎了But i just keep on sayin不过我还是想继续说Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine x2Now Im all gone 现在,我离开
2023-07-24 01:40:243

求助, 一首英文歌的歌名, 我英语没学好, 翻译中文是哦你哦你眉king眉king欧力baby, 四个帅哥唱的

sorry sorry sorry
2023-07-24 01:40:311


2023-07-24 01:40:469