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to set barriers to keep people beyond reach怎么翻译?

To set barries to keep people beyond reaching.中文意思:设置障碍以防人们接近.


BEYOND放暑假《一》 【四子】:恭喜恭喜~~~~ 【世荣】:终于放暑假了。 【家驹】:为了庆祝这个那么高兴的日子,我们决定和大家一起渡过这个漫长的暑假。 【家强】:至于节目方面,担保适合你们看啦。除了有我们的好歌,今晚上的节目还有黎明。 【贯中】:总之,你们想看什么都行,只要写信告诉我们就行了。 【世荣】:对啦,想不花钱就谈恋爱,写信给我们啦。 【家驹】:想知道学校里面的八卦新闻呢,写信给我们啦。 【家强】:想知道怎么赚钱,写信给我们啦。 【贯中】:想拿奖品啊,写信给我们啦;家里塞厕所了,写信给我们啦;阿妈打你啊,写信给我们啦;学校罚留堂,写信… 【三子】:你干什么啊!痴线!(把贯中扔到沙发后面) 02:55【贯中】:最后才是这样唱啊 03:14-07:14 歌曲《爆裂都市》 【家驹】:好歹我们也是音乐人,最紧要是说音乐的嘛。这次就教大家弹吉他。弹吉他呢… 【世荣】:喂喂~我想学啊,教我啊! 【家驹】:那你坐下慢慢听。弹吉他呢,第一件要做的事情就是买一个价值三块八的指甲钳。 【世荣】:哦,有。(拿指甲钳)这个贵了一点点,可不可以? 【家驹】:行,行。一样的。能剪指甲就行了。剪这个左手的手指甲。这样弹吉他的时候按CHORD(弦)或者弹吉他都很稳妥的了。第二样呢,就是要和吉他要有点感情了。就一定要自己给吉他换线啊、上线啊。但上线的时候最要紧的一个就是要买一个潜水镜。 【世荣】:潜水镜,有! 【家驹】:带上它示范一下。潜水镜的用途是什么呢,就是你上线的时候可能会不小心拔断了线,线会弹到眼睛,那可能就会令你不能弹吉他啦。还要一样就是弹吉他就要日夜不断地练,不停地弹的。有空也弹没空也弹。最要紧的一样东西,介绍给大家两个方法。家强,嗯,你准备的很好啊。就好像这样了,他把吉他画在手臂上。那没有吉他的时候我们就可以好像这样弹啦。甚至乎,你有点钱的话,打算弹吉他弹一辈子弹到老的,那就纹在手上也不怕。 【世荣】:那不想弹的时候怎么办? 【家驹】:不想弹的时候就穿长袖衣服啰!呃,就是这样啦。 【家强】:有没有音乐出来的啊?弹这个(指着手臂)。 【家驹】:我们弹得多就会熟练的了,弹这个是练手指 【家强】:没有音乐那怎么学啊! 【家驹】:可以的啦,可以的啦。总之大家明白啦。那这个时候呢我就想示范一下我们的歌给大家听。让大家猜一猜,让你们两个猜一猜我弹的是什么歌。 【家强】:哦,好啊。THE OTHER DOOR (音译,我没听明白家强说得是哪首歌)啊? 【世荣】:当然不是啦! 【家驹】:当然不是啦, 【世荣】:虽然弹的不是很好,但能猜得出来,是《真的爱你》。 【家驹】:《真的爱你》 【世荣】:前奏 【家强】:哦~~~~~~~~~~~ 【家驹】:这个就深了一点,大家就不要学这个啦。教一个简单一点的。学了这个和弦之后你就会弹这首歌啦。第一个教大家的就是“C”CHORD,很好听的啊;第二个呢就是“G” CHORD;第三个更好听;第四个呢就叫“F”了。唱给大家听好不好啊? 【三子】:“无法可修饰的一对手……” 【贯中】:喂喂喂,还弹什么啊,那边有青春学生妹看啊! 【四子】:哇! 全港特色校服选举 (画外音) 【贯中】:第一套呢就是全港独一无二,从头衬到脚的校服啦。这间学校是不是怕学生不会衬鞋子呢,于是规定一定要穿这双黑白鞋。真是照顾周到。 【家强】:啊,水手装啊,我喜欢的了。很青春活泼。它最大的好处咧就是那么漂亮,放了学不用回家换衣服就可以上街啦。 【世荣】:这套呢,因为它衣领上有四粒类似红宝石的物体,那就在平凡之中显出不平凡啦! 【家驹】:有时候的一些东西啊,明刀明枪的未必那么好看的!这套衣服就不同啦,走起路来,那些衣褶飘啊飘的 【贯中】诶,我喜欢这个 【家驹】:又红又蓝,这招叫做若隐若现啊。 贯中】今年是环保年。刚好这套衣服又是绿色。没办法啦,一定要给它入选。不过看真点,有点像幼儿园的校服。 【家强】:这套长衫别看它又长又阔啊,选美都用了十几年啦。好东西来的。 【黎明】:到我上来了没有到我了没有? 【贯中】:还没到你啊,下一PART回来才到你啊 【黎明】:先说声HELLO可以吧?HELLO、HELLO~ 【世荣】下一PART见。 【四子】:传黎明~ 【黎明】:(一句日文),大家好 【家强】:你那么心急,一定有好东西介绍给大家的。 【黎明】:是啊!带来忠告啊! 【贯中】:切~又没搞错啊!你知不知道大家那么辛苦才等到放暑假,和功课啊老师啊说拜拜,你现在和我们讲道理! 【黎明】:这个忠告就是为了大家放暑假的幸福啰! 【家强】:什么幸福啊? 【家驹】:不是吧?那么严肃的东西? 【黎明】:是啊!忠告大家一样东西,放暑假第一天一定要留在家里陪妈妈! 【世荣】:有没搞错啊!妈妈天天都能陪啦!何必要第一天,特地要第一天去陪啊! 【黎明】:当然啦,你放暑假要去玩的嘛!玩就当然要花钱的嘛,就算做暑期工,加起来都不够用啦,所以要向妈妈入手。 【家强】:我就说不是了,一问妈要钱,阿妈肯定是一巴掌打过来,说:没有啊!衰仔,又去玩! 【贯中】:哈哈哈,可能还会踹你一脚啊 【家驹】:他常常都是这样的,呵呵 【黎明】:所以大家要和阿妈打好关系才有钱拿的嘛! 【世荣】:好像有点道理。/【家驹】:打好关系。 【贯中】:是不是这么容易啊? 【黎明】:不信啊?我给你看个办法。 【四子】好啊,看看。 (情景剧)之一 『阿妈』:儿子啊,干嘛睡在客厅啊! 『黎明』:哎呀,阿妈啊,我打算今天早点起床陪你去晨练啊。 『阿妈』:不用了,你刚刚考完试,睡多一会吧,不用你陪了。 『黎明』:不行,放暑假当然是留在家里陪妈咪的嘛。 『阿妈』:乖儿子,(门铃响)咦,看看是谁。 『贯中』:噢~伯母,早上好! 『阿妈』:早上好 『贯中』:要快一点啦,巴士站要排很长的队的。 『世荣』:等一下要是找不到位置咧,你请吃东西啊! 『黎明』:我还是不去了 『家驹』:不是吧!你现在才说不去? 『家强』:话说回来,放假没钱真的很惨的。不如我们把他那份钱也出了,大家同学一场。 『三子』:好啰 『黎明』:哇~你们太,太伟大啦! 『阿妈』:哎呀,儿子,我急着出门都忘了给钱你了。阿妈先给你五百块,拿好了 『黎明』:还是不用了,我还是陪你去晨练吧 『阿妈』:都说不用啰。你拿好钱了 『四子』:走啦,走啦 『黎明』:不了,我陪妈妈晨练 『四子』:哎呀,走啦! 之二 『黎明』:如果你没醒的话,你就要快点去酒楼占好位子啦。 『黎明』:诶,阿妈 『阿妈』:你怎么会在这里啊! 『黎明』:是啊!今天特意请你喝早茶,考完试马上来占位置,差点占不到啊! 『阿妈』:考完试就睡晚一点啦 『黎明』:觉就什么时候都可以睡,请妈咪喝早茶才是最要紧的! 『四子』:啊,伯母! 『家驹』:还喝茶!没时间啦!走吧!时间到啦! 『黎明』:我不去啦,等会陪阿妈买菜啊! 『贯中』:为什么这么说话啊!我们三个月前已经开始储钱的喔!就是等今天买电脑。 『家强』:你考虑清楚才好啊! 『黎明』:储钱买电脑什么时候都可以买得到,就算贵一点的都可以买到。但是请阿妈喝茶,存的那么辛苦,还是先请阿妈喝茶吧。 『世荣』:有道理啊。我们别去了。我们走了。 『阿妈』:阿妈给钱你买电脑了,不用你存的那么辛苦了。喏,给。这里够了嘛? 『黎明』:啊,够啦,谢谢妈咪!来,一起喝完茶再去买电脑。 之三 『黎明』:如果连这个机会你都错过的话,那么就要趁早在阿妈买菜回来之前制造这种场面啦! 『四子』:伯母! 『黎明』:低头思故乡,床前明月光… 『阿妈』:儿子,都考完试了,怎么你还要读书啊? 『黎明』:温故知新啊嘛 『世荣』:放假归放假,书一定要读的。 『阿妈』:对对对 『家强』:哇!原来温习那么久啦?!也该运动一下了吧?! 『家驹』:运动啊?骑自行车啊,大埔那边的车很靓的啊 『黎明』:当然不好啦!花这种钱!留点钱买教科书不好吗! 『贯中』:有没搞错啊!你想学隔壁的华仔啊?你知不知道他就是温书温习的多,现在坐到坐骨神经痛啊! 『世荣』:华仔他昨晚进了医院啊! 『阿妈』:儿子儿子,过来,阿妈给钱你,你去作运动吧。不要读书了。 『黎明』:入什么会都要2000多块啊! 『阿妈』:好,这都给你了 『黎明』:那去做运动了,不要读了。把橙子也拿去吃了 『家强』:干嘛拿走我的橙子啊!拿出来啊! 之四 『黎明』:如果阿妈买菜回来你都还在睡觉的话,那你就要一直睡下去睡下去,直到… 『阿妈』:是你们啊 『贯中』:伯母,明仔没事吧啊? 『家强』:本来约了他打球的,他说他要睡觉不去哦。 『阿妈』:我以为他考完试要睡个够的。他不舒服啊?! 『家强』:玩都不去一定是病得动都不能动了。伯母。 『阿妈』:哎呀!儿子啊,你不要吓唬妈妈啊,你怎么了啊? 『黎明』:啊啊啊,头痛头痛啊,心跳的好快,脚好烫好烫。不知道怎么了,好晕啊 『贯中』:好严重啊!不用怕,我带你去看病啊 『家驹』:要了要了 『家强』:我和你一起去 『世荣』:你顶得住吗? 『黎明』:顶顶,顶得,哎呀~好痛啊好痛 『阿妈』:儿子啊,你别吓我啊,阿妈给钱你,快去看医生啊 『家驹』:我去拦的士(出租车) 『黎明』:没钱看医生啊 『贯中』:走啦!拿到钱啦,还说! 【家驹】其实你的点子还不错,但如果没有同学帮你那就很难搞了。 【世荣】:是啊,独角戏很难做的嘛 【黎明】:不是啊,大家为了零用钱,就自己做主角配角啰。 【贯中】:但据我所知,这个节目很多阿妈看的哦! 【家强】:呵,那这个办法就穿帮的啦,那现在怎么办啊? 【黎明】:那,反正没钱用啰,不如在家陪阿妈啰! 【贯中】:啊,切~ 【四子】:切!切! 【黎明】:这里有车吗?没车啊~(粤语“车”和语气助词“切”发音相近)切~ 16:39 -20:49 黎明《OH,夜》 (画外音)[贯中]:你见他罗罗嗦嗦一定是有很多话要讲啦,但为什么没有声音呢?[家驹]:唉,有什么讲啊,说来说去还不是那些东西。 【家强】:这么多东西的啊?先看广告。下一PART见! 爱情信箱 【家驹】:喂喂喂,我们的爱情信箱的信多得爆炸啦 【贯中】:前两天我就是托信都托得手臂粗了两寸。 【家强、世荣】:是不是啊? 【贯中】:是啊!骗你干嘛? 【世荣】:别说那么多了,先答信。 【家强】:好!就这封啦! 【世荣】:说什么啊? 【家强】:哦~原来PETTER说啊, 【世荣】:PETTER LAM? 【家强】:是啊,胖胖的那个啊!呵呵,他说在巴士站碰到一个美女啊,问我们怎么去认识她。 【世荣】:容易啦,装没零钱向她找零钱啊 【贯中、家强】:哪里学来得啊? 【家驹】:应该打晕自己,等她把你救醒,还可以揩一下油啊。 【贯中】:你有没有搞错,男人大丈夫打晕自己?当然是打晕她然后救醒她好一点。 【世荣】:嗯!还是这个好一点 【家强】:哎,不要理了,来看看我这个“晒冷”大红花轿啦!(粤语的“轿”有时是指办法,点子的意思) 【三子】:棒,棒啊! 情景剧 (画外音)家强:在这个时间你要看准时机,扑在她面前。 【家强】:MARY,虽然我没有PETTER那么高,但我也比你高啊!虽然我体育没有他那么好,但我也拿过三次十项全能喔!MARY啊,PETTER不是好人啊,你回来我身边啊! 【女孩】:我叫MIMI啊,不是叫MARY啊!你认错人了! 【家强】:你叫MIMI啊?但我是PETTER啊。我叫PETTER啊,我和你同校的,一起搭车回去啊。 【四子】:果然不错啊 【家强】:PETTER,这个办法就可以教你怎么追到你的女神的了,那么发展如何就靠你自己努力啦! 【贯中】:第二封,等我来。啊,这个说,他和他女朋友本来是天造地设的一对。但很可惜就是他有个天生的缺陷就是长的很矮。他现在很自卑,问我们怎么办。 【家驹】:没问题,怎么会有问题咧。你知道有那种八寸那么高的松糕鞋的嘛。但最要紧的是要穿喇叭裤遮住啊! 【贯中】:很怪的啊 【世荣】:哎,其实高矮这些没得救的嘛,生出来是这样就是这样的啦!不如索性和女朋友说,矮人也可以有女朋友的嘛。 【贯中】:就算拿破仑也有约瑟芬喜欢他啦,是不是啊 【家强】:哎,就是,细龟都有李秀眉啦 【贯中】:哎,别说了,我有个绝世好点子。看看~ 情景剧之一:早到 【贯中】:时间刚刚好。伙计~ (画外音)第一到就是:早到,永远要比你女朋友早出现,这样才不用怕会出现距离嘛,还可以显示你很有绅士风度 【贯中】:这张电影票给你的 【女孩】:什么电影啊? 之二:迟到 (画外音)第二到就是:迟到啦。在适当的时候迟到一样可以缩短大家的距离的啊。黑乎乎的,谁会留意到你的高度啊。不过你要紧记喔,在快要完场的时候你就要先出去准备准备啦。 之三: (画外音)第三到呢,就是刚刚到啦。先拦好一辆的士,想来,她也不会知道你用心良苦想要拉近大家的距离,还认为你够体贴呢! 【贯中】:那你记住了,如果你能坚守这“三到”原则呢,就保证你在情场上战无不胜啦。 【世荣】:好啦,到我读信。借我用用(拿望远镜)。哦,有一个叫平凡人的朋友想问我们,要认识一个又漂亮又多男孩子追的女孩子有什么办法? 【家强】:很简单,你那么平凡就认识一个平凡的女孩子啦,是不是啊? 【贯中】:照你这么说,人家还用得着写信给我们吗?平凡人你不用怕,告诉你,靓女配丑男嘛~ 【家驹】:哇!那就是说人家丑!? 【世荣】:哎,别吵了,看看我这个办法吧 情景剧 (画外音)首先,你一定要用神秘人的身份出现,永远和她保持一定的距离。但是这样,话虽这么说,也要让她留意你的存在。所以就要使出一招:若即若离!引起她的好奇心啦!就着样你就可以反败为胜,令自己变成她心目中追求的目标。喏,你看看,她已经追到来啦。 【世荣】恭喜恭喜,这样不就行了嘛! 【家驹】:轮到我看信。 【世荣】:拿去用 【世荣】:准一点啊 【家驹】:当然准啦。(世荣递给家驹望远镜)不用了,看到了 【家强】:眼睛那么好?那么厉害 【家驹】:我有远视的嘛! 这位仁兄咧就说他是情场老手啦,但追了一个女孩子甩都甩不掉,怎么办? 【世荣】:很容易解决嘛,和她分手。 【贯中】:你怎么一点建设性都没有,当然是当她透明啦! 【家强】:不行!杀了她。 【三子】:啊?!你都傻的!!! 【家驹】:看看啦,有个好好的办法啊 情景剧 (画外音)这一招就叫做以退为进,带你女朋友回家见你阿妈,她知道要见未来婆婆的时候咧,当然很开心的啦,但永远不会知道好戏在后头啵!这个时候你就有时间和你朋友去看戏啰。暂时离开这块贴身膏药。 时间刚刚好,看完戏还可以回家吃饭,这个时候看来她都快给你妈妈奴役的不似人形了。何止煮饭那么简单啊,吃完饭她都不好意思不收拾饭桌了,是吧?而你就可以和阿妈舒舒服服的看电视,简直就是把她当菲佣使唤。 【女孩】:时候不早了,我还是先走了 【阿妈】:啊?怎么那么快就要走啊?吃完消夜先吧。 【家驹】:是啰是啰 【女孩】:不好了,我还是先走了。 【家驹】:我送她,有空来坐坐啊,拜拜 (画外音)不过这样做,贴身膏药就甩掉啦,跟着呢仍然受苦的还是你自己啊! 【三子】:嗯,好办法好办法 【贯中】:好,我来 【家强】:别扔啦,回答四封还不够嘛?! 【贯中】:哦,那名额满了就没有办法了。但是,有爱情问题的朋友咧,继续写信给我们吧。 【世荣】:想我们快点回答你们的信呢,用红色信纸,容易中一点的! 27:29-32:16 歌《AMANI》 【世荣】:今晚是那么多内容了 【家强】:慢着,为了表示我们对大家的诚意,还有看了这个节目大家一定有好处的 【贯中】:所以我们为大家准备了一个有奖问答游戏,奖品就是BEYOND的CD。 【世荣】:哪有多少张啊? 【家驹】:那当然是四张啦,一人一张,就不用争着送了。先看看问题。 【世荣】:哇!有没有搞错啊!这个片子都拿出来用!哼! 【贯中】:发脾气啊? 【家强】:只要你把我们的样子认出来,然后写在信封背面,注明一号是谁二号是谁,如此类推就可以la 【贯中】:最紧要就是写清楚姓名年龄……….主持人收,就可以啦 【世荣】:喂,把片子还给我啦 【贯中】:你不是走了嘛~ 【家强】:别那么烦啦你, 【家驹】:想要CD,就快寄信来啦,我们只抽一个的啊!好了,拜拜拜拜 【四子】:拜拜拜拜!

葬在威斯敏斯特教堂(westminster abey)的历史人物


求Beyond 海阔天空 粤语版发音


abide与obey的区别 在用法上有什么区别?

abide [简明英汉词典] vi.坚持,遵守 vt.忍受,容忍 obey [简明英汉词典] v.服从,顺从


abide和obey都是遵守/遵循的意思,最大的区别在于,abide是不及物动词,需和by连用。示例:abide by the law and regulations,但是obey是及物动词,可直接接名词,如obey the rules。abide [简明英汉词典]vi.坚持,遵守vt.忍受,容忍obey [简明英汉词典]v.服从,顺从abide [ə"baid] vi.1. 停留;逗留;等候:Abide with me a while longer.和我在一起多呆一会。2. 保持,继续存在;持续:Some features were abiding.某些特征依然存在。3. 继续下去,维持下去:You shall abide in my love.我永远爱你。4. (留)在原处;(遗留)在后5. [古语、诗歌用语](暂)住,居住,居留;(被)留下,寓于(in, at):He abode in Beijing almost all his life.他在北京几乎住了一辈子。to abide in a small Scottish village住在苏格兰一个小村子vt.1. [常用于疑问句或否定句,后接名词、代词或动词不定式]忍受,容忍,忍耐:How can you abide him?你怎能容忍他?I can"t abide dishonesty!我不能容忍欺骗!2. 屈从于;默默接受,毫无反对或毫无疑问地接受:be unwilling to abide the verdict of the judges不愿服从法官们的裁决3. [古语]顶住;经受住:to abide a vigorous onslaught顶住猛烈的攻击4. [古语]等候,守候;期待:to abide the coming of the Lord等待主的降临He will abide my coming.他将等候我的到来。5. [古语]赎(罪);抵偿;偿付…的代价;由于…而受处罚(或受罪)obey:[ ə"bei ] v.服从,听从词形变化:名词:obeyer 动词过去式:obeyed 过去分词:obeyed 现在分词:obeying 第三人称单数:obeys 例句与用法:1.Soldiers are expected to obey their orders without question.军人应当绝对服从命令.2.We should obey the law.我们应当遵守法律.3.You won"t be told (ie won"t obey orders or listen to advice),will you?你不听话(不服从命令或不听从劝告),是不是?4.The sergeant expects obedience from his men/that his men will obey him/his men to obey him.中士要士兵服从他的命令.5.Soldiers must obey orders.军人必须服从命令.6.We must obey the decencies and attend the funeral.我们要遵照礼仪参加葬礼.






abide和obey都是遵守/遵循的意思,最大的区别在于,abide是不及物动词,需和by连用,示例:abide by the law and regulations,但是obey是及物动词,可直接接名词,如obey the rules.


abide [简明英汉词典]vi.坚持,遵守vt.忍受,容忍obey [简明英汉词典]v.服从,顺从abide和obey都是遵守/遵循的意思,最大的区别在于,abide是不及物动词,需和by连用,示例:abide by the law and regulations,但是obey是及物动词,可直接接名词,如obey the rules.


日期:2006年8月29日专辑曲目: 1.Deja Vu (Feat. Jay-Z) 2.Get Me Bodied 3.Suga Mama 4.Upgrade U (Feat. Jay-Z) 5.Ring The Alarm 6.Kitty Kat 7.Freakum Dress 8.Green Light 9.Irreplaceable 10.Resentment 11.Check On It (Feat. Bun B & Slim Thug) + Hidden Track 英文介绍:History may prove Beyonce"s B"Day to be a rare double-whammy of an achievement. Not only is it destined to hold up as one of the thumpingest, most polished-sounding discs of 2006, it"s also bound to loose a new phrase into the popular lexicon: a "freekum dress" (n.), as described on a same-named track halfway through this excellent CD, is a "right-fittin"" garment owned by every woman; "when they act wrong, that"s when you put it on." Linguistic hijinks aside, here is Beyonce as the public rarely sees her: fully liberated and artistically fearless. "Ring the Alarm," a big-banging, fire-alarm-clanging wake-up call to a cheating man, finds her seething; "Kitty Kat," a feline-like size-up of a stale relationship helped along by the still innovative Neptunes, shows her spurned; the womanly, fire-in-the-belly come-on "Suga Mama" gets her way, way worked up; and the crackling, vocally volcanic "Resentment" steeps her in Aretha-caliber soul. For all the disc"s solo trailblazing, though, where it really soars is on one of two duets with Jay-Z: While "Up Grade U" chugs along entertainingly enough about the good life ("I"m talkin" spa bags and fly pads and rooms at the Bloomberg"), opener "Deja Vu" blasts out a bomp-bomp beat nobody with a head to nod could resist. Cake, candles, and Cristal or no, B"Days rarely get this good. History may prove Beyonce"s B"Day to be a rare double-whammy of an achievement. Not only is it destined to hold up as one of the thumpingest, most polished-sounding discs of 2006, it"s also bound to loose a new phrase into the popular lexicon: a "freekum dress" (n.), as described on a same-named track halfway through this excellent CD, is a "right-fittin"" garment owned by every woman; "when they act wrong, that"s when you put it on." Linguistic hijinks aside, here is Beyonce as the public rarely sees her: fully liberated and artistically fearless. "Ring the Alarm," a big-banging, fire-alarm-clanging wake-up call to a cheating man, finds her seething; "Kitty Kat," a feline-like size-up of a stale relationship helped along by the still innovative Neptunes, shows her spurned; the womanly, fire-in-the-belly come-on "Suga Mama" gets her way, way worked up; and the crackling, vocally volcanic "Resentment" steeps her in Aretha-caliber soul. For all the disc"s solo trailblazing, though, where it really soars is on one of two duets with Jay-Z: While "Up Grade U" chugs along entertainingly enough about the good life ("I"m talkin" spa bags and fly pads and rooms at the Bloomberg"), opener "Deja Vu" blasts out a bomp-bomp beat nobody with a head to nod could resist. Cake, candles, and Cristal or no, B"Days rarely get this good9月5日,前天命真女组合(Destiny"s Child)主唱碧昂斯(Beyonce)的第二张个人专辑《B"Day》由Sony BMG发行。而在9月4日,也就是在她25岁生日这天,《B"Day》将提前一天在世界其他地区首先发行。 在这张专辑中,Beyonce亲自创作并联合制作了其中的所有歌曲。联合制作这张专辑的其他制作人还包括:里奇-哈里森(Rich Harrison),the Neptunes组合和Swizz Beatz,而首支单曲是一首由罗德尼-詹金斯(Rodney Jerkins)联合制作,与Jay-Z合唱的《Deja vu》。 12月22日,由Beyonce主演的电影《Dreamgirls》将在北美公映。这部电影主要讲述了老牌流行女子组合the Supremes的故事,而其他参加拍摄的明星还包括吉米-福克斯(Jamie Foxx),艾迪-墨菲(Eddie Murphy)和丹尼-格罗佛(Danny Glover)。今年一月,Beyonce在接受采访时曾说:“在完成这部电影拍摄之前我是不会着手创作新专辑的。我从来都没有为一部电影而这么激动过。我要把我的全部都献给这部电影,因为我知道这个角色就是为我设计的。”另外,Beyonce演唱的歌曲也被收录到了《Dreamgirls》的原声大碟当中。 在《B"Day》之前,Beyonce的首张个人专辑是2003年的《Dangerously In Love》。《Dangerously In Love》不仅在当年的Billboard 200专辑榜中成功夺冠,而且在美国至今的总销量已经达到430万张。另外,Beyonce还凭借《Dangerously In Love》获得2004年格莱美奖五项大奖,追平了女歌手在一届格莱美中获奖最多的纪录。 2005年,Destiny"s Child发行了该组合的最后一张专辑《Destiny Fulfilled》。这张专辑至今已在美国的总销量已经超过300万张,而其中的单曲《Check On It》更是在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中实现五连冠。另据此前报道,Beyonce的前队友,Destiny"s Child另一位成员凯丽-罗兰德(Kelly Rowland)的第二张个人专辑已经推迟到了2007年发行。 2007年2月12日,《B"Day》获得第49届格莱美最佳当代R&B专辑。精装版:CD1 Deluxe Edition01. Beautiful Liar (feat. Shakira) 02. Irreplaceable 03. Greenlight 04. Kitty Kat 05. Welcome To Hollywood 06. Upgrade U (feat. Jay-Z) 07. Flaws & All 08. Still In Love (Kissing You) 09. Get Me Bodied (Extended Mix) 10. Freakum Dress 11. Suga Mama 12. Deja Vu (feat. Jay-Z) 13. Ring The Alarm CD2 Spanish Disc16. Amor Gitano (feat. Alejandro Fernandez) 17. Listen (Oye) 18. Irreplaceable (Irreemplazable) 19. Beautiful Liar (Bello Embustero) 20. Beautiful Liar (Remix) 21. Beautiful Liar (Spanglish) 22. Irreplaceable (Irreemplazable - Nortena Remix) 更多图片和介绍:http://music.omynews.cn歌曲试听地址:



披头士Abbey road 专辑封面,从左往右依次是谁?


Thoughts in Westminster Abbey 读后感

只找到了介绍:Westminster AbbeyFormally titled The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster, this mainly Gothic church in London is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs. First built by Edward the Confessor between 1045 - 1065 in the Norman style, it replaced an earlier church on the same site. It was built as an abbey for the Benedictine monks and was consecrated on December 28, 1065. It was rebuilt in the Gothic style between 1245 - 1517, with Henry VII adding a perpendicular style chapel in 1503. In 1579, Elizabeth I re-established Westminster as a "royal peculiar" -- a church responsible directly to the sovereign, rather than the Archbishop of Canterbury -- and made it a school, the Collegiate Church of St. Peter. Since then, the head has been not a bishop (although the Abbey is the seat of the Bishop of London) but a dean, appointed by the monarch. Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the last half of the New Testament were translated. William the Conqueror was the first monarch crowned in the Abbey and all subsequent English monarchs (except Edward V and Edward VIII, who did not have coronations) have been crowned there. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the traditional cleric in the coronation ceremony. The church contains the bones of St Edward the Confessor as well as the remains of many other famous persons. These include Ben Jonson, Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, John Dryden, Dr Samuel Johnson, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Lord Kelvin, Ernest Rutherford,George Friderich Handel, Henry Purcell, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laurence Olivier, William Pitt the Elder, William Pitt the Younger, William Ewart Gladstone, Clement Attlee, and David Livingstone. Oliver Cromwell was buried in the abbey but Charles II ordered his remains removed. Nearest London Underground stations: St. James" Park[?] (District, Circle lines) Westminster[?] (Jubilee, District, Circle lines)

求一篇有关“Westminster Abbey, England 英国威斯敏斯特大教堂”的英语介绍

Westminster Abbey is the famous British Protestant churches, its history and even London is the epitome of British history. Westminster Abbey grand, spectacular, the United Kingdom is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, but also the history of the United Kingdom Jicui land.Westminster Abbey, the predecessor of the monastery, the 13th century King Henry III was ordered by the Gothic style church to carry out the conversion. 1245 start for completion in 1517. Church of the Cross plane was this type, chief 156 years, 22 meters wide; large dome roof 31 meters high, 68.5 meters high clock tower. Church of the galleries grand solemn, tall towers tall and straight. Halls decorated exquisite gorgeous, colorful glass windows.

Abbey College Australia

想挣出自己的学费最好还有生活费 祝你好运 不要对留学生活有太美好的幻想 做好吃苦努力的准备吧 一路顺风

《Northanger Abbey》:诺桑觉寺

Author: Jane Austen 《诺桑觉寺》是在简·奥斯丁去世后,1818年与《劝导》结集出版的。这部小说依旧以爱情为主线,但情节上并不比以往的小说曲折,相对来说男女主人公除了受到父亲的阻止外,没有太多的感情纠纷,Jane Austen最精彩的地方依旧是她幽默风趣的人物刻画与对话描写。 小说女主角 Catherine Morland 是个牧师的女儿,家里子女众多,没有一点女主角的光环,从小就是个假小子,相貌和资质都极其普通,书中开篇对她的描述很有趣: 「 凡是在凯瑟琳·莫兰的幼年时代见过她的人,谁都想不到她天生会成为女主角。她的处境,父母的身份,她自己的品貌气质,统统对她不利 。 她的相貌不过如此, 她的心性似乎同样不适宜做女主角 。她的资质也同样很特别。 无论什么东西,不教就学不会,弄不懂,有时即使教过了,她也学不会,因为她往往心不在焉,时而还笨头笨脑的。」 直到十五岁,她渐渐有了姿色,再也不像以前那样喜欢脏里脏气了,而是讲究起穿戴来,人越长得漂亮,就越干净利落。 但是到了17岁时,还不曾见到一个足以使她动情的可爱青年, 也不曾使别人为她倾倒过,除了一些很有限度和瞬息即逝的羡慕之外,还不曾使人对她萌发过任何倾慕之心。原来,这附近一带没有一个合适的青年。但就像书中所说的: 「 当一位年轻小姐命中注定要做女主角的时候,即使方圆左近有四十户人家从中作梗,也拦她不住。事情的发展,定会给她送来一位男主角 。”」 而她的机会这样来了——随乡绅Allen夫妇去Bath疗养。一路上一帆风顺,平安无事。既没碰上强盗,又没遇上风暴,也没有因为翻车而幸会男主角。 但在Bath她遇见了两家人:Thorpe(长女Isabella和她的弟弟John),Tilney (General,青年牧师Henry·Tilney和他的妹妹Eleanor),这些人组成了整个故事。Mrs Thorpe是Mrs Allen的过去的同窗挚友,是个寡妇,家境不很富裕。她性情和悦,心地善良,对子女十分溺爱。 长女Isabella漂亮,但是禀性虚伪,自私自利,除了自我满足而外,别的一概不顾。 她先是恋上Catherine的哥哥James,两人很快订婚,在等待父母同意的信件时,一直忧心忡忡,担心因为自己财产太少,James家长会不同意,她对Catherine说: 「我知道,在你看来,这算不了什么,可是我们不能期待多数人都不计较。就我来说, 我真但愿我们能换个地位。我即使掌管着几百万镑,主宰着全世界,你哥哥也是我唯一的选择 。 我的要求很低,哪怕是最微薄的收入也够我用的了。人们要是真心相爱,贫穷本身就是财富。我讨厌豪华的生活。我无论如何也不要住到伦敦 。能在偏僻的村镇有座乡舍,这就够迷人的了。里士满附近有几座小巧可人的别墅。”」 但是当发现莫兰夫妇给予的资产很少时,脸色就变了,但却借口说是因为不能马上结婚。很快她遇到了有钱的Tilney上尉,又不管不顾的接受他的殷勤,得意忘形地抛弃James。但Tilney上尉虽然和她一样虚伪、但却很理智,很快便遗弃了她。她又转而写信给Catherine企图解释,恳求她帮忙解释,与James和好,但此时的Catherine早已看清她的虚伪面目了。与她妹妹一样的虚伪,自大,爱吹牛,Catherine与Henry的波折都源于他。 「 他无论和谁沾亲带故,或者可能和谁沾亲带故,为了抬高自己的身价,总要夸大对方的身份 。」 最初他以为Catherine要继承Allen的家产,也是他朋友James的妹妹,本来打算娶她,所以先是像将军夸大索普家的财产,后来又恶毒地把自己的话一齐推翻。导致将军气愤的把Catherine赶出家门,而且阻止儿子Henry和她相见。Henry·Tilney 是一个年轻的牧师,也是Catherine来巴斯遇见的第一个青年,从初见就爱上了他,他确实很优秀,值得我们的女主角地爱慕,他冷静、有主见、谦虚、稳重,在Catherine迷茫无助时总能开导到她。但是作者对女主角有点“吝啬”,这份爱不像其他基本小说里那般热烈。 「虽然亨利现在对凯瑟琳一片钟情,虽然他认识到并且喜爱她性格上有许多优点,真心实意地喜欢和她在一起, 但是我必须坦白地说,他的爱只是出自一片感激之情。换句话说,他只是因为知道对方喜爱自己,才对她认真加以考虑的 。我承认,这种情形在传奇小说里是见不到的,而且也实在有损女主角的尊严。但是,如果这种情形在日常生活中也是绝无仅有的话,我至少可以落得个想入非非的美名。」 但不管怎样,像Jane·Austen所有小说一样,“历经艰难与磨难,最终都是happy ending。” 「 这两个人从初次相会到现在结婚,整整经历了十二个月 ,将军的残忍虽然引起了可怕的拖延,但他们似乎并没因此而受到多大损害。 男方二十六,女方十八,在这样的年龄结成美满家庭,真是幸福无比 。另外,我还相信,将军的无理阻挠决没有真正损害他们的幸福,或许还大大促成了他们的幸福,增进了他们的相互了解,增加了他们的恩爱。」 Mrs Allen在书中是一个很滑稽的角色,虽然没有什么坏的品质,但作为Catherine在巴思的保护人,本应处处给以指点才是,可她全然无视长者的责任, 除了自己的穿戴以外,对别的事情概无兴趣。 当她遇到老同学Mrs Thorpe时变得特别愉快,对巴思十分满意。她终于找到了熟人,还非常幸运地发现,她们原来是她的一位极其可敬的老朋友的一家人。而且,使她感到无比庆幸的是, 这些朋友的穿戴绝没有她自己的来得华贵。 摘录: 世上有许多这样的女人,你在同她们的交往中只会感到奇怪:天下居然会有男人喜爱她们,甚至还和她们结为夫妻;艾伦太太便是这样一位女人。她既不美貌,又无才无艺,还缺乏风度。 女人穿戴考究只能使她自己感到满足 。男人不会因此而更倾慕她,别的女人不会因此而更喜爱她。男人觉得,女人整洁入时已经足够了;而对于女人来说,穿着有点寒酸失体的女人将最为可爱。 有位名作家认为,男的没有向女的表露钟情之前,女人不应当爱上男的。假如确实如此,那么一个年轻小姐在尚不知道男方是否先梦见她之前,居然就先梦起男的来,那当然是很不得体的事。 但是常言道:“ 凡事不要灰心”,“孜孜不倦便能达到目的 ”。 我把乡村舞视为婚姻的象征。忠诚和顺从是双方的主要职责。那些自己不想跳舞,不想结婚的男人,休要纠缠他们邻人的舞伴或妻子。 两者都是男人享有选择的便利,而女人只有拒绝的权利。两者都是男女之间的协定,对双方都有好处。一旦达成协定,他们只归彼此所有,直至解除协定为止。他们各自都有个义务,不能提出理由后悔自己为什么没有选择别人,最有利的做法是不要对自己邻人的才艺作非分之想,或者幻想自己找到别人会更加幸福。 一个人,不管是绅士还是淑女,只要不喜欢小说,一定愚蠢至极。我读过拉德克利夫夫人的全部作品,而且对大多数都很喜欢。 虽然对于大部分比较轻浮的男人来说,女人的愚笨大大增添了她们的妩媚,但是有一部分男人又太有理智,太有见识,对女人的希求也只是无知而已。 给每个年轻小伙子找点事干还是大有裨益的。钱倒无关紧要,那不是目的,重要的是有点事干 。作者简介: 简·奥斯汀,1775年12月生于英国汉普郡的史蒂文顿,兄弟姐妹八人。父亲在该地担任了四十多年的教区长。他是个学问渊博的牧师,妻子出身于比较富有的家庭,也具有一定的文化修养。因此,奥斯汀虽然没有进过正规学校,但是家庭的优良条件和读书环境,给了她自学的条件,培养了她写作的兴趣。她在十三四岁就开始写东西,显示了她在语言表达方面的才能。1800年父亲退休,全家迁居巴思,奥斯汀并不喜欢这个地方,据说她曾遭遇了忧郁症的折磨。在这里,奥斯汀拒绝了一位将继承大笔财产的青年的求婚,因为她不爱他。住了四年左右,父亲在该地去世,于是奥斯汀和母亲、姐姐又搬到南安普敦,1809年再搬到乔登。1816年初她得了重病,身体日益衰弱,1817年5月被送到温彻斯特接受治疗,可是医治无效,于同年7月18日死在她姐姐的怀抱里。她终生未婚,安葬在温彻斯特大教堂。 1811 理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility 1813 傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 1814 曼斯菲尔德庄园 Mansfied Park 1815 爱玛 Emma 1818 诺桑觉寺 Northanger Abbey 1818 劝导 Persuation

Northanger Abbey中文或者英文的简介

《诺桑觉寺》百度网盘txt 最新全集下载链接: 提取码:abqa    《诺桑觉寺》是英国作家简·奥斯汀创作的长篇小说,它是奥斯汀打算出版的第一部小说,定稿完成于1797年左右,即奥斯汀大概22岁的时候。在这部小说中,作者初露锋芒,文风初步成形。该作讲述家境小康的牧师女儿凯瑟琳天真可爱,在跟随邻居艾伦夫妇去巴思旅游时,结识了两对兄妹:家境富有的蒂尔尼兄妹正直而善解人意;家境平平的索普兄妹利欲熏心;凯瑟琳与蒂尔尼相爱,但索普为了把凯瑟琳追到手,同时把妹妹嫁给凯瑟琳的哥哥,耍了许多诡计,使蒂尔尼趋炎附势的父亲极力阻挠儿子的婚姻,并且毫不留情地将上门作客的凯瑟琳赶出家门。蒂尔尼向来尊重父亲,但在维护自己幸福的问题上没有退让,经过重重曲折后,终于和凯瑟琳喜结良缘。

Thoughts in Westminster Abbey 读后感

只找到了介绍:Westminster AbbeyFormally titled The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster, this mainly Gothic church in London is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs. First built by Edward the Confessor between 1045 - 1065 in the Norman style, it replaced an earlier church on the same site. It was built as an abbey for the Benedictine monks and was consecrated on December 28, 1065. It was rebuilt in the Gothic style between 1245 - 1517, with Henry VII adding a perpendicular style chapel in 1503. In 1579, Elizabeth I re-established Westminster as a "royal peculiar" -- a church responsible directly to the sovereign, rather than the Archbishop of Canterbury -- and made it a school, the Collegiate Church of St. Peter. Since then, the head has been not a bishop (although the Abbey is the seat of the Bishop of London) but a dean, appointed by the monarch. Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the last half of the New Testament were translated. William the Conqueror was the first monarch crowned in the Abbey and all subsequent English monarchs (except Edward V and Edward VIII, who did not have coronations) have been crowned there. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the traditional cleric in the coronation ceremony. The church contains the bones of St Edward the Confessor as well as the remains of many other famous persons. These include Ben Jonson, Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, John Dryden, Dr Samuel Johnson, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Lord Kelvin, Ernest Rutherford,George Friderich Handel, Henry Purcell, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laurence Olivier, William Pitt the Elder, William Pitt the Younger, William Ewart Gladstone, Clement Attlee, and David Livingstone. Oliver Cromwell was buried in the abbey but Charles II ordered his remains removed. Nearest London Underground stations: St. James" Park[?] (District, Circle lines) Westminster[?] (Jubilee, District, Circle lines)

Beatles和Abbey Road:一个传奇和一条街

斯蒂芬·茨威格说:“充满戏剧性和命运攸关的时刻在个人的一生中和历史的进程中都是难得的;这种时刻往往只发生在某一天、某一小时甚至常常只发生在某一分钟,但它们的决定性影响却超越时间。” 以The Beatles旷古烁今的影响力,他们显然拥有不只一个这样的时刻。但至少其中一个,属于1969年的秋天。 1969年,Beatles即将迎来最后一张录音室专辑,录制地点毫无意外选在Abbey Road录音棚。制作人George Martin评论说,这是一张快乐的专辑,而之所以快乐,“大概是因为大家都知道这是最后一张了”。 事实上早在1962年,Beatles第一张录音室单曲《Love Me Do/P.S.I Love You》也是在Abbey Road录音棚录制。1962——1969的七年间,乐队12张正式专辑里超过90%以上的歌都是在这录制完成,Abbey Road和Beatles紧紧连到一起。 按照之前计划,内部矛盾重重的Beatles将在富士山脚下拍摄唱片封面。但其后乐队决定在附近随便找个地方拍摄,在哪拍就用哪条街的作为唱片名。某天Paul McCartney突发奇想,既然乐团大部分音乐都在Abbey Road上的录音室录制,不如就到街上拍摄封面,这个想法得到了其他人的一致支持(另有说法是,已经貌合神离的乐队其实不愿意为拍摄封面大费周章,临时决定在录音室外的马路上拍摄——更可信但更冷血)。于是,John Lennon 和Yoko(大野洋子) 联络了他们的苏格兰籍摄影师朋友Iain Macmillan。 8月8日11时35分,警察临时封锁交通,Beatles成员列队穿过北伦敦Abbey Road斑马线。Iain Macmillan用仅有的十分钟留下六张精彩的摄影作品。结果这组耗时最短、最突发的照片成了Beatles知名度最高、被模仿最多的专辑封面,以及音乐史上最被讨论最多、被阐释最多的封面之一,同时也成就了Beatles第一张无名字、无标题的封面。以至于在2012年,Beatles蜡像入驻柏林某酒店时,乐队造型用的就是经典的“过马路”。 Abbey Road 专辑 最终于1969年9月26日在英国发行,专辑的巨大成功没有留住风雨飘摇的乐队,因此这张唱片也在客观上给伟大的Beatles画上完美的休止符。乐队以对他们颇有意味的街道命名专辑,录音室以经典之作改名为“ Abbey Road  Studio ”。大概再没有比这更好的结束,以及开始了。 Abbey Road 专辑之伟大,和Beatles本身一样,早已不需赘述。在这场看似轻松的告别中,乐队成员都表现出独特的音乐面貌,领乐迷回味无穷。在2012年滚石杂志评选的“500 Greatest Albums of All Time”中, Abbey Road 名列第14。 Beatles和 Abbey Road 专辑 的效应一直延续至今, Abbey Road  Studio其后 还见证了Pink Floyd、Elton John、U2、Oasis、Adele、Suede、Coldplay等无数乐队,甚至《指环王》、《哈利波特》等经典电影原声也诞生在此。多年后,还孕育出追求现场的录音棚表演及节目形式 live from abbey road 。从唱片封面到音乐风格,Beatles仍在引领无数追随者。 而只有2公里的小路Abbey Road也早已成为Beatles粉丝乃至摇滚乐迷心中圣地,2010年12月,英国政府将该其列为第二级建筑物保存古迹的重要文化景点,之后伴随着伦敦奥运会的举行,Abbey Road作为摇滚文化地标的意义更加深入人心。

急求:“威斯敏斯特教堂(Westminster Abbey)”的英文简介

Westminster Abbey - A Brief History Introduction to Westminster Abbey An architectural masterpiece of the 13th to 16th centuries, Westminster Abbey also presents a unique pageant of British history – the shrine of St Edward the Confessor, the tombs of kings and queens, and countless memorials to the famous and the great. It has been the setting for every Coronation since 1066 and for numerous other royal occasions. Today it is still a church dedicated to regular worship and to the celebration of great events in the life of the nation. Neither a cathedral nor a parish church, Westminster Abbey is a “Royal Peculiar” under the jurisdiction of a Dean and Chapter, subject only to the Sovereign. Westminster Abbey, a work of architectural genius, a place of daily worship, deploying the resources of high musical expertise, a burial place of kings, statesmen, poets, scientists, warriors and musicians, is the result of a process of development across the centuries, which represents the response of a monastery and later a post-Reformation church to the stimulus and challenge of its environment. In the 1040s King Edward (later St Edward the Confessor), last of the Anglo-Saxon kings, established his royal palace by the banks of the river Thames on land known as Thorney Island. Close by was a small Benedictine monastery founded under the patronage of King Edgar and St Dunstan around 960 AD. This monastery Edward chose to re-endow and greatly enlarge, building a large stone church in honour of St Peter the Apostle. This church became known as the “west minster” to distinguish it from St Paul"s Cathedral (the east minster) in the City of London. Unfortunately, when the new church was consecrated on 28 December 1065 the King was too ill to attend and died a few days later. His mortal remains were entombed in front of the High Altar. The only traces of this Norman monastery are to be found in the round arches and massive supporting columns of the Undercroft in the Cloisters. This now houses the Abbey Museum but was originally part of the domestic quarters of the monks. Among the most significant ceremonies that occurred in the Norman Abbey were the coronation of William the Conqueror on Christmas day 1066, and the “translation” or moving of King Edward"s body to a new tomb a few years after his canonisation in 1161. Edward"s Abbey survived for two centuries until the middle of the 13th century when King Henry III decided to rebuild it in the new Gothic style of architecture. It was a great age for cathedrals: in France it saw the construction of Amiens, Evreux and Chartres and in England Canterbury, Winchester and Salisbury, to mention a few. Under the decree of the King of England, Westminster Abbey was designed to be not only a great monastery and place of worship, but also a place for the coronation and burial of monarchs. Every monarch since William the Conqueror, with the exception of Edward V and Edward VIII who were never crowned, has been crowned in the Abbey. It was natural that Henry III should wish to translate the body of the saintly Edward the Confessor into a more magnificent tomb behind the High Altar. This shrine survives and around it are buried a cluster of medieval kings and their consorts including Henry III, Edward I and Eleanor of Castile, Edward III and Philippa of Hainault, Richard II and Anne of Bohemia and Henry V. The Abbey contains some 600 monuments and wall tablets – the most important collection of monumental sculpture anywhere in the country - and over three thousand people are buried here. Notable among these is the Unknown Warrior, whose grave, close to the west door, has become a place of pilgrimage. A remarkable new addition to the Abbey was the glorious Lady chapel built by King Henry VII, first of the Tudor monarchs, which now bears his name. The chapel has a spectacular fan-vaulted roof and the craftsmanship of Italian sculptor Torrigiano can be seen in Henry"s fine tomb. The banners of the Knights of the Order of the Bath, which surround the walls, together with the Battle of Britain window by Hugh Easton at the east end, give colour to this chapel. Two centuries later a further addition was made to the Abbey when the western towers (left unfinished from medieval times) were completed, to a design by Nicholas Hawksmoor. Little remains of the original medieval stained glass, once one of the Abbey"s chief glories. The great west window and the rose window in the north transept date from the early 18th century but the remainder of the glass dates from the 19th century onwards. History did not cease with the passing of the medieval monastery in 1540. Queen Elizabeth I, buried in one of the aisles of Henry VII"s chapel, refounded the Abbey in 1560 as a Collegiate Church, a Royal Peculiar exempt from the jurisdiction of bishops and with the Sovereign as its Visitor. In place of the monastic community a collegiate body of a dean and prebendaries, minor canons and a lay staff was established and charged with the task of continuing the tradition of daily worship (for which a musical foundation of choristers, singing men and organist was provided) and with the education of forty Scholars who formed the nucleus of what is now Westminster School (one of the country"s leading independent schools). In addition the Dean and Chapter were responsible for much of the civil government of Westminster, a role which was only fully relinquished in the early 20th century. Thus the Abbey was reshaped and newly patterned to discharge a distinctive yet worshipful role in a modern age. Still today, a daily pattern of worship is offered to the Glory of God. Special services, representative of a wide spread of interest and social concern, are held regularly. In 1965-66 the Abbey celebrated its 900th anniversary, taking as its theme ‘One People". Such a theme seemed to be fitting for a church which, through a long history of involvement with the developing life of the British people, has become known throughout the world.

急求Westminster Abbey的英语简介(2到3句话)

Westminster Abbey, formally titled the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, is a large, mainly Gothic, church in the City of Westminster, London, located just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is one of the most notable religious buildings in theUnited Kingdom and is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English and, later, British monarchs.



西敏寺(Westminster Abbey) 的英文简介是什么?

Westminster Abbey Formally titled The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster, this mainly Gothic church in London is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs. First built by Edward the Confessor between 1045 - 1065 in the Norman style, it replaced an earlier church on the same site. It was built as an abbey for the Benedictine monks and was consecrated on December 28, 1065. It was rebuilt in the Gothic style between 1245 - 1517, with Henry VII adding a perpendicular style chapel in 1503. In 1579, Elizabeth I re-established Westminster as a "royal peculiar" -- a church responsible directly to the sovereign, rather than the Archbishop of Canterbury -- and made it a school, the Collegiate Church of St. Peter. Since then, the head has been not a bishop (although the Abbey is the seat of the Bishop of London) but a dean, appointed by the monarch. Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible Old Testament and the last half of the New Testament were translated. William the Conqueror was the first monarch crowned in the Abbey and all subsequent English monarchs (except Edward V and Edward VIII, who did not have coronations) have been crowned there. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the traditional cleric in the coronation ceremony. The church contains the bones of St Edward the Confessor as well as the remains of many other famous persons. These include Ben Jonson, Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, John Dryden, Dr Samuel Johnson, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Lord Kelvin, Ernest Rutherford,George Friderich Handel, Henry Purcell, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laurence Olivier, William Pitt the Elder, William Pitt the Younger, William Ewart Gladstone, Clement Attlee, and David Livingstone. Oliver Cromwell was buried in the abbey but Charles II ordered his remains removed.

为什么 Downton Abbey 翻译为 唐顿庄园 abbey 不是僧院的意思吗

英译中有时候意思会有点扭曲,不要在意 (另:abbey是修道院的意思)

为什么 Downton Abbey 翻译为 唐顿庄园 abbey 不是僧院的意思吗

英译中有时候意思会有点扭曲,不要在意 (另:abbey是修道院的意思)


修道院, 修道士(总称)abbeyab.beyAHD:[²b“¶] D.J.[6#bi8]K.K.[6#bi]n.(名词)【复数】 ab.beys缩写 abb.A monastery supervised by an abbot.男修道院:由男性任院长的修道院A convent supervised by an abbess.女修道院:由女性任院长的修道院A church that is or once was part of a monastery or convent.属修道院教堂:属于或曾属于大修道院或大寺院的教堂或者Abbey[5Abi]n.阿比(姓氏



Northanger Abbey中文或者英文的简介

Northanger Abbey was the first of Jane Austen"s novels to be completed for publication, though she had previously made a start on Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. According to Cassandra Austen"s Memorandum, Susan(as it was first called) was written approximately during 1798–99. It was revised by Austen for the press in 1803, and sold in the same year for £10 to a London bookseller, Crosby & Co., who decided against publishing. In 1817, the bookseller was content to sell it back to the novelist"s brother, Henry Austen, for the exact sum — £10 — that he had paid for it at the beginning, not knowing that the writer was by then the author of four popular novels. The novel was further revised before being brought out posthumously in late December 1817 (1818 given on the title-page), as the first two volumes of a four-volume set with Persuasion.《诺桑觉寺》(Northanger Abbey),是英国小说家简·奥斯丁的小说。1817年出版。根据卡桑德拉·奥斯丁的回忆录,简·奥斯丁于1798年到1799年间就已经完成了这部作品(当时的书名是《苏珊》),1803年完成修订,并以10英镑的价格卖给了伦敦的一家出版商克罗斯比公司(Crosbie & Co.)。然而书稿在书商的架子上闲置多年始终未获出版。直到奥斯丁已经出版了四部畅销小说之后,她的哥哥亨利才以完全相同的价格将书稿买回。奥斯丁对书稿再次进行了修订。1817年12月,奥斯丁去世后,本书与《劝导》一起作为四卷本的头两卷正式出版。

艾薇儿的品牌Abbey Dawm,谁知道怎么读这个词吖?


carhedral abbey有什么区别

cathedral 是比较正式的教堂的说法,abbey意思是修道院,可以说是寺院,大教堂,不过westminster abbey 和 westminster cathedral 意思表达出来的话应该是一样的,最好用后者

急求Westminster Abbey的英语简介(2到3句话)

Westminster Abbey, formally titled the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, is a large, mainly Gothic, church in the City of Westminster, London, located just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is one of the most notable religious buildings in theUnited Kingdom and is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English and, later, British monarchs.

介绍一下艾薇儿的Abbey dawn.


selby abbey什么意思

selby abbey塞尔比修道院



Westerminster Abbey是什么意思


Abigail的昵称是abby 还是abbey??




DOWNTON ABBEY。abbey为何翻译成庄园?怎么来的?

The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey, depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the post-Edwardian era — with the great events in history having an effect on their lives and on the British social hierarchy.Downton Abbey 是杜撰的英国约克郡一个 乡间庄园, 所以不是将Abbey翻译成庄园


小西十七岁 你们看每次玩英语游戏时说的高中英语话 发现了吗


1)MONASTERY:按照Merriam-Webster Collegiate dictionary(11th edition)的解释:Monestry的意思是: a house for persons under religious vows; especially: an establishment for monks 即“正式许诺遵循宗教法规生活和行事的人之生活之处,尤指和尚居住场所”,一般称之为“(男)修道院”。其它词典的解释也都基本上相同。2)ABBEY 同为该词典的解释:1.a : a monastery ruled by an abbot由男修道院院长主持的修道院b : a convent ruled by an abbess由女修道院院长( 女庵)主持的女修道院---------如果都是指男修道院,abbey规模大于monastery。-----------补充:monastery和monk属于同根词,都含有词根mon(o),意为“one,alone”。男修道士或者说和尚都是孤家寡人独身而居,传统意义上的修道院也是远离尘世。






因为它本来就是寺院的意思啊,附上读书笔记,希望对你有用。Volume I, Chapters I & IIpage 1 of 2SUMMARYChapter IThe first chapter introduces the reader to the protagonist of the novel, Catherine Morland. Seventeen years old, Catherine has grown up in a family of modest wealth in the rural town Fullerton in Hampshire, England. As a young girl, we are told, Catherine had many interests, including piano-playing and drawing, but she was never interested enough to be accomplished at anything. She was a cheerful child with a good temper. But she was also something of a tomboy: "she was…noisy and wild, hated confinement and cleanliness, and loved nothing so well in the world as rolling down the green slope at the back of the house." As she became a teenager, says the narrator, Catherine began to grow more beautiful, and eventually she turned from her athletic pursuits, such as cricket and horseback riding, to reading books. Catherine became a voracious reader. She has never had a love interest. At the end of the chapter, the Allens, a wealthy, childless couple who are friends of the Morlands, offer to take Catherine with them on a trip to the resort town of Bath. With her parents" permission, Catherine accepts.Chapter IIThe chapter begins with the narrator"s expansion on Catherine"s character: "her heart was affectionate, her disposition cheerful and open, without conceit or affectation of any kind…her person pleasing, and, when in looks, pretty - and her mind about as ignorant and uninformed as the female mind at seventeen usually is."Catherine prepares for her departure to Bath. Catherine"s mother, defying convention, is not overly worried about her daughter"s impending departure. Catherine"s father gives Catherine a modest sum of money to take with her. As the party departs, the narrator describes Mrs. Allen, saying she has "neither beauty, genius, accomplishment, nor manner," but a quiet, good-tempered nature that helped her attract a "sensible, intelligent man" like Mr. Allen.Once the three arrive in Bath, they attend a ball. Catherine remains close to Mrs. Allen, who constantly laments the lack of an acquaintance in Bath. Mrs. Allen takes pains to protect her gown, while Catherine hopes in vain to be asked to dance. Mr. Allen spends most of his time in the card-room. The ball ends without Catherine having been asked to dance, but she is pleased to hear two men say she is pretty before she leaves.ANALYSISThe novel"s first sentence is significant: "No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy, would have supposed her born to be an heroine." It sets up two ideas: first, that Catherine Morland is, or is going to be, a heroine; second, that she is an unlikely one. The first chapter focuses on the Catherine"s practicality, her intelligent but not brilliant mind, and her lack of experience in the world. Austen introduces Catherine as a realistic character, while contrasting that realism to her role as the heroine of a novel.Catherine does not have the childhood of a refined, elegant woman. Instead, she is a tomboy until the age of fifteen. Catherine"s childhood is marked by energy, vitality, and good temper. Eventually, she comes to love reading. Like Austen, Catherine is a young women fascinated by books, particularly novels. The theme of reading, and novels in general, is very important throughoutNorthanger Abbey. Catherine is a voracious reader, particularly of Gothic novels, and at times this colors her perception of the world. She has an overactive imagination that interferes with all her attempts to read people.Volume I, Chapters I & IIpage 2 of 2Chapter II introduces the satirical irony that the narrator will often employ. In describing the state of Catherine"s mother prior to her daughter"s departure, the narrator says, "when the hour of departure drew near, the maternal anxiety of Mrs. Morland will naturally be supposed to be most severe…cautions against the violence of such noblemen and baronets as delight in forcing young ladies away to some remote farm-house must, at such a moment, relieve the fulness of her heart." With her sarcasm, the narrator suggests that Mrs. Morland defies expectations by not minding that her daughter is leaving. These sentences also play on the conventional plots of Gothic novels, as well mainstream works such as Samuel Richardson"s Pamela, in which a young lady"s virtue is tested by a lecherous nobleman. Austen creates a comic effect by contrasting her imagined reader"s expectations with the pedestrian truth of the matter: Mrs. Morland, a relatively simple and practical woman, has no inclination to deluge her daughter with cautionary advice. Thus, there is no dark presentiment of danger, as there might be in a standard Gothic novel"s plot.The rest of the chapter introduces Mrs. Allen and gives the reader Catherine"s first impressions of Bath. Mrs. Allen is greatly concerned with fashion, with gowns and dresses and what others are wearing in comparison to her own clothes. She is a passive character, making little or no effort to meet new people, but simply (and repeatedly) lamenting her lack of friends in Bath. Aside from a light conversation with a nameless gentleman, the women are left with no one to talk to until Mr. Allen returns from the card-room. The chapter ends happily when Catherine hears two young men admiring her. The narrator again draws our attention to the difference between sweet, innocent Catherine and the heroines of novels, saying "[Catherine] felt more obliged to the two young men for this simple praise than a true quality heroine would have been for fifteen sonnets in celebration of her charms."Volume I, Chapters III & IVSUMMARYChapter IIICatherine and Mrs. Allen attend the Lower Rooms, a gathering place for socialites. Since Catherine has no dance partner, the master of ceremonies introduces her to a young man named Henry Tilney, whose charm and good looks impress Catherine. They dance and then talk. Henry amuses Catherine by affecting a simpering attitude and asking her questions that mock boring small talk: "How long have you been in Bath?" and "Have you been to the concert?" Henry then hypothesizes what Catherine will write about him in her journal. He supposes she would write a very dry critique. She protests, and he invents a more flattering entry. The discussion turns to letter-writing. Henry claims that women are better letter-writers than men, except for three problems: "a general deficiency of subject, a total inattention to stops, and a very frequent ignorance of grammar." Henry turns his wit on Mrs. Allen"s obsession with clothing, describing how he bought muslin at a good price for his sister Eleanor. Henry and Catherine dance a second time, then part. Catherine goes to bed thinking of Henry, and the narrator warns us (ironically) that Catherine has committed a grave mistake—she has fallen in love with a man before she knows he is in love with her. Mr. Allen has briefly checked into Henry"s background, and found him to be a clergyman of respectable family in Gloucestershire.Chapter IVThe next day, Catherine searches the social meeting places for Henry, but she does not see him again. A woman, Mrs. Thorpe, recognizes Mrs. Allen, and it turns out they are former schoolmates. Both women are greatly relieved to find an acquaintance in Bath, and they immediately begin talking, each of them impatient to talk, and neither of them eager to listen. Mrs. Thorpe has the advantage of children to talk about, while Mrs. Allen is wealthier than the widowed Mrs. Thorpe. Mrs. Thorpe introduces Mrs. Allen and Catherine to her three daughters. The eldest daughter, Isabella, quickly takes to Catherine, and within a few hours they are best friends. Isabella tells Catherine about Bath society, discussing fashion, flirtations, and the attractiveness of young men and women. By the time she escorts Catherine home, Isabella has won her admiration. The chapter ends with the narrator telling us that Mrs. Thorpe was a widow of only very modest wealth. It ends with a satirical admission that the narrator"s account of the Thorpe family history is quite a bit shorter than the way Mrs. Thorpe would have presented it.ANALYSISThe chemistry between Catherine and Henry is immediately evident. Catherine has to resist laughing as Henry makes fun of the conventions of small talk, fixing his face in a "simpering countenance" and asking banal questions in an affected voice. Henry is playing a game with Catherine, and she easily plays along. Henry flirts with Catherine, outlining a hypothetical journal entry for her. Catherine is charmed by his playfulness, though she is both amused and dismayed by Henry"s gentle fun at Mrs. Allen"s expense. This chapter sets up the dynamic that will exist between Henry and Catherine for most of the novel. Henry"s wit and urbanity puts him one step ahead of Catherine, and he is a much better judge of character than she is.In this chapter, Austen makes the meeting between her "heroine" and Henry to occur primarily through dialogue. Henry supplies the ironic wit that is usually the province of the narrator. It is only at the end of the chapter, with commentary on how women should wait for men to fall in love with them, that the narration resumes its ironic tone. Austen generally employed three methods of presenting her story: narration, dialogue, and free indirect discourse, which will be discussed in the Analysis for Volume I, Chapter X.Chapter IV introduces Isabella. Like Henry, Isabella will be a teacher to Catherine, but of a different sort. Isabella instructs Catherine in all the ways of society that Henry gently mocks. She teaches Catherine about fashion, about where to see and be seen, about flirting with men, and about all the other societal conventions Catherine needs to survive in Bath.






abbey英 ["æbi]    美 ["æbi]  名词复数: abbeysn.修道院;修道院教堂用作名词 (n.)We plan to visit the venerable ruins of the abbey.我们计划去访问该修道院令人肃然起敬的历史遗址。What impressed me most was the abbey library.更令人难忘的是修道院图书馆。

abbey 是什么意思,读音是什么

abbey [英]"æbɪ [美]ˈæbi n. 修道院,大教堂,大寺院;(总称)全院修士;英属修道院的教堂


abbey   n. 修道院,大教堂,大寺院;(总称)全院修士;<英>属修道院的教堂1.The Abbey bell tolled for those killed in the war.  大教堂为战争中的死难者鸣钟。2.Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953  伊丽莎白于1953年6月2日在威斯敏斯特大教堂加冕。3.Inside the abbey , the wedding service will begin at 11 am .在威斯敏斯特大教堂内,婚礼仪式将于11点开始。4.A funny thing happened on the way to the abbey .在去修道院的路上发生了一件有趣的事情。5.Abbey and her colleagues were interested in morethan raw numbers .阿比和她的同事们对原始数据更感兴趣。The bayeux tapestry shows the funeral procession ofking edward winding to the abby .贝叶挂毯表现了前往教堂为爱德华国王送葬的蜿蜒队列。


Beyoncé Giselle Knowles (born September 4, 1981), known as Beyoncé , is an American R&B singer, songwriter, record producer, actress and model. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she enrolled in various performing arts schools and was first exposed to singing and dancing competitions as a child. Knowles rose to fame in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the R&B girl group Destiny"s Child. According to Sony, Knowles" record sales, combined with those of the group"s, have surpassed 100 million.During the hiatus of Destiny"s Child in 2003 Knowles released her debut solo album Dangerously in Love, which spawned the hits "Crazy in Love" and "Baby Boy", and became one of the most successful albums of that year, earning her a then record-tying five Grammy awards. Following the group"s disbandment in 2005, Knowles released B"Day in 2006, which debuted at number one on the Billboard charts and included the hits "Déjà Vu" and "Irreplaceable". Her third solo album I Am... Sasha Fierce, released in November 2008, included the anthemic "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", and earned her six Grammy Awards, breaking the record for most Grammy awards won by a female artist in one night.Knowles is one of the most-honored artists by the Grammys, with 16 awards: 13 as a solo artist, and three as a member of Destiny"s Child.Knowles began her acting career in 2001, appearing in the musical film Carmen: A Hip Hopera. In 2006, she starred in the lead role in the film adaptation of the 1981 Broadway musical Dreamgirls, for which she earned two Golden Globe nominations. Knowles launched her family"s fashion line, House of Deréon, in 2004, and has endorsed such brands as Pepsi, Tommy Hilfiger, Armani and L"Oréal. In 2009, Forbes listed Knowles fourth on its list of the 100 Most Powerful and Influential Celebrities in the world, third on its list of the top-grossing musicians, and number one on the list of top Best-Paid Celebs Under 30 with over $87 million dollars in earnings between 2008 and 2009.Knowles has attained five Hot 100 number one singles as a solo performer and four with Destiny"s Child. On December 11, 2009, Billboard listed Knowles as the top female artist of the decade, and in February 2010, the RIAA listed her as the top certified and best-selling overall artist of the decade.
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