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blow away是什么意思?


求snake by D.H.Lawrence 的翻译

Snake蛇A snake came to my water-troughOn a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat,To drink there.一条蛇来到我的水槽饮水,在一个大热天,我热得穿一身睡衣裤。In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great dark carob-treeI came down the steps with my pitcherAnd must wait, must stand and wait, for there he was at the trough before me.在巨大的深色角豆树散发奇味的浓荫里,我提着水壶走下台阶,我得等待,得站住、等待,因为他就在我前面的水槽边。He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloomAnd trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft-bellied down, over the edge of the stone troughAnd rested his throat upon the stone bottom,And where the water had dripped from the tap, in a small clearness,He sipped with his straight mouth,Softly drank through his straight gums, into his slack long body,Silently.他从阴暗处的土墙裂缝里探下身子,拖着黄褐色的松弛软腹爬下,越过石头水槽的边沿,把喉咙搁在石头槽底上,水从龙头上小滴小滴清晰落下,他用笔直的嘴呷饮,让水通过笔直的牙床,流入松弛的长长身躯,舒适地饮着,默不做声。Someone was before me at my water-trough,And I, like a second-comer, waiting.有人在我之前已来到我的水槽,而我,像个后来者,等待着。He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do,And looked at me vaguely, as drinking cattle do,And flickered his two-forked tongue from his lips, and mused a moment,And stooped and drank a little more,Being earth-brown, earth-golden from the burning bowels of the earthOn the day of Sicilian July, with Etna smoking.他停止喝水,抬起头,像牲口一样,他毫无表情地看着我,像喝水的牲口,嘴里闪出双叉舌头,沉思了片刻,然后俯身,又喝了点水;他从燃烧的大地深处孕育而生,一身土棕色、土金色,西西里七月的这个日子,埃特纳火山还在冒烟。The voice of my education said to meHe must be killed,For in Sicily the black, black snakes are innocent, the gold are venomous.我所接受的教育向我发出声音说他得处死,因为在西西里,黑蛇,黑色的蛇是清白的,而金色的蛇是有毒的。And voices in me said, If you were a manYou would take a stick and break him now, and finish him off.我身体里那些声音发话:如果你是男人,你就该马上操起棍子,打断他,打死他。But must I confess how I liked him,How glad I was he had come like a guest in quiet, to drink at my water-troughAnd depart peaceful, pacified, and thankless,Into the burning bowels of this earth?但我是否得坦认:我非常喜欢他,非常高兴他安静地、像客人一样到我的水槽来喝水,然后平静、平和地离开,没有道谢,回到这大地燃烧的深处?Was it cowardice, that I dared not kill him?Was it perversity, that I longed to talk to him?Was it humility, to feel so honoured?I felt so honoured.是出于怯懦,我不敢把他杀死?是由于错乱,我渴望和他交谈?是某种谦卑,我竟感到如此荣幸?我感到如此荣幸。And yet those voices:If you were not afraid, you would kill him!然而,那些声音又发话:“要是你不害怕,就该把他处死!”And truly I was afraid, I was most afraid,But even so, honoured still moreThat he should seek my hospitalityFrom out the dark door of the secret earth.的确,我害怕,非常害怕,但即便如此,我甚至更感到荣幸,因为他走出秘密大地的黑暗之门,应当是寻求我的好客。He drank enoughAnd lifted his head, dreamily, as one who has drunken,And flickered his tongue like a forked night on the air, so black,Seeming to lick his lips,And looked around like a god, unseeing, into the air,And slowly turned his head,And slowly, very slowly, as if thrice adream,Proceeded to draw his slow length curving roundAnd climb again the broken bank of my wall-face.他喝够了,抬起头,神情恍惚,像个醉汉,闪动的舌头像空中叉裂的漆夜,那么黑,似乎在舔他的嘴唇,然后像一个神,一副视而不见的神情,环视空中,缓缓扭转脑袋,缓缓地,慢慢悠悠地,仿佛进入重重幽梦,开始拖着慢吞吞、盘绕的全身,又爬上墙面起伏的陡坡。And as he put his head into that dreadful hole,And as he slowly drew up, snake-easing his shoulders, and entered farther,A sort of horror, a sort of protest against his withdrawing into that horrid black hole,Deliberately going into the blackness, and slowly drawing himself after,Overcame me now his back was turned.当他将头伸进那个可怕的洞穴,当他缓缓停住,以蛇的方式松了松肩,再探身进洞,当他不慌不忙地进入黑暗,缓缓拖着自己,撤进那个可怕的黑洞,一种恐惧,一种对他的抗议即刻占据了我,而他对我毫不理会。I looked round, I put down my pitcher,I picked up a clumsy logAnd threw it at the water-trough with a clatter.我环顾左右,放下水壶,操起一根粗糙的木料,啪的一声掷向水槽。I think it did not hit him,But suddenly that part of him that was left behind convulsed in undignified haste,Writhed like lightning, and was goneInto the black hole, the earth-lipped fissure in the wall-front,At which, in the intense still noon, I stared with fascination.我想我没砸中,但他留在后面的身子,突然惊惶而失态地猛抖,闪电般扭动,消失在黑洞里,消失在墙面上那嘴状的裂缝里,我入迷地盯着黑洞,在这酷热而宁静的中午。And immediately I regretted it.I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act!I despised myself and the voices of my accursed human education.我立刻感到懊悔。我想这是多么低劣,多么粗鲁,多么卑鄙的行为!我鄙视自己,鄙视身上那些可恶的人类教育的声音。And I thought of the albatross,And I wished he would come back, my snake.我想起了信天翁;但愿他能回来,我的蛇啊。For he seemed to me again like a king,Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld,Now due to be crowned again.因为我又觉得他像一个君王,像流放中的君王,被废黜到地狱,现在该到重新加冕的时候了。And so, I missed my chance with one of the lordsOf life.And I have something to expiate:A pettiness.就这样,我与一位生命之主错过了机遇。我多少得遭受恶果:因为某种委琐。

I stared into the blackness and wondered if he was as aware of my presence as I &nb...

A 试题分析:句意:我盯着他阴沉的脸,想知道他是否意识到我的存在,正如我注意到他的存在一样。his相当于his presence他的存在,was of相当于was aware of ,故选A点评:此类题目较难,学生在答题时要认真仔细一些。答题过程中结合生活中的常识及了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键,对于这类题,可从句意着手。同时,对于平时的学习要多进行积累词汇,考试时才能很好的完成。英语中的省略现象较多,为了避免与上文的重复常采用省略,这点需要注意。



HUAWEI HiLink生态,打造智能家居生态系统,引领5G时代

6月11日,2019年亚洲消费电子展(CES Asia 2019)在上海国际博览中心正式开幕。作为亚太地区的 科技 盛会,此次CES Asia将多领域展示世界创新 科技 ,在智能家居产业频频发力的华为,此次也携HUAWEI HiLink智能家居生态成果再次登场,带你感受IoT全新的 科技 新力量。 HUAWEI HiLink生态:入口+连接+生态,打造丰富的智能家居生态系统 近两年,华为围绕全场景智慧化战略,从入口、连接、生态三个层面在IoT领域展开多维度布局,旨在为行业打造一个丰富多彩的智能家居生态系统。 此次位于展馆W1的华为展厅,展出了华为IoT领域的重要 科技 成果,以“全场景智慧化,迎接产业 历史 性机遇”为主题,展示了IoT三要素:连接、入口和生态产品。 入口:拥有震撼音质的华为AI音箱 展台小巧而精致,首先看到的是华为自研展桌。作为华为1+8+N全场景战略中的入口设备华为AI音箱,是符合人机自然交互需求的关键语音智能入口产品。自2018年10月发布以来,受到广泛好评,震撼音质几乎秒杀同档位的智能音箱,媲美千元级别的蓝牙音箱。 连接:华为路由双旗舰,5G CPE Pro引领5G时代 连接方面,华为这次展出了华为路由Q2 Pro和5G CPE Pro。 华为路由Q2 Pro是刚刚上市的爆款产品,此次荣获CES Asia最佳智能家居产品奖。采用华为自研凌霄芯片,PLC Turbo加持,让网络性能更佳;使用分布式覆盖,哪里信号不好插哪里,无需配置,无惧墙多壁厚,信号飞檐走壁,是最适合中国家庭的Wi-Fi解决方案。 2019年被业界誉为5G网络商用元年,6月6日,国内5G商用牌照正式发布,在本次CES Asia展会现场,华为的自研产品展桌上也带来满满惊喜——展出5G设备、终端,均采用华为海思自研的5G芯片。引爆眼球的5G CPE Pro,作为全球首款真正规模商用的5G终端,此次也荣获CES Asia最佳网络通信产品奖,使用5G多模芯片巴龙5000,可以3s下载一部高清电影,将引领HUAWEI HiLink智能家居进入5G时代。 生态:华为智选生态爆品 墙面上围绕华为智慧家庭互动大屏,有层次地展示了几款华为智选的爆品,囊括了照明、安防、环境及饮水等几个领域。 逼真的模拟家居环境,形象地演示华为全屋智能家居解决方案,通过虚拟3D的交互式演示,呈现生动的场景联动和智能单品体验,让你可以通过手机APP或者华为AI音箱双入口操控“家里”所有的华为自研产品和HiLink生态产品,结合产品功能视频,深入了解产品的使用场景及功能。 比如,体验智能即热饮水吧“1秒温水、3秒开水”带来的便捷生活,可实现操控开关、调水温调水量等功能,智能饮水无需等待。 海雀AI全景摄像头,使用海思专业安防芯片,搭载华为云算法,AI智能识别人脸、人形、宝宝哭声,跟随指尖指哪转哪,看护全家。 汇泰龙智能指纹锁,体验指纹、密码等多种开锁方式的便捷,还有环境、清洁、照明等系列产品,通过多元生动的APP界面来实现对产品的多功能互动,和极致的沉浸式体验,带你走进全屋智能生活。 通过回家模式、观影模式、睡眠模式、离家模式等多场景视频,让你一键体验智慧生活,也为消费者提供了不同模式下产品的选择与搭配方案。 更好的交互性能,让你身临其境地体验和把玩产品,感受智能生活带来的便捷和美好。 HUAWEI HiLink推进全场景智慧化,将成为中国最佳IoT生态标准 华为在IoT生态三要素:入口、连接、生态方面部署非常完善,致力于为消费者提供更智能的自然交互入口,更适合中国家庭的高速稳定连接产品,更丰富的生态场景选择。目前,华为整个生态触达用户已超3亿,连接着4000万家庭,接入HUAWEI HiLink生态伙伴数超过200个,生态产品型号超过500个。 伴随着5G的到来,未来已来,物联网进入高速发展阶段。华为作为领先的手机设备供应商和5G网络供应商,将加速全场景智慧化,迎接产业 历史 性机遇。让智慧IoT从梦想走向现实,让HUAWEI HiLink成为中国最佳IoT生态标准。

so far away什么意思?



荣耀60Pro支持HUAWEIHiLink,HUAWEI HiLink是华为开发的智能家居开放互联平台,目的解决各智能终端之间互联互动问题,平台功能主要包含智能连接,智能联动两部分,HUAWEI HiLink的终端之间,可以实现自动发现、一键连接,无需繁琐的配置和输入密码。荣耀60Pro的介绍荣耀60Pro是荣耀旗下一款手机,将于2021年12月1日举行新品发布会,荣耀60Pro使用骁龙778G处理器,采用四曲面机身,摄像头方面采用前置50MP,后置108MPHM2加2MP加50MPUW色彩传感器,电池容量5300mAh,配置66W快充。荣耀60Pro手机,首先在外观设计上,荣耀60Pro本次带来了四款配色,分别是幻境星空,朱丽叶,墨玉青,亮黑色,在屏幕设计上,荣耀60系列采用四曲面屏,左右弧面为81度,上下弧面为52度,同时对整个屏幕带来更窄的边框,上边框宽度为1点74毫米,侧边框宽度为1点45毫米。




荣耀60Pro支持HUAWEIHiLink,HUAWEI HiLink是华为开发的智能家居开放互联平台,目的解决各智能终端之间互联互动问题,平台功能主要包含智能连接,智能联动两部分,HUAWEI HiLink的终端之间,可以实现自动发现、一键连接,无需繁琐的配置和输入密码。荣耀60Pro的介绍荣耀60Pro是荣耀旗下一款手机,将于2021年12月1日举行新品发布会,荣耀60Pro使用骁龙778G处理器,采用四曲面机身,摄像头方面采用前置50MP,后置108MPHM2加2MP加50MPUW色彩传感器,电池容量5300mAh,配置66W快充。荣耀60Pro手机,首先在外观设计上,荣耀60Pro本次带来了四款配色,分别是幻境星空,朱丽叶,墨玉青,亮黑色,在屏幕设计上,荣耀60系列采用四曲面屏,左右弧面为81度,上下弧面为52度,同时对整个屏幕带来更窄的边框,上边框宽度为1点74毫米,侧边框宽度为1点45毫米。

HUAWEI HiLink摔了一下没反应了




No draw, no die, no die, die这是什么意思?




Unwritten Law的《Lonesome》 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome歌手:Unwritten Law专辑:Unwritten LawLonesomeELLEGARDENDON"T TRUST ANYONE BUT USMaking By 小川She looks smileyHe looks freindlyYou Maybe NiceDon"t Know who I amShe is talkativeHe is whinerYou are innocentDon"t know how I amShe keeps talkingHe keeps beggingYou are stainlessBut i keep drivingThough i knowyou are the one who would end this rainYou make me feel I"m changingthat only makes me annoydCause Grab it steal it beat them downThat"s all I"ve learnedYou are innocentYou are stainlessYou are my best friendso I tell you thisYou are an angelLet me feel goodLet me feel I am still aliveI have learned myinstinct is hiding backgroundThough no one knowsBut I keep denyingCause the world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enough........When I"ve got a feeling that I am betraidI blame myself to have expectedThe way you see it through your eyes could be different slightthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enoughYou make me feel I"m changingthat only makes me annoydCause Grab it steal it beat them downThat"s all I"ve learnedthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughthe world is lonesome enough to meand the world is crazy enough to meit keeps turning around and aroundand leaves me behindI say the world is lonesome enoughI say the world is lonesome enough

Unwritten Law的《Shallow》 歌词

歌曲名:Shallow歌手:Unwritten Law专辑:Oz Factor-= Morcheeba 《 Shallow End 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Driving home nowWe got awayHere"s to our future at leastThat"s what they sayPouring rainAll through my headMakes me wonder if I"dBe better of deadI"m through the feeling deeplyLet"s dive into the shallow endIn control nowOf my defeatI"ve made mistakes that were boundTo repeatI"m through the feeling deeplyLet"s dive into the shallow end……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……You know it"s time to see things clearlyLet"s dive into the shallow endI"d love to drive ferrarisI"d love to have it allI"d love to walk the tightropeYou"d love to see the falls

Unwritten Law的《f.i.g.h.t.》 歌词

歌曲名:f.i.g.h.t.歌手:Unwritten Law专辑:here"s to the mourningUnwritten Law - F.I.G.H.T.I heard you were concerned you with my lifeI heard you had a lot to say Motherfuckin" thanks for nothingI"m gonna do it if it feels rightI"m gonna do it anyway Motherfuckin" thanks for nothingWell I"m sayingDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodF.I.G.H.T... fight, fight, fightF.I.G.H.T... fight, fight, fightEverybody thinks they know my problemsEverybody knows what"s best for me Motherfuckin" thanks for nothingDon"t think what anyone can solve themDon"t think there"s anyone but me Motherfuckin" thanks for nothingWell I"m sayingDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodF.I.G.H.T .. fight, fight, fightF.I.G.H.T .. fight, fight, fightfight, fightfight, fightfight, fightWoah Oh ohDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a goodDon"t say I"m not alrightI"m used and confused andI"m still putting up a good fightI"m still putting up a good

Rattling Snakes的《Go Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Away歌手:Rattling Snakes专辑:Transmission ImpossibleDelain - Go AwayUnderstand, you"ll never beWhat they expect;It"s out of reachYou"re not the kindTo reach that highIt"s nothing like you had in mindAnother act, another show you play, realize,It will not make your problems go awayYou cannot act your way out of your daily demiseGet real today to hell, just go awayUnderstand, the road aheadIs full of gapsGets harder yetYou"re not the kindTo lead us blindIt"s nothing like you had in mindAnother act, another show you play,realize,It will not make your problems go awayYou cannot act your way out of your daily demiseGet real today to hell just go awayAnother act, another show you play,realize,It will not make your problems go awayYou cannot act your way out of your daily demiseGet real today to hell, just go away

assurdnce fuel Max aw是防爆胎吗


关于put的一些词组,告诉我一下,顺便说说中文意思,像put up 、 put away这种,再顺便说说中文意思

常用词组put about散布(消息);宣称"It"s being put about that she was secretly married to a millionaire." "Who put that lie about?" "谣传她已与一百万富翁秘密结婚。""这谣言是谁散布的?"They put it about with one voice that they would do no such thing. 他们异口同声地宣称不愿做这样的事。put across解释;表达I"m not putting my meaning across very well. 我未把我的意思解释清楚。表演得令人赞赏(= put over)欺骗;哄骗;(用不正当手段)搞成She put it across me by selling me some bad eggs. 她欺骗我,卖给我几个臭鸡蛋。(= put over on)put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存…备用The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony. 年青的恋人一直努力存钱以备举行婚礼时用。He has a little money put aside for a rainy day. 他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。撇开;置之不理;把…放在一边The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident. 经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。put away储存(钱);储存…备用;储蓄 (= put by)吃掉;喝掉The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner. 小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品在橱里放好。把…关进监狱;把…送进疯人院put back拨回;向后移to put back the clock 把时钟向后拨推迟;延期;搁置;拖延to put back acting 推迟行动The fire accident in the workshop has put back production. 车间里的火灾事故妨碍了生产。put by储蓄;储存…备用;储存(钱)put down写下;记下"Put it down to my account, please." 请记在我的帐上。控制;击败;平定;取缔to put down the opposition 击败对手"The mother didn"t like her son staying out at night, so she put her foot down and forbade him to do it again." "母亲不喜欢儿子在外夜宿不归,所以她斩钉截铁地禁止他再那样做。"付(定金)使(某人)自惭形秽使(飞机)着陆;着陆宰杀(老、病的动物)put down as视为;看作I"d put him down as an uneducated man. 我把他看做没有受过教育的人?I put his bad temper down to his recent mood of frustration. 我把他的坏脾气归因于他近来沮丧的情绪。put down for把(某人)列入(捐款人)名单Put him down for $500. 写下他捐500美元。将(某人)列入后补名单将某人视为…;把某人看作…put down to说…因(某事)而起I put his bad temper down to his recent illness. 我认为他脾气坏是因为他最近生病。将…记到(某人账上)put forward提出(意见、建议)"In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low." "1860年,一个名叫威廉.娄的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。"推荐;提名;推举Shall we put Mr Willinton forward as the candidate for chairman of the committee? "我们提名惠灵顿先生作为委员会主席的候选人,好吗?"拨快;把时针向前拨(= put on)使(某人)受注意;使突出put in打断;插嘴‘Don"t forget us," she put in. “别忘了我们,”她插嘴道。进港;进入并作短暂停留The ship put in at Portsmouth to fuel. 船驶入朴次茅斯港口加煤。The boat had to put into Liverpool for supplies. "那艘船只得在利物浦停靠,装载补给品。"要求(赔偿)"If the goods are damaged in the post, you can put in a claim to the post office." "如果货物在邮递途中遭到损坏,你可向邮局索赔。"打击put in a blow 重重一击做;花费We must now put our plans into practice. 我们现在必须把我们的计划付诸实施。put in a years" work 花去一年工夫put in for申请;正式要求They"ve put in for more money for the building of the new highway. 他们已为这条新公路的建设申请要更多的钱了。put in a good word for为…美言几句put off延期;推迟Don"t put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 今日可做的事不要拖到明天。There"s an hour to put in before we set off. 我们还得待一小时才出发。推托;推诿使…气馁关掉;避开;使转换方向The monitor"s thinking things over; nobody should do anything to put him off. "班长正在细细考虑,任何人都不要使他分心。"put on假装;伪装"She was a shy girl, but she put on a bold front and went to the party." "她是个害羞的女孩子,然而她却装出一副勇敢的样子去参加聚会。"She"s by no means really mad; she puts it on in order to gain attention. "她决不是真的疯了,她只是为了引起人们的注意才假装的。"增加;添上So many people wanted to go to the match that another train had to be put on. "要去观看比赛的人那么多,只好增开一列火车。"put on speed 增加速度The old gentleman likes to put grease on his hair to make it shiny. 老先生喜欢喜欢给头发擦上发膏使它光亮。表演,演出,上演(戏剧)穿上;戴上He put his coat on. 他穿上外衣。The workers on the construction site should put on their safety helmets before starting to work. 建筑工地上的工人在开始工作以前都必须戴上安全帽。拨快;把时针向前拨In Britain they put the clock on an hour in spring. "在英国,人们在春季便把时钟拨快一小时。"开;打开Put on the radio. 打开收音机?put onto向…介绍;向…提供(资料)?I can put you onto a good lawyer. 我可以向你介绍一位好的律师?put out熄灭;关熄;扑灭Please put out the light before you go to bed. 上床之前请把灯关掉.使忧虑;激怒;困扰;麻烦(某人)生产;出产;出版put oneself out费神;花工夫She likes to keep herself to herself and never puts herself out to help others. "她喜欢独处,从不费神去帮助他人。"put over解释;说明;表达The speaker failed to put his ideas over clearly enough so that some misunderstanding arose. "发言者没有把自己的观点解释得十分清楚,因而引起了一些误解。"put through接通电话Can you put me through to this number? 你能给我接通这个电话号码吗?Your call has been put through. 你要的电话接通了。打电话put to问(问题);提(建议)用某种方式试验(某物或某人)to put the matter to a vote 用投票方式解决此事A person"s courage is put to the proof in any kind of dangerous or urgent situation. 一个人的勇气在任何一种危险或是紧急情况下都会受到考验。put together商量You two had better put your heads together about the matter. 你们两人最好商量一下这件事。put up举起;抬起;张开(伞)to put up a tent 架起帐篷Put your hands up!; Put "em up! 举起手来!张贴;公布to put up a notice 张贴布告"Jasper has put up "No Parking" signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect." "贾斯珀把几块`禁止停车"的牌子挂在大门外边,但这没有任何效果。"接待;为…提供食宿;供膳宿We can put up ten people for the night at a pinch. 必要时我们可以留宿十个人。提供(资金);供应(某事所需之钱 )表现出;显示出;做出to put up a bluff 虚张声势Your last remark has really put his monkey up. 你最后一句话实在使他大为生气。出售She"s putting her new car up for sale. 她要把她的新车卖掉。推荐(某人做某事)put up to鼓动;唆使…做…Who put you up to this trick? 是谁唆使你玩这种把戏的?put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦I can"t put up with your hypocricy any more. 我再也不能容忍你的虚伪态度了。"That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with." 那个女人是个家庭主妇不得不忍受许多烦恼。

Butterfly Fly Away 的歌词译音

You tuck me in, turn out the light 你给我把被子掖好,关上灯Left me safe and sound at night 让我安心地躺着,聆听夜晚的声音Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩们期待这个时刻Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 刷牙,梳理头发Had to drive me everywhere 开车带我去任何地方You were always there when I looked back 当我回望时,你总在那儿You had to do it all alone 你必须完成它Make a living, make a home 经历一种生活,营造一个家Must have been as hard as it could be 无论多艰苦And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我夜里不能入睡时Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西袭来时You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握住我的手,轻声哼歌Caterpillar in the tree 树里藏着的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 你疑惑你是谁Can"t go far but you can dream 无法走远,但还有梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以Don"t you worry, hold on tight 别焦虑,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我承诺你,美好的明天一定会到来Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞)Got your wings, now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地Take those dreams and make them all come true 带上梦想,让它们成为真实Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞)You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久All along and know just what to do 你知道要怎么做Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞)

butterfly fly away谐音歌词,不要罗马音的

You tucked me in, turned out the light 你为我盖好被子,关上灯Kept me safe and sound at night 让我安全又安逸地睡着Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩依靠像这样的事情Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 为我刷牙,为我梳头 Had to drive me everywhere 必须带我去每一个地方You were always there when I looked back 当我需要你的时候,你总是在You had to do it all alone 你必须一个人照顾我Make a living, make a home 四处奔波,创造一个家Must have been as hard as it could be 无论有多艰苦And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我在夜晚无法入睡时Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西涌向我时You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会牵住我的手,唱歌给我听Caterpillar in the tree 在树中的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 疑惑着你会变成谁Can"t go far but you can always dream 不能走远,但是你总能梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以如愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 不要担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Caterpillar in the tree 在树中的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 疑惑着你会变成谁Can"t go far but you can always dream 不能走远,但是你总能梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以如愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 不要担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away 蝴蝶飞走了Flap your wing now you can"t stay 拍打翅膀,现在不要就留Take those dreams and make them all come true 去实现这些梦想Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away 蝴蝶飞走了You"ve been waiting for this day 你等这一天很久了All along and knowing just what to do 你知道怎么做Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶飞走了Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶飞走了英语用中文翻译出来总会有些差异,不可避免的。因为有些时候,英语的表达方式与中文是不一样的。所以希望你能够谅解。并且,希望我的答案你能采纳^^

《中国新声代》中爱新觉罗·媚唱的《butterfly fly away》的歌词,我搜了好多,都不是她唱的歌词,谢谢了

其实歌词都差不多的 就是中间有一段改成了中文

《中国新声代》中爱新觉罗·媚唱的《butterfly fly away》的歌词,我搜了好多,都不是她唱的歌词,谢谢了

其实歌词都差不多的 就是中间有一段改成了中文

《butterfly fly away》这首歌中文翻译

You tucked me in, turned out the light 你为我盖好被子,关上灯Kept me safe and sound at night 让我安全又安逸地睡着Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩依靠像这样的事情Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 为我刷牙,为我梳头 Had to drive me everywhere 必须带我去每一个地方You were always there when I looked back 当我需要你的时候,你总是在You had to do it all alone 你必须一个人照顾我Make a living, make a home 四处奔波,创造一个家Must have been as hard as it could be 无论有多艰苦And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我在夜晚无法入睡时Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西涌向我时You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会牵住我的手,唱歌给我听Caterpillar in the tree 在树中的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 疑惑着你会变成谁Can"t go far but you can always dream 不能走远,但是你总能梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以如愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 不要担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Caterpillar in the tree 在树中的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 疑惑着你会变成谁Can"t go far but you can always dream 不能走远,但是你总能梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以如愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 不要担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞Flap your wing now you can"t stay 拍打翅膀,现在不要就留Take those dreams and make them all come true 去实现这些梦想Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞You"ve been waiting for this day 你等这一天很久了All along and knowing just what to do 你知道怎么做Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞 Got your wings, now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地Take those dreams and make them all come true 带上梦想,让它们成为真实 Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久All along and know just what to do 你知道怎么做

happiness is like a butterfly, if you chase it,it will run away,but if you r


the butterfly goes flap flap and flies away

The butterfly goes flap flap and flies away.分析如下:the butterfly 主语;goes 谓语;flap flap 状语,and并列句引导; flies谓语; away状语。全句意思是:这只蝴蝶拍了拍翅膀飞走了。

The butterfly flies away。句子里的away是副词还是介词,谢谢。

你好! away 英[??we?] 美[??we] adv. 消失; 离开,远离; 在远处; adj. 不在的; 遥远的; 客场比赛; [例句]An injured policeman was led away by colleagues 受伤的警察被同伴带走了。

有没有类似butterfly fly away节奏的的歌

就美国乡村音乐啊~很多~去搜吧~经典之经典 民谣合辑 Let"s Folk 2CD 专辑介绍: 当年,我们听着迷幻市集走过惨绿,往日已随风而逝,青春如风之花早已飘零。离家五百 哩,回忆何曾离开过我心底? 今天,在Where Have All the Flowers Gone?的问号里,我们相约重回木吉他。回到年少,回 到属於我们的往日时光。 你一定听过这些人…Don McLean唐麦克林、Bob Dylan巴布狄伦、Judy Collins茱蒂柯琳丝、 Simon & Garfunkel赛门与葛芬柯、John Denver约翰丹佛、Andy Williams安迪威廉斯、 The Brothers Four四兄弟合唱团、Joan Baez琼拜雅…等超级世纪巨星。 你一定听过这些歌…500 Miles 离家五百哩、Blowin" In The Wind随风而逝、Scarborough Fair 迷幻市集、merican Pie美国派、Let It Be Me但愿是我、All I Have To Do Is Dream只有寻梦去、 Rhythm Of The Rain雨的节奏…等跨世纪经典民歌。 Disk:1 1. 500 Miles离家五百哩 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 唱红近百首畅销曲与无数电影主题曲之当代民歌团体经典作。 2. Jamaica Farewell再会牙买加 – Harry Belafonte 哈里 贝拉丰特 改编自牙买加传统民谣,由哈瑞贝拉丰德作曲红遍全球。 3. Streets Of London伦敦街角 – Ralph McTell 拉尔夫迈克迪尔 全美告示牌Top 2,英国街头游唱诗人之英式民谣佳作。 4. Blowin"In The Wind随风而逝 – Bob Dylan鲍布 迪伦 一代巨擘巴布狄伦唱出美国民歌史上最重要的作品之一。 5. Monday Morning星期一早晨 – Peter, Paul & Mary彼得,保罗与玛丽 披头四出现前早已走红,擅长反讽政治的三人团体小品作。 6. Diamonds And Rust钻石与铁锈 – Joan Baez琼 贝茨 美国民谣之后为巴布狄伦所创作之历久弥新传世钜作现场版。 7. Both Sides Now正反两面 – Judy Collins茱蒂 柯琳丝 以澄澈高音被誉为「美国乐坛瑰宝」的创作女歌手之清新隽永作。 8. Over And Over一次又一次 – Nana Mouskouri 娜娜 扬名四十年希腊国宝女歌手,用优美嗓音征服乐迷的乡愁小品。 9. Scarborough Fair / Canticle迷幻市集 – Simon & Garfunkel 西蒙与加芬克尔二重唱 美国当代传唱史诗。达斯汀霍夫曼主演「毕业生」电影主题曲。 10. Those Were The Days往日时光 – Bobby Vinton 鲍比温顿 集歌手演员於一身的60年代超级偶像,曾缔造无数冠军单曲。 11. Greenfields绿野 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 以幽暗色调描绘失恋男子痴情,59年四部美声抒情曲。 12. I"ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song我要用歌向你表白 – Jim Croce吉姆 克罗奇 短暂生命却创造无数感人诗篇,逝世后单曲荣登冠军之传奇人物。 13. Devoted To You深爱着你 – Carly Simon & James Taylor卡莉 西蒙&詹姆斯 泰勒 才子佳人78年翻唱Everly Brothers老歌登上抒情榜亚军深情曲。 14. Danny"s Song丹尼之歌 – Loggins & Messina 罗根斯&美西娜二重唱 肯尼罗根斯72年为兄长创作之隽永小品。安玛丽重唱一举畅销。 15. Windflowers风之花 – Seals & Crofts 席尔&克罗夫二重唱 由於齐豫当年翻唱,让这首世纪经典抒情佳作红遍全台。 16. The Other Side Of the Sun太阳的另一端 – Janis Ian珍尼丝依恩 16岁出道、23岁勇夺葛莱美奖的纽约全才型民歌手轻快性灵创作。 17. Dust In The Wind风中之尘 – Kansas 堪萨斯合唱团 崛起於70年代前卫摇滚乐团,咏叹人生探讨存在与虚无之经典作。 18. Dog And Butterfly狗与蝴蝶 – Heart 红心合唱团 横跨70&80年代重量级女子摇滚乐团红心合唱团於78年之钜作。 19. Diary日记 – Bread面包合唱团 68年成军,拥有软式摇滚界帝王赞誉之乐团继IF后再度轰动作。 20. Annie"s Song安妮之歌 – John Denver 约翰 丹佛 一代民歌宗师献给夫人安妮的挚爱情歌,74年冠军单曲。 Disk:2 1. The Boxer拳击手 – Simon & Garfunkel 西蒙与加芬克尔二重唱 美国最伟大二重唱描述贫民区孩子只身到纽约奋斗的心灵创作。 2. American Pie美国派 – Don McLean 唐麦克林 总长达八分多钟无疑是乐坛经典。玛丹娜翻唱再度走红当今乐坛。 3. Mr. Tambourine Man铃鼓先生 – The Byrds 柏兹合唱团 承继披头四乐团精髓,演唱巴布狄伦之作荣登64年英美排行Top1。 4. Let It Be Me但愿是我 – Glen Campbell & Bobbie Gentry 葛伦 坎贝尔&巴比 珍崔 葛莱美奖最佳男歌手与女歌手得主,深情唱出乡村乐招牌情歌。 5. If I Were A Carpenter假如我是个木匠 – Johnny Cash 约翰尼 卡什 以低沈嗓音留名史上的巨擘翻作70年葛莱美最佳乡村合唱曲。 6. El Condor Pasa (If I Could)老鹰之歌 – Andy Williams 安迪 威廉斯 原秘鲁民族乐家作品,跨世纪情歌圣手现场版听见乐迷同唱的感动。 7. Guantanamera关达拉美拉 – The Sandpipers 知更鸟乐团 改编自古巴作家Jose Marti的诗,改编后红遍70年代各大舞池。 8. Puff The Magic Dragon神奇龙 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 以和声见长阐述「彼得, 保罗与玛丽」关心人权反战呼声的经典作。 9. Where Have All The Flowers Gone花儿都到哪里去了 – Pete Seeger 彼得 席格 第36届葛莱美终身成就奖的民谣传奇人物谱写之着名反战歌曲。 10. Danny Boy丹尼少年 – Johnny Cash 约翰尼 卡什 描述儿子上战场之感人爱尔兰民谣。「忠魂鹃血离恨天」电影曲。 11. Today今天 – John Davidson约翰戴文森 67年金曲,当年美国百老汇与台湾美军俱乐部最爱晚安曲。 12. Evergreen Tree常青树 – Cliff Richard 克里夫 理察德 演唱第六感生死恋「奔放的旋律」红遍全球的"英国猫王"弦外之音。 13. Cotton Fields棉花田 – The New Christy Minstrels 新克利斯提诗人 65年西洋经典老歌之一,过去全台校园民歌比赛之必备曲目。 14. All Kinds Of Everything万事万物 – Dana 唐娜 爱尔兰国宝女歌手。此曲一举拿下70年欧洲歌唱大赛冠军。 15. All I Have To Do Is Dream只有寻梦去 – The Everly Brothers艾维利兄弟二重唱 全台曝光度最高广告曲,1958年连续5周冠军单曲。 16. Rhythm Of The Rain雨的节奏 – Cascades 瀑布合唱团 同样是台湾当红民歌,也是电视广告曲的热门最爱。 17. Interlude插曲 – Timi Yuro 蒂蜜尤洛 来自芝加哥的民谣女歌手,以充满灵魂风味的嗓音演唱70年佳作。 18. Seven Daffodils七水仙 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 享誉60年代的四人美声团体演唱64年经典「七水仙」。 19. Michael Row The Boat Ashore麦可,将船划上岸– Pete Seeger 彼得 席格 原本为十九世纪黑人工作歌,於70年代再度走红全球。 20. We Shall Overcome我们一定会胜利 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 堪称60年代民权?#092;动的国民颂歌,透过四兄弟演唱扬名世界。 Alan Jackson - remember when

Miley的butterfly fly away 完整版 歌词

You tuck me in, turn out the light 你把我放进被窝,关上灯 Left me safe and sound at night 让我在夜晚安全舒适Little girls depend on things like that 让女儿有了依靠Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 为我刷牙,为我梳头 Had to drive me everywhere 开车接送我去任何地方You were always there when I looked back 当我回看时,你总在那里You had to do it all alone 你只能独自去做 Make a living, make a home 工作谋生,照顾家庭 Must have been as hard as it could be 其中的辛苦可想而知And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我夜里睡不着的时候 Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 就会想到可怕的事情 You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握着我的小手,为我唱歌 Caterpillar in the tree 树上的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 别疑惑你的前途有多远 Can"t go far but you can aways dream 虽然走不远,但你总能去梦想 Wish you may and wish you might 想你所想,愿你所愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 别担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我相信你总将来会有一天 Butterfly fly away 能化成蝴蝶飞去Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去)Got your wings, now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地 Take those dreams and make them all come true 带上梦想,让它们成为真实 Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去) You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久 All along and know just what to do 你知道要怎么做 Butterfly (Butterfly) 蝴蝶(蝴蝶)Butterfly (Butterfly) 蝴蝶(蝴蝶)Butterfly (Butterfly) 蝴蝶(蝴蝶)Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去) Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去) Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去) Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去)

谁有butterfly fly away的吉他谱六线谱.!

butterfly fly away有没有谐音歌词

you tucked me in, turned out the lightkept me safe and sound at nightlittle girls depend on things like thatbrushed my teeth and combed my hairhad to drive me everywhereyou were always there when i looked backyou had to do it all alonemake a living, make a homemust have been as hard as it could beand when i couldn"t sleep at nightscared things wouldn"t turn out rightyou would hold my hand and sing to mecaterpillar in the treehow you wonder who you"ll becan"t go far but you can always dreamwish you may and wish you mightdon"t you worry, hold on tighti promise you there will come a daybutterfly fly awaycaterpillar in the treehow you wonder who you"ll becan"t go far but you can always dreamwish you may and wish you mightdon"t you worry, hold on tighti promise you there will come a daybutterfly fly awaybutterfly fly away, butterfly fly awayflap your wing now you can"t staytake those dreams and make them all come truebutterfly fly away, butterfly fly awaywe"ve been waiting for this dayall along and knowing just what to dobutterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly awaybutterfly fly awaybutterfly fly away

butterfly fly away 的歌词及歌手及创作背景?

You tuck me in, turn out the light 你给我把被子盖好,关上灯   kept me safe and sound at night 让我夜里能安心地酣睡   Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩们依赖这样的事儿   Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 刷牙,梳理头发   Had to drive me everywhere 开车带我去各个地方   You were always there when I looked back 当我回望时,你总在那儿   You had to do it all alone 你总要一个人做这些事   Make a living, make a home 赚钱,养家   Must have been as hard as it could be 无论多艰苦   And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我夜里不能入睡时   Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西袭来时   You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握住我的手,轻声哼唱   Caterpillar in the tree 树里藏着的毛毛虫啊   How you wonder who you"ll be 你疑惑你的未来   Can"t go far but you can always dream 无法高飞,但永远有梦   Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以   Don"t you worry, hold on tight 别担心,坚持到底   I promise you there will come a day 我向你承诺,会有那么一天   Butterfly fly away 你化蝶飞远   Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶也可以远飞(蝴蝶也可以远飞)   Got your wings, now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地   Take those dreams and make them all come true 带上梦想,让它们成为现实   Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶也可以远飞(蝴蝶也可以远飞)   You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久   All along and know just what to do 你一直知道要怎么做   Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶啊,蝴蝶啊,蝴蝶啊,蝴蝶也能远飞   Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶也能远飞...  Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶也能远飞...歌手:Miley Cyrus   中文名:麦莉·赛勒斯 爱称:miles(麦莉)   原名 :Destiny Hope Cyrus(命运·希望·赫拉)   国籍 :美国  出生地 :美国 富兰克林, 田纳西州   出生日期 :1992年11月23日   新书名:我是麦莉(《Miles To Go》中文版,miley的自传)   唱片公司 :Walt Disney Records 华特迪士尼唱片,(2006至今) Hollywood,好莱坞唱片(2007至今) 喜爱的明星:猫王/迈克尔杰克逊(自传中提到过)   师姐:Christina Aguilera   师妹:Selena Gomez、Demi Lovato   圈中好友:Ashley Tisdale、Emily Osment、Selena Gomez、Jonas Brothers、Mitchel Musso、Taylor Swift、Demi Lovato 、Vanessa Hudgens 、Justin Bieber   身高:5" 4(1.64 m)(IMDB权威资料)   体重:48KG(尚在发育中)   血型:B型   御用礼服品牌:Zuhair Murad   最喜欢的中餐馆:熊猫快餐店   最喜欢的活动:购物   最喜欢的颜色:紫色   地位:小甜甜布兰妮接班人

Butterfly Fly Away 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly Fly Away歌手:Billy Ray Cyrus&Miley Cyrus专辑:Hannah Montana: The MovieButterfly Fly AwayMiley CyrusYou tuck me in turn out the lightLeft me safe and sound at nightLittle girls depend on things like thatBrushed my teeth and combed my hairHad to drive me everywhereYou were always there when I looked backYou had to do it all aloneMake a living, make a homeMust have been as hard as it could beAnd when I couldn"t sleep at nightScared things wouldn"t turn out rightYou would hold my hand and sing to meCaterpillar in the treeHow you wonder who you"ll beCan"t go far but you can dreamWish you may and wish you mightDon"t you worry, hold on tightI promise you there will come a dayButterfly fly awayButterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)Got your wings now you can"t stayTake those dreams and make them all come trueButterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)You"ve been waiting for this dayAll along and know just what to doButterfly Butterfly, ButterflyButterfly fly awayButterfly fly awayButterfly fly away

Butterfly Fly Away 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly Fly Away歌手:Miley Cyrus专辑:Hannah Montana: The MovieMiley Cyrus - Butterfly Fly Away (Featuring Billy Ray Cyrus)You tuck me in, turn out the lightLeft me safe and sound at nightLittle girls depend on things like thatBrushed my teeth and combed my hairHad to drive me everywhereYou were always there when I looked backYou had to do it all aloneMake a living, make a homeMust have been as hard as it could beAnd when I couldn"t sleep at nightScared things wouldn"t turn out rightYou would hold my hand and sing to meCaterpillar in the treeHow you wonder who you"ll beCan"t go far but you can dreamWish you may and wish you mightDon"t you worry, hold on tightI promise you there will come a dayButterfly fly awayButterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)Got your wings, now you can"t stayTake those dreams and make them all come trueButterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)You"ve been waiting for this dayAll along and know just what to doButterfly, Butterfly, ButterflyButterfly fly awayButterfly fly awayButterfly fly away

英语翻译最好中英对照的歌词 Miley Cyrus - Butterfly Fly Away (Featuring Bi?

You tuck me in,turn out the light 你给我把被子掖好,关上灯 Left me safe and sound at night 让我安心地躺着,聆听夜晚的声音 Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩们期待这个时刻 Brushed my teeth and bed my hair 刷牙,梳理头发 Had to drive me everywhere 开车带我去任何地方 You were always there when I looked back 当我回望时,你总在那儿 You had to do it all alone 你必须完成它 Make a living,make a home 经历一种生活,营造一个家 Must have been as hard as it could be 无论多艰苦 And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我夜里不能入睡时 Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西袭来时 You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握住我的手,轻声哼歌 Caterpillar in the tree 树里藏着的毛毛虫 How you wonder who you"ll be 你疑惑你是谁 Can"t go far but you can dream 无法走远,但还有梦想 Wish you may and wish you might Don"t you worry,hold on tight 别焦虑,坚持到底 I promise you there will e a day 我承诺你,美好的明天一定会到来 Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞 Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞) Got your wings,now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地 Take those dreams and make them all e true 带上梦想,让它们成为真实 Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞) You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久 All along and know just what to do 你知道要怎么做,8,英语翻译 最好中英对照的歌词 Miley Cyrus - Butterfly Fly Away (Featuring Billy Ray Cyrus) You tuck me in,turn out the light Left me safe and sound at night Little girls depend on things like that Brushed my teeth and bed my hair Had to drive me everywhere You were always there when I looked back You had to do it all alone Make a living,make a home Must have been as hard as it could be And when I couldn"t sleep at night Scared things wouldn"t turn out right You would hold my hand and sing to me Caterpillar in the tree How you wonder who you"ll be Can"t go far but you can dream Wish you may and wish you might Don"t you worry,hold on tight I promise you there will e a day Butterfly fly away Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) Got your wings,now you can"t stay Take those dreams and make them all e true Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) You"ve been waiting for this day All along and know just what to do 歌词

butterfly rly away中文是什么意思意思


求So far away歌词

So Far Away - Avenged SevenfoldNever feared for anythingNever shamed but never freeA life to heal the broken heart with all that it couldLived a life so endlesslySaw beyond what others seeI tried to heal your broken heart with all that I couldWill you stayWill you stay away foreverHow do I live without the ones I loveTime still turns the pages of the book it"s burnedPlace and time always on my mindI have so much to say but you"re so far awayPlans of what our futures holdFoolish lies of growing oldIt seems we"re so invincibleThe truth is so coldA final song a last requestA perfect chapter laid to restNow and then I try to findA place in my mindWhere you can stayYou can stay away foreverHow do I live without the ones I loveTime still turns the pages of the book it"s burnedPlace and time always on my mindI have so much to say but you"re so far awaySleep tight I"m not afraid not afraidThe ones that we love are here with meLay away a place for me place for me"Cause as soon as I"m done I"ll be on my wayTo live eternallyHow do I live without the ones I loveTime still turns the pages of the book it"s burnedPlace and time always on my mindAnd the light you left remains but it"s so hard to stayWhen I have so much to say and you"re so far awayI love you you were readyThe pain is strong and urges riseBut I"ll see you when He lets meYour pain is gone your hands untiedSo far away so farAnd I need you to knowSo far away so farAnd I need you to need you to knowu3010TSDu3002Mu3011

the law of average

the law of averages 是一种法则的名称,如《婚姻法》. the laws of grammar指的是语法的各种规则.

law of averages是什么意思

law of averages n. 大数定律; 平均律,常规; 常规; 平均律; [例句]The law of averages is on your side.平均律法则会站在你这边。

so far gone 和 so far away 都分别是什麼意思? so far so good呢

have got none till now; 目前为止还没得到have not done till now.目前为止还没完成

Wands的《AWAKE》 歌词

歌曲名:AWAKE歌手:Wands专辑:Awake〖AWAKE】作词:木村 真也作曲:杉元 一生编曲:WANDS呗:WANDS毛布かぶって泥のように眠ってたもう谁にも会いたくなくてさ美味しい话しに乗って骗されてばかりでいつしか现実から逃げていたんだ押し寄せる闇の中ひとり膝を抱えてるだけ风に落ちた果実みたいに腐ってくなんて望んじゃいないのにあの娘が出てった理由を探して见つけたのは结局仆の冷たさだった抱えた难问の答えは意外と単纯なところにあるのかも知れないね头がショートしそうになってもCoolを演じ切りたい仆の中に潜む自分を动かすカを呼び醒ますようにI say,I must awake流れてく落ちてゆく伪りの安息に棚に上げた心で何を见つけると言うのだろう一秒が无駄に过ぎていくよNow is the time to do it!押し寄せる闇を切り裂いて新しい风に触れたいいいことばかりじゃないとしても腐ってくよりは少しましだろうそうは思うけどベッドの中からまだ拔け出せないBut,I must awake




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求电影【她】里的背景音乐 歌词是a million miles away...

Off YouWritten by Kim DealPerformed by The BreedersCourtesy of Elektra Entertainment Group and 4ADBy arrangement with Warner Music Group Film & TV Licensing and Beggars Group Media LimitedWhen You Know You"re Gonna DieWritten and Performed by Arcade FireAlien ChildWritten and performed by Will CollinsSupersymmetryPerformed by Arcade FireProduced by Arcade Fire and James MurphyCleopatra in New York (Zim Zam Mix)Written by Nickodemus (as Nicholas J. DeSimone)Performed by NickodemusCourtesy of Wonderwheel RecordingsMagnesiumWritten by Sam Spiegel and Rusty LogsdonPerformed by N.A.S.A.Courtesy of Spectrophonic SoundI"m So GladWritten by Skip James (as Nehemiah Curtis James)Performed by EntranceCourtesy of Tiger Style RecordsThe Moon SongWritten by Karen O and Spike JonzePerformed by Scarlett Johansson and Joaquin PhoenixRacing TurtlesWritten and Performed by Barrie Gledden, Tim Reilly and Jason PedderCourtesy of Audio Network US, Inc.8 Bit Disco No. 3Written and Performed by Philip GuylerCourtesy of Audio NetworkNeed Your Love So BadWritten by John Mertis Jr. and Little Willie John (as John William Edward)Performed by Little Willie JohnCourtesy of Gusto Records, Inc.Sure of LoveWritten by George Goldner and Stuart WienerPerformed by The ChantelsCourtesy of Rhino Entertainment CompanyBy arrangement with Warner Music Group Film & TV LicensingDimensionsWritten, Produced and Performed by Arcade FireThe Moon SongWritten by Karen O and Spike JonzePerformed by Karen O

a mere twenty miles away.away怎么翻译为什么遇到距离的老是有away?


Living miles away, he attended the lecture. 是什么状语?

Livingmiles away, he attended the lecture. 这句话是让步状语希望帮到你

A Million Miles Away 歌词

歌曲名:A Million Miles Away歌手:Rory Gallagher专辑:Irish TourA Million Miles AwayRihannaA Girl Like MeA Million Miles AwayHere we lay face to face once againSilence cuts like a knife as we pretendAnd I"m wondering who will be the firstto say what we both knowWe"re just holding on to could have beensand we should be letting goIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles awayaway...Was it me, or was it you that broke awayFor what we wereis like a season love is changeAnd every time I think about itit tears me up insideLike the rivers of emotionbut I got no more tears to cryIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles awayaway...We can try to talk it overbut we walked that road beforeWhile our song is playing its last noteWe both know for surethat it"s time to close that doorIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles away....a million miles away.

A Million Miles Away 歌词

歌曲名:A Million Miles Away歌手:Rory Gallagher专辑:Big GunsA Million Miles AwayRihannaA Girl Like MeA Million Miles AwayHere we lay face to face once againSilence cuts like a knife as we pretendAnd I"m wondering who will be the firstto say what we both knowWe"re just holding on to could have beensand we should be letting goIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles awayaway...Was it me, or was it you that broke awayFor what we wereis like a season love is changeAnd every time I think about itit tears me up insideLike the rivers of emotionbut I got no more tears to cryIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles awayaway...We can try to talk it overbut we walked that road beforeWhile our song is playing its last noteWe both know for surethat it"s time to close that doorIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles away....a million miles away.

LOL视频锦集的bgm 女声 歌词有两句连着的far away

S5总决赛歌曲,worlds collide

a few miles away

前面有具体数字表距离的时候不能和far连用 改成:and I was a few miles away from

有谁有madonna的waiting miles away的歌词,我素要完整版,注意是完整版,谢谢!

您好!给您吧--《miles away 》歌词翻译 我刚刚醒来的时候从一个模糊的梦想  你从来就相信我所看到的东西  我从后视镜里看到,我看到你的脸  你看,你是我的右通过英里远的地方  我所有的梦,他们逐渐消失  我永远是一样的  如果你可以看见我的方式,你对自己的看法  我不能假装别人    永远爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去    当工作是围绕我只有你在这里吗  我开始看这部电影,它变得如此清晰  你总是有最大的心  当我们6.000英里远的地方吗    太没有声音  不舒服的沉默会那么大声  这三个字是吃不饱  当它的长途爱吗    永远爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去    我好  别难过,但是它是真实的  当我走了时,你就会意识到吗  我最好的事情发生在你身上    你总是爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方    你总是爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去

Waiting Miles Away 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting Miles Away歌手:Madonna专辑:2010年12月欧美新歌速递5-----Waiting Miles Away----------Madonna----------Just Fancy----------551907703-----I just woke up from a fuzzy dreamYou never would believe the things that I have seenI looked in the mirror and I saw your faceYou looked right through me, you were miles awayAll my dreams, they fade awayI"ll never be the sameIf you could see me the way you see yourselfI can"t pretend to be someone elseWaiting for tonight, ohWhen you would be here in my armsWaiting for tonight, ohI"ve dreamed of this love for so longWaiting for tonightSo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awayTender words you sayTake my breath awayLove me now, leave me nevermiles awayFound a sacred placeLost in your embraceI want to stay in this forevermiles awayI think of the days when the sun used to setOn my empty heart, all alone in my bedTossing and turning Emotions were strongI knew I had to hold onWaiting for tonight, ohAlways love me more, miles awayI hear it in your voice, miles awayYou"re not afraid to tell me, miles awayI guess we"re at your cest, miles awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awayWhen no one is around then I heve you hereI begin to see the picture, it becomes so clearYou always have the biggest heartWhen we"re 6,000 miles apartGone are the days when the sun used to setOn my empty heart all alone in my bedToo much of no soundUncomfortable silence can be so loudThose three words are never enoughI knew I had to hold onAlways love me more, miles awayI hear it in your voice, miles awayYou"re not afraid to tell me, miles awayI guess we"re at your cest, miles awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awayI"m alrightDon"t be sorry, but it"s trueWhen I"m gone, you realizeThat I"m the best thing that happended to youAlways love me more, miles awayI hear it in your voice, miles awayYou"re not afraid to tell me, miles awayI guess we"re at your cest, miles awayYou always love me more, miles awayI hear it in your voice, miles awayYou"re not afraid to tell me, miles awayI guess we"re at your cest, miles awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far away-----Waiting Miles Away----------Madonna----------Just Fancy----------551907703-----

麦当娜的Waiting Miles Away的歌曲链接 后缀是.MP3或 wma 放空间的


一首英文歌,女生唱的,里面重复很多次so far away谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

是不是Madonna(麦当娜)的《Miles Away》(千里之外)? 专辑:hard candy 中英文对照歌词: I just woke up from a fuzzy dream 我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来 You never would believe the things that I have seen 你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情 I looked in the mirror and I saw your face 我在镜子里看到你的脸 You looked right through me, you were miles away 你正在千里之外看穿我 All my dreams, they fade away 我的所有梦想,它们消失了 I"ll never be the same 我永远不会是相同的 If you could see me the way you see yourself 如果你可以用看自己的方式看我 I can"t pretend to be someone else 我不能假装成别人 Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 When noone is around then I have you here 当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里 I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear 我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚 You always have the biggest heart 你永远有最宽广的心 When we"re 6.000 miles apart 当我们分开了6000英里 Too much of no sound 太多的安静 Uncomfortable silence can be so loud 令人不安的沉默可以如此大声 Those three words are never enough 那三个词从来都不够 When it"s long distance love 当这是一段长途爱情 Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外 我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 I"m alright 我很好 Don"t be sorry, but it"s true 不要抱歉,但这是真实的 When I"m gone, you realize 当我走了,你意识到 That I"m the best thing that happened to you 我是你遇到的最好的 You always love me more, miles away 千里之外你永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外 我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远

It is 100miles away. away 在此作什么成分?


求ARASHI的《Miles away》的完整版罗马音!!

《Miles away》作曲:R.P.P作词:100+歌:岚遥か未来へのdreamer【ha ru ka mi ra i e no dreamer】走り出した日のbeliever【ha shi ri da shi ta hi no believer】始まりを祝うfreedom【ha ji ma ri o i wa u freedom】确かに闻こえるほら【ta shi ka ni ki ko e ru ho ra】生命の音【i no chi no o to】刻もうよ もうと【ki za mo u yo mo tto】君へ送るEndless beat【ki mi e o ku ru endless beat】巡り巡るseason【me gu ri me gu ru season】谛めないYesterdayと【a ki ra me na i yesterday to】选んできたEverydayを【e ran de ki ta everyday o】繋ぎ合わせたTomorrow【tsu na gi a wa se ta tomorrow】风は未来へと吹いて【ka ze wa mi ra i e to fu i te】エピソード【e pi so o do】纺ごうよ もっと【tsu mu go u yo mo tto】手に爱を持って漕ぎ出すWith you【te ni a i wo mo tte ko gi da su with you】明日へのPromises【a su e no promises】缲り返してくMy life【ku ri ka e shi te ku my life】それぞれのOne way【so re zo re no one way】生まれてゆくMy story【u ma re te yu ku my story】たとえMiles awayいいさFaraway【ta to e miles away i i sa faraway】放たれた光の果て【ha na ta re ta hi ka ri no ha te】共にSailing days【to mo ni sailing days】重なるフレーズ【ka sa na ru fu re e zu】几千の梦【i ku se n no yu me】风が歌うメロディーを【ka ze ga u ta u me ro di i wo】空に响くハーモニーを【so ra ni hi bi ku ha a mo ni i wo】仆ら感じるJoyful【bo ku ra ka n ji ru joyful】时に流す涙を【to ki ni na ga su na mi da wo】何重奏も【na n jyu so u mo】奏でよう もっと【ka na de yo u mo tto】永远を祈ってAll my love is you【to wa wo i no tte all my love is you】君へのPromises【ki mi e no promises】时を超えてくMy wish【to ki wo ko e te ku my wish】このままOn your way【ko no ma ma on your way】喜び描くStory【yo ro ko bi e ga ku story】今日にSay good night【kyo u ni say good night】愿うMorning night【ne ga u morning light】まだ知らないその先へ【ma da shi ra na i so no sa ki e】行こうSailing days【i ko u sailing days】重なるフレーズ【ka sa na ru fu re e zu】梦のほうへ【yu me no ho u e 】届くまで【to do ku ma de】重なるフレーズ...【ka sa na ru fu re e zu...】遥か未来へのdreamer【ha ru ka mi ra i e no dreamer】(梦のほうへ【yu me no ho u e 】)走り出した日のbeliever【ha shi ri da shi ta hi no believer】(届くまで【to do ku ma de】)始まりを祝うfreedom【ha ji ma ri o i wa u freedom】(梦のほうへ【yu me no ho u e 】)巡り会うためのPromises【me gu ri a u ta me no promises】缲り返してゆくMy life【ku ri ka e shi te yu ku my life】望GN采纳。(喜欢他们请支持其的正版作品)

Bill Evans的《Miles Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Miles Away歌手:Bill Evans专辑:The Alternative ManI am miles awayfrom a logical placeone glimpse from the pastmoves me forward to keep from bending backa part of me quitthe part that fitsgone like the windgone like the windgone like the windgone like the windI am miles awayfrom a logical placeone glimpse from the pastmoves me forward to keep from bending backgone like the windgone like the windgone like the windgone like the wind(zoe628)

歌词翻译《miles away 》

  您好!  给您吧--  《miles away 》  歌词翻译  我刚刚醒来的时候从一个模糊的梦想  你从来就相信我所看到的东西  我从后视镜里看到,我看到你的脸  你看,你是我的右通过英里远的地方  我所有的梦,他们逐渐消失  我永远是一样的  如果你可以看见我的方式,你对自己的看法  我不能假装别人  永远爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  当工作是围绕我只有你在这里吗  我开始看这部电影,它变得如此清晰  你总是有最大的心  当我们6.000英里远的地方吗  太没有声音  不舒服的沉默会那么大声  这三个字是吃不饱  当它的长途爱吗  永远爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  我好  别难过,但是它是真实的  当我走了时,你就会意识到吗  我最好的事情发生在你身上  你总是爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  你总是爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  。。。希望您满意。。。

求 Heiko 的miles away 中文和英文歌词

Heiko 的miles away 中文和英文歌词:I just woke up from a fuzzy dream 我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来You never would believe the things that I have seen 你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情I looked in the mirror and I saw your face 我在镜子里看到你的脸You looked right through me, you were miles away 你正在千里之外看穿我All my dreams, they fade away 我的所有梦想,它们消失了I"ll never be the same 我永远不会是相同的If you could see me the way you see yourself 如果你可以用看自己的方式看我I can"t pretend to be someone else 我不能假装成别人Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远When noone is around then I have you here 当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear 我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚You always have the biggest heart 你永远有最宽广的心 When we"re 6.000 miles apart 当我们分开了6000英里Too much of no sound 太多的安静Uncomfortable silence can be so loud 令人不安的沉默可以如此大声Those three words are never enough 那三个词从来都不够 When it"s long distance love 当这是一段长途爱情Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远I"m alright 我很好Don"t be sorry, but it"s true 不要抱歉,但这是真实的When I"m gone, you realize 当我走了,你意识到That I"m the best thing that happened to you 我是你遇到的最好的You always love me more, miles away 千里之外你永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远……

求麦当娜miles away歌词

Madonna - Miles Away 麦当娜-千里之外 专辑:hard candy I just woke up from a fuzzy dream 我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来 You never would believe the things that I have seen 你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情 I looked in the mirror and I saw your face 我在镜子里看到你的脸 You looked right through me, you were miles away 你正在千里之外看穿我 All my dreams, they fade away 我的所有梦想,它们消失了 I"ll never be the same 我永远不会是相同的 If you could see me the way you see yourself 如果你可以用看自己的方式看我 I can"t pretend to be someone else 我不能假装成别人 Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 When noone is around then I have you here 当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里 I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear 我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚 You always have the biggest heart 你永远有最宽广的心 When we"re 6.000 miles apart 当我们分开了6000英里 Too much of no sound 太多的安静 Uncomfortable silence can be so loud 令人不安的沉默可以如此大声 Those three words are never enough 那三个词从来都不够 When it"s long distance love 当这是一段长途爱情 Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外 我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 I"m alright 我很好 Don"t be sorry, but it"s true 不要抱歉,但这是真实的 When I"m gone, you realize 当我走了,你意识到 That I"m the best thing that happened to you 我是你遇到的最好的 You always love me more, miles away 千里之外你永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外 我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 ……

You could hear it from miles away.

away 做副词

请问这句话中的four hundred miles away怎么理解,是作定语从句还是同位语呢?

关键在以下几点:four hundred miles away是副词短语,副词可以作后置定语,不需要be动词连系。

求麦当娜miles away吉他谱

还有个图片我传不上来···Intro: Am, Em, G, F (x2) Am--------------------Em I just woke up from a fuzzy dream G-----------------------------F You never would believe those things that I had seen Am---------------------------Em I looked in the mirror and I saw your face G-------------------------------------F You looked right through me, you were miles away Am-----------------Em All my dreams they fade away G-------------F I"ll never be the same Am--------------------------Em If you could see me the way you see yourself G---------------------F I can"t pretend to be someone else Am-----------------------Em You always love me more, miles away G------------------------F I hear it in your voice, we"re miles away Am----------------------------Em You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away G------------------------------------F I guess we"re at our best when we"re miles away

it is about 2 miles___ from my home to the school A long B way C far D away

因为away from 是一个表示多远的一个词组

2000miles away什么意思


thousands of miles away是什么意思


thousands of miles away是什么意思

thousands of miles away千里之外双语对照词典结果:thousands of miles away万里迢迢; 例句:1.Thousands of miles away in kenya, his half-brother will be facing a rather differentaudience in a nairobi courtroom. 而在数千英里之外的肯尼亚,他同父异母的弟弟将在奈洛比法庭面对各式各样的观众

WWE里的RAW赛事 NXT赛事 SS赛事 SD赛事 TNA赛事 ECW赛事 什么意思?

RAW、SD和NXT是WWE的三个联盟,也可以叫三个品牌,都是属于WWE的,RAW是目前最好的联盟,在当地时间每周一播出,SD其次,是周五播出,NXT是一个培养新人的联盟,以8个WWE老将带领8位WWE新人的形式,每隔一段时间会进行淘汰,最后没有被淘汰的新人将正式成为WWE选手,并得到在PPV大赛上挑战任何一个冠军的权利,NXT是在周二播出~而NXT就是ECW改过来的,ECW在今年年初的时候,因为收视不佳,WWE最后决定废除ECW这个联盟,改成了现在这个全新的联盟NXT~SS应该是指的Superstars吧,Superstars也是WWE推出的一个节目,WWE三大联盟的选手都可能出现比赛,一般都是二线、三线的选手,这也是为了让观众不要遗忘这些选手,当然也可能会出现一线巨星,而比赛间隙就会插播一些RAW、SD或NXT的画面,也让很多没有看到当天节目的摔迷也可以从中做一些回顾了解,Superstars也是在周五播出~而TNA和WWE没有关系,TNA是另一个摔角公司,是WWE的劲敌公司,一直想要超越WWE,挖角了WWE很多以前的超级巨星,像Jeff Hardy、Hluk Hogan、Ric Flair、Mr.Kennedy现在都TNA的~PPV是WWE或TNA每月都会举行的一个或两个大赛,称为PPV大赛,PPV就是Pay Per View,也就是每分钟收费节目,一般都是进行冠军赛的大赛~

请问资深wwe观众,RAW NXT SS SD TNA联盟 ECW到底是怎样的关系啊?PPV合约又代表什么啊?

RAW是WWE一个很老的节目,是在1993年的时候创办的。SD也是WWE一个比较老的节目,是在1999年的时候创办的。ECW本来是一个独立联盟的,因为在02年的时候经营不当,所以在02年被WWE收购了。SS是WWE为了增加收视率而创办的一个节目,通常是在美国时间星期四进行。NXT是WWE用来替代ECW的节目(ECW在今年的3月被改为NXT,是用来锻炼新手的)。TNA是像WWE那样的联盟,其中有iMPACT这个联盟。(TNA是不属于WWE的)PPV的英文解释是pay per view,即按次付费观看。PPV提供了这样一种服务,电视观众可以购买(点播)所喜欢的节目,然后通过自己的电视来进行观看。当订购完成后,电视播放公司即会播放订购的节目。节目可以通过屏幕引导,自动回复电话或者是在线客服代表来购买。节目通常包括电影,体育赛事等。如:专业摔跤,武术或拳击。满意请采纳


是新加坡ZALORA是一个总部位于新加坡的时装及美容用品电商平台,为用户提供时装、饰物、鞋子及化妆护肤品。 wholesale,译为:批发。

Ben Jones was walking home from school one day when he saw a black cat. It was walking across t...

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:C小题4:A小题5:B 小题1:根据文章内容“It"s unlucky when a black cat crosses the street in front of you,” says Ben, “I did not want to walk down that street!”可知答案为A小题2:根据文章内容Many people think that some things bring bad luck or good luck. For example, some people think that 13 is an unlucky number. They never invite 13 people to a party可知答案为C小题3:根据文章内容“And when I find a penny on the ground, I always pick it up. That brings me good luck all day!”可知答案为C小题4:根据文章内容And what brings good luck? “We have a horseshoe over the front door of our house for good luck,” says Ben.可知答案为A小题5:根据文章内容大意可知答案为B


借鉴github某项目的目录├── SSM-API // common API │ ├── src/main│ ├── ├──java/com/crossoverJie // specific code。 │ ├── ├──resources├── SSM-BOOT // Available for internal use of dubbo dependencies │ ├── ├──resources/spring // dubbo consumer configuration├── SSM-SERVICE // The service implementation of the dubbo application │ ├── src/main│ ├── ├──java/com/crossoverJie/api // specific code│ ├── ├──├──controller // Heartbeat detection interface│ ├── ├──├──dubbo // Dubbo related code│ ├── ├──├──├──dao // dao package│ ├── ├──├──├──pojo // pojo package│ ├── ├──├──├──service // service package│ ├── ├──├──├──util // Toolkit│ ├── ├──├──impl // implement dubbo API│ ├── ├──resources // configuration file│ ├── ├──├──mapping // *.mapper configuration file│ ├── ├──├──spring // Spring related configuration file├── SSM-WEB // web application│ ├── src/main│ ├── ├──java/com/crossoverJie // specific code│ ├── ├──├──controller // controller package│ ├── ├──├──cxf // CXF related code│ ├── ├──├──dao // dao package│ ├── ├──├──enums // enum package│ ├── ├──├──intercept // Interceptor│ ├── ├──├──lucene // Lucene related code│ ├── ├──├──pojo // pojo package│ ├── ├──├──req // request package│ ├── ├──├──res // response package│ ├── ├──├──service // service pachage│ ├── ├──├──shiro // shiro related code│ ├── ├──├──util // Toolkit│ ├── ├──├──vo // vo package│ ├── ├──resources│ ├── ├──├──mapping // *.mapper configuration file│ ├── ├──webapp // front code├── doc│ ├──lucene // lucene related code│ ├──sql // sql scripts├── .gitignore // gitignore ├── pom.xml // parent pom├── LICENSE ├──



好吧!现在我就再另给开一题,麻烦您给一下《pull my heart away》的中文歌词

Hi 楼主,这首歌的歌词是我边听边翻译的,不一定完美,有瑕疵的地方请多多包涵,谢谢。Jack Penate - Pull My Heart Away by eelipseI"m ripping your posters off the wall我把你的海报从墙上撕下I"m moving the boxes into the hall我把箱子搬进大厅I stop when I hear a drumbeat call鼓声响起我立马停下Must be a sign, it is time嗯,这是一个信号,看来时间到了by eelipseI need to take myself awayFrom the pillowed hand on which I stand我要从你枕边抽身离去And throw me out of the side of a plane把我甩得远远的,甩到机舱外And I"ll just see where I land我应该知道我在哪着陆的by eelipseI will have to pull my heart away我得把我的心一并带走"Cause if I never leave I"ll ruin yesterday再不走的话,我的昨天就得被我一一毁灭by eelipseIt"s not like my feet are stuck to the floor不是说我不愿离开It"s not like I"m wanting to know about the door也不是说我想透彻了解你的心I want you to throw my shoes in the fire我希望你能把我的鞋都扔火里烧了And I"ll watch the souls burn on the funeral pyre那时我就能冷眼看着我的灵魂在火光灰烬中升华by eelipseAnd I"m over and it will change my position尽管我的一生就此完结,却能因此改变我的态度by eelipseAnd I"ll know that nobody, nobody"s listening我很清楚没人在倾听我的诉说And that"s easy for me and it"s better for the soul这没关系,我很自在,这对我的灵魂深处也不错And it"s better for you and it"s better for all嗯,这对你我大家都有好处by eelipseI will have to pull my heart away我得把我的心带走"Cause if I never leave I"ll ruin yesterday不然我就没有了昨天的记忆I will have to pull my heart away我得离开你"Cause if I never leave I"ll ruin yesterday因为我还想温存昨天仅有的记忆by eelipseI"m over with words, I"m moving in lines我的离去就像一个单词写完,一句话再转行And all that I put is jump up inside, jump off the side可我却是那么不安分,蠢蠢欲动by eelipseI will have to pull my heart away我得把我的心思从你身边拉开"Cause if I never leave I"ll ruin yesterday为的是,我希望留下昨日的美好I will have to pull my heart away我一定要离开你"Cause if I never leave I"ll ruin yesterday否则昨日不再by eelipseI will have to pull my heart away我离开你,我做得到。by eelipse

you took it all away 的歌词,是一首RAP

是Toiz的YOU TOOK IT ALL AWAY么?you took off from my life never tellin me whyand all the pain inside makes me wanna dieyou promised me a love that you never couldn"t keepfeels like lost in a dream dying deep in my sleepi see you kiss him and my breathe seems to stopmy eyes filled with tears as my heart starts to dropyou hold unto him tight and smile like our old timesit hurted me so deep just wished that i was blindyou look into his eyes as you whisper in his earyou"re showing him the good times that we used to sharehe holds you in close as he gently touch your lipswatching you in his arms as he gives you a kiss you showed him your love while you pushed me awayi"ve never ever thought that we end this waymy heart"s still yours though i shed many tearsand remember in your heart that i"ll always still be herechorusYou took it all awayYou placed us in separate livesI tried to hold us togetherBut you made it a losing fightYou carefully planned everything outYou made sure that I was blind you showed me a love That was never really mineYou never really loved me but pretended to stayI never ever thought that youll leave me this wayWhat happened to the times when you kiss me and sayI love you forever babe2nd versei stay up everynight thinking about our loving pastour very love story that i wished could have lasti handed you my heart and you tore it into twomy bright and sunny future now sudden turns so bluei gave you my life and i was tossed in the darki just can"t believe that you broke it apartmy dream of you as my one and only lovenow semms nothing more but my tears filled with bloodyou said that you"ll cheerish and love me til we dieyou made the promise now you"re leaving my sidemy trust and commitmentment that i placed in your handsyou threw it away now you"re with a different manyou started the fuss and you started the fightscan"t imagine why cuz what we had we was so righti love you so much and i still miss

Who has the company law?

同意二楼的回答 不应该译为法律

You Took My Heart Away 歌词

歌曲名:You Took My Heart Away歌手:Double专辑:DOUBLE Ballad Collection MellowStaring at the moon, so blueTurning all my thoughts to youI was without hopes or dreamsTrapped to die and never screamBut you, saw me throughWalking on a path of fearSee your faces everywherAs you melt this hottest stoneYou take my hand to guide me homeAnd now, I"m in loveYou took my heart awayWhen my whole world was greyYou gave me everythingAnd a little bit moreAnd when it"s cold at nightAnd you sleep by my sideYou"ve become the meaning of my lifeFaring in a world so coldYou are there to warm my soulYou came to mend a broken heartYou gave my life a brand new startAnd now, I"m in loveHolding your handI won"t fear tomorrowHere where we standWe"ll never be aloneYou"ve become the meaning of my lifeYou"ve become the meaningYou"ve become the meaning of my life


首先你要看你的其他程序还能出声么,譬如说看电影,听歌什么的 要是都不行的话就是你的声卡驱动出问题了 重新安装一下就可以了具体方法是:察看“系统属性”“硬件”“设备管理器”然后可以先在“操作”里“扫描检测硬件改动”或者直接把“声音、视频和游戏控制器”里的前几个驱动卸载,然后重起你的机子 电脑会自己扫描并安装驱动的

You Took My Heart Away 歌词

歌曲名:You Took My Heart Away歌手:Michael Learns To Rock专辑:Blue NightYou Took My Heart AwayMichael Learns to RockStaring at the moon so blueTurning all my thoughts to youI was without hopes or dreamsI tried to dull an inner scream but yousaw me throughWalking on a path of airSee your faces everywhereAs you melt this heart of stoneyou take my hand to guide me home and nowI"m in loveYou took my heart awaywhen my whole world was grayYou gave me everythingand a little bit moreAnd when it"s cold at nightand you sleep by my sideyou become the meaning of my lifeLiving in a world so coldyou are there to warm my soulYou came to mend a broken heartYou gave my life a brand new start and nowI"m in loveYou took my heart awaywhen my whole world was grayYou gave me everythingand a little bit moreAnd when it"s cold at nightand you sleep by my sideyou become the meaning of my lifeHolding your handI won"t fear tomorrowHere were we standwe"ll never be aloneYou took my heart awaywhen my whole world was grayYou gave me everythingand a little bit moreAnd when it"s cold at nightand you sleep by my sideyou become the meaning of my life

谁能用中文注释这首歌 you took my heart away

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