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请问这句话中的four hundred miles away怎么理解,是作定语从句还是同位语呢?

2023-07-20 13:29:23






  1. four hundred miles away是副词短语,

  2. 副词可以作后置定语,不需要be动词连系。


thousands of miles away是什么意思

thousands of miles away千里之外双语对照词典结果:thousands of miles away万里迢迢; 例句:1.Thousands of miles away in kenya, his half-brother will be facing a rather differentaudience in a nairobi courtroom. 而在数千英里之外的肯尼亚,他同父异母的弟弟将在奈洛比法庭面对各式各样的观众
2023-07-20 12:56:223

thousands of miles away是什么意思

2023-07-20 12:56:293

2000miles away什么意思

2023-07-20 12:56:371


有首英文歌叫几公里是指歌曲《500 miles》。歌名:《500 miles》歌手:The Journeymen作词:The Journeymen作曲:The Journeymen歌词:If you miss the train I"m on如果你错过我坐的火车You will know that I am gone你会知道我已离开You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百里,一百里A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百里,一百里You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响Lord, I"m one, Lord, I"m two天啊,一百里,二百里Lord, I"m three, Lord, I"m four天啊,三百里,四百里Lord, I"m 500 miles away from home天啊,我已离家五百里Away from home, away from home离开了家Away from home, away from home离开了家Lord, I"m 500 miles away from home天啊,我已离家五百里Not a shirt on my back衣不遮体Not a penny to my name一文不值Lord, I can"t go back home this a way天啊,我不能这个样回家园This a way, this a way这个样This a way, this a way这个样Lord, I can"t go back home this a way天啊,我不能这个样回家园If you miss the train I"m on如果你错过我坐的火车You will know that I am gone你会知道我已离开You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles...你可以听见汽笛在一百里以外响歌曲鉴赏:《500 Miles》被誉为史上最经典的美国乡村民谣,由美国民谣创作女歌手海蒂.威斯特(Hedy West)谱写,在1961年由民歌三重唱「旅行者」(Journeymen)率先唱出。这首歌旋律优美,自然清新,歌词富有诗意。歌词描述一个一事无成的异乡游子打算回家,却因为身无分文,只能一路靠著好心人搭载,没有便车可搭的时候,只能坐在路边等待,一边反覆的阅读著母亲的家书,已经过了好多天,如今距离家乡却还有遥远的五百里。
2023-07-20 12:56:441

it is about 2 miles___ from my home to the school A long B way C far D away

因为away from 是一个表示多远的一个词组
2023-07-20 12:57:037

求麦当娜miles away吉他谱

还有个图片我传不上来···Intro: Am, Em, G, F (x2) Am--------------------Em I just woke up from a fuzzy dream G-----------------------------F You never would believe those things that I had seen Am---------------------------Em I looked in the mirror and I saw your face G-------------------------------------F You looked right through me, you were miles away Am-----------------Em All my dreams they fade away G-------------F I"ll never be the same Am--------------------------Em If you could see me the way you see yourself G---------------------F I can"t pretend to be someone else Am-----------------------Em You always love me more, miles away G------------------------F I hear it in your voice, we"re miles away Am----------------------------Em You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away G------------------------------------F I guess we"re at our best when we"re miles away
2023-07-20 12:57:181

求歌词经常重复的英文歌 如 i miss you ,if you want me ,miles away之类的。 越多越好

everytimesometimesgirl in the mirror i"ll always love you love story mineyou belong with metomorrow
2023-07-20 12:57:264


一、用里程表达1.It is+数词+里程单位+from…to…It is 1,500 kilometers from Beijing to Guangzhou.从北京到广州有1500公里。2.地点/人+数词+里程单位+from/to…The town is twelve miles from here. 那个镇距这里12英里。(由远及近)You are now only seven miles from the city of Yichang.你现在距宜昌市仅7英里。(由远及近)The city is three kilometers to the station. 这个城市到车站有3公里远。(由近及远)3.地点+is+数词+里程单位+away.Australia is thousands of kilometers away. 澳大利亚由数千公里远。(由近及远)His home is two miles away. 他的家有两英里远。 (由近及远)二、用时间表达1.It is+时间单位(用所有格形式或表示度量的复合词)+行进方式(名词)+from…to…It is a week"s ride in train from Beijing to Moscow. 从北京到莫斯科坐火车需要一星期。It"s an eight-hour drive from here to Chongqing. 从这儿驾车去重庆需8小时。2.地点+is+时间单位(用所有格形式或表示度量的复合词)+行进方式(名词)+from…The zoo is twenty minutes walk from here. 从这儿到动物园要步行20分钟。3.It takes (sb.) +时间量+不定式+行进方式(介词短语)It takes about ten minutes to get to my school by bike. 骑自行车到我的学校要花大约10分钟。4.It is +时间量+from…to+行进方式(介词短语).It is three days from here to Guangzhou by train. 从这儿坐火车到广州3天。5.地点+is+时间量+ (+from&hellip +行进方式(介词短语).My house is about twenty minutes (from here) by bus. (从这儿)坐汽车到我家大约需要走20分钟。6.地点+is+时间+away.The house is ten minutes away. 那个房子距这儿有10分钟的路程。三、用钱票来表示It is+钱票数+行进方式(名词)+from/to…It is a one-yuan ride in a bus to Clock Tower. 从这里到钟楼坐汽车需要1元。
2023-07-20 12:57:552

有一首英文歌我记得好像叫three thousand miles,但是查不到,有人知道那首歌吗?

我也是断断续续找了好几年,想起来就找找,终于找到了,共享给你。3000 Miles - Emblem3First winter"s snowfallThrowing backyard snowballsWarming up the fireplaceMarshmallows catch fire on an open flameAll my friends get togetherWishing I was There but I"ll neverLiving in sunsine ohBut dreaming of a place called homeI wanna run, wanna run awayHey I"m dreaming of a place called homeI could try but I"m stuck hereToday I"m dreaming of a place that"s3000 miles awayFeels like it"s foreverSeems like yesterdayWe were running "round town togetherThis place just ain"t the sameI miss the stormy weatherI"m not okay3000 miles awayYou don"t pick up but I keep redialingCause you"re asleepGot your phone on silentStill early here I"m wide awakeI just want to hear you tell me all about your dayAlthough I never really showed itI had to leave for me to noticeThat living in the sunshine"s coldI"m dreaming of a place called homeI wanna run, wanna run awayHey I"m dreaming of a place called homeI could try but I"m stuck hereToday I"m dreaming of a place that"s3000 miles awayFeels like it"s foreverSeems like yesterdayWe were running "round town togetherThis place just ain"t the sameI miss the stormy weatherI"m not okay3000 miles...If I could go back for the weekendOr just for a dayTo see familiar facesThat"s all it would takeBut it"s too far3000 miles awayFeels like it"s foreverSeems like yesterdayWe were running "round town togetherThis place just ain"t the sameI miss the stormy weatherI"m not okay3000 miles...3000 miles awayFeels like it"s foreverSeems like yesterdayWe were running "round town togetherThis place just ain"t the sameI miss the stormy weatherI"m not okay3000 miles away
2023-07-20 12:58:031

You could hear it from miles away.

away 做副词
2023-07-20 12:58:114

《Five Hundred Miles》赏析

If you miss the train I"m on,若你错过了我搭乘的那班列车 You will know that I am gone, 那就是我已独自黯然离去 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles. 你听那绵延百里的汽笛 A hundred miles, a hundred miles, 一百里又一百里 载我远去 A hundred miles, A hundred miles, 一百里又一百里 再回不去 You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles. 那绵延百里的汽笛会告诉你我离去的讯息 Lord, I"m one, Lord, I"m two, Lord, 一百里 两百里 渐渐远去 I"m three, Lord, I"m four, Lord, 三百里 四百里 再回不去 I"m five hundred miles away from home. 不知不觉我便已离家五百余里 Away from home, away from home, 背负一切 离乡背井 away from home, away from home, 家在远方 我却再难回去 Lord, I"m five hundred miles away from home 上帝啊 家乡离我已有五百余里 Not a shirt on my back, 如今我衣衫褴褛 Not a penny to my name. 依旧是一文不名 Lord. I can"t go back home this-a way. 上帝啊 我怎能就这样回到家去 This-a way, this-a way, 这般潦倒 这般困顿 This-a way, this-a way, 这般处境 惨惨戚戚 Lord, I can"t go back home this-a way. 这样的我又怎好意思回到家去 If you miss the train I"m on, 若那列车开动让我来不及见你 You will know that I am gone, 那就说明我已独自黯然离去 You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles. 你听那绵延百里的汽笛 A hundred miles. 一百里 A hundred miles. 又一百里 载我远去 A hundred miles. 一百里 A hundred miles. 又一百里 再回不去 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你听那绵延百里的汽笛 声渐远去 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 告诉着你我已离乡背井 不见归期 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 那绵延百里的汽笛 一如我的叹息《Five hundred miles》称的上是民谣中百听不厌的佳作,重复的旋律,表达了一个在外漂泊打拼的游子向亲人诉说着不舍与留恋之情。为什么要走?要去往何方?火车不停地走,一百里,二百里,三百里,四百里,五百里,此刻,游子离家已有五百里。“away from home”重复数次,表达了游子对家的眷恋。歌词中段叙说游子在外奔波的辛酸,衣衫褴褛、身无分文,这样狼狈,离家这么遥远。“this a way”反复出现,充分表明游子的无可奈何,穷困在异地,这样怎么回家啊,怎么去面对那些关心自己的亲人啊。结尾复唱,表明,虽然生活不尽如人意,可是还要踏上远行的列车,为了梦想打拼。这不就是大多数年轻人面对的现实吗?这五百里路,是人生艰辛路。古今中外的游子,背井离乡求学问、求功名、讨生活,或喜或悲,有的高官厚禄,衣锦还乡;有的穷困潦倒,处境尴尬。但无论是富足还是穷苦,心中的乡愁却是永远难以磨灭的。《Five hundred miles》这首民谣旋律优美,自然清新,又富有哲理。歌词中的“你”或许是爱人,或许是亲人,总之是游子恋恋不舍的家乡的人;离家五百里,伴人生酸楚。这是一首饱含浓浓乡愁的曲子,让每一个背井离乡的游子沉浸在歌的意境中无法自拔。无数在外的拼搏的游子,或已功成名就,或在苦苦挣扎,但内心柔软的深处永远有一块地方,是属于故乡的。每个人心中都有一个故乡,每个心中也住着衣锦还乡的渴望。只是,现实里不只有美好,还有很多不能承受其重的卑微和悲凉。在纷繁复杂的人生舞台上呆久了,你会发现,聚光灯下,有太多的人为了生存都在刻意表演;阴影之中,不为人所见之处才是真实。有辛酸,有温暖也有丑陋。
2023-07-20 12:58:181

歌词里有 three thousand miles away 英文歌

3000 Miles-Emblem3
2023-07-20 12:58:251

1000 Miles Away From Home 歌词

歌曲名:1000 Miles Away From Home歌手:anneke van giersbergen专辑:Everything Is ChangingAnneke Van Giersbergen - 1000 Miles Away From Home...Here I amA thousand miles away from youI understand, I will have to do without youIn the dark, forces run me downThe end, in the corner of my eye.A thousand miles away from youA thousand miles.Honesty is following me aroundI have to do what is rightI fall down, my face against the groundI bow down.A thousand miles away from youI understand, I will have to do without youIn the dark, forces run me downThe end, in the corner of my eye.I believe he""ll find loveIn the kindest of godsI can see he""ll find hopeIn the greatest of kingdoms.A thousand miles away from youA thousand miles away from youA thousand miles away from you.He""ll find loveIn the kindest of gods.
2023-07-20 12:58:331


醉乡民谣里的five hundred miles麦当娜的 miles away
2023-07-20 12:58:532


  Madonna-MilesAway麦当娜-千里之外  专辑:hardcandy  Ijustwokeupfromafuzzydream我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来  YouneverwouldbelievethethingsthatIhaveseen你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情  IlookedinthemirrorandIsawyourface我在镜子里看到你的脸  Youlookedrightthroughme,youweremilesaway  你正在千里之外看穿我  Allmydreams,theyfadeaway我的所有梦想,它们消失了  I"llneverbethesame我永远不会是相同的  Ifyoucouldseemethewayyouseeyourself如果你可以用看自己的方式看我  Ican"tpretendtobesomeoneelse我不能假装成别人  Alwayslovememore,milesaway千里之外永远爱我更多  Ihearitinyourvoice,milesaway千里之外我在你的声音里听到  You"renotafraidtotellme,milesaway千里之外你不害怕告诉我  Iguesswe"reatourbest,milesaway千里之外  我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光  Sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远  Sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远  WhennooneisaroundthenIhaveyouhere当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里  Ibegintoseethepicture,itbecomessoclear我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚  Youalwayshavethebiggestheart你永远有最宽广的心  Whenwe"re6.000milesapart当我们分开了6000英里  Toomuchofnosound太多的安静  Uncomfortablesilencecanbesoloud令人不安的沉默可以如此大声  Thosethreewordsareneverenough那三个词从来都不够  Whenit"slongdistancelove当这是一段长途爱情  Alwayslovememore,milesaway千里之外永远爱我更多  Ihearitinyourvoice,milesaway千里之外  我在你的声音里听到  You"renotafraidtotellme,milesaway千里之外你不害怕告诉我  Iguesswe"reatourbest,milesaway千里之外  我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光  Sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远  Sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远  I"malright我很好  Don"tbesorry,butit"strue不要抱歉,但这是真实的  WhenI"mgone,yourealize当我走了,你意识到  ThatI"mthebestthingthathappenedtoyou我是你遇到的最好的  Youalwayslovememore,milesaway千里之外你永远爱我更多  Ihearitinyourvoice,milesaway千里之外  我在你的声音里听到  You"renotafraidtotellme,milesaway千里之外你不害怕告诉我  Iguesswe"reatourbest,milesaway千里之外  我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光  Sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远  Sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway,sofaraway那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远  ……
2023-07-20 12:59:061

求麦当娜miles away歌词

Madonna - Miles Away 麦当娜-千里之外 专辑:hard candy I just woke up from a fuzzy dream 我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来 You never would believe the things that I have seen 你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情 I looked in the mirror and I saw your face 我在镜子里看到你的脸 You looked right through me, you were miles away 你正在千里之外看穿我 All my dreams, they fade away 我的所有梦想,它们消失了 I"ll never be the same 我永远不会是相同的 If you could see me the way you see yourself 如果你可以用看自己的方式看我 I can"t pretend to be someone else 我不能假装成别人 Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 When noone is around then I have you here 当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里 I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear 我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚 You always have the biggest heart 你永远有最宽广的心 When we"re 6.000 miles apart 当我们分开了6000英里 Too much of no sound 太多的安静 Uncomfortable silence can be so loud 令人不安的沉默可以如此大声 Those three words are never enough 那三个词从来都不够 When it"s long distance love 当这是一段长途爱情 Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外 我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 I"m alright 我很好 Don"t be sorry, but it"s true 不要抱歉,但这是真实的 When I"m gone, you realize 当我走了,你意识到 That I"m the best thing that happened to you 我是你遇到的最好的 You always love me more, miles away 千里之外你永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外 我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 ……
2023-07-20 12:59:131

求 Heiko 的miles away 中文和英文歌词

Heiko 的miles away 中文和英文歌词:I just woke up from a fuzzy dream 我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来You never would believe the things that I have seen 你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情I looked in the mirror and I saw your face 我在镜子里看到你的脸You looked right through me, you were miles away 你正在千里之外看穿我All my dreams, they fade away 我的所有梦想,它们消失了I"ll never be the same 我永远不会是相同的If you could see me the way you see yourself 如果你可以用看自己的方式看我I can"t pretend to be someone else 我不能假装成别人Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远When noone is around then I have you here 当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear 我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚You always have the biggest heart 你永远有最宽广的心 When we"re 6.000 miles apart 当我们分开了6000英里Too much of no sound 太多的安静Uncomfortable silence can be so loud 令人不安的沉默可以如此大声Those three words are never enough 那三个词从来都不够 When it"s long distance love 当这是一段长途爱情Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远I"m alright 我很好Don"t be sorry, but it"s true 不要抱歉,但这是真实的When I"m gone, you realize 当我走了,你意识到That I"m the best thing that happened to you 我是你遇到的最好的You always love me more, miles away 千里之外你永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远……
2023-07-20 12:59:201

歌词翻译《miles away 》

  您好!  给您吧--  《miles away 》  歌词翻译  我刚刚醒来的时候从一个模糊的梦想  你从来就相信我所看到的东西  我从后视镜里看到,我看到你的脸  你看,你是我的右通过英里远的地方  我所有的梦,他们逐渐消失  我永远是一样的  如果你可以看见我的方式,你对自己的看法  我不能假装别人  永远爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  当工作是围绕我只有你在这里吗  我开始看这部电影,它变得如此清晰  你总是有最大的心  当我们6.000英里远的地方吗  太没有声音  不舒服的沉默会那么大声  这三个字是吃不饱  当它的长途爱吗  永远爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  我好  别难过,但是它是真实的  当我走了时,你就会意识到吗  我最好的事情发生在你身上  你总是爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  你总是爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  。。。希望您满意。。。
2023-07-20 12:59:281

Bill Evans的《Miles Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Miles Away歌手:Bill Evans专辑:The Alternative ManI am miles awayfrom a logical placeone glimpse from the pastmoves me forward to keep from bending backa part of me quitthe part that fitsgone like the windgone like the windgone like the windgone like the windI am miles awayfrom a logical placeone glimpse from the pastmoves me forward to keep from bending backgone like the windgone like the windgone like the windgone like the wind(zoe628)
2023-07-20 12:59:351

求ARASHI的《Miles away》的完整版罗马音!!

《Miles away》作曲:R.P.P作词:100+歌:岚遥か未来へのdreamer【ha ru ka mi ra i e no dreamer】走り出した日のbeliever【ha shi ri da shi ta hi no believer】始まりを祝うfreedom【ha ji ma ri o i wa u freedom】确かに闻こえるほら【ta shi ka ni ki ko e ru ho ra】生命の音【i no chi no o to】刻もうよ もうと【ki za mo u yo mo tto】君へ送るEndless beat【ki mi e o ku ru endless beat】巡り巡るseason【me gu ri me gu ru season】谛めないYesterdayと【a ki ra me na i yesterday to】选んできたEverydayを【e ran de ki ta everyday o】繋ぎ合わせたTomorrow【tsu na gi a wa se ta tomorrow】风は未来へと吹いて【ka ze wa mi ra i e to fu i te】エピソード【e pi so o do】纺ごうよ もっと【tsu mu go u yo mo tto】手に爱を持って漕ぎ出すWith you【te ni a i wo mo tte ko gi da su with you】明日へのPromises【a su e no promises】缲り返してくMy life【ku ri ka e shi te ku my life】それぞれのOne way【so re zo re no one way】生まれてゆくMy story【u ma re te yu ku my story】たとえMiles awayいいさFaraway【ta to e miles away i i sa faraway】放たれた光の果て【ha na ta re ta hi ka ri no ha te】共にSailing days【to mo ni sailing days】重なるフレーズ【ka sa na ru fu re e zu】几千の梦【i ku se n no yu me】风が歌うメロディーを【ka ze ga u ta u me ro di i wo】空に响くハーモニーを【so ra ni hi bi ku ha a mo ni i wo】仆ら感じるJoyful【bo ku ra ka n ji ru joyful】时に流す涙を【to ki ni na ga su na mi da wo】何重奏も【na n jyu so u mo】奏でよう もっと【ka na de yo u mo tto】永远を祈ってAll my love is you【to wa wo i no tte all my love is you】君へのPromises【ki mi e no promises】时を超えてくMy wish【to ki wo ko e te ku my wish】このままOn your way【ko no ma ma on your way】喜び描くStory【yo ro ko bi e ga ku story】今日にSay good night【kyo u ni say good night】愿うMorning night【ne ga u morning light】まだ知らないその先へ【ma da shi ra na i so no sa ki e】行こうSailing days【i ko u sailing days】重なるフレーズ【ka sa na ru fu re e zu】梦のほうへ【yu me no ho u e 】届くまで【to do ku ma de】重なるフレーズ...【ka sa na ru fu re e zu...】遥か未来へのdreamer【ha ru ka mi ra i e no dreamer】(梦のほうへ【yu me no ho u e 】)走り出した日のbeliever【ha shi ri da shi ta hi no believer】(届くまで【to do ku ma de】)始まりを祝うfreedom【ha ji ma ri o i wa u freedom】(梦のほうへ【yu me no ho u e 】)巡り会うためのPromises【me gu ri a u ta me no promises】缲り返してゆくMy life【ku ri ka e shi te yu ku my life】望GN采纳。(喜欢他们请支持其的正版作品)
2023-07-20 12:59:441

求日剧《change》 麦当娜所唱主题曲中文翻译

2023-07-20 12:59:524

It is 100miles away. away 在此作什么成分?

2023-07-20 12:59:592


《五百英里》歌词如下:If you miss the train I"m onYou will know that I am goneYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred milesA hundred miles a hundred milesA hundred miles a hundred milesYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred milesLord I"m one Lord I"m twoLord I"m three Lord I"m fourLord I"m 500 miles away from homeAway from home away from homeAway from home away from homeLord I"m 500 miles away from homeNot a shirt on my backNot a penny to my nameLord I can"t go back home this a-wayThis a-way this a-wayThis a-way this a-wayLord I can"t go back home this a-wayIf you miss the train I"m onYou will know that I am goneYou can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles《五百英里》歌曲基本信息此曲由美国民谣歌手Hedy West创作,并于1961年率先发行在民歌三重唱Journeymen的同名专辑中,后有日本摇滚歌神忌野清志郎改编日文版的《500miles》,被松隆子和忌野清志郎本人唱过。这首《500 miles》完全有可能是被翻唱次数最多的重唱歌曲。最为出名的就是Peter、Paul、Mary和The brothers four的演绎,他们和Joan baez是美国60年代民歌运动的重要代表。他们歌曲的共同风格就是旋律优美,自然清新,同时又富有哲理,几十年来被人们传唱。
2023-07-20 13:00:061

一首英文歌,女生唱的,里面重复很多次so far away谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

是不是Madonna(麦当娜)的《Miles Away》(千里之外)? 专辑:hard candy 中英文对照歌词: I just woke up from a fuzzy dream 我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来 You never would believe the things that I have seen 你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情 I looked in the mirror and I saw your face 我在镜子里看到你的脸 You looked right through me, you were miles away 你正在千里之外看穿我 All my dreams, they fade away 我的所有梦想,它们消失了 I"ll never be the same 我永远不会是相同的 If you could see me the way you see yourself 如果你可以用看自己的方式看我 I can"t pretend to be someone else 我不能假装成别人 Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 When noone is around then I have you here 当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里 I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear 我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚 You always have the biggest heart 你永远有最宽广的心 When we"re 6.000 miles apart 当我们分开了6000英里 Too much of no sound 太多的安静 Uncomfortable silence can be so loud 令人不安的沉默可以如此大声 Those three words are never enough 那三个词从来都不够 When it"s long distance love 当这是一段长途爱情 Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外 我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 I"m alright 我很好 Don"t be sorry, but it"s true 不要抱歉,但这是真实的 When I"m gone, you realize 当我走了,你意识到 That I"m the best thing that happened to you 我是你遇到的最好的 You always love me more, miles away 千里之外你永远爱我更多 I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外 我在你的声音里听到 You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我 I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外 我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远 So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远
2023-07-20 13:00:321

一首英文歌重复了很多遍million milesaway

7000 miles away
2023-07-20 13:00:418

麦当娜的Waiting Miles Away的歌曲链接 后缀是.MP3或 wma 放空间的

2023-07-20 13:01:093


是Justin Timber lake(贾斯汀·汀布莱克)的Five Hundred Miles 你可以直接搜索五百里,是首饱含乡愁的歌曲,诉说着游子远离家长远离亲人在外独自漂泊打拼的心酸。
2023-07-20 13:01:171


  民谣天王BobDylan的名曲《500Miles》。  歌曲简介:  此曲由美国民谣歌手Hedy West创作,并于1961年率先发行在民歌三重唱Journeymen(旅行者)的同名专辑中,后有日本摇滚歌神忌野清志郎改编日文版的500 miles,被松隆子和忌野清志郎本人唱过。值得注意的是,应区别于Bobby Bare的《500 miles away from home》。  2013年Justin Timberlake 联手Carey Mulligan和Stark Sands主演新片Inside Llewyn Davis《醉乡民谣》深情献唱主题曲500 Miles,该片将在2013年12月4日比利时和法国上映 ,2014年1月2日在德国上映。  歌词:  500 miles  演唱:The Brothers Four(四兄弟演唱组)  If you miss the train I"m on  You will know that I am gone  You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles  A hundred miles, a hundred miles  A hundred miles, a hundred miles  You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles  Lord, I"m one, Lord, I"m two  Lord, I"m three, Lord, I"m four  Lord, I"m 500 miles away from home  Away from home, away from home  Away from home, away from home  Lord, I"m 500 miles away from home  Not a shirt on my back  Not a penny to my name  Lord, I can"t go back home this a-way  This a-way, this a-way  This a-way, this a-way  Lord, I can"t go back home this a-way  If you miss the train I"m on  You will know that I am gone  You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles...
2023-07-20 13:02:172

waiting miles away中文歌词

I just woke up from a fuzzy dream 我刚从一个模糊的梦想醒来You never would believe the things that I have seen 你永远不会相信我所看到的的事情I looked in the mirror and I saw your face 我在镜子里看到你的脸You looked right through me, you were miles away 你正在千里之外看穿我All my dreams, they fade away 我的所有梦想,它们消失了I"ll never be the same 我永远不会是相同的If you could see me the way you see yourself 如果你可以用看自己的方式看我I can"t pretend to be someone else 我不能假装成别人Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远When noone is around then I have you here 当没有人在旁边,我有你在这里I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear 我开始看到这画面,它变的这么清楚You always have the biggest heart 你永远有最宽广的心 When we"re 6.000 miles apart 当我们分开了6000英里Too much of no sound 太多的安静Uncomfortable silence can be so loud 令人不安的沉默可以如此大声Those three words are never enough 那三个词从来都不够 When it"s long distance love 当这是一段长途爱情Always love me more, miles away 千里之外永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远I"m alright 我很好Don"t be sorry, but it"s true 不要抱歉,但这是真实的When I"m gone, you realize 当我走了,你意识到That I"m the best thing that happened to you 我是你遇到的最好的You always love me more, miles away 千里之外你永远爱我更多I hear it in your voice, miles away 千里之外我在你的声音里听到You"re not afraid to tell me, miles away 千里之外你不害怕告诉我I guess we"re at our best, miles away 千里之外我猜想我们正处于我们的最好时光So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远So far away, so far away, so far away, so far away 那么远,那么远,那么远,那么远
2023-07-20 13:03:011

Waiting Miles Away 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting Miles Away歌手:Madonna专辑:2010年12月欧美新歌速递5-----Waiting Miles Away----------Madonna----------Just Fancy----------551907703-----I just woke up from a fuzzy dreamYou never would believe the things that I have seenI looked in the mirror and I saw your faceYou looked right through me, you were miles awayAll my dreams, they fade awayI"ll never be the sameIf you could see me the way you see yourselfI can"t pretend to be someone elseWaiting for tonight, ohWhen you would be here in my armsWaiting for tonight, ohI"ve dreamed of this love for so longWaiting for tonightSo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awayTender words you sayTake my breath awayLove me now, leave me nevermiles awayFound a sacred placeLost in your embraceI want to stay in this forevermiles awayI think of the days when the sun used to setOn my empty heart, all alone in my bedTossing and turning Emotions were strongI knew I had to hold onWaiting for tonight, ohAlways love me more, miles awayI hear it in your voice, miles awayYou"re not afraid to tell me, miles awayI guess we"re at your cest, miles awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awayWhen no one is around then I heve you hereI begin to see the picture, it becomes so clearYou always have the biggest heartWhen we"re 6,000 miles apartGone are the days when the sun used to setOn my empty heart all alone in my bedToo much of no soundUncomfortable silence can be so loudThose three words are never enoughI knew I had to hold onAlways love me more, miles awayI hear it in your voice, miles awayYou"re not afraid to tell me, miles awayI guess we"re at your cest, miles awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awayI"m alrightDon"t be sorry, but it"s trueWhen I"m gone, you realizeThat I"m the best thing that happended to youAlways love me more, miles awayI hear it in your voice, miles awayYou"re not afraid to tell me, miles awayI guess we"re at your cest, miles awayYou always love me more, miles awayI hear it in your voice, miles awayYou"re not afraid to tell me, miles awayI guess we"re at your cest, miles awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far awaySo far away, so far away, so far away, so far away-----Waiting Miles Away----------Madonna----------Just Fancy----------551907703-----
2023-07-20 13:03:081

有谁有madonna的waiting miles away的歌词,我素要完整版,注意是完整版,谢谢!

您好!给您吧--《miles away 》歌词翻译 我刚刚醒来的时候从一个模糊的梦想  你从来就相信我所看到的东西  我从后视镜里看到,我看到你的脸  你看,你是我的右通过英里远的地方  我所有的梦,他们逐渐消失  我永远是一样的  如果你可以看见我的方式,你对自己的看法  我不能假装别人    永远爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去    当工作是围绕我只有你在这里吗  我开始看这部电影,它变得如此清晰  你总是有最大的心  当我们6.000英里远的地方吗    太没有声音  不舒服的沉默会那么大声  这三个字是吃不饱  当它的长途爱吗    永远爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去    我好  别难过,但是它是真实的  当我走了时,你就会意识到吗  我最好的事情发生在你身上    你总是爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方    你总是爱我,英里远的地方  我听到了你的声音,英里远的地方  你不害怕,告诉我,英里远的地方  我想我们在最佳状态,英里远的地方  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去  到目前为止,那么远,那么远,离我远去
2023-07-20 13:03:163

a few miles away

前面有具体数字表距离的时候不能和far连用 改成:and I was a few miles away from
2023-07-20 13:03:231

LOL视频锦集的bgm 女声 歌词有两句连着的far away

S5总决赛歌曲,worlds collide
2023-07-20 13:03:333

it is about 2 miles___ from my home to the school A long B w?

表示距离远近的用away/far,不用long/way,long表示时间上的长短,以及事物的长短(不是两地间的距离),而way就是路、道路、方法的意思,没有表示长短的意思 ..away from,这个词组表示:离某地有多少远的距离 far from也有这么个词组,far表示的是距离 当距离有明确的数字,如题中的2 miles(2里),就要说2 miles away from 但当2 miles被划线要求变成特殊疑问句提问时要改成: How far is it from my home to the school?,9,be *** away from *** ——离某地多少距离 别的都不可以,2,这里是说从我家到学校的距离大概有2英里远。 因为away from 固定搭配。 表示离 …… 有多远。 不能说long from ,long一般表示长度。 way 是名词,路。 far 是形容词和副词 例句:my house is far away from here。 也可以说far from,可是意思就变成了离……很远 所以一般表示具体距离的都是选awa...,2,it is about 2 miles away from my home to the school.我家到学校大概有2里地. away from...离...有多远,1,因为away from 是一个表示多远的一个词组,0,D A、B忽略,仅考虑C、D区别。C中far不定量,D中away与具体数字一起表示量化的远近是常用结构。,0,1.“away”在这里代表路程的意思,是一个名词,专用于描述两地这件的距离。回答路程的固定句型是:“it is ___ (这里可以填具体的路程,也可以填形容远的词,如,far)away from A to B”. 2.A选项long,可以用在“it is a long way from A to B”,前面的“2 miles”具体的形容距离多远,如果再选择A选项就重复两个形容距离的词了。,0,it is about 2 miles___ from my home to the school A long B way C far D away 为什么填away?不能填别的?
2023-07-20 13:03:461


如果你错过了火车你就会知道,我经历了您可以听到哨子打击1一〇 〇英里1一〇 〇英里一一○○英里1一〇 〇英里一一○○英里您可以听到哨子低头1一〇 〇英里我的三个上帝我的离家出走离家出走离家出走,离家出走离家出走,离家出走我走五百英里离家出走没有一分一毫,在我名下上帝,我不能回家这距离赶快远离赶快远离上帝,我不能回家,远离如果你错过了火车你就会知道,我经历了您可以听到哨子打击1一〇 〇英里
2023-07-20 13:03:542


《500 miles》表达的爱情就是长长久久的意思。迄今为止,如果The Beatles的《Yesterday》是被翻唱次数最多的独唱歌曲的话,这首《500 miles》,则完全有可能是被翻唱次数最多的重唱歌曲。最为出名的就是Peter, Paul & Mary(三重唱组合)和The Brothers Four(四重唱组合)的演绎,他们和Joan Baez(代表作为那首著名的“Donna Donna”)是美国60年代民歌运动的重要代表。他们歌曲的共同风格就是旋律优美,自然清新,同时又富有哲理,几十年来被人们传唱,经久不衰。大家可以把The brothers four、Peter,Paul & Mary(PP&M)、The Journeymen、The Innocence Mission的风格作个比较。《500 miles》歌曲原唱:The Journeymen(旅行者乐队)作词:The Journeymen作曲:The JourneymenIf you miss the train I"m on如果你错过了我坐的那班火车You will know that I am gone你应明白我已离开You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百英里,一百英里A hundred miles, a hundred miles一百英里,一百英里You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声Lord I"m one, lord I"m two上帝啊,一百英里,两百英里lord I"m three, lord I"m four上帝啊,三百英里,四百英里Lord I"m five hundred miles away from home上帝啊,我已离家五百英里Away from home, Away from home离开家啊,离开家啊Away from home, Away from home离开家啊,离开家啊Lord I"m five hundred miles away from home上帝啊,我已离家五百英里Not a shirt on my back我衣衫褴褛Not a penny to my name我一文不名Lord I can"t go back home this a-way上帝啊,我不能这样回家This a-way, this a-way这个样,这个样This a-way, this a-way这个样,这个样Lord I can"t go backhome this a-way上帝啊,我不能这样回家If you miss the train I"m on如果你错过了我坐的那班火车You will know that I am gone你应明白我已离开You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声
2023-07-20 13:05:071

five hundred miles歌词是什么意思?

分享歌词:歌曲名:Five Hundred Mile歌手:Danny Schneider词曲:Afeil专辑:ShimmerIf you miss the train I"m on,若你错过了我搭乘的那班列车,You will know that I am gone,那就是我已独自黯然离去,You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles.你听那绵延百里的汽笛,A hundred miles, a hundred miles,一百里又一百里 载我远去,A hundred miles, A hundred miles,一百里又一百里 再回不去,You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles.那绵延百里的汽笛会告诉你我离去的讯息,Lord, I"m one, Lord, I"m two, Lord,一百里 两百里 渐渐远去,I"m three, Lord, I"m four, Lord,三百里 四百里 再回不去,I"m five hundred miles away from home.不知不觉我便已离家五百余里,Away from home, away from home,背负一切 离乡背井,away from home, away from home,家在远方 我却再难回去,Lord, I"m five hundred miles away from home,上帝啊 家乡离我已有五百余里,Not a shirt on my back,如今我衣衫褴褛,Not a penny to my name.依旧是一文不名,Lord. I can"t go back home this-a way.上帝啊 我怎能就这样回到家去,This-a way, this-a way,这般潦倒 这般困顿,This-a way, this-a way,这般处境 惨惨戚戚,Lord, I can"t go back home this-a way.这样的我又怎好意思回到家去,If you miss the train I"m on,若那列车开动让我来不及见你,You will know that I am gone,那就说明我已独自黯然离去,You can hear the whistle blow A hundred miles.你听那绵延百里的汽笛,A hundred miles.一百里,A hundred miles.又一百里 载我远去,A hundred miles.一百里,A hundred miles.又一百里 再回不去,You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles,你听那绵延百里的汽笛 声渐远去,You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles,告诉着你我已离乡背井 不见归期,You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles,那绵延百里的汽笛 一如我的叹息。
2023-07-20 13:05:221

A Million Miles Away 歌词

歌曲名:A Million Miles Away歌手:Rory Gallagher专辑:Big GunsA Million Miles AwayRihannaA Girl Like MeA Million Miles AwayHere we lay face to face once againSilence cuts like a knife as we pretendAnd I"m wondering who will be the firstto say what we both knowWe"re just holding on to could have beensand we should be letting goIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles awayaway...Was it me, or was it you that broke awayFor what we wereis like a season love is changeAnd every time I think about itit tears me up insideLike the rivers of emotionbut I got no more tears to cryIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles awayaway...We can try to talk it overbut we walked that road beforeWhile our song is playing its last noteWe both know for surethat it"s time to close that doorIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles away....a million miles away.
2023-07-20 13:05:291

A Million Miles Away 歌词

歌曲名:A Million Miles Away歌手:Rory Gallagher专辑:Irish TourA Million Miles AwayRihannaA Girl Like MeA Million Miles AwayHere we lay face to face once againSilence cuts like a knife as we pretendAnd I"m wondering who will be the firstto say what we both knowWe"re just holding on to could have beensand we should be letting goIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles awayaway...Was it me, or was it you that broke awayFor what we wereis like a season love is changeAnd every time I think about itit tears me up insideLike the rivers of emotionbut I got no more tears to cryIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles awayaway...We can try to talk it overbut we walked that road beforeWhile our song is playing its last noteWe both know for surethat it"s time to close that doorIt feels like you"re a million miles awayas you"re lying here with me tonightI can"t even find the words to sayI can find a way to make it rightAnd we both know that the story"s endingWe play the part but we"re just pretendingand I can"t hide the tears"cause even though you"re hereIt feels like you"re a million miles away....a million miles away.
2023-07-20 13:05:361


一千英里 - 唐宁作词:唐宁、JasonY作曲:唐宁当我想起你 我可以感觉到you are smiling我试图拥抱我们共同呼吸过的空气Even你只存在照片里Even你只存在电话里Even我习惯了自己看电影 枕头当做你我太痴迷在睡前听你叫我baby好像感觉到你在耳边温暖的呼吸Even你只出现在梦里Even你只出现在心里Even一句想你也隔著几小时飞行的距离A thousand miles awayI can see your face throughthe shining stars under the same skyA thousand miles awayMaybe my tears can stillfall on your shoulderA thousand miles awayIve try so hard but not toknow If youre thereA thousand miles can Istill hold you tight我太痴迷在睡前听你叫我baby好像感觉到你在耳边温暖的呼吸Even你只出现在梦里Even你只出现在心里Even一句想你也隔著几小时飞行的距离A thousand miles awayI can see your face throughthe shining stars under the same skyA thousand miles awayMaybe my tears can stillfall on your shoulderA thousand miles awayIve try so hard but not toknow If youre thereA thousand miles can Istill hold you tight时间的刻度 在陌生城市计算着思念的长度拥抱的温度 变成了期待 圈成幸福A thousand miles awayI can see your face throughthe shining stars under the same skyA thousand miles awayMaybe my tears can stillfall on your shoulderA thousand miles awayIve try so hard butnot to know If youre thereA thousand milescan I still hold you tight就像此刻 同片星空的拥抱
2023-07-20 13:05:431

U.S. Mile 5 歌词

歌曲名:U.S. Mile 5歌手:Stars Of Track And Field专辑:Centuries Before Love And WarJustin Bieber – U SmileSplendid yangOhYeahMmmmI"d wait on you forever and a dayHand and footYour world is my worldYeahAin"t no way you"re ever gon" getAny less than you shouldCause babyYou smile I smile (oh)Cause wheneverYou smile I smileHey hey heyYour lips, my biggest weaknessShouldn"t have let you knowI"m always gonna do what they say (hey)If you need meI"ll come right thereFrom a thousand miles awayWhen you smile I smile (oh whoa)You smile I smileHeyBaby take my open heart and all it offersCause this is as unconditional as it"ll ever getYou ain"t seen nothing yetI won"t ever hesitate to give you moreCause baby (hey)You smile I smile (whoa)You smile I smileHey hey heyYou smile I smileI smile I smile I smileYou smile I smileMake me smile babyBaby you won"t ever work for nothingYou are my ins and my means nowWith you there"s no in betweenI"m all inCause my cards are on the tableAnd I"m willing and I"m ableBut I fold to your wishCause it"s my commandHey hey heyYou smile I smile (whoa)You smile I smileHey hey heyYou smile I smileI smile I smile I smileYou smile I smileOhYou smile I smileYou smileI smileNONO I wanna see you smile
2023-07-20 13:06:081

Living miles away, he attended the lecture. 是什么状语?

Livingmiles away, he attended the lecture. 这句话是让步状语希望帮到你
2023-07-20 13:06:161

a mere twenty miles away.away怎么翻译为什么遇到距离的老是有away?

2023-07-20 13:06:254

500 miles的中文歌词是什么?

《500 miles》歌手:The Innocence Mission作词:Hedy West谱曲:Hedy WestIf you miss the train I"m on,You will know that I am gone如果你错过了我那趟火车,你应明白我已离开You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles,A hundred miles, a hundred miles你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声,一百英里,一百英里A hundred miles, a hundred miles,You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles一百英里,一百英里,你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声Lord I"m one, lord I"m two,lord I"m three, lord I"m four上帝我已远离一百英里,两百英里,上帝我已远离三百英里,四百英里Lord I"m five hundred miles away from home,Away from home,  Away from home不知不觉我已离家五百英里,离开家啊,离开家啊Away from home, Away from home,Lord I"m five hundred miles away from home离开家啊,离开家啊,上帝啊,我已离家五百英里Not a shirt on my back,Not a penny to my name我衣衫褴褛,我一文不名Lord I can"t go back home this a-way,This a-way, this a-way上帝啊,我这么落魄怎么回家去,这般窘迫,这般潦倒This a-way, this a-way,Lord I can"t go backhome this a-way这般窘迫,这般潦倒,上帝啊,我这么落魄怎么回家去If you miss the train I"m on,You will know that I am gone如果你错过了我那趟火车,你应明白我已离开You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声扩展资料:《500miles》相关乐队1、The Journeymen乐队介绍------“The Journeymen”乐队是由——Johnny Cash,Willie Nelson,Waylon Jennings,Kris Kristofferson,这四位乡村乐坛巨星组成的。2、The Brothers FourThe Brothers Four(四兄弟演唱组)是美国老牌民谣乐队之一,成立于50年代末,比Beatles出名还要早。乐队一组就是四十多年,唱的一直都是传统的通俗民谣 “四兄弟”合唱团的音乐大多以原声木吉他、木贝司、班卓琴、曼驼林伴奏,并配以完美的四个声部和音。3、The Innocence Mission乐团的中心成员是Karen Peris与Don Peris。他们是一对相识于天主教高中唱诗班的夫妻档。他们演唱的500 miles 被收录在专辑《Christ Is My Hope》中。
2023-07-20 13:06:381


《Five Hundred Miles》
2023-07-20 13:06:541


离家五百里 (用QQ音乐可以搜索到)就是歌手未知那个 小娟&山谷里的居民 If you miss the train I""m on You will know that I am gone You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles A hundred miles a hundred miles A hundred miles a hundred miles You can hear the whistle bow a hundred miles Lord I""m one lord I""m two lord I""m three lord I""m four Lord I""m five hundred miles away from home Away from home away from home away from home away from home Lord I""m five hundred miles away from home Not a shirt on my back not a penny to my name Lord I can""t go back home this away This away this away this away this away Lord I can""t go back home this away If you miss the train I""m on You will know that I am gone You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles
2023-07-20 13:07:101


[al:Dana.Glover.-..专辑.(]It Is You (i Have Loved) - Dana GloverThere is something that I seeIn the way you look at meThere"s a smile, there"s a truth in your eyesBut an unexpected wayOn this unexpected dayCould it mean this is where I belongIt is you I have loved all alongIt"s no more mysteryIt is finally clear to meYou"re the home my heart searched for so longAnd it is you I have loved all alongThere were times I ran to hideAfraid to show the other sideAlone in the night without youBut now I know just who you areAnd I know you hold my heartFinally this is where I belongIt is you I have loved all alongNo more mysteryIt is finally clear to meYou"re the home my heart searched for so longAnd is it you I have loved all alongOver and overI"m filled with emotionYour love, it rushes through my veinsAnd I am filledWith the sweetest devotionAs I, I look into your perfect faceNo more mysteryIt is finally clear to meYou"re the home my heart searched for so longAnd it is you I have lovedIt is you I have lovedIt is you I have loved all along
2023-07-20 13:08:112


2023-07-20 13:08:241


很高兴你喜欢500英里这首歌,以下是其中一些歌词的谐音翻译,希望能帮到你:Verse 1:离家500英里,双脚站在这土地,离家500英里,这片土地有了我自己,If you miss the train I"m on,喝着咖啡在等,你要去哪里?A hundred miles, a hundred miles,前方是500英里,500英里。Verse 2:天空如此湛蓝,阳光照耀在路上,世界变得如此清晰,我在寻找我自己,If you miss the train I"m on,双脚站在这土地,你要去哪里?A hundred miles, a hundred miles,前方是500英里,500英里。希望这些谐音歌词能帮助你更好地理解和欣赏500英里这首歌。
2023-07-20 13:08:344

五百英里歌词 五百英里歌曲简介

1、《五百英里》歌词如下: If you miss the train Im on 如果你错过了我那趟火车 You will know that I am gone 你应明白我已离开 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声 A hundred miles, a hundred miles 一百英里,一百英里 A hundred miles, a hundred miles 一百英里,一百英里 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声 Lord Im one, lord Im two 上帝我已远离一百英里,两百英里 lord Im three, lord Im four 上帝我已远离三百英里,四百英里 Lord Im five hundred miles away from home 不知不觉我已离家五百英里 Away from home, Away from home 离开家啊,离开家啊 Away from home, Away from home 离开家啊,离开家啊 Lord Im five hundred miles away from home 上帝啊,我已离家五百英里 Not a shirt on my back 我衣衫褴褛 Not a penny to my name 我一文不名 Lord I cant go back home this a-way 上帝啊,我这么落魄怎么回家去 This a-way, this a-way 这般窘迫,这般潦倒 This a-way, this a-way 这般窘迫,这般潦倒 Lord I cant go back home this a-way 上帝啊,我这么落魄怎么回家去 If you miss the train Im on 如果你错过了我那趟火车 You will know that I am gone 你应明白我已离开 You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles 你可以听见一百英里外飘来的汽笛声 2、此曲由美国民谣歌手Hedy West创作,并于1961年率先发行在民歌三重唱The Journeymen(旅行者)的同名专辑中,后有日本摇滚歌神忌野清志郎改编日文版的500 miles,被松隆子和忌野清志郎本人唱过。值得注意的是,应区别于Bobby Bare的《500 miles away from home》。2013年Justin Timberlake 联手Carey Mulligan和Stark Sands在主演新片Inside Llewyn Davis《醉乡民谣》中深情献唱主题曲500 Miles,该片于2013年12月4日在比利时和法国上映 ,2014年1月2日在德国上映。
2023-07-20 13:08:411