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run away后面加什么介词?

run away,介词 from逃跑;失控。run away from逃跑,逃离;从…逃出run away with轻易获得;偷走;同……私奔





run away是什么意思

[释义] 逃跑,走掉; 逃脱; 流走[掉](使); 出奔;



run away 意思与用法

runaway: [ "ru028cnu0259wei ] n. 逃走的人,逃亡,亡命者 a. 逃亡的,逃走的 例句与用法: 1. The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police. 警方正在通缉交通事故的逃逸者. 2. The runaway horse was cornered in a field. 那匹跑掉的马在田地里被圈住了. 3. Controlled inflation is a different breed of cat from runaway inflation. 有控制的通货膨胀与抢劫控制的通货膨胀是两回事. 4. His runaway with the money stolen from the bank gave his family a rough time. 他携带从银行偷来的钱外逃,使他的家人吃尽了苦头. 英英解释: 名词runaway: 1. an easy victory 同义词:blowout, romp, laugher, shoo-in, walkaway 2. someone who flees from an uncongenial situation 同义词:fugitive, fleer 形容词runaway: 1. completely out of control


runawayadj.逃走的,逃亡的; 私奔的; 失去控制的; 物价飞涨的n.逃跑,逃亡; 逃走者,逃亡者; 脱缰之马; 失控双语例句1. The runaway car careered into a bench, hitting an elderly couple. 那辆失控的车猛冲到一条长椅上,撞伤了一对老夫妇。来自柯林斯例句2. The story tells of a runaway slave girl in Louisiana, circa 1850. 故事大约发生在1850年,讲的是路易斯安那州一个逃跑的年轻女奴。来自柯林斯例句3. Our Grand Sale in June was a runaway success. 我们6月份的大型促销一举成功。如有疑问,请追问!

什么叫law of increasing opportunity cost

你好!law of increasing opportunity cost机会成本递增规律

far away from home中文歌词,就是和英语字母调子、发音差不多的汉语



The appointed agency replies that they only sell ORIGINAL BL and BL SURRENDERED,don"t accept SEAWAYBILL.



一首东方的同人歌曲....开始是一段钢琴曲...里面有句歌词sakura sakuran darekagawutaderu...叫什么名字?




我要12个外国歌(要精华像lonely,beyond the game,far away from home,god is a gir,moon light这类的)。

你去听听groove coverage 的歌,他们的相当好听了,都挺有节奏感的


A White Heron》是美国著名女作家萨拉·奥恩·朱厄特于1886年发表的一篇短篇小说。以人与自然关系背景为创作灵感,对生态女性意识进行深入探讨,让读者了解女性与自然之间的亲密关系,并唤起男权制社会下女性意识的觉醒,从而表达作家浓烈的乡土情结、深厚的家园意识以及人与自然和谐相处的永恒追求。



degrees awarded是什么意思


be awarded



The played a trick on him saying that he win an award .




英语中有两个词很像,一个是award另一个是reward.但是它们的意思和用法还是有很大区别的。一、两个词都是名词,意思不同。award奖品,如He won the award for his housing design.他获得了房屋设计奖。reward报酬,奖赏,赏金。如You deserve a reward for being so helpful.帮了这么大忙你该得到报酬。二、两个词都是动词award主要意思是“授予”“颁发”,指通过裁判裁决或法官判决而授予、颁发、奖给或判给需要者或应得者。所给予的物品一般被认为是应得的,颁发活动是公开的、公正的、可信的。经常使用短语award sb sth或者award sth to sb.如:Tu Youyou has been awarded Nobel Prize for her achievement in physiology and medicine.屠呦呦因为她在生理学和医学方面的成就而被颁发诺贝尔奖。reward主要意思是“报酬”,转化成动词意思是“酬谢,奖赏”,指对某人的所作所为给予一定的报酬作为奖励。这种奖励相对于award来说是私人之间的。经常用reward sb with sth用....奖励某人,点击输入图片描述

是 win the prize吗?还是got? 获了奖是用won the award那么能用pri

win.. won是过去词。get不大适合也


award n.奖,奖品 v.授予,给予 vt.授予 用作名词时,这个通常是指参加比赛得到的奖励 例句: 1.She has been awarded a scholarship to study at Harvard. 她获得了去哈佛大学读书的奖学金. The referee awarded a free kick. 2.裁判员判定罚一个任意球. The award for this year"s best actress went to Meryl Streep. 3.本年度最佳女演员的得奖者是梅里尔·斯特里普. honour ["u0254nu0259] n.光荣 vt 尊敬 这个用作名词时,通常指别人评价上的荣耀 用作动词时,也可作荣获 1.May I have the honour of this dance? 可以赏光和我跳这个舞吗? 2.I promise I"ll pay you back,on my honour. 我以人格担保,一定把钱还给你. 3.Fifty heads of state attended the Queen"s coronation to do her honour. 五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼,向女王表示敬意. 4.I feel honour bound to attend because I promised I would. 我觉得不参加不大好,因为是我答应过的事. present [pri"zent] (用作动词时这么读) n.礼物,现在 adj.现在的,出席的,当面的 v.赠送,提出,呈现 意思就是以上三个可做名词、形容词、动词啊 例句: 1.Has the builder presented his bill yet?(用作动词) 营造商把帐单送来了吗? 2.How many people were present at the meeting?(用作形容词) 有多少人出席会议? 3.He gave me his present to me (用作名词,礼物) reward n.报酬,酬谢,赏金 v.奖赏,酬谢 看意思就知道区别啦这个 就是你做了事情别人应该给你的报酬 例句: 1.They promised to make it worth her while (ie pay or reward her) if she would take part. 他们许诺说她要是参加就一定给她报酬. 2.By rights,half the reward should be mine. 按理说,有一半奖赏应该是我的. 3.You have received a just reward. 你已得到了应有的报酬. 4.She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她积极努力,应得到奖赏.

英语翻译 用 be awarded sth行吧? 被授予什么称号 怎么翻译?

被某某奖学金资助 be subsidized XX scholarship 被授予什么称号 be awarded the title of XX

was awarded a award

B.award 有“授予(奖品、奖金、金钱等);把…给予(应得者或需要者);把…赠与”的意思. 去年tom获得的英语考试第一名. 既然是授予,肯定是tom被授予一等奖,用被动语态呗!Last year,用过去式

award, reward的用法辨析

  award, reward的用法   award v.指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予。后面可跟双宾语。   This new invention won the highest award.   这项新发明获得最高奖。   The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student.   学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生。   It is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.   每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。   However, I do not want to sound like a Hollywood actor accepting an award.   然而,我不想听起来像一个正在接受奖项的好莱坞演员。   reward v.酬劳,奖赏,回报,通常指因做了某一件事或提供了某种服务而应得到报酬或酬谢,其后一般以人或人的行为作宾语。后跟with用来说明以何物作为报酬。   He made promises of a large reward.   他许下要给大报酬的诺言。   I will reward to the person who returns my lost dog.   我将出50美元,酬谢帮我找回丢失的狗的人。   How can I reward you for your kindness?   我怎样才能报答你的好意呢?   They reinforced good behaviour with some kind of reward to direct a child"s pattern of behaviour.   他们以某种奖赏鼓励好的行为来指导孩子的行为模式。

reward 和award的区别和用法


awarded on



1. (Social Science / Education) (in British and certain other universities, and, sometimes, schools) a certificate allowing a candidate to pass an examination although he has missed all or part of it through illness2. (Social Science / Education) a degree or other qualification obtained in such circumstances1。(社会科学/教育)(在英国和其他一些大学,而且,有时,学校)证书允许候选人通过考试,虽然他已经错过了因患病全部或部分2。 (社会科学/教育)学位或其他资格在这种情况下获得


award的固定搭配如下award用作动词时是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语。例如: award a medal to sb 授予某人奖章award a prize for research 授予研究奖award an honorary degree 授予荣誉学位 award sb a scholarship 给某人奖学金award的短语:介词+~honour sb with an award 授给某人奖金~+介词award by the arbitrator 仲裁人的裁决award for …的判决,因…得的奖award for best actress 最佳女主角奖形容词+~annual award 年度奖coveted award 人们垂涎的奖first award 一等奖例句:She showed us the awards she had won.(用作名词)她给我们看她赢得的奖品。The champion was awarded the gold medal.(用作动词)冠军被授予了金牌。Custody of the children was awarded to the mother(用作动词)儿童的监护权已判给母亲。


award, reward两者的含义基本相同,但在不同语境中表达的含义有所差别。award指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予。它指一种官方的奖励行为,往往鼓励在工作中达到成就或所提出的要求而进行一种奖励。强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。award的“奖品”是因优点奖励或授予的东西,如:The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student.学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生。 award 还可指XX奖比如“金球奖”就是“Golden Globe Award”,不能说“Golden Globe Prize”reward“报答,报偿,奖赏”,多指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。如:The fireman received a reward for saving the child"s life.因救了小孩的命,消防员提到一笔奖金。award (give after careful consideration, esp. officially)经仔细考虑后正式的“给予,授予(奖品等)”;作名词时表示“奖品,奖金”。 A medal was awarded to him for his good conduct.他因品行优良被授予奖章。 He was awarded first prize.他获得了一等奖。 They awarded scholarship to the best students.他们把奖学金授予最好的学生。 reward(give as a return for sth. done)因做某事给予“回报,酬劳,奖赏”;作名词表示“报酬,奖励,报答”。 They rewarded her for her help.他们答谢他的帮助。 Anyone who finds it will be rewarded.凡找到它的人都将获得酬谢。 He was given $800 as a reward for his bravery.他因表现勇敢而得到800美元的赏金。注意:在结构上,award后可接双宾语;award sb. sth(通常为奖金或奖状)。reward后只接一个宾语,通常以人或人的行为为宾语,句型是reward sb. with sth.。They awarded her the Nobel Prize.他们授予他诺贝尔奖。He rewarded her with money for her heroic deeds.他为她的英雄行为而给她奖金。Her efforts were rewarded with success in career.她的努力使她获得了事业的成功。


award,reward 两者的含义基本相同,但在不同语境中表达的含义有所差别. award 指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予.它指一种官方的奖励行为,往往鼓励在工作中达到成就或所提出的要求而进行一种奖励.强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少. award的“奖品”是因优点奖励或授予的东西,如: The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student. 学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生. award 还可指XX奖 比如“金球奖”就是“Golden Globe Award”,不能说“Golden Globe Prize” reward“报答,报偿,奖赏”,多指对某人的工作或服务等的报答. 如: The fireman received a reward for saving the child"s life. 因救了小孩的命,消防员提到一笔奖金. award (give after careful consideration,esp.officially) 经仔细考虑后正式的“给予,授予(奖品等)”;作名词时表示“奖品,奖金”. A medal was awarded to him for his good conduct. 他因品行优良被授予奖章. He was awarded first prize. 他获得了一等奖. They awarded scholarship to the best students. 他们把奖学金授予最好的学生. reward(give as a return for sth.done) 因做某事给予“回报,酬劳,奖赏”;作名词表示“报酬,奖励,报答”. They rewarded her for her help. 他们答谢他的帮助. Anyone who finds it will be rewarded. 凡找到它的人都将获得酬谢. He was given $800 as a reward for his bravery. 他因表现勇敢而得到800美元的赏金. 注意:在结构上,award后可接双宾语;award sb.sth(通常为奖金或奖状). reward后只接一个宾语,通常以人或人的行为为宾语,句型是reward sb.with sth.. They awarded her the Nobel Prize. 他们授予他诺贝尔奖. He rewarded her with money for her heroic deeds. 他为她的英雄行为而给她奖金. Her efforts were rewarded with success in career. 她的努力使她获得了事业的成功.

awarded points 是什么意思

How are points awarded? 怎样给(打)分? "When you ask a question you are awarded points. What are these points for?"


award有颁奖的意思,所以be awarded是被颁奖的意思,是被动语态

获得学位是awarded 还是 be awarded ?

be awarded


award用法: 1.award sb.sth. 2.award sb. A large sum of money was awarded to the survivors. 被动句


award,reward 两者的含义基本相同,但在不同语境中表达的含义有所差别. award 指正式地或官方地颁发,授予,给予;也可以指法庭裁决给予.它指一种官方的奖励行为,往往鼓励在工作中达到成就或所提出的要求而进行一种奖励.强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少. award的“奖品”是因优点奖励或授予的东西,如: The school principal awarded a prize in history to the best student. 学校校长将历史奖授予最出色的学生. award 还可指XX奖 比如“金球奖”就是“Golden Globe Award”,不能说“Golden Globe Prize” reward“报答,报偿,奖赏”,多指对某人的工作或服务等的报答. 如: The fireman received a reward for saving the child"s life. 因救了小孩的命,消防员提到一笔奖金. award (give after careful consideration,esp.officially) 经仔细考虑后正式的“给予,授予(奖品等)”;作名词时表示“奖品,奖金”. A medal was awarded to him for his good conduct. 他因品行优良被授予奖章. He was awarded first prize. 他获得了一等奖. They awarded scholarship to the best students. 他们把奖学金授予最好的学生. reward(give as a return for sth.done) 因做某事给予“回报,酬劳,奖赏”;作名词表示“报酬,奖励,报答”. They rewarded her for her help. 他们答谢他的帮助. Anyone who finds it will be rewarded. 凡找到它的人都将获得酬谢. He was given $800 as a reward for his bravery. 他因表现勇敢而得到800美元的赏金. 注意:在结构上,award后可接双宾语;award sb.sth(通常为奖金或奖状). reward后只接一个宾语,通常以人或人的行为为宾语,句型是reward sb.with sth.. They awarded her the Nobel Prize. 他们授予他诺贝尔奖. He rewarded her with money for her heroic deeds. 他为她的英雄行为而给她奖金. Her efforts were rewarded with success in career. 她的努力使她获得了事业的成功.


awarded读作[u0259"wu0254u02d0d]。释义:嘉奖,得奖;给予;已获得;授予;判定(award的过去分词形式)。短语:be awarded a tender中标;awarded marks加分;Degree awarded学位授予、所获学位、授学位情况、学位;Certificate Awarded证书授予;Prize Awarded得奖名次、获奖名次。contract awarded中标合同;is awarded是批出、被授予、被评为;awarded to me判给我、给我、颁发给我;awarded on merit择优录取。同义词:adjudged授予;判定(award的过去分词形式)。awarded的例句:1、The gold medal will be awarded whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.在自行车比赛中获得第一名的人将获得金牌。2、The gold medal will be awarded whoever to wins the first place in the bicycle race.谁在自行车比赛中获得第一名,谁就能拿到金牌。3、Rachel Whiteread was awarded the Turner prize for the best artistic work over the past year.蕾切尔·怀特瑞德(Rachel Whiteread)在过去一年获得了特纳奖的最佳艺术作品奖。4、The 1961 Peace Prize was awarded to Dag Hammerskjold,and the 1931 Literature Prize was awarded to the Swedish poet Erik Axel Karlfeldt.1961年,授予达格·哈马舍尔和平奖,1931年,授予瑞典诗人埃里克·阿克塞尔·卡尔菲德文学奖。

笔记本设备管理器中-其他设备- Huawei SAIS 这个是什么设备?


awaiting confirmation是什么意思

awaiting confirmation等待确认1.Gentlemen, we"re awaiting confirmation of our orders. 各位,我们等待命令的确认。2.Hundreds of possible brown dwarfs are out there awaiting confirmation. 成百上千个褐矮星仍等待着确认身份。3.David and christine are awaiting confirmation from guinness world records to see if george is the world"s new tallest dog. 大卫和陆正等待吉尼斯世界纪录确认,看看布什是世界上最高的狗。

(Hed) Planet Earth的《Get Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Away歌手:(Hed) Planet Earth专辑:BlackoutArtist: Bryan AdamsAlbum: On a Day Like TodayTitle: Getawaydrove all night form new york cityin your best friend"s carknocked on my door about five thirtynursing a broken heartstill got your keys in your back pocket - still got yourjacket onback door"s oben baby - I don"t lock itwe can leave anytime we wantI got my motor runnin" - fingers drummin"I never planned to staygetaway - ya know it"s now or nevergetaway - nobody lives foreverwe"re only waitin" just to make you getawayhey baby we were good togetherseemed like you"d always be my girlbut looking back now we were just too cleverthinking love could change the worldya know there"s no point in waitin" hesitatingwe gotta leave today

泰坦尼克号(Titanic)两位主角Jack Dawson,Rose DeWitt Bukater.的人物分析,最好是英文的,谢谢上有.

There was a man named Jack Dawson , and that he savea me in every way that a person can be saved.

有一个叫Jack Dawson的人,他用各种方式救过我。

before the dawn神之音 歌词翻译

friend,请查收,望采纳,THx!! 这个是别人自己翻译的,应该差不多小对哈。第二个是直译的。  Because I listen to my heart beat one by one  Because I listen to my heart heart heart to to my heart heart  uc544ubb34ub9ac ub178ub825ud574ub3c4 ub108ub97c uac00uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub2e4uba74 ub10c uc544ub2c8ub77cub354ub77c uac70uc9c0uac19uc544  阿木里 弄聊开多 闹了 卡机 素 奥打秒 闹 阿你拉到啦 考级尬他  ub098 ub09c uc774ub807uac8cub294 ubabbub194 uadf8uac8c ub2f5ub2f5ud574 uadf8uac8c ub9c9ub9c9ud574..  那 那 一龙开能 毛nua 颗改 打打败 颗改 忙忙开  Why Why ... Why Why ... Why Why ...  Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..  ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cub9ccuc740 uc9d1ucc29uc774 uc544ub2c8uc57c  乃 吗额忙呢 起擦gi 啊你呀  Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..  ub110 ubc18ub4dcuc2dc uaf2d uc7a1uc544ub0b4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4  闹 吧的戏 顾 家吧乃顾 戏破  rap)uc0acub791uc744 uc18duc0aduc774ub358 ub450 uc785uc220 ub9deub2e4uc740 chance ub2ebud788ub358 ub450 ub208  撒狼额 扫撒gi到 读 一素 吗打额 chance打hi到 读 怒  uc790ub77duc744 ud53cud574 fly to the my heart I"ll be there by your side (huh)  咱啦个 皮还 fly to the my heart I"ll be there by your side (huh)  ub09c uadf8uc800 ubc14ub77cub9cc ubcf4ub2e4uac00 ub108ub97c ub9f4ub3ccub2e4uac00 uc775uc219ud574uc84cub294ub370 uac70uc9c0uac19uc544  那 个早 吧啦忙 波大尬 闹热 买多打尬 一素改翘能带 考急尬他  uc774uc820 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 ub194uc8fcub798 uadf8uac8c ub2f5ub2f5ud574.. uadf8uac8c ub9c9ub9c9ud574..  一件 摸的考 nua组来 颗改 打打败 颗改 吗吗开  Why Why ... Why Why ... Why Why ...  Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..  ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cub9ccuc740 uc9d1ucc29uc774 uc544ub2c8uc57c  乃 吗额忙呢 起擦gi 啊你呀  Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..  ub110 ubc18ub4dcuc2dc uaf2d uc7a1uc544ub0b4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4  闹 吧的戏 顾 家吧乃顾 戏破  rap)ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub2c8 uadf8ub9bcuc790ub97c ubc1fuc544 uc544ub9c8 ub098 uc810uc810 ubbf8uccd0 uac00ub098ubd10  那都 摸热改 你 个琳 咱热 吧啦 啊吗 那 瞧瞧 米巧 尬那bua  (Because I listen to my heart beat one by one)  uc55euc774 uce84uce84ud574uc9c4 ub0b4 ub208uc740 uc624uc9c1 ub108 ud558ub098ub9cc ubc1duac8c ube44ucd98ub2e4  啊皮 康康买齐 乃 怒呢 哦起 闹 哈那忙 吧改 米组打  (Because I listen to my heart heart heart)  Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)  ub354 ub2a6uae30 uc804uc5d0 uba48ucdb0 uc138uc6ccuc904uac8c  到 呢起 早乃 毛错 赛我组改  Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)  ub110 ub05duae4cuc9c0 uaf2d uac00uc838uac00uace0 uc2f6uc5b4  闹 个尬起 顾 卡巧尬顾 西坡  (Before the dawn)  rap)close your eye and close your mind ubca0uc77cuc5d0 uc2f8uc778 ub2c8 uae38uc5d0  close your eye and close your mind白一来 撒一 你 gi来  ub9c8uce58 ube44ubc00uc5d0 uac07ud78c ubbf8ub798uc5d0 uc9c0ud0acub798 ub193uce58uae30 uc2ebuc740 ub108uae30uc5d0  米起 比米来 尬hi 米来爱 起ki来 no洗gi 洗热 闹gi唉  uc774 uae38uc758 ub05duc5d4 you must love me  一 gi eyi 个太 you must lone me  (Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..)  ub2c8uac00 uac00uc9c0 ubabbud558uac8c uaf49 uc7a1uc544 ub0b4uac00 uc6b8uc9c0 uc54auac8c ub110 ubd99uc7a1uc544  你噶 尬起 木撒改 挂 咱吧 乃尬 吴起 啊改 闹 不咋吧  ub2c8uac00 uc544ubb34ub9ac ub0a0 ubc84ub9acuace0 ub9c9uc544ub3c4 ub09c uc808ub300 ub110 ub193uce58uc9c0 uc54auc544 uc5e0ub137ubbf8ub514uc5b4(uc8fc)uc5d0uc11c uc81cuacf5ud588uc73cuba70, uc5e0  你噶 啊木里 那 爆里顾 吗尬都 囊早带 闹 弄次起 啊那 唉乃米滴奥 素爱 扫 才顾还色秒 唉  ub137ub2f7ucef4 ud68cuc6d0uc774 uc791uc131ud55c uac00uc0acuc77cuc218 uc788uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.  闹打考 hwei 我你 咱扫航 卡萨一素 一色你打第二种:Before The DawnBecause I listen to my heart beat one by oneBecause I listen to my heart heart heart to to my heart heartamuri noryeokhaedo neoreul gajil su eobtdamyeon neon aniradeora geojigatana nan ireokeneun motnwa geuge dabdab hae.. geuge makmakhae..Why Why ... Why Why ... Why WhyBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..nae mameummaneun jibchaki aniyaBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..neol bandeushi ggok jabanaego shipeoRAPsarangeul soksakeedeon du ipsul majdaeun chance dathideon du nunjarakeul pihae fly to the my heart I ll be there by your side (huh)nan gujeo baraman bodaga neoreul memdoldaga iksukhejyeotneunde geojigataijen modeungeol nwajule geuge dabdabhae.. geuge makmakhae..Why Why ... Why Why ... Why WhyBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..nae mameummaneun jibchaki aniyaBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..neol bandeushi ggok jabanaego shipeoRAPnado moreuge ni geurimjareul balpa ama na jeomjeom michyeo ganabwa(Because I listen to my heart beat one by one)api kamkamhaejin nae nuneun ojik neo hanaman balge bichunda(Because I listen to my heart heart heart)Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)deo neujgi jeone meomchwo sewojulgeBefore the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)neol ggeutggaji ggok gajyeogago shipeo(Before the dawn)RAPclose your eye and close your mind beile ssain ni gilemachi bimile gadhin mireeh jikilae nohchigi silheun neogiehee gil eui you must love me(Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..)niga gaji mothage ggwak jaba nega ulji anhge neol butjabaniga amuri nal beorigo makado nan jeoldae neol nohchiji ahna中文歌词Because I listen to my heart beat one by oneBecause I listen to my heart heart heart to to my heart heart不管怎样努力 得不到你的话 没有你的话 我就想乞丐一样我 我 就是这样放不下 那样的郁闷 那样的迷茫Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..我不是只有执着的心Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..无论如何都想要抓住你rap讲着爱的悄悄话 用双唇连接着chance 闭上双眼受损的角落 fly to the my heart I ll be there by your side (huh)我如此期盼着 你依旧盘旋在我脑海里 我就像乞丐一样现在要放下一切 那样的郁闷 那样的迷茫Why Why ... Why Why ... Why WhyBefore the dawn.. Before the dawn..我不是只有执着的心Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..无论如何都想要抓住你rap我不知不觉跟随着你的影子 我可能会慢慢的疯掉(Because I listen to my heart beat one by one)我眼前一片漆黑 唯独只有你能为我带来光明(Because I listen to my heart heart heart)Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)在还没有太晚之前要停下来啊Before the dawn (ye ye ye) Before the dawn (ye ye ye)知道最后都想要得到你(Before the dawn)rapclose your eye and close your mind 蒙着面纱的你的路就像守护着被关在秘密里的未来 讨厌失去你在这路得尽头 you must love me(Before the dawn.. Before the dawn..)不能让你走 紧紧的抓住你 我不会哭着挽留你无论你怎样将我抛弃 我绝对不要失去你

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以前是2家 最后合并一起了啊



nelly fly away歌词翻译

Nelly - Fly Away [Nelly Talking] Free City This is a shout out to every young brother ya know Thats doin his thing right now Keep ya head up... He"s walkin the yard wishin he had wings Ya know so he could fly up out that joint Man [Intro] If I could, fly away Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more I, I"d turn around, Just to see you for the last time, See, now I know Hey, that it won"t be easy I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard [Verse 1] Man, it"s the longest yard I ever had to get in my life And see my life ain"t right, if my wife don"t write My niggas cant eat if the fish don"t bite My raise the gross sales, like Mike and Ike Now big brother almighty I keep a gamma ray, i"ma G-5 G Take a G-5 jeep, G-5 deep Too some of their bare feet And that jeep don"t speak Listen mayne they lock it down round herre See body bag and gag and your found round herre This as serious as it sound round herre The guards guard the ground, 4 pounds round herre And they ain"t playin, they"re just lettin you know That anything they want to happen, nigga happen real slow Get the word from upstairs, put you in that hole I cant take it, I"m just ready to go [Chorus] If I could, fly away Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more I, I"d turn around, Just to see you for the last time, See, now I know Hey, that it won"t be easy I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard Yeah yeah, its still the longest yard Uh uh, its still the longest yard Um um, its still the longest yard I done fought in a battle and I done made it this far [Verse 2] I"m in my cell 20 hours a day And doin push-ups ever hour a day Cause im tryin to keep the cobwebs away Thats why im markin off the calendar days Tryin to get it out of the way And im just tryin to keep a piece of mine And im gon shame a motherfucker with a piece of mine Cause he tryin to take a piece of mine So im gon slice his ass a piece at a time But now that they close the door Lock me in and cell 30 deep but its built for 10 Tell me what kind of world they got you in With the barbed wire fences, box u in >From now, til they turn off the lights I"ma read anything in sight Its kinda hard tryin to read at night But I"ma change my life And hope another brother take this flight [Chorus] If I could, fly away Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more I, I"d turn around, Just to see you for the last time, See, now I know Hey, that it won"t be easy I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard Yeah yeah, its still the longest yard Uh uh, its still the longest yard Um um, its still the longest yard I done fought in a battle and I done made it this far [Verse 3] (Oohh no) I gotta make it out this place some how (Oohh no) Man I really believe that I done turned it around (Oohh no) You see, all I need is that second chance to show, since I crossed the ration, my obligation of rehabilitation (Oohh no) They can punch me high, and they can kick me low (Oohh no) But I mean its gonna take more than that for them to break my soul (Oohh no) Man its hard for people to understand what its like to be, gated, incarcerated , I just cant take it, but I"ma make it man to see better days [Chorus] If I could, fly away Ooo and I wouldn"t come back no more I, I"d turn around, Just to see you for the last time, See, now I know Hey, that it won"t be easy I done fought in a battle, and I done made it this far I gotta few more feet, but its still the longest yard Yeah yeah, its still the longest yard Uh uh, its still the longest yard Um um, its still the longest yard I done fought in a battle and I done made it this far [Hook] If I could fly away, If I could I turn around, If I could fly away [娜丽谈] 自由城市 这是一个喊出来的每一个年轻的兄弟亚知道 这就是doin他的事的权利,现在 保持亚头。 一九九九至二零零零walkin该码wishin他的翅膀 娅知道,所以他能飞起来指出,联合 男人 [简介] 如果我可以,飞走 ooo ,我不会回来,没有更多的 我,我署署长掉头, 刚才看到你在过去的时间, 见,现在我知道 嘿,这将不容易 i做争取在一个战役中,我做了这远远 i的宝贝,数英尺,但其仍是最长码 [诗1 ] 男子,它的最长的码是我已获得在我的生活 看看我的生命是不正确的,如果我的妻子不收件 我niggas不能吃,如果鱼不咬 可能提高销售总额,像麦克和IKE 现在大哥哥万能 我总是一伽玛射线,我是克-五克 采取克- 5吉普车,克- 5深 过了他们的一些赤脚 和thet深不发言 听他们可能锁定它的权利herre 看到尸体袋的gag和您的发现权herre 这是严重的,因为它的声音的权利herre 看守民警卫队在地面上, 4磅的权利herre 他们是不是playin ,他们只是lettin你知道 任何他们想要发生, niggahappen真正的缓慢 得到这个词从楼上,你在这洞 我可以不采取它,我justready去 [合唱团] 如果我可以,飞走 ooo ,我不会回来,没有更多的 我,我要扭转, 刚才看到你在过去的时间, 见,现在我知道 嘿,它将不容易 i做争取在一个战役中,做了这么远 i的宝贝,数英尺,但其仍是最长码 是啊是啊,它仍是最长码 嗯嗯,它仍是最长码 嗯嗯,它仍是最长码 i做争取在一战和我做了这远远 [诗2 ] 我在我的细胞20小时, 1天 和doin俯卧撑,每一个小时的一天 原因我tryin保持距离cobwebs 这就是为什么我马琴小康日历天 tryin失控的方式 和IM只是tryin保持一块排雷 我在哪里的耻辱一motherfucker同一块排雷 造成他的tryin采取的一块排雷 因此,即时通讯在哪里切片他的驴一块在一个时间 但现在他们关闭大门 我锁在一个牢房30日深,但其内置的10 告诉我,什么样的世界,他们得到你在 与烧烤的铁丝网,方块,你在 从现在起,直到他们关掉灯 我看过的任何视线 它的kinda很难tryin改为在夜间 但我改变我的生活 并希望另一个兄弟借这个飞行 [合唱团] ( oohh没有)我的宝贝,使它走出这个地方的一些如何 ( oohh NO )的男子,我真的相信我所做的turne它靠近 ( oohh没有)你看,所有我需要的是,第二次机会,向大家展示, 自从我跨过了口粮,我obligationof康复 ( oohh没有) ,他们可以冲我高,他们可以踢我低 ( oohh没有) ,但我的意思是它在哪里采取更thatn说,他们打破我的灵魂 ( oohh NO )的男子,其强硬的人了解其想,门控,嵌顿,我只是不能,但我使它男子看到更好的天 [合唱团] [吊钩] 如果我能飞走, 如果我可以,我想谈谈左右, 如果我能飞走

blow it all away 歌词

歌曲名:blow it all away歌手:Jerk专辑:when pure is defiledTake a long hard look at me, tell me what you think you see.Another one with a broken soul, taken down and looking cold.Tried to blow it all away, sift through the ashes another day,my face is falling, my hands are tied, get up again just to be denied.See the scars they"re on my face, feels like I"m falling in disgrace.I feel betrayed with a kiss, I never thought it would come to this.Take a bite of my heart, feel it eating inside.Coming straight outta hell.Take you along for the ride.Pure but dirty, rich but broke, sane but insane I breath but choke.I"m too smart for your therapy, I know whatyou"ll say, before you say it to me.Take a bite of my heart.Feel it eating inside.Coming straight outta hell.Take you along for the ride.In the outside, I am inside.I am no one, tried to be one.Strong but weak I run but wait.Alive but dead I love but hate.I"m numb but hurting, I"m calm but manic, I try to keep my cool, yeah but then I panic.Take a bite of my heart.Feel it eating inside.Coming straight outta hell.Take you along for the ride.In the outside, I am inside.I am no one, tried to be one.

Getaway Car 歌词

歌曲名:Getaway Car歌手:My Favorite Highway专辑:How To Call A BluffMy Favorite Highway - Getaway CarTake me somewhere I"ve never been beforeOpen my eyes just a little, leave me wanting moreWhen they tell you it"s all for the money, all for the moneyRaise your voice so you can tell somebody, tell somebodyWhen all you hold in your heart slips away, you have to chooseFall behind, make a change, or change your mindGo on, get up, get outDon"t even think about itYou don"t need to leave it behindBut you can live without itJump in your car like you"re ready to rideYou got a buck forty-five left to keep you aliveAnd now, everybody"s messing it upNo, we don"t talk about howEverything is falling apartWell then you go aroundIt"s everything that you couldn"t find with an open mindIt"s all you"ve ever knownSing me something I"ve never heard beforeOpen my heart just a little, leave me wanting moreWhen they tell you it"s all for the money, all for the moneyRaise your voice and you can tell somebody, tell somebodyLooks like we didn"t get far in a getaway carYou can"t break free no matter where you areIt feels like home is just a time and a placeYou find yourself in an empty space

@@【在线~!!!】@@有get away with sb.的用法吗?


get away with不用于什么结构?

get away with的用法如下:1、拿走,带走(某人、某物等);带着…逃跑了:He got away with my watch.他带着我的表逃走了。2、偷走:The thieves got away with the best of the jewels.窃贼偷走了最好的珠宝。被放过,(做坏事)不受处罚:The child ought to be punished.You shouldn"t let him get away with telling lies!这个孩子应当受到处罚。你不应该对他撒谎不作处罚。3、侥幸成功(或取走):Don"t try to cheat on your income tax,you"ll never get away with it.不要在你的所得税上耍花招,你绝不可能侥幸成功。4、得到从轻发落;受到较轻处罚:The men went to prison but the two boys got away with a warning.成年男犯被投入了监狱,而这两个男孩只受到了警告。例句:1、The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。2、This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk.这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。3、She was jolly well not going to let them get away with it.她肯定不会在这件事上就这么放过他们。4、"You won"t get away with this," he said with unexpected bravado.“这事你休想就这么过去,”他以出人意料的强横语气说道。5、His charm and the fact that he is so likeable often allows him to get away with murder.他很有魅力而且讨人喜欢,这常让他能够为所欲为。

get away with还有别的用法吗?

get away with的用法如下:1、拿走,带走(某人、某物等);带着…逃跑了:He got away with my watch.他带着我的表逃走了。2、偷走:The thieves got away with the best of the jewels.窃贼偷走了最好的珠宝。被放过,(做坏事)不受处罚:The child ought to be punished.You shouldn"t let him get away with telling lies!这个孩子应当受到处罚。你不应该对他撒谎不作处罚。3、侥幸成功(或取走):Don"t try to cheat on your income tax,you"ll never get away with it.不要在你的所得税上耍花招,你绝不可能侥幸成功。4、得到从轻发落;受到较轻处罚:The men went to prison but the two boys got away with a warning.成年男犯被投入了监狱,而这两个男孩只受到了警告。例句:1、The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it 这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。2、This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk. 这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。3、She was jolly well not going to let them get away with it. 她肯定不会在这件事上就这么放过他们。4、"You won"t get away with this," he said with unexpected bravado. “这事你休想就这么过去,”他以出人意料的强横语气说道。5、His charm and the fact that he is so likeable often allows him to get away with murder.他很有魅力而且讨人喜欢,这常让他能够为所欲为。

getaway with是什么意思?

get away with的用法如下:1、拿走,带走(某人、某物等);带着…逃跑了:He got away with my watch.他带着我的表逃走了。2、偷走:The thieves got away with the best of the jewels.窃贼偷走了最好的珠宝。被放过,(做坏事)不受处罚:The child ought to be punished.You shouldn"t let him get away with telling lies!这个孩子应当受到处罚。你不应该对他撒谎不作处罚。3、侥幸成功(或取走):Don"t try to cheat on your income tax,you"ll never get away with it.不要在你的所得税上耍花招,你绝不可能侥幸成功。4、得到从轻发落;受到较轻处罚:The men went to prison but the two boys got away with a warning.成年男犯被投入了监狱,而这两个男孩只受到了警告。例句:1、The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it 这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。2、This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk. 这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。3、She was jolly well not going to let them get away with it. 她肯定不会在这件事上就这么放过他们。4、"You won"t get away with this," he said with unexpected bravado. “这事你休想就这么过去,”他以出人意料的强横语气说道。5、His charm and the fact that he is so likeable often allows him to get away with murder.他很有魅力而且讨人喜欢,这常让他能够为所欲为。

get away with 怎么用

Don"t think you can get away with telling lies不要以为你撒了谎就可以这样算了I am afraid you can not get away with cooking恐怕你躲不了得做菜

get away with的用法是什么?

get away with的用法如下:1、拿走,带走(某人、某物等);带着…逃跑了:He got away with my watch.他带着我的表逃走了。2、偷走:The thieves got away with the best of the jewels.窃贼偷走了最好的珠宝。被放过,(做坏事)不受处罚:The child ought to be punished.You shouldn"t let him get away with telling lies!这个孩子应当受到处罚。你不应该对他撒谎不作处罚。3、侥幸成功(或取走):Don"t try to cheat on your income tax,you"ll never get away with it.不要在你的所得税上耍花招,你绝不可能侥幸成功。4、得到从轻发落;受到较轻处罚:The men went to prison but the two boys got away with a warning.成年男犯被投入了监狱,而这两个男孩只受到了警告。例句:1、The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it 这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。2、This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk. 这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。3、She was jolly well not going to let them get away with it. 她肯定不会在这件事上就这么放过他们。4、"You won"t get away with this," he said with unexpected bravado. “这事你休想就这么过去,”他以出人意料的强横语气说道。5、His charm and the fact that he is so likeable often allows him to get away with murder.他很有魅力而且讨人喜欢,这常让他能够为所欲为。

get away with是什么意思?

get away with的用法如下:1、拿走,带走(某人、某物等);带着…逃跑了:He got away with my watch.他带着我的表逃走了。2、偷走:The thieves got away with the best of the jewels.窃贼偷走了最好的珠宝。被放过,(做坏事)不受处罚:The child ought to be punished.You shouldn"t let him get away with telling lies!这个孩子应当受到处罚。你不应该对他撒谎不作处罚。3、侥幸成功(或取走):Don"t try to cheat on your income tax,you"ll never get away with it.不要在你的所得税上耍花招,你绝不可能侥幸成功。4、得到从轻发落;受到较轻处罚:The men went to prison but the two boys got away with a warning.成年男犯被投入了监狱,而这两个男孩只受到了警告。例句:1、The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it 这些罪犯知道如何钻体制的空子以逃脱惩罚。2、This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk. 这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。3、She was jolly well not going to let them get away with it. 她肯定不会在这件事上就这么放过他们。4、"You won"t get away with this," he said with unexpected bravado. “这事你休想就这么过去,”他以出人意料的强横语气说道。5、His charm and the fact that he is so likeable often allows him to get away with murder.他很有魅力而且讨人喜欢,这常让他能够为所欲为。


e.State的用法不对,正确的用法是这样的 if ((e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)改成这样没问题了

Randy Crawford的《Happy Feet》 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Feet歌手:Randy Crawford专辑:NightlineSong: Happy FeetSinger: Cab CallowayO.S.T--Queer As FolkEdited By Zoe327~~Brian`s 30th Birthday~~Happy feet!I"ve got those happy feet!Give them a lowdown beatAnd they begin dancing!I"ve got thoseTen little tapping toes,And when I hear a tuneI can"t control my dancing heels,To save my soul!Weary bluesCan"t get into my shoes,Because my shoes refuseTo ever grow weary!I keep cheerful on an earfulOf music sweet;"Cause I got hap-hap-happy feet!Happy feet!I"ve got those happy feet!Give them a lowdown beatAnd they begin dancing!I"ve got thoseTen little tapping toes,And when I hear a tuneI can"t control my dancing heels,To save my soul!Weary bluesCan"t get into my shoes,Because my shoes refuseTo ever grow weary!I keep cheerful on an earfulOf music sweet;"Cause I got hap-hap-happy"Cause I got hap-hap-happy"Cause I got hap-hap-happy feet

hop skip jump away 什么意思?


lane crawford哪个国家的

连卡佛(Lane Crawford)是一个历史悠久的著名英资百货公司,以售卖高档欧洲时装精品著称。现在香港拥有四家分店,包括中环国际金融中心旗舰店、金钟、铜锣湾及尖沙咀,并在北京开有分店。

I LIe awake at nignt see是什么歌的歌词?

M2M的pretty boy I lie awake at night See things in black and whiteI"ve only got you inside my mindYou know you have made me blindI lie awake and prayThat you will look my wayI have all my longing in my heartI know it right from the starOh my pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside Make me stay right beside youI used to write your name And put it in a frame And sometime that I think I hear you callRight from my bedroom wallYou stay a little whileAnd touch me with your smile And what can I say to make you mine To reach out for you in time Oh pretty pretty boy Say you love me too

Josh White的《Awake》 歌词

歌曲名:Awake歌手:Josh White专辑:AchorJosh GrobanAwakeA beautiful and blinding morningThe world outside begins to breatheSee the clouds arriving without warningI need you here to shelter meAnd I know that only time will tell us howTo carry on without each otherSo keep me awake to memorize youGive me more time to feel this wayWe can"t stay like this foreverBut I can have you next to me todayIf I could make these moments endlessIf I could stop the winds of changeIf we just keep our eyes wide openThen everything would stay the sameAnd I know that only time will tell me howWe"ll carry on without each otherSo keep me awake for every momentGive us more time to be this wayWe can"t stay like this foreverBut I can have you next to me todayWe"ll let tomorrow wait, you"re here, right now, with meAll my fears just fall away, when you are all I seeWe can"t stay like this foreverBut I have you here todayWill rememberOh, will rememberRemember all the love we shared today

Jennifer Rush 《dream awake》歌词

早上好!给您吧--《dream awake》--Jennifer Rush There"s a point to all this dreaming To every man his just desserts And every time I caught you leaving I had to dream awake I had to dream awake For every time I came home screaming And got sent away, with no warning at all I had to dream awake I had to dream awake There"s a calling, a calling, a calling To everyone, who lost something Who had to dream awake Who had to dream awake To take us under now Take us under now There"s a fight were not conceding Where words get mixed And the point is lost Where we have to dream awake We had to dream awake To take us under now Take us under now There"s a warning, a warning, a warning To everyone, who took something

求 Eminem - Stay Wide Awake 的翻译 多谢!

my best love EM 太棒了,听了100+遍了还要听,他的MV都好搞笑 呵呵

谁有secondhand serenade 的stay away 歌词,有的麻烦帮忙翻译下给我.


Sleep Awake 歌词

歌曲名:Sleep Awake歌手:Mother Mother专辑:O My HeartMother Mother - Sleep Awake★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Protecting youprotecting meI throw the evidence into a trunk and drop it in the seaLie awakeI sleep awakeI sleep with one eye on the bedroom door,the other on the cakeProtecting meprotecting youcarving away our fingerprints out of our fingertips until they"re smoothLie awakeI sleep awakeI sleep with one eye on my royal flushthe other on the takeI sleep awakeProtecting thisprotecting thatcalling a deadbeat with his dead boatwrapped around his artifactprotecting thatLie awakeI sleep awakeI sleep with one hand on my 45, the other "round my baby"s waistLie awakeI sleep awakeI go to bed with all my lights turned onso I don"t slip awayI stay awakeOut on the street I keep a started carwho only waits for me, convenientlymusic......Lie awakeI sleep awakeLie awakeI sleep awakeAhhh...ahhh...EndMother Mother-Sleep Awake★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师

Andrew Hill的《Awake》 歌词

歌曲名:Awake歌手:Andrew Hill专辑:The Capitol Vaults Jazz SeriesBy:Nicholas Tai Pun YeeAr:Secondhand SerenadeTit:AwakeAlb:AwakeWith every appearance by you, blinding my eyes,I can hardly remember the last time I felt like I do.You"re an angel disguised.And you"re lying real still,but your heart beat is fast just like mine.And the movie"s long over,that"s three that have passed, one more"s fine.Will you stay awake for me?I don"t wanna miss anythingI don"t wanna miss anythingI will share the air I breathe,I"ll give you my heart on a string,I just don"t wanna miss anything.I"m trying real hard not to shake. I"m biting my tongue,but I"m feeling alive and with every breathe that I take,I feel like I"ve won. You"re my key to survival.And if it"s a hero you want,I can save you. Just stay here.Your whispers are priceless.Your breathe, it is dear. So please stay near.Will you stay awake for me?I don"t wanna miss anythingI don"t wanna miss anythingI will share the air I breathe,I"ll give you my heart on a string,I just don"t wanna miss anything.Say my name. I just want to hear you.Say my name. So I know it"s true.You"re changing me. You"re changing me.You showed me how to live.So just say. So just say,That you"ll stay awake for me.I don"t wanna miss anything.Your whispers are priceless.I don"t wanna miss anything.I will share the air I breathe,I"ll give you my heart on a string,I just don"t wanna miss anything..........WY

he can hardly stay awake

He can hardly stay awake because he is so tired, can he? 前面主句表示否定,反意疑问句中就用肯定形式 前面主句中主语是he,反意疑问句中主语也是he

i cant stay awake any longer这句话是什么句型结构?

句型结构就是主系表。用到了not any longer这个固定表达,表示不再……

找首英文歌,头一句是i could stay awake ?

歌曲I don"t wanna miss a thing Aerosmith唱的

xyygnzyqbfk zbznznawygr每个字母代表一个字,我女朋友给我留言,什么意思啊,

喜洋洋跟你在一起不分开 抓不住你在哪玩一个人

请用下列方框中词组的适当形式完成句子。 小题1:He tried so hard to stay awake, but ______________he

小题1:before long 小题2:will be covered with 小题3:by accident 小题4:depends on 小题5:broke out 小题6:searching for小题7:cut off 小题8:on the contrary小题9:in addition 小题10:In conclusion 小题1:他尽力地保持醒着,但不久他就睡着了。小题2:如果我们每一个春天种树的话,几年以后山上盖满了树。小题3:当我打扫房间的时候我偶尔发现了你的钢笔。小题4:在生意中,成功不仅仅取决于你说什么而是取决于你如何说这些话。小题5:我很惊讶在这两个领居之间发生了争吵,因为他们是很少的朋友。小题6:警察仍然在搜寻失踪的小男孩,虽然已经是午夜了。小题7:山上的小村庄因为下雨与外面隔绝了。小题8:–我想你的学生不理解你。--恰恰相反,他很理解我。小题9:天渐渐黑了。而且又开始下起了雨。小题10:总之,我要感谢你为我所做的一切。

I would eat so I would stay awake.为什么用would


I could stay awake just to hear you breathing 这怎么翻译


I can stay awake . Awake 是ADJ 他能放在stay 后面吗?。是不是有一些

此处的stay是连系动词,awake是表语形容词,肯定可以放在stay 的后面,构成系表结构。例如:stay healthy=keep fit; stay alive等。

be awake和 stay awake区别

意思一样,be awake表示状态,stay awake有动作的意味,但实际上还是状态.如果想表示形象一点的话,就用stay awake. 就像 be happy和look happy一样.我们可以说:you"re happy today.也可以说:you look happy today.你感觉一下是不是look happy生动一些?

collin raye的《stay awake》 歌词

歌曲名:stay awake歌手:collin raye专辑:counting sheep(r. sherman)Collin RayeStay awakeDon"t rest your headDon"t lie downWhile the moon drifts in the skiesStay awake, don"t close your eyesThough the world is fast asleepThough your pillow"s soft and deepYou"re not as sleepy as you seemStay awake, don"t nod and dreamStay awake, don"t nod and dream

stay awake啥意思

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