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艾薇儿有首歌里面有句话叫什么the day you slipped away.....开头是NaNaNaNaNa......叫什么名了????

歌曲:slipped away歌手:avril lavigne 专辑:under my skin slipped away na nana na na na na nai miss youi miss you so badi don"t forget youoh it"s so sadi hope you can hear mei remember it clearlychorusthe day you slipped awaywas the day i foundit won"t be the sameohna nana na na na nai didn"t get around to kiss yougoodbye on the handi wish that i could see you againi know that i can"ti hope you can hear mei remember it clearlychorusi"ve had my wake upwon"t you wake upi keep asking whyi can"t take itit wasn"t fakeit happened you passed bynow you"re gonenow you"re gonethere you gothere you gosomewhere i can"t bring you backnow you"re gonenow you"re gonethere you gothere you gosomewhere you"re not coming backchorusna nana na na na na nai miss you

slipped away的中文翻译


艾薇儿 slipped away 歌词中文翻译

Slipped Away<爱已不在> (translator by:angel18) Lyrics offer: 假装没感觉) Na na Na na na na I miss you 我想你 I miss you so bad 我真的好想你 I don"t forget you 无法忘记你 Oh it"s so sad 悲伤 无尽的蔓延 I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的思念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh Na na Na na na na I didn"t get around to kiss you 我不在你的身边 Goodbye on the hand 亲吻你的手 跟你告别 I wish that I could see you again 多盼望 能再见你一面 I know that I can"t 我知道 再也见不到你 I... I hope you can hear me 多希望 你可以听见我的想念 I remember it clearly 昨日 依然这样清晰 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same 日子 再也不一样了 Oh I"ve had my wake up 我已经如此清醒 Won"t you wake up 多希望 你和我一样清醒 I keep asking why 我不停的问 到底为什么 I can"t take it 我无法承受 It wasn"t fake 这残酷的事实 It happened you passed by 让我们擦肩而过 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere I can"t bring you back 去了一个我找不到你的地方 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 Now you"re gone 现在 你已经离去 There you go 你走了 There you go 你走了 Somewhere you"re not coming back 你去了一个不能回来的地方 The day you slipped away 那天 你就这样离我而去 Was the day I found 我蓦然发现 It won"t be the same[Chorus2x] 日子 再也不一样了 Oh~~Na na na na na na I miss you 我真的好想你 AvrilLavriling:This song is dedicated in loving memory to my grandpa 艾薇儿:仅以这首歌纪念我亲爱的爷爷,这是我第一次流着泪去完成一首歌~~ Tomorrow 明天...... (translator by:angel18) And I want to believe you 我想要相信你 When you tell me that it will be ok! 当你告诉我那一切都会好的! Yeah I try to believe you 我试着去相信你 But I don"t! 但我不能! When you say that it"s gonna be, 当你说一切会像那样, It always turns out to be a different way. 结果总是不同的方向。 I try to believe you, 我尝试着去相信你, not today.... 不是现在... I don"t Know how I"ll feel, 我不知道怎么感觉到, tomorrow,tomorrow. 不久的,明天。 I don"t Know what to say, 我不知道说了些什么, Tomorrow,tomorrow is a different day. 明天,明天是个不同的一天。 It"s always been up to you.(decide) 总是由你决定。 It"s turning around it"s up to me! 现在轮到我决定一切! I"m gonna do want I have to do 我要去做自己想做的事 Just don"t 或许不要 Give me a little time 给我一点点时间 leave me alone a little while 让我独处一会儿 Maybe is not to late 可能还不晚 no today... 不是现在... I don"t Know how I"ll feel, 我不知道怎么感觉到, tomorrow,tomorrow. 不久的,明天。 I don"t Know what to say, 我不知道说了些什么, Tomorrow,tomorrow is a different day. 明天,明天是个不同的一天。 Hey yeah yeah...... and I know I"m not ready 我知道我没有准备好 Hey yeah yeah...... Maybe tomorrow

slipped away什么意思

意思是溜走,逃走,悄悄离开例句:①Once again, she slipped away.(她又一次逃走)②She quietly slipped away and went home.(她悄悄地溜走,回家去了。)

become aware that是什么意思


法律英语术语:common law

提到“English law”我们就会条件反射,联想到“common law”这个概念,甚至把两者误解为同一概念。其实,“English law”是“English law ”,“common law”是“common law”,“English common law”又是“English common law”。   汉语中,人们往往把“common law”说成是“普通法”、“习惯法”、“不成文法”、“判例法”,甚至有时在一定上下文中被当作了“事实上”的代名词——如:“common law marriage”就被说成是“事实婚姻”:“common law wife”便被说成是“事实上的妻子”。严格说,上述种种说法大多是人们对“common law”的——种诠释(“interpretation”),而不是什么翻译(“translation”)。其中可算作翻译的,唯“普通法”而已。   “common law”之译为“普通法”,似已“约定俗成”了,但是是否确切呢?在其尚未在广大读者间“约定俗成”前,尚不无商讨之实际意义。   形容词“common”具有:“共同的”、“普通的”、“粗俗的”、“低劣的”、“(数)共通的”、“(语)通(性)的”与“通(俗)的”等七类释义。按此,则“common law”之译作“普通法”,是于词典有据的了。但是,词典上不是有七类释义吗?此处译作“普通法”,采用的显然是第二类释义。然则,这样取义对不对呢?能不能另取他义,比如说取第一类释义而译作“共同法”呢?为什么“Common Market”译作“共同市场”,而不译作“普通市场”呢?   这就牵扯到一个翻译上“具体词义具体确定——具体词语具体翻译”的原则了。说得更明确一些:“common”一词在“common law”这一合成词中的具体涵义是什么?是“普通”还是“共同”?请看下列引文便知分晓:   1.   ……the common law has in itself a number of historical sources which were, prior to Conquest, embodied in local custom. The unique contribution of the Norman Conquest, was to unify these local customs into one system of law common to all men, for this reason termed the "common law".   ——Walker & Walker, The English Legal system, London l976, The English Legal system, London l976, p.3   2.   The common law is so called because it was commonly applied throughout the kingdom of England.   ——You and the Law, Reader"s Digest Association, Inc.,   由此可见,英国的“common law”是以其区别于前英国各地各种各样不统一的习惯而使之统一为在全国各地共同适用为其特征的,故汉语译之为“普通法”显然不如“共同法”之切合原意——哪怕译成“普遍法”也许也要比“普通法”略胜一筹吧。   以“普通法”译“common law”的另一个严重缺点,则在于其易滋歧义——“普通法”可以被误解为另一法学概念“特别法”的对立概念。 由此得出的体会是:   甲。 法律翻译工作要求译者不但是精通语言的,而且也是精通比较法学的;   乙。 约定俗成只是翻译诸规律之一而千万不能捧之为翻译的原则,更不能容忍它成为在翻译中实事求是、尊重科学、服从真理、从善如流的绊脚石。

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潍坊万达广场经常放一首男声的英文歌 节奏很轻快 声音很空灵 歌词好像有run run awa

WhistleFlo RidaCan you blow my whistle baby" whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slowYou just put your lips togetherAnd you come real closeCan you blow my whistle baby" whistle babyHere we goI"m betting you like bebopAnd i"m betting you love freak modeAnd i"m betting you like girls that give love to girlsAnd stroke your little egoI bet i"m guilty your honorBut that"s how we live in my genreWhen in hell I pay rottweilerThere"s only one flo" and one ridaI"m a damn shameOrder more champagne" pull it down hellstreamTryna put it on yaBet your lips spin back around cornerSlow it down baby take a little longerCan you blow my whistle baby" whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slowYou just put your lips togetherAnd you come real closeCan you blow my whistle baby" whistle babyHere we goWhistle baby" whistle baby"Whistle baby" whistle babyIt"s like everywhere I goMy whistle ready to blowShorty don"t leave a noteShe can get any by the lowPermission not approvedIt"s okay" it"s under controlShow me soprano" cause girl you can handleBaby we start snagging" you come in part clothesGirl i"m losing wing" my bucatti the same roadShow me your perfect pitch"You got it my banjoTalented with your lips" like you blew out candlesSo amusing" now you can make a whistle with the musicHope you ain"t got no issue" you can do itGive me the perfect picture" never lose itCan you blow my whistle baby" whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slowYou just put your lips togetherAnd you come real closeCan you blow my whistle baby" whistle babyHere we goWhistle baby" whistle baby"Whistle baby" whistle baby...Go girl you can work itLet me see your whistle while you work itI"mma lay it back" don"t stop itCause I love it how you drop it" drop it" drop it" on meNow" shorty let that whistle blowYeah" baby let that whistle blowCan you blow my whistle baby" whistle babyLet me knowGirl I"m gonna show you how to do itAnd we start real slowYou just put your lips togetherAnd you come real closeCan you blow my whistle baby" whistle babyHere we goWhistle baby" whistle baby"Whistle baby" whistle baby ...


日,这个也不回。 honolulu hawaii 的速写我就住在hawaii

I saw a pretty girl in the park.定语是哪个

介词短语“in the park”是作后置定语。全句意思是:我在公园里看到一个漂亮的女孩。重点词汇:park英[pɑ:k]释义:n.停车场;公园;园区;(球类)运动场。v.停车;停放;置于。例句:用作名词(n)He leaves his car in the hotel car park.他把车停放在旅馆的停车场。词语使用变化:parkn.(名词)。1、park的基本意思是“公园”,是可数名词,其前的介词习惯用in。2、park还有“停车场”的意思,是可数名词。3、park也可指“(公园或统一布局的)专业化地区”。

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fall down fall onto fall away fall down的区别

请你仔细比较它们之间意思上的不同,然后再读例句体会。 1. fall down/over 倒下(尤指突然间); 倒塌例句:The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down. 那小孩学着走路但老是跌跤. 2. fall away/off 向下倾斜例句:Beyond the hill, the land falls (away) sharply towards the river. 山那边地面呈陡坡向河边倾斜. 3. fall onto 落到...上例句:The man died after fall onto the third rail at Malden train station. 这个人摔死在莫尔登火车站的第三条铁轨上

帮忙解释一下law, institution, regulation, legislation, policy, implementation之间的关系。

policy failure: 政策失败implementation failure:决策有误老大,语言是活的,字汇还可以定义,辞汇最好给个句字,或说名是那个学术的专有名词,比较好翻译



美国法律中 statutes,law,regulations 有什么区别

statute是专指制定法,也就是成文法.美国是英美法系,以判例法为主,但也有不少的制定法,比如宪法、联邦证据规则、统一商法典、1789条例等等,这些制定法虽然可以叫做rule,code,act等等,但它们都属于statute,在用法上,与case law相对.law是泛指法律,有时候在书名或者文章中会使用,法律人通常会使用比较精确地legel一词,还有泛指某法时一些约定俗成的说法,比如:the civil right law,the international business lawregulation指规则,有时候是某些成文的规则,如regulation on computer software protection,regulation for prenenting collision at sea,这些规则具有法律效力;有时候指某些判例法规则,比如regulation for estopple,法官在判案时援用说理;有时候是生活中不具有法律效力的那些规则.

海事英语中有关regulation,rule,law and code 在意义和用法上的不同

Regulation 侧重在规范和规定,主要用于大范围的行业和市场规范。Rule主要用于规则和规矩,通常来说泛指某个群体,家庭和团体内部的规矩,规则。Law泛指法律和国家层面上的已经成文,立法的规定。Code主旨编码和准则,这个准则主要是指科教领域和计算机领域内的程序规范。粗枝大叶的解释了一下,若有偏差请及时指正。


Legislation是立法,法律之类的law 也是法律感觉这个比较通俗,上面一个更书面regulation:调控,调节,也有规定意思bill:议案,大家要投票的那种,


Law是法律法规 由国家司法部门制定 具有强制执行力的而regulation 更多用于行业规则 很大程度是人们约定俗成的规则


rule 意思是规则,规章,还有建议,惯常的做法等意思 regulations在表示规则和规章时能喝rule替换使实用,但通常它也表示条例的意思,比如 school regulations 就是校规,它另一个意思是调节,调整,此外和rule 一个区别就是它还可当形容词 LAW一般就指法律

rule, regulation, law区别

rule:规则,法规,准则,规律。regulation:规律,周期。 注意: 主要指含有周期性的规律。law:法律,规则。 侧重于硬性的法规。

law和regulation 在用法和意义上有 什么区别?




law, regulation, code 以及provision的区别和用法?

law,泛指法律,法条等regulation 法条,法规,一般指某一法律的规定code, 法典,具有规范体系的法律法规的汇总,如criminal code, 刑法典provision,一般规定条文,可以是双方订立的合同的约定条款,也可以是法律条款。等级较regulation 来说稍弱。


电放提单是目的港可以凭传真件提货的提单。由船公司或船代以电报(传)通知目的港代理,某票货物无须凭正本提单提货,收货人可凭盖收货人公司章的电放提单换取提货单以清关提货即可。 电放提单的收费问题也是根据船务公司和航线不同收取的费用不一样,当然,要是由正本提单改为电放提单是一定要收取费用的!SeaWaybill,又称海上运送单或海上货运单,它是"承运人向托运人或其代理人表明货物已收妥待装的单据,是一种不可转让的单据,即不须以在目的港揭示该单据作为收货条件,不须持单据寄到,船主或其代理人可凭收货人收到的货到通知或其身份证明而向其交货。


电放是由托运人向船公司发出委托申请并提交保函后,由船公司或船代以电报(传)通知目的港代理,某票货物无须凭正本提单提货,收货人可凭盖收货人公司章的电放提单换取提货单以清关提货的海运操作方式. 电放提单是指船公司或其代理人签发的注有"Surrendered"或"Telex Release"的提单副本,复印件或传真件.其基本作用有三:一是承运人收到其照管的货物收据,二是运输合同的证明,三是用来换取提货单的依据.海运单(Sea—way Bill),是证明国际海上货物运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船以及承运人保证将货物交给指定的收货人的一种不可流通的单证.其基本作用主要有三:一是承运人收到的货物收据.二是运输合约的证明;三是解决经济纠纷时作为货物担保的基础.

seaway bill 和电放有什么区别

电放提单是目的港可以凭传真件提货的提单。由船公司或船代以电报(传)通知目的港代理,某票货物无须凭正本提单提货,收货人可凭盖收货人公司章的电放提单换取提货单以清关提货即可。 电放提单的收费问题也是根据船务公司和航线不同收取的费用不一样,当然,要是由正本提单改为电放提单是一定要收取费用的! SeaWaybill,又称海上运送单或海上货运单,它是"承运人向托运人或其代理人表明货物已收妥待装的单据,是一种不可转让的单据,即不须以在目的港揭示该单据作为收货条件,不须持单据寄到,船主或其代理人可凭收货人收到的货到通知或其身份证明而向其交货。

Itu2019s better to burn out than to fade awayu3002

与其苟延残喘,不如激情燃烧It"s Better To Burn Out Than To Fade 涅盘乐队。柯本

burn off和burn out、burn away的区别

三个词组都有烧掉的意思。burn away (to disappear as a result of burning)burn off ( to remove sth by burning)burn out (to stop burning because there is nothing more to burn)

电影《守法公民》(Law Abiding Citizen)里,反复出现的那座铜像是谁?叫什么名字?

  是位于Philadelphia(费城,因为电影是在那里取景的)的City Hall房顶上的William Penn的雕像。  威廉·潘原先是辉格党的支持者,并且似乎曾经是洛克的好友。然而,当潘对印第安人表示友好,承认他们拥有对于土地的所有权,并购买其土地之后,洛克便怀疑潘对印第安人的慷慨,怀疑潘有专制主义倾向。潘建立的宾夕法尼亚州代表了洛克在《政府论下篇》中所攻击的一切。  因为在洛克看来,财产权来自劳动,印第安人不事稼穑,荒废了大片土地,所以他们对土地没有私人财产权,而因为他们没有私人财产权,所以印第安人共同体对土地也没有管辖权。美洲是一片无主的土地,欧洲殖民者尽管占领就是。购买土地在洛克看来既不合逻辑也无必要。  ——以上参见塔克《战争与和平的权利》  P207—212  赞曰:自由主义的洛克,帝国主义的洛克;自由主义的辉格党,帝国主义的辉格党  最早这里居住着几个印第安人部落,1643年瑞典移民首先在南部现在费城附近定居,称为“新瑞典”,1655年荷兰人战败瑞典人控制了这片土地,1664年英国约克公爵战败荷兰人,归属英国。  英国国王查理二世因为欠他朋友威廉·佩恩的父亲海军上将一万六千英镑的债,主要是拖欠的薪金和国库向他借款。威廉向他要这块土地,1681年4月4日,查理二世向他颁发了特许状,将此地送给威廉·佩恩,并将此地命名为“宾”,加上威廉·佩恩为此地命名为“夕法尼亚”(林地之意),宾夕法尼亚遂成为现在的州名。威廉由于信仰贵格派而不信仰英国国教圣公会,曾被牛津大学开除,当时的欧洲和英国的其他殖民地都没有宗教信仰的自由,威廉要按照贵格会的理想,建立一个宗教信仰和政治自由的地方,他当总督时没有为自己保留多大的权利,宣称“将允许人民制定自己的法律”,因此宾州是美国第一个宗教信仰自由的州。许多在欧洲受迫害的贵格教徒移民过来,贵格会声称所有基督徒都要象兄弟般友爱,他们反对战争,反对尊称,反对起誓。(因此美国宪法在所有要求起誓的地方保留一条“发誓或确认”,如在法院做证时,贵格教徒不会说“我起誓所有证言真实”,而是会说“我确认”。)。  宾州因此成为一个非常自由的州,一切权力取决于议会,也因为如此,这个殖民地没有给威廉带来任何好处,使他负债累累,1701年回到英国锒铛入狱,宾州没有给他任何税收来挽救他,而其中三个县又组成新的特拉华州独立出去。威廉死于1718年。宾州和特拉华州成为美国独立战争时的先锋,特拉华州第一个,宾州第二个承认联邦宪法,加入合众国。这两个州也是历史上美国宗教信仰最自由的州,但犹太人或其他宗教的信徒以及非宗教信徒仍然受到基督教会的歧视。直到美国建立以后确立政教分离和宗教信仰自由的政策,这种状况才得到改善。  在19世纪和20世纪初,宾州的石油、煤炭、钢铁等重工业发展迅速,吸纳了许多移民,人口增长迅速。20世纪末期,宾州工业开始衰败。

art washes away from the soul

我告诉你意思,你就明白了。艺术洗去灵魂上的dust of everyday life。大概意思是生活中的种种杂事

英语谚语:Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life 中文意思: 音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: It is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well 养女容易嫁女难。 It is hard to please all parties 取悦各方,谈何容易。 It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends should be true to his country 对朋友不义,不可能对国家效忠。 It is more blessed to give than to receive 施恩比受惠更有福。 It is more pain to do nothing than something 什么都不做要比做一点更不好受。 It is my own fault if I am deceived by the same man twice 在同一个人那里上两次当只能怪自己。 It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove 老鹰胜鸽,不足为荣。 It is not every couple that is a pair 成双并非皆配偶。 It is not good to make a sleeping lion 弄醒睡狮不是好事。 It is not helps but obstaceles not facilities but difficulties that make men 造就人的,不是帮助,而是磨难,不是方便,而是困难。 英语谚语: Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life 中文意思: 音乐可洗去灵魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。

求shawn mendes与camila cabello的歌senorita 百度网盘 MP3


SAP Post Goods Issue 报错,Delivery has not yet been put away/picked(completely)求解答方法





应该是:draw a portrait draw a portrait 英[dru0254: ei u02c8pu0254:trit] 美[dru0254 e u02c8pu0254rtru026at] [词典] 画影图形;写真;画像; [例句]Can I draw a portrait of you?我可以给你画副肖像画吗?

电影命名规则是什么?Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs 3D 2009 1080 pHalf-SBS BluRay DTS x264-z-man

dts 指电影采用杜比环绕声





Still I saw plainly enough Miss Douglas was____________________(是家中的最爱,尽管她是位家庭教师).

【答案】:a favorite in the familynotwithstanding she was a governessa favorite in the family,notwithstanding she was a governess 解析:词汇使用题。本小题考查了一个比较难的英语六级考试词汇——“notwithstanding(尽管)”。注意:“notwithstanding(conj.)”=“although/in spite of the fact that”。本小题中的“notwithstanding”可以用“although”替换;但是,由于本小题字数的限制,这里就不能用“in spite of the fact that”替换。

get away from it all是什么意思

get away from it all英[ɡet u0259u02c8wei fru0254m it u0254:l]美[ɡu025bt u0259u02c8we fru028cm u026at u0254l]<口>用出走的办法来摆脱烦恼[工作,责任][例句]If it "s time to get away from it all , some plainly will struggle.如果真的是时候从这一切中摆脱,一些人会很直接得做一些斗争。

The first group of contestants began to draw near. 中的draw什么意思?



shrimp 虾Lobster 龙虾prawn 对虾


我是学旅游的,这几个词在我们的专业课里出现过,虽然当时老师也没解释清楚,不过到后来去餐厅实习觉得lobster是大龙虾,就是那种海里的大龙虾,比如澳洲大龙虾,一般一桌只点一份的那种prawn就是对虾呀明虾之类的,就是跟平常吃的差不多,至于贵不贵就不知了,没当过家~shrimp字典上是跟prawn同义,我猜是海里的小虾米,因为我们吃的虾米是Dried shrimps ,所以我想shrimp是dried shrimps“生前”的样子吧,呵呵

lobster prawn shrimp 区别下?

1.shrimp是小虾河虾英[ʃrɪmp] 美[ʃrɪmp] 2.lobster是龙虾英[ˈlɒbstə(r)] 美[ˈlɑ:bstə(r)]3.prawn是明虾,对虾;斑节虾英[prɔ:n] 美[prɔn] 1.shrimp:虾,小虾;矮小的人捕虾复数:shrimpsshrimp2.lobster:龙虾;龙虾肉复数:lobsters3.prawn:对虾,明虾,斑节虾;捕虾,捉虾复数:prawns参考资料百度翻译:百度翻译:百度翻译:



New Dawn Fades 歌词

歌曲名:New Dawn Fades歌手:Joy Division专辑:The Best OfNew Dawn FadesArtist(Band):Joy DivisionA change of speed, a change of style.A change of scene, with no regrets,A chance to watch, admire the distance,Still occupied, though you forget.Different colours, different shades,Over each mistakes were made.I took the blame.Directionless so plain to see,A loaded gun won"t set you free.So you say.We"ll share a drink and step outside,An angry voice and one who cried,"We"ll give you everything and more,The strain"s too much, can"t take much more."Oh, I"ve walked on water, run through fire,Can"t seem to feel it anymore.It was me, waiting for me,Hoping for something more,Me, seeing me this time, hoping for something else.

Joy Division的《warsaw》 歌词

歌曲名:warsaw歌手:Joy Division专辑:heart and soul3,5,0,1,2,5, Go!I was there in the back stagewhen first light came around.I grew up like a changelingto win the first time around.I can see all the weaknessi can pick all the faultswell i concede all the faith testsjust to stick in your throats3 1 g, 3 1 g, 3 1 gi hung around in your soundtrackto mirror all that you"ve doneto find the right side of reasonto kill the three lies for onei can see all the cold factsi can see through your eyesall this talk made no contactno matter how hard we tried3 1 g, 3 1 g, 3 1 gi can still hear the footstepsi can only see wallsi slid into your man-trapswith no hearing at alli just see contradictionhad to give up the fightjust to live in the past tenseto make believe you were right3 1 g, 3 1 g, 3 1 g3,5,0,1,2,5

Joy Division的《warsaw》 歌词

歌曲名:warsaw歌手:Joy Division专辑:warsaw3,5,0,1,2,5, Go!I was there in the back stagewhen first light came around.I grew up like a changelingto win the first time around.I can see all the weaknessi can pick all the faultswell i concede all the faith testsjust to stick in your throats3 1 g, 3 1 g, 3 1 gi hung around in your soundtrackto mirror all that you"ve doneto find the right side of reasonto kill the three lies for onei can see all the cold factsi can see through your eyesall this talk made no contactno matter how hard we tried3 1 g, 3 1 g, 3 1 gi can still hear the footstepsi can only see wallsi slid into your man-trapswith no hearing at alli just see contradictionhad to give up the fightjust to live in the past tenseto make believe you were right3 1 g, 3 1 g, 3 1 g3,5,0,1,2,5



common law和civil law的区别是什么

common law和equity law对应,同属于case lawcivil law 和 public law 对应是两种不同分类方法下法律的类别。common law 是法官在处理案件时慢慢形成的法律,但因为太过死板,所以又渐渐形成了equity law(衡平法)。civil law 是Private law的一种,中文里的民法以上来自ACCA Corporate and Business Law-England


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只知道一句英文,请问这是哪首中的?“You complete my fate The halo crawls away”

Kiri 歌手: Monoral/制作Produced by Monoral/专辑Album: Turbulence/ 词曲作者Songwriters: Anisu Shimada / Kiyotaka TaniguchiYou complete my fateThe world unwinds inside of meYou complete my fateThe halo crawls awayYou repeat my fateRewinding all we canYou refill my placeYou refill my placeCome and save meCome and save meYou complete my fateThe heavens stroll inside of meYou repeat my fateRevealing who we areYou refill my placeYou refill my placeCome and save meBelieve in meDrink the wineTake my handFill me upBelieve in meDrink the wineTake my handLet me follow

Godsmack的《Awake》 歌词

歌曲名:Awake歌手:Godsmack专辑:Good Times, Bad Times - Ten Years Of GodsmackGodsmack - AwakeWait another minute.Can"t you see what this pain has fucking done to me.I"m alive and still kicking.What you see I can"t see and maybeYou"ll think before you speak.I"m alive. for you,I"m awake. Because of you,I"m alive. I told you,I"m awake swallowing you alive!Take another second.Turn your back on me and make believe, thatYou"re always happy.It"s safe to say you"re never alive.A big part of you has died and by the way,I hope you"re satisfied.I"m alive. For you,I"m awake. Because of you,I"m alive. I told you,I"m awake swallowing you alive!For you, I"m awakeBecause of you,I"m alive. I told you I"m awake.Tearing it back unveiling me.Taking a step back so I can breathe.Hear the silence about to break.Fear resistance when I"m awake.Tearing it back unveiling me.Taking a step back so I can breathe.Hear the silence about to break.Fear resistance when I"m awake.Alive for you.I"m awake, because of youI"m alive, I told youI"m awake swallowing youI"m alive, i told youI"m awakeBecause of youI"m alive, I told you I"m awakeSwallowing you aliveEnjoyGodsmack - AwakeChaB

“画山”英文是draw hill吗?

“画山”的英语有两种说法:第一、draw a / the hill;第二、draw a picture of a / the hill。

over the hills and far away中文歌词

  They came for him one winter"s night.   他们在一个冬夜里找到了他。   Arrested, he was bound.   是的,他被捕了。   They said there"d been a robbery,   他们说他涉嫌一起劫案 ,   his pistol had been found.   他的手枪被发现了。   They marched to the station house,   他们走到了警局。   he waited for the dawn.   他在等待着转机。   And as they led him to the dock,   当他们把他带到被告席时,   he knew that he"d been wronged.   他知道他被冤枉了。   "You stand accused of robbery,"   "你被指控抢劫"   he heard the bailiff say.   听到法警说。   He knew without an alibi,   他知道无法辩解,   tomorrow"s light would mourn his freedom.   未来的天窗将会哀悼他失去的自由.。   Over the hills and far away,   越过丘陵,远远离去,   for ten long years he"ll count the days.   未来10多来,他会计算着日子度过。   Over the mountains and blue seas,   越过群山和蓝海 ,   a prisoner"s life for him there"ll be.   他将过着囚犯的生活。   He knew that it would cost him dear,   他知道,它将带走他最宝贵的东西,   but yet he dare not say.   但是,他不敢说出真相。   Where he"d been that fateful night,   他想起了那个重要的夜晚,   a secret it must stay.   它只能是秘密。   He had to fight back tears of rage.   他必须强忍住愤怒的泪水。   His heart beat like a drum.   他心如打鼓咚咚作响。   For with the wife of his best friend,   和他最好朋友的妻子一起,   he spent his final night of freedom.   他度过了最后一晚的自由。   Over the hills and far away,   越过丘陵,远远离去,   he swears he will return one day.   他发誓有一天会回去。   Far from the mountains and blue seas,   远离群山和蓝海,   back in her arms he swear he"ll be.   他发誓,一定要回到她的怀抱。   Over the hills and far away.   越过丘陵,远远离去。   Over the hills and,   越过,   over the hills and,   越过,   over the hills and far away.   越过丘陵,远远离去,   Each night within his prison cell,   在他囚犯生活的每一个晚上,   he looks out through the bars.   他一直留心着监狱外面。   He reads the letters that she wrote.   他读着她写的信。   One day he"ll know the taste of freedom.   有一天他会重新尝到自由的滋味。   Over the hills and far away,   越过丘陵,远远离去 ,   she prays he will return one day.   她祈祷着有一天他会回来。   As sure as the rivers reach the seas,   就如同河水会流入大海,   back in his arms is where she"ll be.   她也会回到他的怀抱。   Over the hills and far away,   越过丘陵,远远离去,,   he swears he will return one day.   他发誓有一天将会回去。   over the mountains and the seas   越过群山和海洋,   back in her arms is where he"ll be.   他将回到她的怀抱。   Over the hills and far away,   越过丘陵,远远离去,   she prays he will return one day.   她祈祷着他有一天会回来。   As sure as the rivers reach the sea,   就如同河水会流入大海,   back in his arms is where she"ll be.   她也会回到他的怀抱 。   Over the hills,   越过,   over the hills and far away.   越过丘陵,远远离去   Over the hills,   越过,   over the hills and far away   越过丘陵,远远离去

船歌over the hills and far away 的歌词是什么

Our "prentice Tom may now refuse我们的小汤姆现在还不答应To wipe his scoundrel master"s shoes不答应给他的坏师父擦双鞋for now he"s free to sing and play因为他现在可以自由自在地Over the hills and far away在远处山丘放歌欢笑Over the hills and o"er the main丘陵连绵,大海辽远To Flanders, Portugal and Spain从佛兰德斯,葡萄牙到那西班牙Queen Anne commands and we"ll obey不管安妮女王离我们有多远Over the hills and far away她的意志所向,我们的长剑所指We all shall lead more happy lives我们都将过上更幸福的生活By getting rid of brats and wives只要没有熊孩子没有河东狮That scold and bawl both night and day小孩哭闹,妻子咆哮,一天又一天Over the hills and far away吵闹声音漫过山丘旷野Over the hills and o"er the main丘陵连绵,大海辽远To Flanders, Portugal and Spain从佛兰德斯,葡萄牙到那西班牙Queen Anne commands and we"ll obey不管安妮女王离我们有多远Over the hills and far away她的意志所向,我们的长剑所指Courage boys "tis one to ten你们这十个勇敢的男孩听着We"ll return all gentlemen我们终将载誉而归All gentlemen as well as they到时候你们就像那些Over the hills and far away在山野尽头的那一边的高贵的老爷Over the hills and o"er the main丘陵连绵,大海辽远To Flanders, Portugal and Spain从佛兰德斯,葡萄牙到那西班牙Queen Anne commands and we"ll obey不管安妮女王离我们有多远Over the hills and far away她的意志所向,我们的长剑所指Over the hills and o"er the main丘陵连绵,大海辽远To Flanders, Portugal and Spain从佛兰德斯,葡萄牙到那西班牙Queen Anne commands and we"ll obey不管安妮女王离我们有多远Over the hills and far away她的意志所向,我们的长剑所指(你也是AC粉吗,现在网易云上有歌词了)


连词成句:Drawing the hills over there is difficult too.画那边的山也很难。望采纳



he stood awkwardly( )the microphone. front of 2.ahead of 3.on top of 4.instead of




请问When I need to get away for a while, I often hire onto a ship.的onto要怎么理解?

hire onto是一个固定短语搭配,意思是租用,hire在用法上,如果说是加人,比如hire sb,雇佣某人,一般不用onto,但是当时船只,车之类的,会加onto,比较形象。

you go away l gradually let go

你走了 我渐渐的放手了



Up, Up And Away 歌词

歌曲名:Up, Up And Away歌手:The Fifth Dimension专辑:Master HitsUp Up And Away- Engebert HumperdinckWould you like to ride in my beautiful balloonWould you like to ride in my beautiful balloonWe could float among the stars together, you and IFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonThe world"s a nicer place in my beautiful balloonIt wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloonWe can sing a song and sail along the silver skyFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonSuspended under a twilight canopyWe"ll search the clouds for a star to guide usIf by some chance you find yourself loving meWe"ll find a cloud to hide usWe"ll keep the moon beside usLove is waiting there in my beautiful balloonWay up in the air in my beautiful balloonIf you"ll hold my hand we"ll chase your dream across the skyFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonUp, up, and away.....Up, up, and away.....Up, up, and away.....

Up, Up And Away 歌词

歌曲名:Up, Up And Away歌手:Dionne Warwick专辑:The Valley Of The DollsUp Up And Away- Engebert HumperdinckWould you like to ride in my beautiful balloonWould you like to ride in my beautiful balloonWe could float among the stars together, you and IFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonThe world"s a nicer place in my beautiful balloonIt wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloonWe can sing a song and sail along the silver skyFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonSuspended under a twilight canopyWe"ll search the clouds for a star to guide usIf by some chance you find yourself loving meWe"ll find a cloud to hide usWe"ll keep the moon beside usLove is waiting there in my beautiful balloonWay up in the air in my beautiful balloonIf you"ll hold my hand we"ll chase your dream across the skyFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonUp, up, and away.....Up, up, and away.....Up, up, and away.....

Up, Up And Away (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Up, Up And Away (Lp Version)歌手:The Beloved专辑:The Sun RisingUp Up And Away- Engebert HumperdinckWould you like to ride in my beautiful balloonWould you like to ride in my beautiful balloonWe could float among the stars together, you and IFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonThe world"s a nicer place in my beautiful balloonIt wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloonWe can sing a song and sail along the silver skyFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonSuspended under a twilight canopyWe"ll search the clouds for a star to guide usIf by some chance you find yourself loving meWe"ll find a cloud to hide usWe"ll keep the moon beside usLove is waiting there in my beautiful balloonWay up in the air in my beautiful balloonIf you"ll hold my hand we"ll chase your dream across the skyFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonUp, up, and away.....Up, up, and away.....Up, up, and away.....

Up, Up And Away 歌词

歌曲名:Up, Up And Away歌手:乔 特纳专辑:The Best Of The Blues JubileesUp Up And Away- Engebert HumperdinckWould you like to ride in my beautiful balloonWould you like to ride in my beautiful balloonWe could float among the stars together, you and IFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonThe world"s a nicer place in my beautiful balloonIt wears a nicer face in my beautiful balloonWe can sing a song and sail along the silver skyFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonSuspended under a twilight canopyWe"ll search the clouds for a star to guide usIf by some chance you find yourself loving meWe"ll find a cloud to hide usWe"ll keep the moon beside usLove is waiting there in my beautiful balloonWay up in the air in my beautiful balloonIf you"ll hold my hand we"ll chase your dream across the skyFor we can fly we can flyUp, up and awayMy beautiful, my beautiful balloonUp, up, and away.....Up, up, and away.....Up, up, and away.....

run away怎么唱 中文谐音

魏晨 Run away中文谐音歌词 中文音译 (李准) I Can"t find a place to go Nowhere Sometimes I wanna hide (魏晨) Run Away ah Away ah no We"re running out of time Where do we go (魏晨) 酥麻习俗噶哦p搜 pio你新宿噶哦p搜 pio你柏林马黑豆 everything"s fading away (李准) 会呀哟k新dei木内 那也 木白 心得木内 魔都一楼柏林够 (魏晨) 噶苏黑顿 ki哟多 一切诶 撒狼距噶 (李准) where"d it go I don"t know 一个鲁姆 俺对 (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we hide (魏晨) Can we find a better place (李准) Where do we run (魏晨) 破意几阿娜 内嘛米啊怕瓦 (李准) 莫咯jio 他嫩 哈能都 pio内噶能 够忒 hiang都 no Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away oh no oh ah away oh no (天动) Rap) The sky"s pitch black painted with shades of grey clouds can"t recall the last time I"ve seen a sunny day you hear the concrete cry we"re blinded by bright lights, the night life, toxic in disguise over eyes wide shut (魏晨) 一lo柏林 ki哟度 一节 撒狼就卡能 啊冷答问 qiu 哦p等 everything"s fading away (李准) 哭得嫩 哟k信 纳米qio pio内哈能 就 哈嫩都 无力为嫩哈加纳 (魏晨) 大俗黑灯 ki哟都 辟邪 撒狼距噶 where"d it go I don"t know 一bio冷嫩俺对 (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we hide (魏晨) Can we find a better place (李准) Where do we run (魏晨) 莫咯jio 看恩 哈嫩都 (李准) pio内噶嫩gio忒样够 no Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away oh no oh ah away oh no (天动) Rap) I see a lot of broken bottles scattered on a field of broken dreams so many shattered windows from hopes thrown away it seems, we enjoy the pain that we bring into our own world light a fire and watching it burn I"m sick and tired, I"ve had enough we need time to heal and stop picking at the scars if we can grow together instead of growing apart maybe we can save what wasn"t even ours from the start (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we hide (魏晨) Can we find a better place (李准) Where do we run (魏晨) 莫咯jio 看恩 哈嫩都 (李准) pio内噶嫩gio忒样够 no Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away oh no oh ah away oh no

Rumaway是什么意思? 魏晨新专辑的歌~~急需!!!谢谢!!!


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春天到了,冬天还会远吗? 翻译成英文是不是Spring is coming,will winter be far away?

若是冬天来了,春天也总马上会来”是英国诗人雪莱《西风颂》中的诗句 《西风颂》原文如下 一 哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸!你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫,有如鬼魅碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避 黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨,呵,重染疫疠的一群西风呵,是你 以车驾把有冀的种子摧送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里,像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱,直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起 她的喇叭,在沉睡的大地上响遍,(唤出嫩芽,像羊群一样,觅食空中) 将色和香充满了山峰和平原.不羁的精灵呵,你无处不远行; 破坏者兼保护者听吧,你且聆听!二 没入你的急流,当高空一片混乱,流云象大地的枯叶一样被撕扯 脱离天空和海洋的纠缠的枝干.成为雨和电的使者它们飘落 在你的磅礴之气的蔚蓝的波面,有如狂女的飘扬的头发在闪烁,从天穹的最遥远而凝的边沿 直抵九霄的中天,到处都在摇曳 欲来雷雨的卷发,对濒死的一年 你唱出了葬歌,而这密集的黑夜 将成为它广大墓陵的一座圆顶,里面正有你的万钧之力的凝结; 那是你的浑然之气,从它会迸涌 黑色的雨,冰雹和火焰哦,你听!三 是你,你将蓝色的地中海唤醒,而它曾经昏睡了一整个夏天,被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦,就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边,它梦见了古老的宫殿和楼阁 在水天辉映的波影里抖颤,而且都生满青苔、开满花朵,那芬芳真迷人欲醉!呵,为了给你 让一条路,大西洋的汹涌的浪波 把自己向两边劈开,而深在渊底 那海洋中的花草和泥污的森林 虽然枝叶扶疏,却没有精力; 听到你的声音,它们已吓得发青 一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩哦,你听!四 哎,假如我是一片枯叶被你浮起,假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾,是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息,假如我分有你的脉搏,仅仅不如 你那么自由,哦,无法约束的生命!假如我能像在少年时,凌风而舞 便成了你的伴侣,悠游天空 (因为呵,那时候,要想追你上云霄,似乎并非梦幻),我就不致像如今 这样焦躁地要和你争相祈祷.哦,举起我吧,当我是水波、树叶、浮云!我跌在生活底荆棘上,我流血了!这被岁月的重轭所制服的生命 原是和你一样骄傲、轻捷而不驯.五 把我当作你的竖琴吧,有如树林 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系!你巨大的合奏所振起的音乐 将染有树林和我的深邃的秋意 虽忧伤而甜蜜∏,但愿你给予我 狂暴的精神!奋勇者呵,让我们合一!请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落,让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命!哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌,就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散!让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇 把昏睡的大地唤醒吧!要是冬天 已经来了,西风呵,春日怎能遥远?

英语语法Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise


far away和far from有什么区别?

far away 用作表语或状语,away可以省去,因此,far away = far ; far away from = far fromfar (away) 后不接宾语;far (away) from 后一定要接宾语。The do not live far away.他们住得并不远.far from除了表示距离的”远离”之外,还有”远远不,完全不,决非”之意,后接名词,动名词或形容词.Far from reading his letter,she didn"t openit.别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开.He is far from (being)rich.他一点也不富有.至于away from 与far from的区别主要在于far与away的区别:far是表示较笼统、模糊概念的“远”,而away是表示具体的“远”。如:very far很远;quite far相当远; 500 meters away 500米远; 2 kilometers away 2公里远e.g. My home is very far from the hospital.My home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital.far away:遥远;迢迢;远离eg .He descried an island far away on the horizon.他看到遥远的地平线上有个岛屿far away from :远离;离...远 eg.It"s far away from here .离这很远far from :远离;远非,不但不"t stray too far from the correct path 不要离开正道太远了 France is far from China 法国离中国很远 His work is far from perfect 他的工作远非完美away from:远离;相聚

far away和far away from的区别是什么?

far away 用作表语或状语,away可以省去,因此,far away = far ; far away from = far fromfar (away) 后不接宾语;far (away) from 后一定要接宾语。The do not live far away.他们住得并不远.far from除了表示距离的”远离”之外,还有”远远不,完全不,决非”之意,后接名词,动名词或形容词.Far from reading his letter,she didn"t openit.别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开.He is far from (being)rich.他一点也不富有.至于away from 与far from的区别主要在于far与away的区别:far是表示较笼统、模糊概念的“远”,而away是表示具体的“远”。如:very far很远;quite far相当远; 500 meters away 500米远; 2 kilometers away 2公里远e.g. My home is very far from the hospital.My home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital.far away:遥远;迢迢;远离eg .He descried an island far away on the horizon.他看到遥远的地平线上有个岛屿far away from :远离;离...远 eg.It"s far away from here .离这很远far from :远离;远非,不但不"t stray too far from the correct path 不要离开正道太远了 France is far from China 法国离中国很远 His work is far from perfect 他的工作远非完美away from:远离;相聚

英语faraway和far away的区别?

far away是表语faraway是adv.

Far和far away的区别

far 是远 far away 是离的很远。 言简意赅。求分。

far away和far away from的区别是什么?

far away、far away from、away from、far from的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、far away:在远处。2、far away from:离…很远。3、away from:离开。4、far from:远远不。二、用法不同1、far away:away是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。可以表示“离开”的状态,也可表示“离开”的动作。2、far away from:除用于动词之后组成短语动词的情况之外,away在句中主要用作状语、表语或补语。偶尔也可用作定语,这时必须前置而不可后置。3、away from:from的本意是“来源”,由此引申出“根据事物的来源判断”。4、far from:far的基本意思是“远”,可指距离的远,也可指时间的远。指距离时,一般用于否定句或疑问句,在肯定句中,多用a long way代替far。三、侧重点不同1、far away:作表语或状语。2、far away from:from具有指向性,有特定的目标。3、away from:away是表示具体的“远”。4、far from:后接名词,动名词或形容词。

far away和far from的区别

  far away 用作表语或状语,away可以省去,因此,far away = far; far away from = far from  far (away) 后不接宾语;far (away) from 后一定要接宾语。  The do not live far away.  他们住得并不远。  far from除了表示距离的”远离”之外,还有”远远不,完全不,决非”之意,后接名词,动名词或形容词。  Far from reading his letter, she didn"t openit.  别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开。  He is far from (being)rich.  他一点也不富有。  至于away from 与far from的区别主要在于far与away的区别:  far是表示较笼统、模糊概念的“远”,而away是表示具体的“远”。如:very far很远;quite far相当远; 500 meters away 500米远; 2 kilometers away 2公里远。  e.g.My home is very far from the hospital.  My home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital.

Far away-Tyga 歌词!

[Chris Richardson] Just to see her (see her) But shes far far away And Id do anything just to see her face But shes far far away Walk a thousand miles just to see her smile again [Tyga - verse 1] Sittin on a plane Reminscing back when I made that mistake I wish it never ended with a heartbreak Now your heart broken, tears in ya face Ask myself why, looking at the sky If I could turn back Id make it all right Praying that you better but its still stormy weather Dont wanna let go but the rain wont let up Now you gone, still thinking bout you everyday And I know feelings was hurt and you can blame me but Im sorry for the games that I played But now its too late And now shes [Chris Richardson] Now shes far far away And Id do anything just to see her face But shes far far away Walk a thousand miles just to see her smile again [Tyga - verse 2] Its cold putting up a fight Arguing back and forth through the night Regardless what I said and I dont most of it You know I really love you, this the realest goin get It take time to realise what you really wanna know You was ready for it all but your feelings I ignored I know my fault, I shouldve gave more Now youre miles away and Im miles on tour Now its drums playing, crowd singing Light changing, wish you was here to witness all that It starts fading They say two wrongs dont make it right And I was wrong and now it aint right [Chris Richardson] Cause shes far far away And Id do anything just to see her face But shes far far away Walk a thousand miles just to see her smile again [Tyga - bridge] Na na na nah If I could turn back If I could make it right Id do just that If I could make it right Id do it all tonight Hold you in my arms, with you Id spend my life Na na na nah If I could turn back If I could make it right Id do just that Id do just that If I could turn back (Come back here again) [Chris Richardson] Cause shes far far away And Id do anything just to see her face But shes far far away Walk a thousand miles just to see her smile again [Bridge] [End] [克里斯理查森:] 只是看到她(看她) 但她很远很远 我做任何事情,只是看到她的脸 但她很远很远 步行千里,只是看到她的笑容再次 [诗歌1:最喜欢的歌] Sittin“在一个平面上 回Reminscing当我提出这样的错误 我希望它永远不会结束与心碎 现在你的心破碎,眼泪在雅面临 问自己为什么,望着天空 如果我能回头,我会使其所有权利 祈祷更好,但它仍然是暴风雨天气 不想让去,但雨水不会让 现在你走了,仍然回合你的思维日常 我知道感情受到了伤害,你可别怪我,但 对不起,我打的游戏, 但现在为时已晚 现在她... ... [克里斯理查森:] 现在,她很远很远 我做任何事情,只是看到她的脸 但她很远很远 步行千里,只是看到她的笑容再次 [诗歌2:最喜欢的歌] 它的冷战斗 经过一夜的扯皮 无论我说什么,我不最 你知道我真的爱你,这realest布莱恩" 它需要时间来实现你真的想知道什么 你已经准备好了一切,但我忽略了你的感情 我知道我的错,我已经给了更多 现在你英里远,我在游览英里 现在它的鼓演奏,人群唱歌 光改变,希望你在这里见证了这一切 它开始衰落 他们说,两个错误不正确 而我错了,现在它是不正确的 [克里斯理查森:] 她很远很远 我做任何事情,只是看到她的脸 但她很远很远 步行千里,只是看到她的笑容再次 [桥:最喜欢的歌] NA NA NA NAH 如果我能回头 如果我能做出正确 我做到这一点 如果我能做出正确 我做这一切今晚 你在我的怀里,与你,我会花我的生活 NA NA NA NAH 如果我能回头 如果我能做出正确 我做到这一点 我做到这一点 如果我能回头 (再回到这里来) [克里斯理查森:] 她很远很远 我做任何事情,只是看到她的脸 但她很远很远 步行千里,只是看到她的笑容再次。
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