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I saw a girl dancing in the classroom.为什么不是I saw a girl was dancing in the classroom?

那句话是有省略的,正式的全句为 i saw a girl (who was) dancing in the classroom.有一个女孩在课室里跳舞 there is girl dancing in the classroom.或there is a girl who is dancing in the classroom.不过这句正式了些。

我记得有首歌歌词大概是。I just keep run had it away。歌词不一定准,大概

歌名:I just wanna run中文名称:我只想逃离外文名称:I just wanna run所属专辑:Best I Never Had歌曲时长:3:20发行时间:2010-03-23歌曲原唱:The downtown fiction音乐风格:摇滚歌曲语言:英文歌词 :I just wanna run我只想逃离hide it away把它隐藏Run because they"re chasing me down因为他们的追逐而奔跑I just wanna run我只想逃离throw it away把它丢弃Run before they"re finding me out在他们发现我之前逃走I just wanna run我只想逃离I just wanna run我只想逃离I"m out here all alone我独自一人离开I try to call your house我试着给你打电话Can"t reach you on the phone却无法接通I"ll gather up the nerve我将鼓起勇气I"m packing up my bag我将收拾行装It"s more than you deserve它比你值得Don"t treat me like a drag别把我看做累赘I"m feeling like I keep on talking我感觉我一直自言自语I"m repeating myself我不停地重复my words lost all meaning我所说的话都变得毫无意义I keep talking I repeat myself但我仍不停地重复I just wanna run我只想逃离hide it away把它隐藏Run because they"re chasing me down因为他们的追逐而奔跑I just wanna run我只想逃离throw it away把它丢弃Run before they"re finding me out在他们发现我之前逃离I just wanna run (run, run, run)我只想逃离I just wanna run(run, run, run)我只想逃离Like a game of chess这就像一盘棋I predict your move我预测到你的下一步棋I think I know you better我想更了解你Better than you do比你更了解你自己I"m sick of feeling cheap我的痛十分廉价Cheated and abused被欺骗,被辱骂Sick of losing sleep因疼痛失眠Thinking about you忽然想起你I"m feelin" like I keep on talking我感觉我一直自言自语I"m repeating myself我不停地重复my words lost all meaning我所说的话都变得毫无意义I keep talking I repeat myself但我仍不停地重复I just wanna run我只想逃离hide it away把它隐藏Run because they"re chasing me down因为他们的追逐而奔跑I just wanna run, throw it away我只想逃离Run before they"re finding me out在他们发现我之前逃走I just wanna run (run, run, run)我只想逃离I just wanna run (run, run, run)我只想逃离

Culture Club的《Move Away》 歌词

move away歌手:culture clubSpirit changed the conversationStepping stones across the landI never wanted to be a heroI never wanted to be a manI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said i"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said i"d understandIf i could say this was judgment dayYou know I"d be a millionaireI"m prepared to wear my sorrowEverywhere we go in townAin"t no need to beg or borrowWhile you"re there to drag me downI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d understandIf I could say this was judgment dayYou know I"d be a millionaire(Justice right)I need you soI can"t let goI hurt you darlingI made you cryI hurt you darlingDon"t ask me whyMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d understandMove move move away from me darlingI never said I"d hold your handIf I could say this was judgment dayI"d be a millionaireI never said I"d hold your handWhy don"t you move?I never said I"d understandWhy don"t you move?Why don"t you move?



lucas papaw ointment保质期多久?lucas papaw木瓜膏保质期

lucas papaw ointment就是澳洲知名产品木瓜膏,今天要来跟大家接介绍的就是lucas papaw ointment产品的保质期问题,由于是国外的进口产品,许多人不太了解怎么看保质期,下面就来教会大家。 澳洲木瓜膏保质期多久 lucas papaw ointment产品只会写明截止日期,在产品的外包装上会有标明。举例,包装上写的字母为USEBYFEB19,翻译的意识就是 use bu feb 19.最佳使用日期为19年2月看懂包装就知道,该如何判断产品的保质期拉。 lucas papaw ointment介绍 水泡、烫伤、擦伤、刮伤、皮肤龟裂、虫咬、尿布疹、伤口...都可以擦 这款软膏拥有80年历史,宣扬的是天然、舒缓还有清洁的功效 它的质地很像凡士林 万用,超赞!烧伤,蚊虫叮咬,任何伤口抹这个就不会感染发炎。 滋润效果真的很好,没有什么明显的香味,不过很靠近闻的话稍微有点甜甜的 很淡的木瓜的甜味,可能是木瓜成值奈兜?,因为它完全是新鲜的木瓜发酵后所制成的 ,很多国外知名艺人使用噢纯天然的LUCAC PAPAW,滋润舒适且不腻~ 而且LUCAS PAPAW不仅可用在护唇上,也可当万用膏舒缓用噢~小包包里不可缺少的宝贝~ 澳洲杂志推荐 任何伤口都可以用 家庭自备一支很好哟! 在澳洲有上百年历史的LUCAS番木瓜药膏,用于治疗各种伤口,还有蚊虫叮咬,烫伤,太阳灼伤的万能药膏。如果家中有小宝宝,一定要买一个,用于宝宝的尿布疹很好用,而且宝宝爬上爬下的,不小心受伤,也需要这个呢,帮助更好的清洁消炎,伤口好的更快。植物制剂的药膏,带有淡淡的植物芳香,妈妈宝宝都喜欢呢! 我们知道番木瓜及番木瓜树是味道鲜美的水果,它也能有益于我们的皮肤。本产品是澳大利亚制造由纯番木瓜制成,它含有木瓜蛋白酶可完全清洁感染部位脏物及清洁伤口。lucas papaw番木瓜膏心得 经常被安利的番木瓜膏,找了澳洲代购55人民币入的。一开始想做唇膜晚上敷,敷了几晚感觉效果没有宣传的那么惊艳。正不知道要干嘛的时候,po主感冒了,擤鼻涕鼻子周围都红红的特别疼,用木瓜膏擦了鼻子周围,第二天就好了一点儿也不疼了。 其实它的用处还挺多的,痘痘、烫伤、擦伤都可以,做唇膜感觉一般。 总结时刻。家里备一支很不错,能处理很多突发情况的伤口。

lucas papaw ointment有什么作用




请问 fall down fall off fall away有什么区别?

这三个短语都包含“fall”,但在语法和使用方法上有所不同。“Fall down”意为“摔倒”或“倒塌”,通常指人或物体因失去平衡而落下或崩塌。例如:The vase fell down from the shelf and broke into pieces.(花瓶从架子上掉了下来,摔成了碎片。)“Fall off”意为“掉落”,指物体从另一个物体的表面脱落。例如:The button on my shirt fell off.(我衬衣上的纽扣掉了。)“Fall away”意为“消失”或“减弱”,通常指某种情感、感觉或质量的逐渐减弱或消失。例如:The excitement of the crowd gradually fell away as the game went on.(随着比赛的进行,观众的兴奋逐渐消失了。)综上所述,这三个短语可以通过下表进行对比:根据上述对比,我们可以得出以下结论:“Fall down”和“fall off”都指物体的位置改变,但是“fall down”强调垂直向下的运动,而“fall off”强调分离或分离过程。“Fall away”则不同,它强调某种情感、感觉或质量逐渐减弱或消失。这三个短语的使用场景不同,需要根据具体语境进行选择。在语法结构上,它们都是不及物动词短语,即不需要宾语。综上所述,选择“fall down”、“fall off”或“fall away”应该根据语境和具体的含义来决定。如果要表达人或物体失去平衡并落下或崩塌,使用“fall down”;如果要表达物体从另一个物体的表面脱落,使用“fall off”;如果要表达某种情感、感觉或质量逐渐减弱或消失,使用“fall away”。以下是更多的例句:Fall down:The old man fell down the stairs and broke his arm.(老人摔下楼梯,摔断了手臂。)The tree fell down during the storm.(这棵树在风暴期间倒了。)Fall off:The painting fell off the wall and the frame broke.(画掉了下来,画框摔坏了。)The nail fell off the shelf and hit me on the head.(钉子从架子上掉了下来,打中了我的头。)Fall away:Her interest in the project gradually fell away after the initial excitement.(她对这个项目的兴趣在最初的兴奋后逐渐消失。)The fear fell away as soon as she realized she was safe.(当她意识到自己安全时,恐惧立刻消失了。)

lock sth.away是什么意思

柯林斯英汉双解大词典 lock away ( locking, locked, locks )1. PHRASAL VERB If you lock something away in a place or container, you put or hide it there and fasten the lock. 把…锁藏起来例:She meticulously cleaned the gun and locked it away in its case.她小心翼翼地把那把枪擦干净,并把它锁藏在枪盒里。2. PHRASAL VERB To lock someone away means to put them in prison or a secure mental hospital. 把…关进 (监狱、精神病院等)例:Locking them away is not sufficient, you have to give them treatment.把他们关起来是不够的,你必须给他们治疗。

The Backyardigans的《Castaways》 歌词

歌曲名:Castaways歌手:The Backyardigans专辑:The BackyardigansChasen - CastawayWhim(675278014)@ LK Lyrics GroupI feel destruction running hard through my veinsBut I see redemption rushing my wayMy victories are bittersweet, and now I can tellThe only place my plans have led me is right where I fellI"m overboard, too far from shoreA castaway trying to make it homeI catch my breath to save myself but I can"tIn my sight You were just in timeI feel You now You"re by my sideAnd I know You gave me, a gift of a second chanceI had a dream of a life of my ownAnd I had a place that I thought was my homeBut now I see I just can"t have it any other wayIt"s all or nothing, do or die and I"m the price I pay becauseI"m overboard, too far from shoreA castaway trying to make it homeI catch my breath to save myself but I can"tIn my sight You were just in timeI feel You now You"re by my sideAnd I know You gave me, a gift of a second chance(a second chance)A second chance I won"t forgetA second life I won"t regretA second wind to brave this nightA second more to make it rightA second chance I won"t forgetA second life I won"t regretA second wind to brave this nightA second more to make it rightI"m overboard, too far from shoreA castaway trying to make it homeI catch my breath to save myself but I can"tIn my sight You were just in timeI feel You now You"re by my sideAnd I know You gave me, a gift of a second chance(A gift of a second chance, ooh)(I"m a castaway, with a gift of a second chance)Edited By whimWhim(675278014)@ LK Lyrics Group

求首英文歌.女生唱.求首英文歌,歌词中有些词句:1.fade away 2.好像是dream,season 3.forever and believ

far away from home

Bruce Springsteen的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The RiverCeline Dion - Fade AwayI learned from the pastNot everything lastsI understand that nowEverything changedWhen you walked awayBut I"ll survive somehowThough I have regretsI"ll learn to forgetAnd just keep moving onCause when love is goneYou have to be strongOnce touched by painYou"re not the sameBut time can healYour heart againSo let the cloudsThat bring you downJust fade awayAwaySo I try to smileBut after a whileThe memories come backBut I won"t give inCause I know that thenMy heart will fade to blackAnd this time I learnedThat love can burn...There"s no right or wrongI"ve got to be strongOnce touched by painYou"re not the sameBut time can healYour heart againSo let the cloudsThat bring you downJust fade awayI know that one day I"ll find that feeling againBut until I do I"ll do fine by myselfOnce touched by painYou"re not the sameBut time can healYour heart againSo let the cloudsThat bring you downYou know thatOnce touched by painYou"re not the sameBut time can healYour heart againSo let the cloudsThat bring you downSo let the cloudsThat bring you downJust fade awayAway

Fadeaway (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Fadeaway (Live)歌手:Bodeans专辑:Homebrewed: Live From The PabstLiving heartache in black and greyEveryday I"m living in sorrowWill there be no tomorrowSearching for the right song to playHoping you might change your mindIf I find the right rhyme or phraseI wanted to write something hauntingly beautifulBut I don"t know if I came throughThe words that I"m sayingThe song that I"m playingMaybe I just play the foolBut if that"s what you sayI"ll just fade awayLiving heartache deep in denialAll the while you tell me you"re leavingBut I keep on believingHolding back the tears with a smileHoping though I hear the word neverThat you don"t mean forever (oh no)I wanted to be part of your perfect fairytaleBut I don"t know if this comes trueAs you grow bolderYou feel so much colderMaybe you just play it coolI wanted to tell you you"re hauntingly beautifulAs this might be my last chance toYour pace has been slowingYou know where I"m goingBut you"re not going to followAnd it"s harder to swallow each day"Cause if there"s no tomorrowI"ll just fade awayYeah I"ll just fade awayI"ll just fade away

Oasis的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Oasis专辑:Definitely Maybe (Singles Box Set)Fade AwayArtist:OasisAlbum:The MasterplanWhen I was young I thought I had my own keyI knew exactly what I wanted to beNow I"m sureYou"ve boarded up every doorLived in a bubble days were never endingWas not concernedAbout what life was sendingFantasy was realBut now I know much about the way I feelDon"t paint you the pictureI don"t think you live round here no moreI"ve never even seen the key to the doorWe only get what we will settle forWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade away, away, awayThey fade away, away, awayNow my life has turned another cornerI think it"s only best that I should warn youDream it while you canMaybe someday I"ll make you understandDon"t paint you the pictureI don"t think you live round here no moreI"ve never even seen the key to the doorWe only get what we will settle forWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade away, away, awayFade away, away, awayThey fade away, away, awayFade away, away, away不得不承认,绿洲是英国音乐史上的奇迹继他们之后,英伦摇滚在世界上刮起了一阵旋风当今的英伦乐队,很大一部分都受绿洲的影响绿洲的心路历程也是我成长岁月希望绿洲能够永远的走下去将这一抹绿色的生机永远延续我会永远爱绿洲永远爱英伦……~~The End~~



这是什么意思"It s better to burn out than to fade away " 这句话是什么意思啊


什么是Fadeaway Shoot?



fade 消退 away 离开

Mary J. Blige的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Mary J. Blige专辑:Growing PainsFade AwayMary J.BligeGrowing PainsMary J.Blige.-.Fade AwayGrowing Pains∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧.∧Ohhh...Ohhh...It"s starting to rain again.Everything"s gone now.Even the sun.It"s starting to rain again.Don"t go away.What have I done?Hmmm...I"ve been high and I"ve been low.I"ve been wealthy and I"ve been poor.I don"t know much.But one thing I know, this ain"t no fun.Hmmm...Sometimes I wish that I can stand here and fade away. (Sometimes)Ohh...So that no one could see the tears running down my face. (Sometimes)Oh, invisibility would be great.I painted a picture with her in his arms.Hmmm...It"s starting to rain again.It"s all in my mind.He"s done me no harm.Hmmm...I"ve been up and I"ve been down.Through all my drama, he"s still around.I can"t believe that even now I put us through the storm.Ohhh...Sometimes I wish that I can stand here and fade away. (Sometimes)Ohhh...So that no one could see the tears running down my face. (Sometimes)Oh, invisibility would be great.Couldn"t look at myself in the mirror.Asking myself "How dumb could you be? "Maybe everything would be much clearer if no one could see me.Hmmm...Ohhh...Oh, invisibility would be great.Yaaa...Ohhh...Sometimes I wish that I can stand here and fade away. (Sometimes)Ohhh...So that no one could see the tears running down my face. (Sometimes)Hey...Hey...Sometimes I wish that I can stand here and fade away. (Sometimes)Ohhh...So that no one could see the tears running down my face. (Sometimes)Invisibility would be great.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨.∨

sailed away歌词

Sailed Away演唱者:Saving AbelDoes it hurt to hear me sayThat I never really meant to stayI left you right where I want youNow there"s nothin" leftAnd not a reasonThere"s nothin" left to believe inWhen just one remainsI"ve sailed awaySuch a foolish gameThat we have been playin"Now you got me right where you want meI left you in the rightBut you wouldn"t let me take the fallNow you"ve got me right where you want meNow there"s nothin" leftAnd that"s the reasonThere"s not much left to believe inIf it"s all just the sameI"ll sail awayYou pushed so hardYou have to know thatYou might just get what you wantedAnd when just one remainsI"ve sailed awayI found out on my ownEverything that I"ve been missin"Now I"ve got you right where I want youNow that we"re apartI see just who you areYou"re always gonna beThe one to keep hatin"Now I"ve got you right where I want youNow there"s nothin" leftAnd that"s the reasonThere"s not much left to believe inIf it"s all just the sameI"ll sail awayYou pushed so hardYou have to know thatYou might just get what you wantedAnd when just one remainsI"ve sailed awayI"m not one to hide my face behind the painIt"s not like me to beg you to stayI"ll just sail awayNow there"s nothin" leftAnd that"s the reasonThere"s not much left to believe inIf it"s all the sameI"ll sail awayYou pushed so hardYou have to know thatYou might just get what you wantedAnd when just one remainsYou know I"ve sailed awayAnd when just one remainsYou know I"ve sailed awayDoes it hurt to hear me sayThat I never really meant to stay

Texas的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Texas专辑:The Bbc SessionsLiving heartache in black and greyEveryday I"m living in sorrowWill there be no tomorrowSearching for the right song to playHoping you might change your mindIf I find the right rhyme or phraseI wanted to write something hauntingly beautifulBut I don"t know if I came throughThe words that I"m sayingThe song that I"m playingMaybe I just play the foolBut if that"s what you sayI"ll just fade awayLiving heartache deep in denialAll the while you tell me you"re leavingBut I keep on believingHolding back the tears with a smileHoping though I hear the word neverThat you don"t mean forever (oh no)I wanted to be part of your perfect fairytaleBut I don"t know if this comes trueAs you grow bolderYou feel so much colderMaybe you just play it coolI wanted to tell you you"re hauntingly beautifulAs this might be my last chance toYour pace has been slowingYou know where I"m goingBut you"re not going to followAnd it"s harder to swallow each day"Cause if there"s no tomorrowI"ll just fade awayYeah I"ll just fade awayI"ll just fade away

melt away fade away

melt away 融化 The snow soon melted away when the sun came out. 太阳出来后不久, 雪就化了。 逐渐消失 The morning fog usually melts away as the sun rises. 晨雾通常在太阳升起时消失。 The crowd quickly melted away when the storm broke. 暴风雨袭来时人群很快地四散了。 Their fear and worry melted away. 他们的恐惧和担心消失了。 They melted the nation"s resources away. 他们使国家的资源逐渐枯竭。 (使)着迷〔神魂颠倒〕 Her heart melted away in secret raptures. 她暗自高兴得心花怒放。 The story melted away her soul. 这故事使她着了迷。 fade away 消失; 衰弱 The noise gradually faded away. 喧闹声渐渐消失了。 fade away 消失; 逐渐减弱; 褪色 fade away 逐渐变慢下坠球

Fade Away (2012 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away (2012 - Remaster)歌手:Blur专辑:The Great EscapeFade AwayBlurThe Great Escape何小三编辑They stumbled into their livesIn a vague way became man and wifeOne got the other, they deserved one anotherThey settled in a brand new townWith people from the same backgroundThey kept themselves busyLong hours left them dizzyNow when he"s in she"s outAll you ever do is fade awayAll you ever do is fade awayHe"s not making plans"Cause now he understandsAll you ever do is fade awayHe noticed he had visible linesShe worried about her behindTheir birth had been the death of themIt didn"t really bother themNow when she"s in he"s outAll you ever do is fade awayAll you ever do is fade awayShe"s not making plans"Cause now she understandsAll you ever do is fade awayWhen he"s in she"s outAll you ever do is fade awayAll you ever do is fade awayThey"re not making plans"Cause now they understand一直唱

fade away(deaf Kev remix)里面那句歌词是什么

歌名:《Fade Away》歌词:When I was young I thought I had my own keyI knew exactly what I wanted to beNow I"m sureYou"ve boarded up every doorLived in a bubble days were never endingWas not concernedAbout what life was sendingFantasy was realBut now I know much about the way I feelDon"t paint you the pictureI don"t think you live round here no moreI"ve never even seen the key to the doorWe only get what we will settle forWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade away, away, awayThey fade away, away, awayNow my life has turned another cornerI think it"s only best that I should warn youDream it while you canMaybe someday I"ll make you understandDon"t paint you the pictureI don"t think you live round here no moreI"ve never even seen the key to the doorWe only get what we will settle forWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade awayWhile we"re livingThe dreams we have as childrenFade away, away, awayFade away, away, awayThey fade away, away, awayFade away, away, away

fade away的中文意思是什么

faded消逝You were the shadow to my light你是我生命之光中的一道暗影Did you feel us你能理解我们吗Another Star另一颗行星You fade away你逐渐消失Afraid our aim is out of sight恐惧我们的目标迷失在视野Wanna see us希望我们互相理解Alive活着Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Was it all in my fantasy难道这一切都在我的幻想里Where are you now你身在何方?Were you only imaginary你只是虚幻的不存在吗?Where are you now你身在何方?Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Where are you now你身在何方?Another dream另外的梦想The monster"s running wild inside of me狂野的怪兽驰聘在我心深处I"m faded我憔悴不堪I"m faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I"m faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪I"m faded ~~~我憔悴不堪So lost, I"m faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪These shallow waters never met那些从未见过的水中之影What I needed我需要的I"m letting go只是顺其自然A deeper dive深沉海底Eternal silence of the sea无尽的沉默于海中I"mbreathing我的呼吸声Alive.活着Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?Under the bright but faded lights明亮的灯光却已经黯然失色You set my heart on fire你点燃了我的心火Where are you now你身在何方?Where are you now你身在何方?......Where are you now你身在何方?Atlantis亚特兰蒂斯Under the sea在海底Under the sea在海底Where are you now你身在何方?Another dream另外的梦想The monster"s running wild inside of me狂野的怪兽驰聘在我心深处I"m faded我憔悴不堪I"m faded我憔悴不堪So lost, I"m faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪I"m faded ~~~我憔悴不堪So lost, I"m faded所以迷失,憔悴不堪

fade away是什么意思

逐渐凋谢, 慢慢减弱


fadeaway是意思是后仰跳投。n.(名词)[篮球]后仰跳投;消退;低速曲球短语1、Fadeaway Jumper后仰跳投2、Fadeaway shot后仰投篮 ; 当年乔爷最为人称道的技术3、Post Fadeaway转身投篮 ; 回身投篮例句1、Hate my fadeaway, my hunger.恨我的后仰投篮,我对的渴望;2、The transplantation was 100% successful and there was no natural fadeaway phenomenon.移植成功率为100%,无自然消退现象;3、Vince Carter: Watch how many fadeaway junk-shots he takes when approaching a crowd of hostile big men.文斯·卡特:当接近一群敌对大个时看看他采用了多少后仰和拉杆。



take a draw of XXX 在数学中的翻译是什么?或者draw的数学含义是啥啊?

参考答案 你是你的敌人,只有你能力打倒你;你是你的上帝,只有你才干拯救你。

raw whitr和off white区别


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为什么我下的拳皇97在Kawaks 1.45汉化版模拟器中找不到啊



就按上边的方法 不过记住 不要把ROM文件解压缩

C# 如何使Graphics.DrawString绘制时改变部分文字的字体大小?

您可以使用 System.Drawing.StringContent 类来实现这一功能,该类可以控制文本中特定部分的字体大小,而无需重新绘制整个内容。

AWOLNATION Jailbreak MP3下载

AWOLNATION Jailbreak歌曲已分享到你的百度网盘登陆百度网盘点分享查收哦同求资源的请去百度提问问题地址发我百度私信

谁知道 里面有句giwawa的英文dj歌曲 叫什么名字

DJ Bobo - Chihuahua Chihuahua! x4Oh, Chihuahua!I"m walking in the streetAnd the moon shine"s brightA little melody keeps feeling on my mind tonightI gotcha!It"s the song about ChihuahuaYeah, that"s cool alrightIt was funAnd a life without sorrowFeels youngAnd when you think about tomorrowSay YO!When you"re about to freak outJust go and then shout it out loudChihuahua hereChihuahua thereEverybody wants it everywhereSing it loudAnd life can be so easyWhat can make you move, ChihuahuaCan you feel the groove ChihuahuaWhat can make you danceOh Chihuahua!What can make you sing ChihuahuaTake it and you win ChihuahuaWhat can bring you joyOh Chihuahua!I"m driving in my carLooking for a parking spaceThere it is my place someone else wins the raceNO, I give upToday is not my dayBut then I take a deep breathe and say:Calm downWhen you"re about to go crazyTurn aroundAnd feel as fresh as a daisyJust runBecause it"s time to goHave fun and let the whole world knowChihuahua hereChihuahua thereEverybody wants it everywhereSing it loudAnd life can be so easy ChihuahuaWhat can make you move ChihuahuaCan you feel the groove ChihuahuaWhat can make you danceOh Chihuahua!What can make you sing ChihuahuaTake it and you win ChihuahuaWhat can bring you joyOh Chihuahua!Chihuahua (4x)Oh Chihuahua!What can make you move ChihuahuaCan you feel the groove ChihuahuaWhat can make you danceOh Chihuahua!What can make you shout ChihuahuaWhat it"s all about ChihuahuaWhat can make you loveOh Chihuahua!

Lawson的《Red Sky》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Sky歌手:Lawson专辑:Chapman Square (Deluxe Version)Red SkyLAWSONBY:MGKLay with me on the street in the cityFind the still in the middle of crazyIs this all you wanted?Just a leaf floating "round in the shadowsHolding on tryin" find how to let goIs this all that you need?Feel the ground shakingSlowly we are waking upThere"s a red skyOverhead tonightThat"s how I knowIt"s gonna be alrightIt"s gonna be alrightThere"s a pier reaching out from the seasideBreathe it in, breathe it out,open your eyesIs this all that you wanted?Feel the waves breakingSlowly we are waking upThere"s a red skyOverhead tonightThat"s how I knowIt"s gonna be alrightIt"s gonna be alrightBeautiful wonderWhere did you come from?Writing your name on the horizonFilling the sky upBurning like fireThere"s a red skyOverhead tonightThat"s how I knowIt"s gonna be alrightIt"s gonna be alrightIt"s gonna be alright

51、 如果java.awt.Container c的布局为BorderLayout,则c.add(new Jbutton())的默认位置参数是

是JButton b是大写的

输入import java.awt.BorderLayout;出现错误,属非法类型开始需要标识符怎么解决?谢谢

RunTime.exec("这里是命令");那就首先说点Runtime类吧,他是一个与JVM运行时环境有关的类,这个类是Singleton的。我说几个自己觉得重要的地方。1、Runtime.getRuntime()可以取得当前JVM的运行时环境,这也是在Java中唯一一个得到运行时环境的方法。2、Runtime上其他大部分的方法都是实例方法,也就是说每次进行运行时调用时都要用到getRuntime方法。3、Runtime中的exit方法是退出当前JVM的方法,估计也是唯一的一个吧,因为我看到System类中的exit实际上也是通过调用Runtime.exit()来退出JVM的,这里说明一下Java对Runtime返回值的一般规则(后边也提到了),0代表正常退出,非0代表异常中止,这只是Java的规则,在各个操作系统中总会发生一些小的混淆。4、Runtime.addShutdownHook()方法可以注册一个hook在JVM执行shutdown的过程中,方法的参数只要是一个初始化过但是没有执行的Thread实例就可以。(注意,Java中的Thread都是执行过了就不值钱的哦)5、说到addShutdownHook这个方法就要说一下JVM运行环境是在什么情况下shutdown或者abort的。文档上是这样写的,当最后一个非精灵进程退出或者收到了一个用户中断信号、用户登出、系统shutdown、Runtime的exit方法被调用时JVM会启动shutdown的过程,在这个过程开始后,他会并行启动所有登记的shutdown hook(注意是并行启动,这就需要线程安全和防止锁)。当shutdown过程启动后,只有通过调用halt方法才能中止shutdown的过程并退出JVM。那什么时候JVM会abort退出那?首先说明一下,abort退出时JVM就是停止运行但并不一定进行shutdown。这只有JVM在遇到SIGKILL信号或者windows中止进程的信号、本地方法发生类似于访问非法地址一类的内部错误时会出现。这种情况下并不能保证shutdown hook是否被执行。

import java.awt.BorderLayout;是什么意思?




高达中 UC,FC,AC,AW,CC,CE 这都是 什么意思?求字母的 意思

0079、Z、ZZ、0080、0083等等等很多是UC(Universe Century)纪元,就是所谓的正史高达……GUNDAM G是FC(Future Century)GUNDAM W、W外传G-UNIT、ENDLESS WALTZ是AC(After Colony)GUNDAM X是AW(After War)Turn A是CC(Correct Century)GUNDAM SEED是CE(Cosmic Era)


分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 动漫 问题描述: 如题 解析: 0079、Z、ZZ、0080、0083等是UC(Universe Century)纪元,就是通称的正史高达…… GUNDAM G是FC(Future Century) GUNDAM W、W外传G-UNIT、ENDLESS WALTZ是AC(After Colony)GUNDAM X是AW(After War) Turn A是CC(Correct Century) GUNDAM SEED是CE(Co *** ic Era)

法律英语翻译(英译汉)Trade Law, Labor and Global Inequality

i. 贸易法的范围Trade法律设置跨越边界交易的法律体系。 贸易法在政府之中的全球性,地方和分区安排有成效。 在same时间,所有国家维护在贸易的国内法和贸易law"sapplication介入和解矛盾的超国家的规则和国内法规。Domestically,美国有法律治理的国际性组织一个广泛的系统 trade. 首先和完全,美国法律设置了的进口关税进入美国。 许多people不知道20世纪30年代的臭名昭著和高Smoot-Hawley关税是在书的still。 他们由WTO"s最惠国的应用代替 (MFN)规则,要求WTO成员必须延伸到所有的贸易对象tariff水平被授予他们的唯一“most-favored”成为伙伴。 这就是为什么的MFN状态当中国不是a, China是这样一个引起争论的问题通过许多20世纪90年代WTO成员和国会必须年年行动授予MFN状态中国。 如果MFN没被授予的were的进口关税从中国将攫取对Smoot-Hawley水平,高费用making中国的产品。Congress最后授予永久MFN状态中国避免每年吵闹,在过程拥护者的though从“most-favored-nation” 改变了命名原则避免的to “normal商业relations” (NTR)给中国得到的印象some种类有利治疗。 NTR现在成为了艺术的期限在美国贸易的MFN原则的discourse,和在世界其他地方风行。对布什总统的In 2002年国会被授予的贸易谈判的当局在什么之下使用了to称“fast track”期限,执行委员谈判一完全商业与贸易对象或小组的agreement伙伴和国会迅速投赞成票或no,没有校正,在最后的成交。 良好的跑道当局及早被否认了在关心的President大克林顿劳工标准和环境保护在立法不充分地演讲的were。


《Waka Waka》是拉丁天后夏奇拉演唱的歌曲,被选为2010南非世界杯主题曲。《Waka Waka》是由Jorge Drexl作词,Jorge Drexl作曲,Shakira演唱的歌曲,该歌曲收录于Shakira2010年发行的专辑《Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)(The Official 2010 Fifa World Cup Song)》中。




wakawaka歌手:夏奇拉作词:夏奇拉作曲:夏奇拉歌词:You"re a good soldier ,Choosing your battles你是一个好士兵,在你选择的战场Pick yourself up,And dust yourself off站起来,掸净灰尘And back in the saddle,You"re on the frontline重新上路,你正在前线Everyone"s watching,You know it"s serious人人都在关注,你了解情况危急We"re getting closer,This isn"t over我们越来越团结,现在还没有结束The pressure is on,You feel it压力已经到来,你感受到了But you"ve got it all,Believe it但是你已经获得这一切,相信吧When you fall get up,Ohoh当你跌倒 爬起来,哦哦And if you fall get up,Eh eh如果你跌倒爬起来,诶诶扩展资料:2010年南非世界杯的官方主题曲,全名为 Waka Waka (This time for Africa)(西班牙语为Waka Waka (Esto es África))。演唱者是哥伦比亚女歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)。有英文版和西班牙文版,其中带有方语的歌词,来自于喀麦隆传统军歌《Zangalewa》,喀麦隆组合Golden Sounds1986年曾经唱过该歌曲。《Waka Waka》的MV主要部分在洛杉矶拍摄。该歌曲的单曲由索尼公司发行,包含英文版和西班牙文版。夏奇拉于2010年世界杯决赛前的闭幕式上于前场演唱了《Waka Waka》。参考资料:百度百科——wakawaka


《WakaWaka》是由Jorge Drexl作词,Jorge Drexl作曲,Shakira演唱的歌曲,该歌曲收录于Shakira2010年发行的专辑《WakaWaka(This Time For Africa)(The Official 2010 Fifa World Cup Song)》中。FIFA(国际足联)与索尼音乐娱乐公司共同宣布,由著名拉丁歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)创作并参与制作的歌曲“Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)”[中译:哇咔哇咔(非洲时刻)],被选为2010年南非世界杯官方主题曲。夏奇拉与南非本土组合Freshlyground一同在世界杯闭幕式上表演这首歌曲。歌曲简介:Waka Waka 是非洲斯瓦西里语中的一个动词,意思是:火焰,热烈的燃烧,闪耀等,在东非诸国通用,同时也是非盟及多国的官方用语。亦一歌名Waka Waka (This time for Africa) 是哥伦比亚歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)所演唱的歌曲,同时也是2010年南非世界杯的主题曲。据悉,在这首歌的MV中,主角将会是梅西和他巴塞罗那的队员拉斐尔·马克斯和丹尼·阿尔维斯,MV中这三个球员的部分将于西班牙进行拍摄,而Shakira的部分也正在洛杉矶同步进行。既然是shakira演唱的,不出所料还有西班牙语版:Waka Waka(Esto es áfrica) 。强烈建议大家试听,相比起英语版,西语版有着拉美人民特有的激情。




wakawaka世界杯主题曲是2010南非世界杯官方主题曲。主题曲《waka waka》有两个版本,都是shakira演唱的。一是《waka waka》、二是《waka waka(this time for Africa)》。Waka Waka 是非洲斯瓦西里语中的一个动词,意思是:火焰,热烈的燃烧,闪耀等,在东非诸国通用,同时也是非盟及多国的官方用语。亦一歌名Waka Waka (This time for Africa) 是哥伦比亚歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)所演唱的歌曲,同时也是2010年南非世界杯的主题曲。歌曲歌词:英语版Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)哇咔哇咔(非洲时刻)歌手:ShakiraYou"re a good soldier你是一个好战士Choosing your battles在你选择的战场Pick yourself up站起来And dust yourself off掸净灰尘And back in the saddle重新上路You"re on the frontline你正在前线Everyone"s watching人人都在关注You know it"s serious你了解情况危急We"re getting closer我们越来越团结This isn"t over现在还没有结束The pressure is on压力已经到来You feel it你感受到了But you"ve got it all但是你已经获得这一切Believe it相信吧When you fall get up当你跌倒 爬起来Oh oh哦 哦And if you fall get up如果你跌倒你得爬起来Eh eh诶 诶Tsamina minaZangalewaCause this is AfricaTsamina mina eh ehWaka Waka eh ehTsamina mina zangalewaThis time for Africa这是属于非洲的时刻Listen to your god请听从你的信仰This is our motto这是我们的格言Your time to shine这是你发光的时刻Don‘t wait in line不要在队伍里等待Y vamos por TodoPeople are raising人们在高呼Their expectations他们的期望Go on and feed them继续下去满足他们This is your moment现在是你的时刻No hesitation不要犹豫Today"s your day今天是你的节日I feel it我感觉得到You paved the way是你铺平了道路Believe it相信吧If you get down如果你跌倒Get up oh oh再起来 哦 哦When you get down当你跌倒了Get up eh eh再起来 诶 诶Tsamina mina zangalewaThis time for AfricaTsamina mina eh ehWaka Waka eh ehTsamina mina zangalewaAnawa aaTsamina mina eh ehWaka Waka eh ehTsamina mina zangalewaThis time for AfricaTsamina mina eh ehWaka Waka eh ehTsamina mina zangalewaAnawa aaTsamina mina eh ehWaka Waka eh ehTsamina mina zangalewaThis time for Afric

The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)

It has been one year by now since I saw The Shawshank Redemption first time.Whereas,what I still remember clearly is Andy"s intelligence,courage and the pursuit of hope which have been deeply rooted in my mind.My evaluating Andy is able to be boiled down to a word――strong.For instance,he who was falsely accused and convicted(犯罪)of the murder of his wife and her secret lover was sentenced to two life imprisonment(终身监禁,无期徒刑). Although initially he was very isolated,lonely and hopeless,afterwards he employed his advantage over others as a banker to launder(洗黑钱)money for the wardenry(监狱长)instead of abandoning himself or yeilding to(向……屈服)destiny,winning him the respect of all people in Shawshank and demonstrating his worth.What"s more,he unexpectedly spent 20 years tunneling(挖地道)secretly with a little hammer and he successfully escaped from the prison.In short,his strong soul saved himself. Nevertheless,his strongness is less than my reverence(崇敬)for him.As Michael carried out,a stronger man save himself, a great man can save another.What I admire him most lies in his greatness of redemption for Shawshank.Firstly,he helped several warders(监狱官)exempt(免除,豁免)taxation to exchange ice beer for his friends,all of whom enjoyed rare and short freedom leisurely(轻松地,悠闲地).Then,he kept writing letters to the government to ask for bankroll(资金)to develop the library and after nearly ten years,a new library appeared.Besides,regardness of warders" objection(反对)and punishment,he played The Wedding of Figaro in the radio room,letting the wonderful music which represents hope spread above Shawshank.Most impressively,he could have escaped early from the tunnal,but it was not until the wardenry killed Tommy who knew the real murderer that he ultimately resolved to escape to expose warders" cruel actions to the public and give back blue sky to Shawshank. As far as I"m concerned,Andy is utterly(全然地,绝对地)different with other prisoners.Under no circumstance would he give up the pursuit of hope in the prison of life,so he is the incarnation(化身,典型)of strength in my mind.The film tells us no matter what happens, never doubt yourself and pursue our hopes and dreams. 经典台词: 有一种鸟是永远也关不住的,因为它的每片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉!生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。不要忘了这个世界上还有可以穿透一切高墙的东西,他就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也触摸不到,那就是希望。 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。 刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢的,你习惯生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。那就是体制化。


awk是一个强大的文本分析工具,相对于grep的查找,sed的编辑,awk在对数据分析并生成报告时,显得尤为强大。简单来说awk就是把文件逐行的读入,以空格为默认分隔符将每行切片,切开的部分再进行各种分析处理。awk有三个不同的版本:awk、nawk和gawk,未作特别说明,一般指gawk,gawk是awk的GNU版本。之所以叫awk是因为其取了三位创始人Alfred Aho,Peter Weinberger,和Brian Kernighan的Family Name的首字符。awk格式:格式: sed -n "3p" sed.txt找谁干啥(条件动作)awk格式#取出/etc/passwd 第1行的第1列和第3列awk -F: "NR==1{print $1,$3}" /etc/passwdawk 选项 "条件{动作}" /etc/passwd条件: 哪一行,过滤什么内容动作: print输出与显示 ,计算....awk取行:与sed类似案例01:取出sed.txt的第2行[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# cat sed.txt101,oldgirl,CEO102,zhangya,CTO103,lidao007,COO104,yy,CFO105,feixue,CIO110,lidao,COCO[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# awk "NR==2" sed.txt102,zhangya,CTO#awk "行号 等于 2" sed.txt#NR awk内置变量Number of Record 记录号(行号)案例02:取出sed.txt中包含oldboy或lidao的行[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# sed -rn "/oldboy|lidao/p" sed.txt103,lidao007,COO110,lidao,COCO[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# awk "/oldboy|lidao/" sed.txt103,lidao007,COO110,lidao,COCO案例03:取出文件第2行到第5行内容#awk "行号大于等于2 并且 行号小于等于5" sed.txt#方法01awk "NR>=2 && NR<=5" sed.txt #必会&& 表示并且.#方法02sed -n "2,5p" sed.txt#方法03 了解awk "NR==2,NR==5" sed.txt #从行号是2的行开始 到 行号是5的行结束( 了解)案例04:取出文件第3行到最后一行内容[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# awk "NR >= 3" sed.txt103,lidao007,COO104,yy,CFO105,feixue,CIO110,lidao,COCO[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# sed -n "3,$p" sed.txt103,lidao007,COO104,yy,CFO105,feixue,CIO110,lidao,COCO案例05:取出从包含oldboy的行到lidao的行[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# cat sed.txt101,oldgirl,CEO102,zhangya,CTO103,lidao007,COO104,yy,CFO105,feixue,CIO110,lidao,COCOroot@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# sed -n "/old/,/lidao/p" sed.txt101,oldgirl,CEO102,zhangya,CTO103,lidao007,COO[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# awk "/old/ , /lidao/" sed.txt101,oldgirl,CEO102,zhangya,CTO103,lidao007,COO

linux awk命令详解

awk是一个强大的文本分析工具,相对于grep的查找,sed的编辑,awk在对数据分析并生成报告时,显得尤为强大。简单来说awk就是把文件逐行的读入,以空格为默认分隔符将每行切片,切开的部分再进行各种分析处理。awk有三个不同的版本:awk、nawk和gawk,未作特别说明,一般指gawk,gawk是awk的GNU版本。之所以叫awk是因为其取了三位创始人Alfred Aho,Peter Weinberger,和Brian Kernighan的Family Name的首字符。awk格式:格式: sed -n "3p" sed.txt找谁干啥(条件动作)awk格式#取出/etc/passwd 第1行的第1列和第3列awk -F: "NR==1{print $1,$3}" /etc/passwdawk 选项 "条件{动作}" /etc/passwd条件: 哪一行,过滤什么内容动作: print输出与显示 ,计算....awk取行:与sed类似案例01:取出sed.txt的第2行[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# cat sed.txt101,oldgirl,CEO102,zhangya,CTO103,lidao007,COO104,yy,CFO105,feixue,CIO110,lidao,COCO[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# awk "NR==2" sed.txt102,zhangya,CTO#awk "行号 等于 2" sed.txt#NR awk内置变量Number of Record 记录号(行号)案例02:取出sed.txt中包含oldboy或lidao的行[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# sed -rn "/oldboy|lidao/p" sed.txt103,lidao007,COO110,lidao,COCO[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# awk "/oldboy|lidao/" sed.txt103,lidao007,COO110,lidao,COCO案例03:取出文件第2行到第5行内容#awk "行号大于等于2 并且 行号小于等于5" sed.txt#方法01awk "NR>=2 && NR<=5" sed.txt #必会&& 表示并且.#方法02sed -n "2,5p" sed.txt#方法03 了解awk "NR==2,NR==5" sed.txt #从行号是2的行开始 到 行号是5的行结束( 了解)案例04:取出文件第3行到最后一行内容[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# awk "NR >= 3" sed.txt103,lidao007,COO104,yy,CFO105,feixue,CIO110,lidao,COCO[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# sed -n "3,$p" sed.txt103,lidao007,COO104,yy,CFO105,feixue,CIO110,lidao,COCO案例05:取出从包含oldboy的行到lidao的行[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# cat sed.txt101,oldgirl,CEO102,zhangya,CTO103,lidao007,COO104,yy,CFO105,feixue,CIO110,lidao,COCOroot@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# sed -n "/old/,/lidao/p" sed.txt101,oldgirl,CEO102,zhangya,CTO103,lidao007,COO[root@oldboy81-golden-lnb /oldboy]# awk "/old/ , /lidao/" sed.txt101,oldgirl,CEO102,zhangya,CTO103,lidao007,COO

There was a small boy 小题1: on a farm which seemed like so far away from everywhere. He needed .

小题1:living小题2:thought小题3:himself小题4:wonderful小题5:to stay小题6:windows小题7:something小题8:knocked小题9:if小题10:invited 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了一个孩子一直梦想着去远方那间有着金色窗户的房子,但是到了以后却发现原来自己所住的房子在别人的眼中也有着金色的窗户。小题1:根据根据语境,这里是指有一个住在农场的小孩。live on the farm:住在农场。此处应是分词短语作定语修饰boy,故应填living。小题2:根据下文 his mind wander to imagine the modern equipment and appliances的描述,这个小孩在思考、在想象那间房子里的摆设。结合所给词汇可知应用think的过去式thought。小题3:联系下文some day I will go there and see this place的描述,这个小孩自我许诺某一天会去看看这间房子。结合所给词汇可知,应用he的反身代词him。小题4:根据上文中的---how great it would be to live there和---must have other nice things的描述,对这个小男孩来说这是一个“奇妙”的地方。结合所给词汇可知应填wonderful。小题5:根据语境以及所给词汇可知此处应填to stay。在英语中,stay at home是固定短语,tell sb to do sth是习惯用法,故填to stay。小题6:根据前文so in the distance he could see the house with golden windows的描述可知,这里是指小孩朝着有着金色窗户的房子走去。结合所给词汇可知应填windows。小题7:根据语境,小孩误判了距离和别的东西。eles常与不定代词或疑问词连用。结合所给词汇可知应填something。小题8:根据下文A small boy very close to his age opened the door的描述可知,小孩敲门后一个与他年龄相仿的小孩开了门。结合语境以及所给词汇可知应填knocked。小题9:根据语境,这里是指小孩问对方是否看见过有着金色窗户的房子。结合所给词汇可知应填if。小题10:根据语境,这里是指小孩被邀请坐在门廊上回望自己所住的对方。结合语境以及所给词汇可知,此处应填invite的过去分词形式,表示被动语态。故填invited。





有一个英文歌里有一句I wanna say bye bye bye you saw

卫兰的 morning~

瑞美尔红酒庄园的,2001年的旺马库纳瓦拉赤霞珠价格在多少 RYMILL coonawarra,cabernet sauvignon 2001


put then on,put then down,put then up,put then away的用法有什么区别?(要通俗,举实例)5分追加

put on是举起来的意思put down是放下的意思put up是张贴的意思put away是整理放一边的意思

翻译:put on, put up, put away, put down

put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场put up 提供;建造;举起;推举,提名;供给…住宿put out 熄灭;伸出;出版;使不方便,打扰put off 推迟;扔掉;阻止,脱掉put down 镇压;记下;贬低;制止put away 放好;抛弃;储存 求采纳哦 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

put down, put up, put away有什么区别?再列举一些常用的“put+ 介词”的短语,谢谢


put down, put up, put away有什么区别?再列举一些常用的“put+ 介词”的短语,谢谢


怎样解决ACDSee Pro 6中文版打不开佳能1DX的RAW格式照片的问题

用美图吧 能打开这个格式的照片,或者用PS!

Ronnie Laws的《Fever》 歌词

歌曲名:Fever歌手:Ronnie Laws专辑:FeverLyricist&composer:Greg Fitzgerald/Tom NicholsI"ve been bitten by the bug and I am coming downwith ohSomething that can"t be curedThere aint a doctor in this town who is nore qualified than youYeah to be so adoredSo tell me what do you prescribe for these symptomsA heart beating faster and work is a disasterI"m lovesick when you"re not aroundCheck me overWhen strong hands are healingI"m dancing on the ceilingFever sure has got me goodWhat you do when fever takes holdI can"t help but need this drugDon"t you feel the fever like I doFeel the feverFever feverI am ready for the news so tell me straightHey doctor just what do you diagnoseThere aint a surgeon like you any place in all the worldSo now shall I remove my clothesSo tell me what do you advise for these symptomsA heart beating faster and work is a disasterI"m lovesick when you"re not aroundCheck me overWhen strong hands are healingI"m dancing on the ceiling


首先是日语没有错NANIWA 难波u30fb浪速   地名TAIKOKIKAI 大晃机械    公司名SHINKOKINZOK 信弘金属 公司名TEIKOKU 帝国 字面意思SHINSHIN 新进? 这个可能性太多SASAKURA 笹仓     人名KAWASAKI 川崎 地名猜测很可能都是公司的名称。因为大晃机械信弘金属这样比较确定的名称中 公司所在地并非上述几处地名,基本排除是一个地址的可能性。用地名和人名命名公司也是很常见的。

英语翻译A man went to the house of a rich man.He saw a bag of ap?

一个男人去一个富人家里,在路边看见一袋苹果.他想:“我不想吃这些苹果,因为富人会给我许多更好的食物.”于是他提起这些苹果并把它们扔进了垃圾堆里.他来到了一条河边,河水很深以至于他过不了河.他等了一会,然后说:...,1,一个人去拜访富翁。他看到路边有一袋苹果,他想:“我不想吃苹果,因为过会儿富翁会给我许多山珍海味”。于是他捡起那袋苹果把它丢进了垃圾堆。他走啊走,到了河边。河水很深,他没办法过河。他等了一会儿,说:“我过不了河,看来今天我不能去富翁家了。”于是他掉头回家了。这个人并没有东西可以果腹。当他走过那袋苹果的时候他饿极了,他很开心那袋苹果还在,并把它从垃圾堆里拿了出来。 不要把那些还有用的东西丢...,2,有一个人要拜访一位富翁,他看见路边有一袋苹果,于是想“我才不想吃它呢,富豪肯定会给我许多好吃的”于是他把苹果扔向垃圾堆。他走到河边时,发现河水太深了,以至于他不能过河。他等了一会说道“我不能去有钱人家了,这河水没法淌过去”于是他开始回家。 那天,他们什么吃的。饥饿不已的他来到了苹果堆,并且高兴的将他们从垃圾堆里检出来。 别把好东西随手一扔,有时候你拥有它或许是一件好事...,1,有个人要去一个有钱人的家. 路上,他看见路边有一袋子苹果. 他想:"我才不想吃那些苹果,因为那有钱人会给我很多好吃的." 然后他拾起那袋子苹果扔进了垃圾堆. 他来到一条河边, 河水太深他过不去. 他等了一会儿,说:"我不能去那有钱人的家了, 因为我过不了河." 所以他回家了. 他那天没东西可吃. 他很饿,於是想到了那些苹果. 他十分欢喜地把它们从垃圾堆里捡回去. 别把好东西...,1,一个人去一个富人的家里。他看到路边有一袋苹果。他想:“我不想吃那些苹果,因为富人回给我很多好吃的食物。”然后他捡起苹果并且把它扔进了垃圾桶。 他来到河边,河里的水非常深,他不能够穿过河。他等了一会儿然后说道,“我今天不能去富人的家里了,因为我不能够穿过这条河。”...,1,一男子要去一富人家。然后他见路边有一袋苹果,就想:“富人那儿会提供许多好吃的,这些苹果就不要了。于是他捡起苹果并丢到了垃圾堆边。当他来至一小河边,他发现水太深过不去。等了会儿然后他就说:“过不了河所以今天去不了富人家了。”于是他又开始往家走。 那天他啥也没吃,当他走过丢苹果处时他很饿,于是,他又高高兴兴把他们从垃圾堆里捡了出来。 不要把好东西随意丢弃,说不定你什么时候就需要...,1,一个男人要去一个富人家拜访。他看到了路边的一袋苹果。他想:我不能吃这些苹果,因为,这个富人会给我很多好吃的食物。然后,他提起这些苹果扔到了垃圾堆里。他来到一条河边,河水很深,他不能过河。他等了会儿,说我今天不能去那个富人的家里了,因为我过不了河。所以,他回家去了。那一天,他什么也没吃。当他看到苹果的时候,他很饿。他很高兴地把它们从垃圾堆里捡出来, 随意不要把好东西给扔掉,因为当你真的需要它们时,拥...,0,有个人要到富人家里去。他在路边看到一袋苹果。心想:“我才不要吃那些苹果,那富人会给我很多好吃的。”于是他就拎起那袋苹果,把它们扔进了垃圾堆。他来到河边,河水很深,他过不去。一会儿,说道:“因为过不了河所以今天去不成富人那儿了。”他只好往回走。那天他什么都没有吃到。当他来到苹果那时已经很饿很饿了,所以他高兴地把苹果从垃圾里面拿了出来。 不要扔掉好的东西。有时它们会派上用场的。 ...,0,英语翻译 A man went to the house of a rich man.He saw a bag of apples by the roadside.He thought,“I don"t want to eat those apples,because the rich man will give me a lot of good food.” Then he took the apples and threw (丢掉) them away into the dust(垃圾堆). He came to a river.The water in the river was very deep(深) and he couldn"t go across the river.He waited for some time and then said,“I can"t go to the rich man"s house today because I can"t cross the river.” So he began to go home. He had nothing to eat that day.He was very hungry when he came to the apples.He was glad to take them out of the dust. Don"t throw good things away,you may be glad to have them sometimes.



有一首英文歌 男生 大约是 i can see carry me fai away 求歌名!!

Kasey Chambers 唱的 The Captain歌词:Well I don"t have as many friends becauseI"m not as pretty as I wasI"ve kicked myself at times because I"ve liedSo I will have to learn to stand my groundI"ll tell "em I won"t be aroundI"ll move on over to your town and hideAnd you be the CaptainAnd I"ll be no-oneAnd you can carry me away if you want toAnd you can lay lowJust like your father and ifI tread upon your feet you just say so"Cos you"re The Captain, I am no-one,I tend to feel as though I owe one to youWell I have handed all my efforts inI searched here for my second windIs there somewhere here to let me in I askedSo I slammed the doors they slammed at meI found the place I"m meant to beI figured out my destiny at lastDid I forget to thank you for the rideI hadn"t tried I tend to runaway and hide

Carry Me Away (Feat. Mike Shinoda) 歌词

歌曲名:Carry Me Away (Feat. Mike Shinoda)歌手:Cypress Hill&Mike Shinoda 专辑:Rise UpConcrete BlondeCarry Me AwayAlbum: FreeToday I went & bought myself a bottle,like we used to do,reminded me of you.Today I saw a train roll by the river,blowing off the steam,reminded me of me.That"s when I threw the bottle in the river.That"s when I started running for the train.There"s nothing that you need I can"t deliver,carry me away, carry me away.Make it seven o nine California time,whoever said it was a small world was either a liar or a fool,cause it"s not true.And any promise we make is as easy to breakas the plastic people on a wedding cake so says youbut you know, I do.I hear you thinking,from far away.If ya keep lying & crying & trying & drinking,I"m gonna carry me away, carry me away.If you think about me,from far away,I hope you find it with me or without me.Carry me away, carry me away,carry me away, carry me away,carry me away, carry me away.搜集&整理 by nata.R

Carry Me Away 歌词

歌曲名:Carry Me Away歌手:Concrete Blonde专辑:FreeConcrete BlondeCarry Me AwayAlbum: FreeToday I went & bought myself a bottle,like we used to do,reminded me of you.Today I saw a train roll by the river,blowing off the steam,reminded me of me.That"s when I threw the bottle in the river.That"s when I started running for the train.There"s nothing that you need I can"t deliver,carry me away, carry me away.Make it seven o nine California time,whoever said it was a small world was either a liar or a fool,cause it"s not true.And any promise we make is as easy to breakas the plastic people on a wedding cake so says youbut you know, I do.I hear you thinking,from far away.If ya keep lying & crying & trying & drinking,I"m gonna carry me away, carry me away.If you think about me,from far away,I hope you find it with me or without me.Carry me away, carry me away,carry me away, carry me away,carry me away, carry me away.搜集&整理 by nata.R

he went away pulling in his belt 的意思

he went away pulling in his belt 他拉紧裤带

Trying to Pull Myself Away 歌词

歌曲名:Trying to Pull Myself Away歌手:Glen Hansard专辑:Once (Music from the Motion Picture)Breaking up in the station, a final trainI don"t even know if I"ll ever see you againIs it a choice that we even have?Bang bang down on the piano "til I smash the keysListening alone with the melodiesEverything"s gone and I don"t know whereAnd the rule of thumb don"t apply anymore"Cause the house is burning....Trying to pull myself awayI"m caught in a pattern and I can"t escapeTrying to pull myself awayLately when I get lost there"s this thing I knowEven the dogs have somewhere to goEverything comes if you just it beWork, work, brighten the corners that will never seeUntangle the thoughts that you know what they meanI hope that the answer doesn"t come to lateAnd the rule of thumb don"t apply on me"Cause the tables are turningTrying to pull myself awayI"m caught in a pattern and I can"t escapeTrying to pull myself awayI"m caught in a pattern and I can"t escapeCan"t escapeTrying to pull myself away, everything"s goneTrying to pull myself away, everything"s gone

take away和take away from有什么区别


drive away 怎么读


be led away 什么意思

被引走 被带走

Pull Myself Away 歌词

歌曲名:Pull Myself Away歌手:Brian Mcfadden专辑:Irish SonPull Myself AwayBrian McFaddenFound myself magnatisedMy senses they were hypnotisedEverything was drawing to youI lose all sense of timeThe everyday was pushed asideEven though I"ve so much to loseYou have tried to open up my eyesYou don"t mean a word you sayCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself awayNow I"m a danger listThe theif of love, it"s everestHow can I have such a selfish heart?Like the river needs the rainI"ve come to drink your words againThat could come to blow my world apartYou can try to fix it with a lieYou don"t mean a word you sayCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself awayOh, what a beautiful way to goWhat a beautiful way to goWhat beautiful way,... to goSomething I will never doIs be a cause of pain for youI should just forget it all todayDrawing to youI can"t seem toPull myself awayI hear you callingAs I"m fallingCan"t pull myself awayDrawing to youI can"t seem toPull myself awayI hear you callingAs I"m fallingCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself awayCan"t pull myself away

四个词组的区别 pull out put off put on put away

put out1. 撵走,赶走,逐出;开除;使(球员等)退场:If you can"t be quiet,I"ll put you out.2. 熄灭;扑灭;关掉:Please put the light out when you leave the room.离开房间时请把灯关掉。3. [美国英语]花钱;贷(款)给某人:Banks are putting out more and more money to people who will buy houses.put away 储存(钱);储存…备用;储蓄 (= put by) 吃掉;喝掉 Put away the tools after work, will you? 工作结束后请把工具收拾好。put up 举起;抬起;张开(伞) They put up a tent by the fire. 他们在火堆旁搭起了一个帐篷put off 延期;推迟 Don"t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。Don"t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。 put out1.伸出It"s dangerous to put out your hand now. 现在你把手伸出去是危险的。2.熄灭Put out the fire before going to bed. 睡觉之前先熄掉炉火。3.出版4.使不方便,打扰Her parents felt put out when she brought some classmates to stay over. 她带一些同学回家过夜,她父母觉得不方便。 We felt put out by the guest"s incessant requests. 客人不断的要求令我们觉得受打扰。


pullaway美[pu028alu0259u02c8weu026a]释义:离开;脱身;拉掉例句:1.She pulled away just as he was about to kiss her.他正要吻她时她避开了。2.I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.我站在车道上,看他把车倒出来然后开走了。3.Other daughters,faced with their mother"s emotional hunger,pull away.其他几个女儿在面对母亲对感情的渴望时躲开了。

drawn away是什么意思


pull away from是什么意思

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