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His research focused on the complex anatomy of bi


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【译】JVM Anatomy Quark #24: 对象对齐

原文地址: JVM Anatomy Quark #24: Object Alignment 许多硬件实现要求对数据的访问是 对齐 的,这使得 N 字节宽度数据的访问地址总是 N 的倍数。即使对数据的普通访问没用特殊要求,特殊操作(特别是原子操作)通常也有对齐约束。 举例来说,x86 平台通常接受未对齐的读写操作,跨越两个缓存行的未对齐 CAS 操作也可以工作,但是对齐可以提高吞吐量。其它平台可能会直接拒绝这样的原子操作,产生一个 SIGBUS 信号或者另外一种硬件异常。对于跨越多个缓存行的数据,x86 平台也不会保证访问的原子性,这可能发生在未对齐的情况下。另外对于大部分类型和明确声明 volatile 的访问,Java 规范要求保证访问的原子性。 所以对于 Java 对象中的 long 字段,这占用 8 字节内存,基于性能因素,我们需要保证 8 字节对齐。如果该字段是 volatile 的,那么基于正确性的因素,我们也需要 8 字节对齐。在一个简单的方法中 [1] ,为了实现这一点,需要做两件事:对象内部字段的偏移应该 8 字节对齐, 以及 对象本身应该 8 字节对齐。 java.lang.Long 实例就是这样的: [2] value 字段位于偏移 16 字节(这是 8 的倍数)的位置,并且对象 8 字节对齐。 即使没有字段需要被特殊对待,但是对象头部仍然需要原子性访问。从技术上讲,大部分 Java 对象可以 4 字节对齐,而不是 8 字节,然而实现这一目标所需的运行时工作 非常巨大 。 所以在 Hotspot 中最小的对象对齐是 8 字节。不过,对齐可以更大吗?当然可以,有一个对应的 VM 参数: -XX:ObjectAlignmentInBytes 。这带来两个后果,一个负面的,一个正面的。 当然一旦对齐变大,就意味着每个对象平均的内存空间浪费将会增加。例如将对象对齐从 16 字节增加至 128 字节: 见鬼,每个实例 128 字节,而只有 8 字节有用数据,这太浪费了。为什么有人会这么做? (一语双关) 还记得 《压缩引用》 中的这张图吗? 我们可以通过引用移位对大于 4GB 的堆内存启用压缩引用。移位的大小依赖引用中有多少低位比特是零。也就是,对象是如何对齐的!默认 8 字节对齐,那么最低 3 位是零,所以移动 3 位,那么就有 2 (32+3) 字节 = 32 GB 压缩引用空间。如果 16 字节对齐,那么就有 2 (32+4) 字节 = 64 GB 压缩引用 堆空间! 所以对象对齐增加了实例大小,这增加了堆内存占用;但是可以在大堆内存上启用引用压缩,这减少了堆内存占用!依赖堆内存的结构。我们可以使用之前的测试用例,但是稍微自动化一下。 这个测试用例尝试识别容纳给定数量对象的最小堆内存: 在可以分配 100+ GB 堆的大内存机器上执行这个测试用例,这将会得出预期的结果。让我们从平均对象大小开始讨论。注意这些是 特定测试中的 平均对象大小,也就是分配的一些小 byte[] 数组。结果如下: 意料之中,增大对齐增加了平均对象大小:16 字节和 32 字节对齐“稍微”增加了对象大小,但是 64 字节大幅增加了平均对象大小。注意对象对齐基本上表示对象的 最小 大小,一旦最小值增加了,平均值也会增加。 正如我们在 《压缩引用》 中看到的,堆内存达到 32 GB 压缩引用将会失效。但是注意 更大的对齐将会延迟这一限制,对齐越大,内存空间越大 。例如,16 字节对齐,将会在压缩引用中移动 4 位,也就是 64GB 空间。32 字节对齐移动5 位,也就是 128GB 空间。 [3] 在这个测试中,某些情况下对齐变大导致的对象变大将会与压缩引用减少的空间占用相抵消。当然,当压缩引用最后被关闭时,对齐的成本就表现出来了。 在“最小堆大小”图中可以很清楚看到这种现象: Here, we clearly see the 32 GB and 64 GB failure thresholds. Notice how 16-byte and 32-byte alignment took less heap in some configurations, piggybacking on more efficient reference encoding. That improvement is not universal: when 8-byte alignment is enough or when compressed references fail, higher alignments waste memory. 在这里我们可以清楚看到 32 GB 和 64 GB 这两个阈值。注意 16 字节和 32 字节对齐在某些情况下如何占用 更少堆内存 ,也就是借助更有效的引用编码。这个改善并不是普遍的:当 8 字节对齐足够或者压缩引用失败的情况下,更大的对齐将会浪费内存。 对象对齐是一件很有趣的事情。虽然它会显著增加对象大小,但是一旦启用压缩引用,这又会降低整体的内存占用。有时候为了减少内存占用,增加一点儿对齐是有意义的 [原来如此!]。然而在许多情况下,这将会增加整体内存占用。需要对给定应用程序和给定数据集进行仔细研究,以确定调整对齐是否有好处。 利器当慎用。

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《The Anatomy of Melancholy》(Robert Burton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: wp6f书名:The Anatomy of Melancholy作者:Robert Burton出版社:Fyfield Books出版年份:2004-2-26页数:175内容简介:忧郁的解剖 (The Anatomy of Melancholy;全称:The Anatomy of Melancholy, What it is: With all the Kinds, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and Several Cures of it. In Three Maine Partitions with their several Sections, Members, and Subsections. Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically, Opened and Cut Up)一书是由在牛津大学里牧师兼学者的罗伯特·伯顿撰写 ,于1621年首次出版。概述这本书从封面外表来看,不过就是一本探讨忧郁症的医学教科书(其中还包括现在被称为的临床抑郁症)。虽然作为一个医生介绍的文字,忧郁的解剖其实是一本相当特殊的文学作品,因为其内容以哲学和科学居多,往往超越该书探讨的主题。而且此书所谓的“忧郁”和“解剖”其实是用忧郁的笔调来剖析人类所有情感和思想表达方式。罗伯特伯顿把这本书的序言就写的带有讽刺的意味,伯顿的人物德谟克利特少年解释说:“我写的是繁忙的忧郁,以避免忧郁。‘剖析"是一个范围广泛的文件,其中载有离题和评论。无论其强项,医疗文本或作为一个历史文件,它是解剖的巨大广度-解决话题,如消化,小妖精,地理美洲等 和声音特色,特别是它的作者是最普遍提及其崇拜者为主要来源的吸引力。 ”伯顿的一生中将忧郁的解剖修定和扩充了五次,并经常再版,最近的一次再版是在2001年依据1932年出版的版本重印。此次再版(2001年)和伯顿首次出版年分1621年相差380年。(转自维基百科)作者简介:罗伯特u2022伯顿(Robert Burton,1577—1640)是一个学问渊博而性情古怪的人。他于1593年进入牛津,至1602年方得到学位,历时9年,因为自从他进入学校到1599年一直重病缠身,深深体会了忧郁的滋味。他终身留在牛津大学,做导师、做图书馆管理,他一生埋首在图书里。他从不旅行,从未结婚,只是博览群籍乐此不疲,以至于死。他死于1640年1月25日,正好和他根据星象学推算出的死期非常接近,有人说他是自杀而死以证明其预言之不虚。(梁实秋撰)

the anatomy of melancholy作者

《the anatomy of melancholy》的作者是罗伯特·伯顿。罗伯特 伯顿是一位英国学者,于1577年出生,1593年进入牛津大学布雷斯诺斯学院学习,1599年成为基督教堂学院的学生,1614年获得神学硕士学位,1616年担任牛津圣托马斯教堂的牧师,1630年起担任西格雷夫教区的教区长,直到1640年去世。《the anatomy of melancholy》的中文名字是《忧郁的解剖》,这是他最著名的作品,首次出版于1621年,是一部关于忧郁症的百科全书式的巨著,涵盖了各种形式和方面的忧郁症,以及其种类、原因、症状、预后和治疗方法。书中运用了大量的古典和现代文献,展现了作者广博的学识。《the anatomy of melancholy》不仅是一部医学或哲学著作,也是一部独特的文学作品,作者以“小德谟克利特”(Democritus Junior)为化名,在自嘲式的序言中解释说,“我写忧郁症是为了忙碌地避免忧郁症。”这体现了作者的风格,他既幽默又严肃,既散漫又集中。《the anatomy of melancholy》的地位:1、这本书是现代欧洲文明的重要文献之一,是一部关于忧郁症的惊人的汇编,对忧郁症的各种形式进行了全面的调查,自从17世纪出版以来,就受到了无数的赞誉。2、这本书不仅是一部医学或哲学著作,也是一部独一无二的文学作品,作者运用了他广博而多样的学识,以学术的方式,涵盖了远远超过标题所示的主题。他用忧郁症作为一个透镜,通过它审视人类所有的情感和思想,并将17世纪图书馆中几乎所有的内容都用于这一目标。3、这本书在出版方面也有其特点,作者对自己的作品进行了不断地修改和扩充,从1621年首次出版到1640年去世期间,共出版了六个版本,每个版本都有大量的变化和增补。这本书经常绝版,特别是在1676年到1800年之间。


艺用人体解剖与解剖学的艺术 ——浙摄社推出英国DK公司《艺用人体解剖》中文版 范达明 英国DK 公司(Dorling Kindersley Limited)2001年推出的《艺用人体解剖》(Anatomy for the Artist)一书,新近已由浙江摄影出版社购买国内中文版版权后翻译出版。该书由近年在英国备受学界称颂的女艺术家和学者萨拉61西蒙伯尔特(Sarah Simblet) 著述并绘制部分插图;特别委托摄影师约翰61戴维斯(John Davis)为全书拍摄了男女模特的人体摄影图片。全书12万字,摄影与绘画插图近400幅。浙摄社中文版的开本虽较英文原著同比略有缩小,但无论是正文文字还是图片说明均属“全译本”,图片也属“照单全收”(并且直接采用DK 公司原版电子图像文本制版),在版式设计、格调以及印制质量上也与原著完全相同,这就使中文版读者能在最大程度上保持与读英文原著相仿的感受。该书中文版凡252 页,采用128克哑粉纸四色精印;平装本定价为118.00元。 萨拉的这本《艺用人体解剖》超越以往艺用解剖学同类著述的特色,在于对人体解剖这一学科从历史到现状的独辟蹊径的认识。这些认识主要体现在全书开卷以“解剖学的艺术61 简史”为题对这门学科历史的回顾性概述中。通过概述的“简史”,全书开宗明义第一句话就明确表达了作者自己的观念:“人体解剖学的研究不仅仅在于各部位的名称及对其功能的理解,更是对我们自身这一奇妙实体在这个世界上存在的一种赞美。”(第9页)她诉诸其中的基本思想是:解剖学不仅是一门学科,其本身就是一种艺术。在“简史”的图例中,作者就为我们提供了不少鲜为人知的作为“解剖学的艺术”的作品。比如:选载了伯纳德61齐格弗里德61阿尔比纽斯的《骨骼》(1747年),作者的评介是:“这是一个空骨架的人在他的花园里的那种很自豪的架势,在这里他大摇大摆地走,摆出那种对自己解剖骨骼的狂妄自大与挑战生命的姿态”,“在穿过有阴影的田园牧歌式的树枝时,会让人感觉好像有血有肉似的。”(第20页)对所载安妮61卡特雷勒采用玻璃材料投影合成的装置作品《接近》(1998年),作者说它“体现了类似的实体与映像、肉体和灵魂的似是而非的理念”,“是深入到我们人体内部的隐形的或下意识的途径之一,是人体内藏的一种精致而富有学术造诣的雕塑化展示”;认为它与体现制作者精湛手艺的酸蚀人体标本不同,“卡特雷勒吹成的玻璃制品是诗意的,不仅体现在其理念上,还体现在其任务是想象出我们对世界的体验,是在质疑而不是图解人体的物质性和死亡。这就是艺术。”(第25页)萨拉在这篇“简史”的结尾认为:“当代艺术家引导下的这一题材创作也会与历史上其他时期一样风格各异,多姿多彩。艺术家同样地在诠释一种视角和一种见解,以技巧、新的技术和不断创新的想象力去创作,用果敢且富有见地的手,在对人体必定死亡的感叹与惊诧的两种处境中,去制作可能是供我们了解、有时又是为我们自己来描绘的人体。”(第27页)萨拉推介的这些人体解剖作品向我们揭示了人体本身的非凡构造,也凸显了人体在当今西方艺坛所具有的经久不衰的卓越地位。 其二,这本《艺用人体解剖》注意在图例上对照片插图与绘画插图的并用,尽力使两者相辅相成、交相为济。通过采用一流的、特别委托拍摄的男女模特照片,与古今绘画名作和作者自己所画的插图配合在一起,该书向我们展示了如何透视到内在的人的构架来精确绘制人体的肌内群与骨骼,从而体现出它们的力量、平衡、姿势及其优雅感。书中还在有关章节插入了八幅叠加于相应人体照片上的精绘解剖线描图,显示了人体外形与内在结构的迷人关系。 其三,书中又以“绘画课堂”之名分六个专节阐述了有关人体写生的绘画实践课程。这一课程指导读者以新的目光去审视人体,对如何观察和画好人体骨骼、头部、胸廓、骨盆、双手和双脚,提供了独特的绘画技巧和极具想象力的见解。 其四,书中在相应章节插入了“佳作赏析”的独特内容。从霍尔拜因的《坟墓中的基督》到爱德华61霍珀的《旅店房间》,作者通过对十幅大师级艺术家名作的分析,彰显了这些不同艺术家跨越时代局限的知识水平和对解剖学的见解与运用。在每篇“佳作赏析”中都特别配备了与画作人物姿势相同的模特的照片,借以在解剖学上形成对照比较。 原出版者在介绍《艺用人体解剖》这本书时指出,“掌握解剖学知识常常是艺术家理解并诠释人体的关键。这本极具想象力的现代参考书适合于各个层次的艺术家,为他们素描和绘画的技巧指点迷津”;强调它是一本“富有视觉震撼力”、“理想的参考书”,“对于在描绘人体方面想要有一种全面与当代性观照的人来说”,它正是“一本基础的、教你如何用一种崭新方法来绘制人体的参考指南”。 本书作者萨拉61 西蒙伯尔特曾在牛津、切尔滕海姆、海德堡和马德里学习和工作过,在布里斯托尔大学以探讨绘画和人体解剖各层面之间关系的论文获博士学位;有多幅画作被国家和私人收藏,其中包括伦敦的皇家艺术学院和牛津的阿什莫里博物馆;举行过三次巨幅画作的个人画展,其中有被日内瓦艺术历史博物馆收藏的《艺术与解剖人体写生》(1998)、伦敦韦尔考默信托基金会收藏的《新解剖学家》(1999)和德国威博斯道夫收藏的《美丽园》(1999)。作者现任教于牛津大学拉斯金工艺美术学院和伦敦的皇家艺术学院。 2004年9月14日写于杭州梅苑阁

greys anatomy一共多少季

greys anatomy一共十七季。《实习医生格蕾》(Grey"s Anatomy)是2005年3月27日由美国广播公司(ABC)出品的广播电视剧。该剧以医学为主题,由珊达·莱姆斯编剧,珊达·莱梅斯,Peter Horton,Rob Corn等执导,艾伦·旁派领衔主演,全剧至2020年播至第十七季。本剧描写了一群年轻的实习医生之间的情感纠葛和他们在事业上的前进与磨练,在高强度医生训练的同时又掺杂了大量的喜剧和爱情元素,剧情幽默中略带纠结。2020年1月,贾斯汀·钱伯斯宣布告别ABC的医疗题材剧集《实习医生格蕾》,该剧将在3月5日播出的那一集中对常驻角色Alex Karev医生离开的原因做出解释。剧情简介实习医生格蕾(Grey"s Anatomy)讲述了一群刚毕业的医学学生在西雅图圣恩医院(Seattle Grace Hospital)进行他们的外科实习从而成为一名真正的医生的故事。这些医学院毕业的学生进入到西雅图圣恩医院,从最底层、巴结主治医师、希望早点站上手术台的菜鸟实习生。到初出茅庐、完成实习学业的住院医生,最后成为可以在各领域独当一面的主治医师。同时,剧集也描绘了大量古怪、严重甚至有趣的病例,也有无数个因为伤病生死而体现更深的感人情节。

Anatomy 4D怎样用


anatomy dissect有什么 区别?

anatomy:主要作“解剖学”之意,是名词。如:Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.dissect:“解剖”,“仔细分析”,是动词。如:In biology class we had to dissect a frog. 希望能帮到你。╭(╯3╰)╮





inflammatory writ 歌词

歌曲名:inflammatory writ歌手:joanna newsom专辑:The Milk-Eyed MenderInflammatory WritJoanna NewsomQ 616295683她挺招人爱 不是么Oh, where is your inflammatory writYour text that would incite a light, "Be lit"Our music deserving devotion unswervingCry "Do I deserve her?" with unflagging fervorWell, no you do not, if you cannot get over itBut what"s it mean when suddenly we"re spent, tell me trueAmbition came and reared its head, and went far from youEven mollusks have weddings, though solemn and leadenBut you dirge for the dead, take no jam on your breadJust a supper of salt and a waltz through your empty bedAnd all at once it came to meAnd I wrote and hunched "till four-thirtyBut that vestal lightIt burns out with the nightIn spite of all the time that we spent on itOne bedraggled ghost of a sonnetWhile outside, the wild boars rootWithout bending a bough underfootOh it breaks my heartI don"t know how they do itSo don"t ask meAnd as for my inflammatory writWell, I wrote it an I was not inflamed one bitAdvice from the master derailed that disasterHe said "Hand that pen over to me, poetaster!"While across the great plains, keening lovely and awfulUlulate the last Great American NovelsAn unlawful lot, left to stutter and freeze, floodlitBut at least they didn"t run, to their undying credit

Illustrator中怎么样快速地找一个标准色号如 pms 219C..请高手赐教

先把色板调出来,然后在上面输入219就出来了.是P T色吧?

Kraton和Kydex各是什么物质 有什么特性 有什么优缺点 哪个更适合用来做刀柄

Kraton(克拉通)是一种热塑橡胶,但实际重度实用中比较磨手。FK和冷钢采用最多。Kydex(尅迪克斯)为热塑丙烯酸和聚氯乙烯,质量轻强大度有一定弹性,但它是战术刀鞘的材料,并非主流柄材。人工合成柄材中G10(环氧玻璃纤维)与Micarta(米卡塔,亚麻纤维)相对最好,前者绝缘,后者手感减震最佳,尤其是数码弹坑G10与浮雕毛面Micarta是我见过最讲究的人工柄材。FK-A1是户外刀经典,Boker 没有见过AF-1这一款,请核对!我所闻只有AF11、AF12、AF55、AFD...且这些是双刃格斗刀,不适于户外求生使用,尤其劈砍开山。Fallkniven基本是一流刃材,三流柄材。Boker主流是一流做工,三流刃材。当然两者都有精品。但国内FK的口碑高于Boker,毕竟只有瑞典钢有实力跟美、日钢材分庭抗礼。希望对你有所帮助!



We all think that this young man deserves Ato be praised B. praising C. to praise D. being praised

5) A6) A7) A8) D9) B10)B1) the students" bags2) Tom and Lei"s classroom3) Teacher Day4) the teacher"s office5) the classroom door6) Zhao Min"s shoes7) the barber shop8) Yue Han"s mother9) a friend of my father10) your good friend"s pen1) recipriocity2) Tony works at a bank now, the salary is very high.3) I borrowed 50 pounds from Hans, he gave it to me immediately.4) He saw me, came over, and sat at me at the same desk. 5) To my surprise, he has never done chores before.

用adb deviecs时显示的“emulator-5554”怎样删除?

现象:用adbdevices命令总发现emualtor-5554offline,重新安装与adb相关的程序均无法消除此设备。原因:有程序占用5555端口,导致adb认为5554不能作为第1个设备启用方法:1. 用netstat –ano(即netstat -a –n –o),查看5555端口被哪个PID占用。2. 打开任务管理器,选择“进程”,在“查看”菜单打开“选择列”,勾上PID。3. 把进程按PID排序,找到PID对应的程序名。4. 按文件名搜索程序所在的目录,确认后删除该程序。5. 再运行adb devices,发现emualtor-5554 offline已消失。

adb deviecs时显示的emulator-5554如何删除?

同问,求高手解答。不要指定device来执行adb shell,指定自己手机后变成这样,不知道怎么玩shell@gt-i9100:/.................

用adb deviecs时显示的“emulator-5554”怎样删除?

1. 用netstat _ano(即netstat -a _n _o),查看5555端口被哪个PID占用。2. 打开任务管理器,选择“进程”,在“查看”菜单打开“选择列”,勾上PID。3. 把进程按PID排序,找到PID对应的程序名。4. 按文件名搜索程序所在的目录,确认后删除该程序。5. 再运行adb devices,发现emualtor-5554 offline已消失。一、当设备一直不显示设备的时候:1).检查USB调试模式是否打开。2).检查驱动是否安装对,检查方法:连接PC后,打开设备管理器,检查是否有叹号、问号等异常显示。3).尝试切换电脑的USB接口,验证是不是每个接口都不行。4).尝试更换USB线,排除的线的问题。5).检查adb,端口是否被占用。方法:①在cmd中执行adb nodaemon server,查看adb的端口号是多少②一般adb 端口是:5037③用下面的语句判断端口占用④netstat -ano | findstr “5037”⑤删除占用的端口,重新打开CMD窗口⑥adb kill-server⑦adb start-server⑧确认是否识别二.设备偶尔识别什么是偶尔识别呢?就是1]在你手上不行,在别人手上行;2.]在别人手上连接后,回到你手上行,然后过了一会不行;3.]在你手上行,插拔USB或者重启手机就不行了。1.}尝试安装该手机的USB驱动(不行进行2);2.}恢复手机出厂值(不行进行3);3.}连接360、91助手等,重新自动安装驱动(不行进行4,或者打开这些360或者91就行,关掉软件就不信进行4);4.}在路径:%userprofile%.androidadb_usb.ini 中添加下图中的硬件ID。


是的 ANL被收购了

annals of hematology 网上投稿title是头衔的意思吗


Los Super Ratones的《Dice》 歌词

歌曲名:Dice歌手:Los Super Ratones专辑:Urgente!アリス九号. - -Dice-作词:将作曲:アリス九号.Do you like this anyway?Dice was thrown, now. No one can stop that.Faster and faster.We don"t change even if six or one comes out.Furiously and furiously.Tell me the truth,tell me the existing meaning.Call my name, raise a loud voice now.赛は振られ 独楽は廻り続けて消费られた 全てへ灰に成れば 还る场所はあるけどそれまでは…眠れないErase an uncertain element if you feel uneasy.Faster and faster.Time doesn"t wait you,Make up your mind by yourself.Furiously and furiously.Tell me the truth,tell me the existing meaning.Call my name, raise a loud voice now.欺き欺かれて未曾有のパーティーへと赛は振られ 独楽は廻り続けて赌けたのは 自ら白か黒か 决めるのは未だ早いさあワルツを 踊ろうOnly a fool is pleased with such a thing.Play the fool with me till the end.


这个提示表示当前的帐号没有权限,请换 Administrator 帐号才能进行删除,这个帐号是系统内默认的管理员的帐号。

booster regulator是什么意思

booster regulator.booster regulator增压器很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

watches 、tomatoes 、families 、comedies的音标

watches 不一样 其他都 发 {z}音,只有watches 发 {iz}音 我音标也不是很好




elevator ["elɪveɪtə] n. 电梯;升降机;升降舵;起卸机

dental root elevator 有人知道这是什么工具嘛,牙科用的专业工具。


elevator operator是什么意思

elevator operator电梯操作员双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 电梯小姐例句:1.Besides her killers, the elevator operator was the last person to see vivian gordon alive late on the evening of february 25, 1931. 1931年2月25日深夜,最后还看到过薇薇安戈登这个人的,除了杀害她的凶手外,就只有电梯操作员了。

elevator ride是什么意思


钟铉 elevator的中文歌词

uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 ubd10uc694说实话吧uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 uc918uc694坦诚地告诉我uc228uae30uc9c0 ub9d0uc544 uc918uc694不要再试图隐藏了uc228uae30uc9c0 ub9d0uc544 uc81cubc1c求你不要再继续掩饰内心ub2ebud788ub294 uc5d8ub9acubca0uc774ud130uc5d0 ube44uce5c ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uc740紧闭的电梯门上映照出的自己ucd08ub77cud558uac8c ub0a8uc544 uadf8ub798ub3c4 uc774ub807uac8cub098ub9c8竟是那么落魄寒碜,但即使这样ub208 uae5cubc15uac70ub9acuba70 uc228 ub0b4ubc49uace0 uc0acub294 uc774uc720还要继续喘着气睁着眼生活下去ub0a0 uc704ud574uc120 ub9deub098 uc544ub2d8 ucad3uae30uace0 uc788ub098究竟是真的为了我自己,还是被追赶着度日uc548ub155 uc548ub155 uc778uc0acud574来啊,打个招呼ucd08ucdccud788 ube44uce5c ub0b4uac8c uc778uc0acud574这就是憔悴不堪的我uc548ub155 uc548ub155 uc778uc0acud574你好,我,就是你啊uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 ubd10uc694说实话吧uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 uc918uc694坦诚地告诉我uc228uae30uc9c0 ub9d0uc544 uc918uc694不要再试图隐藏了uc228uae30uc9c0 ub9d0uc544 uc81cubc1c求你不要再继续掩饰内心uc5b8uc81cubd80ud130 uc6b8uace0 uc788ub098uc694?不知何时已经泪流满面uadf8ub300 uc5b4ub5a4 ud45cuc815 uc9d3uace0 uc788ub294uc9c0 uc544ub294uac00uc694?此时此刻你脸上的表情是什么样子uadf8ub300你可知道?uc548ub155 uc548ub155 uc778uc0acud574来啊,打个招呼ucd08ucdccud788 ube44uce5c ub0b4uac8c uc778uc0acud574这就是憔悴不堪的我uc548ub155 uc548ub155 uc778uc0acud574你好,我,就是你啊uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ud558ucc2euc740 uc598uae30你知道所有一切关于我的小事 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 uc54cuace0 uc788ub2e4 ubbffuc5b4uc694最了解你的,莫过于我ud5c8ub098 ud3c9uc0dd uac19uc740 uc228uc744 ub098ub234ub358可这一辈子和我共同呼吸的你ub2f9uc2e0uc744 ub09c这个你ubab0ub77cuc694我并不认识ubab0ub77cuc694全然的陌生ubab0ub77cuc694无法读懂uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 ubd10uc694说实话吧ub9ceuc774 uc678ub85cuc6ccud558uc796uc544uc694明明就很孤单uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0ud574 uc918uc694不要再试图隐藏你的内心了ub354ub294 ubb34ub9acuc778 uac78 uc54cuc796uc544uc694明明知道这已经是极限了uc5b8uc81cubd80ud130 ud63cuc790uc600ub098uc694?从何时起就孤身一人了呢?uac70uc6b8 uc18d ub098uc640 ub208 ub9deucd94ub294 uac8c孤独到,此时此刻与镜子里的我,uc5b4uc0c9ud560 uc815ub3c4uc8e0四目相对都觉得尴尬了呢ub098ub294我ub098ub294我ub098ub294我

electric elevator翻译

electric elevator翻译:电梯;电力升降机;电动升降舵。Electric,英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“电的;电动的;发电的;导电的;令人震惊的”,作名词时意为“电;电气车辆;带电体”。短语搭配:electric generator [电] 发电机 ; 起电机 ; 发电机组 ; 把汽轮机。electric flux 电通量 ; 电焊剂 ; 电通 ; 电通电通量电焊剂。Westinghouse Electric 西屋电器 ; 西屋电气公司 ; 美国西屋电气公司。electric light 电光源 ; 电灯 ; 用电作光能源的灯 ; 电光。Johnson Electric 德昌电机 ; 德昌电机集团 ; 香港的德昌电机公司 ; 昌电机。electric eel [鱼] 电鳗 ; 唱片名。electric blanket [轻] 电热毯 ; 电暖毛毯 ; 电热毯子。electric car 电动载具 ; 电动车 ; [车辆] 电动汽车 ; 电车。Electric Dreams 电脑梦幻曲 ; 神通情人梦 ; 电子梦想。双语例句:1.You, me, all of us, stand in that electric field.您,我,所有人,站在一个导电的领域里。2.Every morning he shaves(himself) with this electric razor.每天早晨他都用这把电剃刀刮胡子。3.At the Paris Motor Show this week they unveiled electric vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Some go on sale in the next few months.就本周的巴黎汽车展上,发布了各种车型和尺寸的电动汽车,其中一些将在接下来的几个月内上市销售。

elevatory与elevated 的区别?

elevatory词性:adj 举起的,上升的举例:In this paper, to meet the trend of new elevatory stage, a hydraulic motor driven leading screw elevatory stages were developed. 本论文针对当今升降舞台发展的趋势和要求,设计开发了采用液压马达驱动的丝杠升降舞台。elevated词性adj高贵的、职位高的 、v 提拔、晋升 同时也是elevate的过去式和过去分词举例:The condition of the people could be elevated by a programme of social reform 人们的生活状况可以通过社会改革方案得到改善。(注意被动用法)His career has blossomed and that has given him a certain elevated status. 他的事业蓬勃发展,这在一定程度上提升了他的地位。


Go Figure ~ Go figure,I"ts up to you 想想看吧,你说了算 go find another come back crying too 去找另一个人来一起哭 did you ever know that love is endless? 你知道爱是无止尽的吗? Go figure,I"ts way past time 想想看吧, 这是过去的道路 to ever see me again in your lifetime 在你的一生中再次与我相遇吧 did you ever think i"d be so angry 你难道认为我会变得很生气吗 *But people say that life is just a game 但是人们说生命就像一场游戏 hell then I"d give it up 该死!!然后我将放弃 and I"d throw it away 我将把它通通扔掉 and even though my life is falling apart 即使我的生命将支离破碎 the thought of you waiting 想想你的等待 for me as I come to you beckons 为了我当我挥手走到你身边 Go figure,I"ts not for you 想想看吧,这并不是为了你 what we can and what we cannot do 我们可以做什么不能做什么 will never be part of this madness 将不是这愚蠢的一部分 Go figure,I"ts not for me 想想看吧,这不是给我的 I held you down and you needed to be free 我压抑着你,你需要自由 so we can go our separate ways 那么我们可以各走各路~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ElevatorHe took the right elevator closed the doors on meI took the left one which proceeded to stop On every other floor which really angered meIt was a painful journey to the topAnd when I reached the highest floor I took the stairwell upTo the roof where I was gonna jumpBut when I reached the top the guy who closed the doors on meWas already there about to goBut now he"s jumping , he"s falling ,his conscience tells him he"s done wrongBut when he hit the ground he thought, "Oh god , a-what a-have I done?"Yeah my momma loves me with the back of her hand, taught me how to feel And I"m covered lies and I"m covered in sin, to the death of meI don"t know how but I"ll do it again Something tells me I"m not alone when i say thisI met in a bar late on a friday nightShe was everything a woman could beBut when I saw her standing on the edge I hid my eyesOh what a waste oh what a tragedyBut now she"s jumping ,she"s falling, her conscience tells her she"s done wrongBut when she hit the ground she thought, "Oh god ,a-what a-have I done?"Yeah my momma loves me with the back of her hand, taught me how to feel And I"m covered lies and I"m covered in sin, to the death of meI don"t know how but I"ll do it again Something tells me I"m not alone when i say thisBut now I"m jumping , I"m falling ,my conscience tells me I"ve done wrongBut when I hit the ground I woke up shaking ,trembling in my bedIt"s better when you"re dreamingYeah my momma loves me with the back of her hand, taught me how to feel And I"m covered lies and I"m covered in sin, to the death of meI don"t know how but I"ll do it again Something tells me I"m not alone when i say this 更多更棒喔?呵呵 It"s not alright It"s always raining down on me 在我这总是下着雨 the sky is grey with misery 天空是灰色的伴随着痛苦 my sinful past becomes my present 我罪孽深重的过去成为了我的礼物(或译为现在?) Trying to forget ends in vain 徒然的试着去忘掉结局 the mere suggestion ends in shame 仅仅建议在羞愧中结束 a painful tragedy repeats itself 一个痛苦的悲剧不停的重复着 *And it comes 它到来了 flooding back in to my head 我的头脑被淹没 her screams and cries erupt 她尖叫,哭泣爆发着 but i can do nothing to help her 但我不能帮她做任何事 "cuz she tells me it"s alright 因为她告诉我已经没有事了 it"s me 没什么问题...对于我 And as I sit in my jail cell 当我坐在我的囚室里 I hope Elizabeth is well 我希望伊丽莎白好好的 the judge"s sentence still resounds 法官的话语仍然在我头脑中 in my head 回响着 *repeat flooding back in to my head 我的头脑被淹没 her screams and cries erupt 她尖叫,哭泣爆发着 but i can do nothing to help her 但我不能帮她做任何事 "cuz she tells me it"s alright 因为她告诉我已经没有事了 and I would 我会 take it back for anything 一切从头开始 but what is done cannot be changed 但是做过的事改变不了 my mother told me so don"t you fight it 我的母亲告诉我不要打架 I"t"s okay now in the the light 在亮光中现在一切都好...在亮光中 ...and here it end ...这就是结局

求Eminem — Elevator 歌词和翻译

而我站在后面,在后门外 slipping through the crack, leavin" the corpse drippin" 鞭打的劈啪声渐渐消失,流下还在滴血的尸体 the mortician of love, sent from above, forced 我是爱的葬送者,但是强迫感却却从心底油然而生 stingy I"ve become been doin this for more then a quarter century I"m just numb 我就是这么心狠,我干这行已经超过25年了,早已麻木 Am I dreamin? is it real? someone pinch me on the buns 我在做梦?这是真的吗?来人啊,谁来掐一下我的屁股 the time has come, to tie her up, gotta roll me the ladder 是时候把她绑起来了,我使足力气爬上梯子 I"ve hadda enough of the chatter, climb up to the window, look at her 我已经啰嗦了够久了,我爬上后窗,看着她 then climb in slow to shatter her brain matter, and batter her 然后慢慢的砸碎她的脑袋,用棒球棒连续猛击她,脑花弄得到处都是 with the bat, a matter of fact, that will splatter her 事实上,这会弄得血到处飞溅 but before I do that, I"ll have a chat to flatter her 但是在我动手之前,我会和她聊上一会让好让她放轻松 give her 2 compliments back to back like tabitha 我会背靠背的和她聊天,赞美她,就像tabitha(人名,什么典故不知道) Im your secret admirer, I"m back to ravage ya 我是你的秘密仰慕者,我回来是要蹂躏你 so strong is your fight, but you"re no match for dracula 你的反抗很强力,但是你根本无法与吸血鬼较量 prolongin" her pipe, as I go back to stabbing her 当我刺穿她的喉咙时,我会扯断她的食道 dismember her limbs, simple as that, cadabera 肢解她的尸体,这很轻松 zoom in with the lens, then pan back the camera 房间里安装了摄像机,然后回味拍下的这一切 stand back, cuz here comes your man jack, so pamela bring the music box 闪开!Pamela把音乐盒拿过来,因为开膛手杰克来了 CHORUS Cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl"s asleep but i can hear u my love, you keep calling me I want the world to know, you mean the world to me so when you call me to come, I will answer cuz when the lights are off, I see the girl"s asleep I hear my music box, playing a song for me So wont you whirl around, and do a whirl for me and won"t you be my private dancer


elevator 升降舵在常规布局的飞机中,升降舵和水平尾翼一般都在飞机的机尾部分,水平尾翼就是一个小机翼,主要用于在飞行中保持飞机的府仰平衡;升降舵通常是尾翼后部一段可上下偏转的部分,在飞行中,当飞行员前推或后拉驾驶杆时,水平尾翼上的左右升降舵会同时向下或向上偏转,从面产生一个绕横轴的转动力矩,飞机便会相应地作俯冲或爬升。例如:当飞机员前推杆是,升降舵向下偏转,使尾翼的升力增加,从而使飞机后部绕重心向上偏转,前部向下偏转,使飞机进入俯冲状态;反之飞机员向后拉杆使飞机进入爬升状态.ailerons :The wings have controllable sections known as ailerons.操纵副翼可使飞机滚转...说白了就是控制飞机转弯的。副翼是指安装在机翼翼梢后缘外侧的一小块可动的翼面。为飞机的主操作舵面,飞行员操纵左右副翼差动偏转所产生的滚转力矩可以使飞机做横滚机动。翼展长而翼弦短。副翼的翼展一般约占整个机翼翼展的1/6到1/5左右,其翼弦占整个机翼弦长的1/5到1/4左右。 飞行员向左压驾驶盘,左边副翼上偏,右边副翼下偏,飞机向左滚转;反之,向右压驾驶盘右副翼上偏,左副翼下偏,飞机向右滚转。 rudder 方向舵 方向舵就是飞行员前面类似汽车半个方向盘样子的东西,可以左右旋转和上下推动。当飞行员要使飞机上升,就向后拉方向舵,水平尾翼向上翘起,风打在水平尾翼上,机尾下沉,机头抬起,飞机向上飞;当飞行员要使飞机下降,就向前推方向舵,水平尾翼向下弯,风打在水平尾翼上机尾翘起,机头下沉,飞机向下飞。当飞行员想让飞机向左作倾侧动作,就将方向舵向左转,左侧副翼翘起,右侧副翼下弯,飞机向左倾斜;向右相反。

in.a.team怎么翻译? elevator是英式英语还是美式英语? rubber是英式英语还

in a team 在一个队里 on a team 也有在一个队里的意思,指成为队里的一员elevator是美式英语 lift 英式英语 指那种升降电梯rubber是英式英语 美式是eraser 橡皮擦


elevator 常用词汇 英 ["elu026aveu026atu0259(r)]     美 ["elu026aveu026atu0259r]    n.<美>电梯;飞机升降舵;斗式皮带输送机


1请判断下面单词的音节个数elevator音标[‘eliveit?]释义n.电梯;升降机 A.1B.2C.3D.4E.5正确答案:D


Elevator Flo-Rida [00:02.60]Hey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with me [00:05.68]Hey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with me [00:08.93]Hey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with me [00:13.47]Hey Girl you"re comin," come on… [00:20.14]Talk to me girl, Let me tell you girl [00:23.88]Got you stuck on my elevator. [00:27.64]Get it up. On my ehh o ehh oh. [00:31.14] [00:31.30]Hey [00:32.00]My first flo step want a gold digging woman [00:33.97]Money cash flow all big faced honeys [00:35.89]Frontin" on the floor got them d-boys running [00:37.90]Shorty got both broke can"t see what"s comin" [00:39.75]Wear them apple bottoms, wear them apple bottoms honey [00:41.73]Dolce and Gabbana and she get up on my money [00:43.86]Louie Von [00:44.53]See the carrots on her wrist now she pimps bugs bunny [00:47.87]Used to date Kanye now she want me [00:49.73]While I got my juice wanna take my OJ [00:51.66]It ain"t her birthday with her name on a cake [00:53.72]If I ever play for grade A [00:54.95] [00:55.47]Got you stuck on my [00:57.32]On my elevator [00:59.35]Get it up, on my elevator [01:03.05]Check it out! [01:03.73] [01:04.18]First floor, stuck on the gold digger [01:05.73]Second floor, stuck on the dime piece [01:07.63]Third floor, stuck on the hood rat [01:09.85]Fourth floor, freak it I don"t know cause [01:14.26]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [01:17.93]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [01:21.82]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [01:25.79]She"s stuck on my … [01:27.68] [01:27.89]She gotta nail kit, she gotta hair kit [01:31.58]She gotta a Gucci bag, her brand new outfit [01:35.54]Stuck on my elevator, she on the second floor [01:39.58]Now I want you to break it down, DJ turn it up some more [01:43.50]Hey, dime piece girl turned to Internet hottie [01:46.36]Little mama got that top model body [01:48.21]South Beach preach throwing back-a-that bacardi [01:50.38]I"ll bet you that brand new Fararri [01:51.97] [01:52.63]Got you stuck on my [01:53.99]On my elevator [01:55.63]Get it up, on my elevator [01:59.39]Check it out! [02:00.06] [02:00.46]First floor, stuck on the gold digger [02:02.11]Second floor, stuck on the dime piece [02:04.14]Third floor, stuck on the hood rat [02:06.02]Fourth floor, freak it I don"t know, cause… [02:09.81]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [02:13.28]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [02:17.39]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [02:21.36]She"s stuck on my [02:23.01] [02:23.50]My third floor stuck on the hood rat charm [02:25.95]Cut, take boy Hollyhood act charm [02:27.87]Short tennis skirt, now she got me in the zone [02:29.85]tight broach, bump the low ring tone [02:32.68]Roll up don"t smoke arizona [02:36.53]One night stand one night with the clan [02:38.39]One night, one time broke her off 10 grand. [02:40.41]Project all the way gutta all day [02:42.44]Shorty don"t fake she"ll put it in your face [02:46.45]Three stories while them hood rats beg [02:48.00] [02:48.41]Got you stuck on my [02:50.34]On my elevator [02:51.88]Get it up, on my elevator [02:55.64]Check it out! [02:56.26] [02:56.47]First floor, stuck on the gold digger [02:58.35]Second floor, stuck on the dime piece [03:00.29]Third floor, stuck on the hood rat [03:02.38]Fourth floor, freak it I don"t know, cause… [03:05.55]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [03:09.71]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [03:12.77]She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vator [03:17.71]She"s stuck on my … [03:19.34]..我只找到这个

三浦大知的《Elevator》 歌词

歌曲名:Elevator歌手:三浦大知专辑:ElevatorElevator三浦大知作词:Daichi Miura, SUNNY, Chrishan,Kyle Christopher Coleman作曲:UTA, Chrishan, Kyle Christopher ColemanBaby 気付いた时にはもう全て终わっていたよ君に支配されて CrazyBaby 思い込んでいた (oh oh)何もかもこの手でコントロールしたつもりだったのに君の手の平は まるで そう Elevator揺さぶられる心 ah You"re my elevatorup downも you"re my you"re my elevator制御不能 you"re my you"re my elevatortrap of love you"re my you"re my elevatorah you"re my elevator次は you"re my you"re my elevatorどのフロア? you"re my you"re my elevatormovin" on you"re my you"re my elevatorah you"re my elevatorTell me? 分かっているのに抜け出せないのは何故?引き寄せられてく My heart heart yeahCloser もっと知りたいのさ(Closer to you)想えば想う程 また惑わされてくConfusion oh yeah君の手の平は まるで そう Elevator揺さぶられる心 ah You"re my elevatorup downも you"re my you"re my elevator制御不能 you"re my you"re my elevatortrap of love you"re my you"re my elevatorah you"re my elevator次は you"re my you"re my elevatorどのフロア? you"re my you"re my elevatormovin" on you"re my you"re my elevatorah you"re my elevatordon"t stop don"t stop don"t stop my elevator君の秘密のフロアまでdon"t stop don"t stop don"t stop my elevatorelevator yeah elevator yeahElevator君の手の平は まるで そう Elevator揺さぶられる心 ah You"re my elevatorup downも you"re my you"re my elevator制御不能 you"re my you"re my elevatortrap of love you"re my you"re my elevatorah you"re my elevator次は you"re my you"re my elevatorどのフロア? you"re my you"re my elevatormovin" on you"re my you"re my elevatorah you"re my elevator

David Archuleta的《Elevator》 歌词

歌曲名:Elevator歌手:David Archuleta专辑:The Other Side Of DownDavid Archuleta - ElevatorWoah oh oh ohhhI had a dream last nightI didn"t know which floor to get off on, heyyyeyyThe doors, they opened on 4 and 5 and 6And you were gone, all goneI didn"t understandI didn"t wanna knowAt least I took a chanceI had to let it goElevator goes upElevator come downAnd you just go with the flowUntil your feet are back on the groundIt"s an endless rideSometimes it takes you upSometimes it tears you down insideBut it"s the butterfliesThat keep you feeling so alive, so aliveYou gotta get back that highAnd in my dream last nightThe doors they finally shut and I was there, somewhereAlone in my reality inside an empty boxThat"s filled with airBut I don"t care, nooooNext time I"ll get it rightNext time I"ll be okayI"ll have a different dream tonightTomorrow"s another dayElevator goes up (elevator goes up)Elevator come downAnd you just go with the flowUntil your feet are back on the groundIt"s an endless rideSometimes it takes you upSometimes it tears you down insideBut it"s the butterfliesThat keep you feeling so alive, so aliveYou gotta get back that highYou"ll never knowWhat you"re gonna getWhat you don"t expect will come and find youIf you laugh or cryIf you run and hideBut it"s all rightElevator goes upElevator come downAnd you just go with the flowUntil your feet are back on the groundIt"s an endless rideSometimes it takes you upSometimes it tears you down insideBut it"s the butterfliesThat keep you feeling so alive, so aliveYou gotta get back that high


elevator["eliveitu0259]1.基本翻译:电梯或飞机升降舵2.网络释义:Elevator:卸货机|电梯|升降机ELEVATORBOLTS:电梯螺丝|梯螺晋passengerelevator:乘客电梯|客梯|客用升降机lift[lift]1.基本翻译:n.举起,帮助,昂扬n. 电梯v.升高,举起,消散elevator例句:Hehasfallendowntheelevatorshaft.他从电梯上摔下来了。Canwegothroughtheelevatortoupstairs?我们可以通过这部电梯到楼上去吗?Isthistheserviceelevator?这是货梯吗?lift例句:Thesepeopletriedtosqueezeintothelift.这些人试图挤进电梯。Thislifthasbeenusedforthreeyears.这部电梯已经使用了三年了。Theyoftenchecktheliftforsafe.他们经常检查电梯安全。


[派生词]elevator 电梯;升降机【词根词缀】e-出去,向外;lev-举起;-ate动词后缀;elevate 举起,提升 ; -or名词后缀,表示人或物。能举起,提升物体的东西就是电梯。


根本不是同样的东西。x0dx0ax0dx0aElevator 特指电梯,或者升降机,是一种机械设备x0dx0ax0dx0astairwell特指建筑中为建造水泥(也可以是混凝土,钢结构)楼梯留下的竖井,一般的楼梯空间就可以是stairwell.


elevator[英]["elu026aveu026atu0259(r)] [美][u02c8u025blu0259u02ccvetu025a] 生词本简明释义n.电梯;升降机(美);谷仓复数:elevators以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT电梯An elevator is a device that carries people up and down inside buildings. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 lift


elevator[英]["elu026aveu026atu0259(r)] [美][u02c8u025blu0259u02ccvetu025a] 生词本 简明释义 n.电梯;升降机(美);谷仓 复数:elevators 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 同反义词 1.N-COUNT电梯An elevator is a device that carries people up and down inside buildings. in BRIT,use 英国英语用 lift


答: 如下1、使用国家不同在美国,elevator是电梯的常用说法。而lift是英国的常用说法。2、词义广泛性不同lift可以表示动词和名词,elevator指标是名词。3、意思不同elevator意思是“电梯;升降机,起卸机;粮仓,谷仓;(飞行器的)升降舵;(上)提肌”。lift意思是“电梯;举起;运送;偷窃;升高;还清;取消”。扩展词语辨析:arise,raise,rise,lift这组词都有“上升,举起”的意思,其区别是:arise书面用词,多用于诗歌或比喻中,具有特殊的修辞色彩。raise及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。rise普通用词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。lift语气比raise强,指用体力或机械的力举起或抬起某物。






go down by elebator.读音为“艾丽维特”,音标为eliveitu0259


1In England they call an elevator man a liftman.英国人把开电梯的人称作电梯工。2I know that when an elevator says, “ have a nice day, ” it means nothing to me.当我从电梯出来,电梯对我说“祝您愉快”时,我认为这句话毫无意义。3Keep clear of the door of the elevator.不要靠近电梯的门。4Shall we take the elevator, or walk up?我们是乘电梯上去,还是走上去?5Did you talk to someone about our broken elevator?你有跟人说过我们的电梯坏了吗?1My selection for the team has given me a tremendous lift.入选该队给了我极大的鼓舞。2But as hard it is might be to do, I urge it and security mangers to lift their heads up and look around and consider a changing reality.尽管做起来或许有难度,但我依然要敦促信息技术和安全事务的管理者抬起头环顾四周,同时考虑不断变化的现实。3The European Commission has urged France to lift its ban on imports of British beef.欧盟委员会敦促法国解除进口英国牛肉的禁令。4A brisk walk in the fresh air can lift your mood and dissolve a winter depression.在清新的空气中轻快地散散步,会让你心情愉快,一扫冬日的抑郁。5They took the lift to the fourth floor.他们坐电梯到了五楼。



求David Archuleta 《Elevator》 英文歌词及中文翻译

David Archuleta - ElevatorWoah oh oh ohhhI had a dream last night 我昨天做了一个梦I didn"t know which floor to get off on, heyyyeyy 我不知道自己该停在哪层The doors, they opened on 4 and 5 and 6那些门,他们在4楼 5楼和六楼And you were gone, all gone但是你不见了,全都不见了I didn"t understand我不理解I didn"t wanna know我不想知道At least I took a chance至少我还有机会I had to let it go我必须让他走Elevator goes up电梯向上升Elevator come down电梯向下降And you just go with the flow你随着电梯一起飞翔Until your feet are back on the ground直到你的双足落回到地上It"s an endless rideSometimes it takes you upSometimes it tears you down insideBut it"s the butterfliesThat keep you feeling so alive, so aliveYou gotta get back that highAnd in my dream last nightThe doors they finally shut and I was there, somewhereAlone in my reality inside an empty boxThat"s filled with airBut I don"t care, nooooNext time I"ll get it rightNext time I"ll be okayI"ll have a different dream tonightTomorrow"s another dayElevator goes up (elevator goes up)You"ll never knowWhat you"re gonna getWhat you don"t expect will come and find youIf you laugh or cryIf you run and hideBut it"s all right翻译死我了 先这样好不?。。。。。。。。。。


elevator 电梯 美语 lift 电梯 英语




escalator是自动扶梯 lift,elevator是电梯(升降的) lift 是英式的 elevator 是美式的

Eminem的《Elevator》 歌词

歌曲名:Elevator歌手:Eminem专辑:Relapse: RefillEminem - Elevator(Chorus)There once was a saying that I used to sayBack in the day when I met DreI used to sit and goof on the phone with my friend proofThat if I went gold, I"d go right through the roofHe said what If I went platinum, I"d just laugh at himThat"s not happening, that I can"t fathomEighty something million records worldwide later,I"m living in a house with a f-cking elevator(Verse 1)Haters getting mad, they done had enough of shadyYou slay me, nothing you say matters enough to touche me,Rappers try to play me, they use Hailie as a ukuleleWoopsa a f-cking daisyThat"s an honour who even she knows dada"s f-cking crazyFucking animal, cookoo, bananas, fucking APMaybe it"s because I never had a mother raise meF-ck around and throw a baby at another babyYou may think it"s cause of the way that I was brought upBut it"s all caught up to me now, palm is in the watersEvery line I ever said has got me in a cornerYou might think it doesn"t creep upon ya, but it all doesYou wouldn"t listen man, I tried to warn ya when you startedNow your brains all horny cause of all the sh-t you thought ofChainsaw slaughters turn your daughters into sawdustI never thought it"d come to this, I outta just be honest but(Chorus)There once was a saying that I used to sayBack in the day when I met DreI used to sit and goof on the phone with my friend proofThat if I went gold, I"d go right through the roofHe said what If I went platinum, I"d just laugh at himThat"s not happening, that I can"t fathomEighty something million records worldwide later,I"m living in a house with a f-cking elevator(Verse 2)Sorry Lance, Mr. Lambert and Aiken ain"t gonna make itThey get so mad, when I call them both fake it"sAll these fucking voices in my head I can"t take itSomeone shut that f-cking baby up, "for I shake itYou"re standing adjacent to Jason"s last slut, they"re facingTogether makes "em, a f-cking bad combinationI lashed at the doctor in my last operationShoved the weiner snitzel up his ass, hopped away some-body please stop the patient, get the cops to mase himHomie, I"m the shizer, pass doctor dre someI can"t leave the game, I just can"t walk away sonNo not-a now, not a chance, not today sonI can"t believe I leave for one brief secondYou p-ssy queef all over the rap game, nakedAnd use a leaf to wipe up the crap stains, feck itI just keep saying the same exact saying, check it(Chorus)There once was a saying that I used to sayBack in the day when I met DreI used to sit and goof on the phone with my friend proofThat if I went gold, I"d go right through the roofHe said what If I went platinum, I"d just laugh at himThat"s not happening, that I can"t fathomEighty something million records worldwide later,I"m living in a house with a f-cking elevator(Verse 3)Elevator in my house, I"ll smell ya laterI blew the fuck up, a hamster in a microwave-IThink about an escalator now, steps, I hate "emTold the neighbor step away, then I just pepper sprayed "emYeah, for every time you ride down the streetOr hideout, drive by my house and beepLike now motherf-cker, try now to sleepLie down motherf-cker, try countin" sheepAnd you"re tryna find out, why now there"s beef?Mase in your face bitch, cry now p-ssyThis is my house, all nine thousand feetSo you can suck my dick with Amy Winehouse"s teethThen I shove "em in the elevator, take "em to the topStand above em,just to cut the f-cking cable, let "em dropWalk an hour to the damn f-cking refrigerator, get a popWhile I let "em fall all the way to the basement yelling stop!(Chorus)There once was a saying that I used to sayBack in the day when I met DreI used to sit and goof on the phone with my friend proofThat if I went gold, I"d go right through the roofHe said what If I went platinum, I"d just laugh at himThat"s not happening, that I can"t fathomEighty something million records worldwide later,I"m living in a house with a f-cking elevator(Outro)Fucking son of a bitch, I can"t believe this shitThis must be all that there is, this must be itFuckin-A even got a potatoWash my ass after I shit with gold toilet paperDishwasher"s so big, when I"m pissed offI can just toss a flying saucer in itThis shit"s awesome, yeah, fucking elevatorLiving in a house with a fucking elevator


lift就是升降梯、观光电梯等的总称,elevator是斜行扶梯;带有electrical 或electric字样的是电的,带电的意思.


lift和elevator的区别:两者词性、用法和侧重点不同。在词性上,lift有动词和名词两种词性,elevator只有名词一种词性。在用法上,lift其后可接名词或代词作宾语,而elevator则是多在句中作定语。在侧重点上,lift侧重指用人力或机械力把某物升到较高的位置,elevate指位置、高度的升高,多作比喻用,指职位、品德等的提高。lift主要用作动词和名词,用作动词时表示“举起;运送;偷窃;升高;还清;取消”的意思,用作名词时表示“电梯;升降机;免费搭车;搭便车”的意思。常见句型:With a graceful lift of her hand, she dismissed him.她轻盈地一抬手把他打发走了。elevator的用法elevator只能用作名词,意思是“电梯;(飞行器的)升降舵”,是可数名词,复数形式是elevators。常见句型:The elevator of an aircraft can make it ascend or descend.飞机的升降舵可以使它升降自如。The elevator broke down and we had to walk up the tenth floor.电梯坏了,我们只好走到十楼。


elevator 升降舵 在常规布局的飞机中,升降舵和水平尾翼一般都在飞机的机尾部分,水平尾翼就是一个小机翼,主要用于在飞行中保持飞机的府仰平衡;升降舵通常是尾翼后部一段可上下偏转的部分,在飞行中,当飞行员前推或后拉驾驶杆时,水平尾翼上的左右升降舵会同时向下或向上偏转,从面产生一个绕横轴的转动力矩,飞机便会相应地作俯冲或爬升.例如:当飞机员前推杆是,升降舵向下偏转,使尾翼的升力增加,从而使飞机后部绕重心向上偏转,前部向下偏转,使飞机进入俯冲状态;反之飞机员向后拉杆使飞机进入爬升状态. ailerons :The wings have controllable sections known as ailerons. 操纵副翼可使飞机滚转...说白了就是控制飞机转弯的. 副翼是指安装在机翼翼梢后缘外侧的一小块可动的翼面.为飞机的主操作舵面,飞行员操纵左右副翼差动偏转所产生的滚转力矩可以使飞机做横滚机动.翼展长而翼弦短.副翼的翼展一般约占整个机翼翼展的1/6到1/5左右,其翼弦占整个机翼弦长的1/5到1/4左右. 飞行员向左压驾驶盘,左边副翼上偏,右边副翼下偏,飞机向左滚转;反之,向右压驾驶盘右副翼上偏,左副翼下偏,飞机向右滚转. rudder 方向舵 方向舵就是飞行员前面类似汽车半个方向盘样子的东西,可以左右旋转和上下推动.当飞行员要使飞机上升,就向后拉方向舵,水平尾翼向上翘起,风打在水平尾翼上,机尾下沉,机头抬起,飞机向上飞;当飞行员要使飞机下降,就向前推方向舵,水平尾翼向下弯,风打在水平尾翼上机尾翘起,机头下沉,飞机向下飞.当飞行员想让飞机向左作倾侧动作,就将方向舵向左转,左侧副翼翘起,右侧副翼下弯,飞机向左倾斜;向右相反.


根本不是同样的东西。Elevator 特指电梯,或者升降机,是一种机械设备stairwell特指建筑中为建造水泥(也可以是混凝土,钢结构)楼梯留下的竖井,一般的楼梯空间就可以是stairwell.



elevator怎么读 英语elevator怎么读

1、elevator英[u02c8elu026aveu026atu0259(r)]美[u02c8elu026aveu026atu0259r]n.电梯; (飞行器的)升降舵。 2、[例句]Its on the fifth floor, so wed better take the elevator.那是在五楼上,我们最好乘电梯。


电梯英文elevator如下:古希腊时期,剧场中使用的升降装置就是“lift”这个概念。后来,到了公元前70年,罗马大角斗场(也称作“罗马斗兽场”、“罗马竞技场”)沿用了这个升降装置,用于把斗兽用的野兽抬到地面上,同时就也沿用“lift”这个概念。1861年,美国人Elisha Otis申请了一项可以说是重新定义了升降梯的专利。这项安全技术的发明人Elisha Otis给自己的产品上了取了一个名字,也就是“elevator”。所以电梯的英文是elevator。


elevator [英]u02c8elu026aveu026atu0259(r) [美]u02c8u025blu0259u02ccvetu025an. 电梯;升降机(美);谷仓[例句]Prepare your " elevator speech ."2.准备好“电梯演讲稿”。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


elevator的意思是电梯,升降机。一、elevator的中文翻译及音标英音 ["eliveitu0259] ;美音 ["eliveitu0259] 。二、英语解释lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building the airfoil on the tailplane of an aircraft that makes it ascend or descend.三、相似短语apex elevator 根尖挺、apron elevator 平板提升机、bucket elevator 斗式开运器,斗式升运机,斗式提升机,多斗式提升机,铲斗升降机、dental elevator 牙挺、elevator angle 升降舵偏转角、elevator balance 升降机平衡、elevator bar 防磨凸块、elevator belt 提升带、elevator cage 升降吊笼,电梯车厢、elevator car 电梯车厢。

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