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arigato什么意思? 那国语言?



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辐射3 初期哪里买房子和武器? 在MEGATOWN

本人辐射3玩N边```LZ只需要开始把开锁技能点到100 小型枪械和修理点到50 前期无敌的```不用买武器``纯属浪费钱```1把猎枪无敌暴头流```枪都是抢来的好-0-

repudiatory breach是什么意思

repudiatory breach实质性毁约毁约性违约毁约性违约(repudiatory breach)是英美国家判定合同解除的基本标准


作为doTERRA AromaTouch Technique芳香调理按摩的重要环节之一,doTERRA的专利按摩精油AromaTouch通过结合特别的精油配方, 为按摩过程增添效益, 并提供舒适和放松效果 。主要功效 舒缓身心与放松效用 帮助减少紧绷感 为舒缓按摩增添芳香体验成分 丝柏、薄荷、马郁兰、罗勒、葡萄柚皮、薰衣草精油香氛 净化、清新、薄荷香、脂粉香精油介绍 芳香调理复方精油为doTERRA的专利按摩精油,结合多种具放松与舒缓身心等独特效用的精油。 芳香调理复方精油 含有丝柏、薄荷、马郁兰、罗勒、葡萄柚和薰衣草精油 ,此完善配方能为各式各样的按摩手法带来举足轻重的功效。 这款广受欢迎的精油是doTERRA芳香调理技术的关键,而此专利技术则是 透过涂抹精油创造身心平衡的深度体验。 用途 涂抹于颈部与肩处,以利促进放松及减少紧绷或者搭配基底油按摩使用。 借由手部芳香调理技术及芳香调理复方精油为亲朋好友进行手部按摩。 滴入镁盐(浴盐),享受泡澡时光。使用方式 外用:在所需部位涂抹1-2滴精油。搭配doTERRA分馏椰子油稀释使用减少过敏反应。 日常使用方法 1)涂抹在颈部和肩膀,以促进放松及减低紧张感,最好用数滴椰子油打底再按摩。 2)使用芳香调理精油配合数滴椰子油来帮助所爱的人做手部放松, 3)在忙碌、充满压力的一天后,滴入热水中泡澡,释放疲劳和压力。 注意事项 可能会引起肌肤过敏。放置处应远离孩童。怀孕、哺乳或接受治疗者,请先咨询医师再使用。避免接触眼睛、内耳等敏感部位。使用后 12 小时内请远离阳光或紫外线照射。

atop和top,await 和wait,arouse和rouse,arise和rise有什么区别

呵呵,这个东东做题的时候就是会经常的遇到. 简言之,rise是vi,raise是vt. raise单独考的时候常考它的偏义,如栽培,种植,出产(谷类等);饲养(家畜等);养育,教育(子女)。建造,建立(纪念碑等),造起(房子). arise是vi,一般取发生之意, 如:Questions arose. 问题发生了。 经常考它的短语:arise from,由于. Accidents arise from carelessness. 事故往往起因于疏忽。 而arouse 用及物动词时 1.唤醒。 2.唤起,引起。 3.鼓励,激发。 arouse suspicion 引起猜疑。 arouse sb. from sleep 唤醒某人。 不及物动词 睡醒。但是一般不会考这个意思的:)

doulci activator2.3(doulci activator)

您好,现在我来为大家解答以上的问题。doulci activator2.3,doulci activator相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、解锁... 您好,现在我来为大家解答以上的问题。doulci activator2.3,doulci activator相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、解锁方法一:刷机重新输入ROM。 2、可以让设置的密码锁消除,前提是你会刷机。 3、解锁方法二:双wipe 从刷机爱 好者的 专业角度来理解可以认为是一种对手机数据擦除 的操作。 4、关于wipe是什么意思比 较专业的解答为:wipe就是恢复了 出厂设置 的意思,包括联系人、短信、安装的软件 等全部删除。 5、俗称硬启,恢复出厂设 置。 6、注意:wipe后 app2sd和root权限需要重新做。 7、而 且app2sd重要的分 区步骤也要重新来过 。 8、双wipe就是双wipe是指清楚缓存 和内存数据。 9、解锁方法三:利用adb 删除忘记的锁屏 密码 操作步骤:手机连接电脑,不打开数据连接,在充电模式下进行。 10、在电脑上解压adb.zip后,把adb文件放在电脑C盘根目录下。 11、进行操作,删除*.key文件。 12、输入a b reboot或者手动重启手机生效。

坐在沙发上,用in the couch还是on the couch,想强调人物窝在沙发里看电视,是个couch potato

in the couch

请问couch potato是什么意思?


Being a couch potato is ok right now.是什么意思?


a couch potato是什么意思


couch potato 歌词翻译


what is a cough-potato的汉语翻译


a couch potato的含义



CouchPotato Couch指的是沙发,Potato就是指土豆。CouchPotato是指那些一有时间就坐在沙发上面看电视的人。他们坐在那里一声也不吭,一动也不动,就像一个土豆一样。

couch potato 是什么意思?


couch potato 什么意思

终日懒散在家的人 哈哈 不要做这样得人呀

couch potato是什么意思

电视业的发展,特别是有线电视的普及给人们支配闲暇时间提供了便利。于是随之出现了一类喜欢花大把时间坐着或躺着看电视的人,我们可以将这类人称为“电视迷”,英文的表达方式就是couch potato。couch指坐卧两用的长沙发,potato指土豆,所以“沙发土豆”实际上是个不折不扣的“电视迷”。

为啥子英语老师把It is common to see that a couch potato sit in front of TV改为


couch potato的由来

“沙发土豆”这一译法,是1976年美国人罗伯特u2022阿姆斯特朗的一位朋友创造出来的,因为它简洁而且形象,生动,便广为传播。20世纪80年代早期,阿姆斯特朗还为“沙发土豆”一词做了商标注册。1993年,这个词被收入《牛津英语词典》。现在“沙发土豆”已经常见诸报章和网络。不仅进入美国人的词汇,也逐渐被汉语世界和国内读者接纳。“土豆”一词有双重含义,一是指终日在沙发上看电视的人就像“种在沙发前的土豆”一样不动,一是指这类人一般总是在看电视的同时不停地吃炸土豆片。说某人是“沙发土豆”,通常是批评这种不健康的方式。   “沙发土豆”的生活方式早在20世纪六十年代就开始流行美国,后来又传遍西方各国,并进入日渐西化的日本及喜欢跟潮流的中国,成为极其重要的“致胖因素”,对人们的形象和健康带来严重的不利影响。 (沙发土豆=couch potato)

英语短语couch potato是什么意思?

指的是那些每天泡在电视机前吃炸薯片的人群,类似的还有mouse potato,指的是泡在电脑前面的人群。这类短语是在表示一种不健康的生活方式,倒不是一定是要看电视吃薯片。

"couch potatoes"是什么意思?


couch Potato是什么意思?

Couch是沙发的意思,Potato--土豆在英文俚语很多时候用来指人。比如 A small potato即是无足轻重的人,Clean Potato品行端庄的人,a hot potato烫手山芋--难应付的事或对付的人。所以Couch Potato就是指身子陷入沙发,整天看电视的人。该俚语出现于20世纪90年代,非常形象。换在今天大概要指那些坐在沙发上时刻盯着手机的人吧。

我跪求 德军军歌大联唱 (37分钟版) 的简谱 或五线谱,发到ss.per@163.com或


请教这个问题 无法从“std::_Vector_iterator”转换为“std::string *”


Purolator courier 的中文意思?


Purolator Courier是什么快递公司?在国内有吗?请指教!

Purolator Courier Ltd 所属行业:服务业·快递服务 所在地区:加拿大·多伦多 联系地址:P O Box 1100, Etobicoke, M9C 5K2 联系电话:(416)266-5568 国内好象没有服务机构,这是他的网站自己去看看吧,要不你打电话问问

dd wrt刷tomato前没有清nvram,导致登陆密码错误.本来的密码是root,现在死活进不去路由管理界面





电梯英文escalator的读音是_esk_le_t_r。例句:I took my son to take the escalator。我抱着儿子去坐自动扶梯。The escalator in the mall is out of order。商场的自动扶梯出故障了。Elderly people and children need to be more careful when taking escalators。老人和小孩在坐自动扶梯的时候要多加小心。


n.自动扶梯变形复数: escalators1.I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator.我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。2.I don"t like escalator — I"ll climb the stairs.我不喜欢自动扶梯,我要爬楼梯.3.You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot.你可以搭电梯上去,但要自己走下来.请采纳,谢谢


这么跟你说吧:assassin 是指刺客, 就当做是一个职业,就像医生啊, 之类的assassinator 是指已得手的刺客,比如说, A刺杀了B,那么A就是 B的assassinator

Flo Rida的Elevator歌词翻译

嘿女童您comin "让我看看你的comin "与我嘿女童您comin , "来就… 跟我的女孩,让我告诉你的女孩得到你停留在我的电梯。 得到它。就我ehh o ehh哦。 嗨我的第一个步骤, FLO技术想要一个黄金挖女子钱的现金流量,所有大所面临的蜂蜜frontin "在地板上了他们的D -男孩运行shorty得到双方爆发,不能见什么的comin " 他们穿苹果屁股,磨损他们的苹果屁股蜂蜜Dolce和Gabbana和她起来,对我的钱Louie ,冯看到胡萝卜对她的手腕,现在她皮条客的错误宾妮巴尔用于日期肯伊,现在她想我虽然我叫起我的果汁要考虑我的法院组织这是不是她的生日与她名下的蛋糕如果我发挥以往任何时候都为A级得到你停留在我我的电梯得到它,就我的电梯看一看! 第一楼,停留在黄金挖掘机二楼,停留在毛钱一块三楼,停留在遮光罩大鼠四楼,怪胎,这我不知道原因她的坚持对我的艾拉,电子艾拉- vator 她的坚持对我的艾拉,电子艾拉- vator 她的坚持对我的艾拉,电子艾拉- vator 她的坚持对我的… 她的宝贝,指甲包,她的宝贝头发试剂盒她的宝贝,一古驰袋,她的全新装备停留在我的电梯,她就在二楼现在我要你打破它,把它的DJ了一些更嘿,毛一块的女孩转向互联网hottie 小妈妈得到最模型机构南湾泳滩,鼓吹投掷回一说,巴卡我会打赌你认为,全新的fararri 得到你停留在我我的电梯得到它,就我的电梯看一看! 第一楼,停留在黄金挖掘机二楼,停留在毛钱一块三楼,停留在遮光罩大鼠四楼,怪胎,这我不知道,事业… 她的坚持对我的艾拉,电子艾拉- vator 她的坚持对我的艾拉,电子艾拉- vator 她的坚持对我的艾拉,电子艾拉- vator 她的坚持就我我在三楼停留在遮光罩大鼠的魅力削减,采取男童hollyhood法的魅力短期网球裙,现在她让我在开发区内紧刀,撞低铃声卷起来不吸烟亚利桑那州一晚一晚的立场与氏族有一天晚上,一时间打破了她的10个小康的宏伟。 所有项目的方式杜仲所有天shorty不假,她将把它在你的脸三个故事,而他们遮光罩大鼠谨...

Elevators (Me & You) 歌词

歌曲名:Elevators (Me & You)歌手:Outkast专辑:AtliensElevatorFlo-Rida (ft. Timbaland)lyrics By Larry ChengHey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with meHey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with meHey Girl you"re comin" with me your comin" with meHey Girl you"re comin," come on…Talk to me girl, Let me tell you girlGot you stuck on my elevator.Get it up. On my ehh o ehh oh.HeyMy first flo step want a gold digging womanMoney cash flow all big faced honeysFrontin" on the floor got them d-boys runningShorty got both broke can"t see what"s comin"Wear them apple bottoms, wear them apple bottoms honeyDolce and Gabbana and she get up on my moneyLouie VonSee the carrots on her wrist now she pimps bugs bunnyUsed to date Kanye now she want meWhile I got my juice wanna take my OJIt ain"t her birthday with her name on a cakeIf I ever play for grade AGot you stuck on myOn my elevatorGet it up, on my elevatorCheck it out!First floor, stuck on the gold diggerSecond floor, stuck on the dime pieceThird floor, stuck on the hood ratFourth floor, freak it I don"t know causeShe"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on my …She gotta nail kit, she gotta hair kitShe gotta a Gucci bag, her brand new outfitStuck on my elevator, she on the second floorNow I want you to break it down, DJ turn it up some moreHey, dime piece girl turned to Internet hottieLittle mama got that top model bodySouth Beach preach throwing back-a-that bacardiI"ll bet you that brand new FararriGot you stuck on myOn my elevatorGet it up, on my elevatorCheck it out!First floor, stuck on the gold diggerSecond floor, stuck on the dime pieceThird floor, stuck on the hood ratFourth floor, freak it I don"t know, cause…She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on myMy third floor stuck on the hood rat charmCut, take boy Hollyhood act charmShort tennis skirt, now she got me in the zonetight broach, bump the low ring toneRoll up don"t smoke arizonaOne night stand one night with the clanOne night, one time broke her off 10 grand.Project all the way gutta all dayShorty don"t fake she"ll put it in your faceThree stories while them hood rats begGot you stuck on myOn my elevatorGet it up, on my elevatorCheck it out!First floor, stuck on the gold diggerSecond floor, stuck on the dime pieceThird floor, stuck on the hood ratFourth floor, freak it I don"t know, cause…She"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on my ella, e-ella-vatorShe"s stuck on my …

主要统计指标解释Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

勘查许可证数 是指有管辖权的探矿登记管理机关,按照法定的审批、发证权限,依法颁发的有效探矿许可证个数和注销的探矿许可证数。有效(勘查许可证) 是指报告期末有效的勘查许可证,包括新立、变更、延续和其他有效勘查许可证。新立(勘查许可证) 是指在未获得探矿权的区域,申请人提交材料,报经登记管理机关批准登记,在报告期内取得探矿权的过程,其批准的勘查许可证即为新立。注销(勘查许可证) 包括探矿权人正常申请注销、转采的勘查许可证。登记面积(勘查许可证) 是指勘查登记管理机关颁发的勘查许可证载明的区块面积的总和。计量单位平方千米。探矿权使用费 是指国家将矿产资源探矿权出让给探矿权人,按法律规定向探矿权人收取的使用费。按报告期收取数统计。探矿权出让 是指在报告期内国土资源主管部门通过申请在先、协议、招标、拍卖和挂牌等方式,把探矿权出让给探矿权申请人的行为。申请在先 是指受让方(探矿权使用者)提出申请,出让方(政府)按照法定的审批权限,依法办理的探矿权登记,并获得勘查许可证。协议出让(探矿权) 是指主管部门通过协议方式把探矿权出让给探矿权人的活动,探矿权人获得勘查许可证。招拍挂出让(探矿权) 是指主管部门通过招标、拍卖和挂牌方式出让探矿权的活动,探矿权人获得勘查许可证。招标(探矿权) 是指主管部门发布招标公告,邀请特定或者不特定的投标人参加投标,根据投标结果确定探矿权中标人的活动,探矿权人获得勘查许可证。拍卖(探矿权) 是指主管部门发布拍卖公告,由符合探矿权申请人资质条件的竞买人在指定时间、地点进行公开竞价,根据出价结果确定探矿权竞得人的活动,探矿权人获得勘查许可证。挂牌(探矿权) 是指主管部门发布挂牌公告,在挂牌公告规定的期限和场所接受竞买人的报价申请并更新挂牌价格,根据挂牌期限截止时的出价结果,确定探矿权竞得人的活动,探矿权人获得勘查许可证。价款金额(探矿权) 是指协议、招标、拍卖、挂牌出让探矿权的评估或成交金额。探矿权转让 是指报告期内经探矿权登记管理机关批准转让并办理了变更登记手续的探矿权数量和转让的金额。采矿许可证数 是指有管辖权的采矿登记管理机关,按照法定的审批、发证权限,依法颁发的有效采矿许可证个数和注销的采矿许可证数。有效(采矿许可证) 是指报告期末有效的采矿许可证,包括新立、变更、延续和其他有效采矿许可证。新立(采矿许可证) 是指在未获得采矿权的区域,申请人提交材料,报经登记管理机关批准登记,在报告期内取得采矿权的过程,其批准的采矿许可证即为新立。注销(采矿许可证) 是指采矿权人需要停止生产,关闭矿山,依法申请注销采矿权的数量。生产规模 是指各矿种采矿权登记生产规模的总和。仅按矿种分列时填写,单位以各矿种标准单位填写,固体矿产按万吨/年,气体矿产按万立方米/年计,地下水按立方米/日计。其中:新立矿山生产规模是指新立采矿证登记的矿山设计生产规模;有效的矿山生产规模是指报告期末有效的采矿证所登记的矿山设计生产规模。登记面积(采矿许可证) 是指勘查登记、采矿登记管理机关依法划定的探矿权的区块面积、采矿权的矿区面积的总和。单位按平方千米填写。采矿权使用费 是指国家将矿产资源采矿权出让给采矿权人,按法律规定向采矿权人收取的使用费。按报告期收取数统计。采矿权出让 是指在报告期内国土资源主管部门通过探矿权转采矿权、协议、招标、拍卖和挂牌等方式,把采矿权出让给采矿权申请人的行为。探矿权转采矿权 是指报告期内探矿权人在其勘查许可证范围内,将探矿权申请转为采矿权,并获得采矿许可证。协议出让(采矿权) 是指出让方(采矿权管理机关)按照法律法规的规定采取非竞争性的方式,以协议方式出让采矿权给特定对象的活动,并获得采矿许可证。招拍挂出让(采矿权) 是指采矿权人通过招标出让、拍卖出让、挂牌出让三种方式获得采矿权并取得采矿许可证。招标(采矿权) 是指主管部门发布招标公告,邀请特定或者不特定的投标人参加投标,根据投标结果确定采矿权中标人的活动,并获得采矿许可证。拍卖(采矿权) 是指主管部门发布拍卖公告,由符合采矿权申请人资质条件的竞买人在指定时间、地点进行公开竞价,根据出价结果确定采矿权竞得人的活动,并获得采矿许可证。挂牌(采矿权) 是指主管部门发布挂牌公告,在挂牌公告规定的期限和场所接受竞买人的报价申请并更新挂牌价格,根据挂牌期限截止时的出价结果,确定采矿权竞得人的活动,并获得采矿许可证。个数(采矿权出让) 是指采矿权的出让数量,以“个”计量。价款金额(采矿权出让) 是指协议、招标、拍卖、挂牌出让采矿权合同中签订的合同金额。采矿权转让 是指报告期内经采矿权登记管理机关批准转让并办理了变更登记手续的采矿权数量和转让的金额。越界开采 是指采矿权人超越批准的矿区范围进行的采矿活动,包括越层开采。非法转让采矿权 是指违背《探矿权采矿权转让管理办法》第三条第二款规定的其他采矿权转让的。不按规定缴纳矿产资源补偿费 指矿山企业没有按有关法规规定按期、足额缴纳矿产资源补偿费。破坏性开采 是指采矿权人违背开采顺序、合理开采方法及工艺进行的采富弃贫、采易弃难等破坏矿产资源的开采活动。其他(开采) 是指上述各项之外的违法采矿活动。本年结案 是指本年内查处完毕并结案的案件数。吊销勘查许可证 依法由原颁发勘查许可证的主管机关吊销勘查许可证的件数。吊销采矿许可证 依法由原颁发采矿许可证的主管机关吊销采矿许可证的件数。罚没款 是指各级地质矿产主管部门对矿产资源勘查、开采违法活动立案查处并处以罚款的处罚金额。本年未结案件 是指报告期内未能结案需要转到下一年度继续处理的案件。上年未结案件 是指上一年度对勘查、开采登记范围的案件已经立案,但尚未查处或未查处完毕,需在本年继续查处的案件数。本年立案 是指本年度对勘查、开采登记违法案件立案查处的案件数。分为勘查和开采两类。以“件”计量。无证勘查 是指未依法取得勘查许可证而进行勘查的活动。越界勘查 是指探矿权人超越批准勘查的区块范围进行的勘查活动。非法转让探矿权 是指违反《探矿权采矿权转让管理办法》规定的探矿权转让行为。非法批准 是指负责矿产资源监督管理工作的国家工作人员或其他有关国家工作人员违反矿产资源法律法规的规定,擅自批准勘查、开采矿产资源和颁发勘查许可证、采矿许可证的行为。其他(勘查) 是指上述各项之外的其他违法勘查活动。无证开采 是指未依法取得采矿许可证的非法采矿活动。Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical IndicatorsNumber of exploration licenses — refers to the number of valid exploration licenses issued and the number of exploration licenses cancelled by the exploration registration administration agency with jurisdictional power according to law within the prescribed limits of examining and approving and license-issuing authority.Valid (exploration license) — refers to the valid exploration licenses at the end of the reporting period, including those that have been newly issued, modified or continued and other valid exploration licenses.Newly issued (exploration license) — refers to the exploration license approved through the following process: in an area where no exploration right has been granted, the applicant submits material to the registration administration agency and obtains the exploration right during the reporting period after approval and registration.Cancelled (exploration license) — The cancelled exploration licenses include that for which the exploration right holder normally applies for cancellation or change of it into the mining license.Registered area (exploration license) — refers to the total sum of the block areas specified in the exploration license issues by the exploration registration administration agency.Royalty of exploration right — refers to the royalty charged to the exploration right holder according to relevant regulations, when the mineral resource exploration right is granted by the government to the exploration right holder. Statistic survey is made based on the royalties charged during the reporting period.Granting of the exploration right — refers to various acts through which the mineral exploration right is granted by the land and resources administration department to the applicant for the exploration right through the ways of first application, agreement, bidding, auction, and listing during the reporting period.First application — means that: the assignee (exploration right holder) submits the application for the exploration right and the assignor (government) handles the registration of the exploration right according to law within the prescribed limits of examining and approving authority, and then the assignee obtains the exploration license.Granting through agreement (exploration right) — refers to the act through which the administration department grants the exploration right to the exploration right holder in the way of agreement, and the exploration right holder obtains the exploration license.Granting through bidding, auction, and listing (exploration right) — refers to the acts through which the administration department grants the exploration right in the ways of bidding, auction, and listing, and the exploration right holder obtains the exploration license.Granting through bidding (exploration right) — refers to the act through which the administrative authorities issue a notice of invitation for bid to invite specially or not specially designated bidders to participate in the bidding, and the warded bidder for the exploration right is determined according to the result of the bidding. The exploration right holder obtains the exploration license.Granting through auction (exploration right) — refers to the act through which the administrative authorities issue a notice of invitation for auction, while the bidders qualified to be applicants for the exploration right may participate in open competition at the prescribed time and locality and the warded bidder for the exploration or mining right is determined according to the result of the price offer. The exploration right holder obtains the exploration license.Granting through listing (exploration right) — refers to the act through which the administrative authorities issue a notice of listing, and receive the offer applications of the bidders and renew the listed prices in the time limit and locality prescribed by the notice, and the warded bidder for the exploration right is determined according to the price offer at the closing date of the listing time limit. The exploration right holder obtains the exploration license.Amount of price value (exploration right) — refers to the amount of money evaluated or determined through transaction for assigning the exploration right through agreement, bidding, auction, and listing.Transfer of the exploration right — refers to the number of exploration rights that have been transferred and gone through the procedures of registration alteration after approval of the exploration right registration administration department during the reporting period and the amount of transfer.Number of mining licenses — refers to the number of valid mining licenses issued and the number of mining licenses cancelled by the mining registration administration agency with jurisdictional power according to law within the prescribed limits of examining and approving and license-issuing authority.Valid (mining license) — refers to the valid mining licenses at the end of the reporting period, including those that have been newly issued, modified or continued and other valid mining licenses.Newly issued (mining license) — refers to the mining license approved through the following process: in an area where no mining right has been granted, the applicant submits material to the registration administration agency and obtains the mining right during the reporting period after approval and registration.Cancelled (mining license) — refers to the number of mining rights which the mining right holder applies for canceling according to law because he needs to stop production and close the mine.Production scale — refers to the total sum of the productions registered by the mining rights of various minerals. It is filled in according to minerals. The units are filled in according to the standard units of various minerals: 104t/yr for solid minerals; 104m3/yr for gas minerals; m3/day for groundwater. The production scale of the mine whose mining right is newly obtained refers to that in the mine design registered in the newly issued mining license; the valid production scale refers to that in the mine design registered in the valid mining license at the end of the reporting period.Registered area (mining license) — refers to the total sum of the area of blocks with the exploration right and the area of the mining area with the mining right defined by the administration agency in charge of exploration and mining registration. The unit is km2.Royalty of mining right — refers to the royalty charged to the mining right holder according to relevant regulations, when the mineral resource mining right is granted by the government to the mining right holder. Statistics is made based on the royalties charged during the reporting period.Assigning of the mining right (mining right) — refers to various acts through which the mining right is assigned by the land and resources administration department to the applicant for the mining right through the ways of change of the exploration right into the mining right, agreement, bidding, auction, and listing during the reporting period.Change of the exploration right into the mining right — means that the exploration right holder applies for changing the exploration right into the mining right in his exploration license scope during the reporting period and obtains the mining license.Assigning through agreement (mining right) — refers to the act through which the assignor(mining right administration agency) grants the mining right to the particular individual or organization by adopting the noncompetitive way through agreement according to the provisions of law and the latter obtains the mining license.Assigning through bidding, action, and listing (mining right) — refers to the acts through which the mining right holder obtains the mining right and the mining license in the ways of assigning through bidding, auction, and listing.Assigning through bidding (mining right) — refers to the act through which the administrative authorities issue a notice of invitation for bid to invite specially or not specially designated bidders to participate in the bidding, and the warded bidder for the mining right is determined according to the result of the bidding. The mining right holder obtains the mining license.Assigning through auction (mining right) — refers to the act through which the administrative authorities issue a notice of invitation for auction, while the bidders qualified to be applicants for the mining right may participate in open competition at the prescribed time and locality and the warded bidder for the mining or mining right is determined according to the result of the price offer. The mining right holder obtains the mining license.Assigning through listing (mining right) — refers to the act through which the administrative authorities issue a notice of listing, and receive the offer applications of the bidders and renew the listed prices in the time limit and locality prescribed by the notice, and the warded bidder for the mining right is determined according to the price offer at the closing date of the listing time limit. The mining right holder obtains the mining license.Number — refers to the number of assignings of mining rights.Amount of price value (mining right) — refers to the contractual amount of money specified in the contract of assigning the mining right through agreement, bidding, auction, and listing.Transfer of the mining right — refers to the number of mining rights that have been transferred and gone through the procedures of registration alteration after approval of the mining right registration administration department during the reporting period and the amount of transfer.Cross-border mining — refers to mining operations carried out by a mining right holder beyond the approved limits of his mining area, including cross-bed mining operations.Illegal transfer of the mining right — refers to the act through which the mining right is transferred in violation of Section 2 of Article 3 of the “Regulations for Transferring Exploration Rights and Mining Rights”.Not pay mineral resource compensation according to the rule — refers to a mine enterprise that does not pay the full mineral resource compensation on schedule according to the rule.Destructive mining — refers to wasteful mining operations by a mining right holder that depart from the rational mining sequence or appropriate mining methods and technologies and are destructive to mineral resources.Others (mining) — refer to other illegal mining operations except the above-mentioned items.Case settled this year — refers to the number of cases inves

Atomic Kitten的《Cradle》 歌词

歌曲:Cradle歌手:Atomic KittenI will rock you like a baby lover cradled in my armsI will keep you safe from danger shelter you from harmThere will never be another lover treats you like I doWe can drift into forever on a love taht "s made for twoDon"t you ever say this love"s not specialDon"t you ever think it"s not essentialBabyI was only thinking of youHoping you were thinking of meTow hearts beating just like one against the worldBaby I am always dreaming of youHoping you are dreaming of meI could never live one day without your loveI will kiss you like an angel baby cradled in my wingsI will take you up to heaven show you precious thingsIf you promise that you love meIf you promise that you careI will be here for you always and forever this I swearNow you say you wanna loveBut you don"t think you believe itJust open up your heartAnd you know you will receive itOh babyBaby don"t you ever think this love not specialNoDon"t you ever think it"s not essentialI was only I was only I was only thinking of youI was only I was onlyI was only thinging oh baby


trafilato拉丝drawnadj. 疲惫的; 憔悴的; 互无胜负的; 拔出鞘的; v. 绘画( draw的过去分词); 拖; 拉; 拔出;

i would like some bananas and tomatoes

I"d like some ( ) and ( ).A.broccoli,tomatoes 这道题选择A 理由:porridge和 broccoli都是不可数名词 vegetable和tomato是可数名词复数分别是,vegetables和tomatoes 有什么不明白可以继续问,随时在线等.




1.6.1 层型定义指一个已命名的地层单位或地层界线的原始或后来被指定作为对比标准的地层剖面或界线。在一套(或段)特定的岩层序列内,层型代表其中一个特定的地层间隔,或一个特定的点,它构成了定义和识别该地层单位或所确定的地层界线的标准。这个特定的地层间隔就是地层单位的单位层型(unit-stratotype);这个特定点位就是界线层型点(boundary-stratotype point)(见图1.6.1b)。1.6.2 单位层型主要用于岩石地层单位或区域年代地层单位,说明成层地层单位的典型剖面,用做该单位定义和特征说明的参考标准,对于出露状况良好的完整的成层地层单位,其单位层型的上、下界线分别由界线层型定义(见图1.6.1a)。单位层型有如下5种:正层型(Holostratotype):原作者在提出地层单位或界线时所指定的原始层型。副层型(Parastratotype):原作者在使用原定义解释正层型时所用的补充层型。图1.6.1a-岩石地层单位(B组)的单位层型和界线层型;b-年代地层单位的界线层型,岩石层序中的界线层型点确定了B阶的下界选层型(Lectostratotype):命名地层单位时没有指定层型,原作者或他人后来选择指定的层型。新层型(Neostratotype):因正层型被毁坏或无法接近而重新指定的一个层型。次层型(Hypostratotype):为扩展正副层型的概念或界线,在正、选、新层型所在地之外所建立的做参考用的层型。次层型也称参考剖面。参考剖面(Reference section)有时在定义或修订正式地层单位时非常重要。对于已被公认的但原先没有指定层型的地层单位,可以建立一个主参考剖面(principal reference section)(即《国际地层指南》,1994年第2版所指的选层型),对于已被毁坏或由于其他原因而无法接近的单位层型或界线层型,也可以建立一个主参考剖面(即《国际地层指南》,1994年第2版所指的新层型)。1.6.3 界线层型主要用于全球年代地层单位,构成两个年代地层单位之间界线的定义和识别标准。通常由国际权威机构批准,以全球界线层型剖面和层型点(Global Stratotype Section and Point,即GSSP)表示。如果为了更好地理解在不同的相或古地理背景下的单位或界线,而需要一些参考剖面及参考点时,可以定义一个辅助层型(auxiliary stratotype)或为全球层型剖面和点位(GSSP)定义一个辅助层型剖面和层型点(Auxiliary Stratotype Section and Point,即ASSP)。该辅助层型点从属于全球界线层型剖面和点(GSSP)。此外,由一个以上分开在不同剖面上的地层间隔联合组成的单位层型称为复合层型(Composite-stratotype)。构成复合层型的任一间隔称做组分层型(Component-stratotype)。

bronson laboratories是什么意思

bronson laboratories布朗森实验室laboratoriesn.实验室( laboratory的名词复数 ); 例句:1.Some scientists now are turning the commercial games themselves into laboratories of learning. 如今,一些科研人员正在将商业游戏本身转变为研究学习的实验室。






#04 到时候向他问个好米特奥拉建立拥有从世界法则中脱离的能力的“物语世界的居民”=被造物在现实中持续干涉下去的话,将引起现实世界毁灭“大崩溃”的假说。通过自身登场的游戏,她感受到了造物主不仅深爱着作品,也爱着玩游戏的人们,为了保护造物主深爱的人们而决定阻止“大崩溃”。另一方面,在军装的公主身边的《绯色的爱丽丝特莉娅》的主人公爱丽丝特莉娅·菲布拉里,捉到了自身的造物主,但——#05 比任何地方都要冰冷的此处水底松原他们收到脚本家中乃钟昌明的联络,于是访问他家。《无限神机Monomagia》的主人公,鹿屋瑠伟在那里出现了。在一行人对今后的事进行讨论时,突然受到自卫队的袭击,并被带去进行着被造物出现的现象调查的对策的特别事态对策会议现场。与这个会议上担任统括调整官的菊地原亜希谈话的米特奥拉等人,为了阻止“大崩溃”,开始着手来到现实的被造物的接触和他们的创造主的保护,还有军服的公主和她的创造主的搜寻。#06 人生苦短 恋爱吧少女米特奥拉等人察觉到了新的被造物的现界。但是,在现场并没有被造物的身影,仅剩下了被惨杀的尸体。另一方面,同米特奥拉等人一样为了拉拢被造物为伙伴而行动的茉美香和爱丽丝特莉娅与《夜窗鬼录》的筑城院真鉴相遇。茉美香本想邀请她做伙伴,但爱丽丝特莉娅感受到从真鉴那飘过来血腥味。追踪真鉴到这里的赛蕾嘉她们赶过来,双方发生了激烈的冲突。

如何阻止win10 Fall Creators从安装更新










re creators最后阿尔泰尔结局怎么样?




windows 10 creators update是1703版本吗

windows 10 creators update 是 1703 版本的升级。也就是“创意者”版本。

win10 creators update 是什么版本

win10 creators update创意者更新 ,方式是借助Update Assistant(Windows易升),需要通过这款官方软件手动检查。目前快速版会员已经收到了Build 15063.14,显然更加稳定。创意者更新值得一说的亮点有:1、新开始菜单(支持文件夹、支持隐藏程序列表等)2、Edge加入标签缩略图预览、标签归置、直接打开Epub电纸书等3、主题功能丰富4、原生“屏幕防蓝光模式”,支持强度调节5、Game Mode(游戏模式)和Beam直播如果还是不能解决这个问题,个人建议先重装Windows操作系统,没有什么软件问题是重做系统解决不了的。具体的图文教程可以百度搜索“系统119”,然后操作【有问题请你追问我】如果帮到你,请选为满意答案吧。


creatorsn.创造者,创作者( creator的名词复数 );[例句]We are the creators of our own thoughts.我们都是自己思想的创造者。[原型]creator

如何阻止Windows10 Fall Creators从安装更新

【windows10-家庭版】 1.在底部任务栏右键,选择任务管理器 2.打开任务管理器-服务选项卡-点击底部【打开服务】 3.找到windows update-右键属性,选择【禁用】 【windows10-专业版、企业版、教育版】 需要用到 组策略 1.在Cortana搜索栏中输入“服务”后回车 2.选择模板-windows组件-windows更新 3.按照如图选项,应用保存

adidas ts supernatural creator的几个问题

TS LIGHTSPEED是阿迪推出的第一代以签约大牌明星为主体的团队球鞋在07到08赛季的常规赛使用(不分内外线,不过期间KG换穿过另一款TS,看似像专为内线打造,而阿里纳斯则是一款特别的低帮 TS LIGHTSWITCH ,似乎阿迪在特别提拔他)TS creator是第二代团队鞋之一,第一代外线鞋,从这一代起,开始明确分内外线鞋了,创造者(外线)这款鞋出现在07到08的季后赛后08到09的常规赛前半段。TS LIGHTNING CREATORS是第三代团队鞋之一,也是第二代外线球员鞋,出现在08到09赛季后半段,包括季后赛(而DH领衔的内线已经出第四代了,也是第三代内线,阿迪有点不公平啊)TS cut creator是第四代团队鞋之一,第三带外线鞋,出现在09到10的前半段赛季(其实暑假期间就有球员穿了)TS supernatural creator是第五代团队之一,第四带外线鞋,也就是最近才出的!(其实麦迪赛初拍球队照十就穿过!)麦蒂别注版的有,但就我知道的而言,国内市面上还没有卖的吧!

recreators 岛崎刹那为什么死了


如何评价 Windows 10 Creators Update

更新了1703,总体感觉还是不错的,说说DPI缩放这块吧,Windows 10 Creator Update带来了新的DPI缩放方式,替代DPI缩放为应用程序,系统以及系统(增强)三种模式,不过在我的笔记本上的实际体验是还是原来默认的DPI缩放为应用程序靠谱,系统缩放会模糊,系统(增强)会导致字体花了。以百度云管家为例,系统采用125%缩放,分辨率1080p

shot creator什么意思

shot creator筋疲力尽的创造者creator[英][kriu02c8eu026atu0259(r)][美][kriu02c8etu025a]n.创造者,创作者; 复数:creatorsshot[英][u0283u0252t][美][u0283ɑ:t]n.射手,击球; 开枪,发射; 企图; 注射; adj.闪色的,颜色会变化的; 交织的; 渗透的; (俚语)坏透了的,筋疲力尽的; vt.射中,射击; 给…装弹; 注射; 抛出; vi.发射,射击; 突然出现; 例句:1.How better to check out the etymology of the word than to ask its creator? 还有什么比询问其创造者来查询一个单词语源更好的方法吗?

win10 creators update和win10 anniversary update区别?


Re:CREATORS 男主角为什么要创造哪个军服少女?


win10 creators update 需要怎么操作

1. 在 Windows 更新设置中找到 Preview builds(预览版本);2. 选择开始检查;3. 一旦发现有新的构建版本可用,点击下载后电脑将自动开始下载。不过这个更新非常大,需要有点耐心;4. 下载完成后,点击安装即可。

如何使用Windows 10 Creators Update启动功能来修复Windows问题

1、您的系统盘可能需要15-20G的可用空间(与升级到Windows 10类似),修复过程可能随个人情况长达数小时(一般为1-2小时),敬请稍安勿躁;2、为保证MediaCreationTool为最新版本,请勿直接使用之前下载的工具,尽量从网页重新下载;3、经过我们的测试,这个方法不会对已安装的程序和个人文件造成影响,但是为了最大限度地安全起见,仍然建议您再开始之前备份您的必要资料。4、在准备就绪,可以安装的步骤,请看清下方的文字介绍,是否选择的是“保留个人文件和应用”(如图),如果不是,说明该方法可能不适合您的情况,建议先停止操作并联系我们。

Win10 Creators什么时候推出 Windows 10 Creators免费更新么

不少用户非常关心Windows 10升级是否免费需要花费多少钱,微软在发布Win10的同时给出了答案:第一年免费! 微软解释称,在Win10发布的一年时间内,所有目

如何看待Windows 10 Creators Update

在Windows10 Creators更新中,微软带来了原生支持3D创建、3D打印、3D分享,并融合混合现实的体验,HoloLens Edge浏览器支持体验3D体验效果,另外还支持Win10 VR和4K游戏。在Win10一周年更新中,微软首次为中国中文版Windows10系统升级更新安装过程中引入了古诗词引导界面,比如“青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。正在准备更新,请勿关闭电脑。”“剑阁峥嵘而崔嵬,一夫当关,万夫莫开。这些更新能在网络环境中提供更好的保护。”等等,看起来比较新颖。在Win10 Creators Update(中文名确定为Win10创造者更新)中,微软希望能够听取到来自大家对Win10中文安装界面引导语的建议和反馈,以此作为参考进行下一个Win10创造者更新的本地化设计,

如何下载CREATORS动漫到手机里去,不要Wifi也能看 。

手机下载视频的方法有很多,可以进行如下操作: 1.使用浏览器搜索您需要的视频进行下载。 2.使用第三方视频播放器搜索需要的视频下载。 3.通过电脑下载视频,然后将手机与电脑连接,将电脑中的视频传输到手机中。 提示:由于手机支持的视频格式不同,下载前请确认手机支持的视频格式,以免下载的视频不能正常观看

win10 creators update 是什么版本?





查找creators入口的方法如下:打开 TikTok→右下u2ec6“我”或“Me”→点击右上u2ec6三个点→点击“管理账号”或“Manageaccout”→点击那排红色的字“Swtich to Pro Account”→选择Creator→选择一个你账号的类目→选择你的性别→完成。扩展资料:其实目前TikTok 共有五种账号类型,分别是:PA号:Person Account常规注册的个人号,可升级CA或BA号CA号:Creator Account内容创作者号BA号:Business Account企业号BA with Blue V:俗称蓝V号,邀请开通或广告主满足一定门槛后申请开通Ads广告账号:国内找TikTok代理商申请开通即可


creatorsn. 创造者,创作者( creator的名词复数 )




creator的意思是创造者、创作者、发明者、造物主、上帝、天主。词态变化: 复数——creators。英文词源:Supreme Being,from Anglo-French creatour, Old French creator (academic and liturgical, alongside popular creere, Modern French créateur)。例句:1、This was the first object placed in the heavens by the Creator.这是造物主置于天上的第一个物体。2、A copyright protects the creator of an original artisitic or intellectual work, such as a song or a novel.版权保护原创艺术作品或脑力劳动成果 (如歌曲或小说)的创作者。3、The cheerful 51-year-old"s story does not end with the career-making move of signing J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter"s creator.即使签下《哈利波特》的创作者J.K.罗琳,这位51岁开朗老人的故事并没有因这一事业上的举措而结束。4、Cartoon creator Fujio"s widow Masako Fujimoto said Doraemon transcends culture and language making him popular with children worldwide.卡通创作者不二雄的遗孀藤本正子称,哆拉A梦超越了文化、语言的界限,使他受到全世界孩子的喜爱。

Boolean operators是什么意思?请举几个例子!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



atom怎么实现浏览器打开open-in-browsers要这样做, 请按照下列步骤操作:1.开始,依次 运行 。2.在 运行 对话框中, 在 打开 框中, 键入以下命令, 然后单击 确定 :Regsvr 32 .exe " < < Dao360.dll_Path > > "Regsvr 32 .exe " < < Msado15.dll_Path > > "< < Dao360.dll_Path > > 占位符是 Dao 360 .dll 文件的绝对路径。< < Msado15.dll_Path > > 占位符是 Msado15.dll 文件的绝对路径。以下示例显示如何可能指定一个绝对路径:Regsvr32 .exe " C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAODao360.dll "Regsvr32 .exe " C:ProgramFilesCommon Files FilessystemadoMsado15.dll "如果成功注册 Dao 360 .dll 文件, 收到信息是类似于以下消息:C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedDAODao360.dll 中的 DllRegisterServer 成功。如果成功注册 Msado15.dll 文件, 收到信息是类似于以下消息:在 C:ProgramFilesCommon Files FilessystemadoMsado15.dll DllRegisterServer 成功。3.单击 确定 。还有就是重装程序

the mighty atom是谁

《铁臂阿童木》(日文原名:鉄腕アトム,英文译名:Astroboy或Tetsuwan Atom,又被翻译成《原子小金刚》)是日本漫画家手冢治虫创作的一部科幻漫画作品,于1952年至1968年于“光文社”的《少年》漫画杂志连载。

office drone 是什么意思啊? 原句是2011年英语专八阅读第二篇第二句。上下文For office innovators,the


throng ; naturally ;calculator ; drown 这英语用谐音怎么读?

建议还是学音标哈throng 丝柔昂naturally 奈戳累calculator 烤扣类特drown 撞昂采纳!

demi lovato《nightingale》中英文歌词


demi lovato《nightingale》中英文歌词

I can"t sleep tonight今晚我无法入眠Wide awake and so confused清醒而且感到困惑Everything"s in line一切都在轨道上But I am bruised但我却伤痕累累I need a voice to echo我需要一个声音当我的回音I need a light to take me home我需要一道光引领我回家I kinda need a hero我想我需要一个英雄Is it you?那个英雄是你吗?I never see the forest for the trees我从来没有见过森林I could really use your melody我能善用你的旋律Baby I"m a little blind宝贝 我变的有点盲目I think it"s time for you to find me我想该是时候让你找到我Can you be my nightingale?你能不能成为我的夜莺Sing to me对我唱歌I know you"re there我知道你就在那You could be my sanity你能成为我的理智Bring me peace带给我和平Sing me to sleep对我唱晚安曲Say you"ll be my nightingale说你会成为我的夜莺Somebody speak to me有人和我聊天Cause I"m feeling like hell因为我感觉身在地狱Need you to answer me需要你来回答我I"m overwhelmed我已不堪负荷I need a voice to echo我需要一个声音当我的回音I need a light to take me home我需要一道光引领我回家I need a star to follow我需要星光的指引I don"t know我真的不知道该怎么做I never see the forest for the trees我从来没见过森林I could really use your melody我能善用你的旋律Baby I"m a little blind宝贝 我变的有点盲目I think it"s time for you to find me我想该是时候让你找到我Can you be my nightingale?你能成为我的夜莺吗?Sing to me对我唱歌I know you"re there我知道你就在那You could be my sanity你能成为我的理智Bring me peace带给我和平Sing me to sleep对我唱晚安曲Say you"ll be my nightingale说你会成为我的夜莺I don"t know what I"d do without you我不知道没有你我会怎么做Your words are like a whisper come through你的话语像耳语般传来As long as you are with me here tonight今晚只要你和我在一起I"m good一切都会没事Can you be my nightingale?你能成为我的夜莺吗?Still so close依然如此接近I know you"re there我知道你就在那Oh, nightingale喔 夜莺You sing to me你对我唱歌I know you"re there我知道你就在那"Cause baby you"re my sanity因为宝贝 你就是我的理智You bring me peace你带给我和平Sing me to sleep对我唱晚安曲Say you"ll be my nightingale说你会成为我的夜莺Oh喔Mm, mm嗯~ 嗯~Mm嗯~
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