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repeat 语句用于“重复执行循环体,一直到指定的条件为真时为止”。语法格式为: repeat 语句1; …… 语句n; until 布尔表达式; repeat重复基本上有和while重复一样的描述循环计算的能力,但有一些不同:在repeat语句的结构中,布尔表达式求值在计算操作之后,而while语句中,布尔表达式求值在计算操作之前,也就是说repeat至少执行一次循环体。while语句的成分语句只能是一个语句。因此,当重复动作包含多个语句时,要用begin和end ,使它变成一个复合语句。而repeat语句的保留字repeat和until已经起语句括号作用,可以包含多个语句而无须begin和end。repeat语句中,当布尔表达式为true时结束循环,而while语句中,是当表达式为false时才结束循环。当描述由计算操作后的情况确定重复是否继续进行的计算时,通常用repeat语句描述。



Repeat password是什么意思

Repeat password重复密码Repeat重复双语对照repeat是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和动词,可以翻译为复述,重复,等等。 例句:1.You do not find much appetite in brussels for a repeat performance. 你不会在布鲁塞尔对重复的表演感觉到太多兴趣。 2.How can hong kong repeat the trick? 香港如何才能再现这一辉煌?

短文填空are you tired of studying in class--day long ?do you want to enjoy nature in the warm

are you tired of studying in class【all】day long ?do you want to enjoy nature in the warm weather?if the answer is 【yes】, let us read adout the students 【at】kelly middle school. the students come from us.they went to 【plant】trees on earth day in a 【park】. they duy holes and watered them.they also helped pick uo trash, we have to plant trees, 【now】with all of the buildings going up,they are losing thier homes, 【said】alison black,a sixth-grader.i will come back here and talk to my is 【my】secret to help them grow.we need trees i fell like i am helping the community,sixth-grader ryan mcclqafferty said,it is also good because we get to be outside learning 【instead】of being in class this certainly teaches the 【children】to love this park and respect the things park, said the shchool counselor judy quinm

Pleasurecrush的《Repeat》 歌词

歌曲名:Repeat歌手:Pleasurecrush专辑:SeedDavid Guetta feat. Jessie J - RepeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatI can see your mouth moveBut I don"t hear the wordsAnd while you dig yourself a holeYou"re burying me in the blurI can taste the fake, the shameI"ve heard this story beforeAnd while you dig yourself a holeIt"s the same sh*t, different girlWhen I was building a home, you made a bed of your own, or perfectly the life of threeBut now your cover is blown, you get to be on your own, and find another stupid girl like meSo go out and party, cuz I"m just getting startedAnd I"m dancing to a brand new beatIt gets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatSo go out and party, like you"re not broken-heartedCuz you"re now one just mistake on my beatIt gets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatI wanna know, was I the one?Or just the chick on the sideI gave it all, put down my wallsYou dare I didn"t tryBut you won"t stop, stop telling me what, what I want to knowI"m ejecting the sign of you deleting the thought of you record this, or what you may callWhen I was building a home, you made a bed of your own, or perfectly the life of threeBut now your cover is blown, you get to be on your own, and find another stupid girl like meSo go out and party, cuz I"m just getting startedAnd I"m dancing to a brand new beatIt gets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatSo go out and party, like you"re not broken-heartedCuz you"re now one just mistake on my beatIt gets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeatGets stuck on repeat, repeat, repeat


你好,BSCl验厂和BUREAU VERlTAS有什么区别?BSCI验厂属于社会责任验厂,BSCI验厂即倡议商界遵守社会责任组织对BSCI组织成员的全球供应商进行的社会责任审核,主要包括:遵守法律、结社自由和集体谈判权利 、禁止歧视 、补偿 、工作时间 、工作场所安全 、禁止使用童工、禁止强迫劳工 、环境和安全等问题 。目前BSCI吸纳了来自11个国家的1300多个会员,大多数是欧洲的零售商和采购商,他们会积极主动的推动他们在世界各国的供应商接受BSCI验厂以改善他们供应商的人权状况。BV是属于审核机构,BSCI是其中能审核的范畴之一。

As we make our great espace now是哪首歌的歌词


请教改错 The news was spread throughout the country.


Bureau Veritas 必维国际检验集团怎么样

必维国际检验集团(bureauveritas)是全球知名国际检验、认证集团。挺有名的。你说的这个检查项目会包含在入职体检和福利体检的,如果有问题,可以联系体检先锋帮忙帮了,会比较可靠的 分页显示通知标题的代码~标题可以点击进链接页

DataList分页方法的核心原理是利用PagedDataSource对象,PagedDataSource类封装了DataGrid 控件的属性,这些属性使 DataGrid 可以执行分页,下面是PagedDataSource的公共属性: AllowCustomPaging 获取或设置指示是否启用自定义分页的值。 AllowPaging 获取或设置指示是否启用分页的值。 Count 获取要从数据源使用的项数。 CurrentPageIndex 获取或设置当前页的索引。 DataSource 获取或设置数据源。 DataSourceCount 获取数据源中的项数。 FirstIndexInPage 获取页中的第一个索引。 IsCustomPagingEnabled 获取一个值,该值指示是否启用自定义分页。 IsFirstPage 获取一个值,该值指示当前页是否是首页。 IsLastPage 获取一个值,该值指示当前页是否是最后一页。 IsPagingEnabled 获取一个值,该值指示是否启用分页。 IsReadOnly 获取一个值,该值指示数据源是否是只读的。 IsSynchronized 获取一个值,该值指示是否同步对数据源的访问(线程安全)。 PageCount 获取显示数据源中的所有项所需要的总页数。 PageSize 获取或设置要在单页上显示的项数。 VirtualCount 获取或设置在使用自定义分页时数据源中的实际项数。 那么如何使用 PagedDataSource对象进行DataList分页呢?(网上有很多的讲DataList分页的文章,有一些是糊弄人的,有的还无法起作用,我被骗过一次,本文是我经过个人实践经验得到,可以顺利执行。希望对大家有所帮助。) 现在开始拉! 第一步,取出数据到datatable中,然后获得dataview,付给PagedDataSource对象 DataView objView = objTable.DefaultView; PagedDataSource objPds = new PagedDataSource(); objPds.DataSource = objView; 第二步,PagedDataSource对象objPds的设置 objPds.AllowPaging = true; objPds.PageSize = 4; objPds.CurrentPageIndex = int.Parse(ViewState["pageindex"].ToString()); 上面的这两段代码都是写在BindData()函数中的,供每次点击分页按钮时调用。BindData()函数如下: private void BindData() { string sql = "SELECT * From team"; DataTable objTable = data.GetDataTable(sql); if (objTable != null && objTable.Rows.Count > 0) { DataView objView = objTable.DefaultView; PagedDataSource objPds = new PagedDataSource(); objPds.DataSource = objView; objPds.AllowPaging = true; objPds.PageSize = 4; objPds.CurrentPageIndex = int.Parse(ViewState["pageindex"].ToString()); if (!objPds.IsFirstPage) { lkPre.Visible = true; } else { lkPre.Visible = false; } if (!objPds.IsLastPage) { lkNext.Visible = true; } else { lkNext.Visible = false; } dlData.DataSource = objPds; dlData.DataBind(); } } 到此为止,我们已经将数据交给了PagedDataSource,剩下的分页将利用PagedDataSource 进行处理。可能大家注意到了,这个数据交付是完整的数据交付,如果数据量很大会造成一定的效率低下,不过这里暂时不考虑这个问题。有兴趣的朋友可以一起探讨一下。 上面的第三行代码中的 ViewState["pageindex"] 是用来控制PagedDataSource的当前页的,我们在Page_Load事件中和第三步将要将的函数中来具体讲解如何利用 ViewState["pageindex"]控制当前页。 BindData()函数中后面的部分是控制向前向后按钮的显隐的,不再多说。 第三步,分页控制 第二步中说过利用 ViewState["pageindex"] 来控制当前页,为了在页面加载的时候就显示第一页,我们当然要在Page_load事件中将 ViewState["pageindex"]置为0。 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ViewState["pageindex"] = "0"; BindData(); } } 我们需要加两个按钮(Previous、Next)来点击进行分页控制。 <asp:DataList ID="dlData" runat="server" RepeatColumns="4" > <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" /><br /> <asp:Label ID="lblTime" runat="server" /> </ItemTemplate> </asp:DataList> <asp:linkbutton ID="lkPre" OnCommand="IndexChanging" CommandArgument="pre" runat="server" >PREVIOUS PAGE></asp:linkbutton> <asp:linkbutton ID="lkNext" OnCommand="IndexChanging" CommandArgument="next" runat="server" >NEXT PAGE</asp:linkbutton> 两个按钮的 OnCommand都是IndexChanging()函数,我们通过CommandArgument(pre和next)来区分到底是向前翻还是向后翻。下面是IndexChanging()函数 protected void IndexChanging(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strCommand = ((LinkButton)sender).CommandArgument.ToString(); int pageindex = int.Parse(ViewState["pageindex"].ToString()); if (strCommand == "pre") { pageindex = pageindex - 1; } else { pageindex = pageindex + 1; } ViewState["pageindex"] = pageindex; BindData(); } 至此,我们的分页函数已经写完了。这里还有一些东西没有说,比如显示一共多少条记录,当前第几页,一共多少页以及每一页的页码。相信看懂了上面所说的后这些东西还是容易写出来的。 总结一下,我们在前台写好DataList等待数据,而数据是由PagedDataSource提供的,分页通过我们新加的两个ImageButton来控制ViewState进而达到控制PagedDataSource的CurrentPageIndex来实现的。所以,其实DataList也没干啥事,就是显示了每一页的数据而已。有一点需要说明,PagedDataSource的CurrentPageIndex是从0开始的,这也是为什么在Page_load事件中要讲ViewState置为0而不是1的缘故。 Asp.net提供了三个功能强大的列表控件:DataGrid、DataList和Repeater控件,但其中只有DataGrid控件提供分页功能。相对DataGrid,DataList和Repeater控件具有更高的样式自定义性,所以很多时候我们喜欢使用DataList或Repeater控件来显示数据。 实现DataList或Repeater控件的分页显示有几种方法: 1、写一个方法或存储过程,根据传入的页数返回需要显示的数据表(DataTable) 2、使用PagedDataSource类(位于System.Web.UI.WebControls命名空间里) 本篇文章主要说怎么使用PagedDataSource类实现DataList和Repeater控件的分页显示。DataGrid控件内部也使用了PagedDataSource类,PagedDataSource 类封装 DataGrid 控件的属性,这些属性使 DataGrid 可以执行分页。 PagedDataSource 类的部分公共属性: AllowCustomPaging 获取或设置指示是否启用自定义分页的值。 AllowPaging 获取或设置指示是否启用分页的值。 Count 获取要从数据源使用的项数。 CurrentPageIndex 获取或设置当前页的索引。 DataSource 获取或设置数据源。 DataSourceCount 获取数据源中的项数。 FirstIndexInPage 获取页中的第一个索引。 IsCustomPagingEnabled 获取一个值,该值指示是否启用自定义分页。 IsFirstPage 获取一个值,该值指示当前页是否是首页。 IsLastPage 获取一个值,该值指示当前页是否是最后一页。 IsPagingEnabled 获取一个值,该值指示是否启用分页。 IsReadOnly 获取一个值,该值指示数据源是否是只读的。 IsSynchronized 获取一个值,该值指示是否同步对数据源的访问(线程安全)。 PageCount 获取显示数据源中的所有项所需要的总页数。 PageSize 获取或设置要在单页上显示的项数。 VirtualCount 获取或设置在使用自定义分页时数据源中的实际项数。 这些属性是否和DataGrid的属性很相似?没错,DataGrid控件就是使用PagedDataSource类来实现数据分页显示的 。下面举个使用PagedDataSource类实现DataList和Repeater控件的分页显示的例子: public void Page_Load(Object src,EventArgs e) { OleDbConnection objConn=new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c: est.mdb"); OleDbDataAdapter objCommand=new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from Users",objConn); DataSet ds=new DataSet(); objCommand.Fill(ds); //对PagedDataSource 对象的相关属性赋值 PagedDataSource objPds = new PagedDataSource(); objPds.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; objPds.AllowPaging = true; objPds.PageSize = 5; int CurPage; //当前页面从Page查询参数获取 if (Request.QueryString["Page"] != null) CurPage=Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Page"]); else CurPage=1; objPds.CurrentPageIndex = CurPage-1; lblCurrentPage.Text = "Page: " + CurPage.ToString(); if (!objPds.IsFirstPage) lnkPrev.NavigateUrl=Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + "?Page=" + Convert.ToString(CurPage-1); if (!objPds.IsLastPage) lnkNext.NavigateUrl=Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath+ "?Page=" + Convert.ToString(CurPage+1); //把PagedDataSource 对象赋给Repeater控件 Repeater1.DataSource=objPds; Repeater1.DataBind(); }



基于c#的asp.net中定义二维数组,int [][]a=new int [2][8]可以这样吗?非常感谢




VB.net里面Dim a As new form1这个啥意思呀。 Dim不是用来定义数据类型的吗?

Dim是用来定义数据类型的。语法格式:Dim 变量名 As 变量类型Dim a As new form1意思是定义变量a,其类型为form1 调用存储过程


asp.net的问题, 中转换或获取js(new Date()).getTime(); 的值。


nas 的 no introduction 歌词中文翻译

no introduction的意思是:没有介绍

As people spread out,_will stores, restaurants

这个歌很好听呐~其实我也不知道 也怀疑过...^^ 这首歌韩文的歌名是? ??? 也许是因为韩文翻译过来的意思差不多是这样吧然后歌词大概意思是说 ”等着那女孩“ 什么的...也许意思里也包含 ”感情一天天增加“ ”思念一天天加深“ 什么的吧...所以英文就可以这么说?额呵呵 个人理解... 亲我把中文歌词贴出来吧 你看看~ 中文: (micky) I never thought that I coule love someone As I walk through your door Together as one You never know (max) 只有一天一天的增加 想着你的痛每天的不一样 你走你的路 (micky) 愿意的话我可以等 我还是一样 离开的是你一人 就那样回来的话就行 (hero) 是责怪我的错误的话 回来后也不晚 还有时间 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着 (u-know) 愿意的话我可以等 我还是一样 离开的是你一人 就那样回来的话就行 (xiah) 是责怪我的错误的话 回来后也不晚 还有时间 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着 (Rap) (micky) 好安静 就像被水淹了的世界 在做很长的冒险 真的我也努力着无法抹去你的模样 想着念着 (u-know) 以现在还爱你的理由 以在同样的空间里面的理由 你总是看着别的地方 My girl 有我在等你 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着

flash AS3.0 载入本地视频 自动播放完毕后自动跳入下一帧 (不要按钮)

stop();var MyVideo:Video = new Video();addChild(MyVideo);stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,SkipPlay);var MyNC:NetConnection = new NetConnection();MyNC.connect(null);MyNC.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);var MyNS:NetStream = new NetStream(MyNC);"around_movie.f4v");//视频名MyVideo.attachNetStream(MyNS);MyNS.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void{}function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void{switch ({case "NetStream.Play.Stop" :MyVideo.visible = false;gotoAndStop(2);break;}}function SkipPlay(e:MouseEvent):void{MyNS.pause();MyVideo.visible = false;gotoAndStop(2);}

asp.net中 new函数的作用是什么~~~? 急了解~~

asp.net哪有new函数啊?你说的是不是C#中的A a = new A();这里的new代表调用A的构造函数创建对象并分配内存.


官宣网查KRAS什么时进医保?可以在国家医保目录查询(各省市医保) - 药智数据这个里面输入信息查询


<% if(IsVisible) { %> <asp:Image ID="img" ImageUrl="~/_layouts/images/New.jpg" runat="server" /> <%}%>后台在写个IsVisible 根据新闻是否new来返回true false true new图片就显示 false就不显示



asp.net中new ListItem("--请选择--","0")的第二个参数0是什么意思?怎么理解?

text value也就是说当选择为--请选择--这一项时,你可以获得它的value为0的值一般用于判断 提示等


====================================================DataRow mydrow=myds.Tables["tb_user"].NewRow();=======(创建) 表 (Tables["tb_user"])的新的一行====================================================myds.Tables["tb_user"].Rows.Add(mydrow);=======把 一行 添加到 表中(一个表由多行组成)=====================================================NewRow() =》(表)新的一行Rows==》(表)的行的集合。如 表A的 总行数为:A.Rows.Count

.net asp mvc response HttpResponse 怎么new对象?





百度词典上有“阿瑟斯 王子”的意思。。不知道有没有别的意思。。

Noodle noodle dumpling,my son John.He has lunch with his pyjamas on.One slipper off and one slipper

Noodle noodle dumpling,my son John.He has lunch with his pyjamas on.One slipper off and one slipper off and one slipper on.面条,面条,饺子,我的儿子约翰。他穿着他的睡衣吃午餐。一只拖鞋没穿,一只拖鞋穿在脚上。


1. 英语作文Myclassroom怎么写 My ClassroomMy classroom is nice and big .There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom.There are o black boards on the walls.And there are o pictures,too.My classroom has eleven lights and elve fans.What colour are the fans They are blue.At the coner,there is a shelf ,many books are in the shelf.I like the books very much.This is my classroom ,it is very nice.I like my classroom very much .Do you have a nice classroom,too。 2. 英语作文《My classroom》 我的班级是7年级5班。它不是很大,但很干净。教室里的墙壁有2个黑板。在前黑板有一张讲台桌。教室里有7个灯,在灯的下面,有54张桌子和54张椅子。我的班级有54个学生,26个男生和28个女生。我们每天都要上课除了星期天。 My classroom My class is Class .5,Grade .7. It"s not very big ,but it is clean. There are o blackboard on the wall . In front of the blackboard , there"s is a teacher"s desk .There are eleven lights in it .Under the lights , there are fifty-four desks and fifty-four stools . There are fifty-four students in my classroom .They are enty-six boys and enty-eight girls .We study every day except Sunday in it . 3. 写一篇英语作文 My Classroom My classroom is nice and big . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are o black boards on the walls. And there are o pictures, too. My classroom has eleven lights and elve fans. What colour are the fans ? They are blue. At the coner, there is a shelf , many books are in the shelf. I like the books very much. This is my classroom , it is very nice. I like my classroom very much . Do you have a nice classroom, too ? My Classroom This is our classroom, which is a nice big room. The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, which is a map of China. In front of the blackboard there is a big desk, it is for the teacher. There are forty *** all desks and chairs in the room. They are for us studens. What"s on the teacher"s desk? There are some flowers. They are for our teacher. We like her. She is a good teacher. 译文: 我们的教室 这是我们的教室,它是一间好的大房间. 窗子大,墙壁白, 在前面的墙壁上有一块黑板, 在后面的墙壁上有一幅地图. 它是一幅中国地图. 在黑板前面有一张大课桌, 它是为老师用的, 在房间内有40张小的桌椅, 是为学生用的, 在教室桌上是什么? 有一些花, 它们是送给我们老师的, 我们喜欢她, 她是一位好老师! 4. 英语作文 Walked into the classroom,is a large blackboard,it can be tran *** itted to us a lot of new knowledge every day.Hanging above the blackboard,color bright five-star red flag.On the opposite side of the red flag,there was a row of red word,write:love my motherland and the revitalization of the Chinese.This words tells us,to study hard,grow up to contribute to the motherland.The blackboard is in front of the platform,the platform is put in chalk and blackboard brush.Podium before putting our desks and chairs,they are divided into 5 lines arranged in rows in the classroom.Table and chair are very beautiful,the tables and chairs are all workers uncle acquired at the cost of labor.They put their wood made into the shape of a table or chair,the paint over them,the beautiful table or chair was made.Behind a desk and a chair is a blackboard,that is our class of "learning field",the above to write a position,application,math and English.走进教室,映入眼帘的是一块大黑板,每天它都能传播给我们许多新的知识.在黑板的上方,挂着颜色鲜艳的五星红旗.红旗的两边,有一行鲜红的字,写着:爱我祖国,振兴中华.这一行字告诉我们,要好好学习,长大为祖国做贡献.黑板的前面是讲台,讲台上整齐的摆放着粉笔和黑板刷.讲台前摆放着我们的课桌和椅子,它们分成5行整齐的排列在教室里.桌子和椅子都很漂亮,这些桌子和椅子都是工人叔叔用劳动换来的.他们把一根根木头做成桌子或椅子的形状,最后把它们刷上油漆,一张张漂亮的桌子或椅子便做成了.桌子和椅子后面是一块黑板,那是我们班的“学习园地”,上面写的有作文,应用题、计算题和英语.根据自己的水平来解答你的疑问的,望你能采纳。 5. 写一篇my classroom的英语作文 The classroom gave us a good learning environment, here we are happy study, here we met a lot of friends, my classroom is pretty big, there are 80 sets of tables, chairs, our classroom wall is white, There are o blackboards in the wall . There are nine lamps and t four fansiin the our classroom , there are o speakers and monitors.there are 15 boys, and 48 girl in the classroom .We study everyday except Sunday.this is my classroom ,I like it very very much .。 6. 英语作文My classroom 没说多少字。 I like my classroom. It is big and bright.There is a big board in the front .There is a platform in front of the board.There are o air conditioners in the classroom.There are six windows .There are fifty desks and fifty chairs in the classroom.My classroom is new and beatiful.I love it very much.(我喜欢我的教室。它又大又明亮。 教室前面有一块大黑板。黑板前面有一个讲台。 教室里有两台空调。有六扇窗户。 有50张课桌和50把椅子。我的教室又新又漂亮。 我非常喜爱它)。 7. My classroom英语作文 My Classroom This is our classroom, which is a nice big room. The windows are big and the walls are white. There is a blackboard on the front wall. On the back wall there is a map, which is a map of China. In front of the blackboard there is a big desk, it is for the teacher. There are forty *** all desks and chairs in the room. They are for us studens. What"s on the teacher"s desk? There are some flowers. They are for our teacher. We like her. She is a good teacher. 译文: 我们的教室 这是我们的教室,它是一间好的大房间. 窗子大,墙壁白, 在前面的墙壁上有一块黑板, 在后面的墙壁上有一幅地图. 它是一幅中国地图. 在黑板前面有一张大课桌, 它是为老师用的, 在房间内有40张小的桌椅, 是为学生用的, 在教室桌上是什么? 有一些花, 它们是送给我们老师的, 我们喜欢她, 她是一位好老师。 8. 英语写作文,My classroom(不少于70个单词)(条件:我们班是 我是6年纪的我写的不知道行不行!LOOK,this is my classroom.we have 57 people, there are 27 girls and 29 boys.we have a teacher he/she is Mr/Mrs .but we have 6 teachers in all. In our classroom,there art 4 windows o blackboards and 6 fans. How clean my classroom is! 记得给我加分。 9. 以My classroom为题写一篇英语作文(40字左右) My classroomI"m a student in XXschool .I"m XXyears old.In grade X, classroom is very nect.there are some desks and chairs.and there are o blackboard .one is used for writing,the other is used for drawing blackboard newspaper.and there are four windows and o doors.oh,we all like our classroom.翻译我是一名来自。 学校的学生,我今天。 岁,几年级几班。 我的班级非常整洁,那里有一些桌椅。那里还有两个黑板,一个是用来写字的,另一个则是用来出黑板报的。 并且那里还有4扇窗和2个门。我们都喜欢我们的班级。

im new to the class是什么


Can she ------(have/has)one of fhe robots?应该填什么



你好!Although 或Though 希望可以帮到你!答题不易,满意请采纳!祝学习进步,笑口常开!

classic fasnion new to是什么意思

classic fashion new to经典时尚新拼音双语对照双语例句1BALENO CLASSIC Leather goods must be a new power leading to lead the fashion and tide.BALENO CLASSIC(宾奴)皮具必将成为引领行业时尚潮流的新力。

she was new to the neighbourhood


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他对于邻居们来说是陌生的。new to 对。。。而言是不熟悉的,陌生的

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It was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun is warm but not...

小题1:A小题2:C小题3:D小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了在一个晴朗的春天早上,布莱克先生看到公交站上站着个老人,手里拿着把雨伞。布莱克先生问老人是认为会下雨吗,老人说不是;又问他是因为太阳太晒了吗,老人也说不是。他拿雨伞的原因是把它用来当做拐杖,因为拿拐杖的话会让别人认为他很老了。小题1:细节理解题。根据文中第一段描述It was a beautiful spring morning这是个美丽的春天早晨。故选A。小题2:细节理解题。根据文中第一段描述There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun is warm but not hot.天空没有一丝云,太阳很温暖但不热;故选C。小题3:细节理解题。根据文中第一段描述an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella(雨伞)in his hand.一个老人站在公交站,手里拿着把大的粗壮的黑雨伞;故选D。小题4:判断推理题。根据文中第二段内容得知,老人的腿不是那么强壮,所以一定要有根拐杖,故选B,他拿着雨伞来当拐杖。小题5:判断推理题,根据文中第二段们描述,老人不想拿着拐杖,因为那会让别人说他很老了,所以他每天拿把雨伞;故选D,他不想别人说他老了。

There ____(be)a lot of rain last spring

There __was__(be)a lot of rain last springWhere _shall____we_meet_(meet)?"let"smeert outside the park gateI___am___(be)afraid Mr.johnson __won"t___(not visit)our school tomorrow.I __have lost____(lose)my bike. Did you see it anywhere?__Is_____this kind of car_produced__(produce)in shanghai?I found that the students _were playing_(play) football on the platground__Was__the doctor _sent_(send)for last nightWe used a teapot before the thermos __was invented_(invent)Three children _are/were_(take)good care of by the nurse

there_arelot of rain here in spring. a:wereb:was


The seasons in my hometown Qingchuan 作文怎么写?

我还加了翻译: Motherly love, a time immemorial human beings the same theme. 我们赋予它太多的诠释,也赋予它太多的内涵。 We give it too much interpretation, but also give it too many connotations. 没有历史史诗的撼人心魄,没有风卷大海的惊波逆转,母爱就象一场春雨,一首清歌,润物无声,绵长悠远。 No historical epic awesome stunning, there is no shock wave of the sea风卷downturn, motherly love is like a spring rain, a Qing Song, soundless lubrication, long distant. 当代散文家余秋雨在一篇文章中写道:“一切远行者的出发点总是与妈妈告别……而他们的终点则是衰老……暮年的老者呼喊妈妈是不能不让人动容的,一声呼喊道尽了回归也道尽了漂泊”。 Contemporary essayist Yu wrote in an article: "Everything travels from the starting point is always with the mother ... ... and they bid farewell to the end of it is aging ... old age ... the old man can not help but cry mother is moving, say shout Road to make a return of all the drifting Road. " 母爱是天涯游子的最终归宿,是润泽儿女心灵的一眼清泉,它伴随儿女的一饮一啜,丝丝缕缕,绵绵不绝,于是,在儿女的笑声泪影中便融入了母爱的缠绵。 Motherly love is the ultimate destination of the End of the World home is Runze Qingquan a spiritual sons and daughters, sons and daughters it is accompanied by a drink one sip, fishes continuously, memories we do not, therefore, in the children"s laughter in the film will tear into the motherly love . 母爱就象一首田园诗,幽远纯净,和雅清淡; Motherly love as an idyllic,幽远pure, and AGB light; 母爱就是一幅山水画,洗去铅华雕饰,留下清新自然; Motherly love is a landscape painting, carving铅华washed away, leaving the fresh and clean; 母爱就象一首深情的歌,婉转悠扬,轻吟浅唱; Motherly love as a deep feeling of the song, mildly tuneful, sing轻吟shallow; 母爱就是一阵和煦的风,吹去朔雪纷飞,带来春光无限。 Motherly love is a warm wind, the snow falling吹去Schomburg, bringing Chunguang unlimited. 母爱就是一生相伴的盈盈笑语,母爱就是漂泊天涯的缕缕思念,母爱就是儿女病榻前的关切焦灼,母爱就是儿女成长的殷殷期盼。 Motherly love is accompanied by a lifetime of Yingying laughing, motherly love is drifting continuously miss the earth, motherly love is concerned about their children before bed anxious, motherly love is the sons and daughters grow up殷殷期盼. 想起了母亲,志向消沉就会化为意气风发;想起了母亲,虚度年华就会化为豪情万丈;想起了母亲,羁旅漂泊的游子就会萌发起回家的心愿;想起了母亲,彷徨无依的心灵就找到了栖息的家园。 Reminds me of the mother, depressed aspirations will be translated into high-spirited; reminds mothers, wasted years would translate into lofty; reminds mothers, drifting羁旅will germinate from the wandering of the desire to go home; thought of a mother, a loss no one to depend on found a soul on the habitat homes. 时光如水,年华易逝,似水流年淡去我们多少回忆,却始终不改我们对母亲的绵绵思念。 Time, such as water, Nianhua Perishable, Homecoming faded memories we have, but always do not change our memories of the mother"s thoughts. 莺归燕去,春去秋来,容颜渐老,白发似雪。 Ying Yan went to the spring to autumn, the face of growing old, snowy white hair. 儿女在一天天长大,母亲却在一天天衰老。 Sons and daughters grow up in one day, his mother one day in senescence. 当儿女望见高堂之上的白发亲娘,他们都会投入母亲怀抱,热泪涟涟! When the children saw the white hair above Gao亲娘, they would put mothers embrace, tears tears! 母爱也是文学和音乐的永恒主题。 Motherly love of literature and music is the eternal theme. 文人以母爱为题,写出的文章便滋润蕴籍;乐师以母爱为题,弹奏的曲调便清柔幽美,余韵绵绵。 Motherly love for the writers to write the article then moisten蕴籍; musicians to love the title of the tune they play清柔beautiful, continuous finish. “慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”。 "The hands of a loving mother line, wandering onto clothing. Departure thick seam, Italy may delay return. Who made the heart-inch grass, reported a three Chunhui." 唐代诗人孟郊,历经坎坷,穷困愁苦,而母亲的笑容却时刻令他梦萦魂牵。 Tang Dynasty poet, Meng Jiao, after frustrations, suffering poverty, while the mother"s smile has always made him dream of the soul led rayon. 在他得知母亲将来的时候,掩不住脸上的笑容,按不住心中的喜悦,抖落衣冠上层累的风霜,拂去心头积淀的风尘,携妻将雏,到溧阳城外迎接母亲。 In the future, he learned that his mother, when not conceal his face a smile, according to the hearts of pleasure can not, shake off the upper dressed tired of the wind, flick the dust accumulated in my heart, his wife will be young, to meet the mother of Liyang City . 芳草萋萋,花香阵阵,白云舒卷,碧野晴川,处处洋溢着儿子不尽的思念。 Fangcao lush, floral smell, Baiyun舒卷, Bi Ye Qingchuan, always filled with thousands of missing son. 母子相依,热泪盈眶,握着妈妈温暖的双手,望着母亲苍老的容颜,不禁怆然饮泣,感慨万千,提笔赋诗,情思涌动,在孟郊笔下,就熔铸了这首饱含母爱的《游子吟》,诚挚深切,传诵千年。 Dependent mother, tears, the warmth of mother holding hands, looking at old mother looks, one can not help饮泣sorrowful, filled with emotion, write赋诗, surging emotion, described in Meng Jiao, on the casting of the first full of motherly love "You zi yin" deeply sincere, read the Millennium. 唐代诗人杜甫,一生颠沛流离,栖止不定。 Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, life back and forth, only habitat variable. 他在安史之乱后回到家乡时,已田园寥落,物是人非。 He returned to his hometown after the An-Shih Rebellion has pastoral寥落,物是人非. 凄苦忧愁,睹物伤怀,他将忧国忧民之心与思母之情相融合,互相生发,写成感人肺腑的《无家别》。 凄苦sad, sad睹物, he will care for heart and think of home fuse with love, mutual germinal, moving into the "no other home." “永痛长病母,五年委沟溪。生我不得力,终身两酸嘶。人生无家别,何以为蒸黎!”言词悲切,凄苦哀绝,足以令人慷慨动容,下千秋之泪。 "Yong-long disease pain the mother of five commissioned Ditch Creek. Health and I were not effective, life-long two neigh acid. Life without homes do not, why is steamed Lebanon!" Mournful words, must凄苦sorrow, is generous enough to fight, the next centuries Tears. 东汉末年,蔡文姬被乱兵掳至匈奴,作别家国,万里投荒。 Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Wenji was pillager Abduction to the Huns, unless home country, thousands of miles to vote Arakawa. 在被汉使赎回时,母子诀别,含悲引泪,亲朋相送,凄凉感伤。 So that the redemption in the Han, the mother Farewell, cited含悲tears, friends and relatives相送, desolate pathos. 她在所作《悲愤诗》中写道:“已得自解免,当复弃儿子。天属缀人心,念别无会期……号泣手抚摩,当发复回疑”。 She made "grief poem" wrote: "has a self-free, when the resumption of abandoned son. Days are made up of people"s minds, there is no study session ... ... boohoo hand stroke, when the complex back to the suspect." 凄怨哀伤,声节悲凉,读之使人落泪。 凄怨sad, sad and dreary acoustic section, reading the people to tears. 唐人曾以此为题,作胡笳之曲,如泣如诉,欲歌欲哭,一种醇烈的母子之情充溢于曲调之间。 Tong Yan San have used this as its theme song for the胡笳,如泣如诉, Song For欲哭, a strong alcohol母子之情overflowing in between tunes. 母爱是伟大的,也是无私的,它沉浸于万物之中,充盈于天地之间。 Motherly love is great, but also selfless, which are immersed in all things, filling in between heaven and earth. 有了母爱,人类才从洪荒苍凉走向文明繁盛;有了母爱,社会才从冷漠严峻走向祥和安康;有了母爱,我们才从愁绪走向高歌,从顽愚走向睿智;有了母爱,也才有了生命的肇始,历史的延续,理性的萌动,人性的回归。 With motherly love, mankind from primitive civilizations to flourish desolation; With love, from the society of indifference toward the grim harmonious well-being; With motherly love, we move from melancholy singing, from the stubborn ignorance to wisdom; With motherly love, but also have the beginning of life, the continuation of history and rational initiative, the return of human nature.参考资料:

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またひとつ夜が明けて 谁の胸にも眩しい光が 差し込めばmata hitotsu yo ga akete dare no mune ni mo mabushii hikari ga sashikomeba过ぎた日を思うより 新しい何か见つけたくて 歩いたsugita hi wo omou yori atarashii nanika mitsuketakute aruita不安も期待も あるがままにfuan mo kitai mo arugamama ni通り抜ける风に 愿い一つを托してtoorinukeru kaze ni negai hitotsu wo takushiteOne Step 当たり前の One Step 毎日だってOne Step atarimae no One Step mainichi datteOne Step 歓びも哀しみも すべて爱おしいOne Step yorokobi mo kanashimi mo subete itooshiiOne Step あなたにただ One Step 届けたくてOne Step anata ni tada One Step todoketakuteOne Step どこまでも途切れない 仆らのメロディーOne Step dokomademo togirenai bokura no merodi-涙 分け合えたらBe Okaynamida wakeaetara Be Okay持ち合わせの言叶じゃ 育てた気持ち伝えること 出来ずにmochiawase no kotoba ja sodateta kimochi tsutaeru koto dekizu ni不器用と言われても 自分に嘘はつけないから 颜上げたbukiyou to iwaretemo jibun ni uso wa tsukenai kara kao ageta涙を隠して 笑颜见せたnamida wo kakushite egao miseta今も闻こえてくる あの日のままの思いがima mo kikoete kuru anohi no mama no omoi gaOne Step 心ひとつ One Step 信じ続けOne Step kokoro hitotsu One Step shinjitsudzukeOne Step この道はどこまでも繋がってゆくOne Step kono michi wa dokomademo tsunagatte yukuOne Step 悔しさだって One Step 胸に誓ったOne Step kuyashisa datte One Step mune ni chikattaOne Step どんな远くの未来も いつか来るだろうOne Step donna tooku no mirai mo itsuka kuru darou笑颜抱き缔めたら Be Okayegao dakishimetara Be Okay雨が上がり また歩き出す 昨日と少し 违う気持ちでame ga agari mata arukidasu kinou to sukoshi chigau kimochi deHey 全てに意味があるさHey subete ni imi ga aru sa名前もない あの风景を いつか出逢う 果てない梦をnamae mo nai ano fuukei wo itsuka deau hatenai yume wo谁も歌ったことのない歌を 仆らは歌うよdare mo utatta koto no nai uta wo bokura wa utau yo见上げた空へ 思いを纺いでくmiageta sora e omoi wo tsumuidekuOne Step 当たり前の One Step 毎日だってOne Step atarimae no One Step mainichi datteOne Step 歓びも哀しみも すべて爱おしいOne Step yorokobi mo kanashimi mo subete itooshiiOne Step あなたにただ One Step 届けたくてOne Step anata ni tada One Step todoketakuteOne Step どこまでも途切れない 仆らのメロディーOne Step dokomademo togirenai bokura no merodi-涙 分け合えたら Be Okaynamida wakeaetara Be Okay

m6t-bass power amplifier低音炮怎么连接蓝牙?

你好,蓝牙连接方法大体详细步骤都是打开手机蓝牙搜索设备匹对,不管你是链接到电脑网络,手机,无线麦克风等等任何设备都是先打开设备再打开手机蓝牙链接,再搜索匹配就好了,车载蓝牙相对复杂一些,下面我重点讲的是车载蓝牙的使用步骤:1、首先手机、车载蓝牙设备要建立配对关系。分别开启手机、车载蓝牙设备的蓝牙功能,并将手机蓝牙设置中设为所有人可见。2、然后在手机中搜索蓝牙设备,查找到之后选中进行配对连接,配对密码为:0000,完成配对后则连接成功。3、车载蓝牙与手机蓝牙配对连接成功后,可以拨打和接听电话;在手机上播放音乐,可在车载蓝牙设备上欣赏音乐。4、找到音频项找到蓝牙音频再按就是蓝牙音频装置列表,此时用手机一搜就见MB Bluetooth 了。扩展资料:车载蓝牙只是以无线蓝牙技术为基础而设计研发的车内无线免提系统,主要功能是为在正常行驶中用蓝牙技术与手机连接进行免提通话,以达到解放双手、降低交通肇事隐患的目的。

m6t-bass power amplifier低音炮怎么连接蓝牙


英语句子翻译:you can order as many items as you would l


ask和require 有什么区别?

英语表示“要求”这个词大致有3个,即ask, request, require。 ask为泛指,request和 require为特指。request表示make a request,所以 request (sb to do sth) 是“请求(某人做某事)”,是下对上的要求;而require表示order, demand, 是“命令,要求”之意,指上对下的要求,比如法律条款对当事人的要求,业主对雇员的要求。 这样记忆吧,request是你看到同学说的,require是老师对你说的.

关于UBC的Journalism master


Such( being) the case, I have no other choices,为什


no other dictionaries is as usefu as…. 为什么is不用are?


trash candy歌词

中文:Tip Tap 爱情就像CANDY 像水果般的Tasty Good luck没错 天天都是SUNDAY 别慌呀 My heart 到雨后的街道走走吧 鼓起泡泡糖和好奇心 映入水塘的blue blue sky 泪水也一定能 拭乾 jelly bean Ah 粉蜡笔的阳光 让幸福也打起呵欠 悠闲地去散散步 Ah……Tip Tap如梦似幻的CANDY 张开大口吃下立刻Happy Good-bye非常U2的MONDAY 别急呀 My Dream 烦恼的事就沾著果酱 和著有点冷掉的奶茶一饮而尽 夜空的Shinin Star一闪一闪 彷佛天使玩耍的 玻璃弹珠 Ah 怀著绚丽的心情 哼唱甜美的旋律 往事历历浮现眼前 Ah ... Tip Tap 爱情就像CANDY 像水果般的Tasty Good luck没错 天天都是SUNDAY 别慌呀 My heart Tip Tap如梦似幻的CANDY 张开大口吃下立刻Happy Good-bye非常U2的MONDAY 别急呀 My Dream Tip Tap 爱情就像CANDY 像水果般的Tasty Good luck没错 天天都是SUNDAY 别慌呀 My heart 英文歌词: TOP Tip Tap love is always candy, tasty, like fruit. Good luck. That"s right, every day is Sunday Don"t get rattled, my heart. Let"s go out to the city after the rain Making our curiosity swell up like a bubblegum bubble The puddle reflects a blue, blue sky Without a doubt, tears will dry up too. Jelly bean Ah Let"s take our time walking in the pastel sunlight through the happy days and unlucky days. Ah Ah Ah Ah Tip Tap Candy just like we dream of If we stuff our mouths, soon we"ll be happy Good-bye to such a depressing Monday. Don"t fade, my dream. Our worries have berry jam spread on top of them Let"s down them with some slightly chilled milk tea Winking in the night sky, a shinin" star An angel plays With a feeling as colorful… Ah …as a marble, I whistle a sweet melody as the film goes around. Ah Ah Ah Ah Tip Tap love is always candy, tasty, like fruit. Good luck. That"s right, every day is Sunday Don"t get rattled, my heart. Tip Tap Candy just like we dream of If we stuff our mouths, soon we"ll be happy Good-bye to such a depressing Monday. Don"t fade… Tip Tap love is always candy, tasty, like fruit. Good luck. That"s right, every day is Sunday Don"t get rattled, my heart. 罗马拼音: TOP Tip Tap koi wa itsu datte CANDY FURUUTSU no you ni Tasty Good Luck sou ne mainichi ga SUNDAY awatenai de My Heart ame agari no machi e to dekakeyou BABURUGAMU to koukishin o fukuramase mizutamari ni utsutta blue blue sky namida mo kitto kawaku yo jelly bean Ah PASUTERU no hizashi ni shiawase mo AKUBI shiteru yukkuri to arukimasho Ah… Tip Tap marude yume miru CANDY hoobareba sugu ni Happy Good-bye totemo U2 na MONDAY aseranai de My Dream nayamigoto wa BERII no JAMU tsukete sukoshi sameta MIRUKUTII de nomihosou UINKU suru yozora no Shinin" Star tenshi ga asobu BII dama mitai Ah KARAFURU na kibun de kuchi zusamu amai MERODII FUIRUMU ga mawaridasu Ah… Tip Tap koi wa itsu datte CANDY FURUUTSU no you ni Tasty Good Luck sou ne mainichi ga SUNDAY awatenai de My Heart Tip Tap marude yume miru CANDY hoobareba sugu ni Happy Good-bye totemo U2 na MONDAY aseranai de Tip Tap koi wa itsu datte CANDY FURUUTSU no you ni Tasty Good Luck sou ne mainichi ga SUNDAY awatenai de My Heart 日文歌词: TOP Tip Tap 恋はいつだってCANDY フルーツのようにTasty Good Luck そうね 毎日がSUNDAY あわてないで My Heart 雨上がりの街へと出かけよう バブルガムと好奇心をふくらませ 水たまりに映った blue blue sky 涙もきっと 乾くよ jelly bean Ah パステルの阳射しに 幸せもアクビしてる ゆっくりと歩きましょ Ah… Tip Tap まるで梦见るCANDY 頬张ればすぐにHappy Good-bye とてもU2なMONDAY あせらないで My Dream 悩み事はベリーのジャムつけて 少し冷めたミルクティーで饮みほそう ウインクする夜空のShinin" Star 天使が游ぶ ビー玉みたい Ah カラフルな気分で 口ずさむ甘いメロディー フィルムが回り出す Tip Tap 恋はいつだってCANDY フルーツのようにTasty Good Luck そうね 毎日がSUNDAY あわてないで My Heart Tip Tap まるで梦见るCANDY 頬张ればすぐにHappy Good-bye とてもU2なMONDAY あせらないで Tip Tap 恋はいつだってCANDY フルーツのようにTasty Good Luck そうね 毎日がSUNDAY あわてないで My Heart

Assistance 与rescue 区别


paste 和 butter 有什么区别

  1.paste英 [peu026ast] 美 [pest]   n.  面团;糨糊;肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用);(制作人造宝石的)铅质玻璃  vt.  粘贴,张贴;以…覆盖于  第三人称单数: pastes 复数: pastes 现在分词: pasting 过去式: pasted  2.butter英 [u02c8bu028ctu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8bu028ctu025a]   n.  黄油;黄油状的食品;奉承话;焊膏  vt.  抹黄油于…上;用黄油煎食物;讨好  第三人称单数: butters 现在分词: buttering 过去式: buttered 过去分词: buttered 形近词: buttes gutter rutter butten putter


要让电脑支持这个功能,首先要升级系统,并且需要硬件的驱动支持的。因为只有win8以上的系统才会支持这个功能的。这个功能好比电脑蓝牙功能,电脑没有蓝牙硬件,则不可以支持蓝牙。本标题上的功能也是这样子。本身硬件不支持的话,升级系统之后也不支持。例如无法刷机让不支持蓝牙的电脑能够支持蓝牙,除非外接蓝牙模块。台式机要支持miracast发送,需要1、支持miracast的网卡,Product Finder Results | Wi-Fi Alliance 搜2、支持miracast的显卡,NVIDIA的显卡的话从maxwell芯片开始支持也就是最低gtx750,gtx9系列,10系列都可。amd的不清楚,intel的从第三代i3,i5,i7开始支持,也就是 i3/5/7 。需要注意的是 同代xeon e3 1265 v2之类的虽然带着同样的核显,但是intel文档上明确写着不支持wireless display。



如图,已打开Micrasoft edge浏览器,为什么任务栏没有显示?



你好 很高兴回答这个问题 :micras 是 micra 的复数形式 micra: 微米(单位)1厘米=10000微米 1cm=10000 micra;1毫米=1000微米 1mm=1000 micra;80微米=0.08毫米 , 80micras =0.08mm;谢谢~

我想问一下,搜索的英语单词是research,还是 reaserch?谢谢!


can you speak in English, please?

D,speaking首先A,人家已经说了要找谁接电话,说你好不算答复;其次B,电话中说我是谁应该是This isSmith;最后C,如果问你是谁应该是Who is that;hello通常是在对方问候你的时候用,这里对方越过这一点直接提了要求了,再说hello就不合适了,另外对方问能否和史密斯通话,刚好是史密斯接电话的情况下是可以用speaking,意思就是请说。speak的用法speak的基本意思是“讲”“谈”,指用声音表达意思,着重开口发声,而且着眼于个人的言语行为,可指自言自语,也可指支离破碎地交谈。其后常接语言、实话等词。speak还可作“发言,演说,作报告”解,指连贯、系统、正式的讲话。speak还可表示用说话以外的方式“表明”“显示”“表达”,引申还可表示“用响声宣告”。speak可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。

Micrastation update15系统找不到指定文件

以下。故障原因一:是可能是是有的软件卸载程序不完善或者使用者、直接删除程序安装目录造成的。解决方法:直接先用鼠标点击“开始--运行--运行输入regedit”命令,这样即可打开注册表编辑器对话框鼠标依次定位到 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun;在该项右边窗口中找到该文件行,然后单击鼠标右键,直接删除文件就可以。故障原因二:ATI显卡提示找不到指定文件,ATI显卡报Could not load file or assembly "MOM.Implementation可能是显卡驱动冲突造成。解决方法:首先在控制面板中找到添加和删除程序,在“添加删除程序”中,卸掉所有关于ATI显卡驱动的程序和.NETFrame程序然后用“优化大师”清理DLL和ACTIVEX,在清理注册表内容和垃圾文件清理;然后用DRIVERCLEAN软件清除所有ATI驱动。;最后重新启动计算机,先装.NETFRAME 3.0,在装ATI7.2驱动[XP],顺序要正确即可解决故障。以上Win7系统提示“系统找不到指定文件夹”的两种原因和解决方法。




micra 的中文意思是 微米 属于长度单位, micras 是微米的 复数形式 。



Over the past 20 years, the Internet has helped change our world in _____way or another for the...

B 考察固定词组。In one way or another在这方面或另一方面。结合句意可知A正确。






【答案】: 可能IE浏览器有问题,建议使用自带FlashPlayer插件的谷歌浏览器Chrome访问网站,观看课程。


分类: 生活 问题描述: 松下的英文名为什么叫Panasonic,具我所知松下应该是取自松下幸之助的姓氏吧,但翻译成英文不可能是Panasonic啊!Panasonic到底是怎么来的? 解析: sonic英文:音响 PANA PAN-ASIA:泛亚(全亚洲)



1847Classic 德国SEYDEL十孔口琴旗舰名琴 10孔布鲁斯口琴 木格 这款性价比如何?


光纤机关打标机工作时出现IPG laser:Reserved!导致无法打标 是什么情况

光纤机关打标机工作时出现IPG laser:Reserved!导致无法打标的原因很多,常见原因及故障如下:一、激光打标机打不上字:如果F2还不能打标的话,就有可能是机器故障。1、软件激光器类型设置错误;2、光路不对;3、激光电源不通电或损坏;4、控制信号线断或插头松动或控制卡坏;5、激光器坏。二、激光打标机出光偏弱:1、焦距没有调整好,重新调解焦距。2、打标软件CW方法没有选中,光会很弱,选取CW方法。3、腔体,全反射镜,半反射镜和扩束镜没有调好,重新调解。4、激光没有打在振镜中心,或者是振镜的镜片刮花。重调光路,或调换振镜。5、全反或半反射镜片、聚焦镜片、振镜镜片、Q开关的镜片脏或擦花。擦洁净或调换。三、激光打标机焦点偏移;因为每一个聚焦镜都是对应焦深的范围,并且是使用偏离焦点的办法会非常容易导致大范围标刻图案的时候,边缘处在焦深临界点或者是超出焦深范围,这样就非常容易出现效果不平均。所以,偏焦标刻的方法就是需要思索激光能量的问题。想要了解更多关于激光打码机的相关问题,推荐伟迪捷激光打码机。伟迪捷激光喷码系列包括使用不同输出功率的 CO2激光喷码机、光纤激光打码机和 YAG 激光标识系统,可满足各种材质和应用的喷码需求。伟迪捷光纤激光打标机专为高速饮料线,制药和挤压产品制造商设计,专为在高密度材质,如金属、塑料等材质上打印保质期、批号,和其他关键生产信息等。伟迪捷光纤激光打码系统可以降低停机时间,以提高稳定性,使运行更高效,从而提高生产率。欢迎联系我们咨询光纤激光打码机

光纤机关打标机工作时出现IPG laser:Reserved!导致无法打标 是什么情况


all rights reserved 这句话对吗 all rights reserved 和 all rights has reserved 哪句对?

正确的说法是All rights reserved.(版权所有.)这是个短语的说法. All rights has reserved.这句就成了主动语态了,但实际上主语和动词是被动的关系,要把has改为are,这样说就是个句子.

windlass 和winch的区别


the week before可以换成one week before或last week吗?

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