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Jonas L.A.是什么意思

Jonas L.A.是JONAS BROTHERS的一部情景喜剧的名字,这张专辑是这部剧的原声带L.A是指美国加州洛杉矶,你可以理解为生活在洛杉矶的Jonas brothers

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Jonas Brothers(乔纳斯兄弟)这个组合的三个成员是亲兄弟啊?


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约拿情结(Jonas-Komplex) 约拿情结(Jonah complex) 是美国著名心理学家马斯洛提出的一个心理学名词。简单地说,“约拿情结”就是对成长的恐惧。 它来源于心理动力学理论上的一个假设:“人不仅害怕失败,也害怕成功。” 其代表的是一种机遇面前自我逃避、退后畏缩的心理,是一种情绪状态,并导致我们不敢去做自己能做得很好的事,甚至逃避发掘自己的潜力。 在日常生活中,约拿情结可能表现为缺少上进心,或称“伪愚”。它的存在也许有一定的合理性,不过,从自我实现的角度来看,这是一种阻碍自我实现的心理障碍因素。 故事一 约拿是一个基督教的概念,意为“鸽子”。鸽子的性情是驯良的;鸽子的工作是传递信息。 约拿似乎在完成了神托付的一件大使命以后,把自己隐藏起来,不让人纪念他,觉得自己名不副实;他做工作是不得已的,是蒙了神的大恩才完成的,把众人的目光引到神那里去。 故事二 “约拿”是圣经里面的一个人物。他本身是一个虔诚的基督徒,并且一直渴望能够得到神的差遣。神终于给了他一个光荣的任务,去宣布赦免一座本来要 被罪行毁灭的城市——尼尼微城。约拿却抗拒这个任务,他逃跑了,不断躲避着他信仰的神。神的力量到处寻找他,唤醒他,惩戒他,甚至让一条大鱼吞了他。最 后,他几经反复和犹疑,终于悔改,完成了他的使命——宣布尼尼微城的人获得赦免。“约拿”是指代那些渴望成长又因为某些内在阻碍而害怕成长的人。对于约拿 来说,他不愿意成就神的旨意是因为仇恨。这座他要布赦免的尼尼微城是毁灭他家族的死敌。 上帝要约拿到尼尼微城去传话,这本是一种崇高的使命和很高的荣誉,也是约拿平素所向往的。但一旦理想成为现实,又感到一种畏惧,感到自己不行,想回避即将到来的成功,想推却突然降临的荣誉。 约拿情结的基本特征可以分为两个方面: 一方面是表现在对自己,另外一方面是表现在对他人。 对自己,其特点是:逃避成长,拒绝承担伟大的使命。 对他人,其特点是:嫉妒别人的优秀和成功、幸灾乐祸于别人的不幸。 马斯洛给他的研究生上课的时候,曾向他们提出如下的问题:“你们班上谁希望写出美国最伟大的小说?” “谁渴望成为一个圣人?”“谁将成为伟大的领导者?” 等等。据马斯洛记录,他的学生们在这种情况下,大家通常的反应都是咯咯地笑、红着脸、不安地蠕动。马斯洛又问:“你们正在悄悄计划写一本什么伟大的心理学著作吗?”他们通常红着脸、结结巴巴地搪塞过去。马斯洛还问:“你难道不打算成为心理学家吗?”有人回答说,“当然想啦。”马斯洛说:“你是想成为一位沉默寡言、谨小慎微的心理学家吗?那有什么好处?那并不是一条通向自我实现的理想途径。” 人类中普遍存在某种约拿情结,即:不是追求高级需求,追求卓越、崇高的自我实现,而是相反,逃避高级需求,逃避卓越、崇高的人类品行。人们视天真纯情为幼稚可笑,视诚实为轻信,视坦率为无知,视慷慨为缺乏判断力,视工作中的热情为懦弱,视同情心为廉价和盲目。 “ 约拿情结 "的问题还在于,自己怕出名,如果别人出了名,他又会嫉妒,心里巴不得别人倒霉。这种情结阻碍生命成长和自我实现,马斯洛给它取名为约拿情结。仇恨是我们在现实生活中最常发现的阻碍成长的内在原因。我们常常可以观察到这种情况,一个聪明的青年人,他在学校里成绩很好,但在高考前夜突然生病了,以至于失去了考试的机会。后来他工作了,能力很强,颇得赏识。但是在他马上就要得到一次关键的升迁的时候,他又辞职了......尽管这些事情的发生看似偶然,但深入接触他的内心世界时我们会发现,他的内心埋藏着对父母未曾宣泄的怨恨。为了潜意识里报复父母的愿望,他下意识地毁掉了自己的前途。其潜在的愿望可以表述如下:“你们休想得到一个成功的儿子,我就是要让你们失望和痛苦!”这些内在冲突有时候可以被我们意识到,但大多数时候,它被潜抑在无意识里。 人们不仅躲避自己的低谷,也躲避自己的高峰。不仅畏惧自己最低的可能性,也畏惧自己最高的可能性。“ 约拿情结” 发展到极致,就是“ 自毁情结” ,即面对荣誉,成功,幸福等美好的事物时,总是浮现 “我不配”,“我受不了“的念头,最终把倒手的机会放弃了。我们大多数人内心都深藏着“ 约拿情结 ” 心理学家们分析,这是因为在我们小时候,由于本身条件的限制和不成熟,心中容易产生“我不行”,“我办不到”等消极的念头,如果周围环境没有提供足够的安全感和机会供自己成长的话,这些念头会一直伴随着我们。尤其是当成功机会降临的时候,这些心理表现得尤为明显。因为要抓住成功的机会,就意味着要付出相当的努力,面对许多无法预料的变化,并承担可能导致失败的风险。 毫无疑问,“约拿情结”是我们平衡自己内心心理压力的一种表现。我们每个人其实都有成功的机会,但是在面临机会的时候,只有少数人敢于打破平衡,认识并克服了自己的“约拿情结”,勇于承担责任和压力,最终抓住并获得了成功的机会。这也就是为什么只有总是少数人成功,而大多数人却平庸一世的重要原因。 约拿情结是一种复杂的心理现象。 “约拿情结”作为一种普遍存在的心理现象和社会现象,究其产生的根源,心理学家作了以下几个方面的分析: 一是一个人由于自身条件的限制以及其他各方面原因的影响,在面对各种事物时,心中产生过“我不行”、“我办不到”的想法,为其在今后的成长过程中埋下了“隐患”和“伏笔” 。 二是周边环境的影响。因为周边环境不能提供一种安全感和成长机会供自己成长,加之先前留下的“隐患”,会使人产生一种“患得患失”的感觉,从而会失去有利的时机和机会。 三是民族文化以及从众心理的影响,诸如“出檐的檐子烂得快”,“枪打出头鸟”的惯性思维,往往会使人包装成“谦虚”的外衣,甚至刻意去迎合大众心理,使自己的棱角被磨平,从而导致自甘平庸。一个人要想获得成功,必须认识和克服自身的“ 约拿情结 ”,用慧眼认清机会,紧紧抓住机会,勇于承担责任压力,为自己成长和成功创造一个良好的发展平台。 克服“约拿情结”的影响,必须首先对心理进行一系列的矫正: 第一.每个人必须清楚地了解自己的内心状况,大胆承认“约拿情结”的存在。在面对责任和压力时,要克服恐惧和害怕心理,鼓起勇气,坚定信心,相信自己,明知山有虎,偏向虎山行,不管遇到怎样的困难和挫折,要有破釜沉舟,血战到底的勇气和信心。 第二.克服成长过程中的恐惧,同时也要看到自身的不足。成长和成功是一个循序渐进的过程。在这个过程中,必须付出艰辛的劳动、汗水和心血,甚至失败。世上无难事,只怕有心人。只要我们每个人尽了最大的努力,发挥了自己应有的潜能,假如失败了,虽败犹荣。尽管失败了,但起码可以积累一些经验和教训,这样离成功的日子也就指日可待了。 第三.要具备“毛遂自荐”的勇气和信心,与其等待别人发现自己,倒不如最大限度地展现自身的才华。伯乐相马固然可敬可佩,但前提是要坚持勤相马,发现良驹。不然,一直等下去,岂不悲哉?!

Jonas Brothers三个人分别是谁

老大Kevin Jonas现年21岁会弹吉他,老二Joe Jonas现年19岁会弹吉他、钢琴,打小手鼓,老三Nick Jonas现年16岁会弹吉他,打鼓,和弹钢琴,中间Kevin Jonas左边Nick Jonas右边Joe Jonas



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Joe Jonas为什么能够成为Gigi Hadid、霉霉(Taylor Swift)的前男友?

那是因为Joe Jonas是一个很有吸引力的男人,所以才这么优秀。

jonas的please be mine 的翻译歌词

I try to come closer with you But they all say we won"t make it through But I"ll be there forever You will see that it"s better Our hopes and our dreams will come true I will not disappoint you I"ll be right there for you "til the end The end of time Please be mine I"m in and out of love with you Trying to find if it"s really true oh no no no no How can I prove my love If they all think I"m not good enough But I"ll be there forever You will see that it"s better Our hopes and our dreams will come true I will not disappoint you I will be right there for you "til the end The end of time Please be mine Can"t stop the rain from falling Can"t stop my heart from calling you It"s calling you Can"t stop the rain from falling Can"t stop my heart from calling you It"s calling you Can"t stop the rain from falling Can"t stop my heart from calling you It"s calling you But I"ll be there forever You will see that it"s better Our hopes and our dreams will come true I will not disappoint you I will be right there for you "til the end The end of time Please be mine这段英文比较简单你可以自己翻译或者用网上词典翻译

Jonas brothers有什么比较经典的歌???



第一首LovesickI make up one more lame excuseWhy I can"t come out tonightI"m not trying to cut you looseI just need some timeI"m feeling lovesickBut I don"t mindYou"re the one I think aboutIt"s every day, it"s every nightOh, call the doctorI"m lovesickI"m lovesickGoing back and forth so longAnd you"re getting overWaiting on me to be strongAnd you start to wonderI"m feeling lovesickBut I don"t mindYou"re the one I think aboutIt"s every day, it"s every nightOh, call the doctorI"m lovesickI"m lovesickYou"re the one I think aboutIt"s every day, it"s every nightOh, call the doctorI"m lovesickI"m lovesick 第二首 Pizza Girllove showed up at my door yesterdayit might sound cheesy,but i wanted her to stayi fell in love with the pizza girlnow i eat pizza everyday, ohi fell in love with the pizza girlnow i eat pizza everydayi was stuck in a box for so longnow i see that the pizza girl,she"s the one for mei fell in love with the pizza girlnow i eat pizza everyday, ohi fell in love with the pizza girlnow i eat pizzanow i eat pizzanow i eat pizza everyday 我是直接贴过来的,所以歌词中万一有错误麻烦自己核对一下哈,见谅~~~


:jonas verus 乔纳斯 jonas verus 乔纳斯

求 Jonas 的 World War III 的歌词 还有中文歌词

自己翻译的,可能有部分地方有错Jonas Brothers - World War III 第三次世界大战Tonight I walked into the bedroom 今晚我走到卧室You were visibly upset 你明显的很沮丧Telling me I"m in a bad mood 对我说我心情很差But I didn"t do nothing 但是我没做任何事You start screaming 你开始尖叫Wake the neighbors 把邻居吵醒了And now everybody"s out for our blood 而现在每个人都出来吃我们的血液I didn"t want no confrontation 我不想发生冲突Because of you, that"s what I"ve got 因为你,我得到的人Well, you gotta chill out 好吧,你得发疯"Cause, baby, I don"t wanna fight with you 因为宝贝,我不想和你打架And every battle we fought 而我们的每一场战斗Just made us look like fools 都让我们看起来像傻瓜No, you can"t have a World War III 不,你不能再发动第三次世界大战If there"s only one side fighting 如果只有一方在战斗And you know, whoa oh 你知道That there"s lessons left to learn 这里剩下的学习课程Every time you attack 你每一次的攻击Doesn"t drive me to fight you back 都不送我去战斗,你回来了(这句我不太理解)And I know, whoa oh 而你知道That I"ll never let it be 我永远不会让它发动World War III 第三次世界大战World War III 第三次世界大战Let me tell "em 让我来告诉他们Now you"re rounding up your army 现在你集合你的军队Turning all your troops on me 将我包围起来You tell a lie just to feel happy 你说了一个谎言感觉很高兴But I won"t retaliate, no 但我不会报复,不会No, you can"t have a World War III以下同上(好吧我偷懒了....)If there"s only one side fighting And you know, whoa oh That there"s lessons left to learn Every time you attack Doesn"t drive me to fight you back And I know, whoa oh That I"ll never let it be World War III Well, you gotta chill out "Cause, baby, I don"t wanna fight with you And every battle we fought Just made us look like fools No, you can"t have a World War III If there"s only one side fighting And you know, whoa oh That there"s lessons left to learn Every time you attack Doesn"t drive me to fight you back And I know, whoa oh That I"ll never let it be World War III Not gonna be a World War III Oh, oh Oh, oh Every time you attack Doesn"t drive me to fight you back And I know, whoa oh That I"ll never let it be World War III World War III World War III

Jonas 是名字 还是姓氏?



Jonas [词典] [男子名] [英格兰人姓氏]乔纳斯来源于中世纪教名及希伯来语男子名,含义是“鸽”(dove); [例句]I said I apologize, Jonas.我说了我道歉,乔纳斯。

求jason mraz的Song for a friend的中英歌词

下面的是我比较喜欢听的英文歌推荐楼主去听听Craig David的 don"t love you no more、Johnny、Never Should Have Walked Away、Unbelievable、Walking Away、7 Days、Do You Believe In LoveNe-Yo的Go on Girl、Mad、Because of You、Better Today、So SickBabyface的I Need A Love Song、 with him、Mad, Sexy, Cool、Drama, Love & Lationshipskay-b的Don"t U Walk AwayShayne Ward的No Promises、Back At Once、What About Me、BreathlessBobby Tinsley的Missing You、You、Hope Is Almost Here、I Got TimeTaylor Siwft的 love story、teardrops on my guitar、You Belong With Me、Thug StoryJesse McCartney的Beautiful soul、Because You Live、Take Your Sweet TimeMirah的gotta go homeLynnsha的Si SeulementThe Weepies的Gotta Have YouCleopatra Stratan的GhitaThe dream的my loveIronik的stay with meNever had a dream come tureMatt Palmer的Rain、float away、AloneAllen iverson的Last nightLoona的AngelSweetbox的We Can Work It Out、Life Is Cool、Read My Mind、Everything"S Gonna Be AlrightMariah Carey的Bye Bye、I Stay In Love、Love Story、Touch My Body、We Belong TogetherSheryfa Luna的J"ai Le DroitMario的How Do I Breathe、I Choose You、Crazy Kind Of LoveA teens的fire flyTATU的Gomenasai、Loves Me NotVanessa Hudgens的Don"t Ask WhyAshlee Simpson的pieces of meTrey Songz的I Need A GirlNelly的DilemmaRossTallanma的lubovBrian Mcknight的someday,someway,somehowShontelle的T-shirtChristina Aguilera的HurtTimbaland的ApologizeColbie Caillat的The Little Things、Bubbly、Feelings Show、OxygenDavid Usher的black black heartEnrique Iglesias的Do you know?The Ting Tings的That"s Not My NameFeist的1234Floortje的Wake upDavid Archuleta的Crush、Barriers、You CanLene Marlin的SITTING DOWN HERE、Here We AreШатунов Юрий的Не говори мне ничего(什么都不要对我说)Elliott Yamin的Fight For Love、This Step Alone、Wait For YouHannah Montana的Nobody"s perfectJ-five的find a wayJordin Sparks的Next To You、Tattoo、See My SideFoundations的Kata NashLeona Lewis的Bleeding loveLimp Bizkit的




SAS San Antonio Spurs





One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the fa..

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  圣安东尼奥马刺队的英文名称是San Antonio Spurs,缩写是SA。  马刺是nba近十几年来的顶级强队,曾于99,03,05,07,14年五次夺冠,著名球星有邓肯,吉诺比利,帕克,大卫罗宾逊,乔治格文等。


coming 是现在分词, 与系动词was 一起构成过去进行时, 或者做表语。The Lantern Festival was coming at 15th of February.意思是:元宵节是在二月十五日这一天。

Aracely Arambula的《Casi》 歌词

歌曲名:Casi歌手:Aracely Arambula专辑:SexyD"NashTodo Va A Cambiar2007CasiPorque vives junto a elSi no es el quien te vaSe muy bienNo eres fielY eso a mime da igualeres fácil de tentarcon dos si de masme gustas tal y cualy sabes dominar-docil,fuerte suavevuela para miven y dime que site convenci al fincasi casimi cuerpo ardeeres excitanteey eyfacil dascasi casicomo tu no busco amorbusco piel y calorbusco accion sin controlcon sudor y pasióneres fácil de tentarcon dos si de masme gustas tal y cualme sabes dominar-docil,fuerte,suavevuela para miven y dime que site convenci al fincasi casimi cuerpo ardeeres excitanteey eyfacil dascasi casiya casi estasya casi vasven aquí con un cuerpo asícasi casi ya ere para mique mas da si estas aquiquiero ya estremecerme a timi cuerpo ardeeres excitanteey eyfacil dasquiero extremecerte a mivuela para miven y dime que site convenci al fincasi casivuela para miven y dime que site convenci al fincasi casimi cuerpo ardeeres excitanteey eyfacil dascasi casi

点解 all she had was, had之后又用was

All she had was an old dress. 其实呢个系口语嘅表达方法 有啲字当作已意会 (understood) 而被省略 拆解如下: 「Something」 was [just] an old dress. 呢度表达嘅系 "one is all all just one." 而 just 喺呢度被省略咗 意思系某事物是旧衫裙; All [things] she had =「Something」. 呢部份嘅 things 都被省略咗 意思系她拥有的东西; 因为 she had 过去已经拥有 所以系叙述旧事物 相对用 was/were 而且 There was only one old dress 所以全句意思为: 她所拥有的东西只是一条旧衫裙。 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你! 其实这句子由两句句子组成. all was an old dress.(主句)解所有野是 旧衫. all that she had.(子句)解所有野她拥有的. 合并起来解所有她拥有的是旧衫.子句形容这些东西是谁的. 另外因为要一致关系 两句都用过去式. 注;当ALL是宾语/受词/OBJECT THAT可以省略.因此在整个句子其实隐藏左个TAHT. 参考: N/A "All she had" is a noun clause.It is the subject of this sentence. "Was" is the verb of the main clause. If we use the word "it" as the subject it would be easier for u to understand. It was an old dress. When you use past tense it me "all she had"" at that time". You can also use present tense. In that case it would mean "all she has now".

翻译 Nashville,Tennssee is home of courtry music.

我想您是指 country 而非 courtry,以下为中文翻译:Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳士维是乡村音乐的家乡. Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳许维尔是乡村音乐之乡. Nashville,Tennessee is home of country music 田纳西州的纳许维尔市是乡村音乐故乡.注:纳许维尔以及纳士维皆是Nashville的中文翻译.

帮忙翻译:One Taste Is All It Takes.....

nashiville,tennessee与mount juliet,tennessee是同一个地方吗


求Matt&Toby的the last one歌词


雅思作文task2范文   经济发展,很多人都能买上一辆私家车。随着车辆的增加而来的,是一直不断的交通事故。你认为严厉惩罚交通肇事能提高行驶安全吗?下面是我整理的雅思英语作文,大家可以参考参考。   雅思作文范文【1】   题目: Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.   范文:   People have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. In my view, both punishments and a range of other measures can be used together to promote better driving habits.   On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more safely. Penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning that people avoid repeating the same offence. There are various types of driving penalty, such as small fines, licence suspension, driver awareness courses, and even prison sentences. The aim of these punishments is to show dangerous drivers that their actions have negative consequences. As a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that they follow the rules more carefully.   On the other hand, I believe that safe driving can be promoted in several different ways that do   not punish drivers. Firstly, it is vitally important to educate people properly before they start to drive, and this could be done in schools or even as part of an extended or more difficult driving test. Secondly, more attention could be paid to safe road design. For example, signs can be used to warn people, speed bumps and road bends can be added to calm traffic, and speed cameras can help to deter people from driving too quickly. Finally, governments or local councils could reduce road accidents by investing in better public transport, which would mean that fewer people would need to travel by car.   In conclusion, while punishments can help to prevent bad driving, I believe that other road safety measures should also be introduced.   雅思作文范文【2】   题目: As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   范文:   Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common to hear people talk about the social obligations that companies have. I completely agree with the idea that businesses should do more for society than simply make money.   On the one hand, I accept that businesses must make money in order to survive in a competitive world. It seems logical that the priority of any company should be to cover its running costs, such as employeesu2019 wages and payments for buildings and utilities. On top of these costs, companies also need to invest in improvements and innovations if they wish to remain successful. If a company is unable to pay its bills or meet the changing needs of customers, any concerns about social responsibilities become irrelevant. In other words, a company can only make a positive contribution to society if it is in good financial health.   On the other hand, companies should not be run with the sole aim of maximising profit; they have a wider role to play in society. One social obligation that owners and managers have is to treat their employees well, rather than exploiting them. For example, they could pay a “living wage” to ensure that workers have a good quality of life. I also like the idea that businesses could use a proportion of their profits to support local charities, environmental projects or education initiatives. Finally, instead of trying to minimise their tax payments by using accounting loopholes, I believe that company bosses should be happy to contribute to society through the tax system.   In conclusion, I believe that companies should place as much importance on their social responsibilities as they do on their financial objectives. ;


你好,这是必应。根据我的搜索结果,Mastercam后处理显示余量的方法如下:- 打开你的后处理文件(*.PST),用文本编辑器或者Mastercam自带的编辑器。- 找到一个名为**pbld**的函数,这个函数是用来在程序开头显示余量的。- 在这个函数里,你可以修改或者添加一些代码,来控制余量的显示方式。例如,你可以用**ptl**命令来输出余量的值,用**pnl**命令来输出换行符,用**pcom**命令来输出注释符等。- 保存你的后处理文件,并重新加载到Mastercam中。- 生成NC代码,检查是否达到你想要的效果。

激光脱毛中心的英文是 laser hair removal 吗?

是的 你可以吧英文在网上翻译

求arashi的one love罗马音

ARASHI ONE LOVE Tsutae takute tsutawara nakuteToki ni wa sunao ni nare zu niNaita kisetsu wo koeta bokura waIma totemo kagayaiteru yoSore zore egaku shiawase no katachi waKasanari ima ookina ai ni naruZutto futari de ikite yukouHyaku nen saki mo ai wo chikau yoKimi wa boku no subete saShinjiteiru tada shinjiteruOnaji toki wo kizamu hito eDonna kimi mo donna boku de moHitotsu hitotsu ga itoshiiKimi ga ireba nani mo iranaiKitto shiawase ni suru karaAme no naka de kimi wo matte taYasashisa no imi sae shirazuSurechigai ni kizutsuita yoruSore demo koko made kitandaKakegae no nai deai waKiseki wo tsunaidekuOmoi de kasanariauHajimari no uta nari hibi iteDonna toki mo sasaetekuretaWarai naita nakama eKokoro wo komete tada hitotsu dakeOkuru kotoba wa "arigatou"Hyaku nen saki mo ai wo chikau yoKimi wa boku no subete saAishiteiru tada aishiteruOnaji asu yakusoku shiyouSekai juu ni tada hitori dakeBoku wa kimi wo erandaKimi to ireba donna mirai moZutto kagayaiteiru kara LA LA LA LA....视频、原文、英文版见以下网址:原文、英文、假名对照版:伝えたくて 伝わらなくて I want to tell you, but it won"t reach youTsutae takute Tsutawara nakute时には 素直になれずに sometimes I can"t be completely honest Toki niwa Sunao ni narezuni泣いた季节を 超えた仆らは we overcame the time we shed tearsNaita Kisetsu wo Koeta Bokura wa今 とても辉いてるよ now we are shining very muchIma Totemo kagayaiteru yoそれぞれ描く しあわせの形は重なり each of us pictured the forms of happiness overlappedSore zore Egaku Shiawase no Katachi wa Kasanari今 大きな爱になる now it becomes One big LoveIma Ooki na Ai ni naruずっと二人で 生きてゆこう let"s live together foreverZutto Futari de Ikite yukou100年先も 爱を誓うよ I promise this love even 100 years from nowHyakunen saki mo Ai wo Chikau yo君は 仆の全てさ You are my everythingKimi wa Boku no Subete sa信じている ただ 信じてる Believe it, just believe itShinjite iru Tada Shinjiteru同じ时を 刻む人へ To you, who shares the same time with meOnaji Toki wo Kizamu Hito eどんな君も どんな仆でも Every kind of you even every kind of meDonna Kimi mo Donna Boku demo一つ 一つが 爱しい Each one is so preciousHitotsu Hitotsu ga Itoshii君がいれば 何もいらない if I have you I don"t need anything elseKimi ga Ireba Nani mo Iranaiきっと 幸せにするから I will surely make you happyKitto Shiawase ni Surukara 雨の中で 君を 待ってた I waited for you in rain Ame no Naka de Kimi wo Matteta 优しさの 意味さえしらず I didn"t even know the meaning of kindnessYasashisa no Imi sae Shirazu すれ违いに 伤ついた夜 We missed each other The night when we hurt Surechigai ni Kizutuita Yoruそれでも ここまで来たんだ Still, we came this farSoredemo Koko made Kitanda かけがえのない 出会いは 奇迹を 伝えてく An irreplaceable encounter is creating miracle Kakegae no nai Deai wa Kiseki wo Tsutaete ku 思い出 重なり合う Memories overlapsOmoid Kasanari au 始まりの 歌 鸣り响いて the Song of our beginning ResoundedHajimari no Uta Nari Hibii te どんなときも 支えてくれた At any time supported meDonna Toki mo Sasae te kureta 笑い合えた 仲间へ To my friend who share the laughs Warai Aeta Nakama e心を込めて ただ一つだけ With all my heart there is only oneKokoro wo komete Tada Hitotsu dake赠る言叶は ありがとう word I want to give, Thank you Okuru Kotoba wa Arigatou100年先も 爱を誓うよ I promise this love even 100 years from nowHyakunen saki mo Ai wo Chikau yo 君は 仆の全てさ You are my everythingKimi wa Boku no Subete sa 爱している ただ爱してる I love you just love youAishite iru Tada Aishiteru 同じ明日 约束しよう I will promise the same tomorrow Onaji Asu Yakusoku shiyou世界中に ただ一人だけ You are the only one from all over the worldSekaiju ni Tada Hitori dake 仆は 君を选んだ I chose youBoku wa Kimi wo Eranda 君といれば どんな未来も When I"m with you every kind of futureKimi to Ireba Donna Mirai mo ずっと 辉いているから It"ll shine foreverZutto Kagayaite irukaraLA LA LA LA....=================================中文、LRC版见以下网址:

求岚Arashi One Love的罗马拼音和中文歌词

I refused to give up I refused to give in You"re my everything I don"t wanna give up I don"t wanna give in, oh no (so) Everybody sings [chorus] One love - for the mother"s pride One love - for the times we cried One love - gotta stay alive I will survive One love - for the city streets One love - for the hip-hop beats One love, Oh I do believe One love is all we need Late at night I"m still wide awake Feel this is far more than I can take I thought my heart could never break Now I know that"s one big mistake [bridge] [chorus] Baby, just love me love me love me Baby, just hold me hold me hold me Oh, love me love me love me, Oooh

removal 和disassemble有什么区别?两个不都是拆卸么,翻译外文事时竟然都有。。。 请各位不吝赐教,多谢

removal - 移动; 搬disassemble - 拆卸,

arashi岚one love歌词罗马文

伝えたくて 伝わらなくてtsutae takute tsutawa ranakute时には素直になれずにtokini wa sunao ninarezuni泣いた季节を越えた仆らはnai ta kisetsu wo koe ta bokura wa今とても辉いてるよima totemo kagayai teruyoそれぞれ描く幸せの形はsore sore egaku shiawase no katachi wa重なり 今 大きな爱になるkasanari ima ooki na ai ninaruすっと二人で生きてゆこうzutto futari de iki teyukou100年先の爱を誓うよhyakunen sakino ai wo chikau yo君は仆の全てさkimi wa boku no subete sa信じている ただ信じてるshinji teiru tada shinji teru同じ时を刻む人へonaji toki wo kizamu hito eどんな君も どんな仆でもdonna kimi mo donna boku demoひとつひとつが爱しいhitotsu hitotsu ga itoshii君がいれば何もいらないkimi ga ireba nanimo iranaiきっと幸せにするからkitto shiawase nisurukara雨の中で君を待ってたame no naka de kimi wo matte ta优しさの意味さえ知らずyasashi sano imi sae shirazuすれ违いに伤ついた夜sure chigai ni kizutsu ita yoruそれでもここまで来たんだsore demo koko made kita ndaかけがえのない出会いはkakegaenonai de ai wa奇迹をつないでくkiseki wotsunaideku思い出重なり合うomoide kasanari au始まりの歌 鸣り响いてhajimari no uta nari hibii teどんな时も支えてくれたdonna toki mo sasae tekureta笑い泣いた仲间へwarai nai ta nakama he心をこめてただひとつだけkokoro wo kome tetada hitotsu dake送る言叶は「ありがとう」okuru kotoba wa ( arigatou )100年先の爱を誓うよhyakunen sakino ai wo chikau yo君は仆の全てさkimi wa boku no subete sa爱している ただ爱してるaishi teiru tada itoshi teru同じ明日约束しようonaji ashita yakusoku shiyou世界中にただ1人だけsekaijuu nitada hitori dake仆は君を选んだboku wa kimi wo e ran da君といればどんな未来もkimi to ireba donna mirai moずっと辉いているからzutto kagayai te iru karalalala............

android was removed! Recreating!怎么解决

先检查一下你的各个XML文件,看看是不是里面有错误. 1.当R存在的情况下,新加进去的ID不能自动生成的时候, 选中工程-->右键-->Android Tools-->Fix Project Prorities; 2.如果上述操作未能成功,则将R删除,,,具体做法是, 选中gen这个文件夹(R就在里头),右键-->delete... ok,在Console里会提示你 was removed! Recreating! 这个时候你再看...........希望采纳

岚(Arashi)的歌one love

伝(つた)えたくて 伝(つた)わらなくて 有话想说,却说不出口 时(とき)には素直(すなお)になれずに 时而是无法诚实面对自己 泣(な)いた季节(きせつ)を 越(こ)えた仆(ぼく)らは 经历过伤感季节的我俩 今(いま)とても辉(かがや)いてるよ 如今显得特别耀眼 それぞれ描(えが)く 幸(しあわ)せのかたちは重(かさ)なり 各种勾画出来的幸福情景在这里重叠 今(いま)大(おお)きな爱(あい)になる 现在变成无尽的爱 ずっと二人(ふたり)で 生(い)きてゆこう 从今以后也要两个人一起向前迈进 百(ひゃく)年(ねん)先(さき)も 爱(あい)を誓(ちか)うよ 未来的百年我也要宣示我的爱 君(きみ)は仆(ぼく)の全(すべ)てさ 你就是我的全部 信(しん)じている ただ信(しん)じてる 只要相信著 只要互相相信著 同(おな)じ时间(じかん) (とき)を刻(きざ)む人(ひと)へ 一起刻划著每一寸时光的人 どんな君(きみ)も どんな仆(ぼく)でも 无论是怎麼样的你 还是怎麼样的我 ひとつひとつが爱(いと)しい 每一个都让人疼惜怜爱 君(きみ)がいれば 何(なに)もいらない 只要有你在身旁 就已足够 きっと幸(しあわ)せにするから 我一定会让你得到幸福 雨(あめ)の中(なか)で君(きみ)を待(ま)ってた 在雨中等待著你的身影 优(やさ)しさの意味(いみ)さえ知(し)らず 连温柔的意思都还无法理解 すれ违(ちが)いに 伤(きず)ついた夜(よる) 也曾有过因误会而互相伤害的夜晚 それでもここまで来(き)たんだ 最后还是来到了这里 かけがえのない 出逢(であ)いは奇迹(きせき)を繋(つな)いでく 无可取代的那个相遇瞬间 串连著未来的奇迹 思(おも)い出(で) 重(かさ)なりあう 当思念重叠时 はじまりの歌(うた) 鸣(な)り响(ひび)いて 初次见面时的歌声开始响起 どんなときも 支(ささ)えてくれた 不管什麼时候都在身旁支持著我 笑(わら)い泣(な)いた仲间(なかま)へ 陪我一同欢笑哭泣的好伙伴们 心(こころ)込(こ)めて ただひとつだけ 唯有诚心诚意 赠(おく)る言叶(ことば)はありがとう 献上我的感谢 百(ひゃく)年(ねん)先(さき)も 爱(あい)を誓(ちか)うよ 将来的百年我也要宣示我的爱 君(きみ)は仆(ぼく)の全(すべ)てさ 你就是我的全部 爱(あい)している ただ爱(あい)してる 只要相爱著 只要我们相爱著 同(おな)じ明日(あした)约束(やくそく)しよう 互相约订在同一个明天 世界中(せかいじゅう)に ただ一人(ひとり)だけ 世界上独一无二的人 仆(ぼく)は君(きみ)を选(えら)んだ 我只选择了你 君(きみ)といれば どんな未来(みらい)も 只要有你在身旁 未来不管如何变化 ずっと辉(かがや)いているから 都将永远闪耀著光芒

“must i visit he at half past six?”这句话错误在哪里?


The card was removed怎么办

The card was removed中文意思是:卡片被删除了。也可以读作:The cards have been deleted.card英 [kɑ:d] 美 [kɑ:rd] n.卡片;信用卡;纸牌;明信片vt.记于卡片上第三人称单数: cards 复数: cards 现在分词: carding 过去式: carded 过去分词: cardedremoved英 [ru026a"mu:vd] 美 [ru026au02c8muvd] adj.离开的;远离…的;与…无关的;隔代的v.去除;开除;脱去(衣服等)

a male cow that has not had its reproductive organs removed 谁能帮我分析下这个句子的结构啊,有点迷

主宾结构。定语从名;that has not had its reproductive organs 为定语从名,修饰 a male cow..联合构成主语,removed 为宾语。。

musti wash

正确答案:A 解析:A:你不需要;B:不,必须不能; C:是的,你需要;D:是的,你必须; 根据句意:You can do it tomorrow,你可以明天做, 所以排除C,D(表示今天必须做) mustn"t禁止,不符合题意,所以A为正确答案

Seasons Of Love [Rent] 歌词

歌曲名:Seasons Of Love [Rent]歌手:Donny Osmond专辑:From Donny...With LoveVarious ArtistsSeasons of loveRent (Soundtrack)Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred MinutesFive Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Moments so DearFive Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred MinutesHow Do You Measure - Measure A Year?In Daylights - In SunsetsIn Midnights - In Cups Of CoffeeIn Inches - In MilesIn Laughter - In StrifeIn - Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred MinutesHow Do You MeasureA Year In The LifeHow About Love?How About Love?How About Love?Measure In LoveSeasons Of LoveSeasons Of LoveFive Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred MinutesFive Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Journeys To PlanFive Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred MinutesHow Do You Measure The Life Of A Woman Or A Man?In Truths That She LearnedOr In Times That He CriedIn Bridges He BurnedOr The Way That She DiedIt"s Time Now - To Sing OutTho" The Story Never EndsLet"s Celebrate Remember A Year In The Life Of FriendsRemember The LoveRemember The LoveRemember The LoveMeasure In LoveMeasure, Measure Your Life In LoveSeasons Of Love...END

区别“租”的几种说法hire, rent, lease


区别“租”的几种说法hire, rent, lease

Hire有“雇”、“短期租借”的意思, 如:Hire servants雇佣人。Hire a hall for an evening租礼堂用一晚上。习惯用语 Hire out租出去 (=hire oneself out) 受雇 On hire出租 For hire出租Rent指“较长期地租用或租出 (房屋、土地等)”, 如:Rent a house租房子。习惯用语 For rent招租,出租(广告用语)Lease指“按租期、租金、租约租赁 (房屋、土地等)”, 如:Lease a piece of land租赁一块土地习惯用语 A new lease of [on] life (由于病愈或烦恼消除等而) 精神焕发, 寿命延长 By [on] lease租用[借] Hold on [by] lease租借 Put out to lease出租 Take ... on lease租用[得]New lease of life有生气的新生活,重新振作 (= new lease on life)

rent 和lease 有什么区别?谢谢!


Norma: Casta Diva 歌词

歌曲名:Norma: Casta Diva歌手:Tullio Serafin&Maria Callas&Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala&Milano&Coro del Teatro alla Scala&Milano专辑:Maria CallasCasta Diva 神圣女神Casta divaCasta diva che inargentiQueste sacre antiche pianteQueste sacre , Queste sacre antiche pianteA noi volgi il bel sembianteA noi volgi , A noi volgi il bel sembianteSenza nube e senza velCasta diva...Tempra o divaTempra tu de" cori ardentiTempra ancoralo , Tempra ancoralo , Tempra ancoralo zelo audaceCasta diva...E senza vel

switch case 语句的数学题 求高手们解决谢谢 !!

匆忙中做了这个程序,用的是C++,里面的变量也不是用你的,其实跟C差不多,主要看看代码的逻辑,中间还有些需要完善和优化的地方,或许你可以自己完善吧。 C++代码如下:#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;//define the constants#define PRICE_A 1.5#define PRICE_B 1.35#define PRICE_C 1.18#define DISCOUNT_SELF 0.05#define DISCOUNT_ASSIST 0.1int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ //define the variables for caculate... float final_price = 0.0; float oil_sum = 0.0; char oil_type = ""; //oil type, A,B or C, with diff prices //confirm the sum cout<<"please input the oil sum you want:"<<endl; cin>>oil_sum; //explicit the oil type A, B or C while((oil_type != "A") && (oil_type != "B") && (oil_type != "C")) { cout<<"which oil type you want? A,B or C"<<endl; cin>>oil_type; if((oil_type != "A") && (oil_type != "B") &&(oil_type != "C")) { cout<<"input error!"<<endl; } } //explicit the way , add it by self or assistant char add_way = ""; // means the way of how to add the oil, // you add yourself, with the discount 5% // if you add with assitant, the discount is 10% while((add_way != "y") && (add_way != "n")) { cout<<"you want add the oil by yourself? y/n"<<endl; cin>>add_way; if(add_way != "y" && add_way != "n") { cout<<"input error!"<<endl; } } //caculate the final_price... in fact //this code needs to optimized somewhere... //maybe you can do it urself switch(oil_type) { case "A": if(add_way == "y") { final_price = (PRICE_A * oil_sum)*(1.0 - DISCOUNT_SELF); break; } else { final_price = (PRICE_A * oil_sum)*(1.0 - DISCOUNT_ASSIST); break; } case "B": if(add_way == "y") { final_price = (PRICE_B * oil_sum)*(1.0 - DISCOUNT_SELF); break; } else { final_price = (PRICE_B * oil_sum)*(1.0 - DISCOUNT_ASSIST); break; } case "C": if(add_way == "y") { final_price = (PRICE_C * oil_sum)*(1.0 - DISCOUNT_SELF); break; } else { final_price = (PRICE_C * oil_sum)*(1.0 - DISCOUNT_ASSIST); break; } default: final_price = -1.0; } cout<<"the final price is:"<<final_price<<endl; return 0;}


首先你要分清楚角色先,另外尝试在中文思想/词语上中加上以下的附加关系来理解,以后你才会分得明白,英文这方面是很细致的 你是业主/物主租/借出的话: 「借出」是lend。一般而言是不用收费的才用lend这个字。例如在外国人借出架车给朋友去旅行,也叫I can lend you my car. 反过来你是问人借东西的话: 「借来」是borrow。例如:May I borrow you car for the weekend? 所以先留意这分别。再谈rent/lease. rent和lease大致上是同义的,租赁一样东西。但(英文)词语上亦要分你给钱物主租用的,还是收钱租一样东西给人的那方。 rent out - 例如业主「出租」一间酒店房间或租车公司出租车辆 for rent - 有物业/房子「出租」 to rent - 一个人去「租用」一样东西(房子/酒店房/车) the rent - 除了用作动词,亦是名词,指租赁的费用或银码 lease - 一般是指较为长期的租赁,例如:房子/铺位/办公室/机器 lease out - 物主出租物品 for lease - 有物业/单位/铺位出租 to lease - 有需要的人租用物品 the lease - 是名词,是指租赁的合约 简单而言,rent是短期的,如几小时(租单车游)或几天(酒店)的付费交易,lease是较长期和除了金钱外是有合约性规范的协议租赁。 希望这间单的介绍给你入门的解释。 除了这些效为标准性的应用分别外,亦会有些引伸的用法, 例如: lease to own:好像分期付款租用东西,一段合约期(例如5-10年),期满后便可以把业权转为租用者所有,这会应用于在一些工商业机器的合约;或者某些车行提供免息地供(租费由车行订定)一部汽车,期满(可能是5年)后你便成为车主(但车龄已折旧),也会这样讲的。 你说租xx比人(收钱的): 如果是广告: xx for rent/lease. 如果是表达你的意思: I have xx for rent/lease. I have xx to rent out/lease out. 如果是描写你有出租的xx: I can rent you xx. 如果不用收钱的借: I can lend you xx. You may borrow my xx.

英语方面 rent和lease有什么区别??

lease和rent的区别为 lease释义: n. 租约;租期;租赁物;租赁权 vt. 出租;租得 vi. 出租 rent释义: n. 租金 vt. 出租;租用;租借 vi. 租;出租 n

rent 和 lease两种业务有何区别?

lease AHD:[l秙] D.J.:[li8s] K.K.:[lis] n. A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent. 租契在一特定期限内转让使用或所有权以换取一定租金的契约 The term or duration of such a contract. 租期这样一种契约的期限或持续时间 Property used or occupied under the terms of such a contract. 租物在这种契约的有效期限内使用或占有的财产 lease leased;;; To grant use or occupation of under the terms of a contract. 允诺使用在契约的有效期限内准许使用或占有 To get or hold by such a contract. 租得通过这样一种契约获得或保有 rent AHD:[r祅t] D.J.:[rent] K.K.:[rWnt] n. Payment, usually of an amount fixed by contract, made by a tenant at specified intervals in return for the right to occupy or use the property of another. 租金通常在合同中确定数额的、由租户每隔一定的时间缴纳的钱款以作为对占据或使用另一人的财产的权利的回报 A similar payment made for the use of a facility, equipment, or service provided by another. 租费一种由于使用由他人提供的设施、设备或服务而支付的类似的款项 The return derived from cultivated or improved land after deduction of all production costs. 收益在扣除全部生产费用之后从耕地或改良地上所得的收益 R16 The revenue yielded by a piece of land in excess of that yielded by the poorest or least favorably located land under equal market conditions. 地产收益在相等的市场条件下由某一片土地所获得的超过最低劣或地理位置较差的土地的收益 Also called:In this sense, also called economic rent rent v. rent.ed;; rents; rent To obtain occupancy or use of (another"s property) in return for regular payments. 租借以定期支付价款取得对(他人财产)的占住权或使用权 To grant temporary occupancy or use of (one"s own property or a service) in return for regular payments: 暂时租借为换取定期的钱款向…提供(自己的财产或服务)的暂时性占据或使用权: rents out TV sets. 出租电视机


kiss from a roseKiss from a Rose是英国男歌手席尔演唱的歌曲,由席尔个人谱写,特雷弗霍恩负责制作。歌曲于1994年7月发行,被收录在席尔的第二张录音室专辑Seal。

was built和was being built的区别?

was built只是一般过去式,表达过去某个建筑物被建造了was being built是过去进行时,表达过去某个时间点某个建筑物正在被建造

Nas-one more day这首歌的歌词、迫切急求。

One More Day Last night I had a crazy dream A wish was granted just for me It could be for anything I didn"t ask for money Or a mansion in Malibu I simply wished, for one more day with you One more day One more time One more sunset, maybe I"d be satisfied But then again I know what it would do Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you First thing I"d do, is pray for time to crawl Then I"d unplug the telephone And keep the TV off I"d hold you every second Say a million I love you"s That"s what I"d do, with one more day with you Leave me wishing still, for one more day Leave me wishing still, for one more day

they tried to set the Embassy on fire. they tried to ___


As summer ____(approach),weather became hotter


My father 后面应该加have还是has



as-built为建立词典结果:built[英][bu026alt][美][bu026alt]v.build的过去式和过去分词; adj.…建成的; 身段优美的; 有特定体格的; 易混淆单词:Built以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Facebook has built a multibillion-dollar ad business because of such data. facebook因这类数据而建立了规模达数十亿美元的广告业务。

i dont wanna spend one more christmas without you歌词 is the time of year, that we learn to give And the greatest gift is learning to forgive. We will have the best that time we ever knew If you forgive me and I forgive you I don"t want to light a fire Unless it will warm your heart I"m playin no holiday songs I need you to sing your part And baby if I could have just one wish come true I don"t wanna spend one more Christmas without you It"s so hard to believe We"re staring at the end When all we think about is starting up again Whatever we lost, when we were apart We"ll find it all alone in the dark I don"t wanna light a fire Unless it will warm your heart I"m playin no holiday songs I need you to sing your part And baby if I could have just one wish come true I don"t wanna spend one more Christmas without you There"s nothing more that I want from you Then to lie here together And stay here forever with you There"s no one I ever knew That I wanted to spend Christmas with, more than you.... I don"t want to light a fire Unless it will warm your heart I"m playin no holiday songs I need you to sing your part And baby if I could have just one wish come true I don"t wanna spend one more Christmas without you I don"t want to light a fire Unless it will warm your heart I"m playin no holiday songs I need you to sing your part And baby if I could have just one wish come true I don"t wanna spend one more Christmas I don"t wanna spend one more Christmas I don"t wanna spend one more Christmas without you


Simba: Dad! Daad! Come on, Dad, we gotta go. Wake up! Random Lioness: Oomph! Simba: Sorry! ...Oop. {Simba starts to wake Mufasa} Simba: Dad? Daad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad-- Sarabi: {Over Simba"s endless noise of "Dad"s, sleepily} Your son... is awake... Mufasa: {Also sleepily} Before sunrise, he"s YOUR son. Simba: Dad? Daad! Come on, Dad! {tugs at Mufasa"s ear.} Daa-- Whoa! {He loses his grip on Mufasa"s ear, and slips and crashes into something off camera. He then comes running back on screen and butts Mufasa. Mufasa sleepily eyes his son.} Simba: You promised! Mufasa: {Seeing his son"s impatience} Okay, okay. I"m up. I"m up. Simba: Yeah! {Mufasa yawns a well-recorded lion yawn. Mufasa and Sarabi follow Simba up to the top of Pride Rock. Simba rubs up against Sarabi; she nudges him ahead and stays behind. Departing shot of her, with a loving expression. The sunrise illuminates the top of Pride Rock impressively. Both Simba and Mufasa are on the point. Cue music.} Mufasa: Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. Simba: Wow. {The camera revolves around them, during Mufasa"s speech, from a reverse view to a frontal shot.} Mufasa: A king"s time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king. Simba: And this will all be mine? Mufasa: Everything. Simba: Everything the light touches. {Simba looks all around. He views the rip-rap canyon to the north} What about that shadowy place? Mufasa: That"s beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba. Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants. Mufasa: Oh, there"s more to being king than... getting your way all the time. {Mufasa starts back down the rock} Simba: {Awed} There"s more? Mufasa: {Chuckles} Simba... {Camera switch. Mufasa and Simba are out walking on the savannah.} Mufasa: Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures-- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Simba: But, Dad, don"t we eat the antelope? Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.

My father 后面应该加have还是has


As the time approached.和With the time approaching 为什么第一个用ed,第二个用ing?

as是连词,后面跟句子,approached是谓语,是过去式with是介词,后面跟短语,with +n +ving是复合结构,名词和动词是主谓关系所以用ing形式;若为动宾关系则用ed形式即with +n +ved。

As we approached the city,为什么用approached?


was built被动?


第一行的it was built中的built是什么词性,是形容词吗,为什么?




built 和has built的区别


请问这里的built应该如何理解?It was a new one built just....



汉建兴三年(225年),南蛮王孟获造反,诸葛亮亲率五十万大军,采用马谡心战为上、兵战为下之策深入云南。擒了孟获后因其不服而释放,此后汉军渡过泸水,多次与孟获交战,克服重重困难,直抵乌戈国,先后对孟获七擒七纵。最终孟获感恩,誓不再反,南方之乱平息。[1] 此时魏主曹丕已经病逝,曹叡继位,重用深有谋略的司马懿。诸葛亮用马谡之谋,设离间计使曹睿削了司马懿兵权。汉建兴五年(公元227年),诸葛亮为继承刘备遗志,上《出师表》请求伐魏。魏驸马夏侯楙为主将出战,屡为汉军所败。五虎上将仅存的老将赵云更建奇功,力斩韩家父子五将。后诸葛亮定计收取西三郡,又收降了魏将姜维,使之成为自己的爱徒。曹睿联合羌王彻里吉共同进兵,诸葛亮乘雪大破羌兵。[1]

packing list 中的Measts.M3

measts.: measurement 的缩写,体积,m3:立方米


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