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国外采购中purchase order在签署合同后,国外会给order achievement,这是怎么回事?


Mr. king worked in a factory.He was tall and ..."Come out of the river at


purchase order中的问题

是的,发你们的采购订单PO,ship to是你们要求的发货地址,一般是你们公司的地址;运输方式以shipping mode表示,可以写上by air;PO号码你们自己定。

外贸业务中,PO(purchase order)由哪方开立?


purchase order 采购订单英文格式/模板

purchase order可以视为要约邀请,如对方明确表示接受order,你方即使没有签合同如对方有相应损失也是要赔偿的如果对方没有明确表示接受order,但如果为order做了实质的准备,你方即使没有签合同如对方有相应损失也是要赔偿的这里有模板,自己下一个去吧。

请假外贸问题,PO是purchase order 的意思吗?PI又是什么意思呢?

PO purchase order 采购单PI 是一种形式发票,全名就是proforma invoice在签订合同的时候,你可以把盖了公司章的合同传真过去给他们看,然后他们也会把盖了他们章的给你回传,确定可以之后,你们把你们的正本盖了章的合同两份用快递给他们寄过去,他们会留下一份,而将另一份盖了章之后给你们寄回来的,这样,你们手中都会有一份正本的合同了,,,

PR Purchase Request与PO Purchase Order有什么区别

  从字面理解是:一个是材料需求,一个是订单,  如果从ERP单据上来讲的话:类似一个是请购单,一个是采购订单  1、请购与需求不完全是一个概念,请购是材料需求的一种,从逻辑上讲,请购相当于独立需求  2、PR和PO之间还是可能有数量差的,因为需求的时候要考虑更多的东西,比如批量规则或者交付期  3、PR和PO还有区别是,PR不指定供方,PO必须指定

请假外贸问题,PO是purchase order 的意思吗?PI又是什么意思呢?


哪位高手帮忙提供Purchase Order的格式,急~~

英文简历有一定格式,供参考。SummaryI"m an honest, responsible, diligent and creative person. I have very good teamwork spirit and professional skill set. I am looking for a challenging position at …SkillsFluent in English reading, oral speaking and translation, certified in College English Test - Level 4 (CET-4)Skillful in Word, Excel, AutoCADDeep knowledge in Mechanical Outline Drawings and Manufacturing Process DrawingsDeep knowledge in physics and chemistry of metal materialsUnderstanding basic marketing skills, such as placing purchase order, sales, business trading and material flow managementWorking experience5/2006-present, Engineer, Department of Quality Assurance (QA), Sino-US Changzhou Kaier Pump Manufacturing Ltd.Responsible for QA of metal parts and components including physics-chemistry analyze, microscope inspection, foundry parts defect diagnosis.3/06-4/06, Intern at China Ship Manufacturing Ltd, ShanghaiPractical training in metal heat processing12/05-1/06 Intern at Yinfeng Foundry Company, SpainEducation and CertificatesBachelor in EngineeringCertificate for College English Test - Level 4 (CET-4)Certificate for National Professional Material Flow ManagementDriver"s License CAwardFellowship award: 2nd place once, 3rd place three timesBest internship awardLeadership award for social activitiesSocial ActivitiesVice president of Material Science School"s sports club.Organize university-wide football league and basketball league.Founder and editor of university newspaper - New ElementPersonal InterestsSports, reading and singing

purchase ordernumber这句话是什么意思


外贸 外贸采购订单即Purchase Order是由出口商做再由客人回签了,还是由客人做再由我们回签给客人了?



Whenallourtearshavereachedthesea Partofyouwillliveinme Waydowndeepinsidemyheart Thedayskeepcomingwithoutfail Anewwindisgonnafindyoursail That"swhereyourjourneystarts You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Justlikethewavesdownbytheshore We"regonnakeeponcomingbackformore "causewedon"teverwannastop Outinthisbravenewworldyouseek Ohthevalleysandthepeaks AndIcanseeyouonthetop You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Remembermewhenyou"reoutwalkin" Whenthesnowfallshighoutsideyourdoor Lateatnightwhenyou"renotsleepin" Andmoonlightfallsacrossyourfloor WhenIcan"thurtyouanymore You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Pleaserememberme END 中文: 当所有你我的泪水汇入大海 你的一部分将存在我的生活之中 深深的刻在我的内心深处 没有缺憾的日子不停的过着 又一阵清新的风找到了你的航向 那是你开始去向何方的旅程 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我… 就像浪花总在岸边停歇 我们更多的都在等待着回归 只因我们都曾不想停止 在这个充满冒险的新世界里你寻求着 哦,在那山谷间在那山峰上 我可以望见你正站在山颠 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我… 当你行走在外时请记住我 当你的门外雪花满天纷飞时 夜晚迟些的时候,当你还没有入睡 撒下的月光漫过你的地板时 当我无法再伤痛到你任何一点时 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我…

外国人说 close the purchase order 是什么意思


order 和 purchase 区分

purchase order

PR Purchase Request与PO Purchase Order有什么区别

po (purchase order,订购单号) pr (Purchase Request Form 采购申请单,) 外贸中的PO是订单的意思  英文全称是“PURCHASE ORDER”。 就是客户给你下订单时候给卖方发的一张订单,格式各个公司不同,但是基本上要包含买方和卖方公司名称、地址、电话、购买产品具体型号、说明、数量、付款方式等信息。PR单是购物申请单, 一般现在大公司各部门需要买东西,就要填写PR单(购物申请单)。送采购部门去采购

purchase order 以及V.A.T.是什么意思?

purchase order由一下部分组成: PO number (客户定单号), shipping date (装船日期), billing address (发票地址), shipping address (运输地址), terms of payment (付款方式), and a list of services/products (产品/服务信息). 其中产品/服务信息包括产品名称(pecifications),产品数量(numbers of the items),质量 (quantities),价格(prices)等VAT 即是 Value Added Tax ,附加税,欧盟的一种税制,即购物时要另加税,如定价是 inc vat,即已含税, excl vat 是未包税,Zero vat 是税率为0.意大利好像是 20% 税率,(英国是17.5%),即要多给20% 款项, 有些国对欧盟外购物不用付税,后面是当申请退税时需显示的号码。希望能帮到楼主,谢谢采纳了。

sell order 与purchase order区别?

sell order :销售订单,(向外卖出,赚钱)purchase order:采购订单 (向内买进,花钱)

你好!请问purchase order 以及V.A.T.分别是什么意思?

purchase order 是指采购订单或者购货合同。VAT 即是 Value Added Tax ,附加税,欧盟的一种税制,即购物时要另加税,如定价是 inc vat,即已含税, excl vat 是未包税,Zero vat 是税率为0.意大利好像是 20% 税率,(英国是17.5%),即要多给20% 款项, 有些国对欧盟外购物不用付税,IT00299910026 是该公司注册编号,是当申请退税时需显示的号码。


PSP+膜+电池+充电器这些算基本套装(膜一般都送,要好点的另外加钱。)1400 8G 约300,这里面就已经1700了。 你说组棒的耳机是指线控套装吗?原装的要150左右,如果另外买好耳机就要看你怎么买了。 SP加亮好像绝种的东西...好久没关注了,淘宝价格在500上下。218..你是说128还是256?GBA烧录卡的话买个1Gb(128MB)的也要100.怎么算2100都搞不定那你说的256肯定是256Mbit,实际容量在电脑显示是32MB,有些游戏可能放不下的。至于你说的PSP这价格太夸张了,九成是翻新的。新机器基本都卖1350以上的。

sales order和purchase order 的区别


all i want for christmas is you 歌词

歌曲名:all i want for christmas is you歌手:My Chemical RomanceI don"t want a lot for ChristmasThere is just one thing I needI don"t care about the presents underneath the Christmas treeI just want you for my ownMore than you could ever knowMake my wish come trueBaby all I want for Christmas is youI don"t want a lot for Christmas there is just one thing I needAnd I don"t care about the presents underneath the Christmas treeI don"t need to hang my stocking way above the fireplaceSanta Clause won"t make me happy with a toy on Christmas dayAnd I just want you for my ownMore than you could ever knowMake my wish come trueOh baby all I want for Christmas is you, you babyI wont ask for much this ChristmasI wont even wish oh I wont even wish. I wont even wish for snow.I"m just gonna keep on waiting underneath the mistletoeI wont make a list and send it to the North Pole for St NickWont even stay awake to hear the magic reindeer playCause I just want you here tonight,Holdin on to me so tightWhat more can I doOh baby all I want for Christmas is you, oh babyOh our lives are shinin surrounding everywhereWhere the sounds of children"s laughter fills the airAnd everyone is singin" oh I hear those sleigh bells ringin"Santa wont you bring me the one I really needWont you bring back my baby to meOh I don"t want a lot for ChristmasThis is all I"m askin forI just want to see my baby standing right outside my doorI just want you for my ownMore than you could ever knowMake my wish come trueAll I want for Christmas is you, you, its you, you, oh babyAll I want is youAll I want is youAll I want is youAll I want is youYou, you, you, you, you

purchase order 中文是什么?


purchase order是什么意思

purchase order采购订单

1.between the two hills —— a deep river .has还是is?

1.答案:is 解析:这句可以说是一个倒装句,把介词短语提前了,其实句子的主语是a deep river,是单数,还原句子为 A deep river is between the two hills.在两个小山之间有一个河流. 2.答案:goes 解析:句子的主语是Tom,是第三人称单数,而with his parents 是伴随状语 翻译:在周末,汤姆经常和他的父母去看电影. 有不明白的请继续追问,,6,is 倒装句,一条深河在两山之间。 goes 主语是tom, with后面是伴随状语,不参与主语,所以主语是三单 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,2,is和goes.,1,is goes 祝你开心,0,1. 答案:is A deep river is between the two hills. 在两个小山之间有一个河流。 2. 答案:goes,0,1.between the two hills —— a deep river .has还是is 2.tom with his parents often —— to the movies at weekends.go还是goes

which,glasses,miss,him,policewoman 怎么读

which英[wu026atu0283]美[hwu026atu0283,wu026atu0283]pron.哪一个;哪一些;哪个;那,指前面提到的事物adj.哪一个;哪一些[例句]Customers " biction wallets are typically stored in their phones or computers , which can be hacked.消费者的比特币钱包往往是存在手机或电脑里,这些设备都可能被黑客攻破。glasses英["glɑ:su026az]美["glɑ:su026az]n.眼镜;双筒望远镜;玻璃( glass的名词复数 );玻璃杯;玻璃器皿;眼镜[例句]I was glad I was wearing [ 3-d ] glasses , " he says ."“幸亏我带着3D眼镜,”他说。miss英[mu026as]美[mu026as]n.(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐;女士;失误v.漏掉;错过(机会);思念;没遇到第三人称单数:misses;过去分词:missed;名词复数:misses;现在分词:m...[例句]I miss my best friend.想念我最好的朋友。him英[hu026am]美[hu026am]pron.(he的宾格)他[例句]And I got to know him a little bit.我对他稍微有些了解。policewoman英[pu0259u02c8li:swu028amu0259n]美[pu0259u02c8lisu02ccwu028amu0259n]n.女警察;女警官名词复数:policewomen[例句]The policewoman , she called him a psychopath.那个女警察说他整个人就是个神经病。如果还不会读,可以在百度中搜索,找到读音。求采纳


Suzi did something for her class last Monday.Suzy上周星期一为班级做事情。同义句是Something was done by Suzy for her class last Monday.

Suzy is good at Maths Suzy has___ ___in Maths

a gifta talent

now that as long as区别是什么?


now that 和as 都可以引导原因状语从句,有什么区别

now that (既然)是引导条件状语从句的, now that 之后是一个条件. as (因为)可以引导原因状语从句,as 之后是一个原因.

大家帮我找一篇英文演讲稿, 题目是 面对灾难 (in th fce of disaster) 三分钟以内,,大约四五百词吧。

In the face of disasterDo you believe the word is coming to an end?Are you frightented of disasters?Maybe you have never thought about that.But many predictions,from the ancient Maya or according to the Sumerians,humanity is about to perish and our planet will undergo mass destruction and anything on earth will disappear forevermore.Believe it or not,man can do little in the face of disasters and therefore life should be treasured in our sober moments.As we know,a massive magnitude-9.0 earthquake struck Japan and a 10-metre destrctive tsunami was triggered last Friday.It has killed more than 8000 people!It forced thousands of people from their homes!It lead to at least 12000 people missing.Buildings were kocked down ; Fishing boats were swept; Rice paddies were swallowed; Widespread fires were sparked out of control;Even a whole village was washed away entirely. Although rescue work are continuing,victims are still growing.Thatu2019s the disaster!Presently,disasters, flash floodsu3001droughtsu3001tornados, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, occurred on our planet. Every year,millions of people are killed,injured or left homeless.We catch sight of the battered wreckage,the terrified refugees,the miserable death on television nearly everyday. Natural disasters are becoming very rapidly an increasing threat for humanu2019s surviving.The serious disasters happened recently years especially.[Pictures]Chinau3001Indonesiau3001Haitiu3001Chile and some other courtries suffered destructive earthquakes or natural disasters. Huge damage have been made either to the environment or to our human lives. However,the more we suffered,the more we felt the limitatiions of our human beings, powerless u3001panicu3001tininess.Through destroy,we understand whatu2019s counts most in our livies .If the prediction of 2012 came true,will your life be any difference?For thousands victims who lived with pains and catastrophe,do you have the courage to face life more cheerfully ? Cherish life, care for life, respect life.We can never forget the understanding and cooperation among our human benings. Exert ourselvies and never stop making efferts!


decrease n.减少,减少的量 v.减少reduce vt.减少,缩小,简化,还原decline vi.下倾,下降,下垂 v.拒绝,衰落 n.下倾,下降,下垂,斜面,斜坡,衰败,衰落lessen v.减少,减轻lower adj.较低的,下级的,下等的,下游的 vi.降低,跌落,减弱 vt.放下,降下,减弱,贬低cut down v.砍倒,胜过,削减,删节decrease常用于工农产品产量等减少,也指数量的减少reduce一般用于数量的减少,或是较小距离的减小decline一般不使用减少的意思(常用拒绝的意思),但常在图表描述中表示...急剧地降低lessen本意减轻... 常引申为减轻负担...lower用于降低...标准或者是和社会地位有关的,特殊用法降低速度cut down 一般用于价格等的减少,部分用法同lower(还有cut down to size:降低威望)

JavaScript 如何定义一个二维数组

var fruit = new Array(3);fruit[0] = new Array("苹果", 2);fruit[1] = new Array("梨子", 4);fruit[2] = new Array("橘子", 2);

... ... ,theyu2015u2015( stop) todayu2019s disasters

They go to school by bike.His name is DanDanny has a friend.But danny`s bike is broken today.They want to go to the bicycle shop behind the street and Danny wants a new chain.The bicycle shop is far from here.They stop and buy some ice creams.They feel cool now

Natural Disaster 英语短文


Dreams And Disasters 歌词

歌曲名:Dreams And Disasters歌手:Owl City专辑:The Midsummer StationOwl City - Dreams And DisastersSplendidyangWe were alone on the road driving fasterSo far from home we were chasing disasterHard on the gas "till the car caught on fireWe had to laugh as the smoked billowed higherI wanna feel alive forever afterAnd you say, you say you wanna feel alive forever afterAnd I, and I, and I sayFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disastersThink of the sun, and the sound of it risingStill on the run with our eyes on the horizonI wanna feel alive forever afterAnd you say, you say you wanna feel alive forever afterAnd I, and I, and I sayFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disastersI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveI just wanna feel aliveFollow the light through the dreams and disastersFollow the light to the edge and the afterWe won"t turn around, we will not slow downFollow the light through the dreams and disasters!

一篇关于natural disasters(自然灾害)的演讲稿

Natural Disasters - 自然灾害 A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts which affects human activities. But do not always blame, it mainly is caused by human being. Because human have cut down too many trees in the forests, dump rubbish into the landfill and invented nuclear bomb. These have badly polluted the environment. It is very late when we people realize the climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land. Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth because the earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.



javascript 怎么避免array的数据重复????


以natural disaster 为题目的英语作文

就这些了~~~ In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.

英语作文 on disaster

flood disaster took place in some areas in china. it had been raining all those days and never stopped, which led to the flood.  the pla men arrived immediately to rescue the villagers of the flooded areas. and they did their best to fight against the flood. they supplied the villagers with fresh vegetables and food. some medical teams were organized to help them so that they could have healthy diet. poisonous food and dead animals were not allowed to be eaten and the water must be cleared over and over again before being drunk. the doctors told them to pay special attention to their health. some leaders of our country also inspected the areas.  supplies and money from all parts of our country were sent to those areas to support them. after a long time, everything went on very well. and that was a sign of victory.

now that 和as 都可以引导原因状语从句,有什么区别

您好,now that (既然)是引导条件状语从句的,now that 之后是一个条件。as (因为)可以引导原因状语从句,as 之后是一个原因。

以Natrual disaster为题写一篇作文。

I believe that each everyone of you have paid attention to the earthquake, and also the Taifeng in Japan, therefore it is obvious that we all know the great power of natural disasters. If things happened in Japan is a little bit far from our habitat, then I would like to call for your memory about the big earthquake in Sichuan three years ago. Thousands of people lost their properties, their families, or even their own life. There are just so many examples of the terrible disasters that I can list, but I will just stop here. With the name natural disaster, it is easy to tell it occurs naturally. Hard to prodict, hard to provent, hard to find out ways to get rid of them. So, what can we do about these disasters. Of course there got to have some ways of dealing with them. To invent better ditectors, to teach people how to safe their life while disasters come, to build stronger buildings. These are just simple ideas come to my mind right away.Then the next question come up to me. Have we done all these? Have we get ourselves fully propared for the next natural disasters yet? The answer to both of the questions are no! And this is my key point of this speech. I think it is time for us to learn the ways of protecting our life while disasters happen.

because;since;as;for;now that作“因为”讲时,有什么区别


disaster 可数吗







disasters英 [du026a"zɑ:stu0259z] 美 [du026a"zɑ:stu0259z]n.灾难( disaster的名词复数 ); 彻底的失败; 不幸; 祸患 Ecological disasters, such as the destruction of rainforest 雨林破坏等生态灾难



仙剑奇侠传三安装好后进入游戏时会出现"please insert disc4 to dirver :无法进入游戏.

不用太麻烦吧 仙三直接下个免cd补丁打上就行了 不要改注册表了

my situation has been improved 为什么要把been去掉

高斋翻译Joy分享:人的身体状况改善是自动的,所以是主动。这里面也有improve的用法2018年5月CATTI三级笔译英译汉参考译文只提供一段,因为做翻译的人都知道翻译不容易做出来,网上不少免费译文问题很大,因为合格的翻译不会有那么多时间和精力出那么多免费译文的。如果大家想看更多请看我们“高斋翻译学堂”上推送的文章,有打印资料和翻译书籍。2018年5月CATTI三级笔译英译汉原文出处:也适合MTI翻硕翻译硕士备考肥胖问题第一篇:三级笔译英译汉 550字原文:Improved human well-being is one of the modern era"s greatest triumphs. The age of plenty has also led to an unexpected global health crisis: two billion people are either overweight or obese. Developed countries have been especially susceptible to unhealthy weight gain. However, developing countries are now facing a similar crisis.高斋翻译Joy老师的参考译文:人类福祉得到了改善,这是现代社会最伟大的胜利之一。但令人意想不到的是,物质丰盛的时代同样也带来了全球性的健康危机:有20亿人不是超重就是患有肥胖症。发达国家的人们尤其容易超重或肥胖。然而,发展中国家如今也面临着类似的危机。高斋翻译Joy老师的讲解:词汇:triumph 美 [u02c8trau026au0259mf](1)N-VAR 非凡的成功;杰出的成就 A triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort.例句:The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach, Dave Donovan...事实证明,在这次锦标赛中教练戴夫·多诺万取得了非凡的个人成就。(2)N-UNCOUNT (成功或获胜时的)极大的满足,狂喜,骄傲 Triumph is a feeling of great satisfaction and pride resulting from a success or victory.例句:Her sense of triumph was short-lived.她只感受了片刻成功的喜悦。(3)VERB 成功;获胜;得胜 例句:All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.凯莉一生经历了各种艰巨的任务与挑战,她都一一成功应对了。be susceptible to 易受影响的,易受感染的。susceptible 美[su0259u02c8su025bptu0259bu0259l]易受影响的;易感动的,感情丰富的高斋翻译Joy老师的翻译思维:1. Improved human well-being:这个直接可以翻译为人类福祉的改善或者和参考译文那样翻译为小分句。我们知道在医疗白皮书即前段时间的CATTI汉译英真题讲解里面,我们把民生翻译为了well-being,所以这里我们也可以把 Improved human well-being翻译为民生的改善或民生得到改善。2. The age of plenty:不少人翻译错了,这个是age是时代的意思,而不是年龄,plenty是物质丰盛的意思。3. Unexpected:这个我们可以和后面的名词翻译在一起,比如物质丰盛的时代同样也带来了令人意想不到的全球性健康危机。也可以按参考译文那样抽离出来翻译,放在句首,这属于一种我很久以前讲过的抽离翻译思维。4. either overweight or obese:不是超重就是患有肥胖症,obese的意思是肥胖,过度肥胖,肥胖症,所以either overweight or obese也可以翻译为不是超重就是过度肥胖。5. Developed countries have been especially susceptible to unhealthy weight gain:直译就是发达国家尤其容易受不健康的体重增加,但是这样翻译肯定不是地道汉语,既然是不健康的体重增加,那就是前面所说的超重或者肥胖,所以我最后翻译为了:发达国家的人们尤其容易超重或肥胖原文:Obesity rates have plateaued in high-income countries but are accelerating elsewhere. The combined findings of the World Health Organisation and the World Bank showed that in 2016 Asia was home to half the world"s overweight children. One quarter were in Africa.原文:This crisis will test the political resolve of governments that have historically focused on ending hunger. These governments must understand that the factors making cities convenient and productive also make their residents prone to obesity.Urban lifestyles 城市生活方式原文:Urbanites enjoy a variety of food. Additionally, international fast food chains are flourishing in developing countries. The health risks of such diets are compounded by the sedentary lifestyles of urban dwellers.原文:People"s leisure time is also being monopolised by passive diversions like television, movies, and video games in the growing number of households able to afford such technologies. 原文:The alarming implication of these trends is that developing countries may become sick before they get rich. That sickness may, in turn, cripple health systems. The yearly health care costs in Southeast Asia of obesity-related complications like diabetes and cardiovascular disease are already as high as US $10 billion. Such diseases are an added burden on countries already struggling to manage primary health care needs.原文:Policies related to taxation, urban design, education and awareness and the promotion of localised food systems may help control obesity at a lower cost than eventual medical treatment for an ageing and increasingly overweight population.Direct interventions 直接干预原文:Some governments have already experimented with direct interventions to control obesity, such as taxation on unhealthy foods and drinks. Thailand, Brunei and Singapore have adopted soda tax. South Africa is likely to introduce a sugar tax in April 2018. 原文:The city of Berkeley in California recognises that taxes alone are not enough to address obesity. The city"s sugar tax aims to support child nutrition and community health programmes. This underscores the importance of education and awareness. There is also promise in initiatives. Urban design holds significant power to reshape lifestyle and public health. Improving the attractiveness of public space can draw residents out of their cars and living rooms.原文:A recent study of urban neighbourhoods in Shanghai and Hangzhou found that residents living in less walkable neighbourhoods had significantly higher Body Mass Indices than those with walkable aisles. Finally, healthier lifestyles begin in grocery store aisles. Governments should encourage tighter connections between agricultural production systems, urban grocers and food vendors.原文:Such initiatives can also help urban residents better understand the mechanics of food sourcing. This raises awareness about the relationship between natural foods and healthy lifestyles.原文:Combining controls on unhealthy foods with policies that incentivise healthy eating and active lifestyles constitutes a promising response to rising obesity rates. Addressing public health is a policy mandate for developing countries from both an economic and social point of view. To quote the recent Global Nutrition Report, reducing obesity will boost global development.2015年5月7日 06:18 英国《金融时报》 詹姆斯u2022威尔逊 报道第二篇:三级笔译汉译英 336字原文:煤炭是全球储量最大的资源,但反对使用煤炭的声浪逐渐增长。巨大的碳排放量导致气候变化,引起公众的担忧,煤炭需求出现下降。煤炭相对其他燃料的竞争力减弱。以美国为例,页岩气的出现造成部分煤炭产量由于价格过高而被挤出市场。去年的美国煤炭需求量近9.2亿短吨。由于天然气的价格下跌,今年的需求量将会下降6000万吨到8000万吨。原文:数据显示,煤炭提供了全球约30%的一次能源和40%以上的电力。在人口第一和第二大国中国和印度,煤炭所满足的能源需求比例甚至达到70%左右。中国的煤炭消费量在2014年已经下滑,煤炭进口下降了11%,这是十年来的首次下降。中国经济增速已经放缓,同时也做出极大努力削减煤炭使用以减少污染。燃煤发电厂仅运行了五成多点的装机容量,再加上煤炭供应充足,导致国际煤炭价格被压低。煤炭出口价格较2011年顶峰下降了约60%。

谁能解释下英国会计中的group,associate和joint venture的具体概念和区别?

首先,Group,顾名思义是指一组公司,其中包括一个母公司parent company和它的所有子公司subsidiaries。它们虽然法律形式上是彼此独立的,但经济角度上可以看作是一个单一的经济体the single entity,是economic substance over legal form的体现。这是因为当一个公司拥有另一个公司足够多的股份时,就已经根本上控制了这家公司。比如,A拥有B的60%股份,这就意味着A在B的年会决议上有着绝大多数的投票权和决定权,可以单方任免管理者或设定股利分配。因此B对于A来讲,绝不是一个有独立意志的公司而更象A的一个部门了。B就是A的subsidiary。所以作为Group的一个重要特征就是,在一组公司里有一个公司控制着其他所有公司。Group里只有parent company and its subsidiaries,没有associate。因为parent对subsidiary拥有50%以上的股权--是控制权,但对associate仅有大于或等于20%并小于或等于50%的股权,没有控制权,只有重要影响力significant influence,年会上有发言权的。可见associate比起subsidiary来离parent远多了;而joint venture又比associate离group远,它更像是一个比较单纯的借势投资行为。joint venture又有三种形式jointly controlled operation,jointly controlled assets,jointly controlled entities。所以consolidated financial statements中,subsidiaries要和parent合并为一个经济体--因此要特别注意intra-group trading和goodwill的计算,而对于associate要求很简单只用equity method就可以了,joint venture是更为独立的记录了。这是我的理解,不一定准确,不过希望对你能够有点帮助:D

just like like as的区别


友友们,请帮我找一篇英语论文,题目:Active Learning in the Classroom.谢谢...急!!!


急求as if ;seem to;just like的用法和区别!


下面这句话中“just as”替换为“just like”后有语法错误吗?二者有何区别?

that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it.要是我们不把生活中的重大事件告诉那条河,就可能大祸临头。

just as和just like的区别 具体一点最好还能举例

as 后面是从句 可以充当成分 这时有点类似于定语从句中which的用法 like后面不能是从句,只能是短语 例如 The information is just as I have said before. she is a student just like me.


你好,希望能帮到你。对于如何解决穷人的问题,是每个政府关心的头等大事。美国政府也无不例外,但其对穷人的资助方式已经发生了变化。直到20世纪30年代的美国大萧条,美国各州政府及当地政府都为穷人承担一些责任,提供一些资助。然而,这些资助是越少越好的。美国总统富兰克林 罗斯福的新政策, 包括新联邦政府主动资助穷人这项政策,随着20世纪30年代的经济大萧条,国内几百万人的失业问题,资助远远超过了州政府的财政资源。因此,联邦政府直接向穷人或者州政府提供为维持群众的基本生活资助。1935年到1996年间,联邦政府确立了为穷人提供额外福利计划,而这些计划包括了医疗保健、公共住房以及食品救济券。然而,到了60年代,不开始有批评指出这些计划会让人们不再想找工作。即使维护公共福利的人士承认福利系统是有不完善的地方:他们注意到金融政策上一些不利于经济发展的因素,如因低薪工作而失去一系列的福利,提别是医疗保健的。

like ,as的用法 及不同之处;还有just like和jiust as的区别.

as表示 作为,即本来就是 例:as a reporter 作为一名记者 like表示 像 ,但不是 例:He looks more like a mother. just like 与like 用法一样just as与as用法一样

just as 和just like的区别是什么

just like 与 just as的区别做这种题就要去同求异.呵呵.区别开as与like就好了as与like是英语中常见的两个词.他们的语义和用法很多.在语义上者两个词都可以当"像......"."正如......"讲.说明人与人.物与物.动作与动作.状态与状态之间的相似之处.但其语法结构却是不一样的. 一.当[像"讲时.语法结构的不同之处是: 1.as作连接词.她引导比较状语从句和方式状语从句.而且这两种从句通常为省略句.例如: 1.She is a fine singer. as her mother used to be. 2.There is as much water in this cupas in that one. 2.like作介词.例如: 3.My sister isn''t much like me. 4.The robot can''t work like man. 如果需要加强语气.再这两个词之前加上just之类的词即可.例如: 5.All the plants and animals need air just as they need water. 6.Mary goes to school at seven every morning just like her brother. 含义不同之处是: (1)like只是单纯表示比较.而且通常不是同类事物进行比较: 7.The ship looks like a high building. 8.The sky was like ink over my head. (2)as可表示同类事物比较. 9.This ship is as long as that one. 二.当[正如...."意义讲时.语法结构的不同之处是: (1)as作关系代词或关系副词.引导定于从句. as 在这样的句子里指全句所谈到的内容.引出非限制性定于从句.在从句中一般做主语或宾语.例如: 10.Metals have many good properties. as has been stated before. 11.As we said before. you have done a good job. (2)like作界词. 12.She. like thousands of others. is fascinated by this work. 三.as与like有时可以换用. (1)在非正式的美国英语中like可用作连词.代替as.例如: 13.Nobody loves you like I do. baby. (2)在非正式的文体中.like.常被用来代替as if. 14.Duke said:"You feel like you could reach out and touch it (the space)." 四.as常用于下列词组:在as you know .as we agreed. as you suggested 这些词组中.as的实际意义不是比较.也不是相似.而是同一事物或人之义.例如: as you know 的意思不是you know somthing like this .而是you know this. 15.As he knew. she wasn''t much at letter-writing. 16.As all his friends agree. he was unusually warm-hearted.loving and generous. 在非正式问题中.有时可以在这种词组里用like.但在受过教育的人所使用的英语中不多见.

just as 可以+句子吗,as可以换成like,那just like也可以加句子??

like是介词,后面不能跟句子。连词才可以 I love you just like ocean.然后你去听ocean size love 那歌词,情书范本堪称或者句式改成,I love you as much as什么的

like ,as的用法 及不同之处;还有just like和jiust as的区别.

as表示 作为,即本来就是 例:as a reporter 作为一名记者 like表示 像 ,但不是 例:He looks more like a mother. just like 与like 用法一样just as与as用法一样



just as 和just like的区别是什么?

just like: adv. 正如(几乎与。。。一样) That baby looks just like her father.那婴儿真像她父亲。But I like singing, I like to be on the stage, just like I have returned my home. 不过我自己也是蛮喜欢唱歌的,在舞台上面的感觉,就像回到家里。 just as: Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the important of gases. 空气是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样。You should take an umbrella just as a precaution.你该带把伞,有备无患。 这两个后都可跟句子或词语,表示“正像、正如”时可互换。

just as 与just like用法。(老师或者英语高手请进)


用pass judgement on 造句,要翻译,谢谢

1. I do not feel that I have the necessary knowledge to pass judgement on a work of modern art. 我觉得自己不具备评论现代艺术作品所必需的知识 2.To pass judgement on men and personalities 臧否人物 3.It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. Don"t wait any longer. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants. 安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。 4. As soon as we have ascertained the facts and got to the bottom of a case, we should pass judgement on it. 有些案子当断即断,抓住事件的主要问题,查清了就处理。 5. To pass the final judgement on matters of a technical nature which may arise during a given match and for which there are no stipulations in the rules. 比赛中,若发生在规则中没有规定的技术问题时,裁判委员会有权做最后之判决。

just as 和just like的区别是什么




each one of us has different

考虑谓语的单复数,看的是主语的单复数,要不然怎么会叫做“主谓一致”呢 此句的主语是Each,所以谓语动词用单数,即 has,或者possesses 用 have 或者possess 就是错的

the last witch hunter最后的片尾曲叫什么

如果你指的是那首纯音乐的话,是Steve Jablonsky - At Your Service

Friendship Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. My friends

友谊对我们每个人来说 无论贫穷或富贵 都应该至少有1~2个最要好的朋友 我的朋友们希望满意 呵呵 ,>_<



just like 和such as区别

such as作为“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子.Some of the European languages come from Latin,such as French,Italian and Spanish.有些欧洲语言来源于拉丁语,例如,法语、意大利语和西班牙语.Just like 后面跟名词或者句子,表示像什么一样的,表示形容和修饰.多口语.



just like like as的区别

这是2004年4月自考英语语法试题第8小题。正确答案就是A。其实,也不难理解:这是【状语从句+省略结构】。语法中状语从句部分是这样说的: 在时间、条件、方式、比较、让步等状语从句中,如果从句主语与主句主语相同,或者从句主语是it时,从句主语与谓语动词的一部分(经常是be动词)经常省略。例如: While crossing the road, Tom was hit by a car. =While Tom was crossing the road, he was hit by a car.Come to school early【 if possible=if it is possible】 故,结合语境和时态,原句完整形式应该是:Whenever the professor explained something,she kept smiling and nodding her head from time to time (as if/as though she was)understanding every word of his lecture。 至于like,作“像......一样”,经常搭配:be/look/seem like;feel like【介词】。The weather looks like【介词】 clearing up.天气好像会放晴。Tom is like【介词】 his father in looks.汤姆的相貌像他父亲。 也可以做连词,引导从句,但是,词典上明确注释:informal【非正规用法】,即是as用法误用而形成的。如:Like 【连词,informal】I said(=as I said),you"re always welcome to stay.正如我以前所说过的,我永远都欢迎你留下。She acts like【连词】she owns the place 。她的举动就像那地方是她的一样。It was just like you said. 情况正如你所说的那样。

just as和just like的区别 具体一点最好还能举例

as 后面是从句 可以充当成分 这时有点类似于定语从句中which的用法 like后面不能是从句,只能是短语 例如 The information is just as I have said before. she is a student just like me.

just like和just as的区别

一、当“像”讲时,语法结构的不同: as作连接词,引导比较状语从句和方式状语从句,而且这两种从句通常为省略句。如果需要加强语气,再这两个词之前加上just之类的词即可。 like只是单纯表示比较,而且通常不是同类事物进行比较;as可表示同类事物比较。 扩展资料   二、当“正如”意义讲时,语法结构的不同   (1)as作关系代词或关系副词、引导定语从句。as 在这样的句子里指全句所谈到的内容,引出非限制性定语从句,在从句中一般做主语或宾语。   (2)like作界词   三、词组组合不同   as常用于下列词组:在as you know,as we agreed,as you suggested 这些词组中,as的实际意义不是比较,也不是相似,而是同一事物或人之义。在非正式问题中,有时可以在这种词组里用like,但在受过教育的人所使用的.英语中不多见。   四、as与like有时可以换用   (1)在非正式的美国英语中like可用作连词,代替as。   (2)在非正式的文体中,like,常被用来代替as if。

just as 与just like用法。(老师或者英语高手请进)

That"s just as it should be这句话意思是:……就正如它本来应该是的(那个样子)。而XiaoGao began to speak before everybody else, justasthe meeting started。意思是:在会议开始的时候,小高开始在大家面前开始讲话。引导的是时间状语。此时just as 可以换成when。也可以去掉just。以上两种情况是不太相同的。第一句可以说是此类用法的固定搭配,第二句不是。just like有第一句话的用法,第二句不行!望楼主采纳!

refer refer to refer as 这三个单词该怎么用谢谢啦,15分

refer to...和refer本来就是refer的两个固定搭配,这个只能讲讲后两者用法,剩下的就是单独的refer的用法了。1. refer to sb/sth 指的是/提到/说到/论及/涉及...;参考/参阅...His name was referred to at the meeting.他的名字在会议中被提及。Please refer to the dictionary if you don"t know the words.如果你不认识单词,请查阅字典。Are you referring to me?你指/说的是我吗?2. refer sb/sth to sb/sth 让某人参考/参阅某物;叫某人去某处;把某物托付给某人For detail, I refer you to the papers I handed to you.详情请参阅我交给你的文件。He referred the student to the counselor.他叫那名学生去找辅导员。The problem was referred to the committee.该问题已交付给委员会处理。3. refer 将...称为...California is referred to as the "Golden State".加利福尼亚州被称为“黄金之州”。如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

just like和just as的区别

just like和just as的区别:as和like都是常用的可以表示当的含义的词,但是just like是做副词的, just as as有做连词的用法。just like做副词放在句中,而just as 可以放在句首,引导从句。 just like和just as的区别 一、意思不完全相同 1、just like的意思是:正如; 几乎与 ... 一样 例句: The night of the celebration was just like Christmas for them. 当晚的庆祝活动对他们来说就像圣诞节一般。 2、just as的意思是:正像;正在…的时候 例句: Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede 正当我开始觉得自己永远都好不了了的时候,我的病开始好转了。 二、用法不同 1、 just as有做连词的用法,可以放在句首,引导从句。 2、just like是做副词的,放在句中,后面接名词或者句子都可以。

JavaScript遍历JSON数据( {k:”key1",v:"value1"} )中键值的

var json = {a: "aaaa",v: "vvvv"};for(var k in json) { console.log("key is " + k); console.log("value is" + json[k]);}
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