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( ) 2.Please feed the grass the cow; cows feed grass. A. On;to B. For;on C. On;for D. To;on

选 D to,on请把草喂给母牛,母牛吃草。

[-A42] _______ is known to us all, ______ feed on grass.

解释:as is known to us all可看为一固定用法,意思是正如我们所知道的。前半句也是as引导的非限制性定语从句。后一空cattle为牛, 牲口的总称,为集体名词,谓语动词要用复数,所以feed不用第三人称的形式。这句话的意思是正如我们所知道的,牛以草为食。希望可以帮到你!

cows feed on grass

C feeding on feed on 以…为食,以…为能源


(Helena)Arash behet migam dooset daram….Toe ein donya faghat toro daram…"Araaaaasshhhh….Bi to man tanhayam..Gooshet ba man bashe, toro dost daram(Arash)Tak o tanha toe ein otagh, bi to hastam…Hala bi to dar be dar baroon mibare…Toe ein shabe bahari to door az man..Bia einja setare be man begu are.(Helena)Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare..Arash bi to sardame..Ey eshghe man..Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare…Arash to male mani, ey eshghe man…(Arash)Zendegi ba to kheyli khobe..Harvaght to einja hasti, hamash bahare..Dast be dast nazanin, ba ham bashim..Esmamo seda kon, be man begu are…(Helena)Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare..Arash bi to sardame..Ey eshghe man..Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare…Arash to male mani, ey eshghe man(Helena)Are are bahare, miam pishet dobare..Arash bi to sardame..Ey eshghe man..Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare…Arash to male mani, ey eshghe manAre are bahare, miam pishet dobare..Arash bi to sardame..Ey eshghe man..Are are bahare, emshab del bigharare…Arash to male mani, ey eshghe man 翻译(Helena)Arash,对你说我爱你……在这世界上我只拥有你……Arash,没有你我很孤单……听我说,我爱你……(Arash)独自一人在房中,你不在身边不在我身边,到处在下雨在这雨夜你远离我到我身边来吧,对我说是的(Helena)是啊,我会来到你身边Arash,没有你我感到寒意我的爱对啊,今夜心不宁静Arash你是我的我的爱(Arash)有你的日子无比幸福每当你在身边,就感到春天手牵手守在一起叫我的名字吧,对我说是的(Helena)是啊,我会来到你身边Arash,没有你我感到寒意我的爱对啊,今夜心不宁静Arash你是我的我的爱Repeat × 3没有官方翻译,大意如此吧,波斯语的歌词挺直白的,不似波斯语诗歌般有韵味。这首歌还有Remix版本和英语版本(英语版是指女声用英语唱:It"s true I"m crazy about you, on night and day I miss you, Arash you"re so far away, so far away)。

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是否具有3d效果 cursor 属性 鼠标指针移入后的形状 date 函数 返回当前的日期 datetimetofiledate 函数 将delphi的日期格式转换为dos的日期格式 datetimetostr 函数 将日期时间格式转换为字符串 datetimetostring 函数 将日期时间格式转换为字符串 datetostr 函数 将日期格式转换为字符串 dayofweek 函数 返回星期的数值 dec 函数 递减变量值 decodedate 函数 将日期格式分解为年月日 decodetime 函数 将时间格式分解为时、分、秒、毫秒 delete 函数 从字符串中删除子串 deletefile 命令 删除文件 diskfree 函数 返回剩余磁盘空间的大小 disksize 函数 返回指定磁盘的容量 dispose 函数 释放动态变量所占的空间 disposestr 函数 释放字符串在堆栈中的内存空间 ditherbackgrounddi2001.jpg?使背景色的色彩加重或减少50% dragcursor 属性 当鼠标按下时光标的形状 dragmode 属性 按动的作用方式 dropdowncount 属性 容许的显示数据项的数目 editmask 属性 编辑模式 enabled 属性 是否使标签呈现打开状态 encodedate 函数 将年月日合成为日期格式 encodetime 函数 将时、分、秒、毫秒合成为时间格式 endmargin 属性 末尾边缘 eof 函数 对有类型或无类型文件测试是否到文件尾 eoln 函数 返回文本文件的行结束状态 erase 命令 删除外部文件 exceptaddr 函数 返回引起当前意外的地址 exclude 函数 从集合中删除一些元素 exceptobject 函数 返回当前意外的索引 exit 命令 立即从当前的语句块中退出 exp 函数 指数函数 expandfilename 函数 返回包含绝对路径的字符串 extendedselect 属性 是否允许存在选择模式,true时,multiselect才有意义 extractfiledir 函数 返回驱动器和路径 extractfileext 函数 返回文件的后缀 extractfilename 函数 返回文件名 extractfilepath 函数 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建立一指定大小的动态变量,并将指针指向该处 getmemorymanager 返回内存管理器的入口点 glyph 函数 按钮上的图象 halt 停止程序的执行并返回到操作系统 hi 返回参数的高地址位 high 返回参数的上限值 hint 属性 提示信息 int 返回参数的整数部分 include 添加元素到集合中 insert 在字符串中插入子串 inttohex 将整型数转换为十六进制数 inttostr 将整型数转换为字符串 ioresult 返回最新的i/o操作完成状态 isvalidident 测试字符串是否为有效的标识符 items 属性 默认显示的节点 kind 属性 摆放样式largechange 属性 最大改变值 layout 属性 图象布局 length 函数 返回字符串的动态长度 lines 属性 缺省显示内容 ln 函数 自然对数函数 lo 函数 返回参数的低地址位 loadstr 函数 从应用程序的可执行文件中装载字符资源 lowercase 函数 将给定的字符串变为小写 low 函数 返回参数的下限值 max 属性 最大值 maxlength 属性 最大长度 min 属性 最小值 mkdir 命令 建立一子目录 mod 符号随被除数move 函数 从源到目标复制字节 multiselect 属性 允许同时选择几个数据项 name 属性 控件的名字 new 函数 建立新的动态变量并设置一指针变量指向他 newstr 函数 在堆栈上分配新的字符串 now 函数 返回当前的日期和时间 odd 测试参数是否为奇数 onactivate 事件 焦点移到窗体上时触发 onclick 事件 单击窗体空白区域触发 ondblclick 事件 双击窗体空白区域触发 onclosequery 事件 使用者试图关闭窗体触发 onclose 事件 窗体关闭后才触发 oncreate 事件 窗体第一次创建时触发 ondeactivate 事件 用户切换到另一应用程序触发 ondragdrop 事件 鼠标拖放操作结束时触发 ondragover 事件 有其他控件从他上面移过触发 onmousedown 事件 按下鼠标键时触发 onmouseup 事件 释放鼠标键时触发 onmousemove 事件 移动鼠标时触发 onhide 事件 隐藏窗体时触发 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strtodate 函数 将字符串转换为日期格式 strtodatetime 函数 将字符串转换为日期/时间格式 strtofloat 函数 将给定的字符串转换为浮点数 strtoint 函数 将字符串转换为整型 strtointdef 函数 将字符串转换为整型或默认值 strtotime 函数 将字符串转换为时间格式 strupper 函数 将字符串中的字符转换为大写 style 属性 类型选择 suce 函数 返回后继的参数 swap 函数 交换参数的高低地址位 tabs 属性 标记每一项的内容 tabindex 属性 标记索引 text 属性 显示的文本 texttofloat 函数 将字符串(以null结束的格式)转换为浮点数 time 函数 返回当前的时间 timetostr 函数 将时间格式转换为字符串 trim 函数 从给定的字符串中删除前导和尾部的空格及控制字符 trimleft 函数 从给定的字符串中删除首部的空格及控制字符 trimright 函数 从给定的字符串中删除尾部的空格及控制字符 trunc 函数 将实型值截取为整型值 truncate 函数 截去当前文件位置后的内容 unselectedcolor 属性 未选中颜色 upcase 将字符转换为大写 uppercase 将给定的字符串变为大写 val 函数 将字符串转换为整型值 vararraycreate 函数 以给定的界限和维数建立变体数组 vararraydimcount 函数 返回给定变体的维数 vararrayhighbound 函数 返回给定变体数组维数的上界 vararraylock 函数 锁定给定的变体数组 vararraylowbound 函数 返回给定变体数组维数的下界 vararrayof 函数 返回指定变体的数组元素 vararrayredim 函数 通过改变上限来调整变体的大小 vararrayunlock 函数 解锁指定的变体数组 varastype 函数 将变体转换为指定的类型 varcase 函数 将变体转换为指定的类型并保存他 varclear 函数 清除指定的变体 varcopy 函数 将指定的变体复制为指定的变体 varformdatetime 函数 返回包含日期时间的变体 varisarray 函数 测试变体是否为数组 varisempty 函数 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Merry Christmas!不如Marry me.是什么意思呢,大概意思就是圣诞快乐不如嫁给我。

求Jason Chen唱的Marry me的中文歌词

[ar:][ti:Marry Me嫁给我][00:03.47]Marry Me嫁给我 [00:05.16]Train[00:10.47]Forever can never be long enough for me对于我而言说永远不算长久[00:16.10]Feel like I"ve had long enough with you感觉你我曾相知相伴很久[00:22.72]Forget the world now we won"t let them see如今如今忘掉一切凡尘俗世 我们不会让他们知晓[00:25.91]But there"s one thing left to do如今重担已经挑起[00:33.47]Now that the weight has lifted但是剩下一件事必须去做[00:38.85]Love has surely shifted my way真爱已经彻底改变了我[00:42.66]Marry Me嫁给我吧[00:49.54]Today and every day 从今往后朝夕相伴[00:57.06]Marry Me嫁给我[00:58.48]If I ever get the nerve to say虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋[01:01.48]Hello in this cafe紧张兮兮向你问好[01:03.29]Say you will说你愿意[01:06.35]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[01:06.60]Say you will说你愿意[01:10.98]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[01:17.60]Together can never be close enough for me对我来说说相依相偎也不够亲密[01:22.73]Feel like I am close enough to you感觉我与你两心心相印亲密无间[01:27.23]You wear white and I"ll wear out the words I love你身着洁白婚纱我对你的爱无以言表[01:30.17]And you"re beautiful你是如此美丽动人[01:35.79]Now that the wait is over如今犹豫徘徊已经结束[01:42.92]And love and has finally shown her my way我最终以自己的方式向她表明真爱[01:47.79]Marry me 嫁给我吧[01:54.36]Today and every day从今往后朝夕相伴[01:58.48]Marry me嫁给我吧[02:04.09]If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋 紧张兮兮向你问好[02:08.29]Say you will 说你愿意[02:09.48]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[02:12.48]Say you will说你愿意[02:15.30]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[02:15.67]Promise me 答应我[02:22.30]You"ll always be你会一直幸福[02:24.61]Happy by my side在我身边[02:26.80]I promise to我答应[02:33.61]Sing to you 为你歌唱[02:36.42]When all the music dies当所有的音乐停止的时候[02:40.98]And marry me嫁给我吧[02:52.36]Today and everyday从今往后朝夕相伴[02:57.80]Marry me嫁给我吧[03:01.24]If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe虽然我曾在这间咖啡屋紧张兮兮向你问好[03:04.73]Say you will说你愿意[03:08.99]Mm-hmm嗯嗯[03:09.36]Say you will说你愿意[03:16.74]Marry me嫁给我吧[03:22.52]Mm-hmm嗯嗯

Hardy describes Tess as "A pure woman " is she? Give reasons for your answer.


boom boom boom——black eyed peas的歌词

英文歌词Gotta get that  Gotta get that  Gotta get that  Gotta get that that that, that that  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Yeah)  Boom boom boom (Yeah)  Boom boom boom  Boom boom boom  Yo  I got the hit that beat the block  You can get that bass overload  I got the that rock and roll  That future flow  That digital spit  Next level visual shit  I got that (Boom boom boom)  How the beat bang (Boom boom boom)  I like that boom boom pow  Them chicken jackin" my style  They try copy my swagger  I"m on that next shit now  I"m so 3008  You so 2000 and late  I got that boom boom boom  That future boom boom boom  Let me get it now  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Yeah)  Boom boom boom (Yeah)  Boom boom boom  Boom boom boom  I"m on the supersonic boom  Y"all hear the space shit zoom  When when I step inside the room  Them girls go apeshit, uh  Y"all stuck on super A-shit  They"re no fast stupid a bit  I"m on that HD flat  This beat go boom boom pow  I"m a beast when you turn me on  Into the future cybertron  Harder, faster, better, stronger  Sexy ladies extra longer, cuz  We got the beat that bounce  We got the beat that pow  We got the beat that 808  That the boom boom in your town  People in the place  If you wanna get down  Put your hands in the air drop the beat now  Yep yep  I be rockin" the beats (Yep, yep)  I be rockin" the beats (Yep yep yep, yep)  Here we go, here we go  Satellite radio  Y"all getting hit with (Boom boom)  Beats so big I"m steppin on leprechauns  Shitin" on y"all you with the (Boom boom)  Shitin" on y"all you with the (Boom boom)  Shitin" on y"all you with the..  This beat be bumpin" bumpin"  This beat go boom boom  Let the beat rock  Let the beat rock  Let the beat r...  This beat be bumpin" bumpin"  This beat go boom boom  I like that boom boom pow  Them chicken jackin" my style  They try copy my swagger  I"m on that next shit now  I"m so 3008  You so 2000 and late  I got that boom boom boom  That future boom boom boom  Let me get it now  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Gotta get that)  Boom boom boom (Yeah)  Boom boom boom (Yeah)  Boom boom boom  Boom boom boom  Let the beat rock (Let the beat rock)  Let the beat rock (Let the beat...)  Let the beat r... (Let the beat rock, rock, rock, rock)[2]中文歌词总得得到总得得到总得得到得去,那,那咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚(耶)咚咚咚咚(耶)咚咚咚咚咚咚咚咚呦我命中击败块你可以得到低音超载我的摇滚,未来的流该数字吐下一级的视觉狗屎我得到了(BOOM BOOM热潮)如何拍砰(咚咚咚咚)我喜欢那个嘣嘣战俘鸡辉影"我的风格他们试图复制我的狂妄自大我对现在,未来的狗屎我3008所以2000和晚我得到了繁荣兴旺繁荣嘣嘣的,未来的繁荣现在让我把它咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚(耶)咚咚咚咚(耶)咚咚咚咚咚咚咚咚我在超音速热潮你们都听到的空间狗屎变焦当,当我踩在房间里面他们的女孩去apeshit,呵你们都停留在超A狗屎他们没有快速的有点愚蠢我认为高清平板此拍去嘣嘣战俘我是个野兽,当你把我的进入未来塞伯特恩更难,更快,更好,更强性感淑女额外更长的时间,因为我们得到了反弹节拍我们得到的节拍,战俘我们得到的节拍,808这在你的城市繁荣兴旺人们在这个地方如果你想踏踏实实把你的手在空中will.i.am现在下降的节拍没错没错我是摇滚的节拍(没错,没错)我是摇滚的节拍(是的是的是的,没错)在这里,我们走,在这里,我们去卫星广播你们都打中(嘣嘣的声音)跳动这么大我垫脚妖精的Shitin"你对你们(BOOM BOOM)Shitin"你对你们(BOOM BOOM)Shitin"你对你们的..这节拍bumpin"bumpin"这拍走嘣嘣。让节拍岩让节拍岩让的跳动r ...这节拍bumpin"bumpin"这拍走嘣嘣。我喜欢那个嘣嘣战俘鸡辉影"我的风格他们试图复制我的狂妄自大我对现在,未来的狗屎我3008所以2000和晚我得到了繁荣兴旺繁荣嘣嘣的,未来的繁荣现在让我把它咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚得,咚咚咚咚(耶)咚咚咚咚(耶)咚咚咚咚咚咚咚咚让节拍岩(我们的节拍岩)让拍摇滚(让的节拍...)让的跳动r ... (让拍岩石,岩石,岩石,岩石)

求翻译并分析。or是指前后并列的成分么?as指的前面的句子还是imaginary world?(机翻勿扰)

or describes 中的or 并列的是refers to 和 describes ,即并列两个谓语as指代a real or imaginary world这是语言学的文字,意思是在解释propositional meaning,即命题意义,大致意思是:一个单词或句子的命题意义产生于词或句本身与它所指代的、或它所描述的真实的或是假想的世界中的事物,这个世界是指说这种特定语言的人所认识所理解的世界

he always describes himself as very poor.他总是把自己说的很穷。其中as是什么词性?又作什么成分?


Never Let You Go (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let You Go (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:A CollectionThere"s every good reasonFor letting you goShe"s sneaky and smoked outAnd it"s starting to showI never let you goI never let you goI never let you goI never let you...Turn around your back on each otherThat"s a good ideaBreak a promise to your motherTurn around your back on each otherYou said that I changedWell maybe I didBut even if I changedWhat"s wrong with it?I never let you goI never let you goI never let you goI never let you...Turn around your back on each otherThat"s a good ideaBreak a promise to your motherTurn around your back on each otherAnd all our friends are gone, are goneAnd all the time moves on and onAnd all I know is it"s wrong, it"s wrongAnd all I know is it"s wrong, it"s wrongIf there"s a reasonIt"s lost on meMaybe we"ll be friendsI guess we"ll seeI never let you goI never let you goI never let you goI never let you goTurn around your back on each otherThat"s a good ideaBreak a promise to your motherTurn aroundLet"s turn on each otherGood idea, break a promise to your motherTurn around your back on each otherThat"s a good ideaBreak a promise to your motherTurn around your back on each otherWhat a good ideaI remember the stupid thingsThe mood rings, the bracelets and the beadsThe nickels and dimes, yours and mineDid you cash in all your dreams?You don"t dream for me, noYou don"t dream for me, noBut I still feel you pulsing like sonarFrom the days in the wavesThat girl is like a sunburn I would like to saveThat girl is like a sunburn I would like to saveThat girl is like a sunburn I would like to saveShe"s like a sunburnShe"s like a sunburn


你好,很高兴为你解答。 Describe sth as sth 不是什么句型 而是指describe的用法是搭配as,sth表示要添加什么词。就相当于 (这跟中文的:XXXXX年的XXXXX市的车展将在XXXXX中心举行。一个意思) 也可以理解成 describe A as B 把A描述成B。例句:He describes himself as an artist.他自称是艺术家。(句中A是他自己,B是艺术家,他把他自己描述成艺术家)希望能对你有所帮助。



求一首英文歌曲的歌名第一句是i open my eyes last night,前半段是男生后半段是女声

歌名:The Saltwater Room歌手:Owl City下载: opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymore I was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so cold Like an introvert, I drew my over shirt Around my arms and began to shiver violently before You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me Running into the dark underground All the subways around create a great sound To my motion fatigue: farewell With your ear to a seashell You can hear the waves in underwater caves As if you actually were inside a saltwater room Time together is just never quite enough When you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at home What will it take to make or break this hint of love We need time, only time When we"re apart whatever are you thinking of? If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone? So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love? All the time, All the time... Can you believe that the crew has gone and wouldn"t let me sign on? All my islands have sunk in the deep, so I can hardly relax or even oversleep I feel as if I were home some nights when we count all the ship lights I guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snow We"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow


现在打开我的眼睛努力外发现有原因的为什么。你丫打错了,应该是Open my eyes andlook out side find there asons why. And now.



new age音乐与easy listening音乐的区别

New Age Music----新世纪音乐,也有译作新纪元音乐的。是一种在上个世纪70年代后期出现的一种音乐形式,原本的用途在于帮助冥思及作心灵的洁净,但后期的创作者不少已不再抱有这种出发点。有一种说法,由于其丰富多彩、富于变换,不同于以前任何一种音乐:它并非单指一个类别,而是一个范畴,一切不同以往,象征时代更替、诠释精神内涵的改良音乐都可归于此内,所以被命名为New Age,即新世纪音乐。其实,正确的原因,在于提倡这种利用音乐心灵洁净的人,源自一个叫作新纪元运动的异端宗教派别。在美国,有一种不吵人的音乐,人们叫它“Easy Listening 轻音乐(LIGHT MUSIC)指介于古典音乐和流行音乐之间的一种通俗音乐形式。轻音乐以通俗方式诠释乐曲,其来源可以是原创,也可以是对古典音乐、流行音乐或者民谣进行改编而成。轻音乐一般以小型乐队加以演奏,结构简单、节奏明快、旋律优美。轻音乐可以营造温馨浪漫的情调,带有休闲性质,因此又得名“情调音乐”(Mood Music)。轻音乐起源于一战后的英国,在20世纪中后期达到鼎盛,在二十世纪末渐被新纪元音乐取代,但时至今日尚有一定影响力。

what has been found out is that 中,what做什么成分?




To our surprise, the fashionable young lady ________ to be a thief. A.found out B.proved ou

D 短语辨析。A.找出 B.证明 C.熄灭 D.结果是。句意:让我们吃惊的是,这位时髦的女士结果证明是一个贼。故选D。







For Tim this was the beginning of a new life, ___


as you have just found out





因为他是巫师,死去不能和凡人到一个地方,只能去昆西娅设置的the other side


That 主句主语 was not主句系动词 all 主句表语they found out.定语从句修饰all

吸血鬼日记 silas目的是什么

他喝了药不是会死么 死了就和女巫在一块了阿。。。

吸血鬼日记 silas 为什么是第一个吸血鬼 吸血鬼祖先不是第一批吗



西拉斯双语对照词典结果:Silasn.赛拉斯(m.); Silas[男子名] 赛拉斯来源于拉丁语,含义是“属于森林的”(of the forest); [地名] [美国] 赛勒斯; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Seven decades ago, earl silas tupper stumbled on the idea of using rubberseals for plastic boxes. 七十年前,厄尔塞拉斯塔珀(earl silas tupper)偶然产生了在塑料盒子上使用橡胶封口的想法。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

With trees and grass( )百分之39.6 of the area,the city of Weifang has taken on a new look.


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这里的look是“面貌”、“样子”、“形象”的意思。比如说,他换了个发型,看起来整个样子都变了,就可以说he shows a new look



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adidas 的宣传语impossible is nothing 有语法问题吗?


adidas为什么要用impossible is nothing 为标语

nothing is impossible与impossible is nothing都是可以的,当然前者更加标准一点,解释为无所不能。这个句子经常看到大家使用,作为座右铭等等最常见的是Nothing is impossible,但是如果你仔细观察阿迪的广告就会发现,logo旁边写的是:Impossible is nothing其实,Nothing is impossible从语法上讲是没有错误的之所以把impossible前置,就是为了表明更无畏的态度,显得更叼


TORSION SYSTEM reproduce the concept of the barefoot, so the foot can be reversed easily. Its thermoplastic reverse cross-脚弓support system in order to better control movements, to avoid any possible harm. The shape of "X" type, "Y" and "V" type and so on. More recently invented three-dimensional extension to reverse the system and to reverse the system. adiPRENE - (in the end of Technology) Made by the injection of EVA, EVA light weight than the regular 20 percent, and more durable! Small cellular structure flexible so that it will have an ideal shock absorber function. Gasket set can be used as focal points in key. Its functions into two categories: the impact absorption function, reaction function. adiWARE - (large at the end of Technology) By the intense light of the high-durability materials and manufacture of friction, as a highly wear-resistant rubber. ADIDAS using technology adiWARE shoes outsole materials to provide quality assurance for six months. adiDRY A waterproof PU coating. Retaining layer lining all seams are sealed with waterproof. This retaining layer so that the foot in any outdoor climate conditions, to keep dry and comfortable, so that more breathable shoes. adiTUFF Is a special wear-resistant material, commonly used in the uppers toes Department. The addition of this material to prevent premature wear uppers, thus prolonging life. After its high resistance to abrasion proof materials testing laboratory. TRAXION - odd nail technology According to ergonomic principles, the test made after the end of the special major. Apart at the end of it more than the average grip, with anti-skid function, which is particularly suited to outdoor running shoes. adiFIT Adapted to the baby shoe, the insole can be seen above, after taking the tag. If the baby"s foot in the cable context, the foot of the shoes together.



Temptation (1996 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Temptation (1996 Digital Remaster)歌手:Les Baxter专辑:The Exotic Moods Of Les Baxter<Temptation>Rusted brandy in a diamond glasseverything is made from dreamstime is made from honey slow and sweetonly the fools know what it meansTemptation, temptation, temptationI can"t resistDutch pink and italian blueHe is there waiting for youMy will has disappearedNow confusion is oh so clearTemptation, temptation, temptationI can"t resist!Temtation, temptation, temptationI can"t resist


  需要使用Style象并设置边框颜色宽度并通 Column.ApplyStyle() Style象应用整列 Workbook workbook = new Workbook("K://ColorAdd.xls"); Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; Style style = new Style(); style.Borders.SetColor(Color.Red); style.Borders.SetStyle(CellBorderType.Thin); style.Borders.DiagonalStyle = CellBorderType.None; StyleFlag sf = new StyleFlag(); sf.All = true; worksheet.Cells.Columns[0].ApplyStyle(style, sf); workbook.Save("K://ComplexOutput.xls");

汽车遥控器上的英语REA? GLASS什么意思和功能

REA 是 Radar Effects Reactor (雷达效应反应器)的缩写。glass 指观察窗。

如何用javascript控制DIV的Z-index属生?"第几层"object为你的div层对象.比如我的层为 div_1:那么: document.getElementById("div_1").style.zindex="3";你试一下先:)


  你需要使用Style对象,并设置边框的颜色和宽度,并通过 Column.ApplyStyle() 方法,将Style对象应用到整列中。 Workbook workbook = new Workbook("K://ColorAdd.xls"); Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; Style style = new Style(); style.Borders.SetColor(Color.Red); style.Borders.SetStyle(CellBorderType.Thin); style.Borders.DiagonalStyle = CellBorderType.None; StyleFlag sf = new StyleFlag(); sf.All = true; worksheet.Cells.Columns[0].ApplyStyle(style, sf); workbook.Save("K://ComplexOutput.xls");

The fisherman was given up for dead.


my father has given up smoking中smoking是不是谓语?

不是谓语。是动名词作宾语。has given up是谓语


宝姿。classic style,国内一般叫古典系列,是宝姿旗下的少女青春时装系列的牌子。

change contrast是什么意思

change contrast变化对比例句:1.A change in color can help give your link contrast. 颜色的变化可以使得链接对比更强烈。2.In contrast pornographic sounds tend to be higher-pitched change quickly and also periodically repeat. 对比而言,色情影片的音调听起来比较高,变化快,还会有周期性的重复。

real gas 既物理问题...

更新1: 点解at critical temp...个做实验 graph会同real 个graph一样? 更新2: 点解at critical temp...个做实验 graph会同real gas(p-a^2/v)(v-nb)=nrt个graph一样? 1. Under high temperature and low pressure conditions a real gas behaves like an ideal gas. There will be deivation from the ideal gas situation should the pressure increases to a level such that the separation beeen gas molecules is short enough for internmolecular force not to be neglected and volume of gas molecules cannot be ingnored. In order to liquidify a gas by increasing pressure the temperature of the gas must not be higher than its critical temperature. Different gases have different critical temperatures. 2. Vibrational motion of a molecule is the oscillation beeen o atoms held by intermolecular force that their separation varies periodically with time. Monoatomic gas consists of only one atom in its molecule. There is no "separation" beeen the single atom in the molecule.

to have given up on ambition as an idea


谓语: has given up

C D楼主,两个选项是一样的 首先固定搭配 be devoted to 这是被动式,原型为 devote to 意思是将自己贡献给…… 所以D中的第一个 to 是固定搭配中的to to help在句中做的是目的状语,不定式作目的状语 整句话的意思为,他已经放弃了所有去将自己献身于帮助村庄中的穷小孩的事业中

The Last Thing To Go 歌词

歌曲名:The Last Thing To Go歌手:Kris Kristofferson专辑:this old roadThe angels were singing a sad country songIt sounded like something of yoursWith a conscience as clear as the tear in your eyeAnd a heart beaten golden and pureAnd I felt all the feelings we set down in songTorn from the body and soulAnd the fortunes that faded like stars into daylightAnd tear drops we turned into goldEvery hard rocking wreck on the highwayEvery heartbroken rule of the roadEvery true thing we wrote on the wind is still singingLove is the last thing to goLove is the reason we happened at allAnd it paid for the damage we doneAnd it bought us the freedom to fall into graceOn our way to our place in the sunEvery hard rocking wreck on the highwayEvery heartbroken rule of the roadEvery true thing we wrote on the wind is still singingLove is the last thing to go

teaser rate和debt-consolidation是什么意思?

但是,即使很多贷款者一直全力的诱惑借款者借款——通过年费打折,对债务状况的不同给与不同金额的回赠品(意思为债务约多回赠率也越高)等手段——消费也提升不了了这里debt-consolidation是债务状况的意思teaser有免费提供物品的广告手段的意思,teaser rate应该是回赠率



matured in oak casks什么意思


Facilitator as Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Mentor

As facilitators, I think most of us will agree that our foremost role is this: to be the “keeper of the process.” Yet from a practical standpoint, we will often be called to edge over slightly into roles better described by terms such as coach, teacher, trainer, and mentor. How you may ask do these roles differ? Let"s take a quick look. Facilitation as it"s normally understood, refers to managing and maintaining a group process. The primary focus of the facilitator is on “how” the process is going in the group. The facilitator will help the group to stick with their ground rules and guidelines that bound the process they have agreed to use to get to some end result. Coaching is typically practiced with individuals, and tends to be bit more directive than facilitation. Coaching focuses on helping individuals get into immediate action, while addressing barriers and support they may need to get moving quickly. Coach usually asks more of the group than pure Facilitation–often challenging the group to produce more or be more. Group Coaching supports individuals who are part of groups with common interests, skills, or issues. While coaching focuses on individuals in the group, the remainder of the group receives indirect benefit from witnessing individuals being coached. Training requires that the trainer have specific knowledge in the subject of the training. The job of the trainer is to impart knowledge or skills to her students using a variety of methods at her disposal. Effective trainers will often employ facilitation and coaching skills. Note that facilitators and coaches don"t necessary have experience in, nor do they focus on, the technical content in which their clients are involved. Teaching tends to be more didactic. In other words, teachers instruct and inform their students, very much like the process I"m using right now. I"m basically telling you what I think and how I see the subject matter before us. Mentoring involves instructing, guiding, coaching someone seeking to master a particular field that you have already mastered. Though mentoring is very “content” focused, it will also often employ teaching, training, and coaching as well. So in summary, for the purposes of clarity, we could say that facilitation and coaching focus more on the “who” and the “how,” where teaching, training, and mentoring focus more on the “what.” Flowing Between Roles Please understand that the roles we defined above are discreet terms that address aspects of a continuum of skills and approaches. Very seldom does anyone adhere to any one individual role, never crossing, even a little, into a related role. For example, a facilitator working with a group who passed up an opportunity to coach an individual seeking to take an action they"ve been stuck on would be doing the individual and the group a great disservice. Assuming first of course that the individual consented to the coaching. We"re suggesting here that knowing and practicing the role of coach, teacher, trainer, or mentor may be appropriate at times, within the context of facilitation. And may in fact substantially increase your effectiveness as a facilitator. For example, a client seeking your services as a facilitator to help improve teamwork in their organization may employ your services to facilitate team-building. To help individuals become better team players, you may need to coach them individually around how their behaviors are impacting the team either pro or con. You may need to “teach” them the attributes of an effective team and team player. You may need to train them in the skills held by good team players. You may need to provide an environment where enough trust is facilitated so that they feel safe sharing their fears that are keeping them from showing up as a more effective team player. So how does one know when to cross into these other roles? First have clarity and understanding with your client on their goals for the group. Second, be attuned to what each situations seems to be calling for and whether or not you feel a natural pull into the shift that you choose. How do you make an effective shift in and out of the role of facilitator? To avoid diluting your function as facilitator, it is important to make transitions into and out of other roles effectively. This is especially true if you make a transition from facilitator to participant/content expert. It can be helpful to actually announce to the group that you are going to make this transition. Then once your input is complete, announce your transition back. Some facilitators have even been known to physically put on different hats when changing roles just to make the transitions visible. You may already be dancing between roles as a facilitator without really thinking about it. And frankly, that"s often the goal. To seamlessly show up in a way that best facilitates the results your client is after. Hopefully gaining clarity about the roles will help you fill in any gaps that may be present. I"m interested in hearing your thoughts on this topic. Action Review the roles above and assess how many of them you play in your work. Would embracing a different mix of these roles improve your effectiveness in any way? If so, how? I"d love to hear what happens for you. If so, please let us know, along with sharing your questions, feedback, and experience on this topic in the comments section below.

The Way You Look Tonight (Swing Time, 1936) (1996 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:The Way You Look Tonight (Swing Time, 1936) (1996 Digital Remaster)歌手:Barry Tuckwell&Sir Richard Rodney Bennett&Ensemble&Neil Richardson专辑:Gershwin: SongsSome day, when I"m awfully lowWhen the world is coldI will feel a glow just thinking of youAnd the way you look tonightYes you"re lovely, with your smile so warmAnd your cheeks so softThere is nothing for me but to love youAnd the way you look tonightWith each word your tenderness growsTearing my fear apartAnd that laugh that wrinkles your noseIt touches my foolish heartLovely,don"t you ever changeKeep that breathless charmWon"t you please arrange it"cause I love youJust the way you look tonightLovely,don"t you ever changeKeep that breathless charmWon"t you please arrange it"cause I love youJust the way you look tonightMm mm mm mmJust the way you look to-night


new york一般指的是MLB,这个品牌是美国职棒大联盟所授权的一个品牌 MLB一般指的是北美地区最高水平的职业棒球联赛。


Package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2 DescriptionProvides an HBase Thriftservice.This package contains a Thrift interface definition file for an HBase RPCservice and a Java server implementation.There are currently 2 thrift server implementations in HBase, the packages:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift: This may one day be marked as i.e. this package. This is intended to closely match to the HTable interface andto one day supercede the older thrift (the old thrift mimics an API HBase no longer has).What is Thrift?"Thrift is a software framework for scalable cross-language servicesdevelopment. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine tobuild services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python,PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk,and OCaml. Originally developed at Facebook, Thrift was open sourced in April2007 and entered the Apache Incubator in May, 2008".From HBase API is defined in thefile hbase.thrift. A server-side implementation of the API is inorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.ThriftHBaseServiceHandler with theserver boiler plate in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.ThriftServer.The generated interfaces, types, and RPC utility files are checked into SVN under theorg.apache.hadoop.hbase.thrift2.generated directory.To stop, use: ./bin/ stop thriftThese are the command line arguments the Thrift server understands in addition to start and stop:-b, --bindAddress to bind the Thrift server to. Not supported by the Nonblocking and HsHa server [default:]-p, --portPort to bind to [default: 9090]-f, --framedUse framed transport (implied when using one of the non-blocking servers)-c, --compactUse the compact protocol [default: binary protocol]-h, --helpDisplays usage information for the Thrift server-threadpoolUse the TThreadPoolServer. This is the default.-hshaUse the THsHaServer. This implies the framed transport.-nonblockingUse the TNonblockingServer. This implies the framed transport.DetailsHBase currently uses version 0.8.0 of Apache Thrift.The files were generated by running the commands under the hbase checkout dir: thrift -strict --gen java:hashcode ./src/main/resources/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift2/hbase.thrift # Move the generated files into place their expected location under hbase mv gen-java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift2/generated/* src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift2/generated/ # Remove the gen-java file made by thrift rm -rf gen-javaThe "thrift" binary is the Thrift compiler, and it is distributed separately from HBasein a Thrift release. Additionally, specific language runtime libraries are apart of a Thrift release. A version of the Java runtime is included in HBase via maven.
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