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real gas 既物理问题...

2023-07-09 10:30:47

点解at critical temp...个做实验 graph会同real 个graph一样?


点解at critical temp...个做实验 graph会同real gas(p-a^2/v)(v-nb)=nrt个graph一样?

1. Under high temperature and low pressure conditions

a real gas behaves like an ideal gas. There will be deivation from the ideal gas situation should the pressure increases to a level such that the separation beeen gas molecules is short enough for internmolecular force not to be neglected

and volume of gas molecules cannot be ingnored. In order to liquidify a gas by increasing pressure

the temperature of the gas must not be higher than its critical temperature. Different gases have different critical temperatures. 2. Vibrational motion of a molecule is the oscillation beeen o atoms held by intermolecular force that their separation varies periodically with time. Monoatomic gas consists of only one atom in its molecule. There is no "separation" beeen the single atom in the molecule.



periodically英[ˌpɪərɪˈɒdɪkəli]美[ˌpiriˈɑdɪkəli]adv. 定期; 周期性; 定期出版地;
2023-07-09 06:16:165

英语有规律的,周期的 这个单词是什么忘了

2023-07-09 06:16:313

英语Periodically executed jobs怎么翻译?

Periodically executed jobs定期执行的作业
2023-07-09 06:16:396

定期的英语翻译 定期用英语怎么说

2023-07-09 06:16:553

不定期的英语翻译 不定期用英语怎么说

2023-07-09 06:17:032


magazine 杂志periodical我猜源自拉丁语 现在西班牙语里意为报纸
2023-07-09 06:17:135


periodN. 一段时间,时期时代 课时,节; 时段 (妇女的)月经,经期; 局 句号,句点 周期 乐段,乐节adj.具有某个时代特征的adv 到此为止例句It was a period of intense activity.那是活动激烈的时期。同根词词根 period1 periodic 周期的;定期的2 adv. periodically 定期地;周期性地;偶尔;间歇3 periodical 期刊;杂志4 .periodicity[数]周期性;频率;定期性
2023-07-09 06:17:291

beacon periodically什么意思?

periodically 周期性地(副词),因此前面的beacon应该是动词,作动词beacon表示:为..设信标、指引所以意思是:周期性地给..设置信标或指引,定期指引
2023-07-09 06:17:481


【专升本快速报名和免费咨询: 】大学英语:英语词义辨析之异形异义(五)13、sincere / strict / superior / severe★辨析:sincere adj.真诚的;诚挚的;真实的strict adj.严格的;绝对的;精确的;详细的superior adj.上级的;优秀的;出众的;高傲的severe adj.严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的;苛刻的【例】To our great surprise, Mr Baker has quickly recovered from his _________ illness.A. sincere B. strict C. superior D. severe14、periodically / readily / practically / roughly★辨析:periodically adv.定期地;周期性地;偶尔;间歇readily adv.容易地;乐意地;无困难地practically adv.实际地;几乎;事实上roughly adv.粗糙地;概略地【例】Thus group is _________ a nonprofit organization.A. periodically B. readily C. practically D. roughly15、arrival / process / destination / course★辨析:arrival n.到来;到达;到达者process n.过程;方法,步骤;作用destination n.目的地或终点course n.科目;课程;过程;道路;航向【例】A railway ticket shows the place of departure as well as the _________ of the trip.A. arrival B. process C. destination D. course 专升本有疑问、不知道如何总结专升本考点内容、不清楚专升本报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-09 06:17:551

英语的 时间状态有哪些

2. 表示频度 这类副词常见的有:always, constantly, continuously, continually, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, much, never, normally, occasionally(偶尔), often, periodically(定期地,偶尔), rarely, regularly, repeatedly, seldom(很少), sometimes, usually, now and then(偶尔,有时)等。例如: 1)She is constantly changing her mind. (频度)她老是改变主意。 2)We do meet now and then, but not regularly. (频度)我们确实偶尔也见面,但不经常。 3)Lester rarely left his room. (频度)莱斯特很少离开他的房间。 3. 其他一些表示时间的副词: 主要有:already, early, finally, first, immediately, just, late, long, presently, shortly, since, soon, yet等。例如: 1)I"ll be back presently(shortly). 我一会儿就回来。 2)What decision did you finally arrive at?你们最后做出了什么决定? 3)Nancy was up early. 南希很早就起来了。 4)He has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。
2023-07-09 06:18:041


2023-07-09 06:18:245

搜集一些英文中表示频率的词语(例如:often 、usually) (至少15个)

regularly; frequently; often; always; minutely ;ever;never;once;sometimes; sporadically; periodically; occasionally ;at times; on occasion; once in a while; from time to time; on rare occasions
2023-07-09 06:18:391


1.time 2.period1.这只是时间问题。It"s only a matter of time.2.不会发很多时间的。It won"t take much time.3.这需要时间。It takes time.4."when" 是一"When" is a temporal conjunction.5.别再浪费我的时间了!Don"t waste my time anymore.6.时间就是金钱。Time is money.
2023-07-09 06:18:492


2023-07-09 06:18:562

英语翻译: 敬请关注,会不定期的更新

stay tuned Updated from time to time
2023-07-09 06:19:044


感谢您关注智课网(SmartStudy) 1)表示发生时间:ago, before, just now, last night, lately, later(on), now, recently, so far, then, today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday2)表示频繁程度的副词,也称频度副词:always, constantly, continually, continuously, ever, frequently, generally,hardly ever, much, never, normally, occasionally, often, periodically, rarely,regularly, repeatedly, seldom, sometimes, usually3)其他表示时间的词:already, early, finally, first, immediately, just,late, long, presently, right away, shortly, since, soon, yet欢迎关注智课网网站:
2023-07-09 06:19:142

英语的 时间状态有哪些?

2023-07-09 06:19:225


2023-07-09 06:20:325

搞清楚jenkins中“Poll SCM”和“Build periodically”的啥意思

打开job的配置界面,在构建触发器栏下有Poll SCM(定时检查源码变更并构建)和Build periodically(周期进行项目构建,不关心源码是否变更)选择,打开它们后面的问号,有很明确的介绍和实例
2023-07-09 06:20:472


2023-07-09 06:20:556

By considering, acting on, and periodically

2023-07-09 06:21:092


2023-07-09 06:21:192


2023-07-09 06:21:284

不定期更新 用英语怎么说?

irregular renew
2023-07-09 06:21:375


can we see the record
2023-07-09 06:21:545


本文节选自外刊《自然》(Nature / News / Article / 18 February 2022)Asteroids, Hubble rival and Moon base: China sets out space agenda——小行星、哈勃望远镜的竞争对手和月球基地:中国制定了太空议程。 文章下半部分节选内容如下: Asteroids, Hubble rival and Moon base: China sets out space agenda 小行星、哈勃望远镜的竞争对手和月球基地:中国制定了太空议程 Mars and beyond 火星和更远的地方 China made its first leap into interplanetary space with the Tianwen-1 orbiter, which dropped a lander containing the Zhurong rover on Mars in May. 今年5月,中国发射的“天问一号”轨道飞行器在火星上扔下了一个载有“祝融”号探测器的着陆器,这是中国首次进入行星际空间。 According to the white paper, China will complete research for sending a craft to Mars to sample rocks and return them to Earth. 根据白皮书,中国将完成向火星发送航天器以采集岩石样本并将其返回地球的研究。 This mission could launch in 2028. (NASA"s Perseverance rover collected the first Mars rocks in 2021. The agency hopes to bring them back to Earth as part of a joint mission with the European Space Agency (ESA), launching in 2026.) 这项任务可能在2028年发射。(美国宇航局的毅力号火星车在2021年收集了第一批火星岩石。该机构希望将它们带回地球,作为与欧洲航天局(ESA)联合任务的一部分,于2026年发射。) The white paper also lays out China"s plans to eventually probe further into the solar system. The next five years will see the completion of key research for a mission to explore Jupiter and its ocean-filled moon system. 白皮书还列出了中国最终进一步 探索 太阳系的计划。接下来的五年将见证 探索 木星及其充满海洋的卫星系统的关键研究的完成。 Press reports suggest that this mission could launch as early as 2029 — meaning that it would join ESA"s JUICE and NASA"s Europa Clipper mission, scheduled to fly in 2023 and 2024. 媒体报道称,这项任务最早可能在2029年发射——这意味着它将加入欧空局的JUICE和美国宇航局的Europa Clipper任务,计划在2023年和2024年飞行。 “Deep space is certainly another area China sees there are a lot of opportunities for scientific breakthroughs,” says Zhang. “深空无疑是中国认为有很多科学突破机会的另一个领域,”张说。 The country has also set its sights on exploring the boundary of the Solar System. 该国还着眼于 探索 太阳系的边界。 China"s funding agencies have yet to confirm this, or the Jupiter mission, but “a mention in the plan is certainly helpful”, says Zhan Hu, an astronomer at the National Astronomical Observatories in Beijing. 中国的资助机构尚未确认这一点或木星任务,但北京国家天文台的天文学家詹虎说,“在计划中提及这一点肯定是有帮助的”。 重点词汇 leap跳;跳跃;跳过;跳越;飞快移动;突然行动;急不可待地行动;急切接受;飞涨;急剧增长;剧增;突然改变;猛涨;突然转换;越过(或起跳)处 interplanetary星际的;星际飞行的 orbiter轨道飞船 lander登陆车 rover流浪者;漫游者;自由队员;越野车;飞行器;月面车;天体登陆车;满门球;远距箭靶;VENTURE SCOUT的原称;海盗;海盗船;三道粗纱机操作工人;三道粗纱机 perseverance坚持不懈;锲而不舍;毅力 space agency空间机构;太空局、航天局;航天机构 lays位置;性伙伴;叙事诗;(lay的复数);放下;铺设;与…性交;航行;产卵;(lay的第三人称单数) solar system太阳系 press reports新闻报告;媒体报道;报刊报道 A new Hubble: the Xuntian space telescope 新哈勃: “巡天”太空望远镜 China also plans to launch a space telescope called Xuntian, whose name means ‘survey the heavens". 中国还计划发射一个名为“巡天”的太空望远镜,其名字的意思是“巡天”。 This will image in the same wavelengths — ultraviolet, visible and infrared — as those used by NASA"s Hubble Space Telescope. 这将在与美国宇航局哈勃太空望远镜相同的波长下成像——紫外线、可见光和红外线。 Slightly smaller than Hubble, Xuntian will not quite match its predecessor"s resolution; but, at any one time, Xuntian will capture a patch of sky 300 times larger. 巡天比哈勃稍小一些,它的分辨率将无法与哈勃媲美;但在任何时候,巡天望远镜都能捕捉到比它大300倍的天区(其视角将是哈勃的300多倍)。 That will allow it to probe a much greater volume of the Universe than Hubble, says Zhan, who works on Xuntian. “巡天”项目工作人员詹说,这将使它能够探测到比哈勃探测到的大得多的宇宙天体。 Most of Xuntian"s first 10 years will be devoted to understanding the history and evolution of the Universe through a wide survey of the sky. “巡天”望远镜工作前十年的大部分时间将致力于通过对天空的广泛观察来了解宇宙的 历史 和演化。 The telescope will periodically dock with China"s space station, Tiangong, for refuelling and maintenance. 该望远镜将定期与中国的天宫空间站对接,以加油并进行维护。 Zhan says that the team plans to deliver the telescope by the end of 2023, ready for launch in 2024. “The schedule is very tight,” he says. 詹说,该团队计划在2023年底交付望远镜,为2024年发射做准备。“时间安排很紧,”他说。 重点词汇 space telescope空间望远镜 telescope望远镜;使叠缩;使嵌进;叠缩;嵌进;使(车辆)相撞而嵌进;缩短;精简 heavens天空;天堂;(heaven的复数) wavelengths波长;波段;(wavelength的复数) ultraviolet紫外的;利用紫外线的;产生紫外线的;紫外光;紫外辐射 predecessor前任;前辈;前身;原有事物 any one任何一;任何一个;任一 periodically定期地;周期性地;偶尔 dock码头;船埠;被告席;犯人栏;酸模属草类;酸模;草本植物;动物尾巴(除毛发外的)骨肉部分;港区;靠码头;进港;扣除;扣减;领(船)入港;在太空与太空站(或另一艘飞船)对接;将(仪器)相接;剪短;剪短…尾巴 space station宇宙空间站 Detecting gravitational waves in space 探测太空中的引力波 China wants to further develop plans to launch a space-based gravitational-wave detector, called Taiji, in the early 2030s. 中国希望进一步发展计划,在21世纪30年代初发射一个名为“太极”的天基引力波探测器。 If launched then, it would be the first of its kind. Such a mission would observe lower-frequency waves than those seen by ground-based detectors such as Advanced LIGO, allowing it to detect higher-mass black holes, including those in the early Universe. 如果届时发射成功,它将是首个天基引力波探测器。与高新激光干涉仪引力波天文台等地面探测器相比,天基探测器将观测到频率更低的波,使其能够探测质量更大的黑洞,包括早期宇宙中的黑洞等。 But the experiment would be complex: spotting ripples in space-time will mean detecting shifts of just a few trillionths of a metre in the distances between three spacecraft, positioned 3 million kilometres apart from each other in the shape of a triangle. 但是实验将会很复杂:发现时空中的波纹将意味着检测三个航天器之间距离的几万亿分之一米的变化,这三个航天器以三角形的形式彼此相距300万公里。 重点词汇 gravitational重力的;引力的 of its kind同类之中 ground-based陆基的;基于地面的;以地面为基础的 detectors探测器;发现者;检测器;侦察器;(detector的复数) black holes黑洞;地牢;禁闭室 spotting看见;看出;注意到;发现;让分;让子;让步;玷污;认出;弄上污迹;散步;(spot的现在分词);测定点位 ripples涟漪;(ripple的复数) space-time空间时间关系;时空 metre米;韵律;格律;节拍;…米比赛 in the shape of以…形式表现;通过…形式;具有…性质 An initial pilot satellite, called Taiji-1, completed its mission successfully in 2019, and researchers now hope to fly a two-satellite mission in 2024–25 to test the necessary precision technologies. 一颗名为“太极一号”的初始试验卫星在2019年成功完成了任务,研究人员现在希望在2024-25年执行双卫星任务,以测试必要的精密技术。 This will “remove all the technical obstacles” for the ultimate Taiji mission, says Yue-Liang Wu, a physicist at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. 中国科学院大学物理学家吴岳良说,这将“为最终任务扫除所有技术障碍”。 ESA has long planned its own gravitational-wave observatory, LISA, and has already flown a successful pathfinder. 欧空局早就计划建立自己的天基引力波探测器LISA,并且已经成功发射了探路者号引力波试验探测器。 But LISA is not scheduled to launch until 2037. 但是LISA计划在2037年前发射。 Together, the two networks could be used to measure the Hubble constant, which describes the expansion of the Universe, with much greater accuracy than ground-based detectors can, say researchers behind the mission. 该任务背后的研究人员表示,“太极”和LISA这两个网络可以强强联手,一起用于测量哈勃常数(该常数描述宇宙的膨胀,比地面探测器更精确)。 重点词汇 hope to希望;希望能;希望以 physicist物理学家;物理学学生 sciences科学研究;科学;(science的复数) observatory天文台;观象台;视野开阔的位置 flown飞;飞行;在空中快速移动;(fly的过去分词);空运 pathfinder探路者; 探索 者;开拓者;实验计划;预测;(Pathfinder)探路者号 universe天地万物;宇宙;领域;体系;范围 ground-based陆基的;基于地面的;以地面为基础的 detectors探测器;发现者;检测器;侦察器;(detector的复数) 基于多年的语言学习实践,发现,随着 社会 的飞速发展,英语、汉语等重要语言也在不断的与时俱进。这个时候,我们以不变应万变的方法之一,可以是阅读主流刊物。 针对英语而言,无论是为了提高英语水平还是备考任何英语考试,英美外刊都应该是列为首选的最重要的学习资料。当我们真正深入去精读过英美外刊,不仅可以了解英语国家的文化,增长我们的见识,对于英语学习来说,还能够积累以英语为母语者的常用词汇,短语和句型。 建议大家在阅读本文时:第一遍快速阅读,领悟文章重点,了解大意;第二遍开始精读,每看完一段,要仔细体会其中每一句在段落中的功能,各句之间的联系,这一段是如何衔接上下文的,它在整个语篇中的地位,以提高你猜测词义和推理上下文能力;第三遍可以查看中英翻译,继续从微观到宏观地理解原文,学会区分重点和次要信息(这对考试时的阅读非常重要),总结词汇,搭配和句型,并且最好独自翻译一遍原文,以进一步加强理解。 最后建议大家要学以致用,利用从文章中学到的词汇,搭配,句型以及长难句结构进行造句,提高英文写作能力。 学习路径建议:金句记忆——关键词学习——拓展词汇训练——触类旁通——举一反三。 温馨提示:阅读完看着中文译文自己动手翻译出英文,然后将您译的英文与原文进行对比,以此来提升英文表达和句子结构的准确性和地道性。
2023-07-09 06:22:101


2023-07-09 06:22:281


解决思路:1、先查看下我们的定时任务有没有选择正确,如下说明:Poll SCM:定时检查源码变更,如果有更新就checkout最新code下来,然后执行构建动作。 如果没有更新就不会执行构建Build periodically:周期进行项目构建(源码是否发生变化没有关系)所以如果没有配GIT或SVN的话,周期执行就用Build periodically 2、选择了Build periodically后,还是未生效有时候jenkins在linux下部署的话,就会存在时区问题一说,jenkins构建在启动时加入time-zone时区可以解决,但在周期构建时,特别要注意时区并转换,如下图写完后,jenkins会提示什么时候运行,这时要注意些的是什么时区,如图中用的时区是EDT,也就是美国东部时区,那定时跑时肯定与北京时间有差别,所以可以通过时区转换来完成;时区转换可参考下面网址填写
2023-07-09 06:22:341


periods n.周期periods 月经 【摘要】 menstruation 月经. periods 月经. 相关短语. Related Phrases. genital organ 生殖器. the virile member 阴茎. seminal duct 输精管. spermatic duct 输精管 ...周期 【摘要】 periodic 周期的 periodical 期刊 periodically 周期性地 periodicity 周期 periodontal 牙周的 periods 周期 periosteum 骨膜 periostitis 骨膜炎 peripatetic 徒步的 ...学时 【摘要】 periods时期;学时;终止. permanent耐久的,常任的. personal 亲自的;外貌的;气质 的;个人的;私人的. personality个性,品格;人物. persuade说服,劝说(+into/out ...时期;学时;终止 【摘要】 periods时期;学时;终止. permanent耐久的,常任的. personal 亲自的;外貌的;气质 的;个人的;私人的. personality个性,品格;人物. persuade说服,劝说(+into/out ...课时 【摘要】 Paul: We must give each subject enough(足够的) periods(课时). Our English lessons are really interesting. I"d like to have them every day. ...
2023-07-09 06:22:421


2023-07-09 06:22:492

翻译 vendor 是供应商的意思 vendor advance 是供应商的预付款,这句话连在一起怎样翻更好

2023-07-09 06:22:562


Blowing the whistle on soccer揭足球的短1 A French friend of mine got a big laugh at a dinner party recently with his account of the game of baseball: "Seven guys stand around in a field doing nothing while two of their teammates throw the ball back and forth."我的一位法国朋友在最近的一次晚宴上说起棒球时哈哈大笑:“当两个队友在场上来回投球时,另外七个小伙子在边上站着无事可做。”2 I understand – it"s hard to get excited about a foreign sport if you didn"t grow up with it. Now I"m colliding with this same cultural barrier. The World Cup soccer tournament begins on June 9 and I will have no clue what"s going on out there on the "pitch". It seems a good time to blow the whistle on the so-called beautiful game.我知道,如果一个人不是从小就接触某项外来的运动,他就很难对它感兴趣。现在我正遭遇同样的文化壁垒。6月9号世界杯足球赛就要开始了,而我对球员在“球场”上干些什么却一无所知。看起来这是给这个所谓的精彩赛事揭短的一次大好机会。3 I have been watching soccer for years and all I can see on the field is 22 grown men in shorts running around madly trying to kick the ball and tripping over each other. I guess the object is to get the ball into the net (also known as the goal), but if it ever gets close it looks like an accident.我看足球也有好几年了,我所看到的就是22个穿着短裤的成年人在场上疯狂地奔跑,力争踢到球,互相绊倒对方。我猜想他们的目的是要把球踢进网里(也叫球门),可是,如果不是碰巧的话, 球是很难靠近球门的。4 What we have here, it would seem, is a game of chance.看起来,我们现在谈论的是一项靠运气取胜的运动。5 For an hour and a half, the field is a scene of sheer chaos as the ball sails back and forth and the fans hum some mournful tune reminiscent of "The Slaves" Chorus" from Nabucco. Neither team seems to be in control.整整一个半小时,球场上一片混乱:球飞来飞去,球迷们在哼着一首悲伤的曲子,让人想起《纳布卡》里的“奴隶合唱团”。双方队员好像都失控了。6 The scoring system says it all. Most finals are 0-0, 1-0 or 2-1, indicating that games tend to be stand-offs and it"s a matter of luck to be ahead when time runs out. To put a good face on it, they call this tension or suspense.记分法说明了一切:多数球赛都是以0–0、1–0或2–1结束,这意味着球赛结果倾向于平局,如果比赛结束时一方胜出了,那只是因为他们运气好。为了粉饰这种现象,他们称这样的比赛为“激烈”或“有悬念”。7 Newcomers to soccer – mostly Americans – might wonder how many ways points can be scored. Besides kicking the ball it is permitted to whack it in mid-air with your head, which is not the best use of the cranium, as doctors will tell you.足球新人——大多是美国人——或许不知道有多少种得分法。除了用脚踢球之外,在空中用头顶球也是允许的。可医生会告诉你,这可不是脑袋的最大用途。8 To be honest, though, many goals are scored by the ball accidentally bouncing off random players who get in the way. The crowd loves these, especially when a defender"s leg sends the ball – by chance, of course – into his own net.老实说,很多进球是从某个无意中挡住球的球员身上反弹进球门的。观众喜欢这种进球,尤其是防守队员——当然是偶然地——把球送进了自家的网内。9 Goals are the best illustration of the chance nature of this game. Ninety per cent of goal shots (known as "chances" or, in hopeless cases, "half chances", or in France, opportunités) are either blocked or are so far off course that they soar deep into the stands.射门最好地说明了这种比赛的碰运气性质:90%的射门(被称为“机会”,或在无望的情况下,称为“半个机会”;在法国称为opportunités)或被挡住,或因为射得太偏球直接飞上了看台。10 If the ball happens to be aimed about right and slips through the forest of hairy legs, it"s sheer luck. The shooter, or "striker", then takes full credit for this accident, peels off his shirt and sprints around in circles as four or five fellow players jump on his back to try to stop him and get his shirt back on.万一球碰巧瞄准了,穿过长满毛的队员的腿滑进球门,那纯粹是运气。射门的人,亦称“前锋”,会因为纯属偶然的进球而独揽所有的赞誉,他会脱掉球衣,绕着圈猛跑,四、五个队友会扑到他的背上阻止他,让他穿上球衣。11 The chaos resumes, the humming in the stands starts up again, and the clock slowly ticks away toward 90 long minutes.接着又恢复了混乱,看台上的观众又开始哼歌曲,而计时器则在滴答声中慢悠悠地走向漫长的90分钟的尽头。12 Unlike baseball or basketball, precision ball-handling is not a top priority in soccer except perhaps for Thierry Henry and a couple of Brazilians. Let"s face it, God never meant for most of us to control a ball with the feet while running at top speed.足球与棒球或篮球不一样,对足球来说准确的控球并不是最重要的,蒂埃里·亨利和几个巴西球员例外。让我们面对事实吧:上帝从未想让我们大多数人在全速跑动时用脚来控制球。13 Periodically a player gets an elbow in the face and goes down writhing. The clock stops while little men with black bags rush over and massage his phony-baloney injury, after which he jumps up good as new. The player who elbowed him gets something called a "yellow card", a mild reprimand.时不时地会有球员脸上挨了一肘,躺在草地上痛苦地翻腾。这时会暂停计时,几个提着黑包的小个子男人会跑过来为假装受伤的球员按摩,然后他又活蹦乱跳地站起来。那位肘击他的球员会得到一张叫“黄牌”的东西:一种温和的惩戒。14 How can you have a sport in which strategies and regulations are so obscure? Besides the mystery of "injury time", there is something called the "offside rule", which deems, roughly, that the striker cannot receive the ball unless at least two opposing players are ahead of him. Why not? This leaves everyone perplexed.怎么会有战术和规则都如此模糊不清的运动呢?除了“伤停时间”之谜,还有那个被称为“越位”的规则,大概是指除非有两位对方球员在他的前头,否则前锋不能接队友的传球。为什么不能呢?这让所有的人都迷惑不解。15 Not to worry – even professional commentators are at a loss for words. The BBC"s voice of soccer, John Motson, notes that there is no "universal interpretation" of the offside rule. Imagine real football with no agreement on what "touchdown" means.不必担心——即便是职业解说员也往往对此感到语塞。英国广播公司的足球名嘴约翰·莫特森认为对越位规则“不存在国际通用的解释”。想想真正的足球(即美国人的橄榄球——译注)对“持球触地”没有一致的解释会有什么后果吧。16 Why does your typical soccer match seem so out of control? Simple. Only one referee is on the field, and he is responsible for keeping 22 hopped-up athletes in line. He allows no backtalk (for this, you get a "red card" and a shower) but most of the infractions – pushing, punching, tripping, kneeing, handballing – are committed when he isn"t looking. But the fans see them, setting off more moans in the stands.为何你们典型的足球比赛看上去如此失控呢?很简单,因为球场上只有一名裁判,他要负责管束22名极度兴奋的运动员。他不允许球员提出异议(否则就给球员一张“红牌”,让他冲个澡走人)。但是,大多数的犯规,如推人、出拳打人、使绊、用膝盖顶人、手球都是在他看不到的情况下进行的。可是球迷都看见了,于是引发了观众席上更多的抱怨。17 The mystery remains why so many people flock to see this game. I must be missing something.有一个谜一直解不开:为什么会有这么多人蜂拥前去观看这项比赛呢?我一定是漏掉了什么关键的东西。
2023-07-09 06:23:041


2023-07-09 06:23:101


  时间不会为了谁而停下它的脚步,如果你不趁着现在的时间记忆 英语 短语 ,它也只会按着自己的节奏持续不断地走下去。下面是我给大家整理了时间英语短语表达,供大家参阅!   初高中表示时间的英语短语   在白天 in the daytime 在傍晚 in the evening 在深夜 at night   在中午 在拂晓   at noon at high noon at dawn   在早上 in the morning 回家前 before going home 课后 after class   在下午 in the afternoon 天黑后 after dark 的早上,晚上)   放学后after school   在...的早(晚)上 on the evening of on a winter morning on Sunday morning (表示在某个特殊一天   在那时 at that time at that moment 在...岁时 at the age of 在...一生中 in one"s life   在...前夕 on the eve of 在...多岁时 in one"s thirties 在...期间   during the war (stay)   在...期间(直到...过完) over Christmas (Sunday)   在...期间(不超过) within an hour (three weeks u2026) 在治疗中 under treatment 今天 前天   立即,马上   in no time   暂时, 一度   for a time for a little while   一直地,这一向all this while 最后   at the end (of)   一小段时间   today   昨天 yesterday   明天 后天   tomorrow   the day before yesterday   the day after tomorrow   一整天 all day long 一整晚 all night long   不久,过一会儿in a little while 在...末尾 at the end of 有时 sometimes 下班后 after work 从早到晚 从现在起 从明天起   间或,偶尔 once in a while 在...开头at the beginning of 共三天   for three days   有朝一日 sometime   直迟到中午12点 at 12 noon at the latest   从那时起 from then on from that time on 从今天起 from today on 再过三天 for another three days   from morning till night from now on from tomorrow on   到...时间 by June 20th by the time 两天后 in two days 到目前为止 so far 清晨   在本周末(月底,年底)以前 一个冬天的下午 5天后   上上周(月),前年   过一会儿 in a little while 一段时间 some time   十年前的一个下午 one afternoon ten years ago   在...的时候   at a time   before the end of this week (month, year)   early in the morning five days later   an afternoon in the winter a winter afternoon   1946年左右   around 1946 at one time   the week (month, year)   同时   表示时间的英语副词和短语   英语中表示时间的词语主要分为以下几类:时间点、时间段、动作发生的频度、动作或事件发生的先后。一般可用单个副词来表示,也可以用带有介词in、 at、on和for的短语来表示。此外,一些不带介词的短语也可以用来表示动作(事件)发生(状态持续)的时间。   一、单个副词表示时间   1. 表示动作(事件)发生的时间   这类副词常见的有:ago, before, lately, later (on), now, recently, then, today, tomorrow, tonight, yesterday等。例如:   1) Itu2019s beginning to rain now! (时间点) 现在开始下雨了!   2) I havenu2019t seen her recently. (时间段) 最近我没见到她。   3) Will you be free tonight? (时间段) 你今晚有空吗?   4) See you later. (时间点) 回头见。   2. 表示频度   这类副词常见的有:always, constantly, continuously, continually, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, much, never, normally, occasionally(偶尔), often, periodically(定期地,偶尔), rarely, regularly, repeatedly, seldom(很少), sometimes, usually, now and then(偶尔,有时)等。例如:   1) Tom is constantly changing her mind. (频度副词constantly)   汤姆老是改变主意。   2) They do meet now and then, but not regularly. (频度副词regularly)   他们确实偶尔也见面,但不经常。   3) Mary rarely left her room. (频度副词rarely)   玛丽很少离开她的房间。   3. 其他一些表示时间的副词   主要有:already, early, finally, first, immediately, just, late, long, presently, shortly, since, soon, yet等。例如:   1) Iu2019ll be back presently(shortly). 我一会儿就回来。   2) What decision did you finally arrive at? 你们最后做出了什么决定?   3) Nancy was up early. 南希很早就起来了。   4) He has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。   【分析】   句1)中的presently (shortly)(不久,一会儿),强调从现在算起到将来的某一时刻,时间持续很短;句2)中的finally(最终)强调事件的最终结果;句3)中的early(早)表示动作发生的时间比通常所认定的时间早;句4)中的just表示从过去的某个时间算起到现在,时间持续很短。   二、前面带有介词in, at, on和for表示时间的短语   1. 带有介词in的时间短语   in a flash(瞬时), in a lucky hour(在幸运时刻), in an evil hour(在不幸的时刻), in a minute, in a second, in a short time, in a while, in advance(预先), in an instant, in broad day(在大白天), in due course(及时地), in future, in good season(及时地), in no time(马上), in oneu2019s childhood, in oneu2019s spare time, in oneu2019s teens, in oneu2019s youth, in re-cent years, in some cases(有时候), in spring, in the beginning, in the daytime, in the end, in the long run(最后), in the meantime, in the morning, in the past, in this period, in those days, in time等。例如:   1)He was born in1980. 他生于1980年。   2)The policeman arrived in time and caught the thief in a flash.   警察及时赶到,瞬时抓住了那个小偷。   2. 带有介词on的时间短语   on a certain day, on Christmas Day, on night shift, on oneu2019s birthday, on schedule(按时), on Sunday, on the moment, on that date, on the eve of, on the following day, on the Monday morning, on the New Yearu2019s Eve, on the point of(正在u201eu201e时候),on this day, on this occasion, on time等。例如:   1) There are varieties of celebrations on Christmas Day.    圣诞节 那天有多种庆祝活动。   2) When he heard the bad news, he burst into tears on the moment.   听到那个坏消息,他的眼泪立刻夺眶而出。   3) He always arrives on time in time of an appointment.   约会时他总是很准时。   3. 带有介词at的时间短语   at a time(在某时), at a wedding(婚礼), at all times(一直), at any moment, at Christmas, at dark (天黑时), at dawn(在黎明), at daybreak, at dinner-time, at dusk(在黄昏), at first sight, at first, at last, at night, at nightfall, at noon, at present, at six ou2019clock, at sunrise, at sunset, at that moment, at that time, at the age of, at the beginning of , at the end of, at the last minute, at the moment, at the same time, at the stage(眼下), at the start, at this point(此时), at this sea-son, at times(有时)等。例如:   1)At that time, Mary earned so little money that she could hardly afford a coat like this. 那时玛丽挣钱很少,几乎买不起这样一件大衣。   2)At times, Robert is seen to be walking along with a beautiful girl.   有时可以看到罗伯特和一个漂亮女孩走在一起。   3)At the stage, Tom doesnu2019t have enough time to write such a long paper.   眼下汤姆没有时间写那么长的一篇论文。   【分析】   句1)中的at that time(那时)表示某种境遇存在的时间段;句2)中的at times(有时)表示事件发生的频度;句3)中的at the stage(眼下)表示离说话前后不久的一段时间。   4.“介词for + 表示时间的名词短语”表示动作持续或状态存在的时间段:   for ten seconds, for five minutes, for an hour, for two days, for six months, for a year, for a decade, for a whole century, for a long time, for a short while等。例如:   1) On hearing the news, Helen stood there for ten seconds without saying a word.   听到这个消息后,海伦站在那里十秒钟没说出一句话来。   2) I feel as if I had left school for a whole century.   我觉得我好像离开学校整整一个世纪了。   三、不带介词的表示时间的短语   just now, so far, last night, right away, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, five days ago, five days before, this week, next week, a week ago, a week before, last month, next month, this year, next year, three months ago, this century, last century等。例如:   1)The old couple havenu2019t heard from their son so far.   那对老夫妇目前还没收到儿子的来信。   2) Susan will take the college entrance examination the day after tomorrow.   苏姗后天要参加大学入学考试。   3) He said his father had died three years before. 他说他父亲三年前去世了。   【分析】   句1)中的so far(到目前为止)是副词短语,表示到现在为止的时间段;句2)中的the day after tomorrow(后天)表示事件将要发生的时间;句3)中的three years before(三年前)表示过去某件事发生的时间,用于间接引语中。选择最合适的选项完成 句子 。   表示时间的英语短语选择题   1. I havenu2019t seen Anna ______.   A. constantly B. recently C. Usually D. finally   2. You have to hand in your paper ______ Monday morning.   A. in B. On C. at D. for   3. He finished the writing part ______ the last minute of the examination.   A. in B. on C. at D. For   4. He thought about the question _______ a short while and gave the answer quickly.   A. in B. on C. at D. For   5. Stevensonu2019s girlfriend promised to marry him ________ next year.   A. in B. on C. at D. /   【解析】   1. B。句意:最近我没有见到安娜。分析:本题缺少一个表示动作发生时间的副词,而constantly和usually表示动作或事件发生的频率,finally表示动作或事件发生的顺序。只有recently可表示动作或事件发生的时间,故选B。   2. B。句意:你必须在周一早晨交论文。分析:“in the morning”是固定短语,其中的介词in不能用其他介词代替。但如果morning前面加上表示一周的任何一天的名词(从Monday到Sunday),其前面的介词要用on。故选B。   3. C。句意:他在考试的最后一刻完成了写作部分。分析:介词短语at the last minute是固定搭配,其中的介词at不能用其他任何介词代替。   4. D。句意:他对这个问题稍作思考,便很快给出了答案。分析:“for a short while”是表示时间段的固定短语,意为“一小会儿”,其中介词for不能用其他介词代替。   5. D。句意:斯蒂文森的女朋友答应明年嫁给他。分析:next year前面一般没有介词,故选D。
2023-07-09 06:23:371


at强调的是节日 而on强调的是节日当天 所以都能用
2023-07-09 06:23:441


second秒 ,minute分 ,,hour小时 ,day ,week周 ,month月 ,year ,decade10年 century ,dawn ,morning ,noon ,afternoon ,dusk ,night ,midnight
2023-07-09 06:23:596


  汉语解释:监督,即对现场或某一特定环节﹑过程进行监视﹑督促和管理﹐使其结果能达到预定的目标。那么,你知道监督的英语怎么说吗?    中文: 监督    监督的英语释义 :supervise ; superintend ; supervisor ; control ; intendance    监督的英语例句:   1. Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire.   狩猎监督 官被派到新罕布什尔州去执行狩猎法令。   2. The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.   联合国在监督 停火方面会发挥重要作用。 监督英语怎么说   3. The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.   联合国承诺协助监督 扫雷工作。   4. One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults.   一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督 。   5. Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.   斯塔克斯法官被指定监督 资金的分配。   6. The President promised a government open to public scrutiny.   总统承诺政府将接受公众监督 。   7. Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.   以前不允许官员监督 投票。   8. The plan calls for a cease-fire and UN supervision of the country.   该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行监督 。   9. Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case.   定期举行会议以监督 案件的进展。   10. The UN will also be given a loose oversight role.   联合国还将被赋予宽泛的监督 职责。   1. Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire. 狩猎 监督 官被派到新罕布什尔州去执行狩猎法令。   2. The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire. 联合国在 监督 停火方面会发挥重要作用。   3. The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines. 联合国承诺协助 监督 扫雷工作。   4. One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults. 一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的 监督 。   5. Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds. 斯塔克斯法官被指定 监督 资金的分配。   6. The President promised a government open to public scrutiny. 总统承诺政府将接受公众 监督 。   7. Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting. 以前不允许官员 监督 投票。   8. The plan calls for a cease-fire and UN supervision of the country. 该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行 监督 。   9. Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case. 定期举行会议以 监督 案件的进展。   10. The UN will also be given a loose oversight role. 联合国还将被赋予宽泛的 监督 职责。   11. He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially. 他已宣誓公平公正地 监督 竞选。   12. First-time licence holders have to work under supervision. 首次取得许可证的人员必须在 监督 之下工作。   13. I supervise the packing of all mail orders. 我负责 监督 所有邮购商品的包装过程。   14. She oversees both the research and the manufacturing departments. 她既 监督 研究部门又 监督 生产部门.   15. The umpire"s duty is to see that competition is fair play. 裁判员的职责是 监督 双方进行公平竞争.   16. The committee acts as an independent watchdog over governmentspending. 这个委员会作为独立监察机构 监督 政府开支.   17. We should send a man to superintend the erection of machinery. 我们应派一个人去 监督 机器的安装.   18. The house was built under the careful supervision of an architect. 这房子是在一位建筑师的细心 监督 下建造的.   19. The foreman overlooked a large number of workers. 工头 监督 着许多工人.   20. The work was done under my supervision. 这项工作是在我的 监督 之下完成的.
2023-07-09 06:24:131


为了保持所有的内容,不能省略。问题主要在于分号后。non-periodically不能说明f(t), 所以这里主语f(t)不能缺,其他的省略都没关系。
2023-07-09 06:24:281


Blowing the whistle on soccer揭足球的短1 A French friend of mine got a big laugh at a dinner party recently with his account of the game of baseball: "Seven guys stand around in a field doing nothing while two of their teammates throw the ball back and forth."我的一位法国朋友在最近的一次晚宴上说起棒球时哈哈大笑:“当两个队友在场上来回投球时,另外七个小伙子在边上站着无事可做。”2 I understand – it"s hard to get excited about a foreign sport if you didn"t grow up with it. Now I"m colliding with this same cultural barrier. The World Cup soccer tournament begins on June 9 and I will have no clue what"s going on out there on the "pitch". It seems a good time to blow the whistle on the so-called beautiful game.我知道,如果一个人不是从小就接触某项外来的运动,他就很难对它感兴趣。现在我正遭遇同样的文化壁垒。6月9号世界杯足球赛就要开始了,而我对球员在“球场”上干些什么却一无所知。看起来这是给这个所谓的精彩赛事揭短的一次大好机会。3 I have been watching soccer for years and all I can see on the field is 22 grown men in shorts running around madly trying to kick the ball and tripping over each other. I guess the object is to get the ball into the net (also known as the goal), but if it ever gets close it looks like an accident.我看足球也有好几年了,我所看到的就是22个穿着短裤的成年人在场上疯狂地奔跑,力争踢到球,互相绊倒对方。我猜想他们的目的是要把球踢进网里(也叫球门),可是,如果不是碰巧的话, 球是很难靠近球门的。4 What we have here, it would seem, is a game of chance.看起来,我们现在谈论的是一项靠运气取胜的运动。5 For an hour and a half, the field is a scene of sheer chaos as the ball sails back and forth and the fans hum some mournful tune reminiscent of "The Slaves" Chorus" from Nabucco. Neither team seems to be in control.整整一个半小时,球场上一片混乱:球飞来飞去,球迷们在哼着一首悲伤的曲子,让人想起《纳布卡》里的“奴隶合唱团”。双方队员好像都失控了。6 The scoring system says it all. Most finals are 0-0, 1-0 or 2-1, indicating that games tend to be stand-offs and it"s a matter of luck to be ahead when time runs out. To put a good face on it, they call this tension or suspense.记分法说明了一切:多数球赛都是以0–0、1–0或2–1结束,这意味着球赛结果倾向于平局,如果比赛结束时一方胜出了,那只是因为他们运气好。为了粉饰这种现象,他们称这样的比赛为“激烈”或“有悬念”。7 Newcomers to soccer – mostly Americans – might wonder how many ways points can be scored. Besides kicking the ball it is permitted to whack it in mid-air with your head, which is not the best use of the cranium, as doctors will tell you.足球新人——大多是美国人——或许不知道有多少种得分法。除了用脚踢球之外,在空中用头顶球也是允许的。可医生会告诉你,这可不是脑袋的最大用途。8 To be honest, though, many goals are scored by the ball accidentally bouncing off random players who get in the way. The crowd loves these, especially when a defender"s leg sends the ball – by chance, of course – into his own net.老实说,很多进球是从某个无意中挡住球的球员身上反弹进球门的。观众喜欢这种进球,尤其是防守队员——当然是偶然地——把球送进了自家的网内。9 Goals are the best illustration of the chance nature of this game. Ninety per cent of goal shots (known as "chances" or, in hopeless cases, "half chances", or in France, opportunités) are either blocked or are so far off course that they soar deep into the stands.射门最好地说明了这种比赛的碰运气性质:90%的射门(被称为“机会”,或在无望的情况下,称为“半个机会”;在法国称为opportunités)或被挡住,或因为射得太偏球直接飞上了看台。10 If the ball happens to be aimed about right and slips through the forest of hairy legs, it"s sheer luck. The shooter, or "striker", then takes full credit for this accident, peels off his shirt and sprints around in circles as four or five fellow players jump on his back to try to stop him and get his shirt back on.万一球碰巧瞄准了,穿过长满毛的队员的腿滑进球门,那纯粹是运气。射门的人,亦称“前锋”,会因为纯属偶然的进球而独揽所有的赞誉,他会脱掉球衣,绕着圈猛跑,四、五个队友会扑到他的背上阻止他,让他穿上球衣。11 The chaos resumes, the humming in the stands starts up again, and the clock slowly ticks away toward 90 long minutes.接着又恢复了混乱,看台上的观众又开始哼歌曲,而计时器则在滴答声中慢悠悠地走向漫长的90分钟的尽头。12 Unlike baseball or basketball, precision ball-handling is not a top priority in soccer except perhaps for Thierry Henry and a couple of Brazilians. Let"s face it, God never meant for most of us to control a ball with the feet while running at top speed.足球与棒球或篮球不一样,对足球来说准确的控球并不是最重要的,蒂埃里·亨利和几个巴西球员例外。让我们面对事实吧:上帝从未想让我们大多数人在全速跑动时用脚来控制球。13 Periodically a player gets an elbow in the face and goes down writhing. The clock stops while little men with black bags rush over and massage his phony-baloney injury, after which he jumps up good as new. The player who elbowed him gets something called a "yellow card", a mild reprimand.时不时地会有球员脸上挨了一肘,躺在草地上痛苦地翻腾。这时会暂停计时,几个提着黑包的小个子男人会跑过来为假装受伤的球员按摩,然后他又活蹦乱跳地站起来。那位肘击他的球员会得到一张叫“黄牌”的东西:一种温和的惩戒。14 How can you have a sport in which strategies and regulations are so obscure? Besides the mystery of "injury time", there is something called the "offside rule", which deems, roughly, that the striker cannot receive the ball unless at least two opposing players are ahead of him. Why not? This leaves everyone perplexed.怎么会有战术和规则都如此模糊不清的运动呢?除了“伤停时间”之谜,还有那个被称为“越位”的规则,大概是指除非有两位对方球员在他的前头,否则前锋不能接队友的传球。为什么不能呢?这让所有的人都迷惑不解。15 Not to worry – even professional commentators are at a loss for words. The BBC"s voice of soccer, John Motson, notes that there is no "universal interpretation" of the offside rule. Imagine real football with no agreement on what "touchdown" means.不必担心——即便是职业解说员也往往对此感到语塞。英国广播公司的足球名嘴约翰·莫特森认为对越位规则“不存在国际通用的解释”。想想真正的足球(即美国人的橄榄球——译注)对“持球触地”没有一致的解释会有什么后果吧。16 Why does your typical soccer match seem so out of control? Simple. Only one referee is on the field, and he is responsible for keeping 22 hopped-up athletes in line. He allows no backtalk (for this, you get a "red card" and a shower) but most of the infractions – pushing, punching, tripping, kneeing, handballing – are committed when he isn"t looking. But the fans see them, setting off more moans in the stands.为何你们典型的足球比赛看上去如此失控呢?很简单,因为球场上只有一名裁判,他要负责管束22名极度兴奋的运动员。他不允许球员提出异议(否则就给球员一张“红牌”,让他冲个澡走人)。但是,大多数的犯规,如推人、出拳打人、使绊、用膝盖顶人、手球都是在他看不到的情况下进行的。可是球迷都看见了,于是引发了观众席上更多的抱怨。17 The mystery remains why so many people flock to see this game. I must be missing something.有一个谜一直解不开:为什么会有这么多人蜂拥前去观看这项比赛呢?我一定是漏掉了什么关键的东西。
2023-07-09 06:24:381


主要职责:1 独立完成簿记/报税/财务报表的准备工作的几个客户的同时(独资企业/代表处)的监督和指导下的高级合伙人2 提供以下作品,根据客户的不同要求.3 与客户沟通协调或地方财政部门解决相关的问题定期关闭;4。报告企业会计服4。报告企业会计服务高级助理;5。与当地政府和监管当局。务高级助理;要求:1。本科或以上学历,财务专业,会计,税务或其他相关领域;2。有会计专业证书3。1 - 2年相关工作经验的独资企业、外国企业常驻代表机构的作用,类似经验优先;4。有丰富的经验,在制造业和贸易行业;5。熟悉中国会计准则和国际财务报告准则与税法;6。熟悉金蝶软件/微软办公软件;熟练使用7。优秀的沟通技巧是非常必要的,做一个好的团队工作者;8。精通英语,口语和书面;9。工作知识的设置程序,外商独资企业和合资企业,面对将被优先考虑;
2023-07-09 06:25:051

英语翻译 被动语态

Someone open the window? Someone open a window on a regular basis. It was opened on a regular basis.Someone sweep the room? Someone sweep on a regular basis. It is on a regular basis.Someone bought these models? Some people buy. They were bought in the morning.
2023-07-09 06:25:153


2023-07-09 06:25:233


If you simply, the world is simple to you". Simple life can be happy life, people should be self Changle, magnanimous, nothing can be thought of complex, the mental load heavy, will be concerned heaven. To regularly on memory were once removed, the unpleasant things from the memory to abandon, short life, wealth and status are added, does not bring you can"t take it with you, the
2023-07-09 06:25:333


int period ( int secs, /* 执行周期 */ FUNCPTR func, /* 到期执行函数入口 */ int arg1, /* 函数的传参,不用的可置为0 */ int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5, int arg6, int arg7, int arg8 )
2023-07-09 06:25:413

销售情况 用英语怎么说?sales condition

2023-07-09 06:25:504

会计中 TA TR分别代表什么意思。

总资产周转率 ( TA TR )
2023-07-09 06:26:003

英语神人 请帮我看下句子 是关于英语语法的~~!!

upon impact 应该是”在受冲击时“的意思,as引导的是一个限制性定语从句,判断标志即”"hypotheses则是此从句的先行词
2023-07-09 06:26:154


"Basic education curriculum reform program (Trial)" and the new curriculum evaluation idea: "evaluation should not only focus on the academic performance of students, but also to discover and develop the potential of students, to understand the needs of students in the development, to help students in self understanding, build confidence. The evaluation of educational functions, promote the development of students in the original level of. Set up to promote teachers to improve evaluation system. Emphasizes the analysis and Reflection on their teaching behavior, to establish teacher self-evaluation, principals, teachers, students, parents to participate in the evaluation system, make teachers obtain information from a variety of channels, and constantly improve the level of teaching. Established to promote the continuous development of curriculum evaluation system. Analyzing and evaluating the implementation periodically to the school curriculum implementation, the problem of course, adjusting the contents of courses, improve the teaching management, the formation mechanism of curriculum innovation." According to this idea, the diversified evaluation system in the evaluation of diversification as a starting point, combined with the model and adult phenomenon appeared in the pupil composition of serious problems. Consult with network, newspapers, journals and other materials, a wide range of relevant research theories about diversification of evaluation subject, and combing with the analysis, provide a large number of documents for the research. Deep primary school, by questionnaires from the three different aspects of teachers" guidance on Evaluation diversification correlation on the pupil composition affects the quality of the independent evaluation, student evaluation, student group cooperative. This paper will focus on how to make the pluralism of evaluation subjects solve follow the same pattern in a certain extent, promote the students subjectivity in the composition evaluation class; to promote the communication between teachers and students,, these aspects. Based on the results of in-depth analysis of some reasonable suggestions were put forward, hope that the results of this study to a certain extent, improve the students writing level, to further improve the quality of students.(目测毕业季大学生
2023-07-09 06:26:342


打开job的配置界面,在构建触发器栏下有Poll SCM(定时检查源码变更并构建)和Build periodically(周期进行项目构建,不关心源码是否变更)选择,打开它们后面的问号,有很明确的介绍和实例
2023-07-09 06:26:481


Job responsibilities:Daily cash expenditure, revenue management.II do cashier accounting, internal account, bank reconciliation.The responsible for bank business and bank settlement business.Job responsibilities: 1 responsible for bank settlement business, prepare accounting vouchers, prepare reports, purchase invoices and other work.The company tax value added tax, local tax business tax and additional monthly and quarterly tax, and is responsible for the annual reportThe company"s annual audit and employee social insurance and other matters.Job responsibilities: Of financial accounting, plan, control, preparation of various financial and accounting statements, organizational daily accounting work, develop financial department responsibilities and working process and specification, and leadership, to urge the relevant personnel to carry out.The plan to the rational use of funds, at any time to control, leading to provide funds for implementation of the analysis and assessment, to help the company leadership to take measures, to ensure the effective use of funds.The careful implementation of accounting system, do a good job on time accounting, accounts, accounting work, truthfully reflect the situation of company capital activity, accomplish formalities complete, content is true, accurate data, the account is clear, account report.The regular check current account, the timely liquidation receivable, cost and profit accounting, to declare for the tax work.
2023-07-09 06:26:593