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做个快速测试:1、WIN + R 组合键开始“运行”程序;2、在“运行”程序的输入框中输入“dxdiag.exe”,确定;3、弹出DrectX诊断工具,选择“是”开始检测;4、当检测进度条消失,表示检测完毕,“保存所有信息”到桌面;5、打开保存的TXT文档,编辑—查找“Miracast”,若搜索到如下字眼表示不支持Miracast功能;PS:Not Supported表示不支持,Supported表示支持




MIRACAST是目前呼声最高的一种无线互联技术。首先必须你的手机支持,目前ANDROID系统4.2以上应该都有,不过厂房自己UI的系统可能会简化这个功能,另外就是另一台设备需要支持,目前这种设备数量比较少,一般大厂的东西才会支持这个功能。扩展资料:Miracast是Wi-Fi Alliance于2012年9月19日宣布启动的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Miracastu2122认证项目。Miracast设备提供简化发现和设置,用户可以迅速在设备间传输视频。该技术与认证项目由Wi-Fi联盟中的移动与消费性电子设备制造商及芯片厂商共同制定。行业分析者预计Miracast认证设备的年产量在未来四年将超过10亿台。Miracast用户可以尽情在大屏电视上浏览智能手机拍下的照片,通过会议室投影仪实时共享笔记本屏幕,或者在平板电脑上收看家庭电视机顶盒的直播节目。Miracast通过Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Directu2122形成连接,因此无需接入任何 Wi-Fi网络——Miracast认证设备内部具备连接功能。Miracast支持保护内容串流,使设备可以接收电影和其它受版权保护的材料。为了保护高级内容,Miracast对今天广泛应用于HDMI®和DisplayPort等有线界面的受信任内容保护机制进行了无线改编。另外,每台设备都自动启用全新WPA2u2122安全保护,保证所有多媒体内容传输的隐密性。“Miracast 是基于Wi-Fi Direct的一个引人瞩目的应用,”IHS iSuppli Research的Brian O"Rourke表示。Miracast采用的技术由来自Wi-Fi Alliance移动和客户电子制造商和芯片制造商的团队研发,以实现简化视频分享的标准化。根据Wi-Fi Alliance 显示规格,产品包含了Miracast厂商间不同品牌的交互操作,使用户可以轻松在家或在办公室享受大屏幕上的视频。AndroidAndroid是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要使用于移动设备,如智能手机和平板电脑,由Google公司和开放手机联盟领导及开发。尚未有统一中文名称,中国大陆地区较多人使用“安卓”或“安致”。Android操作系统最初由Andy Rubin开发,主要支持手机。2005年8月由Google收购注资。2007年11月,Google与84家硬件制造商、软件开发商及电信营运商组建开放手机联盟共同研发改良Android系统。随后Google以Apache开源许可证的授权方式,发布了Android的源代码。第一部Android智能手机发布于2008年10月。Android逐渐扩展到平板电脑及其他领域上,如电视、数码相机、游戏机等。2011年第一季度,Android在全球的市场份额首次超过塞班系统,跃居全球第一。 2013年的第四季度,Android平台手机的全球市场份额已经达到78.1%。2013年09月24日谷歌开发的操作系统Android在迎来了5岁生日,全世界采用这款系统的设备数量已经达到10亿台。2014第一季度Android平台已占所有移动广告流量来源的42.8%,首度超越iOS。但运营收入不及iOS。


买个同屏器 100+


Hashing是一种数据影射(mapping)的算法(algorithm)通常用来把一大串不定长度的数据影射到一个固定长度的、较短的数据,这个固定长度的数据称为hashing value(散列值)例如我们把一个由英文字母组成的任意长度的字串,把每一个字符的ASCll数值加起来,最后除以256得到的余数作为hash value,这里输入的字串长度没有限制,输出的数值则必定在0至255之间,所以是一个合法的hashing function。相当于所有长度的英文字符串,通过这个hash函数,必定对应一个0-255的整数,这就造成了会有多个字符串通过hash函数,得到相同的值。这种情况我们称为hash collision(散列冲突)或者简称collision,事实上一个不定长度的数据影射到一个固定长度的数据Collision是无可避免的,我们并不要求完全没有collision,只需把collision的机会尽量降低便可以了,若果真的要完全没有collision的话,Hash value理论上必须与输入的数据长度相同,这样便违背了hash function的设计目的


vivo手机没有这个设置,若是指的是投屏到电视,可以参考以下方法:“屏幕镜像”可借助电视自带的Miracast功能,将屏幕投放到电视。使用方法:1、确保电视和手机连接同一个WiFi;2、OriginOS系统:进入设置--其他网络与连接--投屏/手机投屏,进入后可搜索Miracast设备进行屏幕镜像投屏;Funtouch OS/iQOO UI系统:进入设置--(其他网络与连接)--智慧投屏/手机投屏--打开开关--搜索可用设备进行投屏。3、电视机是否支持Miracast,需要查询电视说明书或咨询电视机生产厂商,电视机的投屏功能名称较多,例如:多屏互动、镜像、Miracast等。电视机支持Miracst的情况下,需要电视端提前开启此功能,手机才能搜索到对应设备;4、屏幕镜像,在vivo旧款机型上又叫做多屏互动,进入路径为:设置→多屏互动;对以上步骤操作有疑惑或想了解更多的投屏电视方式,可进入vivo官网--我的--在线客服--输入人工,咨询在线客服反馈。


win7不支持直接调用miracast,但是不是也没有办法。我自己在台式电脑和笔记本,找了很久都没有找到自带的miracast。包括其他人的回答。难道是我们太傻?为了大家少走弯路,总结借助投屏软件的实现方式。大家自行看看。我就是一个热心人。知道投屏的一些玩法。方法一:  在电脑上装上“乐播投屏电脑版”投屏软件。电脑和电视或者投影仪连接在,同一wifi,可以是同一路由器下的有线连接。勾选设备,一键投屏。无需复杂的连线,操作简单易上手。如下图,打开它,就会自动搜索智能电视了。...使用以上方法支持Windows7以上系统。无需繁杂的设备,傻瓜式操作投屏功能。如果智能电视不支持投屏,尝试在电视上安装乐播投屏TV版,或者更换支持投屏的智能电视。我是秒懂投屏,接受一对一投屏咨询。

miracast怎么连接 手机的miracast连接设置操作

1、将适配器插入电视机、投影仪或显示器的任何一个HDMI输入端口,然后再连接USB线缆给适配器提供电源。打开显示器,把输入信号切换到Miracast适配器。设备会通过miracast协议建立一个待连接的设备信息,等待信号源连接。 2、在电脑设备上,打开侧边栏,点击设备选择投影,然后在列表底部点击添加无线显示器。 3、搜索到Miracast适配器,点击Miracast适配器连接,然后设备会提示用户输入一个PIN码,验证连接是安全的。 4、连接好后,设备显示屏的内容就会被投射到显示器上,分辨率和纵横比是显示器默认的。 5、Android设备上,用户需要进入设置菜单,然后点击显示选择无线显示,在页面顶部开启无线显示,搜索附近的Miracast适配器。


Miracast是Wi-Fi Alliance于2012年9月19日宣布启动的Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Miracastu2122认证项目。Miracast设备提供简化发现和设置,用户可以迅速在设备间传输视频。该技术与认证项目由Wi-Fi联盟中的移动与消费性电子设备制造商及芯片厂商共同制定。行业分析者预计Miracast认证设备的年产量在未来四年将超过10亿台。 Miracast用户可以尽情在大屏电视上浏览智能手机拍下的照片,通过会议室投影仪实时共享笔记本屏幕,或者在平板电脑上收看家庭电视机顶盒的直播节目。Miracast通过Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Directu2122形成连接,因此无需接入任何 Wi-Fi网络——Miracast认证设备内部具备连接功能。


  华为miracast设置位置如下:   1、在电视桌面找到Miracast,或在系统设置里找到并点击打开Miracast选项;   2、电视屏幕上会出现Miracast等待连接状态,查看方框里的“设备名称”;   3、接下来在手机上进行操作,从手机屏幕上方下拉通知栏,点击“无线投屏”;   4、在弹出的选项框中点击选择步骤二中看到的电视设备名称;   5、最后在电视上点击“接受”即可实现无线投屏。




  1、将适配器插入电视机、投影仪或显示器的任何一个HDMI输入端口,然后再连接USB线缆给适配器提供电源。打开显示器,把输入信号切换到Miracast适配器。设备会通过miracast协议建立一个待连接的设备信息,等待信号源连接。   2、在电脑设备上,打开侧边栏,点击设备选择投影,然后在列表底部点击添加无线显示器。   3、搜索到Miracast适配器,点击Miracast适配器连接,然后设备会提示用户输入一个PIN码,验证连接是安全的。   4、连接好后,设备显示屏的内容就会被投射到显示器上,分辨率和纵横比是显示器默认的。   5、Android设备上,用户需要进入设置菜单,然后点击显示选择无线显示,在页面顶部开启无线显示,搜索附近的Miracast适配器。







crash和 collision有何区别


如何开启miracast功能 开启miracast功能的方法

1、开启电视,在电视的主界面中主要分为:影视、教育、应用、商城设置几大项。大家应选择“应用”选项,点击进入。在电视“应用”界面中,找到“Miracast”应用选项,双击开启Miracast应用。 2、电视开启Miracast应用后,界面中会为用户进行简单的介绍。主要操作功能:将手机、Pad屏幕镜像到电视上。TVhome温馨提示:请确保通讯过程中设备的无线显示选项已经打开。 3、手机开启“无线显示”功能设置:手机“无线显示”设置开启手机,在手机端找到“设置”选项,点击进入选择“更多无线连接”选项,点击进入。 4、在”更多无线连接“界面中,选择“无线显示”选项,点击进入之后将“开启无线显示”选项开启即可。


1clash指一般的冲突There is a clash between two classes at 2 p.m.on Thursday.星期四下午两点有两堂课是冲突的。2 collision一般指船舶方面的触礁,碰撞碰撞, 冲突, 抵触The two ships came into collision.两艘轮船相撞。


Miracast应用启动设置操作:1、开启创维电视,在创维电视的主界面中主要分为:影视、教育、应用、商城、我的、设置几大项。我们选择“应用”选项,点击进入。在创维电视“应用”界面中,找到“Miracast”应用选项,双击开启Miracast应用。2、创维电视开启Miracast应用后,界面中会为用户进行简单的介绍。主要操作功能:将手机、Pad屏幕镜像到电视上。TVhome温馨提示:请确保通讯过程中设备的无线显示选项已经打开。3、手机开启“无线显示”功能设置:手机“无线显示”设置开启手机,在手机端找到“设置”选项,点击进入选择“更多无线连接”选项,点击进入。4、在”更多无线连接“界面中,选择“无线显示”选项,点击进入之后将“开启无线显示”选项开启即可。5、通过Miracast功能,将手机上的影视剧投屏到创维电视上。扩展资料:Miracast1、Miracast设备提供简化发现和设置,用户可以迅速在设备间传输视频。该技术与认证项目由Wi-Fi联盟中的移动与消费性电子设备制造商及芯片厂商共同制定。行业分析者预计Miracast认证设备的年产量在未来四年将超过10亿台。2、Miracast用户可以尽情在大屏电视上浏览智能手机拍下的照片,通过会议室投影仪实时共享笔记本屏幕,或者在平板电脑上收看家庭电视机顶盒的直播节目。Miracast通过Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Directu2122形成连接,因此无需接入任何 Wi-Fi网络——Miracast认证设备内部具备连接功能。3、Miracast支持保护内容串流,使设备可以接收电影和其它受版权保护的材料。为了保护高级内容,Miracast对今天广泛应用于HDMI®和DisplayPort等有线界面的受信任内容保护机制进行了无线改编。另外,每台设备都自动启用全新WPA2u2122安全保护,保证所有多媒体内容传输的隐密性。4、Miracast采用的技术由来自Wi-Fi Alliance移动和客户电子制造商和芯片制造商的团队研发,以实现简化视频分享的标准化。根据Wi-Fi Alliance 显示规格,产品包含了Miracast厂商间不同品牌的交互操作,使用户可以轻松在家或在办公室享受大屏幕上的视频。参考资料来源:百度百科-Miracast








miracast无线投影Miracast wireless projection重点词汇释义投影projection; projective; shadow


不支持miracast的情况有两种。第一种:就是【此设备不支持miracast,因此不能以无线投影到它】这种彻底的没救了,因为是硬件设备本身不支持。解决方法:更换硬件设备。第二种:驱动程序没有更新有些时候我们买回来的网卡,显卡说明书上都表示是支持miracast协议的,但是在我们手机投屏的时候,其实我们的驱动程序没有更新导致的。解决方法:更新安装图形驱动程序必须支持英特尔Miracast工程驱动程序版本10.18WDDM1.3。即GraphicDriver(显卡驱动版本)支持WDDM1.3。扩展资料:0x800F0922错误win10遇到0x800F0922错误,只有两种情况:电脑网络出现了问题或者系统保留分区没有足够的可用空间。网络问题大家检查一下就好,后面的比较棘手些,这里说的系统保留分区可不是C盘空间,而是安装Windows 10时那个自动分出去的450MB,我们一般无法直接操作,造成这样的情况可能是第三方安全软件造成的,卸载它们再尝试更新。0x80245006错误出现这个,就是下载的更新文件不完整(网络闪断)或系统中与更新相关的文件损坏。大家可以在“设置”中打开“更新和安全”,在“疑难解答”中找到“Windows更新”选项,让Windows自己解决就行了。0x800F0923错误电脑硬件驱动程序正在阻止Windows安装更新,一般是显卡驱动造成的,也有可能是第三方安全软件造成的,解决起来也很简单,把显卡驱动干掉(只用Windows默认驱动)。

电脑显示此设备不支持接收miracast 应该怎么办呢

1、按下Win+X组合键打开超级菜单,选择【设备管理器】。 2、展开网络适配器,找到MarvellAvastarWireless-ACNetworkcontroler(或者右键选中Broadcom802.11acNetworkAdapter)。 3、单击右键卸载,卸载的时候不要勾选删除此设备的驱动软件,卸载完之后,回到桌面,选择电源,重启设备。 4、然后前往该品牌的官网下载对应型号的驱动程序即可解决。如果不知道如何下载对应的网卡驱动,那么可以使用驱动大师、驱动人生等软件检测无线网卡进行自动驱动。






1、WIN + R 组合键开始“运行”程序;2、在“运行”程序的输入框中输入“dxdiag.exe”,确定;3、弹出DrectX诊断工具,选择“是”开始检测;4、当检测进度条消失,表示检测完毕,“保存所有信息”到桌面;5、打开保存的TXT文档,编辑—查找“Miracast”,若搜索到如下字眼表示不支持Miracast功能。

小米手机支持 “miracast”吗?怎么用?





电脑miracast功能是投屏功能,操作方法如下:工具/原料演示电脑:超微 X8DAL Main Server Chassis电脑操作系统:Windows 10 专业版 64位操作系统1、首先右击鼠标单击个性化,如下图所示:2、单击显示,如下图所示:3、选择更改显示器设置,如下图所示:4、选择连接到投影仪,如下图所示:5、选择扩展,如下图所示:6、单击确定完成,如下图所示:7、最后投影就可以完成了,如下图所示:


1、当您打开Miracast设备时,设备将建立通过Miracast协议连接的设备信息。等待信号源连接。广播广播设备有很多类型,包括使用投影屏幕终端的常规电视以及支持广播广播的投影电视。2、介绍系统。直接支持win8.1上计算机的无线投影屏幕。按win + P显示投影设置菜单。3、从“投影设置”菜单中选择“无线投影”。然后开始搜索无线投影设备。等待设备连接。4、Miracast的Android手机支持需要Android版本支持。当前主流的Android 5.0支持无线投影。但是,无线投影屏幕的具体位置不同。某些Android手机输入“设置”“显示设置”以打开无线投影屏幕。5、另外,在某些手机上,单击以打开具有无线功能选择显示的无线屏幕。苹果是Airplay技术,其具体实现方式与此类似。通常,miracast设备与ios兼容。6、上电后等待设备连接。 miracast使用wifi协议,传输速度相对不错,延迟通常较低,并且与大屏幕相比,它更适合体验音频和视频以及游戏体验。


电脑miracast功能是投屏功能,操作方法如下:工具/原料演示电脑:超微 X8DAL Main Server Chassis电脑操作系统:Windows 10 专业版 64位操作系统1、首先右击鼠标单击个性化,如下图所示:2、单击显示,如下图所示:3、选择更改显示器设置,如下图所示:4、选择连接到投影仪,如下图所示:5、选择扩展,如下图所示:6、单击确定完成,如下图所示:7、最后投影就可以完成了,如下图所示:

at the end of last month i made it to the US帮我翻译一下 里面的make it 可以忽略翻译??


翻译:my world has you only then to be wonderful don

我的世界只因你而美好。回答:1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 2) To the world you may be one person, but to me you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于我而言,你是我的整个世界。



miracast 怎么读?


手机投屏功能介绍手机投屏在OPPO手机端又叫多屏互动等,在大屏设备端叫做无线显示、Miracast。手机投屏是通过Wi-Fi Display技术,将手机屏幕上显示的所有内容同步显示在电视、投影仪等支持的设备上的功能。小屏幕展示大视野,给您带来更为震撼的视觉效果。使用条件:手机与大屏设备需支持 Miracast 协议。操作方法:1、大屏设备确认已开启无线显示、屏幕镜像、多屏互动或投屏功能(不同设备功能名称不同,具体请查阅大屏设备说明书)。2、手机端打开「设置 > 连接与共享/其他无线连接 > 手机投屏 > 搜索连接大屏设备」。3、连接成功后,即可进入投屏模式,手机画面将同步显示在大屏设备上。温馨提示:① ColorOS 7.2及以上版本机型:针对内置乐播能力的设备增加更方便的投屏能力。② ColorOS 11系统版本手机投屏新增:a. 息屏投屏:投屏后可关闭手机屏幕,投屏内容不会中断。b. 隐私保护:开启后,不会在大屏设备显示微信、QQ等隐私信息。c. 后台投屏:投屏内容可缩成小窗,不影响手机做其他操作。使用手机投屏连接大屏设备后,点击左上角常驻图标,会出现功能面板。本回答适用于OPPO全系机型。






miracast功能打开,通过戴尔和iphone13、oppo findX、华为p50进行演示,提供了这四种操作方法,以戴尔为例,下面是具体操作介绍:工具/原料:戴尔Inspiron5570&&iphone13&&oppofindX&&华为p50、Windows11&&ios15.5&&ColorOS&&EMUI111、点击连接与共享选择进入设置列表点击并进入连接与共享。2、点击手机投屏跳转页面点击列表下方手机投屏。3、开启手机投屏按钮此页面选择手机投屏并点击右侧开启按钮即可。


  miracast的连接步骤如下所示:   1、打开miracast设备,设备会通过miracast协议建立待连接的设备信息,此时等待信号源连接;   2、在电脑桌面上通过电脑设置调出投影设置菜单;   3、在投影设置菜单里选择无线投影,然后开始搜索无线投影设备,等待设备连接;   4、打开手机,进入设置,选择开启无线投屛;   5、开启之后等待设备连接即可。

at last , in the end ,at the end of 有什么区别?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

in the end of adj. 在...的最后 多用于时间的修饰。例如: 1. My driving card will expire in the end of this year. 我的驾驶证今年年底会到期。 2. Prostitutes were divided in four grades in the end of Qing Dynasty in Beijing. 版主译:清朝末期北京的妓女分为四等。 3. May He untie our hearts to fear His name, until we walk to Him in the end of our earthly life. 愿祂将祂的道指教我们,甘心喜乐地照祂的真理行,专心敬畏祂的名,直到我们走到神那里。 at the end of adj. 1. 在(…的)结尾,到(…的)尽头;达(…的)限度,到(…的)极限 2. 在终点,在一端 3. 最终,终了时 既可以修饰时间,也可以修饰其他(地点,人的能力等等)。例如 1. It"s at the end of the street. 在这条街的尽头。 2. Available at the end of June. 可于六月底为止。 3. I"m at the end of my tether. 我干不了了。 二者在时间段的修饰方面,应该是没有差别的。


Miracast应用启动设置操作:1、开启创维电视,在创维电视的主界面中主要分为:影视、教育、应用、商城、我的、设置几大项。我们选择“应用”选项,点击进入。在创维电视“应用”界面中,找到“Miracast”应用选项,双击开启Miracast应用。2、创维电视开启Miracast应用后,界面中会为用户进行简单的介绍。主要操作功能:将手机、Pad屏幕镜像到电视上。TVhome温馨提示:请确保通讯过程中设备的无线显示选项已经打开。3、手机开启“无线显示”功能设置:手机“无线显示”设置开启手机,在手机端找到“设置”选项,点击进入选择“更多无线连接”选项,点击进入。4、在”更多无线连接“界面中,选择“无线显示”选项,点击进入之后将“开启无线显示”选项开启即可。5、通过Miracast功能,将手机上的影视剧投屏到创维电视上。扩展资料:Miracast1、Miracast设备提供简化发现和设置,用户可以迅速在设备间传输视频。该技术与认证项目由Wi-Fi联盟中的移动与消费性电子设备制造商及芯片厂商共同制定。行业分析者预计Miracast认证设备的年产量在未来四年将超过10亿台。2、Miracast用户可以尽情在大屏电视上浏览智能手机拍下的照片,通过会议室投影仪实时共享笔记本屏幕,或者在平板电脑上收看家庭电视机顶盒的直播节目。Miracast通过Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Directu2122形成连接,因此无需接入任何 Wi-Fi网络——Miracast认证设备内部具备连接功能。3、Miracast支持保护内容串流,使设备可以接收电影和其它受版权保护的材料。为了保护高级内容,Miracast对今天广泛应用于HDMI®和DisplayPort等有线界面的受信任内容保护机制进行了无线改编。另外,每台设备都自动启用全新WPA2u2122安全保护,保证所有多媒体内容传输的隐密性。4、Miracast采用的技术由来自Wi-Fi Alliance移动和客户电子制造商和芯片制造商的团队研发,以实现简化视频分享的标准化。根据Wi-Fi Alliance 显示规格,产品包含了Miracast厂商间不同品牌的交互操作,使用户可以轻松在家或在办公室享受大屏幕上的视频。参考资料来源:百度百科-Miracast






小米投影仪的Miracast设置开启方法如下:1. 打开小米投影仪系统主界面,在主界面下拉菜单中找到“设置”选项并点击进入。2. 在系统设置中,选择“高级设置”。3. 进入“高级设置”后,找到并点击“无线显示”选项。4. 在无线显示设置中,找到并点击“Miracast”选项。5. 在Miracast设置页面中,设置开关状态为“打开”即可开启Miracast功能。6. 开启完成后,便可以将支持Miracast功能的设备,如手机、平板等,通过WiFi连接到小米投影仪上,实现无线投屏操作。总的来说,小米投影仪的Miracast设置非常简单,只需经过几个简单的步骤即可开启并使用,方便快捷。

miracast怎么连接 手机的miracast连接设置操作

1、将适配器插入电视机、投影仪或显示器的任何一个HDMI输入端口,然后再连接USB线缆给适配器提供电源。打开显示器,把输入信号切换到Miracast适配器。设备会通过miracast协议建立一个待连接的设备信息,等待信号源连接。 2、在电脑设备上,打开侧边栏,点击设备选择投影,然后在列表底部点击添加无线显示器。 3、搜索到Miracast适配器,点击Miracast适配器连接,然后设备会提示用户输入一个PIN码,验证连接是安全的。 4、连接好后,设备显示屏的内容就会被投射到显示器上,分辨率和纵横比是显示器默认的。 5、Android设备上,用户需要进入设置菜单,然后点击显示选择无线显示,在页面顶部开启无线显示,搜索附近的Miracast适配器。


miracast的意思是无线显示。 miracast是WiFiAlliance于2012年9月19日宣布启动的WiFiCERTIFIED认证项目。设备提供简化发现和设置,用户可以迅速在设备间传输视频。该技术与认证项目由Wi-Fi联盟中的移动与消费性电子设备制造商及芯片厂商共同制定。行业分析者预计认证设备的年产量在未来四年将超过10亿台。Miracast用户可以尽情在大屏电视上浏览智能手机拍下的照片,通过会议室投影仪实时共享笔记本屏幕,或者在平板电脑上收看家庭电视机顶盒的直播节目。Miracast通过Wi-FiCERTIFIEDWi-FiDirect形成连接,因此无需接入任何Wi-Fi网络,Miracast认证设备内部具备连接功能。Miracast支持保护内容串流,使设备可以接收电影和其它受版权保护的材料。为了保护高级内容,Miracast对今天广泛应用于HDMI和DisplayPort等有线界面的受信任内容保护机制进行了无线改编。另外,每台设备都自动启用全新WPA2安全保护,保证所有多媒体内容传输的隐密性。

ronan keating - Its So Easy Lovin You 歌词

Standing here in front of youYou never looked so beautifulWith every breath you steal my words awayIt"s like seeing you for the first timeYeah that"s the way I feel tonightIn you I"ve found a place I wanna stayWish I could freeze you in this momentLike a photographYou"re the life I always wanted but neverDreamed I could have.It"s so easy loving youTo trust you with my heartThere"s nothing else I wanna doIt"s so easy loving you.With you I feel I could touch the skyI don"t have to climb that highTo see that you"re the better part of meWish I could freeze a moment and take you awayTo a place somewhere only we could be.It"s so easy loving youTo trust you with my heartThere"s nothing else I wanna doJust being next to youYou"re the final piece that fitsYou"re the smile I can"t resistFor everything you bought me throughand everything you"ll ever doIt"s so easy loving you.I"m not searching or hoping for anything newThere"s nobody could love me the waythat you doIt"s so easy loving youTo trust you with my heartThere"s nothing else I wanna doJust being next to youYou"re the final piece that fitsYou"re the smile I can"t resistFor everything you brought me throughAnd everything you"ll ever doIt"s so easy loving youIt"s so easy loving youYou make it easy loving youIt"s so easy loving you.

求几首简单的英文歌吧..像just one last dance、because of you这类美丽的歌..我就是嫌这两首歌后面太高!

Akia——California藤田惠美——Down by the sally gardens

Coble语言 sort a on ascending key b 什么意思?

用升序关键字 b 对 a 排序

in ascending powers

1.the first three terms of (1-2x)^16 are :1 ,-32x ,480x^2 2.the term consists of a^3b^5 is :C(8,3)*(5a)^3*(b/2)^5 so the coefficient of it is :C(8,3)*5^3 / 2^5 which is equal to 6968

vlan internal allocation policy ascending??



is ascending 正在上升


一、pandas的两种排序方法:1、Series的排序:Series.sort_values(ascending=True, inplace=False)参数说明:* ascending:默认为True升序排序,为False降序排序* inplace:是否修改原始Series登录后复制2、DataFrame的排序:DataFrame.sort_values(by, ascending=True, inplace=False)参数说明:by:字符串或者List<字符串>,单列排序或者多列排序ascending:bool或者List,升序还是降序,如果是list对应by的多列inplace:是否修改原始DataFrame登录后复制二、读取数据;读取的数据可以用来进行两种排序import pandas as pdfpath = "./datas/beijing_tianqi_2018.csv"df = pd.read_csv(fpath)# 替换掉温度的后缀℃df["bWendu"] = df["bWendu"].str.replace("℃", "").astype("int64")df["yWendu"] = df["yWendu"].str.replace("℃", "").astype("int64")df.head() ymd bWendu yWendu tianqi fengxiang fengli aqi aqiInfo aqiLevel 0 2018-01-01 3 -6 晴~多云 东北风 1-2级 59 良 2 1 2018-01-02 2 -5 阴~多云 东北风 1-2级 49 优 1 2 2018-01-03 2 -5 多云 北风 1-2级 28 优 1 3 2018-01-04 0 -8 阴 东北风 1-2级 28 优 1 4 2018-01-05 3 -6 多云~晴 西北风 1-2级 50 优 1三、Series的排序df["aqi"].sort_values() 271 21 281 21 249 22 272 22 301 22 ... 317 266 71

order by ASC ASC是什么意思?

order by ASC ASC是什么意思? ASC 正序 Desc 倒序 vb中asc()-asc()是什么意思 把一个字元的ASCII码减去另一个字元的ASCII码,比如 Asc("B") - Asc("A") = 1 ASC是什么意思? 语法标注解释 ASC 由译典通提供词典解释 缩写词 abbr. asc是什么意思 asc abbr.ascension 上升; ascent 上升; ascending 上升的; ascertain 确定; 望采纳~ ASC publications是什么意思 会是ACS publications吧 ?? ACS publications : = American Chemical Society publications. 美国化学学会岀版刊物. asc一us是什么意思 ascus 子囊 双语对照 词典结果: ascus [英]["u0259sku0259s][美]["u0259sku0259s] n.子囊; 复数:asci 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. About three million women in the United States are diagnosed with ASCUS and LSIL eachyear. ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点选右上方【选为满意回答】按钮 If asc(c)=13是什么意思 是VB吧。。 Asc 函式是求ASCII码,; If asc(c)=13 判断c变数的ascii码值是否等于13 asc-us是什么意思 ASC-US是指的宫颈TCT的检查结果,又叫无明确意义的非典型细胞的改变。 是指不能肯定形态特征及病变性质的形态异常的鳞状上皮细胞,是细胞病理学诊断判断依据,不过提示为癌前病变是没错的,应该定期复查以确认。是非典型鳞状细胞增生,说明细胞具有异型性。 asc-us归属于癌前病变;当细胞在镜下出现非典型的变化时,一般是有明确意义的,或者说是炎症引起的,或者说 是肿瘤引起的.但是因为细胞的变型在显微镜下看得不够典型,即不像肿瘤,也不像炎症,既像肿瘤,又不像炎症的细胞时,病理医生会出示告示说是ASC-UC. 这种情况下最好可以再做个 *** 镜活检检查或者说HPV-DNA.半年后复查TCT asc-h是什么意思 病变 高度病变 非典型鳞状细胞 Conclusion ASC-H highly indicates the existence of high grade-cervical lesion. 结论ASC-H高度提示高级别的宫颈病变存在


歌手:小野大辅作词:畑亜贵作曲:川岛弘光降(ふ)り出(だ)した雨(あめ)の中(なか) 见上(みあ)げるFuridashita ame no naka miageru 额(がく)に頬(ほほ)に冷(つめ)たさがgaku ni hoho ni tsumetasa ga足元(あしもと)で叹(ねげ)きの泉(いずみ)に変(か)わってashimoto de nageki no izumi ni kawatte仆达(ぼくたち)を饮(の)み込(こ)むbokutachi o nomikomu どこまで続(つづ)く? 逃(に)げ出(だ)したくなるdoko made tsudzuku?Nigedashitaku naruだけど止(と)まらずに行(い)こうdakedo tomarazu ni ikou 迷(まよ)いを手(て)にして阶段升(かいだんのぼ)るmayoi o te ni shite kaidan noboruAscending 空(そら)へと降(お)りる道(みち)はAscendingora e to oriru michi waああきっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た螺旋阶段(らせんかいだん)ā kitto onaji kaidan sakki mita rasen kaidanそんな错覚(さっかく)が现実(リアル)かsonna sakkaku ga riaru ka水(みつ)が蒸気(じょうき)に暗(くら)い雨云(あまくも)にmizu ga jōki ni kurai amagumo niまた雨(あめ)になり濡(ぬ)らす永远疑似(えいえんぎじ)mata ame ni nari nurasu eien giji それでも自分(じぶん)で动(うご)き続(つづ)けるんだsoredemo jibun de ugoki tsudzukerun da自分(じふん)の足(あし)の向(む)くままjibun no ashi no muku mamaどこからが梦(ゆめ)? 悪梦越(あくむ こ)えたくてdoko kara ga yume? akumu koetakute前(まえ)に後(うし)ろに出口探(てぐし さが)すんだmae ni ushironi deguchi sagasun daどこからが梦(ゆめ)? 悪梦越(あくむ こ)えるならdoko kara ga yume? akumu koerunara 人生(じんせい)のMebiusRing抜(ぬ)こうjinsei no MebiusRing nukou悩(なや)みの深(ふか)さは阶段(かいだん)に似(に)てnayami no fuka-sa wa kaidan ni niteDescending 地面(じめん)は高(たか)く远(とお)いDescending jimen wa takaku tō iああずっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た非常阶段(ひじょう かいだん)ā zutto onaji kaidan sakki mita hijō kaidanそんな幻覚(けんかく)が离(はな)れないsonna genkaku ga hanarenaiああきっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た螺旋阶段(らせんかいだん)ā kitto onaji kaidan sakki mita rasen kaidanそんな错覚(さっかく)が现実(リアル)かsonna sakkaku ga riaru ka迷(まよ)いを手(て)にして阶段升(かいだんのぼ)るmayoi o te ni shite kaidan noboruAscending 空(そら)へと降(お)りる道(みち)はAscending sora e to oriru michi wa悩(なや)みの深(ふか)さは阶段(かいだん)に似(に)てnayami no fuka-sa wa kaidan ni niteDescending 地面(じめん)は高(たか)く远(とお)いDescending jimen wa takaku tō iああずっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た非常阶段(ひじょう かいだん)ā zutto onaji kaidan sakki mita hijō kaidanそんな幻覚(けんかく)を消(け)したい気分(きぶん)だsonna genkaku o keshitai kibundaああきっと同(おな)じ阶段(かいだん) さっき见(み)た螺旋阶段(らせんかいだん)ā kitto onaji kaidan sakki mita rasen kaidanそんな错覚(さっかく)が现実(リアル)かsonna sakkaku ga riaru ka

data.sort_values(ascending = False)为什么没排序?python

这里多列排序即指定多个排序字段。集合查询结果排序代码如下:>>> db.Account.find().sort("UserName") --默认为升序>>> db.Account.find().sort("UserName",pymongo.ASCENDING) --升序>>> db.Account.find().sort("UserName",pymongo.DESCENDING) --降序集合查询结果多列排序代码如下:>>> db.Account.find().sort([("UserName",pymongo.ASCENDING),("Email",pymongo.DESCENDING)])


一、查看数据 1.查看DataFrame前xx行或后xx行 a=DataFrame(data); a.head(6)表示显示前6行数据,若head()中不带参数则会显示全部数据。 a.tail(6)表示显示后6行数据,若tail()中不带参数则也会显示全部数据。 2.查看DataFrame的index,columns以,dtypes及values a.index ; a.columns ; a.values;a.dtypes 即可 3.describe()函数对于数据的快速统计汇总 a.describe()对每一列数据进行统计,包括计数,均值,std,各个分位数等。 4.对数据的转置 a.T 5.对轴进行排序 a.sort_index(axis=1,ascending=False); 其中axis=1表示对 所有的columns 进行排序,下面的数也跟着发生移动。后面的ascending=False表示按降序排列,参数缺失时默认升序。 6.对DataFrame中的值排序 a.sort(columns="x") 即对a中的x这一列,从小到大进行排序。注意仅仅是x这一列,而上面的按轴进行排序时会对所有的columns进行操作。 二、选择对象 1.选择特定列和行的数据 a["x"] 那么将会返回columns为x的列, 注意这种方式一次只能返回一个列。 a.x与a["x"]意思一样。 取行数据,通过切片[]来选择 如:a[0:3] 则会返回前三行的数据。 2.通过标签来选择 a.loc["one"]则会默认表示选取行为"one"的行; a.loc[:,["a","b"] ] 表示选取所有的行以及columns为a,b的列; a.loc[["one","two"],["a","b"]] 表示选取"one"和"two"这两行以及columns为a,b的列; a.loc["one",""a]与a.loc[["one"],["a"]]作用是一样的,不过前者只显示对应的值,而后者会显示对应的行和列标签。 3.通过位置来选择 这与通过标签选择类似 a.iloc[1:2,1:2] 则会显示第一行第一列的数据;(切片后面的值取不到) a.iloc[1:2] 即后面表示列的值没有时,默认选取 行位置为1的数据 ; a.iloc[[0,2],[1,2]] 即可以自由选取行位置,和列位置对应的数据。 4.使用条件来选择 使用 单独的列 来选择数据 a[a.c>0] 表示选择c列中大于0的数据 使用where来选择数据 a[a>0] 表直接选择a中所有大于0的数据 使用isin()选出 特定列中包含特定值的行 a1=a.copy() a1[a1["one"].isin(["2","3"])] 表显示满足条件:列one中的值包含"2","3"的所有行。 三、设置值(赋值) 赋值操作在上述选择操作的基础上直接赋值即可。 例a.loc[:,["a","c"]]=9 即将a和c列的所有行中的值设置为9 a.iloc[:,[1,3]]=9 也表示将a和c列的所有行中的值设置为9 同时也依然可以用条件来直接赋值 a[a>0]=-a 表示将a中所有大于0的数转化为负值 四、缺失值处理 在pandas中,使用np.nan来代替缺失值,这些值将默认不会包含在计算中。 1.reindex()方法 用来 对指定轴上的索引进行改变/增加/删除操作 ,这将返回原始数据的一个拷贝。 a.reindex(index=list(a.index)+["five"],columns=list(b.columns)+["d"]) a.reindex(index=["one","five"],columns=list(b.columns)+["d"]) 即用index=[]表示对index进行操作,columns表对列进行操作。 2.对缺失值进行填充 a.fillna(value=x) 表示用值为x的数来对缺失值进行填充 3.去掉包含缺失值的行 a.dropna(how="any") 表示去掉所有包含缺失值的行 五、合并 contact(a1,axis=0/1,keys=["xx","xx","xx",...]),其中a1表示要进行进行连接的列表数据,axis=1时表横着对数据进行连接。axis=0或不指定时,表将数据竖着进行连接。a1中要连接的数据有几个则对应几个keys, 设置keys是为了在数据连接以后区分每一个原始a1中的数据。 例:a1=[b["a"],b["c"]] result= pd.concat (a1,axis=1,keys=["1","2"]) 2.Append 将一行或多行数据连接到一个DataFrame上 a.append(a[2:],ignore_index=True) 表示将a中的第三行以后的数据全部添加到a中,若不指定ignore_index参数,则会把添加的数据的index保留下来,若ignore_index=Ture则会 对所有的行重新自动建立索引。 3.merge类似于SQL中的join 设a1,a2为两个dataframe,二者中存在相同的键值,两个对象连接的方式有下面几种: (1)内连接,pd.merge(a1, a2, on="key") (2)左连接,pd.merge(a1, a2, on="key", how="left") (3)右连接,pd.merge(a1, a2, on="key", how="right") (4)外连接, pd.merge(a1, a2, on="key", how="outer") 至于四者的具体差别,具体学习参考sql中相应的语法。 六、分组(groupby) 用pd.date_range函数生成连续指定天数的的日期 pd.date_range("20000101",periods=10)

ascending and descending是什么意思

ascending and descending_百度翻译ascending and descending [医]升降 [例句]Click a button repeatedly to switch between ascending and descending sort order.反复单击按钮可以在升序和降序排序顺序之间切换。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

ascending order是什么意思

ascending order升序;递升序;自下而上;递升序次双语例句1. Now draw or trace ten dinosaurs in ascending order of size. 现在按照体型由小到大的顺序画出或是临摹出10只恐龙。2. We arrange its elements in ascending order, they are odd , even , odd , even , odd. 我们按其上升的顺序排列为奇、偶 、 奇 、 偶 、 奇.3. Books with the same price are sorted by title in ascending order. 价格相同的书籍按书名进行升序排序.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

Cisco command : Router(config)# vlan internal allocation policy ascending


sort ascending与sort descending是什么语法结构

sort 是顺序ascending 表示升descending 表示降其实 我们可以这样说 the sort is ascending/descending. 就像The sun is rising/setting.这里主要是 动名词做后置定语 修饰 sort 另外 这种说法 已经是普遍了 通常作为按钮上的字幕

为什么我们需要使用React提供的Children API而不是JavaScript的map?

这个是react最新版api,也就是0.14版本做出的改变。主要是为了使React能在更多的不同环境下更快、更容易构建。于是把react分成了react和react-dom两个部分。这样就为web版的react和移动端的React Native共享组件铺平了道路。也就是说我们可以跨平台使用相同的react组件。 新的react包包含了React.createElement,.createClass,.Component,.PropTypes,.children以及其他元素和组件类。这些都是你需要构建组件时助手。 而react-dom包包括ReactDOM.render,.unmountComponentAtNode和.findDOMNode。在 react-dom/server ,有ReactDOMServer.renderToString和.renderToStaticMarkup服务器端渲染支持。总的来说,两者的区别就是:ReactDom是React的一部分。ReactDOM是React和DOM之间的粘合剂,一般用来定义单一的组件,或者结合ReactDOM.findDOMNode()来使用。更重要的是ReactDOM包已经允许开发者删除React包添加的非必要的代码,并将其移动到一个更合适的存储库。

reactdom.render 怎么添加class

这个是react最新版api,也就是0.14版本做出的改变。主要是为了使React能在更多的不同环境下更快、更容易构建。于是把react分成了react和react-dom两个部分。这样就为web版的react和移动端的React Native共享组件铺平了道路。也就是说我们可以跨平台使用相同的react组件。 新的react包包含了React.createElement,.createClass,.Component,.PropTypes,.children以及其他元素和组件类。这些都是你需要构建组件时助手。 而react-dom包包括ReactDOM.render,.unmountComponentAtNode和.findDOMNode。在 react-dom/server ,有ReactDOMServer.renderToString和.renderToStaticMarkup服务器端渲染支持。总的来说,两者的区别就是:ReactDom是React的一部分。ReactDOM是React和DOM之间的粘合剂,一般用来定义单一的组件,或者结合ReactDOM.findDOMNode()来使用。更重要的是ReactDOM包已经允许开发者删除React包添加的非必要的代码,并将其移动到一个更合适的存储库。


这个是react最新版api,也就是0.14版本做出的改变。主要是为了使React能在更多的不同环境下更快、更容易构建。于是把react分成了react和react-dom两个部分。这样就为web版的react和移动端的React Native共享组件铺平了道路。也就是说我们可以跨平台使用相同的react组件。 新的react包包含了React.createElement,.createClass,.Component,.PropTypes,.children以及其他元素和组件类。这些都是你需要构建组件时助手。 而react-dom包包括ReactDOM.render,.unmountComponentAtNode和.findDOMNode。在 react-dom/server ,有ReactDOMServer.renderToString和.renderToStaticMarkup服务器端渲染支持。总的来说,两者的区别就是:ReactDom是React的一部分。ReactDOM是React和DOM之间的粘合剂,一般用来定义单一的组件,或者结合ReactDOM.findDOMNode()来使用。更重要的是ReactDOM包已经允许开发者删除React包添加的非必要的代码,并将其移动到一个更合适的存储库。

react 判断dom元素有没有class

  react 判断dom元素没有class.  这个是react最新版api,也就是0.14版本做出的改变。主要是为了使React能在更多的不同环境下更快、更容易构建。于是把react分成了react和react-dom两个部分。这样就为web版的react和移动端的React Native共享组件铺平了道路。也就是说我们可以跨平台使用相同的react组件。  新的react包包含了React.createElement,.createClass,.Component,.PropTypes,.children以及其他元素和组件类。这些都是你需要构建组件时助手。  而react-dom包包括ReactDOM.render,.unmountComponentAtNode和.findDOMNode。在 react-dom/server ,有ReactDOMServer.renderToString和.renderToStaticMarkup服务器端渲染支持。  总的来说,两者的区别就是:ReactDom是React的一部分。ReactDOM是React和DOM之间的粘合剂,一般用来定义单一的组件,或者结合ReactDOM.findDOMNode()来使用。更重要的是ReactDOM包已经允许开发者删除React包添加的非必要的代码,并将其移动到一个更合适的存储库。

Basic English(简单英语)

简单英语(Basic English),从常规英语单词和语法中选取一个子集,用来教非英语人士学习英语,并简化学习难度。 简单英语是一种受控语言(Controlled language),也叫受控的自然语言(Controlled Nature Language)。受控语言是人造语言,将人类语言进行简化以减少复杂和歧义,简化一般是对语法进行限制、压缩词汇量、减少多义词含义。 简单英语由查尔斯·凯·奥格登(Charles Kay Ogden)创造,大约起源于1930年。在他於1930年所出版的《基本英语--规则和语法的一般约定》一书中有详细的介绍。 简单英语的诞生有着文化传播的因素(教学、学习容易)。类似的,为了方便汉字学习,我们也推行过 汉字简化 方案。 come, get, give, go, keep, let, make, put, seem, take, be, do, have, say, see, send, may, will, about, across, after, against, among, at, before, between, by, down, from, in, off, on, over, through, to, under, up, with, as, for, of, till, than, a , the, all, any, every, little, much, no, other, some, such, that, this, I , he, you, who, and, because, but, or, if, though, while, how, when, where, why, again, ever, far, forward, here, near, now, out, still, then, there, together, well, almost, enough, even, not, only, quite, so, very, tomorrow, yesterday, north, south, east, west, please, yes . account, act, addition, adjustment, advertisement, agreement, air, amount, amusement, animal, answer, apparatus, approval, argument, art, attack, attempt, attention, attraction, authority, back, balance, base, behavior, belief, birth, bit, bite, blood, blow, body, brass, bread, breath, brother, building, burn, burst, business, butter, canvas, care, cause, chalk, chance, change, cloth, coal, color, comfort, committee, company, comparison, competition, condition, connection, control, cook, copper, copy, cork, cotton, cough, country, cover, crack, credit, crime, crush, cry, current, curve, damage, danger, daughter, day, death, debt, decision, degree, design, desire, destruction, detail, development, digestion, direction, discovery, discussion, disease, disgust, distance, distribution, division, doubt, drink, driving, dust, earth, edge, education, effect, end, error, event, example, exchange, existence, expansion, experience, expert, fact, fall, family, father, fear, feeling, fiction, field, fight, fire, flame, flight, flower, fold, food, force, form, friend, front, fruit, glass, gold, government, grain, grass, grip, group, growth, guide, harbor, harmony, hate, hearing, heat, help, history, hole, hope, hour, humor, ice, idea, impulse, increase, industry, ink, insect, instrument, insurance, interest, invention, iron, jelly, join, journey, judge, jump, kick, kiss, knowledge, land, language, laugh, law, lead, learning, leather, letter, level, lift, light, limit, linen, liquid, list, look, loss, love, machine, man, manager, mark, market, mass, meal, measure, meat, meeting, memory, metal, middle, milk, mind, mine, minute, mist, money, month, morning ,mother, motion, mountain, move, music, name, nation, need, news, night, noise, note, number, observation, offer, oil, operation, opinion, order, organization, ornament, owner, page, pain, paint, paper, part, paste, payment, peace, person, place, plant, play, pleasure, point, poison, polish, porter, position, powder, power, price, print, process, produce, profit, property, prose, protest, pull, punishment, purpose, push, quality, question, rain, range, rate, ray, reaction, reading, reason, record, regret, relation, religion, representative, request, respect, rest, reward, rhythm, rice, river, road, roll, room, rub, rule, run, salt, sand, scale, science, sea, seat, secretary, selection, self, sense, servant, sex, shade, shake, shame, shock, side, sign, silk, silver, sister, size, sky, sleep, slip, slope, smash, smell, smile, smoke, sneeze, snow, soap, society, son, song, sort, sound, soup, space, stage, start, statement, steam, steel, step, stitch, stone, stop, story, stretch, structure, substance, sugar, suggestion, summer, support, surprise, swim, system, talk, taste, tax, teaching, tendency, test, theory, thing, thought, thunder, time, tin, top, touch, trade, transport, trick, trouble, turn, twist, unit, use, value, verse, vessel, view, voice, walk, war, wash, waste, water, wave, wax, way, weather, week, weight, wind, wine, winter, woman, wood, wool, word, work, wound, writing , year . angle, ant, apple, arch, arm, army, baby, bag, ball, band, basin, basket, bath, bed, bee, bell, berry, bird, blade, board, boat, bone, book, boot, bottle, box, boy, brain, brake, branch, brick, bridge, brush, bucket, bulb, button, cake, camera, card, cart, carriage, cat, chain, cheese, chest, chin, church, circle, clock, cloud, coat, collar, comb, cord, cow, cup, curtain, cushion, dog, door, drain, drawer, dress, drop, ear, egg, engine, eye, face, farm, feather, finger, fish, flag, floor, fly, foot, fork, fowl, frame, garden, girl, glove, goat, gun, hair, hammer, hand, hat, head, heart, hook, horn, horse, hospital, house, island, jewel, kettle, key, knee, knife, knot, leaf, leg, library, line, lip, lock, map, match, monkey, moon, mouth, muscle, nail, neck, needle, nerve, net, nose, nut, office, orange, oven, parcel, pen, pencil, picture, pig, pin, pipe, plane, plate, plough/plow, pocket, pot, potato, prison, pump, rail, rat, receipt, ring, rod, roof, root, sail, school, scissors, screw, seed, sheep, shelf, ship, shirt, shoe, skin, skirt, snake, sock, spade, sponge, spoon, spring, square, stamp, star, station, stem, stick, stocking, stomach, store, street, sun, table, tail, thread, throat, thumb, ticket, toe, tongue, tooth, town, train, tray, tree, trousers, umbrella, wall, watch, wheel, whip, whistle, window, wing, wire, worm . able, acid, angry, automatic, beautiful, black, boiling, bright, broken, brown, cheap, chemical, chief, clean, clear, common, complex, conscious, cut, deep, dependent, early, elastic, electric, equal, fat, fertile, first, fixed, flat, free, frequent, full, general, good, great, grey/gray, hanging, happy, hard, healthy, high, hollow, important, kind, like, living, long, male, married, material, medical, military, natural, necessary, new, normal, open, parallel, past, physical, political, poor, possible, present, private, probable, quick, quiet, ready, red, regular, responsible, right, round, same, second, separate, serious, sharp, smooth, sticky, stiff, straight, strong, sudden, sweet, tall, thick, tight, tired, true, violent, waiting, warm, wet, wide, wise, yellow, young . awake, bad, bent, bitter, blue, certain, cold, complete, cruel, dark, dead, dear, delicate, different, dirty, dry, false, feeble, female, foolish, future, green, ill, last, late, left, loose, loud, low, mixed, narrow, old, opposite, public, rough, sad, safe, secret, short, shut, simple, slow, small, soft, solid, special, strange, thin, white, wrong .

cover drive《easy life》歌词

Finger Eleven - Easy LifeIf I were the betting kindI bet you thought the easy lifeWas the one you thought you"d live byAnd all you had to do was decideA swimming pool sizeWell, you"re rightI wish there was an ending to spoilSo as long as I"m thinkingHow about a great tragedy?Where I imagine fire and glassand taillights blinkingWe"ll see.And if I was the betting kindI bet you thought the easy lifeWas the one you thought you"d live byAll you had to do was decideA swimming pool sizeWell, you"re rightI wish there was an ending to spoilSo as long as I"m thinkingAbout a horrible sceneWhere I can watch your hopes and your dreamsJust blow into piecesBefore me?Is there something to learnOr something to see?Because nothing to loseIs not nothing to beHaven"t youHeard the messagesHaven"t youRead the passagesThere"s a ghost whoIs going to haunt me for all my lifeI"ll bet he never touches youI guess the differencesBetween us 3-They make our open books awful hard to readMaybe I"veBeen painting youWith all the wrong brushes tooMaybe youReally knowWhat too much is, well...Well maybe you doI wish there was an ending to spoilSo as long as I"m thinkingHow about a great tragedy?Where I imagine fire and glassand taillights blinkingWe"ll see.Because nothing to lose is not nothing to beBecause nothing to lose is not nothing to me

Jonas Brothers的《Drive》 歌词

歌曲名:Drive歌手:Jonas Brothers专辑:Jonas L.A.Jonas Brothers - DriveI was in the background, babyFading out to the fuelShe was on the front linesShouting, "Start up the room"I want to get closerThere"s nothing I can doWhat a shameYeah, yeahI can"t fiold a exitBut it"s time to hit the roadI wish she was with me"Cause I, I just never knowI hold the cover thinking pedal to the floorButtons take offShe opens up the doorShe said, "Let"s get goingWe got time"I can see that look inside her eyes, yeahAnd to my surpriseIt was all big liesLots of crazy rightsSo get in the car and driveWe were in the fast laneGoing to who knows whereNo destinationBut you don"t seem to careShe kept me guessingSee the moonlight in her eyesSo confused now, yeah, yeahI stopped to questionAll the things that I don"t knowShe doesn"t answerShe just turns up the radio, yeahShe said, "Let"s get goingWe got timeTime, we got time"I can see that look inside her eyesAnd to my surprise(And to my surprise)It was all big liesLots of crazy rightsGet in the car and driveSometimes in lifeMoments arriveThings don"t go the way that you canSo never think twiceGet in the car and driveYeah, yeahCome on now, come on nowShe said, "Let"s get goingWe got time, we got time"I can see that look inside her eyes, heyAnd to my surprise(And to my surprise)It was all big liesLots of crazy rightsGet in the car and driveShe said, "Let"s get goingWe got time, we got time"I can see that look inside her eyes, hey(Look inside your eyes)And to my surprise(And to my surprise)It was all big liesLots of crazy rightsLots of crazy rightswe just can"t think twiceGet in the car and drive

lupe fiasco - hip hop saved my life的中文歌词 中英对照的

Hip Hop Saved My Life(dedicate dedicate, hu)Featuring: Nikki Jean(this one right here, goes out)The Cool(to my homie with a dream, naw mean)He said, "I write what i seewrite to make it right don"t like where i bei"d like to make it like the sites on TVquite the great life so nice and easy".see, now you can still die from thatbut it"s better than not being alive from straps, agreed.A Mead notebook and a Bic that clickedwhen it"s pushed in a wack ass beat.thats a track that"s week that he got last weekcause everybody in the Stu was like thats that heat.A bass heavy melody with a sample from the 70"swith a screwed up hook that went "Stack that cheese".something, something, something "stack that cheese"mother, sister, cousin "Stack that cheese"he couldn"t think of nothing "Stack that cheese"he turns down the beat writers block impiedes.crying from the next room a baby in needof some pampers and some food and a place to sleepthat plus a black cadillac on D"sis what keeps them on track to be a great M.C.yea yea (echoes)one you"ve never heard of, Ipush it hard to further, butwhy i feel like murder buthip hop can save you"ve never heard of, Ipush it hard to further, butwhy i feel like murder buthip hop could save my life.reps north side so he rocks them braidseleven hundred friends on his myspace page"Stack that cheese" got 700 playsproducer made him take it down said he had to mic champ two weeks and a rowex D boy with a B boy flowglow like LeRoy you should see boy gogot a daddy surving life and a brother on the homie in the gravetatted up while in the cageMinute Maid got his mother working like a slave.down baby mamma who he really had to honorcause she was his biggest fan even let him use the Hondato, drive up to Dallas with and open up for amauterslet him keep a debit card so he could put gas in ittold her when he get on he gon" take her to the galleryand buy everything but the manicans. ya digg (echoes)one you"ve never heard of, Ipush it hard to further, butwhy i feel like murder buthip hop can save you"ve never heard of, Ipush it hard to further, butwhy i feel like murder buthip hop could save my life.his man called said "your time might be now,they played your freestyle over "Wipe me Down"they played it two times said it might be crownedas the best thing out of H town in a while".he picked up his son with a great big smilerapped every single word to the new born childthen he put him down and went back to the kitchenand then put on another beat and got back to the mission toget his momma out the hoodput her somewhere in the woodskeep his lady looking goodhave her rolling like she his homies there"s a wayother than that flippin yaybail his homie out of jailput a lawyer on his case.throw a concert for the schoolsshow to show cause that is cool.throw some candy on the cadichunk the duce and act a it feels good when it happens like thattwo days from going back to selling crackyesssirr (echoes)one you"ve never heard of, Ipush it hard to further, butwhy i feel like murder buthip hop can save you"ve never heard of, Ipush it hard to further, butwhy i feel like murder buthip hop could save my you"ve never heard of, Ipush it hard to further, butwhy i feel like murder buthip hop can save you"ve never heard of, Ipush it hard to further, butwhy i feel like murder buthip hop could save my life.嘻哈救了我的生活(奉献奉献,虎)特点:Nikki让(这一个就在这里,熄灭)凉爽的(对我的一个梦想亲密,瑙意思)他说:“我写我所看到的写做它权利不喜欢我在这儿我想在电视上做喜欢它的网站相当大的生活如此美好和轻松“。看,现在你仍然可以从该死但它没有从肩带比活着更好,表示同意。米德一个笔记本和一支比克的点击当它在一个怪人屁股推打。这就是一个轨道,为期一周,他得到了上周导致大家都在这样的斯图热谷歌的。重低音旋律与样品从70年代搞砸了一个钩子,去“堆栈的奶酪”。什么,什么,什么“堆栈的奶酪”母亲,妹妹,表弟“堆栈的奶酪”他也想不出什么“堆栈的奶酪”他翻下巡逻作家块impiedes。哭声从隔壁房间有需要的婴儿一些帮宝适和一些食品,有地方睡觉这加上凯迪拉克s在德黑是什么使他们的轨道是一个伟大的M.C.是啊是啊(回声)一个你从来没有听说过,我很难推进一步,但所以,我觉得像谋杀,但嘻哈能救我。一个你从来没有听说过,我很难推进一步,但所以,我觉得像谋杀,但嘻哈可以挽救我的生命。北边,所以他代表他们的辫子岩一千一百朋友在他的MySpace网页“堆栈的奶酪”了700次制片人让他把它记下来说,他已经支付。打开麦克风冠军,并连续两周曾为D男孩,男孩流的B象勒罗伊辉光你应该看到男孩去有一个爸爸surving生活道路上的兄弟。在墓穴中最好的哥们梭织注册而在笼米纽特梅德得到了他的母亲像奴隶工作。下来宝贝妈妈谁他真的兑现因为她是他最大的粉丝甚至让他使用本田到,开到达拉斯,并开放供amauters注册让他继续借记卡,这样他可以放了气他告诉她时,他得到坤"带她到库和购买一切,但manicans。搞定你们(回声)一个你从来没有听说过,我很难推进一步,但所以,我觉得像谋杀,但嘻哈能救我。一个你从来没有听说过,我很难推进一步,但所以,我觉得像谋杀,但嘻哈可以挽救我的生命。他的人叫说:“你的时间可能是现在,他们打了"消灭我下来"你自由泳他们发挥它两次说可能加冕作为H镇最好的东西在一段时间了“。他拿起一个大大的笑容与他的儿子厉声每一个字为新出生的孩子然后他把他放下来,又回到了厨房,然后把另一个打,回到了使命走出了他的妈妈罩让她在树林里的某个地方遵守他的夫人看起来不错有她,她应该像滚动。他的家人都表明有一种方法除此之外弗利耶他保释出狱亲密出把他的案件的律师。掷学校音乐会展会因由这是很酷。扔在卡迪一些糖果大块的领袖和行为傻瓜。男人感觉好时,这样的情况二天从裂纹回去卖yesssirr(回声)一个你从来没有听说过,我很难推进一步,但所以,我觉得像谋杀,但嘻哈能救我。一个你从来没有听说过,我很难推进一步,但所以,我觉得像谋杀,但嘻哈可以挽救我的生命。一个你从来没有听说过,我很难推进一步,但所以,我觉得像谋杀,但嘻哈能救我。一个你从来没有听说过,我很难推进一步,但所以,我觉得像谋杀,但嘻哈可以挽救我的生命。

谁能帮忙提动点关于Dylan Thomas(狄兰·托马斯)的资料 life work 等等都可以

Dylan Marlais Thomas (October 27, 1914 – November 9, 1953) was a Welsh poet and writer.Dylan Thomas was born in the coastal city of Swansea, Wales. His father David, who was a writer and possessed a degree in English, brought his son up to speak English rather than Thomas"s mother"s, Florence Hannah Thomas, native language, Welsh. He had one sister, Nancy, who was nine years older than him. His middle name, "Marlais", came from the bardic name of his uncle, the Unitarian minister Gwilym Marles (whose real name was William Thomas). Thomas was unable to actively fight in World War II because he was considered too frail, however he still served the war effort by writing scripts for government propaganda.He attended the boys-only Swansea Grammar School, in the Mount Pleasant district of the city, where his father taught English Literature. It was in the school"s magazine that Thomas saw his first poem published. He left school at age 16 to become a reporter for a year and a half.Thomas"s childhood was spent largely in Swansea, with regular summer trips to visit his mother"s family on their Carmarthen farm. These rural sojourns, and their contrast with the town life of Swansea, provided substance for much of his work, notably many short stories and radio essays and the poem Fern Hill.Thomas wrote half his poems and many short stories when he lived at the family home at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive; And death shall have no dominion is one of the best known works written at this address. His highly acclaimed[1] first poetry volume, 18 Poems, was published in November 1934. The publication of Deaths and Entrances in 1946 was a major turning point[2][3][4] in his career, with widespread recognition that a great poet had indeed emerged. Thomas "became a very successful orator...was extremely well-known during his life for being a versatile and dynamic speaker and he was best known for his poetry readings."[5] His immensely striking and powerful voice would captivate American audiences during his speaking tours of the early 1950s. He made over two hundred broadcasts for the BBC.Dylan Thomas met his wife Caitlin and "the love affair started in a Fitzrovia pub in the spring of 1936. A young Irish dancer called Caitlin Macnamara sat on a stool at the bar: blonde, blue-eyed and drinking gin. To the drunken Welsh poet who staggered towards her through the smokey fug of The Wheatsheaf, she appeared an angelic beauty. And when finally the poet reached her, eccentrically laying his head in her lap, he mumbled a proposal of marriage. This unorthodox first encounter between Dylan Thomas and his wife is a central part of the Bohemian mythology that surrounds the memory of one of Britain"s best loved creative talents."[6]In 1937, Thomas married MacNamara and would have three children with her, although the marriage was tempestuous. There were affairs and rumours of affairs on both sides; Caitlin had an affair with Augustus John before, and quite possibly after, she married Thomas. In January of 1939 came the birth of their first child, a boy whom they named Llewelyn (died in 2000). He was followed in March of 1943 by a daughter, Aeronwy. A second son and third child, Colum Garan, was born in July 1949.Thomas liked to boast about his drinking. He was known to comment, "An alcoholic is someone you don"t like who drinks as much as you do."[7] During an incident on November 3, 1953, Thomas returned to the Chelsea Hotel in New York and exclaimed "I"ve had 18 straight whiskies; I think this is a record."He collapsed on November 9, 1953 at the White Horse Tavern, in Greenwich Village, Manhattan after drinking heavily while on a promotional speaking tour; Thomas later died at St. Vincent"s Hospital. The primary cause of his death is recorded as pneumonia, with pressure on the brain and a fatty liver given as contributing factors. His last words, according to Jack Heliker, were: "After 39 years, this is all I"ve done." Following his death, his body was brought back to Wales for burial in the village churchyard at Laugharne. His wife, Caitlin, died in 1994, and was buried alongside him. It is said that Mr. Thomas"s favorite drink was the Whiskey Sour, which, on several occasions, he referred to as "jolly good nosh, this."As would be expected of a famous poet whose best known line is "Do not go gentle into that good night", many memorials have been constructed or converted to honour Thomas. Tourists in his home town of Swansea can visit a statue in the maritime quarter, the Dylan Thomas Theatre, and the Dylan Thomas Centre, formerly the town"s guildhall. The latter is now a literature centre, where exhibitions and lectures are held and is the setting for the city"s annual Dylan Thomas Festival. Another monument to Thomas stands in Cwmdonkin Park, one of his favourite childhood haunts, close to his birthplace at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive. The memorial is inscribed with the closing lines from one of his best-loved poems, Fern Hill: "Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means/Time held me green and dying/Though I sang in my chains like the sea."[11] This is inscribed on a rock in a closed-off garden within the park. Thomas"s home in Laugharne, the Boat House, is also a memorial. The Powerful Coolmore Stud have a Colt (horse) called Dylan Thomas which won the Irish Derby on the 2nd July 2006.Several of the pubs in Swansea also have associations with the poet. One of Swansea"s oldest pubs, the No Sign Bar, was a regular haunt, renamed the Wine Vaults in his story The Followers.In 2004 a new literary prize, the Dylan Thomas Prize,[12] was created in honour of the poet. It is awarded to the best published writer in English under the age of 30.His obituary was written by his long term friend Vernon Watkins.A class 153 locomotive was named Dylan Thomas 1914 - 1953.Igor Stravinsky wrote In memoriam Dylan Thomas: Dirge canons and song (1954) for tenor voice, string quartet, and four trombones, based on "Do not go gentle".A song by a Welsh rock band, The Rambones, pays tribute to Thomas in the final line, as they sing, "I choose to go gentle, but I promise/It"s with no offense to Dylan Thomas".The cover of the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band contains a photograph of Dylan Thomas.Alternative rock band The Slip make a reference to the poet in their 2006 song, "Airplane/Primitive" from the album Eisenhower: "It is the day before the rest of my life / And I feel like Dylan Thomas".Musician Ben Taylor named his 2003 album "famous among the barns" as tribute to Dylan Thomas.In the Simon & Garfunkel song "A Simple Desultory Philippic" they sing ironically: "He doesn"t dig poetry. He"s so unhip that / When you say Dylan, he thinks you"re talking about Dylan Thomas, / Whoever he was".

National Day在几月几日,那Christmas Day呢?

national day是5月1日christma day是12月25日

我的笔记本是双显卡,修了以后变成Microsoft Basic Display Adapte这样了,而且很卡,问一下是什么原因。



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马克吐温的this was my mother多长篇幅

This Was My Mother Mark Twain这就是我的母亲 马克·吐温My mother, Jane Lampton Clemens, died in her 88th year, a mighty age for one who at 40 was so delicate of body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid destined to pass soon away. But the invalid who, forgetful of self, takes a strenuous and indestructible interest in everything and everybody, as she did, and to whom a dull moment is an unknown thing, is a formidable adversary for disease.我的母亲,珍妮·兰普顿·克莱门斯,88岁时去世,能活到这个年龄,对于一个40岁时身体虚弱,被断定将不久于人世的病人来说,无疑是一个奇迹。但这个病人,正如她表现的那样,总是浑然不觉,却对其他任何人和任何事都抱有强烈的、无法阻挡的兴趣。对她而言,无聊的时刻是闻所未闻的事情,而这是对抗疾病的可怕对手。She had a heart so large that everybody"s griefs and joys found welcome in it. One of her neighbors never got over the way she received the news of a local accident. When he had told how a man had been thrown from his horse and killed because a calf had run in his way, my mother asked with genuine interest, “What became of the calf?” She was not indifferent to the man"s death, she was interested in the calf, too.她的心胸开阔,无论谁的悲苦与欢乐都能包容。她的一个邻居一辈子都忘不了,当她听说了当地一起交通事故后的反应。这位邻居告诉她,有一个男人骑着马与一头小牛迎面相撞,然后坠马身亡了。我母亲真切而又饶有兴趣地问道,“那小牛怎么样了?”她不是不关心那男人的死,只是她对小牛也同样在乎。She could find something to excuse and as a rule to love in the toughest of human beings or animals-even if she had to invent it. Once we beguiled her into saying a soft word for the devil himself. We started abusing him, one conspirator after another adding his bitter word, until she walked right into the trap. She admitted that the indictment was sound, but had he been treated fairly?对于最粗暴的人或动物,她都能找到一点借口予以原谅,而且照例维护他们,即使她不得已要编造一些东西。有一次我们骗她替魔鬼说好话。几个预谋者一个接一个咒骂魔鬼,越骂越激烈,直到她生生地进了我们的圈套。她承认这些对魔鬼的控诉是有理的,但是它受到公平对待了吗?She never used large words, yet when her pity or indignation was stirred she was the most eloquent person I have ever heard. We had a little slave boy whom we had hired from someone there in Hannibal. He had been taken from his family in Maryland, brought halfway across the continent, and sold. All day long he was singing, whistling, yelling, laughing. The noise was maddening, and one day I lost my temper, went raging to my mother and said Sandy had been singing for an hour straight, and I couldn"t stand it. Wouldn"t she please shut him up? The tears came into her eyes and she said:“Poor thing, when he sings it shows me that he is not remembering, and that comforts me; but when he is still I am afraid he is thinking. He will never see his mother again; if he can sing, I must be thankful for it. If you were older you would understand, and that friendless child"s noise would make you glad.”她从不夸夸其谈,但是一旦被激起悲悯之心或者愤恨之情,她就会变成我见过的最能言善辩的人。我们有一个小童奴,是在汉尼拔时从当地人那里雇来的。他的家在马里兰州,被带着穿越美国时,半道上给卖了。他整天唱歌,吹口哨,大喊大笑。这些声音真令我抓狂。直到有一天,我火了,愤怒地跑向母亲,抱怨说桑迪已经整整唱了一个小时了,我简直忍无可忍,他能不能闭上他的嘴?此时,她的泪水夺眶而出,说道,“可怜的小家伙,他唱歌说明他正在遗忘,这多么令我欣慰啊。但是如果他一直得唱啊唱[雨林木风4] ,那他可能是在思考了。他是再也见不到他的母亲了。如果他还能唱歌,我觉得那是万幸的事情。你老了就会明白,那孤苦伶仃的孩子的喧闹声会令你高兴起来。”All dumb animals had a friend in her. Hunted and disreputable cats recoginized her at a glance as their refuge and champion. We once had 19 cats at one time. They were a vast burden, but they were out of luck, and that was enough. She generally had a cat in her lap when she sat down, but she denied indignantly that she liked cats better than children though there was one advantage to a cat, she"d say. You could always put it down when you were tired of holding it.所有不会说话的动物都能成为她的朋友。那些被人追赶的和狼狈不堪的野猫一眼就能认出她是它们的庇护人和守卫者。我们家曾经有一度同时认养了19只猫咪,这可是个沉重的负担。但是只要想到猫咪们的不幸,就够了。她坐着的时候总把只猫放在膝盖上,尽管她强烈地否认自己爱猫胜过爱孩子,但她不得不承认,猫有一个好处,当你抱它们抱累的时候,可以随时把它们放下来。I was as much of a nuisance as any small boy and a neighbor asked her once, “Do you ever believe anything that boy says?”我小的时候像其他小男孩一样讨人嫌。一个邻居问过我母亲,“你有没有信过那兔崽子说的话?”“He is the wellspring of truth,” my mother replied, “but you can"t bring up the whole well with only one bucket. I know his average, so he never deceives me. I discount him 90 percent for embroidery and what is left is perfect and priceless truth, without a flaw.”“他可是真理的源泉,”我母亲回答道,“但是你不能照单全收。我知道他那点底子,所以他从来都欺骗不了我。扣除他话里添枝加叶的那百分之九十的话,剩下来的就是实打实的宝贵真话。”She had a horror of snakes and bats, which I hid in pockets and sewing baskets; otherwise she was entirely fearless. One day I saw a vicious devil of a Corsican, a common terror in the town, chasing his grown daughter with a heavy rope in his hand, threatening to wear it out on her. Cautious male citizens let him pass but my mother spread her door wide to the refugee, and then, instead of closing and locking it after her, stood in it, barring the way. The man swore, cursed, threatened her with his rope; but she only stood, straight and fine, and lashed him, shamed him, derided and defied him until he asked her pardon, gave her his rope and said with a blasphemous oath that she was the bravest woman he ever saw. He and she were always good friends after that. He found in her a long-felt want-somebody who was not afraid of him.她害怕那些我藏在口袋和针线筐里的蛇和蝙蝠。除此之外,她什么都不怕。有一天,她看到一个恶魔般的科西嘉人手握一根粗绳子,在追着她已成年的女儿跑,说是要打她直到打断绳子。这人可是城中一霸。所有谨慎胆小的男人们都放任其所为,只有我的母亲敞开着大门,让那姑娘避难。接着,她并没有锁上门,而是站在门口挡着。那个男人咒骂着,用手里的绳子威胁她。她只是站着,一动不动,满不在乎,痛斥他,羞辱他,挖苦他,嘲弄他,直到他求饶,递上绳子,然后发毒誓说她是他见过的最勇敢的女人。从那以后,他俩成了好朋友,因为他在她身上发现了一个他盼望已久的愿望---有人害怕他。One day in St. Louis she walked out into the street and surprised a burly cartman who was beating his horse over the head with the butt of a heavy whip. She took the whip away from him and made such a persuasive appeal that he was tripped into saying he was to blame, and into volunteering a promise that he would never abuse a horse again.有一天,在圣路易斯,她出家门走到街上,突然遇到一个魁梧的马夫正用鞭子把狠命地打马的头部。她冲了过去,一把夺过鞭子,然后循循善诱般的劝导车夫,把他说得自惭形秽,并主动承诺再也不会虐待马匹。She was never too old to get up early to see the circus procession enter town. She adored parades, lectures, conventions, camp meetings, church revivals-in fact every kind of dissipation that could not be proved to have anything irreligious about it, and she never missed a funeral. She excused this preference by saying that, if she did not go to other people"s funerals, they would not come to hers.无论多大年纪了,每到马戏团巡演进城,她都会起个大早。她喜欢看游行啦、听讲座啦、参加集会、野营集会,福音布道会等等,总之,是各种各样的、不违反宗教信条的娱乐活动。她不会错过任何一个葬礼,并且给自己的偏好找了一个借口——如果不去参加别人的葬礼,别人也不会来参加她的。She was 82 and living in Keokuk when, unaccountably, she insisted upon attending a convention of old settlers of the Mississippi Valley. All the way there, and it was some distance, she was young again with excitement and eagerness. At the hotel she asked immediately for Dr. Barrett, of St. Louis. He had left for home that morning and would not be back, she was told. She turned away, the fire all gone from her, and asked to go home. Once there she sat silent and thinking for many days, then told us that when she was 18 she had loved a young medical student with all her heart. There was a misunderstanding and he left the country, she had immediately married, to show him that she did not care. She had never seen him since and then she had read in a newspaper that he was going to attend the old settlers" convention. “Only three hours before we reached that hotel he had been there,” she mourned.82岁时,她居住在克库克镇(爱荷华州), 但令人难以琢磨地是,她坚持要参加密西西比河谷的老乡会。路途有些遥远,但一路上,她重新焕发出兴致盎然、热情洋溢的青春活力。到了酒店,她立即要求见圣·路易的巴雷特医生。但被告知,巴雷特医生已经于当天早上动身回家了,将不会再回来了,她转过脸去,热情尽褪,接着要求回家。回到家中,她一度沉默地安坐一旁,很多天里似乎在思考什么,后来她还是告诉我们了原委。18岁时,她曾全身心地爱着一个年轻的医科学生。他们之间存在一些误会,那个医科学生离开了,为了表现出无所谓,她随即出嫁了。自此,她再也没有见过那个医科学生,但随后从报纸得知他要去参加老乡会的消息。她哀怨地说道:“仅在我们到宾馆的3个小时前,他还在这里呢。”She had kept that pathetic burden in her heart 64 years without any of us suspecting it. Before the year was out, her memory began to fail. She would write letters to school-mates who had been dead 40 years, and wonder why they never answered. Four years later she died.她把这段伤心往事在心里藏了64年,没有人发现一点蛛丝马迹。直到那年年末,她的记忆开始减退。她开始经常给已经去世了40年的同学写信,然后一直困惑为什么从没收到回信。四年之后,她也去世了。But to the last she was capable with her tongue. I had always been told that I was a sickly child who lived mainly on medicines during the first seven years of my life. The year she died I asked her about this and said:但直到最后的日子,她还能够说话。她总是说我是一个病秧子,在我生命的头七个年头里靠药罐子活着。她去世的那年,我问及这件事情:“I suppose that during all that time you were uneasy about me?”“我觉得,我那段时间一直是您的心病?”“Yes, the whole time.”“是的,无时不刻”“Afraid I wouldn"t live?”“怕我活不下去了?”After a recollective pause-ostensibly to think out the facts-经过短暂的思考——很明显在揣摩着些情况“No-afraid you would.”“不,担心你会活下来”Jane Lampton Clemens" character, striking and lovable, appears in my books as Tom Sawyer"s Aunt Polly. I fitted her out with a dialect and tried to think up other improvements for her, but did not find any.珍妮·兰普顿·克莱门斯个性突出且受人爱戴,人物特点在我的书《汤姆·索亚历险记》中以波莉姨妈的形象出现。我曾为这个角色设计了方言,并且尽力设计出更多的亮点,但最后仅此而已。

___at my classmate"s faces ,I read the same excitement in their eyes .

Alook 和I是主谓关系,所以用现在分词形式


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