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为什么我下载的(植物大战僵尸)不能玩 弹出 Fatal Error An unexpected error has occured!


问:宏碁笔记本出现An unexpected error has occurred.是什么意思

在尝试安装 Windows XP 时,安装过程可能无法成功完成.安装程序可能会在安装过程开始时停止,或者在第一次必需的重新启动后立即停止,然后您会收到与以下内容类似的错误信息:An unexpected error has occurred.(536821760) occurred at line 1768 in D:xpclientaseootsetuparcdisp.c 原因如果随机存取内存 (RAM) 模块被损坏或 RAM 插槽被损坏,可能会出现此问题.解决方案要解决此问题,请根据需要使用下面一种或多种方法:拔掉计算机上的一个或多个 RAM 模块,仅保留安装 Windows XP 所需的最小可用 RAM 数量.如果这样可以解决问题,请将这些模块替换为新的 RAM 模块,或者在安装完成后将其重新插入.注意:在重新插入旧的 RAM 模块后,请验证计算机的性能不会受到影响.将 RAM 模块安装在计算机中其他(未使用过的)RAM 插槽中.如果在安装之前或安装之后仍存在问题,请将计算机的所有 RAM 模块都替换为新的 RAM 模块.应该是内存问题,你把内存拔下换个插槽看看

An unexpected error has occured什么意思


iphone上的safari浏览器打开有的网站显示An unexpected error has occurred


问:宏碁笔记本出现An unexpected error has occurred.是什么意思

An unexpected error occurred发生意外错误开机长按F8(进入开机模式选择)>安全模式>C盘右击(在安全模式下,打开我的电脑,选择C盘)>属性>工具>查错>开始检查,勾选“自动修复文件系统错误”再点击“开始”在弹出的对话框中点击“是”,在点击“确定”按钮,重启电脑,OK了。

easyui中datagrid formatter:function直接返回xx无法应用easyui样式


EasyUi Datagrid 中怎样动态的改变 editor的Type

使用formatter函数:以下是我写的实现,需要根据你的实际情况做相应调整。<!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Basic DataGrid - jQuery EasyUI Demo</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http //www"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http //www jeasyui com/easyui/themes/icon.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http //www jeasyui com/easyui/demo/demo.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="http //www jeasyui com/easyui/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http //www jeasyui com/easyui/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script></head><body> <table id="dg"></table> <script type="text/javascript" > $("#dg").datagrid({ url:"datagrid_data1.json", columns:[[ {field:"productid",title:"产品",width:100}, {field:"type",title:"可编辑区域",width:200, formatter: function(value,row,index){ if (row.type == "checkbox"){ return "<select id="cc" class="easyui-combobox" name="dept" style="width:200px;"><option value="aa">aitem1</option><option>bitem2</option><option>bitem3</option></select>"; } else if (row.type == "text"){ return value; }else if(row.type == "number"){ return "<input type="text" class="easyui-numberbox" value="100" data-options="min:0,precision:2">"; }else{ return "ERROR"; } } } ]] }); </script></body></html>以下是该实例所用到的数据,datagrid_data1.json:{"total":3,"rows":[ {"productid":"彩电","type":"checkbox"}, {"productid":"冰箱","type":"text"}, {"productid":"洗衣机","type":"number"}]}转载仅供参考,版权属于原作者。祝你愉快,满意请采纳哦

net core中怎么获取类的assembly

net core中怎么获取类的assembly 本题编程思路如下:五个国家名应由一个二维字符数组来处理。然而C语言规定可以把一个二维数组当成多个一维数组处理。 因此本题又可以按五个一维数组处理, 而每一个一维数组就是一个国家名字符串。用字符串比较函数比较各一维数组的大小,并排序,输出结果即可。编程如下:main(){ char st[20],cs[5][20]; int i,j,p; printf("input country"s name: "); for(i=0;i<5;i++) gets(cs[i]); printf(" "); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { p=i;strcpy(st,cs[i]); for(j=i+1;j<5;j++) if(strcmp(cs[j],st)<0) {p=j;strcpy(st,cs[j]);} if(p!=i) { strcpy(st,cs[i]); strcpy(cs[i],cs[p]); strcpy(cs[p],st); } puts(cs[i]);}printf(" ");}本程序的第一个for语句中,用gets函数输入五个国家名字符串。上面说过C语言允许把一个二维数组按多个一维数组处理,本程序说明cs[5][20]为二维字符数组,可分为五个一维数组cs[0],cs[1],cs[2],cs[3],cs[4]。因此在gets函数中使用cs[i]是合法的。 在第二个for语句中又嵌套了一个for语句组成双重循环。这个双重循环完成按字母顺序排序的工作。在外层循环中把字符数组cs[i]中的国名字符串拷贝到数组st中,并把下标i赋予P。进入内层循环后,把st与cs[i]以后的各字符串作比较,若有比st小者则把该字符串拷贝到st中,并把其下标赋予p。内循环完成后如p不等于i说明有比cs[i]更小的字符串出现,因此交换cs[i]和st的内容。至此已确定了数组cs的第i号元素的排序值。然后输出该字符串。在外循环全部完成之后即完成全部排序和输出。7.5 本章小结

请教关于 EasyUi datagrid formatter后取值问题

//添加行 //结束编辑 function endEditing() { if (editIndex == undefined) { return true } if ($("#dg").datagrid("validateRow", editIndex)) { $("#dg").datagrid("endEdit", editIndex); editIndex = undefined; return true; } else { return false; } } function append() { if (endEditing()) { $("#dg").datagrid("appendRow", { status: "P" }); editIndex = $("#dg").datagrid("getRows").length - 1; $("#dg").datagrid("selectRow", editIndex).datagrid("beginEdit", editIndex); } } //移除行 function removelin() { if (editIndex == undefined) { alert("未选中任何行!"); return false; } else { $("#dg").datagrid("cancelEdit", editIndex) .datagrid("deleteRow", editIndex); } }


  方法如下:  1. Formatter设置  Menu: SuiteCloudIDE -> Preferences... -> JavaScript -> Code Style -> Formatter  快捷键:Command + ,  Active profile中显示的是当前正在使用的代码自动格式化配置。点击“Export All...”按钮可以导出Eclipse中的代码自动格式化配置,点击“Import...”按钮可以导入本地已有的配置文件,导入和导出的文件都是xml格式。可以点击“New...”按钮,在Eclipse中的一个已有配置基础上,新建一个自己的配置。  进行Formatter设置后,你就可以使用Option + Command + F或者右键菜单Source -> Format格式化选择的代码。(Mac快捷键)  2. Save Actions设置  选择“Perform the selected actions on save”以及下面的三个复选框,其中“Format source code”就是根据前面设置的Formatter对Save文件中的代码进行自动格式化,整个JS文件都会被Format。

EasyUi 的 datagrid 在使用formatter格式化行的时候,如何使用easyui-linkbutton

默认的这个easyui-likbutton是在a (超链接)标签下,如果返回的有a标签,然后你在里面放这个样式,肯定样式就起作用了

travel to all corners of the world gets easier这篇短文


easyUI 下拉框combobox 格式化函数Formatter如何实现大量数据转义


阿姆 kiss my ass 英文歌词

you make me sick,Superman aint savin shit, girl you can jump on shady"s dick,Straight from the hip, cut to the chase,I"ll tell a mo"fuckin slut to her face,Play no games, say no names, ever since I broke up with what"s her face,I"m a different man, kiss my ass, kiss my lips, bitch why ask?Kiss my dick, hit my cash, i"d rather have you whip my ass,Don"t put out? i"ll put you out,Won"t get out? i"ll push you out,Puss blew out, copin shit,Wouldn"t piss on fire to put you out,Am I too nice? buy you ice,Bitch if you died, wouldn"t buy you life,What you tryin to be, my new wife?What you Mariah? fly through twice,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come, they go,Saturday through sunday monday,Monday through sunday yo,Maybe i"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe..."Cuz I can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,I can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Your superman, your superman...Don"t get me wrong,I love these hoes,It"s no secret,Everybody knows,Can"t we fuck?Bitch so what?That"s about as far as your buddy goes,We"ll be friends,I"ll call you again,I"ll chase you around every bar you attend,Never know what kind of car i"ll be in,*Woman Screaming*We"ll see how much you"ll be partying then,You don"t want that,Neither do I,I don"t wanna flip when I see you with guys,Too much pride,Between you and I,Not a jealous man, but females lie,But I guess that"s just what sluts do,How could it ever be just us two?Never loved you enough to trust you,We just met and I just fucked you,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come they go,Saturday through Sunday monday,Monday through Sunday yo,Maybe I"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,"Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...First thing you said...I"m not phazed,I hang around big stars all day,I don"t see what the big deal is anyway,You"re just plain ol" Marshall to me...Ooh yeah girl run that game...Haily Jade...I love that name,Love that tattoo...what"s that say?"rot in pieces" aww that"s great...First off you don"t know Marshall,Add also, don"t grow partial,That"s ammo for my arsenal,I"ll snap you off that bar stool,There goes another lawsuit,Leave handprints all accross you,Good lordy-wody you must be blown off that water bottle,You want what you can"t have,Ooh girl that"s too damn bad,Don"t touch what you can"t grab,End up with two back hands,Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can"t stand,Girl you just blew your chance,Don"t mean to ruin your plans,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come they go,Saturday through Sunday Monday,Monday through Sunday yo,Maybe I"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,"Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...I know you want me baby,I think I want you too...I think I love you baby...I think I love you too,I"m here to save you girl,Come be in Shady"s world,I wanna grow together,Lets let our love unfurl,You know you want me baby,You know I want you too,They call me Superman,I"m here to rescue you,I wanna save you girl,Come be in shady"s world...Oh boy you drive me crazy...Bitch you make me hurl.

And the air is fresh—far more so than in air-conditioned buildings, where up to 30% of the air


And the air is fresh—far more so than in air-conditioned buildings, where up to 30% of the air


Give some helpful tips for overseas business travel.

Traveling abroad for business on a tight schedule and only for a short period of time can be hectic. However, if you can follow my helpful tips for oversears business travel, you would not be feeling so tired nervous.First, bring with you enough clothes. It is better to check the weather in advance and wear appropriate clothes. You may also want to consider to take one to two business suits and shoes with you since you are on a business trip. Second, get enough business cards and other business essentials. Since you are going to meet a lot of people on your trip, you need to hand out your cards and maybe even a booklet about your company and business. Third, always have a suit, underwear, and your personal hygiene products with you. Don"t check these things with your luggage on an airplane. If you lost your luggage, you don"t have to fumble over buying a lot of things that may not even fit, and these things would come in handy.Fourth, Get all you travel documents and IDs together, put them in a waterproof document folder.

In the past,there were no buses with_____(air-conditioner).They were not______(air-conditioner)


化学术语的问题,CD measurements是什么意思

圆二色性(circular dichroism, CD)对R和L两种圆偏振光吸收程度不同的现象。这种吸收程度的不同与波长的关系称圆二色谱,是一种测定分子不对称结构的光谱法。在分子生物学领域中主要用于测定蛋白质的立体结构,也可用来测定核酸和多糖的立体结构。 光是一种电磁波。假如用电矢量来表示,光的前进就是由矢量端点在一特定的平面里沿正弦波运动的轨迹。对于自然光讲,正弦波振动的平面是随机的。如有一束光,它所有的电矢量的振动平面都是相互平行的,这种光称为平面偏振光。有一种特殊的情况,光前进的过程中电矢量绕前进轴转动,若电矢量的绝对值不变,则运动轨迹的投影是一个圆,这时就变成圆偏振。面对光前进的方向看去,电矢量端点的圆运动可以是顺时针方向的,也可以是逆时针方向的,因此圆偏振有R与L两种。 假如L与R两束圆偏振光在一起辐射,强度、速度、频率和位相都相同,它们就会叠合成一束平面偏振光。如波长的L光和R光的光强度相等,在光学各向异性物质中传播某一距离后,它们的综合光将变成椭圆偏振光,椭圆的长轴处于两个圆偏振的电矢量相叠合的地方。假如两个圆偏振的传播速度也不相同,而所经的途径与上述相同,则叠合的椭圆偏振光的长轴与上面所述的椭圆偏振光的长轴相夹θ角(图1[两束圆偏振光,旋转方向相反,电矢量长度不同时,合成光是椭圆偏振光])。 由不对称分子组成的物质是光学各向异性的,即L与R两束圆偏振光在这类物质中的传播速度不相等。假如光学各向异性物质在某一波长有吸收,那将在该时对L光和R光有不同的吸收,如该物质的吸光率是A,而对L光和R光的吸光率是AL和AR,AL和AR的差ΔA=AL-AR,称为圆二色性。 从(图2[旋光角和椭圆值的示意图])可看出,因光吸收不同而产生的椭圆的形状与Δ有直接的关系θ称为椭圆值,也是一种定量描述圆二色性的单位。在条件相同的情况下,θ=3300Δ。 在蛋白质分子中,肽链的不同部分可分别形成-螺旋、β-折叠、β-转角等特定的立体结构。这些立体结构都是不对称的。蛋白质的肽键在紫外185~240纳米处有光吸收,因此它在这一波长范围内有圆二色性。几种不同的蛋白质立体结构所表现的椭圆值波长的变化曲线——圆二色谱是不同的。如(图3[典型的蛋白质的紫外圆二色谱])所示,-螺旋的谱是双负峰形的,β-折叠是单负峰形的,无规卷曲在波长很短的地方出单峰。蛋白质的圆二色谱是它们所含各种立体结构组分的圆二色谱的代数加和曲线。因此用这一波长范围的圆二色谱可研究蛋白质中各种立体结构的含量。 蛋白质含酪氨酸、色氨酸和苯丙氨酸,它们在240~350纳米处有光吸收,当它们处于分子不对称环境中时也表现出圆二色性。这一范围的圆二色性反映出在蛋白质分子中上述氨基酸残基环境的性质。 核酸中所含糖有不对称的结构,它们所含的双螺旋结构也是不对称的。它们在185~300纳米范围内也有特征的圆二色谱(图4[典型的核酸的圆二色谱])。这些谱与核酸的立体结构的关系虽不甚显著,但也可以用它研究某些立体结构。同时圆二色谱与核酸的碱基配对数有关系,因此也可用圆二色谱研究核酸的化学组成。来源:如果看得懂英文的话,我觉得这是不错的网站:

GMAT里的“set of measurements”是什么意思


Intra/Inter-frequency measurements什么区别

测量分为同频测量(Intra-frequency measurement)和异频测量(inter-frequency measurement)。同频测量,是指UE当前所在的小区和待测量的目标小区在同一个载波频点(中心频点)上。异频测量,是指UE当前所在的小区和目标小区不在一个载波频点上。

60分钻石求鉴定,1万7合适吗? ROUND BRILLIANT Measurements 5.3













measurements? 可数



counter measurement是什么意思


GIA证书中的Measurements 5.14 - 5.16 x 3.09 mm是什么意思


measurement与 dimension区别有例句的最好

Measurement是测量,指的是测量的行为,以及实际测量结果. Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses. 测量血压可以由实习护士完成 The measurements are extraordinarily accurate. 测量结果极为精确. dimension是维度,层面,内容等.你说的dimension表示的尺寸只是一个描述. I don"t think it would spoil the dimensions of the room. 我不认为它会破坏房间的大小. 此处的大小,只是一个名称,但并不是测量结果. Length is one dimension,and breadth is another.长是一种度量,宽又是另一种度量 这样说明白吗?

measure 与measurement 有何区别



区别如下:measurement,测量,measurement在科技文章中经常表示测量值,这时往往会用复数形式measurements。 inspection,视察;检查;查看;审视。

measure 与measurement 有何区别

measure [meas·ure || "meu0292u0259(r)]n. 尺寸; 量度标准; 量度器v. 测量; 估量; 测度; 量 measurement ["meas·ure·ment || "meu0292u0259(r)mu0259nt]n. 测量法; 度量

measure 与measurement 有何区别





measurement[英][u02c8meu0292u0259mu0259nt][美][u02c8meu0292u0259rmu0259nt]n.量度; 份量,尺寸; 测量法; (量得的)尺寸; 复数:measurements1Some requirements are not testable because they are subjective, or they are not conducive to measurement or metrics.一些需求是非可测试的,因为他们是主观的,或者不是有助于度量或量度的。


measurement音节划分:measu25aaureu25aament英 [u02c8meu0292u0259mu0259nt] 美 [u02c8meu0292u0259rmu0259nt] n. 量度; 份量,尺寸; 测量法; (量得的)尺寸 复数: measurements 双语例句1. the metric system of measurement 更多牛津 公制度量衡来自《权威词典》2. I can find the size of something by means of measurement. 我可以用测量法求得某物的体积.来自《简明英汉词典》3. He has made an accurate measurement of my garden. 他准确地丈量了我的花园.来自《简明英汉词典》4. Their measurement are correct to a hair"s breadth. 他们的测量非常精确,丝毫不差.来自《简明英汉词典》5. The work requires strict measurement. 这项工作需要精确的测量.来自《简明英汉词典》


  measurement英 [u02c8meu0292u0259mu0259nt] 美 [u02c8meu0292u0259rmu0259nt]   n.量度; 份量,尺寸; 测量法; (量得的) 尺寸;   [例句]The snapshot contains a set of data regarding the program state and measurement information accumulated up to a specific point of time.   快照包含一组关于积累到一个具体时刻的程序状态和量度信息的数据。   [其他]复数:measurements


衡量 测量

求4 seasons -gille的歌词!

How will i stand the summerWhen spring was such a bummerHow will i weather my winterWhen my fall was such a ballbusterIt"s spring and there"ll be no spring flingWhen my winter was what a winnerAnd i am taking a fall"cause if i ain"t got you i got nothing at allHow will i stand the summerWhen the spring just made me dumberHow will i fare my fallWill i lose my mind in the wintertimeIt"s spring and i"m a spring ding-a-lingIt"s summer and i"m just a little dumberAnd i am taking a fall"cause if i ain"t got you i got nothing at allThru" the 4 seasonsI"m searching for reasonsI"m not gonna take the spring"cause the spring don"t mean a thingI"m not gonna take the winterMy winter is a splinterI"m not gonna take the summer

求 Gille - 4 - Seasons 歌词翻译


GILLE -- 4 seasons 这首歌的中文歌词的意思

  我想要和你在一起的季节来了又去  我们正在做一项去看世界,它会发生  汽车、火车或轮船,甚至是乘飞机  我们制定一个计划和幻想它每星期天  哦,所以好在春天里我们只是放松外  花朵在我们周围,就像我们在幻想的世界  当夏季来临时,我们有一个烧烤  等待夜晚时间,所以我要去看烟火与你  当秋季来临,所有的叶子会变成黄金  当冬季来临的时候,现在一切都是白雪覆盖了  每一个季节,它看起来是那么的全新的  当我可以与你一起  让我知道,你想看的东西在春天里  让我知道,你想看的东西在夏天的时间  当鲜花盛开,阳光明媚  我想和你在一起  我要与你同在  让我知道,你想看的东西在秋天的时间  让我知道,你想看的东西在冬天时  当叶子落下,风雪正在倒下  我想和你在一起  我要与你同在  所有的美好的日子的记忆,他们从未消失  我们已经通过起伏自从第一天  有时候我们认为和大惊小怪  但在每一天是我们两人的祝福  哦,这就是我应该因为你抓住我  每次当你变得更加强壮的感情看着我  我得说,你是我需要的  记得那一天我做了一个对你的诺言海边的权利  呃所以许多个晚上,我让你哭泣的  你还不走我身旁  给我一个预兆,当你感觉沮丧,所以我能正确对待你  因为我们曾经一起哭直到黎明的时候  你对我说的每一句话仍保持强劲,所以我前进  我们已经通过的好时光  和我们已经渡过艰难的时刻  让我告诉你我的感觉  这里是我的语言的诚实  无论你在哪里,无论你去哪里  我知道我必须和你这样  让我知道,你想看的东西在春天里  让我知道,你想看的东西在夏天的时间  当鲜花盛开,阳光明媚  我想和你在一起  我要与你同在  让我知道,你想看的东西在秋天的时间  让我知道,你想看的东西在冬天时  当叶子落下,风雪正在倒下  我想和你在一起  我要与你同在  所以婴儿对我说话,对我婴儿微笑  我们冷静下来,时间的流逝缓慢  我们只是开玩笑和谈论最愚蠢的事情  当我们没有足够的水,我们寻找另一个地方  你知道我将会去任何地方,只是为了回到你身边  让我们到外面去兜风这美丽的天空下  我们去过很多地方,但是我们仍然必须去  你知道有一定是那么多  总有一天我们开始建立一个家庭,一个婴儿  你知道我们得带他去的地方,我们使用闲逛  我们见面的地方,我们属于的地方  我们制定的地方承诺永远爱你  让我知道,你想看的东西在春天里  让我知道,你想看的东西在夏天的时间  当鲜花盛开,阳光明媚  我想和你在一起  我要与你同在  让我知道,你想看的东西在秋天的时间  让我知道,你想看的东西在冬天时  当叶子落下,风雪正在倒下  我想和你在一起  我要与你同在  让我知道,你想看的东西在春天里  让我知道,你想看的东西在夏天的时间  当鲜花盛开,阳光明媚  我想和你在一起  我要与你同在  让我知道,你想看的东西在秋天的时间  让我知道,你想看的东西在冬天时  当叶子落下,风雪正在倒下  我想和你在一起  我要与你同在

Miser的《Release Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Release Me歌手:Miser专辑:MiserReleaseTimbalandfeat. Justin Timberlake<Intro:>AlrightHeyClapOhI need you girl (Hey)I really need youI need you girl(Let me tell you something)I think am getting in charge (yeah)So feel the party codes (yeah)With all my Gs in the back (yeah)Who needs a bodyguard (yeah)I think I need to...<Chorus:>Release I am out of controlI"m out of bodyRelease I am out of controlWhose here to partyRelease I am out of controlI"m out of bodyRelease I am out of controlI"m out of......Wait a Minute(Oh, yeah)I push the party stars (yeah)Haters can"t even see me (yeah)We Came to party hard (yeah)I think I need to...<Chorus:>Release I am out of controlI"m out of bodyRelease I am out of controlWhose here to partyRelease I am out of controlI"m out of bodyRelease I am out of controlI"m out of......Wait a MinuteWho holds the party strikesHe keeps the party bumpingThe club is over packedLook this can"t wait till dawn(Yeah)We"ve got a video (yeah)I think we"re late for our shoot (yeah)We at our video (yeah)Hey, these girls aint cute (yeah)They want me to do my part (yeah)But first I gotta...<Chorus:>Release I am out of controlI"m out of bodyRelease I am out of controlWhose here to partyRelease I am out of controlI"m out of bodyRelease I am out of controlI"m out of......Wait a Minute~~~~~~aah... ooh...(Yeah...)

为什么是用of 而不是 as?

as 表示“像”的意思

怪物猎人世界一玩剧情就出现ERR08 Memory overrun,和ERR12 Graphics device crashed闪退



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as long as you love me you are not alone 的中文歌词

my love heal the worldyesterday once moreas long as you love mebig big worldwe will rock you ....

it was you这首歌的歌词汉语意思

Mans Zelmerlow-Brother Oh Brother I"ve been there 我也曾经历过那些I thought she was the one 我也曾认为她就是我的唯一Until I realized that she was gone, ooooo 知道我意识到她已经离我远去Beauty can"t describe 美得难以用言语形容The way she looked 她凝视我的方式I was a fool, for love 我是一个爱情傻瓜Please don"t make the same 请不要重蹈我的覆辙Mistakes I did, don"t let her win 我犯的错误,不要让她得逞Don"t give in 不要对她听之任之Believe me Brother oh Brother 相信我吧兄弟She will break your heart 她会彻底的伤你的心Leave her tonight, be strong 坚强一点,今夜离开她"Cause Brother oh Brother 因为,哥们儿She"s gonna tare you apart 她还是会离你远去Don"t stay and fight 不要这样耗下去争吵不休"Cause she will have some fun 她总有玩儿够的一天And then she"ll run away 然后一走了之With someone else 和某个路人甲私奔掉Believe me Brother oh Brother 相信我吧,哥们儿She"s gonna break your heart 她会伤透你的心Listen to me, I"m setting you free 听我的吧,我这是给你指一条明路After me she had a millionaire 等她傍到了大款Who bought her trips to London and Paris, ooooo 他会带她去伦敦巴黎去旅行First I tried to win her back, but no 一开始我还想着把她的心赢回来,可是,不了What could I do, oh she said: 我能做什么呢 当她说"You are sweet but it was just a game" 你人很好,但这只是个游戏"I thought you knew", well now I do 我以为你早知道(这是个游戏)是啊,现在我知道了(Aaahh...) She wants to feel your heart"s desire, ooooo 她只是想感觉你内心的渴望(Aaahh...) But all she is, is a heart break liar 但她只是一个伤你心的骗子

跪求有趣的英文句子,如 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

1.Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? 2.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I won"t wish the wish you wish to wish. 我希望梦想着你梦想中的梦想,但是如果你梦想着女巫的梦想,我就不想梦想着你梦想中的梦想. 3.I scream,you scream,we all scream for ice-cream! 我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋! 4.How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies. 如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼. 5.The driver was drunk and drove the doctor"s car directly into the deep ditch. 这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里. 6.Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.We"ll weather the weather whether we like it or not. 无论是晴天或是阴天.无论是冷或是暖,不管喜欢与否,我们都要经受风霜雨露. 7.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where"s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? 彼德派柏捏起一撮泡菜.彼德派柏捏起的是一撮泡菜.那么彼德派捏起的泡菜在哪儿? 8.I thought a thought.But the thought I thought wasn"t the thought I thought I thought.If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,I wouldn"t have thought so much. 我有一种想法,但是我的这种想法不是我曾经想到的那种想法.如果这种想法是我曾经想到的想法,我就不会想那么多了. 9.Amid the mists and coldest frosts,With barest wrists and stoutest boasts,He thrusts his fists against the posts,And still insists he sees the ghosts. 雾蒙蒙,冰霜冻,手腕儿空空,话儿涌,只见他猛所拳头往柱子上砸,直说自己把鬼碰. 10.Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards,but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton. 巴德明在台球上能够打败比尔,但是打羽毛球比尔常常大败巴德明. 11.Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better butter. 贝蒂敲打一小块黄油要做一块更好的奶油面. 12.Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon read the remarks. 当里尔登读评论时,丽塔重复里尔登背诵的东西. 13.Few free fruit flies fly from flames. 没有几只果蝇从火焰中飞过去. 14.Fifty-five flags freely flutter from the floating frigate. 五十五面旗子在轻轻漂浮的战舰上自由的飘扬. 15.There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.for a bright night light is just like a slight light. 像今夜这样明亮的夜晚,就不需要点一盏夜灯,因为明亮的夜灯也会变得微弱. 17.A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together. 一位和气的农民养了一只伶俐的野鸡,而且这位和气的农民和这只伶俐的野鸡在一起度过了一段很美好的时光 18.How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets? 如果裁纸机能裁纸的话,一个裁纸机能裁多少张纸呢? 19.Mr.See owned a saw and Mr.Soar owned a seesaw.Now See"s saw sawed Soar"s seesaw before Soar saw See. 西先生有一个锯,萨先生有一个秋千.现在在萨先生看见西先生之前,西先生的锯锯断了萨先生的秋千. 20.If you"re keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts,buy a cunning stunning stunt kite. 如果你非常相要好的风筝和精彩的表演,就去买一只漂亮的,灵巧的风筝吧. 21.Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday so Fred"s fresh bread is ready already. 特德昨天给弗莱德送去了十只母鸡,所以弗莱德的新鲜面包已经准备好了. 22.A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing net. 一个名叫费希尔的芬兰渔民在一个星期五的下午未能捕捉到任何鱼,结果他民现他的渔网上有一个大裂口. 23.Franc"s father is frying French fries for his five fire-fighter friends after they finished a fire-fighting in a factory. 在结束对一家工厂的灭火战斗以后,弗兰克的父亲在为他的五个消防队员朋友炸制法式土豆(炸薯条)






钢制 防水 日本机芯 中国表框 有空交流交流


进入控制面板 程序卸载 左侧有个打开或者关闭windows功能 找到媒体 里面有windows media center,把勾去掉,windows media center就暂时被卸载掉了,程序自然就恢复默认了。Windows Media Center开机不运行的。如果是取消更新的话,打开Windows Media Center界面-任务-常规,自动下载选项,两个勾打掉。如果不想用这个的话,打开控制。 win10 卸载步骤如下: 1、右键点击屏幕左下角的开始图标,然后打开控制面板。 2、在控制面板界面中找到并点机打开"程序和功能"。 3、在程序和功能界面,打开左侧菜单中的"启动或关闭 Windows 功能"。 4、来到Windows 功能设置窗口,会看到一个Windows功能列表,按住列表滚动条,拖到底部。 5、点击媒体功能左侧的小+号,然后去掉Windows Media Player左边小方框中的勾,去掉勾后点击确定保存设置。 6、然后Windows10系统就会去掉Media Player 12。


进入控制面板 程序卸载 左侧有个打开或者关闭windows功能 找到媒体 里面有windows media center,把勾去掉,windows media center就暂时被卸载掉了,程序自然就恢复默认了。Windows Media Center开机不运行的。如果是取消更新的话,打开Windows Media Center界面-任务-常规,自动下载选项,两个勾打掉。如果不想用这个的话,打开控制。 win10 卸载步骤如下: 1、右键点击屏幕左下角的开始图标,然后打开控制面板。 2、在控制面板界面中找到并点机打开"程序和功能"。 3、在程序和功能界面,打开左侧菜单中的"启动或关闭 Windows 功能"。 4、来到Windows 功能设置窗口,会看到一个Windows功能列表,按住列表滚动条,拖到底部。 5、点击媒体功能左侧的小+号,然后去掉Windows Media Player左边小方框中的勾,去掉勾后点击确定保存设置。 6、然后Windows10系统就会去掉Media Player 12。

使用melt和wide_to_long()重塑Pandas Dataframe

将数据帧重整为整齐的格式可能是数据整理中最常见的事情之一。在本文中,我们将学习如何使用Pandas的 melt() 函数和 wide_long_long() 函数来将Pandas数据框从宽数据格式整形为长数据格式。 其中 frame :Dataframe; id_vars :不需要被转换的列名,用做标识符变量的列; value_vars : 需要转换的列名,若未指定,则使用未设置为id_vars的所有列; var_name :用于 变量 列的名称,如果为None,则使用frame.columns.name或者 variable ; value_name :用于 值 列的名称; col_level : 如果列名是MultiIndex,则使用此级别进行融合。 在第1个示例中,我们将看到一个简单的数据框示例,它具有更广泛的形式,并使用Pandas融合函数将其重塑为更长的条理形式。 我们可以使用Pandas melt() 函数将数据框重塑为满足整洁数据原则的长形式。对于Pandas melt函数,我们需要指定需要在长格式数据框中需要保留的变量,并且可以选择指定变量的名称和值。在此示例中,我们仅将变量命名为 key ,将值命名为 value 。 间隔形式的gapminder数据以列的形式包含lifeExp,gdpPercap和每年的人口。对于此示例,让我们仅使用lifeExp列。我们将使用Pandas loc和字符串匹配对数据框进行过滤,以包含每年的预期寿命值。 数据每列中都有国家,大洲和lifeExp。请注意,对于每一行,国家/地区值都是唯一的。我们可以使用pandas melt函数将这个宽数据帧转换为长格式的数据帧。在此示例中,我们希望将 大洲 和 国家/地区 都保留为列,因此我们使用“ id_vars”参数进行指定。在长格式的形式中,我们需要year和lifeExp作为我们的附加列。我们可以指定 var_name = year 和 value_name =lifeExp 。 现在,我们已使用Pandas wide_to_long函数将宽数据帧重塑为长数据帧。 我们可以重新索引以更改多索引列名,并以长格式获取数据。 其实Pandas wide_to_long() 使用了Pandas的 melt 函数。但是Pandas的wide_to_long()更易于使用。例如,原始的gapminder数据框以宽格式包含一段时间内的多个变量,lifeExp,gdpPercap和pop。我们可以使用Pandas的 wide_to_long() 存根名称来指定多个变量,然后将其重塑为长格式。例如,要随着时间的推移在gapminder数据框中以宽幅形式重塑所有3个变量,我们可以使用 stubnames = ["lifeExp","gdpPercap","pop"] 指定前缀。 此处放一张来自 木头里有虫911 里的图片:

nastya kusakina的身高体重

Nastya Kusakina,身高180cm,体重未公开。1996年1月18日出生于俄罗斯,年仅17岁的她小小年纪就曾凭其出色表现登上过Models.com的2013年春夏季十大新人超模排行榜。娜斯提娅·库萨齐纳(Nastya Kusakina)是来自俄罗斯的新生代仙女系超模,清纯而美丽,Nastya Kusakina曾为Raf Simons主理的吉尔·桑德 (Jil Sander) 最终季做开场模特。

valentino2013秋冬男装 这个男模的名字 他好像也是ASOS的模特!!

robbie wadge


ub0b4uc5d0uac8c ub4a4 ub3ccuc544 uc11cuc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694 ub098uc758 ub208uc744 ubcf4uc544uc694ne e ge tui tu la so ji ma la yo na ye nu ner bo a youc628uc138uc0c1(uc628uc138uc0c1) ud558uc597ub358(ud558uc597ub358) uadf8ub54cuc758 uc57duc18d uc78auc5c8ub098uc694un se sang ha ya ton k de ye yag so gi jion na youc65c ub0a0 ud3ecuae30ud558ub824uace0 ud558uc8e0 uadf8ub304 uadf8uac8c uc27dub098uc694we nar po gi ha lio go ha jio k den g ge xum na youb0b4uac8cub9cc(ub0b4uac8cub9cc) uc774ub807uac8c uc5b4ub824uc6b4 uc77cuc778uac74uac00uc694ne ge man i lou ke o lio u ni lin gon ga youcc98uc74cubd80ud130 uc6b0ub9acub294 uc2dcuc791ub418uc5b4uc11c uc548ub418ub294 uc0acub791uc774ub77cuace0cho em bu to u li nen si jiag dui o so an dui nen sa lang i la goub208ubb3cuc11euc778 uc560uc6d0uc774 ub354uc6b1 uadf8ub300ub97c ub193uc744 uc218uac00 uc5c6ub124uc694nun mur so gi ne wo ni to ug g de lr no hr su ga om ne youb0b4uac8cuc11c(ub0b4uac8cuc11c) uadf8ub300ub294(uadf8ub300ub294) uc0acub77cuc838uc120 uc548ub418ub294 ube5buc774uc5c8uc74cuc744 uc544ub098uc694ne ge so k de nen sa la jio so nan dui nen pi qi op s m la na youadf8ub300uac00(uadf8ub300uac00) ub5a0ub098uba74(ub5a0ub098uba74) ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uc138uc0c1ub3c4k de ga do na mion na ye mo den se sang douc0acub77cuc9c4ub2e4ub294 uac78 uc78auc9c0ub294 ub9d0uc544uc694sa la jin da nen gor i ji nen ma la youc228uc744 uc26cuace0 uc2f6uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300 uc0acub791 uc548uc5d0uc11csu mr xu go xi po yo k de sa lang a ne souadf8ub300 uc0dduac01ub9ccuc73cub85c uc6c3uc74cuc774 ub098uc694 ub098uc5d0uac90 ud798uc774 ub418uc5b4uc694k de sing gang ma n lo u s mi na yo na e ge ni mi tui o yo uadf8ub300 uc0dduac01ub9ccuc73cub85c ub208ubb3cuc774 ub098uc694 ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc774 ub450ub824uc6cck de sing gang ma n lo nun mu li na yo mo den go xi tu lio woub0b4uac8cuc11c(ub0b4uac8cuc11c) uadf8ub300ub294(uadf8ub300ub294) uc0acub77cuc838uc120 uc548ub418ub294 ube5buc774uc5c8uc74cuc744 uc544ub098uc694ne ge so k de nen sa la jio so nan dui nen pi qi op s m la na youadf8ub300uac00(uadf8ub300uac00) ub5a0ub098uba74(ub5a0ub098uba74) ub098uc758 ubaa8ub4e0 uc138uc0c1ub3c4k de ga do na mion na ye mo den se sang douc0acub77cuc9c4ub2e4ub294 uac78 uc78auc9c0ub294 ub9d0uc544uc694sa la jin da nen gor i ji nen ma la youc228uc744 uc26cuace0 uc2f6uc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300 uc0acub791 uc548uc5d0uc11csu mr xu go xi po yo k de sa lang a ne so有的发音中文没有,是找字母代替的,可能会造成楼主发音的误解,所以请楼主听着原曲对照一下,比较后再确定发音

怎么脱离极域电子教室(E-Learning Class)的屏幕监视

下个冰刃 这个软件超强 直接结束它的程序



passenger同义词 以t开头的

tralver 旅客

QTY CTNS N.W. G.W. MEAS 、KGS 、 CBM这些都是什么意思?


怎么脱离极域电子教室(E-Learning Class)的控制?


如何卸载 e-learning class。高分!!!


单位用极域电子教室(E-Learning Class)软件,但有两台学生机不受控制,屏幕显示“开放模式”。


上电脑课,怎样摆脱老师的远程控制?我们教室用的是极域电子教室(e-Learning class)


外贸中纸箱的侧唛是:ITEN: CTN:QTY:G.W: N.W: MEAS: 这些如何填写


外贸纸箱上印的Qty. GW. NW. meas是什么单位啊?

外贸纸箱上印的这几个英文的意思是:1、Qty: 是英文单词quantity的缩写,是数量的意思。2、GW.是英文单词gross weight的缩写,是毛重的意思。3、NW.是英文单词net weight的缩写,是净重的意思。4、Meas是英文单词measurement的缩写,是尺寸的意思。扩展资料:外贸常用术语1、Ex(Point of Origin)(产地交货)又称EXW(Ex Works)EXW是国际贸易术语之一,是指当卖方在其所在地或其他指定的地点(如工场、工厂或仓库)将货物交给买方处置时,即完成交货,卖方不办理出口清关手续或将货物装上任何运输工具。2、FOB(Free on Board)(在运输工具上交货)FOB也称“离岸价”,实践中的使用通常为“FOB……港(出发地)按FOB成交,由买方负责派船接运货物,卖方应在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内,将货物装上买方指定的船只,并及时通知买方。在实际交易中,买方都会委托卖方来帮助租船定仓,交保险等,也就是准CIF,买方会另行支付给卖方额外费用!货物在装船时越过船舷,风险即由卖方转移至买方。3、C&F(Cost and Freight)(成本加运费)后改为CFR(对外贸易的实际操作中也有很多客人喜欢用CNF来表示C&F,实际上只是把符号&换成N, 意思是一样的)。参考资料来源:百度百科-外贸

英语As is often the case怎么翻译?

As is often the case翻译成中文之后,它的意思就是:这是常有的事


reason的用法与搭配如下:用法:1、reason用于事情可指“理由,原因,道理,情理”,用于人可指“理智,理性,思维能力,推理能力”。2、reason后常可接动词不定式或for引导的短语或从句作定语,引导从句的why在口语中常省略。3、reason作主语时,可接that引导的从句作表语。4、reason的基本意思是根据事实作出判断或推理,强调连续的逻辑思考,以某个假设的前提、某个确定的数据或证据开始,作出推论。引申可指“争辩”。5、reason既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,通常接that从句作宾语。6、reason可接介词into,表示“说服某人做某事”;接out of表示“说服某人放弃某事”;接out表示“推断出”;接with表示“说服,规劝”。短语搭配:1、by reason of:由于;因为。2、rule of reason:合理原则;合理规则;合理性原则。3、Appeal to Reason:诉诸理性;唱片名。双语例句1、I know the reason why he was late.我知道他迟到的原因。2、I tried to reason with the elderly man to move away from the village.我尝试说服这位年迈的男人搬离村庄。3、I need more clues to reason this mystery out.我需要更多的线索来解开这个谜。

Rescue Me (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:A Taste Of Honey专辑:Classic MastersRESCUE作词:ECO

Fontella Bass的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Fontella Bass专辑:60"S GoldRESCUE作词:ECO

上电脑课,怎样摆脱老师的远程控制?我们教室用的是极域电子教室(e-Learning class)

杀手锏(极域电子教室):1.打开上传文件给老师的窗口,单击文件名,切到智能ABC输入v,再输入方向键左键,再输入DELETE后按空格炸网2.ctrl+Alt+Delete组合键打开运行,输入cmd,在cmd里再输入taskkill /im studentmain.exe 就可以强制关闭程序(可以右键直接复制进去)

拜求?COME AND RESCUE ME---by dashi dance 歌词~

[Verse 1]All alone and I"m feeling wantedTry to wait but my body"s calling, you"re the one so why don"tyou come and rescue me,I"ll be here while you on your way, counting down till I see your face,hurry up cause I love the way you rescue me.Now your"re here, come on out, the rain soaking wetbody glistening, finally we could do something so rescue me,Can"t believe how it"s going down,I"m so obsessed with this love I found it got my head spinninground and round just rescue me.All night long Take me away to another place,rescue me save me, save me save me all night longTake me away to another place rescue meSave me, save me, save me[Verse 2]I come alive when I feel your thouchand I can drown In this pool of love, you could get what I"m thinking ofCome rescue me, what you think couldn"t be replacedif you were gone I would find a way to get you back,cause I love the way you rescue me, laying here with you in the darkI always knew you could shift my heart,when I"m with you I don"t want to stop so rescue me,only you can fulfill my need take me away from this agony,I want to live out my fantasy just rescue me.[Chorus 4x虽然我不知道是不是这首歌,希望能帮助到你!

Fontella Bass的《Rescue Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Rescue Me歌手:Fontella Bass专辑:Very Best OfAll alone and I"m feeling wanted Try to wait but my body"s calling, you"re the one so why don"t you come and rescue me, I"ll be here while you on your way, counting down till I see your face, hurry up cause I love the way you rescue me. Now your"re here, come on out, the rain soaking wet body glistening, finally we could do something so rescue me, Can"t believe how it"s going down, I"m so obsessed with this love I found it got my head spinning round and round just rescue me. All night long Take me away to another place, rescue me save me, save me save me all night long Take me away to another place rescue me Save me, save me, save me I come alive when I feel your thouch and I can drown In this pool of love, you could get what I"m thinking of Come rescue me, what you think couldn"t be replaced if you were gone I would find a way to get you back, cause I love the way you rescue me, laying here with you in the dark I always knew you could shift my heart, when I"m with you I don"t want to stop so rescue me, only you can fulfill my need take me away from this agony, I want to live out my fantasy just rescue me.[Chorus 4x


您的slm不能启动所需产品是在经过手机重启,卡重新插放等步骤无用后,找一部手机确认是否SIM已坏,如过在其他手机上依然无反应就是卡坏了,需从新补卡。在经过手机重启,卡重新插放等步骤无用后,找一部手机确认是否SIM已坏,如过在其他手机上依然无反应就是卡坏了,需从新补卡。管理要素:SLM管理需要涉及到服务目录(Service Catalogue)、SLA(Service Level Agreement,服务级别协议)、OLA(Operational Level Agreement,操作级别协议)和UC(Underpinning Contract,支持协议)等关键管理要素。Spatial Light Modulator空间光调制器。slm是standard litre per minute 的缩写,意思是标准状态下1L/min的流量。

He has a passion for literature. 他很热衷于文学。中为什么用for而不用in。

have a passion for sth 这是常见短语,介词 for 是固定搭配.


《Passionate Thirst》(Dean, Cameron)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 49jw书名:Passionate Thirst作者:Dean, Cameron出版社:Ballantine Books出版年份:2006-10页数:336内容简介:JUST ANOTHER NIGHT IN SIN CITYCandace Steele is as tough as she is alluring. For her, killing vampires isn"t just a job–it"s personal: She"s still haunted by erotic memories of an all-consuming affair with Ash, a seductive vampire who thrilled her–and then nearly destroyed her. Now, working undercover in a Las Vegas casino, she seduces the most powerful undead–right before she drives a stake through their unbeating hearts.When hot-ticket singer Temptation McCoy sweeps into town for a major concert, Candace is tapped for security. But after meeting Temptation, Candace feels the cold, tingling sensation that can mean only one thing: There"s a vampire in the diva"s entourage. To complicate matters, Ash suddenly appears in Sin City, vowing to do anything and everything to draw Candace back into his arms. Overwhelmed by desire and suspicion, she lets down her guard . . . a move that could cost Candace her life.
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