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2023-07-15 23:12:31
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《Passionate Thirst》(Dean, Cameron)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读

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书名:Passionate Thirst

作者:Dean, Cameron

出版社:Ballantine Books





Candace Steele is as tough as she is alluring. For her, killing vampires isn"t just a job–it"s personal: She"s still haunted by erotic memories of an all-consuming affair with Ash, a seductive vampire who thrilled her–and then nearly destroyed her. Now, working undercover in a Las Vegas casino, she seduces the most powerful undead–right before she drives a stake through their unbeating hearts.

When hot-ticket singer Temptation McCoy sweeps into town for a major concert, Candace is tapped for security. But after meeting Temptation, Candace feels the cold, tingling sensation that can mean only one thing: There"s a vampire in the diva"s entourage. To complicate matters, Ash suddenly appears in Sin City, vowing to do anything and everything to draw Candace back into his arms. Overwhelmed by desire and suspicion, she lets down her guard . . . a move that could cost Candace her life.




2023-07-15 18:16:203


2023-07-15 18:17:153


你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:passionate激情望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-15 18:17:501


passion(n,激情)的形容词形式 adj. 热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的He is very passionate about the project.他对这个项目非常热诚。I am passionately opposed to the death penalty.我强烈地反对死刑。希望可以帮到你~
2023-07-15 18:17:581


2023-07-15 18:18:082


2023-07-15 18:18:581


1.热情的;热烈的,激昂的make a passionate speech 作热情洋溢的讲话 2.易怒的,性情暴躁的3.被情欲所支配的以下结果来自互联网网络释义1.热情洋溢地音乐常用术语[宜昌.三峡社区] -- Po...passionate热情洋溢地2.充满热情的MBA英语历年真题重点词汇词组手册(200...70. passionate adj.充满热情的3.热情,热烈的新东方酷学社区: 酷学社区 - 词根词汇表...passionate 热情,热烈的
2023-07-15 18:19:091

关于passionate 的几个短语释意

passionate 受强烈感情支配的所产生得一种特征,可以解释为热情的、急躁的、热心的、激昂的、多情的等意思。翻译时,可根据上下文的语义对应汉语的不同词汇。以下是对这几个短语的翻译,仅供参考: passionate desire 热切的希望,强烈的欲望,火辣辣的情欲 passionate interest 浓厚的兴趣, passionate concern 凝重的忧虑,热心的关切,急切的关心 passionate belief 坚定的信心、无法改变的信念、虔诚的信仰
2023-07-15 18:19:161

有激情的 怎么说

1. passionate.2. I want to live a passionate life.
2023-07-15 18:19:245


passional:形 热情.易怒.情欲.恋慕的passionate:形 多情的;易怒的;热烈的passionate比passional形容的更强烈些
2023-07-15 18:19:381


  热情指人参与活动或对待别人所表现出来的热烈,积极,主动,友好的情感或态度。那么,你知道热情的英语怎么说吗?   热情的英文释义:   passion   passionately   passionate   cordial   enthusiastic   zest   热情的英文例句:   他的拒绝浇熄了我们的热情。   His refusal iced our enthusia *** .   他的热情给公司注入了新的生命。   His enthusia *** breathed new life into the pany. 热情 英语怎么说   【谚】热情而无知,犹如无光之火。   Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.   【谚】无知的热情近乎愚蠢。   Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly.   他热情洋溢地对我们说。   He speaks to us with great fervor.   她的热情倍增。   Her zeal redoubled.   如果你想唤起别人对某件事的热情,自己先表现出热情。   Show enthusia *** for things that you expect others to be enthusiastic about.   动力澎湃的时代,你我都挥洒不完活力和热情……   Both of us have the endless energy and fervor in dynamic age.   每个人似乎都充满了爱国热情。   Everyone seemed to be infected with patriotic fever.   他称赞他们的热情。   He mended them for their enthusia *** .   她向我们表示了虚假的热情。   She showed simulated enthusia *** towards us.   这些人的热情是很快就能激发起来的。   The passions of these people can soon be worked up.   父亲不准有热情的表示。   Father discourage the expression of enthusia *** .   他和我们热情地握手。   He shook hands warmly with us.   对你自己所做的事情有热情。   Be passionate about what you do.   所有的事情都是可以做到,只要你对它有热情。   Anything can be achieved if you have enthusia *** for it.   尽管我喜欢并欣赏我的每一个朋友,有时我希望他们能通过分享我的热情,并因此而和他们粘合在一起。   While I love and appreciate every single one of my friends, sometimes I wish theyshare some of my passions, so we could bond over them.   不仅仅如此,总体来说,人都比较倾向于与热情的人往来。   And not only that, people just like to be around enthusiastic people in general.   一些真正的热情如何?   How about some genuine enthusia *** ?   它可以是因为市民的热情程度。   It could be the enthusia *** of the citizens.   你应该对自己的目标感到兴奋,做到这一点的最好的办法是把你的目标和你的生活以及热情相匹配。   You should be excited about your goals and the best way to do that is to alignyour goals with your life and passions.   你想要传达什么程度的热情?   What level of enthusia *** would you convey?   他必须懂得如何利用宗教热情以及,宗教情绪而不是被它们所控制。   He must know how to use religious passions and sentiments but not be used bythem.   没有它,你就不会有足够的信念和热情。   Without it, your belief and passion are not enough.   热情应该成为你的目标。   Passion should be your goal.   没有热情。   No passions.   但是后来,他在她身上注入同样的热情。   But then, he applied the same enthusia *** to her.   他做每件事情都是用热情去做。   Everything he does is done with enthusia *** .   它将会变成你的热情。   It will bee your passion.
2023-07-15 18:19:441


2023-07-15 18:20:382


overflow with enthusiasm
2023-07-15 18:20:532


passionate 是热情,反义词可以是冷淡 indifferent
2023-07-15 18:21:051

这两个英语单词的细微差别是什么: impassioned和passionate 我知道这两个单词的

给你推荐一个词典哦--灵格斯impassioned adjective[usually before noun] (usually of speech) showing strong feelings about sthpassionate adjective having or showing strong feelings of sexual love or of anger, etc: to have a passionate nature having or showing strong feelings of enthusiasm for sth or belief in sth: a passionate interest in music ◆ a passionate defender of civil liberties
2023-07-15 18:21:163


2023-07-15 18:21:241

[A] affectionate[B] emotional[C] sentimental[D] passionate

2023-07-15 18:21:541

get 后面为什么passionate不是passion

有句子么,这个要看语境的get可以做实意动词和系动词。它做实意动词的时候,后面就可以加名词 get sth 得到某物做系动词的时候,就跟be 的意思差不多,后面接形容词,如get ready=be ready “准备好了“ 你这句话应该是 get passionate= be/ become passionate ”要变得激情四射“的意思吧?get passion并不是”有激情“的意思,这里get不是”有“的意思,是”得到“的意思,"得到激情"可就说不通了对吧?
2023-07-15 18:22:031


passionatea.1. 热情的;热烈的,激昂的2. 易怒的,性情暴躁的3. 被情欲所支配的
2023-07-15 18:22:101


每天闹钟都会在6:30响起,然后起床、穿衣、刷牙、洗脸,拿起背包出门,在小区门口的站台上等候7:15的穿梭巴士。习惯性的走到最后一排靠窗的座位,拿出手机和耳机开始听音乐。三十分钟后到达公司,在职员餐厅用过早餐之后,8:15之前走进办公室。打卡、开窗、开电脑,用等待电脑启动的时间去泡一杯茶或咖啡。然后开始阅读邮件,查看备忘录上是否有重要的会议或报告。经过一整天忙碌且紧张的工作后,大约能够在下午7:00离开办公室,再次乘上班车回到家中。然后是晚餐、电视、游戏或上网,一直到睡觉。 同样的日子在每一个工作日都重复着,似乎对工作的激情在一天天的重复中渐渐被磨灭,开始变得颓废和不思进取。长期睡眠不足带来身体的“亚健康”,常常会觉得无精打采、疲倦、注意力不集中、记忆力衰退。偶尔会和同事之间互相调侃,“呵呵,老了”,“年纪大了,精力不济了”,似乎正当壮年的我们,已经开始进入身体的衰老期。这种一成不变的生活,就像闻一多的文字所描述的: 这是一沟绝望的死水, 清风吹不起半点漪沦。 十多年前,刚进入职场的时候,总觉得周围有些人每天无所事事,吊儿郎当的。当时倒颇有些看之不顺眼,不曾想,却有那么一天自己也会变成和他们一样。 一直以来,我都觉着自己是兢兢业业、尽职尽责的,各项工作按部就班,团队指标和部门绩效也都达成良好,与上下级、及各相关职能部门的关系不错,虽不能说做同行之表率,但至少也算对得起每月收获的三五分银子的。作为职业经理人,似乎自己还是比较称职的。 然而,有次和一位相熟的外国朋友聊天,他说:“Sun, you are losing passionate!” Passionate,是“激情”的意义,算是日常沟通的常用词。在和下属沟通和绩效评定时,常常被用来肯定或否定他们的工作状态,并勉励他们更好地投入工作。但这是第一次losing passionate的主体变成了自己,我不由有些震惊。 震惊之余,反省近来的工作生活状况,确实发现自己的心态有了一些细微的变化。待人处事,似乎没有了以前的斤斤计较;当有些问题重复出现时,也没有引起足够的重视,只关注于个别问题的解决,而不是寻找系统化的解决方案;在项目进程中,推动的力度似乎也不太足够,导致近期完成的几个项目在时间上都有不同程度的延误...... 一句简单的玩笑话,却把我从现实中惊醒,自己似乎真的是有些过分安于现状了。 有人说“学习如逆水行舟,不进则退”,其实职场同样如此。职场就是没有硝烟的战场,但危险会来得同样突然,如果不思进取,则必然会被竞争所淘汰。
2023-07-15 18:22:161


形容词短语passionate about a product是consumers的后置定语。
2023-07-15 18:22:373

be passionate about是什么意思

2023-07-15 18:22:553


passionate 富有激情的exceedingly 极度地 exceedingly passionate + 名词 极其富有激情的什么东西。
2023-07-15 18:23:031

英语passionate belief怎么翻译?

2023-07-15 18:23:112


Passionate==========================祝你:开开心心哦,o(∩_∩)o ==========================希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-15 18:23:181


Deep the affection
2023-07-15 18:23:262

be passionate about是什么意思

2023-07-15 18:23:353


Passionate man男人多情 ; 热情的人 ; 多情的人Passionate Nomad多情的翻译公司 ; 多情翻译公司Passionate woman热情的女人 ; 易动感情的女人passionate feelings炽热的情感passionate thinking热情的思考Passionate Witness狂热的目击者passionate e充满热情的 ; 热情洋溢地 ; 热恋的 ; 热烈的passionate address多情的讲话
2023-07-15 18:24:191


分类: 外语/出国 解析: passional:形 热情.易怒.情欲.恋慕的 passionate:形 多情的;易怒的;热烈的 passionate比passional形容的更强烈些
2023-07-15 18:24:271


2023-07-15 18:24:374

[A] intense[B] passionate[C] profound[D] turbulent

2023-07-15 18:24:511


激情飞扬 passionate
2023-07-15 18:25:102

better be a cold devil than a passionate fool是什么意思

betterbeacolddevilthanapassionatefool。翻译是:宁做冷酷的魔鬼,不做多情的傻瓜。重点词汇释义:cold,寒冷的; 冷淡的,无情的; devil,魔鬼; 家伙; 淘气鬼; 冒失鬼;passionate,激昂的; 热烈的; 易怒的; 易被情欲所支配的;fool,愚人,傻瓜; 受骗者。
2023-07-15 18:25:311

Be Passionate 充满激情.

Showing your feelings is a great way to get what you want in life. People who are passionate about things are excited, enthusiastic, dynamic and completely lacking in shyness. Somehow passion takes us out of ourselves and allows our energy to flow in a most attractive and constructive way. * Don"t be afraid to show your feelings. * Follow your star, trust your instincts. * Be enthusiastic and the world will respond. * Override shyness with excitement. Find the passions in your life. What do you really love to do? Love for life creates a loving life.表达你的感觉是得到你在生活中想要的东西的方式。 那些对事情充满激情的人是兴奋的、热情的、富有动力的、完全不会羞怯的。 不知何故,激情总能使我们摆脱苦恼,让我们的精力以最有魅力和最有益的方式释放出来。 * 不要害怕表现你的情感。 * 勇敢追逐你的梦想,相信自己的直觉。 * 充满激情,世界便将有所回应。 * 用热情消除羞怯。 在你的生活中寻找激情。你真正热爱做什么?对生活的爱会创造美好的生活。
2023-07-15 18:25:381

passionate kisses 歌词

歌曲名:passionate kisses歌手:Lucinda Williams专辑:lucinda williamsIs it too much to ask?I want a comfortable bed that won"t hurt my backFood to fill me upAnd warm clothes and all that stuffShouldn"t I have this,Shouldn"t I have this?Shouldn"t I have all of this, andPassionate kissesPassionate kisses, whoa ohh ohPassionate kisses fromYouIs it much to demandI want a full house and a rock and roll bandPens that won"t run out of inkAnd cool quiet and time to thinkShouldn"t I have this,Shouldn"t I have this?Shouldn"t I have all of this, andPassionate kissesPassionate kisses, whoa ohh ohPassionate kisses fromYouDo I want too much?Am I going overboard to want that touch?I shouted out to the night:"Give me what I deserve, "cause it"s my right"Shouldn"t I have this,Shouldn"t I have this?Shouldn"t I have all of this, andPassionate kissesPassionate kisses, whoa ohh ohPassionate kisses from youPassionate kissesPassionate kisses, whoa ohh ohPassionate kisses fromYou
2023-07-15 18:25:451


2023-07-15 18:25:531


the night of passionate
2023-07-15 18:26:111


A smart person may be extrovert or introvert.But he or she must be passionate about thinking, even sometimes his or her way of thinking is eccentric or foward for his or her age.So most pepole will be surprised bout his or her delicate handing of situation when others are not able to come up with the crafty ideas.
2023-07-15 18:26:265

really passionate什么意思

真的很热情。为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!
2023-07-15 18:26:411

Passionate love is a quenchless thirst什么意思?

2023-07-15 18:26:481

Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you tha

2023-07-15 18:26:572

his (passionate) for her made him blind to everything else中间单词怎么换?什么意思??

变成 passion (“爱”;“激情”的意思)
2023-07-15 18:27:042


You are a passionate person.
2023-07-15 18:27:125

are passionate about还是for

2023-07-15 18:27:251

"对某件事情很有激情" 英语怎么说

be excited about sth
2023-07-15 18:28:075


Focus self-improvement toughness strong opportunity luck honesty learned accumulation normal heart healthadopt me please.
2023-07-15 18:28:212

Passionate love is a quenchless thist 是什么意思?

2023-07-15 18:28:293


Do something you can be passionate about. 英文翻译如下做一些你能充满激情的事情。
2023-07-15 18:28:377

这passionate woman是什么意思

2023-07-15 18:28:5211


曼巴精神的英文是Mamba Mentality。前美国职业男子篮球联赛(NBA)洛杉矶湖人队的球星科比·布莱恩特有个绰号叫“黑曼巴”,那是非洲草原上毒性最烈的一种蛇。而科比的精神,也被称为“曼巴精神”,“永不言弃”是科比自己给予这种精神的定义。总的来说,曼巴精神,就是从不退却,从不放弃,从不逃遁,忍辱负重,在困难中创造奇迹。扩展资料:KobeBryant对曼巴精神的解读是:passionate、obsessive、relentless、resilient、fearless,热情,执着,严厉,回击和无惧,这五个关键词就是曼巴精神的内涵所在。热情——科比认为,热情来自于爱,他说:我爱球的味道,我爱球鞋的味道。执着——科比对于篮球、对于胜利都很执着。严厉——科比严于律己也严于待人。不屈——科比职业生涯最后几年,受过几次大伤。每次他都用积极的态度回击伤病。无惧——科比认为,一个人最大的恐惧,是来源于自己。不是外部的,不是超自然的,而是来自自己的。参考资料来源:百度百科-曼巴精神
2023-07-15 18:29:162