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Marillion的《Assassing》 歌词

歌曲名:Assassing歌手:Marillion专辑:The Singles "82-"88John Mayer - AssassinI work in the dead of nightWhen the roads are quietNo one is aroundTo track my movesRace in the end of lightsTo find the gate is openShe"s waiting in the roomI just slip on throughYou get in You get doneAnd then you get goneYou never leave a trace or show your faceYou get goneShould have turned aroundAnd left before the sun came up againBut the sun came up againEnter the morning lightTo find the day is burning the curtains and the wineIn a little white roomNo, I"m not aloneHer head is heavy on meShe"s sleeping like a childWhat could I do?You get in You get doneAnd then you get goneYou never leave a trace or show your faceYou get goneShould have turned aroundAnd left before the sun came up againBut the sun came up againI was a killer, was the best they"d ever seenI"d steal your heart before you ever heard a thingI"m an assassin and I had a job to doLittle did I know that girl was an assassin tooSuddenly I"m in over my head and I could hardly breatheSuddently I"m floating over her bed and I feel everythingSuddently I know exactly what I did, but I cannot move a thingSuddently I know exactly what I"d doneAnd what it"s gonna mean to me, mean to meI"m goneI was a killer, was the best they"d ever seenI"d steal your heart before you ever heard a thingI"m an assassin and I had a job to doLittle did I know that girl was an assassin tooShe"s an assassinShe"s an assassinShe"s an assassinShe"s an assassin and she had a job to do

send a clear message to中文翻译

" we wanted to send a clear message to such people . 我们希望通过此举来向那些有同样想法的人传达一个明确的信号。 ” The pipe organ , huge in size and placed at a lofty height , sends a clear message to the people of the world that they should seek inwardly for the heavenly music 巨大的管风琴放得这么高,这不正告诉世人应该往内聆听来自天堂的音乐吗? In my view , however , these restrictions send a clear message to foreign investors ; they will have to take a lot of risks if they want to enter the chinese real estate market 但在我看来,这已经明确地告诉外国资金,外国投资者要进入中国炒作房地产一定会面对种种政策风险。 The successful conviction has sent a clear message to the pubpc that the requirements of the personal data privacy ordinance ( " the ordinance " ) are not to be taken pghtly 这宗成功被定罪的个案向市民大众发出了一项清晰的讯息,就是绝不可对《个人资料(私隐)条例》 (下称条例)的规定掉以轻心。 The customs enforcement raid yesterday would send a clear message to the very few offenders involved that the government is mitted to rooting out trademark infringement , and bringing them to justice 汤关长表示业内大部分经营者都奉公守法,而海关昨日的执法行动正好向极少数的侵权商?传递一个明确的信息,就是 *** 决心杜 The spoke *** an also pointed out that while the government would continue to faciptate the reunion of hong kong residents with their mainland spouses and children through the one way permit ( owp ) scheme , the new residence requirement would send a clear message to potential migrants that they should plan carefully and ensure they had sufficient means to support themselves when they e to hong kong 发言人指出, *** 会通过单程证计划,继续协助本港居民与其内地配偶和子女团聚。而居港期的新规定可向有意移居本港的人士传达一个清楚的信息,就是他们应审慎计划,确保有足够的经济能力在香港过自给自足的生活。

inside,we live eamestly we are joyful are being happy this is our happy rooms谁帮我翻译一下


When she got back from the South,Susan had her car (wash)----throughtly


She suddently fell forward on to the table and fainted.为什么要加to

应该是onto 等于to 可以去掉on


  利用Kettle社区查找资料:举例:查找关于carte服务的配置  搜索kettle,进入kettle社区,如下:  进入社区网站后,找到kettle的document选项,点击,如下:  下拉到最低端,查找你要搜索的关键项,点击进入即可,如下:  接下来就是相信的介绍如何在win下配置carte服务的方法,如下:  内容摘录如下:  There are some use cases to run Carte as a windows Service:  · When Carte instances are running using a command window, anyone by mistake could close the instance and Carte will go down.  · The Carte.bat command window is tied to the user session that called the batch file and needs to be kept logged in.  · With a Windows Service you can start the Carte service at machine startup and also configure it to restart after a crash.  After you completed the below instructions, you are able to get Carte running as a Windows service like this:  Installation Instructions  1. Download YAJSW (Yet Another Java Service Wrapper) from S(these instructions were written and tested against YAJSW version 11.03)  2. Unzip the file into a suitable folder, e.g. C:PentahoCarteService.Note: This should not be created below any other Pentaho Kettle folder since it is independent of the Pentaho Kettle Version and makes it easy to upgrade to future Kettle versions (see also chapter "Upgrade Instructions").  3. When you unzipped YAJSW, you have e.g. a folder C:PentahoCarteServiceyajsw-stable-11.03. We recommend torename this folder to C:PentahoCarteServicedefault. The reason for this is the possibility of having multiple configurations on one machine, see chapter "Multiple Instances of Carte on one Machine". Another reason is that you do not need to change any references to this folder in case you upgrade to a later YAJSW version.Note: We will reference the YAJSW directory in the following instructions as .  4. Download the preparedwrapper.conf configuration file (attachment to this Page).  5. Copy the downloaded wrapper.conf toconfwrapper.conf (replace the existing one).  6. Edit the wrapper.conf with a text editor and

find,kook for,study,learnde的区别


kaori kirara 是谁


求claris的ひらひら ひらら的罗马音



KiraraFantasia里的凉风青叶,是芳文社旗下动漫《NEW GAME!》里的女主之一,小伙伴们喜不喜欢她呢?想知道她的技能和属性吗?那就来看看小编今天带来的凉风青叶图鉴吧!更多人物:KiraraFantasia角色大全凉风青叶介绍日本四格漫画《NEW GAME!》中登场的虚拟角色,是个天然呆、永远积极向上的思考的女孩,由高田忧希配音。凉风青叶身材娇小,双马尾发型又有着娃娃脸,经常被误认成小孩子。穿着职场套装,因穿法错误让光误以为是学生制服。性格认真、社交能力高,能和同事、上司毫无隔阂的相处,即使毫无3D经验,也会积极的学习。将来备受前辈的期待,但也有少根筋的一面。技能属性属性职业法师血量1790物防856属性风物攻602魔防1663星级五星魔攻1871速度103技能雪人暴风雪对全体敌人进行风属性的超强力攻击+己方全体的魔法攻击力一定回合内小幅度提升超级粒子安魂曲射击对敌人全体进行风属性的超强力攻击今天开始工作哦自身的魔法攻击力在一次攻击内大幅度提升角色分析大招是AOE,两个CD技能分别是AOE和自身魔法攻击提高。职业是魔法使,可以带魔法石多一次AOE。风属性,特别克制第一章。


KiraraFantasia里的引继码是我们找回游戏数据的重要凭证,小伙伴们知道使用引继码需要注意什么东西吗?小编今天就带来了KiraraFantasia引继码的新手使用指南,如果你不知道怎么用它,就来快来看看吧!引继码使用指南:必备注意事项!日服手游是没有账号注册一类的机制的,一般进入游戏都是直接生成一个账号,而密码(引继码)需要自己设置。具体操作如下,进入设置界面,点击引き_ぎ_定设置完之后是这样的kirara fantasia目前引继码处于bug状态,因此使用要十分注意!1,如果你在游戏中(就是标题页面下面那个初始化)清数据的话,会导致引继码失效,同时号也没了。2,如果你是别人那拿来的初始的话,你哪怕改了引继码原来的号主还是能登录。另外如果原号主在游戏中初始化的话,那么同第一条,你的号也会没了。3,如果你是别人那拿来初始,或者是自己想多刷几个,Android切记要在游戏外,系统设置中清应用数据。ios我不知道,可能需要卸载重装。其他疑难杂症:有条件的绑一下google play,体感比较稳。卡49.9的是网络不行,那个进度条不是下载了49.9%的意思,49.9%的地方要下很多数据,网卡的就会要等很久。遇到105错误重试几次,我自己还没遇到,有条件建议挂代理。卡loading,卡进度条,检测数据包完整性,或者清数据重下。卡初始卡标题,绑google,检测数据完整性。

收集飞来的星星吧!任天堂FC红白机上的独立游戏《Kira Kira Star Night DX》

相信你自己的眼睛,不要怀疑,任天堂FC红白机上又有新游戏了。而且是粉亮亮闪闪发光的少女系游戏。 日本专门制造FC红白机的互换机厂商「ColumbusCircle」,将在7月31日发售一款名为《KiraKiraStarNightDX》的任天堂FC红白机游戏软体。不是单纯的只有ROM供人下载,而是实际会发售游戏卡带的喔。 本作是一款独立游戏,由漫画家RIKI所操刀绘制。玩法类型属于动作类游戏,玩家要操纵主角Kirara,将快速飞来的星星,尽可能一个都不漏地全部收集到取得高分。玩法简单,但要顺利全部收集那些会飘忽不定,且快速移动的星星们,可不是件容易的事喔! 本作将8位元任天堂FC红白机的硬体机能表现运用至极限,并且邀请许多目前在游戏界的一流音乐制作人们来为此游戏制作配乐。本作目前已可在Amazon.jp上进行预购。 (引用来源:ねとらぼ) 你或许会喜欢 在缴税的五月办4G手机,竟然送这个... 头跟着点、音乐non-stop!超适合戴耳机玩的巨星养成游戏! 有了这张卡,国外旅游无限上网吃到饱






KiraraFantasia这款芳文社的粉丝作品可以说是好评如潮,但是很多国内的小伙伴表示也很想玩,那么怎么办呢?首先,你要先学会注册一个账号!那么要怎么注册呢?来看看下面的介绍吧!日服游戏没有注册账号的机制。一般你进入游戏就会生成一个账号,数据会保存在手机里。日服游戏没有国内的账号机制,除了和谷歌绑定之外就是ID和引继码了。ios能和Game Center直接绑定所以说,我们要是想玩这个游戏还不丢失存档的话,最好的方法就是要绑定谷歌,不然就是要记得自己的iD引继码了!IOS的玩家就另当别论了!最新的游戏资讯,更全面的游戏攻略,你们可以搜索深空KiraraFantasia获取哦!

Kirara 为什么翻译成 云母

“龙猫”这个称呼来自于香港。它有很多称呼,其音译名称有豆豆龙、托托罗、多多洛。トトロ名字的来源是因为在动画中,它发出to~to~ro~的声音,因此把它叫做トトロ,英文音译为Totoro。唯一和音译无关的名字为“龙猫”。吉普力工作室的《となりのトトロ》于1988年发行其英文译名为《My Neighbor Totoro》在1992年时由长春电影制片厂译制,译制的片名为《邻居托托罗》1988年,在粤语版《龙猫》粤语主题曲《情谊心中印》中将Totoro称为“龙猫”,由江欣燕演唱,发布于《Baby Baby》中江欣燕龙猫的叫法不出自台湾,范晓萱1996年的专辑《小魔女的魔法书》中的一首歌《豆豆龙》是龙猫的原声主题曲,豆豆龙(范晓萱演唱的歌曲),可见那时在台湾叫豆豆龙。龙猫最开始在香港产生(1988年),《情谊心中印》该首歌作词为郑国江,也许问他会知道答案,为什么要管Totoro叫龙猫应该是根据其在动画中的形象命名的,与其日语名无关。直到92年和96年,大陆和台湾都仍在用音译名,从歌曲中可以看出。随着“龙猫”一词越来越有名,渐渐的该电影主要称呼为《龙猫》。

kirara(再续前缘) TV OVA 等等等都在哪里啊?!?~~?!?~!?~?!~?!?~?


日文中kirara 是什么意思





(再续前缘(kirara) 漫画)

kirara好感度怎么刷 Kirara Fantasia好感度有什么用

  kirara角色好感度是非常重要的一个资源,会直接影响角色属性战斗力等等,而且随着好感度的提升会解锁更多的语音,相应的也能完成一次性任务以及角色好感度剧情来获取石头,不过关于好感度如何能达到最快的速刷效率呢,我为大家整理了一下刷好感的攻略以及好感度奖励。   1.好感等级与升级经验   好感共分五个等级,一级到二级要300好感,二到三大概2000多,三到四14950,四到五大概3W多。   2.刷好感的目的?   获取更多星彩石,为之后的抽卡或者买体力爆肝攒石。   3.刷好感的奖励?   好感二级20星彩石,三级40,四级40,五级120;另外每次升级都有一段剧情,看了后给10个星彩石,四级好像是20,五级我没肝到,估计应该是30或以上。   4.那我是不是每个角色都可以这么刷好感然后拿爆石头?   很遗憾这是不可能的,官方早就预料到了这一点,所以好感度是共通的,例如雪见小梅,我刷了其中一个的好感度,另一个没有刷的也共通了,所以无论星级,职业,只要是同一个人就是共通的。  5.那我应该怎么样快捷,有效的刷好感?   第一,可以推图,例如主线,狗粮本,一次100多的好感。第二,刷周五的金币本,20体力有1200好感和1.3W金币,是刷好感的不二之选。   以上便是kirara好感度速刷方法以及刷好感度的奖励,希望能帮到有需求的玩家,更多精彩内容可以关注掌上专区哦!



所谓的Kirara系动画,指的是芳文社旗下的Kirara系列杂志,包括《Manga Time Kirara》、《Manga Time Kirara MAX》、《Manga Time Kirara Forward》和《Manga Time KiraraCarat》四部分。Kirara系的漫画作品也是支撑Kirara Fantasia这款手游的的重要支柱。根据芳文社如今的步调,基本上每个季度我们都能看到其旗下至少有一部作品会被TV动画化进行放送(仍然是绝大部分出自Kirara系)。Kirara是一种有着神奇力量的外星生物(还没有准确定义,仅为笔者总结),通常为漂浮状态,它们跟随着自己偶像,在偶像身边会发出耀眼的光芒,偶像对它们有着融化般的力量,同时它们也有感知偶像的能力。《AKB0048》第一集中出现了许多Kirara围着阿酱,在后来遭到袭击的时候Kirara分散到了幼年时的77生(园智惠理、本宫凪沙、一条友歌、蓝田织音)身旁,大岛优子的吸引没能将一个绿色的Kirara带走,于是它就留在了园智惠理身边,但是却从没有发过对她光(到第八集),它在本宫凪沙的身边会发光,(所以笔者猜测它是希望两者相结合)。同AKB0048相似,Kirara也有袭名制度,袭名Kirara居住在先圣老师所在的禁地里,也就是剧场的下方,那个地方被称作“映照灵魂的地方”,袭名Kirara将会映照出与初代成员最相似的灵魂,高羽翼经纪人以此作为选拔正式成员的参照,但是决定袭名资质的不只是灵魂,还有能力与信念,Kirara强大的能力就是能感知到这些。

为什么说 Konica 的 Hexar AF是一台神器

柯尼卡在历史上也曾经有过非常辉煌的时刻,在HEXAR AF发布前后那几年,柯尼卡和徕卡正在进行深度合作,双方共享了非常多的技术和专利。江湖上一直传闻在HEXAR AF的发布会上,首席设计师对记者说了这么一句话:”你是怎么使用徕卡M35/2那枚镜头,那你就怎么使用HEXAR AF。“然后引来人们的无尽遐想,无形中让人们认为HEXAR AF这枚35/2镜头和徕卡那枚经典的七枚玉之间有什么联系。以上一直是圈子里的传闻,因为历史太长久,真假就见仁见智了。在这样的背景和传闻下,HEXAR AF自然而然就成为了神器。

为什么说 Konica 的 Hexar AF是一台神器



不相同。aroma在中世纪时来自希腊语,表示使人愉悦、驱秽的芳香,可类比作汉语的“焚椒兰”。stench来自原日耳曼语,stenc,表示浓烈的气味、冲击人的嗅觉,可类比作汉语中的“扑鼻、另人掩鼻”。常用词stink也与之同源。一、aroma1、含义:n. 浓香;香气。 2、用法作名词含有芳香;香味的意思。指(食物等的)香味,芳香。词汇搭配aroma strength翻译香气强度,aroma formers翻译生香菌,芳香产生菌..., aroma chemical翻译合成香料,芳族化学药... ,flat aroma翻译香味很淡, aroma test翻译芳香试验, 香味测定...,fine aroma翻译纯真香味。The aroma of coffee always cheers me up.咖啡的浓香总能给我一份好心情。二、stench1、含义:n. 臭气;恶臭。 2、用法作名词含有恶臭,臭气,腥臭等意思。作动词含有使散发恶臭,散发恶臭,发出臭气等意思。The stench of treachery hung in the air.到处都是可耻的叛变的气息。扩展资料:stench近义词:stink、reek、pong、odor、mephitis。一、stink1、含义:n. 臭味;臭气。vi. 发臭味;招人讨厌。 2、举例There is a stink of cats in the room.屋子里有猫的臭味。二、reek1、含义:n. 恶臭;水蒸汽。v. 放出恶臭;有 ... 气味;明显带有。 2、举例Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?三、pong1、含义:n. 恶臭。v. 发出难闻的气味。 2、举例What a horrible pong!臭死了!四、odor1、含义:n. 气味;名声;气息。 2、举例The flowers gave off a fragrant odor.花发出一阵幽香。五、mephitis含义:n. 毒气;恶臭。



托尼说:Jarvis are you there?,然后Friday回答good evening,


求翻译Jeff Jarvis - Off The Hook中文歌词!

你可以做我的女孩吗你可以做我的女孩吗你手指上的戒指很值钱但那并不重要他不爱你他不爱你我知道你去了巴黎当他拉过你的手 但是他不爱你 他不爱你我会给你其他男人不能给你的真挚的爱情会让你感觉很好现在很难走开但一切将变的更糟取消了婚礼和我走吧亲爱的宝贝理解我我会感到有压力让那个男人娶我吧但在我内心深处我想要的是你我想要的是你你让我疯狂让我拜托困境的女孩告诉我说你需要时间但我现在就想知道你可以做我的女孩吗你可以做我的女孩吗我为你痴狂 男孩如果我想要更多我们就很难做朋友了我每时每刻都在想着这件事这是我想要的你可以做我的女孩吗你可以做我的女孩吗


1、jarvis美[?d?ɑrv?s]贾维斯; 查维斯; 贾维斯岛。2、[例句]Jarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament.贾维斯在第一次锦标赛上垫底。


1、jarvis美[?d?ɑrv?s]贾维斯; 查维斯; 贾维斯岛。2、[例句]Jarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament.贾维斯在第一次锦标赛上垫底。


jarvis ["d3ɑ:vis] 贾维斯

唱 Off The Hook 这首歌的 Jeff Jarvis 到底是谁啊

Jeff Jarvis (born July 15, 1954) is an American journalist. He is the former television critic for TV Guide and People magazine, creator of Entertainment Weekly, Sunday editor and associate publisher of the New York Daily News, and a columnist on the San Francisco Examiner.

jeff jarvis 唱的off the hook歌词完整版的




求jeff jarvis唱的off the hook中英文歌词。

Would you be my girl Would you be my girl The ring upon your finger"s worths a fortune But it doesn"t matter He don"t love you He don"t love you And I know you went to paris When he asked for your hand but He don"t love you He don"t love you I will give you something that no other man could When love is for real you know it feels so good It"s hard to walk away now But it"s gonna get worse Just cancel the wedding and come with me Sweet baby Understand me I feel the pressure to Let the man marry me But deep down in my heart It"s you I want It"s you I want You keep on driving me crazy Girl let me off the hook tell me Said you need time But I wanna know now Would you be my girl Would you be my girl I am so mad about you boy It"s hard to be your friend when I want more I think about it seven and twenty-four It"s what I want Would you be my girl Would you be my girl

求Jarvis Cocker - I Never Said I Was Deep 歌词。急急!!!!!!!

I never said I was deep lrc by Sisyphus I love your body "cause I"ve lost my mind不知道为什么原因我就爱上了你If you want someone to talk to, you"re wasting your time如果你想找一个人谈谈心,你就在浪费你的时间。if you want someone to share your life, you need someone who is alive如果你想去找一个人可以陪你生活,去随便拉个能喘气的混蛋就可以应付And if every relationship is a two-way street, I have been screwing in the back whilst you drive如果朋友和情人只能选择其一的话,我会一直在你身上纠结,想东想西。I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow我从没说过我有多深邃,虽然有时我的确会思考些不找边际的My lack of knowledge is vast, and my horizons are narrow我懂的事情很少,我只看眼前I never said I was big, I never said that I was clever我从没说过我很强大,也不够聪明And if you"re waiting to find what"s going on in my mind, you could be waiting forever Forever and ever如果你指望你能在我想法里找到什么值得回味的东西,我想你最好永远永远断了这个傻念头I can dance you to the end of the night "cause I"m afraid of the dark我讨厌黑暗但是我愿意与你同舞到最后I have to confess I"m out of my depth来自我真心,不得不说:You"re going over my head and straight through my heart你一直是我的魂牵梦绕,切切在心Some girls like to play it dirty, some girls want to be your mum有些女孩喜欢胡来,也有女孩希望能像妈妈一样Me, I disrespected you whilst we were waiting for the taxi to come我? 我在taxi没来的间隙没有对你止乎于礼My morality is shabby, my behaviour unacceptable我是个人渣,行为比傻蛋还不如No, I"m not looking for a relationship, just a willing receptacle不该这样,我并不是想去确定什么,只是那一时情不自禁.....I never said I was I never said I was I never said I was I never said I was deep, but I am profoundly shallow我说过了,我竟是如此肤浅。总是抱着幻想。My lack of knowledge is vast, and my horizons are narrow我知之甚少,我眼光狭隘I never said I was big, I never said that I was clever我从没说我很强大,我从没说过我聪明And if you"re waiting to find what"s going on in my mind, you could be waiting forever Forever and ever放弃这种期待I never said I was deep1985年,Jarvis曾为了一段爱情和一位姑娘纵身跳下30米的楼顶,瘫痪了一年多。...........如果有一部关于我和她的电影,我想这些歌词可以用作我的独白了,以此缅怀我的 Palibra。但愿不是片尾曲。

The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Anna Jarvis什么意思

给妈妈一天(休息?/考虑?)时间的注意最先是由Anna Jarvis提出来的




传统观点认为,人类爱情和性渴望在感情关系确立初期达到极致,而后日益淡漠。情侣间如胶似漆、意乱情迷的浪漫状态在双方相处15个月内开始淡化,10年后已经消逝。  现代科学解析爱情:通过激素作用的生物程序

jarvis was the first person to decide the mothers should have a hoilday in their honor each year

这里是个词组, in one"s honor 相当于 in honor of someone, 意思是,向...致敬。所以这句翻译可以是:贾维斯是第一个提出,母亲们应当有一个纪念母亲自己的节日。(即母亲节)

钢铁侠中,托尼说:“JARVIS,你在吗?” JARVIS回答:“随时为您服务。” 这两句英文怎么说?

jarvis, you there? for you sir, always.


sometimes end the sentence with the wrong cranberry = end sentences with the wrong words这里cranberry = words 并不是特指说错了什么

Amanm、Jarvis 翻译汉语


jarvis怎么读 英语jarvis怎么读

1、jarvis美[ˈdʒɑrvəs]贾维斯; 查维斯; 贾维斯岛。 2、[例句]Jarvis took the wooden spoon in the first tournament.贾维斯在第一次锦标赛上垫底。


贾维斯的意思是美国漫威漫画旗下人工智能。全称为Just Another Rather Very Intelligent System(只是一个相当聪明的智能系统)。贾维斯(J.A.R.V.I.S.)首次出现是作为帮助运行小辣椒·波兹的装甲的程序。当钢铁侠不能正常生活和工作的时候,贾维斯鼓励小辣椒运用装甲,而小辣椒接受了。当装甲在全城追赶钢铁侠时,贾维斯告知装甲停止追逐并去除相应系统。“贾维斯”名字来源于钢铁侠父亲霍华德史塔克的贴身管家贾维斯,为了纪念这位管家。 贾维斯是观众最为熟悉,也是出场最多的AI,他是钢铁侠早期的得力助手。1.是《复联》衍生出来的彩蛋,启动苹果手机里的人工智能Siri,并且对它说“你好贾维斯”,得到的回应是关于复联的,所以“你好贾维斯”也被称为是藏在Siri里的复联彩蛋。2.对着Siri说你好贾维斯,得到的回应有一下几种,钢铁侠?是你吗?敬礼!我恐怕不能帮你做钢铁侠的盔甲、咳,这家伙从我这偷学不少智能助理的绝招,不过最让人泪奔的还是这一句请稍后,让我告诉小辣椒波兹,你又不能准时回来吃晚饭了,看过《复联4》的都知道,钢铁侠牺牲了,波兹等不到他回来了。3.对于漫威粉来说,贾维斯大家应该不陌生,它是从《钢铁侠》的时候就陪在托尼身边的人工智能官家,而贾维斯这个名字,是父亲身边老管家的名字,所以贾维斯对于托尼来说,也是对父亲的一种怀念。4.在《复联4》托尼为了拿到宇宙魔方回到了过去,在基地遇到了自己的父亲史塔克,老史塔克身边跟着的人就是管家贾维斯,而史塔克在问托尼叫什么的时候,托尼回答的是自己叫贾维斯,在史塔克即将回家的时候,还回头叫了托尼一声贾维斯,这个地方还是很戳泪点的。

宇多田光Marry Christmas 歌词

the snow"s coming downi"m watching it fallwatching the people aroundbaby please come homethe church bells in townthey"re ringing a songwhat a happy soundbaby please come homethey"re singing deck the hallsbut it"s not like christmas at alli remember when you were hereall the fun we had last yearpretty lights on the treei"m watching them shineyou should be here with mebaby please come homethey"re singing deck the hallsbut it"s not like christmas at alli remember when you were hereall the fun we had last yearif there was a wayi"d hold back these tearsbut it"s christmas daybaby please come home

SAUDI ARABIA Al-Khobar 的邮编是多少?



JEDDAH,SAUDI ARABIA吉达,沙特阿拉伯,阿拉伯.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


JEDDAH吉达,(沙特阿拉伯地名)SAUDI 沙特 ( 沙乌地阿拉伯人 adj. 沙乌地阿拉伯(人或语)的)ARABIA阿拉伯半岛(亚洲西南部,等于Arabian Peninsula)JEDDAH,SAUDI ARABIA 沙特阿拉伯的吉达


符号编号排版地图contentment 形容词:content,动词:content,副词:contentedlyhumour 形容词:humorous,动词:humour,副词:humourouslyastonishment 形容词:astonishing,动词:astonish,副词:astonishinglybore 形容词:boring,动词:bore,副词:boringlycharm 形容词:charming,动词:charm,副词:charminglyentertainment 形容词:entertaining,动词:entertain,副词:entertainingly 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!!!O(∩_∩)O




astonish和startle意思不同、用法不同。1、意思不同:(1)startle指使人大吃一惊,吓了一跳或突然被楞住。例句:He uttered these words with an indefinable sound which really startled the girl a bit.翻译:他说这些话的口气有些暧昧,着现使女孩吓吃惊不少。(2)astonish指对难以置信的事的发生感到惊讶。例句:She astounished verybody by announcing her engagement.翻译:她宣布自己订婚了,让大家非常吃惊。  2、用法不同:(1)startle通常用在突然发生的情景中,指突如其来的事使人大吃一惊。例句:The sudden knocking at the door startled me when I was lost in deep thought.翻译:我正在沉思,突如其来的敲门吓了我一跳。(2)astonish通常用在难以相信的情景中,不一定是因为突然发生。例句:Her dedication constantly astonishes me. 翻译:她的奉献精神总是让我震惊。扩展资料:其他近义词:1、surprise 普通用词,指一般的“吃惊”“惊讶”“意外”。例句:It doesn"t surprise me that his parents did not allow him to marry Jane.翻译:他的父母不允许他与简结婚,我并不感到吃惊。2、stagger 指某事使人感到吃惊并使人感到不安和担忧。例句:He was staggered at the news that the company would soon go bankrupt because of financial difficulties.翻译:公司因经济困难将很快破产,听到这个消息他很吃惊。3、alarm “惊慌”“惊恐”,指对可能产生危险的事感到担心或恐慌。例句:Everyone was alarmed at the news many miners were trapped in the mining well.翻译:许多矿工被困在矿井,听到这个消息每个人非常惊恐。参考资料来源:百度百科---astonish






startle ["stɑ:tl] v.1. to stimulate to action 2. move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarmastonish [ə"stɔniʃ] v.affect with wonder

如何用deamon 载入RAR文件?


一首英文歌男女唱有一句词是we are never getting older求哪首歌


GoPro karma 和大疆Mavic 哪个好

GoPro karma 和大疆Mavic 哪个好?定位不同。Karma是作为Hero相机的终极配件存在的,所以Karma主要提供的是空中拍摄平台搭建的功能。Gopro的主打产品还是随着Karma一起发布的Hero5,所以说,针对户外拍摄爱好者来说,Karma对于Gopro的意义在于通过丰富的配件群,Gopro打造了一个水陆空三栖拍摄系统,不会因地点环境导致无法拍到想要的景象。Karma的设计理念在产品上体现的淋漓尽致,可折叠保证了携带的方便性,可拆卸云台和可相机不光为客户节省了一大笔开支,还可以灵活的与Gopro周边配件搭配,用于各种不同场合。当无人机使用时,可以拍摄大海的波澜壮阔;等它着陆之后,可以拆下云台然后手持相机和小伙伴们合影留念;然后把相机挂到胸前去游泳潜水冲浪。当一天结束之时,你可以把这个精巧的玩意折叠起来放进背包里。所以作为Gopro的第一台无人机,作为终极配件还是体现了其设计意图,同时方便的操作性和基本的飞行参数,还是一台不错的无人机。如果你是一位喜欢在户外拍摄的爱好者,那么Gopro完全可以满足你在不同场景下的拍摄需求。Mavic则完完全全体现了大疆作为一家无人机业内龙头的研发能力,小巧,强大,完美的结合在一起,作为一款小型消费级无人机来说,Mavic确实是标杆之作。Mavic配置了多个传感器,超声波定位,以及面向多种飞行模式的深度学习处理器。这款无人机还配置了一个手势模式,用户在进行无人机自拍时,可以给出手势,这样无人机就能够实现对拍摄对象的定位。另外,用户也能够将这款无人机和大疆公司的专用眼镜进行匹配使用,用户能够看到无人机“当前看到的一切”。所以作为无人机发烧友,Mavic肯定是其非常感兴趣的产品。价格方面,Mavic有点超出了预期,标准版 6499 元人民币,带两节电池、两副旋翼、背包、车载充电器等等配件的套装版售 7999 元人民币。而Karma售价799美元(国内建议零售价6498)。但对于消费者而言,GoPro所提供的套装更加划算:Karma + Hero 5 Black的组合售价1099美元(约合人民币7330元),Karma + Hero 5 Session则是999美元(约合人民币6663元)——两者相比单独购买都便宜了100美元。而且无人机,相机,云台,三者是可以独立存在的。所以如果作为一个普通的消费者而言,Gopro Karma套餐更具有卖点,一套Karma再加几个Gopro的配件,出门基本上无论是游泳潜水,还是爬山骑行,或者是滑雪跳伞,各种环境下都可以用,再加上Gopro推出的两个视频编辑软件,确实是出门拍摄利器。如果作为一个无人机爱好者,DJI Mavic肯定是会重点考虑的,地形跟随模式,视觉避障,手势识别功能等功能确实体现了大疆无人机能力的强大。希望对你有帮助~

mavic propeller guard是什么意思

这是Mavic无人机的桨叶保护罩,可以保护桨叶防止刮伤, 也可以避免挂到人。Mavic 折叠便携,很适合旅行航拍。如果你只是玩玩,图方便, 建议spark, 如果要稍微专业点,时间长一点,建议Mavic,Mavic 折叠便携很适合旅行航拍, 功能上Mavic更强大,更实用。Mavic具备精灵4 所有功能,也有精灵4 所不具备的功能,如折叠,地形跟随,手机控制等,续航时间更多,mavic的图传距离更长,图传像素也更高。相关参考资料

求网球王子 dear prince 罗马音歌词,还有,要标明哪一句是谁唱的

Dear Prince(迹部)ai ni iku yoDear Prince(手冢) riyuu ha iranaiDear Prince(真田)ganbatteruDear Prince(木手) tokoro ga daisukisakimi ga kateru mademitete ageru karaistumo yori hayaku masameta asa hatokimeki gaban ni gattsuti tsumetekimi ni ga tsutaeru yuuki getto temosono eiru ha mada todokanaisensyu kotai semaru taiyou nimakejito nabaru suketa tsuki yarujyan(龙马)「saa iku yo!」raketto nigiriomae wo uteba kyou no maku akeda(手冢/白石)isshou de saigo no chansu(Chance of lifetime)(木手/迹部)nigashita toshitamo(Don′t worry about it)sekai ga owaru wakejya naishiYeah mae ni susumouGet ready ai ni iku yoGet ready riyuu ha iranaiGet ready ganbatteruGet ready tokoro ga daisukisaReady go! te wo tsunagouReady go! nigekoshi na nimi he noReady go! purezenti dakaraReady go! rippa ni yarerusakimi ni todokeru yuuki hamada hitotsu shikanai keredokimi kara todoku Happy Dreamhoshi no kazu dakaraitsumo yourinebari nebari nebatteNever give upmakeru toki mo aru keredokimi ni tsutaeruyuuki nibai gettodemo mada sore jya monotarinaigangan zenkaitobashite hashiru boke nohoho wo tsutaukuyashii namida futatsu「kachi make dake ga subete jyanai」 ttedareka san ga ittetakkena(真田/木手)itsuka ha dare mo(in the course of time)(龙马/幸村)jibun mo yume ni(my sweet dream)kugiri wo tsukenakuchato iukedo iyada yoGet ready asu no tameniGet ready risuku ha shochi saGet ready gaman dekiru kanaGet ready totemo tsurai keredoReady go! tenisubouruReady go! nigirishimetaReady go! bureshaa mo nakaReady go! rimitto wo koeyounimi ni todokeru yuuki gasukoshi tamatsuta toki hakorekara no monogatari wotomoni egaki dasouMy friendDear Prince(龙马)ai ni iku yoDear Prince(白石)riyuu ha iranaiDear Prince(幸村)ganbatteruDear Princetokoro ga daisuki saReady go! te wo tsunagouReady go! nigekoshi na kimi henoReady go! purezento dakaraReady go! rippa ni yarerusaimamade no yuuki wotakusan hiroi atsumetesakura saku kono machi deookiku waraou(龙马)Thank you! 无发标明是谁唱的

GoPro karma 和大疆Mavic 哪个好

大疆Mavic 技术更完善,飞控更牛逼,品牌更值得信赖。

Arena (feat. Chris Brown & T.I.) 歌词

歌曲名:Arena (feat. Chris Brown & T.I.)歌手:B.o.B专辑:Strange CloudsB.O.B - ArenaSplendidyangIf anybody feeling fresh in the buildingTake your hand, hold it high to the ceiling right nowAnd say damn I"m killing them, damn I"m killing themI know they feeling me nowAnd if you too fresh in the buildingThen take your hand, hold it high to the ceiling right nowAnd say damn I"m killing them, damn I"m killing themI know they feeling me nowAnd I"m still here with a lifestyle you would kill forStill here with the same shoes that I had on from the get-goStraight out of Atlanta, GeorgiaFor any of y"all that didn"t knowAnd I"m never that hard to find because 420 is my zip codeMy back then couldn"t get dro, cause back then I was this brokeThat"s why I got so many hustlesBruh man from the fifth floorWhat would you do in the middle of the winterWhen the sun goes down and it gets cold?Growin" up in a house with no stoveNo doors, no walls, no windowsAnd my brother was always fresherI would go to school in his clothes, when I did goSo that"s why now this the type of life that I live forComin" up as a youngin", man some nights I would vomitI would throw up on myself cause I was so sick to my stomachNow I"m the shit, fix the plumbingFeel with my y"all, I"m this closeSpent my whole life chasin" shit, where"s nabisco?My past memories, I miss thoseHey, all I can say is you get what you wish forIf anybody feeling fresh in the buildingTake your hand, hold it high to the ceiling right nowAnd say damn I"m killing them, damn I"m killing themI know they feeling me nowAnd if you too fresh in the buildingThen take your hand, hold it high to the ceiling right nowAnd say damn I"m killing them, damn I"m killing themI know they feeling me nowLet"s go, heyI"m fresh off my pit-stopFlow airtight with no ziplocGet shit pop when my shit dropNo hip-hop, this tip hopI"m back standin" at the tip topWhere I belong, it won"t be long‘Til you hear me on a B.o.B songSome chick gettin" my skeet onTo touch the sole of my feet, gYou"re gon" have to get your reach onI"m up all the way high, all the way flyOn the ground and I"m off the radarBernie madoff money, dawgGot killers paid off with it allI got the juice, could you place a callAnd we place a call to who place a callDon"t get your part and not too hardI disregard what you sayBack up the trunk and pass the buckHere"s where I"m stoppin" todayGot swag all on me, homieCan"t wipe it away we too ill, illThat"s how we got arenas, dumps, and stadiums feelHow you feel?If anybody feeling fresh in the buildingTake your hand, hold it high to the ceiling right nowAnd say damn I"m killing them, damn I"m killing themI know they feeling me nowAnd if you too fresh in the buildingThen take your hand, hold it high to the ceiling right nowAnd say damn I"m killing them, damn I"m killing themI know they feeling me nowAnd I"m still here with a black whip from the strange cloudsAnd I"m still here with the same team, nigga stay downStill here for the east sideAin"t a thing change but the bank accountHands high when I come "roundCause I"m killin this shit nigga, hands downAnd I go hard, my passport"s like a postcardGive a fuck if I"m solo, I"ll go toe-to-toe with your whole squadWith the soul of a soldierBut even still I don"t want no partsAnd no niggas with no heartsYou cocksuckers need yo guardsI"m throwed off for the most partA young dog with an old barkFlow dumb, but I"m so smartI compose art, call me mozartMy nightlife"s like a soap operaWith two chicks like I"m noah"s arkThey got nice dresses with no bras with good bodies like “oh God!”From a poor child to on top like a mohawkBut I always new I"d go farLike a gas truck with no barSo no applause, hold the applauseJust put your hand up if you know the songIf anybody feeling fresh in the buildingTake your hand, hold it high to the ceiling right nowAnd say damn I"m killing them, damn I"m killing themI know they feeling me nowAnd if you too fresh in the buildingThen take your hand, hold it high to the ceiling right nowAnd say damn I"m killing them, damn I"m killing themI know they feeling me now

外国人说you are bruh什么意思


Travie McCoy Ft. Bruno Mars - Billionaire 歌名和歌词的中文翻译 急求啊

Billionaire/Travie McCoyGlee Cast Version I wanna be a billionaire. So freakin" bad我想当个亿万富翁 极其想Buy all of the things I never had去买那些我从不曾拥有的东西I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine我想上《福布斯》杂志封面Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen在奥普拉和英女王身旁微笑Oh, every time I close my eyes每次我闭上双眼I see my name in shining lights我就看见我的名字在名人榜上A different city every night. Oh, I swear每夜穿梭在不同城市 我发誓The world better prepare. For when I"m a billionaire全世界最好做好准备 我将成为亿万富翁Yeah, I would have a show like Oprah我会像奥普拉一样有一档节目I would be the hoster我将是主持人Every day Christmas每天都是圣诞节Give Artie a wish list给阿蒂一份愿望清单I"ll probably pull a Angelina and Brad Pitt我可能会像安吉丽娜和布拉德·皮特一样And adopt a bunch of babies that ain"t never had it养他个一堆遗弃孤儿Give away a few Mercedes like送出去几辆奔驰"Here, lady, have this"说 美女 收下吧And last but not least, grant somebody their last wish最要紧就是实现人们的遗愿It"s been a couple months that I been single, so我已经单身不止一个月You can call me Artie Claus, minus the ho-ho你可以叫我阿蒂圣诞老公公 别说吼吼Ha-ha! Get it? I"ll probably visit where Katrina hit听着 我要去卡特里娜台风袭击的地方And darn sure do a lot more than FEMA did保证比联邦应急局干得实事多Yeah, can"t forget about me, stupid笨蛋 你可不能把我给忘记Yeah, can"t forget about me, stupid去哪儿都有我的主题曲Oh, every time I close my eyes每当我闭上双眼Uh, what you see, what you see, bruh?看见了什么 看见了什么 哥们I see my name in shining lights看到聚光灯下 我的名字闪闪发光And what else? Oh, yeah还有别的吗A different city every night一天走个新城市Oh, I, I swear.哦 我发誓World better prepare For what?整个世界时刻准备着 为何World better prepare For what?为迎接我成为亿万富翁Oh, oh, oh, oh哦 哦 哦 哦Oh! When I"m a billionaire哦 等我成为亿万富翁Oh, oh, oh, oh哦 哦 哦 哦Sing it! When I"m a billionaire唱 等我成为亿万富翁Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh!哦 哦 哦 哦 哦I wanna be a billionaire我想成为亿万富翁

外国人说的“you are bruh”是什么意思?

礼貌回答“别客气,不用谢”.一. you are welcome 英 [ju: ɑ: ˈwelkəm] 美 [ju e(r) ˈwɛlkəm]二. 例句:You are in charge of the job. How could you evade the issue?你是负责人,你怎么能对这个问题不置可否?三. 日常口语:1. Anytime 别客气,随时愿为您效劳。Anytime 这个词的本意是“任何时候,无论何时”。当别人说“谢谢”的时候,你说 anytime就表示“别客气,(无论何时都)愿为您效劳”的意思。口语里,还可以说anytime my friend,对陌生人甚至也可以这样讲,很礼貌。2. Don"t mention it. 别和我见外。我们都知道mention表示“提及”的意思。“不用提了”就说明客套话都省了吧!听起来是不是很仗义,够哥们?3. My pleasure. 别客气,我很荣幸。这句话比“You"re welcome”更加正式,语气也强。通常男生们会在女生面前显示一下自己足够绅士,用上这句话。

外国人说you are bruh什么意思

youarebruh:翻译:1、你是猴子。2、你是哥们bruh:1、猕猴。例句:AstudyonconservationofquantityinrhesusmonkeysandAssamese bruh。 翻译:一个探索恒河猴和熊猴数量守恒的实验研究 。2、哥们(非正式美语):男性友人(经常用作称呼语)。例句:ThoseredpantsmakeyoulooklikeoneofthosejerksfromPrep,bruh.翻译:兄弟,那条红裤子让你看着就像预科学校里的那群混球。扩展资料bruh意思相同的词语:1、macaque读音:英[məˈkæk],美[məˈkæk]。解释:猕猴,名词。例句:TaillessmacaqueofrockycliffsandforestsofnorthwesternAfricaandGibraltar.翻译:非洲西北部和直布罗陀的多岩绝壁及森林中的无尾猕猴。 2、rhesus读音:英[ˈriːsəs],美[ˈriːsəs]。翻译:猕猴,恒河猴(一种猕猴,多用于实验),名词。例句:ObjectiveToinvestigatetheinfluenceofmyopicopticaldefocusontheemmetropizationofinfantrhesusmonkeys.翻译:研究近视性光学离焦对幼恒河猴正视化过程的影响。 3、Macacamulatta翻译:恒河猴,猕猴,普通猕猴,恒河猕猴。例句:ObjectiveTostudyaBVantibodysurveillancemodelforestablishmentandmaintenanceofMacacamulattaSPFcolony.翻译:结论该模式能有效监测猕猴BV抗体变化,为本中心在国内建立猕猴SPF种群提供了有力的技术保障。

share my daily什么意思

my daily life翻译是:日常生活;我的日常生活英[maɪ ˈdeɪli laɪf]    美[maɪ ˈdeɪli laɪf]    词汇分析daily,英 ["deɪli],美 ["deɪli]    adj. 每日的;日常的adv. 每日;天天n. 日报名词: dailiness 名词复数: dailieslife,英 [laɪf],美 [laɪf]    n. 一生;生命;生活;人生名词复数: lives扩展资料:daily反义词:nightly,英 ["naɪtli],美 ["naɪtli]    adj. 每夜的;夜间的adv.每夜地例句:The theatre gives a nightly performance.这剧院每晚都演出。

英语里经常说if they are such,什么意思


英文词组 挑剔 怎么说?用particular

be particular about

19年9月晨读笔记-Diary of a wimpy kid (上)

部分内容参考,感谢  立里   肉丸子 素心 ~ 2019.9.9 (Page1-20): phrasal verb重音在后 wimpy:怂的,懦弱的,窝囊的 sissy diary娘炮 journal jerk傻瓜moron It comes in handy/useful.用得上,值得学,派上用场 hit/reach their growth spurt青春期二次发育...,not age. while away=pass the time/kill time消磨打发时间 Miss Bennett whiled away the hours playing old films on her video-recorder. plunk your stuff down pat on sb"s back=encourage sit to my right Is this seat taken? -Are"you taken?名花有主 -I"m taken. dork呆子 scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened一脸懵逼 stink=smell bad,disgust/泄愤表示时间的小词: back in elementary school A couple of days into summer vacation,...... before put sb on the spot :让sb难堪/下不来台/为难/尴尬 Thanks for putting me on the spot. braces牙套(支架,托架) contact lenses(contacts)隐形眼镜,美瞳; 熟人=acquaintance Phys Ed It just goes in one ear and out the other with him. 连读a couple of days pass it on to someone else hoop篮筐    play hoops Let"s keep our fingers crossed. 那我们就一直交叉手指祈祷吧。=pray My summer did not exactly get off to a great start,thanks to sb. 拜sb所赐,我的夏天开始得不是很顺利。 shoot=shit我去 I was pretty dumb for falling for(轻信) that. set alarm clock ahead had a good talking-to/dressing down挨批  scold、chew him out臭骂 tagalong跟屁虫=follower(tagged along) covered up his tracks got a screw loose or sth. 脑子进水/短路了/缺根弦 be tight with sb.  老铁,关系/密切要好, You need to sit tight with that.你得淡定些。 apply oneself(to it)全身投入,努力学习 practically,actually,basicly,literally technically理论上,算得上definitely subject to change sleep in/late 睡过头、睡懒觉、晚起 real+a. : not really/ real considerate of不关心 head up to=go to hang out<--play(打球,玩音乐,性暗示) noogie(s):the act of rubbing one"s knuckles on a person"s head so as to produce a mildly painful sensation image形象 Having sb around is not helping. (marketing)gimmick花招,套路 thermos保温杯 be-->there must be(谐音) I"ll take her under my wing.我罩着她 a billion/bazillion times(夸张)无数次 作业: I don"t know what is up with her. 我不知道她怎么了。 a whole lot simpler 立里 2019.9.10 (Page21-40): 核心关键动词、实词、元音要念长些,明显些 eg:beat anyone,see,school 弱读going to learn to... because,if common sense重音在后 重音在前underwear,realize,headphone,im"midiately "parenting,pa"rentallose[z],loose[s] L音 【美音:l、j分开】 :billion 美音/"bɪljən/ ,william 美音/ˈwɪljəm/ ,volume 美音/"vɑljum/ play pranks/jokes on him He got away with(doing)it.免受惩罚 You"re not gonna get away with this.你们逃不掉的。 bug v. 1. hassle /worry/annoy sb. I only did it to bug my parents.我这么做只是为了让我父母心烦。 close call: a narrow escape 好悬/险,差点(九死一生;千钧一发;险遭意外;死里逃生;幸免于难)...的事 You were just in time. What a close call. uber -/super非常 good、near:bathroom,restroom 厕所 toilet flaky不靠谱的 solid靠谱的 flake:薄片/碎片 flakes of snow v.剥落/脱落 They can see how its colours have faded and where paint has flaked. 他们能看到颜色消退的情况以及油漆剥落的地方。 flake out: (疲倦得)倒下,睡下,完全放松If you flake out , you collapse, go to sleep, or totally relax because you are very tired. If he flakes out before I get back, just cover him with a blanket. 如果我回来之前他就困得睡着了,给他盖条毯子就行了。He is always getting on me about going out and doing sth "active".他总是 对我说/让我 多出去运动运动。didn"t see my logic(n.) parent-proof do sth. sporty运动运动 类似的词:brainy, pricy贵的, speedy, roomy=spacious, handy有用/方便/附近的, beefy=strong, bulky笨重的, fussy繁饰的,挑剔的be/got done with/doing 搞定了/做完了... do the trick 管用/奏效/行得通 = come in handy / It works.= pan out 挑刺,吹毛求疵(v.) nitpick ,carp, cavil, criticize, peck,pick apart(a.)picky,critical,fussy backfire事与愿违,适得其反=counterproductive It all backfired on me!一切都与我的愿望背道而驰! Rowley"s    xx家 不正确但地道的口语:Us kid Me and my brother/buddy/bro/homie, I don"t know nothing.I kind of let my guard down. like,well... only不过 be all for it同意,支持,举双手赞成 Speak for yourself. I"m all for it.随你怎么说 我没意见。 sneak(snuck) in/out 潜入/溜出抓了个现行(抓到sb做坏事): be caught on the spot given/with the smoking gun确凿的证据(枪还冒着烟呢...) be caught with your hand in the cookie jar偷吃 be caught with one"s pants down捉奸在床 catch sb red-handed(杀了人手上还有血...) 男主以为自己女朋友和心理咨询师出轨,一路tag along with her,心理独白里有一句:I guess I"m bad at picking good people, but I"m good at catching bad people red-handed.我也经历过: I"ve been there and done it. I"ve gone and done it.crank up the AC(turn on)开空调 lay sth on you:(尤指慷慨或盛情地)提供(食物、娱乐或服务) Every facility was laid on to ease their homecoming. 我们动用了一切设施以缓解他们的回乡之困。 作业: 立里 2019.9.11 (Page41-63): To be a storyteller,not a reader. 连读: that I /that he full effect,visual effect,Apple Arcade an apple bringing in or,in our see if 避免二声!a whole lot tougher in deep trouble/ water/shit be in hot water with Mom day care托儿所 show-and-tell展示和讲述 =make a presentation做陈述和介绍 play-by-play现场解说,赛事实况报道 eg: Games are all about the glory, the pain and the play-by-play. grounded头脑清醒的;理智的;脚踏实地的 is like torture That"s all it takes./?只需要这样就行了够了(吗?);至于吗? jock /dʒɑk/ 运动员,球迷 someone sporty get worked up (over sth.)暴跳如雷,动怒,闹不愉快 eg: Steve shouted at her. He was really worked up now. for the taking稳了,稳操胜券,如探囊取物般十拿九稳(就在那,等着你随便拿)=in the bag excel at/have a knack for/be brainy at擅长... when I was your age Know-how指南 =guide,handbook lollipop棒棒糖 popsicle 冰棍"pawpsicle" head lice头屑 go trick-or-treating I got drenched. 弄/淋湿了 spoil his fun扫兴 have second thoughts about going in 犹豫,不情愿,再想想,后悔 chainsaw肢解 take chances冒险,碰运气 bail/help sb out (of trouble)救出,出逃,出资帮助,解围 full-out haunted compensation工资,优点 or: 我不是吹,... I don"t mean to brag or anything ,but sugar or milk credit or debit信用卡还是借记卡 believe it or nota whole out/way/far better than get the word out转发,宣传=spread the word(info)/forward promote宣传 (褒) hype炒作 (贬) 书先生讲词汇(3)| “炒作”用英文怎么说? stretch/twist the truth扭曲事实 You"re going to find a job that stretch you.充分发挥你的能力 stretch your money and paycheck 薪水(省着用钱=save money) =stretch a dollar make a killing/mint 发大财,挣大钱 budge:改变主意;让步 I told you a bazillion times,but you just don"t budge.不买账,冥顽不灵 legit=legitimate奉公守法,守规矩的,合情合理=make sense I checked him out, he"s legit.我查过他了,他身家清白。 clear净赚 make money ketchup番茄酱 ended up getting grounded for ...禁足 house /haʊs/   horse /hɔrs/ sword/sɔrd/   plumber tomb lamb 委婉语not be the smartest choice/man cranky古怪的,怪异的;坏脾气的 lame(借口、论点、评论等)站不住脚的;蹩脚的;拙劣的 作业: 元音不够长,发音不准:advert"isement,the end of,refund,least,cleared  语音语调! long story short 立里 2019.9.12 (Page61-81): (l/n/r)连读 football or sth, a big wave of water, laid out, clean up 注意发音 meant /mɛnt/ , row ,when,"demonstrate, toss /tɔs/   me around without straining himself wrest/x/ling, bath /bæθ/, bathe /beɪð/ , bathing/"beiðiŋ/ suit泳装 dove 鸽子 /dʌv/ /dov/,(dive) found 建立, (find) back-to-back wins/victories连胜、in a row、consecutively,on end接二连三的,连续的 squirm/wriggle out of 蠕动,扭动,逃避... spooky恐怖的 pickup truck皮卡 came roaring down give him credit给他表扬 keep s her key slam on the brakes急刹车 make a U-turn,turn around调头 wait us out cocky狂妄自大的 and whatnot (and so on/forth,etc)等等 draw us out, hunt you down, hop over a truckload of teenagers 一整车... dove (dive) into the bushes all the way home一直(表强调=way,far,a whole lot) pay the price for it 付出代价 salvage挽/抢/营救,打捞+situation,pride,reputation,career 挽尊salvage the pride=save face cellophane玻璃纸 see/present.. .in a positive /negative light (optimistic=look on the bright side of...) into sth.参与 If there"s one thing most boys in my school are into,it"s ... madhouse乱哄哄的地方,疯人院 You had better look out.I could be a real threat. single me out the next thing you know 很快/转眼间,...=immediately right that instant, in a heartbeat 立刻 be paired up/partnered with sb 作业: feel a 连读 肉丸子 2019.9.13 (Page82-100): 读音:cl"assroom ,plan,need,grand fi"nale,says,said 代词、连词弱读,不要断开 hit(hit,hit)  sword:w不发音   turn...upside down shirts and skins I want to gain my weight in MUSCLE,not fat. mark my words 你听着,记住我的话 That"s what you"ll end up with, you mark my words. 那就是将来你的下场,记住我的话。 load up on junk food rethink=second thoughts get in shape <-->out of shapebulk up=to be stronger pack on some muscle get six packs 6块腹肌 get ripped有型(肌肉像被撕成一条一条那种)  易误读rape,类似还有timesheet down the road,in the future,later on 日后,今后,未来 jumping jack开合跳 hold me back拖后腿,阻碍进步 lifting spotting partner I need your spot. reps=repetitions 次数 I...Then I...,And I had myself a pretty decent barbell像样的杠铃 had it all set把它做完 had this one in the bag胜券在握 赢定了 flunk/fail the exam/quiz 在(考试)中不及格;未通过(某一课程) getup行头,装束 well-rounded全面发展的 take my side Dad was no match for Mom.不是...的对手  =B outmatch A audition(sign up) for 办卡,报名 It"s not what I sign up for. soprano女高音,男童声高音 bean sb. with sth. (bean  v.击中sb.头部) play a bit part跑龙套 have a bone to pick with sb. 对sb有意见,看sb不顺眼(挑骨头)


3.0来喽! impart篇完结【明日方舟吧】 - 百度贴吧回复数: 27发贴时间: 2022年12月03日8楼: 炎国龙搞什么须佐之力,一眼出戏15楼: 被西格玛附体了是吧



impart和 teach区别





impart,谐音yin pa


vt. 通知; 透露; 传授; 把(某性质)赋予; 将…给予;[例句]Do not impart your darkest secrets or provide a detailed list of your worst fears.不要透露你最不想告诉别人的秘密,或将你最害怕的事情列出来。[其他] 第三人称单数:imparts 现在分词:imparting 过去式:imparted 过去分词:imparted


通知留学生。“impart”原本的英语翻译是“通知; 透露; 传授”的意思。impart”读作“银趴”,空耳很像那种多人运动的聚会。留学生英语翻译:tudent studying abroad;returned student:正在或曾在外国学习的学生。


百度知道impart是什么梗丫丫cdu超过119用户采纳过TA的回答关注成为第33位粉丝impart [英 [ɪmˈpɑ:t]美 [ɪmˈpɑ:rt]]impart的意思、解释adj.过去式:imparted;   过去分词:imparted;   现在分词:imparting; impart 基本解释及物动词传授; 给予; 告知,透露impart 相关例句及物动词1. The red curtains impart a certain elegance to the room.


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