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name of company


请问如何查看计算机的user name和company name


company name 是什么意思?

的确是 公司名称

company name是什么意思

company name公司名称例句:1.Did it say anything, have a company name? 什么样的制服有公司名字吗?

You will see____in the hill. A.a few fine sceneries B.few fine sceneries C.many fine sceneries


数据库有两个表: company:字段companyId,companyName 表:employee:字段employeeId,employeeName

老兄把你这题结了 再提一个问吧



电脑里My Company Name,文件是什么文件


Mastercam 9.1安装时要输入的user name和company name填什么?



your company name 网络 公司名称; 您公司名称; [例句]Before using this application, you need to enter your company name, address and related information.在使用此应用程序之前,您需要输入您的公司名称,地址和相关信息。

海淘company name怎么填

海淘company name填你注册的转运公司仓库地址。譬如走中邮海外购,他们美国仓库在特拉华免税州,那么你的收货地址就填他们家在特拉华的仓库地址就行了。

Company Name翻译中文


company name是什么意思


company name是什么意思

company name公司名称双语例句1In addition, it contains one view that displays data listed by companyname.此外,它还包含了一个视图,用来显示按公司名称列出的数据。

company name是什么意思

company name 公司名称

company name是什么意思

company name [词典] 公司名称; [例句]Then, list the recruiter"s title and the company name and address.然后列出招聘员工的头衔、公司名字和地址。



英语小测试 In many cultures people who were thought to

interpret dreams 解梦intervene dreams 干预梦想inherit dreams 继承梦想impart dreams 传授梦想你看呢?


1-5: DADDA 6-10: CBCAB 11-15: DDCAB 16-20: BABAC

求详解谢谢Mary is living at _______ place in South Africa. A.certain B.some D.any

你好,这道题正确答案选Bsomeadj.一些;某个;大约;相当多的pron.一些;若干;其中的一部分;(数量不确切时用)有些人这句用它的形容词意,C项把"an改为"a"勉强可以选,place前用a。any用于否定句和疑问句,故D不选。下面着重说下A.some与B.certain的区别。【特别注意第三点括号里的】二者都可以表示“某些,某个”。some侧重说话人对所述之人或事不明确或一无所知,它只和单数名词连用,其前没有不定冠词。例如:Somepersoncalledonyouwhenyouwereout. 你出去时有个人来拜访你。Theremustbesomereasonforwhathe"sdone. 他这么做一定有某种理由。certain多表示说话人对所述之人或事或知之不详或知而不言,它与单数名词连用时,其前必须加不定冠词。另外,表达此意时,certain还可以同复数名词连用,表示“某些”。例如:Acertainpersontelephonedyouwhileyouwereout. 你出去时有个人给你打过电话。ForcertainreasonsI"llbeunabletoattendthemeeting. 由于某些原因我不能参加此次会议。在单数普通名词前,【acertain和some通常可以互换】。在专有名词前通常用acertain,不用some.Some可以和or…,orother,oranother连用,表示未知的对象,而(a)certain没有这样的搭配。如:AcertainSmithiswaitingatthegate. 有个叫史密斯的人正在门口正等着你。Heusedtoworkatsome/acertainplaceinGuangzhou. 他过去在广州某个地方工作。Shewonacompetitioninsomenewspaperorother. 她在某个报纸上获过奖。 所以,A项若把“certain”改为“acertain”也是正确答案。 希望能帮到你,满意还望采纳~~

tan(x+ y)=(tan x+ tany)/(1-tanx tany)推理过程


“若X=Y,则tanX=tanY”的逆否命题为真命题还是假命题 请判断并给出严格证明。谢谢!

假命题 逆否命题等同于原命题 原命题若X=Y=90°则命题不成立 假





x=tany是直接函数,他的反函数是y=arctanx 为什么啊,x=tany的反函数不是y=t


求tany=x+y的导数 游戏

tany=x+y(secy)^2.y" = 1+y"y" = 1/(tany)^2 = (coty)^2


想详情如下可找tanx的积分表,tanydy是等于tanxdxtanx = sinx / cosx ∫1 / x dx = Ln|x| + C?所以:∫tanx dx = ∫sinx / cos dx = ∫-1 / cos dcosx = - Ln|cosx| + C类似地还有根据:cotx = cosx / sinx ∫1 / x dx = Ln|x| + C?所以:∫cotx dx = ∫cosx / sinx dx = ∫1 / sinx dsinx = - Ln|sinx| + C




这道题是这样的:原式=tan(2x+2y)=(tan2x+tan2y)/(1-tan2x .tan2y); 其中tan2x=tan(x+x)=(tanx+tanx)/(1-tanx .tanx)= -4/3 tan2y=tan(y+y)=(tany+tany)/(1-tany .tany)= 3/4 再把它们两个带到原式中,得出结果为:-7/24


因为tany=-2所以siny/cosy=-2 即siny=-2cosy 又因为sin^2y cos^2y=1所以4cos^2y cos^2y=1 所以cos^2y=1/5所以sin^2y=1-1/5=4/5 又因为y∈(π/2,π)所以cosy=-√5/5 siny=2(√5/5) 因为sinx=4/5 x∈(0,π/2) 所以cosx=3/5 最后cos(x y)=cosxcosy-sinxsiny带入上述值 手机发的很辛苦.


对x求导, (tany /x)" = [(tany)" *x -tany] /x^2 = [x/(cosy)^2 -tany] /x^2








这就是一个转换的过程等式左边x求导得到1没有问题吧,右边tany 对x求导,y不能直接求导x,那么得到d(tany)/dx=d(tany)/dy *dy/dx=1/sec^2y * y"即x=tany对x求导后会得到1=y"*sec^2y


作变换u=tany,x=e的t次幂 试将方程 x^2d^2y/dx^2+2x^2(tany)(dy/dx)^2+xdy/dx-sinycosy=0 化为u关于t的方程u=tany,x=e^t.du=(secy)^2dy=[1+(tany)^2]dy=(1+u^2)dy,dy=du/(1+u^2),dx=e^tdt.dy/dx=1/[e^t(1+u^2)]du/dt...


y = arctan(x) .................(1)对(1)两边取正切:tan(y) = tan[arctan(x)]..........= x.......................(2)也即:.......x = tan(y)................(3)

tany/ arctanx的极限怎么求?


设tany=x+y,则 dy=







x=y=90度 tanx不存在当tanx=0 x=0度 tany=0 y=180度

arctanx/ arctany的导数等于什么?



求x=tany的反函数y=arctanx的导数 提问者:福娃欢欢(新手) (2006-03-09 11:23:33)    !求x=tany的反函数y=arctanx的导数 y"(x)=(arctanx)"(对x求导)=1/(tany)"(对y求导)=1/sec^2(y)=1/(1+tan^2(y))=1/1+x^2。 1、为何:x是自变量,此式是对x求导。1/(tany)"(对y求导)呀 2、tany中y是何量 请详细解答!! 答; 计算x=tany两边的微分,得:dx=dy/cos^2(y)。 由此式可计算原函数x"=dx/dy,也可计算反函数y"=dy/dx。 此即“函数的导数等于反函数导数的倒数”(有点像绕口令!) 即x"=dx/dy=1/cos^2(y),或dy/dx=cos^2(y)=1/(1+tan^2(y))=1/(1+x^2)。 。


利用正切公式很快就可以得到 tanw=2tany/(1+3(tany)方) tany的范围就是大于0小于1 所以就是求2tany/(1+3(tany)方)的值域 你这个函数上下同除以tany,利用基本不等式得到tany的范围就是大于0小于等于三分之根3 所以w的范围就是大于0小于等于π/6




不知你怎么算的,应如下:secy+y"xtanysecy=2x =>dy/dx=(2x-secy)/x·secy·tany(注意对x求导,secy求导后要出y") 要消x,要求x不等于0,此时dy/dx=1/tany·secy,这与上述结果一样,因为x不为0时由已知可消x得secy=x,代入dy/dx=(2x-secy)/x·secy·tany,消x即得dy/dx=1/tany·secy


这就是一个转换的过程等式左边x求导得到1没有问题吧,右边tany 对x求导,y不能直接求导x,那么得到d(tany)/dx=d(tany)/dy *dy/dx=1/sec^2y * y"即x=tany对x求导后会得到1=y"*sec^2y


具体回答如下:x→0时,e^x→1,e^(tanx-x)-1等价于tanx-x所以e^tan-e^x等价于tanx-xx→0时,tanx-x等价于x^n,=lim(x→0) (tanx-x)/x^n=lim(x→0) ((secx)^2-1)/nx^(n-1)=lim(x→0) (tanx)^2/nx^(n-1)=lim(x→0) x^2/nx^(n-1)=lim(x→0) x^(3-n)/nn=3求极限基本方法有:1、分式中,分子分母同除以最高次,化无穷大为无穷小计算,无穷小直接以0代入。2、无穷大根式减去无穷大根式时,分子有理化。3、运用洛必达法则,但是洛必达法则的运用条件是化成无穷大比无穷大,或无穷小比无穷小,分子分母还必须是连续可导函数。


∫tanydy =-∫1/cosydcosy=-ln|cosy|+C(常数)希望对你有帮助 不懂可以追问


x=tany与Y=tantan x是一样的

x=y是 tanx=tany的非充分非必要条件吗


tany是什么意思 急急急!!!!!


tany=0 y等于多少



x=tany? y=arctanx Y=xarctanx-∫x/(1+x^2)dx =xarctanx-1/2 ln(1+x^2)+C




设x=tanytany"=sex^yarctanx"=1/(tany)"=1/sec^ysec^y=1+tan^y=1+x^2所以(arctanx)"=1/(1+x^2)对于双曲函数shx,chx,thx等以及反双曲函数arshx,archx,arthx等和其他较复杂的复合函数求导时通过查阅导数表和运用开头的公式与 4.y=u土v,y"=u"土v" 5.y=uv,y=u"v+uv" 均能较快捷地求得结果。扩展资料:在推导的过程中有这几个常见的公式需要用到:⒈(链式法则)y=f[g(x)],y"=f"[g(x)]·g"(x)『f"[g(x)]中g(x)看作整个变量,而g"(x)中把x看作变量』2. y=u*v,y"=u"v+uv"(一般的leibniz公式)3.y=u/v,y"=(u"v-uv")/v^2,事实上4.可由3.直接推得4.(反函数求导法则)y=f(x)的反函数是x=g(y),则有y"=1/x"正切函数y=tanx在开区间(x∈(-π/2,π/2))的反函数,记作y=arctanx 或 y=tan-1x,叫做反正切函数。它表示(-π/2,π/2)上正切值等于 x 的那个唯一确定的角,即tan(arctan x)=x,反正切函数的定义域为R即(-∞,+∞)。反正切函数是反三角函数的一种。由于正切函数y=tanx在定义域R上不具有一一对应的关系,所以不存在反函数。注意这里选取是正切函数的一个单调区间。而由于正切函数在开区间(-π/2,π/2)中是单调连续的,因此,反正切函数是存在且唯一确定的。引进多值函数概念后,就可以在正切函数的整个定义域(x∈R,且x≠kπ+π/2,k∈Z)上来考虑它的反函数,这时的反正切函数是多值的,记为 y=Arctan x,定义域是(-∞,+∞),值域是 y∈R,y≠kπ+π/2,k∈Z。于是,把 y=arctan x (x∈(-∞,+∞),y∈(-π/2,π/2))称为反正切函数的主值,而把 y=Arctan x=kπ+arctan x (x∈R,y∈R,y≠kπ+π/2,k∈Z)称为反正切函数的通值。反正切函数在(-∞,+∞)上的图像可由区间(-π/2,π/2)上的正切曲线作关于直线 y=x 的对称变换而得到。反正切函数的大致图像如图所示,显然与函数y=tanx,(x∈R)关于直线y=x对称,且渐近线为y=π/2和y=-π/2。





portfolio company 是什么意思?


i just want your company 歌词

Ain"t nothing working, ain"t nothing right... there"s a whole in me, that I can"t fill, no matter how hard I try Hey, hey, hey bartender, hit me with a double, And introduce me to that girl with the bobble, I"m looking for trouble tonight, No momma don"t trust me tonight, You be the center baby, I"ll be the quarter back, High get the tail back, watchin all the play back, Jaw smash, now heating now rambo Up in the hands all, biting on the cannibal I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me Hey bartender, hit me with another, I"m just about how to kill this brother, I"m lookin for trouble tonight, No momma don"t trust me tonight, You be the beauty baby, I"ll be the beast, Who give a fucker, take it to the bedroom, Take it to the streets, take it like a man, Mother fucker, yo bitch chose me, mother fucker I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me Take me there, take me with you, I can"t be alone tonight, I can"t trust myself tonight, I can"t trust myself tonight, ladies don"t trust me tonight. Take me there, take me with you, I can"t be alone tonight, I can"t trust myself tonight, I can"t trust myself tonight, no you can"t trust me tonight. Ain"t nothing working, ain"t nothing right... there"s a whole in me, that I can"t fill, no matter how hard I try, there ain"t nothing sweeter, there ain"t nothing wrong, all the pain that I"ve received keeps me strong, it keeps me moving on... I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me (moving on) I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me I just want your company, I want you to comfort me, just come with me Comfort me, just come with me Comfort me, just come with me

sorry,too many clients already怎么解决


you yuanyuan 发音相近的女生英文名字推荐 英文名字是为了工作用,要好比较洋气一些的 谢谢

yuki vivian elian


答案是:It"s a dictionary.

how many scores还是how much scores

Can you tell me (how many) the score was?能告诉我score是多少吗 是选c,how many. one score = 20;

A _ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any


求Kanye West《Gold Digger》歌词

The p had a close call, quiet as kept i dated this"flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy girl"Yeah, and almost got vickedShe had green eyes, thunder thighs, and a def body (so what cha sayin)Top it off, she drove a black maseratiChrome kit, with a smile i couldn"t resistI tapped e on the shoulder and said, "yeah i gots to get this"(p cool, she could be a gold digger)Not with that smile and that stupid boomin figureTil one day, she spent the crazy doughTen g"s on levi"s, cold went ramboBut then she smiled, gave me a back massageGassed my head up, and said (oh p you"re so large)Like a jerk, i went for the line like a fishBut she was far from dream girl, and more like a death wishShe likes to sit back, lamp, walk on plush rugsWhip my five-sixty sip moet and bug (so did you flip?)Tried to but she cut me offAnd said, "guess what?" (what) "i"m pregnant" (pregnant? damn)Yeah and the child is yoursSo to fellas, who wanna keep they cashOr beware of the jack hammer and the helmet that glowsCause she"s a gold diggerOh what the heck, let"s get married and have a son named erickNo big deal, no sweatHmmm, i was in for a big surpriseAnd when i saw the judge hammer pass my green eyesBrainlocked, my whole damn head was malfunctionalCause i forgot to co-sign a prenuptial, agreementNow her case is hard like cementI have no files on all the money she spentShe has a car, nineteen ninety brand new jaguarFly kit, with chrome rims that"s five starThat she bought, when i was away on tourHittin" my bank account, gettin more and more moneyShe got paid, it wasn"t funnyTalkin to myself - oh you big big dummyJust my luck, that i"m stuck with a marriageAnd a baby, who lays in a gold carriageNow i can"t leave, if i do she gets half (not the cash)Oh yes, the whole damn bash of moneySo i chill, and act so sweetKiss her feet, can"t picture bein in the streetSo i give a fake smile, and a fake laughFake everything so i can keep all my cashFake talk, like i love you so muchBut wishin, she gets hit by a mack truckNext time, if there"s one i"ll knowThat most women strictly out for the doughThey"re called gold diggers[e] that"s why, men in the 90"s must watch themselves[p] cause ladies of the 80"s got hip and went for selfWith the new divorce laws, which entitles them half[e] that means the house goes[p] the car[e] you and half your cash[p] what a price to pay, but if you play you payCause women of the world they got smart todayThey flash a smile and profile[e] a pucker with a strut[p] try to move in[e] knock the boots[p] and got stuck, with alimony payments[e] time to meet judge wapner[p] you try to flip and cut, but she smiles "cause she gotchaYou get a flashback to wedding, when you vowed the vowSaid the two deadly words[e] i do[p] but look now, you lost the house[e] the car[p] eatin tv dinners in a one bedroom apartment[e] boy you picked a winner[p] but what goes around, comes around[e] that"s why she wheels the benz[p] and you ride greyhoundOh, just your luck, they on strikeTake off the wedding band, put out the thumb, time to hitch-hikeAnd the more you walk the pain from your corns get bigger(now you know)Not to mess with a gold digger3段,你自己看你要哪个

anything too personal是什么意思


many measures

D. 虽然"已"实施"了"许多措施,世界经济现在还是在走下坡 过去完成式

have any medical conditions怎么译


TRF的Lihgts and any more 罗马拼音歌词

Kasanari aubiru no kage wa yasashisa wo mochi yori sasou DOAMe ni utsuru subete no mono ga kono tsuki yo no yo ni owatte moTsumoru asu toiu hoshifuri hajime ZERO mawaru koro dare no iki kata moTokei no hari no kouka SUTOORI ga otoshita mono wa MANYUARU nadonaiplease kanashimi no tabiriplease ushinatta mono gakey kasoku suru hibi ni with the action doko ka tsuzuiterulights and any moreHanayaku RIZUMUlights and any moreKakete mirulights and any moreAQUA iro nolights and any moreHikari eMae wo miru koto ga dore hodo muzukashii ka mada shiranumamaGake nukeru hibi wo sugoshita omoi de wa mure ni mou shimatteTsumoru asu toiu hoshifuri hajime ZERO mawaru koro subete owaru no waTokei no hari no kouka SUTOORI ga otoshita mono wa jibun de gushi so naplease heikou wo tadoruplease kimagure na cheap spacekey nani ka iro ni kawaru hi no sasu heart break suri nuketelights and any moreBIITO na asa molights and any moreHashiri dasulights and any moreNana iro shitelights and any moreNami madeTsumoru asu toiu hoshifuri hajime ZERO mawaru koro dare no iki kata moTokei no hari no kouka SUTOORI ga otoshita mono wa MANYUARU nadonaiplease kanashimi no tabiriplease ushinatta mono gakey kasoku suru hibi ni with the action doko ka tsuzuiterulights and any moreHanayaku RIZUMUlights and any moreKakete mirulights and any moreAQUA iro nolights and any moreHikari elights and any moreBIITO na asa molights and any moreHashiri dasulights and any moreNana iro shitelights and any moreNami made

All the traveling( )are paid by the company if you travel on business


one blackboard,one tv,many desks and chairs是什么意思


E.T. (feat. Kanye West) 歌词

歌曲名:E.T. (feat. Kanye West)歌手:Katy Perry专辑:Katy Perry - Teenage Dream: The Complete ConfectionE.T.Katy Perry、Kanye WestI got a dirty mind I got filthy waysI"m tryna bathe my eyy in your milky wayI"m a legend I"m irreverent I"ll be reverendI"ll be so faaaaa-ar upWe dont give a fuuuh-uh-uckWelcome to the danger zoneStep into the fantasyYou are not invited to the other side of sanityThey callin me an alien a big headed astronautMaybe its because yo boy Yeezy get ass a lotYou"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devilCould you be an angelYour touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeaves my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialYour so supersonicWanna feel your powersStun me with your lasersYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicYour from a whole other worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, ki-ki-kiss meInfect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialI know a bar out in marsWhere they driving spaceships instead of carsCop a prada space suit about the starsGetting stupid hah straight up out the jarsPockets on shrek, rockets on deckTell me whats next? AlienImma disrobe youThen Imma probe youSee I abducted youSo I tell you what to do...Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me, Infect me with your love andFill me with your poisonTake me, ta-ta-take meWanna be a victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrialBoy, you"re an alienYour touch are foreignIt"s supernaturalExtraterrestrial

在英国,Partnership Limited Liability Company有什么区别??



这首歌曲是Carmen演唱的《Cant Get Out of My Heart》,歌曲收录在专辑《Polska Party》中,发行时间是2011-01-07。部分歌词:A la laLa la la la laLa la laLa la la la laLa la laLa la la la laLa la laLa la la la laI just can"t get you out of my headBoy your loving is all I think aboutI just can"t get you out of my headBoy it"s more than I dare to think about


cooperation 不保证。。。

partnership 和 limited liability company 的区别

partnership在表示公司的时候,意思是“合营公司”。合营企业按合同约定对某项经济活动所共有的控制,是指由两个或多个企业或个人共同投资建立的企业,该被投资企业的财务和经营政策必须由投资双方或若干方共同决定。limited liability company则意思是服份有限公司。股份有限公司(Stock corporation)是指公司资本为股份所组成的公司,股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任的企业法人。设立股份有限公司,应当有2人以上200以下为发起人,注册资本的最低限额为人民币500万元。相关词汇意思:1、partnership 英[u02c8pɑ:tnu0259u0283u026ap] 美[u02c8pɑ:rtnu0259ru0283u026ap]n. 伙伴关系; 合作关系; 合伙人身份; 合营公司;[例句]Alex and Mikhail were in partnership then: Mikhail handled the creative side; Alex was the financier.亚历克斯和米哈伊尔当时是伙伴关系:米哈伊尔负责创新,亚历克斯是财务主管。[其他] 复数:partnerships2、limited liability company英[u02c8limitid u02cclaiu0259u02c8biliti u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni] 美[u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u02cclau026au0259u02c8bu026alu026ati u02c8ku028cmpu0259ni][词典] 股份有限公司,有限责任公司;[例句]Names or titles of shareholders of a limited liability company or of promoters of a company limited by shares.有限责任公司股东或者股份有限公司发起人的姓名或者名称。

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Kanye West的《amazing》 歌词

歌曲名:amazing歌手:Kanye West专辑:808S & HeartbreakKanye West - AmazingIt"s amazingI"m the reasonEverybody fired up this eveningI"m exhaustedBarely breathingHolding on to what I believe inNo matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazing (Let"s go)I"m a monsterI"m a killerI know I"m wrong, yeahI"m a problemThat I neverEver resolvedAnd no matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazing (Let"s go)I"m a monsterI"m a mavenI know this world is changingNever gave inNever gave upI"m the only thing I"m afraid ofNo matter whatYou"ll never take that from meMy reign is as far as your eyes can seeIt"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, so amazing,It"s amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingI"m amazingYeah I"m all thatIf i ain"t on my grindThen what you call thatVictoriousYeah we warriorsWe make historyStrive of VictoryStanding at my podiumI"m trying watch my sodiumDie high blood pressureYou even let the feds get cha!I"m amazingBorn on the full moonI was bred to get inNo spoonThat"s why I"m so gooseSummer time, no juiceBig family, small house no roomsThey like oh god!why you go so hard?Look what he"s been throughHe deserves an applauseso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazingso amazing, so amazing, so amazing, it"s amazing
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