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这篇文章主要介绍了Angular实现的table表格排序功能,结合完整实例形式分析了AngularJS表格排序所涉及的事件响应、元素遍历、属性修改等相关操作技巧,需要的朋友可以参考下本文实例讲述了Angular实现的table表格排序功能。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:先来看看效果图:完整代码如下:<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>www.gxlcms.com Angular表格排序</title> <style> table{ border: 1px solid; text-align: center; width: 40%; height: 400px; } tr,td{ border: 1px solid; } tr:nth-child(2n){ background: gainsboro; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/angular.min.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js" ></script> <script> var app=angular.module("MyApp",[]); app.controller("demoC",["$scope",function($scope){ $scope.shop=[{ state1:false,id:9001,name:"iphoneX",username:"张三",tel:13525565588,price:8699,city:"北京",time:new Date("11-23 10:00:00"),state:"已发货"}, {state1:false,id:3007,name:"iphone6",username:"王红",tel:18524565588,price:5635,city:"郑州",time:new Date("11-23 11:38:20"),state:"已发货"}, {state1:false,id:5312,name:"iphone7",username:"赵小龙",tel:17545585598,price:6180,city:"北京",time:new Date("11-23 9:17:00"),state:"未发货"}, {state1:false,id:2132,name:"iphone8",username:"赵强",tel:17625565618,price:7190,city:"上海",time:new Date("11-23 10:40:00"),state:"未发货"} ]; $scope.ckAll=function(){ for(var i in $scope.shop){ $scope.shop[i].state1=$scope.ckall; } } $scope.del=function(){ for(var i=0; i<$scope.shop.length; i++){ if($scope.shop[i].state=="已发货"&&$scope.shop[i].state){ $scope.shop.splice(i,1); i--; } } } $scope.add=function(){ var sname=$scope.sname; var susername=$scope.susername; var stel=$scope.stel; var sprice=$scope.sprice; var scity=$scope.scity; if(sname==undefined || sname==""){ alert("用户名不能为空"); $("#s").css("border-color","red"); }else if(susername==undefined || susername==""){ alert("商品名不能为空"); $("#y").css("border-color","red"); }else if(stel==undefined || stel==""){ alert("手机号不能为空"); $("#t").css("border-color","red"); }else if(sprice==undefined || sprice==""){ alert("价格不能为空"); $("#p").css("border-color","red"); }else if(scity==undefined || scity==""){ alert("城市必须选择"); } else{ $scope.shop.push({name:sname,username:susername,tel:stel,price:sprice,city:scity}) $scope.toto=false; } } }]) </script> </head> <body ng-app="MyApp" ng-controller="demoC"> <button ng-click="toto=true" style="background-color: greenyellow;">新增订单</button> <button ng-click="del()" style="background-color: greenyellow;">批量删除</button> <input type="text" placeholder="按商品名称查询" ng-model="selname" /> <input type="text" placeholder="按手机号查询" ng-model="seltel"/> <select ng-model="selstate"> <option value="">按状态查询</option> <option value="已发货">已发货</option> <option value="未发货">未发货</option> </select> <table cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px"> <tr style="background-color: gray;"> <td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="ckall" ng-click="ckAll()"></td> <td>id<button ng-click="px="id";flag=!flag" style="background-color: greenyellow;">排序</button></td> <td>商品名</td> <td>用户名</td> <td>手机号</td> <td>价格<button ng-click="px="price";flag=!flag" style="background-color: greenyellow;">排序</button></td> <td>城市</td> <td>下单时间<button ng-click="px="time";flag=!flag" style="background-color: greenyellow;">排序</button></td> <td>状态</td> </tr> <tr ng-repeat="s in shop | filter:{name:selname} | filter:{tel:seltel} | filter:{state:selstate} | orderBy:px:flag "> <td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="s.state1"></td> <td>{{s.id}}</td> <td>{{s.name}}</td> <td>{{s.username}}</td> <td>{{s.tel}}</td> <td>{{s.price | currency:"¥"}}</td> <td>{{s.city}}</td> <td>{{s.time | date : "MM-HH hh:dd:ss"}}</td> <td><span ng-show="s.state=="已发货"" style="color: greenyellow;">{{s.state}}</span> <span ng-show="s.state=="未发货"" style="color: yellow;"><a href="#" rel="external nofollow" ng-click="s.state="已发货"">{{s.state}}</a></span></td> </tr> </table> <p style="margin-top: 50px; margin-left: 100px;"> <form ng-show="toto"> 商品名:<input type="text" / ng-model="sname" id="s"><br /><br /> 用户名:<input type="text" ng-model="susername"id="y"/><br /><br /> 手机号:<input type="text" ng-model="stel" id="t"/><br /><br /> 价格为:<input type="text" ng-model="sprice" id="p"/><br /><br /> 城市:<select ng-model="scity"> <option value="">--选择城市--</option> <option value="北京">北京</option> <option value="上海">上海</option> <option value="郑州">郑州</option> </select><br /><br /> <button ng-click="add()">保存</button> </form> </p> </body></html>上面是我整理给大家的,希望今后会对大家有帮助。相关文章:在vue中常用组件和框架结构(详细教程)在fastclick代码中如何解决tap“点透”在anime.js中如何实现动画效果的复选框在Parcel.js + Vue 2.x中如何做到极速零配置打包使用Vue时浏览器后退无法触发beforeRouteLeave的问题在vue + element中如何实现表格分页在微信小程序中如何实现录音与播放录音功能Nuxt.js框架(详细教程)在JS+CSS中如何实现滚动数字时钟

信号线 用英文怎么说 the signal cables?对吗?

signal wires/lines cable一般指电缆


如果我们做一个网站,表格标签元素是必不可少的一部分,那么我们就来好好解析一下Table,tr,td,th这些表格标签元素怎么使用,使用的注意事项有什么。table表格语法与结构<table> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> 或者<table> <tr> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr> </table>以上2个表格结构中td和th使用,没有区别均可使用。table标签使用说明比如,电子表格型的数据表格。Table表格标签使用场景table表格实际应用地方Table tr td th表格使用案例<table width="300" border="1" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th>班级</th> <th>日期</th> <th>标题</th> </tr> <tr> <td>一班</td> <td>2012-5-10</td> <td>标题1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>二班</td> <td>2012-5-20</td> <td>标题2</td> </tr> </table>介绍了这么多相信大家对表格的标签元素也有了一定的认识与理解,更多精彩请关注Gxl网其它相关文章!相关阅读:怎样知道浏览器支不支持html5html 的<header>标签需要怎么使用HTML5的<footer>标签元素怎么使用


iptables不是像 ls那样是一个单纯的命令. iptables是一个和linux内核 netfilter模块通讯的工具命令。 也就是说,你使用iptables的某一个功能的时候,必须这个功能模块在iptables里和linux内核里同时存在才能够使用。 在安装编译iptables的过程中,可以打很多补丁安装很多模块, 如果没有装这些模块,那么这个功能就是不可用的。 所以按照你的描述, 应该是该路由器的内核中并不支持 filter table(其实默认肯定支持的,但是这个路由器没有加载netfilter 的 iptable_filter 模块) 而 -m string也不是所有iptables都支持的。


table 英 [tebl] 美 [tebl] n.桌子;台子;几;(就餐或玩牌等的)一桌人;表;一览表 v.(正式)提出,把…列入议事日程;(将主意、建议等)搁置 第三人称单数: tables复数: tables现在分词: tabling过去式: tabled 扩展资料 1、Right then, where do you want the table to go? 那好吧,你要把桌子放在哪里呢? 2、They made for an empty table in the far corner. 他们走向远处那个角落的空桌子。 3、There"s room for one more at the table. 这张桌子还有一个人的位置。

Maple Syrup Sirop derable中文什么意思

maple syrop:枫糖,是加拿大特有的一种类似蜂蜜的纯天然制品,每年春天从枫树上采集sirop d"erable 是法语= maple syrop, 也是“枫糖”的意思枫糖浆很推荐~http://baike.baidu.com/view/282196.htm了解一下不?望采纳。谢谢。


这两个词并非同义词。credible表示“可信的”(believable or trustworthy)意思,通常指人物、言语、历史、故事等的可信;creditable表示“可称誉的”、“可赞赏的”(honourable,respectable or praiseworthy)意思,通常指人的行为,表现或工作而言。例:This is hardly credible.此事难以置信。His words are credible.他的话是可信的。The performance of Broadway Show is highly creditable.百老汇歌舞团的表演是非常值得赞许的。Credible的反义词是incredible;creditable的反义词是discreditable.下面将credible和creditable用在一个句子中,以便区分:The report that Mr.Lin has done a creditable job is credible.报告说,林先生做了一件值得赞许的工作,这是可信的。顺便在此指出,credulous一词与credible有关。后者是“可信的”,前者是“轻信的”(too willing to believe what you are told)。例:You"re so credulous that you could be easily fooled.你这么轻信,你很容易上当受骗。

we can assign the task to____is capable and trustworthy.选项是whomever who whom whoever

我们可以把任务交给有能力和值得信任的任何一个人 whoever 在这里相当于no matter who



As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years 翻译

随着家庭离开他们原来稳定的社区,他们多年的朋友,他们扩展的家庭关系——从句非正式的信息流通,就被切断了——主句and with it ——而有它(it 指上面的主语the informal flow of information )就有这种信心——即可靠可信的信息在需要时就能得到。








没有明显区别吧,在英文词典上,believable的意思是:worthy of being believed;而trustworthy的意思是worthy of being trusted。


在java中可有两种方式实现多线程,一种是继承Thread类,一种是实现Runnable接口;Thread类是在java.lang包中定义的。一个类只要继承了Thread类同时覆写了本类中的run()方法就可以实现多线程操作了,但是一个类只能继承一个父类,这是此方法的局限。Java是一种可以撰写跨平台应用软件的面向对象的程序设计语言。Java 技术具有卓越的通用性、高效性、平台移植性和安全性,广泛应用于PC、数据中心、游戏控制台、科学超级计算机、移动电话和互联网,同时拥有全球最大的开发者专业社群。Java由四方面组成:Java编程语言,即语法。Java文件格式,即各种文件夹、文件的后缀。Java虚拟机(JVM),即处理*.class文件的解释器。Java应用程序接口(Java API)。






在java中,其实java中实现 多线程有三种方法,一种是继承Thread类;第二种是实现Runnable接口;第三种是实现Callable接口。1,继承ThreadThread类是在java.lang包中定义的。一个类只要继承了Thread类同时覆写了本类中的run()方法就可以实现多线程操作了,但是一个类只能继承一个父类,这是此方法的局限。2,Runnable接口在实际开发中一个多线程的操作很少使用Thread类,而是通过Runnable接口在实际开发中一个多线程的操作很少使用Thread类,而是通过Runnable接口两种实现方式的区别和联系:在程序开发中只要是多线程肯定永远以实现Runnable接口为主,因为实现Runnable接口相比继承Thread类有如下好处:1) 避免点继承的局限,一个类可以继承多个接口。2) 适合于资源的共享Runnable接口和Thread之间的联系:public class Thread extends Object implements Runnable发现Thread类也是Runnable接口的子类。3,Callable接口Callable 和 Runnable 的使用方法大同小异, 区别在于:1) Callable 使用 call() 方法, Runnable 使用 run() 方法2) call() 可以返回值, 而 run()方法不能返回。3) call() 可以抛出受检查的异常,比如ClassNotFoundException, 而run()不能抛出受检查的异常。






Give out the tableware / bowls / chopsticks / spoons , please 请发餐具/碗/筷子/勺子。 Kitchenware and tableware are our main pnes 厨房用具和餐具是本公司主要产品。 We are a tableware wholesaler in shanghai 本公司是上海地区经销餐具的批发商。 You must inquire the product is : bamboo tableware 您要询问的产品是:竹子餐具 490 here is the western tableware : knife , fork and spoon 这是西餐用具:刀、叉和匙。 490 here is the western tableware : knife , fork and spoon 这是西餐用具:刀、叉和匙。 I see that o toothbrushes are on the tableware frame 我看见了两把牙刷在餐具架上。 The capacity of tableware is 2 , 000 thousand doz per year 设计年生产餐具能力200万打。 Sell melamine service tray tableware kitchenware 销售密胺托盤碗盤儿童套件 Use durable tableware during gatherings or parties 举行聚会及派对时,应使用耐用餐具。 Tableware wash , you meet the health to pke 餐具自己洗,你会健康又欢喜。 Investigation of effect of tableware disinfection in catering trade 饮食业餐具消毒效果调查 You must inquire the product is : wooden tableware 您要询问的产品是 Safety and sanitation requirements for disinfection tableware cabi 食具消毒柜安全和卫生要求 Standard test method for impact resistance of ceramic tableware 陶瓷餐具抗冲击性的标准试验方法 Safety and sanitation requirements for disinfecting tableware cabi 食具消毒柜安全和卫生要求 Effectiveness inspection of tableware disinfection in zhumadian city 驻马店市餐饮具消毒效果监测 You must inquire the product is : tableware 您要询问的产品是 Household steripzation tableware cabi 家用食具消毒柜 For tableware art ceramic industries 日用瓷艺术瓷用产品 Experimental study on germicidal efficacy of tableware disinfector 食具消毒柜对微生物杀灭效果的实验研究 High multifunctional toilet cleansing agents , tableware detergent 高级多功能卫生间清洗剂,餐具洗涤剂。 Depose the residue detergent on tableware , germicide thoroughly 分解餐厨具残留之洗净剂彻底消毒杀菌 All food , beverages and tableware must be stored and covered properly 妥善贮存及盖好所有食物饮料及餐具。 Effect of plasticizers on the properties of starch edible tableware 增塑剂对淀粉基可食性餐具使用性能的影响 Retail packaging , tableware , shoes , co *** etic goods and food products 零售包装餐具鞋子化妆品及食品。 Depose the residue detergent on tableware , germicide thoroughly 分解餐、厨具残留之洗净剂、彻底消毒杀菌 All food , beverages and tableware must be stored and covered properly 妥善贮存及盖好所有食物、饮料及餐具。 They were presented with a plete set of silver tableware as a wedding gift 他们得到一整套银餐具作结婚礼物 Sort : tableware suit description 类别:餐具套装 Product name : wooden tableware 产品名称:木制餐具 Hygienic standard for melamine products used as food containers and tablewares 食品包装用三聚氰胺成型品卫生标准 Product name : bamboo tableware 产品名称:竹子餐具 Surveillance *** ysis of sanitary situation of tableware in wulumuqi railway area 佛山市餐具消毒效果监测情况分析 Heat resistant ceramic tablewares 耐热陶瓷餐具 Hygienic standard for polyethylene products used as food containers and tablewares 食品包装用聚乙烯成型品卫生标准 Specification for china tableware 瓷餐具规范 Hygienic standard for polystyrene products used as food containers and tablewares 食品包装用聚苯乙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polypropyrene products used as food containers and tablewares 食品包装用聚丙烯成型品卫生标准 An investigation on tableware disinfect in catering trade of bengbu city during 2003年蚌埠市餐饮业餐具消毒状况调查 The production consisted of tableware and individual pieces in stoneware 生产的产品包括餐具和用炻器制作的单个产品。 Test method for tableware pattern removal by mechanical dishwasher detergents 用机械洗碟去污剂清除餐具图案的试验方法 Analysis of the tableware steripze status of haizhu district in guangzhou city 广州市海珠区饮食业餐饮具消毒卫生调查分析 Sort : tableware suit 产品类别:餐具套装 Name : tableware suit 产品名称:餐具套装 Tableware for domestic use . decoration has always been a feature of his work 罗伊斯一直生产家用餐具,而装饰则是其一大特色。 Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - non - metalpc tableware - terminology 接触食品的材料和物品.非金属餐具.术语 Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs . non - metalpc tableware . terminology 与食品接触的材料和器具.非金属餐具.术语 Survey of results in steripzation of tableware in food industry in zoucheng city in 2004年邹城市中小型饮食行业餐具消毒效果调查 Standard test method for detergent resistance of ceramic decorations on glass tableware 玻璃餐具上陶瓷装饰耐洗涤剂的标准试验方法


ladder是用梯子爬上去摘腰带table桌子比赛没有压制, 投降或者场外读秒等规则,取胜的唯一条件是将对手砸断一张桌子,这种残忍的比赛经常导致选手受伤,尤其是肋骨和腰部。桌子, 梯子和椅子比赛(TLC比赛) 是极具观赏性的娱乐比赛项目. 观众很喜欢看这种比赛, 但是这种比赛也可能极大缩短选手的职业生命. 在比赛中, 桌子, 梯子和椅子都是被允许使用的,比赛的目标就是, 最后发展成梯子比赛, 在你的对手之前爬到最高处从天花板上取下腰带,方可获胜

cable ladder中文是什么意思


苹果4越狱后安装appsync出现 host unreachable 和cached failure 什么意思求解释和解决问题

重新越个鬼 慢慢弄吧 网络环境好就能打进去了跟越狱没毛线关系是源服务器的问题

able jeans翻译中文是什么牌子

able jeans埃布尔牛仔裤

able jeans是几线品牌-able jeans中文怎么读

able jeans这个国产服装品牌在服装界还是有一定地位的,这个品牌到现在已经有十几年的时间了,不管是服装质量还是设计风格都挺不错的。 able jeans是几线品牌 属于二线品牌,档次上面还是不错的。ABLE JEANS品牌拥有现代化的制造基地,专业的牛仔类服装产品设计研发团队,坚持以市场为向导,在牛仔设计,面料及后整理创新上不断力求突破,具备了相当的牛仔系列服装开发和生产能力。整个供应链采用先进的SAP ERP信息管理技术,使计划、设计、生产、质检、配送、库存管理等每个环节,都在信息技术手段的支持下得到科学管理,真正实现了企业的资源最优化,信息同步化,逐步达成了供应链的顺畅和物流系统的时效性,确保产品质量的优质和稳定。able jeans中文怎么读 欧帛。 从2008年至今,ABLE JEANS陆续与诸多声名鹊起的时尚界后起之秀,拍摄了每一季的品牌形象手册及时尚大片。一系列的国际化形象已经逐渐深入人心,获得了行业内外众多好评及认可。able jeans怎么样 吹爆ABLE JEANS的牛仔裤啊啊,ABLE JEANS打造最适合亚洲人身材的专利牛仔版型,修饰腿型又凸显干净利落的造型。多种材料磨破修补的自然破洞让你与众不同。无需叫嚣,型格爆表!有型、长腿、帅气、性感,统统拥有!"缝缝补补"打造手工感自然穿破的"真实气息"复古摩登质感扑面而来!able jeans在哪买 目前ABLE JEANS在天猫和有货上面都有旗舰店可以直接购买。 在上海的朋友可以去陆家嘴试穿选购,地址:上海市陆家嘴西路168号正大广场5F-09B室(陆家嘴地铁站)。

in a miserable plight 和in distress 区别?

1.前者主要是悲惨的处境 侧重悲惨2.后者主要是处于困境 侧重困难

Miserable Faith是什么意思

英文:Miserable Faith中文:痛苦的信仰很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


miserable英 ["mɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l]美 ["mɪzrəbl]adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的sadadj.悲哀的;糟糕的;可悲的;令人遗憾的;一般miserable感情更深入一些。

les miserable中文是什么意思


c开头的英文形容词。形容人的感觉的。例如:comfotable.!谢谢了 。



来自牛津高阶英汉双解词典: miserable:making you feel very unhappy or uncomfortable tragic:making you feel very sad,usually because sb has died or suffered a lot 显而易见,tragic更有那种“因别人处境艰难,感同身受,新生怜悯”的意思 比如:I spent a____weekend alone at home. It would be____if her talent remained unrecognized. 第一个,我独自一人在家度过了一个惨兮兮的周末.并无怜悯他人之意,所以是miserable. 第二个,若她一直怀才不遇,那就可悲了.是对他人的遭遇的感慨,所以用tragic.


miserable[英][u02c8mu026azru0259bl][美][u02c8mu026azu0259ru0259bu0259l, u02c8mu026azru0259-]adj.悲惨的; 令人痛苦的; 太少的; 卑鄙的;miserably[英]["mu026azru0259blu026a][美][u02c8mu026azu0259ru0259blu026a]adv.痛苦地; 悲惨地; 糟糕地; 极度地;




miserable的读音:英 [u02c8mu026azru0259bl];美 [u02c8mu026azu0259ru0259bu0259l, u02c8mu026azru0259-]释义:adj.悲惨的;令人痛苦的;太少的;卑鄙的短语:miserable conditions困苦情况;miserable existence〔life〕悲惨的生活miserable surroundings贫苦的环境例句:1.Her wretchedness made him feel miserable.她的不幸让他感到十分难受。2.You made Grace Howland"s life miserable.你使格雷斯·豪兰的生活痛苦不堪。3.The handmaid led a miserable life.婢女过着悲惨的生活。




miserable的名词形式是miserableness。名词的英文是Noun,是词类的一种,属于实词。它表示人、事、物、地点或抽象概念的统一名称。它分为专有名词和普通名词。 扩展资料 在英语中,名词的格有3种:主格、宾格、所有格。其中个体名词表示某类人或东西中的个体,如girl(女孩)等;集体名词表示若干个个体组成的"集合体,如audience(观众,听众)等;物质名词表示无法分为个体的实物,如water水等;抽象名词表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如work(工作),happiness幸福等。对于普通名词来说,可分为可数名词和不可数名词。

这两个英语 miserable 和 miracle 怎么念



miserable 英[u02c8mu026azru0259bl] 美[u02c8mu026azu0259ru0259bu0259l, u02c8mu026azru0259-] adj. 悲惨的;令人痛苦的;太少的;卑鄙的 [例句]True office "s only prize for employees is a less miserable compliance experience.TrueOffice给员工的唯一奖励是不那么痛苦的合规培训体验。painful 英[u02c8peu026anfl] 美[u02c8penfu0259l] adj. 痛苦的;(肉体)疼的;费力的,(工作)困难的;讨厌的,使人厌烦的 [例句]Efforts to curb inflation in china are having some painful side-effects.在中国为抑制通货膨胀的努力也带来了惨痛的副作用。


复数: miseries。miserableness,英 ["mzrblns],美 ["mzrblns],n. 可怜;简陋;糟糕。misery 英 [mzri],美 [mzri]。miserable是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的”。英语单词变复数基本规则:1、一般情况下,在单数名词的后面加-s构成。例如:game-games,boy-boys等。2、以s、x、sh、ch结尾的单数名词变复数,在词尾加-es构成。例如:box-boxes,bus-buses,peach-peaches,dish-dishes,city cities,baby babies,enemy enemies。3、以o结尾,表示有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加-es;表示没有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加-s。例如:potato-potatoes,tomato-tomatoes,photo-photos,piano-pianos等。4、以辅音字母加y结尾的单数名词变复数,将y改成i后再加-es。例如:factory-factories,story-stories,family-families。


miserable是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的”。短语搭配miserable failure 悲惨失败 ; 成功号召人们用 ; 悲惨的失败miserable weather 令人压抑的天气miserable life 悲惨生活 ; 悲惨的生活Miserable career 悲惨生涯T Miserable 车库摇滚miserable a 痛苦的 ; 反映being miserable 正辛酸miserable beauty 桃花薄命 ; 凄美miserable shriek 惨叫双语例句You are miserable, are you not?你是悲惨的,你不是么?Yes, I have ever been miserable like this.是的,我从来没有那么悲惨过。So, considering the miserable state of the economy, what can you do?因此,考虑到目前悲惨的经济形势,你能做些什么呢?


miserable英[u02c8mu026azru0259bl]美[u02c8mu026azu0259ru0259bu0259l, u02c8mu026azru0259-]adj.悲惨的; 令人痛苦的; 太少的; 卑鄙的1However, even though unemployment rates will not be as severe, i still predict that we are in store for a miserable decade of economic stagnation.然而,尽管失业率不会那么高,我仍然认为我们会经历一个悲惨的、经济停滞的十年,现在我们正在为此做准备。




悲惨的英: [?m?zr?bl]美: [?m?z?r?b?l, ?m?zr?-]adj.悲惨的; 令人痛苦的; 太少的; 卑鄙的;例句:You may be stuck with a miserable existence for the rest of your life你可能一辈子都要过着悲惨的生活。?


miserable 英[u02c8mu026azru0259bl] 美[u02c8mu026azu0259ru0259bu0259l, u02c8mu026azru0259-] adj. 悲惨的;令人痛苦的;太少的;卑鄙的 [例句]The most miserable of my correspondents fit this mold.这与我采访中最悲惨的经历十分符合。

雅思table题 是图表题吗 table题指的是表格?还是指很多个?比如饼图 条的 柱状??大神 告诉我吧 谢谢

不是的,table是指表格,table是图片题的一种。饼图:pie chart 柱状图:bar chart线型图:line graph or curve这些都是图表题

请问trade receivable和account receivable有什么区别?日常商务往来中常用哪个啊?

Accounts receivable are created when companies have sales to customers on open accounts;Trade receivables are amounts owed to the business for credit sales of goods, or services.They are two different kinds of classification.First, Receivables may be classified as either trade receivables or nontrade receivable. Trade receivables are amounts owed to the business for credit sales of goods, or services. Nontrade receivables are amounts owed to the business for other than business transactions. For example, personal loans to employees are nontrade receivables.Second, they may also be classified as either an Account Receivable or a Note Receivable. An account receivable is created when companies allow customers to purchase merchandise on an open account, the customer promises to pay the company in the future for the purchase. A notereceivable is a promise, in writing, that requires another party to pay the company a specified amount, at a specified date, with a stated amount of interest.

please sit near the table怎么读

please sit near the table请坐在桌子旁生词table 英[u02c8teu026abl]美[u02c8tebu0259l]n. 桌子; 表,目录; 手术台,工作台,游戏台; 平地层;vt. 制表; 搁置; 嵌合; 搁置;adj. 桌子的;[例句]She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun.她正坐在餐桌旁,吃着葡萄干圆面包。


tableau像IOS,Powerbi像Android。 tableau像手机相机,powerbi像单反相机。 tableau操作界面十分简洁,易懂,美观。powerbi操作界面复杂。 tableau80%的功能可以通过鼠标拖拉拽实现,powerbi只用鼠标能实现的功能少于20%. 画图能力。 tableau的图表库只有24种,其他的雷达图,桑吉图,股价图等得通过这24种图、绕着弯衍生出来,做完一个复杂图,过几天你大概率是记不起来怎么做的。 powerbi图表库是开源的,可以使用官方的,也可以直接引用其他作者的现成的图,更换自己的数字就行。 另外,在地图方面,tableau的比较慢,powerbi用的是自家的bing地图,速度很快。 售价 tableau单机版2000多元一个月,有破解版。 powerbi单机版免费,服务器版要收费。 学习环境 tableau在国内没有活跃的社区,国外的社区浏览速度很慢,而且是全英文。tableau在国内只有几个代理公司在其微信公众号上发些命题作文式的文章,宣传自己功能很强大。我曾经问tableau公司的人,为何不做个服务器在国内的社区?让用户把自己的问题提出来,tableau的分析师答疑解惑,但没有下文,估计是中国管理层权力太小。 powerbi的中国社区有很多,有各种大V推出的教程、星球圈、微信群。 本地化搞得不好的外国产品,很难有好的发展前景。 技术前景 从AI角度,powerbi发展潜力更大。 假想在未来,有个语音识别数据机器人,你问他“某个公司在某个省最近5年销量什么样?”,机器人迅速调出一个柱状图出来,这样的数据分析AI产品是未来的趋势,powerbi现在通过输入英文,调出结果,已有点那个意思。 BI发展到AI产品是大趋势,这个阶段有多长?不确定。而这个周期就是数据分析师存在的意义。如果有一天BI产品成功转型到AI,那90%数据分析师就失业了,公司买个机器人就行。 数据分析师应该密切关注BI产品的升级内容,清楚自己离被机器替代的还剩多少时间? 国产BI软件还需时间。 国产BI产品典型代表是FineBI,参加过他们的技术日会议,用户活跃量很大。 我自己下试用了几天,放弃,原因: 1.操作逻辑比powerbi复杂,更别说是tableau。 2.共同学习的环境差,只有官方的视频教程,其中一个教程的录制者是在感冒期间录的,隔几分钟就能听到吸鼻涕的声音,实在难以忍受。 3,要花钱。在手机上看报表,好像得花5000元买个插件,Powerbi是免费。 4.曾经问过一个统计专家关于Finebi的前景,他说BI产品的核心是其逻辑体系,Finebi如果按照现在的迭代速度,10年后发展会很不错,关键是得能存活下来。 总结下来,Finebi适合企业用户,企业花钱买FineBI的服务,业务员不需要懂任何数据分析技能,只需要提需求,FineBI的人给你做好了,然后你在成品报告的基础上做点修修补补的工作。 总结。 如果仅是为了减少重复工作,自动更新图表数据,而且要注重美观,tableau比powerbi强。如果你的数据很复杂,要创建很多自定义的分析指标、自定义的报表、满足各种奇思妙想,只能选powerbi。另外,要关注BI产品的升级内容,知道自己离被机器替代还差多久。


table 发音不一样


i am stopped和i am unstoppable的区别?



stronger-kelly clarksonits time/demons/on the top of the world-imagine dragonsyellow/a sky full of stars-coldplayprice tag-jessiegood life/counting stars-onerepulicbest day of my life-american authorsfire-gavin degraw求采纳 打字不容易 (都是我歌单里的 要的话可以发过来)

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Unstoppable (feat. Blanca from Group 1 Crew) 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable (feat. Blanca from Group 1 Crew)歌手:TobyMac专辑:Eye On It (Deluxe Edition)Keaton Simons - UnstoppableI"ll be home again before you know itAll this careful thought has left you stoicI"ll be leavin", I believe it"s snowing on the east coastI"ll be goin", but I heard that it"s snowing out in MalibuMakin" you believe that it"s snowin" out in MalibuWhen I"m thinkin" of you my loveI feel like anything is possibleWhen you"re back in my arms againI know that we will be unstoppableMust be hard to be with me sometimesAlways tryin" to see behind my eyesI"ll be leavin", I believe the sun is on the rise againShould get rollin" if I"m going to catch my flight this afternoonShould be on that flight this afternoonWhen I"m thinkin" of you my loveI feel like anything is possibleWhen you"re back in my arms againI know that we will be unstoppableOne look, one night, one lonely touchThe dark, the light, I miss you too muchWhat"s wrong, what"s right, is never enoughNo, it"s never enoughWhen I"m thinkin" of you my loveI feel like anything is possibleWhen you"re back in my arms againI know that we will be unstoppableYou know that we will be unstoppablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17911269

Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:The Calling专辑:Camino PalmeroThe Calling - UnstoppableCome and lay right on my bedSit and drink some wineI"ll try not to make you cryIf you"d get inside my headThen you"d understandThen you"d understand meWhy I"ve felt so aloneWhy I kept myself from loveAnd you became my favorite drugSo let me take you right nowAnd swallow you downI need you insideIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableDo you think that this is rightOr is it really wrongI know that this is what we"ve been wantingAnd all this is burning in my soulIt fills up to my throatIt fills up till my heart is breakingNow, we can both learnSomehow, you"ll see it"s all we haveLove, it keeps us togetherAnd I need loveWhen I wake up without youKnowing you"re not thereI"m only feeling half as goodWell I"m gonna find a wayTo wrap you in my armsYou make me feel alivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/55289910

Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:Santogold专辑:santogoldSantogold - UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lie0-0-7 Mission and it"s just one dayI marked my position then I ran awayGot these boots made for walking and some pepper sprayMy two guns in my pocket cuz it"s brick todayI said hey Mrs. ParkerCan I get your spotThe block too hotNo parking spotsThe joker cops they ticket take my cashThe boys on the blockGot eyes for my assI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieLast stop Franklin smell it makes me sickGot my street vision on I don"t see shitAnd still I stay fresh I spend the top dollarCuz on my block the knockoffs are fiyahMeet me at the J where they got the Domino game lockedBoy cross the street with tight pants ..your hipster ass on down to the BeaconI fly right past him, don"t take my mask offI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got the talkThe beats and bassGive me one I"ll take itMake you lose your place,Tell me I-I-I can playSo I speed up the paceI break it break it you can"t stop meIn this ra-raceI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t liehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14579198


里约奥运会的奥运歌曲2016年里约奥运会即将于8月举办,澳洲人气实力歌手Sia联手美国说唱歌手Pusha T献唱本届奥运会宣传曲《Unstoppable》,歌曲MV由咱们的泳坛“小鲜肉”宁泽涛、巴西球星内马尔、美国十项全能世界纪录保持者阿什顿·伊顿(Ashton Eaton)、英国自行车团体追逐赛运动员安迪·坦纳特(Andy Tennant)共同主演。

Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:The Calling专辑:Camino PalmeroUnstoppableThe CallingCome and lay right on my bedSit and drink some wineI"ll try not to make you cryIf you"d get inside my headThen you"d understandThen you"d understand meWhy I"ve felt so aloneWhy I kept myself from loveAnd you became my favorite drugSo let me take you right nowAnd swallow you downI need you insideIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableDo you think that this is rightOr is it really wrongI know that this is what we"ve been wantingAnd all this is burning in my soulIt fills up to my throatIt fills up till my heart is breakingIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableNow, we can both learnSomehow, you"ll see it"s all we haveLove, it keeps us togetherAnd I need loveWhen I wake up without youKnowing you"re not thereI"m only feeling half as goodWell I"m gonna find a wayTo wrap you in my armsYou make me feel aliveIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7913298

Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:Daniela Katzenberger专辑:Nothing"S Gonna Stop Me NowThe Calling - UnstoppableCome and lay right on my bedSit and drink some wineI"ll try not to make you cryIf you"d get inside my headThen you"d understandThen you"d understand meWhy I"ve felt so aloneWhy I kept myself from loveAnd you became my favorite drugSo let me take you right nowAnd swallow you downI need you insideIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableDo you think that this is rightOr is it really wrongI know that this is what we"ve been wantingAnd all this is burning in my soulIt fills up to my throatIt fills up till my heart is breakingNow, we can both learnSomehow, you"ll see it"s all we haveLove, it keeps us togetherAnd I need loveWhen I wake up without youKnowing you"re not thereI"m only feeling half as goodWell I"m gonna find a wayTo wrap you in my armsYou make me feel alivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7373266


Unstoppable - Sia All smiles I know what it takes to fool this town 所有的欢声笑语 我知道愚弄众人要承受怎样的代价 I"ll do it "til the sun goes down 我会坚持自我直到黑夜降临 and all through the night time 哪怕历经无边的黑暗 Oh yeah oh yeah I"ll tell you what you wanna hear 是啊 我会对你说你想听到的蜜语甜言 Leave my sunglasses on while I shed a tear 取下墨镜我落下眼泪 It"s never the right time yeah yeah 这并不是合适的时机 I put my armor on show you how strong how I am 我会全副武装让你看看我有多坚强 I put my armor on I"ll show you that I am 我会严阵以待让你看看我 I"m unstoppable 我势不可挡 I"m a Porsche with no brakes 我如同没有刹车的保时捷 I"m invincible 我坚不可摧 Yeah I win every single game 没错 每场游戏我都大获全胜 I"m so powerful 我势无可挡 I don"t need batteries to play 我无需蓄积能量 I"m so confident yeah I"m unstoppable today 我自信满满 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today unstoppable today 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today I"m unstoppable today 势不可挡 如今我势不可挡 Break down only alone I will cry out now 一个人无助崩溃时我会嘶声痛哭 You"ll never see what"s hiding out 你永远不会知道隐藏我心底的秘密 Hiding out deep down yeah yeah 隐藏我心底的秘密 I know I"ve heard that to let your feelings show 我知道 我也曾听过只有让你的感情释放 Is the only way to make friendships grow 才能让友谊固若金汤 But I"m too afraid now yeah yeah 而我太过畏惧不愿相信 I put my armor on show you how strong how I am 我会全副武装让你看看我有多坚强 I put my armor on I"ll show you that I am 我会严阵以待让你看看我 I"m unstoppable 我势不可挡 I"m a Porsche with no brakes 我如同没有刹车的保时捷 I"m invincible 我坚不可摧 Yeah I win every single game 没错 每场游戏我都大获全胜 I"m so powerful 我势无可挡 I don"t need batteries to play 我无需蓄积能量 I"m so confident yeah I"m unstoppable today 我自信满满 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today unstoppable today 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today I"m unstoppable today 势不可挡 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today unstoppable today 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today I"m unstoppable today 势不可挡 如今我势不可挡 I put my armor on show you how strong how I am 我会全副武装让你看看我有多坚强 I put my armor on I"ll show you that I am 我会严阵以待让你看看我 I"m unstoppable 我势不可挡 I"m a Porsche with no brakes 我如同没有刹车的保时捷 I"m invincible 我坚不可摧 Yeah I win every single game 没错 每场游戏我都大获全胜 I"m so powerful 我势无可挡 I don"t need batteries to play 我无需蓄积能量 I"m so confident yeah I"m unstoppable today 我自信满满 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today unstoppable today 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today I"m unstoppable today 势不可挡 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today unstoppable today 如今我势不可挡 Unstoppable today I"m unstoppable today 势不可挡 如今我势不可挡

Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:Keaton Simons专辑:Can You Hear MeKeaton Simons - UnstoppableI"ll be home again before you know itAll this careful thought has left you stoicI"ll be leavin", I believe it"s snowing on the east coastI"ll be goin", but I heard that it"s snowing out in MalibuMakin" you believe that it"s snowin" out in MalibuWhen I"m thinkin" of you my loveI feel like anything is possibleWhen you"re back in my arms againI know that we will be unstoppableMust be hard to be with me sometimesAlways tryin" to see behind my eyesI"ll be leavin", I believe the sun is on the rise againShould get rollin" if I"m going to catch my flight this afternoonShould be on that flight this afternoonWhen I"m thinkin" of you my loveI feel like anything is possibleWhen you"re back in my arms againI know that we will be unstoppableOne look, one night, one lonely touchThe dark, the light, I miss you too muchWhat"s wrong, what"s right, is never enoughNo, it"s never enoughWhen I"m thinkin" of you my loveI feel like anything is possibleWhen you"re back in my arms againI know that we will be unstoppableYou know that we will be unstoppablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/55729644


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Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:The Calling专辑:The Best Of...UnstoppableThe CallingCome and lay right on my bedSit and drink some wineI"ll try not to make you cryIf you"d get inside my headThen you"d understandThen you"d understand meWhy I"ve felt so aloneWhy I kept myself from loveAnd you became my favorite drugSo let me take you right nowAnd swallow you downI need you insideIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableDo you think that this is rightOr is it really wrongI know that this is what we"ve been wantingAnd all this is burning in my soulIt fills up to my throatIt fills up till my heart is breakingIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableNow, we can both learnSomehow, you"ll see it"s all we haveLove, it keeps us togetherAnd I need loveWhen I wake up without youKnowing you"re not thereI"m only feeling half as goodWell I"m gonna find a wayTo wrap you in my armsYou make me feel aliveIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/11276758

Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:Luigi Masi专辑:On Your RadarSantogold - UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lie0-0-7 Mission and it"s just one dayI marked my position then I ran awayGot these boots made for walking and some pepper sprayMy two guns in my pocket cuz it"s brick todayI said hey Mrs. ParkerCan I get your spotThe block too hotNo parking spotsThe joker cops they ticket take my cashThe boys on the blockGot eyes for my assI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieLast stop Franklin smell it makes me sickGot my street vision on I don"t see shitAnd still I stay fresh I spend the top dollarCuz on my block the knockoffs are fiyahMeet me at the J where they got the Domino game lockedBoy cross the street with tight pants ..your hipster ass on down to the BeaconI fly right past him, don"t take my mask offI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got the talkThe beats and bassGive me one I"ll take itMake you lose your place,Tell me I-I-I can playSo I speed up the paceI break it break it you can"t stop meIn this ra-raceI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieI got to be UnstoppableI got to be UnstoppableEy ey ey eyYou don"t lieEy ey ey eyYou don"t liehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7579558


unstoppable意思是:无法停止的。表达了勇往直前的情感。重点词汇:unstoppable英[u028cn'stu0252pu0259bl]释义:adj.无法阻挡的,无法停止的。短语:Unstoppable Gorg势不可挡的格尔格;乔治入侵;异形侵袭。近义词:irresistible英[u026aru026a'zu026astu0259bl]释义:adj.无法抗拒的,富有诱惑力的;不可遏止的,无法抵制的。短语:Very Irresistible倾城之魅;融入了茴香的;世纪代表作;表之作。


unstoppable中文叫无法停止的、无法阻碍的。例句:This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.这就是当无法停止的力量碰到了不动的目标所发生的。近义词:irresistible无法抗拒的、overwhelming势不可挡的、overpowering压倒性的、persistent坚持的、unrelenting不屈不挠的、persevering坚忍不拔的。


unstoppable中文叫无法遏止的。unstoppable读音:英 [_n_st_p_bl],美 [_n_stɑ_p_bl]。双语例句:1、On form, the team was simply unstoppable. 若状态良好,这个队简直势不可当。2、The progress of science is unstoppable. 科学的前进步伐不可阻挡。3、The financial crisis wasn"t an unstoppable act of nature. 金融危机并不是一个不可阻挡的自然行为。


unstoppable怎么读如下:unstoppable意思是无法遏销闷郑止的,不能防止的,势不可挡。unstoppable读音:英 [u028cnu02c8stu0252pu0259bl],美 [u028cnu02c8stɑu02d0pu0259bl]。Unstoppable还是2016年歌手Sia演唱的歌曲,也是第七张专辑《This is acting》中的第五首歌曲。双语例句:1、The company"s unstoppable growth has attracted media attention.这家公司无法阻挡的发亏颂展势头引起了媒体的关注。2、This unstoppable evil custom is affecting people"s daily lives.这种无法遏止的恶习俗正在影响着人们的日常生活。3、The car is speeding on the highway at an unstoppable speed.这辆车正以不能阻止的速度在高速路上飞驰。4、The progress of science is unstoppable.科学的罩毕进步是无法阻挡的。




unstoppable英语怎么读如下:unstoppable意思是无法遏止的,不能防止的,势不可挡。unstoppable读音:英 [u028cnu02c8stu0252pu0259bl],美 [u028cnu02c8stɑu02d0pu0259bl]。Unstoppable还是2016年歌手Sia演唱的歌曲,也是第七张专辑《This is acting》中的第五首歌曲。双语例句:1、The company"s unstoppable growth has attracted media attention.这家公司无法阻挡的发展势头引起了媒体的关注。2、This unstoppable evil custom is affecting people"s daily lives.这种无法遏止的恶习俗正在影响着人们的日常生活。3、The car is speeding on the highway at an unstoppable speed.这辆车正以不能阻止的速度在高速路上飞驰。4、The progress of science is unstoppable.科学的进步是无法阻挡的。


创作背景的意思,就作者写这篇文章、这首歌曲时候,文章或者歌曲叙述的故事的社会背景与故事背景。 歌曲《为了谁》的创作背景一一1998年长江流域发生了,自1954年以来最大的洪水,在抗洪救灾的过程中,解放军用自己的身躯抵挡在洪水面前,让国民为之感动。歌曲《为了谁》的创作,就是为了纪念和歌颂在1998年特大洪水中奋不顾身的英雄们而写的。 祖海希望用这种独特的方式, 向救灾英雄表达自己发自内心的崇敬 。

末日拾荒者 unstoppable 怎么获得

那么要获得这两个技能,首先就要找人多的地方,最容易实现的就是zomzom的竞技场,去zomzom选择作为stock,然后面对机器人时使用melee或者mechanic干掉机器人,之后再重复一次,就能得到unstoppable(推荐有mechanic的尽量使用,melee会受伤),目前我看的效果是在战斗中概率出现的两个技能,其中一个是惊吓敌人使对方撤退,另一个是侦测弱点使对方护甲无效(新版mega wrath天生有极强的护甲,不用这技能基本不用想对其造成伤害)。至于elusive,就是对抗机器人时选择躲避攻击,目前我试出的hiding、traping、hacking都有效,也是需要重复两次,所以就是去zomzom当stock共4次就能获得这两个技能,elusive的效果我个人认为更加有用,目前也是看到两个战斗技能,其一是在战斗中能看到敌人的情况下直接消失,之后想偷袭想撤退就随意了,另一个更加夸张但出现概率也更低,离敌人4格之内概率出现,把对方引入死亡陷阱,直接秒杀,杀mega wrath的神技,保持距离2-4格遛一会,等技能出来就结束了。应该有其他方法,前提是“有足够多的人看到主角做出相应的行为”,我试过头一次到ATN的时候用hiding也得到过elusive,怀疑开头无伤打死狗人的录像带可能也会有效果,不过zomzom那里应该是开局最容易到达(近),一般也最容易得到技能(能用的技能多)的地方。


歌曲本来是写给阿黛尔他不要 后来又给水果姐姐 她也不要 只好自己唱了 然后就牛逼了


The Calling - UnstoppableCome and lay right on my bedSit and drink some wineI"ll try not to make you cryIf you"d get inside my headThen you"d understandThen you"d understand meWhy I"ve felt so aloneWhy I kept myself from loveAnd you became my favorite drugSo let me take you right nowAnd swallow you downI need you insideIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableDo you think that this is rightOr is it really wrongI know that this is what we"ve been wantingAnd all this is burning in my soulIt fills up to my throatIt fills up till my heart is breakingIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableNow, we can both learnSomehow, you"ll see it"s all we haveLove, it keeps us togetherAnd I need loveWhen I wake up without youKnowing you"re not thereI"m only feeling half as goodWell I"m gonna find a wayTo wrap you in my armsYou make me feel aliveIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppableIf we had this night togetherIf we had a moment to ourselvesIf we had this night togetherThen we"d be unstoppable好不容易才边看视频边敲字的弄出来,发上来大家共享。 来,坐到我的床边斟酒自敬,我不会再让你泪花晶莹。如果你看到我心,就将知我心情,你会知我心情。 为何我如此孤单,为何我拒绝爱情,只有你是我的精灵。让我感受到你,揽你入怀,我需要你占据我心。 如果我们今晚相拥,如果我们属于彼此哪怕一分钟。如果我们今晚相拥,爱情定会永不停息。 你觉得这是理智或是发疯,我感觉这是我们共同的终点。我内心的灼伤已经让我全身伤痛。 如果我们今晚相拥,如果我们属于彼此哪怕一分钟。如果我们今晚相拥,爱情定会永不停息。 现在我们都懂,我们拥有的全部都是爱情。爱情让我们相拥,我需要爱情。 当我醒来,你已逃离我的视线。我犹如半梦半醒,我要找寻那条路径,拥你入怀,让我重生。 如果我们今晚相拥,如果我们属于彼此哪怕一分钟。如果我们今晚相拥,爱情定会永不停息。 如果我们今晚相拥,如果我们属于彼此哪怕一分钟。如果我们今晚相拥,爱情定会永不停息。 我们是好友哈,请采纳哦!!!


「UNSTOPPABLE」作词∶こだまさおり作曲∶宫崎诚编曲∶宫崎诚歌∶青峰大辉 (诹访部顺一)「可能性」とか有り得ない 神頼みかってんだ根性论なんかは眠たくなるぜせいぜい张り切って楽しませてくれよ圧倒的な违いわからせてやるからUNSTOPPABLE フォームレスに谁が来ようとオレは止められない谁と来ようがオレには通用しないこれが现実じゃ そんな努力もムダだろムキになるほうが どうかしてるぜ It"s my game谛めの悪さは认めてもやるけど感情论なんかじゃどうしようもない胜负になるなんて思っちゃいないからあんまりショボくてがっかりさせんなよ?UNSTOPPABLE セオリーはない言いたいことはオレに胜ってから言え结果が全てオレを肯定してるこれがコタエだろ いい加减にうんざりだ食らいつくほうも 虚しくないか? In my game正直こっちが気ィ使うぜ そろそろ决まりだ少しは本気でやれるかって 全然か谁が来ようとオレは止められない谁と来ようがオレには通用しないこんな现実じゃ どんな努力もムダだろムキになるほうが どうかしてるぜ It"s my game罗马音"kanō sei" toka arie nai kamidanomi ka tte n da konjō ron nanka wa nemutaku naru ze seizei harikitte tanoshimase te kure yo attōteki na chigai wakarase te yaru kara UNSTOPPABLE fōmu resu ni dare ga koyo u to ore wa tomerare nai dare to ki yō ga ore ni wa tsūyō shi nai kore ga genjitsu ja sonna doryoku mo muda daro mukininaru hō ga dōka shiteru ze It " s my game akirame no waru sa wa mitome te mo yaru kedo kanjō ron nanka ja dō shiyō mo nai shōbu ni naru nante omoccha i nai kara anmari shobo ku te gakkari sase n na yo ? UNSTOPPABLE seorī wa nai ii tai koto wa ore ni katte kara ie kekka ga subete ore o kōtei shiteru kore ga kotae daro ii kagen ni unzari da kuraitsuku hō mo munashiku nai ka ? In my game shōjiki kocchi ga ki ? tsukau ze sorosoro kimari da sukoshi wa honki de yareru ka tte zenzen ka dare ga koyo u to ore wa tomerare nai dare to ki yō ga ore ni wa tsūyō shi nai konna genjitsu ja donna doryoku mo muda daro mukininaru hō ga dōka shiteru ze It " s my game 中文「可能性」什么的无法想象靠神明保佑赢得比赛毅力论什么的只会变得发困至少尽全力让我享受一番我会让你知道压倒性的不同UNSTOPPABLE 无定式投球谁都无法阻止我和谁一起也无法与我对抗这不就是现实吗就算怎么努力也没用不是吗认真的一方才奇怪吧It"s my game虽然我认可放弃的坏处 但是感情用事也没什么用因为我不觉得胜负有什么悬念别让我那么失望啊UNSTOPPABLE 没有理论有话要说的话先赢了我再说我肯定结果就是一切这就是回答吧我也差不多厌倦了接住了就不空虚了吗?In my game说实话我考虑了差不多该定胜负了我稍微有点认真才赢的 完全没有谁都无法阻止我和谁一起也无法与我对抗这不就是现实吗就算怎么努力也没用不是吗认真的一方才奇怪吧It"s my game

Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Unstoppable歌手:Rascal Flatts专辑:UnstoppableRascal Flatts - UnstoppableYeah yeah yeah..HeySo, so you made a lot of mistakesWalked down the road a little sidewaysCracked a rib when you hit the wallYeah, you"ve had a pocket full of regretsPull you down faster than a sunsetHey, it happens to us allWhen the cold hard rain just won"t quitAnd you can"t see your way out of itYou find your faith has been lost and shakenYou take back what"s been takenGet on your knees and dig down deepYou can do what you think is impossibleKeep on believing, don"t give inIt"ll come and make you whole againIt always will, it always doesLove is unstoppableLove, it wear the ring of stoneBring you back to being born againoh, it"s a helping hand when you need it mostA lighthouse shining on the coastThat never goes dimWhen your heart is full of doubtAnd you think that there"s no way outYou find your faith has been lost and shakenYou take back what"s been takenGet on your knees and dig down deepYou can do what you think is impossibleKeep on believing, don"t give inIt"ll come and make you whole againIt always will, it always doesLove is unstoppableLike a river keeps on rollingLike the north wind blowingDon"t it feel good knowingYeahYou find your faith has been lost and shakenYou take back what"s been takenGet on your knees and dig down deepYou can do what you think is impossibleKeep on believing, don"t give inIt"ll come and make you whole againIt always will, it always doesLove is unstoppableLove is unstobbaleSo you made a lot of mistakesWalked down the road a little sidewaysLove, love is unstoppablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1823101
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