barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-02 20:44:17

这两个词并非同义词。credible表示“可信的”(believable or trustworthy)意思,通常指人物、言语、历史、故事等的可信;creditable表示“可称誉的”、“可赞赏的”(honourable,respectable or praiseworthy)意思,通常指人的行为,表现或工作而言。例:

This is hardly credible.


His words are credible.


The performance of Broadway Show is highly creditable.



The report that Mr.Lin has done a creditable job is credible.


顺便在此指出,credulous一词与credible有关。后者是“可信的”,前者是“轻信的”(too willing to believe what you are told)。例:

You"re so credulous that you could be easily fooled.




2023-08-02 08:19:401

值得信赖的 英文怎么说

2023-08-02 08:19:497

英语we are trustworthy怎么翻译?

We are trustworthy我们是值得信赖的
2023-08-02 08:20:2113


2023-08-02 08:21:179


2023-08-02 08:21:378


professional makes reliable
2023-08-02 08:21:564


2023-08-02 08:22:1513

trustworthy 和 reliable的区别

trustworthy 和 reliable的区别trustworthy 词义是:adj. 值得信赖的,可靠的; 把稳; 妥靠; 信实;reliable 词义是:adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的; 真实可信的;n. 可靠的人;
2023-08-02 08:22:521


值得信任1.worthy of worthiness
2023-08-02 08:23:011


问题一:“没有诚信”用英语怎么说? without credit 问题二:不讲诚信用英语怎么说 dishonest 不讲诚信的 问题三:诚信用英语怎么说? 直接credit 问题四:不守诚信的英语怎么说 不守信用 1.break one"s word; 2.go back on one"s word; 3.not to keep one"s word 问题五:用英语怎么说没有信誉就没有生意。 No credit, no business! 问题六:诚信英文怎么说 诚=honest诚实; sincere; true. 信=trust信用;believe. 诚信= (a)(名词)INTEGRITY; TRUSTWORTHINESS; RIGHTEOUSNESS. (b)(形容词)TRUSTWORTHY;RIGHTEOUS; 句子:(1)He is a trustworthy busines *** an/lawyer.有诚信... (2)We must avoid people who have little or no .少/无诚信者... 问题七:诚信 用英语怎么说。谢谢。 相信我,绝对是honesty 问题八:"不诚信的" 英文怎么说? dishonest insincere
2023-08-02 08:23:241


reliable trustworthy dependable faithworthy
2023-08-02 08:23:345

trustworthy的反义词 RT

不可靠的 unreliable trustless untrustworthy
2023-08-02 08:23:501


可靠 [词典] reliable; dependable; credibility; trustworthy; trustiness; [例句] 保证非常可靠。His promise is as good as gold.
2023-08-02 08:23:592


trustworthy 值得信任的
2023-08-02 08:24:262


creditworthy adj. 有信誉的; noteworthy a. 值得注目的,显著的; praiseworthy a. 值得称赞的,令人钦佩的,可钦佩的; seaworthy a. 适于航海的,经得起航海的; trustworthy a. 可信赖的,等。 扩展资料   例句:   The Fed wants banks to continue to lend to creditworthy borrowers.   联邦储备银行想让各家银行继续贷款给信用良好的借款人。   Profession is creditworthy! Brand makes value!   专业值得信赖!品牌创造价值!   Most Americans who are creditworthy already have a selection of CARDS.   大部分信用良好的美国人已经有一大堆卡可供选择。   What"s noteworthy here?   这里有什么是值得注意的呢?   The Apache Derby session was also noteworthy.   ApacheDerby会议也值得注目。   Kirsten Dunst has a noteworthy round face.   克斯汀·邓斯特就有一张圆圆的脸。   Considering those two points, she is really praiseworthy.   从这两点来说她是值得称赞的。   His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy.   他为实现人生目标所下的.苦功是值得称赞的。   Finding Nemo is the most praiseworthy animation I"ve ever seen.   《海底总动员》是我看过的最棒的动画片。   Carto are quite seaworthy.   纸箱是很适合海运的。   You had better use seaworthy boxes.   你最好使用适合航海的箱子。   Is this ship seaworthy?   这船还是出海嘛?   Show her you"re trustworthy.   向她显示你是一个值得信赖的人。   Select a trustworthy manufacturer.   选择一个可靠的制造商。   Which currency is more trustworthy?   哪一种货币是更可靠的?
2023-08-02 08:24:331


来源可信度并联行业实践,学术研究往往对测量tofocus代言andtheir影响购买行为的有效利用。因为consumersoften对别人的意见,根据购买产品,营销努力使作为effectiveas代言的消息可能诱发态度的转变。角色ofwell个人在广告中已经从不同的研究角度审查,并已给出了几个标签,包括专家[荷马和卡勒1990年Maddux和罗杰斯1980],值得信赖的个人McGinnies和Ward 1980],可靠的消息来源[Sternthal菲利普斯和Dholakia 1978],[贝克和丘吉尔1977;卡瓦列罗的有吸引力的个性,Lumpkin,1989年和马登。虽然这些描述是不是同构的,它们都代表它试图确定类型的影响,一个众所周知的或喜欢的人将有邮件收件人在说服和态度的变化方面的研究。霍夫兰和他的同事[1953]推广“来源可信度”一词,并用它来形容的传播者的影响接收器的正面特征接受消息。他们分析了传播者的可信度的因素,并得出结论,认为专业知识和trustworthinessa reinherentin来源可信度的概念。认知心理学家定义专业知识,个人能力超群,以解决问题,在某一领域[Chase和Simon 1973]。诚信是信任程度的受访者,传播者的意图和能力,使有效的断言[霍夫兰等。 1953年]。因此,知觉的专业知识和背书的可信度是消费者所接受的消息的重要因素。例如,McGinnies和Ward [1980]操纵的专业知识和守信,发现个别谁被认为是产生的民意变化最专家和值得信赖的。在事实上,trustworthyi ndividual是有说服力的,他或她是否是一个专家或not.With的专业知识方面,专家的营业员诱导显着较高的客户数量比1非专业的营业员[伍德赛德和Davenport1974购买产品。最后,Ohanian表现在最近的[1991]研究来源可信度知觉的专长组件答辩报告购买行为的影响。这大概是讲的在商业促销方面,某公司是如何做到的。虽然有些不通,但内容是这样。
2023-08-02 08:24:433


As far as I know, he is a person you can trust, a person you can ask for help in the rough period.
2023-08-02 08:24:544

如果没事的话,我就先走了 翻译

1.if you have nothing to do,then I will go first.2.if you need any help.please call me any time.3.if you have any difficulty and need some help,you may call him.He is a friend that can be trusted.4.The goods in this mall is cheaper than that one.So shop here in the future.
2023-08-02 08:25:045


Students are flowers of the motherland, if can"t be honest and trustworthy student imagine what will become of this country
2023-08-02 08:25:305


2023-08-02 08:26:013


2023-08-02 08:26:092

请以“what makes me a good friend?”写一篇英语作文

What makes me a good friend?Being a good friend is essential for maintaining healthy relationships with those around us. To be considered a good friend, one must display certain qualities that make them trustworthy, loyal, and supportive.Firstly, being a good listener is key. A good friend is someone who actively listens to their friends" problems without judgement. Showing empathy and offering support is necessary, and sometimes it"s all a friend needs to know that you are there for them.Secondly, honesty and trustworthiness are important traits in a good friend. Friends should be open and truthful with each other, even if the truth is difficult to hear. Trust is the foundation of any good friendship, and without it, the relationship will struggle.Lastly, encouraging and motivating your friends to pursue their dreams is vital to being a good friend. Being a source of inspiration and support can help your friend achieve their goals and reach their full potential.In conclusion, being a good friend takes effort and commitment. But by actively listening, being honest and trustworthy, and encouraging and motivating your friends, you can cultivate meaningful and long-lasting friendships.重点词汇:- essential:必要的- maintain:维持- qualities:品质- trustworthy:值得信赖的- loyal:忠诚的- supportive:支持性的- active listening:积极倾听- empathy:同感- honesty:诚实- open:坦率的- truthful:真实的- difficult to hear:难听的- foundation:基础- struggle:挣扎- encouraging:鼓励- motivating:激励- inspiration:灵感- potential:潜力
2023-08-02 08:26:172


worth being trusted
2023-08-02 08:26:446


worthy可用作形容词,有值得尊敬的,值得敬仰的等含义;用作名词时,有大人物,知名人士等含义。后面不可直接加名词和动名词。1、worthy后不能直接跟名词,要先接介词of。例句:The place is quite worthy of a visit。这个地方很值得参观。例句:It"s nothing worthy of mention。那是件不值得一提的事。2、worthy后接动词时,不能直接跟动名词,后应跟不定式或“of+动名词”。She said she was not worthy to accept the honour they had offered her。她说她不值得接受他们给予她的荣誉。3、worthy后接不定式或“of+动名词”时,需根据意义的主动与被动选择相应的语态。This suggestion is worthy of being considered。这个建议值得考虑。
2023-08-02 08:27:001


  信任是信赖、相信的意思,可以表示为对别人相信并加以任用。也可以说是彼此之间。那么你知道信任用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    信任英语说法1:   trust    信任英语说法2:   reliance    信任英语说法3:   have confidence in    信任英语例句:   你不应相信任何陌生人。   You shouldn"t trust anyone strange.   我们开始时并不信任他,但他令人愉快的举止完全消除了我们的疑虑。   We didn"t trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us.   不知什么缘故,我觉得不能信任他。   Somehow, I don"t feel I can trust him.   我们认为他值得信任。   We esteem him to be worthy of trust.   我的丈夫信任我,所以我不想失去这种信任。   My husband trusts me and I don"t intend to break that trust.   对我们的善意和信任,他们以欺诈来回报。   Our kindness and trust was requited only with dishonesty on their part.   安定中长大的孩子,将来必能信任自己、信任他人。   The kids growing up in steadiness will trust others and themselves.   确认某些人是否可以信任的最好的办法,就是信任他们。   The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.   我请求你们像过去信任我的兄长一样信任我。   I ask for your trust as you used to trust my brother.   “我完全信任你,”他说。   "I trust you completely," he said.   如果人们对于你的意愿、价值与标准,你的关注重心,以及你的情感成熟度有足够的理解和信心,他们就会信任你的个性。   People believe in your character when they understand and have confidence in your intentions, your values and standards, what you truly care about, and your emotional maturity.   我信任我的好朋友汤姆。   I believe in my good friend, tom.   他不信任我是有充分理由的。   He doesn"t trust me. With good reason.   对上帝的谦卑信仰和对教会的信任   Humble faith in God, and trust in His Church   这里有一种温暖和信任的感觉。   There"s a feeling of warmth and trust here.   我认为他浅薄虚荣,不可信任。   I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy.   他毁了我,也摧毁了我对男人的信任。   He destroyed me and my trust in men.   她信任别人,这是她的天性。   She trusted people. That was her nature.   他们对书面承诺表现出极度的不信任。   They expressed deep mistrust of the paper promises.
2023-08-02 08:27:241


你好,为你解答,正确答案为:trustworthy值得信任的;可信赖的;可信;值得信赖的1. Can you engage that all his statements are trustworthy? 你能担保他的话都可靠 吗 ?来自《简明英汉词典》2. It is generally admitted that he is a trustworthy person. 大家一致公认他是个可信赖的人.来自《简明英汉词典》3. Brooks may be considered as a trustworthy man. 布鲁克斯可以被认为是一个可靠的人.来自《简明英汉词典》4. I saw him as trustworthy. 我看他是值得信任的.来自《简明英汉词典》5. China is most trustworthy. 中国是守信用的.很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-08-02 08:28:391


2023-08-02 08:28:574


守信用英语怎么说: 严格来说,trustworthy 只是值得信任的意思. 守信用应该是:keeping one"s promise keeping one"s words sticking to one"s words.才对.
2023-08-02 08:29:291


问题一:"信任"用英语怎么说 信任-trust 问题二:信任用英语怎么写 信任[xìn rèn] [释义] trust; have confidence in; believe in; take [put] stock in; accredit [例句] There is a credibility gap developing b贰tween employers and employees.雇主和雇员之间出现了信任危机。 It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust. 向自己信任的人倾诉感情是很有益处的。 He susses his colleagues out and he knows who he can trust. 他摸清了自己同事的底细,知道了谁可以信任。 问题三:谢谢长官的信任英文怎么写 Thank you for your trust,sir! 望采纳,谢谢~ 问题四:得到 信任英文怎么写 get trust gain the trust of +某人某物 译为:获得某人某物的信任 问题五:获得信任用英语怎么说 get trust gain the trust of +某人某物 译为:获得某人某物的信任 问题六:信任用英语怎么说 单词:trust:信任。 例句: I trust him pletely. 词组有: (1)have confidence in 例句:Lao Zhang is very conscientious in doing his work, so his rades all have confidence in him.老张对工作一丝不苟, 同志们都很信任他。 (2)believe in 例句:They believe in Christianity.他们信仰基督教。 就看楼主想用那种表达方式了,希望能帮到你哦 问题七:人与人之间的信任呢英语怎么说中文标示 人与人之间的信任呢 The trust between man and man 人与人之间的信任呢 The trust between man and man 问题八:值得信赖的英文怎么写 值得信赖 trustworthy 英 [?tr?stw?:ei] 美 [?tr?stw?:rei I believe that you are a trust worthy and caring person. 我认为你是一个值得信赖和关心人。
2023-08-02 08:29:361


没有明显区别吧,在英文词典上,believable的意思是:worthy of being believed;而trustworthy的意思是worthy of being trusted。
2023-08-02 08:29:501


-- airworthy 耐飞的,适宜航空的-- blameworthy 该受责备的,应受谴责的-- creditworthy 有信誉的 -- cringeworthy 值得卑躬的, 值得畏缩的-- newsworthy 有新闻价值的-- noteworthy 值得注意的-- praiseworthy 值得赞许的-- roadworthy 适合道路上使用的,适于行路的-- seaworthy 适于航海的,经得起航海的-- trustworthy 可信赖的-- unairworthy 不适合航空的- unseaworthy 不适合航海的-- untrustworthy 不值得信赖的-- unworthy 无价值的,没有优点的
2023-08-02 08:29:581


-- airworthy 耐飞的,适宜航空的-- blameworthy 该受责备的,应受谴责的-- creditworthy 有信誉的 -- cringeworthy 值得卑躬的, 值得畏缩的-- newsworthy 有新闻价值的-- noteworthy 值得注意的-- praiseworthy 值得赞许的-- roadworthy 适合道路上使用的,适于行路的-- seaworthy 适于航海的,经得起航海的-- trustworthy 可信赖的-- unairworthy 不适合航空的- unseaworthy 不适合航海的-- untrustworthy 不值得信赖的-- unworthy 无价值的,没有优点的
2023-08-02 08:30:071


He is accountable.He could be counted on.
2023-08-02 08:30:293


worthy为后缀的单词: airworthy 耐飞的,适宜航空的; blameworthy 该受责备的,应受谴责的; creditworthy 有信誉的; cringeworthy 值得卑躬的, 值得畏缩的; newsworthy 有新闻价值的; noteworthy 值得注意的; praiseworthy 值得赞许的 扩展资料   unseaworthy 不适合航海的   untrustworthy 不值得信赖的   unworthy 无价值的   worthy 有价值的;相称的   creditworthy adj. 有信誉的   noteworthy a. 值得注目的,显著的   praiseworthy a. 值得称赞的,令人钦佩的,可钦佩的"   seaworthy a. 适于航海的,经得起航海的   trustworthy a. 可信赖的   airworthy适航性的   roadworthy 适路性的
2023-08-02 08:30:491


形容词四个: 1. trustful (=trusting) 2. trusting 3. trustworthy (= trusty) 4. trusty (informal or humorous in style)
2023-08-02 08:30:571


2023-08-02 08:31:092


Eight honors and Disgraces
2023-08-02 08:31:549


will be availablewill be trustworthy 显然
2023-08-02 08:32:193

英语作文What makes me a good friend?

Being a good friend requires certain qualities that one should possess to build a strong and lasting friendship. In my opinion, there are three main qualities that make me a good friend.Firstly, I am a good listener. Whenever my friends need a listening ear, I am always there to lend one. I listen attentively to their problems, concerns, and challenges without interrupting or judging them. I let them vent their frustrations or share their happy moments. This makes them feel heard, understood, and valued. I believe that good communication is the key to a strong friendship.Secondly, I am loyal and trustworthy. I keep my friends" secrets and never gossip or talk behind their backs. I am there for them in their times of need, and I am always ready to support them. I never betray their trust, and I remain honest and authentic in our friendship. This builds a sense of trust and security that is vital for a good friendship.Lastly, I am empathic and compassionate. I try to put myself in my friends" shoes to understand their situation and feelings. I show them empathy and offer them my emotional support when they are going through tough times. I celebrate their successes and cheer them on in their achievements. I believe that showing kindness and compassion is the essence of a good friendship.In conclusion, being a good friend is not an easy task, but it is worth the effort. By being a good listener, loyal, trustworthy, empathic, and compassionate, I believe that I possess the qualities that make me a good friend. I always strive to be a better friend and build stronger and more meaningful friendships.
2023-08-02 08:32:334

我心目中的英雄 成吉思汗英文作文

My HeroEveryone has a hero that they look up to in there life.Any hero can be described as a loyal,trustworthy,and dependable person.This to me describes my Mom,who is one of my many heroes and people I look up too.One of the many reasons that my Mom is my hero is because she is one of the most loyal people I know.Whenever I need her she is there with advice,love,and support.One of the examples of her loyalty is how she supports me no matter what.When I was having a tough time with school in elementary school,she was not mad at me for my falling grades.Instead,she helped me talk with my teachers to figure out how I could raise my grades.Another example of her loyalty is how whenever I need something at school,she comes as soon as she can after I call her.When I forgot to print out my homework,she figured out how to get it to me before the hour was over so I still got credit.Finally,she helps me with my homework if i get caught up with a question I cannot figure out.That is why my Mom is one of the most loyal people I know.Another reason my Mom is my hero is because she is a very trustworthy person.She is trustworthy because I can tell her almost everything and she will accept my opinions and views without judgment.I talk to her all the time about my everyday problems.She is also trustworthy because she is truthful.She tells me what she would do,or say and gives me something to reflect on.If she thinks that I might be putting myself into a bad situation,she refuses to let me go,no matter how mad I get at her.I trust her because she has experienced a lot more in her lifetime than I have.Even though I do not always want to admit that I am wrong.My Mom is trustworthy because she is very straightforward and honest as well.When she thinks I could change something to make a situation better,she tells me.She is not afraid to show her personality and emotion.She doesnu2019t care about what other people are doing,my Mom is always concerned with what is right for me.This is why my Mom is a very trustworthy person who helps me with anything.Finally,my Mom is my hero because she is a very dependable person.Even the little things she almost never forgets,like laundry and lunches.My Mom is always there for me when I need anything at all.For example,when I miss the bus,which I have been doing a lot lately,she is always there to take time out of her busy schedule and pick me up from school.She is always willing to do whatever she can to help me.She is also dependable because helps me get to and from practices after and before school.Another reason my Mom is dependable is because she is really helpful with my homework and projects for school.No matter how early in the morning,or how late at night,she is always there.
2023-08-02 08:32:422


【 #英语资源# 导语】公众的信任不能随便托付给人,除非这个人首先证实自己能胜任而且适合从事这项工作。欢迎阅读 无 !1、真诚是一种心灵的开放。Sincerity is a kind of open mind。 2、意志薄弱的人,一定不会诚实。 Man of weak character, will not be honest。 3、人无忠信,不可立于世。 A man without the faithful, and not in the world。 4、真话说一半常是弥天大谎。 Half the truth that often is a big lie。 5、遵守诺言就象保卫你的荣誉一样。 Like to keep our promise to defend your honor。 6、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。 As if moving, sincere and should be。 7、不相信任何人人的人知道自己无信用。 Don"t believe anyone everyone knows no credit。 8、对自己不信任,还会信任什么真理。 Don"t trust to oneself, also will trust what is truth。 9、你身上最可贵的宝石,是群众对你的信任。 You most precious stones, is the trust in you。 10、诚实是一个人得以保持的贵的东西。 Honesty is a person to keep the most noble thing。 11、诚实和勤恳,应该成为你永远的伴侣。 Honest and diligent, should be your eternal mates。 12、诚实人说的话,像他的抵押品那样可靠。 An honest man"s word, as reliable as his collateral。 13、信任别人的善良是自己善良的明证。 Trust other people"s kindness is the proof of their kind。 14、使一个人值得信任的方法就是信任他。 Make a man trustworthy is to trust him。 The only way 15、当信用消失的时候,*就没有生命。 When credit disappeared, the body, there is no life。 16、如果要别人诚信,首先要自身要诚信。 If want others to honesty, the first thing to their own integrity。 17、信用既是无形的力量,也是无形的财富。 Credit is invisible power and intangible wealth。 18、要做真正的知己,就必须互相信任。 To do the real bosom friend, you have to trust each other。 19、诚实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基。 Honesty is the lifeblood of life, is the foundation of all values。 20、失去了诚信,就等同于敌人毁灭了自身。 Lost integrity, is equivalent to the enemy destroys itself。 21、诚实的人必须对自身守信,他的最后靠山就是真诚。 Honest people have to own and trustworthy, he finally backer is sincere。 22、说谎话的人所得到的,就只假使觉说直话也没有人相信。 Get a liar, only if said straight talk and no one believes。 23、做老实人,说老实话,干老实事,就是实事求是。 Do an honest man, to be honest, dry LaoShiShi, is seeking truth from facts。 24、走正直诚实的生活途径,定会有一个问心无愧的归宿。 Go honest way of life, will have a home to return to have a clear conscience。 25、要我们买他的诚实,这种人出售的是他的名誉。 Want us to buy his honesty, this kind of person is selling his reputation。 26、信任是开启心扉的钥匙,诚挚是架通心灵的桥梁。 Trust is the key to open your heart and sincere is the gap between the bridge of the mind。 27、人与人之间的信任,无过于言听计从的信任。 Between the person and the person of the highest trust, is the trust of the bidding。 28、一个人接受了公众的信任之后,就应该把自己看作是公共财产。 After a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property。 29、怀疑一切与信任一切是同样的错误,能得乎其中方为正道。 Doubt everything and trust everything is the same error, can have to deny its China is right。 30、如果你根本看不起一个人,就没有对他说谎的理由,又何必再说谎? If you never look down upon a person, there is no reason for lying to him, why should lie again? 31、对人的热情,对人的信任,形像点说,是爱抚、温存的翅膀赖以飞翔的空气。 Passion for the people, the people"s trust, image, flying wings caress, tenderness is in the air。 32、如果把礼仪看得比月亮还高,结果就会失去人与人真诚的信任。 If read the etiquette is higher than the moon, the result is losing the trust of the people sincerely。 33、信任是友谊的重要空气,这种空气减少多少,友谊也会相应消失多少。 Trust is the important of friendship air, this air reduce how much, how much friendship will disappear。 34、诚实是力量的一种象征,它显示着一个人的高度自重和内心的安全感与尊严感。 Honesty is a symbol of power, it shows the height of a person of self-respect and inner sense of security and dignity。 35、我宁愿以诚挚获得一百名敌人的攻击,也不原以伪善获得十个朋友的赞扬。 I would rather with sincere get one hundred the enemy"s attack, nor the original ten friends of praise for their hypocrisy。
2023-08-02 08:32:501


2023-08-02 08:32:593

the informal flow of information is cut off, and

2023-08-02 08:33:193


忠诚zhōng chéngloyal; faithful; staunch; fidelity; loyalty; truthful:忠诚可靠 both loyal and trustworthy以忠诚著称 have a name (be famed) for honesty一旦他发了誓,他的忠诚从不动摇。 Once he took the vow his loyalty never wavered.
2023-08-02 08:33:301


为您解答someone reliablea reliable persona dependable person
2023-08-02 08:33:403


2023-08-02 08:34:051


2023-08-02 08:34:131


My Hero Everyone has a hero that they look up to in there life. Any hero can be described as a loyal, trustworthy, and dependable person. This to me describes my Mom, who is one of my many heroes and people I look up too. One of the many reasons that my Mom is my hero is because she is one of the most loyal people I know. Whenever I need her she is there with advice, love, and support. One of the examples of her loyalty is how she supports me no matter what. When I was having a tough time with school in elementary school, she was not mad at me for my falling grades. Instead, she helped me talk with my teachers to figure out how I could raise my grades. Another example of her loyalty is how whenever I need something at school, she comes as soon as she can after I call her. When I forgot to print out my homework, she figured out how to get it to me before the hour was over so I still got credit. Finally, she helps me with my homework if i get caught up with a question I cannot figure out. That is why my Mom is one of the most loyal people I know.Another reason my Mom is my hero is because she is a very trustworthy person. She is trustworthy because I can tell her almost everything and she will accept my opinions and views without judgment. I talk to her all the time about my everyday problems. She is also trustworthy because she is truthful. She tells me what she would do, or say and gives me something to reflect on. If she thinks that I might be putting myself into a bad situation, she refuses to let me go, no matter how mad I get at her. I trust her because she has experienced a lot more in her lifetime than I have. Even though I do not always want to admit that I am wrong. My Mom is trustworthy because she is very straightforward and honest as well. When she thinks I could change something to make a situation better, she tells me. She is not afraid to show her personality and emotion. She doesn"t care about what other people are doing, my Mom is always concerned with what is right for me. This is why my Mom is a very trustworthy person who helps me with anything. Finally, my Mom is my hero because she is a very dependable person. Even the little things she almost never forgets, like laundry and lunches. My Mom is always there for me when I need anything at all. For example, when I miss the bus, which I have been doing a lot lately, she is always there to take time out of her busy schedule and pick me up from school. She is always willing to do whatever she can to help me. She is also dependable because helps me get to and from practices after and before school. Another reason my Mom is dependable is because she is really helpful with my homework and projects for school. No matter how early in the morning, or how late at night, she is always there. In conclusion, my Mom is my hero because she is a very dependable, loyal and trustworthy. She helps me out alot at home does stuff I will never do. I She is a very wonderful person and is willing to help me out even when it is not convenient for her.
2023-08-02 08:34:211

Day After Day ( Kristian Stanfill)歌词

Kristian Stanfill - Day After Day Men will try to rule the world You madeBut we know power is Yours alone to give and takeA day will come when every knee will bowAnd every tongue confess that You are Lord both now and foreverDay after day our God is reigningHe"s never shaken, my hope is in the LordTime after time our God is faithfulTrustworthy Savior, my hope is in the LordThe fear of man and what they plan will fadeBut we know You alone are God of every dayLike the flowers, man will rise and fallBut You are everlasting, never ending God eternalDay after day our God is reigningHe"s never shaken, my hope is in the LordTime after time our God is faithfulTrustworthy Savior, my hope is in the LordLet the songs of adoration rise, our God is reigning up on highHe"s worthy to receive The praise and the glory Let the songs of adoration rise, our God is reigning up on highHe"s worthy to receive The praise and the gloryOh, the gloryDay after day our God is reigningHe"s never shaken, my hope is in the LordTime after time our God is faithfulTrustworthy Savior, my hope is in the LordDay after day our God is reigningHe"s never shaken, my hope is in the LordTime after time our God is faithfulTrustworthy Savior, my hope is in the Lord
2023-08-02 08:34:471

As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years 翻译

随着家庭离开他们原来稳定的社区,他们多年的朋友,他们扩展的家庭关系——从句非正式的信息流通,就被切断了——主句and with it ——而有它(it 指上面的主语the informal flow of information )就有这种信心——即可靠可信的信息在需要时就能得到。
2023-08-02 08:34:552