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c开头的英文形容词。形容人的感觉的。例如:comfotable.!谢谢了 。

2023-08-01 20:38:34

content满意的 confident自信的 curious好奇的 cosy舒适的 cheerful高兴的


confident 自信


come on!





Cold warm worried
2023-08-01 18:59:293


感觉的英文是feel.其英式读法是[fiu02d0l];美式读法是[fiu02d0l]。作动词意思有感觉;觉得;触摸;摸起来;认为;摸索。作名词意思是感觉;触觉。相关例句:Can you feel the tension in this room?你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗?扩展资料:单词用法:v. (动词)1、feel的基本意思是“摸”或由“摸”引起的感觉。可指触摸者对触摸部位的感觉,也可指被触摸者对被触摸部位的感觉。可表示肉体的感觉,也可表示内心的感觉。侧重于肉体感觉时,一般可译为“摸”“摸着像是〔大概是〕”“摸起来有…的感觉”“摸索着进行试探”“摸索到某物”等。侧重于内心的感觉〔受〕时,一般可译为“感到”“认为,觉得,相信”等。2、feel用作及物动词的基本意思是“触摸,感觉到”,引申可作“蒙受,遭受”“相信,认为”“直接感觉到”解。可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接由that、疑问词或as if引导的从句作宾语。feel还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“(to be+) n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当,也可由动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当。3、feel用作不及物动词时作“感觉,似乎”解,引申可作“摸索”解,其后有时可接副词。
2023-08-01 18:59:521


gan jue
2023-08-01 19:00:116


2023-08-01 19:00:423


Feel, Feeling
2023-08-01 19:01:044

感觉英语怎么说 感觉的英文如何写

1、写法:feel。 2、读法:英 [fi:l] 美 [fil]。 3、释义:vt.感觉;认为;触摸;试探、感觉,觉得;认为,以为;触摸、n.感觉;感受;触摸;触觉。 4、例句:It may be that you will feel the exact opposite of what you expected. 可能你的感觉将和你的期盼刚好相反。
2023-08-01 19:01:161


感觉的英文是feel.其英式读法是[fiu02d0l];美式读法是[fiu02d0l]。作动词意思有感觉;觉得;触摸;摸起来;认为;摸索。作名词意思是感觉;触觉。相关例句:Can you feel the tension in this room?你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗?扩展资料:单词用法:v. (动词)1、feel的基本意思是“摸”或由“摸”引起的感觉。可指触摸者对触摸部位的感觉,也可指被触摸者对被触摸部位的感觉。可表示肉体的感觉,也可表示内心的感觉。侧重于肉体感觉时,一般可译为“摸”“摸着像是〔大概是〕”“摸起来有…的感觉”“摸索着进行试探”“摸索到某物”等。侧重于内心的感觉〔受〕时,一般可译为“感到”“认为,觉得,相信”等。2、feel用作及物动词的基本意思是“触摸,感觉到”,引申可作“蒙受,遭受”“相信,认为”“直接感觉到”解。可接名词、代词作宾语,也可接由that、疑问词或as if引导的从句作宾语。feel还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由“(to be+) n./adj./prep. -phrase”充当,也可由动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当。3、feel用作不及物动词时作“感觉,似乎”解,引申可作“摸索”解,其后有时可接副词。
2023-08-01 19:01:231


感觉的英文是feel。词汇分析音标:英 [fiu02d0l] 美 [fil]释义:vt. 感觉;认为;触摸;试探vi. 觉得;摸索n. 感觉;触摸短语feel oneself 镇定;感觉很好;觉得身体正常feel like 想要;感到好似feel free 随便,轻松feel better 感觉好点了feel about 摸索how do you feel 你感觉如何feel at 用手摸摸看feel lonely 感到孤独,感到寂寞例句1、How do you feel now? 你感觉怎么样?2、However you praise the film, I just feel it so-so. 不管你怎么夸耀那部影片,可我觉得它不过尔尔。3、One may feel the social, economic, and political pulse of the state. 任何人都可以感觉到这个国家的社会、经济和政治的脉搏。4、I feel drained of emotion. 我觉得自己的感情都枯竭了。5、If you people feel this is the right thing to do, then do it. 如果你们觉得可以这样办,就这样办。
2023-08-01 19:01:371


feel 英[fi:l] 美[fil] 过去式:felt 过去分词:felt 现在分词:feelingvt. 1.触, 摸 2.摸索;探索;探寻 3.体会,体验,感受(一种感情或情况) 4.深感;对…非常敏感 5.意识到,感觉到,自觉,认清 6.以为,认为,想,相...
2023-08-01 19:01:451


feel 动词;feeling 名词
2023-08-01 19:01:522


  感觉,心理学名词。是其他一切心理现象的基础,没有感觉就没有其他一切心理现象。那么,你知道感觉的英语怎么说吗?   感觉的英文释义:   perception   sense   feeling   to feel   to become aware of   impressure   感觉的英文例句:   马感觉到了危险,于是停了下来。   The horse sensed danger and stopped.   我喜欢这块布给我的感觉,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。   I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel.   我感觉不舒服。   I"m not feeling well. 感觉的英文单词   感觉好象以前来过这里。   It feels like I"ve been here before.   我知道那种感觉。   I know the feeling.   我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。   I have a feeling that we are being followed.   因为感觉蕴含者可被感觉的物体和感觉于其中发生的物体。   For perception implies a body perceived and a body in which perception takes place.   当你感觉有被困在家里的感觉,想出去走走却不方便。   You may find that you are homebound without a way to get around.   现在,我要你感觉到肩带勒住肩膀的感觉。   I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders.   她突然产生一种害羞的感觉。   A feeling of shame came over her.   我突然有种奇异的感觉。   Strange feelings suddenly came over me.   天花板高给人一种通风和宽敞的感觉。   A high ceiling gives a feeling of airness and spaciousness.   这很像把手浸入挥发性液体后的那种凉飕飕的感觉。   It is like the sense of chill that follows immersion of the hand in a volatile liquid.   我们都感觉到了地震时的颤动。   We all felt the earthquake tremors.   你今天感觉怎样? --还好。   How are you feeling today? -- Not so bad.   他那饱经风霜的多皱的脸上发着光彩,使人产生一种乐观的感觉。   There was a glow on his face, wrinkled by a life time of suffering, that inspired one with a feeling of unshakable optimism.   你在他们周围的感觉如何?   How do you feel around them?   我只能跟着我的感觉走。   I have to go with my feelings.   不,但我有这种奇怪的感觉。   No, but I have this strange feeling.   你有什么感觉?   What do you feel?   如果我感觉患病,应该怎么做?   What should I do if I feel sick?   你感觉怎么样?   How do you feel?   你感觉如何呢?   How do you feel?   这个你感觉怎么样?   How do you feel about it?   是的,我知道这个感觉。   Yes, I know the feeling.   告诉我你有没有什么感觉。   Tell me if you feel anything.   其他人们看到他们时可能跟你的感觉完全不一样。   Others may see them and not feel anything like what you do.   似乎我和周围的能量就是合在一起的个体,那种感觉真的很美。   I felt at one with all the energy that was, and it was beautiful there.   那么像那样完成了一项成就后感觉会是如何呢?   So what does it feel like after an accomplishment like that?
2023-08-01 19:02:301


sad happy shame sorrow
2023-08-01 19:02:472


2023-08-01 19:03:122


sensation n. 感觉;知觉;感觉能力;知觉能力;直觉;莫名其妙的感觉;经历;回忆 例句: Floating can be a very pleasant sensation 漂浮会是一种非常惬意的感觉。 扩展资料   His new theory has caused a sensation throughout the civilized world.   他的.新理论轰动了整个文明世界。   The new book has created a great sensation.   这本新书引起了巨大轰动。   The Chinese fashion show caused a sensation in Moscow.   中国时装表演在莫斯科引起轰动。   Working with one"s head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work.   脑力劳动与体力劳动引起的饥饿感觉是完全一样的。   Blindness is the loss of the sensation of sight.   失明就是丧失视觉。
2023-08-01 19:03:191


感觉 feel
2023-08-01 19:03:282


2023-08-01 19:03:352


感觉gǎn jué
2023-08-01 19:03:542


2023-08-01 19:04:058


“我深深感受到”用英语怎么说? I was impressed that.... 感觉英语怎么说? feeling a.感觉 词形变化:副词:feelingly 例句与用法: His rapid promotion caused much bad feeling among his colleagues. 他获迅速提升在同事中引起很大的不满。 He spoke feelingly about his di *** issal. 他激动地谈到自己被解雇一事。 He lost all feeling in his toes. 他的脚趾完全失去了知觉。 You have no feeling for the beauty of nature. 你对大自然的美缺乏欣赏力。 I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。 feel v. 感觉 词形变化: 动词过去式:felt 过去分词:felt 现在分词:feeling 第三人称单数:feels 例句与用法: Can you feel the tension in this r础om? 你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗? I felt it advisable to do nothing. 我认为最好什么也别做。 I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel. 我喜欢这块布给我的感觉,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。 Nothing feels right in our new house. 我们新房子里,样样都觉得不对劲。 My children"s skill with puters really makes me feel my age! 我的孩子使用电脑得心应手确使我觉得自己老了。 The dead cannot feel. 死人没有知觉。 Are you feeling better? 你感觉好些吗? 感觉的英文怎么写? feel 动词 feeling 名词 我感到很荣幸。用英语怎么说 It"s my honor. 这是我的荣幸。不过语气很重,对大人物才这么说,有些感恩戴德的意思。 It"s my pleasure. 很高兴能为您服务(能帮上忙……)。比较平等。如果对方不是高高在上的,那么也可以翻译成这是我的荣幸。 我感到非常难过。用英语怎么说 I feel very sad. 我能感受到良好氛围用英语怎么说? The good atmosphere really impressed me. 感受的气氛这一搭配一般不用feel,有点中国式的感觉,表达成这里的浮气氛让我印象深刻更为地道,望采纳~
2023-08-01 19:04:341


1、woeful、heartbroken 、 mirthless、sorrowful 2、chirrupy、delectable、gladsome、good-humored、joyous、merry
2023-08-01 19:04:411


感觉的英文是feel。词汇分析音标:英 [fi?l] 美 [fil] 释义: vt. 感觉;认为;触摸;试探 vi. 觉得;摸索 n. 感觉;触摸短语 feel oneself 镇定;感觉很好;觉得身体正常 feel like 想要;感到好似 feel free 随便,轻松 feel better 感觉好点了 feel about 摸索 how do you feel 你感觉如何 feel at 用手摸摸看 feel lonely 感到孤独,感到寂寞例句 1、How do you feel now? 你感觉怎么样? 2、However you praise the film, I just feel it so-so. 不管你怎么夸耀那部影片,可我觉得它不过尔尔。 3、One may feel the social, economic, and political pulse of the state. 任何人都可以感觉到这个国家的社会、经济和政治的脉搏。 4、I feel drained of emotion. 我觉得自己的感情都枯竭了。 5、If you people feel this is the right thing to do, then do it. 如果你们觉得可以这样办,就这样办。
2023-08-01 19:04:511


  1、感觉的英语单词是feel。   2、feel第三人称单数:feels,现在分词:feeling,过去式:felt,过去分词:felt。   feel读音:英[fi?l]美[fi?l]。   3、feel释义:   v.觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到;感觉到(抽象事物);   n.触觉;手感;触摸;摸;(场所、情况等给人的)印象,感受;气氛。
2023-08-01 19:05:101


2023-08-01 19:05:217

感觉英文怎么写 感觉用英文怎么说

1、感觉的英语单词是feel。 2、feel第三人称单数:feels,现在分词:feeling,过去式:felt,过去分词:felt。 feel读音:英[fi?l]美[fi?l]。 3、feel释义: v.觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到;感觉到(抽象事物); n.触觉;手感;触摸;摸;(场所、情况等给人的)印象,感受;气氛。
2023-08-01 19:05:461


2023-08-01 19:05:572

感觉英文怎么写 感觉用英文怎么说

感觉英文怎么写 1.感觉英文是:feel。读音为:英 [fi:l];美[fil]。 2.feel,英文单词,主要用作动词、名词。作动词时意为“感觉;认为;触摸;试探; 觉得;摸索”。作名词时意为“感觉;触摸”。
2023-08-01 19:06:041


表示感觉的英文单词有look_at/watch/notice/observe/listen_to/hear/feel/taste/smell等等。1.感官动词表示人的感官动作,可作完全及物动词或不完全及物动词,listen to(听),hear(听见),see(看见),watch(观看),feel (感觉)等。Darling, did you hear something?亲爱的,你听到什么了吗?Have you heard the news?你听到这消息了吗?感官动词 heard作完全及物动词。2.感官动词作不完全及物动词时,后接宾语,再接原形不定词或分词作宾语补语。But I really heard someone steal.但我真听见有人在偷东西。I heard her sing.我听见她唱歌。感官动词后接原形不定词强调事实。I heard someone opening the cabinet.我听见有人在开柜子。I heard her singing.我听见有人在唱歌。感官动词后接现在分词强调动作正在进行。3.感官动词的被动语态的宾语补语用不定词或现在分词。Someone was heard to open the cabinet by us.我们听到有人开柜子。She was heard to sing in the concert.人们听到她在音乐会上演唱。不定词强调事实。She was heard singing last night.有人听到她昨天晚上在唱歌。现在分词强调动作的进行。
2023-08-01 19:06:111


2023-08-01 19:06:214


在不同的语境中,用的词也不同,有“感觉”意义的词主要有以下几个: 1.feeling 名词 例:我突然有种奇异的感觉.Strange feelings suddenly came over me. 2.fell 动词 例:我感觉到什麽是幸福和快乐.I feel what is happiness and joy. 3.sensation名词 感官;感觉;见识;明智,常识;判断力 例:I lost my sense of taste.我失去了味觉. 4.perceive动词 vi.感知;感觉;察觉;认识到,意识到;理解 例:You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older. 只有一个人越来越年长,你才能感觉到真正的美丽. 5.become aware of动词 例:As I waited,I became aware of something happening in the house. 我在等待的时候,感觉到房子里发生了什么事.
2023-08-01 19:06:421


表示感觉的英文单词有look_at/watch/notice/observe/listen_to/hear/feel/taste/smell等等。1.感官动词表示人的感官动作,可作完全及物动词或不完全及物动词,listen to(听),hear(听见),see(看见),watch(观看),feel (感觉)等。Darling, did you hear something?亲爱的,你听到什么了吗?Have you heard the news?你听到这消息了吗?感官动词 heard作完全及物动词。2.感官动词作不完全及物动词时,后接宾语,再接原形不定词或分词作宾语补语。But I really heard someone steal.但我真听见有人在偷东西。I heard her sing.我听见她唱歌。感官动词后接原形不定词强调事实。I heard someone opening the cabinet.我听见有人在开柜子。I heard her singing.我听见有人在唱歌。感官动词后接现在分词强调动作正在进行。3.感官动词的被动语态的宾语补语用不定词或现在分词。Someone was heard to open the cabinet by us.我们听到有人开柜子。She was heard to sing in the concert.人们听到她在音乐会上演唱。不定词强调事实。She was heard singing last night.有人听到她昨天晚上在唱歌。现在分词强调动作的进行。
2023-08-01 19:06:491


感觉的英文是feel。1、动词意思:觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到;感觉到(抽象事物)。例句:Theheatmadehimfeelfaint.译文:炎热使他觉得快要晕倒了。2、名词意思:触觉;手感;触摸;摸;(场所、情况等给人的)印象;气氛。例句:Icouldfeelthewarmsunonmyback.译文:我背上感受到了阳光的温暖。扩展资料:感觉(feel)的近义词:1、think 意思:认为,考虑。例句:Ithinkthatheisbeingunfair.译文:我认为他这么做不公平。2、believe意思:认为,相信。例句:Itisbelievedthatthecastlewasbuiltinthe16thcentury.译文:据信这座城堡建于16世纪。
2023-08-01 19:06:561


表示感觉的英文单词有look_at/watch/notice/observe/listen_to/hear/feel/taste/smell等等。1.感官动词表示人的感官动作,可作完全及物动词或不完全及物动词,listen to(听),hear(听见),see(看见),watch(观看),feel (感觉)等。Darling, did you hear something?亲爱的,你听到什么了吗?Have you heard the news?你听到这消息了吗?感官动词 heard作完全及物动词。2.感官动词作不完全及物动词时,后接宾语,再接原形不定词或分词作宾语补语。But I really heard someone steal.但我真听见有人在偷东西。I heard her sing.我听见她唱歌。感官动词后接原形不定词强调事实。I heard someone opening the cabinet.我听见有人在开柜子。I heard her singing.我听见有人在唱歌。感官动词后接现在分词强调动作正在进行。3.感官动词的被动语态的宾语补语用不定词或现在分词。Someone was heard to open the cabinet by us.我们听到有人开柜子。She was heard to sing in the concert.人们听到她在音乐会上演唱。不定词强调事实。She was heard singing last night.有人听到她昨天晚上在唱歌。现在分词强调动作的进行。
2023-08-01 19:07:031

感觉英文怎么写 感觉用英文怎么说

1、感觉的英语单词是feel。 2、feel第三人称单数:feels,现在分词:feeling,过去式:felt,过去分词:felt。 feel读音:英[fi?l]美[fi?l]。 3、feel释义: v.觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到;感觉到(抽象事物); n.触觉;手感;触摸;摸;(场所、情况等给人的)印象,感受;气氛。
2023-08-01 19:07:101


表示感觉的英文单词有look_at/watch/notice/observe/listen_to/hear/feel/taste/smell等等。1.感官动词表示人的感官动作,可作完全及物动词或不完全及物动词,listen to(听),hear(听见),see(看见),watch(观看),feel (感觉)等。Darling, did you hear something?亲爱的,你听到什么了吗?Have you heard the news?你听到这消息了吗?感官动词 heard作完全及物动词。2.感官动词作不完全及物动词时,后接宾语,再接原形不定词或分词作宾语补语。But I really heard someone steal.但我真听见有人在偷东西。I heard her sing.我听见她唱歌。感官动词后接原形不定词强调事实。I heard someone opening the cabinet.我听见有人在开柜子。I heard her singing.我听见有人在唱歌。感官动词后接现在分词强调动作正在进行。3.感官动词的被动语态的宾语补语用不定词或现在分词。Someone was heard to open the cabinet by us.我们听到有人开柜子。She was heard to sing in the concert.人们听到她在音乐会上演唱。不定词强调事实。She was heard singing last night.有人听到她昨天晚上在唱歌。现在分词强调动作的进行。
2023-08-01 19:07:171


  你知道感觉的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    感觉的英文: feel    感觉的英文: sense   感觉的英文例句:   1. Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.   嘲笑声的背后潜伏着一种越来越强烈的不安。   2. Though his background was modest, it was in no sense deprived.   尽管他家境一般,但也并不算贫穷。   3. It makes sense to eat a reasonably balanced diet when slimming.   在减肥过程中保持饮食的营养相对均衡是明智的。   4. In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute.   黑暗中我的听觉变得异常灵敏。   5. There is a wry sense of humour in his work.   他的作品带有一种讽刺意味的幽默。   6. Molly razzed me about my rotten sense of direction.   莫利笑话我糟糕的方向感。   7. He felt a sudden sense of calm, of contentment.   他突然感到一种安宁和满足.   8. In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy.   她拍的每一张照片中都传递出一种临场感,使人有如亲临现场。   9. Amy had the growing sense that she was adrift and isolated.   埃米愈发感到自己孤立无援,孑然一身。   10. We must keep a sense of proportion about all this.   我们对所有的这些都要有轻重缓急之分。   11. Paul is a thoroughly likeable man with an unerring sense of comedy.   保罗十分讨人喜欢,开玩笑时很有分寸。   12. McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor, his whimsical side.   麦格拉思记得他不同寻常的幽默感和他古怪的一面。   13. He always woke with a sense of deep sorrow and depressing loss.   他醒来时总是满怀哀愁,抑郁惆怅。   14. He was sitting there saying, "Yes, the figures make sense."   他坐在那儿说:“是的,这些数字可以理解。”   15. He acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders.   他承认自己有被民权领袖出卖了的感觉。   感觉的英文例句:   1. I know it"s nothing serious and I feel quite unemotional about it.   我知道那根本没什么大不了的,所以有些无动于衷。   2. I feel it"s done me good to get it off my chest.   我感觉吐吐苦水对我有好处。   3. I"ve gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through.   我双脚湿透,感觉都冻到骨头里了。   4. He doesn"t feel he is cut out to be a leader.   他认为自己没有做领导的才能。   5. I always feel at home at Ye Olde Starre Inn.   在昨日星辰客栈,我总有种宾至如归的感觉。   6. This could be the feel-good movie of the autumn.   这可以称得上是今秋令人赏心悦目的影片了。   7. I only resist things like chocolate if I feel really gross.   我只有在觉得自己胖得很难看的时候才能拒绝巧克力这类东西的诱惑。   8. I don"t want him to feel forsaken and unhappy.   我不想让他感到被抛弃而不快乐。   9. When your children misbehave tell them without making them feel small.   孩子表现不佳时要让他们知道,但不能让他们自惭形秽。   10. "I can understand how you feel," Desmond said with great reasonableness.   “我能理解你的感受,”德斯蒙德很通情达理地说。   11. I feel as if I should break into song.   我觉得自己应该放声歌唱。   12. I feel certain that it will all turn out well.   我觉得最后肯定会皆大欢喜。   13. I feel partly responsible for the problems we"re in.   我觉得应为我们遭遇的问题负部分责任。   14. They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system.   他们强烈感受到他们的宗教信仰与政治体制不相称。   15. You may feel unworthy of the attention and help people offer you.   你可能会觉得自己不值得别人关心和帮助。
2023-08-01 19:07:411


问题一:感觉的英文怎么写? feel 动词 feeling 名词 问题二:感觉用英语怎么说 20分 sense; to perceive; to feel; to experience 2.pe叮ception; sense perception; feeling; impression; sensation 问题三:就是这种感觉!用英文怎么说??? just like this feeling 问题四:感觉英语怎么说? feeling a.感觉 词形变化: 副词:feelingly 例句与用法: His rapid promotion caused much bad feeling among his colleagues. 他获迅速提升在同事中引起很大的不满。 He spoke feelingly about his di *** issal. 他激动地谈到自己被解雇一事。 He lost all feeling in his toes. 他的脚趾完全失去了知觉。 You have no feeling for the beauty of nature. 你对大自然的美缺乏欣赏力。 I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。 feel v. 感觉 词形变化: 动词过去式:felt 过去分词:felt 现在分词:feeling 第三人称单数:feels 例句与用法: Can you feel the tension in this r础om? 你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗? I felt it advisable to do nothing. 我认为最好什麽也别做。 I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel. 我喜欢这块布给我的感觉,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。 Nothing feels right in our new house. 我们新房子里,样样都觉得不对劲。 My children"s skill with puters really makes me feel my age! 我的孩子使用电脑得心应手确使我觉得自己老了。 The dead cannot feel. 死人没有知觉。 Are you feeling better? 你感觉好些吗? 问题五:感觉很好的英文翻译是? 你好!有以下几种翻译 : Feel cheerful Feel happy Feel pleasant Feel good 问题六:有感觉用英文怎么说 对某件事 是 have a feeling of sth. 俯如, I have a feeling of falling. 或者是复合句, I have a feeling that I am falling 如果你是说对某某人有感觉, 就是 have a feeling for *** . 问题七:""我感觉不好""用英语怎么说? 定 am not feeling well I dont feel so good I don"t feel better I didn"t have too good of a feeling The way I"m feeling, yeah it just doesn"t feel right I am feeling down 都是可以的 问题八:那种感觉很好用英语怎么说 That feelings are good.
2023-08-01 19:07:481


感觉的名词单词有:feel;sensation; sense perception; feel 的第三人称单数: feels现在分词: feeling过去式: felt过去分词: felt 扩展资料   There is a strong sense of community in this town.   这个镇上有一种强烈的社区意识。   The President wants to squelch any perception that the meeting is an attempt to negotiate.   总统想要消除任何视本次会议为谈判尝试的看法。   He had the eerie sensation of being watched.   他不安地感到有人在监视他。
2023-08-01 19:08:071


表示感觉的英文单词有look_at/watch/notice/observe/listen_to/hear/feel/taste/smell等等。1.感官动词表示人的感官动作,可作完全及物动词或不完全及物动词,listen to(听),hear(听见),see(看见),watch(观看),feel (感觉)等。Darling, did you hear something?亲爱的,你听到什么了吗?Have you heard the news?你听到这消息了吗?感官动词 heard作完全及物动词。2.感官动词作不完全及物动词时,后接宾语,再接原形不定词或分词作宾语补语。But I really heard someone steal.但我真听见有人在偷东西。I heard her sing.我听见她唱歌。感官动词后接原形不定词强调事实。I heard someone opening the cabinet.我听见有人在开柜子。I heard her singing.我听见有人在唱歌。感官动词后接现在分词强调动作正在进行。3.感官动词的被动语态的宾语补语用不定词或现在分词。Someone was heard to open the cabinet by us.我们听到有人开柜子。She was heard to sing in the concert.人们听到她在音乐会上演唱。不定词强调事实。She was heard singing last night.有人听到她昨天晚上在唱歌。现在分词强调动作的进行。
2023-08-01 19:08:151


The success brought a feepng of loss . 这个成功反而带来失败的 感觉 。 The first numbness had passed off . 起初的那种麻木不仁的 感觉 消失了。 The plates are insensitive to red pght . 这些干片均对红光 感觉 迟钝。 A curious spasm passed through her . 一种奇异的痉挛的 感觉 传遍她周身。 I feel the same way as my partner does . 我跟我的同事有著同样的 感觉 。It is a real, a bodily feepng . 这是一种实实在在的,可触可摸的 感觉 。 One can sense the people yearning for peace . 可以 感觉 到人民盼望和平。 She became conscious of an inequapty . 她拥有一种相形见绌的 感觉 。 I have a sharp stab of pain in the stomach .. 我的胃突然 感觉 一阵剧痛。 I am not sure , billy , i have a nausea . 我不确定,比利,我 感觉 作呕。They were shedding their fatigue . 身上疲劳的 感觉 渐渐都消失了。 He had a funny pttle feepng in his heart . 他的心里有那么点异样的 感觉 。 She feels a shade better than yesterday . 她 感觉 比昨天好一些。 We often test our hunches on each other . 我们经常互相检验我们的第六 感觉 。 When she smiled you could feel the glow . 她笑的时候,你能 感觉 到她的喜悦。 I am haunted with a horrible fear . 我受到一种恐怖 感觉 的袭击。 I feel pke i"m knocking my head against the wall . 我 感觉 我是在白费力气。 It was a kind of physical readiness . 那是一种悚然戒备的 感觉 。 I felt the clench of his hand on my arm . 我 感觉 到他的手牢牢抓住我的胳臂。 I could feel her heart go thump-thump-thump . 我能 感觉 到她的心在怦怦地跳。Their senses are miraculously acute . 他们的 感觉 非凡地敏锐。 His stomach felt empty. he was hungry . 肚里有一种空空然的 感觉 ,敢情是饿了。 Our bare feet know the kindred touch . 我们赤裸的双脚可以 感觉 到这种血肉联系。 He felt the lead of the bullet on his back . 他 感觉 到子弹的铅头就在他的背上。 For the moment he was conscious only of repef . 眼前他 感觉 的只是松了一口气。 She has a sense of being dominated . 她 感觉 自己在听人指挥。 He felt his moral nature falpng to pieces . 他 感觉 到自己的德行已经丧失殆尽。 It gave him an odd sensation to reflect that . 想到此,他便有一种异样的 感觉 。 He felt the press of modern pfe . 他 感觉 到现代生活的压力。 Their feepng is rather presumptuous insolence . 他们的 感觉 是相当的专横傲慢。
2023-08-01 19:08:221


问题一:感觉英语怎么写 感觉 feeling sensation aes绩hesis perceive bee aware of 问题二:感觉的英文怎么写? feel 动词 feeling 名词 问题三:我可以感觉到 英文是怎么写? I can feel that..... 问题四:感觉英文怎么写? 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:感觉 翻译:feeling;sensation;aesthesis;perceive;beco骸e aware of 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题五:感觉用英语怎么说 20分 sense; to perceive; to feel; to experience 2.pe叮ception; sense perception; feeling; impression; sensation 问题六:感觉的英文是什么? feeling 问题七:感觉英语怎么说? feeling a.感觉 词形变化: 副词:feelingly 例句与用法: His rapid promotion caused much bad feeling among his colleagues. 他获迅速提升在同事中引起很大的不满。 He spoke feelingly about his di *** issal. 他激动地谈到自己被解雇一事。 He lost all feeling in his toes. 他的脚趾完全失去了知觉。 You have no feeling for the beauty of nature. 你对大自然的美缺乏欣赏力。 I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。 feel v. 感觉 词形变化: 动词过去式:felt 过去分词:felt 现在分词:feeling 第三人称单数:feels 例句与用法: Can you feel the tension in this r础om? 你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗? I felt it advisable to do nothing. 我认为最好什麽也别做。 I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel. 我喜欢这块布给我的感觉,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。 Nothing feels right in our new house. 我们新房子里,样样都觉得不对劲。 My children"s skill with puters really makes me feel my age! 我的孩子使用电脑得心应手确使我觉得自己老了。 The dead cannot feel. 死人没有知觉。 Are you feeling better? 你感觉好些吗? 问题八:我现在感觉不舒服 用英文怎么写 我现在感觉不舒服。 I do not feel fortable now. 解析: fortable ["k?mf?t?bl] adj. 舒适的,舒服的 n. 盖被 [ 比较级more fortable 最高级most fortable ]工 望采纳最佳的答案 谢谢 问题九:感觉的英文怎么写 feel 问题十:感觉这个词的英语怎么写 5分 (1)feel vt. 摸, 触, 试探, 感觉, 觉得, 触摸, 以为 vi. 有知觉, (人)有某种感觉, 摸索, 同情 n. 感觉, 觉得, 触摸 (2)perceive per.ceive AHD:[p…r-s?v“] D.J.[p*6si8v] K.K.[p+6siv]及物动词) per.ceived,, per.ceives To bee aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing. 意识到:通过任何一种感官,尤指视觉或听觉等直接意识到 To achieve understanding of; apprehend.See Synonyms at see 1 理解:获得对…的理解;理解参见 see1
2023-08-01 19:08:301


感受的英文:感觉的英文是feel。1、动词意思:觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到;感觉到(抽象事物)。例句:The heat made him feel faint.译文:炎热使他觉得快要晕倒了。2、名词意思:触觉;手感;触摸;摸;(场所、情况等给人的)印象;气氛。例句:I could feel the warm sun on my back.译文:我背上感受到了阳光的温暖。感觉(feel)的近义词:1、think 。意思:认为,考虑。例句:I think that he is being unfair。译文:我认为他这么做不公平。2、believe。意思:认为,相信。例句:It is believed that the castle was built in the 16th century。译文:据信这座城堡建于16世纪。英文一般指英语。 英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。
2023-08-01 19:08:371


感觉的英文feel解释如下:feel,英文单词,主要用作动词、名词。作动词时意为“感觉;认为;触摸;试探; 觉得;摸索”。作名词时意为“感觉;触摸”。双语例句:How do you feel around them?—你在他们周围的感觉如何?You feel all that, then what do you do?—你感觉到了,那你怎么办?This is not because you feel he or she ?—这不是因为你觉得他或者她 ?
2023-08-01 19:09:081


你好!感觉到feel 英[fi:l] 美[fil] vt. 感觉; 认为; 触摸; 试探; vt. 感觉,觉得; 认为,以为; 触摸; n. 感觉; 感受; 触摸; 触觉; [例句]I am feeling very depressed我觉得非常沮丧。
2023-08-01 19:09:171


Willing 愿意的、乐于的; Pleasure 愉快、满足; Satisfied 满意的、满足的; Elated 兴高采烈的; Delight 欣喜的、快乐; Thrill 兴奋的、快乐的 扩展资料   wreainess 劳累;   boring 乏味;   tired 疲惫;   colourful 炫彩的;   excellent 精彩绝伦的;   busy 忙碌的;   dull 枯燥的;   puzzled 感到困惑的;   worried 担心;   funny 有趣的;   intrested 有意思的`;   angry 生气的;   upset 心情沮丧的;   annoyed 心烦气燥的;   blue 抑郁的;   worried 焦虑的。
2023-08-01 19:09:371


2023-08-01 19:09:453


2023-08-01 19:10:183


new feels
2023-08-01 19:10:252


一种感觉=Some kind of feeling
2023-08-01 19:10:351


I have a feeling of...... 看是什么感觉了
2023-08-01 19:10:445


问题一:“感觉好像”用英语怎么说? 感觉好像:feel like 对……友好be firendly with 因某事而感谢某人thanks *** for doing sth 与某人相处得好get on with *** 问题二:感觉像,如同 用英语怎么说 feel like 问题三:感觉像这样是非常正确的用英语怎么说 你好! 感觉像这样是非常正确的 Feel like this is very correct 问题四:感觉像在家里一样 这句话用英文怎么说? feel at home 问题五:他尽量使我感觉像在家里一样 用英语怎么说? He tryes his best to make me at home . 问题六:我感觉我好像喜欢上你了,英语怎么说 I feeling that i maybe like you 问题七:觉得我和你像不像呢?用英文怎么说 Do you think you and I look the same or not?
2023-08-01 19:11:021