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unstoppable 奥运哪一年

2016年里约奥运会的奥运歌曲2016年里约奥运会即将于8月举办,澳洲人气实力歌手Sia联手美国说唱歌手Pusha T献唱本届奥运会宣传曲《Unstoppable》,歌曲MV由咱们的泳坛“小鲜肉”宁泽涛、巴西球星内马尔、美国十项全能世界纪录保持者阿什顿·伊顿(Ashton Eaton)、英国自行车团体追逐赛运动员安迪·坦纳特(Andy Tennant)共同主演。




因为很多短视频用这个BGM,所以火了。《Unstoppable》是Sia第七张专辑《This is acting》中的第五首歌曲,这首歌是cctv5勇士集锦的背景音乐,歌曲热血昂扬,节奏明快,抑扬顿挫。Sia嗓音有种扭曲的质感,沙哑如刀锉,很多著名影视剧用她的歌作为主题曲。希雅拥有“芭乐歌女王”美誉,但却一直是“歌红人不红”的境地。2014年之前,她露脸的专辑或单曲封面,都是发型奇特妆容骇人,就走让人捉摸不透的“女神经病”路线。希雅的嗓音有种扭曲的质感,沙哑时像刀锉,滋滋作响,高音嘹亮引人入胜,即便有几个小破音,也成了歌中真挚情感的佐料,再加上澳洲人独特的英语发音,让她的歌声别具一格。而希雅随意慵懒的唱腔,像把急速的城市节奏重新调整,也恰好反映了她不想做巨星的真实心情。




unstoppable[英][u028cnu02c8stu0252pu0259bl][美][u028cnu02c8stɑ:pu0259bl]adj.无法停止的,不可阻碍的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The iranian nation"s move towards peaks is unstoppable. 伊朗人民向顶峰的攀登是不可阻挡的。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


unstoppable[英][u028cnu02c8stu0252pu0259bl][美][u028cnu02c8stɑ:pu0259bl]adj.无法停止的,不可阻碍的; 例句:1.Asia"s economic momentum seemed unstoppable. 亚洲经济增长的势头似乎不可阻挡。


unstoppable英[u028cnu02c8stu0252pu0259bl]美[u028cnu02c8stɑ:pu0259bl]adj.无法停止的,不可阻碍的网络无法停止的; 无法阻碍的形近词:Unstoppable数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道新1The initial responses of glia to an injury are beneficial for healing, but if they are too intense or continue too long, unstoppable chronic pain is the result.胶细胞一开始的反应有益于损伤的修复,但当反应太强或持续太久,就会造成无法停止的慢性疼痛。


解释:无法阻挡的,无法停止的美式读音:u028cnu02c8stɑu02d0pu0259bl英式读音:u028cnu02c8stu0252pu0259bl例句:1、The company"s unstoppable growth has attracted media attention.这家公司无法阻挡的发展势头引起了媒体的关注。2、This unstoppable evil custom is affecting people"s daily lives.这种无法遏止的恶习俗正在影响着人们的日常生活。3、The car is speeding on the highway at an unstoppable speed.这辆车正以不能阻止的速度在高速路上飞驰。4、The progress of science is unstoppable.科学的进步是无法阻挡的。

电脑蓝屏出现的提示为disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentati


系统故障 开机后不能进入系统,蓝屏提示 Disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentation ...


电脑开不了机出现蓝屏还有英文字母disable or uninstall any anti-virus,disk defragmentation or back...


系统故障 开机后不能进入系统,蓝屏提示 Disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentation ...

检查你的硬盘配置,并检查是否有任何更新驱动。运行CHKDSK / F来检查硬盘腐败,然后重新启动您的计算机。或运行系统备份,一建深度还原.


笔记张数不限 notability不订阅会限制编辑次数,所以笔记数目超过也无所谓,但是没办法进行过多的编辑。作为一个笔记软件,这个模式也是厉害了,明摆着就是给大家个免费试用,不买不行。这就离谱,别的软件都是给你个基础功能,限制高级弄能。notability倒是厉害,给用户一个不付钱就别用的意思。



1.unbelievable的反义词 2.rapid的同义词 3.unusual的反义词 4.pe



不是unblievable,是unbelievableunbelievable英[u02ccu028cnbu026au02c8li:vu0259bl]美[u02ccu028cnbu026au02c8livu0259bu0259l]adj.不可相信的;站不住脚的;(由于太好或太糟而)令人难以置信的;非常惊人的--His guitar solos are just unbelievable.他的吉他独奏棒极了。--I find it unbelievable that people can accept this sort of behaviour.人们竟能接受这样的行为,我震惊不已。--I still find this story both fascinating and unbelievable.我仍觉得这个故事既有趣又不太可信。--The pressure they put us under was unbelievable. 他们给我们施加的压力之大超乎想象。--It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won the gold medal. 克里斯赢得金牌的那一刻令人不可思议。

求def leppard的歌曲 unbelievable 中文歌词

中文:他语难以置信 歌手:康纳萨拉专辑:令人难以置信 合唱团 因此,今晚我一定让他 有7个约会 放任倾慕始终,所以好笑 想花的所有钱 如果我穿衣服和高跟鞋 我应该走出去在我的蓝色牛仔裤 他是我遇到的男孩在我的梦想 我告诉你女孩 他难以置信 新诗1 姐妹们,有时只 你能满足什么样的男孩 谁将永远给你快乐 然后抓住他,从未让他 他深入到你的世界 知道自己的女孩 他是如此难以置信 最后,就是我,见我高兴 今天,我发现他 他是男孩,我的梦想 他的令人难以置信 康纳莎拉 因此,今晚我一定让他 有7个约会 放任倾慕始终,所以好笑 想花的所有钱 诗二 兄弟,只有母亲 有权决定 什么是错误的或什么是正确的 但是,你也许找到一个婴儿 没有谁是什么样的女孩 以适合您母亲的世界 他是如此难以置信 不是一个疑问喊出来,你爱她 只有这样一个硬汉 可以成为我的唯一 原因,他难以置信 合唱团 架C -一部分 夏普穿着你可能面临的会合 抑郁症患者,如果他不是太漂亮 也许他是一个懒惰的小伙子 不要忘记他可以变成一个王子在床上 可以肯定,他站在你身边 懦夫是在浪费时间 获取它如果他总是在你心里 请注意他的敏感性 退房,如果他知道刚才这意味着什么 为了让所有需要一位女士 为了证明他的爱很真实 有的人只展示自己的性吸引力 谁知道,为什么大人了他们 如果您认为他的权利人爱上 如果他不是keepin "你的手离开 合唱团 因此,今晚我一定让他 有7个约会 放任倾慕始终,所以好笑 想花的所有钱 如果我穿衣服和高跟鞋 我应该走出去在我的蓝色牛仔裤 他是我遇到的男孩在我的梦想 我告诉你女孩 他难以置信 超自然的事情会发生 我可以打电话给您, 11 我会告诉你,每一个细节 如果他的价值,或者,如果他失败 但是我知道他硬盘我疯了 和我想他的孩子 所以,你必须原谅我,各位 我告诉你, 他难以置信。

英语 unbelievable 形容人 不可靠 不可信 可以吗?


谁有Craig David《Unbelievable》歌词

Always said 从前总是说,I would know where to find love 我会知道去哪里找真爱;Always thought 从前总是想,I"d be ready and strong enough 我要准备好并且坚强;But sometimes 但有时候,I just felt I could give up 我也想过放弃,But you came 但是你来了,And you changed my whole world now 并且改变了我的整个世界。I"m somewhere I"ve never been before 现在我到了以前从未到过的地方;Now I see What love means 现在我明白了爱情的真谛,It"s so unbelievable 这多难以置信。And I don"t wanna let it go 我不想失去这一切,It"s something so beautiful Flowing down like a waterfall 因它是多么美丽,就象瀑布一般倾洒。I feel like you"ve been Forever a part of me 我感到你永远是我生命的一部分,And it"s so unbelievable 这是多么难以置信。To finally be in love 终于沉浸爱河,Somewhere I never thought I"d be 到了以前从未想过的地方。In my heart in my head It"s so clear now 在我心中在我脑海,一切如此清晰。Hold my hand 握住我的手,You"ve got nothing to fear now 你再不会害怕。I was lost 我曾迷失,And you rescued me somehow 是你将我拯救。I"m alive 我生命鲜活,I"m in love you complete me 我坠入爱河;是你让我的生命变得完整。And I"ve never been here before 这是前所未有的感觉。When I think of what I have 当我想起现在拥有的一切,And this chance I nearly lost 以及我曾几乎错过这机会,I can"t help but breakdown 我不可抑止地放声哭泣And cry Oh yeah oh yeah Break down and cry 放声哭泣 Oh, oh yeah



disbelief 和unbelievable的区别

disbelief 名词 意思是 不信仰, 怀疑, 不信 His disbelief hurts her.他的怀疑伤害着她。unbelievable 形容词,难以置信的 It is unbelievable that he got so big a house. 简直难以相信他居然得了这么大一所房子。


Always said 从前总是说,I would know where to find love 我会知道去哪里找真爱;Always thought 从前总是想,I"d be ready and strong enough 我要准备好并且坚强;But sometimes 但有时候,I just felt I could give up 我也想过放弃,But you came 但是你来了,And you changed my whole world now 并且改变了我的整个世界。I"m somewhere I"ve never been before 现在我到了以前从未到过的地方;Now I see What love means 现在我明白了爱情的真谛,It"s so unbelievable 这多难以置信。And I don"t wanna let it go 我不想失去这一切,It"s something so beautiful Flowing down like a waterfall 因它是多么美丽,就象瀑布一般倾洒。I feel like you"ve been Forever a part of me 我感到你永远是我生命的一部分,And it"s so unbelievable 这是多么难以置信。To finally be in love 终于沉浸爱河,Somewhere I never thought I"d be 到了以前从未想过的地方。In my heart in my head It"s so clear now 在我心中在我脑海,一切如此清晰。Hold my hand 握住我的手,You"ve got nothing to fear now 你再不会害怕。I was lost 我曾迷失,And you rescued me somehow 是你将我拯救。I"m alive 我生命鲜活,I"m in love you complete me 我坠入爱河;是你让我的生命变得完整。And I"ve never been here before 这是前所未有的感觉。When I think of what I have 当我想起现在拥有的一切,And this chance I nearly lost 以及我曾几乎错过这机会,I can"t help but breakdown 我不可抑止地放声哭泣And cry Oh yeah oh yeah Break down and cry 放声哭泣 Oh, oh yeah




英文歌词是:craig david - unbelievablealways saidi would know where to find lovealways thoughti"d be ready and strong enoughbut sometimesi just felt i could give upbut you cameand you changed my whole world nowi"m somewherei"ve never been beforenow i seewhat love meansit"s so unbelievableand i don"t wanna let it goit"s something so beautifulflowing down like a waterfalli feel like you"ve beenforever a part of meand it"s so unbelievableto finally be in lovesomewhere i never thought i"d bein my heart in my headit"s so clear nowhold my handyou"ve got nothing to fear nowi was lostand you rescued me somehowi"m alivei"m in love you complete meand i"ve never been here beforewhen i think of what i haveand this chance i nearly losti can"t help but breakdownand cryoh yeahbreak down and cryoh, oh yeah中文翻译是:难以置信的


这是个形容词,可以作表语也可以作定语,It is unbelievable.

Unbelievable 歌词

歌曲名:Unbelievable歌手:Kaci Brown专辑:UnbelievableI Wish you didnt love meI wish youd make this easyIt was love that caught meNow it"s fear that keeps me with youI want to be by your sideSo I can close my eyesTo the growing emptiness inside that kills meWhen I"m with youYou try to break me Try to hate meSo you can fall out of loveYou want to make mebelieve that I"m crazyThat I"m nothing with out youIt"s unbelievable but I believed youUnforgivable but I forgave youInsane what love can doThat keeps me coming back to youYou"re irreplaceable but I"ll replace youNow I"m standing on my ownAloneI feel you in my shadowMy heart feels cold and hollowNo matter where I run I seeYour eyes always follow meYou try to hold meTry to own meKeeping something that"s not yoursBelieve that I"m crazyMake me think that you"re the cureYou"re still haunting meIn my sleepYou"re all I seeBut I can"t go backCause I know it"s wrongFor us to go onAnd I"m growing strongTo confront my fearshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8552753

Unbelievable克雷格 大卫!歌词!

Unbelievable克雷格 大卫Always said I would know where to find love, Always thought I"d be ready and strong enough, But some times I just felt I could give up. But you came and changed my whole world now, I"m somewhere I"ve never been before. Now I see, what love means. (Chorus) It"s so unbelievable, And I don"t want to let it go, Something so beautiful, Flowing down like a waterfall. I feel like you"ve always been, Forever a part of me. And it"s so unbelievable to finally be in love, Somewhere I"d never thought I"d be. In my heart, in my head, it"s so clear now, Hold my hand you"ve got nothing to fear now, I was lost and you"ve rescued me some how-. I"m alive, I"m in love you complete me, And I"ve never been here before. Now I see, what love means. (Chorus) When I think of what I have, and this chance I nearly lost, I cant help but break down, and cry. Ohh yeah, break down and cry. (Chorus) Now I see, what love means Always said I would know where to find love, Always thought I"d be ready and strong enough, But some times I just felt I could give up. But you came and changed my whole world now, I"m somewhere I"ve never been before. Now I see, what love means. (Chorus) It"s so unbelievable, And I don"t want to let it go, Something so beautiful, Flowing down like a waterfall. I feel like you"ve always been, Forever a part of me. And it"s so unbelievable to finally be in love, Somewhere I"d never thought I"d be. In my heart, in my head, it"s so clear now, Hold my hand you"ve got nothing to fear now, I was lost and you"ve rescued me some how-. I"m alive, I"m in love you complete me, And I"ve never been here before. Now I see, what love means. (Chorus) When I think of what I have, and this chance I nearly lost, I cant help but break down, and cry. Ohh yeah, break down and cry. (Chorus) Now I see, what love means

Unbelievable 歌词

歌曲名:Unbelievable歌手:EMF专辑:This Is... 1990Emf Schubert Dip Unbelievable You burden me with your questions You"d have me tell no lies You"re always asking what it"s all about Now listen to my replies You say to me I don"t talk enough But when I do I"m a fool These times I"ve spent, I"ve realized I"m going to shoot through And leave you The things, you say Your purple prose just gives you away The things, you say You"re unbelievable You burden me with your problems By telling me more than mine I"m always so concerned With the way you say, You"ve always go to stop To think of us being one Is more than I ever know But this time, I realize I"m going to shoot through And leave you Seemingly lastless, don"t mean you can ask us Pushing down the relative Bringing out your higher self Think of the fine times, pushing down the better few, instead of bringing out the clues, to what the world and everything anger to, brace yourself with the grace of ease, I know this world ain"t what it seems. What the fuck was that, its unbelievablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2782742


您好,unbelievable 是形容词,其名词形式是 unbelievability。

Unbelievable 歌词

歌曲名:Unbelievable歌手:EMF专辑:Back Of The Net! (Classic Football Anthems)Emf Schubert Dip Unbelievable You burden me with your questions You"d have me tell no lies You"re always asking what it"s all about Now listen to my replies You say to me I don"t talk enough But when I do I"m a fool These times I"ve spent, I"ve realized I"m going to shoot through And leave you The things, you say Your purple prose just gives you away The things, you say You"re unbelievable You burden me with your problems By telling me more than mine I"m always so concerned With the way you say, You"ve always go to stop To think of us being one Is more than I ever know But this time, I realize I"m going to shoot through And leave you Seemingly lastless, don"t mean you can ask us Pushing down the relative Bringing out your higher self Think of the fine times, pushing down the better few, instead of bringing out the clues, to what the world and everything anger to, brace yourself with the grace of ease, I know this world ain"t what it seems. What the fuck was that, its unbelievablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14940698

Unbelievable 歌词

歌曲名:Unbelievable歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Original Album ClassicsKatie goes to Tokyo - unbelievablewhy Tokyo?LYC by 旧梦无恙 @12412044QI"ve been walking around and around all nighttry to clear my mindand find a way that"s minedon"t know what it is but it seems like youalways manage to not telling me the truthunbelievalbe, what she saidyou turned my world upside downunbelievalbe, what she saidyou turned my world upside downI"ve been waiting you waitingthat"s all I doI want to see this throughnot depend on youbut it seems so easy to just hold backand follow the same trackforget about my planunbelievalbe, what she saidyou turned my world upside downunbelievalbe, what she saidyou turned my world upside downunbelievalbe, what she saidyou turned my world upside downunbelievalbe, what she saidyou turned my world upside downunbelievalbe (unbelievable), unbelievalbe (unbelievable)you turned my world upside downunbelievalbe (unbelievable), unbelievalbe (unbelievable)you turned my world upside downEnd.....http://music.baidu.com/song/7501847

Unbelievable (Tfk) 歌词

歌曲名:Unbelievable (Tfk)歌手:Thousand Foot Krutch专辑:Set It OffCraig David - UnbelievableAlbum: The Story GoesAlways saidI would know where to find loveAlways thoughtI"d be ready and strong enoughBut sometimesI just felt I could give upBut you cameAnd you changed my whole world nowI"m somewhereI"ve never been beforeNow I seeWhat love meansIt"s so unbelievableAnd I don"t wanna let it goIt"s something so beautifulFlowing down like a waterfallI feel like you"ve beenForever a part of meAnd it"s so unbelievableTo finally be in loveSomewhere I never thought I"d beIn my heart in my headIt"s so clear nowHold my handYou"ve got nothing to fear nowI was lostAnd you rescued me somehowI"m aliveI"m in love you complete meAnd I"ve never been here beforeWhen I think of what I haveAnd this chance I nearly lostI can"t help but breakdownAnd cryOh yeahBreak down and cryOh, oh yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2578756



Unbelievable 歌词

Mark Medlock - Unbelievable德国07年11月top100歌曲lrc编写 : gdhIt"s not the way you smile … in the morningIt"s not the way you kiss… me tonightIt"s not the way you smile,when you"re yawningIt"s not the way you hold … then we tightWords can"t express … They can not expressWhat you mean to meYou"re unbelievable ... IrresistibleI cant believe my eyes, when I"m with youYou"re unbelievable, You"re just incredibleAnd I can"t … can"t breathe without youcan"t breathe without youIt"s not the way we spend … nights togetherIt"s not the way you look … in and meIt"s not the way you say … it"s foreverNever all will be … will beWords can"t express … They can not expressWhat you mean to meYou"re unbelievable ... IrresistibleI can"t believe my eyes, when I"m with youYou"re unbelievable, You"re just incredibleAnd I can"t … can"t breathe without youAnd I can"t breathe without youYou"re unbelievable ...IrresistibleI can"t believe my eyes, when I"m with youYou"re unbelievable, You"re just incredibleAnd I can"t … yes yeah I can"tcant breathe without youAnd I can"t … can"t breathe without youend... by gdhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24132442

unbelievable怎么读的 英语unbelievable怎么读的

1、unbelievable,英[u02ccu028cnbu026au02c8liu02d0vu0259bl]美[u02ccu028cnbu026au02c8liu02d0vu0259bl],adj.难以置信的; 惊人的; 非常好(或坏、极端)的; 难以相信的; 不真实的。 2、[例句]CHRONOLOGICA is an informative and entertaining tour into history, beautifully illustrated and full of unbelievable facts .年表是一段信息丰富又有趣的历史探寻之旅,它精彩地描述了许多令人难以置信的史实。












adj.不可相信的; 站不住脚的; (由于太好或太糟而)令人难以置信的; 非常惊人的;


adj.不可相信的; 站不住脚的; (由于太好或太糟而)令人难以置信的; 非常惊人的;


unbelievable[英][u02ccu028cnbu026au02c8li:vu0259bl][美][u02ccu028cnbu026au02c8livu0259bu0259l]adj.不可相信的; 站不住脚的; (由于太好或太糟而)令人难以置信的; 非常惊人的; [例句]Then she was rewarded with unbelievable news.她收到了难以置信的新闻褒奖。2.Most people dream of hitting the lottery just once, but las vegasresident joan ginther hit it an unbelievable four times. 大多数人梦想能中一次大奖就不错,但是拉斯维加斯的居民琼金瑟(joan ginther)却不可思议地中过4次。3.The thing that stood out about theo was his unbelievable pace. 西奥最突出之处在于他那令人难以置信的速度。4.Students are under unbelievable pressure. 学生们承担着难以置信的重压。5.As technology continues to advance with unbelievable speed,print publications are steadily being replaced by websites thatupdate their content practically every time you refresh thebrowser. 随着科技以不可思议的速度在进步,印刷出版物正不断地被网站取代,实际上你每次刷新浏览器网站都会更新内容。


歌手:克雷格大卫 专辑:故事的结局 克雷格大卫 - 难以置信 专辑:故事的结局 总是说 我想知道在哪里可以找到爱 一直以为 我准备和足够强 但有时 我只是觉得我可以放弃 但你却 而你现在改变了我的整个世界。 我的地方 我从来没有过的 现在我知道了 爱的意义 它是如此令人难以置信的 而我不想让他走 它是如此美丽 像瀑布一样流下来 我觉得你已经 永远是我的一部分 而且它是如此令人难以置信的 终于在爱 带我从来没有想过我会 在我的心在我的脑海 现在它是如此清晰 握住我的手 你有没有担心现在 我又迷路了 你救我,不知何故 我还活着 我爱你完成我 我从来没有来过这里 当我想到我所拥有的 而这个机会,我几乎失去了 我不禁击穿 并大声呼喊 哦,是的 崩溃大哭 哦,哦,是的


1,前者是为了遵循发音相同的原则.change如果去了e就成为changable,发音就成了“钱个”而不是“钱拒”了,明白的有?而后者去掉e并不影响其发音. 2,结尾音发/sh/的ch组合,变复数时加es;如果ch组合发/k/的音,直接加s. 3,theives写错了,小偷复数的正确写法应为thieves,原形thief.单词原形中有i、e、f组合的,复数形式将f改写成ves,原形中f后面如果有其它字母在复数中一律去掉,改为ves结尾. 4,alternative的最基本意思就是二选一,另一个意思是替代物,算上原物也还是两样东西.2选1是单选.


It"s unbelievable  This is as good as it gets  It"s unbelievable  Don"t know what"s gonna happen next  It"s unbelievable  You haven"t seen nothing yet  It"s unbelievable, it"s unbelievable  When I was a kid I saved up all my dough so I could buy C-3PO  Put Mentos in my Diet Coke in the back seat of the bus  When I was a kid I ate SpaghettiOs, played laser tag and G.I.Joes  And if you vowed No Girls Allowed , then you could join the club  When I was a kid I spent my Saturday"s blowing on Nintendo games  The newest thing was Lion King, and I could fell the love  It"s unbelievable  This is as good as it gets  It"s unbelievable  Don"t know what"s gonna happen next  It"s unbelievable  You haven"t seen nothing yet  It"s unbelievable, it"s unbelievable  When I was a kid I dreamed of Power Wheels  Stayed up late watching action films  And I won"t lies, my friends and I, were too legit to quit  When I was a kid i lived for ColourTRIS, ate Dr. Pepper jelly beans  My favorite part of Jurassic Park was how real the Raptors looked  When I was a kid I still had VHS, watched Fresh Prince and Jazzy Jeff  Zac Murris owned the first cell phone, and it was off the hook  It"s unbelievable  This is as good as it gets  It"s unbelievable  Don"t know what"s gonna happen next  It"s unbelievable  You haven"t seen nothing yet  It"s unbelievable, it"s unbelievable  Gak, pogs and Floam and Home Alone, Berenstain Bears and bean bag chairs  My L.A. looks and Goosebumps books, oh, Etch-A-Sketch, what happened next  Grape Juicyjuice and Dr. Seuss, piggy-back rides and Slip N" Slides  Mcdonold"s fries, those were the best, what happens next  It"s unbelievable  This is as good as it gets  It"s unbelievable  Don"t know what"s gonna happen next  It"s unbelievable  You haven"t seen nothing yet  It"s unbelievable, those were the days. Oh!  It"s unbelievable  When I think back on them, man  It"s unbelievable  Cause baby those were the days  It"s unbelievable  It ruled in so many ways  It"s unbelievable, it"s unbelievable  I"m so amazed, those were the days  (Nananana nanananana)


歌曲名:Unbelievable 歌手:def leppard 专辑:X Def Leppard - Unbelievable Hey, ahh Ahh, yea yeah Had your name all tattooed on my heart...

Unbelievable 歌词

歌曲名:Unbelievable歌手:Kaci Brown专辑:InstigatorI Wish you didnt love meI wish youd make this easyIt was love that caught meNow it"s fear that keeps me with youI want to be by your sideSo I can close my eyesTo the growing emptiness inside that kills meWhen I"m with youYou try to break me Try to hate meSo you can fall out of loveYou want to make mebelieve that I"m crazyThat I"m nothing with out youIt"s unbelievable but I believed youUnforgivable but I forgave youInsane what love can doThat keeps me coming back to youYou"re irreplaceable but I"ll replace youNow I"m standing on my ownAloneI feel you in my shadowMy heart feels cold and hollowNo matter where I run I seeYour eyes always follow meYou try to hold meTry to own meKeeping something that"s not yoursBelieve that I"m crazyMake me think that you"re the cureYou"re still haunting meIn my sleepYou"re all I seeBut I can"t go backCause I know it"s wrongFor us to go onAnd I"m growing strongTo confront my fearshttp://music.baidu.com/song/1571390


unbelievable的副词形式 unbelievably 难以置信地;不可信地; unbelievable adj. 难以置信的;不可信的 扩展资料   I felt totally unbelievable, frozen.   我觉得完全难以置信,呆住了。   It is unbelievable, but I like that.   这难以置信,但我喜欢那样。   Now, let me remind you of the almost unbelievable good news in this text.   现在,让我提醒你们在这篇文章中几乎令人难以置信的好消息。   He deals with those unbelievable, weird, and often bizarre things and events.   他处理那些令人难以置信的、怪异的、常常是离奇的事情。


"Unbelievable" 是一个英文形容词,意味着难以置信或难以相信。它用来描述一些令人难以置信或无法接受为真实的事物。这个词常常用来表达对于某种情况、事件或陈述感到惊讶或难以相信。例如,如果有人告诉你一个非凡的故事,听起来太不可思议以至于无法相信,你可能会回答说"那真是难以置信!"双语例句:The transformation of the old town is simply unbelievable. 这个古老城区的改造简直难以置信。The team"s comeback in the final minutes was truly unbelievable. 队伍在最后几分钟的逆袭真是难以置信。The amount of support we received for our charity event was unbelievable. 我们慈善活动收到的支持是难以置信的。The scenery at the top of the mountain is absolutely unbelievable. 山顶的景色绝对令人难以置信。The chef"s ability to create such unique flavors is truly unbelievable. 这位厨师创造出如此独特的口味能力真是难以置信。The speed at which technology is advancing is unbelievable. 科技进步的速度简直难以置信。

Unbelievable 歌词

歌曲名:Unbelievable歌手:Mele专辑:Memories of Right NowUnbelievableMele★Your lovin" R&B -珂珂sheery lyrics-Call me a fool if IDon"t know when love"s in front of me oh noAnd even on your worst dayI"d still rather be seen with you babyCause girl you make the stars come out at nightOh you make a blind man see the lightOh baby, when I get you in my armsI"ll never let go, you"re more than beautifulyou"re unbelievableI get tongue tied when you"re aroundSo unbelievableYou"re more than beautifulYou"re unbelievableUnbelievableI could spend the whole day just watching you like tvCause this is more than love girlI hit the lottery when you laid eyes on meBut girl i"d be fine without a dimeCause girl you make the stars come out at nightOh you make a blind man see the lightOh baby, when I get you in my armsI"ll never let go, you"re more than beautifulyou"re unbelievableI get tongue tied when you"re aroundSo unbelievableYou"re more than beautifulYou"re unbelievableI"ll hold you close to my heartOh baby, don"t be afraid to tryCause I never seen love til I found youI get tongue tied when you"re aroundSo unbelievableYou"re more than beautifulYou"re unbelievablehttp://music.baidu.com/song/20811434



叫读英语单词 unbelievable 用中文读





adj. 不可相信的;站不住脚的;(由于太好或太糟而)令人难以置信的;


Unbelievable谐音梗是安波里波波。Unbelievable,英语单词,主要用作为形容词,译为难以置信的;不可信的。英语单词的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有中国特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的含义,形成了英语词汇的语义文化特征。背单词记忆算法的特点是结合权威的记忆理论,充分调动用户的眼、耳、口和手等各种感官,根据用户的实际情况和使用环境智能确定内容和方法,根据用户的使用情况进行动态调整。单词的记忆算法设计的宗旨是以最大限度的计算机资源耗费取代学习者的精力耗费。单词的记忆算法基于两个比较成熟的记忆理论或算法,一个是艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论,另一个是Super Memo记忆算法。艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论在1885年提出,通过大量数据,证实了人的记忆存在着一个相似的遗忘规律。而Super Memo算法作者则从1985年开始研究,在长时间和海量的数据基础上,总结出了Super Memo算法。该算法至今还在研究,在差不多20年的时间里已发展成为世界上最科学最有效的记忆算法之一。比较有效的英语单词记忆方法并不是将其与中文一一对应。双语例句:1、His guitar solos are just unbelievable.他的吉他独奏简直妙得令人难以置信。2、I still find this story both fascinating and unbelievable.我仍然觉得这个故事非常有趣和难以置信。3、It is an informative and entertaining tour into history and full of unbelievable facts.这是一次内容丰富、有趣的历史之旅,充满了令人难以置信的事实。








难以置信的 adj







CNN(Cable News Network)是什么意思?


inflatable doll是什么意思

inflatable doll充气娃娃双语对照词典结果:inflatable doll[英][inu02c8fleitu0259bl du0254l][美][u026anu02c8fletu0259bu0259l dɑl]充气娃娃; 例句:1.The victim was said to have been thrown in the air "like an inflatable doll"

inflatable pump是什么意思


inflatable girl什么意思

充气娃娃的意思inflatable 英[u026anu02c8fleu026atu0259bl] 美[u026anu02c8fletu0259bu0259l] adj. 可膨胀的,可充气的; n. 可充气物品; [例句]The children were playing on the inflatable castle.孩子们在充气的城堡上嬉戏。[其他] 复数:inflatables 形近词: deflatable isolatable 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度知道girl 英[gu025c:l] 美[gu025c:rl] n. 女孩; 姑娘,未婚女子; 女职员,女演员; (男人的) 女朋友; [例句]I must have been a horrid little girl.我一定是个人见人烦的小女孩。[其他] 复数:girls 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科


sofa 发啊~音table,make,face发哎~音

some vegetables请问英语怎么读

some 英[səm] 美[sʌm] adj. 一些; 某个; 大约; 相当多的; pron. 一些; 若干; 其中的一部分; (数量不确切时用) 有些人; adv. 非常; 相当; <美>稍微; [例句]Robin opened some champagne罗宾开了一些香槟。vegetables 英["vedʒɪtəblz] 美["vedʒɪtəblz] n. 蔬菜( vegetable的名词复数 ); 生活单调的人,植物人; 菜蔬; [例句]Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins.新鲜水果和蔬菜提供植物纤维素和维生素。[其他] 原型:vegetable


词:viable 英英释义:able to be done, or worth doing ( Feasible) 例句:Renewables are economically viable alternatives. 2. 为什么选这个词? “viable”是个形容词,它本身的意思是“可以存活的”,常被引申使用表示“可行的” “值得做的”。正如健康的生命才可以存活,好的想法、产品、解决方案才能存活,我们可以用 viable 来形容表示想法、产品、解决方案这一类词,也常可以用它替换 effective, feasible 等词。 在产品设计中,有个概念叫“最简可行产品”,它的英文就是 Minimum Viable Product(MVP),我们可以从它的英文解释中体会一下 viable 的意思: A minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and to provide feedback for future product development. 这里的 viable 就可以理解为“satisfy early customers”。如果一个产品可以满足用户的需求,实现盈利,那它就是一个 viable product。 比如星巴克在某一个四线城市开店半年以来,收入明显好于预期,就可以说: Starbucks" new store in this fourth-tier city has proved commercially viable. 从经济角度来看,可再生能源是合适的替代能源。用英文可以说成: Renewables are economically viable alternatives. 《经济学人》在一月份一篇讲电脑芯片的文章中就用到了 viable: To keep its design pipeline full of viable new ideas, the firm must constantly forecast the computer industry"s direction. 3. 怎样学会使用这个词? 1)使用《牛津英语搭配词典》查“viable”,了解它作为形容词时的常用搭配。 commercially/politically/financially/economically viable 2)翻译下面的句子: 中国经济下行,许多 O2O 模式显得不再可行。 参考翻译:As China"s economy is going downhill, many online-to-offline (O2O) businesses no longer seem (commercially/economically) viable. 3)结合自己的生活、学习、工作、兴趣等,想象在什么语境下会用到这个表达。先简要描述这个场景,再造句。 There is no viable alternatives for middle class parents except for sending their children to various extracurriculum classes, hoping to gain more chances for future survival.

in amount and quantity is acceptable

这个是信用证条款,很简单啊: 5%的溢短装条款是允许的. 提供的交单文件有不符点时,每个不符点扣5000欧元,或直接在付给受益人的款项中扣除.此项费用总是由受益人承担. 如需提供多套单据,所产生的费用由受益人承担.

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世界上最薄最轻的Table PC

科技的魅力一向让人无法抗拒!今天让我们来一起感受一下目前世界上最薄最轻的Table PC——NEC LaVie TB TB700/5T,了解这款拥有10.4英寸液晶显示屏,长宽厚度仅为224×297×15~17.2mm 的,重量仅1.02kg的Table PC的奥秘。#$[*7700.jpg*#a*#0*#0*#center*]$#性能展示凭借众多先进的技术,外表看上去弱不禁风的NEC LaVie TB TB700/5T其实内置了强大的功能。它采用了Intel超低电压版的Pentium III-M 933MHz处理器,芯片组是集成图形系统的Trident Cyber ALADDiN-T,由内存共享16MB显存使用。硬盘采用东芝新近研制的超轻薄笔记本专用硬盘MK1003GAL,容量未为20GB,还内置了IEEE802.11a/b无线网络和100M网卡。#$[*7715.jpg*#a*#0*#0*#center*]$#我们可以看到,在机身的右侧面,TB700/5T提供了三个USB端口,而且均支持USB2.0标准。此外,还有一个TYPEⅡ制式的PCMIA卡插槽,耳塞和麦克风插孔,最边上还有液晶屏目亮度调整旋钮。机身左侧则是外接VGA显示接口和网络端口。由于体重非常轻巧,LaVie TB TB700/5T,因此长时间单手托住使用也不是觉得很费力,只不过底部的散热性能较为一般,如果在夏天使用的话,恐怕是不能放在手上的。不过,LaVie TB TB700/5T的触摸液晶屏品质很好,反应很灵敏,手写时不会有费力的感觉。#$[*7711.jpg*#a*#0*#0*#center*]$#齐全的无线配置LaVie TB TB700/5T最让人注目的是其通过MiniPCI插卡方式内置了IEEE 802.11a/b网线网络,最大支持54Mps的无线网络传输。TB700/5T轻盈的机身能够让用户随时调整通信方位,确保最佳通信状态。结语目前,Table PC作为一种新兴的电脑产品,各家公司都还处于不断摸索修正的阶段,NEC的这款LaVie TB TB700/5T机型,从设计的角度和使用的感受来看,已经可以说是比较成熟的产品了,良好的操作性会使得越来越多的人接受并使用Table PC这类产品。#$[*7716.jpg*#a*#0*#0*#center*]$#


响应式代码基本组部ObservablesSubscribers(事实Observer才构建块实践使用SubscriberSubscriber才Observables应)Observable发送消息Subscriber则用于消费消息 RxJava 基本概念 Observable (观察者即观察者) Observer (观察者) subscribe (订阅)、事件 Scheduler 调度器相于线程控制器 Observable Observer 通 subscribe() 实现订阅关系 Observable 需要候发事件通知 Observe







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