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百度Apollo无人驾驶出行报告发布 测试总里程超5000万公里

易车讯 日前,百度Apollo发布了全国首个全无人自动驾驶运营报告——《无人之境旅途:2022百度自动驾驶出行服务年度报告》(简称“报告”)。在报告中,百度公布了旗下自动驾驶出行服务平台“萝卜快跑”的最新运营成绩,稳居全球最大自动驾驶出行服务商。2013年启动自动驾驶领域布局至今,百度Apollo已积累超4600项自动驾驶专利族,高级别自动驾驶专利族数全球第一,测试总里程超5000万公里。而现在则已从“技术验证”升级走向“用户体验”,越来越多的人开始习惯使用自动驾驶作为日常出行工具,一股自动驾驶科技出行新风尚正在席卷而来。目前,萝卜快跑已覆盖北京、上海、广州、深圳、武汉、重庆等城市,在过去的一年间新增的商业化城市达7个,全无人自动驾驶出行服务城市已覆盖北京、武汉、重庆。伴随着百度Apollo在无人驾驶技术上的努力,越来越多的人也开始关注和了解自动驾驶领域、亲身体验无人车自动驾驶出行服务。报告数据显示,2022年萝卜快跑平台活跃用户数量较2021年增长了将近2倍,订单量也实现了多倍数增长。截至2023年一季度,萝卜快跑订单量已超200万,APP用户满意度评价达4.9分,其中5分满分好评占比最新数据高达97.12%。通过产品进化和服务提升,萝卜快跑正在为用户带来高品质、高科技的出行新方式。在用户粘性方面,萝卜快跑也收获了来自用户实际行动的肯定——在月活用户规模翻倍的前提下,2022年萝卜快跑月活4天以上的用户占比较2021年实现了8.06%的提升。同时,在2022年下半年出行环境逐渐稳定的情况下,萝卜快跑的月内复乘率稳定在了50%以上,较2021年提升了近10%。乘坐过萝卜快跑的用户对自动驾驶出行的信任度增加,满意度极高。每天的早晚用车高峰时段,萝卜快跑也已成为许多用户的通勤首选。运营数据显示,2022年萝卜快跑在各时段的用户出行需求量较前一年已翻倍,但又以早间7-9点和晚间16-19点为用户使用产品的高峰期,“早晚通勤”的场景属性已非常明显。在使用场景的问题中,也有67%的用户选择将萝卜快跑自动驾驶出行服务作为“上下班通勤补充/主要工具”,同时也存在购物、娱乐等多元化的用车场景需求,而纯体验的用户占比较少。萝卜快跑已经真正融入日常生活,乘坐过无人驾驶的人都会选择更加相信无人驾驶。百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏说过,创新的源头在于“反馈”,“创新不是闭门造车。创新是你有机会进入市场,不断获得用户和客户的反馈,摸着‘反馈"过河才能实现的。”萝卜快跑的魅力在于用户的深度参与,持续通过收集用户反馈来驱动自身创新,进而推进用户体验和功能优化。在2022年,萝卜快跑用户反馈量增长超过200%,且互动频率呈增强趋势,越来越多的用户参与到百度Apollo的自动驾驶出行产品及服务共建之中,与萝卜快跑一起成长。基于可靠的产品及服务质量,萝卜快跑在用户群体中也获得了良好的口碑。在“促使用户选择萝卜快跑的因素”调研中,“满足出行需求”及“科技感十足”占比较多,萝卜快跑已成为用户心中“科技出行”的代表。而用户的口口相传,也为萝卜出行进一步拓宽了潜在客群,例如在上海市嘉定区,有一位用户在自己使用过萝卜快跑的出行服务后认为非常方便,并推广给家乡人民,在2022全年带来了裂变新客520人。在萝卜快跑落地的各个城市之中,也逐渐形成了一批百度Apollo自动驾驶出行的忠实用户。例如北京亦庄的一位用户,在2022年共下单萝卜快跑出行服务979单;在广州市科学城,有一位用户2022全年乘坐里程达到了7095公里,创造了萝卜快跑全年最高里程用户的记录。萝卜快跑通过调研收集了用户关注和期待的优化点,作为未来打磨精进的重要方向。数据显示,用户期待的优化点主要集中在“新增上车点”、“接单时间”、“路线规划”三个方面,这也从侧面反映了用户对于自动驾驶出行服务的旺盛需求。萝卜快跑将通过进一步加速商业化进程,技术、产品及服务的不断升级,来满足用户日益增长的需求;并且持续与用户互动,和用户一起打磨产品、优化体验,做用户首选、可依赖的自动驾驶出行服务商。用户感受全无人智能乘车体验的同时,萝卜快跑也在不断提升全维度智能的安全保障。一方面,萝卜快跑提供全流程智能乘车引导,包括上车前的智能暗号找车、超时敦促,下车前的盲区监测和风险提示、展示右后方视频等,用以帮助用户安全快捷地乘坐无人车完成行程;在乘车过程中,也支持感知渲染帮助用户识别环境,用户自主调节空调温度、修改终点、一键呼出SOS等,打造舒适且有科技感的座舱体验。而另一方面,软硬件层面的全方位覆盖则为自动驾驶安全带来了全维度的保障,百度Apollo采用了在行业及全球范围领先的全无人车安全保障体系,通过全局指挥调度监控及远程5G云代驾等技术,高效配置车辆资源、实现多场景安全响应闭环。在全无人场景下还支持交警一键执法接入,迅速响应各类交通问题、保障人车安全。百度全无人车从0到1,走了九年;但从1到100辆,仅仅用了几个月。当前通用人工智能已经开始崭露头角,未来,随着技术的突破,无人驾驶普及的拐点行则将至。同时,人工智能赋予了智能汽车超级大脑,能够更加聪明地处理复杂的场景,大幅扩展自动驾驶的设计和运营的范围。百度预测,在2025年左右,全球会出现大范围进行Robotaxi商业运营的企业。而在这股浪潮之中,百度Apollo已经实现持续领跑,目前正在推进全无人规模化商业化落地,“无人车打萝卜”已成为用户出行的新选择。打开易车App,点击首页“智能化实测”,多角度了解热门新车科技亮点,获得选购智能电动车的权威参考依据。







大众polo locked被锁怎么解决


The Golden Age, Op.22 - Polka 歌词

歌曲名:The Golden Age, Op.22 - Polka歌手:Leif Ove Andsnes专辑:HorizonsThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2649724

political compass什么意思


The city has lots of air pollution.可以这样用吗?

have是”持有,具有,拥有”..there is是”存在有”

Air pollution ____, this city is still a good place to live in.


短文改错:in the past few years…which can stop the air of the city polluted


If there is ______ pollution, the air in our city will be dirtier.

句子不完整啊 两个选项一个空 BD里面选一个

战略性贸易政策(strategic trade policy)


I dislike living in a city because of the air pollution,the crime .and the____.



仅供参考北极星:Polaris南极星:Polaris Australis

on human nature and politics 的详解


Polar bears live in the()

arctic(北极) 全句译为北极熊住在北极

the polar bear lives in the __ and___

the polar bear lives in the _snow_ and_ice_.这句话的意思是 北极熊生活在雪地和冰原。希望能帮到你。

the panda is smaller the polar bear

你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:the panda is smaller the polar bear熊猫是小北极熊望采纳 谢谢


the polar bear 北极熊为您推荐:polar bearpolar bears

The polar bear的意思?


the polar bear 翻议下~~


中学生百科英语第一册的第一单元的第三课的The Polar Bear谁能帮我翻译一下啊~~~


the melting of the polar

句子好像不完整,无论如何,答案是 D. in addition to 刚看到你的补充改了. 那么,要填 B. result in

数学中 express in polar form 什么意思啊?


the polar express歌词

Artist: Tom Hanks Song: The Polar Express All aboard! All aboard!Tickets please, tickets Well, you coming?It"s a magic carpet on a rail Never takes a restFlying through the mountains and the snowRide for free and join the fun (You can ride for free) If you just say yes! Cause that"s the way things happen On the Polar ExpressYou bet!Wooo wooo the whistle blows That"s the sound of her singing Ding ding the bell will ring Golly look at her go!You wonder if you"ll get there soonAnybody"s guess Cause that"s the way things happen On the Polar ExpressWhen we get there we"ll scream “Yes!” (Yeah)We"ll arrive with a bang bang bang boom boom boomLaughing all the way!It"s a choo choo with a stunning view That rivals all the bestBut you won"t see it advertised It"s a simple fact we stay on track Though sometimes we digressBut that can only happen on the Polar ExpressHiss hiss the steam hissesThat"s the sound of her breathingClang clang the boiler bangsWhat a wonderful show!With a comfy seat and lots to eatBoy is this the best!Wish it wouldn"t ever have to endWith a little luck we"ll be on timeThere"s no need to stressCause that"s the way things happen On the Polar ExpressLights are gleaming far across the snowYou"re not dreaming May I present the North Pole!If it"s penguins you expect to viewYou surely haven"t guessed They all live down at the other endWith a little luck we"ll be on timeThere"s no need to stressCause that"s the way things happen On the Polar ExpressBoom boom the whistle blows That"s the sound of her singingDing ding the bell will ring Golly look at her go!If you want to join us come alongI"ll check my manifestCause that"s the way things happen On the Polar ExpressWhen we get there we"ll scream “Yes!” (Yeah)We"ll arrive with a bang bang bang boom boom boomLaughing all the wayIf you want to join us come alongYou can be our guest Cause that"s the way things happen On the roller coaster the Polar ExpressNext stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four Edbrook AvenueNext stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four Edbrook AvenueAhh ahhh ahh that is not a toy young man That is not a toyTake your seats pleaseTake your seats


  Taylor Momsen   姓名:泰勒-摩森(Taylor Momsen)   出生年月:1993年7月26日   出生地:美国密苏里州圣路易斯市   身高:171   个人简介:   她三岁就开始了演艺生涯,出现在一支商业广告Shake and Bake。   泰勒的妹妹斯洛娜(Sloane)出生在1996年,也进入了演艺圈。她第一个角色是1999年客串了《先知游戏》(Prophet"s Game)。   她引起观众的注意是因为和吉姆-凯瑞(Jim Carey)合作出演了电影《圣诞怪杰》(How the Grinch Stole Christmas),在电影中她扮演小女孩欣迪(Cindy)。   个人语录:   “我总是积极的面对人生。”   “我喜欢让我身边每个人都高兴。”   主要作品列表:   Doubting Thomas ------- (2008)   超狗任务/超人狗 Underdog ------- (2007)   绯闻少女/流言教主 "Gossip Girl" ------- (2007)   迷幻公园 Paranoid Park ------- (2007)   拯救夏伊洛 Saving Shiloh ------- (2006)   "Misconceptions" ------- (2006)   Best Ever Christmas Films ------- (2005)   奇幻森林历险记 Hansel & Gretel ------- (2002)   非常小特务II:梦境岛 Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams ------- (2002)   我们曾是战士/越战忠魂/勇士们/军天壮志 We Were Soldiers ------- (2002)   圣诞怪杰/格林奇偷走圣诞节 How the Grinch Stole Christmas ------- (2000)   2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards ------- (2000)   先知游戏 The Prophet"s Game ------- (1999)   

the polar express歌词

Artist: Tom Hanks Song: The Polar Express All aboard! All aboard! Tickets please, tickets Well, you coming? It"s a magic carpet on a rail Never takes a rest Flying through the mountains and the snow Ride for free and join the fun (You can ride for free) If you just say yes! Cause that"s the way things happen On the Polar Express You bet! Wooo wooo the whistle blows That"s the sound of her singing Ding ding the bell will ring Golly look at her go! You wonder if you"ll get there soon Anybody"s guess Cause that"s the way things happen On the Polar Express When we get there we"ll scream “Yes!” (Yeah) We"ll arrive with a bang bang bang boom boom boom Laughing all the way! It"s a choo choo with a stunning view That rivals all the best But you won"t see it advertised It"s a simple fact we stay on track Though sometimes we digress But that can only happen on the Polar Express Hiss hiss the steam hisses That"s the sound of her breathing Clang clang the boiler bangs What a wonderful show! With a comfy seat and lots to eat Boy is this the best! Wish it wouldn"t ever have to end With a little luck we"ll be on time There"s no need to stress Cause that"s the way things happen On the Polar Express Lights are gleaming far across the snow You"re not dreaming May I present the North Pole! If it"s penguins you expect to view You surely haven"t guessed They all live down at the other end With a little luck we"ll be on time There"s no need to stress Cause that"s the way things happen On the Polar Express Boom boom the whistle blows That"s the sound of her singing Ding ding the bell will ring Golly look at her go! If you want to join us come along I"ll check my manifest Cause that"s the way things happen On the Polar Express When we get there we"ll scream “Yes!” (Yeah) We"ll arrive with a bang bang bang boom boom boom Laughing all the way If you want to join us come along You can be our guest Cause that"s the way things happen On the roller coaster the Polar Express Next stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four Edbrook Avenue Next stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four Edbrook Avenue Ahh ahhh ahh that is not a toy young man That is not a toy Take your seats please Take your seats

RAYON 和POLYESTER 是一样的东西吗? 不是要字面的翻译,谢谢.


RAYON 和POLYESTER 是一样的东西吗? 不是要字面的翻译,谢谢。


"Abercrombie Fitch"和"Polo Ralph Lauren"这两个牌子,哪一个比较有档次一些?


这个logo 是什么品牌?一个了L又一点,不是love life ,我见过件这个衣服是类似polo 的风格,孟汉娜里lili


% polyester 2% spandex 100% cupro中文






65% cotton,35% polyester,5% spandex怎么翻译,什么面料来的。卫衣的



意大利语:92&polistirolo 8%spandex




概述 adb查询 app接口 netpolicy服务启动 1.SystemServer::SystemServer:run --> startOtherServices 2.NetworkPolicyManagerService构造方法 构造方法初始了Doze服务DeviceIdleController 3.ams.systemReady中初始化 NetworkPolicyManagerService在初始化服务过程中,就是一个集大成者:监听改变,从而做相关的权限管理 4.分析网络限制:app standby闲置达到上限,进行网络的回调

go– lucky policy怎么翻译


Polish 是什么意思

adj.波兰的; 与波兰有关的; 波兰人的; 波兰语的; n.波兰语; ------------

找几篇以“magic power of polite words”为题的英语作文

In a world where competition among people are becoming increasingly fierece,especially when the shift between challenge and oppotunity stays in a flash,the magic power of polite words can doubtless serve as an impetus in your communication with others!To begin with ,there is no denying the fundamental fact that all people worldwide hope to receice esteem from others through some polite words ,or even complimentary ones.And if this basic need are ultimately be meet, you will surely reiceve esteem in return ,and help from the people whom you are polite to.Undoubtedly ,these will further your success to be realized as soon as possible!Besides, when they smile to you as appeciation ,you will feel happy!At last ,when the relationship among people goes wrong,polite words can smooth over the aggresive atmosphere. Having good manners is seen by many people as a sign of cultural understanding and good taste.Polite words are one of the examples.When meeting people,saying"Hello"or"How are you" and so on means you are wery polite, which will make it easy for you to communicate with others,which is the result of magicpower of polite.otherwise,other people will hate getting on with you.And your life will become diffcult.Only by saying polite words can you get on well with others.In a word,it is polite words that will make your life become convenient.More and more people attach great importance to relationship in career success. Being polite is the first and most important step to develop good relationship among friends. Polite words can be easy yet very powerful in your daily life. Always saying please and thank you will make your friends feel more comfortable and more willing to offer help when necessary.We all know that one man"s success is based on how he deals with people! Always be grateful to other people"s kindness and show your gratitude through the words you speak. The more support you win from other people, the faster you will move towards your goal. Although some people may easily ignorance the importance of being polite,we students should form good habits and behavior in good manners. First,learn to be friendly to your parents and relatives at home. Then at school, listen respectfully when your teachers instruct you. Follow and accept their advice to improve yourself. You will make further progress if you express your gratitude in time. Remember, being polite costs nothing but it"s worth of million dollars. “Magic power of polite words”More and more people attach great importance to relationship in career success. Being polite is the first and most important step to develop good relationship among friends. Polite words can be easy yet very powerful in your daily life. Always saying please and thank you will make your friends feel more comfortable and more willing to offer help when necessary.We all know that one man"s success is based on how he deals with people! Always be grateful to other people"s kindness and show your gratitude through the words you speak. The more support you win from other people, the faster you will move towards your goal.来源:( http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_606e90ca0100is9j.html) - 2010年江西英语高考作文范文_雨后亭亭_新浪博客 Although some people may easily ignore the importance of being polite,we students should form good habits and behavior in good manners. First,learn to be friendly to your parents and relatives at home. Then at school, listen respectfully when your teachers instruct you. Follow and accept their advice to improve yourselves. You will make further progress if you express your gratitude in time. Remember, being polite costs nothing but it"s worth of million dollars.

求一篇以“Magic Power of Polite Word”为题的英语作文

英语中“please”、“thank you”、“sorry”等礼貌用语具有增进友谊、改善关系、化解矛盾等神奇的力量,因而被称为“magic words”。请以“Magic Power of Polite Words”为题写一篇100词左右的英语作文。体裁不限(叙述文、评论文、说论文……) Magic Power of Polite Words We use magic words in our daily life without realizing it. These magic words such as "please", "thank you", "sorry" can make our life much easier. Magic words can help build friendship. They make you polite and easier to get along with, thus strengthen the relationship between you and others. Once you offend someone else, you can as well use these words. A word such as "sorry" will make him less annoyed. Try using polite words every now and then. If you often use these polite words, they will provide you with magic power.

求一篇以“Magic Power of Polite Word”为题的英语作文

英语中“please”、“thank you”、“sorry”等礼貌用语具有增进友谊、改善关系、化解矛盾等神奇的力量,因而被称为“magic words”.请以“Magic Power of Polite Words”为题写一篇100词左右的英语作文.体裁不限(叙述文、评论文、说论文……) Magic Power of Polite Words We use magic words in our daily life without realizing it. These magic words such as "please", "thank you", "sorry" can make our life much easier. Magic words can help build friendship. They make you polite and easier to get along with, thus strengthen the relationship between you and others. Once you offend someone else, you can as well use these words. A word such as "sorry" will make him less annoyed. Try using polite words every now and then. If you often use these polite words, they will provide you with magic power.

I 什么what I have done. (apologuze apologies)?

可以用I apologize for what I have done.

Luke Bryan的《Apologize》 歌词

歌曲:Apologize歌手:Luck BryanI"m holding on your rope,Got me ten feet off the groundAnd I"m hearing what you say but I just can"t make a soundYou tell me that you need meThen you go and cut me down,but waitYou tell me that you"re sorryDidn"t think I"d turn around, and say...That it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI"d take another chance, take a fallTake a shot for youAnd I need you like a heart needs a beatBut it"s nothing newI loved you with the fire red-Now it"s turning blue, and you say..."Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was youBut I"m afraid...That is too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late .....I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateIt"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateIt"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateI said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too lateHolding on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...<End>http://music.baidu.com/song/3488083

impolite gifts to Chinese

I can"t agree more !!!

Massachusetts had had its share of dishonest politician~求翻译!

had had its share of 是用 过去完成时表达 "过去确曾也有过" 的意思. have one"s share of sth 说白点就是 "没少出现过xxx" 之意 马萨诸塞州之前确曾也有过不诚实(或虚伪不实)的政客 或者 马萨诸塞州之前没少出现过不诚实(或虚伪不实)的政客

polyethylene terephthalate是聚脂还是乙二醇

polyethylene terephthalate聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯;例句:1.Intracardiac patch or pledget made of polypropylene polyethylene terephthalate or polytetrafluoroethylene. 聚丙烯、聚对苯二甲酸乙酯或聚四氟乙烯制成的心内补片或纱布。2.Intracardiac patch or pledget made of polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, or polytetrafluoroethylene. 聚丙烯,聚对苯二甲酸乙酯或聚四氟乙烯制成的心内补片或纱布。3.Polyvinyl chloride ( pvc) and polyethylene terephthalate ( pet) were ranked last. 而聚氯乙烯(pvc)和聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(pet)则排在了名单的最后。4.Most bottled water comes in polyethylene terephthalate bottles, indicated by a number 1, pet or pete on thebottle"s bottom. 大多数的瓶装水都是由聚对苯二甲酸材质的塑料瓶盛装的,这一点通过标注在塑料瓶底部的1pet或pete可以看出。5.Estar base: the trade name applied to the polyethylene terephthalate film base manufactured by eastmankodak company. 伊士曼柯达公司生产的聚乙烯对苯二酸酯胶片片基的商品名称。

缩写PET到底是Polyester 还是polyethylene terephthalate?这2种材料有什么区别?


polyethylene terephthalate是什么意思

polyethylene terephthalate聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯双语对照词典结果:polyethylene terephthalate聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯; 例句:1.Polyvinyl chloride ( pvc) and polyethylene terephthalate ( pet) wereranked last. 而聚氯乙烯(pvc)和聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(pet)则排在了名单的最后。

rondo alla polacca在贝多芬c大调小提琴和钢琴三重奏协奏曲中的第三乐章有这个提示,这个是什么意思i?


欧洲杯爱尔兰队歌The Rocky Road To Poland中文歌词是什么


polyol conventional是什么意思

请看例句The applications of low-monol polyether polyol in low modulus PU-RIM was researched,and compared with conventional polyether polyol system on technology and performance.对低单官能度聚醚多元醇在低模量PU RIM中的应用进行了研究 ,与普通聚醚多元醇体系在加工工艺和制品性能上进行了比较。conventional polyether polyol system 普通聚醚多元醇体系============polyol conventional普通多元醇

抖音上friendship和I love poland结合在一起的那首歌是啥?

这首歌名就是叫做《I love Poland》。音乐里说的不是“by the forlen”,而是“I love Poland”,翻译过来就是“我爱波兰”的意思。毕竟口语这个东西不是轻易就能学会的,连贯起来读可能英语没有个四六级怕是一时间反应不过来的。当然这首歌也有人会翻译成中文,这也就是抖音里的所谓的“皇家翻译”了吧,“买了风否”、“买了否愣”、“买了佛否”,果然网友们的能力依然是比较强大的。I love Poland歌词互译:Chicks in Poland are so hot,波兰小妞如此火辣I love Poland kurwa ma!我他*的爱波兰!I love Poland.( Poland?)我爱波兰(波兰?)I love Poland.( Why?)我爱波兰(为什么?)I love Poland.(I donapos;t belive it.)我爱波兰(我不信)I love Poland.(Poland?)我爱波兰(波兰?)I love Poland.(Why?)我爱波兰(为什么?)I love Poland,(Shut up!)我爱波兰(闭嘴!)I love driving by my car我爱开着我的车and the road its not so far.这条路并不远

A _ political and economic situation is very important for the development of any


抖音why然后笑是什么歌?I love poland

抖音最近很火的一首歌曲,就是对嘴型,三屏小视频,后面是why然后笑还是一个女生的笑,这首歌曲叫什么?这首歌曲小编知道哦!叫《I love poland》,喜欢就来下载吧!抖音why然后笑是什么歌?这首歌曲叫《I love poland》why女生笑歌曲分享:《I love poland》歌词:I Love Poland - HazelI love PolandPolandI love PolandWhyI love PolandI hadn"t believe yaI love PolandPolandI love PolandWhyI love PolandShut upI love driving by my carAnd the road its not so farBerlin London Moscow tooIt"s my love I tell you trueWhen I came to PolandI saw my car was stolenIt was my favourite truckI said f**king kurwa ma?I love PolandPolandI love PolandWhyI love PolandI hadn"t believe yaI love PolandPolandI love PolandWhyI love PolandShut upI love driving by my carAnd the road its not so farBerlin London Moscow tooIt"s my love I tell you trueWhen I came to PolandI saw my car was stolenIt was my favourite truckI said f**king kurwa ma?I love PolandI love PolandI love PolandI love PolandI don"t believe yaI love PolandI love PolandI love PolandI love PolandI had really pretty carBaby you have as so farDon"t be shy come with usWe will show you amourosThen I say in PolandHave not car but I don"t mindChicks in Poland are so hotI love Poland kurwa ma?We will show you amourosWe will show you amourosWe will show you amourosWe will show you amourosKurwa ma?Kurwa ma?Kurwa ma?Kurwa ma?Kurwa ma?Kurwa ma?Chicks in Poland are so hotI love Poland kurwa ma?I love Poland kurwa ma?I love Poland kurwa ma?I love PolandI love PolandI love PolandI love PolandI love PolandPolandI love PolandWhyI love PolandShut upI love Poland

A______chang has taken place in China since the policy of opening up and refrom was adoped.

1、fundamental 在这里应量解为“根本性的”。2、essential 必要的elementary 初步的primary 主要的3、a fundamental change has taken place in China 中国发生了根本性的变化


可以不用ITopologicalOperator,直接用空间查询就可以实现//spatial queryISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();pSpatialFilter.Geometry = (IGeometry)pPolyline;//用于查询的polylineSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;//IntersectIFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(pSpatialFilter, false);//queryIFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();while (pFeature != null){IPolyline pQueryPolyline = (IPolyline)pFeature.Shape ; //查询出来的polylinepFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();}//release com resourceSystem.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pFeatureCursor);

求 Tara rolypoly 日文版MP3度盘链接

无损FLAC:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=729647117&uk=1663762790fq6o320K:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=737263123&uk=1663762790orqk发的是整张专辑 两种音质

NO 帕里帕里 NO 帕里 上来就是高潮 男人唱的是什么歌 不是Roly Poly 谁知道

是不是 Marilyn Manson 的<<this is the new shit>>????

音谈悖论ep几提到roly poly


T-ara的智妍先前拍cry cry的时候不是短头发吗?怎么几天时间就变成长头发啦?(在roly poly期间)



Davichi、Seeya都不错的还有FX的electric shock

roly poly bugs是什么虫子


T-ara的roly polyMV中谁是谁啊?


roly poly梦儿李梦芯唱的中文谐音有么?

roly poly梦儿版中文谐音:哦滴膏及芠娜 头哦滴嗖芠娜啦没地喽芠娜 娜娜娜娜娜 I like you哦滴搜哦秀那哟 家苦奴你甘那哟苦得奴比气【那嫩恰吗没的内哟】哟咕楼噶秀及慢 用一个啊哽梢钙思米都留哇【那嫩恰忙搜里内哟】沐啦 哦投卡那 沐啦米气给搜 NO奴气给西哟 NO也给哟蔷蔷 噶娜噶鞥 蔷蔷内啊配搜 头吖蔬啊钙~Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly阿难高难够吖 哒西内给哒噶噶噶搜Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly那门包吖够吖 NO也给ler 噶噶秋ko吖~西K南外BO那哟 唔里唔那么兜就门就衣嫩待【那嫩恰吗没的内哟】那哦娜衣桑哈乃哟 家苦头里乃哟苦得ler BO股搜【那嫩恰忙搜里内哟】沐啦 不啦嫩南 沐啦米气给搜 哦滴哟噶卡吧 汉够ler兜蔷蔷 噶娜噶鞥 蔷蔷内够蕾搜 头那苏哦给Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly阿难高难够吖 哒西内给哒噶噶噶搜Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly那门包吖够吖 NO也给ler 噶噶秋ko吖~I like like this I like like thatI like this like that yeahRoly Poly Roly Roly Poly阿难高难够吖 哒西内给哒噶噶噶搜Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly那门包吖够吖 NO也给ler 噶噶秋ko吖~Ah Ah Ah Ah Tonight西膏呢吖够吖 内膏呢吖够吖 Oh TonightAh Ah Ah Ah Tonight一哒里了够吖 哦度哈气哈西冷够吖

roly poly歌词 换成中文啥意思!!!1

Roly Poly(Live)-酷我音乐http://bd.kuwo.cn/yinyue/1106649?from=baidu

Roly poly 歌词音译

这是音译 哦滴卡及玩那 头哦滴苏萌那 吗没的喽玩那 那那那那那 I like you 哦滴搜哦秀那哟 家苦奴你噶内哟 苦得奴比气【那嫩恰吗没的内哟】 哟噗楼噶够西及慢 用gi噶啊那搜 噶思米头留哇【那嫩恰忙搜里内哟】 目啦 哦头看南 目啦 米气给搜 弄奴气gi西喽NO也给喽 穷穷 哒噶噶类 穷穷 内啊配搜 头那苏哦给 Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly 南米喽内兜南 哒西内给喽哒噶噶搜 Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly 那慢BO衣够呀NO也给那ler BO哟就扣呀 西K嫩喂BO那哟 唔里吗那不头 就萌求衣嫩得【那嫩恰吗没的内哟】 那哦嫩衣桑哈内哟 家苦头里内哟 苦得ler BO股搜【那嫩恰忙搜里内哟】 目啦 不啦嫩南 目啦 米气给搜 哦滴漏噶卡吧 汉够ler兜 穷穷 哒噶噶类 穷穷 内奴内搜 头那苏哦给 Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly 南米喽内兜南 哒西内给喽哒噶噶搜 Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly 那慢BO衣够呀NO也给那ler BO哟就扣呀 I like like this I like like that I like this like that yeah Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly 南米喽内兜南 哒西内给喽哒噶噶搜 Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly 那慢BO衣够呀NO也给那ler BO哟就扣呀 Ah Ah Ah Ah Tonight 西噶你东够呀 内给喽哦够呀Oh Tonight Ah Ah Ah Ah Tonight NO gi哒里够呀 NO度那NO气gi西len够呀 中文歌词: 走到哪里了 又躲到哪里了 走到心里了 啦啦啦啦啦 i like you 你从哪里来 为何你是那么显眼 你的眼神 我真的很喜欢 虽然想到你身边 但是没有勇气 心在颤抖 我不知所措 不知道该怎么办 快疯了 不想错过你 想一步一步走近你 为了不让你离开我身边 萝莉拍你 萝莉萝莉拍你 你即使推开我 我也会重新来过 萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你 一定会中意我 为你展示自我 为何看表 我们从见面开始就一直傻傻的站着 我真的很中意你 我今天好奇怪 为何总是在颤抖 看到你我真的好不知所措 感到好不安 不知道 我快疯了 以为你要去哪 前进一步 向你走去 为了让你离不开我 萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你 即使你推开我 我也会重新 走向你 萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你 一定会中意我的 为你展示自我 I like like this I like like that I like this like that yeah 萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你 即使你推开我我也会重新 走向你 萝莉拍你萝莉萝莉拍你 一定会中意我 为你展示自我 Ah Ah Ah Ah Tonight 时间已到 一定会回到我身边 Oh Tonight Ah Ah Ah Ah Tonight 一定会等着你 我也不想放开你

求歌词 T-ara - Roly Poly(韩+中)

T-ara- Roly-Poly专辑:John Travolta WannaBeuc5b4ub514uae4cuc9c0 uc654ub098 ub610 uc5b4ub514 uc228uc5c8ub098你是从哪里来的又躲在哪里ub9d8uc5d0 ub4e4uc5b4 uc654ub098 ub098ub098ub098ub098ub098我真的很喜欢你I like youI like youuc5b4ub514uc11c uc624uc168ub098uc694你是从哪里来的呢uc790uafb8 ub208uc774 uac00ub124uc694总是出现在我眼中uadf8ub300 ub208ube5buc774你的眼神ub098ub294 ucc38 ub9d8uc5d0 ub4dcub124uc694我真的很喜欢uc606uc73cub85c uac00uace0 uc2f6uc9c0ub9cc虽然想来到你的身边uc6a9uae30uac00 uc54aub098uc11c但是没有勇气uac00uc2b4uc774 ub5a8ub824uc640心跳得好快ub098ub294 ucc38 ub9dduc124uc774ub124uc694我真的很犹豫ubab0ub77c uc5b4ub5a1ud574 ub09c ubab0ub77c ubbf8uce58uaca0uc5b4 不知道 怎么办 我 不知道 我快疯掉了 ub110 ub193uce58uae30 uc2ebuc5b4不想放开你ub108uc5d0uac8cub85c uc810uc810 ub2e4uac00uac08ub798渐渐的向你靠近uc810uc810 ub0b4 uc55euc5d0uc11c ub5a0ub0a0 uc218 uc5c6uac8c你不会渐渐的离我远去Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyRoly Poly Roly Roly Polyub0a0 ubc00uc5b4ub0b4ub3c4 ub09c ub2e4uc2dc 就算把我推开 我也会再次 ub124uac8cub85c ub2e4uac00uac00uc11c向你靠近Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyRoly Poly Roly Roly Polyub098ub9cc ubcf4uc77cuaebcuc57c只看着我一个ub108uc5d0uac8c ub098ub97c ubcf4uc5ec uc904uaebcuc57c我会给你展示我的uc2dcuacc4ub294 uc65c ubcf4ub098uc694为什么要看时间呢uc6b0ub9ac ub9ccub0a8ubd80ud130 ucb49 uba48ucdb0 uc788ub294ub370它在我们相见的那一刻就已经停止了ub098ub294 ucc38 ub9d8uc5d0 ub4dcub124uc694我真的很喜欢你ub098 uc624ub298 uc774uc0c1ud558ub124uc694我今天好奇怪uc790uafb8 ub5a8ub9acub124uc694总是心跳加速uadf8ub300ub97c ubcf4uace0uc11c ub098ub294 ucc38 ub9dduc124uc774ub124uc694看着你我真的很犹豫ubab0ub77c ubd88uc548ud574 ub09c ubab0ub77c ubbf8uce58uaca0uc5b4不知道 好烦躁 我 不知道 快要疯了 uc5b4ub514ub85c uac08uae4cubd10 ud55cuac78uc74c ub354要去哪里呢uc810uc810 ub2e4uac00uac08ub798渐渐又靠近了你一步uc810uc810 ub0b4 ub208uc5d0uc11c ub5a0ub0a0 uc218 uc5c6uac8c你不会渐渐的从我眼中消失Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyRoly Poly Roly Roly Polyub0a0 ubc00uc5b4ub0b4ub3c4 ub09c ub2e4uc2dc就算把我推开 我也会再次 ub124uac8cub85c ub2e4uac00uac00uc11c向你靠近Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyRoly Poly Roly Roly Polyub098ub9cc ubcf4uc77cuaebcuc57c只看着我一个人ub108uc5d0uac8c ub098ub97c ubcf4uc5ec uc904uaebcuc57c我会给你展示我的I like like this I like likeI like like this I like likethat I like this like that yeahthat I like this like that yeah Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyRoly Poly Roly Roly Polyub0a0 ubc00uc5b4ub0b4ub3c4 ub09c ub2e4uc2dc就算把我推开 我也会再次ub124uac8cub85c ub2e4uac00uac00uc11c向你靠近Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyRoly Poly Roly Roly Polyub098ub9cc ubcf4uc77cuaebcuc57c只看着我一个人ub108uc5d0uac8c ub098ub97c ubcf4uc5ec uc904uaebcuc57c我会给你展示我的Ah Ah Ah Ah TonightAh Ah Ah Ah Tonightuc2dcuac04uc774 ub41cuac70uc57c ub0b4uac8cub85c uc62cuac70uc57c时机到了 来到我身边吧Oh TonightOh TonightAh Ah Ah Ah TonightAh Ah Ah Ah Tonightub110 uae30ub2e4ub9b4 uac70uc57c我在等着你ub108ub3c4 ub0a0 ub193uce58uae30 uc2ebuc744 uac70uc57c你也不想放开我转自T-ARA中文首站

求男神女神里roly poly翻唱中文版歌词!!!!

哦你ko几王那都哦地似王那那你哭都王那啦啦啦……诶,i like you哦滴搜哦xien那呦可带弄克几大你就吗呢度内呦哭兜卡兜西就嘛拥gi兜安那搜克死米太雍哇啊莫那kan大莫那一气高so那屋几个西sono也给no墙江大大大内墙江那呦个sono内苏哦给诶roly poly roly roly poly米东奶怒那你恰西怒凯怒差差卡soroly poly roly roly poly空都一都呀啊那也给那你扑do亲够呀ohohoh……roly poly roly roly poly米东奶怒那你恰西怒凯怒差差卡soroly poly roly roly poly空都一都呀啊那也给那你扑do亲够呀ohohoh……那你那你高呀啊哝粗跟怒你西一西怒高呀啊

求T-ara《roly poly》日文版歌词罗马音 拜托了~

看看是不是你需要的.Eodi kkaji wassna tto eodi sumeossnaMame deureo wassna nanananana I like you Eodi seo osyeossnayo Jakku nuni ganeyo Geudae nunbicci(naneun cham mame deuneyo) Yeopeuro gago sipjiman Yonggi ga anhnaseo Gaseumi tteollyeowa(naneun cham mangseorineyo) Molla eotteokhae nan molla michigesseo Neol nohchigi silheo Neo egero jeomjeom dagagallae Jeomjeom nae apeseo tteonal su eopsge Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNal mireonaedo nan dasi Negero dagagaseo Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNaman boilkkeoya Neoege nareul boyeo julkkeoya Sigye neun wae bonayo Uri mannambuteo jjuk meomchwo issneunde(naneun cham mame deuneyo) Na oneul isanghaneyo Jakku tteollineyo Geudaereul bogoseo (naneun cham mangseorineyo) Molla buranhae nan molla michigesseo Eodiro galkkabwa hangeoreum deoJeom jeom dagagallae Jeomjeom nae nuneseo tteonal su eopsge Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNal mireonaedo nan dasi Negero dagagaseo Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNaman boilkkeoya Neoege nareul boyeo julkkeoya I like like this I like like that I like this like that yeah Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNal mireonaedo nan dasiNegero dagagaseo Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNaman boilkkeoyaNeoege nareul boyeo julkkeoya Ah Ah Ah Ah TonightSi gani doengeoya naegero olgeoyaOh Tonight Ah Ah Ah Ah TonightNeol gidaril geoyaNeodo nal nohchigi silheul geoya 罗马拼音 Eo di kka ji wassna tto eodi sumeossnaMame deureo wassna nanananana I like you Eodi seo osyeossnayo Jakku nuni ganeyo Geudae nunbicci(naneun cham mame deuneyo) Yeopeuro gago sipjiman Yonggi ga anhnaseo Gaseumi tteollyeowa(naneun cham mangseorineyo) Molla eotteokhae nan molla michigesseo Neol nohchigi silheo Neo egero jeomjeom dagagallae Jeomjeom nae apeseo tteonal su eopsge Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNal mireonaedo nan dasi Negero dagagaseo Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNaman boilkkeoya Neoege nareul boyeo julkkeoya Sigye neun wae bonayo Uri mannambuteo jjuk meomchwo issneunde(naneun cham mame deuneyo) Na oneul isanghaneyo Jakku tteollineyo Geudaereul bogoseo (naneun cham mangseorineyo) Molla buranhae nan molla michigesseo Eodiro galkkabwa hangeoreum deoJeom jeom dagagallae Jeomjeom nae nuneseo tteonal su eopsge Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNal mireonaedo nan dasi Negero dagagaseo Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNaman boilkkeoya Neoege nareul boyeo julkkeoya I like like this I like like that I like this like that yeah Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNal mireonaedo nan dasiNegero dagagaseo Roly Poly Roly Roly PolyNaman boilkkeoyaNeoege nareul boyeo julkkeoya Ah Ah Ah Ah TonightSi gani doengeoya naegero olgeoyaOh Tonight Ah Ah Ah Ah TonightNeol gidaril geoyaNeodo nal nohchigi silheul geoya

Roly - Poly 歌词

歌曲名:Roly - Poly歌手:T-ara专辑:Jewelry boxRoly-Poly(Japanese ver.)作曲︰S.TIGER|Choi Kyu sung作词︰S.TIGER|Choi Kyu sung|藤林圣子歌︰T-ARA ティアラかなり気になるBoy アイコンタクトわかって欲しい(ワタシ的No.1)まさか感じてない? ちょい钝くない?そばに来てよ(なりたいのオンリーワン)More Love ありえない More Love 私が诱えばいいの?勇気をUP!UP! 戸惑いDown↓Down↓チャンスは今夜だけRolyPoly RolyRoly Poly一目惚れFlash! このココロDance...RolyPoly RolyRoly Poly受け止めてよ 今すぐにCatch Catch Catch Me Now君のペースにもう 巻き込まれOh!だけど负けない(君にとってはゲーム?)追いかけてみると 离れるでしょ?ムシすると超(见てたりするよね)More Love 私を More Love 焦らして游ばないで!好きならYes↑Yes↑ 駆け引きNo↓No↓素直な気持ち见せてRolyPoly RolyRoly Poly大好きだよ 胸騒ぎShake...RolyPoly RolyRoly Poly次の曲で 迷わずにTouch Touch Touch Me NowI like like thisI like like thatI like this like that yeahRolyPoly RolyRoly Poly一目惚れFlash! このココロDance...RolyPoly RolyRoly Poly受け止めてよ 今すぐにCatch Catch Catch Me NowAh Ah Ah Ah Tonightふたり今夜 出逢ったのは Oh TonightAh Ah Ah Ah Tonight运命だわ 私に恋してみない?http://music.baidu.com/song/15394986

Roly Poly的意思


tara 《roly poly》mv穿黄色和黑色格衣服 帽子也是黄色和黑色相间的姑娘叫什么名 觉得很漂亮帮帮忙谢谢

额额 ,你看的应该不是剧情版的吧,应该是朴孝敏

在Tara的Roly Poly的MV里面的人与名字的对应,最好有图片的对应!谢谢!

宝蓝 孝敏 恩静 智妍 花英 居丽 素妍

请问能提供些与《roly poly》 《nu abo》《cry cry》风格相似的歌歌不???要有舞蹈哟!!


roly poly MV t一ara成员单独照片


roly poly舞蹈 主持台词如何写

她们是七个青春洋溢的姐妹,踏着活力四射的舞步向我们展示经久不衰的复古风潮,活泼可爱的歌词、朗朗上口的曲调和轻盈跳跃的舞蹈让人不禁跟随者节拍一起舞动。请欣赏由()带来的舞蹈表演ROLY POLY

tara roly poly 谐音歌词 很急用哦

哦你ko几王那都哦地似王那那你哭都王那啦啦啦啦啦诶哦滴搜哦xien那呦几股怒你家你呦可带弄克几(大你就吗呢度内呦)哭兜卡兜西就嘛拥gi兜安那搜克死米太雍哇啊(那你就吗so你内呦)莫那 kan大 莫那 一气高so那屋几个西兜no也给no墙江 大大大内 墙江那呦个sono内苏哦给诶Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly米东奶怒那你恰西怒凯怒差差卡soRoly Poly Roly Roly Poly空都一都呀啊那也给那你扑do亲够呀oh oh oh oh搜凯你rad叩那呦喔你那弄那涛ju么敲你弄zai(那你瞧妈内你忒内呦)偶嫩一森吗内呦恰哭擦你内呦克带内哭高so(那你瞧妈so你内呦)莫那 哭大怒哪 莫那哭几嘎so 哦滴都哦大啊吧“ong”do登do墙江 大大大内 墙江那怒内sono内苏哦给诶Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly米东奶怒那你恰西怒凯怒差差卡soRoly Poly Roly Roly Poly空都一都呀啊那也给那你扑do亲够呀oh oh oh ohI like u like u this I like u like u that I like this like that yeah Roly Poly Roly Roly Poly米东奶怒那你恰西怒凯怒差差卡soRoly Poly Roly Roly Poly空都一都呀啊那也给那你扑do亲够呀(啊啊啊啊蹭my)卡尼亲波呀啊那k哝o高呀哦哦蹭my哦哦啊啊蹭my那你那你高呀啊哝粗跟怒你西一西怒高呀啊

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