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. Polish 和 Wax 到底有什么区别?


delay between polls的作用


polyimide是什么意思 《欧路词典》英汉

polyimide的意思是聚酰亚胺。物质是组成物体的材料。物质首先根据组成物质的不同,分为混合物和纯净物,混合物是由多种物质组成的物质,常见的混合物包括空气、溶液、悬浊液、乳浊液、矿石和合金等。纯净物是由一种物质组成的物质,包括单质和化合物,其中单质是由一种元素组成的,分为金属、非金属、稀有气体;化合物由几种元素组成,分为无机化合物和有机化合物,无机化合物是不含碳的化合物,又分为氧化物、无机酸、碱、无机盐等,有机化合物是含碳元素的化合物,分为烃、烃的衍生物、碳水化合物、含氮有机化合物、高分子有机化合物等。这些物质在英文里怎么命名呢?一、单质。单质在英文里,直接用组成它的元素命名即可, 如:金属单质:silver 银aluminum 铝gold 金barium 钡bismuth 铋calcium 钙cadmium 镉cerium 铯cobalt 钴chromium 铬copper 铜iron 铁mercury 汞potassium 钾magnesium 镁manganese 锰sodium 钠nickle 镍lead 铅palladium 钯platinum 铂tin 锡titanium 钛uranium 铀zinc 锌非金属单质:arsenic 砷boron 硼bromine 溴diamond 金刚石graphite 石墨chlorine 氯气fluorine 氟气hydrogen 氢气iodine 碘nitrogen 氮气oxygen 氧气ozone 臭氧selenium 硒white phosphorous 白磷red phosphorous 红磷silicon 硅稀有气体单质:helium 氦气neon 氖气argon 氩气krypton 氪气xenon 氙气radon 氡气二、氧化物。氧化物是由两种元素组成的,其中一种为氧元素,包括酸性氧化物、碱性氧化物、两性氧化物和不成盐氧化物。命名金属氧化物的时候,按照化学式的顺序从左往右念即可,而命名非金属氧化物时,要用字首表示分子里原子的个数,如:金属氧化物。ferrous oxide 氧化亚铁ferric oxide 氧化铁ferroferric oxide 四氧化三铁trilead tetroxide 四氧化三铅sodium peroxide 过氧化钠非金属氧化物。carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbon dioxide 二氧化碳sulfur trioxide 三氧化硫nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮nitric oxide 一氧化氮dinitrogen trioxide 三氧化二氮dinitrogen tetroxide 四氧化二氮diphosphorous pentoxide 五氧化二磷dichlorine heptoxide 七氧化二氯water 水三、酸。酸是电离时生成的阳离子全部是氢离子的化合物。酸根据组成元素是否含有氧元素,可以分为含氧酸和无氧酸;根据酸中可被电离的氢原子个数,可以分为一元酸、二元酸和三元酸。含氧酸的命名,是在除氢、氧元素之外的另一种元素的名称之后加上一个“酸”字,如:carbonic acid 碳酸sulfuric acid 硫酸sulfurous acid 亚硫酸phosphoric acid 磷酸metaphosphoric acid 偏磷酸phosphorous acid 亚磷酸nitric acid 硝酸nitrous acid 亚硝酸perchloric acid 高氯酸chloric acid 氯酸chlorous acid 亚氯酸hypochlorous acid 次氯酸acetic acid 乙酸thiosulfuric acid 硫代硫酸无氧酸的命名,是在“氢”字之后加上另一种元素的名称,命名为“氢某酸”,如:hydrochloric acid 盐酸,氢氯酸hydrosulfuric acid 氢硫酸hydrocyanic acid 氢氰酸四、碱。碱是电离时生成的阴离子全是氢氧根离子的化合物,根据溶解性,可以分为可溶性碱、微溶性碱和难溶性碱,根据可电离出的氢氧根离子的个数,分为一元碱、二元碱和三元碱。氢氧根离子叫做hydroxygen,所以碱的命名是在金属元素或铵根离子的后面加上氢氧根离子。如:aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝sodium hydroxide 氢氧化钠calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙barium hydroxide 氢氧化钡cobaltous hydroxide 氢氧化亚钴五、盐。盐是酸和碱中和的生成物,由金属元素(或铵根)和酸根组成,可以分为正盐、酸式盐和碱式盐。正盐:由金属元素和酸根构成,其命名是在金属元素名称后面加上酸根的名称,如:mercury sulfate 硫酸汞mercurous sulfate 硫酸亚汞potassium nitrate 硝酸钾sodium carbonate 碳酸钠sodium hypochlorite 次氯酸钠ferrous sulfate 硫酸亚铁potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾lithium propanoate 丙酸锂sodium chloride 氯化钠aluminum chloride 氯化铝酸式盐:由金属元素和含氢元素的酸根组成,其命名是在酸根的前面加一个氢字,如:sodium hydrogen sulfate 硫酸氢钠disodium hydrogen phosphate 磷酸氢二钠sodium dihydrogen phosphate 磷酸二氢钠calcium bisulfate 硫酸氢钙sodium hydrogen carbonate 碳酸氢钠calcium bisulfite 亚硫酸氢钙碱式盐:由金属元素、氢氧根和酸根组成,这里的金属元素的化合价一定是正一价以上,其命名是在酸根的前面加上“氢氧根”这个字,如:dicopper dihydroxycarbonate 碱式碳酸铜calcium hydroxychloride 碱式氯化镁magnesium hydroxyphosphate 碱式磷酸镁复盐:由两种金属元素和酸根组成,或者由一种金属元素和两种酸根组成,如:sodium potassium sulfite 亚硫酸钾镁calcium ammonium phosphate 磷酸铵钙silver lithium carbonate 碳酸锂银sodium ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵钠potassium soldium carbonate 碳酸钠钾potassium aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝钾sodium ammonium hydrogen phosphate 磷酸氢铵钠六、有机化合物。烃:也称为碳氢化合物,分为烷烃、烯烃、炔烃、脂环烃和芳香烃。烷烃的命名是在表示碳原子个数的数字后面加上字尾-ane,如:methane 甲烷ethane 乙烷propane 丙烷butane 丁烷pentane 戊烷hexane 己烷heptane 庚烷octane 辛烷nonane 壬烷decane 癸烷undecane 十一烷dodecane 十二烷heptacontane 七十烷烯烃的命名是在数字后面加上-ene的字尾,二烯烃、三烯烃的字尾为-adiene和-atriene。如:ethylene 乙烯propylene 丙烯butylene 丁烯pentylene 戊烯propadiene 丙二烯炔烃的命名是在数字后面加上-yne的字尾,二炔烃、三炔烃的字尾为-adiyne和-atriyne。如:acetelyne 乙炔propyne 丙炔butyne 丁炔pentyne 戊炔butadiyne 丁二炔有些烃中同时含双键和三键,称为烯炔。如:hexadienyne 己烯炔pentenyne 戊烯炔脂环烃的命名是在烃的名称前加一个环字。如:cyclopropane 环丙烷cyclobutane 环丁烷cyclohexane 环己烷cyclopentane 环戊烷cyclopropene 环丙烯cyclohexenyne 环己烯炔cyclooctadienyne 环辛二烯炔cyclopentadiene 环戊二烯芳香烃的命名,苯环称为benzene,前面加上侧链的烃基名称即可:benzene 苯pentylbenzene 戊苯heptylbenzene 己苯二、烃的衍生物:烃的衍生物是由烃演变而来的,由烃中的几个氢原子被各种原子或原子团取代而成,这些原子团称为官能团。官能团,是决定有机化合物的化学性质的原子或原子团。常见官能团碳碳双键、碳碳三键、羟基、羧基、醚键、醛基、羰基等。有机化学反应主要发生在官能团上,官能团对有机物的性质起决定作用,-X、-OH、-CHO、-COOH、-NO2、-SO3H、-NH2、RCO-,这些官能团就决定了有机物中的卤代烃、醇或酚、醛、羧酸、硝基化合物或亚硝酸酯、磺酸类有机物、胺类、酰胺类的化学性质。一、醇类——分子中含有跟烃基或苯环侧链上的碳结合的羟基的化合物叫做醇,在烃基的后面加上字尾-ol。如:methanol 甲醇ethanol 乙醇propanol 丙醇butanediol 丁二醇pentanetriol 戊三醇cyclohexanetriol 环己三醇benzenediol 苯二醇propanetriol 丙三醇二、酚类——芳香烃环上的氢被羟基(—OH)取代的一类芳香族化合物,在苯环的后面加上字尾-ol即可,最简单的酚叫做苯酚,如:phenol 苯酚如果分子中含有跟烃基或苯环侧链上的碳结合的巯基,或者芳香烃环上的氢被巯基(—SH)取代的一类芳香族化合物,则叫做硫醇和硫酚,如:ethanethiol 乙硫醇benzenethiol 苯硫酚mercaptoethanol 巯基乙醇用浓硫酸可以使醇分子间发生脱水反应,形成醚,命名时只需把发生脱水的两个醇分子的烃基后面加上醚即可,如:diethyl ether 二乙醚dipropyl ether 二丙醚dinaphthyl ether 二萘醚三、醛类——醛是由烃基与醛基相连而构成的化合物,命名时在烃基后面加上-al构成。如:formaldehyde 甲醛pentanal 戊醛hexanedial 己二醛acryaldehyde 丙烯醛crotonaldehyde 丁烯醛anasildehyde 对甲氧基苯甲醛furfuraldehyde 呋喃甲醛四、酮类——酮是羰基与两个烃基相连的化合物,命名时,在这两个烃基的后面加上酮字即可,根据羰基的个数,可以分为一元酮、二元酮和三元酮等:propone 丙酮butanone 丁酮pentenone 戊烯酮hexanedione 戊二酮diethylketone 二乙酮,戊酮ethylmethylketone 甲乙酮phenylethylketone 苯乙酮五、醌类——醌是含有共轭环己二烯二酮或环己二烯二亚甲基结构的一类有机化合物的总称。命名时,把醌字放在烃基名前面即可:benzoquinone 苯醌napthoquinone 萘醌六、羧酸——羧酸的命名,是在烃基名称后面加一个“酸”字,也叫做有机酸。羧酸都是含氧酸,如:formic acid 甲酸acetic acid 乙酸oxalic acid 乙二酸malonic acid 戊二酸adipic acid 己二酸succinic acid 丁二酸benzoic acid 苯酸phthalic acid 邻苯二甲酸maleic acid 顺丁烯二酸fumaric acid 反丁烯二酸七、酯类——酸(羧酸或无机含氧酸)与醇起反应生成的一类有机化合物叫做酯,命名时在烃基的后面加上酸根的名称即可,如:methyl butarate 丁酸甲酯三、含氮有机化合物。一、硝基化合物——硝基化合物可看作是烃分子中的一个或多个氢原子被硝基(—NO2)取代后生成的衍生物,命名时,硝基要放在烃名称前,如:nitrobenzene 硝基苯nitromethane 硝基甲烷二、胺类——氨分子中的一个或多个氢原子被烃基取代后的产物,称为胺。氨基是胺类的官能团。命名时,在烃基名称后加-amine构成,如:methanamine 甲胺ethanamine 乙胺benzenamine 苯胺三、酰胺——羧酸中的羟基被氨基(或胺基)取代而生成的化合物,最简单的酰胺是尿素,它是碳酸的二酰胺,命名时,在烃基后面加上-amide构成,如:urea 尿素butenamide 丁酰胺四、腈类——腈可以看作氢氰酸的氢原子被烃基取代而生成的化合物,腈的官能团是氰基,最简单的腈是乙腈。腈和氰化物不同,不是剧毒物质。命名是在烃基后面加上-onitrile构成,如:ethanonitrile 乙腈benzonitrile 苯腈希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

polly(walk off the earth)的歌词在问题补充里,能帮忙翻译成中文?



http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3635345727 已经在此处翻译完毕了,如果您对歌词感到满意的话,是否可以给英文歌词翻译吧点个关注呢


  《Unapologetic》是巴巴多斯女歌手蕾哈娜的第7张录音室专辑,由Def Jeam唱片公司于2012年11月19日发行,制作人包括Robyn Fenty、Roc Nation等。  《Unapologetic》首周凭借23万8千张的销量空降公告牌专辑榜冠军,使蕾哈娜收获她本人的第一张冠军专辑。该专辑首周也在英国专辑榜上空降榜首,使蕾哈娜收获她本人的第七张英国榜冠军专辑。该专辑获得由第56届格莱美奖授予的最佳当代城市音乐专辑奖。  《Unapologetic》处于比较乐观的状态,收录的歌曲都十分大胆前卫。专辑封面十分挑逗,这张专辑不像蕾哈娜以前的几张专辑那样是为了应付应付。  在歌曲方面,《Stay》以钢琴重复旋律为基调,是一首优雅的民谣,一直重复着该专辑的主题——真爱无法抵挡。该歌曲和米绮·埃柯共同演绎,是继2011年蕾哈娜和加尔文·哈里斯的《We Found Love》之后,又一成功的合作,也是该专辑中的一大亮点之一;《What Now》也用钢琴作伴奏,蕾哈娜在该歌曲中的音域较低;《Love Without Tragedy / Mother Mary》是蕾哈娜和卡洛斯·麦金尼联合创作的歌曲,长达七分钟,该歌曲从情歌摇身一变,仿佛充满忏悔之情,不与该专辑的主题接轨,这首歌曲是蕾哈娜的一个新的情感的空间;蕾哈娜还和她昔日的男朋友克里斯·布朗一起合作了《Nobody"s Business》,该歌曲比较引人注目,更加说明了蕾哈娜十分无悔;专辑中的《Diamonds》散发出阵阵忧郁,但是十分感人、动听,是写给蕾哈娜过世的外祖母的,唯一的缺点就是过于陈词泛滥。

求西语歌Los pollitos dicen的歌词

Los pollitos dicen Pio pio pio Cuando tienen hambre Cuando tienen frio En el cielo vuela Fiel el gavilan Pero al gallinero No puede llegar La gallina busca El maiz y el trigo Y les da comida Y les presta abrigo Van con sus dos alas Acurrucaditos Hasta el otro dia Duermen los pollitos Los pollitos dicen Pio pio pio Cuando tienen hambre Cuando tienen frio Los pollitos dicen Pio pio pio Cuando tienen hambre Cuando tienen frio不好意思~我不懂西文的说~

谁知道fuck the police 中文歌词

Fuck Tha Police LyricsN.W.A.[Dr.Dre] Right about now, NWA court is in full effect.Judge Dre presiding in the case of NWA versus the police department.Prosecuting attorneys are MC Ren, Ice Cube, and Eazy mother fucking E.Order, order, order. Ice Cube, take the mother fucking stand.Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truthand nothing but the truth so help your black ass?[Ice Cube]You"re goddamn right![Dr.Dre]Why don"t you tell everybody what the fuck you gotta say?[Ice Cube]Fuck the policeComin" straight from the undergroundYoung nigga got it bad cause I"m brownAnd not the other color so police thinkThey have the authority to kill a minorityFuck that shit, cause I ain"t the oneFor a punk mother fucker with a badge and a gunTo be beatin" on, and throw in jailWe could go toe to toe in the middle of a cellFuckin with me cause I"m a teenagerWith a little bit of gold and a pagerSearching my car, looking for the productThinking every nigga is selling narcoticsYou"d rather see me in the penThen me and Lorenzo rolling in the BenzoBeat the police outta shapeAnd when I"m finished, bring the yellow tapeTo tape off the scene of the slaughterStill can"t swallow bread and waterI don"t know if they fags or whatSearch a nigga down and grabbing his nutsAnd on the other hand, without a gun they can"t get noneBut don"t let it be a black and a white oneCause they slam ya down to the street topBlack police showing out for the white copIce Cube will swarmOn any mother fucker in a blue uniformJust cause I"m from the CPT, punk police are afraid of meA young nigga on a war pathAnd when I"m finished, it"s gonna be a bloodbathOf cops, dying in LAYo Dre, I got something to say[Eazy-E]Fuck the police (4X)[Dr.Dre]Example of scene one:Pull your goddamn ass over right now[MC Ren]Ah shit, what the fuck you pulling me over for?[Dr.Dre]Cause I feel like it, Just sit your ass on the curb and shut the fuck up[MC Ren]Man, fuck this shit[Dr.Dre]Alright smartass, I"m taking your black ass to jailM. C. Ren, will you please give your testimony to the jury about this fucked up incident.[MC Ren]Fuck the police and Ren said it with authoritybecause the niggaz on the street is a majority.A gang, is with whoever I"m steppingand the mother fucking weaponis kept in a stash box, for the so-called lawwishing Ren was a nigga that they never sawLights start flashing behind meBut they"re scared of a nigga so they mace me to blind meBut that shit don"t work, I just laughBecause it gives em a hint not to step in my pathTo the police I"m saying fuck you punkReading my rights and shit, it"s all junkPulling out a silly club, so you standWith a fake assed badge and a gun in your handBut take off the gun so you can see what"s upAnd we"ll go at it punk, I"ma fuck you upMake ya think I"m a kick your assBut drop your gat, and Ren"s gonna blastI"m sneaky as fuck when it comes to crimeBut I"m a smoke em now, and not next time

HAPs(hazardous air pollutants)是什么意思?



political-incorrect政治不正确;政治错误;不正确政治性1.So, would it be political incorrect to say that Britain founded the internationaldrug trade?所以,说不列颠建立了国际毒品贸易在政治上不正确吗?2.The Incorrect Understanding from which Building Socialist Political Civilizationmust Go out (Part One)建设社会主义政治文明必须走出的认识误区(一)

TSMC013 里的 N+ poly1 resistor w/o silicide 和N+ poly1 resistor w/i silicide, W/O 与W/I 是啥意思?


police officer和police的区别

police是统称,硬要用中文翻的话可以想成是"警方",而police officer是指"警员",在讲人。例如: 1. My brother is a police officer.我哥是个警察/警员。2. The police is investigating the murder.警方正在调查那桩凶杀案。

police officer和policeman和policemen的区别?

首先policemen是policeman的复数形式,既可以指男警察也可以指女警察,泛指警察。但是为了避免对女性的歧视,人们可能会区分男警察和女警察,男警察为policeman女警察为policewoman。然后police officer则是警察的更正式的统称(泛指),相当于policeman,正式场合一般都用police officer,也避免了性别歧视。另外police officer还可以指犬警


police officer中poli音重读,er音轻读。翻译为:警官police officer[英][pu0259u02c8li:s u02c8u0254fisu0259][美][pu0259u02c8lis u02c8u0254fu026asu025a]n.警察;

police officer和policeman区别是什么?

一、含义不同1、police officer释义:n.警察。2、policeman释义:n.男警察。二、用法不同1、police officer用法:policemen是policeman的复数形式,既可以指男警察也可以指女警察,泛指警察。2、policeman用法:为了避免对女性的歧视,人们可能会区分男警察和女警察,男警察为policeman女警察为policewoman。扩展资料:officer的用法:1、用作名词,表示陆军、空军或海军等的“军官”。2、表示政府或大机构的“官员”“高级职员”。3、通常表示“警察”,常用作称谓。



a police officer是什么意思

a police officer一个警官双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 警官警方官员例句:1.My brother is a police officer. 我的哥哥是一名警察。





polly怎么读 polly英文解释

1、Polly,读音:美/u02c8pɑu02d0li/;英/u02c8pu0252lu026a/。 2、释义:n.波莉(女子名,等于Mary);鹦哥(鹦鹉的通称,等于poll parrot)。 3、例句:Aunt Polly placed small trust in such evidence.波莉姨妈不相信这样的证据。




poluto 没什麽意思pluto倒是有pluto 英[u02c8pluu02d0tu0259u028a] 美[u02c8pluu02d0tou028a] n. 冥王;冥王星; [例句]Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size, mass, and density.天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。

The police ___ him of stealing a car and put him into prison. A.warned B.charged C.accused

C 本题考查动词。根据句意:警察指控他偷车并把他投进监狱。指责,指控charge sb. with sth.或accuse sb. of sth.故选C。

the policeman could not swear to having seen the accused man at the scene of



是。polowalk是广东省粤金知识产权投资有限公司注册的商标,是国内品牌。类似的国产衣服品牌还有:EXCEPTION de MIXMIND,HLA等。


policeman读:英[pu0259u02c8liu02d0smu0259n]、美[pu0259u02c8liu02d0smu0259n]双语例句:1、A policeman would not live one year if he obeyed these regulations.警察如果遵守这些规定的话,一年都活不了。2、Eight policemen then spent two years combing through the evidence.之后8位警察花了两年时间搜寻证据。3、One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars.能清楚地看到一名警察记下了经过车辆的车牌号。4、He waited for a policeman to stop the traffic and wave the people on.他等着警察来让车辆停下,指挥人们前行。5、One young policeman stood guard outside the locked embassy gates.一位年轻的警察在大门紧闭的使馆外站岗。6、I shall not try to reproduce the policemen"s English.The policeman wanted to see all our documents.警察想查看我们所有的证件。我不会试图去模仿那个警察讲的英语。7、Another policeman has been injured as fighting continued this morning.今早又有一名警员在冲突中受伤。


policeman读音:英[pu0259u02c8liu02d0smu0259n] 美[pu0259u02c8liu02d0smu0259n]翻译:n.警察;男警察例句:1.A policeman was injured in the line of duty yesterday.昨天有一名警察在执行公务时受伤。2.Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman. 暴乱中有六人死亡,包括一名警察。3.As I had suspected all along, he was not a real policeman. 他并不是真的警察,我一直就觉得不像。4.He blasted the policeman right between the eyes. 他对着那个警察的鼻梁就是一拳。5.The policeman asked me to blow into the breathalyser. 警察要我对着呼吸检测仪吹气。6.A policeman would not live one year if he obeyed these regulations.警察如果遵守这些规定的话,一年都活不了。7.Eight policemen then spent two years combing through the evidence. 之后8位警察花了两年时间搜寻证据。8.One policeman was clearly visible noting the number plates of passing cars.能清楚地看到一名警察记下了经过车辆的车牌号。

POLO和Paul Smith有什么区别吗

polo是美国的,全称-ralph lauren。主要是polo衫很出名的,档次高不成低不就。paul smith 是英国的,走的是英伦风,比较花花,他的英伦西服还是很不错的,杂志都会去介绍的,价格也还不错吧

希腊神话日神是Apollo,酒神是dionysus,who know the other gods ?


propolis extract是什么意思

propolis extract蜂胶提取物请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助





英语问题,one causes of the pollution is factories

谓语与主语保持一致,因为主语是 one of...,(...之一)是单数,故用:is这句话也有点问题,应该是 one of the causes of pollution

policykit daemon disconnected from the bus是怎么回事

“Disconnected from server”意思是“与服务器的连接断开”。 RUST出现这个在正常不过了,RUST优化很差,导致玩家很容易掉线。 实在连不上,就用“国际网游加速器”得了。



用英文简述 the politics of U.S, U.K and Australia

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as head of state; the monarch of the UK serves as head of state of fifteen other Commonwealth countries, putting the UK in a personal union with those other states. The Crown has sovereignty over the Isle of Man and the Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey. Collectively, these three territories are known as the Crown dependencies, lands owned by the British monarch but not part of the United Kingdom. They are not part of the European Union. However, the Parliament of the United Kingdom has the authority to legislate for the dependencies, and the British government manages their foreign affairs and defence.The UK has fourteen overseas territories around the world, the last remaining territories of the British Empire. The overseas territories are not considered part of the UK, but in most cases, the local populations have British citizenship and the right of abode in the UK. This has been the case since 2002.The UK has a parliamentary government based on strong traditions: the Westminster system has been emulated around the world — a legacy of the British Empire.The UK"s constitution governs the legal framework of the country and consists mostly of written sources, including statutes, judge made case law, and international treaties. As there is no technical difference between ordinary statutes and law considered to be "constitutional law," the British Parliament can perform "constitutional reform" simply by passing Acts of Parliament and thus has the power to change or abolish almost any written or unwritten element of the constitution. However, no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change.[19] The United Kingdom is one of the three countries in the world today that does not have a codified constitution (the other two being New Zealand and Israel).[20]The position of Prime Minister, the UK"s head of government, belongs to the current leader of the political party that can obtain the confidence of a plurality in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister and Cabinet are formally appointed by the Monarch to form Her Majesty"s Government. However, the Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet, and by convention, HM The Queen respects the Prime Minister"s choices. The Cabinet is traditionally drawn from members of the Prime Minister"s party in both legislative houses, and mostly from the House of Commons, to which they are responsible. Executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and Cabinet, all of whom are sworn into Her Majesty"s Most Honourable Privy Council, and become Ministers of the Crown. The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, leader of the Labour Party, has been Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service since 27 June 2007.The Houses of ParliamentThe Parliament of the United Kingdom that meets in the Palace of Westminster, is the ultimate legislative authority in the United Kingdom. A devolved parliament in Scotland and devolved assemblies in Northern Ireland, and Wales were established following public approval as expressed in referenda, but these are not sovereign bodies and could be abolished by the UK parliament. The UK parliament is made up of two houses: an elected House of Commons and an appointed House of Lords, and any Bill passed requires the assent of HM The Queen to become law. For elections to the House of Commons, the UK is currently divided into 646 constituencies, with 529 in England, 18 in Northern Ireland, 59 in Scotland and 40 in Wales, though this number will rise to 650 at the next General Election. Each constituency elects one Member of Parliament by simple plurality. General Elections are called by the Monarch when the Prime Minister so advises. Though there is no minimum term for a Parliament, a new election must be called within five years of the previous general election.Questions over sovereignty have been brought forward due to the UK"s membership of the European Union.[21]The UK"s three major political parties are the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, and the Liberal Democrats, winning between them 616 out of the 646 seats available in the House of Commons at the 2005 General Election. Most of the remaining seats were won by parties that only contest elections in one part of the UK such as the Scottish National Party (Scotland only), Plaid Cymru (Wales only), and the Democratic Unionist Party, Social Democratic and Labour Party, Ulster Unionist Party, and Sinn Féin (Northern Ireland only, though Sinn Féin also contests elections in Ireland). In accordance with party policy, no elected Sinn Féin Member of Parliament has ever attended the House of Commons to speak in the House on behalf of their constituents as Members of Parliament are required to take an oath of allegiance to the Monarch. However, the current five Sinn Féin MPs have since 2002 made use of the offices and other facilities available at Westminster.[22]________________________________________________________________________________________Politics in the United States have operated under a two-party system for virtually all of the country"s history. For elective offices at all levels, state-administered primary elections are held to choose the major party nominees for subsequent general elections. Since the general election of 1856, the two dominant parties have been the Democratic Party, founded in 1824 (though its roots trace back to 1792), and the Republican Party, founded in 1854. Since the Civil War, only one third-party presidential candidate—former president Theodore Roosevelt, running as a Progressive in 1912—has won as much as 20% of the popular vote.The incumbent president, Republican George W. Bush, is the 43rd president in the country"s history. All U.S. presidents to date have been white men. If Democrat Barack Obama wins the forthcoming presidential election, he will become the first African-American president. Following the 2006 midterm elections, the Democratic Party controls both the House and the Senate. Every member of the U.S. Congress is a Democrat or a Republican except two independent members of the Senate—one a former Democratic incumbent, the other a self-described socialist. An overwhelming majority of state and local officials are also either Democrats or Republicans.Within American political culture, the Republican Party is considered "center-right" or conservative and the Democratic Party is considered "center-left" or liberal, but members of both parties have a wide range of views. In a May 2008 poll, 44% of Americans described themselves as "conservative," 27% as "moderate," and 21% as "liberal."[50] On the other hand, that same month a plurality of adults, 41.7%, identified as Democrats, 31.6% as Republicans, and 26.6% as independents.[51] The states of the Northeast and West Coast and some of the Great Lakes states are relatively liberal-leaning—they are known in political parlance as "blue states." The "red states" of the South and the Rocky Mountains lean conservative.


plot是画图函数polyval是求值函数polyfit是曲线拟合函数polyfit用于多项式曲线拟合p=polyfit(x,y,m)其中, x, y为已知数据点向量, 分别表示横,纵坐标, m为拟合多项式的次数, 结果返回m次拟合多项式系数, 从高次到低次存放在向量p中.y0=polyval(p,x0)可求得多项式在x0处的值y0

traffic police/traffic lights /jam /heavy traffic /crossing有什么区别?

traffic police 是交警traffic lights 是交通灯,也就是红绿灯traffic jam 交通堵塞heavy traffic 交通堵塞crossing 是和哪个配啊,可能是十字路口或者过马路,主要看搭配的词






.pol文件类型:Windows Policy File扩展名为.pol的文件是一个系统文件。打开.pol文件System Policy Editor



【人本领导力】POL 圆满结束 TA杨帆起

指缝很宽,时间太瘦。人本领导力整合训练POL阶段,已经圆满的结束了常听到一事无成的人在抱怨时间过得可真快啊,不知道你们有没有试问过自己,是不是每天都在虚度光阴?是因为你们在固有的时间里没有找到人生方向和目标?是不是每天都在盲目的等待机会? 守株待兔的故事虽好,但却只教会了你懒惰。看到这些为了改变不断努力的学员们,真为他们感到骄傲,因为他们懂得规划自己的时间,懂得规划自己人生目标,为寻找目标的道路上找方法,抄近路,所以他们是聪明的。自己摸索的道路是漫长的,是有困惑牵绊你的。但是值得庆幸的是,他们遇到了人本领导力,它就像一面镜子,是你的润滑剂,是你的催化剂,照亮你前方的路。在本阶段结束后,我们采访了一个人本领导力POL毕业的学员——杨女士,她给我们分享了如下内容:通过POL阶段的学习,使我成为了一个勇敢、自信、大爱的人,我摆脱了以前的自卑,胆怯懦弱。并且突破了自我,做了很多以前不敢做的事,感觉浑身了充满力量。我之前是个很挑剔的人,现在变得乐意付出,会为每个人付出我的爱,而不是一味的享受得到。真正的爱是欣赏,是帮助别人成长,而不是受于迁就。我想这就是我未来的样子,我取回了我生命中本来就有的生命能量。在POL阶段毕业后,我毫不犹豫地报名了TA阶段。在POL阶段我不断发现和突破自我,在TA阶段我要通过导师和同学的支持,将我这些天突破的东西,培养成我的习惯,改变我的固有思维模式,使我真正成为一个自信、勇敢、大爱的女人,助力我的生活和工作。感谢人本领导力这个平台,更要感谢背后默默付出的导师们,为我们指点迷津,成为我们人生路上的指路人,如果没有他们日日夜夜付出,就不会有我们更精彩的人生!「人本领导力」整合训练 POL2-1,11月17日持续为您领航!


去网上查询下看,如:汽车之家_看车买车用车 都回汽车之家https://www.autohome.com.cn/changsha/


polymerase,聚合酶 。就是合成DNA/RNA的酶,合成DNA的叫DNA聚合酶(DNA polymerase),用来做PCR反应的taq酶就是DNA聚合酶的一种;另一种即RNA polymerase,比如在转录生成mRNA时就要用它。这两种酶在各个物种中又有很多个更细的小类别。不过大家一般简写成pol. 比如pol α, pol ε 等。


POL635.xx/xxx 基本类型配置 SD 卡、调制解调器、电池盒POL636.xx/xxx基本类型配置 LON 接口POL638.70/xxx内置HMI 的基本类型配置TCP/IP接口POL638.xx/xxx基本类型配置 TCP/IP 接口

L/C规定转运,则B/L记载POL、POD.VIA XX是什么意思啊?






高德地图新增 pol是什么意思

有用的吧,POI是“Point of Interest”的缩写,可以翻译成“信息点”,每个POI包含四方面信息,名称、类别、经度纬度、附近的酒店饭店商铺等信息。我们可以叫它为“导航地图信息”,导航地图数据是整个导航产业的基石。采纳我的吧

液晶电视屏幕的组成是怎样的?从外往内分别有什么构造?什么是POL、BL ?

这个你百度一下吧, 是在是太多太多了.你就搜索 LCD 基础就行了.POL就是指他的偏光层 polorization.BL 就是指他的背光 通常也叫BLU 即 backlight.








ye jin


(POL) 电源供应系统或使用点电源供应系统 (PUPS)











什么化学用品的代号是POL 先谢谢,能具体点吗

什么化学用品的代号是POL氦气 He、氖气 Ne、氩气 Ar、氪气 Kr、氙气 Xe、氡气 Rn 金 Au、银Ag 、铜Cu、铁Fe、铝 Al 、钙 Ca 、钠 Na、钾K 碳C、磷P 、硫S、硅 Si、硼B、砷As、氢气 H2、氧气 O2、氮气 N2、氟气 F2、氯气 Cl2、溴水 Br2 臭氧 O3 、白磷 P4 一氧化碳 CO 、二氧化碳 CO2 、二氧化硫 SO2、三氧化硫 SO3 水 H2O 、 双氧水 H2O2、五氧化二磷 P2O5、一氧化氮 NO 氧化钠 Na2O 、 氧化钾 K2O、氧化银 Ag2O 二氧化氮 NO2 氧化汞HgO 、氧化铜CuO、氧化镁 MgO、氧化钙 CaO、氧化锌ZnO、氧化亚铁 FeO 氧化铁 Fe2O3、氧化铝 Al2O3 二氧化钛 TiO2 、二氧化锰 MnO2 四氧化三铁 Fe3O4 盐酸HCl 、硝酸 HNO3 氢硫酸 H2S、亚硫酸 H2SO3、硫酸 H2SO4 、碳酸 H2CO3、磷酸 H3PO4 乙酸( 醋酸)CH3COOH 氢氧化钾KOH、氢氧化钠 NaOH 、氨水NH3·H2O 氢氧化钙 Ca(OH)2、氢氧化钡 Ba(OH)2 、氢氧化铜Cu(OH)2 氢氧化镁Mg(OH)2↓、氢氧化亚铁 Fe(OH)2 氢氧化铁 Fe(OH)3↓、氢氧化铝 Al(OH)3 希望对你有帮助

提单上POL POD 如何理解区分



Polyester涤纶 ,Polyvinyl维纶,Polypropylene 丙纶了解面料到优料宝查看详情




应该是POI吧 一般存储地图文件



计算器上的 Pol( 和 Rec(

Pol是Polar form,复数的欧拉式,即r*e^(iθ) Rec是Rectangular form,是复数的一般式,即a+bi. 计算器上的这两个按键分别用于转化成欧拉式和一般式.











POL( 是什么意思?是一种数学符号,能干吗?REC(呢?



波兰 Poland PL POL


计算器中的pol就是直角坐标转换极坐标的计算 在Excel中计算可分为两步: 1、求极距,用勾股定理:=sqrt(a2+b2) 2、求极角:用反正切函数:=atan(b/a) 注意:计算出的极角为弧度,若要转换为角度,需乘以:180/π a、b计算时替换为对应的单元格


Pol:直角坐标转换为极坐标 Rec:极坐标转换为直角坐标。望采纳!


POL ["pul] 是 Polarform( 极坐标形式)的简写,Rec是Rectangularform的简写.前者是复数的极坐标形式(r*e^iθ),后者是复数的笛卡儿坐标形式(a+bi).其作用就是把两者互化. 在数学里POL含有计算两坐标点之间距离的意思 例如在平面直角坐标系里任意一点的坐标为(4,4) 那么这个点与原点的距离就是POL(4,4)=4√2


POD :port of discharge 卸货港 (目的港)POL :port of loading 装货港外贸方面这两个词语是这个意思。


Pol是Polar form的简写,Rec是Rectangular form的简写。前者是复数的极坐标形式(r*e^iθ),后者是复数的笛卡儿坐标形式(a+bi)。其作用就是把两者互化。
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