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ir challenges生物学 什么意思

2023-05-19 21:38:03





n.挑战( challenge的名词复数 ); 要求; (警卫等)查问口令; 怀疑

网 络


. The secret to happiness is to keep setting yourself new challenges.




2023-01-10 19:58:533

challenges 英语作文

today we are facing with various kinds of challenges, either from the outside or from the insdide。 challenges are there waiting for people to cope with。and people love to face challenges。because challenges make our life more interesting and changeable instead of boring。a challenge is what we can not solve easily without trying very hard。 also challenges let people try hard to face what they do not want to face。it is a process of self-improving and self-realizing。the key to face challenges is face ourselves。the very thing people have to conquer is ourselves。 without challenges our society can not move on
2023-01-10 19:59:061

challenges facing or faced by

个人感觉不一样,原因是face这词(facing).和(faced),觉得ing是即将面对的/将要面对的、、的挑战,而faced则是正摆在你面前、、的挑战。 只是个人意见。
2023-01-10 19:59:131


challenges挑战双语对照词典结果:challengesn.挑战( challenge的名词复数 ); 要求; (警卫等)查问口令; 怀疑; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.India has faced challenges on other fronts. 印度在其它方面也面临挑战。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-10 19:59:202


challenges 这里的结构是one of + 形容词最高级 + 名词复数,意思是最……之一,所以用challenge的复数challenges.
2023-01-10 19:59:341

The challenges可以翻译成质疑吗?

看上下文eg.Why you always challenge me?一而再再而三挑战我底线?
2023-01-10 19:59:407

网球比赛中的challenges remaining是什么意思

“challenges remaining”挑战继续,有点类似,接着来的意思。
2023-01-10 20:00:193


文法上没有问题,但是表达意思有点不妥:challenges 它们不会自己找上门, 所以 “challenges confronting organizations” 这个说法不太通。可以考虑下面的表达方式:1. 。。。。。inspire more imaginative responses when facing challenges (或者 when their organisations are faced with challenges).2. .......inspire more imaginative responses when encountering problems/crisis (或者 when their organisations encounter problems/crises).用 facing、faced with 这些来 连接 challenges/problems/crises 等等会更能表达意思。希望帮到你。
2023-01-10 20:00:321

challenges,and opportunities什么意思

你好!challenges,and opportunities挑战和机遇
2023-01-10 20:00:464


lying ahead为 宾语补足语。宾语challenges用来修饰challenges的位于前方的 的意思翻译成中文可省略嘛
2023-01-10 20:01:007

请问annoying challenges facing the middle class的结构分

本句中 annoying 是形容词作定语修饰challenges 。facing the middle class是现在分词短语作后置定语修饰the annoying challenges。其逻辑主语就是前面的名词challenges。即challenges face the middle class。可以理解成“面对着 中产阶级 的 挑战”.翻译时可以倒过来,即”中产阶级面对的挑战”本句是倒装句among介词短语是表语。 is 是系动词。one 是主语,后面是定语从句。其中that 代替先行词作定从中的主语,will probably go 是定从中的系动词unmentioned 是定从中的表语in the next presidential campaign是定从中的状语。引号后面是说明one的句子: (中产阶级面临的恼人挑战之一:当机器要抢占他们的工作时,会发生什么?而这个问题在下届总统竞选时很可能被忽略。)
2023-01-10 20:01:261


ChallengeWith the fast development of the world, we will face more and more challenges. Challenge means not only hardship, but also opportunity. Since we are young people and have glorious future before us, we should not be afraid of challenge. Challenge can inspire our creative power and lead us to success. The most important thing is to deal with challenge properly.First, we must get ready for challenge at any time, because it comes all of a sudden. Second, you should be courageous enough to face up to it. No pains, no gains. Only through hard work can we achieve success. Finally, make sure that we have adequate knowledge to help us deal with challenge. As for me, I have my own ways to deal with challenge, I"m always trying to challenge myself and conquer myself. Only by means of this can I achieve my ambitious goal.
2023-01-10 20:01:321


2023-01-10 20:01:386


1、因为挑战才是他的人生啊! Because the challenge is his life! 2、给我静默,我将向黑夜挑战。 Give me silence, I will challenge the night. 3、要实现梦想,就要向现实挑战! To achieve dreams, will challenge the reality! 4、不要挑战我,我担心你的安危。 Don"t challenge me, and I worry about your safety. 5、人生需要挑战,年轻没有极限。 Life need to challenge, young no limit. 6、要让梦想实现,就要向现实挑战。 We have to let the dream come true to reality challenge. 7、燃烧**,挑战极限,超越自我。 Burning passion, challenge the limit, beyond the self. 8、成长的第一步充满挑战,需要勇气。 The first step in the growth is full of challenges, need courage. 9、带上曾经的遗憾,向未来发起挑战。 Take once regret, to challenge for the future. 10、生命的有些时候,你必须去挑战伟大。 Life sometimes, you must go to the great challenges. 11、男人总是独自战斗,总是在挑战自己。 Men always fight alone, always challenge yourself. 12、人生这么长,不多点挑战怎么能行呢? Life is so long, no more challenge how can do? 13、挑战和创造都是很痛苦的,但是很充实。 Challenge and creation is very painful, but very substantial. 14、我认为,只要提高自我就应该挑战极限。 I think, as long as improving yourself should challenge the limit. 15、一个人,想要优秀,你必须要接受挑战。 A person, want to good, you have to accept the challenge. 16、站在新起点,迎接新挑战,创造新成绩。 Standing at a new starting point, to meet new challenges, create new achievements. 17、挑战,不一定成功,但放弃,就定会失败。 Challenge, not necessarily successful, but to give up, you will fail. 18、激发潜能,超越自我,追求梦想,挑战人生。 To inspire potential, to surpass ourselves and to pursue their dreams, the challenges in life. 19、挑战文字,挑在感想;挑战数量,挑战极限! Challenges of text, pick the feeling; Number of challenges, challenge the limit! 20、你们可以挑战我,但我已经准备好了嘲笑你们! You can challenge me, but I"m ready to laugh at you! 21、别向不幸屈服,应该更大胆、更积极地向不幸挑战。 Don"t yield to misfortune. Should be bolder, more actively challenge to misfortune. 22、如果你今天不挑战自己,那么明天生活就要挑战你。 If you don"t challenge yourself today, then tomorrow life will challenge you. 23、想要成功就要迎接挑战,想要尽快成功就要寻找挑战。 Want to succeed must meet the challenge, to be successful as soon as possible to find a challenge. 24、不要回避苦恼和困难,挺起身来向它挑战,进而克服它。 Don"t shy away from pain and difficulty, stand to it challenges, and overcome it. 25、智力对外在的挑战是精明的,智慧通过你内在的挑战升起。 The external challenge is smart, intelligence wisdom rises through your inner challenge. 26、所谓活着的人,就是不断挑战的人,不断攀登命运峻峰的人。 A living, is constantly challenging, constantly climbing fate topped peaks. 27、最大的挑战和突破在于用人,而用人最大的突破在于信任人。 Is the biggest challenge and breakthrough of choose and employ persons, but the biggest breakthrough of choose and employ persons is to trust people. 28、你不挑战命运,命运就会挑战你,这就是命运最残忍的地方。 You don"t challenge fate, fate will challenge you, this is the place where the most cruel fate. 29、要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。 Should seize every opportunity to prove to everyone that you, prove that you are able to meet the challenge. 30、人生就是一场充满荆棘的挑战,那么,时间就是这场挑战的见证者。 Life is a challenge of thorns, so, time is the witness of the challenge. 31、充满挑战的生活才是真正的生活,挑战的过程是人生最精彩的部分。 The challenging life is the true life, challenge the process is the best part of life. 32、人生最大的挑战,就是在一个试图将你定型的世界里,诚实的做自己。 The biggest challenge in life, in an attempt to you finalize the design world, honest to be you. 33、你可以厌恶争斗,但这绝不能成为你放弃挑战自己,挑战命运的理由。 You can hate fighting, but this can"t be you give up to challenge yourself, challenge the fate of the reasons. 34、要想超越自己的极限,就得挑战自己,要想挑战自己,就得看透自己。 If you want to go beyond your limits, you have to challenge yourself, if you want to challenge myself, have to see through yourself. 35、做自己做不到的事,才叫挑战,超过自己能力之外的挑战,就叫刺激。 Do what you cannot do is challenge, more than challenge my ability, is called stimulus. 36、挑战勇气,挑战极限,挑战一切可以挑战的人和事。这是人生的豪迈。 Challenge the courage to challenge the limit, all can challenge the persons and things that challenge. This is a bold in life. 37、人要有专注的东西,人一辈子走下去挑战会更多,你天天换,我就怕了你。 People have focused on something, people go for a lifetime there will be more challenges, you change every day, I was afraid of you. 38、一个人要想优秀,必须要接受挑战,一个人要想尽快优秀,就要去寻找挑战。 A person to be good, must accept the challenge, a person to be good as soon as possible, go to look for challenges. 39、生活充满挑战。只要我们能够平静接受挑战,战胜挑战,我们就不会被吓倒。 Life is full of challenges. As long as we can calm accept the challenge and overcome challenges, we will not be intimidated. 40、有人向我挑战,说“你放马过来”我不回话,只是疾驰而去,然后马后炮打倒他。 Someone to challenge me, said, "you release your horse and come," I don"t answer, to go to gallop only, then the doctor to overthrow him. 41、人生如不去大胆地冒险,便一无所获。是的,如果你从不接受挑战,就感受不到胜利的刺激。 Life is like not to bold adventure, then nothing. Yes, if you never accept the challenge, you feel the stimulation of victory. 42、生活中充满各种未知,我们需要一步一步探索,一步一步挑战,一步一步前进,一步一步战胜。 Life is filled with all sorts of unknown, we need to explore, step by step, step by step the challenge, step by step forward, step by step over.
2023-01-10 20:02:131

challenges facing

2023-01-10 20:02:191


2023-01-10 20:02:293


challenge 是可数,复数是:challenges.Challenges and opportunities 挑战和机遇We are facing these new challenges.我们正面对这些新的挑战。
2023-01-10 20:02:451

challenge可数吗 面对挑战是可数吗

可数 He has taken on some exciting new challenges with this job. 他承担这项工作,接受了一些令人兴奋的新挑战.
2023-01-10 20:02:511

急需一篇关于Challenges and opportunities for college students 的英文三分钟演讲稿

Challenges and Opportunities for college students Life is full of challenges.School has to be the most challenging obstacle in the lives of youth today. Elementary school brings about a few challenges characteristic of those years spent there.There"s the challenge of coloring in the lines,a very real problem to any youngster.Or how about the challenge of remembering to raise one"s hand before one speaks?There are hundreds of rules and regulations that govern these young children.The one thing that keeps these children in line is the hope of reward.Yes ,this is the brass ring.The reward for a clean desk is an extra five minutes of recess!The prize for having all homework done,a shiny-new pencil topper!These small wonders keep small people in line.They make the children love challenge. Middle schoolis not so easy.It is not easy for the students,and it also isn"t easy for the teachers.The challenge of staying out of trouble,or wrinting that research paper---these are the new confrontations of an older,wiser guoup.This clan has outgrown the recess and pencil-topper tricks.They know that their efforts have to bring them something really usefull,so mom and pop are pulled onto the scene.How does five,ten dollars for each “A” sound?Or ,how about no telephone if one doesn"t do good in school?Need I say more? By the time high school arrives,a student"s place in academic excellence or else their unlikelihood to even graduate has been established.Little can be done now to make life"s challenges seem interesting ,especially where school comes in.The slothful are rewarded with a nice job at a gas station,a pregnant girlfriend,and a fifteen-year-old Ford.The diligent are rewarded with an SAT score of over 1100,acceptance into Yale University,and a ticket to life.By meeting the challenges of school,sicking it out,and pulling through,they are given their greatest reward:success.
2023-01-10 20:03:001

题目为Meeting Challenges 作文 急急急~~~

Challenges and Opportunities for college students Life is full of challenges. School has to be the most challenging obstacle in the lives of youth today. Elementary school brings about a few challenges characteristic of those years spent there. There"s the challenge of coloring in the lines, a very real problem to any youngster. Or how about the challenge of remembering to raise one"s hand before one speaks? There are hundreds of rules and regulations that govern these young children. The one thing that keeps these children in line is the hope of reward. Yes ,this is the brass ring. The reward for a clean desk is an extra five minutes of recess! The prize for having all homework done, a shiny-new pencil topper! These small wonders keep small people in line. They make the children love challenge. Middle schoolis not so easy. It is not easy for the students, and it also isn"t easy for the teachers. The challenge of staying out of trouble,or wrinting that research paper---these are the new confrontations of an older, wiser guoup. This clan has outgrown the recess and pencil-topper tricks. They know that their efforts have to bring them something really usefull, so mom and pop are pulled onto the scene. How does five, ten dollars for each “A” sound? Or ,how about no telephone if one doesn"t do good in school? Need I say more? By the time high school arrives, a student"s place in academic excellence or else their unlikelihood to even graduate has been established. Little can be done now to make life"s challenges seem interesting ,especially where school comes in. The slothful are rewarded with a nice job at a gas station, a pregnant girlfriend, and a fifteen-year-old Ford. The diligent are rewarded with an SAT score of over 1100, acceptance into Yale University,and a ticket to life. By meeting the challenges of school, sicking it out, and pulling through, they are given their greatest reward: success.
2023-01-10 20:03:061

求一篇英语演讲稿Challenges and opportunities for college students in today`s competitive world?

Good morning /afternoon /evening, ladies and gentlemen, sorry, ”boys and girls” may be better .It"s really a challenge for me to stand here today and you can see that clearly from my trembling voice .So there is no doubt that giving a speech fluently is a bigger challenge for me, who used to be a shy boy during my past 20 years.Today I choose to face it, because I know this is just the beginning of my challenging college life .Many challenges are still waiting for me ahead .As a freshman, I have already feel the pressure from studying .Classmates and friends around me study hard just like our past senior middle school period . The dreamy college life is still in my dream. We have to admit that more students are gaining access to college with the help of expanded enrollment, but we can not fail to see the fact that the competition is much fiercer than before .Besides, the competitive world today has also brought the “Knowledge Economy”, which requires the effective use of knowledge for economic and social development, and also requires skilled and multi-oriented students with a marketable vocational sense.But when we consider the problem in another point of view, we will find many opportunities for us college students. When a multitude of young men ,keen , open-hearted, sympathetic, and observant, come together and freely mix with each other, they are sure to learn one from another; the conversation of all is a series of lectures to each, and they gain for themselves new ideas and views, fresh matter of thought. In addition, the growing dimension of knowledge sources, such as the World Wide Web, library and multimedia sources provide us with opportunities for bringing out the creativity and talent that we have within us.Ladies and gentlemen, as Charles Dickens once commented upon the time of the French Revolution, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." So it is with our time. I believe, if we can make full use of the opportunities and deal with the challenges correctly, we will make it sooner or later. Thank you!
2023-01-10 20:03:111


meet 动词. 满足,迎接,遇见,相遇
2023-01-10 20:03:172


(1) What are the most challenges that could be identified? (2) correct (3) Among the human relationship skills, what should managers possess? (4) What"s the difference at various management levels needed for conceptual skills? (5) What do the decision-making skills include? (6) correct (7) correct What are the most challenges could be identified?challenges谓语为复数 Which managers think that technical skills are especially important?也许有引导词that就可以通过 Among the human relations skills, what skills managers should possess? What are the differences at various management levels need for conceptual skills?复数 What do the decision-making skills include?正确 How to manage time effectively?正确 What"s the purpose of having these skills?正确
2023-01-10 20:03:253

beyond challenges是啥意思

2023-01-10 20:03:356


peace实际上是found的宾语,正常的语序是Jenny found peace in music...后面用a,表示:一个充满挑战的世界
2023-01-10 20:04:184

接受挑战为什么是meet the challenges

2023-01-10 20:04:341

英语演讲作文 on challenge 该怎么写? 时间为2-3分钟

My view on challenge There is no consensus of opions among people as to the view of challenge.Some one believe that challenges make people who face it to be more diligence while some other people think that challenges in ever increasing number in our society make our lifstyle to a hurry way fulling of stress.As far as I am concerned,I agree with the former opinion.Though people live in the 21 century have to endeavor to studying and working to keep pace with the society in which new challenges waving out everyday,on the other hand,people earn more convinient and flourish life than ever before by consider these challenges as opportunities to make change.In practice,challenge means more positive,more durable and morre brave for failure.We can reform our mind and life by facing challenge in good ways.It will at least motivate us not to be lazy but be in a standby status everyday.
2023-01-10 20:04:591


rapid advance 快速推进。是不是应该把facing放到后面一点啊One of the biggest challenges employers and educators facing today is the rapid advance of globalizan.这样的话是因为employers and educators 和face之间是主动关系,用ing形式。全球化的快速推进是老板和教育家如今面临的最大的挑战之一。
2023-01-10 20:05:133

the challenges I face in learning English 英语作文,不要太难。 简单就好 250字左右 谢谢!

Nowadays,learning English is more important.So we should learn English well.I have some challenges inEnglish studying.First,I feel that English is bring and not interesting.And my English is not good.How can I learn English well? I think that I should read more interesting English stories and English newspapers.Listening to some English programmes on the radio every day is also a good choice.Now I am listening to some English programmes on the radio every day.It is helpful for me to learn English well. Second,I find it difficult for me to learn English grammar well.Because they are too much and too complicated.But now I have a good idea to solve the problem.Listening to the teacher carefully what he said is necessary and very important.You can learn so much konwledge from your English teacher!If you really want to learn English well,the challenges can be solved by yourself.Go ahead!
2023-01-10 20:05:241


  最近兴起养肉肉热潮,同事多次建议我也一起养几盆。多肉植物种类繁多,一个个鲜活的小生命,名字听起来倒也文雅动听,什么雅乐之舞、蛛丝卷卷、天使之泪、子旋月、红宝石等,只因我自幼生长在大山深处,对多肉并非陌生,那都是司空见惯,并非是什么新奇的事物,养多肉的事也就被搁置。   在我的记忆中,老家的一座山上满山遍野到处都是肉肉,不同颜色,不同形状,我们很笼统管它叫“马虎爪子”,和今天这名贵的肉肉类似。肉肉有着顽强的生命力,适宜生长在沙土里,我家乡的那座山坡向阳且是沙土地,想来也是它繁殖茂密的主要原因。如今同事们对它产生好奇、喜爱之心,却没有引起我多大的兴趣。   自幼土生土长在农村,在对肉肉有着刻骨铭心的记忆中,夹杂着几份酸涩。那时,秋收农忙季节,学校里的老师学生也被放假,我们姐弟自然也放假回家,帮父母亲干些力所能及的农活。因父亲是医生,平日家里的农活主要靠母亲一人,重活实在忙不过来就花钱雇人。我是家中长女,瘦弱单薄的身体,根本帮不了父母亲多少忙,秋天的山坡,马虎爪红的、绿的、黄的、蓝的,五颜六色,密密匝匝,长满了山坡。看见这些顽强的小生命根本无暇顾及,无心去观赏,心中只是迫切盼望家中有个大哥哥,那该会该有多好,那样也能帮帮我辛苦、劳累的母亲!   马虎爪最好看的季节也是最忙的地瓜成熟收获季节,母亲天不亮就起床,饭早已做好,吃过早饭,在母亲的带领下,直奔我家的那块地,刨地瓜。大清早出去,天黑才回家,中午直接在干活的地里拿出母亲准备好的干粮、咸菜、鸡蛋,喝着温凉的白开水!最令大伯自豪的大哥开着绿色吉普车,穿着黑色锃亮的皮鞋、白色衬衣,英姿飒爽很威风地归来,他刚好从我家的地边路过。我看着我们全家人被风吹得干裂的嘴唇,沾满黄土的双手,还有那凌乱的头发,再看看大哥,内心就强烈地充满了脱离面朝黄土背朝天的渴望。那满山的马虎爪,只能趁着我们偷闲的时间,趴在地上暂时躲过一劫,之后就被我随手挖一棵,用脏兮兮的手,掰下一个花瓣,塞进嘴里,全是酸酸的滋味......   那酸涩的童年记忆,也就抹杀了我对多肉的兴趣,相对于多肉,我更是喜爱花草,小时候感觉养花是一件很奢侈的事,认为只有大户富贵人家才有的事,很是希望自家也有满园的花草香。现在想来母亲每日忙于劳作,哪有什么空闲的心思来养花?养花最需要细心和耐心。   随着我对多肉的了解,也逐渐慢慢喜欢,我买了几个大小不一的白色花瓷盆,在夜色里把它们一个个栽植,同事帮忙在网上又购买了三个不同形状的漂亮花盆,好友妞妞又送我一棵多肉红宝石,心中欢喜!那曾经的记忆,将会随着我对肉肉的喜爱,渐渐淡忘、走远...... 作者: 若水   公众号:老事旧人
2023-01-10 20:00:131


2023-01-10 20:00:131


2023-01-10 20:00:142


Kw/hm2就是每公顷用电多少千瓦。hm2是面积单位(其中2为上标),表示公顷,一般用于土地面积的计算。其中h表示百米,hm2的含义就是百米的平方(英文为square hectometer),也就是10000平方米,即公顷。 另外公顷还可以用ha表示,是面积单位公顷(hectare)的英文缩写。国内不推荐使用ha。 我国规定的土地面积单位有三个:平方米(m2),公顷(hm2),平方公里(km2)。 我国在官方正式统计的场合一般用平方公里(km2)和公顷(hm2)来表示。
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这首诗写的veryvery good。
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烧字的笔顺正确的写法为:点,撇,撇,点,横,斜钩,撇,横,撇,竖弯钩。基本解释:1、使东西着火。2、加热或接触某些化学药品、放射性物质等使物体起变化。盐酸把衣服烧坏了。3、烹调方法,先用油炸,再加汤汁来炒或炖,或先煮熟再用油炸。4、烹调方法,就是烤。5、发烧。他现在烧得厉害。6、比正常体温高的体温。7、过多的肥料使植物体枯萎或死亡。8、因财富多而忘乎所以。有两个钱就烧得不知怎么好了!详细解释:作为动词:1、形声。从火,尧声。本义:使物着火。2、同本义。烧,爇也。——《说文》雏烧。——《礼记·内则》。齐之北泽烧火。——《管子·轻重甲》。烧尽北船,延及岸上营落。——《资治通鉴》3、烘烤;曝晒 。4、照耀;照射。5、加热使物体发生变化 。6、烹调方法之一。先用油炸,再加汤汁炒或炖,或先煮熟再用油炸。西崦人家应最乐,煮葵烧笋饷春耕。——苏轼《新城道中诗》作为名词:1、野火夕照红于烧,晴空碧胜蓝。——白居易《秋思诗》2、指烧酒 。用蒸馏法制成的酒,透明无色,酒精含量较高,引火能燃烧。也称“白酒”。
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红楼梦第三回描写林黛玉 贾宝玉 王熙凤的外貌描写,要原文

2023-01-10 20:00:122


多肉的文章怎么描写?写实,毕竟如果你没有养过多肉,是不会对那种肉肉的植物发生情感共鸣的。《我最喜欢的肉肉》  最近兴起养肉肉热潮,同事多次建议我也一起养几盆。多肉植物种类繁多,一个个鲜活的小生命,名字听起来倒也文雅动听,什么雅乐之舞、蛛丝卷卷、天使之泪、子旋月、红宝石等,只因我自幼生长在大山深处,对多肉并非陌生,那都是司空见惯,并非是什么新奇的事物,养多肉的事也就被搁置。  在我的记忆中,老家的一座山上满山遍野到处都是肉肉,不同颜色,不同形状,我们很笼统管它叫“马虎爪子”,和今天这名贵的肉肉类似。肉肉有着顽强的生命力,适宜生长在沙土里,我家乡的那座山坡向阳且是沙土地,想来也是它繁殖茂密的主要原因。如今同事们对它产生好奇、喜爱之心,却没有引起我多大的兴趣。  自幼土生土长在农村,在对肉肉有着刻骨铭心的记忆中,夹杂着几份酸涩。那时,秋收农忙季节,学校里的老师学生也被放假,我们姐弟自然也放假回家,帮父母亲干些力所能及的农活。因父亲是医生,平日家里的农活主要靠母亲一人,重活实在忙不过来就花钱雇人。我是家中长女,瘦弱单薄的身体,根本帮不了父母亲多少忙,秋天的山坡,马虎爪红的、绿的、黄的、蓝的,五颜六色,密密匝匝,长满了山坡。看见这些顽强的小生命根本无暇顾及,无心去观赏,心中只是迫切盼望家中有个大哥哥,那该会该有多好,那样也能帮帮我辛苦、劳累的母亲!  马虎爪最好看的季节也是最忙的地瓜成熟收获季节,母亲天不亮就起床,饭早已做好,吃过早饭,在母亲的带领下,直奔我家的那块地,刨地瓜。大清早出去,天黑才回家,中午直接在干活的地里拿出母亲准备好的.干粮、咸菜、鸡蛋,喝着温凉的白开水!最令大伯自豪的大哥开着绿色吉普车,穿着黑色锃亮的皮鞋、白色衬衣,英姿飒爽很威风地归来,他刚好从我家的地边路过。我看着我们全家人被风吹得干裂的嘴唇,沾满黄土的双手,还有那凌乱的头发,再看看大哥,内心就强烈地充满了脱离面朝黄土背朝天的渴望。那满山的马虎爪,只能趁着我们偷闲的时间,趴在地上暂时躲过一劫,之后就被我随手挖一棵,用脏兮兮的手,掰下一个花瓣,塞进嘴里,全是酸酸的滋味.....  那酸涩的童年记忆,也就抹杀了我对多肉的兴趣,相对于多肉,我更是喜爱花草,小时候感觉养花是一件很奢侈的事,认为只有大户富贵人家才有的事,很是希望自家也有满园的花草香。现在想来母亲每日忙于劳作,哪有什么空闲的心思来养花?养花最需要细心和耐心。  随着我对多肉的了解,也逐渐慢慢喜欢,我买了几个大小不一的白色花瓷盆,在夜色里把它们一个个栽植,同事帮忙在网上又购买了三个不同形状的漂亮花盆,好友妞妞又送我一棵多肉红宝石,心中欢喜!那曾经的记忆,将会随着我对肉肉的喜爱,渐渐淡忘、走远.....
2023-01-10 20:00:101

肉肉很多的描写 肉肉很多怎么描写

1、多肉植物是种顽强的小生命,只需要一点点水、阳光和土壤,就可以扎根于一个小小的花盆中,慢慢生长。 2、我喜欢小小的多肉植物,所以一直在小多肉植物的柜子前徘徊着、挑选着。 3、我还看中了一个更小的多肉植物。它虽不是什么植物之王却有隐约的一份可爱。它高约二厘米,有十片叶子。 4、植物馆的老板说这种多肉植物很奇怪,它一片叶子种下去就会分成两片叶子,两片叶子成长一段时间,就会变成三片叶子。 5、多肉植物有很多种类,它们共同的特点就是有很多肉肉,比较饱满,比较可爱。我们买的是其中的4个。 6、在除夕那天,妈妈给我买了一盆可爱的多肉植物——特玉莲。因它的外形酷像莲花,故取名之。 7、第一次认识多肉植物,是小学同学送我的一株。那株肉肉的名字叫十二卷,绿绿的,上面有像糖霜挤上的白色条纹,远看近看都酷似虎皮兰的亲戚。
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2023-01-10 20:00:061

js里面 document 什么意思

document字面翻译是文档并且但在JS也是就文档的意思,就一当前网页(文档)对象。 当前网页里所有元素(对象)全部都在document中。
2023-01-10 20:00:046


TM是TRADE MARK的缩写,意思是“商业标记”,一般叫做“商标”。在国内,商品名称右上角标注大写“TM”表示此商标正在受理注册中,还没有取得商标证。右上角标注“圈R”表示此商标已经注册下来,并且取得商标证。
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我在英国时常见的有 EASY JET主要是国内航班和欧洲短途(这家非常便宜,只不过基本没有服务,飞机上的可乐都要花钱,我从伦敦到爱丁堡才20英镑)british airway,英国航空公司,就象中国的国航,国外远程的航班基本都是它.virgin维珍航空,相对英航便宜些,但也非常有限.我只坐过着3家航空公司,英国本土的航空公司基本也就这3家了,剩下还有些要不就是特种服务,要不就是非常小的公司了
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