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中考英语:wear,dress,put on,have on的区别

2023-08-17 18:43:05

英语中表示“穿衣”的动词很多,在初中英语中我们就学习了dress, wear, put on, have on等表示“穿衣”的动词。你知道如何使用它们吗?


  dress 要接“人”作宾语(不接“衣”作宾语),而其余的则要接“衣”作宾语(而不接“人”作宾语)。

  She dressed the baby. 她给婴儿穿衣服。

  She was wearing her mother"s coat. 她穿她母亲的大衣。

  Put your coat on when you go out. 出去时穿上外套。

  She has a red jacket on. 她穿着一件红色的短上衣。


  wear 和 have on 通常指穿着衣服的状态,put on 通常指穿衣的动作,而 dress 既可指动作也可以指状态。如:

  She wore [had on] a new dress. 她穿着一件新衣服。

  Put on your clothes quickly. 赶快穿上衣服。

  She is dressing herself. 她在穿衣服。

  She always dresses in black. 她总是穿黑衣服。

  注:dress 还通常用于被动语态。如:

  The girl was poorly dressed. 这女孩衣着寒酸。

  He was dressed as a woman. 他男扮女装。


  wear 和 have on 虽然都可表示穿衣的状态,但 wear 可用于进行时态和被动语态,而 have on 却既不可用于进行时态也不可用于被动语态。如:

  He was wearing a new jacket. 他当时穿着一件新夹克。

  Such clothes are not often worn nowadays. 现在那样的衣服很少有人穿了。


  wear 除可表示穿衣外,还可表示戴表(花、纪念章等)以及留头发或胡须等,而 dress, put on 一般不这样用。如:

  He seldom wears a watch. 他很少戴表。

  He wears his hair long. 他留着长发。

  注:have on 有时也这样用。如:

  They all had dark glasses on. 他们都戴着墨镜。



2023-08-10 10:48:171


2023-08-10 10:49:136


释义:穿着释义:穿着造句:1.He runs a big company. He wears a suit and tie, and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms.VOA : special.2010.05.022.He would have snapped across his shins, greaves, sort of like the shin guards that a catcher in baseball wears, also made of bronze.士兵可能会胫骨骨折,所以还配有护胫甲,这有点像棒球接球手所穿戴的胫部的防具,同样的,护胫甲也是铜质的古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课3.I think that he"s very charismatic. He wears the best suits.我认为他很有号召力。他总是穿着最好的西服。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国的首相们
2023-08-10 10:49:401


wears=wear wears 是有wear 遇到三单式(单三式)而变换的。wear的中文就是穿。
2023-08-10 10:50:073


  wear是我们在初中英语里面常见的词汇。它的用法有很多。也很容易让同学们混淆。接下来我在这里给大家带来wear的用法,我们一起来看看吧!   wear的用法   一、wear作及物动词具有以下用法   1. 穿(衣服等);戴(首饰等);佩(武器等):   On the first day he went to school,the boy wore his school cap proudly.   上学的第一天,男孩骄傲地戴上了他的校帽。   (为显示身份等)佩带着:   to wear the heavyweight crown   带着沉甸甸的王冠   穿着流行的时装;打扮:   a style that is much worn   非常流行的式样   2. (面容等)显出,呈现:   to wear a smile   面带笑容   3. 装着,带着:   to wear dentures   戴假牙   4. 蓄留着(须、发等):   to wear a beard   蓄胡须   5. (船)升(旗);挂(旗):   The ship is wearing its colours.   那条船挂着船旗。   6. 消耗;削弱,减少;耗损,磨损(常与 away 连用):   The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps of Mountain Tai.   数以千计的游客的脚步磨损了泰山上的台阶。   7. 用成,磨成;擦成:   to wear a coat to rags   把外套穿得破烂不堪   8. 磨出,擦出:   to wear a hole in the sole of one"s shoe   鞋底磨出了洞   9. 使疲乏,使筋疲力尽;折磨:   to be worn down with fatigue   因劳累而疲乏不堪   10. 消磨(时间)(常与away或 out 连用):   to wear away the night in dancing   以跳舞打发夜晚时光   11. 使形成习惯   12. [口语][常用于否定句]接受,允许:   “I was going to go boating with my classmates this Sunday,but I don"t think my father will wear it,”the boy told me.   男孩对我说:“我想本周日和同学一起去划船,不过我想我爸爸不会同意。”   二、wear作不及物动词具有以下用法   1. 磨损,变旧,突破;用坏:   shoes that have begun to wear   已经开始磨破的鞋   2. 经穿,耐磨:   a suit that wears well   一套经穿的衣服   3. 逐渐变得:   courage that is wearing thin   日益变小的胆量   4. (时间等)逐渐流逝(常与away或 on 连用):   The year wore on.   一年即将过去。   5. 刺激;使烦躁;使筋疲力尽(与on连用):   noise wearing on his nerves   刺激他神经的噪音   6. [废语]流行   三、wear作名词具有以下用法   1. 穿,穿着;佩戴;使用   2. 穿戴的东西;衣服,服装   3. 流行的时装;入时的打扮   4. 磨损;损耗 损耗量   5. 耐久性;耐用性,耐磨性   wear的相关解释   vt. 穿着,戴着;面露;留着(胡须等);磨损   vi. 耐用;保持不变;磨损,耗损;逐渐或枯燥地通过   n. 穿着;穿戴物,衣物;磨损,穿旧;耐用性   wear的例句   1. He arrived on January 9, disheveled and much the worse for wear.   他是1月9号到的,蓬头垢面,疲惫不堪。   2. In warm weather, you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable.   在热天里,应该穿凉快舒适的衣服。   3. I wear my old shoes every day. One sole has come unglued.   我每天都穿那双旧鞋,有一只鞋底已经脱胶了。   4. Women were reproved if they did not wear hats in court.   女性如果在法庭不戴帽子,就会受到谴责。   5. Individualists say that you should be able to wear what you want.   特立独行者认为人应该想穿什么就穿什么。   6. It would dishonour my family if I didn"t wear the veil.   如果我不戴面纱就会有辱门楣。
2023-08-10 10:50:151


always 是一个单词,是个副词,总是的意思,本身就带有S ,在句中是表示时间的频度副词 不是谓语动词. 当 主语是单数第三人称时,谓语动词用单数,wear 是谓语动词,所以用 wears 你可以把always 换成often She often ( always ) wears white clothes .
2023-08-10 10:50:381


穿着;戴着;佩带着;涂抹(香水、化妆品)wear perfume(makeup, cologne)涂抹香水(化妆品,古龙水)She was wearing a gold ring.她戴着一个金戒指。 (习惯性地)戴着(假发、眼镜等。wear glasses(a wig)戴眼镜(假发)
2023-08-10 10:50:483


2023-08-10 10:51:1612

puts on和wears的区别

2023-08-10 10:51:473

who wears a warm sweater?为什么填wears

2023-08-10 10:51:564

定语从句中who wears 为什么可以变成wearing?

2023-08-10 10:52:186


wear 的过去式wore
2023-08-10 10:52:3512


不一样wears 不同,读[eə]sweater,bread,breakfast 读[e]
2023-08-10 10:53:083


2023-08-10 10:53:172

英语语法问题,请看图: 这里为什么是wears而不是wearing。。求解释

2023-08-10 10:53:333

He ____(wear) a black T-shirt today.用is wearing 还是wears? 请教啊请教

2023-08-10 10:53:424


2023-08-10 10:54:232


及物动词 vt. 1. 穿着;戴着;佩带着;涂抹(香水、化妆品)wear perfume(makeup, cologne) 涂抹香水(化妆品,古龙水) She was wearing a gold ring. 她戴着一个金戒指。 2. (习惯性地)戴着(假发、眼镜等)wear glasses(a wig) 戴眼镜(假发) 3. 面露,面带,面有...色He was wearing a pleasant smile. 他一直面露愉快的微笑。 4. (将胡须、头发)留成...的样子;保持...的样子He wore a short beard. 他蓄着短胡子。 She wears her hair long. 她留长发。 5. (船只)升、挂(旗);(骑师、骑士)打着(旗)6. 穿破,磨损,磨出;冲刷;冲蚀The rocks were worn away by the sea. 岩石受海浪冲蚀。 His trousers have been worn into holes. 他的裤子已破了好些洞。 7. 使疲乏,使厌烦;使力竭She was worn down with fatigue. 她已疲惫不堪。 8. 消磨(时间)不及物动词 vi. 1. 磨损;穿破;变旧;用坏I like this shirt, but the neck has worn. 我喜欢这件衬衫,但领子已旧了。 2. 耐久;耐穿;耐磨[Q]That cloth will wear for years and years. 那种布料可以穿好多年。 3. (时间)逐渐消逝[(+on/away)]The hours wore on; night came. 时间一点点过去,夜色降临了。 名词 n. [U]1. 穿;戴;佩;使用This jacket is for everyday wear. 这件短上衣供日常穿用。 2. (常用于复合词)衣服,服装;时装3. 磨损,损耗This sofa is showing signs of wear. 这只沙发开始显得破旧了。 4. 耐用性,经久性There is plenty of wear left in the machine. 这台机器还可用好长一段时间。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义wear1. 磨损,销蚀【词汇指导】阅读中最易被忽略词汇总结_考试...wear v.磨损,销蚀2. 穿着,戴;磨损大学英语四级考试大纲 W - 英语考试 -...wear vt.穿着,戴;磨损3. 动.名】磨损.损耗汽车配件英文速查词典-W - 『原版英语』...wear 【动.名】磨损.损耗
2023-08-10 10:54:443


wear 的ing形式直接在后面加ing 即wearing第三人称单数形式是直接加S,即 wearsHe often wears a pair of jeans.他经常穿着一条牛仔裤。
2023-08-10 10:55:231


wear的三单形式是wears。第三人称单数是语言中对对话双方外其它某一个人指示时使用的代词,第三人称是相对于对话时,某一句话中,言语发出方(第一人称)和言语的听受方(第二人称)以外的其它人称。 扩展资料 单数是指该句中提到的其它人是一个人,相对于两个人(双数,在太平洋岛屿土著语言中广泛存在人称代词的"双数)或更多人(复数)。如汉语中的“他”“她”“它”,英语中的hesheithimher。在英语教学中,第三人称单数除了指英语中这一套代词外,也指这一套代词的相关语法。
2023-08-10 10:55:431

He wears his seventy years lightly。为什么是wear,它什么意思?

2023-08-10 10:56:332

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2023-08-10 10:56:523

wear in 区别

2023-08-10 10:57:014


关于wear英语怎么读分享如下:wear是一个英语单词,意思是"穿戴、佩戴",其发音为/wu025bu0259/或者/wu025br/。这个单词有多种用法和变形,下面我们将对其发音进行详细的讲解和介绍。1、基础发音wear的基础发音为/wu025bu0259/。这个单词由两个音节组成,第一个音节为/w/,第二个音节为/u025bu0259/。/w/这个音是半元音(semivowel),发音时唇形圆起,舌尖靠近牙齿或牙龈,气流从口腔中央流出。u025bu0259这个音则是双元音(diphthong),由/e/和/u0259/两个元音组成。发音时,先产生/e/这个元音,然后舌尖稍微向上抬起,准备发/u0259/这个元音。2、变形发音wear"这个单词还有一些常见的变形,在不同的语境下,发音也会有所不同。下面是一些常见的变形及其发音方式:wearing:/u02c8wu025bru026au014b/,是wear的现在分词形式,意为"穿着、戴着"。wears:/wu025brz/,是wear的第三人称单数形式,意为"穿戴、佩戴"。worn:/wu0254rn/,是wear的过去分词形式,意为"穿戴、佩戴"。wearable:/u02c8wu025bru0259bu0259l/,意为"可穿戴的、可佩戴的"。unwearable:/u028cnu02c8wu025bru0259bu0259l/,意为"不可穿戴的、不可佩戴的"。3、注意事项当发音时,需要注意"w"这个辅音的发音方式。"w"的发音时需要用到唇形,但是需要注意与 u"音的区别。此外,英语单词中还有一些类似"wear"的单词,如"where",发音和"wear"相似,但是意思却完全不同,容易混淆。总之,"wear"这个单词的发音并不难掌握,只需要掌握好每个音节的发音方法及其变形就可以了。读者需要多加练习,尤其是在日常交流和学习中,多注意这个单词的发音,尽可能减少发音错误,提高口语表达能力。
2023-08-10 10:57:251


wear[英][weu0259(r)][美][wer]vt.穿着,戴着; 面露; 留着(胡须等); 磨损; vi.耐用; 保持不变; 磨损,耗损; 逐渐或枯燥地通过; n.穿着; 穿戴物,衣物; 磨损第三人称单数:wears过去分词:worn复数:wears现在进行时:wearing过去式:wore
2023-08-10 10:58:021


过去分词:worn;过去式:wore;现在分词:wearing;第三人称单数:wears;名词: wearer。wear是不可数名词,基本意思是“穿着、戴着”,指“穿或戴的状态”,也可指“穿戴的衣物”,此时多与其他词构成复合词。wear引申可指“使用,用坏”和“耐用性”。 例句 1、She was wearing her new dress, the red one. 她穿着她的新衣服,那件红的。 2、You"d have to be sad to wear a shirt like that. 你穿着那样的衬衣显得老气。 3、The effects of the drug will soon wear off. 这麻醉药品的作用将很快消失。 4、You"ll wear yourself out if you carry on working so hard. 你要是继续这样拼命工作,身体会吃不消的。 5、I don"t have anything suitable to wear for the party. 我没有适合在聚会上穿的衣服。
2023-08-10 10:58:131


wear away 磨损,消磨,流逝 wear well 经久耐用 wear off 磨损,逐渐消逝 wear in 磨合 wear out 磨损,耗尽,穿破    扩展资料   wear的`词义用法   wear这个英语单词具有动词和名词两种词性用法,当wear表示动词时意思有穿,戴,蓄发或者须,面露,耗损,耐用,接受等等,当wear表示名词时意思是衣物,磨损,耐久性。   wear的变形用法   wear的第三人称单数形式是wears,现在分词形式是wearing,过去式形式是wore,过去分词形式是worn。   wear短语举例   wear away 磨损,消磨,流逝   wear well 经久耐用   wear off 磨损,逐渐消逝   wear in 磨合   wear out 磨损,耗尽,穿破
2023-08-10 10:58:241

大家好问一下图中为什么用wear 而不同 wears单三,我的同学,重点是我,而不是同学,第一人称

因为是复数,四分之三的同学戴眼镜,这个classmates 是复数,他强调的是同学,而不是四分之三的同学,前者是复数,后者整体来看是整体。
2023-08-10 10:58:591


2023-08-10 10:59:113


2023-08-10 10:59:341

the girl ____(wear) a sweater is wangfeng 该不该填wears,填wearing又是怎么回事?

2023-08-10 11:00:105


1. to come解析:句型-sorry to do sth2. play解析:don‘t后面接原型;play with 多指与XX一起玩儿3. wears解析:always表示了一种持续性的状态,就是说不是短暂性的一个举动所以不用 put on;sb with sth 一般表示与什么呆在一起4. How about going swimming?5. Let"s play chess.
2023-08-10 11:01:093

wear和put on和dress的区别

一、从所接宾语来看dress 要接“人”作宾语(不接“衣”作宾语),而其余的则要接“衣”作宾语(而不接“人”作宾语).She dressed the baby. 她给婴儿穿衣服.She was wearing her mother"s coat. 她穿她母亲的大衣.Put your coat on when you go out. 出去时穿上外套.She has a red jacket on. 她穿着一件红色的短上衣.二、从表示动作与状态来看wear 和 have on 通常指穿着衣服的状态,put on 通常指穿衣的动作,而 dress 既可指动作也可以指状态.如:She wore [had on] a new dress. 她穿着一件新衣服.Put on your clothes quickly. 赶快穿上衣服.She is dressing herself. 她在穿衣服.She always dresses in black. 她总是穿黑衣服.注:dress 还通常用于被动语态.如:The girl was poorly dressed. 这女孩衣着寒酸.He was dressed as a woman. 他男扮女装.三、从所使用的时态和语态来看wear 和 have on 虽然都可表示穿衣的状态,但 wear 可用于进行时态和被动语态,而 have on 却既不可用于进行时态也不可用于被动语态.如:He was wearing a new jacket. 他当时穿着一件新夹克.Such clothes are not often worn nowadays. 现在那样的衣服很少有人穿了.四、其他用法上的区别wear 除可表示穿衣外,还可表示戴表(花、纪念章等)以及留头发或胡须等,而 dress, put on 一般不这样用.如:He seldom wears a watch. 他很少戴表.He wears his hair long. 他留着长发.注:have on 有时也这样用.如:They all had dark glasses on. 他们都戴着墨镜.希望能够帮到楼主
2023-08-10 11:01:512

she wears 后面用单数还是复数

2023-08-10 11:01:594


2023-08-10 11:02:071


He wears larger shoes than mine,/smaller shoes than mine.larger shoes应该和我的鞋作比较,比较的前后要一致。
2023-08-10 11:02:186

i wear中文是什么意思

I downt noU0001f4a9U0001f4a9U0001f4a9U0001f480U0001f480U0001f480
2023-08-10 11:02:331


第一句和第三句是对的。wearswithwear 作为动词,在句中作谓语 He wears a blue coat.wearing现在分词,在句中作定语, The man wearing a blue coat is my brother.with介词,作定语,放在名词的后面 The man with glasses is my brother.
2023-08-10 11:02:471

英语语法 wear,dress,put on的用法,有什么区别吗

2023-08-10 11:02:572


Don"t put the eggs in the same basket
2023-08-10 10:57:212

New Religion 歌词

歌曲名:New Religion歌手:Alice Smith专辑:For Lovers, Dreamers & Me≡ 卐 Black Veil Brides - New Religion 卐 ≡album: Set the World on Firereleased on June 14, 2011Welcome to your lifeWe have got you in our sightsAnd thoughts of God are better left aloneIt"s in your head, black and blueWhat they told you wasn"t trueCome along and fight with the unknownThe Army"s grownWe"ll pray to all the wrong decisions (Whoa oh oh)This time you"ll show all you can be (Whoa oh oh)Grab your weapons nowWe"ll run against the crowdIn changing historyLet"s take the vow, we will show you howYour time has come for the new religionYour voice is proud, be your savior nowThe battles won for the new religionNo one can defeat what the congregation speaksBound together the flag that we defendThey made a fool out of youBut you knew just what to doRaise your fists up and stand until the end(Amen!)We"ll pray to all the wrong decisions (Whoa oh oh)This time you"ll show all you can be (Whoa oh oh)Grab your weapons nowWe"ll run against the crowdIn changing historyLet"s take the vow, we will show you howYour time has come for the new religionYour voice is proud, be your savior nowThe battles won for the new religion- solo -Come now and imagine with meTaking back a world that once was oursLet"s regain the powerAnd then we will end what we"ve begunLet"s take the vow, we will show you howYour time has come for the new religionYour voice is proud, be your savior nowThe battles won for the new religion" We are the unholyWe are the bastard sons of your media cultureOur minds, eyes and bodies were born of your exclusionAn illusion you hide behindYou don"t love a God, you love your comfortTo you we are filth, we are dirty, so be it!We are dirty and uncleanA congregation of the unseenTogether we will set this world on fireThis is the new religionAMENNN ! "
2023-08-10 10:57:241


2023-08-10 10:57:252


法语欧标等级分为6级:A1初级, A2中级, B1中高级, B2高级, C1专业级, C2精通级
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陌生的解释 (1) [strange;unfamiliar]∶事先 不知 道,没有听说或没有看见过的 一支陌生的部队 (2) [outlandish]∶有外国或 生疏 的外观、方式或特性的 陌生的谈话方式 详细解释 生疏;不熟悉。 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》 七五:“后来‘小孩子"越集越多,‘大孩子" 应接不暇 。他们一点不怕陌生。” 巴金 《秋》 六:“他对这个 问题 已经 是十分陌生了。” 沉从文 《从文自传·辰州》 :“到处是陌生面孔,我不知道日里同谁吃饭,且不知道晚上同谁睡觉。” 词语分解 陌的解释 陌 ò 田间 东西 方向的道路,泛指田间小路: 阡陌 。陌上。陌头(路边)。陌路(a.田 间道 路;b.指路上相见而不认识的人,如“视同陌陌”)。 生疏,不熟悉:陌生。 市中 街道 :街陌。 笔画数:; 部首 :阝; 生的解释 生 ē 一切可以发育的物体在 一定 条件下具有了最初的体积和重量,并能发展长大: 诞生 。滋生。生长。 造出:生产。 活的,有 活力 的:生存。 生命 。生物。生机。 出生入死 。舍生取义。 有生命的东西的简称: 众生 。
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TCF考试(法语知识考试)是法国教育部组织的考试,由法国**近年来推出;TEF考试是法国工商会命题,CELA主办的一个考试,主要是针对非法语专业的学生去法国留学的一个语言测试。目前两种制度并行。凡是TEF考点,都同时可以进TCF考试。这两种试体系,其考试项目也相同,即阅读、听力、语法结构与词汇三项。但两者也有不同点,总结如下:1、考试评分制度:TTEF起评分0分,满分900,有倒扣分;TCF的起评分111,满分699,无倒扣分。2、考试内容:TEF考试最重要的是听力,360分, 占全部考试的40%。而且听力考试可以听一遍,两遍,个别甚至可以听三遍,但TCF的听力考试一律只播放一遍,要听懂内容难度就大些,而且TCF的听力所有题目都需要听出来。此外TCF阅读:45分钟30道题针对22篇左右长短不一的文章。3、外界对考试的认可程度:这也是由他们自身特点(如难度)来决定的。通过TEF考试的考生,入学一般需再学半年到一年的法语,而通过TCF考试的考生入学后一般不需要再专门学法语,可直接上专业课;目前法国有近30所高等学校对入学新生只认可其TCF考试成绩。,4、有效期:TEF的考试成绩有效期为一年,而TCF考试成绩的有效期为两年。现在也有人把TEF比作托福,TCF比作是雅思,并认为TCF可能会取代TEF.TCF考试,就是时间紧,有听力,阅读,写作。大学录取的时候,考虑作文分比较的多,作文很重要的。TEF说白了就是为了过签证的考试。个人建议去考tcf,,不要考telf!不过这个都是看你自己了。难的话题目肯定是TCF但是TEF倒扣分也是非常痛苦的。
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1. 重点单词: common, opinion, religion, tradition, nationality, case, atmosphere, ceremony, custom, race, cause, seem, once, treat, definition, simply, community, sense, address, argue, emergency, determine, personal, extend, likely, hug, figure, equivalent, sign 2. 重点短语: even though, refer to, base on, figure out, be famous for, the same as 3. 重点句型: (1) Could you tell me... ? (2)I"d like to know.. . ? (3) Do you know. . . ? 4. 语法: 名词性从句(I)主语从句 动词时态 (III)一般讲来时 三. 重难点解释: 1. common adj.共同的,公共的,公有的,普通的,庸俗的,伪劣的 n.[复][总]平民,公有,普通,共通 a common cup 公用杯子 Snow is common in cold countries. 在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。 the common man 普通人 the common people 老百姓 common knowledge常识 common characteristic共同特点 make a common cause against enemy协力抵抗敌人 The humorous joke is common property.这个幽默笑话大家都知道。 I don"t like him, for he"s as common as muck. He"s as common as dirt. 他这人粗俗不堪,我不喜欢他。 The common man in every country is anxious for world peace. 每个国家的老百姓都渴望世界和平。 House of Commons [英]下议院 have nothing in common (with) (与…)没有共同之处 in common共同, 共同享有的, 共同使用的 in common with和…一样 out of (the) common不寻常的, 特殊的 2. opinion n.意见, 看法, 主张, 判断, 评价 He asked his father"s opinion about his plans. 他征求爸爸对他的计划的意见。 In my opinion, you"re wrong. 依我看,你错了。 What"s your opinion? 你的看法如何? Public opinion was against the old feudal system.公众舆论反对旧的封建制度。 have a good opinion of sb. [sth.]对某人[某事]评价好 give [express] one"s opinion on [upon]对…发表意见 in one"s opinion 按某人的意见,据某人看来 in the opinion of照…的意见 3. religion n.宗教,信仰 Almost every country has some form of religion. 几乎每个国家都有某种宗教信仰形式。 Tennis is a religion with John. 约翰打网球非常认真。 She makes a religion of keeping her house clean and tidy. 她认为保持房子整洁是她份内的事。 enter into [be in] religion 出家,修道,加入教团 4. tradition n.传统,惯例 It is a tradition that the young look after the old in their family. 在他们家,年轻的照顾年长的是一个传统。 keep up fine tradition 保持优良传统 The story is based mainly on traditions.这个故事主要是根据传说。 by tradition 照传统;据口传 5. case n.事,病例,案例,情形,场合,讼案,容器,(语法)格 This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty. 这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。 “Well, in that case, I would prefer to stay on the bus,” I answered. “唉,那样的话,我宁愿留在车上啦,”我回答说。 This is a case of fever. 这是一发烧的病例。 The case was settled out of court. 这案件在庭外解决。 in case 以防;可能;倘若 Take a hat with you in case the sun is very hot. 倘若太阳很厉害,你就把帽子戴上。 in case of 如果;万一 In case of rain they can"t go. 万一下雨,他们就不能去了。 in any case 无论如何,总之 in no case 决不
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