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environment可数吗 environment用法介绍

2023-05-19 19:27:16

1、当用于计算机系统运行的环境时,environment就用复数。一般来说,environment是个抽象名词,不可数。如we should protect our enviornment.前面有定语就可以加a。

2、Environment。环境; 环境贴图; 环境; 允许用户使用贴图作为雾的颜色。

3、investment environment。投资环境; 投入资金环境; 投资境况。

4、demographic environment。人口统计环境; 人口环境。

5、sociocultural environment。社会文化环境; 社会文化环境 社会文化环境; 社会文化 环境。



environment是不可数名词,是环境的意思。但如果有定语修饰则可以加a; environment可指影响人们生活的各种抽象和具体的“状况,环境”; the environment特指自然环境,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。 扩展资料   The environment has become a very hot issue.   环境已成为很热门的话题。   This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment.   本章探讨的是经济发展与环境之间的关系。   Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies.   对环境的.关注是我们政策的核心。   Our ultimate goal must be the preservation of the environment.   我们的最终目的必须是环境保护。
2023-01-08 20:24:021

environment可数还是不可数 原因?

2023-01-08 20:24:086


  environment通常用作名词,有环境;外界的意思,那么environment是可数名词吗?下面跟着我一起来学习environment的英语知识吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    environment词语用法   当用于计算机系统运行的环境时,environment就用复数。   一般来说,environment是个抽象名词,不可数。   如we should protect our enviornment   前面有定语就可以加a   如he was brought up in an unhappy home environment   environment的网络释义   Environment   环境; 环境贴图; 环境; 允许用户使用贴图作为雾的颜色;   investment environment   投资环境; 投入资金环境; 投资境况;   demographic environment   人口统计环境; 人口环境;   sociocultural environment   社会 文化 环境; 社会文化环境 社会文化环境; 社会文化 环境;   working environment   工作环境; 作业环境; 任务环境; 雅思分类词汇;   environment英语例句   1. Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.   离开福利机构的照顾,离开这种受保护的环境,他将难以生存下去。   2. His independence had been forged on the anvil of a harsh environment.   他的独立性是在艰苦的环境中锤炼出来的。   3. The plans will be examined by EU environment ministers.   欧盟各国环境部部长将仔细研究这些计划。   4. I have no doubt that we are polluting the environment beyond redemption.   我丝毫都不怀疑我们对环境的污染是不可挽回的。   5. There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.   几乎未对自然环境破坏程度作出评估。   6. Is the recycling process in itself damaging to the environment?   这一回收利用过程本身对环境有害吗?   7. An added complication is the growing concern for the environment.   还有个问题就是对环境的日益关注。   8. The indiscriminate use of fertilisers is damaging to the environment.   乱用化肥会破坏环境。   9. You need to understand how office politics influence the working environment.   你需要了解办公室权术是如何影响工作氛围的。   10. Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.   应帮助学生对环境采取积极的态度。   11. Sometimes the home environment just isn"t conducive to reading.   有时候,家里的环境确实不适合看书。   12. He worked in the notoriously unhealthy environment of a coal mine.   他在一个环境出了名恶劣的煤矿里工作。   13. Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragile environment.   极度严寒造成了南极地区绝无仅有的脆弱环境。   14. Helen described life in a weightless environment during her period in space.   海伦描述了她身处太空时失重状态下的生活。   15. I set up a ginger group on the environment.   我建立了一个积极从事环保的组织。   关于environment的英语趣闻:环境嘈杂更容易产生好点子?   If you"re doing work at a coffee shop because of the free WiFi and great coffee, you should know that there"s another benefit to working at your local Starbucks, according to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research. Research found that working in a place with a "moderate level of ambient noise" causes the sort of distraction that boosts creativity. The study says:   如果你去咖啡店只是因为那里有免费的无线上网和好喝的咖啡,那么现在你应该知道,在星巴克里工作还有一大好处。最新出版的《消费研究》杂志中的一项调查发现,在“适当嘈杂的环境”下工作会产生某种分心,从而提高创造力。   "Instead of burying oneself in a quiet room trying to figure out a solution, walking out of one"s comfort zone and getting into a relatively noisy environment may trigger the brain to think abstractly and thus generate creative ideas."   该研究指出,“与其埋首在一个安静的房间里绞尽脑汁,还不如走出自己的舒适区,去到一个相对嘈杂的环境中,这样反而会激发大脑的 抽象思维 ,创造出更多好点子。”   So if you"re stuck on a task, maybe all you need to do is to step into a lively coffee shop to get the your imaginative juices going again.   所以,如果你为了某项工作苦恼不已,也许你要做的就是走出去,到一个活色生香的咖啡店里,奇思妙想没准就不请自来了。 猜你喜欢: 1. 地理环境的意思和造句 2. 环境的名词解释 3. 英语环境手抄报图片 4. signify的近义词辨析 5. 英语情景长对话练习
2023-01-08 20:24:301

environment 可数吗

2023-01-08 20:24:354


2023-01-08 20:24:553


N-VAR 生活环境;周围状况N-COUNT 生存环境;特定自然环境N-SING 自然环境;生态环境
2023-01-08 20:25:063


environment有两种解释 1 环境 2 围绕,围绕物。所以是不可数名词 而environs 是复数但是意思是 郊外,附近
2023-01-08 20:25:176


2023-01-08 20:25:464

environment可数不可数? environment在什么时候是可数的 什么时候是不可数的啊

一般不可数 如we should protect our enviornment 前面有定语就可以加a了 如he was brought up in an unhappy home environment
2023-01-08 20:26:191


environment用on。on envitonment关于环境,on表示系统的、理论性的、本质规律性的叙述,多指科技、理论等方面的。environment一、含义:n. 环境;外界。二、用法:1600年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的的environner,意为环境,四周。environment可指影响人们生活的各种抽象和具体的“状况,环境”。the environment特指自然环境,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。An increasing number of people are concerned about the pollution of the environment.越来越多的人关心环境污染问题。近义词:conditions一、含义:n. 条件;情况;付款条件。名词condition的复数形式。二、用法:condition的基本意思是“条件,地位”,是可数名词,用单复数形式均可,但表示“状态、状况”时,常指事物处于不正常的状况,多作不可数名词,如果其前有形容词修饰,可与不定冠词a连用;表示“情况,环境,形势”时常用复数形式,多指一般的、笼统的情况。They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions.他们在恶劣的天气条件下登上了山的顶峰。
2023-01-08 20:26:241


这里就相当于place 是 a强调的是存在 而不是可数不可数
2023-01-08 20:26:373

a+名词是否表示这个名词是可数的,如a good environment ,那environment是可数的吗?

1.这个问题的答案只能说不一定的,比如说emphasis这个词,但用的话,是不可数的,place emphasis on, 但是一旦前面加了东西,比如put a great emphasis on 就是可数的,这个讲不清楚的,要看实际单词。2.environment是可数的
2023-01-08 20:26:482


1确切的都可以加the,不论可不可数不确切的可数名词单数加a注意:可数名词单数不能单独出现,前面一定要有冠词(a,the),可数名词复数可以不加冠词,也可以加the2带有只有一个的含义的前面要加则如月亮,太阳自然,环境(environment),地球(on the earth与on earth不同意思的哦),宇宙,社会,世界不要拘泥于某个英文单词,要看它的意思,所以我打的是汉意序数词特殊含义的名词组合体如 the palace museum特指故宫博物院,而不是"那个宫殿式博物馆"the United States美国代指一类事物(事物包括人)the 加形容词表一类人时,谓语对应复数英文单词的乐器前面加the,play the piano 汉语拼音乐器及竞技类的词(棋 牌 球) 前不加the,aplay cards3一些固定搭配the加名词加of加...the book of mine3名词前已经有限定的词了,就不要再往前面加the,a了如my hand对My the hand 错起的名字前不加冠词Tian"an men Square,天安门是起的名字,而不是像故宫那样的名词组合Teacher "s Day教师节或Teachers"DayNational Day国庆节
2023-01-08 20:27:021


2023-01-08 20:27:071

waste可不可数 Wastes do harm to our environment?翻译一下大神们帮帮忙

按说waste是不可数名词;只有指各种各样的垃圾或废物时,才可能用作可数名词。 句意:垃圾对我们的环境有害。 do harm to sth.是固定短语,此处不表示强调。
2023-01-08 20:27:131


  在学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我为大家整理的英语话题作文9篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语话题作文 篇1   smiling   i think smiling is as important as sunshine. smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. if you aren?t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. someone may say, “but i don?t feel happy.” then i would say, “please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. you will really be happy again.”   smiling can let you have more i say, smiling is like a flower. it will give you happiness.   微笑   我认为微笑是一样重要的象阳光。 微笑是象阳光,因为它可能使人愉快和有一个早晨好。 如果您不是愉快的,您能微笑,您然后将感觉愉快。 某人也许说, “但是我不感到愉快”。 然后我会说, “请微笑,您,当您愉快地是愉快或戏剧与您的朋友。 您真正地再将是愉快的”。   微笑可能让您有更多朋友。如此我说,微笑是象花。 它将给您幸福。 英语话题作文 篇2   Over 70% of the Earth"s surface is water; water is obviously the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without water, life on Earth would be non-existent. Water is the lifeblood of the environment, essential to the survival of all living things-plants, animals, and human. Although we recognize this fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and streams. Afterward, we are slowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms are dying at a very alarming rate, and our drinking water has become greatly affected. In order to fight against water pollution, we must understand the problems and become part of the solution; we also need to do everything possible to maintain its quality for today and the future.The government alone cannot solve the entire problem; it"s up to us when it comes to the problems we face with our water. In your home, correctly dispose dangerous household products. Keep paints, used oil, cleaning solvents, pool chemicals, and other dangerous household chemicals out of drains, sinks, and toilets because many of these products contain harmful substances. In your yard, recycle used motor oil. Avoid pouring waste oil and resist the temptation to dump wastes onto the ground.These are just a few of the many ways in which we, as human have the ability to combat water pollution. If these measures are not taken and water pollution continues, life on Earth will suffer severely. 英语话题作文 篇3   Topics 01   Prompt:   That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. Thomas Paine   Assignment:   Do we value only what we struggle for? Plan your response, and then write an essay to explain your views on this issue. Be sure to support your position with specific points and examples.   Topics 02   Prompt:   If we are afraid to reveal our lack of knowledge we will not be able to learn. In order to make progress we must admit where we are now. Such an admission of ignorance is not easy. As Thoreau says, How can we remember our ignorance which our growth requires, when we are using our knowledge all the time?   Assignment:   Does the present system of education encourage us to admit our lack of knowledge, or is there too much pressure to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge? Plan your response...   Topics 03   Prompt:   A little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation.C.E.Ayers   Assignment:   Is it always essential to tell the truth, or are there circumstances in which it is better to lie? Plan your response...   Topics 04   Prompt:   Many societies believe that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human right. But it is also true that attainment of happiness remains elusive. Perhaps Bertrand Russell had it right when he said, To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness. 英语话题作文 篇4   按系统论的观点,外语教学是一个系统,写作教学是其中的一个子系统,与听、说、读等教学共同构成一个科学的大系统,它是由英语词汇、语法、主题及其写作手法等互相依赖、互相作用的诸要素组成的有机整体。在小学阶段,大部分老师都非常注重学生的听、说和阅读能力的培养和训练,往往忽视了写作能力的训练,认为这是中学的要求,或者是因为觉得写作教学难,教师批改学生作文也难,因此一般对阅读理解较重视,而对写的重要性认识不足,忽视学生写的能力培养。我认为英语写作能唤起学生对所学或所掌握的语言的感觉;其次,每一次单元测试和期末考试,写作(写话)也占了一定的比例。因此,在小学高年级,英语的写作训练与听、说、读的训练同等重要。   一、小学英语话题写作的概念   小学高年级的英语写作是指学生能在教师指导下,围绕一个主题自觉运用所学的单词、句型起草一篇短小的习作或一两段话,初步能注意英汉的差异,能使用正确的英语表达法。   二、英语写作教学的目的   1、提高学生综合运用语言的能力;   2、发展学生从口头表达转向书面表达的"能力;   3、让学生主动地整合所学的语法、句型等知识点,把它们变成一个有机的整体。   三、英语写作的常用模式   1、填空式写法   英语语音教学强调模仿,但英语写作教学却忽视模仿的作用。写作起步阶段可多进行摹仿写。填空式写作是保留文章或对话的主干,适当地调换内容让学生换上其它人、事和物进行填空。其优点是既降低写作难度,激发学生写作兴趣,又可加深对课文的理解,特别是新旧单词的综合运用;缺点是学生有可能忽视语法、时态问题,在培养学生创造力方面有欠缺。通常可以在每学完一篇课文或对话后,让学生进行填空写作。   2、仿例写法   学完一个完整的单元,为了帮助学生系统归纳、整理语言知识点,教师根据本   单元的教学要点,围绕一个人、一件事或一个动物写一篇短文,要求学生注意模仿例文的时态和语态仿写。通过仿写训练,能引起学生对英语时态和语态的重视。例如一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,动词加“s”或“es”,这是学习的难点。我让学生先写一写自己一天的生活,然后调查一个朋友或亲人一天的生活,模仿例文仿写。通过对比,使学生对同一时态不同人称动词的运用有了更深刻的理解,而不仅仅停留在记忆的层面上,也可免去老师重重复复的讲解和提醒。   3、启示式写法   前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。   4、命题式写法   此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。   四、注重写作策略的指导   1、“联系”和“迁移”   在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。   2、注意英汉差异,正确使用英语表达法   许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。   3、充分利用小组合作学习的力量。   通过小组成员相互鉴赏阅读,学会欣赏和借鉴别人的好词好句。   五、培养自改作文的能力,发挥学生主动性   我们总碰到这种现象:学生写完作文不经修改就交给老师,对老师形成依赖心理。在写作的初级阶段,可采取师生共同改一篇习作,指出学生普遍性错误,提醒学生注意;鼓励学生同一个意思用不同的表达方式。我认为修改阶段是反馈机制下的一个开放性过程,是通过师生信息互动,使学生的作文逐步完善的过程。采取反馈和同伴间互相阅读作文的方法,也可以形成一种语言意识。学生既是作者又是读者,他们通过批评性地阅读别人的作文,可以学到更多的写作知识和技巧;他们时刻留心语法及用词错误,写作时开始想到的是读者(而非教师)。学生作文经教师批改后,修订工作是通过个人作业和小组活动相结合进行的。这种做法能使学生学得更深、更广、更活,还能培养学生总结归纳的能力。   总之,学生英语写作能力在教师有计划的组织、有序的训练和耐心帮助、正确引导下,通过学生自主、积极密切的配合是能够得以逐步提高的。 英语话题作文 篇5   Without friends, life is not worth living. But what kind of person can be accepted as friend? Lots of people are classmates and aren"t friends. Lots of people are lovers but aren"t friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that doesn"t make them a friend. If their attitude is "for better or worse," if they stick with you through thick and thin, that"s when you can tell it"s friendship. 注意:1、120字数左右。2、不要过多引用上述提示。   The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, etc. As life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need friends to give us supports to get through tough times, we also need friends to give us warnings to go against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow and difficulties.   With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as an ordinary teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word. 英语话题作文 篇6   1、世界各地   给朋友的信 假如你是英国学生PETER在北京学习,请按下文给你的朋友MARY写一封信谈一下北京和伦敦的异同相同点:北京和伦敦都是首都和重要城市,都拥有众多人口,都是国家经济政治文化中心,都拥有许多历史,文化古迹不同点:伦敦;汽车靠左行,很多人坐汽车上班 阴天多 懂汉语人少 学生不充分利用时间   北京:汽车靠右行很多人骑自行车上班 晴天多 懂 英语人多 学生学习勤奋   参考译文   Dear Mary,   I have been living in Beijing for some time now and I find it very interesting here. There are so many similarities between Beijing and London. They are both the capital of the country and are both very important cities. Both places have huge populations. They are both the economical, political and cultural center. They both have many historical and cultural ,   I also found many differences in the two cities. In London we drive on the left side of the road, while in Beijing they drive on the right side. Most people in London go to work via public transportation, here in Beijing most people rides bicycles. In London the weather is always cloudy, here in Beijing most the time it""s sunny. And in London most student don""t spend their time efficiently, but here in Beijing many people speak English cause they study hard.   Regards, Peter 英语话题作文 篇7   上课的内容是话题作文Health,执教的是潘老师,感谢潘老师给我们带来非常精彩的这堂课,整个教学过程如行云流水,课堂气氛非常活跃,学生语言知识得到有效训练,综合能力得到有效培养,教学效果非常好。我受益非浅,体现在下面几个方面:   1、学习内容有趣,符合学生胃口,大量的输入,保障了学生语言的输出。她利用多媒体课件,容纳更多地信息,使学生有话可说。   2、课堂环节层层深入,衔接自然。潘老师有很强的亲和力,面带微笑,教态自然。   3、课堂气氛活跃,学生对于老师的问题能及时做出反应。学生在本堂课中真正起到主体地位,老师起到主导地位。   我想每堂课最美的其实就是教学的过程。教师在精心备课之后,只有在师生互动过程中,轻松愉快的合作,课堂才能达到预期的效果,这才是我们教师所能得到的历练,教学才能相长。 英语话题作文 篇8   I went on a camping trip in the mountains with my classmates.After hiking all daywe found a place to camp for the night.We made a campfireso that we could cook our potatoes and drank lemon water.Thenwhen it got darkwe told ghost stories around me campfire.   Later when we lay down to go to sleepwe listened to the sound of crickets and small animals moving around in the grass.We thought there were some ghosts nearly. "What"s that? "I asked. "I think I can hear someone walking in the woods "Kathy said.Soon we all heard footsteps and we were all so frightened that we couldn"t get to sleep.Of coursethere was no one therebut we had wild imagination. 英语话题作文 篇9   英语作文:描述近一周的天气状况   It"s going to be sunny on next Monday, has a highest temperature of 9 degree and a lowest of 5 degree . And it continues to be pretty good on Tuesday, has a highest temperature of 12 degree and possiblly a lowest temperature of 6 degree. But Wendsday is going to be a little windy, and getting cold. Highest temperature of 4 degree, lowest of -1 degree. And it will get colder and colder. Thursday is going to be cloudy, a highest temperature of 2 degree, a lowest temperature of -5. On Friday, it"s going to rain. Also very windy, so better put on some warm cloth for that day. A highest temperature of -5 degree, a lowest temperature of -10 degree.   2、天气预报(Weather Forecast)   Let""s take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six. Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four.
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2023-01-08 20:27:276

宾语从句中含有地点的抽象名词 啥意思

2023-01-08 20:28:041


这种大文,私底下联系吧。没人有耐心的 都是软件译的。。
2023-01-08 20:28:102


首先我们从语言说起,语言是思维工具和交际工具.它同思维有密切的联系,是思维的载体和物质外壳和表现形式,文字是记录语言的符号,而词当然属于文字的范畴,在语言学里,词是能够自由运用的最小的语言单位.名词是词的一种,是表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称,名词分为普通名词和专有名词,而抽象名词又是普通名词的一种,表示动作、状态、品质或其他抽象概念. 抽象名词主要指一些抽象概念的名称,它们一般是不可数的,没有复数形式,前面也不能加冠词a,an.下面是一些常见的抽象名词: absence access age agriculture anger beauty behavior cancer capacity childhood comfort concern confidence courage death democracy depression design duty economy education energy environment evil existence experience failure faith fashion fear finance freedom fun growth happiness health help history independence industry insurance intelligence joy justice labour loneliness love luck magic marriage mercy music nature patience peace philosophy pleasure policy poverty power pride protection purity reality relief religion respect safety security silence sleep strength status technology time trade training transport travel trust truth violence vocabulary waste wealth weather welfare work worth youth 在多数情况下,这种名词都用于单数形式,并不加任何冠词: Knowledge is power.知识就是力量.(谚语) Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母. … 但有时也可加定冠词the(a)或不定冠词a或an(b): a.I did not have the courage to tell you.我没有勇气告诉你. … b.We have a great respect for the professor.我们很尊重教授. … 此外有些抽象名词也可用作个体名词,代表具体的东西,这时它可以加不定冠词,也可用于复数形式: 用作抽象名词汇 用作个体名词 What are the principles of democracy?A true democracy allows free speech. 什么是民主的原则?真正的民主国家允许言论自由. It"s beyond my power to help you.The great powers held an international conference. 我没有能力帮助你.这些大国开了一次国际会议. Religion meant more and more to her.There are many religions in the world. 宗教对她变得越来越重要.世界上有许多种宗教信仰. be of+抽象名词= be+ 同根形容词 be of +普通名词 (该n.一般没有相对应的adj.) 例句: 1.The book is of great importance. 2.Coins may be of different sizes,weights,shapes and of different metals
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  八下英语期末主要考有哪些知识点呢?为了方便同学们复习。下面我给你分享八下英语期末知识点,欢迎阅读。   八下英语期末知识点(一) adj enough to do sth./adv enough(for sb.) to do sth   enough time/enough chairs   For example, They"ll be polit enough to wait till you move.   The classroom is bright enough for us to study in.   He works hard enough to catch up with others.   2. too adj/adv.(for sb.) to do sth. (肯定的形式表否定)   For example, You are never too old to learn.   The river is too dirty for us to swim in.   3. cut in on others the other people=the others(特指)   4.wait politely (polite adj. politely adv. 反义词impolite) behave politely in public   5. share sth. with sb.   6.leave the tap running leave the light on   7. drop litter everywhere (dropped, dropping)   8.queue for one"s turn (It"s one"s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事, take turns to do sth.轮流做„,in turn 依次)   9.obey/break/make traffic rules   10.put sth. back (put on 上演, put up举起、张贴、搭建,put off推迟、拖延put in安装)   11.invite sb. to do sth. (sb. be invited to do sth.) invite sb. to sp. (invitation n.)   12. the proper(right or correct) way to greet people   13. shake hands with sb.=shake one"s hand ( shook-shaken)   14. for the first time   15. greet(=say hello to sb.)people with a kiss   16. close friends (be close to ,sit /stand/live close to, watch „closely, work closely,   keep „closed)   17.start a conversation(=a small talk)   18.avoid talking about subjects like age and weight) avoid释义为try not to do sth.   19.push in before others插在别人前面,   bump (=hit someone or something by accident)into someone撞上某人 by accident(偶然)   20. in one"s way(挡道), on the way to„ 在去的途中,in this way 用这种方式in many ways在许多方面,用许多方法,in a way在某种意义上 well=too(肯定句), either(否定句)   22.all the time=always, at times=sometimes, at a time(一次) , at any time   24.keep one"s voice down压低声音, keep doing sth.一直做某事   25. shout/laugh loudly (louder, more loudly) helpful to sb.   27. Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.   28. learn about manners   29.say “excuse me”/ “sorry” to sb.   30. do homework till/until 11 midnight. wait till until you come back.   not to bed till/until„(注意:主句动词为终止性动词时,必须用not„ till/until意思是“直到„ 才„”)   I won"t leave till the work is finished.   Don"t get off the bus till it stops.   33.join the discussion under discussion(在讨论中), discuss sth. with sb.//   have a discussion with sb. about sth.(和某人讨论某事) discuss=talk about   34. express oneself clearly (more clearly) express thanks to sb. (expression n.)   35. write down all the main points   36. be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth. (business n. on business)   37.explain sth. to sb. (explanation n.)   38. keep us safe from danger(保证某人安全免遭不测)   keep/prevent/ stop sb. from doing sth.(阻止某人做某事) keep sb. doing sth. (让某人不停地做某事) protect sb. from „ (保护某人免遭„)   39.warn sb. not to do sth.   40.No littering/parking/smoking.   41.risk losing everything (risk doing sth.)   42. in order to be successful为了取得成功 (succeed vi. success n. successful adj. successfully adv.   a great success). be successful in (doing) sth. 在做某事方面很成功,do sth. successfully成功地做某事   43.sometime in one"s life 一生中的某个时候, sometime某时, sometimes有时, some time 一段时间   44. after years of hard work 数年的艰辛工作之后 work hard ( at sth.), hardly 几乎不   45.make the job easier to complete   46.practise/avoid/risk/finish doing sth. fact 事实上, make sure确保,soon after不久以后   48. hold a talk on sth. the purpose of the talk(is to do„) 讲座的目的是做„   49.a lot of advice on table manners   eat with one"s mouth open/closed, talk with food in one"s mouth   reach over someone"s plate for sth while eating or drinking   50. above all首要的是 in all 总计 at all 根本,简直   51. blow out candles 吹灭蜡烛   52. You are never too old to learn.   八下英语期末知识点(二)   1.a volunteer for the Olympic Games, volunteer to do sth.志愿做某事, voluntary(adj) work 义工   2.need an operation need to eat more food need sb. to do sth. don"t need to do sth. needn"t do sth.   need doing/to be done(„需要被做) need operating on, need to be operated on   people in need有困难的人, in need of help work/play 在工作/ 玩   4.provide special places for homeless people=provide homeless people with special places   5.write to the local government   6.give/show sth. to sb. give/show it to me give sb. a chance (to do sth.)   show their skills to the world blind in both eyes blindness n. elderly person上了年纪的人   9.a disabled(adj.) person 残疾人 ( disability n.障碍,缺陷) people with disabilities有缺陷的人   10.a deaf person deafness n.   11.expect sth.预料、期待、指望 expect to do sth. expect sb. to do sth. expect that 从句 „than I expected.比我预料的„(注意:expect可用进行时)   hope to do sth. hope that „will do sth.(跟从句)(注意: 没有hope sb. to do sth 结构)   12.the most amazing experience of his life (经历)   have much experience in doing sth.(经验,不可数名词) many forgetful experiences (经历、体验,可数名词 as a volunteer 当义工, work for„为„ 工作   work to protect the environment为„ 效力   14.include(vt) many events including(prep) be included in„被包含在„中   This book includes eight units.   She bought many things in Hong Kong, including two bags. similar to与„相似/相同, be the same as与„一样, be different from不同于 many events similar to those in the Olympics   16. give up one"s spare time give it up, give up doing sth. give out 分发 give away捐赠 give in让步   17.train as a doctor train hard 刻苦训练 receive special training in doing sth. a task   19. support sb. (to do sth.) with one"s support 在某人的支持下   20. make the event a great success使赛事大获成功 make me happy make sb. do sth.使某人做某事(注意:make后可用名词短语、形容词和动词原形作宾补。) be made to do sth.被迫做某事 make it 成功   21.a swimming coach, coaches born with intellectual disabilities   23. join the competition, join the club, join in the discussion   take part in the sports meeting   24.not to win a gold, but to take part a gold /silver medal   25. finish fourth以第四名结束, come first在„获第一   26.feel confident confidence(n) give me confidence   27.because of the rain/the bad weather because it rained   28.bring…together, bring sth. here bring sth. to me(带来)   take sth. away take sth. there take sth. with sb. 随身带去„   29.people from different backgrounds   30. feel like (doing) sth. 想要做某事 would like to do sth.   31.part of one big family大家庭的一部分 part of China中国的一部分(注意此处不用冠词)   32.achieve one"s dream=realize one"s dream=make one"s dream come true   achieve success获得成功   33.a one-to-one game   34. have some trouble doing sth. have some problems doing sth. have problems with sth.在做某事方面有困难 have a great time doing sth. have fun doing sth. 开心地做某事   35.raise money for „ donate money to„ donation(n)   37.keep in touch by talking on the phone in a mountain area   39.teach them (宾格)English teach do sth. teach oneself our daily lives   41.give our seats on the bus to the elderly us relax make us relaxed   43.not as blue as before   44. change a lot, change often, change for the worse great changes ill in hospital生病住院   46. have a serious blood disease disease-illness   47.have enough money for such an operation, such a meaning experience,   so amazing, so expensive (such修饰名词短语, so修饰形容词,遇到little, few, much和many 要用so)   49.have the operation as soon as possible 尽快手术   50.write to ask for help 写信求助 an operation on sb.=operate on sb. 给某人动手术   52. get well feel well (well“健康”)   53. survivor survive(vt) the accident   54 give a helping hand伸出援助之手   55. introduce oneself to sb. give an introduction(n) to organization for collecting clothes organize a charity show   57.Sb.spend(s)/spent some time/money doing sth. spend„on sth.   Sth. cost ( sb. )some money cost very little, cost much   Sb. pay(paid) some money for sth./ pay some money to do sth.   It takes sb. some time to do sth.   Doing sth. takes a lot of time.   58. 对某人来说做某事是„   It is +adj(important/necessary/interesting/meaningful/difficult/easy/hard/amazing for sb. to do sth. It is+adj(clever/polite/rude/generous/careless/careful/brave/helpful/patient/kind/nice/wise/right/ Wrong(表人的品质、性格以及wrong/good/right的形容词)   对某人来说不做某事是„   It"s +adj of/for sb. not to do sth.   八下英语期末知识点(三)   1.have… left 有…剩余   2.for further study/information/education, further down the street, walk further   3.a UNICEF officer   4. build a better world for everyone, especially children   5. provide basic education for children in poor areas for the rights of girls and women work for ORBIS   7.prevent the spread of some diseases, like AIDS   prevent some diseases from spreading   spread the news quickly (spread-spread-spread) spread knowledge   8. tell us sth. about blindness   say sth. about blindness, talk about blindness   9. have eye problems=be blind work out problems, a serious problem, a social problem ask a question   10.mostly in poor areas, live mostly on rice, watch the World Cup mostly in the early morning most eye problems/students/money most of the students/cases   11.cure sb. of blindness cure=make an illness go away(治愈)   treat sb. for blindness treatment(n) receive medical treatment, under treatment在治疗中   12. take medicine 服药 with the development of medicine 随着医学的发展   medical (adj) medical care, a medical team, medical treatment医疗   13.use sth, to do sth. else (use the plane to train local doctors)   use sth, as …(be used as„) use the plane as a training centre   used to do sth.过去常做某事 He used to drive to work, but now he often takes a bus to work. He didn"t use to play cards at weekends. Or he usedn"t to play cards at weekends.   --Did he use to be late? -- Yes, he did. No, he didn"t.   be used to do sth. be used for doing sth.被用来做某事 A brush is used to clean the blackboard. be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 He is used to living in the city. operations (on patients)=operate on sb.(给某人)做手术   afford to do sth. afford=have enough money to pay for sth.(常用否定句和疑问句) can"t afford to go to hospital   15.on board在飞机上 go abroad去国外   16.learn about eyes operations proud of„ 因„自豪 be proud to do sth. feel proud that从句   take pride(n) in„ 以„为骄傲   18.improve one"s life   19.carry on with our work carry on to do sth. 继续做某事 people with eye problem patient with sb.对某人有耐心 patient(n)=a person who is ill , especially in hospital 病人   22.hand out leaflets散发传单 hand them out hand in上交 hand over交过来 by hand手工   23.sell toys to raise money sell sth. out把某物卖光 sell well 畅销 sell sth. to sb. sell-sold-sold sale(n) on sale出售 for sale待售   24.set up 创立,建立 set-set-set setting   25.part of the United Nations Europe a European country in the north-west of China the war the World War Two sb. by donating money   29. look pale feel well have got(=have) toothache   30. let sb. have a check check the answers   31. nothing serious something bad   32. in a few days (与将来时连用,用how soon提问)   33. a secretary of a company   34. be afraid of (doing)sth to many places   36. make up one"s mind(s)=decide make up one"s mind(s) to do sth.   37. get be used to traveling by plane 习惯于乘飞机旅行   38. learn about the conditions of the local people   39. work on the farm   40. attend courses听课 enter (=go into a)a school   41. What"s the matter with you?   42. hold a charity show hold-held-held   43. interview sb. =have an interview with sb. interviewer
2023-01-08 20:28:231


英语中的不可数名词主要有三类:表示“类”的集体名词、抽象名词、物质名词⑴表示“类”的集体名词,常见的有   clothing   furniture   baggage/luggage   jewelry   traffic   infomation   machinery   merchandise   produce   scenery (2)抽象名词   抽象名词主要指一些抽象概念的名称,它们一般是不可数的,没有复数形式,前面也不能加冠词a,an。下面是一些常见的抽象名词:   absence access age agriculture anger   beauty behavior cancer capacity childhood   comfort concern confidence courage death   democracy depression design duty economy   education energy environment evil existence   experience failure faith fashion fear   finance freedom fun growth happiness   health help history independence industry   insurance intelligence joy justice labour   loneliness love luck magic marriage   mercy music nature patience peace   philosophy pleasure policy poverty power   pride protection purity reality relief   religion respect safety security silence   sleep strength status technology time   trade training transport travel trust   truth violence waste wealth weather   welfare work worth youth (3)物质名词   1.气体:air(空气),gas(煤气),smoke(烟),steam[sti:m](蒸气),oxygen[>&ksid{+n](氧),hydrogen[>haidr+d{+n](氢),etc.   气体的计量单位最常用的为“m3(cubic[>kju:bik]meter立方米)”或“ft.3(cubic foot/feet立方英尺)”。   例:1 m3 of gas costs only 65d in the U.S.   (在美国一立方米煤气的价钱只六角五分。)   2.液体:water, oil, tea, coffee, wine, beer[bi+](啤酒), milk, coke[kouk](Coca Cola)(可口可乐), gasoline(汽油), etc.   一般常用的液体计量法如下:   cc = cm3(cubic centimeter立方厘米[公分])   liter = 1000cc(升)   gallon = 4 liters(加仑)   或用重量如千克(kg.),吨(ton)等   例:My new car runs 45 km a gallon(of gasoline)   (我这辆新车每加仑汽油能跑45公里。)   3.粉状或细粒状物品:flour[>flau+](面粉),salt(盐),sugar(盐糖),rice(米),sand(砂),etc.   粉状或细粒状物品的计量单位通常都使用容器或重量。   例:They sell flour by the sack[s$k].   (他们计袋出售面粉。)   注:米是可以“粒”来计算的,但是一般日常生活中,比如说要买多少米,或一家五口一天两餐要多少米来做饭,显然是不可能使用“粒”来计量的,这就是为什么“rice”归类在物质名词的道理。可是我们有时候却会说一个人擅于写细字,能在“一粒米”上写二十个字。此时“一粒米”是正确的表达法,其英文是“a grain[grein]of rice”。再举一例:   例:He ate up every grain of rice.   (他把每一粒饭都吃了。)   4.块状物体(品):常见的块状物体(品)可再区分如下:   (a)食品:bread(面包),butter(奶油),chocolate(巧克力),meat(肉——beef牛肉,chicken鸡肉,mutton[>m)tn]羊肉,pork猪肉),etc.   (b)日常用品:chalk(粉笔),paper(纸),money(钱),soap(肥皂),etc.   (c)矿物:copper[>k&p+](铜),gold(黄金),iron(铁),silver(银),etc.   (d)原料/材料:brick[brik](砖),clay[clei](粘土),cloth[kl&(:)I](布),cotton[>k&tn](棉花),earth(土壤),glass(玻璃),stone(石头),wood(木材),wool[wul](羊毛),etc
2023-01-08 20:28:291


environment是不可数名词,是环境的意思。但如果有定语修饰则可以加a; environment可指影响人们生活的各种抽象和具体的“状况,环境”; the environment特指自然环境,其后的谓语动词用单数形式。 扩展资料   The environment has become a very hot issue.   环境已成为很热门的话题。   This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment.   本章探讨的.是经济发展与环境之间的关系。   Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies.   对环境的关注是我们政策的核心。   Our ultimate goal must be the preservation of the environment.   我们的最终目的必须是环境保护。
2023-01-08 20:29:121


environment有两种解释 1 环境 2 围绕,围绕物。所以是不可数名词 而environs 是复数但是意思是 郊外,附近
2023-01-08 20:29:186

environment可数还是不可数 原因?

一般不可数 如we should protect our enviornment 前面有定语就可以加a了 如he was brought up in an unhappy home environment
2023-01-08 20:29:401


2023-01-08 20:29:541

environment可数还是不可数 原因?

一般不可数 如we should protect our enviornment 前面有定语就可以加a了 如he was brought up in an unhappy home environment
2023-01-08 20:30:011

Environment 及Environmental的区别及各应用地

1、从词性的角度来说,environment为可数与不可数名词,而environmental为形容词,是修饰名词的一种词性。 2、从两个词的意义的角度来说,environment仅仅侧重于“环境”,而environmental还可以翻译为“与环境有关的”。 3、从修饰的词的角度来说,environment为名词,可以修饰一个名词,从而充当定语的成分。这种用法在英语中叫做“名词作定语”。别且这种用法非常普遍,例如:a sport meeting.而environmental为形容词,后面只可修饰名词、动名词等。 综上所述,environment和environmental除在词性上不相同外,在别的方面没有太大的差别。 希望你能喜欢我总结的这些。我是景鹏。
2023-01-08 20:30:091

Environment 及Environmental的区别及各应用地

2023-01-08 20:30:161


2023-01-08 20:30:241

environment (环境)是可数名词还是不可数名词谢谢了,

2023-01-08 20:30:351

environment (环境)是可数名词还是不可数名词

2023-01-08 20:30:433

environment ,circumstance 当环境 可数否. Rt

前面的有时可以 后不行
2023-01-08 20:30:561

是in a comfortable environment 还是没有a

2023-01-08 20:31:032

environment 与surrounding 的区别

2023-01-08 20:31:141

What is wrong ------this picture? The B on,is C.with ,are is

是。have wrong with sth,肯定的。environment概指环境是不可数,指不同地区的环境可数。PS:你这题好像有问题,第二空不是is就是was
2023-01-08 20:31:201


不可数名词没有一个的概念,因此加the不能不表示一个。不可数名词表示一些,前面一般用some,much之类的词修饰,也不能用the来表示。只是表示特指时,可以在不可数名词前加the。详细分析如下:冠词的考题中,不可数名词是否加定冠词the是常见考点。(当然原则上,不可数名词不加不定冠词。)一般,学校老师会告诉童鞋们:不可数名词前不加the。这对于大部分中考题目都适用。但是严格来说,“不可数名词前不加定冠词”的说法是不妥的。比如“保护环境”用英文说应为“protect the environment”,这里的environment是不可数名词,但是却要加定冠词。应该说,“不可数名词前加不加不用定冠词”与说话者是否特指该名词有关。 如果不可数名词在句中表泛指意义,则其前不加定冠词。如:Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水。Money isn"t everything.金钱不是一切。Water must be pured if it is to be drunk.水如供饮用必须净化。Oil is essential for the manufacture of plastic.石油是塑料生产的基本原料。 但是,如果不可数名词在句是表特指意义,则要在其前加定冠词。如:The money was dealt out fairly.钱分配得公平合理。I"ll just sponge the blood from the wound.我就去把伤口上的血吸掉。The water in the pool is warm enough to swim in .池里的水够暖和的可以游泳。Always check the oil before starting the car.发动汽车之前,总要先检查一下油料。
2023-01-08 20:31:271


不可数名词没有复数We should protect the environment.我们应该保护环境。
2023-01-08 20:31:351

As we all know,waste water and gas______(对...有不良影响)the environment

2023-01-08 20:31:433

In fact,even the ______(simple)everyday activities can make a real ______(different)to environment.

simple 形容词difference 作为名词 make a difference
2023-01-08 20:32:213


2023-01-08 20:32:4411

we should drive cars __to help the environment.

2023-01-08 20:33:283

More and more people know the importance of protecting the environment.

2023-01-08 20:33:412

It is reported that _________ schools are improving their IT environment. A.a great many B..

A a great many 许多 修饰可数名词复数 “据报道有许多学校在改善信息技术环境”
2023-01-08 20:33:511


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!90A1E1BD-0270-4A8A-AEF5-624F1F11D07F
2023-01-08 20:34:0215

如果人人都为保护环境做出贡献___ ___ ___ ___ ___ to protecting the environment .

If everyone spends his effort
2023-01-08 20:35:046

Every year _____ money and energy is spent on environment protection. A.large quantities of..

C 此题考查“许多的,大量的”表达法,题中money, energy 为不可数名词,因此B 不对 a large number of 修饰可数名词复数,D 选项应把a去掉,plenty of 修饰可数名词不可数名词都可以,A选项中large quantities of +n(可数或不可数)作主语时,谓语动词都用复数。C选项中. a large quantity of +可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数,+不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。题中谓语动词为is ,因此选C。
2023-01-08 20:35:261


1.importance n.重要性1.Everyone should realize the importance of learning English. 每个人都应该意识到学习英语的重要性。 find 结构为"It"s difficult to do sth." 很难做某事2.It"s difficult to find new land to put garbage in. 很难找到新的地方来掩埋垃圾。3.Buying 动名词作主语3.Buying a new apartment costs people too much money in China. 在中国买一套新公寓要花费人们很多钱。4.strongly4.The wind blew strongly so we didn"t go out. 风刮得很厉害,所以我们没有出去。5.advice n. 建议, 不可数名词5.Could you give our government some advice about protecting the environment ? 你能给我们政府一些关于保护环境的建议吗?望采纳哦~~~
2023-01-08 20:35:334

这句话中vehicle前面是否要加冠词,另外的is also matter 表示也很重要 有没有语法错误?

And for us, protecting the environment in our daily life such as using bicycle to replace vehicle, reduce the times of using air conditioner is also matter.有几处改了一下,你看一下:And for us, protect the environment in our daily life such as using bicycles to replace vehicles, reducing the time/times of using air conditioners and so on.1 此句的句子结构不完整,只好把protecting 改成protect形成祈使句了。2 英语中单数可数名词不能单独使用,要么在前面加限制词,要么在后加复数,这儿采用后者把bicycle 和vehicle 和conditioners 改成复数,表类别。3 从句子结构和意思来看,“使用自行车”和“减少空调使用次数/时间”都是用来说明前面的主题如何保护环境的,using…… 和reducing…… ,应该是并列的两个短语,都在such as(介词)的宾语,所以它们的形式应该是一样的,应该都用-ing 形式。4 time 有“时间(不可数名词),次数(可数名词)”的意思,在这儿“减少空调使用次数/时间”两个意思似乎都可以,但我更倾向于用“时间”之意,所以不加复数为好,就看你的意见了。5 such as 是列举项目,后面跟词语,不跟句子,所以“ is also matter”最好去掉。6 such as可以是不完全列举,可以在后面加and so on"等等"使句意更完整;或者在reducing前加and也可以,形成完全列举。如:And for us, protect the environment in our daily life such as using bicycles to replace vehicles, and reducing the time of using air conditioners.7 最后谈一下matter,它是动词(=be important),若要用它,前面不要加be动词,即:……reducing the time of using air conditioners also matters=……reducing the time of using air conditioners is also important.当然在上段话中经修改后是不需要matter所在的句子的。
2023-01-08 20:35:511

读句子,根据汉语提示补全单词。小题1: We should pay more ______(注意) to our living environment.小

小题1:attention小题1: respect 小题1:government小题1: suggestions 小题1:succeeded 小题1:考查固定短语。pay attention to sth.“注意......”。“我们应该多注意我们的生活环境。”故填attention。小题1:考查单词拼写。“尊重”是respect,不定式to后用原形。故填respect。 小题1:“政府”是government。故填gov而门徒。小题1:考查单词拼写和名词的数。Suggestion是可数名词;advice不可数。故填suggestions。小题1:have done sth.“已经做了某事”。是现在完成时的结构。“成功”的动词形式是succeed。故填succeeded。
2023-01-08 20:35:571