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2023-08-09 08:00:15

1) "财务负责人" 在学术文献中的解释 financial headers


2) 在实际管理中,更多财务负责人用 Financial Principal 表示;



person in charge (of something)
2023-08-06 16:32:254

负责人 用英语怎么说?

Responsible Person
2023-08-06 16:32:374


负责人,principal部长,minister 或secretary协会会长,chairman 或简写的 CDR部员 department worker 或者说 clerk
2023-08-06 16:32:441


根据词根,responser是最正宗的,但可惜它不存在,有一个翻译看似中式英语,但其实是法定的,persons responsible,责任人,以你的智商,可以翻译成person in charge就可以了
2023-08-06 16:33:041


authenticator 证明人 handler 经手人 superintendent/person in charge/principal负责人
2023-08-06 16:33:121


team leaderdepartment head
2023-08-06 16:33:221


the leader
2023-08-06 16:33:354


Head of Department/ Department headKindly gather all head of departments for a meeting.
2023-08-06 16:33:544


manager department
2023-08-06 16:34:035


person in authority
2023-08-06 16:34:202


2023-08-06 16:34:281

职位 社区负责人 用英语怎么说

position community functionary
2023-08-06 16:34:424


Head------负责人Head of research projects-----科研项目负责人
2023-08-06 16:35:041


the person who charge with teaching class
2023-08-06 16:35:123


外联部部长Secretary of External Affairs
2023-08-06 16:35:223


Welcome to school clubs The new term is coming. For all our new students, I would like to introduce some of our clubs. Cool Players is a good choice for sports lovers. Here you can do sports one hour a day to make you healthy and strong, and you can watch sports matches. If you are interested in books, Smart Readers is a good choice. Reading good books and writing reading notes are useful to improve your knowledge and open up your eyes. Do you want to be a volunteer? If so, you can join Happy Volunteers and take part in shows or help needy people in the city. These are the most popular clubs in our school, and hope you can join us.
2023-08-06 16:35:321


工艺专业负责人Process professional person in charge工艺专业负责人Process professional person in charge
2023-08-06 16:35:391

财务负责人 英语是什么?

Payroll Manager
2023-08-06 16:35:493


Head Of The Related Department---在我们公司是这样说
2023-08-06 16:36:211


这个意思翻译,Project leader ,这样就可以。
2023-08-06 16:36:321

相关部门负责人 英语如何翻译

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 请问各位英语大虾 “相关部门负责人” 这个词组英语怎么讲呀~~ 解析: Head Of The Related Department---在我们公司是这样说
2023-08-06 16:36:391


contract NO
2023-08-06 16:37:053


负责人 Principal (of the company/unit) 合同编号Contract No.
2023-08-06 16:37:111

校社团负责人 用英语怎么说

The President of the taekwondo club
2023-08-06 16:37:201

指定一个负责人 英语怎么说

Please appoint one responsible person for this project
2023-08-06 16:37:295


Topic manager 或者 Topic Responsible Person
2023-08-06 16:37:561


Subject leader
2023-08-06 16:38:031


课题负责人Topic manager
2023-08-06 16:38:112


总监应该是majordomo director常指主管,董事,负责人,主任而不总监
2023-08-06 16:38:201

coo 英语 是什么意思

首席运营官(Chief operating office)的缩写。
2023-08-06 16:38:313

作为高三英语学习小组的负责人 英语翻译

As an administrator/a moderator of Year 12 English learning group.
2023-08-06 16:38:391


vice-office administer
2023-08-06 16:38:502


2023-08-06 16:39:101


I am the person in charge of the school music club.
2023-08-06 16:39:193

英语翻译 电子商务运营负责人 和电子商务运营助理怎么翻译

E-commerce operation managers E-commerce operation assistant
2023-08-06 16:39:261


负责人(fù zé rén)是一个汉语词汇,意思是担负责任的人;单位法定代表人。英语例句1.他获任玩具部的负责人。He was appointed to superintend the toy department.2.我们的副经理是公司的实际负责人。Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the business.3.上面(负责人)又送来一个表格让我们填写.They"ve (ie The people in authority have) sent us another form to fill in.4.工会负责人谴责这一行动破坏了协议.Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement.5.这项工作从一开始他就是负责人.He had been director of the project since its inception.负责人造句如下:1、消防安全是职工的生命线,职工是消防安全的负责人。2、安全是职工的生命线,职工是安全的负责人。3、这家商店负责人员屡次声言店内无假货。4、厂长力排众议,提拔了年轻的小李担任技术负责人。5、一个职能部门的负责人,既要服从分管的副职领导,更要听从正职的指挥和命令,于是,为了使其能够在正副职间寻求平衡,通常不得不采取左右逢源的手段。6、谁也没想到眼前这个长得五大三粗的小伙子就是工程总负责人。7、老师或活动负责人应事先计划行程,并挑选一些重点展品或展区参观,使参观者能有充裕的时间参观,不致走马看花。
2023-08-06 16:39:371


问题一:责任与担当的英文翻译 Responsibility On College Students" cheating should be fired sparked hot debate. Some people think that the expulsion of College Students" cheating is too fierce, and some people think that this approach is reasonable. I think, college students cheating should be di *** issed. Cheating, is a moral issue. Lack of honesty will cheat. And, a lost the fairness of the examination and the authenticity of the for the other to participate in the examination of the students is the first unfair, severe punishment can restrain people, let people be afraid of making mistakes. Secondly, as a college student, an *** , should be responsible for their own behavior. Cheating will face the music. As an *** student, should not cheat cheating consciousness, courage, she has to accept the punishment preparation. 问题二:业务担当用英语怎么说 “担当”源自日韩企业,翻译过来意思是 工专员”。 机关叫干事、企业叫负责人、部队叫参谋。业务担当想必是企业性质的吧?在没有上下语境的前提下,先翻译为Business executive 问题三:男人要有担当用英语怎么说 A man must have a sense of responsibility. 这是文绉绉的书面用语。 sense of responsibility 就是“责任感”,算是有担当的同义词。 口语交谈时,有时会用 have a shoulder ” 这样的寓意来表达: shoulder 肩膀;有个肩膀就是比喻有担当。 As a man, you must have a 供houlder. 问题四:日本业务担当 用英语怎么说? Japanese business representative 问题五:怎么样才能真正的让你的恋人不白爱你? 20分 做好自己,恋人爱的是你,做好你自己,不就没让爱你的人失望了吗?如果还要加一点的话,好好和恋人沟通。 问题六:请问 美丽担当 英文怎样讲? 5分 所谓担当就是每个人有相应特点的那个人,因此,可以直接翻译成“the one”,例如,美丽担当,可以翻译成the pretty one或the beautiful one; 可爱担当,可以翻译成the cute one; 门面担当可以翻译成the stately one; 身高担当-----the tall one; 笑眼担当-----Smiling eyes---这个可以直接翻译 问题七:请问"勇于优秀,敢于担当"的英文怎么说? risk to be excellent, dare to be responsible 问题八:责任与担当的英文翻译 Responsibility On College Students" cheating should be fired sparked hot debate. Some people think that the expulsion of College Students" cheating is too fierce, and some people think that this approach is reasonable. I think, college students cheating should be di *** issed. Cheating, is a moral issue. Lack of honesty will cheat. And, a lost the fairness of the examination and the authenticity of the for the other to participate in the examination of the students is the first unfair, severe punishment can restrain people, let people be afraid of making mistakes. Secondly, as a college student, an *** , should be responsible for their own behavior. Cheating will face the music. As an *** student, should not cheat cheating consciousness, courage, she has to accept the punishment preparation. 问题九:业务担当用英语怎么说 “担当”源自日韩企业,翻译过来意思是 工专员”。 机关叫干事、企业叫负责人、部队叫参谋。业务担当想必是企业性质的吧?在没有上下语境的前提下,先翻译为Business executive 问题十:怎么样才能真正的让你的恋人不白爱你? 20分 做好自己,恋人爱的是你,做好你自己,不就没让爱你的人失望了吗?如果还要加一点的话,好好和恋人沟通。
2023-08-06 16:40:171


t,so he paid a maid at Sir Henry"s hotel to s
2023-08-06 16:40:242


我是学校英语俱乐部负责人。I am a, head of the school English club.
2023-08-06 16:40:371


Hello, dear Honghong!
2023-08-06 16:40:462


领导人的英文:leader.参考例句:A magnanimous leader.宽宏大量的领导人。Lee Kuan Yew is blunt and honest in his assessments of our leaders.李光耀率直和公正的评估了菲律宾的领导人。Prominent leader in a cause, esp a political one.领导人;先行者;(尤指政治上的)旗手。leader的意思:n. 领导者;指挥;领唱;首席小提琴手;负责人;领先者;佼佼者
2023-08-06 16:40:531


The second person in charge
2023-08-06 16:41:153

对这件事故负责人任的应该是迈克 用英语怎么说?

对这件事故负责的人应该是迈克。英语:1). The one who is responsible to the incident should be Mick. 2). The responsible person to the accident should be Mike.
2023-08-06 16:41:351


am a boy student from Class1 Grade 9. I"d like to join the Helping Hands Club. My name is Wang Lin.I am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates. If I join the club, I will be able to make more friends. And I can also do more for others and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the road. On the bus, I always give my seats to women with babies. Sometimes, I help to clean up the park.I"ll be glad if I can join the club. I hope you will agree with me.
2023-08-06 16:41:461


问题一:”的部门) 用英语怎么说 部门 [管理] department;section;branch 。。。的部门 表所有格的 可以在单词后面加上 of 比如 Department of Construction Management 工程管理部 问题二:你们公司主要有什么部门用英语怎么说 What departments do you mainly have in your pany? 问题三:这些部门用英语怎么说? 准备车间Preparation workshop 印花车间Printing workshop 总装车间General Assembly Shop 热料车间Therma埂 material workshop 制剂车间Pharmaceutics Workshop 洗手间 Toilet 保管室Safeguard Property Room 客厅living room 客服部Customer Service Department 成品仓库finished goods warehouse 质管部Quality Control Department 化验室 laboratory 问题四:部门下设“科”用英语怎么说 “科”section security section 保卫科 医院里的“科”department 我们科只有八个人。 There are only eight people in our section 口腔科 Department of stomatology 问题五:各部门的负责人用英语怎么说 5分 people in charge of every(each) department. every each根据语境选,department根据部门一词的性质可改。 问题六:总部,上级部门用英语怎么说 上级部门 Superior department 英 [di?p:tm?nt] 美 [d??prtm?nt] n. 部门,部; 系,学部; 知识范围; 车间; 问题七:英语翻译 事业部用英语怎么说?如果是用dept.,那么部和事业部差别在哪里? 事业部用英语表达挺多的,如:1,division 2business department 而抚表达有1,part 2,section 3,unit 4,ministry 5,department 所以要用department 表达事业部,得表达为business department 希望能帮助到您 问题八:收件人姓名/部门。用英语怎么说? Receiver"s Name:Receiver"s Department: 问题九:“公司职员”用英语怎么说? 1. clerka) 职员,办事员,事务员:在办公室工作的人员,从事诸如保管档案记录、保持通信联系或归档备案等工作 b) 书记员:保管档案记录及从事法庭或立法机关日常事务的人 2. staff 全体雇员:为特定的企事业工作的人员 3. workera) 工作者:在某一特定职业或活动工作的人 b) 劳工,工人:从事体力或工业劳动的人 4. staff member 职员, 雇员 5. office staff 办公室职员 6. office worker 机关工作人员, 企事业单位办公室职员 7顶 corporate personnel 公司职员, 企业人员 问题十:需求部门用英语怎么说 可以说成: the requesting department
2023-08-06 16:41:561


2023-08-06 16:36:011


简单说现值是将来的收入折合到现在值多少钱,而终值是未来到期的实际价值,两者换算的话现值*(1+r)^n=终值,r是每期的收益率,n是现在到到期时间的期数。相当于现值每期都回去r的收益率后到期就是终值。实际上金融产品收益方式各异,现值终值计算还挺复杂的。拓展资料折现值也称贴现值PDV(Present Discounted Value)是将未来的一笔钱按照某种利率折合为现值。通俗地说,折现值是指将来的一笔资产或负债折算到现在,值多少。这是考虑了两个时间点上现金或资产点时间价值。意思是,相同数目的资金,时间越长的,价值大。折现值(present discounted value, PDV/discounted present value/discount value)折现值概述首先打个比方:我打算现在往银行里存一笔钱,银行利率3%,五年后,我想要获得本利和50000元,那么我现在应该存入银行多少钱。现在存入的钱就是现值了。常用到是净现值,用NPV代表。净现值是指投资方案所产生的现金净流量以资金成本为贴现率折现之后与原始投资额现值的差额。净现值法就是按净现值大小来评价方案优劣的一种方法。净现值大于零则方案可行,且净现值越大,方案越优,投资效益越好。终值(Future value),是指某一时点上的一定量现金折合到未来的价值,俗称本利和。单利终值公式:F=P*(1+n*i)。终值(Future value),是指某一时点上的一定量现金折合到未来的价值,俗称本利和。例:单利终值公式::终值;:现值;:利率(折现率);:计算利息的期数微观金融学微观金融学,也即国际学术界通常理解的Finance,主要含公司金融、投资学和证券市场微观结构(Securities Market Microstructure)三个大的方向。微观金融学科通常设在商学院的金融系内。微观金融学是目前我国金融学界和国际学界差距最大的领域,急需改进。宏观金融学国际学术界通常把与微观金融学相关的宏观问题研究称为宏观金融学(Macro Finance)。我个人认为,Macro Finance 又可以分为两类:一是微观金融学的自然延伸,包括以国际资产定价理论为基础的国际证券投资和公司金融(International Asset Pricing And Corporate Finance)、金融市场和金融中介机构(Financial Market And Intermediations )等等。这类研究通常设在商学院的金融系和经济系内。第二类是国内学界以前理解的“金融学”,包括“货币银行学”和“国际金融”等专业,涵盖有关货币、银行、国际收支、金融体系稳定性、金融危机的研究。这类专业通常设在经济系内。
2023-08-06 16:36:081


2023-08-06 16:36:116


Carry oven
2023-08-06 16:35:591


var,let和const的区别在于:var的变量声明在代码执行前且工作范围在当前执行的上下文中,let是允许创建一个变量但只作用在它的块里,const与let什么相似唯一的差别是const定义的变量不可更改本篇文章主要是通过在JavaScript (ES6) 中创建变量的方法来介绍var、 let和const之间的区别,具有一定的参考作用,希望对大家有所帮助。【推荐课程:JavaScript教程】var VS letvar和let之间的主要区别不是使用函数作用域,而是使用块作用域。 这意味着使用let关键字创建的变量在创建它的“块”内以及任何嵌套块中都可用。 例function discountPrices (prices, discount) { var a = [] for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) { var discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount) var finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100 a.push(finalPrice) } console.log(i) // 3 console.log(discountedPrice) // 150 console.log(finalPrice) // 150 return a }在上面的例子中之所以能够在for循环之外使用i,discountedPrice和finalPrice,是因为它们是用var声明的,而var是函数作用域。如果我们将var换成let会发生什么情况呢? function discountPrices (prices, discount) { let a = [] for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) { let discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount) let finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100 a.push(finalPrice) } console.log(i) // 3 console.log(discountedPrice) // 150 console.log(finalPrice) // 150 return a } discountPrices([100, 200, 300], .5) // 这儿会报错i未定义这个案例告诉我们的是,使用let声明的变量是块作用域,而不是函数作用域。 因此在“块”之外访问i(或discountedPrice或finalPrice)都会报错下一个区别与变量提升有关。提升的定义是“JavaScript解释器会在所谓的"创建"阶段将变量声明赋值为undefined的默认值。例:function discountPrices (prices, discount) { console.log(discounted) // undefined var a = [] for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) { var discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount) var finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100 a.push(finalPrice) } console.log(i) // 3 console.log(discountedPrice) // 150 console.log(finalPrice) // 150 return a}如果想要在声明变量之前使用let声明的变量,而不是未定义(如使用var声明的那些变量),程序将会报错function discountPrices (prices, discount) { console.log(discounted) // 错误 let a = [] for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) { let discountedPrice = prices[i] * (1 - discount) let finalPrice = Math.round(discountedPrice * 100) / 100 a.push(finalPrice) } console.log(i) // 3 console.log(discountedPrice) // 150 console.log(finalPrice) // 150 return a}结论是var:变量声明在代码执行之前被处理,它的作用范围在其当前执行的上下文中let:let语句允许我们创建一个变量,其范围仅限于使用它的块里。let VS const既然已经理解了var和let之间的区别,那么const呢? 事实证明,const与let几乎完全相同。 但是唯一的区别是,一旦使用const为变量赋值,就无法将其重新赋值给新值。let name = "Tyler"const handle = "tylermcginnis"name = "Tyler McGinnis" //正确handle = "@tylermcginnis" //错误从上面的内容可以看出用let声明的变量可以重新赋值,但用const声明的变量不能。所以只要你想要一个变量是不可变的,你可以用const声明它。但是用const声明变量并不意味着它是不可变的,只是无法重新赋值,例:const person = { name: "Kim Kardashian" } = "Kim Kardashian West" // 正确person = {} // 错误因此即使使用const声明对象,也不意味着不能改变其任何属性。 它只表示无法将其重新分配给新值总结:
2023-08-06 16:35:581