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decline to do 还是doing?

2023-07-29 02:16:38

decline to do 还是doing?

答:是decline to do 。。。。



对于英语这门学科,我们需要记忆大量的单词,而学习单词就需要理解的它的意思和用法,那么decline的用法是什么呢?下面是我给大家带来的decline的用法和 短语 _decline的用法及例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ decline的用法 总结 ★ ★ decline的常用短语 ★ ★ decline的用法例句 ★ ▼ decline的用法总结 decline的用法1:decline作动词指“有礼貌地谢绝”,比refuse语气上要婉转些; decline的用法2:decline后可跟不定式或动名词,但跟不定式比较普遍。 decline的用法3:decline的名词形式有declination,declinature和declinal,但都不常见。美语中declination比较常见,但还是习惯用refuse的名词形式refusal。 decline的用法4:decline用作动词的基本意思是有礼貌地拒绝邀请、给予或服务。引申可表示“衰落,降低”“倾斜,下降”“下沉”。作“辞谢,谢绝”解时多用作及物动词,其后可接名词、动名词或动词不定式作宾语。作“衰落”解时只用作不及物动词。 く く く ▼ decline的常用短语 one"s declining years 暮年, 晚年 decline to 下降至;谢绝;婉拒 sharp decline 急速下滑;急速下降;飞速下降 on the decline 下降;衰落;衰退 in decline 下降;在衰落;没落中 rapid decline 急速下滑;急速下降;飞速衰退 steep decline 锐减;陡降 gradual decline 逐渐下降 slow decline 慢慢衰退;缓慢下降 gradually decline 逐渐下降 resulting decline 由此下降;因而减少;从而削弱 steadily decline 稳步下降;稳定下降;稳步衰退 cause decline 导致下降 decline offer 谢绝发盘 prevent decline 防止下降;防止衰退 circulation decline 发行量下降;发行量减少 arrest decline 阻止下滑 birthrate decline 出生率下降 halt decline 停止下降;暂停下降 thirty-six-per-cent decline 下降百分之三十六;36%的跌幅 く く く ▼ decline的用法例句 1. After years of neglect and decline the city was cleaning itself up. 多年的玩忽职守和经济萧条过后,这个城市在进行自我整顿。 2. The electoral fortunes of the Liberal Democratic party may decline. 自由民主党的选举 运势 可能会下降。 3. He criticised the government for failing to halt economic decline. 他批评政府未能遏止经济下滑。 4. The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation. 结婚人数的减少由于同居人数的增加而得以弥补。 5. I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely. 我认为我们可以相当准确地确定西方文明开始衰落的年代。 6. There wasn"t such a big decline in enrollments after all. 注册人数终究还是没有出现如此大幅度的下降。 7. Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards. 政府吝啬被指责是食品标准下降的原因。 8. Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is on the decline. 令人欣慰的是,吸烟量在逐渐下降。 9. This year can only see a repeat performance of the decline. 今年还会出现下降。 10. Meryl"s health started a precipitous decline. 梅里尔的健康状况开始急剧下降。 11. We managed to decline gracefully. 我们设法婉拒了。 12. The first signs of economic decline became visible. 经济衰退的最初迹象开始显现出来。 13. To decline to vote is a cop-out. 拒绝投票就是一种逃避。 14. We need to take corrective action to halt this country"s decline. 我们得采取纠偏行动来阻止这个国家的衰落。 15. The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town"sdecline. 矿山的关闭是这个镇衰落的唯一最重要的因素。 く く く decline的用法相关 文章 : ★ decline的短语 ★ decline的近义词常用短语 ★ decline是什么意思 ★ 《decline的用法和短语例句.doc》 ★ decline的用法和短语例句 ★ crazy的用法和短语例句 ★ neglect的用法和例句 ★ give的用法和短语例句是什么意思 ★ repeat的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-07-27 17:39:401


大家常说的DECLINE一般是什么原因造成的,是欠费吗?如果保证信用卡里有足够的余额,还会DECLINE吗?ECLINE说白了就是系统从你的信用卡里划钱未遂, 从而划账失败. 当然信用卡里要余额充足, 但是大多数被拒都是由于ETS划钱时, 银行系统繁忙或者银行处于结算时间导致. 由于时差的关系, ETS白天工作时划钱的时候, 我们中国正好是黑夜, 所以如果用美国或无时差的地区的信用卡, 则较少会被DECLINE. 如果查分送分被DECLINE, 你的分数会从ETS的数据库里隔离, 不能访问. 也就是大家常说的"冻结". 你必须按所欠ETS的费用补上欠款, 方可以继续访问或使用你的分数. G,T中如有一个被"冻结", 并不影响另一个.
2023-07-27 17:40:041

decline 的反义词是什么?

2023-07-27 17:40:155

英语翻译 decline

就拿楼上的回答作分析吧. 1、The culture decline was because of external factors or internal factors? 正确的写法是 Is cultural decline caused by external or internal factors? -“文化衰退”是cultural decline,如同global warming等非特指,所以前面不应该用定冠词 -“内部还是外部原因”中不必重复写两次factors - 这里用because of不合适 2、Did external factors or internal factors cause the culture decline? 正确的写法是 Do external or internal factors lead to cultural decline? -不需要用过去时,用一般现在时,因为cultural decline一直存在 3、What caused the culture decline? external factors or internal factors? 正确的写法是 What cause cultural decline? External or internal factors? 4、Which factor leads to the culture decline, the external or the internal one? 正确的写法是 Which factors lead to cultural decline: external or internal ones? -应该用 Which factors,因为你所指的是两种factorS -external和internal没有特指,所以前面不用冠词 5、如果你一定要用陈述句的话可以这么说 Cultural decline is caused by external or internal factors, which is still a question. 希望回答对你有帮助.
2023-07-27 17:40:501


动词,deadline在to的后面。to是介词,后面只能接名词,代词,动名词还有动词。the offer指的就是这个建议啦~,是个名词。动词后面加名词,就是动宾结构。写得好,就采纳吧。
2023-07-27 17:41:102


2023-07-27 17:41:181


您好incline的意思是倾斜,弄斜。在画图或者数据分析里是 增长的图形或者增长的线条。 decline的意思是,下降。 在画图或者数据分析里是 往下走的曲线,或者减少的意思。 望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-27 17:41:282

用decline 造句

例如:But in the past few years the web has hastened the decline.但是,在过去的几年里,网络加速了这种下跌的趋势。There is also a big question about what happens if the Chinese market in particular goes into decline. 还有一个大问题是,如果海外市场——特别是中国市场——出现下滑将会发生什么?ABout two miles east, the land begins to decline towards the river.在大约两英里以东的地方,地面开始向河岸下倾。
2023-07-27 17:41:421


decrease (渐渐地)减少reduce (人为的)减少decline (多用于经济方面,如:经济形势、股息的)下降
2023-07-27 17:41:503

decline 的反义词是什么? increas?

比较相对的是rise 不过说increase也可以
2023-07-27 17:41:571

decline refuse reject区别

1.refuse  1. refuse + 名词,意为“拒绝……”。  例1 The official refused the glove money from a businessman. 那个官员拒绝接受生意人的礼金。  2. refuse sb. sth.,意为“拒绝某人某物”。  例2 I just can"t refuse my granddaughter anything.我就是无法拒绝我孙女的任何要求。  3. refuse to do sth.,意为“拒绝做某事”。  例3 Some university students from the countryside refused to take any donation. 一些农村来的大学生拒绝接受任何捐款。  例4 Yesterday my car refused to start. 昨天我的车子发动不起来。 2. reject  除了有“拒绝”之意外,常用于reject sth./sb.的结构,意为“排除;摒弃”。  例5 The doctor rejected the student after the physical examination. 医生对这个学生体检后,认为他身体不合格。  例6 The social worker"s sincere advice finally made him reject his bad habit of drinking every day. 社工的诚心建议最终使他摒弃了每天喝酒的坏习惯。  例7 His appeal has been rejected. 他的上诉被驳回了。  3.deny  含义较广,有“拒绝;否认;不承认;节制;摒弃”等含义。  1. deny +名词 / 动名词,意为“否认;不承认”。  例8 The accused man denied the charge against him in the court. 在法庭上,被告否认了对他的控告。  例9 The president has denied having made any statement to that effect. 总统否认曾就那件事做过任何声明。  例10 She denied knowing anything about the coming examination. 她否认她知道关于下次考试的任何事情。  2. deny + that从句,意为“否认(某事或某说法)”。  例11 The driver denied that he was responsible for the car accident. 司机不承认在这次车祸中的责任。  例12 I can not deny that the failure of my eyesight has been a heavy blow to me. 不可否认我的视力衰退对我是个严重的打击。  3. deny + to do sth.,意为“否认做了某事”。  例13 The lawyer denied this to be the case. 律师否认这是事实。  4. deny + oneself + 名词,意为“拒不”。  例14 The famous poet lived in a quiet countryside and denied himself to any visitors. 那个著名诗人住在安静的乡下,不会见任何来客。  例15 I told my wife to deny myself to any callers. 我对妻子说无论谁来拜访,我都不见。4.decline婉拒;谢绝[+to-v]She declined their invitation. 她婉拒了他们的邀请。 She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn"t feeling well. 她说她身体不舒服,婉拒了与她的朋友共进午餐。 5.turn down 相当于及物动词,refuse 是及物动词兼不及物动词。turn down 通常指拒绝一个“提案、建议”。有的时候他们可以互换。
2023-07-27 17:43:021


on the decline在走下坡路;在衰退中; decline and fall衰亡,衰败; in decline在衰退中; economic decline经济衰退 扩展资料   decline toward向…下沉;   decline with婉言谢绝;   decline westward向西下沉;   decline courteously有礼貌〔巧妙〕地谢绝;   decline drastically急剧下降;   decline stage衰退期;下降阶段
2023-07-27 17:43:231


descend和decline区别是意思不同,用法不同以及侧重点不同。两者都有下降的意思,decrease专指数值上的下降,减少。 decline除了数值上的还能指能力等抽象量的下降。 扩展资料   descend和decline区别   一、意思不同   1.descend:下降; 降临; 下去; 下来; 下斜; 下倾; 来临   2.decline:作名词时的"意思是“下降;衰退;斜面”,作动词时的意思是“下降;衰落;谢绝”。   二、用法不同   1.descend:descend的基本意思是“下来”“下去”,可指物体向下降落,也可指沿着山坡、梯子、台阶、树干等表示斜线或斜坡的物体下降。   2.decline:decline用作动词的基本意思是有礼貌地拒绝邀请、给予或服务。引申可表示“衰落,降低”“倾斜,下降”“下沉”。作“辞谢,谢绝”解时多用作及物动词,其后可接名词、动名词或动词不定式作宾语。   三、侧重点不同   1.descend:表示空间位置的从高到低。   2.decline:表示数量或能量的下降。
2023-07-27 17:43:371


英文释义1 :to gradually become less, worse, or lower [Example] His interest in the project declined after his wife died. 英文释义2 :to refuse [Example] I invited him to the meeting but he declined. 英文释义1 :to become less, or to make something become less: [Example] Total unemployment has decreased in the past year. 英文释义1 :a reduction [Example] There has been a decrease in the number of visitors.英文释义1 :to become or to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc. [Example] The plane reduced speed as it approached the airport. 英文释义2 :to heat a liquid until it becomes thicker and less in quantity[Example] Reduce the sauce by boiling for five minutes.
2023-07-27 17:44:271

decline,vacancy, rarity, shortage的 辨析

选D ① shortage 匮乏,缺乏 The work remains unfinished owing to shortage of staff.② vacancy (职位/位置的)空闲 There is a good vacancy for a typist in the company.③ rarity (物/现象的)很少见 Rain is a rarity in the Sahara.decline 比较容易与他们区分,decline 下降,降低,下垂
2023-07-27 17:44:471


reject 为及物动词,它通常只接名词或代词作宾语。reject doing或reject to do都不作使用。reject的用法:1、reject的基本意思是“拒绝,抵制”,表示主观上不肯承认、接受或服从。这种拒绝有时指正面地、公开地拒绝,也可指说话者的否定或敌视的态度,可用于语言上,也可用于行动上。用作及物动词,接plan, proposal等名词或代词作宾语。2、reject还可作“抛弃,丢掉,剔除”解,表示把无用的、不能令人满意的或无价值的东西扔掉。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。3、reject可用于被动结构。例句:Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control.我们严把质量关,有问题的文章都被退回。扩展资料词义辨析:reject, decline, refuse这三个词的共同意思是“拒绝”。其区别是:1、从语气上来说, refuse是最普通的用词,一般指直接地拒绝,语气不那么委婉。decline语气较委婉,相当于汉语的“谢绝”。例如:He declined my invitation because of a previous appointment.因另有约会在先,他谢绝了我的邀请。reject语气强烈,用于正式场合,如外交和商业条款之类,表示当面明确地拒绝所给、所请、所提议之事,另外还有抛弃或剔除不适当的或不喜欢的东西的意味。例如:He rejected my friendly advice upon further consideration.他经过进一步的考虑,明确地拒绝了我友好的建议。2、从搭配上来说,这三个词都可接名词(如anoffer)作宾语,但invitation只能与refer,decline搭配;suggestion只能与reject,decline搭配;permission只能与refuse搭配;plan只能与reject搭配。另外refuse和decline都可接动词不定式作宾语,而reject则不可以。例如:He refused〔declined〕 to join us in the game.他拒绝与我们一起游戏。
2023-07-27 17:45:101


2023-07-27 17:45:241

reduce decline fell slow区别

reduce,使得一些事物在价格、数量,或者大小变得少,或者小。the price was reduced by50 % 价格下降了50%。decline 指的是事物在数量、质量和重要性的增加。the decline of manufacturing。手工制作的衰弱。 fell是fall的过去式,指的是,突然落到地面,当人们站着,散步和跑步。children are always falling over.孩子们总是摔倒。slow指的是活动不是快速,不是快速的做些事情。
2023-07-27 17:45:331

fail和decline都有衰退的意思 两者有什么区别?

2023-07-27 17:45:542

decline by与decease by 有区别吗

2023-07-27 17:46:021


has been是现在完成时 表示某一事件到目前为止的状态 隐含着从过去到现在的变化 而一般现在时描述的是客观事实 并无变化可言
2023-07-27 17:46:301


2023-07-27 17:46:442

decline the office是什么意思

decline the office不愿意去办
2023-07-27 17:46:523


electric(adj)1用电的,电动的,2发电的,带电的,3使人震惊的 用作1.2时无比较级。与electrical的区别在于electric多指“与电有关的”,即“电产生的”“电带动的”“带电的”,而electrical多指“与电学有关的”The news had an electric effect.这消息顿时使群情激昂We went by electrical train.我们乘电车去的。He is an electrical engineer.他是一名电气工程师
2023-07-27 17:47:022

on the decline 还是in the decline

on the decline在衰退中,在减弱中例句:She is on the decline,and may die soon.她的健康每况愈下,可能不久于人世.也有in the decline的用法,如下:Perhaps the largest problem of the industry lies in the decli...
2023-07-27 17:47:101

difference between dwindle,diminish, decline,decrease

decline -- 倾斜,下跌。趋势的走向下跌decrease -- 减少。数值增减的减少diminish -- 缩减。 向中心收缩。dwindle -- 渐渐减少,变小。 健康衰退般的。between -- 两者之间
2023-07-27 17:47:181

decline together 歌词

歌曲名:decline together歌手:lillies and remains专辑:meruWe Belong TogetherMariah CareyOoohhOhhh...Ohhhoohh...Sweet love..YeahI didn"t mean it when I said I didn"t love you soI should have held on tightI never should have let you goI didn"t know nothing,I was stupid, I was foolish, I was lying to myselfI couldn"t have fathomedI would ever be without your loveNever imagined I"d be sitting here beside myselfGuess I didn"t know youGuess I didn"t know meBut I thought I knew everythingI never feltThe feeling that I"m feelingNow that I don"t hear your voiceOr have your touch and kiss your lipsCause I don"t have a choiceOh what I wouldn"t giveTo have you lying by my sideRight here cause babyWhen you left I lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby please causeWe belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean on when times get roughWho"s gonna talk to me on the phoneTill the sun comes upWho"s gonna take your placeThere ain"t nobody betterOh baby babyWe belong togetherI can"t sleep at nightWhen you are on my mindBobby Womack"s on the radioSinging to me "If You Think You"re Lonely Now"Wait a minute this is too deepI gotta change the stationSo I turn the dial tryin" to catch a breakAnd then I hear Babyface"I Only Think Of You" and it"s breakin" my heartI"m tryin" to keep it together but I"m falling apartI"m feeling all out of my elementThrowing things, crying tryin"To figure out where the hell I went wrongThe pain reflected in this songAin"t even half of what I"m feeling insideI need you, need you back in my life babyWhen you left I lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby please causeWe belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean on when times get roughWho"s gonna talk to me on the phoneTill the sun comes upWho"s gonna take your placeThere ain"t nobody betterOh baby babyWe belong together babyWhen you left I lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby please causeWe belong togetherWho am I gonna lean on when times get roughWho"s gonna talk to me till the sun comes upWho"s gonna take your placeThere ain"t nobody betterOh baby babyWe belong together
2023-07-27 17:47:261


网页打不开的原因: 原因1:dns设置有误, 原因2:病毒木马篡改dns 或者是host文件劫持造成的 原因3: ie浏览器文件被破坏 原因4;第三方ie插件导致的 网页打不开解决办法: 一、由dns解析造成的网页打不开,有可能是病毒篡改dns,绑架用户的电脑访问指定的主页导航,或者是用户设置有误造成的。 1.如果病毒问题引起的,使用金山卫士的木马查杀就可以为你解决。 2.如果自己设置错误造成的,可以尝试下面的方法 如果你是拨号用户,打开“开始”菜单——运行 输入ipconfig /flushdns 即可,就可以重新配置dns 如果你是局域网用户,建议你联系网管重新设置网关 二、hsots文件病毒篡改劫持了,病毒经常修改这个文件,使得本机不能正常访问一些指定的网站。这个问题使用金山卫士进行木马查杀就可以解决这个问题 三、ie浏览器相关文件被病毒破坏,例如只能打开网站的主页,不能打开二级网页。可以使用金山卫士的浏览器修复功能
2023-07-27 17:47:361

at the drop of a hat是什么意思

at the drop of a hat1.一发出信号(就…);一碰(就…)2.一有机会就…,动不动就…;一激怒(就…)3.随时,马上,立即;毫不迟疑地;乐意地例句:Like fighter pilots, our astronauts would be able to blast into space at the drop of a hat.就像战斗机飞行员一样,我们的宇航员可以轻而易举的进入太空。
2023-07-27 17:47:471


go down; come down; decline; descend; drop; fall; gravitate; plungedegression
2023-07-27 17:48:265

请教 分析句子

谁说decline作名词不可数啊,可数的,a serious deline, declines,这里就是名词哦。
2023-07-27 17:48:423


双币卡是双账户,美元在美元账户,人民币在人民币账户,两账户分离的.没有约定情况下,人民币消费人民币账户还,美元消费美元账户还。人民币还美元积欠时有三种情况:1、柜台还款,说清楚是人民币购汇还;2、自动还款需事先约定人民币购汇还款,这时不管是人民币消费还是美元消费,均从人民币账户扣款还;3、未约定自动还款,存人民币后还需电话购汇还款。 希望对你有帮助
2023-07-27 17:48:501

in decline的词性

in decline的意思: 在下降 in decline的例句: Small industries will be the salvation of many areas now in decline.小型企业将是目前处于衰退的许多地区的救星。 Canon law was in decline in the tenth and early eleventh centuries寺院法在10世纪和11世纪初走向衰落。 It is believed that under certain conditions prolonged boiling will cause a decline in the viscosity.一般认为,在一定的条件下,过长的煮浆时间会导致浆液粘度的下降。 The pop world is a milieu where reputations decline and fall with more than usual rapidity.在流行音乐界这个娱乐圈里,歌星们的名望更容易一落千丈。 Things reach their prime and then decline. Violence is contrary to the Way. Whatever is contrary to the Way will soon perish.物壮则老,是谓不道,不道早已。
2023-07-27 17:48:573

decline后面可以加什么介词? decline by XX 是减少了XX 还是减少到XX? 谢谢

decline by 减少了多少,decline to 下降至……
2023-07-27 17:49:062


since the explosion of the war, he had decline the interest of researching work.
2023-07-27 17:49:142

spss中P值 T值 F值代表什么? SIG值是不是P值?

2023-07-27 17:46:275


2023-07-27 17:46:283


2023-07-27 17:46:292

not really的区别?

区别:1)not exactly: used for saying that something someone says is not completely right (用于纠正某人说过的话) 并非如此;不完全是这样 “You"re leaving, aren"t you?” “Not exactly, I"m just going on holiday.”“你要离开,是吧?”“不全对,我只是去度假。”2)not really: used for saying “no” without being very definite.事实上没有;不全是“Was he sorry for what he"d done?” “Not really”“他为自己的行为感到懊悔了吗?”“并没有”
2023-07-27 17:46:341


  一个优秀的 英文 自我介绍 可以帮助教师求职者通过 面试 寻找到一份理想的工作。以下是我精心推荐的一些教师面试英文自我介绍 范文 ,一起来学习下吧!   教师面试英文自我介绍范文(一)   General Introduction   I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.   Education background   In 1995 I entered the Nanjing University of Science &Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the Chinau2019s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study my academic records kept distinguished among the whole   department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999 I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.   At the period of my graduate study my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester I became teacher assistant that is given to talented   and matured students only. This year I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excel lent Graduation Thesis.   Research experience and academic activity   When a sophomore I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In 1997 I participated in simulation tool   development for the scheduling system in Prof. Wangu2019s lab. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. In 1998 I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis &dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.   In 1999 I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Network flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research. Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. My duty was to pick up the useful information among different kinds of gene matching format. Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristic algorithms I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm -- Multi-population Genetic Algorithm. By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote   various evolutionary orientations. It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments too. In the second semester I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making process that   covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances. To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost I proposed a Dynamic layered Scheduling method based on hybrid Petri Nets. The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale. I also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea. Recently I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system assisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel. I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Composite Predictive Problem. This project is now under construction.   Besides In July 2000 I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference (ASCC) which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation. In my senior year I met Prof. Xiao-Song Lin a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside I learned graph theory from him for   my network research. These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture.   I hope to study in depth   In retrospect I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network) Supply chain network research Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.   Please give my application materials a serious consideration. Thank you very much.   1、 good morning my name is xx it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview i would like to answer whatever you may raise and i hope i can make a good performance today eventually enroll in this primary school.   2、 now i will introduce myself brieflyi am xx years oldborn in xx province and i am curruently a major is the past 4 yearsi spend most of my time on studyi have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides i have attend   3.i will have Patience on all of the children and my hard work will be improved if you enroll me.   教师面试英文自我介绍范文(二)   Good morning my name is xx it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview i would like to answer whatever you may raise and i hope i can make a good performance today .   I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.   Education background   In 1995 I entered the Nanjing University of Science &Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the Chinau2019s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999 I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.   At the period of my graduate study my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.   Research experience and academic activity   When a sophomore I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In 1997 I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in Prof. Wangu2019s lab. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. In 1998 I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis &dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.   In 1999 I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Network flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research. Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. My duty was to pick up the useful information among different kinds of gene matching format. Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristic algorithms I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm -- Multi-population Genetic Algorithm. By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations. It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments too. In the second semester I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making process that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances. To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost I proposed a Dynamic layered Scheduling method based on hybrid Petri Nets. The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large   scale. I also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea. Recently I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system assisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel. I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Composite Predictive Problem. This project is now under construction.   Besides In July 2000 I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference (ASCC) which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation. In my senior year I met Prof. Xiao-Song Lin a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside I learned graph theory from him for my network research. These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture. I hope to study in depth   In retrospect I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network) Supply chain network research Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.   教师面试英文自我介绍范文(三)   My name is xuexila.i woulld like to apply for this job of english teacher for children.   My plan for the furture is that i would like to stay with children and share the moments in their lives and provide them with helpful advice. making friends with them and letting them feel you are the one they can talk and trust.Plus i like english very much.with this idea,i want to combine my love for children with my ability of english together,so i can work in a pleasant environment doing the great things i enjoy doing.   I consider myself with rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher.I have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.And i would certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.while with my creative and relaxing english teaching method,students would learn english through interacting with me or the others instead of being told what to say.   I am also very open-minded and easy-going,which will make myself a popular figure everywhere.and of course i am very much the type of the girl next door.always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation.   I believe i"ve said quite enough of myself. I hope you now know more about me than just now. I would certainly cherish this job and get along very well with all people out here.I thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk with you.   I look forward to hearing good news from you soon.   Thank you !
2023-07-27 17:46:351


红了哥哥(Up oppa) [东海]:Ah,Ah [哈 肚 sei] Welcome to the Super Show! Let" Go~!! My name is DongHae. Let"s party tonight!! sa! sa! 可得吗木(e)骨鲁几楼 内噶王就有家kier楼木起搜大就温大够搜大就温大噶 汗秒话 够秀某拉胖米将摸掐给米奇就楼 该嘛肚几诶闹那里买里sei噶卡几嘛拉 (哥得噶大)大奇当 woo [赫宰]: A sa 哥r把大搜帮sei都楼丹里噶怒度内忙得楼胖sei不勒几了刚Hey won"t you take me to funky town I"m infomational Baby 123 Let"s go! [ALL]:内噶都他哈秒 大 为吃 [欧巴 欧巴] Tokyo,London,New York,Paris,[欧巴 欧巴] I"m so cool,I"m so cool,Party like a superstar, 嘿噗你得大我哟拉 够大 [欧巴 欧巴] [赫宰]:一里就里一噗因嫩够sei噶搜哈拉有里就里大里秒搜Shawty Shawty哈拉 [欧巴 欧巴]拉骨大 不楼 骨切求gi[欧巴] 奇被卡奇嘛拉够哈奇嘛 某den比也[欧巴] [东海]:A sa ki本就擦 该搜他里噶怒度内忙得楼胖sei不勒几了刚 Hey won"t you take me to funky town I"m infomational Baby 123 Let"s go! [ALL]:内噶都他哈秒 大 为吃 [欧巴 欧巴] Tokyo,London,New York,Paris,[欧巴 欧巴] I"m so cool,I"m so cool,Party like a superstar, 嘿噗你得大我哟拉 够大 [欧巴 欧巴] [ALL]:内噶都他哈秒 大 为吃 [欧巴 欧巴] Tokyo,London,New York,Paris,[欧巴 欧巴] I"m so cool,I"m so cool,Party like a superstar, 嘿噗你得大我哟拉 够大 [欧巴 欧巴] [东海]:I say DongHae you say 欧巴 DongHae [欧巴] DongHae [欧巴] [赫宰]:I say EunHyuk you say 欧巴 EunHyuk [欧巴] EunHyuk [欧巴] (现场: I say 表奇 you say 欧巴表奇 [欧巴] 表奇 [欧巴]) [ALL]: I say SUJU you say 欧巴 SUJU [欧巴] SUJU [欧巴] (1,2,3 Break down) [ALL]:内噶都他哈秒 大 为吃 [欧巴 欧巴] Tokyo,London,New York,Paris,[欧巴 欧巴] I"m so cool,I"m so cool,Party like a superstar, 嘿噗你得大我哟拉 够大 [欧巴 欧巴] [ALL]:内噶都他哈秒 大 为吃 [欧巴 欧巴] Tokyo,London,New York,Paris,[欧巴 欧巴] I"m so cool,I"m so cool,Party like a superstar, 嘿噗你得大我哟拉 够大 [欧巴 欧巴] ====我们欧巴红了=====
2023-07-27 17:46:361

Beyonce的《Ego》 歌词

歌曲名:Ego歌手:Beyonce专辑:I Am...Sasha FierceEgoBeyoncéHey baby how you doing?You know Im gonna cut right to the chaseSome women were madeBut me, myselfI like to think I was createdFor a special purposeYou know, whats more special than you, you feel me?Its on, baby lets get lostYou dont need to call into work, cuz youre the bossFor real want you to show me how you feelI consider myself lucky thats a big dealWhy, well, you got the key to my heartBut you aint gonna need itId rather you open up my bodyAnd show me secretsYou didnt know was inside,No need for me to lieIts too bigIts too wideIts too strongIt wont fitIts too muchIts too toughHe talks like thisCuz he can back it upHe got a big egoSuch a huge egoI love his big egoIts too muchHe walks like thisCuz he can back it upUsually Im humbleRight now I dont chooseYou can leave with meOr you could have the bluesSome call it arrogantI call it confidantYou decide when you findOn what Im working withDamn I know, Im killing you with them legsBetter yet them thighsMatter a fact its my smileOr maybe my eyesBoy you a site to seeKind of something like meIts too bigIts too wideIts too strongIt wont fitIts too muchIts too toughI talk like thisCuz I can back it upI got a big egoSuch a huge egoBut he love my big egoIts too muchI walk like thisCuz I can back it upI, I walk like thisCuz I can back it upI, I talk like thisCuz I can back it upI, I can back it upI can back it upI walk like thisCuz I can back it upIts too bigIts too wideIts too strongIt wont fitIts too muchIts too toughHe talks like thisCuz he can back it upHe got a big egoSuch a huge egoI love his big egoIts too muchHe walks like thisCuz he can back it upEgo so bigYou must admitI got every reason to feel like Im that bitchEgo so strong, if you aint knowI dont need no beat, I can sing it with piano
2023-07-27 17:46:371


2023-07-27 17:46:463

韩国有几个super junior啊?怎么还有个胖子 韩庚那个是哪个?

就一个sj啊,其他都是小分队啊,胖胖的那个是神童啊,人家跳舞很厉害呢。SJ出道刚开始12人,后来奎贤加入,一共13人。再后来就分过几个小分队进行活动。目前两个小分队SJ-H和SJ-MSJ-H:神童 利特 艺声 晟敏 强仁 恩赫SJ-M:韩庚 始源 东海 丽旭 奎贤 周觅 Henry以前也有过SJ-KRY和SJ-TSJ-KRY:奎贤 丽旭 艺声SJ-T:希澈 强仁 利特 神童 晟敏 恩赫对了,SJ-M的周觅 Henry不是原来的13只里面的,时候加入的,这么说不知道你明白没?
2023-07-27 17:46:224


主演: 彤达婉·奔提维此弓 / 瓦奇拉维特·奇瓦雷 / 吉拉瓦·苏提瓦尼沙克 / 梅塔文·欧帕西安卡琼 / 海伦基·查昂格翰 故事围绕出身贫寒的牧野杉菜而发生,她被势利的父母强迫就读一所由在政经界最具影响力的四大家族,为培养优秀后代而创立的贵族学校:英德学园(Eitoku Gakuen),四大家族的继承人──道明寺司、花泽类、西门总二郎、美作明号称“F4”(Flower 4、花之四人组),在学校有着各种特权。  但没想到他们嚣张跋扈的行为,在遇到出身贫寒的牧野杉菜后有了转变。杉菜不畏强权,独自一人挺身向F4挑战,即使受到欺凌,仍不肯向他们低头;而身为F4之首,个性跋扈的纨绔子弟——道明寺竟然因此欣赏她,不顾家族反对与杉菜坠入情网。  《花样男子》,由玉皇朝代理出版的港版日本漫画。日文原名《花より男子》(Hana-yori Danshi),是日本漫画家神尾叶子的长篇少女漫画,1992年至2004年在集英社的漫画杂志《Margaret》上连载,并发行了37册的单行本,销量超过5900万册,霸占了日本第一畅销少女漫画的宝座,被翻译成各国语言,远销海外。多次被改编成电视剧、电影、动画等。  据悉,泰国即将翻拍泰版《花样男子》,将会在泰国one频道播出《泰版流星花园》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看:链接: 提取码: e6nk
2023-07-27 17:46:201


  当我们面试外贸跟单员的时候,首先第一步就是要先自我介绍,这也是很重要的一步,下面是我整理的外贸跟单员英语自我介绍,以供大家学习参考。   外贸跟单员的英语自我介绍篇一   Hello, my name Is ****, It Is really a great honor to have thIs opportunIty for a IntervIew, I would lIke to answer whatever you may raIse, and I hope I can make a good performance today, eventually enroll In thIs prestIgIous unIversIty In september. now I wIll Introduce myself brIefly,I am ** years old,born In**** provInce and I am curruently a senIor student at *** major Is ****.   And I wIll receIve my bachelor degree after my graduatIon In june.In the past * years,I spend most of my tIme on study,I have passed CET4/6 wIth a ease. and I have acquIred basIc knowledge of ********both In theory and In practIce.   BesIdes, I have attend several ***hold In ****, thIs Is our advantage study here, I have taken a tour to some bIg factory and company. through these I have a deeply understandIng of domestIc ****Industry.   Compared to developed countrIes such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordInary progress sInce ***,our ****Industry are stIll underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the sItuatIon of employees In thIs fIeld are awkard. but I have full confIdence In a brIght future If only our economy can keep the growth pace stIll.   I guess you maybe Interested In the reason Itch to law, and what Is my plan durIng graduate study lIfe, I would lIke to tell you that *** Is one of my lIfelong goal,I lIke my major ****and I wont gIve up,If I can pursue my master degree here I wIll combIne law wIth my former educatIon.   I am able to work under great pressure. Thanks for the chance.   外贸跟单员英语自我介绍篇二   Good morning, my name is huihualeung, graduated from guangdong polytechnic normal university in 2009,which is indeed a great honor to have the opportunity to interview, I would like to answer you may increase and I hope I can become a good performance today. Now I will briefly introduce myself, I am 21 years old, born in Jiangmen, east of Guangdong, and Ill receive my bachelors degree in July.   Throughout my campus life,I spent most of my time to learn, I have been through CET4 and worked in foreign trade business,I have a basic knowledge of oversea trading.   I had been majoring the Application English on the base of Trading English,including the Advance English,Economy And Trade English,Busiess English Correspondence,Selected Readings In English And American Literatures,Chinese And English Translation Course,Interpret And Listening,Advance English Writing etc.In addtion, I have got a lot of strength from this experience, such as the ability of communication, expression, and the attitude towards life and work.   Optimism, calmness, diligence and innovation strive to be my characteristics conscientiously. Iu2019d like to apply for post like manager assistant in corporation which relate to my major. With great confidence, responsibility and enthusiasm, I believe that I can bear heavy burden on my shoulder. please offer me a chance and I will give a surprise back to you.   外贸跟单员英语自我介绍篇三   It is my plesure to meet you .today i am here to apply for the position of foreign trade clerk(or assistant)。   now let me tell you a little bit about myself.i am from jiangxi province . there are four members in my family,my parents,my elder sister and i. i am always a energetic and enthusiastic person that have many hobbies .well ,i am fond of all kinds of outdoor activities such as playing tennis , doing some physicalsports and so on. (you can also say i am interested inor doing sth is also my favourite activity)this year i will gratuade from tian jin foreign studyings university, with major in foreign trade(or international trade)。   i really like this industy very much.if i am so lucky enough to be employed by your company,i will put what i have learnt together with my energy into my job and make some contribution to your company.   thank you very much!   外贸跟单员英语自我介绍篇四   General Introduction   I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.   Education background   In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the Chinau2019s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100) ranked No.1 among 113 students. In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test. I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.   At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.   Research experience and academic activity   When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. In 1997, I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in Prof. Wangu2019s lab. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. In 1998, I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.   In 1999, I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Network flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research. Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design. My duty was to pick up the useful information among different kinds of gene matching format. Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristic algorithms, I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm -- Multi-population Genetic Algorithm. By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations. It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, too. In the second semester, I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant. The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making process that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances. To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost, I proposed a Dynamic Layered Scheduling method based on hybrid Petri Nets. The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale. I also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea. Recently, I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system assisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel. I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Composite Predictive Problem. This project is now under construction.   Besides, In July 2000, I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference (ASCC) which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation. In my senior year, I met Prof. Xiao-Song Lin, a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside, I learned graph theory from him for my network research. These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture.   I hope to study in depth   In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.   Please give my application materials a serious consideration. Thank you very much.
2023-07-27 17:46:181

兰博基尼 ego什么意思

2023-07-27 17:46:171


  很多人看到有人在用spss,好奇spss是什么软件?spss是用来做什么的? spss是一个非常好用的统计分析软件, spss用于统计学分析运算、数据挖掘、预测分析和决策支持任务的软件产品及相关服务软件哦,下面我就来详细介绍一下吧!   spss是什么软件?   spss用于统计学分析运算、数据挖掘、预测分析和决策支持任务的软件产品及相关服务。   SPSS是世界上最早采用图形菜单驱动界面的统计软件,它最突出的特点就是操作界面极为友好,输出结果美观漂亮。它将几乎所有的功能都以统一、规范的界面展现出来,使用Windows的窗口方式展示各种管理和分析数据方法的功能,对话框展示出各种功能选择项。   用户只要掌握一定的Windows操作技能,精通统计分析原理,就可以使用该软件为特定的科研工作服务。SPSS采用类似EXCEL表格的方式输入与管理数据,数据接口较为通用,能方便的从其他数据库中读入数据。其统计过程包括了常用的、较为成熟的统计过程,完全可以满足非统计专业人士的工作需要。   输出结果十分美观,存储时则是专用的SPO格式,可以转存为HTML格式和文本格式。对于熟悉老版本编程运行方式的用户,SPSS还特别设计了语法生成窗口,用户只需在菜单中选好各个选项,然后按“粘贴”按钮就可以自动生成标准的SPSS程序。极大的方便了中、高级用户。   SPSS for Windows的分析结果清晰、直观、易学易用,而且可以直接读取EXCEL及DBF数据文件,现已推广到多种各种操作系统的计算机上,它和SAS、BMDP并称为国际上最有影响的三大统计软件。   在国际学术界有条不成文的规定,即在国际学术交流中,凡是用SPSS软件完成的计算和统计分析,可以不必说明算法,由此可见其影响之大和信誉之高。最新的21.0版采用DAA(Distributed Analysis Architecture,分布式分析系统),全面适应互联网,支持动态收集、分析数据和HTML格式报告。   spss是用来做什么的?   1、新加模块让分析技术变得更容易   PASW Bootstrapping模块方便分析人员使用Bootstrapping技术   借助PASW Direct Marketing模块,分析人员可以独立运行一些重要的分析过程   新产品PASW Statistics Developer可以轻松使用R程序或共享程序   2、提高运算速度和灵活性   自动数据准备功能(包含在PASW Data Preparation模块中),帮助您快速发现、改正数据中的错误或缺失值,并提供便于理解的报告,帮助您决定哪类数据用于分析、提供建议和可视化   3、分析和报告中增强的功能   新的非参数检验 (包含在PASW Statistics Base模块中)   后计算分类,即表格创建后计算表格中的新分类(包含在PASW Custom Tables模块中)   显著性检验(包含在PASW Custom Tables模块中)   次SPC图中的规则检查(包含在PASW Statistics Base模块中)   4、提高性能和可扩展性的新技术   改进了PASW Statistics中某些算法和过程的性能   增强的模型窗口,让您能更清晰地理解ADP、二步聚类和非参数检验的结果(包含在 PASW Statistics Base模块中),以及自动数据准备过程(包含在PASW Data Preparation模块中)   改进了频数分析、交叉列联表和描述统计(包含在PASW Statistics Base模块中)等常用分析过程的性能
2023-07-27 17:46:161

下面这段英文什么意思 求翻译

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