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The reduced equation 在专业数学中什么意思,最重要的是 reduced这个单词的所有意思 比如下面的翻译

2023-07-28 15:24:57
reduced equation 又称为 associated equation 称为简化方程或者是相伴方程(在中文译本中多被称为相伴方程)。一般应用用微分方程的求解,对于一个非齐次方程的解可以转化为对应的相伴方程的通解和满足非齐次方程特解的线性组合。
上述答案中描述的是函数的单调性,其英文为(monotonous function)


















...the price is reduced.是被动语态结构 be+动词的过去分词
2023-07-27 01:49:1315


我觉得是这样的:reduce是一种主观的减少、降低,主语是使减少的外力,to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price;decrese是一种客观的减少、下降,主语是减少的东西(size, amount, or price etc.),to go down to a lower level, or to make something do this.
2023-07-27 01:49:581

reduced 后加什么介词

reduce to “降低到……,减少到……”,介词to后面接的是最终的结果,也就是最后的位置或程度。 例如:The temperature is 36 degrees,but it will be reduced to 20 degrees in the night. 现在气温40度,但是夜间将会降低到20度。 reduce by “降低了……,减少了“,介词by后面跟降低或减少的具体幅度。例如:He weighed 75 kilos last month, and now his weight has been reduced by 10 kilos.他上个月75公斤,现在减了10公斤。(现在是65公斤)
2023-07-27 01:50:061


reduced 英[ru026a"dju:st]美[ru026a"dju:st]adj. 减少的,简化的;v. 换算; ( reduce的过去式和过去分词 ) 约束; 使变为; 使变弱;[网络] 还原; 减低; 简化;[例句]This reduced the weight of the load.这减轻了负荷的重量。[其他] 形近词: adduced educed seduced
2023-07-27 01:50:141

数学建模 优化问题,用lingo运行结果中reduced cost什么意思 slack orSurplus dual price 表示什么?

2023-07-27 01:50:371

reduced polynomial什么意思 多项式中reduced怎么翻译

2023-07-27 01:50:464

急急急!he was reduced to tears.如何翻译?讲一下分析思路,具体语法知识

be reduced to虽然在词典里有汉语翻译,但其实它是无法准确翻译成汉语里的某一个词的,你只能从主语和宾语之间的关系上去理解它的含义。
2023-07-27 01:50:571

请问什么是reduced relative classes。一个英语语法句型……

你想问的是什么是reduced relative clauses吧? 一种特殊的关系从句。
2023-07-27 01:51:142


在开车时按M,点击屏幕下方的自带卡车,点击自己所在的城市,选择,设置为GPS目标,到那边后,在大门口那个绿色的玩意停下按ENTER,点击选择货物,倒到货物面前根据提示按T,如果觉得货物没意思可以按F6-取消任务。Reduced2破解版是一款随时驾驶着越野车开启有趣的登山之旅的模拟休闲游戏,逼真的3D环境让人代入感十足,在前进的过程中还伴随着真实变化的天气,在急转弯的时候要万分小心,展示你出色的驾驶技巧,不要从高山上掉下来,完成在每个关卡中的任务,你将会面临非常严峻的挑战,安全是最重要的哦。 1、真实平滑的控制方式,驾驶多种不同类型的越野车,无与伦比的细节魅力; 2、尝试不同的越野技术来完成闯关任务,解锁更多的地图和车辆; 3、精确的物理系统,随时随地同步操控,第一人陈视角让你变身越野高手。
2023-07-27 01:51:341


1空气滤清器脏:空气滤清器是为了保护发动机减少磨损设计的,一般在一万公里左右更换,如果更换不及时,会发生进气不足引起怠速低,而使发动机抖动,只要更换滤芯就可解决。2高压线断路:高压线断路是指高压线导线芯断路,可影响点火,引起发动机抖动,可用万用表测量电阻,把电阻明显偏大几倍的那一根换掉。3火花塞寿命:火花塞是有寿命的,超过3- 4万公里后点火效率明显降低,并可影响点火,这是最常见得故障将火花塞全部更换即可。
2023-07-27 01:51:421


2023-07-27 01:51:511


1. reduced后是过去分词作状语从句。 reduce to 有沦为的意思2. in the degree 有在某种程度上的意思,to which......是做degree的定语从句,这句的意思是:人类的面部表情与动物的不同在于他们在某种程度上能够有意识地控制自己的表情。
2023-07-27 01:53:023

“The number of deaths will be reduced”为什么是be reduced?

2023-07-27 01:53:134


减少用英语怎么说加to的 降低,减少:reduce; decrease;; cut down; run-down;,decrease, dwindle + to 例1.现在气温40度,但是夜间将会降低到20度。 reduce/drop to, decrease to: The temperature is 36 degrees,b ut it will be reduced to 20 degrees in the night. 或者 it will drop/decrease to 20 degrees in the night. 例子2: Mike watched his bank account dwindle down to almost nothing. 麦克看着自己的银行账户几乎空空如也。cut down to Mike"s account has been cut down to almost nothing. 麦克的银行账户几乎空空如也。 希望能帮到你。 降低一个百分比用英语怎么说 decrease by one percent. 降低要求 英语怎么说 我方要求价格降低10%用英语怎么说 We want a ten percent discount to the original price. 减少,英文怎么说 reduce; decrease; lessen; cut down; diminish; abate; curtail 降低价格的英语翻译 降低价格用英语怎么说 reduce the price 降低价格cut down the price lower the price 降低难度用英语怎么说 reduced the difficulty 降低难度 解析: reduced [ri恭9;dju:st] adj. 减少的;简化的;缩减的 difficulty ["difiku0259lti] n. 困难,困境 [ 复数difficulties ] 落下,下降用英语怎么说还有过去式过去分 过去式: declined 过去分词: declined decline 英 [du026au02c8klau026an] 美 [du026au02c8klau026an] n. 下降;(力量、健康、品格、权力、价值等的)衰退;下倾;(人、生命等的)衰退期 vt.& vi. 辞谢,谢绝(邀请等) vi. (道路、物体等)下倾;(太阳)落下;(在品格、价值上)降低;衰落,谢绝 vt. 谢绝,婉拒 词汇难度:高考 / CET6 / 考研 / IELTS / TOEFL / TEM8 第三人称单数: declines 现在分词: declining 过去式: declined 过去分词: declined
2023-07-27 01:53:411

reduce的用法 如题

意思是,减少,应用在数量,数目的减少注意减少体重要用lose没有特殊的用法,记住reduce to 减少到 reduce by 减少了 就可以了
2023-07-27 01:53:491

reduced to clear

reduced 减价了的 reduced to clear 为了清仓而减价的 reduced to clear items 为了清仓而减价的物品 Promotions 促销,优惠 优惠不包括为了清仓而减价的物品
2023-07-27 01:55:001

reduce to ruin是什么意思

reduce to ruin减少了词典结果:reduce[英][ru026au02c8dju:s][美][ru026au02c8du:s]vt.减少; 缩小; 使还原; 使变弱; vi.减少; 节食; 蒸发; (液体)浓缩变稠; 第三人称单数:reduces过去分词:reduced现在进行时:reducing过去式:reduced以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.What is millercoors doing to reduce its water consumption? 米勒康胜公司采取了哪些措施来减少用水量?
2023-07-27 01:55:112


很高兴告诉你!reduced[英][r "dju:st][美][r "dju:st]adj减少的,简化的; v换算( reduce的过去式和过去分词 ); 约束; 使变为; 使变弱;为你解除疑惑是我的快乐!
2023-07-27 01:55:301

reduced relative clause 两问

Reduction of relative clause: 1. If "verb to be" is used after a relative pronoun we can omit "Relative Pronoun + verb to be". There are o students waiting outside. (your example is correct) 2. When the verb “have” meaning possession we can omit relative pronoun and “have” and use with(+) or without(-). My parent without much money never went on holiday. 3. We can use "perfect passive participle" (having been + past participle) when it is related to passive-explaining something happened before the others. The strawberries having been dipped in chocolate were really delicious. We are concerned about people having been held in prison for years. 2015-03-30 11:47:42 补充: Relative clause functions as "adjective" to modify the noun or pronoun placed in front. When a relative clause is reduced it normally bees a participle phrase (adjectival) moding the same noun or pronoun. eg. 1. "waiting outside" is a participle phrase moding "student".
2023-07-27 01:55:371


volume 英[u02c8vu0252lju:m] 美[u02c8vɑ:lju:m] n. 体积; 卷; 音量; 量,大量; adj. 大量的; vi. 成团卷起; [例句]Senior officials will be discussing how the volume of sales might be reduced.高层领导将要讨论销售量如何削减。[其他] 复数:volumes
2023-07-27 01:55:463

用lingo运行结果中reduced slack orSurplus dual price 表示什么?

reduced cost:非基变量增加一个单位时(其他非基变量保持不变)目标函数减少的量(对max型问题) slack orSurplus:资源(原材料)剩余量 dual price :最优解下“资源”增加1单位时“效益”的增量;或者是原料增1单位,利润增加的值
2023-07-27 01:56:011

reduced level是什么意思

reduced level折合水准,归化高程减少的水平;双语例句1. Carrie was not to be reduced to the common level of observation. 嘉莉并不迁就那种平庸的看法.2. This may occur in response to a high level of reduced nitrogen in the medium. 这可能是由于对培养基中高水平的还原氮的反应而发生的.3. Its ravages must be reduced to a level where reasonable economic return can be achieved. 它的危害程度必须减少到能够得到合理的经济收入为度.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
2023-07-27 01:56:091


reduce: 节约 reuse: 重用 recycle: 回收 rethink: 再想一次 Reduce : vt. 1. 减少;缩小;降低 He is trying to reduce expenses. 他正试图减少开支。 2. 使处于(某种状态);使化为 使变为[(+to)] The fire reduced the paintings to ashes. 大火将这些画作烧成了灰烬。 3. 迫使[H][(+to)] Poverty reduced him to begging. 贫穷迫使他行乞。 4. 降服 攻陷 5. 使降级 使降职[(+to)] The officer was reduced to the ranks. 这军官被降为士兵。 6. 把...归纳 把...归并[(+to)] Finally the chair reduced all the questions to one. 最后主席把所有的问题归纳为一个。 7. 把...弄碎;把...分解;把...分析[(+to)] 8. 使变弱 使变瘦[H][(+to)] The cancer victim was reduced to skin and bones. 那个癌症患者瘦得皮包骨。 9. 把...折合(成较小单位)[(+to)] 10. 【化】使还原 11. 【数】简化 约简 12. 【医】使(断骨)复位;使(脱臼)还臼 vi. 1. 减少;缩小;降低 2. 减轻体重 减肥 It is easy to reduce if you watch your diet. 你如果注意饮食 减肥并不难。 3. 归纳为 化为[(+to)] 4. 换算;折合 Reuse : vt.n. 1. 再用 重新使用 重复利用 Recycle : vt. 1. 使再循环;再利用 Rethink : 1. 再想;重新考虑 参考: Yahoo+ 字典
2023-07-27 01:56:161

reduced engine power是什么意思

2023-07-27 01:56:383

reduce 和lessen的区别是什么?

词义基本近义 但reduce 侧重减少 lessen 侧重减轻,可以用于减轻抽象的概念 比如压力 而reduce 有个词组 be reduced to doing 被迫干什么 lessen 没有
2023-07-27 01:57:051

lingo中的reduced cost 和dual price是什么意思

2023-07-27 01:57:144

1.cost —— reduced, the next problem was how to speed up the production。

1. B是对的。用完成时是表示原因的。根据词意,加了倒装结构。先解决了成本问题,然后才去解决生产效率。2. 是词的顺序问题,哪个跟哪个要挨着近一些,哪些个远一些。A的排列最好,C似乎也是对的,但是关系有点散。3. 如果有happen的选择。Happen应该是比较好的。但是没有。情态动词could后面只能接动词原形。所以只能用B. A、D都不是动词原形。C是不能用被动语态,所以也不能用。希望帮到你了
2023-07-27 01:57:302


2023-07-27 01:57:392

翻译The ship, reduced to a shapeless wreck, was hardly recognizable.

2023-07-27 01:57:506

origin做非线性拟合时,结果里面的Reduced Chi-sqr是卡方值吗?Reduced表示什么呢?

首先,数据拟合是需要根据你的实验符合的数学模型进行拟合,你需要了解你的数据符合哪种函数,然后根据这个函数对你采集到的实验数据进行拟合。 至于具体的拟合步骤,需要在 Analysis — Non-linear Curve Fit — Advanced Fitting Tool 在弹出的对话框左侧是多项式的项数,有线性Line Mode,多项式Poly,常数 Constent,线性line,Parabalo抛物线,Cubic三次方,Poly4,Poly5 等,右侧的白框中会显示相应的函数表达式。 如果这里没有你需要的多项式,可以点击对话框右下侧的 More,选择更多的函数类型。在新对话框中,左上Categories中有各种常用的函数类型,右上方Functions 里有相应的具体函数形式,下方的方框中有其函数表达式Equation,曲线形式Sample Curve,和函数文件Function File(这个可以不用管,除非你想编程)选择符合你实验的函数,然后调整各个参数值进行拟合工作。 然后点击上方的工具栏中 Action — Fit,点击 100 Iter ,Done
2023-07-27 01:58:091

Explain the sources of law in Australia.

The law of Australia consists of the Australian common law (which is based on the English common law), federal laws enacted by the Parliament of Australia, and laws enacted by the Parliaments of the Australian states and territories. The most important law of Australia is the Constitution of Australia, which describes Australia"s system of constitutional monarchy, and forms the basis for the government of Australia.All of the States and territories of Australia that are self-governing are separate jurisdictions, and have their own system of courts and parliaments. The systems of laws in each State are influential on each other, but not binding. Laws passed by the Parliament of Australia apply to the whole of Australia.The organized system of law and government now in force in Australia is historically dependent for its legal validity on a series of British statutes, notably including the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900. The authority of the United Kingdom Parliament to enact those statutes depended on the acquisition of the Australian continent as a territorial possession of the British Crown.Common lawAustralia had remained as a settled territory which did not have any laws under it. This concept, known as "Terra Nullis", meant that any pre existing customs of the Aboriginal people were not recognised. It has been observed that a few years later the country also followed the English common law and statute law as part of the "birthrights" (in William Blackstone"s terms) which English people carried with them. It has been observed that the colonies had inherited United Kingdom laws. Even the first Australian colony, New South Wales, founded on 26 January 1788, followed the same path.The development of local law progressed when the Supreme Court of New South Wales was established in 1824. Throughout the nineteenth century the various colonies attained representative government, enacted local statutes and established court systems, from which appeals lay ultimately to the Privy Council. The United Kingdom Parliament continued to be able to legislate for the colonies. Such legislation was said to operate by "paramount force".Australian common lawUnlike the United States Supreme Court, the High Court of Australia, which was established in 1903, has a general appellate jurisdiction over the State Supreme Courts. This ensures there is a single uniform Australian common law.[1] Until 1963, the High Court regarded decisions of the House of Lords binding,[2] and there was substantial uniformity between Australian and English common law. In 1978, the High Court declared that it was no longer bound by decisions of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council,[3] the last appeals to the Privy Council were abolished by the Australia Acts of 1986, and there is now a measure of divergence between the two common law systems. Nevertheless, decisions of the High Court and the House of Lords are regularly cited in argument and relied upon in the courts of the other country. The Australian common law is also influenced, but to a lesser degree, by decisions of common law of countries including Canada,[4] New Zealand[5] and the United States.State lawsAll of the Australian States are self-governing, and have their own Parliaments and court systems. In some areas, the law is very similar between the States, and in others, it is very different. A major difference is in the criminal law. In the states of Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia, the criminal law is governed by statutory criminal codes, whereas the other states rely on the common law. In Victoria, some elements of the criminal law, such as penalties and definitions of various terms, and some of the more recently described crimes, are described by statute. However, most of the major crimes, such as most of the forms of homicide, are still governed by the common law.
2023-07-27 01:55:531


  糯米手机nomi5有前置和后置的摄像头,请用下面的方法操作:  1、打开相机,选择界面上的摄像头转换图标就可以了切换。  2、如果无法切换,重新启动手机就可以解决了。
2023-07-27 01:55:551


2023-07-27 01:56:001

8.9 起点世博问答

1. 2010世博会印度展区总代表是 (B) A 戴思锐 B 希拉 C Naidu D 哈莱 2. 拉合尔古堡是 (D) 人民引以为自豪的瑰宝 A 奥地利 B 捷克 C 印度 D 巴基斯坦 3. (A),美国确认参展中国2010年上海世博会 A 2009年7月10日 B 2009年7月31日 C 2009年8月1日 D 2009年7月21日 4. (B)不是2010世博会奥地利馆形象代言人 A 孙祥 B 孙吉 C 莫扎特 D 茜茜公主 5. 2010世博会捷克馆的主题是 (C) A 生命的活力 B 可持续生活方式 C 文明的果实 D 面向未来
2023-07-27 01:56:041


2023-07-27 01:56:042

my name is mary,l am a middle school原文+解析

完整句子是:My name is Mary. I am a middle school student.意思是:我的名字是玛丽, 我是一个中学生。
2023-07-27 01:56:081


Their water resources
2023-07-27 01:56:119


商务宴会欢迎外宾英文致辞:welcome speech,ladies and gentlemen:first of all, please allow me to express a warm welcome to you on behalf of our school of civil engineering & architecture of hainan university.we have been looking forward to seeing you for a long time. it is a very nice day today.located on the island of hainan, hainan university is the only comprehensive university in this province. located in the capital city of haikou in hainan province, hainan university is bounded by qiongzhou strait to the north and naidu jiang river to the south. the campus is characterized by its tropical marine shoreline with coconut- scented breeze and undulating expanse of sea and lake waters rippling in the sunshine. hainan university covers 150hectares of land, offering an ideal surrounding for learning and growing in adomain of wisdom.our school is relatively small between all schools of our university. but it is one of the most popular professions.since we are already here,let"s make ourselves at home. thank you very much. farewell speech ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for bulang professor to leave. it"s a pity that you can not stay in hainan university any longer.allow me, on behalf of our school of civil engineering & architecture, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.first of all, i wish to thank you all for the speech you have given us in the past days. you have kept good time on all occasions,you have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier. also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in the area of academic research.i"d like to add that you are the best friends we"ve ever been with.once again, thank you for your speech and guide.enjoy your voyage!
2023-07-27 01:56:111


/i/ /ai/
2023-07-27 01:56:1510

求eminem Say My Name中文翻译!!!!!

[阿姆] This ain"t beef man这不是牛人 I don"t know what the fuck to call it我不知道什么他妈的称之为 But no beef但是没有牛肉 Whattup X? Whattup X吗? I float like big spirit in this bitch I"m ghostly我想在这婊子浮动大精神,我幽灵 Rush me, cause you ain"t gonna live to roast me拉什我,因为你不可能活到我烤 I"d have my motherfuckin ass kicked by Moby我有我的屁股踢他娘的白鲸 if I let some bitch in the Can like "Bis cop over me如果我让一些在可以像"对我的双警察婊子 to do war, and try to bring my crew back down做战争,并试图把我的船员回落 I"ll never stoop, to that level, to do that now我永远不会弯腰,到那个水平,现在这样做 I got a new cat, this time I"m pullin two gats out我有一个新的猫,这一次我普林2服务贸易总协定 With bullets, I finally got somethin to shoot at now随着子弹,我终于得到somethin在现在拍摄 [Xzibit] [Xzibit等] Let"s see who got they city on lock让我们看看谁上了锁,他们的城市 Let"s see who got the better aim with the glock让我们看看谁得到了更好的目标与格洛克 Let"s see who come out on top让我们看看谁的佼佼者 Let"s see who REALLY want they name in the streets让我们看看谁是真正希望他们在街道的名称 Let"s see who wanna die the same time as me让我们看看谁不想死像我一样的时间 and make ends meet和入不敷出 Now was I, blessed with a gift, or cursed with a curse?现在是我,祝福与礼物,或与诅咒诅咒? I follow, hearse after hearse, with verse after verse我跟随,灵车后灵车与诗,诗后 And I"ll be damned if I let Billy dance Dupri而且我敢打赌,如果我让比利跳舞杜普利 Or anybody swing an axe at my family tree, so now或有人在我的家庭树摆动,所以现在一斧头 [Chorus: Nate Dogg] [合唱:奈特狗狗] I love it when you niggaz be talkin, sayin my name我喜欢你niggaz在说话,我的名字翻动 Seems like your mouth is not connected to your brain喜欢你的嘴似乎没有连接到你的大脑 Two-zero-zero-three, and shit, it ain"t the same二零零三个,狗屎,它是不一样的 Better have a strap my nigga, simple and plain最好有一个带我的兄弟们简单朴素 Put your nuts on the table, my nigga let"s play the game放在桌子上的螺母,我的nigga让我们玩的游戏 Heard you so long, you be up to get the pain听到你这么久,你会得到最多的痛苦 I don"t wanna hear what you meant, do not explain我不想听到你的意思,不解释 Right before you lay in your coffin, hoe say my name用鼠标在你的面前你躺在棺材里,锄说我的名字 [Xzibit] [Xzibit等] Why do you hate me?你们为什么那么恨我吗? (Hate me) I came from nothin (恨我)我来自虚无 Blood sweat and tears, you did not create me血汗水和泪水,你没有创造我 How can you doubt me?你怎么能怀疑我? (Doubt me) You don"t know shit about me (我怀疑)你不知道我的屎 There"d be no West coast without me会不会有没有我的西海岸 Cut with the bullshit (Bullshit) I struggle for survival断绝与废话(废话)我为生存而斗争 And now you tryin to act like my rival?现在你试着像我的对手? Watch what you say partner, it"s a small earth你说什么观赏的合作伙伴,这是一个小地球 Don"t play games with your life nigga, it"s not worth不玩你的生活的nigga游戏,它不值得 all the pain (all the pain) all the agony (all the agony)所有的痛苦(所有的痛苦)所有的痛苦(所有的痛苦) All the horror (all the horrow) all the tragedy (all the tragedy)所有的恐怖(所有霍罗)所有的悲剧(所有的悲剧) Put your hands up people, it"s time to fight now把你的双手的人,是时候现在打 I beat holes in your chest, remain hostile我打在你的胸口洞,保持敌对 Threaten my life?威胁我的生命? (C"mon!) One day you"ll understand (来吧!)有一天你会明白 They say that pride is the sign of a foolish man他们说,骄傲是一个愚蠢的男人的象征 So who the FUCK?!那么,谁他妈的?! (Who the FUCK?!) you think you talkin to (他妈的是谁?!)你认为你托金来 Live and direct in the flesh, I"m right in FRONT OF YOU!住在肉体直接,我在前方右你! [Chorus] [合唱] [Eminem] [阿姆] I never really smashed on Jermaine"s ass, Dre smashed him我从来没有真正对步行者队的屁股打碎,粉碎他德瑞 Nobody ganged up "til he came back and jacked him没有人伙同"直到他回来,他静压 I never really brought it to his ass, I tapped him我从来没有提过他的屁股,我挖他 I coulda been like Treach, boom-bapped and slapped him我本应该被喜欢Treach,繁荣,bapped和他耳光 purple, for mimickin him with two rappin Urkels紫色,为mimickin他有两个说唱Urkels I coulda snapped, took it past rap and hurt you我本应该折断,把它过去的rap和伤害你 But I didn"t, I kept it on wax and served you但是我没有,我一直蜡,并送达您 I "Square Dance" cause I"m sick of rappin circles我“广场舞”因为我生病的说唱界 around these clowns, stready tryin to call me out围绕这些小丑,stready试着给我打电话了 It"s like I"m listenin to motherfuckin dogs meow这就像我给他娘的狗喵listenin You"d probably do better tryin to come and stomp me out你可能会试着做的更好来踩我出去 You don"t want it with rap, this is what I"m all about - c"mon你不想与说唱它,这是我所有 - 拜托 (I) No gangsta you ain"t either (一)没有黑道要么你是不 (Will) But I know that I spit "Ether" (会),但我知道,我吐“以太” (Not) I shoulda crossed your belly (不)我的时候shoulda越过你的腹部 (Lose) Show you I"m not R. Kelly (输)显示你说我不河凯利 X, pass me the weed, I"ma put my ashes out on his ass十,通过我的杂草,我是把我的骨灰了他的屁股 For the last time man..最后一次的人.. [scratched] - "Watch your fuckin mouth" [刮] - “留神你他妈的嘴” [Chorus] [合唱] [Eminem] [阿姆] For the last time man, I"m through最后一次的人,我通过
2023-07-27 01:56:162


简单点说,DPI切换可以改变指针移动速度.在WINDOWS默认状态下(控制面板-鼠标-指针选项,6/11的移动速度,不勾选鼠标精确度。)400DPI时.鼠标每移动一英寸,指针在屏幕上移动400像素的距离。而在800DPI时,鼠标移动一英寸,指针在屏幕上移动800像素的距离。以此类推~~ 如果你的显示器分辨率是1920*1080,那么400DPI时,光标要从屏幕最左端移到最右端,需要你移动鼠标1920/400= 4.8英寸,而切换到800DPI时,只需要移动2.4英寸就可以做到了。鼠标的DPI切换功能可以让鼠标满足更多需求。打比方说,现在不少人用的都是1920*1080分辨率的高清显示器,平常浏览网页时,桌面分辨率是1920*1080,自然需要光标移动的快一点;而运行一些分辨率不高的游戏(比如CS之类,一般就是1024*768的分辨率)又需要指针移动的慢一些、稳一些,每次都要进控制面板调鼠标速度岂不是很麻烦?可调DPI的话就简单多了,按一下调节键就可以让光标移动速度立刻做出调整了。
2023-07-27 01:55:521

MYNAME的BABY IM SORRY的MV里面出现的都是谁啊?分不清~~求大神!

2023-07-27 01:55:503


2023-07-27 01:55:492


可能是乌索[うそ],口语中用的较多. ” 骗人!”
2023-07-27 01:55:496


正确应该是 My name is Mary,and his name is Tom. Mary and Tom 都是属于专有名词,专有名词的首字母一定要大写. 所以你后面填mary,tom 都是错误的,是题的答案给错了. 做题的时候一定要注意它的形式.否则全功尽弃了.
2023-07-27 01:55:421


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