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求 Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems 电子书

"Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems" 相关链接:Ebooks list page : 4544Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (10th Edition)Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th Edition ( PDF )Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems 9eElementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (8th Edition) (Repost)Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, 9th By william e. Boyce, richard c. Diprima solutions manual - RemovedElementary differential equations and boundary value problems, 9th edition By william e. Boyce, richard c. Diprima solutions manual - RemovedElementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value ProblemsElementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th EditionWilliam E. Boyce, "Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems" (repost)[share_ebook] elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, 9th edition by william e. boyce, richard c. diprima solutions manual - RemovedStudent Solutions Manual to accompany Boyce Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (repost) - RemovedElementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th Edition (Repost)[share_ebook] Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, 9th edition by william e. Boyce, richard c. Diprima solutions manual[share_ebook] Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems , 8th Edition - Removed[share_ebook] Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems , 8th Edition - Removed[share_ebook] Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems - Removed[share_ebook] Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, 9th edition by william e. Boyce, richard c. Diprima solutions manual[share_ebook] Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems , 8th Edition - Removed[share_ebook] Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems , 8th Edition - RemovedElementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th Edition (repost)

skeleton equation是什么意思


necessity ; reassurance ; equation 这英语怎么读?


不懂CHEM的Word equations

更新1: i619.photobucket/albums/tt280/wongbj/IS01 i619.photobucket/albums/tt280/wongbj/IS02 1. copper oxide + carbonon → copper + carbon dioxide 2. lead oxide + carbon → lead + carbon dioxide 3. magnesium + oxygen → magnesium oxide 4. hydrogen + oxygen → water 5. carbon + oxygen (in excess) → carbon dioxide 6. carbon (in excess) + oxygen → carbon monoxide 7. sodium + chloride → sodium chloride 8. glucose + oxygen → water + carbon dioxide + energy 9. carbon dioxide + water → starch/gluscose/food + oxygen 10. magnesium + hydrochloric acid → magnesium chloride + hydrogen 11. iron + hydrochloric acid → iron chloride/iron(II) chloride + hydrogen 12. calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid → calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide 13. carbon dioxide + water → carbonic acid 14. sulphur dioxide + oxygen + water → sulphuric acid 15. nitrogen oxides + water → nitrous acid/nitric acid 16. hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide → sodium chloride + water 17. nitric acid + potassium hydroxide → potassium nitrate + water 18. sulphuric acid + magnesium hydroxide → magnesium sulphate + water 19. siliver oxide → silver + oxygen 20. copper(II) oxide + carbon → copper + carbon dioxide 21. propane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water 22. potassium + water → potassium hydroxide + hydrogen 23. sodium hydrogencarbonate → sodium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water 24. hydrogen + nitrogen → ammonia 25. magnesium + hydrochloric aid → magnesium chloride + hydrogen = 1. copper oxide + carbon -> copper + carbon dioxide 2. lead oxide + carbon -> lead + carbon dioxide 3. magnesium + oxygen -> Magnesium oxide 4. hydrogen + oxygen -> water 5 6 . carbon + oxygen -> carbon dioxide 7. sodium + chlorine -> sodium chloride 8. glucose + oxygen -> water + carbon dioxide + energy 9. carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen 10. magnesium + hydrochloric acid -> magnesium chloride + hydrogen 11. Iron + hydrochloric acid -> Iron(III) chloride + hydrogen 12. calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid -> calcium chloride + carbon dioxide + water 13. carbon dioxide + water -> hydrogencarbonate 14. sulphur dioxide + oxygen + water -> sulphuric acid 15. nitrogen oxides + water -> nitric acid 16. hydrochloric acid + sodium hydroxide -> sodium chloride + water 17. nitric acid + potassium hydroxide -> potassium nitrate + water 18. sulphuric acid + magnesium hydroxide -> magensium sulphate + water 19. silver oxide -> oxygen + silver 20. Copper(II) oxide + carbon -> copper + carbon dioxide 21. ? 22. Potassium + water -> potassium hydroxide + hydrogen 23 sodium hydrogencarbonate + oxygen -> sodium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water 24. Hydrogen + nitrogen gas -> ammonia gas 25. magnesium + hydrochloric acid -> magnesium chloride + hydrogen 2009-04-17 14:23:12 补充: 24. Hydrogen + nitrogen gas <-> ammonia gas 2009-04-17 14:24:46 补充: 23. sodium hydrogencarbonate -> sodium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water 2009-04-17 14:26:11 补充: 第5,6则不肯定...

The reduced equation 在专业数学中什么意思,最重要的是 reduced这个单词的所有意思 比如下面的翻译


variables in the equation

回归分析的结果 看你需要用哪些 如果需要构建回归方程 或者看哪些因素对因变量的影响大或明显 ,就看B的值以及 sig检验是否小于0.05就可以了 如果要看自变量的风险率,就需要看 exp(B),这个的意思就是说随着该自变量的增加或者减少,风险比率相应的增加或者减少的倍数

用spss17.0做logistic回归分析输出结果怎么解读 Variables in the Equation B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) S

回归分析的结果 看你需要用哪些 如果需要构建回归方程 或者看哪些因素对因变量的影响大或明显 ,就看B的值以及 sig检验是否小于0.05就可以了如果要看自变量的风险率,就需要看 exp(B),这个的意思就是说随着该自变量的增加或者减少,风险比率相应的增加或者减少的倍数

differential equation: x^2 dy/dx + xy = 1 ???

授你以渔,对于这种一阶非齐次微分方程. dy/dx f(x)y=q(x),通解形式y=e^(对于-f(x)的积分)*[对于q(x)*e^(对于f(x)的积分) c],要推导可以用常数变异法,先求相应齐次方程的解

differential equations and dynamical systems 是sci吗

楼主的 sci = science?是中国人理解的science?还是英文 science 本意?1、如果是英文的本意,当然是 science; 如果是中国人所理解的 science,那就不是。 differential equations 基本上属于数学,但是涉及很多物理; partial differential equations 涉及到更多的物理,所以又称为数理方程。 虽然涉及到科学,但不是中国人理解science那样狭义化的“科学”。 我们不但狭义化理解成科学,更狭义到自然科学的歪解。2、dynamical systems,这个说法的灵活性很大,无论对science有无歪解, 都属于science,只不过我们对science的理解,已经偏离可西洋人对这 个字的本意的理解。

Ordinary Differential Equations是什么意思

Ordinary Differential Equations常微分方程;微分方程式;常微分方程组双语例句1. His work remains mathematically in the realm of ordinary differential equations. 他的工作在数学上就停留在常微分方程的范围.2. Methods: The qualitative theories of ordinary differential equations are used. 方法运用常微分方程定性理论进行讨论.3. Higher - order singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations have important applications in Fluid Dynamics. 高阶奇异常微分方程在流体动力学中也有重要的应用.4. Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. 常微分方程之数值解.5. When solving different ordinary differential equations, we may take the analytical solution or numerical solution. 不同类型的常微方程可以采用解析解法或者数值解法.

请问弹性力学中的compatibility equations 是相容性方程的意思吗?物理意义是什

相容方程是一个数学用语,若线性方程组AX=B有解, 则称AX=B为相容方程组,也可以成为线性方程组AX=B相容。若其无解则称为不相容。

symmetric equation是什么意思


什么叫做Homogenous equation?

A system of the form A x = 0 is called a homogeneous system. It has an obvious solution x = 0 called the trivial solution. Any other solutions of the system are known as nontrivial solutions. f(x y)=0 where the left hand side is a homogeneous polynomial of degree R in X and Y determines the ratio X/Y beeen the indeterminates. One can be persuaded of this by dividing both sides of the equation by Yr. Then the left side depends only on X/Y (which may be denoted e.g. by t ). 参考: ltcconline/greenl/courses/204/ConstantCoeff/realRoots The system of linear equations a11X1 + a12X2 + ... + a1nXn = 0 a21X1 + a22X2 + ... + a2nXn = 0 a31X1 + a32X2 + ... + a3nXn = 0 ... am1X1 + am2X2 + ... + amnXn = 0 is called the Homogenous system. This system always has a solution namely the zero n-tuple 0 = (0 0 ... 0). It is called zero or trivial solution. Any other solution if it exists is called a nonzero or nontrivial solution. 2007-09-07 21:37:58 补充: X1 X2 ... Xn are different variable they are similar to x y z. 参考: Pure Mathematics note by teacher (reference:Linear Algebra by Seymour Lipschutz)

Word里Equation Editor怎样升级为MathType


一道微积分的应用题the decay equation for radon-222 gas……

任务 占用一楼





office 2016word软件中 题注默认有三种:equation figure table ,分别用于哪种对象?


word2007 microsoft 公式3.0怎么打不开(上面显示要安装equation程序,但是安装后还是打不开)

可能是你的OFFICE组件有问题,要不你重新安装一下Office,不行简单点就直接下载MathType这个小软件,专门输入数学公式的,很是方便,他能像加载项一样 出现在Office中

Ionic equation

更新1: However SO4 has changed the state after the reaction from (aq) to (s).Do I necessary to consider this? Your equation is right : Ca(s) + H2SO4(aq) → CaSO4(s) + H2(g) There are 2 points to be noted : 1. The CaSO4 formed may coat on the surface of Ca and thus the reaction will stop before the pletion of the reaction. However if the reaction rate is rapid enough the rapidly formed hydrogen gas will make the CaSO4 solid detach from the surface of Ca and the reaction thus pletes. No matter the reaction pletes or not the reaction goes on for a period of time and the equation is valid. 2. In writing ionic equation only separated ions in aqueous solution are written in ionic form. CaSO4(s) cannot be written as separate ions because its ions are well arranged and are not separated Therefore the ionic equation for this reaction is : Ca(s) + 2H^+(aq) + SO4^2-(aq) → CaSO4(s) + H2(g) I think you are wrong. As you have mentioned there would be an insoluble layer of calcium sulphate formed on the calcium solid in the reaction of calcium and dilute sulphuric acid . So there are no observable change in the reaction. You do not need to consider some of the sulphate ions had been changed into solid state. Therefore it should be: [Ca(s)+H2SO4(aq)→No apparent reaction] for chemical equation. There are no ionic equations need to write for this reaction. You can write [No apparent reaction] directly. 参考: My knowledge. 应该系: ca+2h(正)---&gt;ca(2正)+h2 phy state可以唔写 写左唔加分 写错会扣分 2006-11-16 19:16:46 补充: 佢要ionic wo so4一直都系2- 所以系唔洗写~


FTCS (Forward Time Centered Space)是一种显式的差分格式,用于数值求解偏微分方程。下面是使用FTCS格式求解传热方程的Python代码示例:以上代码使用numpy库实现向量化计算,加速求解过程。绘制出的图形显示温度随时间的变化,可以观察到热传导的过程。

hagen-poiseuille equation是什么意思

英文:Hagen-Poiseuille equation中文:【化】 哈根-泊肃叶方程很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

Solve the equation?

更新1: sorry the wer is x=In2/In4=0.5 or In3/In4=0.792 Q: Please teach me how to do this 4x + 6* 4-x = 5 Sol: Let A = 4x 4x + 6* 4-x = 5 A + 6/A = 5 A2 - 5A + 6 = 0 ( A - 2 ) ( A - 3 ) = 0 A = 2 or A = 3 4x = 2 or 4x = 3 ㏑4x = ㏑2 or ㏑4x = ㏑3 x㏑4 = ㏑2 or x㏑4 = ㏑3 x = ㏑2/㏑4 or x = ㏑3/㏑4 x = 0.5 or x ≒ 0.79 ( to 2 d.p ) Ans: x = 0.5 or x ≒ 0.79 Send me a letter if any steps you don"t understand. 参考: 数学小头脑 Excellent !!! 4^x+6 [x^(-4)]=5 let y = 4^x y+6/y=5 y^2-5y+6=0 (y-6)(y+1)=0 y=6 or y=-1 since y=4^x >0 so we reject y=-1 4^x=6 ln (4^x)=ln6 x ln 4= ln6 x=ln6/ln4=1.29 your wer is not correct.

governing equation是什么意思

governing equation控制方程; 例句:1.A neat equation governing presidential popularity has taken hold in france. 在法国,一条影响总统声望的简单定理已经得到确认。2.To describe solute transport in a subsurface porous medium, the advection-dispersion equation is widely used to mathematically describe the physicalprocesses governing advective and hydrodynamic dispersive transport. 为了描述溶质在地表底下的传输行为,数学上常用移流-延散方程式描述控制移流和水力延散传输的物理机制。

ionic equation点写?

Chemical equation: Mg(s) + 2CH3COOH(aq) ---> (CH3COO)2Mg(aq) + H2(g) Mg(s) + 2H+(aq) + 2CH3COO-(aq) ---> Mg2+(aq) + 2CH3COO-(aq) + H2(g) Cross out the spectator ion CH3COO- on both side of the equation Ionic equation: Mg(s) + 2H+(aq) ---> Mg2+(aq) + H2(g) 参考: Knowledge is power.

平衡反应(balanced equation)和其他反应如热化学反应有什么区别?


stochastic differential equation是什么意思

stochastic differential equation随机微分方程equation[英][u026au02c8kweu026au0292n][美][u026au02c8kweu0292u0259n, -u0283u0259n]n.方程式; 等式; 相等; [化学] 反应式; 复数:equations形近词:aquationequatingequative数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典常用短语同反义词英英释义1The solution can be expressed by a mathematical equation.答案可用一个数学方程式来表示。


x-7=0,是含有未知数的等式,是方程; 9x-4,虽含有未知数,但是不等式,不是方程; 15÷x=3,是含有未知数的等式,是方程; 8+7=15,是等式,但没含有未知数,不是方程; 12x=84,是含有未知数的等式,是方程; 9-x>4,虽含有未知数,但是不等式,不是方程; 故答案为:√,×,√,×,√,×.

如何快速把mathtype格式的公式转换为在microsoft Equation 3.0 能打开的格式

在word文档中,对着公式击右键,选择“equation对象”,选下一级子菜单的“转换为office math”,OK了.


不太理解你的问题,begin{equation}中可以输入符号、空格、文本。只需要在begin{equation}下打“ ext”或“mbox”就可以,空格是“~”。

在word中有公式编辑器,但编辑后总显示为{EMBED Equation.DSMT4},怎么办

请输入ALT+F9 进行切换

正规方程(Normal Equation)

针对某些线性回归问题,除了梯度下降算法,有一个更好的方法来求出最优解,就是 正规方程(Normal Equation) 与梯度下降算法采用求导,然后迭代计算的方法不同,正规方程采用的矩阵的求解,方便快捷,但也有一些弊端。 房价的例子: 和之前不同的是,这个在前面加了一列 ,而这一列的值都是1。 下面用矩阵的形式来展现这个数据集: 为 维矩阵, 为 维向量 正规方程的公式为: 是矩阵 的转置, 是矩阵 的逆矩阵 通过这个公式的到的 会最小化线性回归的代价函数 ,和梯度下降算法不同的是,正规方程不需要采用特征值缩放。 何时采用正规方程,何时采用梯度下降 这是两种算法之间的差距 正规方程不需要选择学习率( ),也不要迭代很多次,这点在计算的繁琐程度上是优于梯度下降的。 正规方程的劣势是在计算 这个公式上面, 是一个 的矩阵,那么 则为 维的方阵,这个过程的复杂度相当于 ,在计算该矩阵的逆矩阵,就相当于 的复杂度。当n很大时,正规方程的复杂度就比梯度下降大得多,也就更加耗时。 用此当n较大时,选择梯度下降性能会更好;当n较小时,选择正规方程会更好的计算 。 在实践中,当n超过10000时,可以考虑选择梯度下降算法。 在求解 的逆矩阵时,可能会遇到该矩阵不可逆,造成这种情况的原因是:


这个说明该文档的公式是用MATHTYPE高级版本编辑,下一个MATHTYPE 高级的版本安装




选中 按ALT+F9

half of the equation


balance equation是什么意思

balance equation 平衡方程balance equation 平衡方程[公式]balance equation 平衡方程表示某种物理量处于平衡状态的方程。对风场而言,专指由散度方程简化得到的能较精确地反映风压场关系的方程。


确定后重启word,相信此时惊喜就在你的眼前. ...删了,重装 ...楼主一定...可能是WORD里的公式被删了 ...你卸载编辑器,重新装一个试试 ...你要...

take out of the equation是什么意思

take out of the equation 从方程中取出equation 英[u026au02c8kweu026au0292n]美[u026au02c8kweu0292u0259n, -u0283u0259n]n. 方程式; 等式; 相等; [化学] 反应式;[例句]The equation is simple: research breeds new products情况很简单:研究产生新产品。[其他] 复数:equations

Quadratic Equation Formula

For a equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 we call a b c are coefficients of this equation where a is the coefficient of x^2 b is the coefficient of x c is the constant. Since 2x^2 - x = 3 can rewrite as : 2x^2 - 1x - 3 = 0 So the coefficients of this equation is a=2 for x^2 b= - 1 for x c= - 3 is the constant. To slove it We have to plug in the coefficients a=2 b= -1 c= -3 to x = (-b +_ √(b^2 - 4ac) / 2a x = {- -1 ± √[ -1^2 - 4(2)(-3)]} / 2(2) x = (1 ± √25)/4 x = 3/2 or -1 2009-03-03 18:23:54 补充: x = {- -1 ± √[ -1^2 - 4(2)(-3)]} / 2(2) should be x = {- -1 ± √[ (-1)^2 - 4(2)(-3)]} / 2(2)

linear equation是什么意思


请问谁知道equation A是什么呢?




安托尼方程(Antoine equation)

In p/[p]=A-B/(T-C) 此式称为安托尼方程(Antoine equation)。式中A、B及C均为物质的特性常数,称为安托尼常数(Antoine constant),可从有关手册中查到。




equality 平等equation 等式,方程






不是。等式 和 方程,不论是中文,还是英文,意思是一样的。方程定义:含有未知数的等式。意思是,方程,其实是一种等式。——你能说,矩形和平行四边形不一样吗?——回答说,矩形是一种特殊的平行四边形!




A formula is a group of letters,numbers,or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule.formula是公式An equation is a mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are t...

difference equation和differencial equation的区别

difference equation:差分方程differencial equation:微分方程二者都是数学概念。


研究了半天觉得系统重装流、彻底卸载流、先03再10流都不靠谱!纯爷们 简单粗暴而直接粉碎机彻底粉碎“EQUATION“文件夹,在该位置重建该文件替代即可!已验证可行,安装成功了!

to balance this equation最后一个单词怎么翻译成能源的生产消耗的?不是方程吗

对啊 因为语言环境而定

求高手,在安装office 2007 的时候,出现错误1303,一个叫EQUATION的拒绝访问,应该是方程式数据读不了。



首先,需要你在网上下载公式3.0的安装包。在word里面的菜单栏下,选择“文件”->选项->加载项->最下方有COM加载项点击转到->添加->c:program filescommon filesmicrosoft sharedEQUATIONEQNEDT32等你的电脑卡1分钟左右,然后需要你在公式3.0的安装文件夹下面将注册表文件运行一下,才能够使用公式3.0




egin{equation}int_a^b f(x),mathrm{d}x.end{equation}在equation环境下只需要用int_a^b f(x),mathrm{d}x.就行了,不用加[...],这样就重复了。你这个代码:[ int_a^b f(x),dx.],单独使用就可以得到定积分式。另外int_a^b f(x),mathrm{d}x.和你原来的int_a^b f(x),dx.的区别是积分式子里面的d变成直立的了。

LaTeX里面使用begin{equation},end{equation}和$$ $$有什么区别

egin{equation}end{equation}这种结构更为详细的说明了你的实际内容的形式,表明了你正在输入的是一个 equation 等式,个人认为在实际使用起来也比较规范。


通常的office都有equation编辑器。1)点开插入;2)选择对象;3)在对象类型中找到microsoft 公式

equation和eqnarray在latex中有什么区别 破解






EXCEL中 =equation!B24 是什么意思?如何查看!!




equation and formula

equation and formula 皆可译作方程式,但我认为 equation 译作「等式」而 formula 译作「公式」更为贴切。equation(等式)是表示等号的左右方是对等,一般因应当时的情况设定出equation,用作代数计算。formula(公式)是一些已知的法则关系,例如物理定理:速率、距离、时间的关系。 formula 系方程式 系要背佐之后 将某d数套入去. example: speed=distant/time equation 系式 要计算出代数 example: x+2=3 参考: 自己: 希望帮到你啦

安托尼方程(Antoine equation)

In p/[p]=A-B/(T-C) 此式称为安托尼方程(Antoine equation)。式中A、B及C均为物质的特性常数,称为安托尼常数(Antoine constant),可从有关手册中查到。



用word2010,想插入公式编辑器显示“用于创建此对象的程序是equation 您的计算机尚未安装此程序。。”


time serious 和 equation的不同



A formula is a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule. formula是公式An equation is a mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are the sameequation是等式


如果你指的是估计方程,打开你的workfile,然后依次点击Quick-Estimate equation,输入模型设定,点击ok即可。如果你指的是equation对象,则打开你的workfile,然后依次点击Object-New object,选择Equation,点击OK即可

用word2010,想插入公式编辑器显示“用于创建此对象的程序是equation 您的计算机尚未安装此程序。。”

用word2010,想插入公式编辑器显示“用于创建此对象的程序是equation 您的计算机尚未安装此程序”的原因是系统错误导致的,具体解决方法步骤如下:1、首先打开计算机,在计算机内打开word,在界面内找到”插入“选项并单击。2、然后在弹出的界面内下拉找到Microsoft 公式 3.0。3、然后在界面内找到”文件“选项并单击打开。4、在弹出的选项栏内找到”选项“选项并使用鼠标单击打开。5、然后在弹出的界面内找到”转到“选项并使用鼠标单击。6、然后在弹出的界面内找到”添加“选项并单击。7、然后在界面内找到EQNEDT32.EXE文件夹并单击打开即可解决用word2010,想插入公式编辑器显示“用于创建此对象的程序是equation 您的计算机尚未安装此程序”的问题。


歌曲名:Equation歌手:Equal 1专辑:Anokha - Soundz Of The Asian UndergroundRyon Lovett - EquationCouldn"t help to notice you standing in the hall way.Tears rolling down your face, girl.I heard him tell you that he was sorry for breaking up with youBut you"re way to beautiful to cry.Soon as he walked away, I came up from behind.I told you a joke to make you laugh.I"m nothing like him girl, you do the math.Me plus you, I"ll take that number.Multiply your smile, minus the drama.Give me a fraction of your heart.I"ll solve your problems.Now put that together.We make up a perfect equation, equation, equation.Me and you make up a perfect equation, equation, equation.Me and you make up a perfect equation.And you can count on me.Forget about your past.I"ll always put you first, never put you last.Girl, you"re my absolute value.Have no fears, I"m here to save you.Promise I won"t change, I won"t play those games.Even when it rains, my feelings they stay the same.Put me to the test I haven"t failed yet.Trust me I"ll pass girl, just do the math cause.Me plus you, I"ll take that number.Multiply your smile, minus the drama.Give me a fraction of your heart.I"ll solve your problems.Now put that together.We make up a perfect equation, equation, equation.Me and you make up a perfect equation, equation, equation.Me and you make up a perfect equation.(Me and you make up a perfect equation)You deserve the best, nothing less from me.Hold your hand, open doors, treat you like a lady.All your dreams will come true, baby when you"re with me.Don"t fight yourself from him, I"m the half you need.Me plus you, I"ll take that number.Multiply your smile, minus the drama.Give me a fraction of your heart.I"ll solve your problems.Now put that together.We make up a perfect equation, equation, equation.Me and you make up a perfect equation, equation, equation.Me and you make up a perfect equation.

Partial Differential Equations 的答案( Lawrence C.Evans著)

evans pde第三章的答案吗

为什么用eview做adf检验时总会出现equation too complex or syntax error in "D()"的提示
