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reduced fat spread如何翻译?

为了健康,不要使用黄油,猪油和牛油,仅使用少量的植物油或涂抹减脂奶油。吃肉的时候,挑选瘦肉或已经去掉可见脂肪的肉。 (仅供参考,翻译字字对应反而不通顺)

origin中Reduced Chi-Sqr是什么意思

Reduced Chi-Sqr相当于 ANOVA 里面的 Mean Square of Residual,即 RSS/dof。Residual sum of squares残差平方和:概念:为了明确解释变量和随机误差各产生的效应是多少,统计学上把数据点与它在回归直线上相应位置的差异称残差,把每个残差的平方后加起来 称为残差平方和,它表示随机误差的效应。意义:每一点的y值的估计值和实际值的平方差之和称为残差平方和,而y的实际值和平均值的平方差之和称为总平方和。

origin做非线性拟合时,结果里面的Reduced Chi-sqr是卡方值吗?Reduced表示什么呢?

首先,数据拟合是需要根据你的实验符合的数学模型进行拟合,你需要了解你的数据符合哪种函数,然后根据这个函数对你采集到的实验数据进行拟合。 至于具体的拟合步骤,需要在 Analysis — Non-linear Curve Fit — Advanced Fitting Tool 在弹出的对话框左侧是多项式的项数,有线性Line Mode,多项式Poly,常数 Constent,线性line,Parabalo抛物线,Cubic三次方,Poly4,Poly5 等,右侧的白框中会显示相应的函数表达式。 如果这里没有你需要的多项式,可以点击对话框右下侧的 More,选择更多的函数类型。在新对话框中,左上Categories中有各种常用的函数类型,右上方Functions 里有相应的具体函数形式,下方的方框中有其函数表达式Equation,曲线形式Sample Curve,和函数文件Function File(这个可以不用管,除非你想编程)选择符合你实验的函数,然后调整各个参数值进行拟合工作。 然后点击上方的工具栏中 Action — Fit,点击 100 Iter ,Done

翻译The ship, reduced to a shapeless wreck, was hardly recognizable.


lingo中的reduced cost 和dual price是什么意思


reduced level是什么意思

reduced level折合水准,归化高程减少的水平;双语例句1. Carrie was not to be reduced to the common level of observation. 嘉莉并不迁就那种平庸的看法.2. This may occur in response to a high level of reduced nitrogen in the medium. 这可能是由于对培养基中高水平的还原氮的反应而发生的.3. Its ravages must be reduced to a level where reasonable economic return can be achieved. 它的危害程度必须减少到能够得到合理的经济收入为度.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

The reduced equation 在专业数学中什么意思,最重要的是 reduced这个单词的所有意思 比如下面的翻译



很高兴告诉你!reduced[英][r "dju:st][美][r "dju:st]adj减少的,简化的; v换算( reduce的过去式和过去分词 ); 约束; 使变为; 使变弱;为你解除疑惑是我的快乐!

reduced to clear

reduced 减价了的 reduced to clear 为了清仓而减价的 reduced to clear items 为了清仓而减价的物品 Promotions 促销,优惠 优惠不包括为了清仓而减价的物品




1空气滤清器脏:空气滤清器是为了保护发动机减少磨损设计的,一般在一万公里左右更换,如果更换不及时,会发生进气不足引起怠速低,而使发动机抖动,只要更换滤芯就可解决。2高压线断路:高压线断路是指高压线导线芯断路,可影响点火,引起发动机抖动,可用万用表测量电阻,把电阻明显偏大几倍的那一根换掉。3火花塞寿命:火花塞是有寿命的,超过3- 4万公里后点火效率明显降低,并可影响点火,这是最常见得故障将火花塞全部更换即可。


在开车时按M,点击屏幕下方的自带卡车,点击自己所在的城市,选择,设置为GPS目标,到那边后,在大门口那个绿色的玩意停下按ENTER,点击选择货物,倒到货物面前根据提示按T,如果觉得货物没意思可以按F6-取消任务。Reduced2破解版是一款随时驾驶着越野车开启有趣的登山之旅的模拟休闲游戏,逼真的3D环境让人代入感十足,在前进的过程中还伴随着真实变化的天气,在急转弯的时候要万分小心,展示你出色的驾驶技巧,不要从高山上掉下来,完成在每个关卡中的任务,你将会面临非常严峻的挑战,安全是最重要的哦。 1、真实平滑的控制方式,驾驶多种不同类型的越野车,无与伦比的细节魅力; 2、尝试不同的越野技术来完成闯关任务,解锁更多的地图和车辆; 3、精确的物理系统,随时随地同步操控,第一人陈视角让你变身越野高手。

急急急!he was reduced to tears.如何翻译?讲一下分析思路,具体语法知识

be reduced to虽然在词典里有汉语翻译,但其实它是无法准确翻译成汉语里的某一个词的,你只能从主语和宾语之间的关系上去理解它的含义。

reduced polynomial什么意思 多项式中reduced怎么翻译


reduced 后加什么介词

reduce to “降低到……,减少到……”,介词to后面接的是最终的结果,也就是最后的位置或程度。 例如:The temperature is 36 degrees,but it will be reduced to 20 degrees in the night. 现在气温40度,但是夜间将会降低到20度。 reduce by “降低了……,减少了“,介词by后面跟降低或减少的具体幅度。例如:He weighed 75 kilos last month, and now his weight has been reduced by 10 kilos.他上个月75公斤,现在减了10公斤。(现在是65公斤)


reduce to使处于;使变弱为;迫使;归纳为be reduced to减小为,分解为;简化为,还原为


分词(包括过去分词和现在分词)可以做形容词,没什么奇怪。 起形容词作用的分词(形容词型分词)a. 分词作定语的用法1)总的特点分词可以作定语,修饰或是限制一个名词,可以放在它前面,也可以放在它后面。一般说来,简单分词可以放在名词前面,分词短语放在名词后面。a)放在名词前面的分词1/表示动作的分词:一个现在分词或过去分词放在名词前时,可以表示一时的动作,这时它的动词特点胜过形容词特点,相当于一个定语从句Do you see the rising sun(=sun which is rising) in the east? They tried to surround the retreating troops (=troops which were retreating). The roaring lion frightened all the animals in the jungle. They tried to deliver the besieged city (=city which was being besieged).These repeated efforts(=efforts which were being repeated) were still inadequate. Those oppressed nations (=nations that are being oppressed ) are rising to liberate themselves. 2/表示特点的分词:它也可以表示比较长久或永久性的特点。这时它的形容词特点胜过它的动词特点:Germs are living creatures (=not inanimate things, creatures that can live). She is a charming lady (attractive lady, lady who charms others)The working classes are usually poor. There were many flying fish. We watched the moving pictures (=motion pictures) Used cars (=old cars,cars which have been used) are cheaper than new ones/ Stolen love (=Secret love, love which is stolen), though dangerous, tastes exceptionally sweet. This printed matter may be sent by mail. 3/和用作形容词的动名词的差别:用在名词前的现在分词和用在名词前起形容词作用的动名词是有区别的,从意思上、重音上及是否加连字号,都有区别。下面各对句子中,第一句中带-ing词尾的动词为分词,第二句中带-ing词尾的动词为动名词:Boiling water(=Water that is boiling) can produce enormous power. Water begins to boil at the boiling-point(=point at which liquid boils;而不是point which boils).He is a walking dictionary (=dictionary that canwalk, learned man).He came with a walking-stick (=stick for walking;非stick that os walking)How clever that dancing bear (=bear that is dancing) is!He is a dancing-master (=master who teaches dancing). someone said many years ago that China was a sleeping lion (=lion that was sleeping).He is in the sleeping-car (=car for sleeping,而不是 car that is sleeping). Running water is cleaner than stagnant water. It is a running-track for sportsmen. 4/用作名词的情况和形容词一样,某些分词在加the时(后面不跟名词),可以代表一类人或一种抽象东西:Which are more numerous, the dead or the living (=the living people)Something must be done immediately with the wounded and the dying. What should we do with the oppressed, the defeated the insulted and the injured?Can we say anything about the unseen (=the thing unseen) and the unknown (=the thing unknown)? 放在名词后的分词放在名词后的分词多数是分词短语,它可以变成一个定语从句(尽管定语从句不一定都能变成分词短语):1/表示一时动作的分词短语:The danger threatening the world (=which is threatening the area ) is too many people with too little food. They looked on at the city being attacked by the enemy (=which was being attacked by the enemy). The man being followed by guards (=who are being followed by guards) is a party leader. 2/表示长久特点的分词短语:A man respecting others (=who respects others ) will be respected. Can you teach a boy refusing to be taught (=who refuses to be taught)?It is difficult to save a man enchanted by the beauty of a woman. Books called the comics (=that are called the comics ) are sometimes harmful to children. Any books well read (=that are well read ) are good books and any men well treated are good men.