barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-27 02:23:21


adj.随之发生的; 必然的,合乎逻辑的; 继起的; [地]顺向的

n.结果; [逻]后件,结论; [数]后项; [语](条件结构中的)结果子句


1. Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors.



2. The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable.






n. 结果

adj. 随之发生的;作为结果的



随之发生的; 必然的,合乎逻辑的; 继起的; [地] 顺向的
2023-07-25 12:49:083


consequent的意思是:随之而来的。consequent,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意思是“随之发生的,作为结果的;(河流、山谷)顺向的;合乎逻辑的”,作名词时意思是“(逻辑)后件,推断;(音乐)答句;分母”。This would be good news all round were it not for the consequent crash in banking confidence. 这对所有人来说都是一个好消息,但对于信心业已崩溃的银行业来说并非如此。Irregularities in the ionosphere result in signals travelling by more than one path and this can produce interference and consequent difficulties in communications. 不规则性在电离层导致信号旅行由超过一个道路和这可能导致干涉和结果困难在通信。The desire for further increases in cycle conditions and consequent increases in the cycle efficiency, led to the addition of steam reheat during turbine expansion. 对循环条件的要求进一步增加,和循环效率的最终提高,导致蒸汽在汽轮机膨胀过程中的再热量增加。
2023-07-25 12:49:241

Consequential 和consequent有什么区别

consequent 是结果的 或 多要加 on upon;即 consequent upon / consequent on例:control consequent upon self-employment对自顾的控制造成的如果。the introduction of colour TV and consequent multi-set use in many homes彩色电视的面世,造成家庭有多台电视的结果。Consequential 则是: 相因而生的; 相接连的; 有连贯性的例:Time passes, none of it consequential 时间不断地过去,但没有一样东西是连贯的。most consequential election in decades 十年来最具连贯性的选举。
2023-07-25 12:50:151

关于2个英语单词的区分 consequent和consequential的区别,字典上2个意思差不多

尽管 consequential 和 consequent 同样用来形容“一件事情的结果使得另一件事情发生”,但是 consequent 更多被用在现代的写作中.
2023-07-25 12:50:221

consequent on 这个词组怎么用?它是一个地道的短语吗?considerate ()sb.这里的介词一定要是towards吗

2023-07-25 12:50:343

security; reassure ; consequent 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~

2023-07-25 12:50:432

继什么什么之后 英语怎么说

After the ....
2023-07-25 12:51:045


(1)compliment 称赞,由comply变化而来,comply意为顺从,那么顺从和称赞又有什么联系呢?想想古代,无论是在中世纪的欧洲还是在封建的中国,臣子们面对皇上的指责,是说“遵命”还是说“皇上圣明”?与其不情愿的接受,倒不如表现的高兴,表现出对皇上(君主)的崇拜,从为人臣的艺术角度考虑,顺从即是称赞,呵呵,这样的思维在如今的官场上不也是大行其道吗?它已经做为一种思维习惯为广大官迷所接受。这也正应了英语中那句俗语:Complimenting is lying(奉承就是说假话),你仔细看看compliment,是不是能找到lie(说谎)的踪迹,所以当你被compliment的时候,你就要想,对方是不是在lie?顺便记个句子,compliment somebody out of恭维某人以骗取,,,,,,(2)concession由con和cession构成,con当然是“一起”的意思,cession由cut变化而来,意思是切割,切割什么呢?说到这里就会想到我国的领土被沙皇俄国一次次的切割,想像着我们国土的鸡头是如何被切出来的,两个政府坐到一起谈切割领土的事,你说是不是得有一方“让步”呀,不过,这种让步,这样的切割,给人的伤痛太大了啊,呵呵,扯远了,来看下一个。(3)conceit,自负,这个么,一个人如果自负会怎么样啊,当然是“易挨踢”了,哈哈。看这个单词的最后三个字母是不是e i t 呀。记个句子,Conceit is the most incurable disease that is known to the human soul自负是人的不治之症(4)consciousness多读几遍,是不是像“扛蛇饲尼斯”啊,一个人扛着蛇去喂尼斯湖水怪,是不是已经没有“意识”了呀,正常人谁敢啊?(5)consequent,抛开con,还说后面的sequent,根据在下多年的分析,sequent极有可能是由second和quqarter化学反应而生成,这两个词都用在时钟上,而时钟永远是按次序走的,所以这个词只能是“顺序的”“接下来的”“结果”等意思。(6)consistent,里面藏个sister,对你的亲妹妹,你该怎么样呢,当然是保持一致,爱护她,容忍她,当然如果是情妹妹,呵呵,那就可以啃(con)了,她会和你保持高度“一致”的。。。。。。呵呵。有点少儿不宜了。(7)conviction ,先了解一下victim-受害者,tim音译就是提姆,可以联想到-提姆加德城(timgad),阿尔及利亚著名古城遗迹,位于阿尔及利亚东北部奥雷斯山北部。最初是防御外族侵略的军事基地。图拉真(古罗马皇帝)于公元 100年建此城,以后迅速繁荣。5世纪汪达尔人入侵之后,遭奥雷斯山民破坏。6世纪时被拜占廷帝国占领。vic就是占领(想想我们平常做的胜利的那个手势V),tim就是提姆城,占领了tim城以后,自然会有很多人被杀掉,成为“受害者”,victim一词由此而来。对受害者最好的安慰就是对胜利者victor"定罪",所以,conviction就是定罪的意思。(8)confirm 仍然路过con,先说firm,是坚固的意思,firm就是“佛目”如来佛祖的眼睛能不坚固吗?如果你的想法很坚定,你自然能确定。(9)continental自然就是continent的形容词了。continent大陆,大陆是怎么来的呢?就是把无数个岛屿连起来,联接的英文怎么说?不就是tie吗!看看这个单词,除了con和tie,是不是还有两个n,像不像突出水面的两年岛屿?呵呵。 你都记住了吗?兄弟,这点字写了我四十分钟,给不给分随你吧。
2023-07-25 12:51:221

affirming the consequent是什么意思

2023-07-25 12:51:302


逻辑关系 "除非a否则b" 表示如果 a 不成立,则 b 必然成立。这种逻辑关系通常被解释为 "a 推导 b",也就是说 a 的成立是 b 成立的充分条件。因此,在 "除非a否则b" 这个逻辑关系中,a 推导 b,而不是 b 推导 a。
2023-07-25 12:51:485

TPO 26 阅读第1篇 第6题The word “consequent” in the passage is closest in meaning to为什么答案是A

consequent 结果的,A 结果,B 激励,C 被很好地证明,D 立即的。所以答案选 A。
2023-07-25 12:52:151

双向,无向,顺向,逆向 英语怎么说?

Two-way, no to, forward, reverse
2023-07-25 12:52:362

问个问题 The growth of specialization ,with its consequent require…其中with是什么意思,做什么成分

The growth of specialization ,with its consequent requirement of a longer , more complex training , implies greater problems for amateur participation in science 。其中with是什么意思,做什么成分高人帮帮忙,谢谢了。回答:(with its consequent requirement of a longer , more complex training ,) 这是一个介词短语。这个介词短语在整句话中用作状语,表示“伴随”。 可以翻译成:与此同时;随着...;你好,ss02974777!满意吗?如果不满意可以追问。满意的话就顶一下。
2023-07-25 12:52:511


2023-07-25 12:54:003


2023-07-25 12:54:101

such a mistake would perhaps lead to terible con

2023-07-25 12:54:332


second_hand text messagesa lot of recent researches have shown that a major of blessing text messages are not original. actually this second-hand message is easy to be found in the mobile phone.with the prevalence of mobile phone, citizents are used to sending blessing short messages to friends and familiy members in the festival. howerver,resending blessing shott messages has become a common air, for writing a creative blessing short message is too hard. consequentlly, all of us have to spend more time to clean the text box when we are celebrating the my opinion, a simple blessing from your heart is more better than a text message with rhetorical topdressing .
2023-07-25 12:54:391

________il a commence a pleuvoir,je ne peux pas sortir

2023-07-25 12:54:491


你的老师表述不是很好,万一这是非限制性定从,一个主句一个从句。下面是逗号详细使用方法,推荐。Joy高斋翻译CATTI和MTI分享:希望对你有用。必备|标点符号如何翻译?(附使用规则)比如2016年11月英语三级笔译实务试题原文:Harper Lee was an ordinary woman as stunned as anybody by the extraordinary success of “To Kill a Mockingbird.”里面的双引号。“To Kill a Mockingbird”,英文中的书名通常是斜体或加引号表示或者大写就可以,因为斜体有时候看着不整齐,译文中文需要加上书名号,书名第一次出现,需要括号加注原英文名(人名也这样处理)。还比如14年11月CATTI二级笔译英译汉真题原文:WATERLOO, Belgium --- The region around this Belgian city is busily preparing to commemorate the 200th anniversary in 2015 of one of the major battles in European military history. 里面的逗号和破折号。WATERLOO, Belgium比利时滑铁卢:这里考察英语地名从小到大,而且加个逗号,汉语里面是从大到小,不加逗号,比如Shanghai, China翻译为中国上海。这是CATTI英译汉高频翻译细节,可是我今天看了大家提交的译文,基本都这样写的:WATERLOO, Belgium --- The region 比利时滑铁卢——:破折号的用法和翻译,这是CATTI英译汉高频翻译细节,经常用在文章或报道的开头,引出事件发生的背景(地点)。翻译的时候保持破折号即可。:Colon(冒号)1.引出表示列举、解释或说明性的词语,翻译的时候保持:The string section consists of four instruments: violin, viola cello, and bass. /His grades are a follows: English, an A; History. a B: Science, a D: and Math, a C.2.引出对前文进行补充、总结或强调的词语,翻译的时候保持:Judges have a double duty;They must protect the innocent and punish the guilty/ He has only one pleasure: eating.3.引出较长的正式引语或大段引语,翻译的时候是:或者,In his most famous speech he said: All men are created equal and must enjoy equally the rights that are inalienably theirs.4.用于信件或演说词中的称呼语之后(英国用法中多用逗号),翻译的时候保持:Dear Sir: /Dear Professor Jones: /Ladies and Gentlemen:5.用于公函、政府文件或商业函件的标题或标目之后,翻译的时候保持:TO. /SUBJECT: /REFERENCE: /VIA:6.用于时与分之间(英国法中多用句号)、比率数之间、《圣经》的章与节之间,翻译的时候保持:The train is to leave at 8: 30. /Common nouns outnumber proper nouns in proportion 32. /You will find it in Genesis 2: 4-7.7.分隔书名的标题与副标题,翻译的时候保持:或者破折号NOStromo: A Tale of the Seaboard, Comma(逗号)1.分隔并列成分We are tired, hungry and dilate. /Washington was said to be first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen. /We were taught how to sit gracefully, how to walk. how to converse politely.2.分隔并列句中的分句It snowed all night, and the schools were closed the next day. / We must leave now, or we will miss the plane. / I tried to sleep, but my neighbour"s dog made that impossible. /It is an imperfect system,yet it is better than none.3.分隔对比或对照成分He is sick, not drunk. /The more haste, the less speed.4.分隔非限定性修饰语、同位语或附加说明的词语He found the Paper on the roof, where the newsboy had thrown it. The the who had cared through the window, went straight to the safe. /They want us, you and me, to go there. /I have to get up early, particularly on Sundays.5.分隔附加疑问句或选择疑问句Tom didn"t take it, did he? / Which pencil do you prefer. the red one or the blue one?6.分隔直接引语和导语Only a fool. "Sherman said, " would carry on like that.7.表示省略相同词语Some went to the right; others, to the left.8. 分隔句首状语Usually, he is dressed in blue jeans. / Except for physics, my courses are not difficult. /When he found that his parents had deserted him, he sat down to cry.9,常用以分隔用作独立成分、状语等的下列词语Honestly, that"s all the money I have. /Personally, I prefer the other one. /Unfortunately, they were out when I called. /To tell you the truth, I was very frightened1) actually, basically, briefly fortunately,frankly, honestly, hopefully, incidentally,luckily, naturally, personally, unfortunately, to tell the truth2) anyhow, anyway, besides, consequent,furthermore, however, likewise, moreover, nevertheless, otherwise, therefore;3)first(ly), second(ly ), last(ly), finally,first of all. after all, above all, in other words, for example, for instance, that is,namely, i.e., e. g.4)in short, in fact, in conclusion, in a few words, as a result, as a matter of fact, on the contrary, on the other hand;5) of course, by the way, sure enough, between you and me, believe it or not;6)I think, I believe, I suppose, you know,you see, In my opinion;7)yes, no, well, ohAnyhow, even if the problem does arise, it wont affect us. /I don"t want to go; besides, I"m too tired. /This is, however, another side to this problem.This is our most disastrous and embarrassing defeat eve: in short, a fiasco. /I don"t like him, in fact,I hate him. /On the contrary, it hardly ever rains.It"s strange, you know, that he hasn"t passed the exam. /In my opinion, he is right.Yes, times have changed. /Well, not much can be done about it now. /Oh, David, come here a moment! /Oh no, not again!10.分隔日期、数字、地点Firstly, let me deal with the most important difficulty. /The cinema is only open to adults, i. e.,people over 18.June 12, 1991/It was on Friday, May 16, in Los Angeles. /The price of this sedan car is $12,300./He lives at 1515 Halsted Street.Chicago, Illinois.11.分隔人名与职称、头衔或倒置姓名I asked my boss for a month"s holiday and, believe it or not, he agreed! /By the way, have you seen Tom recently?12.分隔呼语R W. Leeds, M. D. /George Washington, President/Smith, John W., Jr.I would like to ask you, Mr. Jones, for your opinion. /Will you see if the door is closed, Janet? /Sir,I"d like to ask a question.13.用于信件的称呼语之后(美国用法中多用冒号)或结束语之后Dear Mary, /Sincerely yours, /Yours truly,“ ”Quotation Mark(引号)1.用于直接引语注意下列句子中其他标点符号与引号的相对位置:1)逗号、句号位于引号内(这是美国用法,英国用法多置于引号外)2)不属于引语的问号、感叹号或破折号位于引号之外3)在引语内再用引语时,可用单引号(这是美国用法,在英国用法中,单引号在外,双引号在内)4)引语不止一段时,引号位于各段起始处和最后一段结尾处Michael said, "Let"s meet at my house next time. "/"No, you cant, "she wrote. "It"s impossible.on January 1, 1863, Lincoln declared the slaves "forever free. "/The word"bread, for example, has both standard and slang meanings.Why did she say "That is a very selfish attitude"?The witness said, "I distinctly heard him say, Don"t be late, and then heard the door closed. " /The witness said, I distinctly heard him say, Don"t be late.and then heard the door closed."Frequently used signs and symbols are in the back of this dictionary. Many are found on typewriters.Symbols include the chemical elements... The chemical elements are also grouped together in the back of this dictionary. "2.用于引述文章、文艺作品、歌曲、广播及电视节目、绘画等Have you read the article"Shanghai Shows Its Colors"in the January Time? /"Ode to a Nightingale " was written by Keats. /American national anthem is"The Star-spangled Banner. " /YOAS Amencan Mosaic”/ Da Vinci"s“ Mona Lisa "3.用于引述俚语、反语、借用语、定义、词形等Her brother"socked her in the eye and" beaned "her with a ruler. /Bob"s skiing"vacation"consisted of three weeks with his leg in a cast. / The basic meaning of dumb in both British and American English is“ unable to speak.”/ How do you spell the word" eclectic”?;Semicolon(分号)一般说来,分号的作用介于句号与逗号之间,即用分号隔开的两部分之间的关系,比用句号分开的紧密,但不及用逗号分开的紧密。1.用于并列分句之间People make history: unusual people make history interesting. /Your car is new; mine is six years old. /I came, I saw I conquered. /it"s too late to go for a walk now; besides, it"s beginning to rain. /We finally found the gate; however, it had been locked.公主号“高斋外刊双语精读”2.分隔已有逗号的并列成分,以避免歧义Follow this procedure: first, get your application forms; next, fill them out; last, pay the charge.The sun, a bright yellow ball, shone; the children, happy as always, played.3.用于由 for example, for instance, namely,that is( to say), in fact,i.e.,e.g等词语引出的分句之前Many of their talents complemented each other; for example, he played the piano and she sang./Tom is well-liked: in fact. he is the most popular person in the class./He chose to invest in major industries: i. e, steel, automobiles, and oil.— Dash(破折号)1.用在一个解释性的分句或句子前面:It"s an environmental issue. — That"s not a small matter.这是个环境保护的问题,这不是一件小事。2.用在一个解释性的插入语的前面和后面(相当于一个括号):During my vacation—I must have been insane—I decided I would ski.假期中,我准是疯了,我决定去滑雪。3.用在一个引用的句子前面(代替一个冒号,或与分号一起用):Uncle Wang laughingly answered—"No, no; stay where you are."大叔笑着回答道“不用了,不用了,你就呆到那。”4.表示意思的突然转折:"And may I ask—"said Xiao Wu;" but I guess it"s better for you to ask him about it."“我可以问——”小吴说;“不过我想还是你问他的好。”5.表示迟疑犹豫:"I—I—I rather think —maybe—Amy has taken it."“我——我——我想——或许——是艾米拿了。”6.总括前面列举的若干东西:News house, larger schools, more sheep, more pigs and chickens, more horses and donkeys—everywhere here shows signs of prosperity.新房子,扩建的学校,更多的羊、猪、鸡,更多的马和驴,这里的一切显示出一片繁荣景象。Italicization斜体字的使用1.书籍、报刊、文章、诗歌、乐曲、电影、绘画等的名称Dickens" Oliver Twist /The English-Chinese Dictionary/Readers Digest /The New York TimesMilton"s Paradise Lost/Mozart"s The Marriage of Figaro/ The Sound of Music /Van Gogh"s StarryNight2.交通工具、航天器等专名Air Force One/Apollo/Challenger3.作为例示的词、字母或数字The word receive is often misspelled. /The b in comb is silent4,表示强调的词语She never expected such a welcome. /woman"s place was in the home; it certainly isn"t today.5.表示未归化的外来词语In aeternum[L]/ fille[F]6.动物学和植物学中表示属、种、亚种及变种的拉丁语新学名The horse (Equus caballus )has affected the course of history more than any other animal. /The mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens )is the state flower of Oklahoma.7.法庭案例名称中的原被告姓名Madison v. Kingley/the Jones case8.剧本中的舞台提示ROBERT: Ah yes, of course. Sit down, sit down, please, Mrs. Ross. [She sits as if this made matters rather worse.]PHILIP: (Standing guard by her side. )My wife is a little agitated.取自陆谷孙英译汉大词典
2023-07-25 12:54:593


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JLPT(日本语能力测试)的注册时间根据不同的考试日期而有所不同。一般来说,每年的12月第一个周日是JLPT的考试日期,而7月第一个周日则是JLPT的夏季考试日期,具体的注册时间如下:1. JLPT冬季考试- 报名时间:每年9月至10月中旬。- 考试时间:每年12月第一个周日。2. JLPT夏季考试- 报名时间:每年4月至5月中旬。- 考试时间:每年7月第一个周日。需要注意的是,JLPT的报名一般都是通过在线注册系统进行的。考生需要在指定的报名时间内,通过官方网站进行在线注册,并缴纳相应的考试费用。考试费用的具体金额因考试地点而异,一般在报名时会有详细说明。
2023-07-25 12:49:171


战略认知,做好战略规划。开展产业布局,推进应用落地如果你正在或者打算在 Polkadot 上创建项目,欢迎联系 PolkaWorld 说出你的故事,让更多人了解波卡生态发展情况。你是否好奇过,使用最前沿的区块链技术去创造一家初创企业是什么样的体验?如果你是一个想让世界变得更加美好的创业者,所要做的努力可能既艰巨又孤独。我第一次见到 Speckle OS 的创始人 Antoine Najjarin 是在 2018 年 11 月 墨尔本举办的 Polkadot 线下聚会上。Antoine 展示了他们坚定的愿景:Speckle OS 要做互联互通的区块链世界的直接入口。他们将使用 Polkadot 作为底层技术栈,并为 Web3 的愿景做出贡献:“…… 在这个网络中,我们的身份和数据是属于我们自己的 —— 避免任何中央权威系统,从而得到保护”在这篇文章中,我将探索 Speckle OS 的旅程以及实践中学到的 5 个重要经验。旅程Speckle OS 的创始团队有 2 名成员,完全是为了美好的愿景来运营。在 2019 年 3 月,他们获得了 Web3 基金会的资助。这笔赠款从经济上帮助了 Speckle OS,但更重要的是,它推出了 Speckle OS 并成为 Polkadot 社区备受期待的项目。作为一个积极推动 Web3 愿景的项目,Speckle OS 可以保证发布时的初始用户基数。他们初始的用户将会是精通密码学的,但真正的挑战是获得对密码学并不精通的用户。Antoine认为,想在 Web3 生态系统中取得成功,信任和声誉是至关重要的:“如果人们相信你正在构建一个安全的钱包, 并且全部代码都可以在 Github 上被分析 —— 只要你建立了这个声誉,你就可以转向普通用户。”Speckle OS 将在 2019 年 8 月的 Web3 峰会之前发布 MVP (最简化可用产品)。MVP 包含对 Polkadot 测试网,Kusama 网络和 substrate 链,及 Edgeware 的支持。帐户创建,多帐户存储和交易功能也将可用。抵押代币和治理功能还需要在进一步的迭代中实现。团队Speckle OS 团队现已扩大到 5人,其中 4 人是开发者。简而言之,Antoine 的作用是将一切抽象出来,以便开发者可以专注于开发一个优质的产品。“事情的发展如此之快,以至于你很快就会被埋没。即使你只专注于加密货币领域,由于信息过载,有时很难保持理智去对信息进行过滤。”学到的经验我在采访 Speckle OS 时,得到了 5 个关键点:1.易于编码,易于理解Substrate 是可预测的,既容易学习,又容易理解。虽然现在还没有文档,但代码可读性非常高,并且带有清晰的描述。“普遍的反馈是 Polkadot JS 比任何其他技术堆栈都简洁,且易于使用。这是得到 Parity 开发团队的证明的。”2.与 Parity 进行很少的交互由于代码的整洁,Speckle OS 几乎不需要联系 Parity 来解码 Substrate 的工作原理。3.每个人都可以访问相同的信息有关 Polkadot 在开发过程中发生的事情都是公开的,没有私密渠道去获得内幕消息。“我喜欢 Polkadot 把所有一切都公开。如果你去 watercooler 的网站,你会看到 Gav 和其他 Parity 开发人员在讨论他们考虑实施的事情。所有最新的进展都发生在 Riot Watercooler Channel,一切都只取决于你是否及时阅读这些讯息。4.有很多有才华的开发人员组成现在的团队比 Antoine 想的要慢很多。当然,想获得在 Speckle OS 工作的面试官的青睐是需要有耐心的。他们正忙于发布一款非常好的产品。“这里的区块链空间比旧金山、新西兰和柏林都要小。悉尼的规模很大,但不是最大的。我们这里有一些非常优秀的开发人员。”
2023-07-25 12:49:201

51单片机 的实际应用有哪些?范围广吗?

单片机的应用领域 : 1.单片机在智能仪器仪表中的应用; 2.单片机在工业测控中的应用; 3.单片机在计算机网络和通讯技术中的应用; 4.单片机在日常生活及家电中的应用; 5.单片机在办公自动化方面。 6.最新的物联网行业物联网物联网是新一代信息技术的重要组成部分,也是“信息化”时代的重要发展阶段。其英文名称是:“Internet of things(IoT)”。顾名思义,物联网就是物物相连的互联网。这有两层意思:其一,物联网的核心和基础仍然是互联网,是在互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络;其二,其用户端延伸和扩展到了任何物品与物品之间,进行信息交换和通信,也就是物物相息。物联网通过智能感知、识别技术与普适计算等通信感知技术,广泛应用于网络的融合中,也因此被称为继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业发展的第三次浪潮。物联网是互联网的应用拓展,与其说物联网是网络,不如说物联网是业务和应用。因此,应用创新是物联网发展的核心,以用户体验为核心的创新2.0是物联网发展的灵魂。活点定义:利用局部网络或互联网等通信技术把传感器、控制器、机器、人员和物等通过新的方式联在一起,形成人与物、物与物相联,实现信息化、远程管理控制和智能化的网络。物联网是互联网的延伸,它包括互联网及互联网上所有的资源,兼容互联网所有的应用,但物联网中所有的元素(所有的设备、资源及通信等)都是个性化和私有化。
2023-07-25 12:49:273


2023-07-25 12:49:271

see you later怎么回答

可以回答see you later或者see you。 see you later和see you都是再见的意思。有短时间不会再见面的意思。 later adv. 后来;稍后;随后 adj. 更迟的;更后的 例句: He came home later than usual. 他回家比平时晚了些。 扩展资料   His father died later that year.   那年晚些时候他的"父亲去世了。   He resigned ten years later.   他10年后辞职了。   The vintage was later than usual.   这次葡萄的收获季节比往常晚。
2023-07-25 12:49:281


姓名:陈港生 艺名:成龙 英文名:JACKIE CHAN 其他名字:陈元龙——他的第一个艺名。
2023-07-25 12:49:3015


一、波卡拆分100倍算涨了110%倍。二、波卡拆分100倍的意义1)KSMs的总发行将增加100倍,从1000万左右增加到10亿左右;2)KSM分配余额将增加100倍,这样1个KSM(旧的)将变成100个新KSMs;3)KSMs的分布没有变化,KSMs的持有者仍然和变化前一样拥有相同的网络份额;4)KSM的精度将从小数点后12位变为小数点后10位。此更改的主要好处是在处理KSM时避免使用小数,并实现一个更简单的计算系统,与DOT的Polkadot重命名相同。拓展资料:一、为什么人们看好波卡1、区块链项目整合起来。目前,区块链行业里面的公链众多。但多数都是独立的,以至于公链之间的信息无法有效传递。这种情况大大限制了区块链行业的整体发展。如果能把大家整合起来,那么对于整个区块链行业的发展不失是一大利好。 2、波卡有一支相当优秀的项目团队。波卡的创始人是之前以太坊的技术负责人Gavin Wood博士。Gavin Wood之所以离开以太坊,是因为自己的价值观与项目的发展方向产生了分歧。为了更好的实现自己的理想,Gavin Wood决定离开以太坊,并另起炉灶。于是就有了现在的波卡。 3、波卡背后有着众多强大的投资机构。二、目前来说波卡在架构以及技术方面具备以下优势: 1、无限可扩展性:Polkadot可以支持无限数量的区块链并将它们连接在一起。这些被称为平行链(Parachains)。这是波卡最为强大的地方。 2、共识机制可适配:由于不同的区块链以不同的共识机制运行,因此Polkadot平台提供了一个开放且可适配的共识机制来托管它们。 3、跨链交易:该框架可以支持不同区块链之间的价值转移。这对于互操作性和真正的集成是必不可少的。这是实现跨链价值传递的基础。 4、清晰的治理机制:它具有清晰的治理机制,破除了其他区块链面临的主要问题。 5、可升级性:Polkadot支持升级,不必借助费力的硬分叉来部署协议改变。 6、集合安全性:可以通过统一的安全伞来保护与Polkadot连接的区块链。这可以帮助保护那些无法独自保证安全的小型链。
2023-07-25 12:49:341


排名前10的免费图片素材网站:1,Freepik --免费图搜索引擎2,Pixabay --免费正版高清照片素材库,拥有超过1百万张优质照片素材3,Pexels --提供高质量且完全免费的素材照片4,FlatIcon --大型免费图标库5,FreeImages --免费照片6,Dreamstime --免版税的摄影图片7,VectorStock --免费矢量图库8,Vecteezy --免费矢量图库9,All-free-download --免费下载资源10,Iconfinder --免费图标,图标交易更详细的内容请点击category/free.htmPS素材有很多种笔刷,样式,动作,图案,滤镜很多很多不知道你要哪种素材的说国内最多最大的应该是思缘论坛的PS素材区这个你自己看下就可以我在里面下了大约10000多套基本用不完了文件也太大无法打包给你大约500多G汗一个我自己硬盘都不够用了最近在大图网也下了很多国外的DA也不错我发给你一些我自己收集的素材,去年底赶上思缘六周年下了一些他们论坛的周年大礼包里面有一些漂亮的PS笔刷和韩国2000P一些不错的图片素材,还有一套380多M的PS本地观看的电子书.电子书里面涵盖以下内容:设计教程,调色教程,合成教程,字体教程,照片转手绘教程,照片处理教程,个性签名教程;共7大类,共168篇教程邮件的附件是思缘设计论坛六周年做的PS电子书,各个方面的教程都有的邮件的名字是:2012年最新PS教程15000例,附件为实例电子书附免费笔刷思缘设计论坛是国内比较好的PS教程站点了如果收到和满意希望可以采纳我的回答如果收件箱没有可以到垃圾邮件里面看看最近发的太多了
2023-07-25 12:49:372


SPA币是sperax平台的原生代币之一,属于平台币,Sperax成立于2019年底,致力于搭建全栈式Defi生态系统并推动金融包容性。Sperax目前已推出混合稳定币SperaxUSD(USDs),同时将推出SperaxSyntheticassetsandDerivatives等系列产品。Sperax的手机应用软件SperaxPlay自2021年4月推出以来已有超过60万用户。拓展资料Sperax的项目愿景是让每一个人都能享受最好的DeFi服务。Sperax区块链,由北美顶级密码学家发起,基于自主研发的新一代区块链共识协议--BDLS共识协议--设计,与其他头部区块链,如Cosmos(Tendermint共识),Polkadot(GRANDPA共识)和以太坊2,0(CasperFFG共识),相比,Sperax在真实互联网环境中,真正做到了安全、高效。 在Sperax区块链的共识层架构之上,Sperax基金会发布了原生多币种稳定币--sCOIN。它弥合了互联网用户和本地加密应用程序之间的鸿沟。Sperax相信,借由Sperax区块链,未来将会有更多的人享受到基于区块链技术的去中心化金融(DeFi)应用程序带来的好处。 SPA币投资前景和价值分析 Sperax是全栈式金融公链平台,致力于成为连接传统金融和分布式生态系统的可信去中心化经济基础设施。凭借其创新的BDLS协议,Sperax提供了一个安全、高性能的共识模块。在通证经济设计上,Sperax引入了内生性稳定币和嵌入式金融层,为开发者提供开发分布式应用和业务模型的扩展性。 Sperax是基于权益证明(PoS)的区块链,采用BFT共识协议,该协议优先考虑安全性和活跃性,旨在通过在开放网络中提供更高级别的安全性来促进区块链生态系统的发展。 SPA币作为一种特殊的资产类别,不同于股票或债券,不会产生任何可预期的现金流,大部分投资者获取回报的方式是SPA币价格的上涨,因此更容易形成投机性泡沫。虽然SPA币被称为“币”,但由于其不是由当局发行的货币,不具有法偿性与强制性等货币属性,并不是真正意义的货币,数字货币价格波动巨大,收藏请谨慎!
2023-07-25 12:49:441


reflect的意思是:反映,反射,反省,归咎,显示。英 [ru026a"flekt]     美 [ru026a"flekt]    例句:Her sad looks reflected the thought passing through her mind.翻译:她忧戚的面容反映出她内心的思想。短语:reflect calmly 静思用法1、reflect可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词、动词不定式短语或从句作宾语。reflect也可引出直接引语。2、reflect后接介词on〔upon〕表示“思索”“蒙受”“招致”“博得”等意思。3、reflect偶尔可用作系动词接形容词作表语。
2023-07-25 12:49:441

RESTful Endpoint

REST 可以看成一种服务器接口设计的模式pattern。它的全称是 RE presentational S tate T ransfer。它的意思就是说,服务器根据前端的请求,返回给可展示的资源状态。例如你请求了Weibo一个用户的信息,那么服务器就应该返回给你一个user,包含了姓名,账号,关注人数等信息。 Resource:资源可以是前端想要获取的任何东西,一张图片,一个文件,一个用户的信息等等。 Collection:一系列的用户。 URL:Uniform Resource Locator,指向一个资源的路径。 如果在完全没有系统学习过接口设计的情况下,让你去设计一系列接口,你会怎么设计?我想大部分人都会做出如下的设计: 你或许会觉得这样的设计很readable啊,一看就知道是什么意思了。是的,可读性或许确实是它的一个优点,但同时不容易去维护你的接口。原因是你需要想方设法去像一个这种名字,接口少的时候还好,多了呢?如何解决接口重名的问题。 解决的方法就是舍弃这种依靠命名来分辨接口的办法。REST提出了一个很好的解决办法,依靠资源定位符和request方法来分辨要请求的资源以及要进行的操作(CRUD)。 这类Code代表操作成功。 These status codes represent that the client has raised a faulty request.
2023-07-25 12:49:511

虚拟货币是什么 虚拟货币有哪些

2023-07-25 12:49:545


日语能力考试(简称JLPT)是一种针对非母语人士的日语能力测试,旨在评估考生的日语听、说、读、写等能力水平。以下是JLPT考试中的主要考点:词汇和语法:JLPT考试重点考察日常生活和工作中常用的词汇和语法结构。考生需要掌握常用的动词、形容词、副词、名词等词汇,并能够正确运用基本的语法结构。阅读理解:JLPT考试要求考生能够理解日语文章的主旨、细节和推理,能够正确理解文章中的词汇和语法结构,并能够根据文章内容回答问题。如果您打算开始学习日语,但几乎还没什么基础的朋友,首先是明确自己学习日语的目的,哪怕只是为了兴趣也没关系,并制定自己的阶段计划,比如大约学半年去考4级,学1年考3级,学两年后考2级,有目标方向才能有动力,以后学习中请经常提醒自己的目标尚未实现,仍需努力。推荐一个裙,开始是九三四,中间是五零四,末尾是七七五,按照顺序组合起来就可以找到,里面有教程资料大家可以领取,能够对日语的学习提供很大的 帮助。听力理解:JLPT考试要求考生能够听懂日常生活和工作中常用的日语对话和广播,能够正确理解对话中的词汇和语法结构,并能够根据对话内容回答问题。写作表达:JLPT考试要求考生能够用正确的语法和词汇表达自己的意思,包括书面和口头表达。文化和社会常识:JLPT考试还要求考生了解日本的文化和社会常识,包括日本的习惯、风俗、历史、地理等方面的知识。请点击输入图片描述请点击输入图片描述请点击输入图片描述综上所述,JLPT考试的主要考点包括词汇和语法、阅读理解、听力理解、写作表达、文化和社会常识等方面。考生需要全面掌握日语基础知识,加强练习,提高自己的日语能力水平,才能够在考试中取得好成绩。
2023-07-25 12:49:552

symantec endpoint protection什么东西?

2023-07-25 12:49:591


reflect的美式发音是[ru026au02c8flekt],英式发音是[ru026a"flekt]。reflect,英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省”,作不及物动词时意为“反射,映现;深思”。reflect的短语搭配:Reflect Sheet反射膜 ; 反射板Reflect Damage反射伤害 ; 伤害反射reflect model反射机制下面列举一些用reflect造的句子。What, my friends, shall you reflect to others?我的朋友,你对其他人将反射什麽呢?Communication between the two of you should reflect that.你和客户之间的交流必须反映这一点。But what if we don"t have any other object in the scene that can reflect on our model?但是如果我们的场景中没有任何其他物体,那么在我们的模型上究竟能反射些什么呢?
2023-07-25 12:50:001


reflect英[ru026a"flekt]美[ru026au02c8flu025bkt]vt.& vi. 反射(光、热、声或影像);考虑vt. 反射,反照;表达;显示;折转vi. 映出;反射;深思熟虑;慎重表达[例句]Yet some recruiters claim rivera "s research doesn "t fully reflect hiring practices today.但一些招聘者声称,里维拉的研究并不能完全反映当今的招聘现状。
2023-07-25 12:49:151

see you later和see you soon有什么区别啊?

see you later “以后见”see you soon “一会见 ”,都是“再见”的意思,主要区别从时间上来说,See you later的时间更长。拓展资料:英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。英语是国际指定的官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,英语包含约49万词,外加技术名词约30万个,是词汇最多的语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。
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2023-07-25 12:49:096


LOS ANGELES, California in April 2009 the evening of 19, the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony held at the Hong Kong Cultural Center, the 11 awards announced. Sina Entertainment for the exclusive live broadcast of the whole graphic video. Record the following for the presentation ceremony: Yen master of ceremonies and perform the opening ceremony of Hong Kong film (The beginning of the presentation ceremony for lion dances, battle Yen Ta) (Vanness concert, "Strength of Men") Gordon Chan: The annual Great Party began. Eric Tsang: I am grateful to you to "The 28th Hong Kong Film Awards," the site, welcome. 毛舜筠: This lion is the representative of Hong Kong, the combination of Chinese culture, it is with creativity. Vincent Kok: This year is the 100 anniversary of the Hong Kong film, so we will be celebrating in a big way. Denise Ho: We have just all the red carpet after the Clock Tower and so on are a symbol of Hong Kong, these are very representative. Wang Lan: Although there are high among the low, but will never disappear, because we love Hong Kong, also love movies. Xie Angel: In 2008, Circle in the happy event took place there are many, we will be happy event into a driving force for these. 林子聪: I hope we do a good job in the presentation ceremony, to be followed by special guests help out. Kai-wen: always say a hundred years of Hong Kong films, whether or not some people know that Hong Kong cinema, what is called the first name? Chin Ka Lok: I know that Hong Kong"s first film is called "stealing ducks," filmed in 1909, which is about a very thin and very small secretly duck manure, was arrested by the police. Lu find snow: the film took a hundred years ago, how do you know? Chin Ka Lok: I have pictures. Lu Xue-seeking: a hundred you have it? Sandra NG: Hong Kong films this year to pay tribute, we will find a lot of classic directed approach, the film remake, Ka Lok is also involved in Aberdeen, but then if we are too many of us can not field. Eric Tsang: Good. Vincent Kok: welcome to come to the scene of the ceremony. Eric Tsang: Comedy is not easy, we have seen the movie many movies, but the territory whom little comedy. Vincent Kok: the territory whom are small, the two are not the territory whom is a comedy, but you is a comedy actor. 毛舜筠: in my experience, it is not difficult to cry one minute, laugh a minute but it is very difficult. Eric Tsang: so easy to think the audience crying, acting very much, but laugh for no reason at all, could hang easily, sometimes sits Amauri will laugh. Vincent Kok: such a beautiful smile, to applause from her hair, filming is very infectious laugh, is it so difficult to do a funny feel. Eric Tsang: We look at the reaction of the audience, we see that our speech will laugh, please laugh about now, please click nominated actor laughed first, with the acting on the territory whom know who can. Was nominated张家辉is happy smiles. Vincent Kok: speaking for a long time, it is better to begin as soon as the award, first of all, the officiating guests. 毛舜筠: Please only the soup and Liu Meijun. 郭子健"moss" Best New Director Award by Jiao Xu by "the Yangtze River on the 7th" Best New Performer Award by Meijun Liu: Good. Tang Wei: Good. Liu Meijun: not as good as we make out the first prize, awarded a "coming director" award. Big screen: "coming director" of the nomination list is:郭子健"moss"; Mak Yin-xi, "the scorching sun the sky"; offshore West "close." Liu Mei-jun: "The 28th Hong Kong Film Awards" "coming director"郭子健"moss." 郭子健: I am grateful to my election judges, for giving me this opportunity to have the opportunity to stage I would like to thank you a lot of people, first of all would like to thank my producer Luo Jiazhen, and then that gave me the opportunity to shoot the first time Eric Tsang, Thailand迪罗斌, but also I must thank my mentor Wilson Yip, taught me a lot of things, there are writers Luo, Culture and Sport, I would like to thank Shawn protagonist, Emperor Shao Fan. The actors in this movie, I am grateful to so many. Liu Meijun: just about new, it is better to also awarded the "Best New Performer" award. Tang Wei: we look at the big screen. Big screen: "Best New Actor" nomination list is: Mo Xiaoqi "half water half of the flame"; Zhang Yu Qi, "Woman is not bad"; Leung Chin-lung "of the day and night in Tin Shui Wai"; chiling "Red Cliff"; Xu Jiao, "Yangtze River 7 . " Tang Wei: Xu Jiao, "the Yangtze River on the 7th." Xu Jiao: to get this award, I am very excited (audience applause), to thank the Week father, for giving me this opportunity to let me stand here to thank the Awards Organizing Committee, thanked all those who support me, father I finally got the 100 minutes of. Eric Tsang: Congratulations, very true, thanks to two awards for our guests. Here, I have to thank the Hong Kong Film Development Fund to give some of the cost each year to encourage new directors award winners, is 300,000. 毛舜筠: We have a hundred years he Hong Kong Film. Vincent Kok: a hundred years, how he does? We are looking for information, Hong Kong"s first shot of the show is called "stealing ducks," one hundred years ago the director shot a movie called "stealing ducks," but can not find this film, we specifically look for a different people use different methods to reproduce the Hong Kong classic "steal ducks," we look at a fragment of what tactics to use. (Play a modern version of "stealing ducks" - Chapman, starring Chin Ka Lok"s "Pirates of non-duck") Eric Tsang: the modern version. Vincent Kok: to continue our master of ceremonies is a combination of comedy here, as a director, to succeed in comedy, the most important is a group of excellent comedian. 毛舜筠: Of course. Eric Tsang: Do you feel that you belong to which? Vincent Kok: I belong to the director, but the best comedian there is a very important qualities that make them feel ashamed, not the same as with不知羞is to their own sincerely, would like to entertainment audiences, what does not matter,反串or ghost horse five or six short, the audience happy there. Eric Tsang: not easy, (Maomao) operator of the matter. Vincent Kok: rarely so beautiful, the most beautiful ugly, do you think? 毛舜筠: Although I am a comedian, but his comedy, his tragedy as a certain degree. Eric Tsang: Why? 毛舜筠: I always seem to partner with you, you my my boyfriend, husband, and this is my tragedy. Eric Tsang: Should it be put off so. 毛舜筠: Worse still, or after finishing, they told me that you are with the phase contrast, it is sad. Eric Tsang: In fact, you are beautiful, you look like Lin Feng. 毛舜筠: Your speech disorder, such as Jackie Chan. Eric Tsang: so similar, only his son Jaycee Chan. Vincent Kok: Jaycee Chan and薛凯琪have requested. Eric Tsang: It asked the two guests of honor. Huang岳泰by virtue of "The Painted" Best Photography Award Jaycee Chan: Hello everyone, I am a Chan. 薛凯琪: Good, I薛凯琪. Jaycee Chan: I do not want our speech disorder, so the General Assembly prepared to say some words, the problem here, you first ask. 薛凯琪: one, Jaycee Chan, I would like to visit you, why do you want to enter the entertainment business? Jaycee Chan: In addition to music like that do not know what to do other. Your most embarrassing experience of filming that? 薛凯琪: kiss. Jaycee Chan: I am also. 薛凯琪: do not feel. Jaycee Chan: That"s my good play. 薛凯琪: movies on your terms, what most moved? Jaycee Chan: all of you here, in addition to the premiere, when made or when the album was beyond the appreciation of friends and relatives is that we can call it a day, and we look at the "Best Cinematography" nomination. 薛凯琪: Yes. Big screen: "Best Cinematography" is the nomination list: Liang Zhang, "Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon";郑兆强"The Sparrow"; Lu Yue, Zhang Li, "Red Cliff"; Huang岳泰"The Painted"; Ke Xing Pei, "Ye asked." Jaycee Chan: you read it. 薛凯琪: it allows you to read. Jaycee Chan: Mr岳泰"The Painted." Huang岳泰: I am grateful, let me surprise, thanks to "The Painted" and behind the scene of all domestic workers, this is my first national team with a maximum of a movie, or play happy taken over the past two decades. This movie make a lot of it is very difficult, and not my film, is another group黄家辉my brother, many of the play is his飞檐走壁pictures, as well as to thank my partner for many years were also very good with special effects very good actor, making the lens particularly beautiful, I would like to thank. Eric Tsang: I am grateful every time the territory whom it is not stuffy stuffy? The two continue. 薛凯琪: In fact, the actors, the editing of a film is important, for example, can be compared not so good things, better cut, or cut off some bad. Jaycee Chan: as we take the "early" will be cut to the familiar unfamiliar. Big screen: "Best Clips" is the nomination list: David Richardson "text Sparrow"; Lin An infant, Robert A. Ferretti,杨红雨"Red Cliff";邱志伟"to maintain the call"; Chi-Chu Chen of "witnesses";张嘉辉"Leaf asked." 薛凯琪:邱志伟"to maintain the call." Benny Chan: Because邱志伟is director Tsui Hark"s new movie, so do not come, I thank the General Assembly on his behalf, and those who vote for him vote.
2023-07-25 12:49:094

谁能帮我翻译一下这首歌的歌词 谢谢Eminem - A Drop In The Ocean

2023-07-25 12:49:072


从FIL的价格走势上来看,这个项目还是比较稳定和有实力的。尤其是今年以来,频频爆发,持续上涨,低点上来已经好几倍了。从项目的落地来看,该项目致力打造一个面向全球的点对点的分布式版本文件系统,让网页的速度更快,更安全。从项目的团队来看,也是很值得信赖的,是由硅谷最牛的协议实验室打造。一、dot2017年众筹的巨无霸项目,项目主要概念是跨链,是跨链板块中最亮眼的项目之一。DOT是Polkadot平台的原生代币,好处在于:1、明星创始人,绝对核心旗帜。纵观一些热门项目,都有一个标志人物,比如比特币的中本聪、以太坊的小神童.eos的bm等,而Polkadot的标志人物就是创始人Gavin Wood,曾经的以太坊联合创始人。2、充足的资金。项目开发真的很烧钱,所以足够的资金储备是保证项目顺利进行的基础。Polkadot一期融资了48万个以太,当时价值1.44亿美元,索然中间三分之二因为钱包漏洞被锁,但相对于其他项目,还算是资金雄厚,并且近期进行了二轮融资,又融资6000万美金,这数额虽然比不上eos,但也算是巨资了。3、足够的人气和热度。Polkadot从一轮融资,就看出来市场对它的认可和追捧,在荷兰式拍卖中,共筹得48万个以太,可见大家对项目的认可。另外,在曝光度上,Polkadot一直保持着很高的热度,最近一段时间atom的良好表现,让Polkadot也更多的被提及,市场热度进一度提高。二、FIL1、星际文件系统IPFS(InterPlanetary File System)是一个面向全球的、点对点的分布式版本文件系统,目标是为了补充(甚至是取代)目前统治互联网的超文本传输协议(HTTP),将所有具有相同文件系统的计算设备连接在一起。原理用基于内容的地址替代基于域名的地址,也就是用户寻找的不是某个地址而是储存在某个地方的内容,不需要验证发送者的身份,而只需要验证内容的哈希,通过这样可以让网页的速度更快、更安全、更健壮、更持久。2、Filecoin是在IPFS其上的激励层,通过token激励模式在IPFS上构建了一个去中心化存储市场。FIL6是Filecoin的6月期货。
2023-07-25 12:49:031


Nom de l"artiste: Jaycee Chan Nom de l"album: le chaos Jaycee & Gong Zhiyi - le meilleur de moi Auteurs: Jaycee Chan, Osamu Compositeur: Zhiyi Gong Classé par: Eric Ng, Gong Zhiyi Je n"aime pas ce que jamais Je ne veux pas avoir les soins que vous voulez A mains authentique et chaleureux Derrière un sourire ou pleurer avec vous Je n"aime pas combien de temps la prochaine fois que vous revenez Je ne jamais se préoccuper de cette cardiaque Je ne vais pas Coz Je t"aime tant Je veux donner à ton meilleur ami, même si seulement Vous voulez être votre ami Miss grands yeux bruns Lovely lèvres, je veux embrasser Je m"ennuie de la tenue de votre main pour avoir été Mais je ne peux toujours pas comment faire un c04ur jeune Qu"est-ce donc ouvert ma bouche Boy Pas de soucis, je pensais simplement que la tête avec le cerveau Voulez-vous voulez avoir la liberté d"une société libre En attente d"un adieu à retenir l"air Guangzhao Ils ont dit que lorsque le vent souffle Sélectionnez une personne que vous avez toujours secouant Guess You"ll Never Know Coz je ne montrerai jamais Pour que vous ne sont pas libres Je veux donner à ton meilleur ami, même si seulement Pas faire confiance aux autres pour vous donner la chasse A ne pas vous faire confiance à leurs temporaire Il ne suffit pas d"arc potable potable Est-ce pour protéger vos amis est la meilleure excuse pour le pire Je comprends que les exigences de votre amour est ridicule Je comprends que je dois respecter une certaine compréhension tacite Juste vos yeux une fuite BABY BABY pense que l"amour ne peut pas aimer, de la tristesse Hey longtemps sans entendre de nouveau vous vous souvenez Zhongyi Mieux vaut ne pas se souvenir que vous partagez mes préoccupationsTrouble et ma fierté Mais maintenant nous sommes de plus en plus poli entre Lorsque nous avons rompu Clap vos amis diront de bonnes Maintenant, vous n"avez probablement pas comme eux autour de moi Mais j"aime la fa04on dont je vis ma La raison pour laquelle j"ai décidé de quitter Il n"y a qu"une seule raison Pourquoi Coz Je sais que vous méritez mieux et plus Mais je ne crois pas que nous signons Vous ne devez pas penser trop bonne vie Pourquoi j"ai écrit cette chanson veux juste vous dire coeur Je t"aime et je n"ai toujours Je t"aime maintenant Mais il est tout d"une manière différente si je peux Hey Soyez s04r que je sais que vous avez utilisé de m"aimer plus (apprécier) Mais maintenant comme un ami Je sais que lorsque je quitte le monde du jour Vous pleurer devant mes photos et je fais de même coz maintenant je te regarde l"homme coz vous avez toujours être comme ma famille à moi Ce n"est un secret Mais combien de gens autour de vous ne savent toujours pas Les larmes coulent dans mon esprit est encore dit dans le Bien que vous avez perdu Si vous rencontrez dans la rue après que vous et votre bien-aimé le gars qui Je ne vais pas revenir avec un sourire poli, le visage heureux .....
2023-07-25 12:49:011


2023-07-25 12:49:004


其实web3.0是互联网发展的新阶段,就区块链而言,Web 3.0也意味着创造一个更加民主、以用户为中心和去中心化的互联网。今天,许多加密项目可以被视为 Web 3.0 的组成部分,包括:DOT、FIL、KSM、BTT等。 Web3.0概念币项目 今天,许多加密项目可以被视为 Web 3.0 的组成部分。1、DOTPolkadot 是一个完全去中心化的 Web3 平台,连接私有链和联盟链、公共和无许可网络、预言机和未来技术。Polkadot 旨在对区块链产生革命性的影响,解决真正的互操作性、更轻松的创建、更大的交易可扩展性和更安全的环境。2、FILFilecoin 是一个开源和去中心化的云存储市场、协议和加密货币,旨在存储人类最重要的信息。它是一个具有内置经济激励机制的点对点网络。它可能是Web3.0的重要存储部分。3、KSMKusama 是一个实验性社区研发网络,使用与 Polkadot 几乎相同的代码库构建。Kusama 是运行时升级、链上治理和开发人员平行链的试验场。Kusama 旨在为想要在 Kusama 上快速行动和创新,或准备在 Polkadot 上部署的团队提供一个实验性的开发环境。4、BitTorrent (BTT)BitTorrent 文件系统是一种协议和网络实现,它提供了一种 p2p 机制,用于在分散的文件系统中存储和共享数字内容。BTFS 是一个由数百万 BitTorrent 用户节点支持的去中心化文件存储系统。通过在具有处理区块链交易的委托权益证明方法的区块链上运行,BTFS 解决了这些限制。BTFS 代表了第一个可供去中心化应用程序 (DApp) 开发人员使用的去中心化存储系统。很快,BTT 将被引入 BTFS 生态系统,以激励一个公平和丰富的文件系统。Web 3.0仍然存在的问题是:效率低,普及之路漫长。众所周知,去中心化网络处理任务的速度很慢。Web 3.0 的普及可能非常困难。尤其是在全球各个国家和地区都在努力加强互联网监管的时代。有一点是肯定的,从去中心化和隐私保护的角度来看,Web 3.0有它的价值。但它的价值需要经过市场的检验。
2023-07-25 12:48:561

禁止symantec endpoint protection的方法

2023-07-25 12:48:543

see you later和see you soon有什么区别?

时间间隔长短的却别。1、see you later表示之后见时间不固定,或者下次见面间隔时间长。2、 而see you soon 是表示一会见,间隔时间短。【却别】soon是指很快就会发生什么事情,比如 mother is coming soon我妈很快就来了later是指稍后或者下次,但是不太确定是什么时候会开始的事,如i will tell you later,我以后再告诉你,我下次再告诉你。【例句】1."See you soon, I hope!" chirped my mother. “希望很快能再见!”我妈开心地大声说。2.I think I will see you soon. 我想我就快再见到你了。3.Can I drop round to see you later? 以后我路过时能来拜访您吗?4.All right, I gotta go, okay? See you later. 好了,我得走了,好吗?明天见。
2023-07-25 12:48:512

有没有以An Unforgettable Trip为题的短文

An Unforgettable TripOn the first weekend after my arrival in Brisbane, Helen, my homestay hostess, took Kate Xu and me on an interesting trip. After an hour"s drive in her car, we got to the Sunshine Coast, a famous resort. So many people had come here that we had trouble finding a parking place. Alas! No wonder people had swarmed here. The sky is clear and blue and the sea, connected to the Pacific, is like a vast blue jade. Free from pollution, the sky and the sea in Australia are definitely without match! As we advanced along the bank, we reached the Happy Valley. With a gentle, refreshing breeze brushing my face, I felt intoxicated. Wow! This valley did live up to its name. I exclaimed jokingly,” If I had another life, I"d like to be a tree in the Happy Valley!”Despite the wind and waves, there were many fishermen. One of them caught a small fish but threw it back into the sea, which was aimed at sustainability.I gazed at the blue sky and found many tiny spots attached to something like an umbrella. To my amazement, they were parachuters! On top of that, on surfing boards crazy kite-surfers were being pulled by kites up and down the waves . Practically everywhere I saw toddlers, some in nappies, having fun on sands or in the sea. They were mostly exploring nature on their own, seldom interfered with or supported by adults. Totally inconceivable was that babies in prams joined in the fun, which is a rare phenomenon back in China. Aussies do rear their children in a different way from ours.Time was flying and soon came lunchtime. Helen, our hostess took our picnic out of the trunk. She had even brought a tiny gas stove and a fry-pan to fry sausages. We took pictures of our picnic as a reminder of this gorgeous trip.Our second stop on the trip was the rainforest near the Glasshouse Mountains, which were ranges of extinct volcanoes. Entering the forest, we found the atmosphere extremely awesome yet peaceful. Enormous rainforests reached as far a
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匆匆(朱自清) 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,聪明的,你告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?——是有人偷了他们吧:那是谁?又藏在何处呢?是他们自己逃走了吧:现在又到了哪里呢? 我不知道他们给了我多少日子;但我的手确乎是渐渐空虚了。在默默里算着,八千多日子已经从我手中溜去;像针尖上一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时间的流里,没有声音,也没有影子。我不禁汗涔涔而泪潸潸了。 去的尽管去了,来的尽管来着;去来的中间,又怎样地匆匆呢?早上我起来的时候,小屋里射进两三方斜斜的太阳。太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地挪移了;我也茫茫然跟着旋转。于是——洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时,便从凝然的双眼前过去。我觉察他去的匆匆了,伸出手遮挽时,他又从遮挽着的手边过去,天黑时,我躺在床上,他便伶伶俐俐地从我身上跨过,从我脚边飞去了。等我睁开眼和太阳再见,这算又溜走了一日。我掩着面叹息。但是新来的日子的影儿又开始在叹息里闪过了。 在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了;在八千多日的匆匆里,除徘徊外,又剩些什么呢?过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢?我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?我赤裸裸来到这世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸的回去罢?但不能平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊? 你聪明的,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢? 一九二二年三月二十八日。 Rush(translatedbyZhuChunshen)朱纯深 Swallowsmayhavegone,butthereisatimeofreturn;willowtreesmayhavediedback,butthereisatimeofregreening;peachblossomsmayhavefallen,buttheywillbloomagain.Now,youthewise,tellme,whyshouldourdaysleaveus,nevertoreturn?—Iftheyhadbeenstolenbysomeone,whocoulditbe?Wherecouldhehidethen?Iftheyhadmadetheescapethemselves,thenwherecouldtheystayatthemoment? IdonotknowhowmanydaysIhavebeengiventospend,butIdofeelmyhandsaregettingempty.Takingstocksilently,Ifindthatmorethaneightthousanddayshasalreadyslidawayfromme.Likeadropofwaterfromthepointofaneedledisappearingintotheocean,mydaysaredrippingintothestreamoftime,soundless,traceless.Alreadysweatisstartingonmyforehead,andtearswellingupinmyeyes. Thosethathavegonehavegoneforgood,thosetocomekeepcoming;yetinbetween,howswiftistheshift,insucharush?WhenIgetupinthemorning,theslantingsunmarksitspresenceinmysmallroomintwoorthreeoblongs.Thesunhasfeet,look,heistreadingon,lightlyandfurtively;andIamcaught,blankly,inhisrevolution.Thus—thedayflowsawaythroughthesinkwhenIwashmyhands,wearsoffinthebowlwhenIeatmymeal,passesawaybeforemyday-dreaminggazeasIreflectinsilence.Icanfeelhishastenow,soIreachoutmyhandstoholdhimback,buthekeepsflowingpastmywithholdinghands.Intheevening,asIlieinbed,hestridesovermybody,glidespastmyfeet,inhisagileway.ThemomentIopenmyeyesandmeetthesunagain,onewholedayhasgone.Iburymyfaceinmyhandsandheaveasigh.Butthenewdaybeginstoflashpastinthesigh. WhatcanIdo,inthisbustlingworld,withmydaysflyingintheirescape?Nothingbuttohesitate,torush.WhathaveIbeendoinginthateight-thousand-dayrush,apartfromhesitating?Thosebygonedayshavebeendispersedassmokebyalightwind,orevaporatedasmistbythemorningsun.WhattraceshaveIleftbehindme?HaveIeverleftbehindanygossamertracesatall?Ihavecometothisworld,stark-naked;amItogoback,inablink,inthesamestark-nakedness?Itisnotfairthough:whyshouldIhavemadesuchatripfornothing! Youthewise,tellme,whyshouldourdaysleaveus,nevertoreturn? 28March,1922 TransientDays(translatedbyZhangPeiji)张培基 Ifswallowsgoaway,theywillcomebackagain.Ifwillowswither,theywillturngreenagain.Ifpeachblossomsfade,theywillfloweragain.But,tellme,youthewise,whyshouldourdaysgobynevertoreturn?Perhapstheyhavebeenstolenbysomeone.Butwhocoulditbeandwherecouldhehidethem?Perhapstheyhavejustrunawaybythemselves.Butwherecouldtheybeatthepresentmoment? Idon"tknowhowmanydaysIamentitledtoaltogether,butmyquotaofthemisundoubtedlywearingaway.Countingupsilently,Ifindthatmorethan8,000dayshavealreadyslippedawaythroughmyfingers.Likeadropofwaterfallingoffaneedlepointintotheocean,mydaysarequietlydrippingintothestreamoftimewithoutleavingatrace.Atthethoughtofthis,sweatoozesfrommyforeheadandtearstrickledownmycheeks. Whatisgoneisgone,whatistocomekeepscoming.Howswiftisthetransitioninbetween!WhenIgetupinthemorning,theslantingsuncaststwoorthreesquarishpatchesoflightintomysmallroom.Thesunhasfeettoo,edgingawaysoftlyandstealthily.And,withoutknowingit,Iamalreadycaughtinitsrevolution.ThusthedayflowsawaythroughthesinkwhenIwashmyhands;vanishesinthericebowlwhenIhavemymeal;passesawayquietlybeforethefixedgazeofmyeyeswhenIamlostinreverie.Awareofitsfleetingpresence,Ireachoutforitonlytofinditbrushingpastmyout-stretchedhands.Intheevening,whenIlieonmybed,itnimblystridesovermybodyandflitspastmyfeet.BythetimewhenIopenmyeyestomeetthesunagain,anotherdayisalreadygone.Iheaveasign,myheadburiedinmyhands.But,inthemidstofmysighs,anewdayisflashingpast. Livinginthisworldwithitsfleetingdaysandteemingmillions,whatcanIdobutwaverandwanderandliveatransientlife?WhathaveIbeendoingduringthe8,000fleetingdaysexceptwaveringandwandering?Thebygonedays,likewispsofsmoke,havebeendispersedbygentlewinds,and,likethinmists,havebeenevaporatedbytherisingsun.WhattraceshaveIleftbehind?No,nothing,notevengossamer-liketraces.Ihavecometothisworldstarknaked,andinthetwinklingofaneye,Iamtogotobackasstarknakedasever.However,Iamtakingitverymuchtoheart:whyshouldIbemadetopassthroughthisworldfornothingatall? Oyouthewise,wouldyoutellmeplease:whyshouldourdaysgobynevertoreturn? DaysGoneBy(translatedbyZhangMengjing)张梦井 Whentheswallowshavegone,thereisstilltimetoreturn;whenthepoplarandwillowtreeshavebecomewithered,thereisstilltimetoseegreen;whenthepeachflowershavealreadyfaded,thereisstilltimetoblossom.Butpleasetellme,thegenius,whythenhavemydaysgoneandneverreturned?Ifsomepeoplehavestolenthem,thenwhoarethey?Andwherearetheyhidden?Iftheyhaveescapedbythemselves,thenwherearetheynow? Idon"tknowhowmanydaysIhavebeengiven,buttheinmyhandsarebecomingnumbered.Countingsilently,eightthousanddayshaveslippedby.Justlikewaterdropsapinpointdrippingslowlyintothevastocean,mydaysbeendrippingintotheriveroftime,quietlyandinvisibly.Ican"thelpdrippingwithsweatandweepingmanytears. Althoughthegoingshavegoneandthecomingsareconstantlycoming,howhurriedisthetimebetween?WhenIgetupinthemorning,Iseetwoorthreeribbonsoflightstreamingintomyroom.Thesunalsohasfeet;itmovesawayontiptoeandIfollowitaimlessly.WhenIwashmyhands,mydayswashoffintomybasin;whenIameating,thedaysvanishfrommybowl;andwhenIamsittingsilently,mydayspassbymygazingeyes.WhenIfeelthemgoawaysohurriedly,Ireachoutmyhandsonlytoholdthembackbeforetheyarebeyondmygrasp.Whenitisdark,Ilieuponmybedandwatchdayscleverlyjumpovermybodyorflyawayfrommyfeet.WhenIopenmyeyestomeetthesunagain,anotherdayhasgoneby.Icovermyfaceandsigh,butthesparkofanewdaybeginstoflashawayinmybreath. Intheseswiftlyescapingdays,whatcanIdointhisworldamongstthousandsofhouseholds?Icandonothingbuthesitateandhurry.Intheseovereightthousandhurrieddays,whathasbeenlefttomebesideshesitation?Thepastdayslikelightsmokeareblownawaywiththebreezeorlikeathinlayerofmistevaporatewiththemorningsun.AndwhatmarkhaveIleftintheworld?WhenhaveIeverleftamarkastinyasahairspring?Icametothisworldnaked,soonI"llleaveherenakedtoo.But,it"sunfairtome...whydidIcometothisworldfornothing? You,thegenius,pleasetellmewhyourdayshavegonebyandhaveneverreturned?
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