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2023-07-27 02:23:11

An Unforgettable Trip

On the first weekend after my arrival in Brisbane, Helen, my homestay hostess, took Kate Xu and me on an interesting trip. After an hour"s drive in her car, we got to the Sunshine Coast, a famous resort. So many people had come here that we had trouble finding a parking place. Alas! No wonder people had swarmed here. The sky is clear and blue and the sea, connected to the Pacific, is like a vast blue jade. Free from pollution, the sky and the sea in Australia are definitely without match! As we advanced along the bank, we reached the Happy Valley. With a gentle, refreshing breeze brushing my face, I felt intoxicated. Wow! This valley did live up to its name. I exclaimed jokingly,” If I had another life, I"d like to be a tree in the Happy Valley!”

Despite the wind and waves, there were many fishermen. One of them caught a small fish but threw it back into the sea, which was aimed at sustainability.

I gazed at the blue sky and found many tiny spots attached to something like an umbrella. To my amazement, they were parachuters! On top of that, on surfing boards crazy kite-surfers were being pulled by kites up and down the waves . Practically everywhere I saw toddlers, some in nappies, having fun on sands or in the sea. They were mostly exploring nature on their own, seldom interfered with or supported by adults. Totally inconceivable was that babies in prams joined in the fun, which is a rare phenomenon back in China. Aussies do rear their children in a different way from ours.

Time was flying and soon came lunchtime. Helen, our hostess took our picnic out of the trunk. She had even brought a tiny gas stove and a fry-pan to fry sausages. We took pictures of our picnic as a reminder of this gorgeous trip.

Our second stop on the trip was the rainforest near the Glasshouse Mountains, which were ranges of extinct volcanoes. Entering the forest, we found the atmosphere extremely awesome yet peaceful. Enormous rainforests reached as far a



intoxicated音节划分:inu25aatoxiu25aacatu25aaedintoxicated英 [u026anu02c8tu0252ksu026akeu026atu026ad] 美 [u026anu02c8tɑ:ksu026akeu026atu026ad] adj. 喝醉的,极其兴奋的 v. 使喝醉( intoxicate的过去式和过去分词 );使陶醉;使激动不已;使欣喜若狂 网 络 喝醉的; 如痴如醉; 沉醉; 醉酒的
2023-07-25 12:37:044

The Intoxicated Lady是一部中国电影的英文翻译,请问这部电影的中文原名是什么?谢谢!

2023-07-25 12:37:123


陶醉的英文为:be intoxicated。陶醉,汉语词语,读音为táo zuì,表示很满意地沉浸在某种境界或思想活动中,沉醉于某种事物或境界里,以求得内心的安慰。陶醉造句1、权力会使最善良的心陶醉,正如美酒会使最强健的头脑陶醉。2、那十足的京腔京韵,使全场的戏迷都陶醉了。3、一曲悠扬动听的马头琴声使人陶醉痴迷,一首天籁之音的草原歌曲使人梦牵魂萦。4、走在鸟语花香雅静清幽的大街小巷,我被两边那风格迥异姿态万千的各式建筑所陶醉所迷恋。5、义愤填膺本身就已使他们感到愉快,骂人对于一切穷鬼来说是一种满足,它提供了一种小小的权力陶醉。6、布朗家的罗曼史为众多说东道西的专栏作家提供了令人陶醉的素材。7、时间如流水,仿佛一眨眼似的,这台精彩纷呈的庆六一节目表演结束了,可我呢?仍然陶醉在其中。8、那溅起的小水珠落到我的面颊上,一股清新、惬意的感觉冲荡着我的心扉,着飞珠溅玉般的美景怎么不使人陶醉。
2023-07-25 12:37:191


2023-07-25 12:37:426

Intoxicated 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxicated歌手:Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Michael Brook专辑:Night SongThe Cab - IntoxicatedAnd I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.In a room full of frozen faces,In a moment of fractured time,We eclipse in a conversation,As the words they pass us by.With you, we could be the only ones here."Cause I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated-toxicated.Your eyes like a shot of whiskey,Warmed me up like a summer night,Can you tell that I need you with me?Let me drink you down tonight.No, I don"t just want any pretty face,Wanna wake up next to yours each day,And baby, won"t you be my saving grace, tonight, tonight.With you, we could be the only one"s here."Cause I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.Feel like I black out, pass out, everytime that we touch,And if it hurts in the moment then it must be love,Want your heart, bitter, straight, no chaser,I wanna feel it in my head when I wake up.And I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.First stop, flying high, take me to the moon,Day or night, we don"t have to say a word,"Cause you make me feel like I"m intoxicated, toxicated.I think you"re from another world,And I, I couldn"t love another girl,"Cause you, you make me feel like I"m intoxicated.
2023-07-25 12:37:571

Intoxicated 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxicated歌手:Liz Horsman专辑:Heavy HighI feel you all around meThough you"re no more in this spaceYou"re nowhere to be foundThere"s not a breath of you in hereLeaving us behindI just can"t do it all the wayAnd Nothing can describeThe feeling of dancing with this painI toss and turn and thenI roll on your side of the bedI touch your absent faceNo tear will ever bring you backI"m broken insideAnd I wish I could go where you wentI"ll fall asleep until I see youAt the other endHow can I stand alive with only half a life?How can I love so hard with only half a heart?Where do I go from here?How do I breathe in here?I guess it must be trueI am intoxicated byYou...I try to store awayPictures and little souvenirsI found a tone to say I"ll be okayLook, I"m still hereLying is my wayTo keep these feet walking aroundWhile my soul insteadHas found a way to reach your groundHow can I stand alive with only half a life?How can I love so hard with only half a heart?Where do I go from here?How do I breathe in here?I guess it must be trueI am intoxicated byYou...By you...I guess it must be trueI am intoxicated by...How can I stand alive with only half a life?How can I love so hard with only half a heart?Where do I go from here?How do I breathe in here?I guess it must be trueI am intoxicatedBy you...I am intoxicatedIntoxicatedBy...You...欢迎光临 天下网
2023-07-25 12:38:041


i drop myselfu2026i enjoy myself inu2026
2023-07-25 12:38:134


陶醉于美景之中Revel in the beauty
2023-07-25 12:38:292

解释 driving while black driving while intoxicated driving while distracted?

这些都是美国的俚语,大多都是缩略词,不理解也很正常哒,因为咱们跟他们的思维方式不太一样嘛。这就要牵扯到一丢丢美国的文化了:①driving while black(DWB),这主要是一个带有种族色彩的词,意思就是黑人驾驶的时候被白人警察无缘无故拦下甚至是歧视的情况;②driving while intoxicated(DWI)也就是俗称的酒驾(drunk-driving);③driving while distracted{TWD是其中的一种“texting/tweeting while driving”在驾驶时发短信/刷推特(微博)}分心驾驶。我也不太清楚是不是把driving放到前边会起到强调或者提示的作用,其实说白了也就是 black driving,intoxicated driving和distracted driving,没什么特别的结构。
2023-07-25 12:38:501


Let us not get too intoxicated with our human nature to the victory. For each such victory, nature, we have to retaliate.
2023-07-25 12:38:593

looked into the mirror and was intoxicated百度翻译

你好!One day as Mark was preparing to shave his face,his son looked up at him and laughed,“Daddy,you look like a clown (小丑) with that cream on your face.” Mark looked into the mirror and realized how much his son looked like him at that age.一天,当马克准备刮胡子时,他的儿子抬头看着他笑道:“爸爸,你脸上涂着奶油看起来像个小丑。”马克看着镜子,意识到他的儿子在那个年龄看起来有多像他。
2023-07-25 12:39:072


addict to
2023-07-25 12:39:1711


2023-07-25 12:39:411


1.他酒后开车,差点撞到了几个正在玩耍的孩子.drinking while intoxicated,Almost hit a few children are playing.2.玻璃杯掉在了地上,摔成了碎片。Glass dropped, jumped the debris.3.我快速翻了一遍杂志,发现有一些页数脱落了。I quickly turned it magazine, found that some pages off the.4.他因为向警方隐瞒事故真相而受到了良心的谴责。To conceal his true picture of the incident to the police and condemned by the conscience.5.那三个蛮横的家伙总是欺负、戏弄比他们年龄小的男孩。Those three guys are always outrageous bullying, teasing younger than their boys.6.每次他来看我,都会那我的发型开玩笑,这一点我再也无法容忍。Every time he see me, that my hair will be a joke, I can no longer be tolerated.7.电视暴力对孩子的影响远远超出我们的想象。TV violence on children"s influence far beyond our imagination.8.在我回家的路上,我突然想起超市的收银员忘了找钱给我了。In my way home, I suddenly think of supermarket cashier forgot to give me is ill to the people behind in the ill10.我很后悔今天早上那么早叫醒你,要不然你现在就不会那么累了。I very much regret this morning, you wake up so early, otherwise you will not be so tired.11.一味抱怨压力大无济于事,你要学的是通过体育锻炼来释放压力。Always complaining about pressure to no avail, you have to learn through physical exercise to release the pressure.呵呵,我是尽全力帮你翻译了。
2023-07-25 12:40:032


  Wish  心愿  Awakened this dying season such a beauty to behold  唤醒这沉睡的季节,这是多么美好的事情  (awakened 这里是被动还是过去式?下文的arrived对应的话,应该是过去 翻译成唤醒)  Oh autumn hath arrived a tragedy painted dead  (hath 有 这里如果painted是动词的话,那dead就是副词 翻译成悲剧被完全描绘出,言下之意也就是悲剧跟随着秋天的到来,一起到来。)  Fallen am I without thee I am lost  我因此而堕落了,没有你,我迷失了自我。  In a region of doleful shades I am withering away  在这寂寞的地方,我正渐渐消亡。  (doleful 寂寞,悲哀的 withering away 幻灭 shade 渐变)  I dwell in the shadows of life  我活在生命的阴影中  A dismal state of mind I"m in pain  心中的那块凄凉之地使我痛苦  (dismal 凄凉的 be in pain 痛苦)  Oh sun I hate thy beams  Oh,太阳啊,我狠你,我恨你无私的光芒  Leave me here to sleep and dream  请让我沉眠梦中。  In the midst of falling leaves  独自守侯着秋日飘零的枯叶  (In the midst of 在。。。。中)  In a garden of endless grief  在这充斥着无尽伤痛的花园中  (garden 花园,我一直在思考这里的garden是否暗喻着天堂,伊甸园)  I yearn for thee my precious one  渴望见到我最珍爱的你。  (yearn for 渴望)  Beneath a pale grey sky I dream of your embrace  在这苍白的苍穹下,是梦回你拥抱的我。  (Beneath 在。。。。下面)  How I wish I had you near in this oh so dolorous life  在这悲伤的生命中,我是多么期盼着你在身边  Where dreams turn to dust I have lost all my hope  但我所有的梦想都化成灰烬,我迷失所有的希望of lasting pain and unpresent bliss  在这无尽的伤痛和上天无暇的眷顾中  This soul of mine I welcome thee  我孤独的灵魂期盼着你的归来  Eternal sleep  永恒沉睡把  Silent advent of white death  白色死神悄无声息地降临  I feel so cold  我好冷  Silent advent of white death  白色死神悄无声息地降临  I feel so cold  我真的好冷  Crystallized tears falling still  晶莹的泪珠仍然无声的淌落  Oh autumn hath died  Oh,秋天已经消逝了  Enshrouded am I in thy mist of endless gloom  我依然沉迷在对你无尽思念的`阴霾中  Enthralled am I by thy beauty  我被你无暇的容貌征服  How I wish how I wish  In the midst of falling snow  我是多么期望,期望着在这雪花飘零中  In a garden of endless grief  在这无尽悲伤的天堂中  (我一直在揣测这里的garden是否隐喻着伊甸园,天堂)  My forlorn soul of misery  我那痛苦的,被遗弃的灵魂  Where peace and rest can never dwell  永远都住不进那安静祥和的居所  Hope never comes  希望永远都不会成功  I see no point in going on  我终于知道再继续也是徒劳罢了  (no point 可能是指希望)  Still I dream but now I know  我依然梦想着,但如今我终于知道  I dream a lie so I close my eyes and I sigh  这是一个充满谎言的梦而已,于是我闭上双眸轻声叹息  A life of shattered dreams I can no longer bear  我再也不能忍受这个充满支离破碎梦的生活  (shattered 破碎,打碎)  I enter thee eternal sleep  我只想一心沉醉在你那永恒的沉睡中。  Of Sorrow Blue  Of sorrow blue and clad in mist  Dancing midst the meadows of my dreams  My precious one my fallen beauty  Fallen beneath a dismal cloud  I recall that dreary morning  I ran to the shores of her eyes  I was there watching the seas  And it was all silent upon the sea  A candle caravan  The final stream of angel gleam  There was no farewell of solace  Before the caravan was gone  Of sorrow blue and clad in tears  Her cordial hands reach for me  My peaceful dream her soothing warmth  Fallen beneath a dismal cloud  I bow to her beautiful name  The flowers need not to be watered  These tears wont let the soil dry  Where her name is carved in stone  You were my core you were my soul  Lips of roses mane of gold  Intoxicated we lay entwined  I wore the carnal crown of sorrow  Blue and clad in soil  My mind still echoes from her songs  Earth and time are calling my name  Let me fall beneath this dismal cloud  I traveled to each road and the end of the earth我走过每条道路和天崖海角  With no where else to go I looked back in amazement没有地方去,我回头一看,吃惊地  When I finally realized how farther I had actually gone当我终于悟到,更远,我曾经  I was still standing in the same place that I started我当时还是站在同一个地方,我开始  Till I found out and I cried out that there was silence直到我发现了,我哭了,却沉默  a definite silence...一个明确的沉默…… more brilliant than anything更加灿烂高于一切  And there was a bird with feathers brightest red and it spoke这是一个用鸟羽毛亮红色,它以  At least that what you saw至少,你看到  I saw an angel on the whitest Novembers morning我看见了天使的雪白降晨  And I heard her sing the sweetest cry as if she wanted to reach down我听见她唱甜蜜哭,因为如果她想要达到下跌  And tell me that it would me all right告诉我,将我所有的权利  And tell me it would be alright告诉我,它会淡化  I walked out and stared into the golden sun我走出去,瞪大了眼成金太阳  I was blinded by an endless timeless beauty我被蒙蔽了无数永恒的美丽  till i found out and I cried out that there was silence直到我发现了,我哭了,却沉默  a definite silence...一个明确的沉默…… more brilliant than anything更加灿烂高于一切  and there was a bird with feathers brightest red and the smoke这是一个用鸟羽毛光亮的红色烟雾  at least that what you saw至少,你看到  I saw an angel on the whitest Novembers morning我看见了天使的雪白降晨  and I heard her sing the sweetest cry as if she wanted to reach down我听见她唱甜蜜哭,因为如果她想要达到下跌  and tell me that it would me all right告诉我,将我所有的权利  and tell me it would be alright告诉我,它会淡化  最后一首米找到...- -.
2023-07-25 12:40:111


be intoxicated with luxury
2023-07-25 12:40:464


I can"t remember when the name no longer strange about hayao miyazaki, high school? Junior middle school? May be more early! But certainly the first have feelings for him because his name was read feel very good to listen. The Japanese name are so, first and last name sequence and China same, but most of the Japanese surnames are made by two or more words combination becomes. So little time for Japanese name or have a special love inside. Although be in childhood, but by that time, the name has near-far hayao miyazaki well-known, because of information transmission is not well developed, I know very little about hayao miyazaki, only know he"s living in that remote volcano countries, and the old man hangs over the lingering mystery. Have a computer at home etc later, finally has a chance to appreciate his work, see first is the offspring of sniper, and from then on he shall not charge. I was so he convinced by MaHangKong imagination that day, watching his animation film, is a kind of charm, a kind of happiness. Due to the worship of from the in the mind, so I started to pay attention to the old man, also gradually know whom ghibli, know long stone let. Now, almost hayao miyazaki"s each film, I have seen the valley from the heart, "to" the cat"s gratitude, "from" the red pig "to" ever-changing LiMao ", from "qianhe" to "goldfish princess, 25 years in the past, long stone made music still let so perfect, hayao miyazaki"s animated world remains a linger. If you can, wish two people can always go for our cooperation, continue to weave the fairy tale "time".Hayao miyazaki"s animated worldBoth childhood or college students now sees a shape, hayao miyazaki"s animated, will initiation want to become the impulse of his characters thoughts. Some may say I naive, but I believe that those who saw hayao miyazaki works like me who will have the feeling. Dreams of sitting in gliding wings leap wind through the valley of ancient underground station, into magic soup house, with talking black cat ride broom to find their own city... Such naive idea could only be looking at palace type animation will appear right, hayao miyazaki"s animated charm in this cannot reproduce, has also cannot transcend touched and beautiful.Say one reason, I think it"s because there is a old heart hayao miyazaki. Although a hoary old man smite, but he never the main character creation are girls. A story is all around them to launch, and rarely have the ups and downs of the plot, and no complicated relationship, but the characters of hayao miyazaki exquisite brushwork always can let those insipid story become wonderful. Many of his stories were associated with life in his animation, but you can"t see reality squalor and vulgar, all the noise in the beautiful blend in nature, became music, the human ugly disappeared in peace between neighborhoods. His world won"t have not harmonious notes, will only like a fairy tale as fascinating. So in nearly two hours of the shadow time, present views in front of you good will let you Yong scattered, let you intoxicated. In imperceptible in, would you still regain8 many things. 水平有限,体谅!
2023-07-25 12:40:532


Told You So - ChristopherHey there, sexy ladyI"m loving what you doI"m a little intoxicatedI"m thinking so are youYou"re trying to deny itBut I know I changed your mindAnd please don"t try to fight it"Cause I know that you"ll be mineBe mineI want you, babyCome get it, boyI need you, babyCome get it, boyI"m on you, girlI know it, boyI show you, girlYou"re almost thereLet"s take it herewoo.... wahLet"s get out of herewoo.... wahI"ll do thatAfter tonightI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyThey say that I"m a playerAnd it might seem kinda trueDon"t wanna be a player no moreWell, I just think they"re hating"Cause they ain"t got nothing on youThey have nothing on you, girlAnd a girl with your credentialsYou need someone that"s real, real talk real talkSo I could talk around itI just tell you how I feelFor realI want you, babyCome get it, boyI need you, babyCome get it, boyI"m on you, girlI know it, boyI show you, girlYou"re almost thereLet"s take it hereLet"s get out of hereI"ll do thatAfter tonightI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey there sexy ladyI"m loving what you doI"m a little intoxicatedI"m thinking so are youI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, hey
2023-07-25 12:41:431


Baby can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me nowWith the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxicAnd I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxicIt"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly It"s taking over meCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me nowWith the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxicAnd I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxicDon"t you know that your toxicWith the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxicWith the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxicIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now
2023-07-25 12:41:514


花 田 错 A mistake in the Flower Festival 夜好深了 纸窗里怎么亮着 deep in the night Why does the paper window still leak light? 那不是彻夜等候 你为我点的烛火 Do you stay up all night Only to share with me a faint candlelight? 不过是一次邂逅 红楼那一场梦 , Nothing but a chance encounter or a dream in the Red Chamber 我的山水全部褪了色 像被大雨洗过 strips my landscape of all its color as if washed away under a downpour 杯中景色鬼魅 忘了我是谁 in my cup shades and shadows flicker “But who I am ?”I wonder 心情就像夜凉如水 手里握着蝴蝶杯 单飞 不飞不归 An easy mind goes like the night, as cool as water holding a cup printed with a butterfly unpaired, on a homeless flight 花田里犯了错 说好 破晓前忘掉 A mistake in the Flower Festival , promised to forget all before daybreak. 花田里犯了错 拥抱 变成了煎熬 A mistake in the Flower Festival reducing an embrace into a torment. 花田里犯了错 犯错 像迷恋镜花水月的无聊 A mistake in the Flower Festival ? as vain as a fascination over flowers in a mirror and the moon on the river 花田里犯了错 请 原谅我多情的打扰 A mistake in the Flower Festival will you take offence over a love-sick heart? 醉 怎么会喝醉 美 因为你的美 I am drunk and I can"t believe it Intoxicated by your overwhelming beauty. 爱匆匆一瞥不过点缀飞 看大雪纷飞 love is but a glance, only meant for a show, flowing scattered as the snow. 却再找不回 被白雪覆盖那些青翠 back I come, yet unable to bring the snow-covered spring 当时空成为拥有你唯一条件 我 又醉 when space and time stand in my way I am drunk once again 琥珀色的月 结成了霜的泪 The moon, amber-colored , has iced up into tears of frost. 我会记得这段岁月 freezing this moment in my mind. 《start of something new》Living in my own world Didn"t understand That anything can happen When you take a chance I never believed in What I couldn"t see I never opened my heart To all the possibilities I know that something has changed Never felt this way And right here tonight This could be the start Of something new It feels so right To be here with you And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart The start of something new Now who"d of ever thought that We"d both be here tonight And the world looks so much brighter With you by my side I know that something has changed Never felt this way I know it for real This could be the start Of something new It feels so right To be here with you And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart The start of something new I never knew that it could happen Till it happened to me I didn"t know it before But now it"s easy to see It"s a start Of something new It feels so right To be here with you And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart That it"s the start Of something new It feels so right To be here with you And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart The start of something new Start of something new 《when there was me and you》It"s funny when you find yourself Looking from the outside I"m standing here but all I want Is to be over there Why did I let myself believe Miracles could happen Cause now I have to pretend That I don"t really care I thought you were my fairytale A dream when I"m not sleeping A wish upon a star Thats coming true But everybody else could tell That I confused my feelings with the truth When there was me and you I swore I knew the melody That I heard you singing And when you smiled You made me feel Like I could sing along But then you went and changed the words Now my heart is empty I"m only left with used-to-be"s Once upon a song Now I know you"re not a fairytale And dreams were meant for sleeping And wishes on a star Just don"t come true Cause now even I can tell That I confused my feelings with the truth Cause I liked the view When there was me and you I can"t believe that I could be so blind It"s like you were floating While I was falling And I didn"t mind Cause I liked the view Thought you felt it too When there was me and you
2023-07-25 12:41:591


  在古代的社会里,像李清照那样能以词擅名当代文坛的女性,实属凤毛麟角,屈指可数。我精心收集了关于李清照英文诗词,供大家欣赏学习!   关于李清照英文诗词篇1   李清照 《声声慢》   寻寻觅觅,   冷冷清清,   凄凄惨惨戚戚。   乍暖还寒时候,   最难将息。   三杯两盏淡酒,   怎敌他晚来风急!   雁过也,   正伤心,   却是旧时相识。   满地黄花堆积,   憔悴损,   如今有谁堪摘?   守着窗儿,   独自怎生得黑!   梧桐更兼细雨,   到黄昏,   点点滴滴。   这次第,   怎一个愁字了得?   Solitude   —to the tune of Shengshengman   Li Qingzhao   Seek, seek. Search, search.   Cold, cold. Empty, empty.   Misery, misery. Sorrow, sorrow. Sadness, sadness.   Suddenly the weather gets warmer.   Yet we still have periods of chill.   Therefore it is difficult to stay well.   I take two or three cups of mild wine.   How can such help me endure the cold evening wind?   When the wild geese fly overheard, I feel very sad,   Because they are my old friends from former times.   Yellow chrysanthemum petals pile up on the ground,   Withered and ruined. Will anyone pick them up again?   I remain by my window.   Why is the day so dark, all alone?   The Wutong1tree collects raindrops.   Drip, drip, drop, drop, in the evening.   At such a time how can one word “sorrow” express all this?   关于李清照英文诗词篇2   李清照《醉花阴》   To the Tune of Intoxicated Under the Shadow of Flowers   The Double Ninth Festival   Light mists and heavy clouds,   melancholy the long dreary day.   In the golden censer   the burning incense is dying away.   It is again time   for the lovely Double-Ninth Festival;   The coolness of midnight   penetrates my screen of sheer silk   and chills my pillow of jade.   After drinking wine at twilight   under the chrysanthemum hedge,   My sleeves are perfumed   by the fragrance of the plants.   Oh, I cannot say it is not endearing,   Only, when the west wind stir the curtain,   I see that I am more gracile   than the yellow flowers.   醉花阴   薄雾浓云愁永昼,   瑞脑销金兽。   佳节又重阳,   玉枕纱橱,   半夜凉初透。   东篱把酒黄昏后,   有暗香盈袖。   莫道不消魂,   帘卷西风,   人比黄花瘦!   关于李清照英文诗词篇3   Like a Dream   Li Qingzhao   The dusk at the river arbor I often recall.   Blind-drunk, our way back we remembered not at all!   Having had much fun, we paddled homebound   And strayed into lotus flowers profound.   Tried to get through,   Tried to get through!   So startled, all egrets from the shoal flew.   如梦令   诗/李清照   常记溪亭日暮,   沉醉不知归路。   兴尽晚回舟,   误入藕花深处。   争渡,   争渡,   惊起一滩鸥鹭。
2023-07-25 12:42:071


i"m indulged in your beauty.
2023-07-25 12:42:344

Intoxicated 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxicated歌手:Lacuna Coil专辑:Dark AdrenalineLie!Lie!Broken mirrorSeven years of stolen luckI tried to fix you one more timeBut I must let it dieThe dream that we"d surviveCut my throat if I tell a lieSet it freeLost ambitionI... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!Blind man"s wisdomCross my heart but it"s a lieI kept us going the last timeYou used one of your nine livesI gave up all of mineCut my throat if I tell a lieSet it freeLost ambitionI.... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!In the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedSet it freeLost ambitionAnd now I won"t look backI"ve turned my back, I"m off the groundSet it freeSuperstitionAnd now the air I breath is poison freeI"m freedom boundSet it freeLost ambitionI... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI.... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!Lie!
2023-07-25 12:42:531

Intoxicated 歌词

歌曲名:Intoxicated歌手:Lacuna Coil专辑:Dark AdrenalineLie!Lie!Broken mirrorSeven years of stolen luckI tried to fix you one more timeBut I must let it dieThe dream that we"d surviveCut my throat if I tell a lieSet it freeLost ambitionI... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!Blind man"s wisdomCross my heart but it"s a lieI kept us going the last timeYou used one of your nine livesI gave up all of mineCut my throat if I tell a lieSet it freeLost ambitionI.... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!In the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedIn the world that I createdI"m intoxicatedSet it freeLost ambitionAnd now I won"t look backI"ve turned my back, I"m off the groundSet it freeSuperstitionAnd now the air I breath is poison freeI"m freedom boundSet it freeLost ambitionI... overthought my place in your lifeSet it freeSuperstitionI.... gave up on this fairy tale, Lie!Lie!
2023-07-25 12:43:001


ToxicBaby, can"t you see 宝贝,难道你看不见么? I"m calling 我在呼唤你 A guy like you 一个你这样的男人 Should wear a warning 应该带上警告牌 It"s dangerous 你真的很危险 I"m fallin" 我却沉沦了 There"s no escape 没有出口 I can"t hide 我无法闪躲 I need a hit 我需要冲击 Baby, give me it 宝贝,快给我 You"re dangerous 你真的很危险 I"m lovin" it 我却如此喜欢(你的危险) Too high 太兴奋了 Can"t come down 我无法平静 Losing my head 我失去了理智 Spinning ‘round and ‘round 转啊转啊转 Do you feel me now 你能感觉到我么? With a taste of your lips 感觉你的唇 I"m on a ride 我骑在你身上You"re toxic 你是毒 I"m slipping under 我渐渐松弛 With a taste of poison paradise 沉沦在毒药的天堂 I"m addicted to you 我沉溺于你 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 你不知道么?你真的好像毒 And I love what you do 可我喜欢你的作风 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 你不知道你是毒品么? It"s getting late 可还是晚了 To give it up 我无法放弃你 I took a sip 我在魔鬼的酒杯中,轻酌一口 From my devil cup Slowly 慢慢的 It"s taking over me 我就被魔鬼带走了 Too high 太兴奋了 Can"t come down 我不能平静 It"s in the air 在空气中 And it"s all around 无所不在的 Can you feel me now 你能感觉我么? I"m intoxicated now 我现在极度兴奋 I think you"ll love it now 我想你也喜欢现在的样子 I think I"m ready now 我想我已经准备好 I think I"m ready now 我想我已经准备好
2023-07-25 12:43:081

Utada的《On And On》 歌词

歌曲名:On And On歌手:Utada专辑:This Is The One宇多田光 - On And OnOn and on and onOn and on and onOn and on and onOn and on and onI just wanna dance the nightThe night awayGo ahead and make my dayMr DJMake the night go on and onMake the night go on and onHunnies if you"re gayBurn it up like a gay paradeHunnies if you"re straightBump it up take it all the awayIntoxicated, emancipated, unapologeticIs what I am todayLight me upMake the night go on and on and onYou know it go on and on and onMake the night go on and on and onI"m livin up my lifeUntil the day I dieDon"t need a lullabyEe-oh ee-ohOn and on and OnEe-oh ee-ohOn and on and OnEe-oh ee-ohOn and on and OnMusic got me sweatin hardI feel my heartBumpin like an 808Ut-oh OK(Make the night go on and on)If you wanna mess with us(Make the night go on and on)Sink you with a counterpunchHunnies if you"re gayBurn it up like a gay paradeHunnies if you"re straightBump it up take it all the awayIntoxicated, emancipated, unapologeticIs what I am todayLight me upMake the night go on and on and onYou know it go on and on and onMake the night go on and on and onI"m livin up my lifeUntil the day I dieDon"t need a lullabyIntoxicated, emancipated, unapologeticOn and on and OnIntoxicated, emancipated, unapologeticIs what I am todayLight me upMake the night go on and on and onYou know it go on and on and onMake the night go on and on and onYou know it go on and on and onMake the night go on and on and on(Intoxicated, emancipated, unapologetic)You know it go on and on and onMake the night go on and on and on(Intoxicated, emancipated, unapologetic)You know it go on and on and onOn and on and onOn and on and onOn and on and onOn and on and on
2023-07-25 12:43:151

Under The Influence (Lead Vox Up Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Under The Influence (Lead Vox Up Version)歌手:Plus One专辑:ObviousWhenever I"m feelin" downFeelin" insecureI like the way you come aroundAnd offer me the cureYou know exactly what to sayThe pieces fall in placeYou make it all okayWhen you show me you love meI can do anythingYou give me something to believe inAnd you"re everything I needUnder the influence of what you gotUnder the influence of what is trueI"m goin" higher than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence what you giveUnder the influence what you doI"m goin farther than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youSomething"s coming over meI like the way it feelsBecoming who I want to be"Cause it"s your love that healsIt"s the way you understandYou know just who I amI hold onto your handWhen you show me you love meI can do anythingYou give me something to believe inAnd you"re everything I needUnder the influence of what you gotUnder the influence of what is trueI"m goin" higher than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence what you giveUnder the influence what you doI"m goin farther than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youAnd it feels so goodI"m intoxicatedAnd I just can"t get enoughJust like it shouldI"ll always be living andrising up aboveUnder the influence of what you gotUnder the influence of what is trueI"m goin" higher than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence what you giveUnder the influence what you doI"m goin farther than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence of what you gotUnder the influence of what is trueI"m goin" higher than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence what you giveUnder the influence what you doI"m goin farther than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of you
2023-07-25 12:43:221

toxic的歌词 britney spears(布兰妮) 的

Baby, can"t you see, I"m callin" 亲爱的 难道你不知道 我殷殷的呼唤 A guy like you should wear a warnin" 你这样的俊俏 总叫我没有安全感 You"re dangerous, I"m fallin" 你真的太危险 我要坠入爱河了 There"s no escape, I can"t wait 我无路可退 我不想空等 I need a hit, baby give me it 我需要你 让我拥有你 You"re dangerous, I"m movin" it 你是个危险情人 让我深深痴迷 Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 Losing my head, spimming round and 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Do you feel me now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 复歌 Oh, the taste of your lips, I"m on a ride 你唇间的味道 让我的心漂浮悬空 You"re toxic, I"m slippin" under 你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 Oh" the taste of your poison paradise 喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m addicted to you 让我不能自拔 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 难道你不知道 And I love what you do 你是致命的毒 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 但我却深深为你着迷 It"s getting late to give you up 渐渐地 你的毒入侵我的身体 I took a sip from the devil"s cup Slowly it"s taking over me, Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 It"s inthe air and it"s all around 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Can you feel it now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS X2 复歌 X2 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了
2023-07-25 12:43:314

Reek of Putrefaction (Symphoni 歌词

歌曲名:Reek of Putrefaction (Symphoni歌手:Carcass专辑:Symphonies Of SicknessSnorting the stench of latent effluviumAnd maturing damp fumesThis foul menage forces tears to your eyesAs the corpses gas are exhumed...Intoxicated by foul body odoursAnd the nauseating tepid whiffPinching your nostrils as you irrigate flatusFrom the emaciated stiff...Volatile entrails fume and steamAs theyre meticulously hacked during discissionEvaporating sludge and bubbling pus-A rotten gaseous expiration...Maturating corpse, the stale smell of decay and rot- A sickening asphyxiationGross remains gush, innards turn to sludge- With partial liquefaction...Smell the rot...Of the corrupted corpse...Hallucinogenic trip...Tissue gases leak - a warm, unpleasant reekA quite macabre addictionDeteriorated bloated corpse - decomposure burning hotSniff the smell of carrion(Solo: Cadaveric resin)Inhaling the dank smellsAs you gouge out the dripping innards with gleeSuccumbing to a translucid stateAs you sniff the aroma of necropsy...Bacterial decompositionThe aroma of fungal/larval infestationConsuming, ripening slimeAs the cadaver is slowly wasting...Your sore sinews rot, blood-curdling coughsAs acrid foetor corrodes your lungsBody orifices clenched in your teethAs you frenziedly try to insert the bungs...Swollen, ripened corpse, the stench of crusting clots- The smell of stale perspirationAdministering watery gore, youre screaming out for more- Addicted to putrefaction...Snort the corpse...Get high on the rot...Orgasmic rush...
2023-07-25 12:43:391

Hollywood Undead的《Dead Bite》 歌词

歌曲名:Dead Bite歌手:Hollywood Undead专辑:Notes from the UndergroundGoodnight, sleep tightDon"t let the dead biteJohnny 3, and he"s dipping in the four door44 and it"s pointing at your windowAin"t a good shot, here come four moreGetting hot, so I play in the snowIn a town made wicked, made from these wicked thingsSee the dead on the cover of a magazineI see my smile, it was born from amphetaminesBetter duck, "cause it"s war on my enemiesOh, God, think I lost it oh noLost some and wanna watch the rest goA mad man when I"m mixed with SocoWho would"ve thought a man could sink to so lowNow, who wants to die from the Mossberg shotty?Putting holes in the hotel lobby!All you fake bitches are just another hobbyAnd I"ll let you dig, where I dump your bodyWhat would you do if I told you I hate you?What would you do if your life"s on the line?What would you say if I told you I hate you?I"ve got something that"ll blow your mind, mind!You know I got a grenade, and it"s got your name on itImma spit on your grave and engrave a dick on itPeople say I"m insane and to put the b-b-b-brakes on itLet me buy you a drink, how "bout a roofie, gin and tonic?Yeah, Charlie Scene seems to be so hatedIt"s just me being intoxicated"Cause being sober"s so overratedHollywood Undead, what have you created?I know that we have never really met beforeBut, tell me, does this rag smell like chloroform?You know that I"m the reason people lock their doorsBut, I got nothing but time, so, Imma wait on the porchYou got nowhere to run too, so, don"t try hiding"Cause I"m known to be like Jack Nicholson from The ShiningYeah, I"m breaking your door down, so, don"t try fightingYeah, you gotta keep "em fed, or the dead keep bitingWhat would you do if I told you I hate you?What would you do if your life"s on the line?What would you say if I told you I hate you?I"ve got something that"ll blow your mind, mind!Goodnight, sleep tightDon"t let the dead biteWrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flightYou better check twice! look under your bedTurn on your nightlight, cover up your head"Cause we do exist, and there"s no need to pretendThat you"re not afraid of me and the UndeadRed, red rum, when you look into these eyesSay goodnight, "cause it"s almost your bedtimeBuckle up, "cause it"s time to flyYou got a first-class ticket to Columbian NecktiesTake a seat, you could sit in the front rowThe voice in your head is just me in your headphonesEverybody knows that we"re the devil"s heroesCome and get a ticket, follow me to the creep showWhat would you do if I told you I hate you?What would you do if your life"s on the line?What would you say if I told you I hate you?I"ve got something that"ll blow your mind, mind!Goodnight, sleep tightDon"t let the dead biteWrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flightGoodnight, sleep tightDon"t let the dead biteWrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flight
2023-07-25 12:43:571

Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Toxic (Digital 45)Baby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now
2023-07-25 12:44:041

Britney Spears的《Toxic》 歌词

歌曲名:Toxic歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Greatest Hits: My PrerogativeBaby, can"t you seeI"m callingA guy like you should wear a warningIt"s dangerousI"m fallingThere"s no escapeI can"t waitI need a hitBaby, give me itYou"re dangerousI"m loving itTonightCan"t calm downLosin" my headSpinnin" "round and "roundDo you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?It"s getting late to give you upI took a sip from a devil"s cupSlowly, It"s taking over meTonightCan"t calm downIt"s in the air and it"s all aroundCan you feel me now?With the taste of your lipsI"m on a rideYour toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh)With the taste of the poison paradiseI"m addicted to youDon"t you know that your toxic?And I love what you doDon"t you know that your toxic?Intoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready nowIntoxicated nowWith your lovin" nowI think I"m ready now
2023-07-25 12:44:111

有一首英文歌什么go 喂……go喂………

Told You So - ChristopherHey there, sexy ladyI"m loving what you doI"m a little intoxicatedI"m thinking so are youYou"re trying to deny itBut I know I changed your mindAnd please don"t try to fight it"Cause I know that you"ll be mineBe mineI want you, babyCome get it, boyI need you, babyCome get it, boyI"m on you, girlI know it, boyI show you, girlYou"re almost thereLet"s take it hereWoo.... wahLet"s get out of hereWoo.... wahI"ll do thatAfter tonightI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyThey say that I"m a playerAnd it might seem kinda trueDon"t wanna be a player no moreWell, I just think they"re hating"Cause they ain"t got nothing on youThey have nothing on you, girlAnd a girl with your credentialsYou need someone that"s real, real talk real talkSo I could talk around itI just tell you how I feelFor realI want you, babyCome get it, boyI need you, babyCome get it, boyI"m on you, girlI know it, boyI show you, girlYou"re almost thereLet"s take it hereLet"s get out of hereI"ll do thatAfter tonightI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey there sexy ladyI"m loving what you doI"m a little intoxicatedI"m thinking so are youI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goI love to sayI told you soAnd I love to seeYou let it goAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyAll the ladies sayHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, hey
2023-07-25 12:44:191


亲爱的,难道你不知道 我殷殷的呼唤 你这样的俊俏 总叫我没有安全感 你真的太危险 我要坠入爱河了 我无路可退 我不想空等 我需要你 让我拥有你 你诗歌危险情人 让我深深痴迷 内心澎湃 情绪起伏不安 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 你唇间的味道 让我的心漂浮悬空 你的舌间 是有毒的蜜糖 喔 我尝到天堂之毒 让我不能自拔 难道你不知道 你是致命的毒 但我却深深为你着迷 难道你不知道 你是致命的毒 现在要放弃你 已经太迟 我已经啜饮魔鬼的毒怀 渐渐的 你的毒侵入我的身体 内心澎湃 情绪起伏不安 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 2 你让我如痴如醉 因为哟扑了你的爱 我想我已经准备好了 我想我已经准备好了 你让我如痴如醉 因为哟扑了你的爱 我想我已经准备好了 我想我已经准备好了
2023-07-25 12:44:283


Baby, can"t you see, I"m callin" 亲爱的 难道你不知道 我殷殷的呼唤 A guy like you should wear a warnin" 你这样的俊俏 总叫我没有安全感 You"re dangerous, I"m fallin" 你真的太危险 我要坠入爱河了 There"s no escape, I can"t wait 我无路可退 我不想空等 I need a hit, baby give me it 我需要你 让我拥有你 You"re dangerous, I"m movin" it 你是个危险情人 让我深深痴迷 Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 Losing my head, spimming round and 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Do you feel me now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS 复歌 Oh, the taste of your lips, I"m on a ride 你唇间的味道 让我的心漂浮悬空 You"re toxic, I"m slippin" under 你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 Oh" the taste of your poison paradise 喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m addicted to you 让我不能自拔 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 难道你不知道 And I love what you do 你是致命的毒 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 但我却深深为你着迷 It"s getting late to give you up 渐渐地 你的毒入侵我的身体 I took a sip from the devil"s cup Slowly it"s taking over me, Too high, can"t come down 内心彭拜 无法平静 It"s inthe air and it"s all around 无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Can you feel it now 你难道没有感应 CHORUS X2 复歌 X2 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了 Intoxicate me now 你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now 因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now... 我想我已经准备好了
2023-07-25 12:44:361


ToxicBaby, can"t you see 宝贝,难道你看不见么? I"m calling 我在呼唤你 A guy like you 一个你这样的男人 Should wear a warning 应该带上警告牌 It"s dangerous 你真的很危险 I"m fallin" 我却沉沦了 There"s no escape 没有出口 I can"t hide 我无法闪躲 I need a hit 我需要冲击 Baby, give me it 宝贝,快给我 You"re dangerous 你真的很危险 I"m lovin" it 我却如此喜欢(你的危险) Too high 太兴奋了 Can"t come down 我无法平静 Losing my head 我失去了理智 Spinning ‘round and ‘round 转啊转啊转 Do you feel me now 你能感觉到我么? With a taste of your lips 感觉你的唇 I"m on a ride 我骑在你身上You"re toxic 你是毒 I"m slipping under 我渐渐松弛 With a taste of poison paradise 沉沦在毒药的天堂 I"m addicted to you 我沉溺于你 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 你不知道么?你真的好像毒 And I love what you do 可我喜欢你的作风 Don"t you know that you"re toxic 你不知道你是毒品么? It"s getting late 可还是晚了 To give it up 我无法放弃你 I took a sip 我在魔鬼的酒杯中,轻酌一口 From my devil cup Slowly 慢慢的 It"s taking over me 我就被魔鬼带走了 Too high 太兴奋了 Can"t come down 我不能平静 It"s in the air 在空气中 And it"s all around 无所不在的 Can you feel me now 你能感觉我么? I"m intoxicated now 我现在极度兴奋 I think you"ll love it now 我想你也喜欢现在的样子 I think I"m ready now 我想我已经准备好 I think I"m ready now 我想我已经准备好
2023-07-25 12:44:441

[Bullet For My Valentine][suffocating under words of sorrow]歌词中文意思

  Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow (what Can I Do?)  Suffocating Under Words Of Sorrow (what Can I Do?)  Bullet For My Valentine  The Poison  The night is starting here we go!  (I check out everything)  This is our time to lose control!  (What do you want from me)  You line them up we"ll put them down  This is so frustrating  To watch you sleazing all around  Yet you keep on smiling  What can I do to make you see…  (you"re guilty)  What can I do to make you feel…  …your wanted  What can I do to make you see…  (you"re guilty)  I"m suffocating under words of sorrow  Her skin reflects behind the blur  I"m intoxicated  Where am I from? why am I here?…  (you"re so predictable)  Fingers running through my hair…  …but its all just fiction!  She stripped down from her underwear…  …so beautiful  What can I do to make you see…  (you"re guilty)  What can I do to make you feel…  …your wanted  What can I do to make you see…  (you"re guilty)  I"m suffocating under words of sorrow  Go!  (her bodies dying on the floor)  But I keep on staring…  (my world is over, let me go)  Her skin reflects behind the blur  I"m intoxicated  Where am I from? why am I here?…  (you"re so predictable)  Fingers running through my hair…  …but its all just fiction!  She stripped down from her underwear…  …so beautiful  What can I do to make you see…  (you"re guilty)  What can I do to make you feel…  …your wanted  What can I do to make you see…  (you"re guilty)  I"m suffocating under words of sorrow  我只知道英文的
2023-07-25 12:44:522

Unfortunate 歌词

歌曲名:Unfortunate歌手:Mackintosh Braun专辑:Where We AreTrey Songz - UnfortunateYou never know how things gonn" turn outI know you got the best love that ii ever hadI swear that when ii look at you the time don"t passIntoxicated without a slip from a glassInfatuation was real thought we would lastBut you gonn" awayThought you was gonn" stayI got deceived againI can"t believeAnd now you got someone who don"tTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightYou already know ii use toTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightYou look for me and you know ii beOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightYour the one that told me you wanted meOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOooooohhhhhhIt"s unfortunateOooooohhhhhhIt"s unfortunateThat you didn"t believe in meI know ii got the best love that you ever hadTell me how it feels to know you would never get it backBaby tell me how a train never got above trackNever felt be the same thought our hearts were attachedBut your gone awayThought you was gonn" stayI got deceived againI can"t believeAnd now you got someone who don"tTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightYou already know ii use toTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightYou look for me and you know ii beOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightYou the one that told me you wanted meOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOooooohhhhhhIt"s unfortunateOooooohhhhhhIt"s unfortunateThat you didn"t believe in meMan it don"t last foreverI"m telling cuss ii have been thereHurt turns to angerFriends turn to strangersBut right now ii don"t careAnd you"ll get there(you will you will you will)You didn"t keep your promiseAnd now you got someone who don"tTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightYou already know ii use toTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightTreat you rightYou look for me and you know ii beOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightOut of sightYour the one that told me you wanted meOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOut your lifeOooooohhhhhhIt"s unfortunateOooooohhhhhhIt"s unfortunateThat you didn"t believe in meYou never know how things are gonna turn out huhHuhHuh
2023-07-25 12:45:001


be lost in
2023-07-25 12:45:193


<The east wind broken>东风破、<Sends like the snow>发如雪、<Flower Tian Cuo>花田错.
2023-07-25 12:45:273


2023-07-25 12:45:371


All around Ch"u there are mountains, but the forests and valleys of that assemblage of peaks to the southwest are the finest. There is one that appears from afar most luxuriant and deepest in verdure—that is Lang-ya. After you have walked six or seven tricents into the mountains, there you will gradually notice the sound of water gurgling. Where it drains out between the two peaks, this is Brewer"s Spring. Rounding the peak the road winds; there a pavilion hangs, like a wing, out over the spring. This is the Intoxicated Old Man"s pavilion. Who was it that built this pavilion? A monk of these moun-tains, Chih-hsien. And who named it? The prefect, who called it after himself. When prefect and guests come to drink here, because he becomes intoxicated after only drinking a little and because he is the oldest in years, that is why he nicknamed himself the Intoxicated Old Man. But what he means by Intoxi-cated Old Man has nothing to do with the wine; it has to do instead with being in the mountains by the water. This joy from the mountains and the water he feels within his mind; he merely ascribes it to the wine.
2023-07-25 12:45:461


布兰妮Toxic  Baby, can"t you see 宝贝,难道你看不见么?   I"m calling 我在呼唤你   A guy like you 一个你这样的男人   Should wear a warning 应该带上警告牌   It"s dangerous 你真的很危险   I"m fallin" 我却沉沦了   There"s no escape 没有出口   I can"t hide 我无法闪躲   I need a hit 我需要冲击   Baby, give me it 宝贝,快给我   You"re dangerous 你真的很危险   I"m lovin" it 我却如此喜欢(你的危险)   Too high 太兴奋了   Can"t calm down 我无法平静   Losing my head 我失去了理智   Spinning ‘round and ‘round 转啊转啊转   Do you feel me now 你能感觉到我么?   With a taste of your lips 感觉你的唇   I"m on a ride 我骑在你身上(这句非常挑逗的)   You"re toxic 你是毒   I"m slipping under 我渐渐松弛   With a taste of your poison paradise 沉沦在你毒药的天堂   I"m addicted to you 我沉溺于你   Don"t you know that you"re toxic 你不知道么?你真的好像毒   And I love what you do 可我喜欢你的作风   Don"t you know that you"re toxic 你不知道你是毒品么?   It"s getting late 可还是晚了   To give it up 我无法放弃你   I took a sip 我在魔鬼的酒杯中,轻酌一口   From my devil cup   Slowly 慢慢的   It"s taking over me 我就被魔鬼带走了   Too high 太兴奋了   Can"t calm down 我不能平静   It"s in the air 在空气中   And it"s all around 无所不在的   Can you feel me now 你能感觉我么?   With a taste of your lips 感觉你的唇   I"m on a ride 我骑在你身上(这句非常挑逗的)   You"re toxic 你是毒   I"m slipping under 我渐渐松弛   With a taste of your poison paradise 沉沦在你毒药的天堂   I"m addicted to you 我沉溺于你   Don"t you know that you"re toxic 你不知道么?你真的好像毒   And I love what you do 可我喜欢你的作风   Don"t you know that you"re toxic 你不知道你是毒品么?   I"m intoxicated now 我现在极度兴奋   I think you"ll love it now 我想你也喜欢现在的样子   I think I"m ready now 我想我已经准备好   I think I"m ready now 我想我已经准备好
2023-07-25 12:45:551


Need not to know. 名侦探柯南
2023-07-25 12:46:196


Toxic-Britney Spears Baby, can"t you see 宝贝你看不见吗 I"m calling 我在召唤着 A guy like you should wear a warning 你这种家伙为什么不涂上预警 It"s dangerous 无比危险 I"m falling 我深陷难以自拔 There"s no escape 这里无处躲藏 I can"t wait 我等不下去了 I need a hit 我需要一点刺激 Baby, give me it 宝贝给我吧 You"re dangerous 你无比危险 I"m loving it 正和我意 Tonight 今晚 Can"t calm down 怎么叫我冷静 Losin" my head 我完全失去思考 Spinnin" "round and "round 这样不停的旋转一圈又一圈 Do you feel me now? 现在你可以感觉我吗 With the taste of your lips 通过你唇齿夺走的我的气息 I"m on a ride 我正在进入状态 Your toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh) 舌尖相交,我尝到你的毒素 With the taste of the poison paradise 渗出毁灭天堂的味道 I"m addicted to you 我已沉陷于你 Don"t you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 And I love what you do 你的所作所为正和我胃口 Don"t you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比? It"s getting late to give you up 想放手已经晚了 I took a sip from a devil"s cup 我用魔鬼的杯子喝了点东西 Slowly, It"s taking over me 慢慢地,把我包围 Tonight 今夜 Can"t calm down 无法保持冷静 It"s in the air and it"s all around 空气中弥漫着那种气息 Can you feel me now? 现在你能感觉到我吗? With the taste of your lips 通过你嘴唇尝到的味道 I"m on a ride 我正在进入状态 Your toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh) 舌尖相交,我尝到你的毒素 With the taste of the poison paradise 渗出毁灭天堂的味道 I"m addicted to you 我已沉陷于你 Don"t you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 And I love what you do 你的所作所为正和我胃口 Don"t you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比? Don"t you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 With the taste of your lips 你嘴唇的味道 I"m on a ride 让我进入状态 Your toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh) 舌尖相交,我尝到你的毒素 With the taste of the poison paradise 渗出毁灭天堂的味道 I"m addicted to you 我已沉陷于你 Don"t you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 With the taste of your lips 你嘴唇的味道 I"m on a ride 让我兴奋无比 Your toxic tongue slippin" mine (Ohh Ohh) 舌尖相交,我尝到你的毒素 With the taste of the poison paradise 渗出毁灭天堂的味道 I"m addicted to you 我已深陷于你 Don"t you know that your toxic? 你难道不知道自己剧毒无比 Intoxicated now 醉了 With your lovin" now 爱了 I think I"m ready now 我觉得我准备好了 Intoxicated now 醉了 With your lovin" now 爱了 I think I"m ready now 我觉得我准备好了
2023-07-25 12:46:341


Toxic - BritneySpearsBaby can"t you see亲爱的 难道你不知道 I"m calling我殷殷的呼唤 A guy like you should wear a warning你这样的俊俏 总叫我没有安全感 It"s dangerous你真的太危险 I"m falling我要坠入爱河了 There"s no escape我无路可退 I can"t wait我不想空等 I need a hit我需要你 Baby give me it让我拥有你 You"re dangerous你是个危险情人 I"m loving it让我深深痴迷 Tonight今夜Can"t calm down内心彭拜无法平静 Losin" my head无法思考 Spinnin" "round and "round情绪起伏不定 Do you feel me now你难道没有感应 With the taste of your lips你唇间的味道 I"m on a ride让我的心漂浮悬空 Your toxic tongue slippin" mine你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 With the taste of the poison paradise喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m addicted to you让我不能自拔 Don"t you know that your toxic难道你不知道 And I love what you do你是致命的毒 Don"t you know that your toxic难道你不知道It"s getting late to give you up我深深为你着迷 I took a sip from a devil"s cup你的毒Slowly It"s taking over me渐渐地入侵我的身体 Tonight今夜Can"t calm down内心彭拜 无法平静 It"s in the air and it"s all around无法思考 情绪起伏不定 Can you feel me now你难道没有感应 With the taste of your lips你唇间的味道 I"m on a ride让我的心漂浮悬空 Your toxic tongue slippin" mine你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 With the taste of the poison paradise喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m addicted to you让我不能自拔 Don"t you know that your toxic难道你不知道 And I love what you do你是致命的毒Don"t you know that your toxic难道你不知道Don"t you know that your toxic难道你不知道Your toxic tongue slippin" mine你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 With the taste of the poison paradise喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m addicted to you让我不能自拔 Don"t you know that your toxic你的舌尖 是有毒的蜜糖 With the taste of your lips喔 我尝到天堂之毒 I"m on a ride让我不能自拔 Your toxic tongue slippin" mine难道你不知道With the taste of the poison paradise你让我如痴如醉 I"m addicted to you因为有了你的爱 Don"t you know that your toxic我想我已经准备好了 Intoxicated now你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now我想我已经准备好了Intoxicated now你让我如痴如醉 With your lovin" now因为有了你的爱 I think I"m ready now我想我已经准备好了
2023-07-25 12:46:411


  你的天赋好比一朵火花,假如你用勤勉辛劳去助燃,它一定会变成熊熊烈火,放出无比的光和热来。   Your talent is like a spark, if you use diligent efforts to combustion, it will become a raging fire, extremely light and heat to release.   你有涌泉一样的智慧和一双辛勤的手,不管你身在何处,幸运与快乐时刻陪伴着你!   Do you have the same springs of wisdom and a pair of hard hands,no matter where you are lucky and happy to accompany you!   以你的自信,以你的开朗,以你的毅力,还有我的祝福,你一定能够驶向理想的彼岸。??   To your self-confidence in your cheerful, to your perseverance, but also my blessing, you will be able to sail on the other side of the ideal. * *   你是花季的蓓蕾,你是展翅的雄鹰,明天是你们的世界,一切因你们而光辉   You are the flower bud, you are the wings of the eagle, and tomorrow is your world, all because of you and the glorious   愿你是一棵树:春天,吐一山淡淡的香味;夏天,洒一抹如泉的凉荫;秋天,举一树甜甜的青果;冬天,做一个养精蓄锐的好梦!   I wish you were a tree: a mountain spring, spit out the faint fragrance;summer, sprinkle with such as spring cool shade; autumn, give a sweet fruit tree; winter, do a good dream to recuperate and build up energy!   愿你像颗种子,勇敢地冲破泥沙,将嫩绿的幼芽伸出地面,指向天空。   Would you like a seed, the courage to break through the sand,verdant shoots out of the ground, pointing to the sky.   愿你是风,鼓起白色的帆;愿你是船,剪开蓝色的波澜。生活正在你的前方微笑,勇敢的走上前去,将彩色的人生拥抱。   Wish you are the wind, to muster the white sails; may you are the ship, cut open the blue waves. Life is a smile in front of you, the brave stepped forward to embrace the color of life.   你面前那生活之海的沙滩,是一张金色的稿笺。愿你在这张无边的素笺上,用理想的霞光写出人生的诗篇!   The living sea beach in front of you, is a golden manuscript. May youin this boundless plain, write poems with rays of life ideal!   让时间在知识的枝条上智慧的绿叶上成熟的果实上留下它勤奋的印痕!   Let the time on the branches of knowledge and wisdom of the green leaves on the mature fruit left on his diligent footprints!   抓住今天吧!紧紧地把它抓住吧!今天的分分秒秒,都要有所作为,有所进步,有所登攀!   Seize today! Firmly grasp it! Today"s every minute, all need to do something to make progress, something to climb!   昨天,已经是历史;明天,还是个未知数;把昨天和明天连接在一起的是今天。愿你紧紧地把今天攥在手心里!   Yesterday is history; tomorrow, still unknown; yesterday andtomorrow is today connected together. May you held today in hands!   高尚的理想是人生的`指路明灯。有了它,生活就有了方向;有了它,内心就感到充实。迈开坚定的步伐,走向既定的目标吧!??   A lofty ideal is the beacon light of life. With it, life will have a direction;with it, the heart was full. Stride a firm step, towards the established goals! * *   朝霞般美好的理想,在向你们召唤。你们是一滴一滴的水,全将活跃在祖国的大海里!   Better as an ideal, in the call to you. You are a drop of water, all will be active in the sea!   愿云彩艳阳一直陪伴你走到海角天涯;鲜花绿草相随你铺展远大的前程。   Let the clouds the sun always accompany you come to the far-off regions; flowers out your lofty quest of the future.   生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,朋友!前进,已吹响出征的海螺;彩霞,正在将鲜花的大旗飞舞u2026u2026   The marine life has rolled out the Golden Road, spray on both sides are respectively the shaking of the flowers welcome. The courage to go, friends! Forward, has sounded the war conch; rosy clouds, are flying the banner of flowers ... ...   有人说:“人人都可以成为自己的幸运的建筑师。”愿你们在前行的道路上,用自己的双手建造幸运的大厦。   Some people say : "everyone can be the architect of his own happiness. " Wishes to you in the way, the construction of the building lucky with our own hands.   啊,愿你们在飞逝而去的时间波涛上,乘风破浪,驶向成功的彼岸!   Ah, let you in the fleeting time to ride the wind and waves, the waves,sail to success!   愿你像那小小的溪流,将那高高的山峰作为生命的起点,一路跳跃,一路奔腾,勇敢地勇敢地奔向生活的大海u2026u2026   Would you like that small streams, the peaks of the high life as a starting point, a jump, a road running, bravely bravely towards the sea of life ... ...   愿我的临别赠言是一把伞,能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨。   May my parting words would be an umbrella, you can block the sunand wind and rain on the journey.   世间最可宝贵的就是今天,最易丧失的也是今天;愿你在未来的一年中,无限珍惜这每一个今天。   In the world the most precious is today, most easily lost is today; letyou in the coming year, infinite treasure this each today.   假如你曾有过虚度的时光,请不要以叹息作为补偿;明天的路途毕竟长于逝去的岁月。快迈步,前面相迎的是幸福的曙光!   If you have wasted time, please do not sigh as compensation; the road tomorrow, after all, is longer than the passing of the years. Afast step, the front is the dawn of happiness!   假如生活是一条河流,愿你是一叶执著向前的小舟;假如生活是一叶小舟,愿你是个风雨无阻的水手。   If life is a river, you are ready to move persistent leaf boat; if the life is a leaf boat, you would like to be a sailor in all weathers.   世间最可宝贵的就是今天,最易丧失的也是今天;愿你在未来的一年中,无限珍惜这每一个今天。   In the world the most precious is today, most easily lost is today; letyou in the coming year, infinite treasure this each today.   如果明天是一幢摩天大厦,今天就是决定那大厦寿命的基石。同学,让我们珍惜今天这一分一秒,把这大厦的基石打得无比坚实。   If tomorrow is a skyscraper, today is the cornerstone of the buildinglife decisions. Students, let us cherish today that a second, thecornerstone of the building played a very solid.   假如你曾有过虚度的时光,请不要以叹息作为补偿;明天的路途毕竟长于逝去的岁月。快迈步,前面相迎的是幸福的曙光!   If you have wasted time, please do not sigh as compensation; the road tomorrow, after all, is longer than the passing of the years. Afast step, the front is the dawn of happiness!   你想获得优异成果的话,请谨慎地珍惜和支配自己的时间。你爱惜你的生命,从不浪费时间,因为你知道:时间就是塑造生命的材料。   You want to get excellent results, please carefully cherish and spend your time. You take care of your life, never waste time, because you know that time is life shaping material.   孩子,愿你快快脱去幼稚的娇嫩,扬起创造的风帆,驶向成熟,驶向金色的海岸。   Children, hope you have to grow up the delicate, sail, to mature, tothe golden coast.   亲爱的孩子,你有着最令人羡慕的年龄,你的面前条条道路金光灿灿,愿你快快成长起来,去获取你光明的未来。   Dear children, you have the most enviable age, your roads ahead are golden, may you grow up, get your bright future.   愿你是风,鼓起白色的帆;愿你是船,剪开蓝色的波澜。生活正在你的前方微笑,勇敢的走上前去,将彩色的人生拥抱。   Wish you are the wind, to muster the white sails; may you are the ship, cut open the blue waves. Life is a smile in front of you, the brave stepped forward to embrace the color of life.   愿你在这短暂的学习时日里,获得高超的本领顽强的意志博大的胸怀;像赛马一般,越过一道又一道高栏;让生命扬帆前进,驶向碧波滔滔的大海u2026u2026   Wish you are in this short learning time, obtain the skill the tenacious will largeness of mind; like horse racing in general, over a and a high hurdle; let life sail forward, toward the waves surging sea ... ...   黎明即起,孜孜为善。”愿你热爱生命的春天,珍惜时间的清晨,学那梅花,争作“东风第一枝”。   Up at dawn, diligently good. " I wish you love the spring of life, cherish the time of the morning, learned that the plum blossom, fight for the "Dongfeng first branch ".   希望是坚韧的拐杖,忍耐是旅行袋,带上他们,你可以登上永恒之旅,走遍全世界。   Hope that the tenacious crutches, patience is a bag, take them, you can board the eternal journey, traveled all over the world.   不要学花儿只把春天等待,要学燕子把春天衔来。   Not only the spring flowers to wait, to learn to swallow the spring title.   废铁之所以能成为有用的钢材,是因为它经得起痛苦的磨练。   Scrap iron can become useful steel, because it can stand the pain of training.   聪明的人,今天做明天的事;懒惰的人,今天做昨天的事;糊涂的人,把昨天的事也推给明天。愿你做一个聪明的孩子!愿你做一个时间的主人!   The wise man, this thing done tomorrow; lazy people do things today,yesterday; confused people, take yesterday the matter also to tomorrow. May you be a clever boy! May the one time you do master!   明天,这是个美丽灿烂辉映着五光十色的迷人的字眼。愿你的明天无限美丽无限灿烂无限迷人!   Tomorrow, this is a beautiful and brilliant shining the charming wordresplendent with variegated coloration. May your tomorrow unlimitedunlimited beautiful brilliant infinite charm!   天道酬勤。人世间没有不经过勤劳而成为天才的。愿你日夜勤奋,早日成才!   God helps those who help themselves. The world not without hard work and become a genius. May you day and night hard work, an early talent!   春天是碧绿的天地,秋天是黄金的世界。愿你用青春的绿色去酿造未来富有的金秋!   Spring is the green world, autumn is the golden world. May your youth green to brew future full of autumn!   衷心地祝贺你,用智慧才情胆略和毅力,开辟出一块属于你自己的土地。   Hearty congratulations on your wisdom and talent, with courage andperseverance, opens one to belong to your own land.   愿你是永远奔腾的千里马。   I wish you are always running horse.   你聪颖,你善良,你活泼。有时你也幻想,有时你也默然,在默然中沉思,在幻想中寻觅。小小的你会长大,小小的你会成熟,愿你更坚强!愿你更自信!   You are clever, you are kind, you are lively. Sometimes you dream,sometimes you have silence, in silence and in meditation, looking at the illusion. The little you will grow up, small you will mature, and wish you stronger! Wish you more confident!   你用才智和学识取得今天的收获,又将以明智和果敢接受明天的挑战。愿你永葆一往无前精神。   You gain today wisdom and knowledge, be wise and courageous toaccept the challenges of tomorrow. May you keep the indomitable spirit.   愿你们驾驶着信念铸造的航船,到希望的大海去犁出雪白的浪花。   May you driving belief casting ship, to want to plow the snow-white sea spray.   自爱,使你端庄;自尊,使你高雅;自立,使你自由;自强,使你奋发;自信,使你坚定u2026u2026这一切将使你在成功的道路上遥遥领先。??   Self love, makes you dignified; self-esteem makes you elegant; self-reliance, make you free; self-reliance, so you work hard; self-confidence, make your firm ... ... It will make you far ahead on the road to success. * *   我深深地理解,耗费了多少时间,战胜了多少困难,你才取得眼前的成绩。请你相信,在你追求拼搏和苦干的过程中,我将永远面带微笑地站在你的身旁。??   I deeply understand, the amount of time spent, overcame many difficulties, you get immediate results. Please believe, in your pursuit of struggle and hard work, I will always stand with a smile beside you.* *   当你孤独时,风儿就是我的歌声,愿它能使你得到片刻的安慰;当你骄傲时,雨点就是我的警钟,愿它能使你获得永恒的谦逊。   When you are alone, the wind is my voice, it makes you willing to be a moment of consolation; when you proud, the rain is my alarm, it makes you wish to receive eternal humility.   美,是智慧,是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!   Beauty, wisdom, be quiet. I wish you a clever! Wish you progress!   你长着一对翅膀。坚韧地飞吧,不要为风雨所折服;诚挚地飞吧,不要为香甜的蜜汁所陶醉。朝着明确的目标,飞向美好的人生。   You have a pair of wings. Tenacity to fly, not as impressed by thewind and rain; sincerely fly, don"t be intoxicated with the sweet honey.Towards clear objectives, toward a better life.   生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解,愿你有所发现,有所创造。   Life is a profound book, others notes cannot replace your own understanding, may you find, create something.   你是泊于青春的港口的一叶小舟,愿你扬起信念的帆,载着希望的梦幻,驶向辽阔的海洋。   You are a little boat is moored in the port of youth, you would like toraise the sail of faith, carrying the hope of a dream, to the vast sea.   愿你是一棵树:春天,吐一山淡淡的香味;夏天,洒一抹如泉的凉荫;秋天,举一树甜甜的青果;冬天,做一个养精蓄锐的好梦!   I wish you were a tree: a mountain spring, spit out the faint fragrance;summer, sprinkle with such as spring cool shade; autumn, give a sweet fruit tree; winter, do a good dream to recuperate and build up energy!   愿你像颗种子,勇敢地冲破泥沙,将嫩绿的幼芽伸出地面,指向天空。   Would you like a seed, the courage to break through the sand,verdant shoots out of the ground, pointing to the sky.   你面前那生活之海的沙滩,是一张金色的稿笺。愿你在这张无边的素笺上,用理想的霞光写出人生的诗篇!   The living sea beach in front of you, is a golden manuscript. May youin this boundless plain, write poems with rays of life ideal!   不要说一天的时间无足轻重,人生的漫长岁月就由这一天一天连接而成;愿你珍惜生命征途上的每一个一天,让每天都朝气蓬勃地向前进。   Don"t say one day be of little, life long years by this day connected to;may you cherish life journey each day, make every day full of youthful spirit to move forward.   在知识海洋的底层,与生活海洋的底层一样,是一片无比神奇的世界。愿你勇敢地潜到那儿去,去探求这神秘世界的无穷奥秘!   At the bottom of the ocean of knowledge, the bottom and the oceanof life, is a very magical world. May you brave the potential to go there, to explore the infinite mystery of this mysterious world!   让时间在知识的枝条上智慧的绿叶上成熟的果实上留下它勤奋的印痕!   Let the time on the branches of knowledge and wisdom of the green leaves on the mature fruit left on his diligent footprints!   抓住今天吧!紧紧地把它抓住吧!今天的分分秒秒,都要有所作为,有所进步,有所登攀!   Seize today! Firmly grasp it! Today"s every minute, all need to do something to make progress, something to climb!   昨天,已经是历史;明天,还是个未知数;把昨天和明天连接在一起的是今天。愿你紧紧地把今天攥在手心里!   Yesterday is history; tomorrow, still unknown; yesterday andtomorrow is today connected together. May you held today in hands!   五彩缤纷的大自然充满着美,多姿多态的事物中闪现着美,时间和空间里跳跃着美,等待着美丽的双眼去捕捉,去寻觅!   The colorful nature is full of beauty, colorful things flashed in the United States, time and space leaping beauty, waiting for the beautiful eyes to see, to find!
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英文土味情话 土味情话英文

土味情话说出来,往往让人欲罢不能。如果用英文来说土味情话,更是另一番滋味。嫌我们来看看英文土味情话,让你的情话充满洋味儿。 一、英文土味情话: A:Do you have a lighter? B:No. A:Then how did you set my heart on fire? 你有打火机吗? 没有 那你是怎么点燃我心里的那把火的呢? A:Is it hot in here? B:No. A:Or is it just you? 是这里太热了吗? 没有 还是因为你性感火辣? A:Your parents must be aliens. B:why? A:Because you"re out of this world. 你的父母一定是外星人。 为什么? 因为地球上不可能有你这么美的人。 A:What"s your blood type? B:B. A:No, you are my type. 你是什么血型? B型。 不是,你是我的理想型。 A:Your name must be yogurt. B:No. A:Because I wanna spoon you. 你的名字是酸奶吧。 我想舀一勺/我想追你。 A:I had a bad dream yesterday. B:What kind of dream? A:A dream without you. 我昨天做了一个噩梦。 什么噩梦? 没有你的梦。 A:May I ask you the way? B:Ok. A:The way to your heart. 我可以问个路吗? 可以。 去你心里怎么走。 A:I"m not afraid of anyone except you. B:Why? A:Because I am afraid of my wife. 我什么都不怕,但是就是怕你。 我那么可怕吗? 不是,是因为我怕老婆。 二、土味情话英文: 1、I"m not drunk, I"m just intoxicated by you. 我没醉。我只是为你陶醉。 2、You must be from Tennessee! Because you are the only TEN I see! 你一定是田纳西州来的! 因为你是见过唯一身材火辣的人! 3、Your name must be yogurt. Because I wanna spoon you. 我想你的名字叫做酸奶,因为我老是想舀一勺(我想追你)。 4、I think you are a map. I lost my way in it. 我想你就是一个地图,害我在里面迷了路。 5、You must have cheated, otherwise you are full score in my heart. 你肯定作弊了,不然怎么在我心里你是满分。 6、If you don"t like me, it doesn"t matter. I can teach you. 如果你不喜欢我,没关系,我可以教你。 7、There are 100 ways to be sweet. Eat sugar, cake and think of you 98 times a day. 甜有100种方法, 吃糖,吃蛋糕, 还有每天想你98次。 8、You have a magic power, because everyone else is overshadowed by you. 你有一种魔力,因为看到你,其他人都黯然失色了。 小结: 土味情话在任何时候其实都不会过时,毕竟这种感觉其实很美好的。选择对的人,说对的情话,才有对的感觉哦。希望上面这些英文土味情话,可以帮助你们增进感情。
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Chris Parnell: We"re sitting here today with film star Natalie Portman.Natalie Portman: Hello.CP: So Natalie, what is a day in the life of Natalie Portman like?NP: Do you really wanna know?CP: Please, tell us.[cut to rap video]NP: I don"t sleep mothafucka off that yak and the bourbon! Doin" 120, gettin" head while I"m swervin!Seth Meyers: Damn Natalie! You a crazy chick.NP: Yo, shut the fuck up and SUCK MY DICK!!!I"m bustin" dudes mouths like Gushers mothafucka!Roll up on NBC and smack the shit out Jeff Zucker!!!Guys Yelling: What you want Natalie?NP: To drink and fight!Guys: What you need Natalie?NP: To fuck all night!!!Don"t test me when I"m crazy on that airplane glue!Put my foot down your throat till your shittin my shoe!!!Leave you screamin!Pay for my dry cleanin!Fuck your man, it"s my name that he"s screamin!!![cut back to interview]CP: I"m sorry Natalie. Are we to believe you condone driving while intoxicated?NP: I never said I was a role model.CP: But, what about the kids that look up to you? Do you have a message for them?[cut back to video]NP: All the kids lookin" up to me can suck my dick!It"s Portman mothafucka! Drink till I"m sick!!!Slit your throat! And pump nitrous down the hole! Watch you laugh and cry!While I laugh you die!!!And all the dudes! You know I"m talking to you!Guys: We love you Natalie!NP: I wanna fuck you too!!!Guys: P!NP: Is for Portman!!!Guys: P!NP: Is for pussy!!! I"ll kill your fuckin" dog for fun, so don"t push me!!![cut back to interview]CP: Wow… Natalie… I"m surprised. All this from a Harvard graduate…NP: Well… there"s a lot you may not know about me.CP: Really? Such as…?[cut back to video]NP: When I was in Harvard,I smoked weed everyday.I cheated every test,and snorted all the yayI gotta def posse,you gotta bunch of dudes…I SIT RIGHT DOWN ON YOUR FACE, AND TAKE A SHIT!!!Andy Samberg (Viking): Natalie… you are a bad ass bitch.NP: Hell yeah!AS: And I always pay for your dry cleanin"… when my shit gets in your shoe.NP: What!AS: As for the drug use… well I can vouch for that. My dick is scared of you. Hooooo![cut back to interview]CP: Okey-doke… Natalie, one final question. If you could steal a smooch from any guy in Hollywood, who would it –*Nat hits CP with her chair*NP: No more questions.[cut to random clips of Nat and crew dancing/standing][cut to quick shot of Nat]NP: WHAAAT!?!?!
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